RENEW International 2017 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2017 Become Christ’s Living Witnesses

The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misi贸n de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovaci贸n espiritual enraizada en la tradici贸n de la Iglesia Cat贸lica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

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Contents From Our President


A Message from Our Board


Forward at Forty


Pastoral Offerings 5 Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE Unámonos en Cristo Pray2gether Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser catolico? Spirituality for Everyday Life Ignatian Business Chapters/Balancing Faith & Work

More Pastoral Offerings

Live Lent RENEW Scripture Series Creation at the Crossroads Pray the Gospels

Page 4


RENEW Worldwide


Young Adult Ministry


Where RENEW Serves


Financial Summary


Management and Operations


Development Program




Board of Trustees




Connect with RENEW


South Africa • Dominican Republic

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Annual Report 2017


From Our President Dear Friends of RENEW: First of all, thank you for supporting RENEW International! It is because of generous people like you that RENEW can look forward to celebrating its 40th anniversary next year. It’s also because of people like you that the theme of our anniversary is “Forward at 40.” We are both proud of our past and confident that we will achieve even more in the future—with your help. We have been preparing our celebration for the past year, and we hope that you will be a part of the events we have planned: • A kickoff program at the Fall Assembly of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops November 13-15 in Baltimore. • The Msgrs. Kleissler and Ivory Symposium on Parish Renewal on April 19, 2018 at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey.

• RENEW’s 40th Anniversary Gala on June 7, 2018 at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey.

• A pilgrimage to Italy’s spiritual capitals in September, 2018.

• A closing Mass of Thanksgiving on November 4, 2018 at Our Lady of Mercy Church, Park Ridge, New Jersey.

We are especially gratified that we are anticipating our anniversary at the same time that we are beginning to see the results of our efforts to reduce our deficit, balance our budget, and make our operations more efficient and effective. As we mark our 40th year in ministry, our major RENEW processes—Why Catholic?, ARISE Together in Christ, and Be My Witness are making a powerful impact in parishes around the country. The feedback we receive from the small groups who are using our processes tells us that RENEW’s capacity to strengthen people’s faith and move them to missionary action is as strong as ever. We are particularly excited that our newest core process, Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos, is yielding concrete results in the parishes where we are rolling it out. And we are making plans to develop from the Be My Witness platform programs to help parishes welcome and engage young adults and young families. Using the small-group model and new digital media, these programs will be designed to touch the hearts of young men and women at those key opportunities for evangelization—when they come to the Church to prepare themselves for marriage or to prepare their children to receive baptism and First Communion. We are also excited that Ignatian Business Chapters, which fosters small groups for business people and professionals, is now a RENEW program, and that the first faith-sharing book, Balancing Faith & Work, was published in October 2017. Whether you are a new friend of RENEW or whether you have been with us for nearly 40 years, we hope you will accompany us as we continue our mission to inspire in our parishes a new missionary spirit. With warm regards,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director 2

RENEW International

A Message from Our Board Dear RENEW Supporters: RENEW International is about to celebrate its 40th anniversary, and the theme of the celebration will be “Forward at 40.” How appropriate for a ministry that can reflect on decades of transforming Catholic parishes and motivating Catholic men and women, while also looking forward to continuing its mission in new and innovative ways! During the past year, RENEW launched Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization and also published its Spanish counterpart, Sean mis testigos. These programs were the culmination of years of planning and development, and they promise to infuse parishes — from key leaders to people in the pews — with a spirit of missionary discipleship that Pope Francis both models and encourages. We are already seeing wonderful results in parishes that helped us launch the process. During the past year, RENEW also published Matthew: Come Follow Me. It is the second book in the RENEW Scripture Series that provides small groups and individual users an opportunity to reflect on and respond to the Gospels in their entirety. RENEW also published Live Lent!, the first of three volumes in a new Lenten series for both small-group sharing and personal reflection. RENEW’s leadership team continues to work collaboratively with the Board of Trustees and its Finance Committee to successfully implement strategies that navigate the unique fiscal and cultural changes of the 21st century, which are impacting dioceses and parishes. RENEW continues on a path to a sustainable and productive future through careful decisions about staffing levels and outsourcing, partnering with like-minded organizations, leveraging technology, offering publication services to other non-profits, and controlling spending across the organization. Agility is not a novelty for RENEW; in fact, it’s a hallmark. The leadership team is effective at reading the signs of the times and making prudent and ministry-centered decisions. The leadership team and staff are as focused on transforming parishes today as they were 40 years ago, moving parishioners to both hear and live the Gospel, to become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ at home, at work, and in the community. Please join us as we celebrate 40 years of this mission, and on behalf of our dedicated Board of Trustees, thank you for all you do to help make it possible. Very Respectfully,

Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees

Annual Report 2017


Forward at Forty

RENEW reflects on its past and focuses on the present and the future The year 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of RENEW International and its ministry of spiritual renewal in parishes in the United States, Canada, and around the world. The anniversary is an opportunity to look back on all RENEW has achieved since it was founded in 1978 by Father Tom Kleissler and Father Tom Ivory and to look ahead to the innovative ways in which we will will meet the pastoral and spiritual needs of Catholic men and women in the 21st century. Indeed, as the anniversary approaches, RENEW is attracting more and more parishes to its new evangelization process, Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos; publishing a new faith-sharing resource, Balancing Faith & Work, to help professionals apply their faith in their workplaces; developing a program to make parents presenting their children for baptism feel welcome in the Church; continuing publication of the new RENEW Scripture Series and the new seasonal series, Live Lent!, and creating a mobile app that will help families pray and share faith together and another that will provide a convenient means of practicing lectio divina, the classic means of praying with Scripture. RENEW will mark the anniversary with these events: Ap ril 19, 2018: The Monsignors Thomas Kleissler and Thomas Ivory Symposium on Pastoral Renewal, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey Ju ne 7, 2018: Anniversary Gala, Pleasantdale Chateau, West Orange, New Jersey Se ptember 21-30, 2018: Pilgrimage to Italy’s Spiritual Capitals, venues and landmarks in Rome, Siena, and Assisi. No vember 4, 2018: 40th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving, Our Lady of Mercy Church, Park Ridge, New Jersey. Information about our Forward at Forty anniversary is available at

Baptism Preparation As RENEW looks forward at forty, we are launching a project to develop a program for parents who present their children for baptism. Many young parents who have drifted away from the Church come back for their children to receive baptism and First Communion. We recognize this as the ideal opportunity not only to provide young Catholic adults with catechesis on these sacraments but also to first make them feel welcome as a part of the parish community—as Pope Francis often says, to make the Church attractive to them. Using the model of our new evangelization process, Be My Witness, we are developing a multi-media program designed to encourage young parents to become engaged in parish life. Our research includes consultations with staff members and volunteers from various parishes providing us with input based on first-hand observation and experience. 4

RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos RENEW has received exciting feedback about Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization, our new process designed to transform parishes into centers of missionary discipleship. Men and women in nearly 80 parishes in 23 dioceses are participating in Be My Witness and its Spanish counterpart, Sean mis testigos: Formación para la Nueva Evangelization, and many are experiencing the parish community in a new way. At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Naperville, in the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, for example, coordinator Matt Napoli reported that 110 people had signed up for small groups and that he was already collecting suggestions for the groups’ community outreach. At St. Daniel the Prophet Church in Wheaton, Illinois, the pastor, Fr. James Dvorscak, tied a six-part sermon series to Be My Witness themes and embedded in the parish website the “witness videos” that are intrinsic to the process—and people are using them. A participant in the Diocese of San Angelo, Joseph McHale of St. John the Evangelist Texas, completes a worksheet during a Church in Bergenfield, New Jersey, reported a meeting in the leadership-training phase of Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos. heightened sense of belonging in the parish. Since half the participants are Spanishspeaking, the pastor Monsignor Richard Arnhols, delivered his homily and opening remarks in both English and Spanish at a Mass held after the first six weeks of the process. “All three of our key ethnic groups”—Anglo, Hispanic, and Filipino—“were represented as Eucharistic ministers, gift bearers, and lectors at our liturgy,” Joseph reported. There are two phases to the process, which is inspired by The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis’ document on evangelization. The first phase, “Be My Witness for Parish Leaders,” prepares pastors, parish leaders and staff members to lead change in the parish, providing them with training, planning activities, best practices, and consultation with RENEW pastoral staff. During this phase, parish leaders use the RENEW Parish Assessment tool to identify opportunities to become more evangelizing. In the second phase of the process, “Be My Witness for Small Groups,” all parishioners are invited to join small groups, a proven way to encounter Christ, reawaken faith, and make a commitment to RENEW’s Be My Witness website ( won missionary outreach. The small groups use 12-session the 2017 award for outstanding achievement presented by the Web Marketing Association, and the Spanish faith-sharing books integrated with videos that faith-sharing book, Sean mis testigos, won the second- present real-life Catholic witness stories. place award for Excellence in Publishing—Spanish presented by the Association of Catholic Publishers. Pictured here are Andres and Kathia Arango, authors of the book.

Annual Report 2017


ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE unámonos en Cristo Feedback from faith-sharing groups this year re-confirmed the powerful impact of ARISE Together in Christ. In parishes in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston, for example, the ARISE coordinator reported instances such as these: • A small group assisted at a respite day-care center for persons affected by dementia. • A small-group leader found that she could more easily talk about her faith in Jesus, and that when she shared her faith with her young adult daughter, her daughter listened! And in parishes in the Diocese of Monterey, the coordinator reported similar events: • A woman who asked to join a small group on the condition that she would only listen, because she didn’t like to talk in public, became one of the most inspirational speakers. • A small group collected coats, socks, and toiletries and presented them directly to homeless people. These are the fruits of ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE Unámonos en Cristo in Spanish, a threeyear process that brings the parish together, touches lives, and encourages faith-based action in the parish and beyond. The process includes youth and family materials. A team in the Diocese of San Jose, California, has been translating ARISE into Chinese. Twentysix small groups in San Jose are using the Chinese-language resource, and St. Agatha Church in Brooklyn ordered 100 books for the Chinese community in that parish. Parishes in these dioceses participated in ARISE during the 20162017 fiscal year: Atlanta, Baltimore, Brooklyn, Honolulu, Houston, Lansing, Monterey, Port Elizabeth (South Africa), Members of the Chinese community in San Jose, California, who participate in Rockville Centre, San Diego, San Jose, ARISE Together in Christ. A team in San Jose has been translating the process into Chinese. Scranton, and Sacramento.

Pray2gether: An app for families Among the sacrifices involved in military service is often separation from family members. That’s why RENEW is developing a mobile app, Pray2gether that will allow military personnel, even if they’re deployed, to pray and share faith with their children. The app is designed so that other adults, including spouses and grandparents, can join in via smart phones. The contents of the app are adapted from the children’s material in ARISE Together in Christ, including color illustrations. There is separate content for children in grades 1 through 3 and grades 4 through 6. The sessions include prayer, family activities, brief Scripture readings and sharing questions, and faith-based questions for children and adults to reflect on and share about. RENEW developed the app in consultation with the Western Vicariate of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, whose insignia appears on the left. 6

RENEW International

Why Catholic? /¿Por qué ser catolico? A Why Catholic? small group in Indiana learned that a motel owner was providing “half-way” housing for unemployed people. The group from St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Decatur began cooking hot meals for the guests once a week; other groups joined in, providing two meals a week. Parishioners ask for the guests’ prayer intentions, and offer to pray with them—an offer most accept. Why Catholic? explores the themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and invites participants to put Church teachings into practice. In the Diocese of Monterey, California, Why Catholic? leaders report a growing bond among parishioners who had not been acquainted. Also, • A woman at St. Benedict’s Parish in Hollister, took the lead in establishing a monthly “hospitality Sunday” that has attracted a growing number of people to meet their fellow parishioners. • The Mission St. Luis Obispo de Tolosa is enrolling adult confirmation and RICA candidates in Why Catholic? so they can get to know others in the community. • Why Catholic? participants at Madonna del Sasso Church in Salinas committed themselves to serve at a soup kitchen for homeless people. Parishes also have been participating in Why Catholic? in the dioceses of Anchorage, Fort WayneSouth Bend, Miami, and Johannesburg (South Africa).

Spirituality for Everyday Life This series consists of two books based on the work of best-selling author Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, who explores the “stages of discipleship”—how we evolve over time as committed followers of Jesus Christ. The first book in the series, Longing for the Holy, based on Fr. Rolheiser’s Holy Longing, treats what he calls “essential discipleship.” Participants explore the implications for spirituality of the central mysteries of Catholic faith: the incarnation, the Eucharist, and the Paschal mystery. What do these mysteries have to do with realities such as justice, sexuality, community, and living a spiritual life? The second book in the series is Living in the Sacred, based on Fr. Rolheiser’s Sacred Fire, which treats what he calls “mature discipleship.” While we learn and change as a result of some of our positive experiences, Fr. Rolheiser writes that our deepest spiritual changes usually result from the fire of life’s struggles. Mature disciples become less concerned with themselves and more concerned with the world at large and the role they can play in making it a better place.

Ignatian Business Chapters: Balancing Faith & Work RENEW has positioned itself to reach an important class of participants through the Ignatian Business Chapters, now a RENEW program. These chapters—formerly known as Woodstock Business Conference—consist of men and women in business and the professions who desire to bring to the broader culture the leadership principles practiced and taught by St. Ignatius of Loyola and by the religious order he founded, the Jesuits. The first in a projected series of books designed for use by Ignatian Business Chapters, which may be formed at colleges and universities or in parishes, was published in October 2017. This book, Balancing Faith & Work, is based on the work of the Jesuit-trained best-selling writer, Chris Lowney. In each of the 12 sessions in the book, chapter members will consider a theme discussed in a case study or business article and apply that theme, in the context of Christian values, to the experiences and challenges of their daily work.

Annual Report 2017


Live Lent! This year, RENEW added a new series to its seasonal offerings—Live Lent! The first book in this series provided reflections for the Lenten season in Liturgical Year A. The book for Year B is in production, and it will be followed by a book for Year C. Live Lent! for Year A was written by Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW International. Live Lent!, as its title suggests, emphasizes that the Lenten observance should not be confined to “giving up” certain foods or activities but should focus on doable actions that will help to heal a hurting world and make real change in our own lives. Sister Terry writes in the introduction that Lent raises questions such as these: “Which relationship in your life most needs forgiveness and God’s healing presence? What are you doing for people who are poor and needy? What bad habit is keeping you away from God? What do you need to change?” The resource, which is designed for small groups but can be used by individuals, includes faithsharing sessions for each of the Sundays of Lent and Palm Sunday, and meditations for all the weekdays of Lent. The faith-sharing sessions include prayer; Scripture; reflections, including the Old Testament background to the day’s gospel reading; faith-sharing questions; and suggestions for gospel action. Space is provided in which a participant can write journal entries suggested by the Sunday sessions. RENEW continues to offer the series Lenten Longings, written by Sister Catherine Nerney, S.S.J., and Reflexiones en Cuaresma by Dr. Irma Chávez. More than 8,000 people gathered in small communities, using RENEW resources, to reflect and act upon the Lenten readings.

RENEW Scripture Series The RENEW Scripture Series continued to emerge with the publication of Matthew: Come Follow Me by Martin Lang, PhD. The book joins Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! by Dr. Lang, who also wrote the forthcoming book on the Gospel of John. A book on the Gospel of Mark will complete the evangelists’ part of the series. In Matthew: Come Follow Me, the writer’s approach to the Gospel “invites the reader or listener to become part of the entourage of Jesus, to listen to his words as a disciple who follows him and sits at his feet. He is still present in a mysterious way, and his voice is heard in the text of the Gospel.” Also, as Dr. Lang explains in the introduction, this Gospel shows “the basic continuity of Jesus’ teaching with that of the Torah and the Prophets.” At the same time, Dr. Lang writes, the author of Matthew “beautifully weaves into his account the full thrust of Jesus’ universal message for all people. A new dawn for humankind is breaking.” This series encourages the laity to encounter the Gospels in their totality, not in fragmented readings from the ambo, then internalize the Gospel and “preach” it through acts of mercy, charity, and justice. The books in this series are designed for individual use as well as small groups. Participants can explore the Old Testament roots of the Gospels, reflect on the human behavior described in the Gospels, share their own experiences, and decide how to apply the teaching of Jesus to everyday life at home, at work, and in the community. Space is provided in each section for participants to record their reactions, responses to questions, and commitments to action.


RENEW International

Creation at the Crossroads Extraordinary weather events and environmental changes such as the melting of polar ice continue to call attention to issues addressed in RENEW’s small-group resource Creation at the Crossroads. RENEW produced this resource, written by Msgr. Edward J. Ciuba, in cooperation with the Catholic Climate Covenant and GreenFaith. Creation at the Crossroads was inspired by and based on Pope Francis’ unprecedented encyclical, Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home) which called attention to the moral implications of damaging or neglecting the environment and especially to the impact on people who are poor and especially vulnerable to conditions such as soil erosion and scarcity of potable water. Creation at the Crossroads helps participants see the connection between the faith they profess and their role in preserving and restoring the earth, the sea, and the air. Through Scripture, prayer, reflections, faith-sharing questions, and practical ideas for protecting and caring for the environment and for each other, Creation at the Crossroads moves Christians to faith-based action.

Lessons from a parish garden Parishioners at a church in suburban Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, provide one example of the kind of gospel action envisioned in Creation at the Crossroads. At the Church of the Presentation, where the author of the resource, Msgr. Edward J. Ciuba is in residence, the St. Francis Ministry has created a community garden as an educational and social-justice outreach. Garden teams are responsible for various crops and activities; the entire parish is invited to bring compost materials with them to Mass on Sundays and visit the garden. Children attending Vacation Bible Camp have planted their own raised bed; in spring, when the plants are sprouting from seed, they are presented at Sunday Mass and blessed. In the fall when the harvest is plentiful, the crops are again presented at Mass. The garden provides for the parish’s own food pantry as well as ones in Newark; Rockland County, New York and the South Bronx. Garden tours, educational classes, and connections and imagery in the Sunday homilies, all reinforce why and how to “Care for Creation.” The parish has also installed five beehives and has a beekeeper to care for them. Msgr. Ciuba, who is active in the St. Francis Ministry, has said that besides providing food, the garden teaches a valuable lesson: “That the Earth is sacred. That there’s something of value in the Earth itself. In the waters, in the air that we breathe. To teach our children that a pizza pie just doesn’t come from an oven, but its ingredients come from the Earth.”

Pray the Gospels: a mobile app RENEW will give men and women a convenient way of praying with Scripture by introducing a mobile app, Pray the Gospels. Developed with a grant from the American Bible Society, the app will include daily sessions based on passages representing the whole of the four Gospels. The session will be presented in the form of lectio divina, an ancient form of meditative prayer that begins with an unhurried reading—a “prayer reading”—of a scripture passage in which the Word can become a place to experience communion with God. Each session includes a reflection drawn from a book in the RENEW Scripture Series. Meditation, prayer, and contemplation follow at the user’s own pace.

Annual Report 2017


RENEW Worldwide RENEW in South Africa Johannesburg A parish in South Africa put faith into action by adopting a school that was in poor condition, repairing the building and furnishings, repainting everything, and leaving a backpack with school supplies and clothing on each desk for the children returning to school. The parishioners in the Diocese of Johannesburg were motivated by their participation in RENEW small Christian communities. Most groups are Members of the RENEW parish leadership team at St. Patrick’s Church in Ginsburg, Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. now meeting with Why Catholic? The Celebration of the Christian Mystery. More than 90 percent of parishes are participating. Port Elizabeth The Diocese of Port Elizabeth in South Africa adopted RENEW Africa in 2007, and small groups have continued to meet in more than 90 percent of the parishes. Small groups have been meeting with season five of ARISE Together in Christ, and anticipate faith sharing with At Prayer with Mary in Lent of 2018. Later in the year, they will be using Luke: My Spirit Rejoices!—the first book in the RENEW Scripture Series—which is at present being translated. Lay leadership has grown, and those who have undertaken ministries—for example as members of parish councils or as Eucharistic ministers—have come from the small Christian community experience. Klerksdorp The latest diocese in South Africa to join the RENEW fold is Klerksdorp. The Diocesan Core Community there has participated in the first training and is pursuing parish sign-up prior to training of Parish Core Communities. Small groups are expected to begin faith sharing with RENEW Africa in the fall of 2018. Swaziland Swaziland is an autonomous kingdom within the borders of South Africa. Bishop José-Luis Ponce de León of the Diocese of Manzini, which comprises the whole kingdom, invited RENEW to launch its programs, beginning with Forgiveness and Reconciliation to be followed by RENEW Africa. The diocese is translating all of RENEW Africa faith-sharing books into Seswati.

RENEW on the air in South Africa Residents of southern Africa can get a taste of small-group faith-sharing on a program being broadcast twice a week on Radio Veritas, a Catholic broadcast station and web site. The program was the brainchild of Duncan Hyam, coordinator of RENEW Africa and Why Catholic? in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg. The recorded one-hour programs, which Duncan produces and hosts, feature a pre-rehearsed small-group faith sharing with one of the RENEW resources. Various language groups of South Africa will participate. Duncan said the program will eventually use Lenten Longings, At Prayer with Mary, and ARISE. 10

Duncan Hyam, center on left side of table, with a group recording a RENEW program for Radio Veritas

RENEW International

Mission in the Dominican Republic Small-group leaders in the Dominican Republic say they are seeing the benefits of one of RENEW’s core evangelization processes— LEVÁNTATE Unámanos en Cristo (ARISE Together in Christ) in their parishes. Parishioners of San Antonio de Padua conclude a prayer by raising their hands and exclaiming Faith-sharing groups began “Levántate!”—“Arise!” Manuel Hernandez of the RENEW pastoral team is on the left. meeting in the fall of 2016. Jose Manuel Peguero, who has been coordinating the process at San Antonio de Padua de Guerra parish, said LEVÁNTATE has contributed to the well-being of the parishioners, and it has made him feel more confident in serving the Church. RENEW launched LEVÁNTATE in the parishes in collaboration with the Sister Parish Ministry, a partnership of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and the parishes of Santo Domingo Savio and San Antonio de Guerra, which serve profoundly poor people in the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo. RENEW was introduced to the ministry by Bob Hart, a co-founder. The mission church of San Antonio—Star of the Sea Chapel—serves the people of El Mamey, a migrant workers camp settled primarily by Haitian families. The ministry has provided medical care, built houses, and worked with local residents to develop their communities.

Young Adult Ministry: Theology on Tap Bishop Edward C. Malesic wasn’t holding anything back when he appeared at a Theology on Tap gathering in July in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. After all, the title of the session was “Ask Me Anything,” and Bishop Malesic, who leads the Diocese of Greensburg, certainly got a wide range of questions. For instance, he was asked whether he preferred Star Trek or Star Wars. He was also asked what might attract more people to Mass, to which he jokingly answered “pizza,” according to an account in the Valley News-Dispatch. Bishop Malesic was doing what Theology on Tap was designed Bishop Edward C. Malesic of the Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, invited—and received— for—meeting young people where they congregate and relax, questions on “anything” during a Theology on Tap in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. usually in bars and restaurants. This session took place at the session Photo Credit: Michael Swensen/Greensburg Tribune-Review Knead Community Café, a non-profit Christian establishment in downtown New Kensington. Theology on Tap invites young adults to discover the importance of faith in their lives. Many Theology on Tap teams attract attendees through social media, notably RENEW’s Facebook page, There, visitors can find ideas from the topics and publicity materials posted by teams from Woodside, New York; Palm Harbor, Florida; Santa Clara, California, and many other locales.

Annual Report 2017


Where RENEW Serves British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan









RENEW’s Pastoral Process Locations* ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Why Catholic? (green) RENEW Africa (purple) Renewing the Priestly Heart (black) Theology on Tap (brown) Be My Witness (orange) Military (blue)


*Does not include individual parish/small Christian community activity.


RENEW International




Nova Scotia






























New Brunswick







South Africa

Gulf of Mexico SOUTH AMERICA

Dominican Republic

Annual Report 2017


Financial Summary RENEW International remains committed to long-term mission growth goals. Strategic organizational changes begun last year are positioning RENEW to expand our reach to more parishes and dioceses in a cost-effective manner and to achieve financial sustainability. Reduced operating costs are being maintained as a result of these strategic initiatives, and revenue is slightly ahead of last year. RENEW has begun to make necessary investments in technology and human resources to meet the needs of our new ministry model.

RENEW International Key Statistics (dollars in thousands)

Full Year Ended June 30 2016 2017

Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss








Assets (without Endowment)




$3,123 $2,750

Total Assets



Total Net Assets



Endowment Income

* excludes extraordinary items

RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) $151 $203 6% 8%

$174 $211 7% 8%

$2,130 85%

FY 2016 Actual Process Costs

$2,187 86%

FY 2017 Actual Development Costs

Gen & Admin Costs

For full audited financial statements, visit, go to the “About Us” tab, and click on “View Our Annual Report.” A link to the financial statements is at the bottom of that page.


RENEW International

Management & Operations RENEW’s management and operations embody what RENEW brings to the parishes it serves: focused, adaptive strategies and practices designed to leverage talent and technology and to deliver results in a dynamic cost-effective way. Last year, RENEW redesigned our internal infrastructure to enable us to deliver our services and resources in relevant and flexible ways, to better meet the needs of today’s parishes. As a result, RENEW is now delivering more of our pastoral services using RENEW regional training representatives throughout the United States and overseas. We have expanded our small-group facilitation and training services to include online live and recorded webinars, training materials with video instruction, and faith-sharing resources for parishioners, complete with video reflections and faith-based witness and testimonials. We are increasing our parish-level engagement and cultivating parish customer relationships through strategic innovations in content marketing, direct customer outreach, and new resources and learning tools available on our interactive website. Our internal operations and procedures have improved through the use of our shared-services support model. By using centralized resources to optimize workflow, we have achieved an adaptive, flexible workforce to better meet the needs of seasonal and project needs. As we continue to recalibrate our management and operations, we are building our capacity to be dynamic in our approach to meeting parish customers’ needs. As a result, we expect over the next eighteen months, RENEW’s Director of Finances and Business Operations Mary to deliver financially sustainable results Beth Oria, left, and author Lorene Hanley Duquin attend the by leveraging skilled and talented human annual Mid-Atlantic Conference of Catholic publishers, held in February in Baltimore. Lorene is the author of the faith-sharing resources, responsive technology, and a strong book for RENEW’s evangelization resource, Be My Witness. commitment to the mission of RENEW.

Customer Service While RENEW is serving parishes by the hundreds and Catholic men and women by the thousands, we also try to meet the special needs of participants, including those who have impaired vision. With the support of The Lavelle Fund for the Blind, for example, we have been able to make many of our resources available in large-print editions. We have even provided resources modified for an individual participant who relies on a scanner to “read” printed material to her. In the past fiscal year, we also continued a program in which the Xavier Society for the Blind is transcribing in Braille ARISE Together in Christ. The program was prompted by a small-group coordinator whose participants include a couple who are blind. Season one was transcribed first and, during the past fiscal year, seasons two and three have been completed.

Annual Report 2017



Honorees at RENEW’s annual Gala: Dave and Sue Janazzo, President’s Award; Tony Coelho, shown here with Sister Theresa Rickard, Spirit of RENEW Award; Msgr. Ed Ciuba, shown here with Carol Williams, a former RENEW trustee, Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Award. Credit: Jonathan Azzara/The Catholic Advocate

RENEW International is a non-profit organization. We sustain our pastoral outreach in part from the sales of our publications and resources and the stipends we receive from parishes and dioceses for the services we provide. However, our priority is always to serve all people and parishes, regardless of their economic situation. We have been able to fulfill this mission not only in rural areas and stressed urban areas in the United States but also in the developing world—currently South America, the Caribbean, and southern Africa. This is possible thanks to donations from individuals and funding from foundations. During the fiscal year 2016-2017, we raised more than $425,000 Net Development Revenue in support of our domestic and international mission work and our outreach to military families and people who are visually impaired. In the past fiscal year, RENEW secured $146,000 in grants from Annual Fund charitable foundations. Sources of grants during this period and $78,000 RENEW’s use of the funds are as follows: Gala • The American Bible Society, mobile app based on the RENEW $201,000 Scripture Series Grants $146,000 • The John F. Byrne Foundation, baptism-preparation program • The George Link, Jr. Charitable Trust and the James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, general operations • Loyola Foundation and the Sister Parish Ministry, RENEW’s participation in the work in the Dominican Republic • The Lynch Foundation to support RENEW’s ministry in the Archdiocese of Boston Milissa Else, of the RENEW staff, standing left, with a group from the Diocese of Brooklyn, attending the RENEW Gala in June 2017, including, seated from left, Ted Musco, director of the diocesan Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis; Fr. Joseph Gibino, STM, pastor of Holy Trinity Church and adjunct professor at St. John’s University; Mary Fera of the ARISE leadership team at Holy Trinity Parish; and, standing second from left, Andrea Fabre; her aunt, Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP, a member of RENEW’s Pastoral Services Team; Joann Roa, diocesan director of adult faith formation; Helen Rada and her husband, Christian Rada, diocesan director of marriage, family life, and respect-life education.


RENEW International

Father Tom Kleissler, co-founder of RENEW International, celebrated a memorial Mass for Carolyn A. Lynch—a former member of the RENEW Board of Trustees— in the chapel at RENEW headquarters. Carolyn Lynch and her husband, Peter were co-founders of The Lynch Foundation and long-time supporters of RENEW. With Father Kleissler in this picture—clockwise from the left—are the Lynches’ granddaughter Carolyn de Montrichard; daughter Elizabeth Lynch de Montrichard, secretary of the foundation; her husband, Gonzague Mariede de Montrichard; Sr. Terry Rickard; Peter Lynch, foundationp resident and chairman; and Katie Everett, foundation executive director.

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society endows RENEW International and its mission for the future. To become a member, name RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift, such as a bequest, appreciated securities, gifts of retirement accounts, life insurance, property, and annuities.

Legacy Society Members Monica Garofalo Robert and Margaret Graham Lynn Hull Msgr. Tom Kleissler +Kevin Lawler Jack Norris +Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page Msgr. Thomas Ivory John Kennelly C. William Reilly Barbara Miller +deceased

Annual Report 2017

Tree of Life Prayer Garden The Tree of Life Prayer Garden at RENEW headquarters is a beautiful peaceful place where loved ones, alive or deceased, are remembered in etched pavers and teak benches. These etchings are placed in the stones of a large cross surrounded by flowers and foliage. The RENEW staff regularly joins in prayer for those who are named in the garden.

For more information For information or a confidential conversation about either the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society or the Tree of Life Garden, please call Sr. Honora Nolty, OP at (908) 769-5400, ext. 162.


Donors PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY $20,000 and above James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc., NJ George and Patricia Erdman The Lynch Foundation, MA

OLSS Sister Parish, FL SCI Management, TX

PATRONS OF RENEW $10,000 and above John F. Byrne Family Foundation Msgr. Edward Ciuba James and Virginia Collins The George Link, Jr. Charitable Trust Loyola Foundation Barbara A. Miller

News America Marketing (Marty Garofalo) Mary Noel and William Page Les and Eileen Quick Frank and Mimi Walsh Carol and Robert Williams

PARTNERS IN MISSION $5,000 and above Diocese of Brooklyn Tony Coelho and Robert Dreher Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney, MD Dolly and Floyd Donahue The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, Westfield, N.J. David and Susan Janazzo

James and Ann McCormick James Mulderig Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, N.J. Walter and Lynn Rickard Laurence Walsh

SPONSORS $1,000 and above The Angeletti Group Anthony and Maggie Browne Msgr. James Burke Marylane Burry Robert and Carolyn Dalby Jim and Betty Davidson Robert Dempsey Eric and Karen Dill Jim and Mary DiNardo Livvy Dinneen Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt , NY Brian Donovan Bertrand and Milissa Else Charles Engelhard Foundation Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti Edward and Jill Hayes Healey Family Foundation Jennifer Jehn Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Eric and Elizabeth Koch John Magnier Fr. William Mahon Deirdre Trabert Malacrea and Richard Malacrea, Jr. Robert and Margaret McGovern Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Edward and Ellen Miller Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly


Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities Joseph and Maureen Rickard Roy and Laura Ritchie Denise Rover Carol and Carmen Salvatore Michael and Mary Singer Richard and Germaine Trabert Michael and Ida Tropiano Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr.

Sister Terry Rickard meets with Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States since April 2016.

RENEW International

Donors FRIENDS $100 and above Katherine and Kenneth Abbott Thomas and Mary Anderson Christopher Andricopoulos Nick and Nicole Antoun Alice Arms Marilyn Atkinson Janet and Hugo Barth John and Marguerite Boyce Mary Brosnan Patrick and Veronica Brunnock Vincent and Christina Budd Max Bussel & Co.,CPA Robert and Mary Callander Susan and Vito Capurso Charles Carella John and Linda Carney Melinda and Tim Carney Maggie Carpen Michael Ching Agnes Collins Cathy Coloff, IT Radix +Msgr. Neil Connolly John and Allison Corcoran, Jr. Anil Crasto Dennis and Judith Crilly Regina Crowley Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit John and Constance D’Angelo The Daniels Group, Inc. Jerry Dempsey Robert and Patricia Donnelly Martin and Karen Doris Regina Dowd Robert and Marge Drozd Joseph Duggan Barry and Rosemary Ervin Joseph and Patricia Esposito Claire Fallon Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis Alejandro and Sonia Fernandez Joanne Fezza Mary Fischl John Flanagan Paula Flynn Diane Forastiero Neil and Angela Gervasio Thomas Giblin Francis Gilhool Jr. Robert and Kathleen Gluck Robert and Margaret Graham Anthony Greco Greenway East (Matthew and Caroline Nolty)

Annual Report 2017

Joseph and Carolyn Gugliandolo Msgr. Charles Gusmer Kevin Hagan Marilyn Haggerty Carol Harris William Heinbokel and Renee Trabert Msgr. Owen Hendry Catherine and Michael Hennessey Marina Herrera, Ph.D. Dierdre James and James Wheaton Mark and Bernadette Janovic Carlotta Jennings Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski Robert (“Pat”) and Sharon Kane John and Jessica Keane Patricia Kent Carol and Bob King Carol King Edwin and Gertrude Kleissler Robert Kleissler Our Lady of Fatima Knights of Columbus Council #4486 Joseph and Yu Tsuan Weiyeh Ku Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert Martin and Ann Lang John Lentinello, CPA Kathryn and Frank Lentini Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom Msgr. Richard Liddy Fr. Thomas Looney, CSC Lumen Center - Sisters of St. Dominic Caldwell, NJ Fr. James MacNew, Jr. Geralyn and Richard Madsen

Sister Honora Nolty, right, assistant director of RENEW, with Mary Fischl at RENEW’s Gala. Mary Fischl did the original RENEW process in the 1970s. She is active in the ministries of her parish, Holy Eucharist, in Tabernacle, New Jersey.


Donors FRIENDS $100 and above (continued) Bishop Dominic Marconi Ruth Markworth Design Studio Fr. Jack Martin Marie Martine Edward and Margaret McDermott Jack and Carol McDermott John and Mary McEnerney Lucy McGuirk John and Margarete McNeice Jr Anne Mendez Richard and Janet Michalowski Thomas and Nancy Dubois Mierswa, Jr. Vincent and Maryann Militello JoAnn and Martin Minnicino Rick and Addie Moore Constance Killian Neves Madonna Nolty Jack Norris James and Margaret O’Donnell Beverly O’Hearn one:ten communications, IN Mary Beth and Steven Oria Dorothy Ott Anthony and Eileen Paparella Carmen Paulino Thomas and Theresa Potenza Melinda Prenter C. William Reilly Fr. Charles Reinbold Harry and Grace Rissetto Lavinia Ruby

Mary and John Ryan James Sasso Joanne and Lauren Seaver Wayne and Katherine Sebastiano Peter and Carolyn Seibel Bartholomew A. and Mary Sheehan, Jr. Patricia Sheehan Msgr. Timothy Shugrue Msgr. Robert Slipe Timothy Smee and Joanne Collins Smee Richard and Anna Spalckhaver SpeedBinder, Inc., NE Anthony and Flora Spera Church of St. Francis De Sales, New York, NY Sisters of St Francis of Peace, Haverstraw, NY Charles and Maureen Steele Marilyn Swain Andy Tabar & Associates-Web Marketing, OH Edward and Patricia Thomas Mary Tierney Thomas Torzewski, LLC Claire Toth William and Mary Lee Trousdale Peter Valesi Patricia Verdon The Richard Weiner Investment Consulting Group Diane Wenk Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Patricia Wiley Gina and Andrew Wood Thomas and Kathleen Wynne

Members of the 6 A.M. Men’s Group at Presentation Parish in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, gather with Msgr. Edward J. Ciuba, foreground, a member of the group, at RENEW’s annual Gala. The group formed around RENEW processes and continues to meet for faith-sharing.

Thank You! 20

RENEW International

Donors SUPPORTERS up to $99 Jose Alcala Herbert and Beatrice Alff Leisa Anslinger Jacqueline Ayers Walter and Tecla Barber Robert and Kathryn Begley Meg Begley Lisa Black Russell and Candice Borner Domingo and Maria Bracero Rosalie Bulger-Buzzi +Msgr. Thomas Burns Barbara Byleckie Samuel and Laura Byrnes Judy Cabanting Muriel and William Cagney Stephanie and Tim Caputo John and Maribeth Carey Sr. Carol Carullo, OP Emily Chavez Loretta and Thomas Conniff Mary Lee Corr Joy Dempsey DNS Computing, Red Hook, NY John and Yvonne Driscoll, Jr. Eberly Designs, Inc., Mount Joy, PA Sandra Engler Mary and Gene Febbo Dr. Mary Flood, OP Patricia Ann Foley James Friel III Charles Garrity Linda Gaska Terry Giannetto Marisa Gisbert Peter and Patricia L Glen William and Catherine Guderian Martha-Ann Hagedorn Ken and Harriet Hall Richard and Marie Heaslip Mary Beth Howath Nellie Johnson Ann and George Kachmar Anne Kampff Brian and Patricia Kelly Walter and Kathleen Kennedy Alice Kokasch Jan Lacy Bernice Ligouri

Annual Report 2017

Peggy and Charlie Lockwood Agatha and James Loyacano Jeremiah and Joan Lynch John and Patricia Magovern Sr. Theresa Maillet, OP Richard and Kelly Maltagliati Marcella Martin Patricia McDermott Michael and Susan McGuinness McKinley Elementary School, Westfield, NJ Marilyn McVeigh Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Anna and John Monti Beatrice Murday Linda Nash Hiep Nguyen John Nolty, Jr. Flavio Ortega James Ott James and Elizabeth Ott Suzanne Parmelee John and Patricia Plunkett Donald Podany Barbara Prince Elizabeth Quinlan Joseph and Eileen Reardon Richard and Maryellen Hartnett Reid Geoffrey Richards Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP David Ruppert Linda Rutter Marilyn and James Saccomanno Gloria Secchia John and Myong Ok (Kim) Stocker Anthony and Carmela Toma Jeannette and Thomas Van De Water Robert and Mary VerNooy Gloria Verrochi Paul and Maria Vikan Richard and Mary Von Stamwitz Sue and Bill Whitright Marie Wilke Will and Carolyn Winchester Stephen and MaryEllen Woodstock Rosalind Yu Catholic Community, Fort Belvoir, Va., Army installation + Deceased


Board of Trustees

Trustees gather at RENEW Gala on June 8, 2017. Front row: Deirdre James, Barbara Miller, Sr. Terry Rickard, Livvy Dineen, Lisa Meehan, Eric Dill. Back row: Donald Whittam, Patricia Murphy, Walter Rickard, Michael Singer, Robert McGovern, Michael Tropiano.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min., President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY

Chair Eric Dill Senior Vice President, Human Resources at the American Arbitration Association; previously Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ

Secretary Patricia A. Murphy Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC

Treasurer Michael Tropiano Former Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ


Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Vice President, Corporate Development & Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Former President of the MIT Club of South Texas. Martin Garofalo Chief Executive Officer, News America Marketing Dierdre James Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Jennifer Jehn Executive Director, Miami Dolphins Foundation; hospice care grief counselor

RENEW International

Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin, who has succeeded Most Rev. John J. Myers as archbishop of Newark, met Milissa Else, left, and Sister Maureen Coleary, FSP— both members of the RENEW staff—at the annual Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando, Fla. As archbishop, Cardinal Tobin is now chairman of the RENEW International Corporate Board.

Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA

Michael Singer AVP – Chief Security Organization, AT&T

Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Vincent Sweeney Owner, Sweeney Consulting Group, an HR consulting firm; part-time professor at the Rutgers School of Human Resource Management.

Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry; Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea, NJ Lisa Meehan Executive Director, Travel Services Benchmarking Network; former Director NA Travel, Card and Meetings at Merck & Co. Inc. Barbara Miller Retired Vice President, Continuing Education, Workforce Development, Public Safety, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA; Director of Adult Faith Formation, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Doylestown , PA. John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Reverend Abraham Orapankal A native of the Indian state of Kerala; currently pastor of St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; former member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team Walter I. Rickard Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive

Annual Report 2017

Donald Whittam Executive Vice President, Sales & Merchandising, Divatex Home Fashions, New York, NY; Ministry Leader, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

RENEW INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE MEMBERS His Eminence Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, Chairman

Members Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Vicar General and Chancellor Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Nydegger Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia Very Reverend John J. Paladino, Vicar Forane Executive Director of Clergy Personnel


Staff Members

The RENEW team, pictured here at the annual Staff Days at Mount St. Mary House of Prayer in Watchung, New Jersey.

President and Executive Director

Marketing and Communications

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min. Susan Capurso, Executive Assistant

Deirdre Trabert Malacrea, Director Jennifer Bober

Assistant Director

Pastoral Services

Sr. Honora Nolty, OP

Milissa Else, Director Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Manuel Hernandez Fr. Alejandro López-Cardinale Dr. Joanne Cahoon Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP Soeurette Fougere Nicole Janazzo Brenda Maiman Sr. Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP Fr. Jeremiah Browne (RENEW South Africa office) Sr. Áine Hughes, HC (RENEW South Africa office) Charmaine Woolard (RENEW South Africa office) Dr. Mariela Saravia (RENEW Venezuela office)

Customer and Shared Business Services Eartha Johnson, Manager Regina Crowley Martha Ann Hagedorn Mary Beth Howath, Assistant Manager

Development Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, Director Margaret Carpen, Associate Director

Diocesan and Parish Sales Milissa Else, Director Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Gregory Kremer

Finance and Business Operations Mary Beth Oria, Director Yvette Hutchins


Publications and Resources Deacon Charles Paolino, Managing Editor Stephen Connor, Associate Editor

Human Resources and Information Technology

President Emeritus

Patricia Wiley, Director

Msgr. Thomas Kleissler

RENEW International


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Save the Dates to Celebrate! APRIL 19: Symposium on Pastoral Renewal JUNE 7: Gala 2018 SEPTEMBER 21-30: Pilgrimage to Italy NOVEMBER 4 : Mass of Thanksgiving

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RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

© 2017 RENEW International

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