Remembered During the past year, RENEW International said farewell to its founders. Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler, on the right in this portrait—the first president and director of RENEW—died on February 2, 2021, and Monsignor Thomas P. Ivory died on October 7, 2020. The two Father Toms occupied neighboring offices more than 40 years ago when the movement that became RENEW originated as a ministry of the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey. In the photo at left, Father Tom Kleissler admires a tree that was planted in 2009 in front of RENEW headquarters in Plainfield, New Jersey to mark his 70th birthday. The tree as it looks today appears on the cover of this report.
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Year in Review
Grateful Living
Parish Catalyst
RENEW in Action
Financial Summary
Honoring Our Supporters
Ways to Connect
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Year in Review “The only constant in life is change” according to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, and the past year has certainly reminded all of us at RENEW how true these words are. For example, it became clear that greater use of digital platforms, which we had undertaken in response to the pandemic, would become an increasingly important part of our ministry. While personal contacts will always be essential to our relationships with dioceses, parishes, and individual Catholics, the potential impact of reaching out online via webinars, training sessions, learning communities, and virtual faith sharing, is enormous. We also witnessed a growing interest in our web-based sacramentpreparation program Baptism Matters, and we focused on developing Eucharist Matters, a similar resource for parents of children preparing to receive First Communion. These departures from our traditionally printbased ministry are part of our response to a changing society in which folks want information, with more visuals than words, and they want it where and when it’s convenient. The most profound changes RENEW has experienced comprised the retirement of several longtime staff members, the passing of our cofounders¬—Monsignors Tom Kleissler and Tom Ivory—and Sister Terry’s decision to step down from RENEW after 18 years of faithful service, including 10 years as President.
Change is constant, but RENEW has been about change since it was founded more than 40 years ago; RENEW has always been about inspiring new energy, new commitment, into the Church, and particularly into the Catholic laity and their parishes. So we leave behind a year marked by both trouble and opportunities, obstacles and innovations, and we look ahead to a year of new challenges and new ventures in ministry. As we continue our work, we rely as always on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and on the generosity and support with which you have sustained RENEW for more than four decades. Sincerely in Christ,
Sister Theresa Rickard, OP President & Executive Director
Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Grateful Living Stewardship, as the Church uses that term today means receiving with gratitude God’s gifts—our lives, our families and friends, the Church, the earth itself—caring for those gifts responsibly, sharing them generously, and returning them, and then some, to God. It means building the kingdom of God in our families, communities, and parishes. That is the theme of Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship, a new small-group process developed by RENEW in partnership with the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri. The process challenges small groups using a faith-sharing book written by noted Catholic author Leisa Anslinger, to engage the concept of stewardship and put it into practice. Grateful Living will be introduced this fall in the Diocese of Jefferson City, and it has already attracted the attention of other dioceses.
“Grateful Living will lead people to take steps on the stewardship journey as individuals and as people of faith in communities. That journey will result in those individuals and communities becoming more connected to Christ and more engaged in parish life.” Jim Kelley Director, Stewardship and Development Diocese of Charlotte
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Parish Catalyst
The mission of Parish Catalyst is to encourage Catholic leaders to think creatively, act courageously, and renew the Church, and that is what the past year inspired us to do. Parish Catalyst is an 18-month program that engages pastors and parish leaders in collaborative learning and strategic planning. During the most challenging time in our organization’s history, we adapted to the needs of the parishes we serve, creating new opportunities for renewal. In response to the pandemic, we produced 11 webinars, drawing our highest
registration numbers to date. To meet the ever-changing needs of parishes, we shifted our topics to address the issues they were facing, including “Reengaging the Parish,” “Innovations in Catechesis,” and “Lent and Easter Online.” One webinar had over 1,000 registrations from around the world. With travel restricted, we pivoted to virtual on-site workshops for parishes as well as two archdioceses. We completed two learning communities— shifting the final meetings to a virtual format. We also launched two new learning communities, including our first completely virtual learning community as well as our first diocesan-based learning community in our home Archdiocese of Newark. Our new parish program, Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship, currently being launched in the diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri. integrates RENEW’s small-group process with a series of innovative workshops on stewardship for pastors and their staff—an approach we will continue as we engage more and more parishes. As we checked in with learning-community pastors, past and present, during the pandemic, the overwhelming response was the same. One pastor’s answer was typical: “Our staff is working harder than ever. We are exhausted, but parish engagement is high and giving is as good or better than it was pre-pandemic.” The success of our parishes during this global catastrophe has been astounding. Our process is meant to equip parish leaders for ongoing innovation and success, and that is exactly what we have found.
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
RENEW in Action Virtual RENEW The COVID-19 pandemic spurred individuals and organizations to find ways to keep in touch and RENEW was no exception, offering dozens of online presentations that we promoted through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Many of these presentations addressed issues raised by the COVID virus, such Chris Lowney, center—author of RENEW’s faith-sharing program What, as how to organize small groups online. Me Holy?—joins RENEW President Sr. Terry Rickard and RENEW staff member Paul Krenzelok in a webinar based on the book. In December, we offered a free webinar that provided parishes with strategies to prepare for the potential challenges of the new year. In January, we presented a webinar entitled “Finding the Peace of God in Anxious Times,” in which a panel discussed means of dealing with insecurity, isolation, anxiety, and loss resulting from the pandemic. We offered free online faith sharing for Advent and Lent and, during Advent of 2020, faith sharing in English and Haitian Creole using Waiting with Joy, the new resource by Sister Donna Ciangio, OP. Sister Donna hosted an Advent webinar in October. We also offered an Advent reflection in Spanish. RENEW also invited participants to faith sharing with LIVE LENT! and on Earth Day, in April, we conducted an online prayer vigil for the planet. There was also online faith sharing with Dignity and the Death Penalty, Longing for the Holy, Creation at the Crossroads, At Prayer with Mary, and Matthew: Come Follow Me. Sister Helen Prejean, whose work inspired Dignity and the Death Penalty, appeared in a webinar in January, and there was a virtual small-group discussion series based on the book. Webinars and information sessions acquainted participants with RENEW programs including Small Groups 101, Parish Catalyst and Baptism Matters. Participation in these offerings was robust. For example, nearly 600 people registered for each of two Parish Catalyst webinars on re-engaging the parish, and some 478 registered to watch an interview with Sister Helen Prejean regarding Dignity and the Death Penalty. 8
Baptism Matters Baptism Matters—prepares parents and godparents—young adults who are key to the future of the Church—prepare for the baptism of a child, commit to raising that child in the Catholic faith, and becoming active members of the parish. The program includes online learning modules, faith-sharing materials for an in-person gathering, a social-media community for parents, an interview guide for parish mentors, and a plan to keep parents engaged with the parish. RENEW also began work in Eucharist Matters, a similar web-based program for parents whose children are preparing to receive First Communion. This program is being developed in a partnership with Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, nationally-known Catholic counselors and radio personalities who help families live their faith at home, in the “domestic church.”
“My wife and I have had the pleasure of completing the online learning module, Baptism Matters, which we both found to be extremely well done: poignant, informative, compelling, and highly inspirational. … We found it to be perfectly balanced between teaching the spiritual/symbolic importance of the sacrament and the day-to-day roles we, as parents, must play in our domestic church. In addition, the order of themes and messages, and the sequence and variety of speakers was both engaging and logical.”
Ben Gillespie
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Be My Witness, ARISE The COVID pandemic disrupted most aspects of life including small groups that were faith sharing with one of RENEW’s core processes but, like RENEW itself, some groups weren’t easily discouraged and turned to virtual technology to continue meeting. Some examples: At Holy Trinity Parish in Whitestone, Queens, New York, groups that had begun the 12-session Be My Witness parish-renewal process used Zoom to continue meeting through the pandemic. “That … gave our parishioners a sense of contact with one another, said the pastor, Very Rev. Joseph R. Gibino, STM. “They were able to meet, share ideas, and feel connected, and also share their personal experience of going through lockdown and quarantine.” Meanwhile, St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish in Jamaica, Queens, resumed its Be My Witness meetings in person after a hiatus. As the pandemic persisted, some parishes were not willing to wait for an “all clear” before beginning ARISE Together in Christ, the five-season process that enables people to deepen their faith, develop a closer relationship with Christ, and reach out in service to others. For instance, St. Martha Catholic Church in Porter, Texas; St. Rose of Lima Parish in Gaithersburg, Maryland; Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Bordentown, New Jersey; and the Church of St. Katharine Drexel in Egg Harbor, New Jersey, all decided to start virtual faith-sharing with ARISE.
Why Catholic?
RENEW Africa
At Queen of Angels Church in Sunnyside, Queens, a group completed Why Catholic?—a faithformation process based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church— and, on its own, started faith sharing with RENEW’s new program, Women in Conversation.
Although cases of COVID 19 in South Africa have been steadily declining as winter ends in the Southern Hemisphere, the pandemic, along with civil unrest during the fiscal year, has forced a suspension of RENEW’s activities in the country. Only about eight million people in a population of more than 60 million have been fully vaccinated against the virus.
Father Joseph Gibino’s observation about his parish applied to parishes everywhere: “It was a difficult time for everyone, and that smallgroup community was able to stay connected and really be supportive of one another.”
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Women in Conversation
RENEW developed this program for Catholic women in collaboration with the author, Loretta Pehanich, who participates in promotion and sales of the book. The 12 faith-sharing sessions include scripture and prayer, stories of women’s faith experiences, and insights from female role models in Catholic history. Women in Conversation, which immediately attracted sales from around the country, encourages women, as the author writes, to “stop underestimating ourselves, to get to know ourselves and one another better, and to learn how we can serve other women and our community”—including the Church.
Dignity and the Death Penalty This small-group resource examines the evolution of Catholic teaching on the death penalty—a practice Pope Francis has declared “inadmissible.” The book is based on the thoughts of Sr. Helen Prejean, a leading advocate for abolition of capital punishment. Sr. Helen consulted with RENEW during the writing process, participated in webinars, and recorded videos that add context to the contents of the book. The book, written by Alice Hugh Brown, has been well received, and RENEW anticipates a major rollout of the program in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Theology on TAP Engaging young adults is critical for the Church, and Theology on Tap, which RENEW has been licensing since 2007, is a means of engaging them face-to-face. ToT sessions are usually held in bars and restaurants, where young men and women feel comfortable as they listen to and dialogue with speakers on a wide array of topics. RENEW maintains a public Facebook page for parishes and dioceses to post notices of meetings and a closed Facebook page, which now has 130 members, where leaders can exchange ideas. The pandemic disrupted public gatherings in many places, although at least six licensed groups continued to meet virtually, and as the fiscal year ended groups began to meet in person, and eight new licenses have been issued.
Development During a year in which the COVID-19 pandemic severely affected RENEW’s income from sales and fees, our loyal donors—individuals, foundations, and businesses—were key in enabling our staff to adapt to the challenge and continue our work. Pledges to our Forward at 40 capital campaign surpassed our goal, raising the total to $4,357,577! The campaign was launched in 2018 to help us engage young adults and families; build our infrastructure capacity, particularly our databases and online bookstore; ensure our future by maintaining a robust endowment fund; and expand the reach of our ministry in new and innovative ways.
Net development revenue
Gala $320,500 Grants $632,300 Capital Campaign $292,200 Annual Fund $120,100
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
RENEW Gala The annual Gala dinner-dance and awards program is RENEW’s opportunity to honor outstanding Catholic men and women and also to raise funds. Due to the pandemic, the 21st and 22nd annual Galas took place in the same fiscal year—one in October 2020, postponed from June, and another in June 2021 at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey. The October gala was a virtual event that participants could “attend” on line and bid on auction items while the honorees were hosted at a small in-person gathering. The two galas produced a net revenue of $320,500.
Honorees at the October Gala were Jack and Jeanette Walton (President’s Award); Bobby Gregory (Spirit of RENEW Award); and Theodore Musco (Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Award).
Honorees at the June Gala were Addie and Rick Moore (President’s Award); Dr. Ramon Tallaj, (Spirit of RENEW Award); and Sister Honora Nolty, OP (Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Award).
Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin, archbishop of Newark, presents Sister Terry Rickard, who will leave RENEW in December, with his own letter of blessing and a papal blessing at the RENEW International Gala in June, 2021. Cardinal Tobin, who is also chairman of RENEW’s corporate board, was acknowledging Sister Terry’s 19 years of service to RENEW. 17
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Financial Summary RENEW International Key Statistics Full Year Ended June 30
(dollars in thousands)
Operating Revenue
Operating Expenses
Operating Loss
Endowment Income
Assets (without Endowment)
$3,351 $2,800
Total Assets
Total Net Assets
For full audited financial statements, visit
RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands)
$222 13%
$106 6%
$242 11%
$104 5%
$1,441 81%
$1,792 84%
FY 2021Actual
FY 2020 Actual
Process Costs
Development Costs
Gen & Admin Costs
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Honoring Our Supporters RENEW’s ministry of renewing personal faith and revitalizing parish life is made possible in part by the generous donations of individual donors, foundations, and businesses. Their generosity played a large part in our ability to continue our work during the pandemic. Our donors, honorees and volunteers are partners in our work, and we thank them all.
President’s Society - $20,000+
Partners in Mission - $5,000+
George and Patricia Erdman
Shepherdson and Kathryn Abell
Robert and Jennifer Gregory
Catholic Faith Technologies, Overland Park, KS
+Monsignor Thomas P. Ivory
Dr. Patricia Dinneen and Dr. John Mooney
James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc.
Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti
Mary Noel and William Page
Greenway East (Matthew Nolty)
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
David and Susan Janazzo
SOMOS Community Care (Mario Paredes and Dr. Ramon Tallaj)
Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner
Frank and Mimi Walsh (Sandy Hill Foundation)
Michael and Julie O’Brien
The Lynch Foundation USCCB Catholic Communication Campaign
Rick and Addie Moore Our Lady of Peace Parish, New Providence, NJ Rev. William Mahon Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, NY
John Clark and Jeanette Walton
John and Jamee Stanley
Patrons of RENEW - $10,000 +
Michael and Ida Tropiano
The ACTA Foundation Dolly and Floyd Donahue The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust Koch Foundation, Inc. Jack Norris Walter and Lynn Rickard Carol and Robert Williams
Charleen Szenyi
Sponsors - $1,000+ Thomas and Mary Anderson Archdiocese of Newark, NJ Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. Dr. Alice Beal and Hon. William Kuntz, II Anthony and Maggie Browne Victoria and Thomas Carey
RENEW supporters in our donor club program during the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 20
Monsignor Edward Ciuba
Edward and Ellen Miller
Tony Coelho and Robert Dreher
Christine Morrison and Ron Marino
James Davidson
John Mulderig
Robert Dempsey
Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly
Eric and Karen Dill
Sister Honora Nolty, OP
Diocese of Brooklyn
Madonna Nolty
Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio
Our Lady of Sorrows, South Orange, NJ
Michael and Teresa DiPiazza
Rev. Brian Needles
Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY
Barbara and Dominick Preziosi, Jr.
Sean and Fiona Duffy
Joseph and Maureen Rickard
Alejandro and Sonia FernándezColmenárez
James Ryan
Mary Fischl
Michael and Mary Singer
Roland and Elizabeth Flores
Most Reverend Michael Saporito
Diane Forastiero
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Malvern, PA
Patricia and Peter Handal
Dennis and Diane Stripe
Erin Hartnett
Susan R. Bauer, Inc., Ringwood, NJ
Mark and Carol Hassenberg
Dr. Ramon Tallaj and Dr. Ines Hernandez
Thomas and Mary Healy Jennifer Jehn Jersey Precast Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom John Magnier Deirdre Trabert and Richard Malacrea, Jr. Max Bussel & Co. David and Christina McAleer Ann Marie McCabe James and Ann McCormick
The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, Westfield, NJ Rev. Anthony Randazzo The Parish Community of Saint Helen, Westfield, NJ Msgr. Thomas Nydegger Richard and Germaine Trabert Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. Laurence Walsh Andrew Walton Donald and Elizabeth Whittam
Robert and Margaret McGovern
We thank all our friends, volunteers, supporters, and honorees not mentioned here. We truly could not do this work without you. 21
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Friends - $100 and above Christine and Douglas Anderson
Teresa Doyle
Bill and Jeannine Ayres
Brian and Mary Dugan
Paul and Kathleen Bachmann
Joseph Duggan
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Robert and Carol Eid
Katherine and Gary Bartholomaus
Engineered Devices Corporation, Ridgefield Park, NJ
Dena Bartlett
Barry and Rosemary Ervin
Patricia Becker
Thomas and Carolyn Farley
Peter and Katherine Bowen
Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis
Marguerite Boyce
Joanne Fezza
Michael and Stephanie Brough
Dr. Hyacinth Findlay
Patrick and Veronica Brunnock
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Muriel and William Cagney
Sister Arlene Flaherty, OP
Jack and MaryBeth Callahan
Paula Flynn
Robert and Mary Callander
Paul and Kathleen Foley
David Calnan and Mary Lee Clanton
John Fontana
Susan and Vito Capurso
Ellen and Gerald Foster
John and Linda Carney
Eileen Fox
Melinda and Tim Carney
Cristina Garcia-Garzon
Mary Carter
Thomas Giblin
Michele Castagna
Ken and Denise Gold
Catholic Distance University, Charles Town, WV
Robert and Margaret Graham
Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Samuel Gregory
Rev. Robert Stagg
Judith Gum
Anthony Ciavaglia Kristin Coda Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Regina Crowley Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit John and +Constance D’Angelo Dr. Donald DeFabio Jerry Dempsey Angela Dinger 22
Livvy Dinneen
Patricia Gray Gloria Guarino Charles and Irene Gutmann Marilyn Haggerty William Heinbokel and Renee Trabert Brendan Hennessey Catherine and Michael Hennessey Timothy Hennessey-Crowell Kay and Kevin Higgins Kathleen Powers Holmes Deacon Lyn Houze Lois and Robert Hradil
Theresa Hunziker Marge Hussey Laura Ivan J. G. Schmidt Steel, Passaic, NJ Carlotta Jennings Judy and Richard Johnston Julia and Edward Jones Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski Ann Marie and Werner Kamuf Dr. Syna Kandarappallil Irene Kenison Walter and Kathleen Kennedy Thomas and Susan Kiernan Elaine Susan Kimball Carol and +James King Richard and Suzanne Kinney Marissa and Alex Klapwald
The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society Members of the Legacy Society make a gift to RENEW that will endure beyond their lifetimes. The following have named RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift.
Paul Kleissler Robert Kleissler Knights of Columbus Summit Council No. 783 Michael Knoblauch James Konzelman Joseph and Susan Konzelman, Jr. William and Mary Kreppein Alyssa Kropp
Monica Garofalo Robert and Margaret Graham Lynn Hull +Msgr. Thomas Ivory John Kennelly +Msgr. Tom Kleissler
+Kevin Lawler +Barbara Miller Jack Norris +Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page +Elizabeth Quinlan C. William Reilly
Joseph and Yutsuan Weiyeh Ku Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert Martin and Carol Ann Lang Lawson, Rescinio, Schibell & Associates, Oakhurst, NJ Frank and Elizabeth Lee, Jr. Mary Ann Leynes Monsignor Richard Liddy Peggy and Charlie Lockwood James and Minerva Lucarelli Kate Lund and +William Lund +Deceased
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Martin and Helen Lund
Paul and Grace Pedretti
Mary Macchiarola
Samantha Perrone
Geralyn and Richard Madsen
Elaine Pfaff
Eleanor Mahon
John and Patricia Plunkett
Reverend William Mahon
Thomas and Theresa Potenza
John and Lynda Mamone
William and Diane Prentice, Jr.
Reverend Jack Martin
Ryan Quick
Joseph Patrick Martinez
Reverend Anthony Randazzo
Rosemary McCague
Denise and Christopher Reece
Mary McDaniel
C. William Reilly
Jack and Carol McDermott
Robert and Mary Jane Reilly
Jerome and Martha McDevitt
Kristen Richardson
Lucy McGuirk
Laura and John Rokoszak
Jeanmarie Menichini
Denise Rover
Richard and Janet Michalowski
Lavinia Ruby
Millea Bros. Ltd., Boonton, NJ
Jeffrey and Carolynn Russell
Joanne and Michael Missaggia
Mary Ryan
William and Valerie Mitreuter
SBE Metals, Andover, MA
Susan Mol
Monica Schneider
Dr. Marianne Mount
Jeanne Schrempf
Kathleen Murnion
Peter and Carolyn Seibel
Timothy Murphy
Susan Shannon
Marguerite Musco
Monsignor Timothy Shugrue
Theodore Musco
Janet and John Skinner
NJR Energy Services, Wall, NJ
Kathleen Skrupskis
Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, Summit, NJ
Timothy and Joanne Collins Smee
James O’Brien
Richard and Anna Spalckhaver
Mary Ann O’Brien and Greg Kauger
Anthony and Flora Spera
James and Margaret O’Donnell
Reverend Robert Stagg
Office Equipment Company of Staten Island Inc.
Charles and Maureen Steele
Steven Oria and +Mary Beth Oria Our Lady of Fatima Knights of Columbus Council #4486, Park Ridge, NJ Laura Pallares Charles and Patricia Paolino 24
Joseph Smith
Vincent and Mary Sweeney John and Joan Szabo Andy Tabar - Lake Digital Martin and Carol Taglienti Edward and Patricia Thomas Arthur Tisi
Brooke Tisi
Sister Maureen Colleary, FSP
Title Masters LLC, Westfield, NJ
Agnes Collins
Eugene and Suellen Tozzi
Reverend Stephen Connor
Carolyn Traficante
Patricia Conway
Patricia Verdon
Rosemarie and Carl Crownover
Maureen Weiss
Sister Joan Curtin, CND
Diane Wenk
Gerald Dalzell
Thomas and Ann White
Susan Davis
Patricia Wiley and Wendy Miller
Ted and Maureen De Marinis
William H. Sadlier, Inc.
Jacquelyn Devoti
Theresa Winard
Kristine DiCoio
MaryEllen Woodstock
Michael Diesso
Maureen Zoch
Anne Dievler Mary Doller
Supporters up to $99
Robert and Patricia Donnelly
Sister Joan Agro, OP
Barbara Espinoza
Amazon Smile
Joan Everson
Leisa Anslinger
Judith Faley
Rosario Arevalo
Peter and Toni Fiore
Sister Laura Arvin, OP
Sister Margaret Flood, OP
David and Teresa Aten
Soeurette Fougere
Ruth Birdsall
Richard and Eva Fuller
Russell and Candice Borner
John and Mary Jane Gannon
Thomas and Judy Brodell
Martin and Susan Garofalo
Alfred and Ann Marie Bruno
Terry Giannetto
John “Bob” Bursley
Peter and Patricia Glen
Judith Cagney
Chela Gonzalez
Susan Cannilla
Michael and Margarita Granata
Stephanie and Tom Caputo
Charlotte Gregory
Joanne Carey
Carolyn Gulbin
Fred Marra and Donnamarie Carrai
Mary Ann and Vince Gulbin
Barbara Romani Carroll
Martha-Ann Hagedorn
Ed Casey
Cora Hamway
S. J. Cerniglia
Marilou Heim
Jean-Marc Chapus
Claire Hintze
Emily Chavez
Robert and Mary Beth Howath
Linda Chmielarz
David Howe 25
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Hummel Integrated Marketing Solutions, Union, NJ
Beatrice Murday
Wanda Hussey
Kevin and JoAnn Neylan
Douglas and Mary Hutchings
Mary Anne Nugent
Yvette Hutchins
Jeanne Oursler
Dierdre James and James Wheaton
Christian Paolino
Larry and Sandra Johns
Anthony and Eileen Paparella
Matthew and Marie Kaspar
Margaret Patterson
Philip and Ruth Keilen
PayPal Giving Fund
Brian and Patricia Kelly
Loretta Pehanich
Patricia Kent
John and Erin Pettit
Sister Dolores Keyser, ESEH
Ken and Eleanora Phillips
Kerrin Kissel
Judy Pluta
Diane and Geof Kledzik
Mario and Diane Pola, Jr.
Patricia and Alan Knittel
Darling Previl
Paul Krenzelok
Sarah Prunoske
Elizabeth Lani
Don and Roshan Quigley
Vita Lanza
Joseph Quinn
Darlyne Lawson
Isabel Rasoilo
Sister Mary Lechtenberg, OSF
Pamela Ray
Madeleine Lee
Maryann Reichley
M. Therese Liddy
Genevieve Richards-Wright
Eileen Linehan
Jean Richtmyre
John and Rita Linehan
Thomas and Amy Rickard
John and Patricia Magovern
Bertrand and Joan Rottkamp
Pat Maloney
Anthony and Sunday Ruvolo
Richard and Kelly Maltagliati
Martin Sanzari
Janet Mangano
Anne Scanlan
Marcella Martin
Patricia Schaeffer
Catherine McCann
Gloria Secchia
Ursula McGovern
Sisters of St. Dominic of Babylon, NY
Sister Mary McGuinness, OP
Theresa Slade
Michael and Susan McGuinness
Ronald and Patricia Spielman
Carol McIntyre
Marie St Cloud
Anna Monti
Gloria Blanchfield Thomas
Kathleen and Robert Moore
Joseph Thomas
Sister Mary Teresita Morse, RJM
Irene Tomassoni
Linda Nash
Dianne Rigano Moschetta 26
Dawn Tomei
Thomas Quinlan, III
Dolores Vazquez
Maggie and Robert Reilly
Richard and Regan Vosler
Mariann Salisbury
Eleanor Wall
Kelly Thos. Shay
Mary Whiteside
Dennis and Diane Stripe
Carolyn Winchester
Andy Tabar - Lake Digital
Patricia Wolpert
Trader Joe’s, Westfield, NJ
Lester Zaleski
Vincentsen Blasi Architecture, Westfield, NJ
Robert and Kathleen Zifchock
John Clark and Jeanette Walton
In-Kind Donations (Gifts of Goods and Services)
Westfield Health and Rehabilitation, LLC
Anthony Bellucci
Patricia Wiley and Wendy Miller
Fred Marra and Donnamarie Carrai
Sister Alice Yohe, CSJ
Donald J. and Elizabeth H. Whittam
Cathy Donovan and +Raymond Donovan Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club, Bedminster, NJ Robert and Mary Beth Howath Hubspot Marge Hussey Hyatt Hills Golf Complex, Clark, NJ IT Radix, Whippany, NJ David and Susan Janazzo Kat Kuo Design Kendra Scott at The Mall at Short Hills, NJ Marissa and Alex Klapwald James and Minerva Lucarelli Ann Marie McCabe Robert and Margaret McGovern Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Rick and Addie Moore Oh’ Brian’s on the Green, Clark, NJ Dona and Michael Panagos
We thank all our friends, volunteers, supporters, and honorees not mentioned here. We truly could not do this work without you.
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
Leadership STAFF
Finance and Business Operations
President and Executive Director
Denise Reece, controller Yvette Hutchins
Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min. Susan Capurso, Executive Assistant
Vice President, Pastoral Services and Operations Theodore Musco
Customer and Shared Services Joseph Baricelli, manager Martha Ann Hagedorn Dawn Tomei
Development Marissa Klapwald, Director Mary Beth Howath Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Mariann Salisbury
Sales and Marketing Deacon Peter Fiore, Director Jennifer Bober Paul Krenzelok
Pastoral Services Mary Ann Ernesto, associate director Sr. Ruth Bolarte, IHM John Fontana Dr. Sourette Fougère Sr. Chela Gonzalez, OP Paul Krenzelok Sr. Honora Nicholson, RSM Sr. Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP Rev. Jeremiah Browne Sr. Áine Hughes, HC Charmaine Woolard
Publications and Resources Deacon Charles Paolino, Managing Editor
President Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler
Volunteer Staff Bill Ayres Alice Hugh Brown Diane Forastiero Sharon Krause
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min, President & Executive Director Eric Dill, Chair Patricia A. Murphy, Secretary Vincent Sweeney, Treasurer Victoria Carey Livvy Dinneen Raymond J. Donovan* Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Martin Garofalo Jennifer Jehn Robert P. “Pat” Kane Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, Ph.D.
Robert P. McGovern Lisa Meehan John Mulderig Rev. Abraham Orapankal Mario Paredes Dominick Preziosi Jr. Walter I. Rickard Felipe “Flip” Sanchez Michael Singer Dennis Stripe Donald Whittam William Simon Jr., senior advisor to the board
CORPORATE BOARD His Eminence, Joseph William Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., Chairman Very Reverend John J. Chadwick, S.T.D. Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D. Min. Sr. Patricia Wormann, O.P., M.Div., M.S.W. Reverend Timothy G. Graff
RENEW International IMPACT Report 2021
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RENEW’s Blog: Branching Out
Spend time connecting faith to life with reflections on everyday spirituality and the coming Sunday Gospel. Subscribe for updates by entering your email into the “Join our Community” box:
OUR MISSION To renew personal faith and parish life—unlocking the power of small groups by equipping laity and clergy to share their Catholic faith and live it every day.
RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA
@ 2021 RENEW International