RENEW International Annual Report 2018

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Annual Report 2018

The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misi贸n de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovaci贸n espiritual enraizada en la tradici贸n de la Iglesia Cat贸lica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

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Contents From Our President


A Message from Our Board


Forward at Forty


Pastoral Offerings 5 Be My Witness/Sean mis Testigos

Baptism Matters ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE unámonos en Cristo Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? Spirituality for Everyday Life Sedientos de Dios Balancing Faith & Work Live Lent! Creation at the Crossroads RENEW Scripture Series

Page 6

RENEW Worldwide


Young Adult Ministry


Where RENEW Serves


Financial Summary


Management and Operations


Development Program




Board of Trustees




Connect with RENEW


RENEW Africa Mission in the Dominican Republic

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Annual Report 2018

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From Our President I think we all learned in school about the Roman god Janus, the namesake for the month of January, who had two faces—one looking behind and one looking ahead. In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of transition from past to future. With the help of the true God, RENEW International has been in that position, looking back and looking forward as we have been celebrating our 40th anniversary and planning for an even more impactful future for our ministry with parishes. As we look back at the work begun four decades ago, we can rejoice in the fact that RENEW staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and trustees have collaborated to transform Catholic parishes and to motivate Catholics in dozens of countries to connect their faith in Jesus Christ to what they say and do in daily life. Over those years, RENEW distinguished itself as a provider of resources for small groups; in fact, an estimated 80 percent of all parish small communities are the result of a RENEW process. That history has inspired us to look Forward at 40, knowing that we are doing so at a crucial time in the life of the Catholic Church—a time in which Church attendance is in sharp decline and a time in which young adults, millennials, are particularly disaffected, not only from the Catholic Church but from religious faith in general. More than half of those raised in Catholic families no longer regard themselves as Catholic as young adults. We move forward also aware that the new sexualabuse and coverup scandal in the Church has had a chilling effect on many faithful Catholics. Far from being discouraged by these developments, RENEW believes that our mission is precisely what is needed to address them through thoughtful and innovative programs that will help make the Church once again a welcoming home for many who are angry, hurt, or confused. Already, we are fully engaged: • developing a digitally-based program to prepare young parents for the baptism of their children; • planning a resource to help parishioners engage in conversation regarding the sexual-abuse scandal, leading to both prayer and a call for action; • devising a strategy to spread “Faith and Work Groups” through the business world and in parishes; • building our capacity to take full advantage of modern technology to serve the church more effectively; • taking steps to ensure our future. As a critical step in achieving these goals, we launched our Forward at 40 capital campaign. There are details about the campaign in this report, and you will learn more about it in the coming year. From the day RENEW was founded 40 years ago, its success has depended on the collective commitment and work of a network of people that extends out over this country and beyond. Our future depends on the same communal effort. You’ve walked with us in the past; we invite you to stay by our side for an exciting future.

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director 2

RENEW International

A Message from Our Board During the past months, RENEW International has celebrated its 40th anniversary by hosting a series of important events: a reception at the United States Bishop’s annual meeting to honor four bishops who successfully implemented a RENEW process, our annual Gala, and a pilgrimage to sacred sites in Italy. We will conclude our anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving on November 4, 2018, for staff members and friends of RENEW, past and present. No event could have been more appropriate to mark the 40th anniversary, however, than the Symposium on Pastoral Renewal held at Seton Hall University on April 19. There was a buzz and energy among the hundreds of lay Catholics, priests, and religious who actively participated in a day of inspiring talks and enthusiastic discussion focused on the subjects that define RENEW’s mission: reinvigoration of parishes and application of Christian faith to daily life. The presence of Monsignors Thomas A. Kleissler and Thomas Ivory, co-founders of RENEW, was a visible reminder of the idealism and optimism that fueled our origins and that energizes us as we look ahead to our ministry in the contemporary world. Cardinal Tobin’s presentation of a Papal decree, along with his own personal recognition of our co-founders, was affirming! The fiscal year was also a highly productive period for RENEW, including the publication of a new resource, Balancing Faith & Work and incorporation of Ignatian Business Chapters into RENEW; publication of Live Lent! for liturgical year B, the second volume in this new series; beginning of work on Baptism Matters, an important new program designed to engage young parents in a way that will make them feel welcome in the Church; commission of a new book by popular writer Chris Lowney based on Rejoice and Be Glad, a stirring document by Pope Francis; expansion of our ministry in southern Africa; and continuation of ministry in the Dominican Republic. While all this was being accomplished, RENEW continued carrying out its strategic plan to assure its fiscal sustainability. Steps toward this goal have included engagement with the Board of Trustees and Finance Committee; smart and vigorous fundraising, including the Capital Campaign; addition of a new customer relationship management system; prudent decisions regarding expenses; and intelligent use of partnerships, adjunct staff, contractors, and volunteers. The future is to be written, and will most certainly present challenges: changing attitudes toward religion, and toward the Catholic Church in particular, economic pressures on dioceses and parishes, and increasing secularism and divisiveness within our communities. RENEW has confronted challenges before, and has found creative ways to carry on its ministry despite them, and to become stronger because of them. With your help, we will move forward from 40, motivating Catholics to live what they believe as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. The Capital Campaign is off to a great start, thanks to the generosity of the initial donors. Now we are asking all of our friends to support the campaign and to continue your help for RENEW as we move ahead into our fifth decade. As always, thank you for all you do.

Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees

Annual Report 2018


Symposium on Pastoral Renewal

More than 200 participants gather at the RENEW symposium in the new Bethany Hall conference center at Seton Hall.

Anniversary highlight: Hundreds attend symposium on pastoral renewal RENEW International is celebrating its 40th anniversary—looking back at four decades of spiritual renewal of parishes in the United States and abroad and looking ahead to new opportunities to serve the needs of individual Catholics and their faith communities. A highlight of the celebration was the Monsignors Thomas A. Kleissler and Thomas Erica Naumann, Ivory Symposium on Pastoral Renewal, held in April at Seton Hall University in South Orange, N.J. graduate assistant at Seton Hall’s Center • The event was hosted by RENEW International in partnership with The Center for Catholic for Catholic Studies, Studies at Seton Hall and America Media. comments on table •M ore than two hundred lay men and women, clergy, and religious men and women discussion during the symposium. attended. •K eynote speaker William Simon Jr., chairman of Parish Catalyst and author of Great Catholic Parishes, addressed four foundational practices of successful parishes: leadership; fostering of spiritual maturity and planning for discipleship; excellence in the Sunday celebration; and evangelization. •P anelists Chris Lowney, author of Everyone Leads; Sister Terry Rickard, OP, president of RENEW; Father Bismarck Chau, pastor of St. Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral in Newark, N.J.; and Leisa Anslinger, director of Catholic Life and Faith spoke on these practices. • Speakers responded to questions from attendees and topics raised in table discussions. •F ather Matt Malone, SJ of America Media was moderator.


Joseph Cardinal Tobin, archbishop of Newark, presents papal blessings and the cardinal’s own letter of congratulations to RENEW founders Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler, left, and Monsignor Thomas Ivory. Cardinal Tobin led evening prayer at the symposium and shared his reflections on RENEW’s ministry.

RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos Touching lives in 34 dioceses! Transforming parishes into a centers of missionary discipleship Distinctive resources in English and Spanish Available in editions for the vision-impaired One phase for pastors, parish leaders, staff • Training • Planning activities • Best practices • Consultation with RENEW pastoral staff One phase for all parishioners • Small-group faith sharing, 12 sessions • Real-life witness videos on line • Scripture and prayer • Commitment to missionary outreach

This small-group faith-sharing resource … inspired by Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel is designed to inspire and equip not only individual Catholics but whole parishes to embrace the challenge to proclaim the faith far and wide.”

— From the foreword by Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda, archbishop of St.Paul and Minneapolis

The Web Marketing Association gave RENEW its award for the best faith-based web site for 2017—the Be My Witness/ Sean mis testigos web site! Annual Report 2018


Pastoral Offerings

RENEW is developing a baptism-preparation process designed to nurture young parents and accompany them on a journey to discipleship. • A multi-media process for a digitally-oriented generation • On-line learning modules for users’ convenience – to orient parish staff to make young parents feel welcome in the Church – to form parents and godparents in knowledge of the sacrament and their obligation to pass on the faith to their children – challenge parents and godparents to live out their own baptismal vocations in the community of the Church • Piloting planned for January 2019 This project is a partnership with My Catholic Faith Delivered and Holy Cross Family Ministries.

ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE unámonos en Cristo

Small groups participated in more As a group we ‘Arose Together in Faith,’ than 200 parishes in 19 dioceses. and we have formed a strong bond with • Infusing parishes, through small our ARISE family, going forward to be groups, with spiritual renewal better Christians.” — Daisy Frankson, St. Vincent Ferrer and evangelization Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn • Participants develop a closer relationship with Christ, grow in community, reach out in service to others • Five “seasons,” six sessions each, over three years • Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Lithuanian, and Vietnamese • Available in large print and in Braille Parishes in these dioceses participated in ARISE/LEVÁNTATE during the 2017-2018 fiscal year: Atlanta, Baltimore, Brooklyn, Honolulu, Houston, Lansing, Monterey, Port Elizabeth (South Africa) Rockville Centre, San Diego, San Jose, Scranton, and About 150 people turn out for an ARISE/LEVÁNTATE workshop at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Sacramento Church in Astoria, Queens, in the Diocese of Brooklyn. 6

RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico?

Small groups participated in 140 parishes in four dioceses. Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? provides men and women with solid answers to the question the title poses: Why are we Catholic? What does it mean to be Catholic? How do we live as Catholics? The parish- based process consists of four faith-sharing books of 12 sessions each, typically experienced in eight “seasons” over four years: • BELIEVE: Profession of Faith

This embroidered bookmark was made by a Why Catholic? participant in London, Ontario.

• PRAY: Christian Prayer • LIVE: Christian Morality • CELEBRATE: Sacraments Through Why Catholic? participants explore the teachings of the faith as they are presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults and invites them to consider how their faith affects the way they live as individuals and as a community. Small groups have been participating in Why Catholic? in the dioceses of Anchorage, Fort WayneSouth Bend, Miami, and Johannesburg (South Africa).

A group gathers for a Why Catholic? workshop in the Diocese of Monterey. Leading the workshop is Sr. Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP, a Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose, California, and a member or RENEW’s Pastoral Services Team.

Spirituality for Everyday Life

These two books, based on the work of best-selling author Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, explore the “stages of discipleship”—in other words, how we evolve over time as people whose lives are formed by the teaching of Jesus: • Longing for the Holy, based on Fr. Rolheiser’s Holy Longing, treats “essential discipleship.” What do the incarnation, the Eucharist, and the Paschal mystery have to do with justice, sexuality, community, and living a spiritual life? • Living in the Sacred, based on Fr. Rolheiser’s Sacred Fire, treats “mature discipleship”— how life’s struggles can make us less concerned with ourselves and more concerned with how we may contribute to the common good.

Sedientos de Dios

A Spanish language resource by evangelist Adele Gonzalez, Sedientos de Dios, is a 12-session pastoral guide that invites participants to perceive how the Holy Spirit helps them see the presence of God in their lives. Each session draws on the experience of a saint, such as St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Teresa of Ávila.

Annual Report 2018


Pastoral Offerings Balancing Faith & Work

RENEW staff has been designing marketing and sales strategies for this faith-sharing resource, Balancing Faith & Work, which continues our mission—inspiring Catholics to apply their faith to everyday life: • won first place in the general-interest category in the “Excellence in Publishing Awards” given by the Association of Catholic Publishers. • appeals to existing small groups known as Ignatian Business Chapters • suitable for parish-based small groups of people who are in the working world • offers 12 faith-sharing sessions based on reallife examples of moral leadership in the workplace • based on the thoughts of best-selling Catholic author Chris Lowney.

Chris Lowney, right, whose books inspired Balancing Faith & Work, with John Fontana, RENEW’s Director of Ignatian Business Chapters

Business chapters receive a monthly newsletter from John Fontana, RENEW’s Director of Ignatian Business Chapters, with current business articles and case studies.

Live Lent!

RENEW prepared to introduce the third book in the Live Lent! series— reflections for Liturgical Year C.

Nearly 5400 copies of Live Lent! for Year B were sold during its first season. This resource is unique, because it provides both small-group faithsharing sessions for each Sunday of Lent—written by Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, and personal reflections for each day of the season by Deacon Charles Paolino. The sessions urge users to do what the title implies—preparing for the Easter celebration not only by self-denial but by taking actions that will improve our own spiritual and moral lives and help build up the lives of others, especially those most in need. • Prayer • Gospel readings and Old Testament background • Personal reflection • Examples of gospel action • Prompts and space for journaling 8

Kathleen Swindler, a New Jersey traffic engineer, was attracted to Live Lent! by the cover image of a crosswalk. Although she hadn’t planned to participate, she said, “I am so thankful that the connection with the cover inspired me to put aside my excuses. I enjoyed the beautiful reflections of the book with my group. I have grown so much through the small groups, both in my faith and in my connection to the parish!”

RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings Creation at the Crossroads

Excessive heat, drought, floods, wild fires, hurricanes—a parade of extreme weather events remind us of the relevance of Creation at the Crossroads, a 12-session faith-sharing resource written for RENEW by Msgr. Edward J. Ciuba based on the encyclical Laudato si’ by Pope Francis: • prayers that evoke the wonders of creation and our place among them • examples of environmental crises • scripture passages that provoke thought about the natural world • reflections on issues of justice and responsibility • questions for reflection on issues related to environment • examples of actions that individuals and groups can take.

Youngsters visit an exhibit on pollination at an Earth Day event in April 2017 at St. Andrew by the Bay Parish in Annapolis, Md. Seven small groups that participated in Creation at the Crossroads inspired the parish to form a Creation Care Team to move the parish and the community at large to action.

RENEW Scripture Series

RENEW continued developing two more books for its Scripture Series— one, by Father David Reid, sscc, treating the Gospel of Mark, and one, by Martin A. Lang, treating the Gospel of John. Like the two books already published in this series—Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! and Matthew: Come Follow Me, both by Dr. Lang—these two will include • sessions suitable for use by small groups or individuals Father David Reid Martin A. Lang • treatment of the entire Gospels • prayer • the Old Testament background of gospel passages • reflections that place the readers in the context of the Gospel scenes • questions to prompt participants response to the Scripture • examples of actions to put gospel lessons into practice • prompts and space for journaling. RENEW also offers a free app, Pray the Gospels, that leads users through the lectio divina method of praying with the Scriptures.

Annual Report 2018


RENEW Africa RENEW’s self-sustaining ministry in South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland continued to flourish during fiscal 2018 with additional resources made available in four languages. The RENEW Africa national office is directed by Father Jerry Browne with administrative support from Charmaine Woolard. Sister Aine Hughes provides pastoral ministry in the Archdiocese of Pretoria and the Diocese of Klerksdorp.

Father Jerry Browne

Charmaine Woolard

Duncan Hyam

• The Diocese of Klerksdorp, with a little more than 20 parishes, prepared to launch RENEW Africa during fiscal 2019. • Luke: My Spirit Rejoices!, the first book in the RENEW Scripture Series, was formatted for sale in three volumes rather than one and was translated into Xhosa and Afrikaans. The English book was printed and the books in the other two languages were being proofread. • Posters and flyers were created at the Plainfield office promoting Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! for small groups with imagery more relatable to South African audiences and sized appropriately for the paper used in that country. • At Prayer with Mary was translated into Xhosa and Afrikaans. • Sowing Seeds: Essentials for Small-Group Leaders was translated into Swazi and printed for use in Swaziland. • Small groups in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth used At Prayer With Mary during Lent. • Small groups in Swaziland began Season One of RENEW Africa during Lent. • RENEW on the Air continued to broadcast on the Catholic outlet Radio Veritas, including live shows with listener call-ins. Duncan Hyam, the RENEW Africa and Why Catholic? coordinator in Johannesburg, hosts the program, which presents pre-rehearsed sessions of smallgroup faith-sharing. The program has received positive feedback from around the country and Swaziland.


RENEW International

Mission in the Dominican Republic RENEW’s mission in the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo continued through and beyond this period. Faith-sharing groups in several parishes and missions began meeting in the fall of 2016, using LEVÁNTATE Unámonos en Cristo (ARISE). Some groups have completed all five seasons, and some, in three missions that began later, are still engaged. RENEW coordinated with the Sister Parish Ministry, a partnership of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Ponte Vedra, Florida, to launch LEVÁNATE in very poor communities. Bob Hart, a co-founder of the ministry, was instrumental in RENEW’s participation in this mission.

LEVÁNTATE participants in the Dominican Republic pause for a group “selfie.”

My most important blessing since we have LEVÁNTATE here in La Joya is learning the word of God and, more important, to live it—being a living testimonial for others in the community. I am not the same person that I was before. LEVÁNTATE has transformed my life in Christ with more love for my family members and the people of the community. I am more joyful, more enthusiastic, and in love with the Lord.”

— Alicia Oliva Rojas, La Joya Mission

Young Adult Ministry: RENEW Theology on Tap RENEW Theology on Tap invites young adults to discover the importance of faith in their lives, attracted participants in 58 dioceses during this period. Young people gather where they might normally congregate and relax—usually in restaurants and bars—to eat and drink and listen to a speaker on some aspect of the Catholic faith. The following were among the topics presented during this fiscal year: • “How Do I Pray With the Scriptures?— Washington, D.C. Young Catholic adults gather for a Theology on Tap session in Cheyenne, • “The Real Presence: I Believe … Do You?”— Wyoming. Photo by Maria Ward Rochester, N.Y. • “Why Am I So Good at Sinning?”—Woodside, Queens, N.Y. • “From Fake News to Catholic Media”—Cherry Hill, N.J. • “Theology of the Body and Marriage”—Santa Clara, Calif. • “Discernment for Dummies”—Albuquerque, N.M. • “Finding God in Daily Life”—Palm Harbor, Fla. Annual Report 2018


Where RENEW Serves Alberta WA MT OR







RENEW’s Pastoral Process Locations* ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Be My Witness (orange) Why Catholic? (green) RENEW Africa (purple) Theology on Tap (brown)


RENEW International






















South Africa


Gulf of Mexico

Dominican Republic


Annual Report 2018


Financial Summary In our 40th Anniversary year, RENEW International’s financial position continues to improve. Revenue exceeded last year by more than $240K, or 13%, while operating expenses decreased by more than $200K, or 8 %, compared to last year. Our Capital Campaign kicked off in the fall, contributing over $400K in revenue in this inaugural year of our five year campaign. Reduced operating costs are the result of strategic initiatives begun in the last two years to streamline our processes and operations, to return RENEW to financial sustainability. The following table and graphs contain key financial data for fiscal years ended June 30, 2018 and 2017.

RENEW International Key Statistics (dollars in thousands)

Full Year Ended June 30 2018 2017

Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss







Assets (without Endowment)




$2,570 $2,750

Total Assets



Total Net Assets



Endowment Income TOTAL INCOME

RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) $134 $228 6% 9%

$151 $203 6% 8%

$1,972 85%

FY 2018 Actual Ministry Costs


$2,187 86%

FY 2017 Actual Development Costs

Gen & Admin Costs

RENEW International

Management and Operations Regional pastoral representatives visiting RENEW headquarters in New Jersey are, from left, Sister Veronica Mendez, RCD; Rosa Maria Sánchez, OP; Father Abraham Orapankal; Sister Honora Nicholson, RSM; Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP; and Sister Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP. Strategic organizational initiatives implemented within the last two years to rebuild RENEW’s infrastructure are beginning to yield results. Through its management and operations, our internal processes are being transformed; the RENEW team now leverages new sources of talent and technology to be more proactive, dynamic, and cost-effective when delivering products and services to our customers. Our parish and diocesan pastoral programs are more focused and readily adaptive to meet the broad span of evangelization and faith formation needs presented by parishes and dioceses across the United States and around the world. Finally, RENEW has begun to make necessary investments in technology and human resources to meet the needs of our new ministry model. RENEW is • working closely with external partners to deliver new faith-based programs in 2019 that leverage technology and digital media infrastructure to meet more parishioners and young-adult Catholics where and when they need our pastoral program solutions • expanding its use of regional pastoral representatives, giving RENEW additional flexibility in providing pastoral support nationally • experiencing positive results from our shared-services support model; through this centralized system, we are streamlining our workflow, better addressing seasonal resource needs • implementing a new CRM system to enable our sales and pastoral teams to better connect with our parish and diocesan constituents • in the initial stages of an IT infrastructure overhaul project to discover where the current infrastructure falls short, and to determine a plan to meet operational needs going forward.

Customer Service

The coordinator of a parish contacted Customer Service to inquire if we offered ARISE in Braille; a blind woman in the parish was eager to participate in small-group faith-sharing. RENEW was able to partner with Xavier Society for the Blind to provide the first season of ARISE in Braille in time for the customer to start faith-sharing with her group. Her husband, also blind, was so moved that he joined her for Season 2 of ARISE. RENEW has made it possible for this couple to grow and be an active part of an ARISE faith-sharing group.

Annual Report 2018



Supporters attending RENEW’s annual Gala chat during the cocktail hour in the beautiful surroundings of the Pleasantdale Chateau in West Orange, New Jersey. RENEW’s ministry of parish revitalization is made possible in part by the generous donations of individual donors and foundations. Our donors are partners in our work.

The Capital Campaign

In January 2018, RENEW launched the Forward at 40 Campaign. This fundraising initiative is designed to further four priorities: • Engage Young Adults and Young Families in the Catholic Faith

Net development revenue Annual Fund $101,445 Grants $214,622 Capital Campaign $406,750

• Grow the Ignatian Business Chapters • Build Capacity • Ensure Our Future

Gala $274,407

The goal of this comprehensive campaign is to raise $4 million in three years to take our work to the next level—and the next generation. During the “quiet” phase of the campaign, RENEW reached out to its closest friends and supporters. The campaign will be announced publicly at the Mass of Thanksgiving on November 4, the event that will conclude our 40th anniversary observance.

Supporters of the Capital Campaign

The Lynch Foundation made a leading gift of $1 million in support of the Endowment and the Baptism Matters project. Peter Lynch, a past Gala honoree, with his late wife Carolyn, a former board member, were early RENEW participants who traveled on RENEW training trips to India and Nigeria. Long-time supporters Bill and Mary Noel Page pledged $250,000 in support of the Campaign. Mary Noel is a former Board member. The names of others who have joined in supporting Forward at 40 through early October 2018 are listed on the next page:


RENEW International

Capital Campaign Donors Fiscal Year 2018

THE LYNCH FOUNDATION THE PAGE FAMILY FOUNDATION The Cushman Foundation Eric and Karen Dill Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti Bernard Hartnett Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Patrick McMahon Jack Norris Leslie and Eileen Quick Walter and Lynn Rickard Michael and Mary Singer Michael and Ida Tropiano

Frank and Mimi Walsh (Sandy Hill Foundation) Donald and Elizabeth Whittam

Fiscal Year 2019

Robert W. Dempsey Livvy Dinneen Martin and Susan Garofalo Dierdre James and James Wheaton Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly Vincent and Mary Sweeney Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. Carol and Robert Williams

The Annual Fund

Many of RENEW’s donors responded to appeals sent out in the Fall, at Christmas and Easter. The Annual Fund raised over $100,000 in the 2018 Fiscal Year.


In the past fiscal year, RENEW secured grants totaling more than $214, 000 from the following charitable foundations: • The Cushman Foundation • The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust • The James and Loretta Colotto Foundation • The Lynch Foundation • Le Moyne College: Madden School of Business • William T. and Marie J. Hendersen Foundation

The Gala

This year’s gala raised more than $274,000. Honorees included Les Quick III (President’s Award), Thomas J. Quinlan III (Spirit of RENEW Award), and RENEW’s “Founding Mothers,” Sr. Donna Ciangio, OP, Catherine Martin PhD, and Sr. Suzanne Golas, CSJP (Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Award).

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society

Members of the Legacy Society are those who have chosen to give a gift to RENEW that will endure beyond their lifetime. The following have named RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift: • Monica Garofalo • Robert and Margaret Graham • Lynn Hull • Msgr. Thomas Ivory • John Kennelly • Msgr. Tom Kleissler • +Kevin Lawler Annual Report 2018

• +Barbara Miller • Jack Norris • +Kathy Norris • Mary Noel Page • +Elizabeth Quinlan • C. William Reilly + Deceased



RENEW supporters during the period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018

PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY $20,000 and above Cushman Foundation George and Patricia Erdman James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler

Le Moyne College, Madden School of Business The Lynch Foundation Jack Norris

Les and Eileen Quick Thomas Quinlan, III Sandy Hill Foundation (Frank and Mimi Walsh) Michael and Ida Tropiano

PATRONS OF RENEW $10,000 and above James and Virginia Collins The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust

News America Marketing (Marty Garofalo) Mary Noel and William Page

Walter and Lynn Rickard Carol and Robert Williams

PARTNERS IN MISSION $5,000 and above Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney Eric and Karen Dill Dolly and Floyd Donahue Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti

Sr. Suzanne Golas, CSJP Massey Quick Simon & Co., LLC Saint Rose of Lima Church, Short Hills, NJ +Barbara Miller John Mulderig Mario Paredes

Christopher Quick Sullivan and Cromwell LLP William E. Simon Foundation William T. and Marie J. Henderson Foundation Inc.

SPONSORS $1,000 and above Anthony and Maggie Browne The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, Westfield, NJ Msgr. Edward Ciuba Tony Coelho and Robert Dreher Sr. Mary Ann Collins, OP and Friends Community of the Sisters of St. Dominic, Caldwell, NJ Joseph Cuttone David and Marika Parsels Jerry Dempsey Robert Dempsey Richard and Susan Diegnan James and Mary DiNardo Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, NY Brian Donovan John and Jeremy Fieseler Diane Forastiero Gilbert and Michelle Santaliz Bernard Hartnett

Mark and Carol Hassenberg Healey Family Foundation Thomas and Mary Healy Yasmin Islami and John Henschel Kay Higgins David and Susan Janazzo Thomas and Susan Kiernan Eric and Elizabeth Koch John Magnier Fr. William Mahon Deirdre Trabert Malacrea and Richard Malacrea, Jr. James and Ann McCormick Robert and Margaret McGovern Kenneth McKenna Patrick McMahon Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Terence Meehan Richard and Janet Michalowski Murphy and James, LLC: Patricia Murphy and Dierdre James

Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, Summit, NJ Terence and Polly O’Toole Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Bernardsville, NJ The Parish Community of Saint Helen, Westfield, NJ Prudence and Terry Pigott C. William Reilly Michael and Mary Singer Sisters of St Francis of Peace, Haverstraw, NY John and Nancy Sumas Charleen Szenyi Richard and Germaine Trabert Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. Laurence Walsh Bob and Kim Wojtowicz Mary and Edwin Zipf

Alyson Bolton Ann and Stan Borowiec Peter and Catherine Bowen John and Marguerite Boyce Frank Brady Michael and Stephanie Brough Patrick and Veronica Brunnock Vincent and Christina Budd Rosalie Bulger-Buzzi Muriel and William Cagney Robert and Mary Callander Susan and Vito Capurso

John and Maribeth Carey Melinda and Tim Carney Michele Castagna Agnes Collins Regina Crowley Marybeth Curran Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit Joseph and Priscilla Cwikla Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Jim and Betty Davidson Livvy Dinneen Diocese of Metuchen

FRIENDS $100 and above Maria Abreugoris Annette Altamore Davila Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, Alexandria, VA Mary Anderson Thomas and Mary Anderson Andy Tabar & Lake Digital, LLC The Angeletti Group Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office Angelica Barrera-Cruz Bernard and Marion Berry, Jr. Mary Tanaskovic Bitting

+ Deceased


RENEW International

Donors FRIENDS $100 and above (continued) Robert and Patricia Donnelly Martin and Karen Doris Ronald and Denise Dower David and Elizabeth Duggan Bertrand and Milissa Else Joseph and Patricia Esposito James Fagan Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis Kathleen Fedorko Paula Flynn Paul and Kathleen Foley John Fontana Gerry-Jo and Christian Cranmer GIA Publications, Inc. Thomas Giblin Arlene Gigon Robert Gigon Robert and Margaret Graham Richard and Bernice Gray Marilyn Haggerty William Heinbokel and Renee Trabert Fr. Francis A. Heinen Msgr. Owen Hendry Brendan Hennessey Catherine and Michael Hennessey Paul and Dorothy Hennessey Marina Herrera, Ph.D. Casey Herrlich Robert and Mary Beth Howath Hummel Integrated Marketing Solutions Marge Hussey Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scotch Plains, NJ ITRadix Carlotta Jennings Eartha and Stanley Johnson Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski Robert (“Pat”) and Sharon Kane Elaine Kimball James and Carol King Marissa and Alex Klapwald + Edwin Kleissler + Gertrude Kleissler Robert Kleissler Knights of Columbus Summit Council No. 783 Joseph and Susan Konzelman, Jr. William and Mary Kreppein Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert John Lentinello Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom Eileen Linehan Manuel Lopez and Yenitza Olmo Lumen Center - Sisters of St. Dominic, Caldwell, NJ Jeremiah and Joan Lynch Mark and Melinda Pesci Joseph Patrick Martinez Mary Alexis McCormack

Edward and Margaret McDermott Jack and Carol McDermott Michael and Joan Jenkoski Midland Paper Packaging and Supplies Edward and Ellen Miller Rick and Addie Moore Louise Murray Linda Nash North American Forum for Small Christian Communities Notre Dame Roman Catholic Church, North Caldwell, NJ James and Margaret O’Donnell Office Equipment Company of Staten Island Inc. One:Ten Communications Oregon Catholic Press Mary Beth and Steven Oria Kerry Oursler Dona and Michael Panagos Chuck and Pat Paolino Peace Ministries-Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Paul and Grace Pedretti Thomas and Theresa Potenza William and Diane Prentice, Jr. Barbara and Dominick Preziosi, Jr. + Elizabeth Quinlan Fr. Charles Reinbold Kristiana Ressa Kristen Richardson + Peter Rickard Sally Rickard

Denise Rover Lavinia Ruby George and Joanne Ruotolo Mary and John Ryan Timothy Saburn Bartholomew and Mary Sheehan, Jr. Timothy Smee and Joanne Collins Smee Richard and Anna Spalckhaver SpeedBinder, Inc. Anthony and Flora Spera St. Mary’s Abbey-Benedictine Monks, Morristown, NJ St. Michael Church, Cranford, NJ Wendy Lane Stevens Lauren Strollo and Charles Beyer Vincent and Mary Sweeney Edward and Patricia Thomas Mary Tierney Title Masters LLC Union Catholic Regional High School Patricia Verdon Kenneth and Linda Wasser Joseph and Yutsuan Weiyeh Ku Diane Wenk Westfield Health and Rehabilitation, LLC Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Patricia Wiley Patricia Wolpert Harry Wolverton + Stephen Woodstock MaryEllen Woodstock Thomas and Kathleen Wynne

Catherine Martin PhD; Sister Suzanne Golas, CSJP; and Sister Donna Ciangio, OP, who were among the honorees at RENEW’s 2018 Gala, were instrumental in the founding of RENEW. Sister Donna Ciangio has been appointed chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark. + Deceased

Annual Report 2018


Thomas J. Quinlan with Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, at RENEW’s 2018 Gala. Mr. Quinlan, who was an honoree at the Gala, is chairman and CEO of LSC Communications and is active with organizations that promote literacy, health, and human development.

Donors SUPPORTERS up to $99 Marilyn Atkinson Walter and Tecla Barber Robert and Kathryn Begley Lisa Black Jennifer Bober Russell and Candice Borner Eugene and Kathy Boyle Domingo and Maria Bracero Eileen Brennan-Randall Alice Hugh Brown Mary Ann Brownlee Buona Pizza and Restaurant John Bursley Ronald and Rosemary Bushwell Samuel and Laura Byrnes Maria Calderon Stephanie and Tim Caputo Maggie Carpen SJ Cerniglia Emily Chavez Joanne Chupein Daniel and Katherine Clark Debbie Collarin Loretta and Thomas Conniff Patricia Conway Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Patti Coyle Dennis and Judith Crilly John and Constance D’Angelo Vivian Demko Rosemarie and Robert DePellegrini Jacquelyn Devoti Vincent DiBernardino Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, La Canada Flintridge, CA

Sr. Mary Thomas Downing, SSJ John M. and Yvonne Driscoll, Jr. Joseph Duggan Remy and Yvonne Ferrario Hyacinth Findlay Sr. Margaret Flood Dr. Mary Flood, OP Jeannine Floyd Patricia Ann Foley Joann Ford Frankford Township Education Association John and Mary Jane Gannon Henry and Althea Gardner Gary and Lydia Winderman Gennaro’s Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria Peter and Patricia Glen Gabriel Gonzales Joseph and Marion Greco Leeds and Aurora Greene Nancy Greenwell Kristie Guest Jane and Robert Guild Martha-Ann Hagedorn Richard and Marie Heaslip Reverend and Mrs. Randall Hedrick Manuel and Lucila Hernandez Immaculate Conception, Tres Pinos, CA Alice Jaime John and Ann James George Jenkins JoAnne Jones Kathy Fallon and William Cowper Patricia Kent Diane and Geof Kledzik Joseph Kosmo Greg and Kate Kremer Gregory and Eileen Kremler Jan Lacy Lourdes Langford Agatha and James Loyacano Carol F. Lynch Allison and Peter Lyneham John and Patricia Magovern John and Virginia Maher Sr. Theresa Maillet, OP Richard and Kelly Maltagliati Thomas and Patricia Marcucci Marcella Martin Roberto Mazariegos Eileen and Frank McCann + Patricia McDermott Jerome and Martha McDevitt Sr. Mary McGuinness, OP Michael and Susan McGuinness Lucy McGuirk Bonnie and Robert McLaren John and Margarete McNeice Jr

Marilyn and Daniel McVeigh Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Genene Meli Roseann and Joseph Miller Anna and John Monti Beatrice Murday Joao and Connie Neves John Nolty, Jr. Zita O’Brian Flavio Ortega James Ott Carol and Anthony Pamelia Joan Perkins John and Patricia Plunkett Joseph and Eileen Reardon Geoffrey Richards Genevieve Richards-Wright Jean Richtmyre Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP Robert and Geraldine Wertz Bertrand and Joan Rottkamp Judith Royce Thomas Ruth Linda Rutter Marilyn and James Saccomanno William Saydah Anne Scanlan Bob Schaeper Shirley Schonenbach Joanne and Lauren Seaver Gloria Secchia Carol Sileo Sisters of St. Dominic-Grant Ave Community, Congers, NY Luciann Slomkowski Mark and Laura Smith Ronald and Patricia Spielman Francis and Cornelia Stein Linda Suchana Patrick and Karin Sweeney A. Martin Taglienti Mary Lou Thompson Ron Turak United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Jeannette and Thomas Van De Water Dolores Vazquez Susan and Mark Velten Antony and Mary Ann Visocchi Richard Von Stamwitz Jackie Walker Barbara Walter Therese and Jack Wilson William and Carolyn Winchester

+ Deceased


RENEW International

Donors In-Kind Donations (Gifts of Goods and Services) Individuals

Alyssa Kropp Anthony and Maggie Browne Bonny and Nicholas Chopey Charles and Irene Gutmann Chuck and Pat Paolino David and Susan Janazzo Dona and Michael Panagos Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Bertrand and Milissa Else Larry Davis Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Livvy Dinneen Lorenzo and Annette Vanore Maggie and Bob Reilly Martha-Ann Hagedorn Michael and Ida Tropiano Michael Di Piazza Paul and Susanne Furey Rick and Addie Moore Robert and Carol Eid Robert and Margaret McGovern Robert (“Pat”) and Sharon Kane Sabrina Abramson Susan and Vito Capurso Fr. Thomas Looney, CSC Thomas Quinlan, III Vincent and Mary Sweeney Vincent Sweeney


Allendale Bar and Grill Brick Oven, Westfield, NJ Brooklyn Botanic Garden CBS Television Studios Christoffers Flowers and Gifts Ciao Bello Restaurant CommandCompanies Cosimo’s Italian Restaurant Eberly Designs, Inc. First Data Corporation Fox Networks Guillotine Salon and Spa Hyatt Hills Golf Complex The Infernos Band La Gondola Pizzeria Limoncello Ristorante Manny’s Diner Martin Jewelers Mayo Performing Arts Center New Jersey Festival Orchestra News America Marketing Patricia and Paul Artisans of Fine Oils and Balsamics Roxanne’s Brick Oven Pizzeria Bar and Grill Rustic Mill Diner Salesforce, Inc. Spanish Tavern Stage House Tavern The Grape Escape The Salad House Turning Point Xocolatz

Jennifer Bober, manager of marketing at RENEW, pins a boutonniere to the lapel of Les Quick, an honoree at RENEW’s 2018 Gala. Mr. Quick actively supports charitable organizations and serves on the boards of several major Catholic institutions.

Volunteers Volunteers are one of the great strengths of RENEW. Whether they contribute their talents for a few hours or on an ongoing basis, our volunteers make a big difference. Database management, editing, sales consulting, and event management are just a few areas in which our volunteers shine.

Year-round volunteers Dona Panagos, Marge Hussey, Alice Brown and Diane Forastiero pitched in at the RENEW Symposium. Annual Report 2018


Trustees gather at the annual RENEW Gala on June 7, 2018. From left, Robert McGovern, Lisa Meehan, Michael Tropiano, Martin Garofalo, Diedre James, Walter Rickard, Donald Whittam, Sr. Terry Rickard, Michael Singer, Patricia Murphy, Fr. Abraham Orapankal, and Eric Dill, chairman.

Board of Trustees President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY Chair Eric Dill Senior Vice President, Human Resources at the American Arbitration Association; previously Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ Secretary Patricia A. Murphy Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Treasurer Michael Tropiano Former Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ


Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Vice President, Corporate Development & Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Former President of the MIT Club of South Texas Martin Garofalo Chief Executive Officer, News America Marketing Dierdre James Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Jennifer Jehn Executive Director, Miami Dolphins Foundation; hospice care grief counselor

RENEW International

Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry; Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea, NJ Lisa Meehan Executive Director, Travel Services Benchmarking Network; former Director NA Travel, Card and Meetings at Merck & Co. Inc. Barbara Miller Retired Vice President, Continuing Education, Workforce Development, Public Safety, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA; Director of Adult Faith Formation, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Doylestown , PA. (Deceased, June 2018) John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Rev. Abraham Orapankal A native of the Indian state of Kerala; currently pastor of St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; former member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team Walter I. Rickard Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive Michael Singer AVP – Chief Security Organization, AT&T Vincent Sweeney Owner, Sweeney Consulting Group, an HR consulting firm; part-time professor at the Rutgers School of Human Resources Management Donald Whittam Executive Vice President, Sales & Merchandising, Divatex Home Fashions, New York, NY; Ministry Leader, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Annual Report 2018

Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin, archbishop of Newark; Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW; and Donald Whittam, RENEW trustee, at the Monsignors Thomas A. Kleissler and Thomas Ivory Symposium on Pastoral Renewal, held in April at Seton Hall University. Cardinal Tobin is chairman of the RENEW International Corporate Board.

RENEW INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE MEMBERS His Eminence Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, Chairman Members Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Vicar General and Chancellor Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Nydegger Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia Very Reverend John J. Paladino Vicar Forane, Executive Director of Clergy Personnel


Staff President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min. Susan Capurso, Executive Assistant Customer and Shared Services Eartha Johnson, Manager Regina Crowley Martha Ann Hagedorn Dawn Tomei Development Marissa Klapwald, Director Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, Associate Director Mary Beth Howath, Development Associate Mariann Salisbury, Regional Associate Pastoral Services and Sales Milissa Else, Director Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Manuel Hernandez Gregory Kremer Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale Dr. Joanne Cahoon Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP Dr. Sœurette Fougère Sr. Honora Nicholson, RSM


Sr. Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP Rev. Abraham Orapankal Rosa Maria Sánchez, OP Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP John Fontana (Director of Ignatian Business Chapters) Al Pach (Ignatian Business Chapters Project Manager) Rev. Jeremiah Browne (RENEW South Africa Office) Sr. Áine Hughes, HC (RENEW South Africa Office) Charmaine Woolard (RENEW South Africa Office) Dr. Mariela Saravia (RENEW South America Office) Finance and Business Operations Mary Beth Oria, Director Yvette Hutchins Human Resources and Information Technology Patricia Wiley, Director Marketing and Communication Jennifer Bober, Manager Publications and Resources Deacon Charles Paolino, Managing Editor Mary Foy (Baptism Matters Project Manager) President Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler

RENEW International


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RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

© 2018 2016 RENEW International

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