Mass of Thanksgiving for
Sister Terry Rickard, OP
for her dedicated service and leadership 2002–2021 and installation of our new president
G. Gregory Tobin
Sunday, January, 9, 2022 at 3 p.m. Mass followed by a reception Church of the Presentation 271 West Saddle River Road Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
Mass of Thanksgiving for
Sister Terry Rickard, OP
for her dedicated service and leadership and installation of RENEW’s new president
G. Gregory Tobin
Processional Song
Anthem Anthem
Tom Conry
We are called, we are cho sen. We are Christ for one an oth er. We are
prom ised to
to mor row, while we
we are
won der. We are
har vest, we are hun ger. We are
are for him to day.
sow er,
We are
we are seed.
ques tion, we are
We are
1. Then where can we stand jus ti fied? In what can we be lieve? In no one 2. Then how are we to stand at all, this world of bend ed knee? In noth ing 3. Then shall we not stand emp ty at the al tar of our dreams: When he
1. else but he who suf fered, noth ing more than he who rose. 2. more than bar ren shad ows. No one else but he could save us. 3. prom ised us our selves. Who mark time a gainst to mor row.
1, 2. Who was 3. Who are
jus tice for the poor. jus tice for the poor.
Who was rage a gainst the night. Who are rage a gainst the night. to Refrain
1, 2. 3.
Who was Who are
hope for peace ful peo hope for peace ful peo
ple. Who was ple. Who are
© 1978, 1979, OCP. All rights reserved.
light. light.
First Reading..........................................................................................................Isaiah Dolly Donahue Responsorial Psalm......................................................................................Psalm 104 Psalm 104: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit
Text: Lectionary for Mass, © 1969, 1981, ICEL Music: Richard Proulx, © 1975, GIA Publications, Inc.
Second Reading......................................................................................Letter to Titus Lisa Meehan
Gospel.......................................................................................................................Luke Deacon Charles Paolino 1. Bless the LORD, O my soul!
O LORD my God, how great you are, clothed in majesty and honor, wrapped in light as with a robe!
Homily...................................................................................Bishop Michael Saporito 2. Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, how great you are. How many are your works, O LORD! The earth is full of your creatures.
Ritual of Gratitude and Installation
3. You set the earth on its foundation, Reflection and Presentation.............................................................Patricia Murphy immovable from age to age. You wrapped it with the depths like a cloak; theTerry waters stood higher than the mountains. Blessing of Sister
You make springs gush forth in the valleys; Loving God,4.source and talent, through your Son, Jesus Christ, you grant us they owof in every betweengift the hills. There the birds of heaven their nests;and strengthened your blessings that we might be build nourished from the branches they sing their song.
Bless Sr. Terry andyour release in you herwater the the gifts of your Holy Spirit that she may have health 5. From dwelling hills; by your the earthbringing has its ll. your Word to everyone she meets. Guide her and wisdom as she works continues You make the grass grow for the cattle during her year as she deepens her relationship with you through study andof thesabbatical, plants to serve mankind’s need, that he may bring forth bread from the earth. and prayer and prepares to serve your people in new ways. 6. How many are your works, O LORD!
Keep her safeInaswisdom she encounters you have madeyou them in places, faces, and experiences while on The earth is full of your creatures. sabbatical in Bless Ireland, while walking the Camino, while engaging in study and prayer in the LORD , O my soul. the Holy Land. In our gratitude for all the good work Sr. Terry has done at RENEW, we ask your richest ! ! 5/5/11 blessings upon her. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.
Introduction and Presentation of Symbols Blessing of Greg Spirit of the Living God, bless Greg with your breath, which enlivens the Church. With the passionate fire of Pentecost, ignite his gifts and talents in the service of RENEW and the people and parishes it serves. Help him to discern the needs of your Church and to see the creative possibilities in every new challenge. Give him the strength and wisdom to lead RENEW as it continues its mission to reinvigorate personal faith and parish life. Bless all who are gathered here. Inspire them with a desire to help Greg and RENEW motivate laity and clergy to share their Catholic faith and live it every day. We ask these things through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.
Prayers of the Faithful............................................................Don and Beth Whittam Presentation of the Gifts.......................................................Jack & Jeanette Walton Presentation Hymn..............................................The Church of Christ in Every Age (Stanzas 1, 3, and 5) The Church of Christ The Church of Christ
1. The Church 2. A - cross 3. Then let 4. For he 5. We have
change, of Church fe be -
age eat, ce, bread serve,
of Christ, in ev the world, a - cross the ser - vant Church a - lone, whose blood no mis - sion but
but Spir - it - led, in - jus - tice cry that longs to be ver in our blood, dience to our Lord:
’ry age the street, a - rise, was shed, to serve
Must For A And To
claim and shel - ter part - ner teach us care for
ris And keep on live And nev - er And clothed in Christ’s starv And feed the lib And spread his
test and in how all,
Be - set by The vic - tims A car - ing Can cure the In full o -
its her for bread Christ’s sac to share with - out
ing from the dead. un - til they die. hu - man - i ty. ing mul - ti - tude. er - at - ing Word.
Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903–2000, © 1972, Hope Publishing Company Tune: O WALY WALY, LM; English; harm. by Martin West, b.1929, © 1983, Hope Publishing Company
it to ri our re -
Communion Hymn..................................................................Pescador De Hombres (English verses: Spanish refrain) PESCADOR
Cesáreo Gabaráin
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Tú Tú Tú Tú, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord,
has ve ni do a sa bes bien lo ne ce si tas pes ca dor de o you have come to see my goods, my take my hands and as I drift on
1. no has bus ca do 2. en mi bar ca 3. mi can san cio 4. an sia e ter na 1. nei ther search ing for 2. in my boat you find 3. Help me spend my self 4. be the rest ing place
1. tan 2. tan 3. a 4. a 1. de 2. Will 3. re 4. my
só só mor mi sir you turn life’s
lo lo que go ing ac ing com
quie res re des quie ra bue no, on ly cept, then, love for pan ion,
la o que mis tros the pos di the
ni a sa no hay o que a o de al the rich no pow in seek of my
ri ten ma la sea ses rect wa
bios ro tros mas nor er, ing rest
lla, go; nos, gos, shore, sions; them. ters,
ni a ri ni es pa des can que es pe the wise, no wealth. the lost, less heart,
que yo te si y mi tra ba se guir a man que a sí me lla that I should fol my nets and la the love you gave my friend and ref
cos; das, se, ran,
ga. jo. do. mas. low. bor? me. uge.
Se O,
ñor, Lord,
son gent
en all
ri ly
me has mi ra do a los with your eyes set up
en smil
do ing,
la a re I longed
jun to a ti at your side,
na for
o on
jos, me,
has di cho mi nom bre, you have spo ken my name;
he de ja do mi bar I have found by the wa
ca, ter,
bus ca ré o tro mar. I will seek oth er shores.
Text and music © 1979, 1987, Cesáreo Gabaráin. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.
Remarks.........................................................................................................Greg Tobin
Final Blessing and Sending Forth....................................Bishop Michael Saporito Recessional Hymn.......................................................................................City of God CITY
Dan Schutte
Verses 1, 2
1. A wake from your slum ber! 2. We are sons of the morn ing;
A rise from your we are daugh ters of
A new day is dawn ing The One who has loved us
1. sleep! 2. day.
1. The peo ple in dark ness 2. The Lord of all kind ness
for all those who weep. has bright ened our way.
have seen a great light. has called us to be
The a to Refrain
1. Lord of our long ing 2. light for his peo ple
has con quered the night. to set their hearts free.
Let us build the
turned in
to danc
cit y
of God.
May our tears be
For the Lord,
our light and our
3 love,
has turned
the night in to
Verse 3
3. God
is light;
3. Let us
3. one
him there is
in his light,
all. Text: Based on Isaiah 9; 40:1–9; 1 John 1. Text and music © 1981, OCP. All rights reserved.
no dark ness.
chil dren,
O com fort my
Celebrant Most Reverend Michael A. Saporito Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Newark Readers Dolly Donahue RENEW International Supporter Lisa Meehan Member RENEW International Board of Trustees Deacon Charles Paolino Managing Editor, RENEW International Reflection and Presentation Patricia Murphy Secretary RENEW International Board of Trustees Presentation of Symbols Sister Terry Rickard, OP Outgoing President, RENEW International
Mary Ann Ernesto Pastoral Services Associate Director RENEW International Prayers of the Faithful Don Whittam Member RENEW International Board of Trustees Beth Whittam RENEW International Supporter Music Ed Ginter Director of Music, Church of the Presentation Jennifer Bober Manager of Marketing and Communications RENEW International
Sister Honora Nolty, OP Associate for Special Projects RENEW International
RENEW International thanks Father Bob Stagg and the staff of the Church of the Presentation for their support and hospitality, which made today’s Mass possible. Thank you to Sister Honora Nolty, OP for planning and coordinating the liturgy Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-18647. All rights reserved.
The mission of RENEW International To renew personal faith and parish life— unlocking the power of small groups by equipping laity and clergy to share their Catholic faith and live it every day. La misión de RENEW International Renovar el don de la fe y la vida parroquial—activando el alcance de las pequeñas comunidades; equipando a los laicos y clérigos a compartir y vivir su fe católica diariamente. La mission de RENEW International Renouveler la foi personnelle et la vie paroissiale—libérez le pouvoir de petits groupes en donnant aux laïcs et au clergé le pouvoir de partager leur foi catholique et de la vivre chaque jour.