RENEW International 2014 Annual Report

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‘Come, follow me’ Annual Report 2014

About the cover: Jesus extended a simple invitation: “Come, follow me.” Those who have accepted that call follow him by spreading his Gospel of love and mercy. RENEW International takes part in this dynamic ministry by providing resources for small Christian communities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, South Africa, and Europe. Participants in these communities, by action and example, evangelize others, inviting them to follow Christ. Cover design: Ruth Markworth World map image: Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @

The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misión de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovación espiritual enraizada en la tradición de la Iglesia Católica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

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Contents From Our President


A Message from Our Board


Pastoral Offerings


• ARISE Together in Christ


• Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism


Page 7

• Renewing the Priestly Heart 10 • Parish-based Offerings


• Young Adult Ministry


• New Pastoral Offerings


• Where RENEW Serves


• RENEW Worldwide


Development Program


Financial Summary


Management and Operations




Board of Trustees




Connect with RENEW


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‘Come, Follow Me’


From Our President Dear Friends of RENEW, We are living in an exciting moment in church history. Pope Francis is bringing a fresh vision and a new hope to the Church and the world. He is challenging us to follow more authentically and closely in the footsteps of Christ. Pope Francis has made it clear what it means to respond to Jesus’ call to follow him: “The thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else.” (Interview with La Stampa, December 2013). To follow Jesus is to be a healer and a proclaimer of God’s Good News of unconditional love and mercy— to invite every person to a deeper love of God and neighbor, especially the poor and marginalized. The New Evangelization challenges us to share the joy of the Gospel by our words and most importantly by the witness of our lives. RENEW International continues to answer the call to make disciples in our time and place; to create sacred spaces where people can experience Christ’s healing presence, the closeness of God, and the grace to follow Jesus by extending our own healing touch to a waiting world. In RENEW small communities participants are both gathered around God’s word and sent forth to become that life-giving Word for others. Through our spiritual-renewal processes and multiple pastoral resources in all forms of media we are committed to warming the hearts of the faithful, helping create more vibrant and welcoming parishes, reaching out to youth and young adults, and forming missionary disciples who walk in the mercy of God. Through your prayer and generous support, you are an indispensable partner in helping us achieve the vision of Pope Francis—creating a church where all are welcome, the poor and forgotten are raised up, and God’s healing and merciful love is experienced by all. With deepest gratitude,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director


RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

A Message from Our Board Dear RENEW supporters, Three words spoken by Jesus have a special meaning to all of us here at RENEW International: “Come, follow me.’’ In the Gospels, these words are accompanied by a dynamic image of people literally putting aside the distractions of everyday life in order to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Following in Jesus’ footsteps meant living lives of love for God and neighbor and spreading that Gospel of love wherever they went—it meant evangelizing. RENEW continues this dynamic ministry by providing resources that evangelize members of small Christian communities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, South Africa, and Europe. In turn, the participants of these Christian communities are empowered to evangelize others. The Board of Trustees, while guiding RENEW in fulfilling its mission, is also energized and empowered by the call to come and follow. The experienced and dedicated staff at RENEW has embraced the opportunities offered by today’s new technologies by introducing new resources and new techniques—including, significantly, the use of videos and social media and refined data bases—to continue in the 21st century the ministry begun in the first. The members of the Board have enthusiastically given their talent, resources, and counsel to these achievements. To follow in the footsteps of Jesus by spreading the Gospel “to all nations” means never becoming complacent. RENEW has acted in this spirit, by taking a fresh look at its outreach to young adults, working to make its ministry in South Africa self-sustaining, and expanding its pastoral services in Latin America. It is significant that during this past year RENEW published the memoir of its founder, Msgr. Tom Kleissler who, with Msgr. Tom Ivory launched this ministry almost 40 years ago. The Board is confident that our organization today continues to stay true to its founding and is positioned to further carry that message with passion and grace. That restlessness, that motivation to follow Jesus wherever he leads, is still at the heart of RENEW’s mission. Thank you for everything you do to support RENEW International. It has been a privilege to serve as chair of RENEW International’s Board of Trustees for the past five years. I extend a warm welcome to Eric Dill, our secretary, who will serve as our new chair, and I look forward to his leadership. Sincerely yours,

Joseph Franzetti Chair, Board of Trustees

‘Come, Follow Me’


Pastoral Offerings

Small-community leaders in the Diocese of Stockton participate in a workshop for La justicia brota de la fe.


esus built his circle of followers one person at a time, repeating his gentle invitation: “Come, follow me.’’ He called on men and women to continue building that circle, now known as the Church. RENEW International has been committed to that ministry for thirty-five years. RENEW provides pastoral services and resources for small Christian communities in which Catholics gather to read and reflect on Scripture, pray, and share their faith. The goal of these offerings is to help participants make the connection between their faith and their everyday lives and to bring their faith to life in acts of charity and justice. Through prayer and action, members of these groups become evangelizers who renew parish life and spread the Gospel wherever they go. The following pages feature the pastoral offerings which RENEW International provides for dioceses and parishes in many parts of the world. These pages also contain comments and stories of Catholic adults who have gained a renewed sense of what it means to follow Christ.

ARISE Together in Christ Inspired by ARISE Together in Christ, a member of St. Michael Parish in Levelland, Texas, packs items collected for residents of a local nursing home.

I consider RENEW International’s parish renewal processes to be at the top of the list of the most valuable gifts given by the Holy Spirit to the Church over the past three decades. By stressing the centrality of small, faith-sharing communities, RENEW goes to the heart of what the Church must be.

~ Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, PhD, STD



RISE Together in Christ and its Spanish and French counterparts—LEVÁNTATE. Unamonos en Cristo and DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ—is a three-year diocese-wide evangelization and spiritual renewal process for the entire parish. This process provides fertile ground for an encounter with Christ and deepens spirituality through faith sharing in small communities. Small-community participants reflect on, experience, and witness to the presence of God in their lives and gain confidence to become evangelizers. ARISE provides a powerful and unifying spiritual experience that brings the

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

ARISE Together in Christ parish together, touches lives, and encourages faith-based action in the parish and beyond. The ARISE faith-sharing books are offered in seven languages, and in large print for the visually impaired, and the process includes youth and family materials. We offer ongoing pastoral consultation, web resources, and onsite and online leadership training workshops throughout the dioceses we serve.

Highlights • Nine dioceses are currently engaged in the process in the United States and Canada: Crookston, Minnesota; Ft. Wayne-South Bend, Indiana; Lubbock, Texas; Owensboro, Kentucky; Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Monterey, California; and the Canadian Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Winnipeg, as well as the Dioceses of London, Ontario, and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Five of these are mission dioceses and are financially assisted by Catholic Extension Society in partnership with RENEW. • Clusters of parishes began faith-sharing with ARISE in the Archdioceses of Galveston-Houston, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Dioceses of Trenton, New Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; and Rockville Centre, New York. • More than 30,000 parishioners at 340 parishes are engaged in faith sharing. • In the Diocese of Monterey our staff presented workshops using live closed-circuit television to reach remote sections of this geographically dispersed diocese. • In the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, the Huron Superior School Board put ARISE into its strategic plan. Seven schools sponsored ARISE groups either for the staff members or for the students. These women at St. Mary’s Parish in Odessa, Texas, didn’t let distance stand in the way of their Wednesday-night ARISE faith-sharing. When Janelle Woody (center) moved four hundred miles away, they continued meeting with Janelle joining by phone using FaceTime, Apple’s sharing technology. Janelle poses with group leader Lyd Reyes (left) and Sara Carranza (right).

‘Come, Follow Me’

This billboard, sponsored by St. Elizabeth Parish in Snyder, Texas, expresses the enthusiasm of parishioners for ARISE Together in Christ.

Through the process of ARISE Together in Christ, participants learn more about Catholic social teaching and the “two feet of charity and justice.” In response, small communities and parishes undertook significant efforts this past year. Here is a sample: • Helped alleviate hardship for the homeless and needy by contributing prepared meals and nonperishable food to local food banks; and collecting personal products, and cleaning supplies for transitional homes, homeless shelters, and safe houses for victims of domestic violence. • Shared the gift of faith by giving spiritual resources to RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) candidates and sending religious Christmas cards to service men and women with a prayer or Bible verse enclosed. • Reached out to struggling neighbors by delivering fully cooked Thanksgiving dinners, providing daily meals to families with seriously ill members, and combining forces to purchase big-ticket items for needy families. • Encouraged a culture of life by supporting crisis pregnancy centers. • Established parish committees for hospitality and social justice.

Processes such as ARISE are such a necessity in today’s world. I have seen a change in all of our participants—a change that tells me they are more aware of their role as disciples. So many people are spiritually hungry. I don’t think I realized how hungry I was until I began to feed myself, because I now know that the food has always been there; I just had to accept the invitation, and the ARISE process assisted me in this realization.

~ St. Mary/St. Helen Parish, West Lorne, Ontario Diocese of London, Canada


ARISE Together in Christ

St. Denis Catholic Church in Benton, Missouri, built an ARISE float for the community’s Neighbor Day Parade.

ARISE Parish Follows Christ’s Path

The ARISE process at St. Denis has truly been a work of the Holy Spirit in action. If you would have told me just two years ago that one day our parish would hold a parish-wide celebration, have a live feed of the Mass into the gym because the church would not hold everyone, set up a big tent on the parish grounds where everyone would enjoy a picnic including a bouncy house and games for the children, be entertained by the teens with live music, and that all ages would enjoy fellowship with one another, I would have said that sounds great but not in our parish! We are too small, and we wouldn’t have enough people to help. But that’s just what happened. Our church was full, and the parish grounds were filled with life, laughter, love. This is what allowing the Holy Spirit to work looks like. The challenge was and always will be asking the Holy Spirit to work through all of us and to be open to change—ask God what are you calling me to do—what talents am I asked to use for your greater glory and honor? That’s what this whole ARISE

process has been like for me. I have had to pray and ask for guidance and sometimes the thoughts and things that happened made me just stand in awe, and all I can say is God is good. I should have known that when we prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to guide us awesome things can happen, and they did happen through our ARISE small groups: • Greater numbers have been added to our weekend Masses. • Some small groups collected funds for Birthright. • One group contributed to a Christmas meal for the Safe House in Cape Girardeau. • Another group collected items for a family that had lost everything in a fire. • A water well in Africa has been dug through the donations of one ARISE small group. • A stewardship drive was held in the parish, and many new organizations have been added besides the food bank, such as a welcoming committee, an event-planning committee, and the Good Samaritans–outreach to the bereaved, and the prayer shawl committee has gained members.

~ Betty Essner, St. Denis Catholic Church, Benton, Missouri


RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

ARISE Together in Christ Grocery items are arranged for distribution at the Jesus in Disguise food pantry.

Jesus in Disguise Food Pantry Feeds Families in Benton, Missouri Members of St. Denis Catholic Church, Benton, Missouri—a rural city with nearly 900 residents in the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardau—were prompted by their participation in ARISE Together in Christ to organize a food pantry in cooperation with three other churches in the area. “Through our ARISE sessions,” said Gera LeGrand, “lots of things started to bubble up. People in my particular group thought we should be doing more to help local people in need.” The group at St. Denis invited three other churches to participate in the food pantry project—St. Lawrence Catholic Church, New Hamburg, and Unity Baptist Church and LaCroix (United Methodist) Church, both in Benton. “We had at least 80 volunteers sign up from the churches,” said Lisa Spalding, administrative assistant at St. Denis Parish. “We organized teams, and each team takes a month.” The pantry aims to serve Scott County, which includes two school districts.

These are some of the dozens of volunteers who responded to an invitation to work at the Jesus in Disguise food pantry at St. Denis Catholic Church.

‘Come, Follow Me’

“It has really been a blessing,” Gera said. “It’s almost amazing how it came together. There wasn’t anything here. Right here in our community, there were people in need, and we said, ‘Why not?’’’

Volunteer Cindy Glueck organizes food items that were donated to the Jesus in Disguise food pantry, which is housed at St. Denis.

These students from Notre Dame Regional High School in the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Missouri, helped set up and stock the Jesus in Disguise food pantry.


Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism

In the Native Alaskan Community, contemplation is so much a part of the culture—being in union with and respecting nature—these things were learned since childhood. But now we’re making those connections with the Catholic tradition. We are amazed and delighted…. My group began to sing in our native language some of the prayers from our childhood.

Members of Holy Family Cathedral celebrate Mass at Portage Glacier, Alaska, with Fr. Alejandro LópezCardinale, RENEW’s coordinator of Hispanic ministry. Holy Family Cathedral is one of the parishes participating in Why Catholic?/ ¿Por qué ser católico? in the Archdiocese of Anchorage in collaboration with Catholic Extension Society.


or the past 10 years, Why Catholic? has offered a response to today’s questions from a faith-filled point of view. Through reflection and sharing on Sacred Scripture and on the themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church—prayer, the Creed, the sacraments, and Christian living—participants connect their Christian faith with their daily lives and move to action as they journey together in small Christian communities. Why Catholic? also reaches out to everyone in the parish through faith enrichment events and bulletin inserts for personal reflection and intergenerational faith sharing.

Highlights • Since it was launched in 2003, 47 dioceses have undertaken Why Catholic?/ ¿Por qué ser católico? including 13 current dioceses. • Three dioceses launched the process in spring 2014: - London, Ontario, the first Canadian diocese, includes groups participating in French.


~ A participant in the Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska, on how Why Catholic? is resonating with indigenous people.

- Nearly 80 parishes are beginning Why Catholic? in the Archdiocese of Miami where it is being conducted in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Vietnamese. - The Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa will use Xhosa and Afrikaans versions.

A Decade of Why Catholic? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0




Number of Dioceses as of 6/30/14

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism

Parish teams for Why Catholic? / ¿Por qué ser católico? in the Archdiocese of Miami participate in the Evangelization Workshop at St. John M. Vianney Seminary in May 2014.

• The Archdiocese of the Military Services Catholic chapels at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, completed leadership training for Why Catholic? and the small communities are currently engaged in faith sharing with Celebrate: Sacraments and Live: Christian Morality. • The process has been enhanced to emphasize the New Evangelization and provide a fresh look and feel. Updated elements include the Parish Team Handbook and all formation workshops. These changes have generated greater engagement by parish teams to explore creative invitation strategies, including video presentations of testimonials by parishioners. • Dioceses have created their own innovative publicity efforts including videos and radio campaigns.

Evangelization Workshop participants faith sharing in the chapel at St. John M. Vianney Seminary in the Archdiocese of Miami.

Scan this QR code with a mobile device to listen to the Archdiocese of Louisville’s radio commercial for Why Catholic?

It gets down to the meat and potatoes of the faith. It’s sparked a revitalized interest among Catholics old and young.

~ Mike Ryan of St. Brigid Parish, Vinegrove, who is in formation for the permanent diaconate in the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky

‘Come, Follow Me’

Inspired by their participation in Why Catholic?, parishioners from St. Ambrose Parish, Dorchester, Massachusetts, in the Archdiocese of Boston, visited nursing home residents.


Renewing the Priestly Heart


enewing the Priestly Heart offers a pastoral process and resources for priests who wish to revitalize their priestly vocation and build fraternity among their fellow priests. This renewal occurs through meaningful, spiritual conversations in the context of priest support groups using resource materials written specifically to address priestly life. News that Renewing the Priestly Heart has been a blessing to many priests has been spreading throughout North America. Bishops in two additional dioceses invited RENEW International to implement the process for their priests. In both dioceses, Renewing the Priestly Heart was presented at clergy convocations; the presentations included faith sharing and community building among the priests with the purpose of launching small communities of priests throughout the diocese to build priestly fraternity for the sake of mission.

Highlights • Two days of Renewing the Priestly Heart presentations were led by Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, and Fr. Abraham Orapankal in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. These priests were receptive to the program and concluded by forming eight new small groups for ongoing mutual support. • Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP, and Fr. Abraham Orapankal led Renewing the Priestly Heart presentations over two days in the Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia, Canada. To the satisfaction of Bishop Brian Dunn, 55 priests—98 percent of active diocesan priests—attended and shared faith with one another as part of the Renewing the Priestly Heart experience and were introduced to ongoing priest support groups.

We need to be really united in order to support each other, especially in difficult moments. This is why I am glad I decided to join a Renewing the Priestly Heart support group for priests. It has provided us opportunities to build fraternity.

~ a priest from Tyler, TX Bishop Brian Dunn, DD, of the Diocese of Antigonish with Fr. Abraham Orapankal and Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP.


RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

Parish-based Offerings Members of St. Michael Parish, Long Branch, NJ, gathered on the beach at North Long Branch for faith-sharing with At Prayer with Mary. Small groups in the parish have been using RENEW faith-sharing materials for about 10 years.


ENEW International offers resources that help adults meeting in small groups to deepen their Catholic faith through scripture reading, faith sharing, and prayer, and apply that faith in everyday life. Many of these groups were first formed when parishes participated in one of our diocese-wide processes. Our small-group resources enhance the spiritual lives of parishioners, which in turn contributes to the ongoing vibrancy of their parish. These resources, which can be purchased on RENEW’s website,, include faith-sharing books, multimedia spiritual resources, downloadable parish materials, small-group sets, and web-based training for leaders of parish teams and small groups. Many offerings are available in a variety of languages as well as editions for the visually impaired to meet the diverse needs of today’s Catholic parishes.

Highlights • At Prayer with Mary/No Temas, María: Pope Francis has often urged us to call on the Virgin Mary for help and guidance, saying that “like Jesus, she is with us, she walks with us, she is the Mother of our hope.’’ In this spirit, RENEW offers two resources to help Catholics deepen their relationship with Mary—the English-language faith-sharing resource At Prayer with Mary and the distinctive Spanish-language resource No temas, María. No temas, María was recognized this year for excellence among Spanish resources by the Association of Catholic Publishers. RENEW has partnered with Holy Cross Family Ministries to offer with

‘Come, Follow Me’

both resources the DVD Rosary Stars in which two dozen entertainment and sports figures reflect on the mysteries of the rosary. • Lenten Longings/Reflexiones en Cuaresma: RENEW offers a faith-sharing resource in English and Spanish for each liturgical year to help Catholics deepen their Lenten observance. Themes of the sessions are drawn from the Sunday readings. RENEW also offers a companion music CD, Music for Prayer and Faith Sharing During Lent, and a Spanish music CD, Comunidad que canta: Himnos para la Cuaresma. • Advent Awakenings/Reflexiones en Adviento: RENEW offers these English and Spanish faith-sharing resources, one for each liturgical year, to help Catholic men and women focus on the meaning of Advent amid the busyness and material preoccupations of Christmas preparations. The faith-sharing books also contain devotions that families can use at home. • Ebooks: All of the resources listed above, and others, are now offered in ebook versions sold in the Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes bookstores. Scan this QR code with a mobile device to view our catalog online.


Young Adult Ministry

A full house of young adults turn out for a Theology on Tap meeting in the Diocese of San Jose, California.


ENEW International’s Theology on Tap and Campus RENEW programs are designed to meet young adults where they are at while inviting them to discover the importance of faith in their lives. Theology on Tap brings the faith in the form of interesting speakers to a relaxed atmosphere, such as restaurants and bars. These fun and meaningful gatherings are a means for dioceses and parishes to reach out to young adults in a comfortable setting and connect them to God and their Catholic faith. Campus RENEW gathers college students in small groups to reflect on God’s word in this formative period of their lives. Social media plays a crucial role in the New Evangelization and in RENEW International’s young adult ministries with

many Theology on Tap groups reaching out to attendees via Facebook. Our RENEW Theology on Tap Facebook page is an online gathering spot for groups to post and spread event information. Scrolling through the Facebook page, young adults and Theology on Tap teams can explore dozens of groups posting intriguing ideas for topics and awe-inspiring designs for posters.

We wanted to offer something that can draw young adults to become more involved, where they can learn more about their faith while forming friendships that nourish their faith. Theology on Tap seemed to be a great fit!

This sign announces the next Theology on Tap Silicon Valley event.

~ Core Team for Theology on Tap Silicon Valley Diocese of San Jose, California


RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

Young Adult Ministry

From left to right, promotional materials for Theology on Tap Silicon Valley; Charla de Taberna, Theology On Tap Querétaro, México; and CYAM Catholic Diocese of Brownsville

Highlights • Twelve new dioceses started Theology on Tap, including dioceses in Canada and Mexico. • A search feature was added to the Theology on Tap website using a map to showcase Theology on Tap events around the globe. • There are three campus-ministry departments currently enrolled in the Campus RENEW program: Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut; King’s College, WilkesBarre, Pennsylvania; and Merrimack University, North Andover, Massachusetts. • RENEW small-community materials were used on 31 campuses.

Rev. William Waters, OSA, meets with the Campus RENEW Core Team of student leaders at Merrimack College in Massachusetts.

Campus RENEW has been such a great part of my college experience; it has helped me grow stronger in my faith and connect with people my age!

~ Michelle LaMaire, Core Team Member, Campus RENEW King’s College, Class of 2015

Young adults meet Diocese of Allentown Bishop John O. Barres during the evening event.

‘Come, Follow Me’


New Pastoral Offerings

Small-community leaders in the Diocese of Stockton, California, gathered to prepare for La justicia brota de la fe.


atholics across the globe are called to be agents of the New Evangelization, a renewed effort to live each day in a way that brings the Gospel to family members, friends, and neighbors. RENEW International is responding to this pastoral need in the Church by developing fresh, innovative ways to help parishes engage parishioners on a deeper level. RENEW’s processes provide opportunities for adult Catholics to encounter Christ within small communities and share God’s love with others.

Highlights • New Wine, New Wineskins: A FaithSharing Resource for Restructuring Parishes provides a pastoral approach to address the spiritual needs of parishioners in restructured, merged, or clustered parishes. As participants view the transition through the lens of faith they come to a deeper understanding of the meaning of church beyond the structure within which they worship. Two parishes in the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey, piloted both the process and the faith-sharing resource as a way to move through the pain of restructuring to the

Members of the merged and shared parishes will be encouraged to honor their diversity, embracing both the ‘many parts’ and the ‘one body’ of Christ and the Church.


possibility of creating new, more vibrant, and sustainable parishes. • La justicia brota de la fe: Formación en la fe y en la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia offers a pastoral process and resources that provide formation in the key tenets of Catholic social doctrine in a way relevant to Hispanics. The stories and experiences lead participants to more fervently embrace social action as an essential component in the connection between our gospel faith and living as committed disciples of Christ. The Diocese of Stockton, California, has piloted the first of the two-year process in over 20 parishes this year and is enthusiastically preparing for year two.

La justicia brota de la fe members participated in a procession in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 2013 in the Diocese of Stockton, California.

~ Jeffry Odell, author, New Wine, New Wineskins

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

New Pastoral Offerings

Be My Witness / Sean mis testigos includes a series of videos in which men and women tell their personal stories of spiritual awakening and conversion. View online at

Written by Rev. Allan F. Deck, SJ, La justicia brota de la fe was the second-place winner in this year’s “Excellence in Publishing Awards” from the Association of Catholic Publishers. These awards, which were given out at the Religious Booksellers Trade Exhibit in May 2014 in St. Charles, Illinois recognize the best in Catholic publishing. • Leading Prayer in Small Groups is in the initial phase of development as a resource for small-community leaders or anyone who may be called upon to lead prayer. It will serve as a companion to Sowing Seeds: Essentials for Small Community Leaders. It will offer comprehensive guidance for leading various forms of prayer, from basic “how to” instruction to guided meditation, lectio divina, and others. • Be My Witness: Formation in the New Evangelization and the fully enculturated Spanish counterpart process, Sean mis testigos: Formación para la Nueva Evangelizatión, continue to take shape. The process provides a comprehensive pastoral approach to creating a culture of witness among the faithful. Participants will come to see their role as evangelizers as an inherent aspect of their baptism and will be supported as they discover ways to express their faith story with confidence.

‘Come, Follow Me’

A compelling series of videos in English and Spanish are fully integrated into the resource. These inspirational personal testimonies of conversion enhance the faithsharing experience and lead participants to greater confidence in articulating their own journeys as stories of faith. Integrated training videos in English and Spanish and a variety of written resources are in development to further supplement the process. These videos are a dynamic approach to offering additional support to parish leaders seeking to make their communities more welcoming and evangelizing.


Where RENEW Serves British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan






RENEW’s Pastoral Process Locations* ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Why Catholic? (green) Military Services (blue) RENEW Africa (purple) Renewing the Priestly Heart (black) La justicia brota de la fe (gray) Jóvenes para Cristo (magenta) Theology on Tap (brown) Campus RENEW (orange) *Does not include individual parish/small Christian community activity.


RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

New Brunswick




Nova Scotia

















Guatemala El Salvador Venezuela

‘Come, Follow Me’


RENEW Worldwide

Participants of Jóvenes para Cristo in the Diocese of Sonsonate, El Salvador.

RENEW Latin America


ENEW International continues to expand and enrich the resources it provides for Catholics in Central America and South America. It has done this through adding new staff and innovative pastoral approaches that meet the needs of this diverse and youthful region.

Highlights • The Diocese of Zacatecoluca, El Salvador, is beginning Jóvenes para Cristo (Youth for Christ). • In the Diocese of Sonsonate, El Salvador, more than 500 youth and young leaders completed Jóvenes para Cristo with a 95-percent retention since the process started three years ago. These young people are moving into a new process, ACOMPAÑAR, strengthening the Young Adult Core Team Leaders in parishes. • RENEW Central America is working with the Diocese of Escuintla, Guatemala, to organize the second major meeting on youth ministry in Latin America, Encuentro Continental Jóvenes para Cristo, scheduled for March 2015. • More than 2,000 people have joined small communities for faith sharing with ¿Por qué ser católico? in the Archdiocese of Valencia, Venzuela. People have become more engaged in their parish ministries including catechists, lectors,


and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion. Other participants have focused their efforts on social justice apostolate in their parishes as well as local and national institutions.

Jóvenes para Cristo has been very important in my spiritual growth and my social and community life since it increases my ability to be more responsible and puts me in touch with real life and the situation that each of the young people participating in the group is living. The impact in my personal life has been enormous since it has given me the basic tools to develop as a Christian in our society. It has also helped me discern my future as a young man able to give everything in order to build the kingdom. The process has influenced not only my life but also the lives of hundreds of other young people who participate in groups in the diocese, because they have found strength, courage, and hope in every meeting. With God’s help we will carry on, shouting, ‘Jóvenes para Cristo—today, tomorrow, and always.’

~ Jaime Arturo Carranza Mata, Santa Lucia Parish, Juayua, El Salvador

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

RENEW Worldwide • Although the political situation in Venezuela has hampered our efforts to expand our ministry in other dioceses, the Vollmer Foundation’s generosity enabled us to establish a RENEW office in Valencia. We have hired and trained a local pastoral associate, Mariela Saravia, a lawyer with a master’s degree in theology, to lead ¿Por qué ser católico? in the Archdiocese of Valencia and to reach out to other dioceses. • RENEW plans to expand into the Diocese of Cabimas, Venezuela visit new dioceses, and print new seasonal resources for Advent and Lent, Reflexiones en Adviento and Reflexiones en Cuaresma, as part of the on-going support for small communities.

From second to the left, Fr. Alejandro López-Cardinale of RENEW International; Fr. Pitter Fernández, chaplain at Universidad de Carabobo; Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW; Mariela Saravia, among two workers from Universidad de Carabobo Radio.

These last two years I have been living the process Jóvenes para Cristo with great joy. The process has had a big impact on my life. Through it, I had the opportunity of encountering the God of life, who is in everything that surrounds me. … The experience of Jesus in the process made me question my life which up to then responded only to the social structures of survival. My main goal in life was to succeed professionally in order to live comfortably, without a purpose, “to live the moment and nothing more” and to consider “my love” for God and my brothers as secondary to my personal satisfaction. The process was a conversion from all of that. It made me reconsider what is really important, what truly gives meaning to my life: Jesus as the center that transforms it all and gives me a life with meaning.

~ Ana Evelyn Perla, San Daniel Comboni Parish, El Salvador

Participants of Jóvenes para Cristo in the Diocese of Escuintla, Guatemala.

RENEW processes are ideal for Catholics who are engaged in their faith and willing to deepen it and put it into practice. It is for me a real joy and privilege to work with RENEW International to help form people in the Catholic faith, and it is also a serious commitment. It’s a privilege because of the quality of the processes RENEW offers. It’s a joy, because I can see with my own eyes the human and spiritual growth experienced by members of the small communities. And it’s a commitment because I feel that God is calling me to live my faith in communion with RENEW’s mission.

~ Mariela Saravia, pastoral team member, Venezuela

‘Come, Follow Me’


RENEW Worldwide South Africa


ENEW International returned to South Africa in 2007 by offering a specially developed process entitled, RENEW Africa. This process, which focuses on spiritual renewal of parishes, is built on the faith experiences of Africans in their daily lives and centered on faith sharing within small Christian communities. Like all RENEW processes, RENEW Africa invites communities to pray, reflect on Scripture, deepen communion with one another and with Christ, and reach out in service to others as an essential expression of their faith. What is especially important to the African reality is the strong emphasis on building a truly self-sustaining church. This goal is accomplished through training sessions which encourage the development of new lay leadership. Dioceses are now exploring and implementing other resources and processes from RENEW International to expand on the foundation built with RENEW Africa.

Highlights • The Diocese of Port Elizabeth completed RENEW Africa and is beginning the Why Catholic? book entitled Life in Christ. Why Catholic? for South Africa has been translated and enculturated in Xhosa and Afrikaans. During Lent, this diocese uses Lenten Longings, also adapted and translated for Africa.

The Catholic Women’s Association held a day for input, discussion, and prayer in preparation for RENEW Africa in the Archdiocese of Pretoria.


A retreat participant in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg takes time to read the Bible.

• In addition to director Fr. Jerry Browne, two part-time staff members, Charmaine Woolard and Sister Áine Hughes, HC, have joined the RENEW office located in the Pastoral Center in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth. One oversees the various support tasks connected with providing resources and services while the other leads formation workshops in participating dioceses and assists in building relationships with potential dioceses. • The Archdiocese of Johannesburg plans to continue to support small Christian communities in collaboration with RENEW International through Lenten Longings and Why Catholic? in 2015. • In the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, Duncan Hyam, the diocesan coordinator, has reported that participation has risen from 7,000 to close to 12,000 since the first season. Many small communities have initiated projects, including outreach to the poor, such as making sandwiches, or working at a soup kitchen. • One community refurbished a school in a poor area: they performed repairs to the building and furnishings and repainted it inside and out. When the children returned from vacation, each child had a gift of new clothes and shoes on his or her desk. • For Season V, which begins in October 2014, there are several awareness-raising events planned, including an archdiocese-wide art contest (with cash prizes) on the themes of the social teaching of the church.

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

Development Program

Gala honorees—Donald M. Daniels, left, who received the President’s Award, is pictured with Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW International; Msgr. Neil A. Connolly (pictured with Sr. Honora Nolty, OP) received the Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Award; and Thomas and Frances “Salsey” Sullivan were the recipients of the Spirit of RENEW Award.


ENEW International’s mission was greatly enhanced during the past year by many generous individuals and foundations. Their gifts, a total of $620,000, make them our partners in bringing vibrant life to parishes and dioceses in the United States and beyond. Our primary development goal is to help Catholics in poorer parishes become vibrant faith communities by supplying part of the funding needed for RENEW’s programs and resources. Through its fundraising efforts, RENEW brings its ministry to mission dioceses in the United States and in Africa and Latin America, supports youth and Gala young adult outreach, and enables $145,132 Annual Fund $186,527 us to offer our spiritual renewal and evangelization resources in Spanish Foundations and six other languages and large $288,500 print for people with low vision.

Highlights • RENEW continues to receive very generous support for its annual Gala which raised more than $140,000. RENEW honored Don Daniels, Tom and Salsey Sullivan, and Msgr. Neil Connolly. These honorees are models of faith in action. • We increased the number of major donors, and we received two unexpected large donations from long-time, faithful friends. • The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Communications Campaign awarded a grant of $37,500 to develop integrated video training modules for parish leaders in our newest program, Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization.

‘Come, Follow Me’

• An anonymous foundation awarded a generous grant to support the development of Sean mis testigos, the Spanish equivalent to Be My Witness, and training videos for La justicia brota de la fe. • The Vollmer Foundation continues to support RENEW’s work in Venezuela. • The Lynch Foundation awarded a $50,000 grant to support the Why Catholic? program in the Archdiocese of Boston. • The Geoge Link Charitable Trust awarded a $15,000 grant to expand our youth and young adult ministry. • The Lavelle Fund for the Blind awarded $35,000 to expand our large-print resources in English and Spanish. • Why Catholic? successfully launched in Catholic chapels in the Eastern Vicariate of the Archdiocese of the Military Services and was completed at two bases in Germany thanks to a generous grant from the Raskob Foundation. • We hired a college intern, infusing the Development Team’s productivity with a youthful spirit.

Murial Cagney, third from the left, and friends held “Shop for RENEW” at her boutique in Edison, New Jersey, in December to raise funds to support RENEW International’s mission.


Development Program

In January RENEW International published Beyond My Wildest Dreams: From Local Ministry to Worldwide Mission by RENEW co-founder Msgr. Thomas Kleissler. The delivery of this labor of love gave us the opportunity to revisit the beginnings of RENEW International and its mission. A book signing at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, provided the opportunity to reconnect with many early supporters who were critical to the founding of RENEW and the legacy we have inherited.

Msgr. Kleissler, left, as a seminarian in 1955 and, above, on the 50th anniversary of his ordination in 2007.


Parishioners gather around RENEW co-founder Msgr. Thomas Kleissler as he autographs copies of his memoir, Beyond My Wildest Dreams: From Local Ministry to Worldwide Mission, at the Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ, on May 18, 2014.


I still believe firmly that the RENEW approach to evangelization, building on small groups, is the most effective way of all to spread the gospel message far and wide. The impact RENEW International has had and will continue to have makes this memoir an important contribution to the history of the Church in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. As it looks back to the challenges and achievements of the past, it helps to light our way into the future.


~ Archbishop Peter Gerety, foreword to Beyond My Wildest Dreams

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014


Tree of Life Prayer Garden The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society was founded by a group of donors as a way to invite others to endow RENEW International and its mission for the future. Becoming a member is simple: name RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts may include a bequest, appreciated securities, gifts of retirement accounts, life insurance, property, and annuities.

Legacy Society Members Monica Garofalo Robert and Margaret Graham Lynn Hull Msgr. Tom Kleissler Kevin Lawler Jack and Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page The Tree of Life Prayer Garden at RENEW headquarters is a beautiful peaceful place where loved ones, alive or deceased, are remembered in etched pavers and teak benches. These etchings are placed in the stones of a large cross surrounded by flowers and foliage. In June and November, we celebrate a Memorial Mass in the garden for all those specifically named in the garden. On June 19, 2014 friends, trustees and staff gathered for Mass and prayed for both the living and deceased named in our Prayer Garden. For information or a confidential conversation about either the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society or the Tree of Life Garden, please call the Development Office at (908) 769-5400, ext. 162, to speak with Sr. Honora Nolty, OP.

‘Come, Follow Me’

Fr. Alejandro López-Cardinale blesses the pavers in the Tree of Life Prayer Garden. He is assisted by intern Halie Burns.


Financial Summary


ENEW International stayed focused on balancing its long-term mission-growth goals with careful costcontrol and investment management. Total income grew in fiscal 2014, driven by strong investment results and cost control.

The following table and graphs contain key financial data for fiscal years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013. Additional financial information is contained in the 2014 audited financial statements which can be obtained on RENEW International’s website at

RENEW International Key Statistics Full Year Ended June 30 2013 2014

(dollars in thousands) Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss







Total Assets (without Endowment)




$4,791 $4,842

Total Assets (with the Endowment)



Total Net Assets



Capital Spending



Ratio of Current Assets (with Endowment) to Current Liabilities





Endowment Income TOTAL INCOME

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

RENEW International Cost Allocation (% by type, dollars in thousands) $236 $235 7.7% 7.7%

RENEW International Sources of Revenue (in thousands) $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500

Development $626 Program Fees $907

$1,000 $500 0

Program Fees $905

Publications/ Other $1,162

Publications/ Other $1,082

FY 2013 Actual

FY 2014 Actual

RENEW International Balance Sheet Components: June 30, 2014 (in thousands) $244 $242 8.2% 8.2%

$2,580 84.6%

Development $620

Receivables $246

$2,474 83.6%

Operating & Endowment Cash $5,154

Fixed Assets $431 Other $1,278

Inventory $375 Other Assets $226

FY 2013 Actual Process Costs


Development Costs

FY 2014 Actual Gen & Admin Costs

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

Management and Operations


ENEW International is a mission-driven organization. To increase our mission impact in a financially sustainable way we are guided by our Strategic Plan to meet pastoral needs and grow our organizational capacity to better serve God and the Church.

Highlights Technology: The goals of a three-phase Enterprise Plan include increasing parish and small-community constituent satisfaction, bringing the Gospel to new audiences through technology, and continuing to reallocate resources in the service of our mission. The status of these goals is as follows. • We completed Phase I of our technology plan: installation of business intelligence software which allows for integrated reporting and access to critical data for decision making across the organization. • We developed and disseminated to our staff a Disaster Recovery Plan. • We upgraded our sales-management software. • We will introduce new approaches to technology support and goals for Phases II and III of the Strategic Plan for technology.

At the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, RENEW staff members share new resources with guests at our booth.

‘Come, Follow Me’

Management practices: We completed the last year of RENEW’s original five-year Strategic Plan and transitioned to the newly developed rolling three-year plan whose goals include continuing to enable staff to focus on informed decision making, improving relationships with customers, and meeting pastoral needs. • We have selected a new outside warehouse for our inventory. • We have revised policies for better interaction with our customers including returns, tiered pricing models, and regularly scheduled out-bound calls to increase customer engagement, increase revenue, and reduce expenses. Staff development: Building our professional and ministerial community remains our goal. • We have established a formal succession planning process for the senior management of RENEW. • We have provided opportunities for staff members to expand their professional roles, deepen their faith commitment, and grow in missionary discipleship.

Annie Guadalupe (left) and Eartha Johnson (right) pose with Pope Francis (or is it a life-size cutout?) at the Catholic Marketing Network tradeshow. RENEW staff members attended this event to build awareness for RENEW’s faith-sharing resources.



PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY $20,000 and above

Anonymous James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. (Hackensack, NJ) George and Patricia Erdman Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc. (New York, NY) The Lynch Foundation (Boston, MA)

Jack and Kathy Norris (June Walk Foundation) Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities (Wilmington, DE) Vollmer Foundation (Caracas, Venezuela) Frank and Mimi Walsh-Sandy Hill Foundation (Morristown, NJ) Carol and Robert Williams

PATRONS OF RENEW $10,000 and above James and Virginia Collins The Daniels Group, Inc. (New Providence, NJ) Raymond and Catherine Donovan

Florence Jacobson George Link Jr. Charitable Trust (Milltown, NJ) Thomas and Frances (Salsey) Sullivan

PARTNERS IN MISSION $5,000 and above The Charles Engelhard Foundation (New York, NY) Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney Diocese of Metuchen Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti The Healey Family Foundation (Morristown, NJ) Msgr. Thomas Kleissler

John Mulderig News America Marketing, Inc. (New York, NY) Mary Noel and William Page Saint Peter’s Healthcare System (New Brunswick, NJ) Walter and Lynn Rickard Laurence Walsh

SPONSORS $1,000 and above Erin Avery Anthony and Maggie Browne Marylane Burry Ronald and Rosemary Bushwell Muriel and William Cagney Robert Dempsey Livvy Dinneen Sisters of St. Dominic (Blauvelt, NY) Floyd and Dolly Donahue Murphy & James, LLC (Patricia Murphy and Dierdre James) Bert and Milissa Else Bill and Angela Freda Archbishop Peter Gerety Joseph and Carolyn Gugliandolo Eileen Leonard Bernard Hartnett James and Jackie Higgins


Douglas and Mary Hutchings Marilee James Jennifer Jehn James and Carol King David Kolakowski, Kolaco, Inc. (Mendham, NJ) Brenda and Leslie Maiman, Jr. Ruth Markworth Design Studio Robert and Margaret McGovern Edward and Ellen Miller Sr. Honora Nolty, OP James and Kathleen O’Brien Carl and Jeanne Ellen Pursiano Joanne and Herbert Ruetsch Michael and Mary Singer Richard and Germaine Trabert Michael and Ida Tropiano Kathy and Dominic Volante, Jr.

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

FRIENDS $100 and above Angelica Barrera-Cruz Patricia Becker John and Marguerite Boyce Vincent and Christina Budd Msgr. James Burke Max Bussel & Co., CPA (South Plainfield, NJ) Patricia and Joseph Butt Msgr. Harry Byrne Mary and Phil Cappio Susan and Vito Capurso Judith Caruso Msgr. Edward Ciuba Frank and Maria Colangelo Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Dennis Connolly Patrick Connolly William Connolly Robert and Maureen Corbett Regina Crowley Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit Jim and Betty Davidson Jerry Dempsey Rev. Thomas Devery Jane Devlin Eric and Karen Dill Robert and Patricia Donnelly Brian Donovan Marty and Karen Doris Ronald and Denise Dower Sally and Russell Dreyer Yvonne and John Driscoll, Jr. James Dugan Joseph Duggan Joseph and Patricia Esposito Claire Fallon David and Carolyn Faloni Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis Rev. Thomas Fenlon John and Judith Fitzgerald Thomas Flammer Kathleen and Peter Frank

‘Come, Follow Me’


Members of Sacred Heart Parish in the Archdiocese of Miami participate in the Evangelization Workshop.

Janet Frigerio Peggy and Craig Gaydos Teresa Geaney Kerry and Chris George Thomas Giblin Glenn’s Car and Truck Repair (Plainfield, NJ) Robert and Kathleen Gluck Charles and Barbara Gnassi Robert and Margaret Graham Martha-Ann Hagedorn Marilyn Haggerty Ken and Harriet Hall Rev. Francis Heinen Marguerite Henderson Msgr. Owen Hendry Catherine and Michael Hennessey Paul and Dorothy Hennessey Msgr. Thomas Ivory Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski R. Patrick and Sharon Kane Thomas and Susan Kiernan Elaine Kimball Richard and Suzanne Kinney


Donors Edwin and Gertrude Kleissler Richard and Mary Jean Kleissler Robert Kleissler Knights of Columbus of Our Lady of Fatima Council #4486 (Upper Saddle River, NJ) Eric and Elizabeth Koch William and Mary Kreppein Joseph and Yu Tsuan Weiyeh Ku Jan Lacy Robert and Jean Lampert Dorothy Landvater John and Eileen Lawler Marie Lawler John Lentinello Grace and Todd Leong Gary Linn Rev. Thomas Looney, CSC Lumen Center, Sr. Patricia Crowley, OP (Caldwell, NJ) Deirdre Trabert and Richard Malacrea, Jr. Lynda and John Mamone, Sr. Lynn and Frank Mara Bishop Dominic Marconi Edward and Margaret McDermott Jack and Carol McDermott Patricia McDermott William and Lois McGuire Lucy McGuirk Jeanne and Arthur Meehan

Participants share about their faith at RENEW International’s annual Board of Trustees Communion Breakfast.


Sr. Veronica Mendez, RCD Richard and Janet Michalowski Anna and John Monti Mount Saint Dominic Academy (Caldwell, NJ) Beatrice Murday Kathleen Murnion Madonna Nolty Peter and Pat Nolty Zita O’Brian Gavin O’Day James and Margaret O’Donnell George Oristano, Jr. William and Barbara O’Sullivan Dorothy Ott Kathleen and John Passantino Thomas and Theresa Potenza Micki Proud and Cas Pouderoyen Don and Roshan Quigley Elizabeth Quinlan Lawrence and Elaine Raia Michael and Patricia Ramella Susan and Mitch Rees C. William (Bill) Reilly Rev. Charles Reinbold Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP Denise Rover Stacy and Andrew Rushnak Sandra and Matthew Schroyer Walter Schwartz Robert Shaw Mary and Bartholomew Sheehan, Jr. Patricia Sheehan Joanne Collins and Timothy Smee Richard and Anna Spalckhaver Wendy Lane Stevens Bishop Dennis Sullivan, Diocese of Camden Anthony and Carmela Toma Robert Ulesky and Maria Camargo Robert and Mary VerNooy Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Patricia Wiley Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny (USA & Canada)

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

SUPPORTERS up to $99 Marilyn Atkinson Walter and Tecla Barber Robert and Kathryn Begley Russell and Candice Borner Valerie Brauer James and Evelyn Brawley William Brown John and Lee Bursley Rosalie Bulger-Buzzi Robert and Mary Callander Alberto and Bertha Calvo Joan Cappa Agnes Collins Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Itxaso Criswell Joy Dempsey George and Joan DeVito Sisters of St. Dominic (Amityville, NY) Michael Dos Santos Rosalia Escobar Thomas and Barbara Fanning Yvonne and Remy Ferrario James and Catherine Flynn James and Susan Foley Patricia Ann Foley James Friel John and Mary Jane Gannon Henry and Althea Gardner Peter and Patricia Glen Richard and Marie Heaslip Adrienne Hennessy William and Barbara Hennig Sr. Margaret Jaros, OP Michael Jedrzejewski and Sybil Grandeck Mary Ann and Stephen Jeselson Julia and Edward Jones Patricia Kent Elpidio and Asela Laguna-Diaz Sheryl Lawrence Peggy and Charlie Lockwood Manuel Lopez and Yenitza Olmo Jeremiah and Joan Lynch John and Patricia Magovern

‘Come, Follow Me’


Richard and Kelly Maltagliati James and Marcella Martin Dennis and Maureen Matulewicz Mary Mazzacco Joseph McGovern Michael and Susan McGuinness Cornelius and Carol McShane Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Patrick Mullen Michael and Barbara Murphy Gene Paul and Virginia Muzio Linda Nash Rev. Michael O’Connor Rev. Robert O’Neil Flavio Ortega Sr. Joanne Parker, SJC Candyce Parrington James Pezzullo Barbara and Dominic Preziosi, Jr. Joyce Quinlan Jackie Roby Margaret and Scott Rubinacci William and Marilyn Saydah Anna and Gerald Schneider Pamela Schwitter Gwendolyn Scott Gloria Secchia Tammy Selig Geraldine and Frederick Stabile Frank Stein Rev. Robert Striegel Mary Tierney John and Kathleen Toolan Adelina Torres Gary and Lynda Urban Antony and Mary Ann Visocchi Richard and Mary Von Stamwitz Sue and Bill Whitright Will and Carolyn Winchester Elbert Worland Robert and Kathleen Zifchock


Board of Trustees

Trustees gather at the RENEW Gala on June 5, 2014. Front row: Dierdre James; Joseph Franzetti, Chair; Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, President and Executive Director. Back row: Walter Rickard, Livvy Dinneen, Robert McGovern; Michael Tropiano; Donald Whittam, Patricia Murphy, and Michael Singer.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY

Chair Joseph Franzetti Senior Vice President at Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC

Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor

Secretary Eric Dill President, Human Resources at the American Arbitration Association; previously Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ

Treasurer Leslie T. Maiman, Jr., D.Min. Chief Operating Officer and Diocesan Finance Officer, Archdiocese of Anchorage Angelica Barrera-Cruz Primary School Educator in Half Moon Bay, CA; former Associate Director, Office of Youth & Young Adults, Diocese of Metuchen Jane P. Devlin Civil Lawyer; member of Canon Law Society of America


RENEW International welcomed Archbishop Bernard Hebda to our Plainfield, NJ, headquarters Jan. 6, 2014. The co-adjutor archbishop celebrated Mass in our chapel for members of our board of trustees and staff and then joined us for lunch. He is assisting and eventually will succeed Archbishop Joseph J. Myers in the Archdiocese of Newark. Here he poses with Board President Joe Franzetti and President and Executive Director Sr. Terry Rickard, OP.

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014

Board of Trustees Reverend Abraham Orapankal A native of the Indian state of Kerala; currently pastor of St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; adjunct member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team Walter I. Rickard Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive Michael Singer Assistant VP – Mobile, Cloud and Access Management Security, AT&T Business Solutions Archbishop John J. Myers and Sr. Terry at the RENEW Gala. Photo by Deacon Al Frank / New Jersey Catholic

Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Vice President, Corporate Development & Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Professor of Human Resource Planning, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela Martin Garofalo President, News America Marketing Dierdre James Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Jennifer Jehn President and CEO, Keep America Beautiful; hospice care grief counselor Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry; Commissioner of Avon by the Sea, NJ; former Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea, NJ John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Michael Tropiano Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Donald Whittam Sales and Marketing Director for Nostalgia Home Fashions, Pastoral Council Chair, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

RENEW International Corporate Members

Most Rev. John J. Myers, JCD, DD Archbishop of Newark, Chairman Most Rev. Berhard A. Hebda, Coadjuter Archbishop of Newark

Members Most Rev. Edgar M. da Cunha, SDV, DD Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General & Moderator of the Curia and Vicar for Evangelization, Archdiocese of Newark, NJ; Titular Bishop of Ucres, Vice-Chairman Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Chancellor and Secretary to the Archbishop, General Secretary Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life

Patricia A. Murphy Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC

Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Petrillo Executive Director, Office of Clergy Personnel (deceased January 2014)

John Norris Retired Wall Street executive with extensive experience in U.S. Treasury securities

Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Nydegger Executive Director, Office of Clergy Personnel

‘Come, Follow Me’



RENEW’s team, pictured here at the annual Staff Planning Days at Stella Maris Retreat Center in Elberon, New Jersey, strives to be a professional ministerial community.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, DMin Susan Capurso, Executive Assistant Assistant Director Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Business Operations Mary Beth Oria, Director Patricia Wiley, Interim Director Richard Malacrea (Intern) Finance Richard Michalowski, Controller Yvette Hutchins Customer Service Eartha Johnson, Manager Martha Ann Hagedorn Carolyn Newkirk Development Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, Director Dorothy Ott Halie Burns (Intern)


Human Resources Sr. Eileen Carmody, PBVM, Administrator Marketing and Communications Deirdre Trabert Malacrea, Director Callie Kowalski Amy Reed Diocesan Sales and Services Gregory Kremer, Director Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Lynn Hull Pastoral Services Dr. Laura Zane Kolmar, Director Rev. Jeremiah Browne Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Juan Ramón Córdova Ana Maria Guadalupe Manuel Hernandez Sr. Áine Hughes, HC Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale Anne Scanlan Sr. Patricia Thomas, OP Charmaine Woolard

Publications and Resources Kathleen Ogle, Managing Editor Christopher Burns Regina Crowley Deacon Charles Paolino Matthew Doeing (Intern) President Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler

Staff members put their faith into action on Fridays during Lent by preparing meatless soup and collecting donations for Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl campaign.

RENEW International | Annual Report 2014


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RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717

Š 2014 RENEW International

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