RENEW International IMPACT Report 2019

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Transforming Lives for Christ

IMPACT Report 2019

The Mission of RENEW International To renew personal faith and parish life— unlocking the power of small groups by equipping laity and clergy to share their Catholic faith and live it every day.

La Misión de RENEW International Renovar el don de la fe y la vida parroquial— activando el alcance de las pequeñas comunidades; equipando a los laicos y clérigos a compartir y vivir su fe católica diariamente.

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Contents From Our President


A Message from Our Board


40th Anniversary


Pastoral Offerings 5 Healing Our Church / Sanando Nuestra Iglesia Baptism Matters ARISE Together in Christ / LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo Be My Witness / Sean mis testigos Why Catholic? / ¿Por qué ser católico? Dignity and the Death Penalty: Evolution of Catholic Teaching Balancing Faith & Work What, Me Holy?

RENEW Worldwide


Young Adult Ministry


Where RENEW Serves


Financial Summary


Management and Operations






Board of Trustees




Connect with RENEW


RENEW Africa

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From Our President “The butterfly can transform its world and give way to new beginnings, unfurled.” That’s from a poem by Heather Reneé Adamkiewicz. The poem goes on to say that the butterfly “flies on faith and imagination” and “has no fear of change.” The poet is referring to the remarkable process in which a caterpillar, used to crawling its way through life, takes a breather in its chrysalis or cocoon, and emerges as a transformed creature that flits through the air on wings that light up the world with their color. That has always struck me as a metaphor for what RENEW International, for more than 40 years, has sought to inspire in participants in small faith-sharing groups and their parishes—transformation. This has never seemed more apropos than now, as RENEW is introducing two important initiatives designed to transform people and parishes: Healing Our Church and Baptism Matters. Both resources are about “new beginnings.” Healing Our Church and its Spanish-language counterpart, Sanando Nuestra Iglesia, is a faithsharing program carefully fashioned to help Catholic men and women confront the crises of clergy sexual-abuse and coverup and find ways to support survivors and help the Church repair itself and move on to even more effective ministries. We introduced Healing Our Church first in the Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania, and then in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, and we are currently implementing it in other dioceses and parishes around the country. In every case, our goal is to transform laity and clergy still shocked, angry, and disappointed into disciples with renewed hope empowered to participate in the transformation of the Church. Baptism Matters is a flexible online program that prepares parents and godparents for the baptism of their child. Parents and godparents can complete these modules where and when they wish, and parents will also attend an in-person small group faith-sharing session at the parish. Our goal is to transform young adults who may be lukewarm or indifferent into active members of the parish community. There are separate Baptism Matters modules for parish staff, designed to transform parishes that may greet widely diverse Catholic families with disinterest or even hostility into sources of welcome that invite young adults to make the parish their spiritual home. In both endeavors, we have relied on our dedicated staff, volunteers, and outside consultants— laity, religious, and clergy. In other words, we have relied on the kind of communal energy that has made RENEW for more than four decades a transforming influence in parishes and in the lives of Catholic men and women. As you review the impact RENEW has had during the past year, we hope you will be inspired to continue as a supporter of our ministry and a member of our RENEW family.

Sister Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director 2

RENEW International

A Message from Our Board RENEW International completed its 40th anniversary observances with a Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Park Ridge, New Jersey, which concluded with the proclamation to “Go!” To go and put into practice what was professed, and to make an impact on the world. As we provide small group faith-sharing resources and pastoral support to inspire Catholics to respond to that challenge by putting the Gospel into practice in everyday life, we continue to develop our staff and our infrastructure to make our impact greater than ever. During the past year, • we appointed an experienced sales manager and planned to add two new sales personnel with their diverse experience and fresh perspectives; • we began to deploy the new customer-relations management system that gives our staff quick access to indispensable data about our customers and sales prospects; • we began to see the unfolding of a new, more user-friendly design for our website; • we placed the first product in the market—Healing Our Church—that helps Catholic men and women directly confront the sexual-abuse crisis and help shape the Church’s future; • we broke the mold for RENEW products by developing Baptism Matters, a program with a critical online component that will offer parishes a new way to engage young parents who request baptism for their children; • we raised 3 million dollars from our Capital Campaign, which has enabled us to move ahead in the ways I have just described, toward a growing future. Our ability to have a meaningful impact on the life of Catholics depends on our careful management of our human and financial resources, and careful management has been a hallmark of the past year. We have an active and engaged Board of Trustees. The Board, the Finance Committee, and the staff have worked closely together to assure that personnel and financial decisions are consistent with our mission and our capacity. As a non-profit organization, we hold ourselves accountable to our donors and customers; our audited financial statements are available on our website. Our goal in these efforts, as our new mission statement says, is “to renew personal faith and parish life,” to inspire parishes and parishioners with a missionary zeal that will reach beyond the walls of the local church to the social and economic outskirts of society. Our goal is to have an impact. We have done that, and we will continue to do that with renewed joy and enthusiasm, only with your support. Thank you for playing your indispensable part in our mission.

Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees

IMPACT Report 2019


40th Anniversary

The pilgrims who traveled to sacred sites in Rome, Assisi, and Siena as part of RENEW International’s 40th anniversary celebration pose for a group photo. During the past fiscal year, RENEW International concluded the observance of its “Forward at 40” anniversary celebration with two major events: a pilgrimage to Italy and a Mass of Thanksgiving. Forty-six travelers joined the “Pilgrimage to Italy’s Spiritual Capitals” in September 2018, led by Sister Terry Rickard, OP, and Father Anthony Randazzo, pastor of the Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity in Westfield, New Jersey. The group visited important religious sites in Rome, Assisi, and Siena. The Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated in November 2018 at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Park Ridge, New Jersey. The celebrant was Bishop Mark Bartchak of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Concelebrating were Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler and Monsignor Thomas Ivory whose zeal for the themes of the Second Vatican Council led to the establishment, in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, of a pastoral office that evolved into RENEW International. Monsignor Kleissler—more widely known as “Father Tom”—began his priestly ministry at the parish in Park Ridge.

Most Rev. Mark Bartchak, bishop of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, is the celebrant at the Mass of Thanksgiving that concluded RENEW’s 40th anniversary observances. Serving at the altar is Deacon Peter Fiore, director of sales and marketing at RENEW.

Part of the congregation at the Mass of Thanksgiving that concluded RENEW’s observance of its 40th anniversary. RENEW staff present and past, supporters, participants, and friends gathered for a reception following the liturgy. 4

RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings Healing Our Church/Sanando Nuestra Iglesia During this fiscal year, RENEW International introduced one of the most important resources in its 40-year history—Healing Our Church and its Spanish-language counterpart Sanando Nuestra Iglesia. This new smallgroup program helps Catholic adults express their feelings about the sexual-abuse crisis in the Church, process those feelings, and claim their rightful place in the healing and renewal of the Church. Introduced in the Diocese of Allentown, the program was implemented in 88 percent of the parishes. A team of lay Catholics, religious sisters, and clergy helped RENEW prepare the program in time to be launched during Lent 2019 when Bishop Alfred A. Schlert was eager to implement it and was instrumental in its success. The parish-wide initiative is being introduced in the Archdiocese of Newark and the Dioceses of Grand Rapids, Charleston, and Orlando; and RENEW staff are discussing the program with other dioceses.

Meeting the Challenge: A Grant from the Raskob Foundation Recognizing the importance of our work, the Raskob Foundation awarded RENEW a $30,000 challenge grant in support of Healing Our Church in May 2019. The Foundation offered to match donations made for this program dollar for dollar up to $30,000. The donors listed below made it possible for us to meet the challenge. Thanks to them and to the Raskob Foundation, RENEW can offer this program to many more dioceses and parishes. Patricia Becker Susan and Vito Capurso Robert and Maureen Corbett Eric and Karen Dill Evan Dill Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney George and Patricia Erdman Diane Forastiero

Marge Hussey David and Susan Janazzo Greg and Kate Kremer William and Mary Kreppein M. Therese Liddy Loyola Foundation Robert and Margaret McGovern Christine Morrison and Ron Marino

Madonna Nolty Mario J. Paredes, SOMOS Community Care Richard and Maryellen Hartnett Reid Ramon Tallaj, MD: SOMOS IPA Karen Troiano Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. John and Jeanette Walton Carol and Robert Williams


In the Diocese of Allentown, first to use Healing Our Church:

• RENEW trained 55 core-team members and 300 small-group leaders.

A participant in Healing Our Church in the Diocese of Allentown reads a session in the faithsharing book.

• More than 3,000 parishioners participated in small groups.

Diocese of Allentown/John Simitz photo.

IMPACT Report 2019

• Almost 400 participated in Spanish.


Pastoral Offerings

RENEW staff was busy during this fiscal year preparing Baptism Matters for launch in the fall of 2019. Baptism Matters offers parishes a unique means of preparing parents and godparents for their child’s initiation into the Church. The program also forms staff to receive new parents and godparents in an atmosphere of joy and welcome that invites these young adults to become active members of the parish community. arishes can subscribe to Baptism Matters •P and introduce parents and godparents to a course of online learning modules. •P arish mentors accompany parents throughout the preparation process up to the celebration of the sacrament.

In a video featured on a learning module for parents in Baptism Matters, a young couple talks about choosing the baptismal names of their children.

• Parents and godparents can individually complete the modules at their own pace. • Modules instruct parents and godparents on the meaning and symbols of Baptism, encourage them to live their own faith and pass it on to their children. • Parents, and those godparents who wish to, will participate in a small-group meeting at the parish.

A frame from one of the learning modules in Baptism Matters. Each module is presented in segments that participants can view at their own pace.


Baptism Matters, the first in a series of sacramental preparation programs planned by RENEW, was developed in partnership with My Catholic Faith Delivered and Holy Cross Family Ministries.

RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo

Testimonials from small groups participating in ARISE and LEVÁNTATE reflected the impact this parish-wide small-group program has on the lives of individual men and women as well as whole parishes. • A parishioner at St. Michael’s Church in Netcong, New Jersey, wrote, “This encounter opened A small group gathers at St. Michael’s Church in Netcong, New my mind and heart. I had stopped reading the Jersey, to share faith with LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo. Small Scriptures, especially the daily readings of the groups in the parish participated in both English and Spanish. Mass. From the second week of the meetings, I wanted to be more involved, and I looked forward to the next week to meet again with my little community—to ‘arise.’” • A group leader from a parish in the Diocese of Brooklyn reported that because of her participation in ARISE, she started faith-sharing on the Sunday Gospel with her religious-education students. She said at first the children hardly talked; now she has to remind them that the class is over. • A member of Sacred Heart Parish in Susanville, California, noticed on his daily walks a home that was without electricity. He saw a woman trying to remove a fence post to use for firewood. Motivated by the calls to action in ARISE, he helped the woman remove the post and has been regularly bringing the family firewood and other supplies.

Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos

Be My Witness and its Spanish-language counterpart, Sean mis testigos, is a parishwide small-group program designed to transform parishes and form disciples for the New Evangelization. Participants in this program, which has touched lives in parishes in 25 dioceses, DID YOU KNOW? explore insights from Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation The Joy of the • Some 442 parishes in 43 dioceses Gospel. The program challenges participated in parish-wide small-group them to make a commitment to programs. missionary outreach, spreading • Many more parishes used RENEW faiththe faith wherever life takes them. The 12-session sharing books. workbook is integrated with videos that present real-life Catholic witness stories. • More than 50,000 men and women engaged


IMPACT Report 2019


Pastoral Offerings Why Catholic?/¿Por Qué Ser Católico?

Catholics often have opportunities to share their faith with others but lack the basic knowledge and confidence to do so. Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? has a rich scriptural and catechetical approach that gives a solid foundation for every Catholic to be able to reach out to others in faith. This small-group program helps adults deepen their Catholic faith and connect its teachings to their everyday lives. We explore Catholic teaching with direct quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the U.S. Catechism for Adults, scriptural references, and reflection questions. Participants will journey together using four books that focus on prayer, the Profession of Faith, the sacraments, and Christian morality. Some 274 small groups in 29 parishes in the Diocese of Brooklyn that had completed Season 5 of ARISE began the transition to Why Catholic? All 29 parishes had groups participating in English, a total of 1,269. Parishioners also participating in other languages included Spanish, 1,230; Haitian-Creole, 90; Chinese, 48; and Tamil, 15. Parishes in the Diocese are already reporting the impact this program is having on small-group members. • After the first six sessions, about 175 people in a parish in Astoria, Queens, attended a two-hour reflection on the experience. The evening included exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. • A group of mothers at a parish in Springfield Gardens had their first experience in a small-group program while their children were in faith-formation classes. A parish leader said the women “made some real connections among themselves … are now much more engaged and want to continue with the group.” • The leader of a youth group at a parish in Ridgewood said “there were definitely moments when the faces on kids would change. They finally saw something, and God had touched their hearts.”

Al Pach of RENEW’s Faith and Work staff at the 2019 Gala with Fr. Edward Ciuba, author of the faith-sharing book Creation at the Crossroads, one of the many small-group programs in RENEW’s growing catalogue.

Photo credit:

Dignity and the Death Penalty: Evolution of Catholic Teaching During this fiscal year, RENEW began developing a faith-sharing book in response to Pope Francis’ declaration that the death penalty is “inadmissible” as punishment for any crime. The six-session program, due to be introduced in spring 2020, is being produced in consultation with Sister Helen Prejean, the preeminent criminal-justice activist, and the Catholic Mobilizing Network. Sister Helen Prejean, author of the memoir River of Fire and Dead Man Walking. RENEW is working with Sister Helen on the forthcoming resource, Dignity and the Death Penalty: Evolution of Catholic Teaching.


RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings Balancing Faith & Work

During this fiscal year, the Faith and Work team worked on strategies to expand the reach of the faith-sharing book Balancing Faith & Work and other resources designed to help working people make the connection between their Catholic faith and their decisions and behavior on the job. The team’s efforts included • conducting demographic research among participants in existing Ignatian Business Chapters • soliciting assessments of the contents of Balancing Faith & Work • developing a learning module for use in marketing the Faith and Work program to new audiences • placing articles in diocesan publications. Business chapters have received a monthly newsletter from John Fontana, who is director of Ignatian Business Chapters. Each newsletter refers participants to an article in a source such as the Business Roundtable, Fortune, and the website of the Jesuits. Participants are invited to respond in their small groups to questions about the article, in the context of a passage from Scripture.

Author Chris Lowney with Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW International, at the 2019 Mid-Atlantic Congress in Baltimore, Maryland. Chris Lowney’s work inspired Balancing Faith & Work, RENEW’S faith-sharing resource, and he is the author of RENEW’s upcoming book, What, Me Holy?

Upcoming: What, Me Holy?

The Publications team worked with author Chris Lowney to create a new faith-sharing resource that will be introduced early in 2020. This product—What, Me Holy?—is based on the apostolic exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad by Pope Francis. In a breezy, readable style, Lowney unpacks the Pope’s theme, that holiness can be a quality in the lives of everyone, not only the lives of saints and martyrs. This book is being carefully positioned so that it will be appropriate for use by participants in the Faith and Work program as well as by small groups in general.

IMPACT Report 2019

Pope Francis as he was photographed by a member of RENEW’s pilgrimage to Italy. (See page 4.) Balancing Faith & Work was heavily influenced by the Pope’s teaching, and his apostolic exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad is the basis for the upcoming RENEW book, What, Me Holy?


RENEW Africa The RENEW International office in South Africa continued promoting evangelization during fiscal 2019, using a variety of resources. The office is directed by Father Jerry Browne with administrative support from Charmaine Woolard. Sister Áine Hughes supports small communities in the Archdiocese of Pretoria and the Diocese of Klerksdorp. • The Diocese of Port Elizabeth has conducted 43 workshops promoting Luke: My Spirit Rejoices which is part of the RENEW Scripture Series. The book by Martin Lang, retired professor of religious studies at Fairfield University, was published in the languages of the area— English, isiXhosa, and Afrikaans. The faith-sharing book is being presented in three volumes in South Africa to make it more accessible to the population there. Port Elizabeth is in the process of preparing the second book in the series, Matthew: Come Follow Me, for Bishop Victor H. Phalana of the Diocese of Klerksdorp, South Africa, plants a “RENEW tree” during festivities use during Liturgical Year A. This book is also being marking the launch of RENEW Africa in that diocese. published in three volumes. • The Archdioceses of Johannesburg and Pretoria continue with the Why Catholic? series and continue to add new small Christian communities to their numbers. Parishes in both archdioceses used Live Lent! • The Diocese of Manzini in Swaziland, a kingdom that borders on South Africa and Mozambique, and the Diocese of Klerksdorp in South Africa continue with the RENEW Africa series. Both dioceses arranged Participants concentrate on the subject matter during the translation of the books into a workshop in January 2019 for Live Lent! small-group local languages—siSwati and leaders in Johannesburg, South Africa. Setswana respectively. •R ENEW on the Air continued on the Catholic broadcasting system known as Radio Veritas. The program is hosted by Duncan Hyam, coordinator of RENEW Africa and Why Catholic? programs in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg. The show, which includes faith sharing and listener call-ins, is broadcast on Monday evenings and repeated on Saturdays. It is accessible via radio, television, cell phone, and the Radio Veritas website.

Duncan Hyam


RENEW International

Young Adult Ministry: RENEW Theology on Tap

RENEW International’s Theology on Tap invites young adults to explore the Catholic faith and its relevance in their lives—in settings in which they feel most comfortable. Young men and women gather in restaurants and bars to eat and drink and listen to a lay or clerical speaker discuss an aspect of the Catholic faith. Theology on Tap originated in the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1981. At the invitation of the archdiocese, RENEW International took over licensing of the program in the mid 1980s. RENEW maintains a Facebook page for Theology on Tap programs, and a closed Facebook page, Theology on Tap Think Tank, for exchange of ideas.

Co-host Eric Klein makes some announcements before a questionanswer-session at a Theology on Tap meeting in February at Kathy’s Pub in downtown Rochester, New York. The topic of the session was “Living Out the Truth of Sexuality.” Topics during the past year have included the following: “A Rock and Roll Journalist Opens Her Ears to God”—Silicon Valley, California “Personal Relationship with Jesus: It’s a Catholic Thing”—Syracuse, New York “Voting with a Catholic Conscience”—Harrisburg, Pennsylvania “Just War and Violent Protest”—Cleveland, Tennessee


Theology on Tap groups met in 59 dioceses, including Johannesburg, South Africa, during this fiscal year.

Interns who worked and learned at RENEW International this summer included, from left, Jessica Guerriero, Anne Howath, and Samantha Howath. An intern not pictured here was Natalie Else. Jessica Guerriero, a Catholic Studies major at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, is the coordinator of Theology on Tap. IMPACT Report 2019

Venues included:

Sterling Pig Brewery Hairy Tony’s

Dinosaur Bar-B-Que


Where RENEW Serves Alberta WA MT OR







RENEW’s Pastoral Program Locations* Healing Our Church (blue) ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Be My Witness (orange) Why Catholic? (green) RENEW Africa (purple) Theology on Tap (brown) *Does not include individual parish/small Christian community activity.


RENEW International






















South Africa


Gulf of Mexico

Dominican Republic


IMPACT Report 2019


Financial Summary RENEW International continues to work toward financial sustainability while increasing the impact of our programs on parishes and on Catholic men and women. The following table and graphs contain key financial data for fiscal years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018. The following table and graphs contain key financial data for fiscal years ended June 30, 2019, and 2018.

RENEW International Key Statistics (dollars in thousands)

Full Year Ended June 30 2019 2018

Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss








Assets (without Endowment)




$2,735 $2,570

Total Assets



Total Net Assets



Endowment Income

*excludes extraordinary items, $(145K), 2018

RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) $112 $254 5% 11%

$134 $228 6% 10%

$1,916 84%

$1,972 84%

FY 2019 Actual

FY 2018 Actual

Process Costs

Development Costs

Gen & Admin Costs

For full audited financial statements, visit


RENEW International

Management and Operations RENEW’s newly rebuilt infrastructure is resulting in proactive and costeffective delivery of services and products to our customers. New technology, new talent, and transformed internal processes have produced a model for pastoral programs that can be adapted to meet the varied evangelization and faith-formation needs of parishes and dioceses in the United States and in other countries. RENEW is committed to our longterm goal of mission growth; that Members of RENEW staff gathered for meetings at Plainfield offices include Sister Ruth Bolarte, IHM, manager of Hispanic services; Mary Foy, associate director of pastoral is evidenced by the consistent services; Sister Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP, pastoral consultant; Milissa Else, director of review and improvements of our pastoral services; Sister Theresa Rickard, president and executive director; Sister Honora management and operations, Nicholson, RSM, and Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP, pastoral consultants. based both on internal analysis and decisions and on external consultation. Because of this process, we are better positioned to expand our reach to more parishes and dioceses. RENEW 2019 Milestones: • RENEW’s pastoral and training representatives are now located regionally to better provide pastoral support around the country. • The Baptism Matters program nears completion. (See page 6.) • RENEW launched a CRM system to enable our sales team to better connect with parishes and dioceses as well as teams within RENEW. • Our work flow was streamlined to better address seasonal needs with flexible staffing.

Customer Service

RENEW’s Customer Service team is the face and voice of RENEW to our many customers, helping participants in parish-wide initiatives with their web logins, assessing order quantities for new member parishes, and recommending seasonal and liturgical faith-sharing workbooks to suit every parish’s specific needs. This past year, Customer Service took the lead in fulfilling a request for the need of a parish in Tabernacle, New Jersey. This parish wanted DID YOU KNOW? to share faith in small groups for a specific series of Sundays but could not find a resource that exactly met • Small groups in 33 states, two its needs. Customer Service and our Publications team provinces of Canada, and four other reviewed RENEW’s offerings and created and printed countries used RENEW faith-sharing a customized eight-week faith-sharing book for use by books this year. more than 100 parishioners. IMPACT Report 2019


Development Friends of RENEW International gather during the cocktail hour at the annual Gala, RENEW’s principal fundraising event, at the Pleasantdale Chateau in West Orange in June. The event raised more than $211,000.

RENEW’s ministry of parish revitalization is made possible in part by the generous donations of individual donors, foundations, and businesses. Our donors are partners in our work.

The Capital Campaign

Forward at 40 was launched in January 2018 to fund four key priorities and forward our mission in new and innovative ways. To date, RENEW has raised over $3 million in its comprehensive campaign. Capital Campaign giving is moving our important work not only to the next level but to the next generation: 1. Engaging Young Adults and Young Families: The Capital Campaign has enabled RENEW to launch the Baptism Matters program, our first on-line learning module program, designed with today’s young digitally-savvy families in mind. In addition, we are strengthening our Theology on Tap program, which aims to meet and engage young Catholic adults wherever they are in their faith journeys. 2. Growing the Ignatian Business Chapters: Capital Net development revenue Campaign funding has allowed RENEW to publish two Faith and Work books, Balancing Faith and Work and What, Annual Fund Me Holy?, in addition to bringing Faith and Work groups Grants $65,300 $159,500 directly to parishes. 3. Build Capacity: Thanks to the Capital Campaign, RENEW has launched a new mobile-friendly website and is putting the finishing touches on its new e-store. Gala Capital 4. E nsure Our Future: Capital Campaign support has added $212,000 Campaign to our endowment, providing RENEW with a stable future $500,200 and allowing us to focus on increasing the impact of our mission.


RENEW International

Capital Campaign Donors

The Lynch Foundation made a leading gift of $1 million in support of the Endowment and the Baptism Matters project. Long-time supporters Bill and Mary Noel Page pledged $250,000 in support of the Campaign. The following is a list of all the supporters who have designated their gift toward the Capital Campaign to date: W Shepherdson and Kathryn Abell Anthony and Maggie Browne Susan and Vito Capurso Victoria and Thomas Carey Father Edward Ciuba Tony Coelho and Robert Dreher The Cushman Foundation Robert Dempsey Eric and Karen Dill Livvy Dinneen Dolly and Floyd Donahue Alejandro and Sonia Fernández-Colmenárez James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. Paul and Kathleen Foley Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti Martin and Susan Garofalo Bernard Hartnett Manuel and Lucila Hernandez Msgr. Thomas Ivory Dierdre James and James Wheaton Jennifer Jehn Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane Msgr. Thomas Kleissler

Greg and Kate Kremer Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom Rev. Thomas Looney The Lynch Foundation Robert and Margaret McGovern Patrick McMahon Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Richard and Janet Michalowski Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Jack Norris Michael and Julie O’Brien Rev. Abraham Orapankal Mary Noel and William Page (Page Family Foundation) Les and Eileen Quick Walter and Lynn Rickard Michael and Mary Singer Vincent and Mary Sweeney Michael and Ida Tropiano Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. Frank and Mimi Walsh (Sandy Hill Foundation) Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Carol and Robert Williams

The Annual Fund

Many of RENEW’s friends responded to appeals sent out in the Fall, and at Christmas and Easter. The Annual Fund raised over $65,000 in the 2019 Fiscal Year.


In the past fiscal year RENEW secured grants from the following charitable foundations: • ACTA Foundation • The George Link Charitable Trust • The Healy Family Foundation • James and Loretta Colotto Foundation • Le Moyne College: Madden School of Business

• Loyola Foundation • The Lynch Foundation • Raskob Foundation • William T. and Marie J. Henderson Foundation • The Cushman Foundation

The Gala

This year’s Gala raised more than $212,000. Honorees included Robert Thomson (President’s Award), Alice Beal, MD (Spirit of RENEW Award) and Msgr. Richard M. Liddy, PhD (The James L. Nolan Award).

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society

Members of the Legacy Society are those who have chosen to give a gift to RENEW that will endure beyond their lifetime. The following have named RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift: • Monica Garofalo • Robert and Margaret Graham • Lynn Hull • Msgr. Thomas Ivory • John Kennelly • Msgr. Tom Kleissler • +Kevin Lawler • +Barbara Miller • Jack Norris • +Kathy Norris • Mary Noel Page • +Elizabeth Quinlan • C. William Reilly + Deceased

IMPACT Report 2019


RENEW received support from 325 individual donors during this fiscal year, and 27 percent were first-time donors.



RENEW supporters during the period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019

PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY $20,000 and above Cushman Foundation James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. George and Patricia Erdman Le Moyne College, Madden School of Business

The Lynch Foundation News Corp Jack Norris Mary Noel and William Page

Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities Michael and Ida Tropiano Carol and Robert Williams

PATRONS OF RENEW $10,000 and above W. Shepherdson and Kathryn Abell The ACTA Foundation Alice Beal and William Kuntz, II Virginia Collins + James Collins Robert Dempsey

Dolly and Floyd Donahue The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust News America Marketing (Martin Garofalo) Les and Eileen Quick Thomas Quinlan, III Walter and Lynn Rickard

Michael and Mary Singer Robert Thomson Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. John and Jeanette Walton

PARTNERS IN MISSION $5,000 and above Anonymous Matthew Borowick Father Edward Ciuba Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti Martin and Susan Garofalo Craig and Nancy Gibson

Msgr. Richard Liddy The Loyola Foundation Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner John Mulderig Christopher Quick Mary Quick Patricia Quick

Peter Quick Thomas Quick + Elizabeth Quinlan SOMOS Community Care (Mario Paredes) Charleen Szenyi William T. and Marie J. Henderson Foundation, Inc.

SPONSORS $1,000 and above Thaddeus Beal Patricia Becker Anthony and Maggie Browne Deborah Buell Robert Caruso The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, Westfield, NJ James and Carol Cavaluzzi Tony Coelho and Robert Dreher Dennis Corrado Eric and Karen Dill Livvy Dinneen Diocese of Brooklyn (Ted Musco) Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, NY Alejandro and Sonia Fernández-Colmenárez Diane Forastiero Charles and Barbara Gnassi

Bernard Hartnett Diane Hayden and Joseph Pessolano The Healey Family Foundation Thomas and Mary Healy Msgr. Thomas Ivory David and Susan Janazzo Jennifer Jehn Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom Deirdre Trabert Malacrea and Richard Malacrea, Jr. James and Ann McCormick Robert and Margaret McGovern Patrick McMahon Richard and Janet Michalowski Edward and Ellen Miller

Rick and Addie Moore Sister Honora Nolty Michael and Julie O’Brien Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Bernardsville, NJ The Parish Community of Saint Helen, Westfield, NJ C. William Reilly Joseph and Maureen Rickard Patrick Ryan Peter and Carolyn Seibel Dennis and Diane Stripe Vincent and Mary Sweeney Carol and John Tobin Richard and Germaine Trabert Laurence Walsh Donald and Elizabeth Whittam

Patrick and Veronica Brunnock Samuel and Laura Byrnes Robert and Mary Callander Susan and Vito Capurso Victoria and Thomas Carey Mary Carter Michele Castagna CD2 Learning Content Without Limitations John and Mary Cella Anthony Ciavaglia Msgr. Robert Coleman

Antonio Cooper Regina Crowley Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit James Davidson + Betty Davidson Katharine Davis Maria De Lucia and Robert Kaplan Donald DeFabio Jerry Dempsey Nadine Dennis Marie Jacqueline Derenoncourt

FRIENDS $100 and above Thomas and Carol Amon Thomas and Mary Anderson Andy Tabar & Associates-Web Marketing The Angeletti Group Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office Christabel Barbiere Katherine and Gary Bartholomaus Angelica Barrera-Cruz Jeffrey and Stacey Beer Barbara Bode

+ Deceased


RENEW International

Donors FRIENDS $100 and above (continued) Kevin and Rosemary Dice Elizabeth Doherty Robert and Patricia Donnelly Joseph Duggan Robert and Carol Eid F. Bertrand and Milissa Else Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis Sister Margaret Flood A. Roland and Elizabeth Flores Paula Flynn Patricia Ann Foley Paul and Kathleen Foley John Fontana Ellen and Gerald Foster Thomas Giblin Martha-Ann Hagedorn Marilyn Haggerty William Heinbokel and Renee Trabert Brendan Hennessey Paul and Dorothy Hennessey Cullen and Margaret Herald-Evans Manuel and Lucila Hernandez Hummel Integrated Marketing Solutions Marge Hussey Douglas and Mary Hutchings IT Radix Dierdre James and James Wheaton Carlotta Jennings Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski Ann Marie and Werner Kamuf Loretta and Thomas Kavaler Patricia Kent Thomas and Susan Kiernan Elaine Kimball James and Carol King Richard and Suzanne Kinney Alex and Marissa Klapwald Bernadette Klein Robert Kleissler Joseph and Susan Konzelman, Jr. Bennette Kramer Greg and Kate Kremer William and Mary Kreppein Libby Kurten Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert Dona and James Laughlin Reverend Thomas Looney James and Minerva Lucarelli Lumen Center - Sisters of St. Dominic, Caldwell, NJ Jeremiah and Joan Lynch Geralyn and Richard Madsen John Magnier Reverend William Mahon Barbara Maresca

Fred Marra and Donnamarie Carrai Beverly Wagner-Martin and Randal Martin Joseph Patrick Martinez Max Bussel & Co. Msgr. Gerard McCarren Mary McDaniel Edward and Margaret P. McDermott Lucy McGuirk John McNeice, Jr. Gene Menechino Jeanmarie Menichini Christine Morrison Beatrice Murday Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly Vincent Murray Ellen and Ted Newman Madonna Nolty James and Margaret O’Donnell Reverend Abraham Orapankal Mary Beth and Steven Oria William and Barbara O’Sullivan Al and Mary Kate Pach Charles and Patricia Paolino Joan Patton Paul and Grace Pedretti Thomas and Theresa Potenza Barbara and Dominick Preziosi, Jr. Reverend Joseph M. Quinlan Kristen Richardson Harry and Grace Rissetto Denise Rover Lavinia Ruby Mary Ryan

+ John Ryan Timothy and Patricia Saburn Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Wyckoff, NJ Saint Michael Church, Cranford, NJ Michele Sani Timothy and Joanne Collins Smee Joseph Smith James Sorenson Richard and Anna Spalckhaver Spanarkel and Browne Associates Anthony and Flora Spera Judith Spriggens Anthony and Cathleen Srour Charles and Maureen Steele Maureen and Thomas Stewart Heather Swift Ann Thibodeau Edward and Patricia Thomas Mary Tierney Richard and Kathleen Patricia Traynor Peter and Tena Vallone Lorenzo and Annette Vanore Patricia Verdon Kathleen Weigel Joseph and Yutsuan Weiyeh Ku Diane Wenk Patricia Wiley Theresa Winard Harry Wolverton Robert and Kathleen Zifchock

Monsignor Richard M. Liddy, director of the Center for Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University, with James L. Nolan Jr. and Sister Terry Rickard, OP. At RENEW’s annual Gala, Monsignor Liddy received the James L. Nolan Award. This award was originally presented by the Woodstock Business Conference, which is now part of RENEW as the Ignatian Business Chapters. James L. Nolan Sr., an attorney and author, was executive director of the conference.

+ Deceased

IMPACT Report 2019


Sister Honora Nolty, OP, right, assistant director of RENEW International, presents a bouquet of roses to Addie Moore at RENEW’s annual Gala in June 2019. Addie was retiring after 20 years as the volunteer chair of the Gala.

Donors SUPPORTERS up to $99 Marilyn Atkinson Paul and Kathleen Bachmann Robert and Kathryn Begley Ruth Birdsall Edward and Mary Patricia Bogart Russell and Candice Borner Rosalie Bulger-Buzzi John Bursley Muriel and William Cagney Anita Campbell Salvatore and Carol Canariato Stephanie and Tim Caputo John and Maribeth Carey Daniel and Katherine Clark Agnes Collins Loretta and Thomas Conniff Patricia Ann Copeck Patricia Coyle Marybeth Curran Joy Dempsey Jacquelyn Devoti Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, La Canada Flintridge, CA Martin and Karen Doris Susan Egan Sister Cheryl Erb Barbara Espinoza Sister Mary Flood Jeannine Floyd James Friel III John and Mary Jane Gannon

Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler, co-founder and president emeritus of RENEW International, with Sister Donna Ciangio, OP, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark, and Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, at RENEW’s 40th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving.

Linda Gaska Peter and Patricia Glen Katherine and Charles Grantham Thomas and Maribeth Flynn Gubanich Jane and H. Robert Guild Marilou Heim William and Barbara Hennig Kay and Kevin Higgins Robert and Mary Beth Howath Gale Huckaby Antionette Jones Julia and Edward Jones Larry Karg Mary Jean Kleissler Mary Lechtenberg Eileen Linehan John and Rita Linehan Mitchell and Sandy Liro John and Patricia Magovern Sister Theresa Maillet Michael and Susan McGuinness Thomas McGuinness Bonnie and Robert McLaren Donald and Mary McLaughlin Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Roseann and Joseph Miller Anita Minnick Susan Mol William Moser Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer Sister Margaret Murphy Linda Nash

Zita O’Brian James Ott John and Patricia Plunkett Kathleen Powers Anthony and Sylvia Priolo Edward and Catherine Quigley Joseph and Eileen Reardon Theresa Redfoot Mary and Lawrence Reichley Reverend Charles Reinbold Geoffrey Richards Genevieve Richards-Wright Connie Robben Judy Roeger Rosa Sanchez William Saydah Gloria Secchia Janet and John Skinner Mary Lou Thompson Karen Troiano Joseph and Natalie Tropiano Dolores Vazquez Laura Vega Susan and Mark Velten Antony and Mary Ann Visocchi Susan Wallace Susan Whiting and Bruce Van Dusen William and Carolyn Winchester MaryEllen Woodstock + Stephen Woodstock Peter Wosh and Patricia Schall

+ Deceased


RENEW International

Donors In-Kind Donations (Gifts of Goods and Services) Individuals

Muriel and William Cagney Bonny and Nicholas Chopey Maria De Lucia and Robert Kaplan Michael and Teresa DiPiazza Peter Fiore Michael and Madeline Gulotta Charles and Irene M. V. Gutmann Thomas and Alison Hayek David and Susan Janazzo Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane William and Mary Kreppein Rev. Thomas Looney Robert and Margaret McGovern Sister Mary McGuinness, OP Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Rick and Addie Moore Dona and Michael Panagos Charles and Patricia Paolino Thomas Quinlan, III Donald and Elizabeth Whittam


CBS Television Stations/The Late Show Command Companies Deo Volante Horse Farm First Data Corporation Fox Networks Infernos Band Kat Kuo Design The Maidstone Hotel Market Research Center-Seton Hall University Stillman School of Business Martin Jewelers News America Marketing Paper Mill Playhouse Salesforce, Inc.

Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, with Robert Thomson, chief executive of News Corporation. Mr. Thomson, former editor of The Times of London and managing editor of The Wall Street Journal, received the President’s Award at RENEW’s annual Gala.

Volunteers Volunteers are an essential part of the RENEW family. They generously give their time and talent in support of our mission. Database management, writing, editing, consulting and event management are just a few areas in which our volunteers make a difference.

Lynda Mamone, chair, Carol Williams, and Nancy Nardelli formed the volunteer committee that planned RENEW International’s 40th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving, celebrated in November 2018 at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Park Ridge, New Jersey. IMPACT Report 2019

Dr. Alice Beal, director of palliative care for the Veterans Administration N.Y. Harbor Healthcare System, received the Spirit of RENEW Award at RENEW’s annual Gala.

Diane Forastiero, a volunteer member of the Development Team specializing in database management, and Marge Hussey, vibrant members of the Gala Committee, at the 2019 Gala.


Members of the Board of Trustees gather at the annual RENEW Gala on June 6, 2019. From left on stairway, Dennis Stripe, Lisa Meehan, Fr. Abraham Orapankal, and Sr. Terry Rickard. From left in front, Donald Whittam, Livvy Dinneen, Walter Rickard, and Martin Garofalo.

Board of Trustees President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY Chair Eric Dill Senior Vice President, American Arbitration Association/International Centre for Dispute Resolution; previously Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ Secretary Patricia A. Murphy Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Treasurer Vincent Sweeney Owner, Sweeney Consulting Group, an HR consulting firm; part-time professor at the Rutgers School of Human Resources Management Victoria Carey Vice President, US Marketing, Intercept Pharmaceuticals; lay minister of the Word, St. Martin of Tours Parish, New Hope, PA Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy 22

Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Vice President, Corporate Development & Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Former President of the MIT Club of South Texas Martin Garofalo Chief Executive Officer, News America Marketing Dierdre James Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Jennifer Jehn Executive Director, Miami Dolphins Foundation; hospice care grief counselor Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry; Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea, NJ

RENEW International

Lisa Meehan Executive Director, Travel Services Benchmarking Network; former Director NA Travel, Card and Meetings at Merck & Co. Inc. John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Rev. Abraham Orapankal A native of the Indian state of Kerala; currently pastor of St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; former member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team Mario Paredes Chief Executive Officer of SOMOS Community Care; founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Board for Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL); former Consultant to the Latin American Commission to the Vatican and the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Dominick Preziosi, Jr. Retired attorney in the public sector and private practice; served on the board of Bergen Catholic High School; involved in various youth activities and ministries

Sister Theresa Richard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW International, is photographed with Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Vatican’s nuncio to the United States. Sister Terry was at the Vatican embassy in Washington, D.C., in March for an observance of the sixth anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis. RENEW INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE MEMBERS His Eminence Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, Chairman

Walter I. Rickard Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive

Members Sr. Donna Ciangio, OP, Chancellor

Michael Singer AVP Chief Security Organization, AT&T

Rev. Timothy G. Graff

Dennis Stripe Executive in the medical device industry and board member of Steps2Walk, a non-profit organization focused on orthopedic deformities in children in underserved areas

Cardinal Tobin

Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Nydegger Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia Sr. Patricia Wormann, OP

Michael Tropiano Former Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ Donald Whittam Executive Vice President, Sales & Merchandising, Divatex Home Fashions, New York, NY; Ministry Leader, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

IMPACT Report 2019

Michael and Ida Tropiano attend the 2019 RENEW Gala. Michael is a retiring member of the Board of Trustees. 23


President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min. Susan Capurso, Executive Assistant Assistant Director Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Customer and Shared Services Eartha Johnson, Manager Regina Crowley Martha Ann Hagedorn Dawn Tomei Development Marissa Klapwald, Director Mary Beth Howath Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Mariann Salisbury Sales and Marketing Deacon Peter Fiore, Director Jennifer Bober Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Gregory Kremer Finance and Business Operations Mary Beth Oria, Director Yvette Hutchins Human Resources and Information Technology Patricia Wiley, Director


Pastoral Services Milissa Else, Director Sr. Ruth Bolarte, IHM Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale Dr. Joanne Cahoon Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP John Fontana Mary Foy Dr. Sœurette Fougère Manuel Hernandez Sr. Honora Nicholson, RSM Sr. Elizabeth O’Donnell, OP Alfred Pach Rosa María Sánchez, OP Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP Rev. Jeremiah Browne (RENEW South Africa office) Sr. Áine Hughes, HC (RENEW South Africa office) Charmaine Woolard (RENEW South Africa office) Dr. Mariela Saravia (RENEW Venezuela office) Publications and Resources Deacon Charles Paolino, Managing Editor President Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Interns Natalie Else Jessica Guerriero Liam Heinbokel Anne Howath Samantha Howath Andrew Malacrea Sreenidhi Yanmandra

RENEW International


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