RENEW International Impact Report 2020

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A Message from Our Board Like virtually every other institution in our society, RENEW International had its year disrupted in unprecedented ways by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most dramatically for RENEW, the closing of churches and other parish facilities and the suspension of public gatherings in most parts of the country put a stop to the small-group meetings that have always been central to RENEW’s ministry. The spreading virus and the interruption in normal diocesan and parish business prevented bishops and pastors from considering faith-sharing programs for their communities, and that severely affected orders for RENEW’s products and services. RENEW has had to make difficult but responsible decisions to control its expenses in the economic downturn caused by this public-health crisis. As I write, the pandemic is still upon us, church activities are largely limited to low-attendance Masses, and the future is uncertain. And yet, what I have seen at RENEW has not been despair and resignation but, rather, the ability and the will to turn on a dime, so to speak, and address the realities that face us at the moment. I am referring to the agility with which the leadership and staff at RENEW turned their attention to keeping parishes and individuals engaged through virtual means such as webinars and faithsharing sessions via the Zoom platform. This response demonstrated not only the clarity of vision and purpose needed for RENEW to remain relevant during an extraordinary time, but also its potential for thriving when the emergency has passed—thriving in a culture in which ink on paper and images on screens will both be important means of reaching and revitalizing men and women and their parishes. Indeed, while RENEW has been innovating ways to connect with its clientele during the pandemic, it has also been developing several new programs that will help to sustain its place in the Catholic community as well as its fiscal viability in the years to come. Also, RENEW has continued to prepare for its new partnership with Parish Catalyst, a powerful program for renewing the Church through the creative thinking and courageous actions of vibrant parishes. In spite of obstacles, RENEW remains true to its mission—bringing new vitality to parishes and parishioners and motivating them to spread the gospel through witness and action. I thank you for supporting this mission in the past, and I invite you to continue your support as RENEW moves confidently into the future.

Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees

IMPACT Report 2020


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