Renon A. Defensor Radefensor@gmail.com (847)691-4800
COlor Scripting
ViRtuo Live “Episode 0�
Virtuo Live is a tale of adventure in a fantasy world where a teenage videogame addict named Tyler joins forces with a cat-girl named Rina to distinguish what is and is not reality.
My work explores the struggles on distinguishing the reality of human interaction with technology and how we indulge ourselves with this digital age. The tension of co-existence between both worlds has desensitized our one-on-one interaction with other humans. Virtuo Live displays that tension in a color-script format, showcasing my storytelling ability and character designing from one image after another, using digital painting by emphasizing the detachment of relationships that I relate to when online gaming and social networking. The works follow a step-by-step process of sketching, line drawings, and colorations throughout the whole series.
This is the Megurine Luka piece, which i s p a r t o f t h e L i m i t e d P a l l e t e Vo c a l o i d series that I created with vector graphics. The color choices that were made to make this piece all represents Luka’s personality. It basically portrays her b r i g h t c h e e r f u l “ a l l a r o u n d ” c h a r a c t e r, hinting that she has a playful attitude.
Hatsu The Hatsune Miku piece is another a d d i t i o n t o t h e Vo c a l o i d L i m i t t e d P a l l e t e s e r i e s , a n d i s a l s o c r e a t e d i n Ve c t o r graphics. The character herself has both a cool and warm color tone, but the emphasis is the expression Miku is giving in a bar graph-like world, making the viewer wonder what she is daydreaming/thinking about.
The “Moon Prism Power Sailor Moon� piece is a digitally illustrated artwork that shows the heroine, Sailor Moon basking herself in the moonlight. This piece was created as part of the Revision/Reworked digitial painting series.
Kaida “Defensor Artz Mascot” Kaida is the Defensor Artz mascot, and her color pallette represents the colorful culture of the Philippines and it’s flag. Also, the character represents the friendliness and art style of Defensor Artz.
Aileen Benso “Heroine of ‘There’s Two Hearts’”
Concept Art
The Stylization “Iconic Characters”
The Machines “Vehicles and Mechs”
“The Broken Heart Girl� is a Lichtenstein inspired oil painting on canvas, which represents the the mixture of both the cultures of the Japanese Manga art and the American comic book art.
“I’m Done” is an oil painting on canvas, that shows a portrait of the Joker from the 1989 Batman movie. This painting gives you the sense of humor/fear when seeing this face. Most of my inspiration when creating this piece is from my childhood years of comic and movie super heroes/villains.
“Ryoko fight! Fight!� is an oil painting on canvas that is 8in. x 10in, that shows a stylized portrait of
Ryoko Matoi from Kill La Kill. This
painting is part of my series of heroes and villains in both American comics and Japanese Manga.
Contact Renon A. Defensor
@ @DefensorArtz
@ @