April 2017 Reno Tahoe Tonight

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April 2017

The Sextones Release Debut CD Moonlight Vision

Electronic Recycling Event

Cabela’s Parking Lot Saturday, April 29th 2017 9am - 1pm All electronics are FREE to drop of except TVs ($30) and CRT Monitors ($15)

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COMEDY 14 Comedian Basile COVER STORY 16 The Sextones Release Debut CD Moonlight Vision

EVENT 26 Beer Fest 28 Camp Out Yonder 30 Haus of Reed presents the Inaugural Furniture Design- Build Competition 34 Indigo Star 36 Lifecycle Solution's eWaste Recycling FEATURE 38 KYND Cannabis Company - Part 2



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Editor/Publisher Oliver X Art Director Chris Meredith Contributing Designers Courtney Meredith Tucker Monticelli

Contributing Writers Amanda Horn Annie Flanzraich Britton Griffith-Douglass Debe Fennel Isha Casagrande Lanette Simone Tessa Miller Thomas Lloyd Qualls

Contributing Photographers Alfyn Gestoso Anicia Beckwith Chris Holloman Digiman Studio Joey Savoie Kyle Volland Nick Sorrentino Marcello Rostagni

SNAPSHOT Photographer Fielding Cathcart Model Megan Saenz Makeup by Loghann Cologna Part of the Voices series during Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Interns Gabriela Denne

Website renotahoetonightmagazine.com

Sales 775-412-3767

All content, layout and design is the property of Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine. Duplication or reproduction is prohibited without the expressed written consent of Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine. Copyright 2017. Reno Tahoe Tonight is produced on 10% recycled American paper and is printed with all soy and vegetable inks.

Submissions renotahoetonightrocks@gmail.com

A PROBABILITY OF WORDS Text Thomas Lloyd Qualls Photo Lynell Garfield


have been guilty of wandering lately. Lost, unable to put the puzzle pieces together, to make coherent the scattered fragments of the world.

There are days when the coffee does not clear our heads, and pretty words cannot soothe our hearts. When our legs are unsteady, our feet untrustworthy, our next breath uncertain. Life, it seems, does not come with any guarantees of fairness. There is no contract with the planet, the universe, or your higher power that mandates things go according to your design. All our collective best hopes, our ideal notions of the way life ought to look, how things ought to be, these things have been getting smashed daily along with our faith in the human race. Still somehow we continue to believe in what is right, decent, just. Until little by little, one at a time, we don’t. I see you. I hear your words. I feel your silence. I understand your rage. And I ask myself what we can do on these days when we need something solid to keep us upright. What do we do when we’ve lost sight of the horizon and the stars, when we need some new tools to chart our course? If you follow this column, you know I don’t pretended to have all the answers. (Most days I can barely articulate the questions.) But I do know this much: The peace of mind we seek, the sense of hope, the path out of the fog, those things do not lie ahead of us in some imagined better future, but right here, in this present moment. Like me, you are probably tired of hearing about the importance of being present, when you are not really even sure what the hell that means. So let me try to serve it up in a more palatable dish. Here's the difficult truth: There is no such thing as tomorrow. For real. The future is imaginary. It is a projection of our minds. When tomorrow arrives, it isn't really tomorrow, but today. And the thing is, it hasn't really arrived from some distant land. It is simply the ongoing right now.

6 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Now I don’t understand how it is exactly that time is an illusion. Except that the masters assure us it is. They tell us that this linear idea of time – the one that almost every last one of us believes in, this image of one second following the next until something like 86,000 of them equal a day – this is really just a human construct we have designed to keep our brains from exploding with the information of how the universe actually works. I know, this sounds like crazy hippy shit. But I'm pretty sure it's not. At least it isn't crazy. And if you stop for just a moment and just let yourself breathe, I think you’ll find it to be true. Once you start to do this on a regular basis, you may agree with the masters that the only way to accomplish anything, including change, is to locate ourselves in the present moment. To find our center and figure out how to stay there, how to operate there, and when we get thrown off, to return there. Again and again. As it turns out, this is also what it takes to write. You have to lose yourself to the outside world, to your notion of time, to your expectations for the future, and just fall into the page. This might be why many of the ancient masters were also poets. This is also why the great master painters made art that is timeless, that is still alive when we look at it today, even though it was painted decades or centuries ago. Plato may have advocated for the philosopher kings, but what we really need are poet kings. Artists. People who walk among us, eat and drink with us, yet see beyond the headlines. To figure out how to locate and keep your center, you must understand: Time begs no forgivenesses, gives no excuses, won't be broken. Though the mystics tell me it bends.* The world is bigger than our ideas of it. We must remember that. We must remember that no matter how unfair, surreal, or heartbreaking our world appears to become, these images are only one part of the story. One chapter, one version, one scene, one sketch, one soon-to-be-discarded draft. We must breathe through it. Holding on to anger and resentment only makes those feelings hang around longer. Let them go. Exhale and make room for the new world.

. r e t n e C r u o Y Keep Finding

*Excerpt from the poem dragons, published in the novel, Waking Up at Rembrandt's, copyright 2009, 2012, Thomas Lloyd Qualls. Thomas Lloyd Qualls is a writer, a condition that is apparently incurable. He manages his condition, in part, by regular contributions to Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine, and to the tribe known as Rebelle Society. He's also a novelist, a painter, and through his law practice – a sometimes salvager of troubled lives. You can find out more about him, his books, poetry, paintings, and other projects on his website. www.tlqonline. com. Or at any of the absurd number of social media profiles out there these days. Feel free to check them out whenever you like. Or better yet, just invite him out for coffee or beer. He loves a good conversation. Š 2017 thomas lloyd qualls

Reno Tahoe Tonight 7


Master Chinese Artist finds home in Reno Gallery

dozens of exhibitions abroad. His lifetime career in the arts produced more than a thousand works, ranging from prints, sculpture, to landscaping and architectural designs, many of which were awardwinning designs. Yang didn’t just learn architecture and sculpture. For him, the environment creates man, and man shapes his environment. In the 1970’s, he started a series of innovative works called “Lifescape Sculpture.” The idea behind this series is that the word “life” is the external form of sculpture that must interact with the outside natural environment.


Between Plumb Lane and Moana, across from the old Park Lane Mall on Virginia Street, stands a two-story brown brick building that has become a landmark for the artwork of one of China’s world renowned artists: Yuyu Yang. The gallery is filled with original works, woodcuts, serigraphs and large stainless steel sculpture, as well as bronze works. Yuyu Yang, also called Yang Ying-feng, was born in Ilan County, Taiwan, on December 4, 1926. He died in Hsinchu at the age of 71 in 1997. Yang received his education from the National Tokyo University of Art. Yang lectured at the National Academy of Arts, Tamkang University and Minchuan College and published more than 20 titles on the subject of art. He also held 8 Reno Tahoe Tonight

1994 brought Yuyu Yang to San Francisco, California, the site of his most ambitious project to date: the creation of a retrospective series of original prints, documenting his artistic creations from the beginning of his career, to the present. The relationship between Yuyu Yang and master printmaker, Gary Lichtenstein of SOMA Fine Art has enabled this lifelong dream to become a reality. The twenty-nine editions of original prints were created in a collaborative environment that embodies the term “East Meets West.” This endeavor took over two years and two million dollars to complete. Shortly after, Yuyu Yang passed away and the serigraphs were stored, never to be seen until now. Art Source Gallery is the exclusive distributor of Yuyu Yang’s serigraphs in the entire world. It is a rare opportunity for Reno’s visitors and locals alike, not only to be able to view this extensive collection of work, but unlike most museums, to be able to purchase what one sees and desires. The Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 am. to 5:30 p.m. Special appointments by request. Art Source Gallery is located at its new location at 2195 South Virginia Street, Reno. 775-828-3525. YuyuYang.com


LEARN TO BE A WORKING ACTOR OR MODEL! Take 2 models and actors can be seen everywhere. National print campaigns for Guess, major motion pictures like the 5th Wave, Nickelodeon, Disney and an overwhelming amount of local television and print ads. Our approach will get you started on the right path!


C ALL T O SC HE D U L E YO U R F IRS T CL AS S F O R F R E E ! photo: CVP Studios

w w w.Ta ke 2 P er f or me r sS tudio. com


Text Britton Griffith-Douglass Photo Jeramie Lu


FIRST BRIT OF EXCITEMENT Hip hop, hippity hop. I don’t care if you're a furry mall rabbit, the always tardy hare from Wonderland, or the infamous and delicious Cadbury, in my book all Easter bunnies are created equal and welcome to hop around and lay eggs of all colors. Yes that’s right, that gives you permission to guzzle down chocolate in both speed and volume as best viewed in a Bridget Jones Diary movie. Now my little cottontail, let’s see what April events you can attend with your Easter basket. BITS DON'T CALL THE EXTERMINATOR. This is the kind of infestation we've all been waiting for in the divorce capital of the world, the Rat Pack is Back! Roll your dice, drink that martini and shimmy your way downtown to Harrah’s Reno Hotel and Casino from now until July 1st to enjoy Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and of course my favorite cigar smoking cutie, Frank Sinatra. Fly me to the moon and view the schedule here: caesars.com/harrahs-reno/shows. ART HAS NO AGE REQUIREMENT. Arts for All Nevada at the Lake Mansion proves that love is blind and art is for all age groups. Between March 1st and April 28th the mansion will be filled with children’s artwork during the annual nationally celebrated Youth Art Month. Email info@vsanevada.org for more details about this free and fun exhibit. SMALL STAGE, BIG WIN. NPR's Tiny Desk Concert Winner, Gaelynn Lea won this honor against over 6,000 other contestants. On April 7th in the Truckee Community Arts Center the Arts For The Schools presents this unique show; a mix of folk, rock and Celtic undertone. Visit their website for tickets: artsfortheschools.org/onstage-live. KISS ME YOU FOOL, HOLD THE TONGUE. Smooches Reno! The infamous KISS plays at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino on April 21st. Slather on some makeup, stretch out your leather pants and get ready to make out to some serious rock music. Party on here: grandsierraresort.com/entertainment-and-nightlife/kiss. 12 Reno Tahoe Tonight

HEY, BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY, GRAB YOUR SNEAKERS! April 22nd is Earth Day which welcomes all lovers of the basic human truth: science. The Northern Nevada March for Science is a peaceful march held in downtown Reno along with more than 200 other cities worldwide. Advocates march for evidence-based scientific research and government policy. Show your praise for knowledge and join your fellow geeks and mad scientists alike: facebook.com/ events/244247602689091. GET ON YOUR BROOM. All my little witches grab your toads, toil and trouble and fly off to the Crystal Bay Casino. On May 9th spells will be cast as All Them Witches with Idle Bloom will be playing in the red room. This free show will have guests enchanted and dancing along to this Nashville blues band. Come my pretties! crystalbaycasino.com. LAST BIT OF ADVICE: April showers bring May flowers? We sure hope that this season of floods, snowstorms and continued icicles pays off with a pretty spring. Until then, bundle up sweeties, winter isn’t coming, but it also isn’t leaving.

Javier Chavira, El guerrero (The Warrior), 2004. Acrylic and crayon on paper. Collection of Bank of America.

Miradas: Ancient Roots in Modern and Contemporary Mexican Art, works from the Bank of America Collections This exhibition is provided by Bank of America Art in Our Communities program


On view through July 16


Text and photo Janice Hermsen

Comedian Basile

at The Laugh Factory March 7-12 We all know when daylight saving comes around, it messes with your inner clock. When you’re a comedian, playing the Silver Legacy's Laugh Factory and you agree to an interview at 7 a.m., but forget it’s daylight saving time, you end up waking up to a view of the moon. Comedian Basile (yes, just Basile) played the Laugh Factory in Reno March 7-12, 2017 during his Dysfunctionally Yours WORLD TOUR. He was gracious to agree to an interview despite the early hour. “If Ben Franklin were here right now, I’d kick his ass. What the hell were you thinking? I saw the moon out the window!” Basile, known by his Greek friends as Vasili, says he should be cooking. “With a father named Herb; a mother named Rosemary and being named Basile, what else would I do?”

Steve Harvey

Well, Basile cooks, but he is well-known for his comedy act that he performs in both English and Greek. He shared a picture of himself with Steve Harvey from early in his career. “Steve and I started together; we became good friends. He had great talent; I had great whatever I had. I had a car. That’s what I had. A car to get to the gigs. Steve and I hit it off. We did our first Showtime special: the Comedy Club Network with Showtime. That’s where our career(s) started.” Basile paused a moment to gulp some coffee. “Steve went his way, I went mine. You can see now Steve’s a megastar and I’m in the lobby of Reno, Nevada having coffee at 7 a.m…you can see where my career has gone! But I love what I do. Two nights ago, I had a woman come up to me and say, ‘I saw you 22 years ago in Pittsburgh. You made me laugh and you still do!’ She’ll be at the show again tonight…I’m so flattered. “I do the best I can to be private about my life. There are two sides to me. A lot of people know 14 Reno Tahoe Tonight

who I am... They know the island that I’m from, they know relatives that I have… I do my stand up in Greek and it’s a completely different show. I never thought my character on stage could be that married guy (for the American show).”

Making it When I asked at what point he knew he made it, Basile got a little serious. “One of my things for me is, sometimes I never realize my successes… because I’m always pushing…When I’m sitting on my yacht somewhere in Greece off an island smoking a cigar with my favorite Grand Marnier and having my meal prepared by a chef that I hired, then I’ll probably say I made it…I never get the opportunity to be able to sit down and smell the roses…the accomplishments that I’ve made. I’ve been blessed with great success, personal, professional. I wish I could say everything I touched has turned to gold, but that would be bullshit… For every accomplishment that I’ve had, there’s probably five or six failures… that you never see.

To comedians on the rise

“It’s discouraging to see young comedians that do open mic night and don’t stay to see the other comedians. You may not care for the SOB, but you may learn something. I don’t want his material, I want to know how he delivered it. Take advantage of everyone! Watch everyone.” There are many sides to Basile. The comedian, the writer, the entrepreneur, the father, the husband, the man. Clearly [there's] never a dull moment in his life, Basile shared some wisdom as we closed the interview. “Great moments are born from great opportunities. Take advantage of those moments. They may not always come when you want them to.” Janice Hermsen is the co-founder and managing partner for LeRue Press, a publisher, printer and a professional business center located in Reno, Nevada. She is also the editor of What’s the Story?™ Hermsen recently joined the board for the No Strings Attached eNews International Film Festival; hosts two radio shows Book Hound™ and What’s the Story?™ that air in northern Nevada. With the help of the internet, she has followers from around the world. Photo: Athena McIntyre, Basile, Kelly Rush at the America Matters Studio.

Reno Tahoe Tonight 15

COVER STORY Text Oliver X Photos Chris Stanton

16 Reno Tahoe Tonight

The Sextones

Release Debut CD Moonlight Vision - Part 1 Local music heroes The Sextones, the newly renamed soul group formerly known as The Mark Sexton Band, released their debut 11-song album Moonlight Vision this month. On this impressive freshman self-produced outing (recorded on 2” tape I might add), Sexton's richly colored, textured, breathy vocal styling is on full display, as the baby-faced singer croons on throw back tracks that swing from deep soul and uptempo R&B, to electric 60's rock. Anchored by the crackling rhythm section of bassist Alex Korostinsky and drummer Dan Weiss, the pocket grooves on tracks like my favorite song--“Push on Through” where Sexton turns in his best vocal performance on the record – are spiced with ample servings of stank from Ryan Taylor on Hammond B3, with Billy Preston-esque sprinkles on the clavinet. “Push on Through” opens the album and sets the retro tone, evoking the mood and memory of Angel Flight bell bottoms, big apple hats, RC Cola and Huggy Bear from Starsky and Hutch. Sexton and Korostinsky were very mindful of the soil from which this album would spring. One could even say they were calculated. But absent in that process was sterility. This is a passionate album where their hearts are put into it and where the musicianship and production is first rate. I especially enjoyed the record's deep album cuts. Track 6 “Goodbye Yesterday,” sounds like it came right off of Prince's debut album For You, released in April of 1978. Track 7 “Blame It On My Youth” features a wicked horn arrangement and some stellar long fingered fret work by Korostinsky on bass. The HendrixIsley Brothers inflected closing track “The End” might be the best sounding track on the entire record. Sexton's vocals are high in the mix and the instrumentation is recorded with crystal clarity. This track buttons up the album tightly and could find its way onto radio playlists this summer. If you ride with this record, it will pay dividends because it isn't a quick fix 1 minute ejaculation. This is late night house party music at your aunty's house, that's not afraid to get steamy, funky and real. It's also a mother may I giant step forward for Sexton as a songwriter and band leader.

To capture the warmth they wanted on Moonlight Vision, the lads turned to the rustic recording compound at Prairie Sun Studios in Cotati, California. The Sonoma County community that sits on the Petaluma River is known for playing host to many of music's notable live acts at the venerable Cotati Cabaret, where the likes of Tower of Power, John Lee Hooker, Leon Russell and Fishbone performed. The Sextones record was cut on a classic Neve console over a five day lock out period. They then tracked vocals at their home studios in Reno. Guest appearances were turned in from sax man Eric Johnson, trumpeter Ben Caiazza, violinist Graham Marshall and singer Jessica Vann. The result is the Sextones signature soul sound that will serve to elevate the band as it builds its national audience at premier concert venues, regional festivals and national tour stops. Oliver X: The album is titled Moonlight Vision, tell me about that name. Mark Sexton: Moonlight Vision is the rock song of the album. It's our inner Hendrix/Band of Gypsies. It's basically a song that is us trying to take the best of what we liked about the Band of Gypsies era. I had just seen the movie Easy Rider and the soundtrack is chock full of Hendrix and bad ass rock songs. Shortly after that, we knew we wanted to write a Hendrixian song. A real guitarheavy, driven song. The song is about the feeling that you get when you're up late into the night and you're letting your mind wander and you're thinking about your next move. I'm the type of person (and I think I share this with a lot of other people) where you feel the most creative before you go to bed. Like, the hours that you would be sleeping, you instead are saying, I want to take on the world; I want to do something big! The song is about those moments, where, even when you're dreaming, you're practicing for your goal. It's your vision; it's your dream. Alex Korostinsky: Mark and I lived together pretty much during the entirety of the writing for this album. This is an album that we have been writing for almost five years. So, since our Reno Tahoe Tonight 17

COVER STORY last release in 2013, this album has been in the works. We wrote the album at all times of the day, but we would find the most luck when we were doing all night writing sessions. These would usually happen at like 3am. Mark Sexton: There's something happens to your brain when you should be sleeping. You're fighting sleep. I feel like your brain is hyper active and it's hyper emotional late at night. That's my favorite time to write. Oliver X: We'll talk about the album more in a bit, but tell me about the name change. You've been the Mark Sexton Band for years. Why change now? Mark Sexton: I feel we found ourselves kind of hitting a glass ceiling in a sense, where we were in a pool of a million bands that had first and last names. So we wanted to find a way to rebrand ourselves in a way that said a little bit more about the music in the name. And at the same time we wanted a name that sounds like you've already heard it. Oliver X: And yet nobody had the name. Mark Sexton: Oddly no. Nobody had the name. Oliver X: Well, it really edged you up. Mark Sexton: Yes it did bring more edge to our name for sure. But we weren't thinking, We're gonna write sexy songs 'cause we're the Sextones. But the crazy thing about it is that people would often offhandedly call us that. Whenever I heard people jokingly saying, “Mark and The Sextones,� I would always kind of cringe because that name sounds like a casino cover band that wears sequinned vests or something. But The Sextones is a cool name that kind of sounds like a British soul band. Alex Korostinsky: We wanted a name that was timeless and simple, like The Beatles. We kind of lucked out because people think that they recognize The Sextones name. Mark Sexton: Some of the best band names are names that people think they've already heard. Alex Korostinsky: It adds an image to the music that we weren't getting with the Mark 18 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Mark Sexton

COVER STORY Sexton Band. Like nobody knows the style of the music when they hear that name. But with The Sextones, they can make a pretty good educated guess about the style of music we play. We didn't want to pigeon hole ourselves into a style based on our band name. So now all of our band imagery associated with The Sextones is more modern, so you know it's current. The Sextones is a dope, old sounding classic name. Mark Sexton: I think what we're trying to do is unique. There was an era in the 60's and 70's where there were a lot of bands that had “tones” in their names—like The Softones. Oliver X: Like The Heptones... Mark Sexton: Yes. There was a lot of falsettostyle soul music that was coming out. We were trying to revive that old band name style while carving out our own way with it. We were lucky enough to grow up on some really classic shit, so our influences are from eras where the music was so good. Alex Korostinsky: We're in trouble now because we just started getting into Little Feet. So we have no idea of what we will sound like on the next recording. My dad was a huge Little Feet fan, so I kinda just found his vinyl collection, but I never gave it a chance. I was like, That's just dad rock. That's not cool. But now I understand why they're great. Oliver X: Production values and songwriting. Mark Sexton: You can get caught up with liking what's in instead of liking what you find interesting. I believe that soul music can be from any genre. Like, Joni Mitchell is soul music; Neil Young is soul music. Soul music doesn't have to be what calls itself soul music. It doesn't have to be Sam and Dave. That's soul music, but it doesn't always have to be The Temptations. Soul is in everything. James Taylor has soul. Little Feet is like southern rock country acoustic soul and has so much emotion. And that's what we're drawn to. Oliver X: How did you arrive at the sonics on this record creatively? Is this the culmination of the best of the old and the new from the band, or what? 20 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Ryan Tayler

COVER STORY Mark Sexton: I could answer that in two different ways. But I'm going to talk about the production end of it first. Oliver X: You did not record this on ¼-inch tape [Laughter]. Mark Sexton: [Laughter] No, we did it on 2” tape. This was something that we always had on our bucket list. This was done on a big boy Studer 2” 24-track machine through a Neve, the ultimate old-school board. As classic as it can get. Alex Korostinsky: We went to a very prestigious analog vintage studio. We used real plate reverbs. The record was engineered by a completely bad ass analog engineer who knew his shit. Oliver X: Who's recorded on that Neve console? Mark Sexton: For all the gear nerds reading this, it used to be Pete Townsend's board. This was Tom Waits' favorite studio, so he had recorded Rain Dogs and Mule Variations there and a few more. But we didn't even know that. We just knew we wanted to record there and we got there and took the tour and they were like, 'This is Tom Waits' favorite room to record in.' We were like, 'What?!' Oliver X: Talk about soul, eh? Mark Sexton: There was some soul in that room for sure. Aside from Tom Waits, a lot of famous artists have recorded there, like Van Morrison. It's called Prairie Sun Studios and it's actually like a farm. There's several barns there and in each barn there's a super dope studio. And we stayed there on site. We stayed there for five days in a little cabin. We'd wake up in the morning, stretch out and walk into the studio and start recording. The beauty of it was that we knew what we wanted and we knew we were going to have limited options because we were recording in this fashion. It wasn't like, 'Oh, we're going to track drums today and have a million microphones on the drums.' No. On most of the stuff you hear on the album, there's like four microphones on the drums. Nothing crazy. And all the sounds we had to commit to. Like, we know we want to 22 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Daniel Weiss

COVER STORY have this reverb on it and we had to commit to that. We know we want the snare to sound like this and have this distortion on it. You can't change it after the fact. We had to commit to it. We were recording with a lot of dirt in the signal and it wasn't something that we could go in and clean up after the fact. Alex Korostinsky: We were making conscious moves before we would start tracking a song. We'd tell engineer Matt Wright, 'Okay, we want to really hit the tape really hard on this song. So we'd crank the gain on it. And you can hear the tape distortion on certain songs. Oliver X: And you wanted that? Mark Sexton: Yes we wanted that. And we knew there was no other way for us to do it. Because plug-ins fake it pretty well, but there's nothing that comes close to the sound of hitting tape at +12db. Alex Korostinsky: There's a moment in recording history in the mid to late seventies where they perfected recording. And then it kind of got weird in the '80s. There's this moment in time where recording technology is super bad ass and the know how is on point. We wanted to do our best to emulate that era of recording. I hope it translates because we spent a year and a half working on this shit and I think this is probably our best sounding record. Mark Sexton: It's definitely unique. No one in a home studio can recreate these sounds the way that we've done them. We just wanted texture and character to the sound that nobody else was going to be able to duplicate. It's like shopping at Macy's or something and you know that ten other dudes are going to be wearing the short that you bought...We made our own shirt. [Laughter]. Next month we will get into how The Sextones are positioning the record and all the cool things – like a new video, a Kickstarter preorder campaign, a call-in listen line—they are doing to promote it. And don't miss The Sextones Record Release for Moonlight Vision featuring Hopeless Jack @ 8pm at The Saint located at 761 South Virginia Street in Midtown Reno. 21+ w/ID. Order the record at thesextonesmusic.com 24 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Alex Korostinsky


Text Oliver X

Beer Fest 2017 @ The Reno Ballroom Friday, April 21 from 7pm-11pm


evada Young Alumni Chapter to Host 24th Annual Beer Fest. Event to raise scholarship funds for University of Nevada students

What started out as a tiny event held in the back room at the Little Waldorf in 1994, now raises over $15,000 each year for undergraduate and graduate students seeking to achieve their educational goals— often times against difficult odds. This year's event will mark the fifth year that the Reno Ballroom will host the fundraiser, which will feature award-winning offerings from over 50 breweries and distilleries like Under the Rose, Brasseries Saint James, The Depot, Seven Troughs and more. Attendees can keep their commemorative pint glass so that they can sample over 100 distinct spirits and craft beers. “Each year we have up to 100 applicants who submit essays for scholarship consideration,” says Nevada Young Alumni Vice President of Programming Tony Gallian. Last year the association divvied up the funds raised and gave money to six worthy recipients. “The Young Alumni Chapter was organized as a way for people in the first ten years after graduation to stay involved,” says Gallian. “But our big thing is giving back through scholarships so that students can graduate and become alumni themselves.” 26 Reno Tahoe Tonight

The Nevada Young Alumni Chapter hosts monthly bonding events and gatherings. “We do tailgates; each year we try to go to an away football game, we go to basketball games; we go bowling and go ice skating when it's cold,” Gallian states. These social events for chapter members help them bond and team build with other alumni so that they stay engaged with people of similar interests. “We have an event called 'Mystery Bus' where about 50 people get on a bus stocked with beer and go to a surprise restaurant location and have dinner. That's a ton of fun,” Gallian notes. The eligibility requirements for the scholarships change every year. “For us specifically, because we are the Young Alumni Chapter, our focus is on undergraduate seniors heading into their last year and graduates with a professed need,” states Gallian. “Applicants submit their application to the general scholarship population and we can then narrow our criteria based off of their year and what their GPA was. We don't do majors because we want it to be very broad. But we do check extra curricular activities. Applicants write an essay as part of the general scholarship application. So a lot of it talks about their need base; what they're doing; they're jobs, their kids; maybe they dropped out of school and they're coming back and now they've realized after dropping out that school really is important, so they're absolutely killing their last few years of school....We hear all kinds of stories like that. It really is inspiring to help be part of a new chapter of success in student's lives,” Gallian emphasizes. Tickets to Beer Fest are $45 at the door or $30 when purchased online at nevadayac.com. People can get tickets in advance at Silver and Blue Outfitters locations before April 19 and also enjoy a discount on the walk-up fee. You don't have to be a UNR graduate to attend, so come out and support the work of the Nevada Young Alumni Chapter and have a blast sampling some great beer and spirits this year. Tony Gallian can be reached at tony.gallian@gmail.com for more information.


Forget Digital, Go Analog at Camp Out Yonder Text Natasha Bourlin Technology is ubiquitous in today’s world. It’s getting hard to imagine, or remember, life without it. Right now, you’re appreciating technology as it relates to modern media, either in print or digital format. However, we all need a hiatus from the multi-sized screens and cellular inundation at times. More and more, we need tools to help balance our work and personal lives better. We need to reconnect with the world around us on a personal and tangible level. We need to stare at trees; to cook on a campfire. To talk to other humans face-to-face.To reflect on what’s truly important in life, beyond the cacophony of notifications constantly reminding us that we’re tethered to tech. These connections and technological reprieves can be found at the inaugural Camp Out Yonder event on May 26-28, followed by another August 11-13. Both weekends take place surrounded by pine trees and under a symphony of stars at the Sierra Nevada Journeys Grizzly Creek Ranch campus approximately 45 miles from Reno in Portola, Calif. Three healthy meals will be provided daily. There are even teepees to sleep in. Founder of Camp Out Yonder (COY), local entrepreneur Nellie Davis, came up with the concept after recognizing the toll that constant tech immersion was taking on her and those around her. “We live in such a fast-paced culture, where we often value the level of our success by how busy we are. It's easy to forget to take the time to get back to nature and strengthen our relationships with ourselves and others,” Davis explains. “I wanted to encourage folks to slow it down for a weekend in a lighthearted camp out, to put our technology down and re-ignite human interaction along the way.” Campers learn real-world techniques to help improve work/life balance daily. These include how to better utilize time daily, and how to make that time more productive and enriching. Studying mindfulness, or the art of existing calmly and being aware in the present moment, will be a primary focus for all who attend. Time at COY can be spent however campers desire— as long as no chargers are involved. Options like taking in workshops from nationally and regionally lauded speakers, to lawn and board games will be available. Postcard making, do-it-yourself 28 Reno Tahoe Tonight

aromatherapy, film photography, songwriting, critical thinking in journaling, team building on the obstacle course and more will keep human interaction high. Group campfire chats and live music over s’moresmaking wind down the evenings. Lodro Rinzler, author of six books on meditation and founder of three MNDFL meditation studios in New York, will be May’s featured speaker. “We'll be going into a deep dive on everything meditation: what it is, what it isn't, some history on where the various types of meditation come from,” Rinzler, bestselling author of A Buddha Walks into a Bar…, shares. “I'll lead a guided session and we'll get into what I call the ‘invisible goodie bag’—advice and practical tips on how to bring this important practice home with you.” Having taught meditation at Google, Harvard and the White House, and with his work having been featured in The Atlantic, New York Times and Wall Street Journal, COY campers are in good hands. He wants each camper to “leave with an accessible and clear experience of meditation, and one that they can replicate at home on their own.” For the inaugural COY weekend, Rinzler and camp host Davis will be joined by local experts in their respective fields: guitarist Liam Kyle Cahill, national blogger and writer Jonas Ellison and graphic artist and photographer Matthew McIver. Each will share their expertise and experiences in workshops and fireside performances. August 11-13 will welcome all featured guests except Lodro Rinzler back for a second COY session, while adding a couple of other notables to the mix. The High Sierra will greet another New Yorker, Jess Davis. Founder of a national goods and clothing brand that encourages offline living called Folk Rebellion, Davis has also covered topics like slowliving, balance, unplugging and technology for national media outlets. From her, campers will learn actionable items so they may better create boundaries in life and not be so consumed with technology, instead making it work for them once they return home. The August camp will also add the region’s multifaceted artist, sculptor, craftsman, wilderness skills expert and certified ecological designer Timo Granzatti to the mix. He’ll offer a bush craft fire workshop. All meals, non-alcoholic beverages, activities, accommodations and workshops are included with COY’s $745 cost. Space is limited for each weekend, so visit CampOutYonder.com for more information, a full lineup of activities and teachers and to register. Lodro Rinzler image provided by Lodro Rinzler. Camp Out Yonder images provided by Nellie Davis.

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EVENT Text Oliver X Photo Jeramie Lu

Randi Reed and husband Tim Reed 30 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Haus of Reed presents the Inaugural Furniture Design-Build Competition Submission deadline is April 14, 2017 for Haus of Reed's $5,000 furniture design-build competition A furniture design-build competition—in Reno? Why not! Bursting forth from the fertile minds (and busy workshop) of husband and wife dynamic duo Tim and Randi Reed, owners of Haus of Reed Custom Furniture in Sparks, Nevada, comes the inaugural Furniture DesignBuild Competition, with a 5,000 cash purse. I spoke with Randi Reed about the upcoming event, which is casting a wide net for maker talent this month. Oliver X: Tell me how this event took shape. What inspired you to produce a furniture design-build competition? Randi Reed: We were looking for a way to highlight and challenge the local craftsmen and craftswomen. There is a ton of behind the scenes talent and this furniture competition is a fantastic platform to showcase that. There is also a component of increased awareness for workforce development, as we are obviously seeing tremendous growth in our region and we want to help bring talent to the entire design-build industry. Oliver X: What are the rules and criteria for this event; who is eligible to compete and how does one win? Randi Reed: Each potential contestant must fill out a submission form, which is located on our website at www.hausofreed.com. The submission must include: two drawings either CADD or hand-drawn of two different projects and a jpeg photo of the completed project to support it. There is also a 100 word max written/ video submission of why you think you have what it takes to compete. $50 submission fee or $30 for students. The competition is open to anyone 18 years or older with wood and/or metal experience. The designer/builder with the best completed project will win $5,000. The process will begin with a design collaboration in front of our judges, who will provide feedback in the areas of design, aesthetics and constructability. The contestants will return the next two days

(Saturday & Sunday) and have 12 hours with the designated materials, tools and full access to our Haus of Reed Custom Furniture shop, in order to complete their build. The following Thursday will be a fun mixer at our shop where the judges will have time to judge the final pieces and we will have a People’s Choice component to engage the community and audience. Oliver X: You always aim high in everything you do at Haus of Reed. Why is something like this important right now in the Truckee Meadows for makers and what impact do you hope to have with this event on the greater area and economy? Randi Reed: Tim and I enjoy pushing ourselves and thinking outside the box. He always says, “If you don’t have that uncomfortable feeling in your gut, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.” We love this community and it has welcomed us with open arms, so it goes without saying that we want to give back and do our part to make it even better. Since our region is rapidly garnering attention, we feel this competition could grow tremendously and attract really great talent. We are a small community by population and our talent pool is limited because of that. The demand is there, but we don’t have the talent to meet the demands. This shouldn’t be the case and we hope to change that mindset with the competition and the makers community as a whole. Oliver X: This could not have happened without some key community components coming together. Let's talk about your sponsors and the support you've garnered from businesses and professional organizations. Randi Reed: The support of the community is what makes any event successful, but our design & construction community is really where my gratitude lies today. Our main sponsor is CORE Construction, a general contracting firm led locally by Jim Miller that is always supportive of this community. Our local AIA Chapter has coordinated Architecture Week to include our furniture design-build competition and is excited for the possibilities this competition Reno Tahoe Tonight 31


04.21.17 - 04.27.17




$5,000 CASH PRIZE 04.14.17 DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ENTRY FORM & CRITERIA www.hausofreed.com



will bring. Nevada Builders Alliance loved the idea of increasing awareness for workforce development and was the inspiration to create a database of candidates, from which our sponsors could potentially pull for future employment opportunities. Material is being supplied by Mastercraft Hardwoods and Fusion Metalcrafters. Jeramie Lu is the official photographer and Michael Sproehnle with Solportraits is our videographer. Architects include H&K, MBA and Fred Graham and the engineering firm EEI. Henrickson Butler and Eldorado have donated prizes for the People’s Choice award. One of my 32 Reno Tahoe Tonight

closest girlfriends, Kimberly Rossiter, helped me get the website and submission forms together, I’d be lost without her! We are still looking for sponsors to get involved, the more involved the larger this competition gets and the greater the talent we attract. If you know of anyone, send them my way please. Should anyone have any questions or comments regarding the competition, or to inquire about a future project, they can contact me directly at randi@hausofreed. com. Other than that – let’s build!

EVENT Seeing Stars Text Erin Meyering Photo of indigo ribbons Alexis Turner

Indigo Star A festival for women, by women, about beauty, bounty, and business

Imagine a space to grow. A space where there is endless support for one another; a space for art, for questioning, and for purpose. Imagine a place somehow simultaneously for music, song, laughter, and perhaps… for quiet. Imagine a place that simply fosters sisterhood. On May 11th through the 15th in Plumas County, this space will exist. It will manifest itself in the inaugural Indigo Star festival, a gathering of Womyn, explorers of heart, land, and spirit. Indigo Star is a place for grace and renewal; a place to honor the sacred land, circle, stars, and spirits; celebrate ceremony, craft, and medicine; as well as cherish sacred dreams and bodies.

The Vision

Whether coming from near or far, the creators as well as the participants of Indigo Star, are calling each other in to embrace one another and to learn. "We're hoping that after this retreat, women are networked and connected," said Michelle Beaman, one of the creators or cocreatress of Indigo Star. “It’s about [sharing] a desire to have us celebrate each other and all of who we are.” Through panels, classes, and gatherings on various topics from business branding and life

transformation instruction to yoga and wellness, event goers will share their stories and absorb others’. “I love participating in events such as these, as it helps to raise awareness of the importance of connection with other women, active self care, and holistic healing modalities,” said Kathy Walen, who will be offering Shamanic healing and Reiki work at Indigo Star. “I also love the relationships that happen with other women and the co-creative process of offering and exchanging new ideas about incorporating the old ways into everyday life in the modern world.”

The Logistics

The purpose is simple: to gather women, support each other, and help one another thrive. "The importance of bringing women together in this way is hard to sum up in words,” Beaman said. “We are sensing a rising of women entrepreneurs and we want to support them. We want to work with women who are in the healing arts, who are stepping into their passions, and encourage them to show up in their community." This will be done by hosting an incredible variety of classes from over 35 teachers, meant to spark conversation and create pathways for women to discover themselves, either in business or their personal lives, all while camping out under the big, luscious Sierra sky. Participants can camp either in a tent, trailer, RV, gypsy wagon, or however else they choose. The space, although filled with babbling brooks and incredible views, does not have traditional trailer hookups, telephone poles, buildings, or septic tanks. Organizers will set up potable water, toilets, sinks, and even solar showers for the camp’s inhabitants. Breakfast and dinner are included, and guests may bring ice chests and other

food, but be aware of bears. The meals provided will be made with care by Reno-chef Teisha Bronner. Gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options will be available. All are welcome, adults (18+) and youth (ages 11 – 17). The space may or may not be suitable for those with disabilities, as the grounds are not flat or easily wheelchair accessible. There are a limited amount of tickets for children (ages 3 – 10) as well. Please reach out to the coordinators through the website, indigostar.earth for details. "[Along with adults], we want children to be raised in this environment, and to be involved in ritual,” Beaman said.

The Power of Nature

Part of the power in the festival is purely the place. Indigo Star was thoughtfully selected to take place near Portola, in open woods nearby running water. “I want to add the extreme value to being in nature. We are fortunate to live in such a bountiful landscape. We have the mountains, the rivers, the trees that hold and nourish us so generously all the time. Often we are not realizing that source of life and nourishment in our daily life's- and we are not aware of our dependency on the earth. Being thus immersed in the natural environment reminds us of that dependency – even unconsciously,” said Helma Mueller, a presenter of dance in nature at Indigo Star. “Also being away from mechanical sounds and technical influences connects us back to our roots. Being in touch with only the basics of life and the rhythms of nature, is in itself healing and nourishing, I think.”

The Lessons and Love

While The Lost Sierra’s lush pines, cedars, and fir trees provide an idealistic backdrop for such an occasion, there has also been immense thought and care put into the schedule and dynamic for Indigo Star. Topics of classes and discovery include healthy cooking, meditation, chakra dance, weaving, quilting, music improvisation, and action based activism – just to name a few. Many of the teachers even come from this region. "I like doing things on a grassroots level," Beaman said. "I want to support [grassroots movements], people who may not want to work in institutions, and support people in trades. That creates sustainable community." “Why this is important: I have traveled a lot in my life and saw in many cultures that women gather to support each other,” Mueller said. “Men do, too. I do think it is important that we have those moments sharing with our own gender. To me, it is like a liminal space and time. Like a rite de passage, where you step out of your daily structure and open yourself up to stimulations of another kind. I think it is a fruitful ground for personal growth. We learn from exchanging with each other, whether this is through talking, or simply witnessing each other as we move. Someone might share something that opens something in us. It might clarify a question we have been walking with. Someone might move in a way that deeply speaks to us and opens a gateway to some unfamiliar territory in ourselves. People exchange their gifts and their expertise, they have put years of their energy into whatever they share and we can bare the fruits of their dedication and passion.” For details, a full roundup of classes, and to purchase a ticket, visit indigostar.earth. Reno Tahoe Tonight 35


Text Oliver X

Lifecycle Solution's eWaste Recycling Event April 29 @ Cabela's

Saturday, April 29, 2017 Lifecycle Solutions, in conjunction with the volunteers of Renown Hospital, will host an eWaste recycling event at the Cabela's parking lot off I-80 near Boomtown from 9am to 1pm. If you're looking to clear out your garage or home office for a proper spring cleaning, this is the perfect time to do it, while saving critical space in our landfills. “We are accepting electronics of all kinds,” says Erich Schmidt, who is in charge of business development for the company. “PC's, laptops, printers, fax machines, shredders, copy machines, cell phones and all types of cables are welcome,” Schmidt emphasizes. “But there will be a small disposal charge for televisions and crt monitors.” Housed in an 80,000 square foot warehouse on Greg Street in Sparks, Lifecycle Solutions recycles everything that plugs in or takes batteries. No repairs or refurbishing happens at Lifecycle—that's not their business. They strictly deal with shipping in, stripping down and shipping out the raw material that comes through the facility, from citizens that drive up and drop off an old TV remote at their receiving bay, to business to business clientele, school districts and corporations unloading entire offices worth of consumer electronics. Only 2% of what Lifecycle Solutions receives ends up back in landfills, a remarkably low rate for the volume of raw materials and products that come through their doors. Lifecycle Solutions is a humming operation which employs 34 warehouse workers. But just last year in February they had only nine employees. Schmidt has overseen the growth of the facility and they have a sister facility on South Carolina. I watch from Lifecyle's second floor enclosed office window as Schmidt describes what's going on down on the warehouse floor, 36 Reno Tahoe Tonight

as employees break down electronics of all kinds and place them in receptacles called “gaylords,” so-named after the first bulk bins manufactured by the original Gaylord Container Company of St. Louis. “What we're doing here is tearing the equipment apart on the production lines. We try to keep the guys tearing the same things down so they don't have to change tooling. Makes things faster and more efficient,” notes Schmidt. The gaylords are being filled with different forms of commodities, there's aluminum; there are four different kinds of wire; there's copper, there's precious metal in the circuit boards, though it takes a lot of circuit boards to get enough. All those commodities, just like beef or corn, are sold on the market and go into making new products,” states Schmidt. He fancies the term urban mining for what they do there. “All of the raw materials that go into these products were originally mined from the earth. Now we're mining in an urban environment.” Lifecycle Solutions is located at 725 Greg St, Sparks, NV 89431. (775) 391-1319. Those who wish to attend their eWaste recycling event can go to Cabela's at Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, 8650 Boomtown Garson Road, Verdi, NV 89439 Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 9am-1pm.

KYND CANNABIS COMPANY - PART 2 Running a state-of-the-art grow facility is a huge undertaking. There are major systems to install, monitor and maintain, large vats and lines for water filtration, pH and carbon dioxide levels to watch, nutrient lines to run, lighting systems to install, containment and temperature controls, power issues, plus emergency and redundant systems. Security cameras must be installed and all the structural issues have to be factored in involving scaling the business to meet future demands for space, occupancy and efficiency. It quite literally is a full-time job to operate such a facility properly. The Kynd Cannabis Company warehouse is located in an industrial district near the train tracks in one of seldom visited outreaches of nearby Sparks. Company CEO Mark Pitchford has 25 years of experience in all aspects of

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the industry and knows his way around a build out of this magnitude. Pitchford and his exceptionally knowledgeable team, which includes Operations Manager Stacy Castillo and Head Grower Michael Rognier, among others, were gracious enough to allow a small army of RTT reporters and staffers (RTT Co-Founder Shirley Larkins, intern Gabriela Denne, myself and organic grower guru “Skinny�) to tour the Kynd operations where their medicinal cannabis products are hatched, cloned, grown and made into all manner of dabs, salves, oils, vape pens, edibles and much more. In nearly three hours of taped interviews, RTT looked at each grow unit, drying room and laboratory on the grounds. In an attempt to do a thorough job of covering the business, we've embarked on a series of features that will take

FEATURE Text Oliver X Photos Chris Holloman Kynd Team: Mark Pitchford – CEO Kynd Michael Rognier – Head Grower Stacy Castillo – Operations Manager Scott Dunseath – Partner Kynd/Mynt us step-by-step through every stage of cultivation and production. Here in part two of the series, we look at the mother room and how a clone or cracked seed makes it through the growth cycle.

First Stage Mother Room

when we do clone off of those things, we put them in hydroponics they grow really fast and really big at that point. And then we clone off the hydroponics for about four months. Then we drop back and redo it from soil so we stay with the same phenotype. So we stop drifting.

Mark Pitchford: Our tour starts here in the mother room where everything begins. We do all hydroponics here except for a little bit of dirt for our mothers. The dirt mothers are on the right. We don't clone off those too much. But

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Oliver X: How many different mother stains are in here? Mark Pitchford: What do we have, 25? Michael Rognier: There's 15-17 in here currently, but we're working on another 15. So probably about 30 in the next couple months here. Skinny: Do you crack your seeds here, or do you get clones from someone else. Michael Rognier: We do everything here. Here's some new stuff we just tried. We've been popping these the last couple weeks. Oliver X: Are these labeled?

Mark Pitchford: So with hydroponics what we do is we keep flipping it from system to system, so that the water systems that it goes into is completely sterilized and clean. If you were to keep a hydroponic system from A to Z in its cycle, you have a tendency to get water borne pathogens. Pythium is the main one we want to avoid here. You get a pythium in a system and it's like a cancer that spreads throughout the building. It goes into the genes of the plant. You clone that plant, put it into a clean system and you still have pythium and it passes it on. The trick with hydroponics is to take it from one system to the other and keep flopping it. Every room is its own air system, so contaminants cannot breed if we get an airborne problems. We do not spray anything here unless we have an issue.

Michael Rognier: Yes, we've got some Alien Rift, some OB1OG; we've got some Bewitched, Dark Helmet and next door we've got some new CBD strains we're trying as well. We've got about three or four new CBDs coming out.

Michael Rognier shows us a seed that just popped last night.

I ask Michael about their grow system for their new young clones.

Oliver X: What kind of help?

Oliver X: What is this substrate here is it a sponge of nutrients? What is the medium you're using here? Michael Rognier: It's just rock wool. And then we have a three part system of proprietary nutrients. A lot of these are unfeminized so they go through a sexing process through veg and then we will usually flower them. And then within the first weeks if you have any doubts whether they're male of female they show what they are.

Michael Rognier: He may need help by the end of the day.

Michael Rognier: Just slowly peeling away that shell. Something that I learned popping seeds (and I can't remember the name of these first two leaves that start with a “c�), those are the only two leaves that don't have ripples and look like a cannabis leaf. And their sole purpose is to pop that shell open. Once they pop the shell, they just yellow and die.

Skinny: So do they get cut down to 12 and 12 somewhere else than here in this room?

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FEATURE Mark Pitchford: So, that's the first stage mother room. All the controls are done so each individual room is completely sealed all the way down to the electrical outlets which have fire caulking so they don't breathe. Once the plants come out of the one inch cube area they come into a four inch cube. This is the first stage where they're coming into a little bit different light. This is their hardest part, so we give them some special nutrients which are like Valium. The transition from room to room is always tough for the plants. The plants that have leaves that are drooping are taking it harder than the plants that are standing more upright and leaning to the light. Skinny: Are these plants destined for terp and oils or for flower? Mark Pitchford: We try to raise up our cannabinoid profiles for everything. So if you have high profiles, it works better on the lab side once we come out of the ass end of the machine. Any of those profiles we're trying to get up as high as we can. Skinny: What do you shoot for roughly? Mark Pitchford: Each strain is a little bit different. THC is a big thing in Nevada right now because people aren't really educated on the profiles. You could have a 15% THC plant with a higher profile and somewhere else it's going to get you “higher� than something with 30% THC. That's something we're going to be working on with education over the next couple of years to teach the patients. At the end of the day, the THC level is not your final vetting criteria for a strain. Right now people go into a dispensary and they basically look for the strain with the highest THC. Michael Rognier: There are seven or eight different terpene profiles and the way those interact with the THC determines the overall feeling you get strain by strain. Scott Dunseath: Terpenes may be easier to understand if you think of them as flavors or fragrance. Oliver X: What happens with the plants in between the one inch and the four in cubes?

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Mark Pitchford: Right when it starts to root in the one inch, we put in the four and we transfer it over to here. Once they start to balance themselves under the newer lights then they root to the four and I'll show you the next stage. Oliver X: What are these other plants in here doing? Mark Pitchford: These plants in here are some of the new mothers that we're growing bigger to go then take over the hydroponic mothers next door. We'll let them come up in here larger, like I said the dirt mothers always stay where they're at, and the hydros we try to cycle out every four to five months.

Styles of growth Skinny: So this is still an 18 hour type of thing going on? Mark Pitchford: Yes, everything on this side of the building for the most part is 18 hour. We do two different styles of growth in hydroponics: we do what we call a topping system and we do a deep water culture. The round baskets here are designed for deep water culture and the square baskets are top feed. We don't have any top fees coming online as much right now. So right now we take a deep water basket and we're top feeding it in the veg side. Skinny: Rather than an ebb and flow type thing? Mark Pitchford: Correct. The only time we do ebb and flow is that first stage. Then we come into top feed and I'll show you what we call a Dutch bucket here in a bit. Oliver X: Why top feed here? Mark Pitchford: We're not trying to get them super big here, because they grow so fast. So we're not in a hurry over here. We don't need to gain any more time basically. So this works fine and is perfect for our time schedules. Then we'll leave them over on the other side on the flower side. Shirley Larkins: So this is to slow down the growth process from veg room 1 so that you can cycle them in the right order?

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FEATURE Mark Pitchford: Exactly. This room keeps feeding the other side of the building. Oliver X: What are you looking for with these plants at this stage, as far as their physical profiles? Mark Pitchford: We're usually trying to top them and make 'em branch out and get a little bit more stable, so they don't have just one stalk like a Christmas tree. We're trying to go for hedges is what we do here.

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Skinny: More budding sites. Mark Pitchford: Canopy is our key thing here. From day one, we try to make the plant grow into the canopy that we're looking for in four months. You can control that right now at this stage. You can see how this has been topped right here. So that being cut right there, lets the rest of it come up. Oliver X: So that's for efficiency and overall plant health?

Mark Pitchford: Plant health. They don't like it as much... Michael Rognier: Certain strains like a Purple Cadillac you might want to top until further on because you want the tallness; it's a short stocky plant. Whereas like an OG you're like topping constantly to keep it under control, so it's not growing through your roof.

visit the beautiful Mynt Cannabis Dispensary, downtown Reno's only dispensary to purchase exclusive Kynd products.

Stay tuned for next month where we continue our tour of Kynd's grow facility. Be sure to

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FITNESS Testimonial Connie Wray on GROOVEdancefloor “It's about freedom of expression with no judgment.”

“I had worked with Sabrina [Hallgren] professionally, but when I saw her posting about her Groove class, I knew this was what I was looking for. I had made a New Year's resolution to find more fun things to do with my 7-year old, Story...Fun things to get the heart rate up, together! Story loves to dance. She's taken ballet and we dance at home all the time. Plus, I liked that it wasn't a specific class learning steps, but more just grooving like I was on a dance floor at the club. “I am also trying to MOVE! Our society is so sedentary. As we age, moving keeps us healthy. I 50 Reno Tahoe Tonight

needed this for myself and to set the example. We loved Groove immediately. The music is everything from African drums to Meghan Trainor. It's about freedom of expression with no judgment. Sabrina is incredibly fun. She makes you smile, she teaches you to let go and to love your body. I feel confident and Story is learning to love who she is and expressing herself through movement. We stretch; we Groove; we breath...Everyone should Groove! “If you want to get the heart rate up and have fun doing, Groove! It does not feel like exercise – another plus. Story is learning to find fun ways to stay active.” - Connie Wray

April 15

2-5 pm $20 RENORIVER.ORG/WINE 775-825-WALK

5:15pm Raffle A Portion of the Proceeds Benefit The Shakespeare Animal Fund.

FREESTYLE Photographer Jeramie Lu Model Kylee Stevenson Morris Text Jeramie Lu HMU Katie Catt-Lamanna Location Hatch I have been anxious to get in the studio to just freely create amazing art. With the daily pressures of photographing and editing client work we sometimes forget to shoot for ourselves. So when Katie asked me to be part of this shoot with her and Kylee I jumped at the chance. We went into it with no real concept but knowing that we wanted three different looks that progressed with the shoot itself. We started with a studio set up and playing with gels and colors. We moved into a more natural studio set up with using only one targeted light to showcase how amazing Kylee really was. Then it was all Hatch...We used a corner of the space and pulled in some great easy light and just played...

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HEALTH TIPS Lanette Simone Photo Charles Moss Models Harry Winston White Standard poodle Clouseau Griswold Black Standard Poodle Groomer Athena of A Doggie's Dream

S D N HOU Your hound is a natural born healer, with a system designed to respond to holistic modalities. Every time your dog eats grass to settle his stomach he is instinctively using a natural remedy to ease what is ailing him. So how do you honor the Shaman in your Shih Tzu? By seeking homeopathic care and natural remedies whenever possible. Natural remedies like chamomile tea, Epsom salts, B12 supplements, reiki, massage, acupuncture and Holistic veterinary care. My Standard Poodle, Harry Winston, was lethargic and losing weight, the vet said he was low in B12. Did I mention I own a B12 Bar? I promise I am not making this up. Instead of giving him injections I opted to give him freeze dried organ treats. Liver, lung and heart are extremely high in natural B12. Mr. Winston is always very good about remembering to take his vitamins, never any problem chewing on a liver to boost his energy and immune system. Check out your favorite local pet store for a Bag O’ B12 goodness. Does your Golden Retriever suffer from separation anxiety or is your Terrier a terrorist? Fidobakery. com has an amazing Calming Dog Biscuit recipe with all natural ingredients. Chamomile, oats, 60 Reno Tahoe Tonight

blueberries, pumpkin seeds, yogurt and honey elevate serotonin levels and soothe anxiety. If baking isn’t your happy place, baste several dog biscuits with chamomile tea and place on a baking rack to dry. Store your no bake version of calming treats in an air tight container for use in case of a K9 emergency. Does your Puggle leave it all at his play date? Epsom salts reduces inflammation joint, muscle and tendon pain. Run a tub of water add ½ cup Epsom salts per gallon of water and let you pooped Puggle soak for five to ten minutes. Caution: Don’t let your doggie drink the water, Epsom salts can have a laxative effect. Licking or chewing paws can be resolved with a 2-5 minute soak in povidone iodine. 50% of the behavior can be eliminated by soaks to remove irritants. A couple of inches of bathwater, just enough water to cover the paws, add povidone iodine until the water is the color of iced tea. Rinse and pat dry. This solution rids the paws of pollutants, mild bacterial infections and yeast. Homework assignment: Look into Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine/Food Therapy If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, dogs would out live us all.


North Lake Tahoe’s slopes stay open after an epic winter

Spring in North Lake Tahoe. Those words bring visions of crunching through Sheep Flats on snowshoes with the blue skies overhead, or maybe braving a quick polar bear plunge before huddling around the fire at the Lone Eagle Grille for cocktails.

Snowshoe Tours cost $65 per person and include snowshoes, poles, knowledgeable guides, natural history discussions, hot drinks, trail snacks, and permit fees.

Whether you plan to spend this time indoors or out, North Lake Tahoe offers a variety of activities.

If you’re able to ski or snowboard down an intermediate run and are older than 21, check out Diamond Peak’s Last Tracks Wine/Beer Tasting events. Held every Saturday, Last Tracks participants get a late-day lift ticket, valid from 2 to 4 p.m., followed by a final chair ride up to Snowflake Lodge to experience breathtaking views and wine or craft beer tastings paired with delicious appetizers. When the event is over, participants enjoy one final run down a freshly groomed trail. For information on both experiences, visit gotahoenorth.com

Snow By Sunset This spring, take advantage of longer days and experience a Tahoe sunset in new ways. Strap on your snowshoes and experience the purple alpenglow onto the Sierra while trekking through Tahoe’s peaceful forest. Sunset Friday

“Whimsical Spirit” The Incline Village Visitors Information Center’s art show, “Whimsical Spirit,” continues through April 30, bringing together four artists who work in four different mediums.

It’s one of my favorite times of year to enjoy North Lake Tahoe. After a winter of storms and snow, this year’s spring also brings extended seasons for most of the resorts around the lake (Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows plans to stay open through July 4!).

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Troi Follansbee creates mosaic sculptures using many types of materials, called tesserae. In “Whimsical Spirit,” this native Californian artist displays a new series entitled "Get Busted."

Gifts and Discount Tickets The Visitors Information Center also sells discounted ski-lift and activity tickets and a selection of unique gifts.

Ellen Beauregard uses mixed medium within her large paintings from tar, epoxy, and metals. She uses color, texture, and luster to balance the composition of each piece.

Discounted lift tickets are available for Diamond Peak, Mount Rose Ski Tahoe, Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows, and Homewood Mountain Resort. Tickets are also available for Borges Sleigh Rides, Tahoe Adventure Company's Snowshoe Tours and Around The Lake Tours.

Anastiscia Chantler-Lang uses pastels and colored pencils to convey her feelings and experiences while living in the Sierra region. A self-taught artist from Toronto, Canada, Chantler-Lang relocated to Tahoe in 2015 after traveling extensively and working in fashion and handbag design. Bill Stevenson’s photography captures Lake Tahoe, the Sierras, the Himalaya and adventure sports. A Truckee-based photographer, both Stevenson's great-great grandfather and great grandfather photographed living on the edge of the American frontier from their home in Leavenworth, Kansas.

The gift shop's carefully curated collection includes artisan jewelry, Solmate socks, North Lake Tahoe logo wear, Sierra Essentials candles and room fragrance, Healthy Back Bags made by Ameribag and Ana Candles. The Visitor Information Center is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday and is located at 969 Tahoe Blvd. in Incline Village. For more information, call 800-Go-Tahoe (800-468-2463).

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Happy Hour from 3pm - 6pm ¡ Monday through Friday enjoy complimentary Charcuterie along with $1 off any of our beers on draft, $2 off Specialty Cocktails, $4 Wells and House wine!

LACQUER LIFE Text Shannon Dunlap Photo Chris Holloman


is a nail spa and cocktail lounge. Our business concept is a combination of providing amazing nail services and serving beautifully hand-crafted cocktails. SOAK has both a cosmetology and liquor license. All of this is made possible by a talented group of committed professionals/artists (40 + to be mildly exact). We currently have two locations in Reno. Over the past ten years, SOAK has employed hundreds of locals; won umpteen awards; birthed seven babies; been featured in both national press and television; created one U.S. citizen and painted thousands upon thousands of nails. My hope in my upcoming articles for RTT is to not only share with you nail trends, but to share the richness and lessons learned from this “lacquered life.” The lessons of running a small business are boundless and beautiful. Unsure as to where to jump off in this monthly endeavor, I shall start with the question I get most often: How did you come up with the name SOAK? Naming a business is tricky. It’s really tricky. How do you grab the swanky cool essence of a dream and capture it in a word? If you've

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ever had the experience of naming a child or a pet, you empathize with this happy struggle. You go through a laundry list of names. You then repeat name, after name, after name and go back and reconsider all those names again. There is no telling what force in the universe is at work when the magic of the name matches your vision. But when it sticks, you know it. For me, the name arrived in the middle of the night. I was having my routine anxiety dream about missing final exams at college (insert therapist interpretation here) and there it was: SOAK. I sat up in bed, and said it out loud just to be sure. Voila, business born...kind of. I had no business license nor place to put SOAK. No money. No business background (other than my management skills as an elementary school teacher.) But I had, what I thought, was a great name. I had a name, crossed fingers, six month old twins, a sleep deprived brain and a willingness to try. Fast forward 10 years and 1000 wrinkles and SOAK is going strong. I question a lot of things in business. I never question the name. THAT, in my humble opinion, I got right. SOAK has two Reno locations, one at South Creek Center 75 Foothill Rd Ste 2. Reno, NV 89511 and another downtown at 628 W 2nd St Reno, NV 89503.

creative services + brand specialists

RADIUS Text Amanda Horn Photo Chris Holloman Today my husband Brad said to me that the post-election climate has changed me. He said that I am not the same shiny person, the one that taught him “thoughts are things,” that truth erupts from where you focus your attention, that reality is fluid. I rebutted, “I am only sharing the news I read, I have no emotion attached to it. I have to stay informed, to know how to appropriately respond.” My response felt like a lie. Later this afternoon, I overheard some knowledge emanating from the television. A mindfulness documentary my brother was watching. The speaker talked about dual realities. In one vision, consciousness is rising, spirit is opening, people care about the planet, their fellow citizens of earth, loving one another. People see the world as a place of vast abundance, providing for all in limitless loving prosperity. In the alternative vision, the world is a nasty, brutish, fearful place filled with extreme poverty, hopeless, a dying blue marble rife with terror and under constant assault from both human and galactic forces. The outcome, he said, truly depends on which vision we collectively choose to buy into. When I heard this sage gentleman speak, I paused. He spoke to my truth. He reminded me of the mantras I espouse daily, the practice by which I live, the same wisdom nuggets I share with my sweet husband, who had earlier in the day called me out on my shit, telling me my glass is no longer half full, nor even half empty. “It’s gone,” he said. “Wiped. Finished.” When Brad left for work, I continued to pore over the week’s news. I proceeded to read a few in-depth articles on current affairs before making my way to arts coverage. Ah, finally. That lifted me, sent the neurons dancing. All astir, they relayed a sacred message to me. “Go take a bath, breathe, and come home to yourself. We miss you, and are not sure to where you have absconded.” 68 Reno Tahoe Tonight

[radius] = a love letter to despair So I did. Hot bath, breath, chanting. “Breath of life, flowing through me and from me to everything and everyone around me, I come home.” Grounded, centered, and more focused, I proceeded with my Sunday. I reflected on Brad’s words and realized he was, ahem, right. Overstated, perhaps, but rooted in accurate perception nonetheless. I realized that I have let my anxiety over fear winning a battle mix with work pressures and family challenges. While Brad’s comments helped bring such to my attention today, such behavior is not atypical of us humans. We often transpose one stressor on another, yelling at our partners when we are upset with a coworker, getting angry at the dog for chewing the rug when the president is the one nibbling on our souls. In mindfulness practice, identifying the root of one’s negative emotional upticks is critical for transforming them. We take it to the body, so to speak, to understand the impact a situation may be having on us.

“Where do I feel this in my body? What color is it? Does it have a sensation?” Pause to feel it full to completion, the opposite of numbing it down and pretending like it’s not happening. I, like many, spent the majority of my life running from uneasy feelings, subduing and suppressing suffering by applying a numbing agent. I put on rose-colored glasses to dim the light revealed once the veil had been ripped down. Without the glasses, my head ached. My heart, it crumbled. For the past decade, I have worked steadfastly to confront and contend and love the pain I once worked so diligently to repress. Mostly I exhausted myself. Energy fizzled out. Too tired to go on repeating the same unsuccessful formula only to run into the proverbial wall (the definition of insanity, right?), I stripped naked and lay myself on the altar. I surrendered. Surrendering, though, does not a miracle make. Once you remove all the masks, you are left with only yourself. Just you, in all your shining—or dull—glory. The funny thing about coming home

to yourself is that you are always there. And no matter if you are on day one of the path, or day 3,650, you need reminders to breathe, to come home, to show up fully awake. In Buddhism, there are “Four Immeasurable Minds,” best understood as four different properties of love: maitri (loving kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (joy), and upeksha (equanimity). Each of these qualities of love reveal sweet, substantive approaches to contending with ourselves as we navigate the world. The first person we must learn to wrap with each kind of love is ourselves. Then, fully and completely and wholly in love, we extend out. This, my friends, is how we heal the world. Amanda Horn is a Reno-based writer, yogini, and creative community enthusiast. A former circus performer, she has been pushing boundaries most of her life, constantly redefining her own and testing the radius of the world she inhabits. She currently serves as Director of Communications for the Nevada Museum of Art. Follow her on Twitter @TeboHorn or email her at amanda.horn@nevadaart.org. Reno Tahoe Tonight 69

REAL ESTATE Text Shirley Larkins

The Housing Crunch

With all of the industry and businesses that have committed to our area and the Tahoe Regional Industrial Park, I think it is safe to say that we are growing again Northern Nevada. Having grown up here, gone to college and now running a business here I am excited about our growth as a city. I love the culture that is growing, the great restaurants that keep opening, and our makeover of downtown and the MidTown districts. I am also starting to think about more – like how do I continue to grow my business, where will my daughter start school, where should I invest? As a real estate professional my train of thought usually goes to houses and something that is starting to concern me a little bit is where people are going to live if we really do have 30,000 new jobs and thousands of new residents heading our way. In February of this year, Mike Kazmierski President and CEO of the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN)[1] wrote a column on RGJ. COM titled “Reno’s Housing Sky is Falling” and when I read it all I could think was Yikes, he’s so right on! We (Realtors) have been advertising this same message for a couple of years now. Low housing inventory, high prices for homes, rents going up. If 70 Reno Tahoe Tonight

you're thinking of buying or selling in our area you already know that inventory is super low and the market is competitive. Sellers are getting 98% of their asking price on average and we're seeing multiple offers on homes that are priced right. I also know that people are talking about how high rents are getting all over Reno/Sparks. The housing crunch has started – but try not to freak out. If you haven’t already done so, read the EPIC Report that was put together by EDAWN in 2015 and updated to reflect current numbers since then. The purpose of the study was to forecast how many jobs and residents we would gain from 2015 to 2019. Not only did the report project how many new homes (5000 per year) we would need, but it also talked about many changes that we could anticipate in types of housing. “The historical demand and preference by Study Area households and families to live in traditional single-family detached dwellings could surrender to a demand for more urbanized attached or small-lot housing choices.” Now isn’t this something that we are starting to see more of in our area? We are

Has Arrived, But Don't Panic!

trying to keep up with the demand that is here and still coming like a freight train. Here are a few projects I can think of right now: Salvation 10, 3rd Street Flats, Deluxe Laundry, 1401 MidTown, Center+Pine, MidTown Lofts, and there are a lot more. Even with all of these awesome new urban projects popping up, and new home construction taking place in almost all areas of Reno/Sparks/North Valleys we are way behind schedule. Last year only about 3000 of the 5000 homes needing to be built were completed – and 2015 had even less. As a community we are failing to keep up with the demand and this can create problems in the very near future. People can be priced right out of being able to afford housing. There is opportunity right now in our area to get a house. Our median price keeps creeping up, but interest rates are still low and there are many programs and incentives for people to take advantage of – the best advice that I can give you right now is don’t wait too long. Prices are not going down – and neither is demand. We are facing some serious growth issues in the next 12-18 months. Not just the housing shortage, but also with our roads and already overcrowded schools.

People need to rethink what they want in a home and not wait! You don't have to buy a three bedroom, two bathroom home in the suburbs; there are more options than just the traditional family home. If you're not sure where to begin, or you have been looking online and need more direction, I'm happy to help you. I can sit down with you and make a vision board of the type of house you want and what is important for the lifestyle that you want to live. We can take that information, see what properties are out there and figure out what you can anticipate spending. I believe every person who wants to own a home should and it is my mission to help as many as I can get one! Sources 1. Edawn.org/epic-report

Shirley Larkins

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RENO STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Photos Eric Marks facebook.com/RenoStreetPhotography

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"Sleepy Hallow" - Canon 5D Markiii F2.8 1/160 200mm

"Rim Shot" - "Canon 5D Markiii F2.8 1/1,1600 200mm

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SKATE NV Photo Kyle Volland skatenv.com Skater Jeff Ward

Lein Air

One Armed Bandit Location Burgess skatepark 74 Reno Tahoe Tonight



1 3 5 N S I E R R A S T, S U I T E C , R E N O R I V E R WA L K D I S T R I C T 7 7 5 . 6 8 2 . 3 8 0 0 — R E N O E N V Y. C O M


SLAM DRUNK SOBER Text Doug E Moore Photo Jocelyn Noel

One day at a time.. Easier said than done. This last month I’ve had several beautiful moments in conversation with people I care about. Although none of these conversations were related to one another, a coincidental theme ran through each dialogue: balance. What I proceeded to hear was these individuals collectively were living this moment in fear, resentment, frustration, regret, and suffering from past personal experiences. And because the burden was so heavy, they were struggling with forgiving themselves…Now. Myself included.

Iftodyaoyu, mitakseetstoydoauy uap gfooorda good tomorrow. Doug E Moore lives in Reno. He’s owner and jeweler at D Street Designs Custom jewelry fabrications. Moore also teaches an addiction recovery based yoga class Tuesday night’s at Midtown Community Yoga. He’s available at: doug@dstreetdesigns.com Instagram/FB @dstreetdesigns

I live my life by the teachings of two fundamental pillars of strength, guidance and wisdom: Yoga and the 12 Steps. Each has their own set of foundational principles that literally coincide, often sharing the same creeds. At the start of either path the principle of ‘Non-harming’ comes into play. Non-harming based in the sense of our proactive practice of courage, balance, love and respect of self, and compassion shared with others. Perhaps when we finally decide enough is enough, we don’t need to drink, use, lie anymore, that very moment we decide to stop harming ourselves, and consequently others, is the goal of this principle. The next fundamental principal is ‘Truthfulness’ in recognizing who we are, self-expression and admitting what we’ve done. Telling the truth is a test of our character and intelligence. There’s only one truth, so it’s easier to be consistent if we’re honest. If we are dishonest, we have to keep track of what we have said. There’s major pressure in substance abuse recovery associated with stigmas of weakness and failure not to relapse. So when relapse does happen, often those individuals share that they have a very, very hard time moving on and forgiving themselves as their life, once again, tailspins into the old routine of lack of courage, balance, self love and compassion for others. My dad has very rarely held back on sharing advice throughout my life. Speaking of forgiving, this is the one piece I continually live by, “If you make today a good today, it sets you up for a good tomorrow.” Dwelling in the past causes depression. Thinking about the future brings anxiety within. Right now is all we got! That’s just it – today. This moment. Now. If we take care of this moment, it sets us up for a good tomorrow. Right here, right now, one day at a time…

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THE NEST Text and photos courtesy of Tessa Miller

in y t i n u m m o c F i n di n g all w d r a o b k l a a ch Perhaps if you’re a bartender, life hands you lemons to make lemonade. Even though I would prefer delicious, tangy Meyer lemons, I'm a DIY’er and I guess it's more fitting that life has handed me some broken shop windows. Good thing I know how to take those and turn them into a chalkboard wall! If you’ve been following along, you’ll remember that in February my shop, The Nest, suffered from three attempted break-ins – one of which was successful. In the process of clearing out my cash drawer and stealing my donation jar for the homeless through the Reno Initiative for

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Shelter and Equality (RISE), the thieves also worked up thousands of dollars of damage to my front windows and back door. Thank goodness for my dear and generous friends Nanci and Scott Lenton (outoftheboxdesignrno.com), who immediately came to the rescue to board up the broken windows so that the shop wasn’t open to the elements. Due to the pass being closed so frequently over the winter, windows were back-ordered for quite some time. Although the boarded up windows were certainly functional, they absolutely left something to be desired aesthetically.

I put the call out to my artist friends to see if anyone had some ideas to beautify them. I got an immediate response from my friend, the wonderfully creative and super supportive, Anicia Beckwith. She had seen a chalkboard wall out of town with the simple words, “I wish…” inscribed on it and thought that it would be a wonderful use of the space. I wholeheartedly agreed. See, more and more I’m beginning to believe in the power of manifestation, and I’ve found that putting my desires into writing somehow magically rockets them out to the universe, so that it can figure out how to realize them. I’ve seen it work with astounding success, yet even I don’t do it as often as I should. By encouraging the community to wish and dream and put their intentions out into the world, perhaps I’ll remind myself to do it more often as well. What better platform to spread that manifestation love than a giant wall facing Keystone’s passersby? Within the day, Anicia had swung by the hardware store, showed up at the shop with all the necessary materials, including the helpful hands of my new friend, Bridget Rosscup, and we got the base layer down. Quick aside: Making your own chalkboard paint is a cinch and for a fraction of the price. Head to my blog (thenestreno.com/blog) for a quick tutorial. Because we have such an amazingly supportive community, the chalkboard wall didn’t end there. Emily Reid and Lisa Kurt, who are not only phenomenally talented artists but also extremely generous and kind friends, offered to come by and add a bit of whimsy with their signature animal characters. We also expanded upon the “I wish…”

idea to include text bubbles prompting us to fill in our responses to “I’m sorry…” and “I’m grateful…” Although this is only a temporary installation, I hope it inspires others to turn their broken windows into chalkboard walls; to turn lemons into lemonade, or turn whatever unfortunate circumstance gets thrown their way into something that initiates the process of manifesting love, goodness, wishes and gratitude. The Nest 201 Keystone Ave Reno, NV 89503 FB/Instagram/Twitter: @thenestreno thenestreno.com

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TRAINING TIPS Text Camille Lyman Photo Irina Kendrick @IPKPhotography



Reno has become a fitness mecca for enthusiasts seeking the thrill and balance of what comes from being active. As a gym owner for the past five years in Reno-Sparks; a personal trainer-fitness instructor for 12 years and as a fitness enthusiast-athlete since the age of 14 years old (and now at age 35), I've noticed the increasing passion and demand for more ways to be in motion; more ways to release endorphins and more means to embrace and build confidence through fitness. Being a part of a team my whole life has been a driving force in creating the woman I am today. I've learned and appreciated many lessons from every coach, mentor and organization along my fitness journey.

Last year I got a push from my great friends Gwen Sedler and Jodi Kruse to take a look at a new organization with a passion for athletes pursuing their personal bests, without feeling intimidated, negative, or truly feeling lost after competing. I thought I would never get back on stage again due to some personal experiences that I had. Rather than saying goodbye forever, I turned to coaching and built the backbone of my teaching around love and inspiration called Project C. The mission: Take the Chance to make the Choice to be the Change that you deserve to be. I opened my coaching up to women and men who not only wanted to get on stage, but to those who wanted to make the ultimate change and transformation as a lifestyle change. I developed a program that teaches balance, self respect, self love, while juggling real life situations, as opposed to thinking that it has to be one way and one way only, to arrive at a place that each person deserves. I teach you to be your personal best – which has nothing to do with the girl next to you – but everything to do with the person in the mirror! I teach you to identify, conquer and enjoy the accomplishments of short term and long term goals. I teach that nothing is perfect; that challenge calls for change; that confidence is built and that we all have the ability to feel these feelings no matter what our age, fitness level, intensity level or size. Everyone is equal and can make their dream a reality. When I got back on stage with NSL (Nspire Sports LeagueTM), I was reminded why I loved the sport of bikini competitions. From the moment I stepped into their environment I knew that I never wanted to leave. Camie Cragg Fitness has a tag line "Inspired Training" and as the founder/owner, it has been a mission of mine to link with likeminded trainers, instructors, gyms, athletes and enthusiasts in my community. To create a SYNERGY that cannot be broken. NSPIRE is it! Whether it's a person seeking to achieve a bucket list accomplishment or hard core competitive athlete both deserve to get on a stage and showcase their personal best. With NSL, both levels of fitness/intensity are welcome and honored through their system of classes that include teen, classic,

elite, masters, transformation and much more! They have a class that is made for everyone and the best part about it is that everyone leaves feeling worthy, accomplished and driven more to be a better version of themselves; living the balanced lifestyle of health and wellness. I am proud to announce as Pro Beach Bikini Athlete for NSL, that they will be traveling from Dallas, Texas to Tahoe-Incline April 22, 2017 to hold a Fitness Competition for our fitness enthusiasts. If you are unable to make this event date, check their schedule for other upcoming shows in our surrounding area. The NSL is a community where athletes from around the world are welcomed and encouraged to compete in any competitive division that aligns with their personal goals. It is a place where sponsors are rewarded for the open support of athletes that represent the kind of quality the community respects and demands. At the center of Nspire Sports LeagueTM are the fans, whose support makes all of this possible. We are committed to showing the respect the fans deserve by putting the athletes they demand on every stage around the world. We are a community where fans can celebrate the accomplishments of these dedicated athletes. A community that encourages evolution and strives to show the world that this is how we live! Challenge yourself today to share, love, respect and enjoy the journey of becoming your personal best through fitness. The Nspired Sports LeagueTM is coming to our home town this month! Check out the passion and drive on their website www.nspiresl.com from owners Lee and Jen Thompson and stay inspired! Inspired Daily,

Camille Lyman owner of Camie Cragg Fitness NSL Pro Beach Bikini Athlete Lululemon Ambassador Co-Host Fit Fridays Mornings on Fox 11

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UNITED WE STONED: CANNABIS & STATES RIGHTS Text Annalise Gardella, Pistil + Stigma Illustration Tucker Monticelli private prisons), regulated cannabis is gaining unprecedented popularity. Even in red states where cannabis was on the ballot last year, more people voted for cannabis than for Donald Trump, showing bipartisan support to their elected representatives. When White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reiterated hints at a federal crackdown on adult use cannabis, some speculated the comments were simply a trial balloon for the Trump administration to gauge the reactions states might have in protecting their budding cannabis markets. Whether or not that was the intention, the comments reflect the feds’ continued willful ignorance and encourage resilient reactions from advocates for cannabis as well as states’ rights. Spicer’s comments, laced with misinformation, particularly regarding the science of cannabis, sparked a renewed discussion over the possible role cannabis could play in helping opioid addiction. One study showed that in states with legal medical cannabis, annual overdoses from opioid painkillers were 25% lower, and an examination of Medicare prescription drug data from 2010 to 2013 found that doctors in states with legal medical cannabis prescribed an average of 1,826 fewer doses of painkillers annually. “The opiate crisis might be a reason to expand access to marijuana rather than to contract it,” said Sam Kamin in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, prompting a response from Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Give me a break,” Sessions said. “This is the kind of argument that has been out there. [It’s] almost a desperate attempt to defend the harmlessness of marijuana or even benefits. I doubt that’s true. Maybe science will prove me wrong…My best view is that we don’t need to be legalizing marijuana.” Of course, if the feds want science, there’s a multitude of research suggesting cannabis has miraculous medicinal benefits, not to mention that ending prohibition has poured tax dollars into states to fund education and infrastructure programs and created hundreds of thousands of jobs. Despite Sessions’s willful ignorance about cannabis (as well as other issues like the continued use of 86 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Lawmakers from both sides of the ticket in California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado have spoken out against Spicer’s comments, advocating for tenth amendment rights and turning the issue of federalism, so often correlated with the right, into a largely bipartisan issue, beginning the slow process of forcing representatives in Congress to reconsider how they represent their constituents on Capitol Hill Senator Dean Heller (R – NV) sent a letter to AG Sessions advocating for his state’s right to legalize cannabis, while California Assemblyman Jim Wood (D) took a more aggressive approach, proposing a bill to prohibit local and state authorities from cooperating with federal authorities who are looking “to investigate, detain, detect, report, or arrest a person” participating in a legal state-regulated cannabis business without a court order. Representative Thomas Garrett (R – VA) introduced legislation that would remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act. Yet there remains a distinct opposition from lawmakers, especially Republicans, that echoes the prohibitionist rhetoric of the Reagan Administration, sprinkled with Reefer Madness-esque tropes somehow carried into the 21st century. Conservative legislators seem to suffer most from cognitive dissonance in reconciling advocacy for states’ rights with their typically moral stance against cannabis. For many conservative lawmakers, cannabis falls in the same category as other “liberal” social issues like LGBT rights and abortion, and, despite support for regulated markets from their constituents, it increasingly looks like they will cherry pick federal decisions that fit their personal moral code over advocating for states’ rights. Cannabis is a tricky lady, turning traditional partisan roles on their heads: the left stepping into a newfound role of advocacy in favor of federalism, while the right becomes untraditionally reluctant to support states’ rights. Historically, states’ rights

United We Stoned

have been used to justify discrimination, from the Confederacy defending slavery and continuing to fly the confederate flag 100 years later, to Civil Rights in the 1960s, and in present day to deny LGBT people equal rights, to deny trans people safety in bathrooms, to deny undocumented people safety in their homes and schools, and to deny women the right to safely access abortion. States’ rights are invoked in the argument to dismantle the public school system and restrict curriculums, preventing children from learning about evolution, climate change, and comprehensive sex education that could actually prevent abortions in the long term. As an issue unique in its tendency to supersede partisan politics, perhaps cannabis represents an opportunity for states’ rights advocates from both sides of the aisle to truly use the tenth Amendment to check federal control over individual liberties, rather than just an excuse to justify state-sanctioned discrimination. Pistil + Stigma is a consulting firm working with organizations in public, private, and nonprofit sectors on groundbreaking policy issues nationwide. Our team of lobbying, community affairs, and cannabis strategy consultants help

businesses acquire competitive licenses and grow sustainable and socially conscious businesses. Annalise Gardella is the Marketing and Communications Lead at Pistil + Stigma, a leading consulting firm working with organizations in public, private, and nonprofit sectors on groundbreaking policy issues nationwide. Her background in advocacy dates back to 2004 working on local, state, and national election campaigns, as well as service as a Youth Development Peace Corps Volunteer in El Salvador. List of Sources used in this article: docs.google.com/document/d/ 1LCOFNZ470SctbQV8oAbf 3r8xWJ1mr6v7lGBFaLxfRBA/ edit?usp=sharing

VOICES Poem by Megan Saenz Photos Chris Stanton Black & white photo by Fielding Cathcart Hair by Destinee Terry Body paint Britt Gianotti

Let Go

Revenge is a kind of wild justice. Before I fell into violation... “Why are you crying? Doesn't that feel good?” Into being stripped of my existence... “If you'd stop moving then it wouldn't hurt as much.” Into feeling so alone and guilty...

“Stop freaking out; you're acting like I raped you.” Like it was my fault, when it was you all along... broken exposed anger resignation The pain I feel as your words replay over and over in my head... I tell people and they ask, “Do you want revenge or justice?”

90 Reno Tahoe Tonight

“Neither,� I reply. Because I didn't ask for it... But he expected something out of it and that's what he got. There isn't enough justice in the court system to serve you... There isn't a trail of revenge that could get rid of you, or make me feel better... Revenge is a kind of wild justice.

Being vulnerable, but coming to terms with acceptance is a strength through forgiveness of myself. I want neither. I want to let go... To surrender, but I can't. I want everything to stop. Shatter the silence. Speak out! That's my revenge and justice.

Speak out!

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