Reno Tahoe Tonight December 2016

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December 2016

The Body Paint Factory Steals


3 . 5 0 1 ROCK HARD









12 The Body Paint Factory Steals XMAS FEATURE 20 SOAK Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company Part 2 28 Writer-poet-educator Henry Sosnowski 36 The Riverwalk Merchants Association's New Businesses


44 Campo Sparks An Introduction 58 Miguel's Mexican Restaurant 60 Sierra Gold Seafood 62 HEALTH TIPS 64 INCLINE VILLAGE CRYSTAL BAY VISITORS BUREAU REPORT


LIFESTYLE 66 Your Winter Survival Guide


68 Reno Kicks - Part 3


72 Jave Patterson's Locals Only Morning Show

74 42



82 Cellist Zoe Keating






Editor/Publisher Oliver X Art Director Chris Meredith Contributing Designers Courtney Meredith Tucker Monticelli Contributing Writers Amanda Horn Britton Griffith-Douglass Debe Fennel Isha Casagrande Lanette Simone Michael Tragash Tessa Miller Thomas Lloyd Qualls Tony Contini Contributing Photographers Anicia Beckwith Chris Holloman Clayton Beck Digiman Studio Jennifer Sande Kyle Volland Marcello Rostagni Shelbi Carr Whitehead Ted Varney Tony Contini Interns Heather McAlpine Sales 775-412-3767 Submissions Website All content, layout and design is the property of Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine. Duplication or reproduction is prohibited without the expressed written consent of Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine. Copyright 2016. Reno Tahoe Tonight is produced on 10% recycled American paper and is printed with all soy and vegetable inks.

SNAPSHOT Photographer Chris Holloman Soak Nail Spa + Lounge owner Shannon Dunlap at her downtown Reno salon location

A PROBABILITY OF WORDS Text Thomas Lloyd Qualls

A long time ago there was no money. Which made it really hard to buy things. Except for before that, when there were no things to buy. That is to say, before we came up with the idea that some people should be in charge of the things and then make other people give something (to be determined) for them. So, yes, before we charged people for stuff, things were probably generally pretty good. But after that, and before money, that was probably a mess. And then, for a while, I don't really know how long, everybody had different money. Which I can only guess caused a lot of arguments about what money was better. But then, thankfully, somewhere very close to the end of the 16th Century (which really means the 1500s), the Spanish created the pieces of eight. Besides being the eighth studio album by the band Styx (with an album cover that nobody understood), pieces of eight were also known as Spanish dollars. A Spanish dollar was the equivalent of 8 reals, another form of Spanish currency, hence the name, pieces of eight. Which is also where Mexico came up with the name peso, just in case you were wondering. (Peso = Piece.) China was much pickier back then about money, with silver being the only foreign coin it would accept. For this and other reasons I either don't know or won't get into right now, pieces of eight soon became the first international currency. It was actually the most stable currency from the 16th to 19th centuries (or 1500s to 1800s, for those of you keeping track).

Pieces of Eight

In fact, the Spanish dollar was the precursor to the U. S. dollar. When the colonies split from England, the United States adopted the Spanish dollar as its standard monetary unit. And pieces of eight were legal tender in the United States until 1857, when we got all protective of our own money and Congress passed some Act that ended the status of foreign coins as legal tender. But before that, the pieces of eight had lots of great stories to tell about being captured by pirates on the high seas. This is because the Chinese sweatshops at the time were located in the Americas. (For example, one piece of eight was considered a standard paycheck for 2 weeks worth of work in the 17th Century (1600s)). So the Spanish manufactured the pieces of eight here and then sailed them back to Spain, making the ships attractive targets for pirates.

Pieces of Hate Pieces of Haight Fast forward a few hundred years and an orange person who is fond of slaves, that is to say, is fond of treating other people like they aren't human and expecting them to work for free, is elected to the office of President of the United States. (I swear, I'm not making this part up.) And it appears he was elected because he said and did a whole lot of horrible things. And apparently a whole lot of people thought this was great.

Now there have also been several times in our known history when people stopped for a moment and pondered the question, "What if we all just loved one another." And for a time, everything was peaceful, abundant, and people were kind. Wait, no that didn't really happen. Usually when people start talking like that, someone nails them to a cross, or the cops are sent out in riot gear to pepper spray them.

And it seems like another of the reasons that the orange person was elected – though nobody really knows for sure – was because it was really hard for people to buy things. And they were told that if they elected the hateful orange person, it would magically be easier for them to buy more things. But one of the many things they didn't understand was that it was exactly the hateful orange person who was partly to blame for it being hard for them to buy things.

But maybe, just maybe, this time could be different. Maybe we can be brave enough to leave the imaginary safe havens of hate and fear. Maybe we can find the courage to open our eyes and ears and hearts instead. Maybe we can resolve to fact-check what we read and hear. Maybe we can finally stop blaming each other and work together to dismantle the bloated institutions of greed and misinformation that control both the money and the false messaging.

Now, in case I wasn't clear, it wasn't like a long time ago. There was money. And it had an agreed value. (Some might even say an exaggerated value – but that's a history lesson for another day.) It is just that, through lying, cheating, threatening, bribery, and outright stealing, the orange person and others like him had collected most of it. And so there wasn't as much to go around.

Maybe we can pull back the veils and see that almost all of us are pawns in this game. And that the fraction of one percent of us who control almost all of the pieces of eight, along with the banks and the health insurance and the bombs, have cleverly pitted us against each other to distract us from the fact that we have been sold into a new kind of slavery.

Now, you might think that when the people found out they had been duped, they would see the error of their ways and get mad at the right people for a change. But you would probably be wrong. Some ruts in people's brains are hard to get out of.

The difference is that this time we have the keys to the shackles. We have a choice. We can choose to wake up. We can choose to see that we are more alike than different. We can choose to work together. We can choose to get each other’s backs. In the face of things, people, and ideas we don’t understand, we can choose curiosity over distrust. We can choose kindness. We can choose love. We can always choose love. I really hope we do. Thomas Lloyd Qualls is a writer, a condition that is apparently incurable. He manages his condition, in part, by regular contributions to Reno Tahoe Tonight Magazine and to the Wild Heart Writers. He's also a novelist, a storyteller, and through his law practice – a sometimes salvager of troubled lives. You can find out more about him, his books, poetry, paintings, and other projects on his website. Or at any of the absurd number of social media profiles out there. Feel free to check them out whenever you like. Or better yet, just invite him out for coffee or beer. He loves a good conversation. © 2016 thomas lloyd qualls

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Text Britton Griffith-Douglass Photo Jeramie Lu

December FIRST BRIT OF EXCITEMENT Dear Santa, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of the letter shall we, not tip toe around the ‘ask’ and just get down to the point. I think it is obvious I am on the nice (not naughty) list and so I won’t go into details there. What do I want for Christmas…? All I want is to spread a little joy and drink some wine. Which is why I will be heading down to the Riverwalk District for the annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Event. Dear Santa, Will you be my date on December 17th? If you’re busy, I’d be happy to take Rudolph or Mrs. Clause instead. Thanks, a big XOXO from Reno’s Downtown Darling. BITS THE PERFECT PAIR. Is there really anything that goes together better than the words ‘Pink Martini’? No, the answer is no. This amazing combination is the name of the small orchestra that has the most fantastic and festive holiday album since Neil Diamond. Join me on December 1st at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino and witness this phenomenal global sensation for yourself: TINSEL TIME TRAVEL. If you know me, you know I bleed blue and rarely leave Downtown Reno. However, at Christmas there is nothing like driving up the hill and back in time to Virginia City. This historical treasure town is hosting it’s annual Christmas on the Comstock on December 3rd with events like the “Grinch Made Me Do It Saloon Crawl” and the Parade of Lights. The day is meant for groups of all ages and will put the holiday spirit in you: A VERY VICTORIAN VILLAGE. Downtown Sparks opens its streets and doors to become the 39 North Pole Downtown Event in partnership with the Nugget on December 9th and 10th. This family friendly event will magically transform Victorian Square Plaza into a wondrous place for penguins, festive fairies and even the big guy, Santa Clause himself. It’s a Downtown Sparks miracle, witness the lights, magic and a whole new winter wonderland here: I LOVE CHRISTMAS MORE 8 Reno Tahoe Tonight

THAN WILL FERRELL. That’s right, I said it and it’s true. That little elf ’s passion for trees, candy canes and presents is nothing compared to mine. OK, well I don’t put maple syrup on spaghetti, but outside of that, I win. Which is why I will be at the Pioneer Center’s Elf the Musical playing December 16th through the 18th. Come on… let your inner elf out and get Christmas crazy with Buddy and me: pioneercenter. com/all-events/event/elf. LAST BIT OF ADVICE: I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, jingle bells heard along the Riverwalk and little elves hopping along the Virginia Street Bridge. In other words, I'm ready for a Reno Christmas. As you cuddle up this season to a warm fire and lay wrapped gifts under your tree, I hope you take a moment to inhale and let the warmth of those Christmas lights make you merry and bright. You deserve a holiday season with nothing but joy, love and eggnog. And may you find a way to help another this month, donating food, gifts or simply share a smile with a stranger. Until next year, readers, happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!


726 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89501

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The Body Paint Factory Steals



ody paint was the first art form to use the human body as a canvas. Using plant, vertebrate, invertebrate and mineral dyes, artistic expression moved from petroglyphs to the flesh early on in the evolution of homo sapiens. Contemporary applications of body paint in modernity include the performing arts, theater, carnival culture, mime and fashion. Unlike tattoos and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and can last several hours or up to many weeks. In the 1960s body paint became popular at festivals, in the commercial arena, and was finally recognized as a fine art when German model-actress Veruschka (Vera Gräfin von Lehndorff-Steinort), created unique images which were featured in many books, art shows, and on stage. The 1982 French Canadian film Quest For Fire introduced the world to actress Rae Dawn Chong's character Ika, a heavily body painted member of the Ivaka tribe, who practice body painting as an art form. The film won the Academy Award for Best Makeup for artists Sarah Monzani and Michèle Burke and featured their remarkable tribal-primitive body paint. Sports Illustrated editors Diane Smith and MJ Day helped body painting get a foothold in the mainstream in their stunning features of models and celebrity athletes with painted on bikinis in their hugely poplar annual swimsuit issue. The art form continues to grow in acceptance and evolve globally. Each year the City of New York celebrates their own “Body Painting Day.” In July of 2017, Austria will host the 20th Annual World Body Painting Festival. The Body Paint Factory hopes to create an explosion within the body painting industry that gets the attention of not only the mainstream fashion world, but each and every art lover around

12 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Text courtesy of The Body Paint Factory and Oliver X Cover and feature photography Fielding Cathcart Photo Shoot Concept and Artwork Body Paint Factory Artists Britt Gianotti, Striper Josh, Linzie Ruecker and Kevin Oliver Models Jenna Peterson and Lindy McQuirk as evil elves, Grayson Shane as "The Grinch," Rachel Reese as The Nut Cracker. Hair Stylist Megan Gonzales from Salon Bobby Pin Set Design Kalika, Britt Gianotti, Fielding Cathcart

the world. “There is just something special about one wearing a hand-painted, original piece of art – edgy or conservative,” says Body Paint Factory artist Britt Gianotti. “For the December RTT cover and spread, we used a multitude of paints, including skin safe water-based acrylics, Ben Nye, Paradise, Wolfe and graftobian airbrush paint. The applications were both hand-brushed and airbrushed on the models,” Gianotti states. Photographer Fielding Cathcart was able to capture the playfulness of the shoot's tone and adjusted his composition slightly after we moved the concept from an October-themed Halloween shoot to the Christmas season. “I can't take the credit. The painters did most of the work. Our schedules were crazy. Literally had about 40 hours to get everyone involved and only one night that we all had available to shoot. And I was already booked for a surprise engagement. Started shooting at midnight. Building with no heat. My hat is off to the models.” Founded in 2012, the Body Paint Factory’s purpose is to create a movement in the art world with paint on flesh. Using the human body as a canvas for the artistic imagination, Striper Josh, Britt Gianotti, Lyndzie Ruecker, and Pobby Heglar are among a growing number of top artists who are helping to bring attention to and establish this form of art in local, regional and national mainstream media markets, with public art events, special projects and both digital and print editorials. “Our artists are creative, outgoing, and innovative,” says group member Striper Josh... They believe that any art piece worth doing is worth doing well, and it’s this philosophy that they apply to all their work. “We can paint anything desired on any surface that accepts paint, not just the human body,” Gianotti notes.

To purchase art or for more information, visit The Body Paint Factory's online store at

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NOVEMBER 19, 2016 – JANUARY 22, 2017 Attributed to Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom with the Leopard of Serenity, 1846-1848, oil on canvas.


The Bretzlaff Foundation M A JOR S PO N SO R S

Clark/Sullivan Construction; Eldorado Resorts; Sandy Raffealli, Porsche of Reno

Donald W. Reynolds Center for the Visual Arts | E. L. Wiegand Gallery 160 West Liberty Street in downtown Reno | 775.329.3333 | This exhibition is drawn from the Barbara L. Gordon Collection and is organized and circulated by Art Services International, Alexandria, Virginia.

FEATURE Text Oliver X Photos Chris Holloman

SOAK Nail Spa + Lounge and Derby Supply Company Part 2 20 Reno Tahoe Tonight

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"The one thing people love during a recession is to be taken care of," says Derby Supply Company owner Vinnie Gravallese. "Whether that's having a drink and letting go, or whether you are getting your nails done, i t's a confidence booster," he notes. "Looking good makes you feel good." Making customers look and feel good is the stock and trade of SOAK Nail Spa + Lounge, which opened right before the bottom dropped out of the economy. Owner Shannon Dunlap survived knowing that during the Great Depression two things thrived: alcohol and the beauty industry. “I was like, okay, thank God—we'll make it through,” she recalls. “When SOAK came into the market, there wasn't anything like us in Reno at all,” Dunlap says. Services were either a high end day spa with a high price tag, or just the opposite: a quick Wal Mart style experience. “We wanted to come in and deliver that high-end experience, with a reasonable price tag.” Dunlap says it took her at least a year to put 22 Reno Tahoe Tonight

together the business plan and establish price points for the Reno market for the kind of services she wanted to deliver. Dunlap's market research initially was organic, but methodical. Born and raised in Reno, Dunlap and her husband Darin moved to Chicago where he completed his MBA at the University of Chicago. (Dunlap credits her own teaching experience in the south side of Chicago for making her grittier). Thereafter the couple returned to San Francisco, where she had been an elementary school teacher, and had their twins. “I would go with my teacher friends after work and get pedicures and we'd always bring a bottle of wine,” she says. And that's when the wheels started turning. “I told Darin, 'We've got to go home and do this. Let's go home and get a liquor license.” Home meant Reno, but not before Dunlap started to scout her new entrepreneurial venture. “I would drive around San Francisco and count how many people were in the seats


at all the salons that were similar to what I was looking to do,” she remembers. “I would track what times of the say they were busiest; I would note how many techs they had, services they were doing and what the busiest times were. So we built our business plan on a low, medium and high scenario in terms of the amount of services we could turn over. We then scaled it to the Reno market and went to the lowest price point we could, that still would offer a positive return.” Though he now has five barbers working in three chairs six days a week, Gravallese says opening up Derby was a gradual progression. “I wrote the business plan six years ago and I sat on it and sat on it. But then with the natural progression of my business, I took on more male customers. (I was renting an entire section of Slice Salon and teaching at Paul Mitchell) And it just grew from there and I built the foundation that I needed. So one day in 2014, I just said, 'Fuck it'. For me everything just fell into place after that. And when I was looking for the right location, the Roberta thing really sealed the deal.” Reno Tahoe Tonight 23

“The Roberta thing” Gravallese is referring to is Roberta Ross (who Gravallese says has been like a second mother to him) and Ross Manor's subterranean retail space, fronting First Street between West Street to the west and Sierra Street to the east. “I saw the space and I saw the for lease sign and I said 'If can't have this space, I won't do it at all. This is where it has to be.' The number one thing on my mind was creating a culture. I knew that people would identify with my brand at that location. I wanted to know that when people walked by that window, that they knew within five seconds, they knew what was going on inside.” Here in Part 2 of our feature we look at the place that they occupy in the local market and the range of services you can get at Derby Supply Company and SOAK Nail Spa + Lounge. Oliver X: What makes your businesses unique in your respective niches? Vinnie: What makes my business unique is the experience. Not only when you visit Derby will you be getting a great haircut but the patron can enjoy a whiskey, scotch or a craft beer, either while waiting on one of the leather chesterfield couches 24 Reno Tahoe Tonight



or laughing and chatting during their service. The 1920-30s original barber chairs are one of a kind and restored to all their glory. The friendly social atmosphere will make even the most introverted of men come out of their shell and talk shop with the guys. Derby has a warm inviting tone and all the barbers that work there are dressed in ties and vests to show the patrons that we really care and take our craft serious. We also are a reservation only barbershop. This was one thing that I decided the shop would be more modern about versus the old fashioned walk-in barbershops. We do this because we understand that people have busy schedules and it is hard to sit and wait for a haircut. This helps make the experience more convenient and efficient for the patron.

podiatrists. SOAK has a highly-trained staff that goes through detailed training both for customer service and how to perform SOAK services. There are lots of nail salons. There is nothing like SOAK, a true nail spa and cocktail lounge.

Shannon: SOAK pioneered the nail and cocktail industry in Reno and most of the nation. SOAK has a full liquor license, which allows us to create and sell beautifully hand-crafted cocktails.You won't find cheap champagne or jug wine at SOAK. In addition, SOAK goes beyond state standards of cleanliness for our nail services. We autoclave all tools used, we use fresh water (never bacteria harboring spa chairs) and are recommended by Reno's top dermatologists and

We also offer old fashioned straight razor shaving. This experience includes multiple hot and cold towels as well as an array of oils and scents that relax and distress the patron while laying back for their shave. Everyone's favorite part about this service is the hot lather machine. Time and time again we hear people say it brings them back to their childhood. Being at the barbershop with their father and getting the hair on their neck cleaned up with the razor. Derby

26 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Oliver X: Detail the range of services you provide to your customers. Vinnie: At Derby we have a simple menu but offer a wide range of services. Anything from basic short haircuts to rugby looks to fades or shaggy longer styles. All the barbers that work at the shop are highly educated and we all adapt to new looks and styles that are trending as well as old fashioned haircuts.

also does beard trimming. All shapes and all sizes. We also carry many beard care products as well. We also as I mentioned before have a liquor license. The reason I decided that it was necessary to carry one was because I wanted to hand pick all of the best spirits and craft beers for my patrons to purchase. This gives them more options and makes them feel like they are at a speakeasy with the way the presentation is. Derby carries many men's grooming products. Exclusively three product lines. Two of which are made by barbers and made in America. Layrite and Imperial Barber Products. These two brands specialize in pomades and also have a few aftershaves and beard oils. The last line we carry is Truefitt and

Hill of London. This brand is very unique and exclusive to only a few barbershops in America. Truefitt and Hill specializes in skin care, shaving and cologne. Their masculine scents and old fashioned packaging are quite the eye catcher. Shannon: SOAK provides, manicures, pedicures, gel polish, nail art, gel enhanced nails & waxing. SOAK offers a full cocktail menu. We offer great music, fresh flowers, a charming staff and unique retail. We host lots of parties at both locations. SOAK works with several local restaurants to offer catering for our events. We like to say at SOAK you can Mani. Pedi. Sip. Shop.

Reno Tahoe Tonight 27

FEATURE Writer-poet-educator Henry Sosnowski Text Oliver X Photo Ivy Antonowitsch

One of northern Nevada's true Renaissance men, writer-poet-educator Henry Sosnowski, was brutally beaten and left with severe head trauma, after attempting to prevent a tagger from defacing a beloved historical marker adjacent to the Riverside Artist Lofts. He now faces an arduous journey to recovery and has been left with some diminished faculties—at least for the time being. His keen insights and the steel trap mind that made him one of the most delightful, civically engaged personalities in the arts community, is already missed. But the good news is Hank's a fighter and still finds humor each day as he mends. I met Henry in this publication's early days and was immediately taken by his swagger, intellect and poetic command of his voiceprint. Part Hank Moody, part Chuck Bukowski, with a style that was raw, real and accessible, Sosnowski made a profound impact on the magazine's tone as a contributing writer and social commentator. Here his wife and fellow artist, photographer Ivy Antonowitsch, tells me about the night that changed Henry's life and his long road ahead to recovery. Oliver X: Explain to our readers who Henry is and why his circumstances are such a blow to the community. Ivy Antonowitsch: Henry came to Reno more than 20 years ago as an oldies station morning deejay. After the station he worked at sold, Hank became the Executive Director for Hot August Nights for a year and then started college for the first time at 47 years old. For the past 13 years, Henry has been sculpting the minds of young adults in his English and Poetry classrooms at Truckee Meadows Community College. “Mr. S” doesn’t just teach English and Poetry, he shows them how to get involved locally, politically and how to become responsible, participating members of the community. Henry is always the first one to sign up when there is a cause to be fought, or a cause to be supported. From equal rights for the LGTBQ community, to better 28 Reno Tahoe Tonight

treatment of our military after they’ve been sent home, Henry is always there. His commitment to Reno’s homeless youth brought him out each year to help with the annual count. It was because of his civic pride and duty that he is in the hospital still. Oliver X: What happened that night exactly? Ivy Antonowitsch: On September 1st at 10:36 p.m. Hank and I were returning home and as we approached our building we saw a thug tagging a historic marker next to our building. I yelled from across the street for him to quit tagging our sign, but he continued. He finished the job and as he was walking away Hank took out his phone and snapped some pictures. The thug saw this, turned around and came toward me. Hank said, “He's not going to touch you” and in the blink of an eye I was positioned in between Henry and the thug. Within seconds the Pokemon Go crowd that had gathered to play the game across the street, started yelling at the thug to walk away, but he did not. The scuffle carried over in front of the County Courthouse. Then, out of nowhere, the thug’s girlfriend came at me from behind; grabbed my shirt shoulders and threw me to the ground – knocking off my glasses and scratching them beyond repair. My lower back and shoulders were thrown out of kilter. My take down was the opportunity the thug was looking for because as Henry turned and said, 'Who did that?' the thug took a swing and sucker punched him. The second his fist hit Henry, he was gone. I saw his eyes glass over and then fall back straight like a [falling] tree, right on the cement, landing on his brain stem. By the grace of God, the first one on the scene administering first aid was an EMT and paramedic student. Because there were so many witnesses, there was no delay in calling 911 either. Reno Hospital determined that Henry was unconscious and unresponsive. We were told that his accident was as bad as it gets and there was no way to determine whether or not he would survive. Hank remained in a coma for 15 days. After he woke up he had to then battle an infection in his tracheotomy that came even closer to taking his life in the fall. Hank spent 37 days in ICU and was moved to long-term acute care for two weeks. He then was transferred to long-term acute rehab where he currently resides. Oliver X: Talk about Hank's treatment and his prognosis moving forward. What are the challenges he's facing?

Ivy Antonowitsch: Early in Hank's care we were told that if he were to come out of his coma they expected his recovery to be 50% at best and hoped that he would one day be able to brush his own hair and teeth. Aws of right now, 72 days into his recovery, he is starting to learn to shave with an electric razor and can brush his own teeth. However, there are always set backs that come with all the advancements. At this very moment, Henry has taken a few steps backward, but we expect it to be temporary, and then he will be back on the road to recovery. 30 Reno Tahoe Tonight


FEATURE Henry is confined to a wheelchair and works arduously with his rehab. Although he is expected to be released soon, his journey to recover a fraction of his life back will have only just begun. When he comes home, I will become his home health care provider. Traumatic brain injuries require as little stimulation as possible. In the 8 years I have lived at the Riverside Artist Lofts I’ve used our loft as a “Living Canvas” and the result is an overload of stimulation and therefore that needs to be changed. From the furniture that was too difficult to get out of, to the casino carpet on the floor being too busy...we are having to redecorate and redesign to accommodate his needs. Because of this, Hank will be coming home to a place he doesn't recognize and my fear is that it will confuse him. So to avoid that, I am having him pick out furniture I’ve found on Craigslist and have him pick through the choices available. I am also taking pictures and showing him the progress, hoping it will not be so foreign to him. Truth be told, Henry has always thought the loft was much to much for him and has always wanted the loft to be more streamlined – which is exactly what I am doing for him. Along with his physical limitations, Henry also suffers from aphasia and is quite often unable to communicate what he is thinking. He is also on a great deal of medication that causes hallucinations and reinforces the confusion he suffers with the aphasia. So what is his prognosis? It’s hard to say. Trying to give a prognosis for a brain injury is a difficult thing to do because you just don't know with a traumatic brain injury – they are all unique. I am told that the brain can continue to try and heal and improve for up to 18 months, but most likely within the first year. His age also is not benefiting his recovery. The hospital staff is always telling us, this is a marathon race not a sprint...and they are very right. Oliver X: How can the community help? Ivy Antonowitsch: My daughter, Hank’s step daughter, knew immediately how overwhelming the cost of this was going to be and started a Go Fund Me page through right away. We have been very fortunate to have raised the amount of money that we have, but we are nowhere close to what we will ultimately need. 32 Reno Tahoe Tonight

As a result of his injuries (and my need to redecorate and redesign the loft to accommodate his TBI), we have had a lot of expenses we never dreamed of – including the cost of the new furniture, handicap-ready car, walk-in shower, handicap toilet, etc. The hospital bills alone are going to be monumental! But more important is the here and now, and paying upfront to get the loft prepared for his arrival. Any help from your readers would be appreciated. Our most moving donations have been the $5 and $10 donations coming from current and past students. They don't have any money to speak of, but they still gave. Oliver X: Does Henry have a message for his supporters? Ivy Antonowitsch: Henry is pretty amazed to realize so many people out there care about him. He has a hard time comprehending all that has happened and all that is happening, but understands enough to know there are a lot of people out there rooting for him. Hank has a difficult time communicating because of the injury and aphasia. However, I would like to thank and acknowledge some of those out there who have given their support, both financially and emotionally, that he isn’t aware of: Hank’s co-workers and classmates from South Chicago he reconnected with at his 50 year high school reunion two weeks prior to this incident; the Reno City Council and Sierra Arts have provided more than just moral support, but also resources that will help him when he comes home. Colin Ross gave me one of the greatest gifts I’ve every received. Shortly after Henry woke from his coma, Colin visited him in his room and played and sang for him. The nurses took video that brought tears to my eyes. For the first time there was life and a little joy in his eyes as he listened to Colin Play. I would especially like to recognize the residents and management of the Riverside Artist Lofts, including Chuck Shapiro, owner of the Wild River Grille. We are more than neighbors, we are a family and no one has given as much support as the people in my building. And finally, Hank or I would never have gotten through what we have, the way we have, without the enduring love and support of our beautiful blended family. We have some amazing kids and I’m not sure either one of us would have gotten through it without their support. So often families can fall. To contribute to Henry's GoFundMe campaign, go to Heal Hank Heal;


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The Riverwalk Merchants Association's New Businesses Recently voted one of the Top 10 Best Riverwalks in America by Travel & Leisure, Reno's Riverwalk is home to a diverse business district, that boasts numerous startups, is an incubator for entrepreneurship and first-time business owners and features eight distinctive parks and plazas, including Barbara Bennett Park, Bicentennial Park (home to Reno's newest Sculpture Garden), Brick Park, Lundsford Park, Powning Veterans Memorial Park, Reno City Plaza, Truckee River Whitewater Park and Wingfield Park— which is home to numerous outdoor concerts and events and the downtown home base of Artown. Ground zero for all things food, fun, and family in Reno, the historic Downtown Riverwalk District is supported and managed by the Riverwalk Merchants Association, whose membership has grown to well-over 80 businesses and organizations dedicated to supporting a safe and thriving social and shopping corridor. The RWMA holds popular monthly and bi-annual events that help to generate additional funds to continue the revitalization of downtown Reno. Since its beginning, the Riverwalk Merchants Association has devoted its energies to giving back to the community by donating thousands of dollars to local non-profits, developing new programs with the arts, music and redevelopment. The association has almost tripled its membership and prides themselves on the cross promotion, and collaboration between local charities, events, organizations, businesses and other members.

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Here is Reno Tahoe Tonight's annual showcase of the new businesses of the Riverwalk Merchants Association, that help make downtown Reno a great place to live, work and play year round.

Battle Born Cafe – 205 S Sierra St #104, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-870-1667. One of the most delightful new establishments in downtown, this husband and wife run, veteran-owned retrothemed cafe serves up delicious breakfasts (try the breakfast sandwich or their incredible oatmeal!), a variety of cereals, lunch, lattes, smoothies, baked goods, desserts, beer and wine. The portions are large and the prices are insanely reasonable. There's an old school television with old-timey cartoons on a loop and a classic Cadillac front end. Open Monday through Friday 7:30am-7pm.

FEATURE Text Oliver X Photos courtesy of Anicia Beckwith, Jamie Kingham, Tim Conzachi, Jennifer Sande, Courtney O'Neill A coffeehouse by day and a paint and sip art gallery by night, with original art adorning the walls and work space tables made out of real wooden palletes, guests have a cool place to get their art on. Class instruction is facilitated by an exceptional group of fine artists, including Shannon Koyama, Karen and Davis Hayes, Emily Devine and Jennifer Blonsley. But perhaps the most important thing is that it's a great date night out, that won't break your budget! Kalifornia Jean Bar – 50 S Virginia St Reno, NV 89501- Located in the Riverwalk's hip underground makers space The Basement, Kalifornia Jean Bar's subterranean annex is a tiny, stylish boutique with the best selection of famous maker premium men's and women's denim and accessories you'll find in northern Nevada. Top brands like AG, Hudson, Paige, MIH, Mother, Genetic, GStar, Vince, Calypso St Barth, Goddis, Michelle Jonas, Frank and Eileen, Roberta Roller Rabbit, Petit Bateau, Sol Angeles, Scotch and Soda, Vintage 55, Kai, Natalie B, Nashelle, Vanessa Mooney, TOMS, Vintage Shoe Co, Repetto, Jack Rogers and more. Winter hours are Monday-Friday 7am-8pml Saturday and Sunday 9am-6pm.

Crafted Palette – 130 West St, Reno, NV 89501 775-409-4781. The paint and sip craze shows no signs of slowing down—and thank goodness! Now the hidden artist in all of us can come out right in the Riverwalk at The Crafted Palette.

creative services + brand specialists

Design on Edge –1 E 1st St #1400, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-746-0717. Few design teams are as decorated for excellence or as prolific as Design on Edge. From their 14th floor offices in City Hall, the boutique agency oversees a growing client list and an even larger sphere of influence as the design team of choice for publications and brands like Reno Tahoe Tonight, Getaway RenoTahoe, Reno eNVy and many more. Voted “Most innovative company and service in northern Nevada” in 2014, the stellar husband and wife design team of Courtney Meredith (a 16-year industry veteran and multiple ADDY-Award winner) and her husband Chris Meredith (in 2014 Chris Meredith was awarded a Tech Star award by NCET) were joined recently by the talented Tucker Monticelli. The agency continues to deliver quality, award-winning layouts, logos and A-Z business identity services.

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Discology – 11 N Sierra St #100, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-323-2121. The little music store that could—still does—after recently celebrating ten years in business. I remember going to their California Avenue location years ago and finding rare titles on vinyl and feeling like Columbus when I unearthed them. Always a friend to local fine artists and musicians, Discology has been a quiet go-to source of excellence that continues to serve an important niche as the industry music platforms evolve. Services include LP and cassette archiving, VHS and Laser Disc to DVD, as well as CD resurfacing. Open Saturday through Tuesday 12pm-5pm and Wednesday to Friday from 11am to 5pm.

Liberty Food & Wine Exchange – 100 N Sierra St, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-336-1091. Star chef Mark Estee is one of northern Nevada's brightest culinary lights. A local pioneer in the farm to table explosion, Estee's latest restaurant venture, Liberty Food & Wine Exchange anchors the Riverwalk's dining district on the corner of North Sierra and First Streets. The artisan eatery serves up handcrafted, locally sourced and organic dishes, small plates and boasts a stellar wine list, fresh baked bread, and one-of-a-kind charcuterie made daily on the 3,000 square foot premises. While the restaurant reflects his whole hog ethos, Estee has redoubled his focus on customer service, with a dynamite wait staff, bartenders, baristas and sommeliers who make your dining experience a cut above. Of course you can get an exceptional burger (as I did the last time I was there), but add to that a lively night life environment for parties and special events and you can see why Liberty Food & Wine Exchange continues to draw critical raves from locals and visitors alike. Rawbry – 50 S Virginia St, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-848-2248. After interviewing Brianna Bullentini, the dynamic creator-owner visionary behind The Basement for our May 2016 feature, I learned that nobody speaks better about her brand than she does. “RAWBRY is more than just an edgy cold-pressed juice bar experience, it’s a lifestyle,” Bullentini states. “One that steals the most out of life through it’s nutrient-packed beverages, welcoming space, and alternative clothing brand. With a robbery-like attitude, we encourage and help those looking to unapologetically steal back their most valuable possession: their health. “Much more than a grab-n-go, we’re the neighborhood spot for intellectual stimulation. Feeding that thirst to learn, socialize, and be entertained: RAWBRY hosts a number of

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curated events, classes, and parties bringing the community together, under one roof, for one purpose: to squeeze the most out of life.” All of that sounds really cool, but would mean nothing if her fresh squeezed juices and tonics weren't absolutely delicious. Perhaps Google reviewer Seth Brown said it best just last week when he described RAWBRY's offerings as “Tasty, well-crafted juice served in reusable, high-quality glass bottles. Located in The Hipster Dungeon™; an ironic moustache is not required for entry but one will be given to you upon departure.”

Renaissance Marriott – 1 South Lake Street Reno, NV 89501 – 775-321-5830. Downtown Reno's only resort riverside hotel property, the Renaissance Marriott's spectacular remodel is set for completion in March of 2017. Formerly The Siena Hotel, long one of my favorite local escapes, the new Renaissance will feature an airport shuttle, fitness center, pool, will be pet friendly, smoke and gaming free and has large, well-appointed rooms with great beds and all of the amenities. I have it on good authority that the huge bocce ball stadium will be one of the ground floor highlights, along with exceptional dining options at several restaurants.

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Reno Aces – 250 Evans Ave, Reno, NV 89501. The Arizona Diamondbacks' minor league Triple A ball club has changed the face of downtown in more ways than one. The 2014 Pacific Coast League runner-ups, the Reno Aces, now in their 8th year in Reno, have earned consistent sellout crowds at the newly renamed 9,000 person capacity Greater Nevada Field; enjoy a loyal fan base, and express exceptional engagement with the arts, media and non-profit communities. The Reno Aces have proven to be an exemplary organization on and off the field. For more information about ticket plans, go to:

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Reno Bighorns – 50 West Liberty Street, Suite 201 Reno, NV 89501 – 775-304-2545. The Reno Bighorns are a member of the NBA Development League, the official minor league of the NBA. In new developments this season, The Bighorns, once only an affiliate of the NBA's Kings franchise, are now owned by the Sacramento Kings. Follow The Reno Bighorns on Twitter @renobighorns and “like” the Bighorns on Facebook at bighornshoops. The NBA Development League is the NBA’s official minor league, preparing players, coaches, officials, trainers, and front-office staff for the NBA while acting as the league’s research and

development laboratory. Featuring 22 teams with direct affiliations with NBA franchises for the 2016-17 season, the league offers elite professional basketball at an affordable price in a fun, familyfriendly atmosphere. An all-time high 38 percent of all NBA players at the end of the 2015-16 season boasted NBA D-League experience. In fostering the league’s connection to the community, its teams, players and staff promote health and wellness, support local needs and interests, and assist in educational development through NBA D-League Cares programs. Fans can watch all NBA D-League games on Season tickets for the 2016-17 season are on sale now. For more information, call the Bighorns front office at 775-853-8220 or visit

Reno Kicks – 10 State Street Reno, NV 89501. 775-360-6200. This new gym is unlike any workout in town. Guests experience high intensity interval training on a timed, trainer-assisted circuit. The results are inarguable. Make a resolution to drop in and have a session. You will thank yourself! See feature in this issue.

Soul Space – 100 W Liberty St, Reno, NV 89501. 775-848-1664. Who cares if your muscles are toned it your soul is not at ease. Soul Space makes your wellness and peace a central part of their mission. From massage therapy, yoga to acroyoga and more, Soul Space is the ultimate in spa relaxation and personal wellness maintenance. Looking for massage therapy? Check out their exceptional staff of professionals who live the Soul Space ethos every day: Amy R. Burkett, LMT, Anastasia Bobadilla, LMT, Christopher Gallagher, LMT, Hannah Neace, LMT, Tarrah Hodges, LMT. Wellness coaching for weight loss, stress reduction, sleep improvement, nutrition guidance, pain reduction and overall well-being is provided by Rori L. Lee, MS, MPH, CHES.

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The Stick – 95 N Sierra St #101, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-360-5799. Serving up some of the best bar food in town, The Stick is the perfect place to get unobstructed views of your favorite sports teams and events. From apps, sandwiches, burritos and burgers, to crab cake bites, sliders and lobster rolls, you can't beat the stick for comfort food done well at affordable prices that even a college student can afford. I enjoyed their signature burger and fries and it was tasty. I also was stoked at the service the staff delivered. Check out their Sunday Brunch from 9am-1pm and enjoy their infamous Biggest Little Bloody Mary. Open daily 9am to close.

Hub Coffee Roasters – 727 Riverside Dr,, Reno, NV 89503. 775-453-1911. Coffee has been called the world's most important beverage. It's how the majority of the industrialized world starts its day. One of the premier artisanal coffee experiences in northern Nevada can be found at Hub Coffee Roasters. Owner Mark Trujillo and his staff are turning an entire generation of coffee lovers into coffee connoisseurs. Trujillo's exceptional taste, aesthetic instincts and total commitment to excellence and education has elevated the regional coffee culture Trujillo's beautiful Riverwalk location is the jewel of area coffeehouses.

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Sierra St. Kitchen and Cocktails – 50 N Sierra St #103, Reno, NV 89501 – 775-686-6669. At press time I had not been to this establishment, but pulled some information from their web page. Look for an RTT feature on Sierra St Kitchen in 2017. “Explore a "fresh" small plate experience with seasonal flavors, bold spices and sauces, specialty handcrafted cocktails, intriguing wines, great beers and memorable service. “This is the culmination of years of experience and award winning establishments in the food and beverage and hotel business for Brett Rosselli. Brett grew up in New York and Vermont in the beautiful Adirondack and Green mountains area. He attended the renowned and prestigious Cornell University Hotel and Restaurant School in Ithaca, New York. Brett is not new to Nevada and has owned multiple restaurants in Vegas, Reno, Hawaii, Oregon, New York and Vermont and worked with some of the greatest chefs in America. Some of these great star chefs include Charlie Trotter, Wolf Gang Puck, Alan Wong, Roy Yamaguchi, Sam Choy, Jean-Marie Josselin, Russell Siu, Mark Ellman, Peter Merriman, Beverly Gannon, David Paul Johnson and Patrick Calleric.” Wild Garlic Pizza & Pub “For us, the crust is the key to our pizza,” says owner Dean Christopher. That was the hardest thing to get right, for me at least. I'm not a baker, but I knew what I wanted. I knew it would take a little longer to get the recipe right. What I

always loved about bread was the role it played at Thanksgiving. You have that nice, buttery sweet roll. That's kind of what I wanted our dough to taste like. After much trial and error and taste testing, Christopher struck the right balance. His pies are thin based, with a thick, knotted roll of flavorful crust on the perimeter. Now that fantastic crust, the foundation of the business, can be applied to more experimental offerings. Like their Bratwurst Pizza, with garlic, veggies and mustard that tastes exactly like a Chicago dog! A self-professed pizza geek, Christopher's delicious pizza is thoughtfully made, with a hint

of olive oil brushed onto the twisted, pretzellike, knotty crust. And of course, lots of garlic and a healthy ration of Sue Bee honey for crust dipping. They go through 250 pounds of honey a week and an astonishing 300-400 pounds of Ranch dressing per week! The crazy thing is that the crust doesn't even need enhancing—it's that good. Christopher, an unabashed sweet freak, says that the honey gives customers a dessert experience with every bite. Store Hours: Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm, Fri & Sat 11am-10p, Sun 12-9pm – Delivery Hours: Mon-Sun 5-9pm, 775 284-8900 ext 1 – 170 South Virginia Street – Seats 70 people. Outdoor seating available

Wild Garlic Pizza & Pub

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Campo Sparks: Farm to Table, Wood-Fired Pizza and Housemade Pasta An Introduction

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FOOD Text Oliver X Photos Chris Holloman


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“This brand is always evolving. Moving forward. Seasonality. What's cool, what's new, what's hip. That's what we do.” - Chef David Holman on Campo

If Campo happened to be a burger palace, it could claim legit bragging rights as the best burger palace in town. If Campo was your local pizzeria, it could make a strong argument that it was the finest pizzeria in the region. Campo is in fact a neighborhood Italian restaurant destination for fine dining without pretense, satisfying both epicurean and populace tastes. The nuance, finesse and skill required to execute a menu that is both relatable and extraordinarily delicious – from appetizers to desserts – is a true testament to the brilliance of Executive Chef David Holman and his vision for the restaurant. Everything is made from scratch, from sauces and bread to pizza and pasta, and is sourced within the local food shed and nearby farms.

“The greatest thing is the relationships we build with the farmers and local growers,” states Holman. “We can tailor how it's being picked; how it's shipped; when it's being done, to make it exactly what we want here at the restaurant. Our relationship with Lattin Farms, for example... He got all of our tomatoes. So for the whole summer we had tomato bisque. But it was only from his tomatoes. Never refrigerated. Brought directly to this restaurant. It doesn't get any better than that. Now we're in the winter time, so it's butternut squash season—coming directly from Lattin Farms. Sage, brown butter, maple syrup. It's delicious.” Holman, a California native, graduated from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America at Hyde Park, widely counted among the world's premier culinary colleges, and launched his career in New York City with the Charlie Palmer Group at the renowned Aureole restaurant. Sous chef stints at Aureole Las Vegas and Charlie Palmer Steak Las Vegas followed. Holman eventually found himself at Charlie Palmer Steak at the Grand Sierra Resort and credits the Charlie Palmer Group for helping him find his voice as a chef— and his future wife Laura—whom he met at the Charlie Palmer Steak bar through popular food critic Jonathan Wright. Chef Holman joined the Reno Tahoe Tonight 47






425 Marsh Ave Reno, Nv 89509 775-200-0623


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Campo team in the summer of 2016 to run both kitchens and is making his mark on the palates of northern Nevada's hungry foodies, one dish at a time. The real things a guy wants to have are burgers, fish and chips and good beer. Holman excels in elevating traditional comfort foods to gourmet experiences for his guests. At my first visit to Campo, Sparks, Holman and his team served up a suite of signature Campo apps that were outstanding. The wood-fired cauliflower ($8) made with Calabrian chiles, garlic and tasty croutons; the meatballs ($8) with fresh tomato sauce, oregano and sea salt, and the airy crispy polenta ($8) with truffle mascarpone and truffle oil were gorgeously presented and were divine starters. I always like to see how a good restaurant executes the classic American burger and Campo did not disappoint. I ordered the Baker Ranch Burger with smoky thick cut bacon ($16), fiscalini aged cheddar with red onion agrodolce accented with plump cranberry halves, calabrian chili mayonnaise and fries. Jaw-dropping—literally. My articular bone had to extend to maximum capacity to bite this juicy towering half-pound

of beef and housemade bun. Best burger bite I've had to date—period! A flight of local beers from their extensive craft menu (which hangs like an animated scoreboard over the main bar, listing over 70 beers on tap) included local stouts and ales and was a refreshing sample of what is offered by the pint and pitcher. For dessert, I tried two of their house favorites: the caramel budino and their tiramisu. The tiramisu ($8) made with amaretti cookie crumbles, espresso, chocolate and whipped mascarpone was a lusciously pert and silken in texture—a decadent delight. The caramel budino ($8) is a dessert that I'm still telling friends about: salted caramel pudding, chocolate cookie topped with fresh whipped cream. It's now on the short dessert list of last meal requests I have for my final day on the planet. And if you cannot join me on that auspicious occasion, stay tuned for parts two and three of our Campo experience, featuring the photography of Chris Holloman, where we look deeper at Chef Holman's food philosophy and the fine dishes coming out of the Campo kitchen. Campo Sparks – 137 Los Altos Pkwy, Sparks, NV 89436. Open daily 11am-9pm. Dinner reservations are encouraged at 775-501-8970. Reno Tahoe Tonight 53

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FOOD Text Courtney Meredith Photo Jeramie Lu

MIGUEL’S Mexican Restaurant

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ounded by Miguel Ribera, a beloved community leader with a passion for helping local Hispanic youth, Miguel’s Mexican Restaurant opened its doors in 1959. In 2001, Elmer and Adilia Figueroa bought Miguel’s, which they continue to operate with their family under his name more than 57 years later. Known for its fresh, award-winning Mexican dishes, and some of the most authentic Margaritas in the area, Miguel’s continues to be a family-owned and operated business, as well as northern Nevada’s first Mexican restaurant and one of Reno’s oldest eateries. Miguel’s authentic and traditional menu boasts 26 favorite combination plates, including tacos, enchiladas, chili rellenos, tamales, taquitos and chimichangas in beef, pork or chicken; served with traditional beans and rice. Diners can also enjoy a variety of seafood, specialty burritos or enchilada dishes. And not to be forgotten, the Miguel’s House Margaritas are served blended or on the rocks in lemon-lime, melon, peach, strawberry or mango. Guests are encouraged to try the newest Margarita addition: the Jalapeño Margarita, a spicy and sweet option for those on the adventurous side. Recently

Miguel’s expanded its menu to include fresh ceviche, fish tacos, and Tres Leches cake. Less than a year ago the family at Miguel’s expanded its original, award-winning recipes and service into a second Reno location at The Summit Mall, making it a great addition to the already popular MidTown restaurant. “The Summit is a vibrant shopping destination, which makes it an ideal location to bring our time-tested and award-winning menu,” said Miguel’s Owner Elmer Figueroa.” With two exceptional locations to choose from, you can celebrate with festive food and specialty margaritas throughout the day and enjoy family-friendly service in a warm and traditional ambiance. Miguel’s is open Tuesday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday, and Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday’s 12 noon to 9 p.m. For more information on Miguel’s visit, or call (775) 322-2722 Reno Tahoe Tonight 59

FOOD Text Courtney Meredith Photo Anicia Beckwith Photography Food Preparation & Styling Blend Catering


Celebrating with Seafood

Festive dishes for family holiday traditions

When it comes to the winter season, many of us remember the legendary items cooked in our childhood kitchens, surrounded by the lead chefs of the family. In a way we want to get back to our roots and eat what's familiar, not just what's familiar to our particular culture – but to our family's table. Food, much like the holidays, provides us with a sense of magic, belonging and a feeling of tradition.

seasonings that will cut the hours off of any task. The most popular appetizer for any party would be a combination of smoked salmon, albacore tuna, trout, and lox, accented with delicious crackers, capers, and cheese on a platter. For a straightforward and affordable party platter option, try prawns, or perhaps a delicious pot of cioppino. It's sure to be a hit with all of your guests or fellow party attendees.

We gathered a few tips from our local seafood experts – who have experience in all forms of fish eating flattery-- on introducing some new tasty traditions to your table, so that you won't be left floundering.

On a chilly evening, surprise your family with a quart of steaming New England or Manhattanstyle clam chowder. Garnish your chowder with a loaf of fresh sourdough bread and a simple salad for a hearty and economical meal.

Sierra Gold Seafood understands the importance of family and tradition, since they have been operating the seafood business as a family for more than ten years. Sierra Gold Seafood is the leading wholesale provider of choice for discerning local restaurants in the area. Lucky for us this seafood and the expertise of the Sierra Gold staff are available daily at their market located in Sparks.

Be inspired by The Feast of the Seven Fishes, a memorable Italian-American Christmas Eve celebration. A grand meal featuring an abundance of seafood that includes a combination of anchovies, lobster, sardines, dried salt cod, squid, octopus, shrimp, mussels, and clams. Or start a fun holiday meal tradition by feasting on whole fresh Dungeness crab. At Sierra Gold Seafood they can even crack and clean it for you if you choose.

The retail market seafood display at Sierra Gold Seafood showcases an extensive selection of the freshest fish, shellfish, smoked fish, crab and lobster. Offering customers the opportunity to purchase the finest seafood for home preparation. The holidays are a busy time at the market – and for good reason. In addition to the seafood options and available recipes, Sierra Gold has a broad range of sauces, fish cooking utensils, and

No matter what your culture or the new recipes that may grace our tables this season, one thing is certain: the theme of serving seafood is a perfect option for any occasion. Visit Sierra Gold Seafood at 1335 Greg St #105, Sparks, NV 89431, (775) 359-5700, Reno Tahoe Tonight 61

HEALTH TIPS Text Lanette Simone Photo Alfyn Photography

Have you ever heard the saying, “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” This is especially true for your liver as well. If your liver ain’t happy your entire system is really unhappy, sluggish and inflamed. When is the last time you showed you liver some love? The liver is one of the hardest working organs in our system, it puts in a lot of overtime trying to detox the body from the chemical over load of life. The liver is busy detoxing the food we eat, the lotions and perfumes we use daily. Oh, and let’s not forget cocktail consumption or electromagnetic radiation from technology that takes quite a toll on the liver. Did you know the liver is detoxing radiation from laptops, cell phones and microwaves? How do you know if your liver needs some support? Excessive belly fat, abdominal bloating, if your gallbladder has been removed, if you have acid reflux, liver spots on skin, unexplained weight gain or an inability to lose weight even with restricted caloric intake. Yellowish lumps around the eyes, high cholesterol and mood swings are also indicators that your liver is in need of detox.

Detox your liver by reducing exposure to airborne toxins like house cleaners, perfumes and smoke. Give up the processed foods, stop drinking soda and cocktails and stop smoking too. So easy right? Actually, moderation is my favorite concept. Let’s focus on reducing exposure to toxins that tax the liver and bring in elements that nourish, detox and support liver function. Here are a few simple steps that will make your liver so happy. Eat something living every day. Living foods like fruits and veggies in their raw state flood the body with enzymes that help digestion making life easier for the liver. Keep increasing these foods until your daily intake reaches 30-40% living food. Incorporate herbs like milk thistle and dandelion you can find both of these in tea form. I drink milk thistle tea every night after dinner. Globe artichoke, slippery elm and taurine, selenium, flaxseed oil and vitamin E are also amazing for reducing liver cysts and promoting liver health. Pick up a liver cleanse at your local vitamin store; there are really wonderful 7 day detox kits that will boost this process for you. Another easy adjustment is to make sure your electronics are at least eight feet away from where you sleep.This reduces the amount of radiation your liver has to eliminate. Supporting your liver with regular detox will change your health significantly. Take time every day to show your liver a little love and your whole body will thank you. The Shot Spot is located at 615 Sierra Rose Dr #4, Reno, NV 89511 - (775) 826-1008.

Lanette Simone

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Winter Activities In North Lake Tahoe's Wonderland Only one song captures the idyllic feeling of enjoying a lovely winter day in North Lake Tahoe: "Sleigh bells ring, are you list'nin? In the lane, snow is glist'nin' A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight Walkin' in the winter wonderland"

This winter, explore the wonderland with some of these North Lake Tahoe events. Take a Sleigh Ride Together

It's always wonderful weather for a sleigh ride together at Sand Harbor. On this one-hour tour with Borges Sleigh Rides, you'll see panoramic views of Lake Tahoe's blue waters, towering pines, and snow-capped peaks. Borges offers onehour, private rides from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday through Sunday and by appointment Monday through Thursday. For more information, visit

Snow Shoein' In a Winter Wonderland

Explore North Lake Tahoe on foot and by moonlight with one of Tahoe Adventure Company's Full Moon Snowshoe Tours. These full moon treks take participants on a 2-3 mile snowshoe trip through the brisk mountain air of Lake Tahoe's pristine forests. On the way, guides discuss local natural history and astronomy. The first tour takes place Dec. 13. For more information, visit

Explore North Lake Tahoe's Night Skies

See Lake Tahoe's twinkling night skies from a new perspective with a stargazing snowshoe tour from Tahoe Star Tours. Local astronomer Tony Berendsen hosts each trip and discusses the cosmos on the way. The 2–2.5 hour, moderate to easy snowshoe walk is suitable for all ages, and each tour includes the opportunity to view constellations through high-powered, professional telescopes. Tours begin Dec. 21. For more information visit

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Warm Up and Shop Local

Banish the chill with a visit to the Incline Village Visitor Information Center Gift Shop. The shop's carefully curated collection includes artisan jewelry, Solmate socks, North Lake Tahoe logo wear, Sierra Essentials candles and room fragrance, Healthy Back Bags made by Ameribag and Ana Candles. While you're there, check out the adjacent art gallery featuring work by Sierra Nevada College art students. You can also purchase discounted ski-lift tickets to Diamond Peak, Mount Rose Ski Tahoe, Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows, Homewood Mountain Resort and Sugar Bowl Ski Resort. The Visitor Information Center is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday and is located at 969 Tahoe Boulevard, Incline Village, NV. For more info, please call 800-Go-Tahoe (800-468-2463).

Tahoe Film Fest Features Environmental Films For its second year, Tahoe Film Fest will feature environmental films from Dec. 1–4 in North Lake Tahoe. Some selected films include: "When Two Worlds Collide," "Unlocking the Cage," "Sherpa," "Before the Flood," "Landfill Harmonic," "Seasons, Antarctica – Ice and the Sky" and "Sonic Sea." The festival will also include a variety of documentaries and special screenings. Incline Village Cinema and the Village Cinemas at Northstar California will screen the films. For more information visit the calendar of events on

LIFEST YLE Text and phot o courtesy of Yifat Chen and Andrea Gregg

Your Winter Survival Guide: How Not to End up with an Extra 10lbs After the Holidays

Can you believe we are half way through the holidays? You know, that time of the year where it’s totally appropriate to drink excessively midweek; eat an abnormal amount of sugary treats just because they are decorated like fall leaves, and sip on way too many pumpkin spice lattes? Think about it, your brain is being programmed to indulge because it likes when you give it treats, gifts, and joy. Our suggestion: don’t let it win! It is documented that the average American will gain 8-10lbs during the holiday season. Seriously, think of this as your furry house cat or a medium sized bowling ball. And, if you do not have a strong system in place, we hate to say it, but you may be more susceptible to 10-15lbs of weight gain over the season. This is serious and can be very hard to bounce back from. Sure, it’s an average, but it's reality. I say we aim for our holiday miracle to be fitting into our clothes after the holidays! You want to know our secret? Here it is: we treat the holidays like any other time and we follow a simple rule: Pay it forward or pay it back. What does it mean? Let’s say you have a big dinner, to pay it forward you commit to a workout in the morning and have a healthy breakfast and lunch. Or maybe you had too many drinks last night or an extra cookie? Go workout the following day and sweat it out; detox your body by drinking lots of water and eat mainly veggies that day. Of

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course this rule will not sustain you for life, but if you eat healthy and workout daily this advice will be able to help you bounce back quickly. Now, for all of you that are really serious about surviving the holidays with the same pants size, here is how to do it: • Be active. We know that it is cold and dark out; that you are too busy getting ready for the holidays; that you have so many schedule conflicts and that you are tired from last night’s get together...but here is

momentum, think about how wonderful you will feel after moving your body for just 30 minutes each day. This is less than 2% of your day overall.

• Prepare your meals and snacks for the day. While out preparing for the holidays, have a healthy snack like apples and almond butter, carrots and humus, nuts and fruits to sustain your appetite while you shop and run your errands. Have a big water bottle with you and stay hydrated--set a reminder if you have to. Aim to drink your weight divided by two in ounces every day. Are you calculating? Many times we confuse thirst with hunger. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to know the difference, otherwise you could be consuming more calories than you need, which makes it harder to achieve and maintain your weight goals. Planning to attend lots of parties full of unhealthy food choices? Plan to eat at home and bring a healthy dish to share. • Accountability is the glue; the mold that brings this all full circle. At Kaia FIT we help our clients to stay active during the holidays by challenging them to workout everyday. Like our #30in30challenge: Get 30 workouts in 30 consecutive days.

the fact: the more you move your body the more energy you will have. Working out will help you with falling asleep quicker and staying asleep longer, preparing your body for tomorrow's activities. Darkness also plays a trick on our minds, as it encourages us to hibernate. This is why you feel like sitting on your couch binge watching your favorite shows. But it's time to move your body. Go workout; embrace nature and get outdoors; walk during your lunch time; go on a hike, skiing, snowshoeing; break a sweat and enjoy the fresh air. If you are lacking the

• With our Kaia Marathon challenge, our clients are tracking their walking/running mileage and aiming to hit 26.2 miles in a 5 week period. We make our workouts fun, challenging, and modifiable to your goals and physical ability. As a group, we stay active outside the one hour workout class a day with hikes, snowshoeing, and runs. And as a group member you have the support of not only your coaches, but your entire team. We are welcoming new members at any time with a free week trail. The holidays are about celebrating tradition with family and loved ones, so let’s stay active and healthy for many years to come. Kaia FIT South Reno is located at 75 E Patriot Blvd #6, Reno, NV 89511. (775) 200-8840

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NEW BUSINESS Text Oliver X Additional text courtesy of Jordon Trice and Lauren Neil Photos Anicia Beckwith

Part 3

Don't try—do! It's that time of year again and you're making plans to shed holiday pounds and are dreaming of your beach body. Good, visualization of your goals is one of the important aspects of personal fitness success. Are you a list maker? Check! Take your list and your creative visualization and do something about it! Go to The Shot Spot and get energized with some great B-12 supplements. Enjoy acroyoga at Soul Space, while you strengthen and stretch. Get focused and better yourself at Jessica Schneider's Visionary in Midtown, where you can create the life you want to live by hand, one step at a time. It's not about resolutions, it's about action. Do something that allows you to love yourself and affirm your dreams now! “People train with us because we take away all the excuses,” says Reno Kicks owner Jordon Trice. “You're busy? At Reno Kicks you can pop in at any time that we're open 7am-7pm

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(closed 1:30 pm-3:330 pm), so it fits your schedule.” Workouts are timed and intense, but flexible to meet you at any level of your ability. “On a time restraint?” offers Trice. “Our workouts are effective – only 35 minutes and [they] change every day, so you won't be bored.” Muscle confusion and the short intervals of rest between sets are key components to burning fat during and after your workouts. “Lack motivation and don't know what to do when you walk in the gym?” Trice asks. “We have trainers for that.” Each guest gets the personal attention of a trainer (or often times from Trice himself!) each and every workout. Workouts have been shown to be more effective when there's accountability, focus on technique over speed and high expectations. “Don't have time to grab breakfast or lunch?” Trice queries. “We have healthy pre-packaged organic meals from BFF Cafe.” Grab and go meals are the perfect way to refuel after a workout and the balanced nutrition gives you clean calories that will not set you back in the pocket book either.

Lauren Neil


A proper nutritional regimen is said to make up to 75% of the battle to stay in shape and on target with your fitness goals. Reno Kicks has got you covered there too, with wisdom from a real pro. Lauren Neil is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Specialist, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise and has obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health Sciences. The key word in all of Lauren’s programs is “sustainability.” She helps each individual create a program that specifically fits their lifestyle and teaches people how to run those programs themselves, so they can be independently successful for the rest of their lives. Why HIIT Training at Reno Kicks is your best bet in town!

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HIIT (high intensity interval training) is gaining popularity, and for a very good reason. HIIT style workouts consist of varying intensities that increase and decrease your heart rate for repeated intervals. Never letting your body adjust to one interval is key to the success of this type of exercise. Why is it so effective? HIIT produces EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption) that continues to increase your metabolic rate for 24 hours following your workout. This was repeatedly proven by a study performed by Jeffery W. King of East Tennessee State University. That means that your body continues to efficiently burn fat well after you have left the gym!

Any endurance activities can lead to the catabolism or breakdown of muscle; while HIIT has been proven to increase speed, power, endurance and metabolic rate. “My two biggest successes are that my husband says that my butt looks as good as it did when I was 19—and I'm 35! And the other one is that at dinner every night, we talk about something that we failed at, because we only learn from our failures. And so when my husband or my son asks, 'Mommy, what did you fail at today?' If I've done something that I'm proud of when working out, I can say, 'Ya know I didn't make it to 10 push ups today, but I did 5. And then my son knows that I'm challenging myself; my daughter knows that strong is cool, and my husband knows that I can beat him up! [Laughter]...And I feel fantastic. I

feel strong. I feel confident and I think one of the things I feel most is centered...” - Emily M. This is why Reno Kicks' fantastic clients have found fast and continued success. Not only do they enjoy the fun and varied workouts that take 35 minutes, the benefits last for HOURS after they're done. This leads to increased fat burning, weight loss and inches off of their improved physiques. So, if you haven't tried a workout at Reno Kicks yet, there is no better time to start than today. Reno Kicks keeps it fun and positive, come check us out and kick some ass! Drop by Reno Kicks and experience the workout for yourself. Located at 10 State Street across from The Pioneer Center in downtown Reno's Riverwalk.

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RADIO Text Oliver X Photos Joey Savoie

Jave Patterson's Locals Only Morning Show 6-10am Monday – Friday on 105.7FM KOZZ's Reno's Classic Rock - Part 1 The consummate golden-voiced jock, I'd heard Jave Patterson on numerous radio spots as a voice talent, but had never met him in person until recently. Patterson called me up to be a recurring guest and do my entertainment report schtick on his Locals Only Morning Show on KOZZ. After getting clearance from Willobee at Shamrock Communications, I accepted and immediately found kinship with the fine cigar-savoring, artisanal coffee and beer loving aesthete, disguised in rocker's clothing. Below is part one of my interview with Patterson, whose morning show is an audience engaging cocktail of factoids, trivia, celebrity interviews, local affairs and rock classics to warm your morning commute. Here we begin with Patterson's family background and how he got into radio. Oliver X: Jave Patterson we are going to tell your story about how you got into radio.But before that, let's talk a little bit about your life. Jave Patterson: Oh wow! Okay. I don't really know where to begin on that. Oliver X: That's okay. Let's begin from the beginning. You are not an American! [Laughter] Jave Patterson: [Laughter] Well, my father is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He passed away about five years ago, but when he died he was living back in BA. My birth name is Francisco Javier Olivera...I was born in the Bay Area in San Mateo. My father was an aspiring Latin actor here in the states and wanted to make it big in Hollywood. He decided that he wanted to go to a party at Bob Hope's house. They didn't 72 Reno Tahoe Tonight

have money for my mother to afford a dress or something to wear to Bob Hope's house and my father pretty much said, 'Screw you, I'm going whether you're going to come with me or not.' And he pretty much vanished for a week and a half. The next thing you know the rumor mill in Hollywood is saying, 'Jackie O's New Beau?' Jacqueline Onassis I guess had shown up to the party. Oliver X: And your dad hit on her or vice versa? Jave Patterson: Who knows? All I know is that pretty quickly thereafter my mom packed up the family truckster and we moved to Dallas, Texas. Oliver X: So your Texas roots are legit? Jave Patterson: My Texas roots are legit. We moved to Dallas when I was about three or four. Very, very young. Then my father moved to Dallas to follow us. My mom then moved to San Antonio. That's where her parents lived. She moved to San Antonio and got a job there, ended up going through with the divorce, getting remarried and that's where I grew up for maybe 25 years. Oliver X: You're a Texan!

Jave Patterson: Yeah, pretty much. I like to consider myself a west coast guy. Just 'cause I have such an affinity and I was born in the San Francisco Bay Area. But I spent the majority of my childhood growing up in San Antonio. Oliver X: Dave Mencarelli touts you as one of this region's great radio professionals and gatekeepers. He gives you credit for helping to create opportunities for him in his radio career. Jave Patterson: [Laughter] Well, I appreciate that. This is a very unique market, ya know. Max Volume I think says it best. He kinda refers to it as a city in an island. We're two and a half hours away from the nearest major metro. In San Antonio you're an hour away from Austin; Austin is a couple hours away from Houston and a couple hours away from Waco and so on. It's a unique microcosm here in Reno. I came here fifteen years ago to take on the job as program director at KDOT and kinda just rose through the ranks. I love skiing and had never skied a day before in my life until I came out here at the age of 27. Oliver X: And you caught the bug? Jave Patterson: Yeah, I caught the bug man. I love Tahoe and I love the Bay Area. My wife and kids and I drive out to Napa and to San Francisco as often as we can. I've got brothers who live down in San Diego. It’s nice to be out west here. Oliver X: How'd you get into radio in the first place? Jave Patterson: I got into radio as a way to pimp my music. I was a musician, to begin with. It's tough making $75 for the entire band and having to rent the U-Haul and get all of your equipment to the shows. It's a real grind... When I got an opportunity to go to college after high school, I decided to study jazz at the University of North Texas. Oliver X: So you were a serious musician... Jave Patterson: Oh yeah. But before I set out to north Texas though, I decided to get my prerequisites taken care of at San Antonio College—the community college in San Antonio. They didn't really have a great music department at San Antonio College, but their

communications department was churning out a lot of major market personalities and folks that went on to work professionally in broadcasting. I thought to myself, If I get into I had for myself when I was a kid: be a rock star, own my own amusement park and own my own radio station. [Laugher]. So I did the communications thing and radio, television and film is my degree background. In my second year of community college I was told that the legendary rock station (that had split formats) was coming back on as a rock station. For whatever reason the owners at the time had decided that this rock thing wasn't working out for them and they went to an oldies format...Then they brought the station back as a flame throwing, in your face, hard heavy metal rock station. I knew a few of the old guard there. Someone called me up (I probably had about six months left before I got my associates degree) and said, 'Hey look, we're lookin' for a few part-timers to come aboard over here and just work behind the scenes pushing buttons. You're not going to do anything on the air, you're just going to push buttons as a board op.' And so I went in and did it. There were seven of us from the university who were pulled in as part-timers when they relaunched the station... Three months into the relaunch, the program director at the time told all seven of us to submit our best on-air work (and none of us really had on-air work aside from working at the community college radio station) and he'd then select one person to go and do weekends on the air. I was the one person who was chosen. Oliver X: Had you developed a radio voice by that time, or did you draw from your performance experience in bands as a singer-musician? Jave Patterson: Um yeah, I sang. My first instrument was drums; my second instrument was guitar. Then I got into playing bass. I played guitar for twelve years in multi-variety band. A 'conjunto band' was what it was called. We played everything from polkas and cumbias and lambadas, to reggae, heavy metal, country and pop. Our set list for a battle of the bands event we won was Metallica's “Seek and Destroy,” George Strait's “The Chair,” UB40's “Red Red Wine,” a cumbia, a polka, the lambada from Reno Tahoe Tonight 73

the Lambada movie that came out, and then wrapped it up with another heavy metal song. Oliver X: Was Texas a good place for you as a Latin American by blood? Jave Patterson: Absolutely! Ya know, because San Antonio is such a mishmash of Hispanics; there's the Austin music scene which is very Americana, to some of the more urban churban stuff in Houston. The heavy metal community in San Antonio is second to none. San Antonio was the launching pad for Rush, Triumph, UFO and for a lot of these big 70's and 80's hard rock and heavy metal bands. Some more obscure bands like Saxon and others were very popular. The Los Angeles band Legs Diamond would do 80,000 people in San Antonio, yet they couldn't get 300 people 74 Reno Tahoe Tonight

into a club on Sunset Boulevard in LA. So it was very interesting growing up in that environment and having all of these influences bombarding me. Going back to the radio thing, the fact that I was the one guy out of seven chosen to actually go on the air, I discovered that I could make $150 to spend two hours at a nightclub and introduce Pantera. Whereas I'd bring home $20 after spending 13 hours with my band somewhere. You do the economics on that. In part 2 of our piece, we chronicle Patterson's desire to make radio a career and follow his westward trajectory to the Reno market.


RADIUS Text Amanda Horn Photos courtesy of the Nevada Museum of Art

“The person we elect wields tremendous power. But they have zero control over how we show up for others and offer love. Zero.” – Lodro Rinzler


write these words at the end of an extremely tumultuous week. Trump bested Clinton, Leonard Cohen passed away, and my brother graduated from rehab. (The latter may seem like a reason to celebrate. Perhaps it will be, but for now the event adds to the chaotic anxious uncertainty underpinning my days.) My spirit feels broken. I weep for the soul of this nation. I mourn for dignity. For the first time in my life I feel fearful, afraid for journalistic freedom, women’s health, the disenfranchised and vulnerable, for the fragile environment. The first to espouse the critical importance of raising the love quotient, I cannot yet shake the despair. Will I be “okay” because I am white, middle class, and stem from a Christian upbringing? Probably. Because I live in Nevada, a state that did our part to resist hate, racism, xenophobia, and misogyny? Yes, for sure. But it’s not about me. Last month I wrote about cultivating empathy, about stepping outside of one’s worldview to consider another’s perspective. When I penned the piece I admittedly thought I wrote it only for others. I view myself as having a large empathy quotient. I am the least judgmental person I know, I thought. Now I am charged

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to test the compassion cultivating principal and practice like no time before in my life. I understand that people are angry, that many have been left behind with the rise of globalization and automation, that people’s faith foundations have been shaken as consciousness rises. I realize that the matrix has cracked open. The crack, as Mr. Cohen wrote, is how the light gets in. As a teenager in a conservative West Texas town— deep in the heart of oil country— I devoted myself to environmental and political activism. At some point my youthful optimism and naivete collided with the incremental successes and colossal failures of justice. Disillusioned amidst a pile of futility, I retreated into performance art, a place where my bleeding heart could simultaneously express rage and cultivate love. Traveling across the country encountering all manner of people and perspectives, I gained insight into the thread that stitches us together. I learned less about our differences than I did about our vast similarities. Entertaining people allows one to penetrate the fictitious barrier between us and others. The sacred fool exposes human fallibility. This path I do not for a moment regret, but this election has rekindled the activist in me. I at least need to have a dialogue with her.

[radius] = grappling with post-election blues I don’t normally tap the political in public. I must tread cautiously given my position and public profile. Though these words may seem bent toward a decisive direction, please do not misinterpret my ramblings for a political line in the sand. These feelings have less to do with politics than they do about confronting fear and anxiety head on with empathy and love. Uneasiness is not a sensation with which I am very familiar. Typically I feel confident. When faced with uncertainty, I rely on my faith in the universal divine that all will unfold in the manner best suited for the good of all concerned. Ultimately I do believe that now, but an ominous shadow has enveloped my optimism. The other day I read an article in The New York Times about the President elect’s choice to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. I swore I was reading an article from The Onion. Alas, it was no joke. But I desperately wanted it to be. Regardless of your political views, I think we can all admit that this divided country needs to find a path to unity, stat. The great Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hahn says that we must learn to see the flowers in the compost, to transform suffering into kindness and compassion, into love. The beauty does not rise from the garbage heap; it is already there. They are the same, refuse and flowers.

The current state of our country, of our world, stems from a symptomatic disconnection, from a furious pace and overwhelming noise crippling to some, liberating to others. We all need to pause, breathe, and connect, with ourselves, with one another. Side note: The Nevada Museum of Art is a phenomenal place to do just that. Gallery strolls create opportunity for connection to beauty, to history, to contemporary conditions of humanity. A slow art experience not only reduces stress but it also builds empathy and mindful awareness. Sometimes it stirs emotion. The point dear reader is to be cool to one another and give each other a chance to reconcile. Send in the clowns. We can use a good laugh. Amanda Horn is a Reno-based writer, yogini, and creative community enthusiast. A former circus performer, she has been pushing boundaries most of her life, constantly redefining her own and testing the radius of the world she inhabits. She currently serves as Director of Communications for the Nevada Museum of Art. Follow her on Twitter @TeboHorn or email her at

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"Every Night In Halloween In Reno" - Canon EOS 5D Mark III F/2.8 1/125

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"Not Looking For Trouble" Canon EOS 5D Mark III F/2.8 1/160 (old man looking back)

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REVIEW Cellist Zoe Keating at the Nevada Museum of Art's Sky Room November 12, 2016 Text Debe Fennell

ometimes music transcends notes on a page and becomes more important, more weighted with meaning and purpose. Maybe the purpose gives it more meaning. It lets you move out of your daily grind and lets you float in another place. The Nightingale Family Foundation gave concertgoers such an experience at a recent event at the Nevada Museum of Art’s Skyroom, by bringing the internationally noted cellist Zoe Keating in for an extraordinary concert with all proceeds going to the Reno Philharmonic’s Education and Community Engagement Department (EdCE). Keating uses her mastery of the cello, layering tracks captured on her laptop in real time, while using the toes of her shoes to sync the tracks while overlaying live music. Canadian born, she has played the cello since age 8 and attended Sarah Lawrence College, studying Liberal Arts. Keating moved to San Francisco, where she worked as an information architect in the software startup world and played cello in rock bands. The very first song Keating played brought to mind whale songs and her ethereal sounds evoked strong emotions and lyrical lightness. Host Stephen Nightingale compared Keating’s music to Emily Dickenson’s poetry. Keating herself said her music is like “Tetris game pieces falling from the sky”. As people walked into the Nevada Museum of Art lobby they were greeted by seven excellent young cellists who are part of the Reno Phil Youth Orchestra. They are among the 22,000 kids that benefited from the EdCE programs last year, programs that are almost 100% grant-funded, to fill the void of music education. Classes are 82 Reno Tahoe Tonight

offered four times a week at Bernice Mathews, Glenn Duncan, Lincoln Park and Stead Elementary schools, but there wasn’t enough funding for all of the children who wanted to sign up for the program. And next year’s program will only be able to accommodate 200-220 kids (down from 271 this year), as there isn’t enough funding to pay teachers. This is why the Nightingale Family Foundation decided to bring in Zoe Keating for a benefit concert. The $28,000 raised from ticket sales will help supplement the Reno Phil’s efforts and raise awareness of the need for funding for the Reno Phil’s music education programs. The Education and Community Engagement Department (EdCE) consists of five core programs: Discover Music, Family Concert, RPA Kids, Reno Phil Youth Orchestras (RPYO), and the Young People’s Concerts (YPC). The Reno Phil supports diverse music education and community engagement programming, EdCE and is is comprised of five core programs: Discover Music, Family Concert, RPA Kids, Reno Phil Youth Orchestras (RPYO), and the Young People’s Concerts (YPC). These programs are nearly 100% grant-funded and the Reno Phil is hoping to bring awareness to them so the community understands what they offer for kids and that they are filling this void of music education. This year, the Reno Phil had to turn down kids who wanted to sign up for the program because they didn’t have enough funding to pay for the teachers. Inquiries about donating to the Reno Philharmonic Education and Community Engagement program can be directed to or by calling 775-323-6393.


Photo Kyle Volland

Skater Mike Vallely


Classic Skate Shop Demo at Shoppers Square

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SLAM DRUNK SOBER Text Doug E Moore Photo Jocelyn Noel

My story isn’t about my biological mother being raped by multiple men. My story isn’t about being given up for adoption nor the foster home I lived in for a few weeks or months following birth. My story isn’t about my new adoptive parents leaving on vacation, without me, the day after I was delivered to their home. My story isn’t about growing up burying myself in sports to make time go by. My story isn’t about countless failed relationships. My story isn’t about the anger, rage, loss, confusion or fear. My story isn’t about 25 years of alcohol and prescription drug abuse. My story is about the disconnection. The disconnect is my comfort zone. A comfort zone is an interesting space where true contentment is often neglected. Almost a respite of sorts suspending one in pause from progression or fall. The disconnect was my comfort zone and opiates and alcohol helped me return to that state of false comfort quickly and regularly. I’ve learned something in sobriety, alcohol and opiates weren’t my problem, disconnecting emotionally was the issue and all of those props helped me return to the true state of my dis-ease, disconnection. This has been my story and I’m NOT sticking to it. I invite you to join me each month on this journey to sobriety, my new drunk. Doug E Moore (pictured) and his family live in Reno. He’s owner and chief jeweler at D Street Designs Custom Jewelry Fabrications. Moore also teaches an addiction recovery based yoga class Tuesday nights at Midtown Community Yoga. He’s available at

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Confident Clicks

There is nothing prettier in this world than a woman wearing self confidence. She glows. She loves. She holds her head high and offers a welcoming smile to everyone she comes in contact with. She laughs daily and offers compliments to others. She is inside everyone of us. Get your click on this holiday season by trying these simple posing techniques. Love yourself and your individuality and you will always get the perfect shot.

1. Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth and top teeth when smiling.

2. Angle your face slightly. 3. Pull your shoulders back and practice good posture.

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4. Twist body 45 degrees and put hand closest to camera on your hip.


Have fun and let your inner goddess come out! By Isha Casagrande Photos Alfyn Photography Make Up Touch Ups Dahlia at Jensen & Co. Salon Models and real life bombshells Kelly Rotter, Lesley Marshall, Denise Banks, Lanette Katre, Shanda Golden, Isha Casagrande, Dahlia

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THE NEST Text Tessa Miller Photos courtesy of Heathered, Boho Gypsy's Treasures, Girl in the Pines Jewelry and Casey D. Sibley Art + Design

Nest Holiday Decorations

Casey Sibley Bucket Trio

Boho Gypsy's Nevada

Girl In The Pines Mountain Bracelets

92 Reno Tahoe Tonight

Heathered Meats'

Shop Local and Bring The Spirit of Christmas Back In theory, we all want to support our local businesses. There are so many great reasons to, right? The money stays within our community. It’s better for the environment. We support local people—people we actually know—not billion dollar corporations where money gets siphoned to the top, while employees have to work a crazy amount and depend on governmental aid just to survive. The benefits of shopping local go on and on, but collectively, we still don’t put our money where our mouth is. Why is that? The convenience? The cost? Now, I hear you. When you’ve got your Christmas gift list to check off and a cart full of kids whining that they’re bored or hungry, I can see the appeal of grabbing one of everything from the gift section at Target and calling it a day. But doesn’t that defeat the true spirit of Christmas? Was there a time when the thoughtfulness in The Gift of The Magi summed up the holiday gift-giving experience? I just read this book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Her premise is to keep only items that bring you joy. After reading it, I donated multiple trash bags full of things that were cluttering up my home and ultimately my mind. The hardest thing to get rid of? Gifts. Things that people had given me that weren’t my style or that I had no use for. It made me realize that gift giving can actually end up being a burden to someone if not done thoughtfully. Doesn’t that negate the act itself? We don’t think about that when we get that cheap, convenient present from the big box store on December 23rd. So, in a small but valiant effort to bring the true spirit of Christmas back and make it convenient to shop local, I’m gathering up some of my favorite local artists to pop up shop every Saturday in December at The Nest. Now that first part is a tall order. I’m not disillusioned enough to think that I can bring the true spirit of Christmas back all over the world, but we’ve got to start somewhere. If anyone on your list is a vintage aficionado, a quirky gift or local art lover, I will try my best to personally help you find a one-of-a-kind gift that they will love.

And if I don’t have what you are looking for, I will try to send you somewhere, preferably small and local, that will. The amazing artists I will be hosting not only have lovingly created gift items, but they are also some of my favorite people. Chat with the actual makers and you will see that supporting good, kindhearted people is something to really feel good about! To top it off, I pride myself on The Nest’s decked out hot cocoa bar (with a splash of mint schnapps depending on how stressful your holidays are!) and a cozy, relaxed, holiday-spirited atmosphere. There is no fighting over the last Tickle Me Elmo here! I strive to make Christmas shopping a joyful experience not only for the gift receiver, but also for the gift giver because no one wants a gift knowing that the giver had to go through big box store holiday shopping hell to get it. Am I right? A partial list of our Saturday pop up shop artisans includes: Casey D. Sibley Art + Design: a Reno based studio specializing in vibrant artwork for textiles, home goods, and accessories meant to be used daily and inspire a happy life. Each piece is designed by Casey and made in Nevada. Girl in the Pines Jewelry: a small studio specializing in sterling silver and ethically sourced stones | Handcrafted in Truckee. Boho Gypsy's Treasures: hand made, wearable pieces of art including jewelry for the stylish gypsy, bohemian spirit or mere folk. Heathered: eco-friendly wallets for fashionable adventurers from materials that would end up in a landfill; vintage maps, vintage cookbooks, vintage postcards, vintage books, and outdated airline safety cards.

Happiest of holidays to you all! Love, Tes - Owner The Nest 201 Keystone Ave Reno, NV 89503 FB/IG @thenestreno

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TRAINING TIPS Text Camie Cragg Lyman Photo Mike LaGrange Styled By Fine N Funky Concepts of Reno at the Summit Mall

When it comes to Christmas time people generally love to skip out of work, workouts and other responsibilities, in favor of bringing it all home to the family and embracing the holiday season. But this is the time of year to heighten your activity levels due to the greater food and drink consumption the holiday season offers. Working out during the holidays will help keep your mind sane – even if you don't lose a ton of weight! I want to share with you the truth about relieving stress during this time of year. So I've come up with 12 ways for you to enjoy and maintain your health all the way up to Christmas Day and beyond.


Be active, if not extra active. Make sure to plan time for the gym, for class, for hikes and other activities that will make you sweat at least one time a day. On the flip-side, be extra active by walking everywhere, take the stairs, hold more bags in hands to add extra resistance. It is time to do more because you are most likely consuming more! Anything that is not used as energy will be stored as fat.


Muscle mass is best to keep during this time. Strength training will burn more calories during your day, rather than doing cardio, which will burn in the time span that one is working out. Gaining more muscle during this time is way better than gaining more fat. Burn more calories by using an hour of your time in lifting weights rather than cardio and weights in one hour.


Eat before you leave your comfort zone. You will be less tempted to eat a lot or over indulge yourself since you have already eaten before you left for visits, trips or family dinners.

Get out of the house! No good will happen when you are hunkered down at home. When cooking, eating and drinking with the family happens, get out of the house and challenge family members to take a walk around the neighborhood; get into a snowball fight in the back yard; plan a game of some kind to keep everyone entertained and active.






Avoid skipping meals. Breakfast is your day starter that will give you peace, clarity of the mind and energy throughout your day. Counterproductive results happen when people skip meals because they think that it will make up for the treats they ate the previous day.

Choose to eat the treats that you have control over. It's wise to choose to make treats that you have control of and can manage in moderation, as opposed to always having your favorite (chocolate covered almonds, my favorite) in the house or making a baked good that you will devour!


Drink liquids in moderation. They all have extra calories in them that will add up just like solid foods. Please do not be fooled just because it goes down easy and has extra flavor. Drinks are broken down into their finest form with tons of sugars and calories.

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Set realistic goals. This is the time of massive weight gain, as Americans, on average add 7-12 pounds in October, November and December. Set goals that are your reality and not someone else's reality during this time.

Work out 45 minutes a day and have one treat a day. Drink 3/4 gallon of water and do 20 pushups/20 burpees/20 situps three days a week before you go to bed.


Enjoy yourself with a smile. Love your life; enjoy your life and don't stress! You are worth every second of living and expend a lot of effort in order to please others around you. Do one or two things that will treat your mind, body and soul to stay focused and excited, knowing that you're being taken care of by you!


Drink a lot of water. As you drink more water than normal or tea during your day you will be less inclined to eat everything in site! Your mind and body function better when hydrated – especially if you plan on having drinks or high sugar/fat foods. Flush the toxins out and treat yourself right.


Eat more smaller portions three hours apart from one another. This approach will help with not over eating, just like eating before you head out to functions. Plan your day out so that you eat dinner earlier and then go on a walk right afterward. Sleep like a baby and enjoy a brand new day!


Whatever your day gives you make time for you and your workouts. It is so easy to put everyone and everything before your own needs, but this is not the time to be forgetful. You will cheat yourself by letting your priority go off working out. We all know that endorphins are one of the best chemical releases that make humans happy, healthy and more energetic! From me to you, merry Christmas and happy New Year! Please take the chance to make the choice to be the change that you deserve to be. Camie Cragg Lyman Owner CCF NSL Beach Bikini Pro Lululemon Ambassador Project C Founder Snap Chat||IG||FB @ camiecragglyman

Reno Tahoe Tonight 95

218 Vassar Street • Reno, NV 89502 775.324.2787

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Open 7 Days A Week! Mon-Sat 10a-7p & Sun 11a-6p Largest & oldest smoke shop in Northern Nevada Stellar selection of handmade pipes from award-winning artists Clothing, posters, tapestries, jewelry, incense & more!


Mornings 6a-10a

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