Lowell founded by Melvin Halsted The Town of Lowell was founded in 1852 by Melvin Halsted, who built a flour mill in the town. He chose the name “Lowell” after the Massachusetts town of the same name due to the resemblances of the towns’ milling industries. Halsted and his wife Martha moved to the area in 1852. Halsted built a church, school house and the first brick house in the Lowell area with 400,000 bricks from his own kiln. The Halsteds moved into their new brick home in spring, 1850. The house has been restored by the Three Creeks Historical Association and is open to the public as a museum. The house stands at the corner of Main and Halsted Sts. Early settlers arrived in the area of Lake County after the territory of Indiana gained statehood in 1816. A treaty with the Pottawatami Indians and consequent surveying opened
the land to settlers in 1834. The first homesteaders in southern Lake County were the Childers, Thomas and Sarah and their family. They built their cabin approximately two miles north of Schneider, near what is now 221st Ave. The first homesteaders came in September of 1834 to the Lake Prairie area, one of whom was Robert Wilkinson. He brought his two nephews, both Wilkinsons as well. The group crossed the Kankakee River from the south at the head of what was once rapids into West Creek, where they settled. The first Lowell Labor Day Parade was held over 100 years ago celebrating the return of veterans from World War I, and has become the state’s longest consecutive running parade.
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