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Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal
from MHRD Compendium
by renure
Established in 1969, BSM has developed multidimensional work module to motivate the young generation for building a stable, selfreliant and enlightened Bharat (India)
Area of Intervention Teacher’s orientation, holistic growth, quality education, policy for implementation, industry-academia interface and consultation for healthy work environment Key Geography Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa, Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand Need for the initiative
Problem • Lack of self-respect, self-consciousness, and sense of responsibility among teachers • Absence of joyful teaching as well as learning practices for both teachers and students Situation Before Teachers were treating this noble profession just as a job for better livelihood and lacked the feeling of contribution for the betterment of society and national growth through education
To inculcate the feeling of National pride, enculturation of Bharatiya lifestyle and thought process; and character building
Steps • ShikshakSwaddhay workshop, comprising maximum of 100-120 teachers, for 3 hours a day for 3 days
The State Body holds responsibility for teachers’ enrolment for the workshop
Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal Resource Persons – the qualified members with rich experience in academics and research Other necessary equipment provided by the government bodies along with the fee of the Resource Person
Impact and Key Learning Achieved so far • ShikshakSwaddhay Workshop organized at more than 260 places across India
Over 14,000 teachers benefited from these workshops The program enables government to make education policies and implement them
Key Learning
Every teacher is an asset to the education system, if sufficient motivation is provided Self-introspection and development of pride essential for teachers’ community Flexible and learner-centric approach essential for overall development of a student