1 minute read
Akshaya Patra
from MHRD Compendium
by renure
The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a notfor-profit organization headquartered in Bengaluru. It is fighting against hunger and malnutrition in India, by implementing the MidDay Meal(MDM) Scheme in the government and government-aided schools
Area of Intervention MDM Implementation through Public-Private Partnership Key Geography Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Odisha, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh
Need for the initiative
Problem • Difficult for hungry children to study • Malnutrition in children • Socialisation among children of all castes absent Situation Before Unavailability of proper meals at schools
Community participation program to implement Mid-Day Meal Scheme in government schools
Steps • Raising of funds
Arrangement of manpower for implementation and quality check Working with the government system to adapt the program design for scale up Encouraged the private-public partnerships that have been instrumental in ensuring success of the programme
Employees act as implementing arm and encourage private-public partnerships Each meal cost a specific sum which is shared by the Government and nonprofit organization The government provides grains and cash subsidies
Impact and Key Learning Achieved so far
Today Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) mid-day meal programme serving wholesome food to over 1.6 million children from 13,808 schools across 12 states in India Attendance has increased, classroom hunger has reduced, malnutrition has decreased, and socialisation among children of all castes has improved The recommended nutritional requirements are being fulfilled, and the food is healthy and hygienic
Key Learning • There is always room for improvement, and hence Akshaya Patra will continue to better processes and services in implementing the mid-day meal programme • Classroom hunger can be significantly countered • Social equity can be maintained almost universally