1 minute read
STIR Education
from MHRD Compendium
by renure
An international non-profit organization, STiR (School Teacher Innovating for Results), headquartered in London, is working in India and Uganda to ignite and sustain teacher intrinsic motivation Area of Intervention Virtuous cycle created between teacher intrinsic motivation, mastery of classroom practice and student learning
Key Geography Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Karnataka in India
Need for the initiative
Problem • Poorly motivated and unprofessional teachers • Learning crisis still a matter of concern
Situation Before • Lack of teacher involvement in matters related to the improvement of education systems • No intrinsic motivation
Overview STIR model is a comprehensive model to support government officials to ignite and sustain teacher intrinsic motivation across entire education systems to improve classroom practice and student learning
Steps • Create local network to motivate teachers to use Learning Improvement Cycle (LIC) subsequently improving children’s learning • Builds an enabling environment for teacher collaboration and development, and strengthens education systems at all levels
Resources • Manpower to monitor the implementation • No additional human or financial requirement to roll out the model
Impact and Key learning Achieved so far • Teachers effort showcases increase in teacher “time on task” by 5% • Significant improvement in reading habits among grade 4 and 5 students (14,000) in UP • Each $1 invested in improving teacher motivation lead to a return of $7 in enhanced teacher effort
Key Learning • Teachers’ intrinsic motivation is vital to understand the potential exist in the education system • Teachers make the most significant inschool difference to student learning • Through virtuous cycle, teachers develop the specific mindsets and behaviours • System and leadership at block, district and state plays pivotal in creating enabling environment for building and sustaining intrinsic motivation in teachers’