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Tata Trust-CLIx
from MHRD Compendium
by renure
Tata Trusts - Connected Learning Initiatives (CLIx)
A collaboration between Tata Trusts, Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which emphasizes the pivotal role of students’ and teachers’ community in using technology as an ardent tool to augment teaching and learning experiences Area of Intervention To introduce ICT enabled curricular resources in secondary schools and continuous professional development of teachers in ICT with education for sustainable quality teaching and learning experience
Key Geography Chhattisgarh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Telangana Need for the initiative Problem Digital illiteracy among students and teachers, lack of use of education technology and non-functional Computer/ science labs across majority of schools led to poor learning outcomes for students Situation Before Inadequate quality of teaching-learning, lack of access to relevant content for students and discontinuous professional development of teachers
Intervention Overview To impart digital literacy and technology enabled teaching-learning among a large number of students/teachers and encourage teachers for post-graduate certificate course in ICT with Education Steps • Module design and development • Selection of schools and computer lab readiness • Headmasters’ orientation, teachers’ training and enrollment to certificate course Monitoring, support and building community of practice of teachers Regular maintenance of computer labs
Resources • Government support for training of teachers, teacher educators and printing • CLIx teams and teacher educators from state • Funds from Tata Trusts for maintenance and upgrading computer labs in 3 states and project staff cost
Impact and Key learning Achieved so far • Digital literacy and ICT enabled teaching learning for 1540 teachers, and 15,000 students from 461 schools across 4 states • Developed student platform to access CLIx and other OERs and teacher platform for online courses
Key Learning State recognition for professional development courses, advanced computer labs and its regular maintenance, need for school level planning to integrate ICT enabled teaching and learning