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Reloca on Services
At Reinhart Realtors, we have more than 40 years of experience in reloca on. We offer several valuable and complimentary services to help you when considering a move to the Ann Arbor area.
Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality service. We will have a one-on-one conversa on with you to gather informa on about your goals during the real estate process. A er pre-arrival counseling, our reloca on department will pair you with one of our experienced real estate specialists who can help you achieve your real estate goals.
A Partment Seekers
We will select a Reinhart agent experienced in reloca on, who will show you the available proper es in your desired price range and with the features that you require.
B Uyers Home
A full- me member of our reloca on staff manages RentFAST, our Ann Arbor apartment locator service. We will work with you every step of the way, un l we’ve helped you to find the right apartment.
Apartment Search
G Lobal C Onnections
Home Or Condo Rental Rental Search
Our property management division has an inventory of over 200 rental homes in the Ann Arbor area in a variety of price ranges. Our dedicated property managers can also search for addi onal rentals available on the Mul ple Lis ng Service (MLS).
Moving here from out of state? We have global connec ons. If you need to sell a home before moving to Michigan, we can connect you with a trained reloca on agent at your current loca on through our affilia on with the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®.
N Ational And Local C Onnections
We also have contacts to leading na onal van lines and local movers who can assist you with your move.