Hello DRRs, Rotaract Greetings. First of all, I would like to thank you all to give your precious time for this bulletin. I got wonderful response from you all, till date I am getting mails from DRRs for submission of their messages into this bulletin. 24 DRRs from more than 30 countries participating in this bulletin. I feel sorry for those who have given their messages but cant be included in this bulletin because of shortage of time. Its been my pleasure to interact with you all through this medium. Idea behind this bulletin is to create a common platform to share the views and workings of DRRs who work for humanity in different corners of the world. We all share the same tenure and did so many tasks to achieve the goals of Rotary International. This may help the DRRs to understand the working of their fellows around the globe. We all have different understandings and different views towards society and work accordingly, this bulletin will help us all to understand the working of other DRRs. After all, we have to serve as IPDRR now, with more responsibilities than now. Rotaract provides a platform to youth for development of one’s personality and enhances his/her leadership abilities. Friendship, Discipline and Unity are the powers of youth which comes in action when we fight for the betterment of society. Being a DRR means a never ending journey towards betterment of the movement and the society. District Rotaract Representatives from R. I District 1700, 1911, 1960, 2220, 2241, 2452, 2482, 3000, 3070, 3080, 3090, 3190, 3271, 3292, 3330, 3410, 4190, 4580, 4700, 9150, 9211, 9212 & 9150 are the partners in this bulletin. D3110 is thankful to all partner districts. Thanks and regards, Rtr. Anoop Gupta District Rotaract Representative R.I. Distt 3110
Dear DRR Anoop, I am delighted to know that you are taking a magazine on the occasion of World Environment Day involving many International districts. Such initiatives shows your dedication & passion of working in one of the major areas that RI has told us Rotaractors time & again - International relations. I am sure that you got many districts tied up as through your DRRN Shubham who has excellent international ties. He is real asset to your district. I wish you all success for the magazine and would really like to commend your work as the leader of the district. You have been a real help to the SEARIC team and we definitely would like to see you soon in our team. Smiling off. PP Tuhin Podder President, SEARIC MDIO IPDRR, RID 3291
Rotaract District 1700 - France D1700 is now have 13 Rotaracts Club (170 Rotaractors), 1 Interact Club and 96 Rotarys Club. The 1700 district is s located south west of France. I am Fatiha ZELMAT, DRR 1700 for 2013/2014. In D1700, we oganised differents meeting accross the district : Tree organisations meeting District and a big conference. We work hard this year for developping communication and friendship all over the district. My team and I, work to stimulate the clubs make projects and help than when was necessary. We work hard this year for changing life,
I have a message for all of you : ÂŤ Be yourself, Be awesome Âť
Thanks, Yours in Rotaract, Fatiha Zelmat
Rtr. Fatiha Zelmat
Rotaract District 1911 – Hungary Our Rotaract district is a new district compare to other mostly western European countries and districts. The district covers the whole country and only our country. At the moment we have 12 active clubs and 2 is about to have its charter event. Although the number of the club is not a huge number, I am very proud that every year there are new clubs. Let me introduce our achievements and projects in past year: 1. The facebook page of our district is the 10th most popular facebook page according to European Rotaract Information Center in Europe. 2. All of our clubs have twin clubs around the world, but this year our Rotaract Club Duna received an award from E.R.I.C (European Rotaract Information Center). They finished in the 2nd place in the competition of best European twin clubs. Rotaract Club Budapest City was in the top 5 finalists also, which is a huge honor from a small district as ours. 3. 2 New Clubs were founded and all of our clubs are working actively. 4. We created a new way of Rotaract Pets: we organize it in summertime next to our lovely lake Velence and we connect the Pest with a Rotaract holiday summer camp. The camp was created to keep up the mood and motivate our members as much as we can. this a real team building event. After the official conference. 5. We organize district conferences 2 times a year – which is a usual Rtr. Dorina Ivanics thing – but this year we made some changes about the schedule. We divided the conference for 2 parts: official planner meeting and workshops. We organized workshops for the whole afternoon where you could choose from different topics, for example: How to organize a project in district level, how to communicate properly between clubs and towards to potential members( facebook, e-mail,etc.), How to get more media attention, etc. 6. Our district organized Hungarian Round Trip in 2013 in august. We had participants from all around the world: Mexico, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Turkey, Ukraine, Italy, etc and in the end of their trip they joined us for our summer camp. These are the main characteristics of my lovely district. Of course as every DRR I could spend hours to fill up hundred of pages with our projects and specialties, but I guess you have to visit Hungary to feel this amazing Rotaract spirit what we have here. All I can say is that I'm proud that I can be a Rotaractor, that I could be the DRR this year. Keep up the good work and hope to see you soon!
Best, Dorina Ivanics District Rotaract Representative 2013/2014 D1911 ( Hungary)
Rotaract District 1960 – Portugal Rtr. Ricardo Madeira – Rotaract Representative for District 1960 | Portugal (2013-14) Member of Rotaract Club Lisboa – Olivais since 2008, Club President in 2010-11, member of the District Governor's team during 2011-12 and 2012-13 and member of the District Representative's Team between 2011 and 2013. General Manager of the Host Organization Committee for the 104º Rotary International Convention | Lisbon 2013 – A Harbor for Peace. Graduated in Business and Management by the NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lisbon and Erasmus Student at the Reims Management School in France. District 1960 of Rotary International is located in the southern part of Portugal including both Portuguese islands: Azores and Madeira. Currently the District is composed of 16 Rotaract Clubs and 9 Interact Clubs gathering a total of more than 250 members. Our website is
www.rotaractd1960.org As a part of the DRR's role in the District I visited all our clubs and participated in a total of more than 125 club meetings, social events and club projects. During the first round of visits, my team and I tried to find what each club was facing as their major weaknesses and strengths. Using this information we tailor made all District events to better fit what the clubs could use to improve their service skills and context. About 10 district events, including a National Congress for both District 1960 and 1970 and the District Conference, were built with its focus on leadership skills acquisition, communication improvement, Rotary training and fellowship.
Rtr. Ricardo Madeira
Working as a Rotaractor in Portugal in the current social context is a bigger challenge than ever as our country is facing a huge financial and political crisis meaning that our community's issues are increasing while at the same time our clubs have less resources both financial and membership. For this reason, we improved our presence in the web, launched a new website and improved our presence in the social media. We reached out to the general media and improved the internal communication systems of our District. Two major projects were also launched in order to join all clubs together so that their efforts towards the community could be more efficient and effective by gaining strength from our unity. We made a low cost children's book telling the history of Polio Plus and sold them in order to spread out the word while gathering money to finance club projects. We also started a new project called RiceUp Rotaract with the goal of multiplying our clubs donations towards the purchase of rice. Together we bought around 9tons of rice and signed a partnership agreement with Caritas Portuguesa that will now help us to make this product reach families in need across all Portuguese territory. It is very hard to resume all that was done by our team and all our clubs during this year. More than 12.000Km were traveled in order to meet all clubs several times, participate in their projects and make dreams real. But the most important thing is for sure the Fellowship felt in each of my club meetings and the smile in all people whose life's we touched. This is how District 1960 Engages Rotary and Change Lives! =)
Rotaract District 1960 – Portugal A small message for the DRRs and Rotaractors around the world. Rotary is a unique Non-Profit Organization and I dare to say one of the organizations that has the biggest impact in the modern world. In one hand, with a history of 109 years, it shows us an endless list of relevant successes: Rotary is number one private organization in the USA to support education through our Rotary Foundation scholarships (In Portugal, more than 500 are given every year). We are the only non-profit with permanent seating in the United Nations. We are in the genesis of the creation of UNESCO (that was inspired in a Rotary Convention dedicated to education that took place in 1942). We work with a privileged network of partners, such as the World Health Organization, American Centre of Control and Prevention of Diseases, UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation… But the present also shows us the enormous potential of our organization, starting with the biggest private project of public health ever made in the world – Polio Plus! We have 99% of our goal accomplished and when we manage to eradicate Polio from the Globe, which is predicted to happen soon, it will be second disease originated by a virus eradicated in all History. As a DRR we were a big part of this and our impact in Rotary will forever remain alive through all future successes of our Rotaract Clubs. By now all of we know that in Rotary nothing is a given fact. We must work hard to achieve success and what we do goes beyond volunteering as we are an important part the organization. If we aim to do a certain project or build an intern training action, we have to roll up our sleeves and work hard to get it done. Rotary gives us the tools and the right context but we are the ones that make a difference and assure the success of or own projects.
Rtr. Ricardo Madeira
I owe a lot of who I am to this wonderful organization. By being part of it I improved my public speaking techniques, learned to face several of my limitations and leaded hundreds of young people. I began to understand and respect the differences amongst cultures and realized that the ones living under the worst scenarios are also the ones capable of displaying the biggest smiles, sometimes just because we smiled at them first. I have a lot more to do in Rotary and a lot more to learn and I am looking forward for it! Each person I meet in Rotary leaves a part of them with me and takes a part of me with them. The Rotarian fellowship is something that can only by fully understood after being experienced first hand. My wish for all of you is that the end of this year is only the beginning of the rest of your life dedicated to service, ethics and peace.
Rotaract District 2220 - Russia Hello everybody from Russia! My name is Alina Nikiforova. I am DRR 2013-14. I was born and live in Krasnodar. Krasnodar is located in the southern part of Russia, near with Black sea and Crimea. I am 22 years old. I am economist in accountant and audits and work in Audit-consult company. My hobbies are travelling, reading, karaoke and bowling. My father is Rotarian since 2001. He took me in first Interact meeting and I fell in love in Rotary. The big impression on me made Summer Rotary Camps, which I visited. I saw how rotary clubs made projects and that people knows about Rotary in those countries. I want that population of Russia knows about us and projects, which we do. Russia has two ditricts. My district 2220 includes cities of European Russia and the Urals. District was born in 2005 year. We have 16 active clubs, 4 initiative groops, 368rotaractors. RAC Moscow-East was organizator of EUCO 2012 in Moscow. This year started for us really good. I was speaker in Rotary Convention in Lisbon in Russian section. The presentation was about Russian rotaractors and our projects. We have registered plans for the future and summed up in the forum in July in St. Petersburg. During the year, revived the activities of the two clubs: St. Petersburg International and Yekaterinburg.In September, the training for governors Rotaract Club of St. Petersburg and the District representative actively told Rotarians about the importance of collaboration and the creation of Rotaract clubs, where they do not. Also had a lovely presentation sang a song about the clubs. Rotaract clubs “Moscow-East” and “Saint-Peterburg” organized “2 Capitals trip”. 8 rotaractors from all world felt yourselves like Russian. Rtr. Alina Nikiforova 5 Rotaractors from Russia visited West Ukrain and knew about their history, projects. They won sport’s competition “Rotariada” and district committee organized same in November in Russia. Rotary club “Rostov” conducted training on leadership skills and conducting research. Rotaract clubs Krasnodar, Volgograd, Volgskiy and Southern spent trip for foreigners. Within 7 days the guys from Australia, Austria and Germany learned the culture, traditions and customs of the southern part of Russia. All Rotaract Club held shares in the new year for children. About 50 Rotaractors attended PETS in March. And in April, over 70 people came to RYLA. At the moment we are working on opening a club Pskov and preparing for a district conference. Dear friends, I am very pleased that the interest in Russia has always been and is now. We are always glad to see you at our cold expanses of Siberia, the fertile fields of the south, majestic cities of the "Golden Ring", and of course, the Volga steppes in capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. I am honored to represent Russia and develop Rotaract movement. Each of us is a piece of a big family called Rotary. Let's do more joint projects., sign twin- certificates and organize conferences, where we will meet. With best regards, Alina Nikiforova DRR 2220, 2013-15 (Russia) Âàøà â Ðîòàðàêòå, Àëèíà Îêðóæíîé Ïðåäñòàâèòåëü Ðîòàðàêòà 2013-14ãã. îêðóãà 2220
Rotaract District - 2241 - Romaina Hi, I am part of the Rotaract family since 2005 and I am a member of one of the first Rotaract clubs, charted after the recognition of District 2241 Romania and Republic of Moldova (Rotaract Club Iasi 2000). In the spring of 1929, in Bucharest, Christian Penescu-Kertsch established the first Rotary Club in Romania and went on to become its first president. The Romanian intellectual ellite in science, art and business understood and accepted the mission and values of Rotary and soon six new clubs were established in Arad, Brasov, Campina, Cernauti, Iasi and Ploiesti. In 1936, with 9 clubs, Romania became part of Rotary International District 84. The impact of Rotary activities and initiatives was visible throughout the country, but, just as it was flourishing, the Rotarian movement was banned by authoritarian regimes all across Eastern and Central Europe. The new Rotary District 2241 In 1992, with the support of French Rotarians, Rotary Club Bucharest was re-chartered. Just as before, it was soon followed by the clubs in Cluj and Timisoara, so that in 1996, the 13 clubs in Romania were part of District 1160 Paris. On July 1, 1996, Romania conquered a second milestone when Rotary International deemed it a Special Rotarian Expansion Region, the Rtr. Ioannis Gardikiotis Republic of Moldova included. The International Committee unanimously named Swiss Rotarian, Jorg Tschopp as Presidential Ambassador for Expansion. The results were impressive – in less than three years, the number of clubs reached thirty. It was a time of two historic firsts: the first Rotary Club in Chisinau and for the first time, a second Rotary club was chartered in the same Romanian city, Rotary Club Continental is established in Bucharest, the country's capital. Rotaract, as a District, was organized in 2002 by its first DRR, Aura Cadis and the first clubs charted then were Rotaract Club Bucharest, Rotaract Tg. Mures and Rotaract Cluj-Napoca. The district has now 53 Rotaract clubs from both countries and over 1000 Rotaractors. If it were to choose just one word to describe this year it would be GROWTH. GROWTH because this year we welcomed 8 new Rotaract Clubs in our family and it is always an enrichment to see that more and more young people want to join Rotaract and bring along their enthusiasm and creativity in what concerns sustainable projects. GROWTH because we got to know our neighbours as 10 of our Rotaractors took part in the TriDistrictual Summer Camp organized in Hungary organized for young Romanian, Serbian and Hungarian Rotaractors. Despite the know-how exchange, we sure have now new friends to visit and to do great projects with.
Rotaract District - 2241 GROWTH because we went international. This year our district was the host for one of the greatest projects organized so far by one of our clubs: Rotaract Model United Nations. The RotaractMUN conference is a youth-led and youth focused project that started in Baia Mare, Romania and will jump, every year, from one country to another with each edition, giving the opportunity to youth to voice their opinion on global issues. Rotaract MUN is not the only international achievement for this year as our District, thanks to its members from Bucharest clubs, will organize EUCO 2015 after winning the elections this year at EUCO Nice. GROWTH because many of the local projects became districtual projects. We successfully organized a first aid training session in different cities around the countries, with the help of local medical and emergency facilities. We also kept our tradition in organizing community based projects during Christmas and Easter and collect nonperishable food for the less fortunate. GROWTH because one of projects involved 4 Rotaract Clubs from 4 different cities and helps young artists grow. RotarART 4x4 involves people from Cluj, Bucharest, Iasi and Timisoara, people with a special talent in music, drama, literature or painting who are convinced that we are all responsible for the value of contemporary culture. GROWTH because thanks to being a DRR I got the chance to travel and meet so many amazing people, to create life-long friendships and memories. So I could definitely say it was growth for me too. Being a DRR is one of the most fulfilling and also challenging experiences I had so far, that motivated and inspired me every single day and I am sure it will also inspire me from now on. I truly wish that each and every Rotaractor would benefit from what Rotaract as an organization full of great people has to offer.
Rotaract District 2452 - Gulf Countries Rtr. Vincent Bou Fayad Year of Joining Rotaract: 2005 Club Name: Rotaract Club of Metn Highlights in Rotaract: DRR District 2452 - 2013-2014 VDRR Lebanon - 2011-2012 PP Rotaract club of Metn - 2010-2011 Profession: Architect Nationality: Lebanese Lives in: Dubai, United Arab Emirates District 2452 is a new district after splitting District 2450 into 2 new districts 2451 and 2452. District 2450 consisted of 10 countries: Armenia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates. District 2451 consists of Egypt only. District 2452 includes 9 countries that are: Armenia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates.
Rtr. Vincent Fayad
A small message for the DRRs and Rotaractors around the world. My fellows in service, “Leading to Serve�, are three words that we live upon, every day, in our Rotaract life. We've come a long way through to reach where we are today, to serve our cause, and to lead our Districts as their representatives as best as we could. I have unconditionally served Rotaract for so many years, starting with my own club, Rotaract Club of Metn, which I joined in 2005 and served as president in the year 2010-2011.
Then I had the chance to serve other clubs on a national level as well as leading and re-activating clubs while holding my position as VDRR in Lebanon. As the 1st DRR of District 2452 I wanted to expand, I wanted to make use of all the knowledge and experience I have gathered throughout these years from projects I have organized, participated in and accomplished, to people I have come across and served with. I want to take this chance and hope that with this great initiative "Mission Rotaract", DRRs and Districts as well as Rotaract members around the world will come closer and link all their visions to create one united synergy, in order to make a bigger difference in our communities and in our world. I want to congratulate and wish all the incoming DRRs a successful year to come and to always remember the importance of continuity from one year to another and from one DRR to another and to always remember our true purpose of serving our community above all . Thank you Vincent Fayad District Rotaract Representative 2013-2014
Rotaract District 2482 - Bulgaria Dear Rotaract friends, My name is Alex Angelov and I'm DRR of D2482 Bulgaria for 20132014. I'm 27 years old and have Master degree in Finance. Currently I'm working in M&A Corporate Finance in KPMG. I have been in Rotaract since 6 years now and had attended international RYLA in District 1700 France. I'm Past President of Rotaract club Sofia (D2482) and for two consequent years I had been District Treasurer. This Rotarian 2013-2014 year I have the pleasure to be District Rotaract Representative of District 2482 Bulgaria. District 2482 is part of Zone 20B exists for 7 years and covers the whole territory of Bulgaria. In D2482 there are 87 Rotary clubs, 40 Rotaract clubs, and 45 Interact clubs. Rotaract members in our district currently are 563. In District 2482 we Rotaractors have variety of projects that help with the needs of different society groups. Part of the big and yearly projects is Kupi & dari (“Buy and share�) national initiative that is organised twice a year from many Rotaract clubs from different cities in the country during Easter and Christmas. The goal of Kupi & dari is to engage society to buy goods to people in need and to donate it to organisation teams in the stores who deliver the donations to the selected organisations in need.
Rtr. Alex Angelov
Another annual project is Green Week Project in which many Rotaract clubs also get involved in the beginning of spring season. All Rotaractors help communities to rebuild their green areas with helping to plant trees in parks and alleys. This year in this project also took part 14 international clubs from different Districts around the Europe and Asia.
During this 2013-2014 as DRR of D2482 my District Committee and I have been working on the improvement of the work of all Rotaract clubs and their connection with Rotary and Interact. We have been working on the improvement on club's understanding of the fundamentals of Rotary and service above self. In D2482 we have 8 zones. During the entire year we have been organising meetings with the Rotaract clubs in the zones (zone meetings). These zone meetings aim to help clubs in the zone to know each other and to stimulate them to work on common projects. As a result several zones organised themselves zone meetings weeks and months after District visit. To help clubs work better with the administration of their club we developed how-to video tutorials for clubs' secretaries which show them in easy step how to work with the Rotaract registrar on www.rotaract-bg.org In order to make easy and pleasant the first steps of being Rotaractors of all new members we organize webinar for new members with a software account provided by RI (GoToWebinar). It is online and briefly introduces the main principles of Rotary and Rotaract. A guest lecturer participates in it in order to give their personal experience and knowledge with and for Rotaract. This 2013-2014 Rota year we had one National initiative for blood donation in which 75% of the clubs took participation in the day of Europe (9th of May).
Rotaract District 2482 - Bulgaria We went beyond the District and with the support of Rotary our District participated in the national initiative Manager for One day organised by Junior Achievement organisation. In the initiative companies, institution and business owners give the opportunity of your professionals to experience what is to be a manager of a company for one day. The initiative was supported by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. This year we follow Rotary International openness to the world and being transparent with its projects in social media. Our District created and developed its profiles in social media in order to popularise clubs' projects and initiatives, to inform about District events and opportunities, to make a platform for all Rotaractors to exchange ideas and grow their friendship. Our social media channels are: Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, YouTube, vbox7, google+. Currently we are developing our presence in Wikipedia and in Rotaractorwiki. Our District managed to make clubs work and enthusiasm popular among society with online video contest with media partner vbox7.com. The contest's name was "1 minute in which we change the world!" and aimed to motivate the clubs in Bulgaria to show what for them is Rotaract and how they define it. The contest was very successful, because with much excitement clubs participated and were eager to the last moment which will be the most Rotaractor video according to Rotaract principles. To celebrate this year as DRR and to appreciate all the work all Rotaractors and my District committee did we are organising National Rotaract Conference during which we will give a retrospective of all past events and initiative we did for Rotaract Bulgaria. During the year we Rtr. Alex Angelov have organised also one National Assembly and one President Elect Training Seminar (PETS). Now as an experienced DDR of D2482 I turn to all fellow DRRs and Elect DRRs with the friendly message to “Go forward, never backward�. It is a game of words that express so many thoughts. My District year we managed to make changes in new direction that is available to all Rotaractors in Bulgaria. For this I have almost 1 year and a half to prepare and to build my strategy and choose wisely my time. Preparation is important, because it gave the opportunity to see what can be improved and to think of how to improve it. This 2013-2014 year I can tell is the best year of my life, because the experience Rotaract gave me charges me with more energy to do good in the world and keep going and explore life while enjoy moments with friends and help society at the same time. I know that the most important role of my service in Rotaract is just coming and this is my role as Past DRR. This is when I have to transfer in a friendly way my gained experience and knowledge to the future DRR to build on my good deeds and develop Rotaract in Bulgaria further. With Rotaract fellow greeting, Alex Angelov DRR D2482 Bulgaria 2013-14
Rotaract District 3000 - India Hi friends, myself, Rtr M Rajagopal, born on 4th January 1986, Completed NAC Fitter in Engine factory Avadi & completed Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. Professionally, I am working in Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirapalli (an Government of India Undertaking Enterprise) from the year 2007 as an Artisan. I joined the Rotaract movement in 2007 as a member of Rotaract Club of TIRUCHIRAPALLI CENTENARY, served as Club Service Director, Secretary, President and Club Trainer. During my president ship my club bagged many awards. At the District level, I held distinguished positions including District Secretary (Admin), District Editor, DRR Elect, Chairman of District Assembly in 2010 and Coordinator of District Conference in 2012. I have attended numerous District Assemblies, Conferences, Rotasia and RYLA. Rotaract District 3000 comprise of the Rotaract Clubs in the 8 Revenue Districts of Trichy, Dindigul, Karur, Madurai, Theni, Pudukottai, Perambalur & Ariyalur of Southern India. RID 3000 stays with 122 active clubs positioning No1 District in INDIA and No 2 District South Asia level in means of Active clubs. Message for the DRRs and Rotaractors It is an Immense pleasure for me to communicate with all the DRRs, Rotaractors and Rotarians through out the world by this wonderful E Bulletin MISSION ROTARACT. Rotaract is the perfect platform for the youth group, in which they can bring their talents out, and also will create leadership qualities. It will happen only if they involve themselves in the Rotaract programs. Rotaractors should act in a more effective and fruitful manner to make a difference in the community as we live in, Rotaract Club has given that opportunity for us . As our R I President said, we have to ENGAGE ROTARY AND CHANGE LIVES in the community. Rtr. M. Rajagopal Let's LEAD to CHANGE. S.No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Hosted by
Staff Co-ordinators & Club Advisors Meet 02-06-2013 Rotaract District Organization DRR INSTALLATION & DTTS 30-06-2013 Rotaract District Organization PETS & SETS 06-07-2013 R C Holy Cross College (Women) DISTRICT TRAINING ASSEMBLY 21-07-2013 RC Temple City ZONAL FORUM 1 ( Karur & Perambalur) 24-08-2013 RC Kongu College of Arts & Science ZONAL FORUM 2 (Trichy) 01-09-2013 RC JMC & JMC(Women) ZONAL FORUM 5 (Madurai) 08-09-2013 RC Madurai North ZONAL FORUM 4 (Dindigul) 15-09-2013 RC Dindigul Rockfort ZONAL FORUM 3 (Pudukkottai) 21-09-2013 RC Pudukkottai & Chenduran College of Engg. DISTRICT RALLY (Awareness on Anti Tobacco) 24-12-2013 RC Pudukkottai DISTRICT FELLOWSHIP MEET 05-01-2014 RC PSNA College of Engg & tech ROTARACT DISTRICT CONFERENCE 8/9-02-2014 RC Tiruchirapalli centenary COMMUNITY BASED CLUBS CONCLAVE 30-03-2014 RC Karur
Rtr M Rajagopal District Rotaract Representative R I D 3000 Contact me at 9841259233/9488640950. Email. - 1314drr@gmail.com
Rotaract District 3070 - India I've been a rotaractor from past 10 years & its been an amazing journey so far! Everyday is a new learning in rotaract here. I Love this movement! Apart from this, I'm a Mind Trainer and a spiritual Mentor at Brahma Kumaris wolrd Spiritual University. Also a Lecturer in PG Department of Commerce at Lyallpur Khalsa College For Women Jalandhar. RI District 3070 is in India,comprising the states Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. We started the year with 35 rotaract clubs & 2000 odd rotaractors. Today, we have 45 active rotaract clubs with 3500 rotaractors all across the district. Another 10 more lined up to open for the coming year. We have around 114 rotary clubs in 3070. The year has been quite challenging, as well as fun. We have strategized every project to ensure our rotaractors benefit, plus we have ensured these strategies make the movement more sustainable & stronger for the years to come. Glimpse of a few projects we did: Artificial Limbs Camp - A Fund Raiser Badminton tournament was organized for a noble cause. The Fund so created was used for artificial Limbs camp by expert doctors where 1500 patients got benefited. Polio Rally + Awareness Drive - The year was very crucial to ensure that we all put in efforts in making people aware about the polio disease. We did a huge rally, TV and Live Radio interviews to promote & create awareness on polio. Finally, on March 27th, India officially was declared as polio free country by the WHO. RYLA - RYLA in 3070 is a very unique program. 100 rotaractors had trained on leadership, team building, public speaking & other aspects of Rtr. Karamjit Sandhu communication. Youth Retreat - An amazing camping cum personal development event. We had around 800 participants from all over India, 8 DRR's from all over India & 60 Rotaractors from other Districts. We had several projects in the year which focused on education, free medical camps, Polio camps, Save Girl Child and Environment Protection camps. Dear Rotaractors, The Rotaract year 2013-14 has been very challenging, but in the end truly satisfying. It's simply amazing to be a leader, a person who could just bring in a change to do something good and outstanding. Our theme for the year, "Join hands to Serve" signifies the true spirit of an individual to join for a noble cause, serve the people of our society, transform a man into a true leader and instill the warrior spirit. I believe that every project we did had many hurdles, but yet in the end we were together. I'm sure all my dear leaders agree with the theme. I wish you all the very best for your future endeavors. Let's continue the good work. Self transformation leads to World Transformation. Best Wishes, DRR Rtr Karam R.I. Distt 3070
Rotaract District 3080 - India RID 3080 in heart of North India. Inclusive of Parts 4 states: Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Himachal as well as an Union Territoy Chandigarh. 2300 Rotaractors across the district in 68 clubs share the Rotaract Spirit. The DG is Rtn. rakesh Aggarwal, DRCC is Rtn. Baldev Aggarwal and we have a guidance of PRIP Rtn. Raja Saboo from our district. Our Activities Include: July: - Training for the presidents and secreteries and District officials. August:- District Assembly and Installation. September: Rotaractors inductions and Training seminar called RTP across 2 zones with 700 Rotaractors. October: 1. Made largest Human Chain in Chandigarh Promoting blood donation with 950 Rotaractors and 100 Interactors form all clubs. 2. Celebreted one full week of environment drive called 'Eco War Week' having different environment friendly activites for full week. 3. Co- Hosted the RESET team for 3 days from 5 Countries and Rotaractors from RID 4420 Brazil, RID 1830, 1842 Germany, RID 9210 Zimbabwe, RID 2875 Australia, RID 2031 Itlay, RID 3010. November : Had a 3 day drive of lets gift a book along with Chandigarh Administration in Chandigarh Book Fair . in 3 days Rotaractors Donated 350 books to the kids and conducted varous competitions and quiz and all winners were given books in prizes. DRR Rtr. Jasmeet Kaur took sessions on why reading matters. On 17th November 2013 RID 3080 celebrated World Peace day by making a Human Chain with 450 Rotaractors, Community stakeholders and people from minorities and passed a peace torch. Hand stamping on peace logo and flying Fire lanterns were also a part of the event sharing the message of peace with the whole community. December: RID 3080 attended RYLA conducted by RID 3010 in Sonipat with 18 Rotaractors and grabbed awards in Cricket, Table tennis and face paintings. Celebrated Christmas at a Rotaractors place having Potluck ...enjoyed on Punjabi tracks and food. Celebrated New Year with Dance and party and Launched the Hand made cards made by slum kids for fund raising. January: Celebrated Save the Girl Child week from 13th to 19th January. Did various activities Rtr. Jasmeet Kaur promoting saving the girl child like street plays, competitions, seminars, e - projects and concluded with giving Rota Women of Distinction awards, honored the Ladies who did good for society beyond their call of Duty. Celebrated Polio Free India with Cake cutting and banner displys at various Rotaract Clubs. February : Participated in Rotasia with 64 Rotaractors and Grabbed Best District Presentation, Best Cultural Presentation, Best Collage award. Inaugurated Deal Well , a professional Training program of 200 hrs for rotaractors building soft skills. March: Had a successful District Conference Phoenix with Rotaractors from various clubs. Art and Craft Competitions, Seminar of career guidance and cultural performances were a part of this conference. Celebrated World Rotaract Week with projects from literacy to PR. Launched a smart consumer manual an awareness based booklet which guides about the rights of a consumer in a layman language as per Indian Legal System. Deal Well sessions of 8.5 hours happened in March. April: Had a Bike Rally and Road Show promoting 'Lets Vote' Its our Right. a 15 Kms long Road show with 25 cars and 30 bikes was an attempt to remind people how important it is to vote. Deal Well Sessions of 6 hours happened in April. World Earth Day was celebrated by conducting drawing competitions in schools with the theme Mother Earth. Message for DRRs. Hello DRRs , its amazing initiative and i am thankful to RID 3110 to make us a part of this magazine. This Rota Year was a wonderful year. I am sure with all our teams we have done the projects which have not only helped the community but have helped us all in exploring ourselves better. The Projects in My district are the mixture of all the avenues of Rotary International and we decided the Theme to be Reach out and Touch Lives. From Next year lets mentor the Serving DRRs for the better growth of the district and celebrate Rotaract. Thanks and Regards. Rtr. Jasmeet Kaur
Rotaract District 3090 - India Hello friends, Rotaract Greetings from me and every member of Distt. 3090. Before you all read further, I would tell you that you are lucky and i thank you all for being a part of this ever growing rotaract family. We as a district are in a developing mode and so far it has been amazing time being in it. As it all started from ground zero, this Distt has done exceptionally well under the leaderships of each rotaract president. And frankly I am happy man to have got such leaders in my group. Personally it all started from the year 2012 when our NGO- 'Pryas The Beginning' members were invited by the rotary to open a rotaract and from that day till today, there's no looking back. And as a DRR, I have been leading and dealing with a large group of passionate young minds. Activities: Expansion of the district by formation of 17 new clubs in the Distt which had 4 clubs in the starting. CAMBIO, the annual District Assembly, hosted by Rotaract Club Rajpura, after such a long time our district saw a district event being held. Increase in the number of members in each club and taking the rotaract movement tocolleges in different areas of district. Dear wonderful people, It has been so great to have found a path to connect to all of you through this way. Rotaract is such an incredible thing by the rotary. We represent the younger generation and are the face of our country and looking back in the past decade, it's clear that each country has been empowering youth for its Rtr. Sahil Bhateja development. Same way, rotary has given us a solid platform to inculcate in ourselves the leadership qualities, strong character and a sense of responsibility for this world. One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. But finding you all here assure that this is the time when people have chosen humanity above everything and rotaract is all about serving the humanity. “Great changes in the destiny of mankind can be effected only in the minds of young generation.� Yours in Rotaract Sahil Bhateja DRR- RID 3090 2013-14,2014-15
Rotaract District 3110 - India Hi everybody. I m Rtr Anoop Gupta, District Rotaract Representative of Rotary International District 3110. I am Post Graduate in management and Enterprenuer by profession. R.I Distt 3110 covers Western Uttar Pradesh and most of the Uttarakhand states of India. We have 46 active Rotaract clubs and more than 1000 Rotaractors in our district. Geographically seeing our district have a vast variety of climate. From heart breaking views of Himalayas in one end to the heart touching views of symbol of love, Taj Mahal in Agra, every corner of our district have a lot to explore. Birth Place of the God of Hindu Religion, Lord Krishna, Mathura & Vrindavan is one of the most famous places to visit in our district.
Rtr. Anoop Gupta
With a vision to rise the Rotaractism in my district, I introduced my theme for my tenure “Building on the Past, Moving into the Future”. Throughout the year rotaractors from my district did tremendous job. Opening 5 new clubs, Doing international fellowships, interacting beyond the boundaries and creating a healthy environment for rotaractivity is what we did whole year. District Assembly, Conference, 6 official PDRRs meets, regular Club visits, Rotaract week celebrations, public awareness campaigns for encouraging voting, Environment week celebrations, District and zonal picnics, awareness campaign to encourage people not to use polythin and save water etc are some of the activities we performed to pump the Rotaractism in our district. We participated in with a team of 28 rotaractors in Rotasia 2014 at Mysore and won the best lapel pin award.
Dear DRRs n Rotaractors, Rotary have given us a wonderful platform to serve the humanity. We all are doing the same job in every part of the world. Carry on with “your vision, think global and spread love”. I believe that to meet the challenge of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for his or her own self, family or nation, but for the benefit of all mankind. Universal responsibility is the real key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace, the equitable use of natural resources, and through concern for future generations, the proper care of the environment. Greetings from D. 3110 Warm Rotaract regards, Rtr Anoop Gupta District Rotaract Representative (2013-14) Rotary International District - 3110 (+91) 9997477794
Rotaract District 3190 - India I've been a rotaractor from past 10 years & its been an amazing journey so far! Everyday is a new learning in rotaract here. Love this movement! Apart from this, I'm a professional kickboxer & a muay thai fighter. I own a branding agency as well. RI District 3190 is in India, the state karnataka which includes places like Bangalore & Tirupati. We have 8 revenue generating districts, 6 are in Karnataka & 2 in Andhra Pradesh states. We started the year with 35 rotaract clubs & 2000 odd rotaractors. Today, we have 63 active rotaract clubs with 5,520 rotaractors all across the district. Another 20 more lined up to open for the coming year. We have around 80 rotary clubs in 3190. The year has been quite challenging, as well as fun. We have strategized every project to ensure our rotaractors benefit, plus we have ensured these strategies make the movement more sustainable & stronger for the years to come. Glimpse of a few projects we did: 5k Breast Cancer Awareness Run - We did a lot of promotion to create awareness of breast cancer. The run helped us in raising funds to provide free surgeries to 100 underprivileged women. More than 1500 people had participated to support the cause. Polio Rally + Awareness Drive - The year was very crucial to ensure that we all put in efforts in making people aware about the polio disease. We did a huge rally, flash mob, tv interviews to promote & create awareness on polio. Finally, on March 27th, India officially was declared as polio free country by the WHO. Changemaker RYLA - RYLA in 3190 is a very unique program. 2000 Rtr. Arihant rotaractors had trained 50,000 underprivileged & rural children in one single day on leadership, team building, public speaking & other aspects of communication. RotaCamp - An amazing camping cum team building event. We had around 100+ participants & a few coming from 6 different countries! We had several projects in the year which focused on education, free medical camps, heart surgeries & a few supporting cancer patients as well. Dear Friends, The Rotaract year 2013-14 has been very challenging, but in the end truly satisfying. It's simply amazing to be a leader, a person who could just bring in a change to do something good. Our theme for the year, “Triumph Through Trials� signifies the true spirit of an individual where trials and tribulations transform a man into a true leader and instill the warrior spirit. I believe that every project we did had many hurdles, but yet in the end we were triumphant. I'm sure all my dear leaders agree with the theme. I wish you all the very best for your future endeavors. Let's continue the good work & make a difference to the society we live in. Best Wishes, DRR Rtr Arihant R.I Distt 3190
Rotaract District 3271 - Pakistan Hello Friends, I am Raza Tabish Farooqui, an ACCA work for the largest Investment Company in Pakistan as head of Investments. I have been a Rotaractor for the past 8 years and have enjoyed every bit of it. I am from the Rotaract Club of Karachi Metropolitan the best club of our district for the past many years. Our district comprises of 2 provinces of Pakistan namely Sindh and Baluchistan. The district comprises of 44 clubs with more than 600 Rotaractors. This year we have added 12 new clubs comprising of more than 250. Our district is mostly engaged in community services activities such as Polio Immunization Drives, shelter + food, education, clean drinking water, employment, etc our vocational services projects include career counseling, model united nations, etc.
Rtr. Raza Tabish Farooqui
A small message for the DRRs and Rotaractors around the world Unity, faith and discipline is the need for the hour, lets unite and provide service through fellowship. Throughout my journey as a Rotaractor i have noticed that Rotaract makes ones dreams real, you just need to have faith and everything is possible.
Rotaract District 3292 - Nepal & Bhutan Hello Everybody, myself, Rtr. Ashish Chaulagain. DRR of R.I.Distt 3292. I did my MBA from Pokhra University with expertise in Spirituality Management, Meditation Instructor, Public Speaking, Training and Personal Energy Management Counselor. My home club is Rotaract Club Kathamandap. Achievements in my Rota Career: DRCC Special Recognition 2011-12 DG Special Recognition 2010-11. Rotaract Outstanding President 2009-10. Acknowledge by Duke of Cornwall, through Shelter Box Organization for coordination Shelter Box Project in 2009. Other Involvement: U.S. Embassy Youth Council Member, World Youth Forum for Ethics in Business – European parliament, Volunteer for Prosperous Nepal , Art of Living, Nepal RID 3292 Covers Nepal and Bhutan. Total number of Rotaract Clubs - 87 and Total Number of Rotaractors are 2200. District Programs: District Team Training Seminar: 6 April 2013, Training of Trainers: 4 May 2013, District Leadership Training Seminar: 18 May 2013, Interaction on Literacy Month: 14 July 2013. Bagmati River Cleaning Campaign: Started on 24 August 2013, continuing every Saturday. Bagmati is Holy River that flows through PASHUPATINATH Temple. Which is holiest place for Hindus. Bagmati River also mixes with Ganga of India after crossing Nepal. 20 Rotaract Clubs in Kathmandu Valley are involved along with Government of Nepal and other agencies to Clean the River. Clean Up Nepal: 21 September 2013, 32 Clubs and more than 500 Rotaractors participated in Clean up Nepal Campaign in 7 major cities of Nepal. 1st President and Secretary Meet: 28 September 2013, Joint Meeting with Rotary District: 7 November 2013, Earthquake Risk Reduction Preparedness Training: On-going since 7 December 2013. International RYLA (Delhi NCR): December 20-22. 40 Rtr. Ashish Chaulagain Rotaractors from RID 3292 participated. Wall of Hope Campaign: Started on 15 December 2013and is ongoing. It is a petition signing campaign to End Violence Against Women. Organized in 9 Major Cities of Nepal by more than 15 Clubs. District Conference: December 27-28, 2013, Inter District Youth Exchange Program with R.I.D 3140: 20 February – 3 March 2014. World Rotaract Week Celebration: 13 March 2014, Inter District Youth Exchange Program with R.I.D 3190: 11-15 April 2014, 2nd President Secretary Meet and President Elect Training Seminar: 12 April 2014. Achievements: · Interact Club won World Interact Video Competition. Rotaract Club awarded with Rotary Peace Grant worth 3000 US $ to provide drinking water supply in Chamkar VDC of Kavrepalanchowk in Nepal. Presentation of the same will be made in RI Convention. Revival of 3 Suspended Clubs and Termination of 1 Non Functioning Club. Dear Fortunate DRR, When the goal is near, it's more difficult and more energy is required to achieve it. Same thing happened this year in Rotary, we all were pushed though out limits to help Rotary eradicate Polio from South Asia. For the same, I would like to congratulate all for this achievement and also salute the leadership ability to mobilize and lead the team by engaging Rotary resources to change lives of many through various service projects. As we become IPDRR our responsibility would have increased more and our experience and knowledge needs to be transferred. Each one of us is a light up candle in this Rotary movement. Our service period in Rotaract, which has given us experience, is a wax of that candle and our Knowledge is a wick. We now don't have any other choices other than to light more candles, as our wax is in limit, so that those candles can light up lives of others and achieve the goal of universal peace and prosperity. I would like to extend my best wishes to you all in this process of lighting more candles. Best Wishes!!
Rotaract District 3330 - Thailand Thailand currently have four districts, 3330, 3340, 3350, and 3360. We are in district 3330, which cover from the south of Bangkok all the way down. Our district has become stronger over the years, there are 23 clubs, and approximate 690 rotaractors. I am Petcharat Saksirivetkul (May) from Rotaract club of Webster University Thailand. We are the only English-speaking club in our district. You can check out our page on http://www.webster.ac.th/blogs/rotaract-club/
This year, we are mostly focus on education and community development. There has been many joint projects between clubs, i.e. beach clean up, teaching in local school, and organising concerts and charity events. Greetings from South of Thailand. Our district is growing in unity of diversity. We hope that our district will be able to extend its relationship to our DRRs around the world If you have any question, please feel free to contact us via this email. Have a great summer. May Petcharat Saksirivetkul, DRR 3330, Webster University Thailand, Hua Hin
Rtr. May Petcharat
Rotaract District 4190 - Mexico Hi everybody. I´m Ariadna Ramírez, District Rotaract Representative, District 4190. I´m 25 year old and I graduated in Communication Sciences. I´m from Veracruz, México. I have 5 years to be a Rotaractor, first I was founding president of my club Veracruz Ulua and District Secretary. My district is in the beutiful state of Veracruz and the city of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. We are 10 Rotaract Clubs, Veracruz Ulúa, Veracruz Puerto, Xalapa Esperanza, Xalapa Verde, Orizaba, Coatzacoalcos, Minatitlán, Acayucan, Jaltipan Malitzin and Coatepec. Every year we have 4 meetings, in the first, we meet each president, and we have something called “fair projects” where we show all projects that we have done, this is very important because we can know what are doing the clubs and we can share ideas and do a better work. The second we Call Indian child Christmas , in mexico is NNI (Navidad del Niño Indigena), this is an National activitie and all district of Mexico do something similar. Here, in 4190, we choose a host club that organize the christmas celebration in some poor community and other clubs participate in the activitie with toys, food, pantries and this year some members gave talks about violence, family communication and home economics. This NNI is on December. The third is a celebration for World Week Rotaract, other host club organize activities to celebreate Rotaract. Obviously is on March. The last is our conference. In each meeting we have a board presidents. Finally I want Share with all of you about our international proyect “Share your Rotaract Moment” where with a picture the clubs of the world can Rtr. Ariadna Ramirez show us about the activities that change our lives and make us be a better rotaractor. For each DRR, I only want to tell you that this was the best year of our lives, we had a lot of work, may be we had some troubles, but all this was really important because we learn so many things that we let us be a better Rotaractor, better leader and the most important thing better person. For Rotaractors welcome to Rotaract it´s a great experience that I do not change it for anything. And if you are an old Rotaract Share your experience with the new people. I´m really proud to be a Rotaract, to be a DRR of my distric 4190. Greetings from D. 4190 Veracruz Mexico. DRR Ariadna Ramírez
Rotaract District 3410 - Indonasia Indonesia now have two district, 3410 and 3420. Yesterday was District 3400. We become bigger, and stronger than ever. It's indicate with increasing amount Rotaract Club and Rotaractors. My theme is Feel the sensation . Live our dreams . love each others. (See at attachment). Many of activities that we do. Education Sector, Community development, fellowship, disaster, fundraising and etc. One of them we do Friendship and Inter District Youth Exchange Program from D3190 India. Hi my beloved DRR and Rotaractors around the world. How are you? Hope you are in health and do some good activities. Greetings from Indonesia. Let me introduce myself, I am DRR Muhammad Januar Fariki. You can call me DRR Januar. Indonesia Rotaractors sometimes call me Lovely DRR Januar. Sounds great? I would like to encourage you to Feel the sensation being Rotaractor to Live our Dreams and Love each others so we can engage Rotary Change Lives.
Rtr. Januar Fariki
I want to know of you guys and be my friends, so please feel free to connect with me at www.facebook.com/januar.fariki or follow my twitter @januarfariki. Do what you love and Love what you do. With Love, Lovely DRR Januar. www.rotaract3410.org | www.facebook.com/rotaract3410 | @rotaract3410
— By the way, I invite to you all to attend our Rotaract District Conference at Batam (near singapore) on 20 - 22 June 2014. For more info, you can go www.rdcdistrict3410.org, Like www.facebook.com/rdc3410 and Follow @rdc3410 See you at Batam. Warmest Regards, M. Januar Fariki
Rotaract District 4580 - Brazil Hello DRR of the world & Anoop, Greatings from Brazil. I hope still in time to send my informations. 1) Brazil is now have 38 Districts. The 4580 district is in Minas Gerais State, Southeast Brazil. We are 21 Rotaracts Club (238 Rotaractors), 15 Interacts Club and 43 Rotarys Club. 2) As DRR, me and my team, work hard this year. We developed a Rotaract District Strategic Plan for the next 3 years. We had 9 Rotaract’s events (for training and fellowship). We also had visit all the Rotaract club of the District. Me and my team work to stimulate the clubs make projects and help than when was necessary.
Hi dears fellows DRR, My name is Thiago Viana Corrêa and I’m the DRR (District 4580 – Brazil). I hope you had an incredible year as I had as DRR. I would like to share whit you what I learned in this year: Be a DRR is a tuff task, but is also an incredible task. Be part of Rotaract is an amazing experience, the most you get involved better it gets. Work for the communities is an opportunity to give back to society what we won. I used to say that our job is change the world and this is not an easy task, it’s a challenge, but it doesn’t matter because “The challenge is what drive us!”.
Rtr. Thiago Viana Corrêa
Friend me on facebook - Thiago Viana Corrêa. (all of you!)
Best regards, Thiago Viana Corrêa Representante Distrital de Rotaract Gestão 2013/2014 - Distrito 4580 (32) 3216 8120 (32) 8861 2917 ___________________________ www.rotaract4580.com.br "O Desafio é o que nos move!"
Rotaract District 4700 "Good morning, my name is Ricardo Alberti, I work with people development, acting as a coach, I'm the Governor of Rotaract District 4700 2013/2014. Our district is composed of the plateau (Erechim, Passo Fundo, Sarandi) and mountains (Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Flores da Cunha), we have today 16 clubs in activit, three of which were founded in this administration, our membership has evolved 13 % this year. Our activities were focused on internal services this year, we held exchange with other districts, we had integration between clubs and fellowship with Rotary can be experienced. It was a fantastic experience, I met many interesting people, traveled to other countries, made ?partnerships for our district, I made friends that I know will be for all mu life. Today I am better and I feel fulfilled, so thanks to Rotaract. "
Histórico do Distrito 4700 O distrito é uma área geográfica na qual os Rotary Clubs estão agrupados para fins administrativos do RI. A organização e as atividades dos distritos rotários têm como única finalidade ajudar os Rotary Clubs a promover o Objetivo do Rotary, sem diminuir os serviços prestados pelos Clubes e pelos rotarianos localmente. A História do Distrito 4700, percorre um longo caminho e desdobramentos, e é contada resumidamente pelo companheiro EGD Claudio I. J. Pegoraro (1991/1992), conforme relatos que seguem.
Rtr. Ricardo Alberti
O Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1989/1990, tinha na época três distritos rotários o 466, 467 e 468. Com o redistritamento, passaram a constituir-se em número de cinco distritos, os mesmos de hoje. O Distrito 470, agora 4700 nasceu e recebeu a grande maioria de seus Clubes do então 467 que já era um distrito muito grande. Á área territorial é a existente hoje, compreende a região Nordeste (Serra Gaúcha) e o Planalto (Passo Fundo, Erechim, Sarandi e outros) e incorporando os clubes existentes na época. O Distrito 466, cedeu os Clubes de Constantina, Sarandi, Erechim, Getúlio Vargas e outros da região e os restantes eram do 467. Iniciou-se o funcionamento do Distrito 4700 em 01 de julho de 1990, sendo o primeiro Governador o Companheiro Jorge Feijó Machado. O Distrito iniciou com 32 clubes, com menos de 900 rotarianos. Na gestão do Companheiro Claudio I. J. Pegoraro (1991/1992), iniciou-se o trabalho de cadastramento dos Clubes bem como sua reestruturação e orientação. Neste mesmo período, com a colaboração do Colégio de Governadores, foi criados o regulamento do Distrito Rotário. Com ajuda especial do EGD Werner Antony e a pedido do Rotary Internacional foram criados: - Regulamento das Conferências Distritais; - Regulamento do Colégio de Governadores; - Regulamento da Fundação Distrital.
Rotaract District 9150 - Central Africa Je suis Michel NDJOCK NGUIDJOL 29 ans révolus depuis le 08 mai dernier, Détenteur d'un master en Droit des affaires et de l'entreprise. Pour le compte de l'année 2013-2014, je suis Représentant Rotaract du District 9150. Un District qui regroupe 10 pays de l'Afrique centrale et des Grands Lacs : Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Equatoriale, République Centrafricaine, République Démocratique du Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tomé et Principé et le Tchad. Un vaste District qui est en chantier de redynamisation. Durant cette année, j'ai assuré la réactivation de 03 trois Clubs dont Kigali Institute of Education KIE ; Buea et N'Djamena ; la Création des Clubs Rotaract de Boma dans les bas Congo de la RDC qui a déjà reçu sa charte et de Goma Nyrangongo qui va recevoir sa charte sous peu. Pour créer et ressouder les liens d'amitié entre les amis, nous avons développé un groupe sous l'application Whatsapp que nous avons appelé le « Forum District 9150 ». Ce forum a été mis sur pied le 29 avril 2013. Il est le centre de bon nombre d'échange et compte plus de 4 000 000 messages un an plutard seulement. En plus nous avons créé un site Internet www.districtrotaract9150.org . A Tous les Rotaractiens du Monde entiers, Jamais je n'aurais de regrets à avoir intégré ce mouvement ; cette grande famille. Nous sommes un effectif de plus de 228 677 à travers les quatre coins du monde. Cela voudrait dire que chacun de nous a environ 228 676 amis. Mais nous ne nous connaissons pas ! Puissions-nous créer une plateforme qui nous permettrait de nous rapprocher les uns des autres ? Réfléchissons y tous ensemble. I'm Michel Ndjock NGUIDJOL 29 years of age since 08 May, holds a Master in Business Law and Business . On behalf of Rotaract District 9150, I 'm Representativefor 2013-2014. Rtr. Michel NDJOCK A District which includes 10 countries of Central Africa and the Great Lakes : Burundi , Cameroon , Congo, Gabon , Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic , Democratic Republic of Congo , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe and Chad. During this year, I assured the reactivation of March 3 Clubs which Kigali Institute of Education KIE; Buea and N'Djamena ; Creation of Rotaract Clubs of Boma in Bas Congo DRC has already received its charter and Goma Nyrangongo will receive its charter shortly. To create and reseal the friendship between friends, we have developed a group on the Whatsapp application that we have called the " District Forum 9150 ". This forum was established April 29, 2013 . It is the center of many trade and more than 4 million messages a year again later only. In addition we created a www.districtrotaract9150.org website. All Rotaractors from all over the World I never regret to have joined this movement of this large family. We are a workforce of more than 228,677 across the four corners of the world. This would mean that each of us has about 228,676 friends. But we do not know ! May we create a platform that would allow us to get closer to each other ? Reflect all that together. Michel D. Ndjock NGUIDJOL District Rotaract Representative 9150 Rotary Year 2013-2014
Rotaract District 9211 - East Africa Winfred Karungi Ssewava: District Rotaract Representative D9211 (Uganda and Tanzania) located in East Africa – Africa. About the District Uganda has 52 clubs with an average membership of 25 members per club, There is an even split between Community and University based clubs, Tanzania has 13 clubs with an average membership of 20 members per club, There are more University based clubs than community based clubs, As at 30 June 2013, D9211 and D9212 were one district D9200 made up of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Activities during the year· Blood donation drives · Visiting children's homes · Constructing water wells · Rain harvesting · Hand washing with soap awareness campaign · Maternal and child health - renovated a clinic, painted it, donated delivery beds, mosquito nets and educational materialRotary International Presidential New Generations Conference We hosted one of 5 Rotary international Presidential New Generations Conferences in Uganda in November 2013. The conference was attended more 3000 participants from across Africa. We conducted a Rtr. Winfred Karungi medical by project entitled “Youth against Disease” and the R.I.P participated in the Hand washing with soap awareness campaign , giving out Mosquito nets and Blood donation. Rotaract Officers Training Seminar (ROTS) We hold a Rotaract Officers Training Seminar each year in March for the incoming presidents, secretaries, treasurers and vice presidents. The seminar helps the officers to prepare for the term. Message to DRRS Rotary provides us a unique opportunity at developing our professional and leadership skills. As DRRS, we ARE Rotaract in our Districts. Our public image and interactions with people in and outside Rotary should convey the ideals of Rotaract – professional development, leadership development and community service. A stranger meeting us for the first time should notice a difference about us from other young people and they should know that the difference is because of our Rotary experience. Our personal and professional conduct should be an example of how youth should conduct themselves in order to be respected by the society in which they live. Congratulations on your year of service, I hope that you learnt one or two things about Fun, Fellowship and Service.
Rotaract District 9212 ROTARACT IN DISTRICT 9212 District 9212 is an offspring of District 9200 arising from the anticipated split effective 1st July 2013. It is made up of four countries shown below: Country: THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA: Capital: Addis Ababa, Population: Approximately 84million Language(s) spoken:English & Amharic Economy: Predominantly agricultural NUMBER OF ROTARACT CLUBS: TWELVE (12) Country: THE STATE OF ERITREA Capital: Asmara, Population: Approximately 1.3million Language(s) spoken: English, Arabic, Italian & Tigrinya Economy: Predominantly agricultural NUMBER OF ROTARACT CLUBS: NONE (0) Country: THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA Capital: Nairobi, Population: Approximately 43.5million Language(s) spoken:English & Kiswahili Economy: Tourism, Agricultural & Services based. NUMBER OF ROTARACT CLUBS: THIRTY THREE (33) Country: THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN: Capital: Juba, Population: Approximately 8million Language(s) spoken:English, Economy: Predominantly rural, subsistence NUMBER OF ROTARACT CLUBS: ONE (1) *Alphabetical Order During the year 2013/14, being a “charter DRR” for a brand new District 9212 was not only a privilege but, a worthwhile challenge, which the District Rotaract Committee and I gladly agreed to undertake, and very proud to be associated with. With passion, in the year 2013-14 we aimed towards working on the following; OBJECTIVES/ GOALS The District Rotaract objectives and Goals for the year 2013-14 were: • Improving the Rotaract Public image and awareness in the District and ensuring balanced Rotaract clubs. • Encouraging extension and retention of quality and diversified membership in clubs. • Improving Interact -Rotaract- Rotary -Relationship. • Promoting continuity in District leadership activities and programs. • Assisting Rotaract clubs achieve Rotary International goals. All club activities to be in conformity to Rotary International Theme 2013-2014 and Rotary International areas of focus. • Promoting international friendship and understanding. • Strengthening District Rotaract organization Systems. •Having better informed Rotaractors through continuous trainings • Strengthening communication to ensure smooth and timely flow of information between the District office and individual clubs.
Rtr. Sarah Maingi
“It was an amazing journey of fellowship through service and I do wish the next year's team all the best as we wind up on Engaging Rotary and Changing Lives and begin to Light up Rotary” --Njoki Maingi--
Rotaract District 9350 – South Africa Hi, I am Dominique Yon, a 21 year old Marketing Student from Cape Town South Africa. I became a part of the Rotary family when I started Bellville Rotaract in 2011 which I became president of and it was one of only 3 clubs in good standing in our District 9350 at the time. I was then elected as DRR for 2012/13 and was re-elected this year. We now have 8 clubs in our district and are in the process of starting more. District 9350 includes Nambia, Angola and the western part of South Africa. There are 3 districts in South Africa.
We have focused on growing our district this year and have therefore held events for Interactors and facilitated at two RYLA Camps. We held numerous workshops at our annual conference and just recently held a First Aid Training workshop. In order to retain our current membership and encourage fellowship we held friendly competitions including a Potjiekos Contest (South African dish) and an action sports tournament including indoor soccer, netball and cricket. We have also completed service projects together as a district.
Rtr. Dominique Yon
I am honored and blessed to be a part of this amazing organization Rotary and Rotaract. It has completely changed my life for the better in the last three and a half years. There have been ups and downs but ultimately I've grown so much by networking with people from people from all over the world, developing my leadership skills, have grown professionally and have been given the opportunity to improve so many lives in my community. I would like to encourage all Rotaractors to be proud and embrace Rotaract and in doing so show Rotarians that we 'light up' Rotary so that Rotaract may grow internationally. Kind Regards Dominique Yon Rotary District 9350 Youth Services Secretary District 9350 Rotaract Representative 2012/2013/2014 Bellville Rotaract Service Project Coordinator 201/2014 Life Teen/ Youth Coordinator Our Lady of Perpetual Help Durbanville
Appendix The Worldwide Rotaract Directory's purpose is to encourage collaboration within the global network of Rotaract. We hope you use it to build friendships, find partners for international projects, and learn from other Rotaractors and Rotarians. For data security reasons, we ask that you do not forward, distribute, or post the information unless required. District 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1810 1830 1841 1850 1870 1900 1910 1920 1930 1960 1970 2000 2031 2032 2041 2050 2072 2100 2110 2220 2230 2241 2350 2420 2440 2451 2452 2470 2482 2530 2620 2630
District Rotaract Representative Tanguy Chassé Fabien Pays Mr Adrien Sakhinis Aude Cailleaux Gregoire Petuaud-Letang Adrien Crochet Melle Barbara ASTRUC Vincent Croize Mademoiselle Marie Dominique Debret Anne Stöber Markus Dorwarth Benedikt Plöckl Janek Dittrich Katharina Bartetzky Tobias Oelfke Mag. Matthias Sebastian Swoboda Mag. Matthias Sebastian Swoboda Jan Ilzig Ricardo Madeira Pedro Santana Cepeda Simone Beit Jonathan Bessone Filippo Maria Bistolfi Stefano Maraffio Patrizia Volonghi Mr. Giubertoni Giuby Giordano Pasquale Russo Mirco Alvano Alina Nikiforova Agnieszka Chachiel Ioannis Gardikiotis Josefin Gjälby Tahir Gökçe Þengün Rana Kesken Ashraf Abaza Vincent Fayad Dimitra Lygoura Alexander Angelov Yuki Suzuki Ohishi Yuki Yoshinori Takagaki
DRR email DRR phone tanguycc@gmail.com (+33) 627406883 fabien.pays@gmail.com (+33) 608589634 adrien.sakhinis@gmail.com (+33) 675977555 aude.cailleaux@hotmail.fr (+33) 665594752 gregletang@hotmail.fr (+33) 683916437 crochetadrien@orange.fr (+33) 630438964 barbara.astruc@gmail.com (+33) 33677946911 croizevincent@gmail.com (+33) 613940935 debret.md@gmail.com (+33) 683256278 d1810@rotaract.de (+49) 17631705350 markus.dorwart@gmx.de (+49) 1791405668 benedikt.ploeckl@rotaract.de (+49) 170-8161390 d1850@rotaract.de (+49) 4421701798 katharina_bartetzky@yahoo.de (+49) 1786364893 oelfke.tobias@gmail.com (+49) 1634672551 mswob@me.com (+43) 69911554477 mswob@me.com (+43) 69911554477 jan@ilzig.de representadoria@rotaract1960.org (+351) 961419880 pedro.cepeda@outlook.com (+351) 969777207 simone.beit@rotaract.ch (+41) 788510546 jonathanbessone@intesasanpaolo.it filippobistolfi1@virgilio.it (+39) 0184-264410 stefanomaraffio@gmail.com patrizia.volonghi@yahoo.it (+39) 339-3659105 giordano.giubertoni@gmail.com paco.russo@gmail.com (+39) 818523325 mircoalvano@alice.it (+39) 39093529888 0406flare@rambler.ru (+7) 9180448904 agnieszka@chachiel.pl (+48) 535990921 ioannis.gardikiotis@rotaract.ro (+40) 742777268 josefin.gjalby@gmail.com (+46) 736707787 tahirgokce@gmail.com (+90) 5321653593 ranakesken@gmail.com (+90) 5335159865 drr2451@yahoo.com (+20) 1011-55719 (+961) 971562742052 drr2452@gmail.com (+30) 6932456275 lygodim@hotmail.com (+359) 885187528 aj.angelov@gmail.com (+81) 90-6458-5957 y.suzukiy.0.y@gmail.com (+81) 54-2077452 sohkisha@yahoo.co.jp gakkigakinisiteyannyo@hotmail.com (+81) 58-385-5738
District 2760 3000 3030 3040 3070 3080 3090 3110 3201 3220 3230 3262 3271 3281 3282 3291 3292 3300 3330 3410 3770 3790 4060 4250 4271 4281 4400 4560 4620 4670 4680 4700 4940 7000 7020 7030 7450 9101 9211 9350 9640 9710
District Rotaract Representative Ayumi Kawai M Rajagopal Harshal Gupta Aamod Gupta Karamjit Sandhu Jasmeet Kaur Sahil Bhateja Anoop Gupta K. Saravanan Abdul Wahid Sathar Ramkumar Raju A. Kumar Debashish Pradhan Ayesha Tariq Allawala Md. Ashequr Rahaman Mishu Mostafa Islam Shuvratav Mitra Ashish Chaulagain Chiew-Ee Kwong Patcharat Saksrivetkul Muhammad Januar Fariki Vincent Paul I. Perez Mike Dominic Abadiano Piga Ivan Chevalier Carlos Erazo Gustavo Andres Maldonado Victor Alfonso Cortazar Valverde Andrea Patricia Gavilanez Douglas Quirino Ricardo Manffrenatti Venturelli Valdeniro Ribeiro da Silva Domingos César da Silva Braga Ricardo Alberti Walter Andrés Rosenberger Andrés F. Castrillón Julie Ramchandani Thalia Bernard Cara Cugley Norberto Rodrigues Winfred Karungi Dominique Yon Troy Lawlor Jessica Main
DRR Email --------------1314drr@gmail.com itsme.harshal@gmail.com aamodgupta@gmail.com kimsandhu27@ymail.com rtr.jasmeet.drr@gmail.com sahil_bhateja2003@yahoo.com anoop7380@gmail.com loginsaravanank@gmail.com aw.sathar@gmail.com 3230drr1314@gmail.com kumar.debashish89@gmail.com ayesha1987@hotmail.com drr.mishu@gmail.com drr.alvi@gmail.com shuvratav@gmail.com ashish.chaulagain@rotaractnepal.org gnowk86@hotmai.com may.petcharat@gmail.com zanuar_fariki@yahoo.com vincentiperez@gmail.com mikepiga@yahoo.com ivanchevalier.leyes@gmail.com ata.erazo@rotaracthonduras.com aglu2002@hotmail.com alfonsocortazar@gmail.com andreagg113@gmail.com douglas.quirino@gmail.com rickventurelli@gmail.com valde_rs@yahoo.com.br braga.poa@hotmail.com r-alberti@live.com walter_rosen@yahoo.com.ar acas.rotaract@gmail.com julieramchandani@gmail.com thalia_bernard@yahoo.com ccugley@sas.upenn.edu norberto_109@hotmail.com wynekarungi@yahoo.com domyon@yahoo.com info@rotaractsouthport.org main_jess@hotmail.com
DRR phone (+81) 80-9486-1127 (+91) 9841259233 (+91) 9422944214 (+91) 9770999956 (+91) 9464519010 (+91) 8699699604 (+91) 9888164095 (+91) 9997477794 (+91) 9500390217 (+94) 772330060 (+91) 91 99620 00009 (+91) 993706722 (+92) 3343731910 (+880) 1611201314 (+880) 1973093445 (+91) 9903344858 (+977) 9841838821 (+60) 122926270 (+66) 837747143 (+62) 818-08363618 (+63) 9175005785 (+63) 9293212054 (+1) 829-662-4937 (+504) 9865-5984 (+57) 3153409254 (+57) 3044405419 (+593) 984058676 (+55) 3591346794 (+55) 14-99605-4595 (+55) 51-9681-2792 (+55) 96784215 (+55) 54-9934-1497 (+54) 3434468578 (+1) 7879640593 (+1) 876-924-1441 (+1) 868-755-6622 (+1) 267-334-4093 (+238) 9961877 (+256) 703333007 (+27) 726502119 (+61) 408071043 (+61) 403516116
The Worldwide Rotaract Directory's purpose is to encourage collaboration within the global network of Rotaract. We hope you use it to build friendships, find partners for international projects, and learn from other Rotaractors and Rotarians. For data security reasons, we ask that you do not forward, distribute, or post the information unless required.