Constructing Environments James Brown
Week 2 - Frame
We began by drawing a few quick sketches so as to explore potential avenues of constructions (Fig. 1). We quickly agreed that a triangular framework would yield the strongest possible balsa-wood tower – its efficacy not only widely known, but validated somewhat by the success of the block tower we created last week.
Fig. 1
Week 2 - Frame The final tower (Fig. 2) was constructed with a total of forty-two pieces of balsa wood, held together with standard structural glue. The tower was considerably strong, able to sustain the weight of several mobile phones, an iPod Touch, and an assortment of items found lying around the classroom (photographs to come) before collapsing. The strength of the tower was not only due to its design, but the fact that the balsa wood was cut short, making the composition more dense and resistant to buckling or warping.
Fig. 2