1.2- Current Task & Challenges CURRENT CHALLENGE
The New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) retained rePlace Urban Studio to identify and evaluate development options for the publicly-owned parcels that surround the Atlantic Basin in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The intent of this study is to inform the NYSEDC about the economic potential of the Basin so that the City’s economic policy goals, especially the generation of quality employment and workforce development opportunities, can be achieved at Atlantic Basin. In addition to examining new uses for the study area, existing maritime and industrial uses were examined to evaluate if/how they can achieve these important policy goals.
Study Tasks For this endeavor, rePlace performed the following tasks: Task1: Existing Conditions Analysis Initial Summary and Site Assessment Report; A digital base map; and Opportunities & Constraints Diagrams Task 2: Market Scan & Analysis Gap Analysis; and Market Assessment Task 3: Issues and Opportunities Development Scenarios; Development Program; and Pro’s and Con’s analysis Task 4: Final Report
re P L A C E U R B A N S T U D I O