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More than 1,000 Midtown residents and workers visited the MidtownTransportationPlan.com website created by the Midtown Alliance and offered their comments on how to improve the district’s transportation network.
From this effort to gather public input that began at the beginning of the year, many themes have emerged about on foot remains vital to the urban experience. transportation priorities:
• Ensuring safe conditions is critical by eliminating pedestrian, vehicular and cycling conflicts.
Of the 1,000-plus comments posted to the website, 58 percent directly related to safety concerns. In all, four out of every five comments offered on pedestrian and bicycle issues related to safety. Many of the comments emphasized fixing or completing sidewalks, adding more crosswalks, completing a protected bicycle network and improving safety by reducing vehicle speeds along major corridors.
• People who spend time in Midtown want multiple and highquality transportation choices.
• The capacity to explore Midtown
Midtown Alliance is working with a steering committee comprised of transportation agency partners, businesses, residents and subject matter experts to evaluate a number of potential strategies that range from traffic calming measures and new signalization approaches to two-way street conversions and added infrastructure. This work will continue into the summer.
Look for the draft plan later this spring, which will be posted to the MidtownTransportationPlan.com website for additional comments. You can also send your questions and ideas any time to Transportation@ MidtownATL.com.
A transportation open house will be held on May 4 to discuss the return of two-way traffic on 3rd, 4th and 13th streets. The open house will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in the 5th Floor Conference Room at the 999 Peachtree building.