Real Estate Guide

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Saturday Reporter-Herald October 2, 2010 E1

Real Estate Matters • Saturday, October 2, 2010 • Reporter-Herald

Medicaid may put assets at risk

Oakwood Homes’ Dream Loan at 2.25 percent



uestion: My boyfriend’s father recently had a stroke. He is unable to write or speak. My question is regarding his home. In the father’s will, he left his home to my boyfriend. But I’m wondering what’s going to happen now. I was told that Medicaid can take the home for payment since his father is probably going to have to live in an assisted living facility. Is this true? What should we do about this? Answer: When a person has little or no money to pay for medical care and assisted living facilities, Medicaid picks up the costs for that care. But when a person has assets and a means to pay for his or her medical expenses, the government expects that person to use up his or her money first. When his or her assets have been exhausted, then Medicaid picks up the rest of the costs. If your boyfriend’s father ends up requiring prolonged care, his assets will be at risk, including the home. There are a couple of things that you should keep in mind: First, if your boyfriend’s father is the sole owner of the property and the home is worth a significant amount of cash and has lots of equity, the government may require whoever is now managing your boyfriend’s father’s affairs to sell the property and use the funds to pay for his care. If the home has a mortgage, or if it has little equity value, or if it is co-owned with the man’s wife or someone else, the government might not force the sale. In this case, the government might put a lien on the property for the cost that it incurs for medical care. When the home is sold, the government will get paid off from the proceeds, and what is left will go to the heirs. If, however, your boyfriend’s father and his wife or partner own the home jointly, Medicaid may not require the sale of the home to force the spouse or partner out of the home. If the father were to die, the home should pass automatically to his spouse or partner and bypass any Medicaid issues. You should also know that you can’t just transfer the home to a relative and expect the government not to care. If necessary, Medicaid will perform a sort of audit on your I See GLINK/Page E3

Photos special to the RH

Monthly payments lower than rent

payments at $1,269/month; with Oakwood’s promotion, you’ll only be paying $1,060 (includes taxes and insurance). Included in this home are three bedrooms, two-and-one-half baths, fireplace, spa bath in master, upgraded floorRH PAID ADVERTORIAL ing and countertops and so much more. eople still looking Not only can you get to buy a home can this amazing rate to help score big with the monthly costs, but record low interest rates through Oakwood’s proin the market today. Oak- motion you can also pick wood Homes’ models in an item from a list of Thompson River Ranch choices to include in your are adding to the appeal home for free. From closwith a Dream Loan of ing costs to a spa bath their own. Current marand more, the choice is ket rates may be low, but yours since it is your a rate of 2.25 percent home. Whether you’d like through Oakwood to personalize your own Homes’ Dream Loan pro- home from the ground up motion changes everyor jump into a quick thing. Check out the move-in home, this promodels this weekend and motion is available with take advantage of this any home by Oakwood promotion before it’s too Homes. If time is a factor late. in finding a home, these quick move-in homes may You can own a new home in Thompson River be the perfect fit. Ranch for $999/month, Families looking for a which could be lower bit more space have plenthan what you’re paying ty of choices as well. Anfor rent ... and that’s not other quick move-in opat Oakwood’s Dream tion is a Turner model. At Loan rate. One quick $207,046, this 1,676 move-in home, which is square-foot home inavailable immediately, is a cludes three bedrooms, very popular Gilpin mod- two-and-one-half baths, el priced at $193,843. full unfinished basement, Current rates will put bonus room, and fire-


place just to list a few of its features. Of course, with Oakwood’s 2.25 percent Dream Loan, payments go from $1,355/month down to $1,132/month — you won’t find anything close to this in the market today. For more information on Oakwood Homes’ Dream Loan and homes in Thompson River Ranch, contact Mike Welty or Tina Shearon at 970-669-9801. You can tour the models this weekend from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. To get there: from I25 take Highway 34 eastbound, take your first right at Thompson Pkwy.,

then right at Ronald Reagan Blvd. which brings you to the Frontage Road. Turn left on the Frontage Road and you won’t miss the entrance to the community. Visit www.HomesPeople for additional information.

funds are available. Monthly payment example before Dream Loan are calculated from a base price with a FHA 30 year fixed rate loan of 4.25 percent. All payments include FHA loan with 3.5 percent down and include principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Rates may change or not be available at the time of loan commitment, Available to qualified buyers on move in and dirt start lock-in or closing if funds are home between September 16, exhausted. 2/1 buydown funds may also be used to 2010 and October 15, 2010 when buyer(s) use financing buy down fixed interest rates. Offers, incentives and with an Oakwood Homes seller contributions are Preferred Lender. Dream subject to certain terms, conLoan is based on a 2/1 ditions and restrictions. buydown with the first 12 months at 2.25 percent; sec- Oakwood Homes reserves ond year at 3.25 percent and the right to change or years 3 - 30 at 4.25 percent. withdraw any offer at any Dream Loan examples based time. See Sales Associate for more details. on 2.25 percent. Limited

Inside this week’s Home & Real Estate

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Don A. Riedel, Broker Associate/ Partner, The Group, Inc.

Director y

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