Reporter-Herald, October 8, 2010

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October 8, 2010 ©


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Alleged vandal appears in court

Toxic sludge reaches Danube

Lovelanders decry attack on artist’s controversial work By Tom Hacker

Reporter-Herald Staff Writer

For the first time in six days, picket signs were not visible outside the Loveland Museum/Gallery on Thursday. When the museum opened at 10 a.m., a lone figure stood on the corner, a man who had been present with a sign for the Kathleen Fold- duration of the protest. en, 56, of “He’s there Kalispell, Mont., appeared in court for just one purpose,” Thursday via video and left the said Mayor Cecil GutierLarimer County Detention Center rez, who was in the museafter posting a $350 cash bond. um lobby She was arrested Thursday morning. after allegedly ripping up a con- “He’s there troversial piece of to tell anyart Wednesday at one who arthe Loveland Mu- rives to protest to go seum/Gallery. home.” The day after a Montana woman was arrested on suspicion of using a crowbar to attack a controversial museum exhibit, she appeared in court via video and left the Larimer County Detention Center after posting a $350 cash bond. Kathleen Folden, a 56year-old truck diver from Kalispell, Mont., told police she drove from Montana and bought a crowbar in

Reporter-Herald photos/JENNY SPARKS

Connie Haddock and Jeremy Bauer, mother and brother of fallen soldier Staff Sgt. Justin Bauer, pose for a snapshot Thursday in front of a sign designating the section of Colorado 56 between Interstate 25 and U.S. 287 in Berthoud the Staff Sergeant Justin Bauer Memorial Highway. Chloe McKinley takes the picture.

Fallen soldier’s name graces

Highway home Section of Colorado 56 pays homage to Staff Sgt. Justin Bauer, killed in Iraq How to Help A portion of Colorado 56 in Berthoud has been renamed in honor of Army Staff Sgt. Justin Bauer, who was killed while serving in Iraq. Organizers are now raising money to purchase signs and a plaque for the route. Donations can be made at any Home State Bank to the “Staff Sgt. Justin Bauer Memorial Highway Designation Fund.” The Home State Bank branch in Berthoud is at 310 Mountain Ave. In Loveland, branches are at 935 N. Cleveland Ave.; 300 E. 29th St.; 2695 W. Eisenhower Blvd.; and 1355 E. Eisenhower Blvd.

By Sarah Bultema

Reporter-Herald Staff Writer


or Berthoud’s Justin Bauer, Colorado 56 was the way home. It’s a road he traveled for years — riding the bus to school, cruising with his brothers and answering calls with the fire department, where he volunteered. In 2009, after Bauer was killed while serving with the Army in Iraq, the highway carried the procession to his final resting place in the town’s cemetery. Now the road the Berthoud native traveled so often will forever honor him.

Connie Haddock, center, mother of Bauer, her friend Vicki Felton, left, and Bauer’s grandmother, Gloria Bauer, listen during the dedication ceremony. On Thursday morning, the section of Colorado 56 between Interstate 25 and U.S. 287 was named for him in a dedication ceremony. “The main street in Berthoud is now the Staff Sergeant Justin Bauer Memorial Highway,” said his mother, Connie Haddock, admiring See Bauer, Page A2

KOLONTAR, Hungary — Red sludge flowed into the Danube River on Thursday, threatening a half-dozen nations along one of Europe’s key waterways. Monitors took samples every few hours to measure damage from the toxic spill, and emergency officials declared one Hungarian tributary dead. As cleanup crews gathered deer carcasses and other wildlife from the villages in southwestern Hungary flooded by the industrial waste, environmental groups warned of long-term damage to the farming region’s topsoil. The ankle-deep muck coating the most seriously hit areas flowed after the collapse of a waste-storage reservoir at a nearby aluminum plant Monday. Hungary’s environment minister, Zoltan Illes, said the henna-colored sludge covering a 16-square-mile swath of countryside does have “a high content of heavy metals,” some of which can cause cancer. He warned of possible environmental hazards, particularly if it were to enter the groundwater system. — The Associated Press

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Markey passes on debate, wants all parties invited DENVER — A Democratic congresswoman who has declined most debates was absent Thursday when her Republican challenger taped a solo appearance on Colorado Public Television. Republican Cory Gardner criticized Rep. Betsy Markey for refusing debates that don’t include two minor-party candidates. Several news agencies have refused to allow the small-party candidates to join. So Gardner sat next to an empty chair Thursday and answered questions for a half hour about tax policy, health care and the war in Afghanistan. He said he wanted to challenge Markey for voting in favor of the health care overhaul, a climate-change bill that would have limited carbon emissions and last year’s stimulus package. A spokesman for Markey, Ben Marter, said the congresswoman “looks forward to debating the issues in a forum at which all candidates are welcome.” Markey and Gardner, along with the minor-party candidates, do have one debate scheduled in Loveland next week. — The Associated Press

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See Vandalism, Page A2

Scattered t’storms


Nikkel sets her sights on fees, tax exemptions By Jeff Stahla

Reporter-Herald City Editor

Since being appointed to represent House District 49 in early 2009, Rep. B.J. Nikkel believes she has “done some good things for Northern Colorado.” She cites the passage of nine of her bills, including a governmental transparency measure in the 2009 session, as successes during her tenure. “I’ve actually walked the walk,” she said. She said that if she’s elected, she will work toward the repeal of what she and her Republican colleagues are calling “the dirty dozen,” fees or tax exemptions that were altered in the 2010 session. What are you telling people about amendments 60 and 61

Homer in sixth lifts Lions past Eagles

B.J. Nikkel Age: 53. Party affiliation: Republican. Profession: Legislator. Education: Some college. Experience: Served on various Republican committees and on the staff of Rep. Marilyn Musgrave before being appointed in 2009. Was senior development director for the National Guard Association of Colorado at the time. Family: Husband Phil; two sons, Jonathan and Christopher. Years in Loveland area: 27. Website: and Proposition 101? “I will be voting no,” Nikkel said. She said that while she was a supporter of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights and was an opponent of Referendum C, which was a See Nikkel, Page A2

Stockley’s aim: Level economic playing field By Jeff Stahla

Reporter-Herald City Editor

As a business owner, Berthoud’s Karen Stockley has been on the front lines of the current economic crisis. She owns an antique store and said she has heard the stories from people who are selling their heirlooms so they will have money for food and utilities. If elected to the Legislature in House District 49, she vows to ensure a level playing field in the state. “The big corporations get the tax breaks,” she said. “The smaller ones pay the bills.” What are you telling people about amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101? “I absolutely will not support

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Karen Stockley Age: 48. Party affiliation: Democrat. Profession: Owns antique store. Education: Western State College, Platte Business College. Experience: Three years on the Thompson School District Board of Education; served on the Berthoud Planning and Zoning Board. Family: Husband Jay; five children. Years in House District 49: 12. Website: those amendments,” Stockley said. She said the three are so far to the extreme that it will affect the state’s ability to be run effectively. Stockley, who has served on the legislative committee on the Thompson School District Board of Education, said that if See Stockley, Page A2


Florida student’s message in a bottle found in Ireland MELBOURNE, Fla. — A message in a bottle sent by a Florida high school student as part of his marine science class has come ashore in Ireland. Corey Swearingen put the bottle into the Atlantic Ocean in April 2009, and it followed the current all the way to a small fishing village in Ireland. A 17year-old boy and his father found the bottle during a family vacation. Swearingen’s former teacher, Ethan Hall, says the bottle’s trip probably lasted 16 months. In Ireland, the boy and his father responded to the letter, which urged the reader to write with details of the bottle’s location. Swearingen said he didn’t expect the bottle to be found. He’s now studying at Florida Atlantic University. — The Associated Press

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