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Saturday Reporter-Herald November 6, 2010 E1

Real Estate Matters • Saturday, November 6, 2010 • Reporter-Herald

Paying loans on inherited property

Greater benefits with Oakwood Homes



uestion: My son purchased a condo in August 2008. He paid $240,000 and put down 20 percent in cash. Similar properties are now selling for about $200,000. My son passed away in June leaving no will. After a period of 60 days, our county court signed over the title to me and my husband. The condo is rented out and we are making the mortgage payments. What are our options for putting the mortgage in our name without refinancing since we would have to put money into it to avoid paying mortgage insurance? Answer: My condolences on the loss of your son. Since you inherited the property from your son and since you’re family, the lender may not have the right to call the loan in — that is, to require you to pay back the loan. You may not need to do anything more than keep paying the loan and stay current. In some situations when there is a death in the family, lenders may be required to allow the surviving members to keep the existing loan. So, while you may want to have the loan in your name, you may not need to change anything to benefit from his loan. Talk to a real estate attorney in your area to determine what your next step should be. At this point, having the loan in your son’s name may be better for you, particularly if the property is worth less than what is owed on the mortgage. Given the current real estate market, the last thing any lender needs is another property owner that stops paying — and another possible foreclosure. Question: I currently am in year five of a 30-year mortgage at 5.4 percent. My home is valued close to $400,000 and I have $230,000 left on my mortgage. My salary is $60,000 a year and I am supposed to get $1,120 a month child support but have not gotten any child support in over a year, so I do not want to include that as part of my income. I have excellent credit. Last year I got a home equity line of credit for $30,000 and have used almost $4,000 paying off some debt. The only other debt I have is a car payment of $290 per month. I have no credit card debt. I’ve looked into refinancing my loan to a 15-year mortgage since rates are so low. However, since I’m not getting child support, it would be tough to take on an increase in the monthly payment. Is it worth for me to look into refinancing to a new 30-year mortgage? Since the monthly payment would I See Glink /Page E4

Photo special to the RH

Oakwood Homes’ Tina Shearon and Mike Welty in Thompson River Ranch

Low interest rates better deal than tax credits to add more living space. Many people bought a home for the $8,000 tax id you know the credit, but on this exambenefit from tople the savings are day’s lower intergreater with today’s est rates exceed those of rates. If you purchased the Federal Homebuyer this home at $170,300 Tax Credit back in April? during the federal tax That’s right, you could credit, your monthly payget a higher priced home ment would have been now and pay the same $1,177. Today you could monthly payments as you purchase a home for would have buying a low- $180,300, worth $10,000 er priced home with the more, for that same tax credit. Since the tax monthly payment. Prices credit ended in April, have not changed; you over 50 homebuyers have can just get more with taken advantage of the today’s lower rates. low interest rates at OakOakwood Homes has wood Homes’ Thompson sold nine new homes in River Ranch community October alone to homein Loveland. The success in the community is due buyers benefiting from to many reasons, but low these low interest rates. “Young couples are findpayments is definitely ing it is often less expenone. If you’re looking to sive to buy a home here take advantage of these interest rates before they rather than rent,” says Tina Shearon, Communigo back up, talk to the ty Manager at Thompson sales counselors at River Ranch. The monthThompson River Ranch this weekend to see how ly payments from buying a home are often lower you can get started. than monthly rent you How much could you save? Here is an example: would be paying elsethe Gilpin is one of Oak- where, plus you’ll own your home. wood’s best selling Oakwood’s latest homes which starts at Dream Loan promotion $170,300 and includes three bedrooms, two-and- sweetens the deal by lowering your monthly payone-half baths, two car ments even more. Want garage and over 1,531 the Gilpin plan previously square feet with choices PAID ADVERTORIAL


listed? Well you now only have payments of $931 per month with Oakwood’s Dream Loan. Oakwood helps homebuyers find a home that works for their lifestyle and budget, and the Dream Loan gives a bit more flexibility in finding the right home for everyone. If you’re worried about being qualified to buy a home, you’re not alone. Buying a home is a big step and Oakwood Homes has professionals that will help you with

any details from bankruptcies or foreclosures, to building or repairing credit, to reducing debt that you may have. Oakwood’s Home Buyers Club is a completely free service that will guide you in fixing any credit issues you may have and help you on the path to homeownership. Ask one of their sales counselors how you can get started today. For more information on Oakwood Homes’ Dream Loan and homes in Thompson River

Ranch, contact Mike Welty or Tina Shearon at 970-669-9801. You can tour the models this weekend from 10-6 p.m. To get there: from I-25 take Highway 34 eastbound, take your first right at Thompson Pkwy., then right at Ronald Reagan Blvd. which brings you to the Frontage Road. Turn left on the Frontage Road and you won’t miss the entrance to the community. Visit www.Oakwood for additional information.

Photo courtesy of Oakwood Homes

Community picnic area and playground at Thompson River Ranch.

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