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Saturday Reporter-Herald December 25, 2010 E1

Real Estate Matters • Saturday, December 25, 2010 • Reporter-Herald

Founded on Integrity

Quitclaim deeds vs. living trusts

Cornerstone Mortgage Company returns to Colorado



uestion: My dad bought a house in his name only. Later, he married my aunt. They had a living trust done to leave everything to all of their children. My aunt showed me a quitclaim deed my dad had signed that gave her the house. She wasn’t sure if this was right. I told her to ask the attorney who did the living trust. She said she did and the attorney said it was OK, as that the trust would supersede the quitclaim deed. Is this true? Answer: Generally, the answer to your question would be “No.” But, there are some exceptions. If your dad and your aunt transferred title to the home into the living trust, the living trust would and should be the owner of the property. Many people work hard and set up living trusts, only to forget to transfer the property they own into the living trust. In order for a living trust to work right, the living trust must be the owner of the property. A quitclaim deed transfers any interest a person has in a property to a second person. If the person signing the quitclaim deed does not own an interest in a property, the quitclaim deed does not transfer anything. So, if the living trust owns your dad’s property, a quitclaim deed



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Inside this week’s Home & Real Estate Property of the Week

2963 Purgatory Creek Dr.

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s a company with fundamentals founded around honesty and integrity, and a customer-focused business model, it is no wonder why Cornerstone Mortgage Company is flourishing in the midst of a challenging economic climate. In March, 2010, Cornerstone returned to Colorado after purchasing back the company in late 2006 from a national banking institution. Cornerstone now has 23 offices in Colorado, with a home base in Fort Collins, and is well-equipped to serve the lending needs of the entire front range. Additional offices are located in Greeley, Fort Collins, Longmont, Denver metro and numerous other Colorado cities. The Colorado arm of Cornerstone is headed by Division President, Gene Humphries and Division Vice President, Jim Hunter. Both of whom have significant years in the industry as well as a close professional and personal relationship. Both men have a similar work ethic, and their commitment to the mortgage business and their customers is their number one priority. Marc Laird, Cornerstone Chairman and CEO, said the company’s core values are what differentiates Cornerstone from other mortgage lenders. “We’ve earned the opportunity to assist more than 140,000 homeowners with the purchase and refinance of their homes; 68 percent of our total loan volume is generated from repeat business and referrals from former homebuying customers, and we’ve grown to become the seventh-largest independent mortgage company in the nation,” he said. Cornerstone’s reputation as a top home lender has been built on 22 years of operations. Cornerstone has found success in giving its loan officers the tools to exceed its cus-

tomers’ expectations. Cornerstone loan officers have access to a variety of systems and support staff that help them to provide their clients with mortgage guidance and planning. “We value each and every one of our customers, and we want the very best for them and their individual financial futures,” Laird said. “We use every resource at our disposal to support our loan officers so that they can offer individualized customer service and the ideal mortgage solutions to all of their clients.”

AUTOMATED PRICING ENGINE Cornerstone’s loan officers are able to use an Automated Pricing Engine to instantly search among the company’s dozens of approved investor sources for the best price available to each client. They are then able to help each customer choose a loan program that best suits their personal financial goals. “The Automated Pricing Engine is ideal for assisting our loan officers as they help their clients choose the mortgage program that will most benefit their long- and shortterm needs,” said Secondary Systems Administrator Anne Connolly. “It’s important to provide more than just a loan to customers. With the pricing engine, we are able to provide a solid plan on which they can design their future.”

Photo courtesy Cornerstone Mortgage

provide to best use the Automated Pricing Engine to find the right home loan program for each individual customer.”

offer as much support to their loan officers as possible so that they, in turn, could focus on the customer. “Four years later, we opened the doors of our dream company, and all signs point to the fact that we were right,” Laird said. A BRIEF HISTORY “Despite the cyclical Cornerstone was nature of the mortgage founded in 1988 by Laird industry, our basic princiand President and Chief ple of supporting our Loan Operating Officer Judith Officers so they can Belanger. In 1984 the two provide superior customer began working on a busiservice to their clients has ness model that would be served us well for 22 years. based on client satisfacI believe that principle tion, and that the best way will continue to be sucfor a large company to cessful as we re-enter achieve that would be to Colorado.” staff and proprietary, advanced technologies to make the loan approval process easy and timely. Most importantly, we control our own processing, loan approval and loan funding functions to ensure that our loans close on time, all the time.”

STAFFED FOR SUCCESS In addition, Cornerstone’s loan officers are carefully selected and trained to give customers the best possible home lending experience. “Cornerstone hires only the best professional, experienced loan originators who are passionate about serving their customers SECONDARY MARKETING and referral partners,” Laird said. Cornerstone employs a “And we support our specialized Secondary loan originators with large Marketing Department that provides support sole- numbers of supporting ly to the company’s Loan Officers. They keep the Loan Officers up to date on regulation changes within the industry, new products available in the PAID ADVERTORIAL marketplace and changes in qualifications for existA dedicated loan officer with 37 ing programs. years of experience, Residential Home “Our Secondary MarketLoan Consultant Sara Hart loves to ing Department works help people finance their dream very hard to ensure that homes. She gives face-to-face personal our Loan Officers stay curservice and works hard to meet all rent with the industry’s contract approval and closing dates. many changes,” said Vice During her time in the mortgage inPresident of Secondary dustry, she has been a processor, an Marketing Dionne Ward. underwriter, a loan officer and an op“We pay attention to erations manager, but her true love is what our Loan Officers originating loans. She works tirelessly need to know and keep to get the best interest rates and fees them informed so they can possible for her clients and attends all focus on providing firstof her closings. In fact, she has no asclass service to their sistants, so she personally stays on top clients, and they are able to use the information we

Meet Sara Hart of all the processing and closings. Sara attended Kearney State College, and has been married to her husband for 38 years. Their son Cody is her production partner, and together, they are known as the Hart Team. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as reading, golfing and travelling. She is trustworthy, knowledgeable and committed to excellence. For first-class service from an experienced and friendly mortgage professional, please contact Sara Hart today at 970-797-3313 or at You can also visit her website at to pre-qualify and experience the Cornerstone Difference.

Mortgage Rates Have Started to Rise!

Rates can’t stay low forever. If you have been considering a refinance or purchase transaction please contact me today. SARA HART Home Loan Consultant NMLS 269158

Direct: 970.797.3313

2809 E. Harmony Road, Suite 200 Fort Collins, Colorado 80528


LMB100031305. To check the license status of your mortgage loan originator, visit


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