Experts Work Best. Ask the Expert: BARIATRIC SURGERY
I am severely overweight and have high blood pressure and cholesterol. Can adjustable gastric banding surgery help me become healthier?
Two-thirds of Americans are now either overweight or obese and adult obesity continues to rise. Being overweight comes with potentially life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and sleep apnea.
For patients who have tried losing weight by dieting or medication and have failed, bariatric surgery is a very good choice. They want to lose weight to become healthier and spend more time doing things with their families.
0LFKDHO : -RKQHOO 0 ' )$&6 is a board FHUWLÂżHG JHQHUDO DQG EDULDWULF VXUJHRQ ZKR KDV been practicing minimally-invasive bariatric surgery since 2000. He specializes in the adjustable gastric EDQGLQJ SURFHGXUH 1RUWK &RORUDGR 0HGLFDO &HQWHU is a Bariatric Center of Excellence.
The adjustable gastric banding procedure is done by placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach, creating a pouch. This small pouch allows a much smaller portion of food to be eaten, thereby reducing the caloric intake without being hungry. 7KH EHQH¿WV RI WKH DGMXVWDEOH JDVWULF EDQGLQJ SURFHGXUH LQFOXGH ‡ )XOO\ DGMXVWDEOH IRU HDFK SDWLHQW ‡ 'RHV QRW DOWHU WKH DQDWRP\ ‡ /HDVW LQYDVLYH ZHLJKW ORVV VXUJHU\ ZLWK WKH lowest complication rate
Patients can now schedule pre-surgery appointments DV ZHOO DV IROORZ XS FDUH LQ WKH /RYHODQG RIÂżFH DW *LQQDOD 'ULYH &DOO WR VFKHGXOH an appointment. 0LFKDHO : -RKQHOO 0 ' )$&6 Bariatric Surgeon *UHHOH\ /RYHODQG /DID\HWWH Pre-surgery appointments:
Banner Medical Group McKee Medical Center North Colorado Medical Center www.BannerHealth.com/COexperts %DQQHU +HDOWK KDV EHHQ QDPHG DV D 7RS +HDOWK 6\VWHP LQ WKH 8 6 IRU SDWLHQW FDUH DFFRUGLQJ WR 7KRPVRQ 5HXWHUV
Connect with us: Although the content of this ad is intended to be accurate, neither the publisher nor any other party assumes liability for loss or damage due to reliance on this material. If you have a medical question, consult your medical professional.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 3
contents Crandoodles .............................................. pg. 8 The health benefits of owning a pet ......... pg. 9 Burn active calories ............................... pg. 11 Uncommon Sense with Dr. Firestein ..... pg. 17 Jess No Less.......................................... pg. 21 Loveland health briefs ........................... pg. 26 Loveland health calendar ...................... pg. 26
features Honoring Sierra: Loveland family holds race for meningitis awareness Page 5
Calcium Quotas: Make sure you are getting enough calcium
Health Line of Northern Colorado is a monthly publication produced by the Loveland Daily ReporterHerald. The information provided in this publication is intended for personal, noncommercial, informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company, product, procedure or activity. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.
Page 7
Feel good about fitness: Tips to make exercising more enjoyable
Donate Life Month: Local advocates spread the word on organ donation
Page 4
Page 12
Crop Out Cancer: Local Avon breast cancer walk team raises money Page 18
Health in a Handbasket: Muscle Max diet conclusion Page 22
Eat more veggies: Here’s how to get a little more color in your diet Page 24
For advertising information, contact: Linda Story, advertising director: 970-635-3614
For editorial information, contact: Jade Cody, special sections editor: 970-635-3656 jcody@reporter-herald.com Jennifer Lehman, special sections reporter: 970-635-3684 jlehman@reporter-herald.com
8 the health benefits of having pets
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
GET JAZZED Don’t underestimate the feel-good benefits of downloading a new playlist before your next sweat session. Rocking out not only helps distract you from your huffing and puffing, but it also makes you feel more excited.
feel good
Story by Alyssa Wells • McClatchy-Tribune
fitness Strategies to make working out more fun
n a good day, working out feels awesome. Your heart is pumping, endorphins are running high, and you feel like you can do anything. On other days, you can’t wait to get out of the gym or you just don’t go in the first place. Try these 10 strategies to put the fun back into shaping up.
REMOVE ROADBLOCKS Pick the time of day that works the best for your inner body clock and a location that’s most convenient. It would be more fun to make a date for a brisk walk with your partner after dinner instead of driving to an evening gym class.
GO FOR VARIETY Find different activities that rejuvenate you rather than tear you down, because you’ll not only have more fun, but you’ll also be able to work out harder for longer.
Think about working out like going out for cocktails: If your outfit is flattering, you’ll have a lot more fun than if you’re wearing something that makes you feel self-conscious.
Enjoying your exercise more may be as easy as going green: Just 5 minutes of outdoor activity boosts your mood. Try rollerblading, biking and swimming.
MAKE IT A GAME Wearing a heart rate monitor while you exercise boosts motivation because you can track how hard you’re working, It turns exercise into a game when you challenge yourself to stay within your heart rate zone or push yourself to burn more calories than you did last time.
MAXIMIZE POST-WORKOUT HIGH Exercise can boost mood-elevating neurotransmitters and endorphins to give you a buzz for up to an hour after your sweat session is over. Extend that post-workout buzz even longer by tackling things that you know you can finish.
EASE MUSCLE SORENESS After a killer workout, try an oldfashioned hot soak with Epson salt. When you pour 1 cup of Epson salt into hot water, it acts like a muscle relaxant to relieve cramps and joint pain.
TAKE A BREATHER Another trick for prolonging your exercise buzz and speeding muscle recovery is to do a 5-minute yoga blend immediately following your workout.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 5
Loveland family holds race to raise awareness for meningitis in honor of their daughter, Sierra Jade Cody Special Sections Editor
n a span of less than 48 hours, Jon and Lisa Krizman lived out every parent’s worst nightmare: losing a child. The couple’s 18-year-old daughter, Sierra, had what seemed to be typical flu symptoms late in the night on Easter of 2007. Lisa took Sierra to the doctor the following afternoon, and they were told it was most likely the flu. Sierra was to be given fluids and could go home afterward. Her symptoms rapidly worsened, however — her temperature climbed to 103 degrees, she developed a rash on her stomach and her legs were purplish and hurting. Less than 24 hours later, Sierra had a breathing tube put in. “She was crashing big time,” Jon said. “They knew that they were losing her.” In a story on the Krizmans website for Sierra’s Race Against Meningitis, Jon wrote, “Sierra’s last words were ‘Daddy am I going to be okay?’ and my response was a concerned ‘yes.’ I was scared to death because she looked so sick, but as her daddy I wanted her to feel comforted. We were terrified, the ER doctors were grasping at straws, and I could see their concern and knew they were at a loss. I begged them to take her somewhere she could get better care at any cost, we were desperate. “Lisa and I knew that she was
going downhill fast, and we would do anything to fix her, anything.” Early the following morning, Sierra passed away. The family left the hospital still not knowing what had caused Sierra’s death. They found out a few hours later, after tests, that it was bacterial meningitis. “What’s scary about meningitis is that it can happen so fast,” Lisa said. “With Sierra’s case, she had classic symptoms of meningitis,” Jon said. “We didn’t know that. I didn’t know what meningitis was. I mean they were asking us if we had exotic pets at home when Sierra was lying there dying of meningitis.” Following Sierra’s passing, the Krizmans, along with family friends, formed Sierra’s Race Against Meningitis to help raise awareness about the disease
Sierra’s Race Against Meningitis What it is: 5K run/walk and a Sierra’s Kids Fun Run to raise awareness for meningitis When: 9 a.m., April 30 Where: Crossroads Church, 5420 N. Taft Ave., Loveland Cost: $20 if received by April 27, $30 on race day; $10 for Sierra’s Kids Fun Run Contact info: www.sierrasraceagainstmeningitis.com, e-mail info@sierrasraceagainstmeningitis.com or call 970-669-6212
and its vaccine. “We were just trying to figure out some way that we could help educate and bring out awareness on meningitis,” Lisa said. “We just wanted to have something that was familyoriented, since that’s what Sierra was all about.” The race, which is a BolderBoulder qualifier is open to anyone, Lisa said. The family uses nearly all proceeds from the race in assisting people in getting the vaccinations, which can be expensive. This year’s grand marshal will be Frankie Milley, founder and national executive director of Meningitis Angels, a national organization created in memory of
Frankie and Bob Milley’s only child, Ryan, who succumbed to meningitis when he was 18. Several members of the group will gather from around the country to celebrate National Infant Immunization Week, World Meningitis Day and prepare for the launch of their new nationwide Angel Dads on Meningitis and Vaccines Campaign. Milley said they chose Colorado this year to host the event in honor of those from Colorado whose lives were lost and forever changed in the 2010 meningococcal outbreaks and to support Colorado Angle State Team Leader Lisa Krizman, founder and host of Sierra’s Race.
“I didn’t know what meningitis was. I mean they were asking us if we had exotic pets at home when Sierra was laying there dying of meningitis.” Ryan Milley
— Jon Krizman
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
Photo courtesy www.sierrasraceagainstmeningitis.com
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Angels will host a by-invitation-only remembrance service on April 30 following the race. When Milley’s son, Ryan, got sick, he was a healthy, high school graduate working on his pro-golf status and preparing for college. On Father’s Day 1998 he became ill with a fever and earache. Within 14 hours, Milley said, he was lying in an emergency room with blood coming from every orifice of his body, and he died. “With no warning he was just dead,� she said. The last words Ryan heard were “Daddy loves you baby boy.� The last words Ryan said, were “I know.� Milley soon learned that there was a vaccine that could have prevented her son’s death, and she began working to educate families on meningitis awareness. “Meningitis does not stop at the dorm room door,� Milley said. “Each year in this country, infants, children, teens and young adults are left seriously debilitated from bacterial meningococcal disease. Some with the loss of limbs and their faces. Some are left with severe organ damage, seizure disorder, brain damage, digestive disorders, anemia, blindness, deafness, and more. Worse, some die.� According to Milley, some early signs of the disease are unrelenting fever, leg pain, cold hands and feet, and abnormal skin color. These can develop within 12 hours after infection, long before the more classic signs of the illness such as a rash, headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light and impaired consciousness and death. Preteans and adolescents should be vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis, according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Current vaccines are approved for ages two and up and last for about five years, at which point a booster vaccine should be administered. New vaccines are being developed for infants and toddlers. “If only someone had told me about the vaccine,� Milley said, “Ryan would be here today. If only someone had told the Krizmans that Sierra was still at risk even though she lived off campus, she would be here. We must make sure that the information is correct and up to date with the latest research and prevention. We must stop this deadly disease. One life is too many. No one should be left debilitated or die from a vaccine preventable disease.� For more information on vaccine preventable diseases visit CDC.gov or the American Academy of Pediatrics, Sound Advice on Vaccines: www.cispimmunize.org/fam/soundadvice.html. For more information about Meningitis Angels, visit www.Meningitis-Angels.org. To learn more about Sierra, Sierra’s Race Against Meningitis and meningitis awareness, visit www.sierrasraceagainstmeningitis.com.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 7
Calcium Quotas Jennifer Lehman Special Sections Reporter
Retirement In F u l l P ow d e r
Supplements are like car insurance, Moore said. It never realcium is the most places driving safely, but it’s still abundant mineral in important to have it in case human bodies, accordsomething happens, such as a ing to the Office of Dietary stubborn belief (or pleasant Supplements at the National delusion) that a serving of vegInstitutes of Health, with etables can be found in about 99 percent of it that order of medium making up our fries. bones and teeth Calcium suppleand the other one ments are typically percent contributpaired with vitaing to major min D for absorpmetabolic functions tion. Calcium carincluding muscle bonate supplefunction and hormonal ments are inexpensecretion. sive, Moore said, but Recent studies also show can be hard on some stomthat together, calcium and achs. She recommends calpotassium can reduce high cium citrate with vitamin blood pressure, said Denise D3, because it can be takMoore, registered dietician en anytime, without food. with Chilson Recreation Ideally, we’d all be getCenter in Loveland. ting enough calcium Make sure you are getthrough actual food beting enough. cause things like the protein in milk or yogurt, or EAT THE WHITES & the treasure of vitamins GREENS and antioxidants in kale Milk is the traditional and other calcium-rich image of calcium, maybe veggies, aren’t found in because it matches our a pill, Moore said. teeth and bones. But Do the best you can many people are lactose to fit calcium (and everyintolerant and look to thing else you need) into the dairy alternatives like soy, aldaily diet and then look to supmond and more recently, coplements to make sure the conut milk, all fortified with high body is getting the nutrilevels of calcium. ents it needs, Moore Some lactose intolsaid. erant people can hanNote: Calcium dle a little bit of milk in supplements may intheir diet, like maybe teract with certain prehalf a cup with their scription medications or cereal, and others can’t, dietary supplements. As Moore said. per usual, consult your Vegetables like spinach are doctor. also good sources of calcium. RESOURCES Some studies are claiming For a list comparing calcium that kale, the king of the green veggies, holds more absorbable levels in foods and beverages as calcium than milk, Moore said, well as recommended intake based on age, go to: but she is skeptical as to http://ods.od.nih.gov/fact whether Americans will start sheets/calcium/. eating kale three times a day.
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Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 9
health benefits of owning a
Pets can reduce stress, cholesterol, obesity Drs. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden McClatchy-Tribune
ooking for a holistic way to reduce stress, cholesterol and obesity? Get a pet. Statistics show that 62 percent of American households own a pet. According to a national survey, most pet owners say companionship, love, company and affection are the No. 1 benefits to owning a pet. We know that pets make good companions and decrease loneliness, but numerous studies have shown other profound health benefits of owning a pet:
1. PETS HELP RECOVERY FROM HEART ATTACKS A National Institutes of Health study of 421 adults found that dog owners had a better one-year survival after a heart attack, compared to those who did not own dogs.
2. PETS HELP US CALM DOWN A study of 240 married couples showed that pet owners had lower heart rates and blood pressure as compared to those without pets.
3. PETS HELP REDUCE STRESS BETTER THAN HUMAN COMPANIONS Pet owners had less stress and quicker recovery from stress when they were with their pets as compared to when they were with their spouse or friend.
4. PET OWNERS HAVE LESS OBESITY A study looking at 2,000 adults found that pet owners who walked their dogs had less rates of obesity and were more physically active than those without pets.
5. PET OWNERS HAVE BETTER MOBILITY IN THEIR GOLDEN YEARS Another NIH study looking at 2,500 adults aged 71-82 showed that adults who regularly walked their dogs had more mobility inside the house than non-pet owners.
6. PETS INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIALIZATION Many studies have shown that walking a dog leads to more conversations and socialization.
7. PETS CAN HELP YOUR CHOLESTEROL The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that owning a pet can decrease cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.
8. PETS CAN HELP COMFORT CHILDREN Child psychologists have found that pets can be very comforting to children and help them develop empathy. They have also been found to help autistic children with socialization. So for those of you with pets, continue to enjoy the hidden health benefits of your furry friends. And for those of you thinking of getting one — do so. Pet ownership may be a path to your good health. Drs. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden are medical directors of Sutter Downtown Integrative Medicine program. Have a question related to alternative medicine? E-mail adrenaline@sacbee.com.
10 ....
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
Experts Work Best.
Ask the Expert: C-6(&7,21
Question: What are some of the reasons a C-section might be necessary? Answer:
Nationwide, one-in-three babies is born via cesarean section. A C-section, or surgical delivery of a baby, can be planned or may be needed after a woman has begun labor and complications arise. Mothers-tobe should learn about cesarean delivery and why it is sometimes appropriate. A physician may plan a C-section delivery if he/she knows certain factors exist that make a vaginal birth risky. Reasons for planning a C-section include: ‡ 7KH PRWKHU KDG D & VHFWLRQ EHIRUH DQG LV QRW D candidate for, or chooses not to, have a vaginal birth after C-section. ‡ 7KH PRWKHU KDV KDG RWKHU XWHULQH VXUJHU\ ‡ 7KH EDE\ LV LQ EUHHFK SRVLWLRQ RU RWKHU malpresentation. ‡ 7KH PRWKHU KDV D PHGLFDO FRQGLWLRQ WKDW FRXOG SXW the baby at risk in a vaginal delivery. ‡ 7KH EDE\ KDV FHUWDLQ ELUWK GHIHFWV (such as hydrocephalus). ‡ 7KH PRWKHU KDV SUREOHPV ZLWK WKH SODFHQWD ‡ 7KHUH DUH WZLQV WULSOHWV HWF
Some C-sections are emergency deliveries performed after labor has started and a complication has come up. Reasons an obstetrician may elect to do a C-section include: ‡ /DERU KDV IDLOHG WR SURJUHVV ‡ 7KH EDE\ RU PRWKHU LV LQ GLVWUHVV ‡ 3ODFHQWDO DEUXSWLRQ SODFHQWD VHSDUDWHV IURP WKH uterine wall too soon) has occurred. All pregnancies and deliveries differ. A C-section is generally considered a safe procedure, and has been used to save the lives of many women and babies. Work closely with your physician to decide what’s best for you and your baby.
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Banner Medical Group McKee Medical Center ZZZ %DQQHU+HDOWK FRP &2H[SHUWV Banner Health has been named as a Top 10 Health System in the U.S. for patient care according to Thomson Reuters.
Connect with us: Although the content of this ad is intended to be accurate, neither the publisher nor any other party assumes liability for loss RU GDPDJH GXH WR UHOLDQFH RQ WKLV PDWHULDO ,I \RX KDYH D PHGLFDO TXHVWLRQ FRQVXOW \RXU PHGLFDO SURIHVVLRQDO
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 11
active calories
Burn more calories with the following dietary tips Alison Johnson McClatchy-Tribune
ll calories are not created equal. Some require more energy to digest, giving you “a bigger bang for your buck,” said Leslie Bonci, registered dietitian, director of sports medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and an author of the upcoming book “The Active Calorie Diet.” Some tips:
EAT LOW-FAT PROTEIN Digesting these foods requires the most calorie burn. Just keep choices healthy: lean meats, eggs and low-fat dairy products, for example, not fatty cheeseburgers.
FOCUS ON FIBER Fiber-rich foods place second on the active calorie scale. Load up fresh vegetables and fruits — with the skin on — beans, bran cereals and wholewheat products, including breads.
GO FOR CHEWY Your mouth, the first stop in the digestive process, will have to work harder. Choose whole fruit versus fruit juice and toss extra beans or broccoli into soups and stir-fries.
COOK MORE Opening a package burns almost zero calories — much less than preparing meals from scratch. Beware non-active calories. Cookies and pastries, chips, sodas and highly processed meats such as hot dogs and chicken nuggets are easily digested and most likely to be stored as fat.
Including items such as crushed peppers, wasabi and hot sauce at most meals likely will burn 10 to 20 extra calories a day thanks to a compound called capsaicin — not a lot, but it adds up over time. If you can’t tolerate spice, try cinnamon, garlic, ginger or cloves and use vinegar as a marinade.
DRINK GREEN TEA Brew it yourself, hot or cold, to take advantage of a metabolism-revving substance in tea leaves (just don’t ruin it with lots of sugar). As for coffee: caffeine, a central nervous stimulant, also can help torch a few calories.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
Loveland Urgent Care welcomes
Dr. Judith Fox.
RH Photos/Jennifer Lehman
Rose Chalifoux holds up a picture of her son, Ben, a tissue donor killed by a drunk driver in 1998, at the Organ Donation Fair held at MCR on April 13.
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www.unos.org, under the Donation & Transplantion menu. Julsgard was one of the fortunate liver recipients and said knowing the numbers helps him tell his story and educate the general public on the shortage of organ donations as a donor JENNIFER LEHMAN advocate with Donor Alliance, a SPECIAL SECTIONS REPORTER federally designated not-forprofit that facilitates the recovery and donation of organs and tisary Julsgard, 59, of Parker, makes it a point sues in Colorado and Wyoming. to memorize exactly “I would not be here without how many people on the United that liver — I’d be dead. I would Network for Organ Sharing list not have made it out of 2010,” in Colorado and Wyoming last Julsgard said. year received the livers they When Julsgard was listed with needed — 87 — and exactly UNOS last year, he was so sick how many people died waiting with end-stage liver disease that — 43. he moved to the number three spot immediately, only waiting Comprehensive national organ and tissue donation data, in- eight days for a transplant — a very unusual case, he said. cluding frequent updates to According to Donor Alliance, waiting list numbers, can be 15 percent of people currently found at the UNOS website,
Monday through Friday . . . . . . 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 13
Last year Gary Julsgard received a liver transplant. He is now a donor advocate with the Donor Alliance. on the Colorado transplant waiting list have been there for five years or longer. “When you are on a list and know that one in three won’t make it, that’s motivation (to educate people),” Julsgard said. “I don’t think people realize — people die waiting. That’s the one line: people die waiting.” April is National Donate Life month and Julsgard participated in an educational Organ Donation Fair at Medical Center of the Rockies on April 13, one of many events around the state and across the country to bring awareness to organ donation and educate people on how donation works and who is eligible. “One of the biggest hurdles is dispelling some of the myths,” said Nicole Williams, Community Relations Coordinator with Donor Alliance. The main reason people don’t sign up to donate their organs is because they think they can’t, said Robert Austin, Director of Public and Professional Relations with the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank. Various health issues, age, poor eye sight or a couch potato lifestyle will keep people from signing up. The important part is to make the decision that you want to donate your organs, Austin said, and when the time comes let the medical professionals decide which, if any, of your organs or tissues can be used. At the Organ Donation Fair, donor quilts from the Donor Alliance and the National
• In Colorado and Wyoming, 2,041 people are currently waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. • Of those, 1,445 are currently waiting for a kidney — the organ most in need (71 percent) — and 517 are waiting for a liver (25 percent). • 15 percent of current transplant candidates in Colorado have been on the waiting list for five years or more. • 48 percent of those waiting for an organ transplant are between 50 and 64 years of age. • Colorado has one of the nation’s highest-performing state donor registries with nearly 66 percent of driver’s license/ID card applicants registering as organ and tissue donors (as of 2010 year end).
Kidney Foundation were displayed with patches designed by donor family’s for their lost loved one, then quilted together. Circle of Light, an exhibit of photography taken by corneal transplant recipients and organized through Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank, is travelling around the state. A smaller version of the exhibit was at the donation fair. Rose Chalifoux’s son, Ben, was killed by a drunk driver in 1998 at the age of 21. Ben was an idealist, said Chalifoux, who has been a donor advocate with Donor Alliance since 2002. “He was a young hippie born out of his time.” He shopped locally, was a voracious reader and deep thinker, she said. Chalifoux knew without hesitation that organ and tissue donation is what Ben would have wanted. Her son was a registered donor, but Chalifoux was the one who approached the doctors about donation. Chalifoux expected an organ donation was possible because her son died while at the hospital, but he had experienced cardiac death making the organs unviable due to lack of oxygen. Ben became a tissue donor, including the donation of both corneas. A single tissue donor can save and heal the lives of over 100 people according to Donor Alliance, with the ability to recover bone, tendons, skin, veins, heart valves and corneas.
• Today, 110,543 people are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants nationally — an average of 245 people being added to the waiting list each month. • Every year, the lives of about 500,000 Americans are saved by organ and tissue donation. • 16,180 (15 percent) of patients waiting around the country are in need of a liver transplant. 88,161 people (80 percent) are in need of a kidney. • On average, 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant. • Every 12 minutes another name is added to the national transplant waiting list. — Source: 2011 Donor Alliance Fact Sheet
As a donor advocate, Chalifoux tells her story and how her son’s tissue donation allowed for something good to come from such a loss, while honoring her son’s life and the way he lived his life, she said. Chalifoux also works to educate people on organ donation. An indigent man in Denver received one of her son’s corneas, something that touches her heart, Chalifoux said, and helps her dispel the myth that money and health insurance coverage are factors in who receives organ and tissue donations. Being an advocate allows her the opportunity to discuss the loss of her son, her grief and his tissue donation in a society where people avoid death and grief, she said. Avoiding those topics also means avoiding making a decision about organ donation, a discussion she encourages people to have with their families sooner than later.
HOW TO JOIN THE REGISTRY • Consent to organ and tissue donation when renewing your driver’s license at the DMV office or online at www.colorado.gov/vroom /renewlicense/index.jsf • Sign up online with Donate Life Colorado at www.coloradodonorregistry.org • Call Donate Life Colorado 1-888-256-4386 to enroll by mail
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
tremendous advances in 3-D evaluation of the airway have proven the effectiveness and sensibility to repositioning the jaws inOral appliances are to a better anatomic position for air movea good interim and ment. When moving both jaws forward the adjunctive treatment term is maxillomandibular advancement or but are not good for MMA. long term use Maxillomandibular advancement surgery because they slowly (MMA) is the most effective procedure for move the teeth. OSA. Studies in 214 patients using MMA had a 96 to 100 percent success rate. This is a permanent treatment not just a temporary fix. MMA results in the enlargement of the entire upper airway. Excellent results have en sleep apnea because of soft tissue scar- plications such as jaw fracture and does not been documented to be stable many years ring. Unfortunately, many patients have fully address the anatomic features that at- after surgery, and are expected to last a lifepalatoplasty before time tach to the tongue and oral tissues. having a complete • The most effective way to address the To sum it all up, Obstructive Sleep Apevaluation including soft tissue airway is to address the bone nea is a debilitating disease which should cephalometrics (eval- structure that supports it. The bones of the be evaluated with a sleep study and a 3-D uation of the meaupper and lower jaw may be repositioned Airway Scan including cephalometric analsurements of the face to increase the size of the airway. In many ysis. Multiple treatments are available and and head) and a 3-D cases skeletal relationships are the primary effective, some like CPAP and mandibular scan. UPPP can be a problem. Palatal surgery can be avoided repositioning appliances are dependant on good treatment for because moving the upper jaw forward wearing a device. Surgery to move the jaws snoring without OSA pulls the palate up and forward. The adis more invasive but permanent. • In cases of snoring without obstructive vantage of repositioning the jaws is that several areas of obstruction can be adsleep apnea, a radio-frequency probe can DOES MEDICAL INSURANCE COVER be utilized to tighten the soft palate. These dressed. By moving the lower jaw forward TREATMENT? the tongue is advanced and the hyoid is procedures can sometimes be performed his type of coverage depends on the naturally suspended. By moving the upper under light intravenous sedation in the ofindividual policy as well as the diagfice but this procedure does not efficiently jaw forward the palate is advanced and nosis. A sleep study and 3-D scan shortened. By adding septoplasty, turbinotreat OSA and should only be used with will be necessary to obtain preauthorizaplasty and maxillary (upper jaw) widening snoring that has been proven by sleep the nasal airway and upper pharynx airway tion for surgery. study to not be associated with OSA. For more information on Obstructive • Septoplasty and Turbinoplasty may be volume is improved. Sleep Apnea visit our website at done to relieve resistance in the nasal paswww.reynoldsoralfacial.com or call to set sages. By reducing resistance at the nasal MAXILLOMANDIBULAR up a consultation 970-663-6878. level the lower airway is “sucked” in less. ADVANCEMENT References he surgical approach to obstructive • Hyoid suspension is a procedure Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Volume 22, sleep apnea continues to evolve. which pulls up the “floating” hyoid bone in Many surgical techniques for dealing Issue 1 (American Association of Oral and the neck, but this is done better by moving the jaw forward with a different procedure. with OSA have emerged over time but the Maxillofacial Surgeons • Genial Tubercle Advancement is a procedure where the part of the lower jaw Before After where the tongue attaches to the back of the chin is pulled forward. This is partially effective in some cases but can have com-
When a person with OSA sleeps, their tongue falls back and blocks their airway. This is worse when the patient has a small jaw.
The most effective permanent treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea is Maxillomandibular. Notice the favorable esthetic changes.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 17
Uncommon Sense
stuck in a
Break up the routine to spark romantic interest
ear Dr. Beth: I am a 51-year-old married man, and I have suffered from depression off and on throughout my life. I only recently talked to my doctor about this problem, and she prescribed me an anti-depressant.
The depression is a lot better, but the medicine has lowered my sex drive and decreased my ability to perform sexually the way I usually do. The doctor said this might happen. What options do I have to deal with this situation? Dr. Beth: It is good that you have chosen to get treatment for your depression. It sounds like the medicine is working to help relieve your depression, but you are having disturbing sexual side effects. There are several classifications of anti-depressants. Most of the commonly prescribed antidepressants that are used these days are SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) antidepressants, such as Prozak, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa and their generic counterparts. These are generally very effective medicines and typically have fewer side effects than some of the older types of antidepressants. Unfortunately, it is fairly common for SSRI medications to have sexual side effects. Usually these are either a decrease in sexual drive and/or I See FIRESTEIN/Page 23
Uncommon Sense with Beth Firestein Dr. Beth Firestein is a licensed psychologist. She has 24 years of therapy experience and has practiced in Loveland for over 14 years. She may be reached by calling her office at 970-635-9116, via e-mail at firewom@webaccess.net, or by visiting www.bethfirestein.com.
Attention SENIORS: HL-326030
shelves of book stores. Some of these are very good. There are also marriage enrichment programs, both secular and through ear Dr. Beth: churches, and these can also be My wife and I have worthwhile ways of recharging been married for 33 the emotional and physical intiyears. We both love and respect macy within your marriage. each other greatly, but I feel like If the issue of “being in a rut” the marriage is stuck in a rut. has to do with life routines that What are some ways to spice seldom or never vary, this is a things up a little and bring back relatively easy issue to address. the romance? For example, if your routine is to Dr. Beth: Even the happiest get up at the same time each and healthiest of marriages can morning, drink coffee, read the go through the doldrums. It is paper or news on the internet part of sharing everyday life and watch TV in the evenings, with another person over a long you can easily decide to mix it period of time. The stresses of up with fresh activities. life, health, money, children and If you both agree that you’d grandchildren, as well as larger like to break the routine, you world issues, impinge on our might consider surprising your happiness at times. I don’t know spouse by taking her out to whether you have children, but breakfast at a restaurant neither if you do, I am guessing that of you have ever tried before. they are grown and on their Or you can take a picnic to a own by this time. Often during free summer concert in the park the child-rearing years and even one evening a month rather for many years afterward, many than watching TV. If you look couples focus most of their enaround for travel specials, you ergy and attention on their chil- may also be able to take advandren and grandchildren and tage of some of the off-season have neglected to focus on their special rates at lodges in Estes adult relationship. Park for a romantic getaway Couples who don’t have chil- weekend. dren can face these same chalSometimes couples also find it lenges. There are hundreds, per- helpful to reconnect with each other by revisiting their earlier haps thousands of marriage reshared life experiences. Pull out newal self-help books on the
Dr. Beth Firestein For the Reporter-Herald
those photographs of the time you went camping and got caught in an unexpected snowstorm, or pictures and letters from your courtship days and early days of your marriage. It can be delightful to remember those times, reconnect with them emotionally, and laugh together. Laughter is especially important. Or get really silly and create your own Cialis commercial. Turn your living room into a tent campground for the night (minus the bonfire) or put a blow up plastic pool in the backyard with tiki torches and pretend you are in a bathtub in the jungle for an evening. The sillier the better. Sharing creativity and laughter is the best way to reconnect with your partner and can spice up a marriage that has fallen into the romantic disrepair.
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Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 each of being diagnosed, odds that have upped Bankes’ commitment to finding a cure. “I look at them, the girls, and see a 50 percent chance,” Bankes said. “We walk now so that hopefully by the time they are our age, hopefully they won't have to fight breast cancer, hopefully by then there's a cure,” said O’Donnell, who also has a daughter. Another breast cancer survivor, Dawn Zakanycz of Loveland, joined Team Mountain Mamas this year. She was diagnosed in June of 2009, undergoing her final surgery for treatment in 2010. Zakanycz said she is now cancer free after a bilateral mastectomy and wrangling with a vicious round of chemo, with devastating side effects that Mamas, a local Avon Walk for Everyone in the room could surprised her doctors given her Breast Cancer Rocky Mountains be handed the same situation, team. The group is in their third and everyone would deal with it age and health, she said. Now Zakanycz is also training walk together, held in Summit differently, she said. for her first triathlon, the Tri for County this year, June 25-26. In 2009, Carla Bankes, one of Team Mountain Mamas raised the four women that started the the Cure, a women’s triathlon in Denver this August, benefiting $2,000 at the April 9 crop held at team, found out she had a gethe Denver Metropolitan AffiliMedical Center of the Rockies. netic form of breast cancer. The ate of Susan G. Komen for the Crops are events where BCRA 1 gene gives her two I See CROP/Page 20 scrapbook junkies hunker down daughters a 50 percent chance for hours, scrapbooking, socializing, finally getting to those pesky unfinished crop projects. Some people are pretty hard core, churning out 50 pages at a crop, said Wanda O’Donnell, one of the original four members of Team Mountain Mamas. Croppers paid $25 for a spot at table for working, plus breakfast and lunch. A silent auction and a percentage of proceeds from participating vendors provided additional funds to the team. O’Donnell said scrapbooking, watching people create memories and shape the story of their lives, can be an analogy for how people deal with hard times and with breast cancer.
Marathon “crop” raises funds for local Avon Walk for Breast Cancer team Jennifer Lehman Special Sections Reporter
heets of paper — themed, patterned and solid — scissors, rulers, glue, stickers and photos littered long tables at Crop Out Cancer, a fundraiser for Team Mountain
We walk now so that hopefully by the time they are our age, hopefully they won't have to fight breast cancer, hopefully by then there's a cure.” — Wanda O’Donnell HL-326525
RH photo by Jennifer Lehman
Linda Crocker demonstrates scrapbooking techniques for Crop Out Cancer attendees.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 19
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Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
CROP From Page 18
Cure. O’Donnell said Bankes and Zakanycz are the strongest women she’s come across. “I've seen people who have lesser obstacles in their life and really retreat,” O’Donnell said, These women were not having any of that — I'm just so impressed with them.” “I just won’t sit down and take it,” Bankes said, adding that she doesn’t want other women to give up and opt out of treatments. “There are women out there who say that they won’t do the chemo, and they haven’t even tried. It’s horrible, but it’s not so bad.” “Not once did I ever think that I might not make it,” Zakanycz said, “There were kind of certain people that looked at you like oh my God, you are going to die. I had to put those people in the back seat because I only wanted positive support.” With two breast cancer survivors on the team, there is a greater sense of
purpose, Bankes said. “We’re definitely driven — we just have no choice, we just have to do it. I think it just makes us all more determined.” Bankes said the team will continue with the breast cancer walk “Hopefully until we're old, too old to walk.” Make donations to Team Mountain Mamas and other Avon Walk Rock Mountain teams www.avonwalk.org/ rocky-mountains/teams.html.
GET READY TO CROP Another fundraising crop is being held for Team Mountain Mamas by local scrap booking supply company, Memories Unlimited, in Loveland. What: Memories Unlimited Crop for Team Mountain Mamas When: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Where: Long’s Peak Conference Room at Medical Center of Rockies Cost: Entry fee is $5 and goes directly to Team Mountain Mamas Contact: E-mail memoriesunlimited@comast.net to RSVP
RH Photo/Jennifer Lehman
Kelly Fox of Wellington puts together a scrapbook at the Crop Out Cancer event on April 9. Fox came to the crop with a group of friends who meet up every Wednesday to scrapbook.
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Jess No Less
fofight od
Advice from a dietician Tips to help make eating healthy a little easier
Story by Jessica Benes • Reporter-Herald
xercise is hard, and it doesn’t get easier after a few weeks of diligence. It just gets harder. During one workout, I pushed a round weight on a red, metal sled across the floor and back while wearing a 20-pound weighted vest, and my trainer Brad Sawatzky (orchardsbrad@gmail.com) at Orchards Athletic Center bantered at me about my slow pace ... which is when I gave him the evil eye, and he told me not to judge because it’s not nice. I’ve stayed accountable to exercise and didn’t hit my face with anything this month. Sawatzky said we’ve reached the intensity level in in my twicea-week morning workout sessions that he likes to see, because I can only respond to his comments with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ due to all the huffing. And while I often feel like I can’t do any more, I usually can. So that’s not the problem. Now the problem is food. Stupid, stupid food. I’ve been eating whole grains instead of white, and half meals at restaurants instead of the whole thing. And yet, I haven’t lost much weight. Sawatzky told me to track my food online. His recommendation is www.myfitnesspal.com. I’ve also looked into www.loseit.com, which has an application for my smartphone. I can make excuses about how some of the fat is turning to muscle and I’m not eating that badly but ... if I really look at the food I’m eating, I still have changes to make.
Denise Moore, registered dietician at the Chilson Center, has the following tips: • Create a meal plan. Moore said “the internet is your friend.” Good eating takes practice. She recommends sites like www.thedailyplate.com. • Look at labels because many products contain more sugar than you think. • Stop focusing so much on food. Get over it. Everyday is not your birthday. (Harder said than done. I had to take a deep breath after this one. Really? It isn’t? But what about when I’m having a bad day? Or when my friend is having a bad day? Or when I haven’t seen this person in ages? Or it’s my brother’s birthday? Or everyone is going out?) • Eating right isn’t about extreme dieting, such as focusing on high protein, low carb or high fat. Some people do better with more carbohydrates, some with more protein. • A daily meal plan should include 25 grams of fiber or higher, no more than 1,500 mg of sodium, 25 grams of added sugar for women and 38 grams of added sugar for men (that doesn’t include natural sugar found in foods). • Don’t drink your calories. Artificial sweeteners tend to make you crave more sweets, because your body doesn’t buy the trick you’re trying to play on it (backed up time and again by Sawatzky). Try drinking weak unsweetened tea or refrigerated water with lemon or cucumber. • Moore said the Mediterranean diet is a good place to start, because it focuses on more fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, less meat and fruit for dessert. • Eating right is a life-long process. You can’t do it in a quick overhaul or it will become too overwhelming.
Jessica Benes is a newsroom assistant and writer for the Loveland Reporter-Herald. This column is meant to encourage people struggling with healthy eating and weight loss by offering advice from experts and sharing her own progress. Contact Benes at jbenes@reporter-herald.com.
The Mediterranean diet is a good place to start, because it focuses on more fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, less meat and fruit for dessert. —Denise Moore, registered dietician at the Chilson Center
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Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 21
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
Health in a Handbasket
Muscle Max Diet:
Things I liked: I loved the energy I had from eating so frequently. By eating right before going to bed and then replacing my old Dr. Pepper breakfast with veggies and protein, I seemed to have more energy in the mornings. I mostly used the extra morning energy on being ornery to my work-mom, Story by Jade Cody • Reporter-Herald Cindy. Unfortunately, she is apparently taking ornery-supplements and wins every time. What I did: Anyway, to fit in the six daily meals, I reFor eight weeks I followed a lied on a lot of fruit, nuts and vegetables — protein rich, six-meal-per-day stuff my real mom would be proud, and outdiet designed by Max Muscle right stunned, to find in my kitchen. Carrots Certified Nutrition Coach Chris and V8 count as vegetables, right? Mader. The diet focused on eatI also loved the supplements. The orange ing six small, nutritious meals goodness helped me become a more resilient throughout the day. I combined exerciser, and the creatine seemed to help inthe diet with supplements increase my strength immediately. cluding Max Muscle Gourmet Things I didn’t like: I am not the type of Protein Mix, creatine and Full person who would count out or measure the Blown Extreme, a pre-workout food I’m eating, so this didn’t come naturally elixir I like to call orange goodto me. My mantra has always been to eat ness. when I’m hungry and stop when I’m not — In short, I took the first steps just like Hungry Hippos do. So it took a bit to toward wrestling and defeating get used to following eating instructions. my dad until he finally admitted I also thought the menu application was I’m the strongest boy in the frustrating to use. For instance, if I wanted to whole wide world. eat tacos (and I almost always do), it was My overall goal was to gain 10 hard to find each ingredient and document it. pounds of muscle, one pound of I ended up having to use the menu as more mustache and decrease my body of a guide — something Mader said was apfat percentage (13.5 percent) as propriate. measured by Mador’s gang of The most challenging aspect of the diet miniature submarine pilots. was the cost. It is expensive to stock up on I didn’t change my workout enough nutritious food for six meals per day. regimen at all for the diet and That, combined with the price of the supplecontinued doing CrossFit workments, would make it difficult for me to reouts three to four times per week main on this type of diet long-term. Though — though I did increase the it’s hard to argue with the results ... amount of times I checked myWhat happened: After two months on self out in the mirror, which the diet and supplements, my strength (and, wasn’t weird or creepy at all. oddly, my desire to wear fish-net shirts) immediately shot up. Just kidding about the fishnet thing. My bench press max went Health in a Handbasket up 15 pounds to 235, and I felt is a monthly feature in which I was able to do more during my CrossFit workouts. I put on I try a health-related adven-
ture and write about it. If you have an idea for a new adventure, write to me at jcody@reporter-herald.com.
Health in a Handbasket
Starting weight: 155 Ending weight: 161 Starting body fat percentage: 13.5 Ending body fat percentage: 12.9 Lean muscle gained: 5.5 pounds Nickname at beginning: Goose Nickname at end: Thunder Lion four pounds after the first month and two pounds after the second month. Five-and-ahalf of the six pounds were lean muscle, which Mader said was incredible progress. He said I was accelerating really well, and that drops in body fat percentage would come slowly. The girlfriend test: Kim, the girl I’m dating, said she could tell a big difference in terms of physical changes, and commented on several occasions that at this point she’d choose me over the Fonz, which is big, cause I have no idea how to make a jukebox play by punching it. Kim was afraid the supplements might make me mean or shout hurtful things at small kittens, but that wasn’t the case. I remained three parts nice, well-mannered and odd — just like she likes me. Bottom line: Although I’m probably not going to stick exactly to this diet forever, I am taking away some important lessons. One, eating smaller meals throughout the day, while expensive, is good for me and makes me feel better than I do when I eat one or two large ones. Breakfast and pre-sleep meals are here to stay. Two, eating vegetables and fruit really is a good thing, and so is dropping soda, candy and unnecessary fats. I’m definitely going to continue with some of the supplements from Max Muscle. The orange goodness was amazing, the creatine seemed to help, and the protein was a lifesavor when I needed quick calories. Even if the supplements do cost quite a bit, they seem to be worth a little longer trial. I realized that nutrition isn’t just helpful for fitness, it also really helps with my sense of well being. I’m encouraged by gaining 5.5 pounds of muscle in just two months, and I can’t wait to see what happens when I increase my workout schedule from three-tofour times a week to four-to-five.
Fishnet tank top? I’ll take two. No fishnet wearing models were harmed in the making of this column.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 23
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difficulties maintaining erections or reaching orgasm as easily as usual. Certainly not everyone has these side effects and they should go away once your are no longer on the medicine (unless other medical issues are causing the symptoms). Both men and women can experience sexual side effects. You have several options in dealing with the situation: 1) Talk to your doctor about these side effects. She may be able to adjust the dose or utilize another type of anti-depressant that has less probability of sexual side effects. 2) Evaluate for yourself if the symptoms are very bothersome or if they are primarily mild and slightly inconvenient. Some people choose to accept the side effects because the medication is so helpful, and they realize that they will not need to take this medicine forever. 3) Ask your doctor if medications for erectile dysfunction would be helpful in overcoming some of the negative effects of the medication. Again, it is also possible that other medical issues or medications other than the anti-depressant may be contributing to these difficulties. 4) Finally, it is always helpful to talk to your sexual partner about this and find out if it bothers her and what the two of you would prefer to do about it. There are many different treatments for depression, including therapy, lifestyle changes and many different types of medication. You do have several options if the current sexual side effects are quite disturbing for you. Explore these options, and decide what you feel is best for you.
TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: 1107 S. Lemay Ave, Suite 300 Fort Collins 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave North Medical Office Building, Suite 150 Loveland
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
10 ways to get
more VEGGIES in your
Diet Meredith Cohn McClatchy-Tribune
egetables are important for a good diet — they can reduce risk of stroke, heart disease and some cancers and can contribute to healthy weight. The people at TOPS (Take Pounds Off Sensibly), a nonprofit weight-loss support group, came up with a Top 10 list of ways to get more veggies in your diet. Some you may already do and some may be new ideas:
Make a “pasta” dish with spaghetti squash instead of noodles.
Puree cooked vegetables and add them to stews, gravies and soups.
Add raw spinach leaves and an extraripe banana to a fruit smoothie. It may sound strange, but the sweetness of the banana masks the taste of the spinach.
Baking? Add shredded carrots to muffins or bread.
Instead of cheese and meat, pile your morning omelet with onions, mushrooms, and red and green peppers. Chop vegetables the night before to save time in the morning.
Add chopped spinach to meat when preparing meatballs or hamburgers.
Try mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. Experiment with different flavorings such as garlic, a dab of butter, and parmesan cheese.
Add salsa to a breakfast burrito, pile it on a veggie burger, or use it in place of high-fat, creamy vegetable dips.
Puree pasta sauce with vegetables such as winter squash or chopped broccoli.
Add chopped carrots to casseroles or meat loaf.
Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011 25
hysterectomy: what you need to know Elizabeth Howell, M.D. McKee Medical Center
appropriate. A total hysterectomy includes the removal of the uterus and the cervix. When the ovaries and sometimes the fallopian bout 600,000 hysterectomies are tubes also are removed, the procedure is performed in called a hysterectomy with a bilateral the United oophorectomy. States each year. In a radical hysterectomy — most often A hysterectomy is done in cases of cancer — the surgeon rethe surgical removal of moves the uterus, cervix, the top part of the the uterus. It is one vagina and much of the tissue around the type of treatment for cervix in the pelvis. The surgeon also may conditions such as remove the pelvic lymph nodes. heavy bleeding, large Another option not often realized by fibroids, endometriosis many patients is a supracervical hysterectoand uterine prolapse. Elizabeth Howell my. In this procedure, the surgeon removes A hysterectomy may the uterus and leaves the cervix in place. be performed through a variety of methods The cervix links the uterus to the vagina including open, transvaginal, laparoscopic and has two functions: It helps lubricate the and a robot-assisted laparoscopic method. vaginal area and provides support for a variety of pelvic ligaments. A patient should discuss options with her Some surgeons recommend the removal physician to see which procedure is most
of the cervix as a preventive measure against cervical cancer. If a woman does not have cancer or concerns with pre-cancer of the cervix, she may want to consider a supracervical hysterectomy. Some women say removal of the cervix diminishes sexual pleasure. Others have said removal causes increased bladder and bowel problems. Healing and recovery may take longer if the cervix is removed because that is an extension of the surgical procedure. Women who choose to leave the cervix in place must still have Pap smears regularly for cervical cancer screening. A robotic-assisted laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy is a nice hysterectomy option as it retains the normal anatomy at the top part of the vagina. It is thought to improve the support of the vagina and might decrease the possibility for discomfort with the intercourse that can occur after vaginal surgery. There is a small risk for continued spotting at the time of normal menstrual cycle if the cervix is left in place. I find that patients heal very well after this type of hysterectomy and are very pleased. It is an option that should always be discussed when considering a hysterectomy. Elizabeth Howell, MD, is an obstetrician/ gynecologist with McKee Center for Women’s Health.
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Thursday LOVELAND REPORTER-HERALD/Health Line of Northern Colorado April 21, 2011
Health Line Calendar
BREATHE EASIER PULMONARY SUPPORT GROUP Living with, Learning about, and sharing information on chronic lung related issues. When: 10 a.m.-Noon, June 10 Where: McKee Conference and Wellness Center Contact: 970-635-4053
BREAST-FEEDING SUPPORT GROUP When: 10 a.m.-11 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (except holidays). Where: McKee Medical Center Cost: No Charge Contact: 970-669-9355
Care program during meeting times at no charge. Contact: 970-669-7069
DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Become a better manager of your diabetes. When: 7-8:30 p.m., May 19 Where: McKee Conference and Wellness Center Cost: No charge. No registration needed. Contact: 970-203-6550
BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP When: 5:30-7 p.m., 2nd Thursday of the month Where: McKee Cancer Center Lobby Contact: 970-622-1961
Bring your baby and learn how nurturing interactions, a healthy/safe environment and playing games together supports brain development and emotional health. When: 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., May 16 Where: 3rd floor, Family Birth Center Conference Room, MMC Cost: Free. Pre-registration is required. Contact: 970-495-7528
When: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., every other Thursday: April 21, May 5 and 19 Where: Call for locations Contact: 970-635-4129
CAREGIVERS SUPPORT For caregivers of elderly adults. Group provides support and education about community resources and behavior issues, particularly for people with Alzheimer's and memory impairment. When: 1:30-3:30 p.m., 3rd Thursday of the month Where: First Christian Church, 2000 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland Cost: No charge. Care of elderly adult family members or friends available through Stepping Stones Adult Day
rience needed. When: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Wednesdays Where: McKee Cancer Center Conference Room Call: 970-635-4129
MAN TO MAN: PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP When: 5:30-7 p.m., 4th Thursday of the month Where: McKee Conference and Wellness Center Contact: 970-622-1961
YOGA SUPPORT GROUP For anyone touched by cancer. Thirty minutes of gentle yoga and breathing and 30 minutes of holistic therapy education. When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of month 5:306:30 p.m. Where: McKee Cancer Center lobby Cost: Free Contact: 970-635-4054
Health Briefs
MCKEE MEDICAL CENTER WELCOMES NEW ASSOCIATE ADMINISTRATOR McKee Medical Center welcomes Leslie Martin as the new Associate Administrator. Martin will lead ancillary and support services such as imaging, rehabilitation, respiratory/cardiovascular, volunteers, plant services, environmental services, culinary and nutrition, and others.
Leslie Martin
MCKEE MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION HONORS COMMUNITY CLINIC’S FOUNDER Emergency physician Scott Sundheim, MD, received the McKee Community Health Award from the MMC Foundation for his work to open a free health clinic in Loveland. He accepted the award during the annual McKee Thanks luncheon at McKee Medical Center. Sundheim started St. Matthew’s Medical Clinic, a nonprofit clinic that provides free primary medical care to Loveland residents in need. The clinic opened in the summer of 2010 at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School at 2650 Sunview Drive in north Loveland. The clinic operates with the help of volunteer nurses, physicians, physician assistants and receptionists as well as donations from Banner Health and private individuals.
The Loveland ComPhysical therapists and munity Health Fair offers occupational therapists free and low-cost screenprepare patients for ings, educational booths, surgery. Coordinated health counseling and through physician's ofmore. fice as part of the surgery When: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., scheduling process. April 23 When: 3 p.m., ThursWhere: MMC days Cost: Varies Where: McKee Confer- Contact: 970-669-9355 ence & Wellness Center or visit www.Banner Cost: Free health.com/loveland Contact: 970-635-4172 healthfair
PVHS would be grateful for any help you can give us in asking the public to donate blood. Garth Englund Blood Donation Center hours and locations: • Fort Collins: (two blocks north of PVH), 1025 Pennock Place, Ste. 104, 970-495-8965. • Loveland: Medical Center of the Rockies main floor, 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., 970-624-1510. The donation process takes about 45 minutes. This includes the time needed to fill out health history and consent forms. The actual drawing of blood — a pint — takes five to 10 minutes. For more information, visit http://pvhs.org/bloodcenter.
When: 5:30-7 p.m., Tuesdays Where: McKee Cancer Center lobby Contact: 970-635-4129
More than 1,200 bicyclists come for this tour that begins and ends at McKee Medical Center. Rides are 62 miles, 30 miles, 37 miles and 10 SOULPLAY ART miles. Organized by the THERAPY MMC Foundation. People whose lives When: 6:30 a.m., May 15 are touched by cancer Where: MMC experience the benefits of expressing themselves Cost: Varies through art. No art expe- Contact: 970-203-2519
Banner OB/Gyn Associates welcomes certified nurse-midwife Heidi Von Nieda, CNM. She specializes in preventive health care for women, adolescent health care, contraception, perimenopause and menopause health promotion. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 970-667-2009.
Heidi Von Nieda