Saturday Reporter-Herald July 17, 2010 E1
Real Estate Matters • Saturday, July 17, 2010 • Reporter-Herald
Refinancing may be a good idea ILYCE GLINK TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES
uestion: We are one of the few who can but have not yet refinanced and are looking at refinancing this week. We have about $250,000 equity in our home on a 30-year mortgage 6.2 percent. We are three years into the mortgage. We are in our mid 50s. We know we will stay in this home for at least seven more years. We have just come into a very nice inheritance. Should we go for a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage and put cash in to lower our payments, or should we just refinance with a new 30-year loan at 4.6 percent and invest the inheritance elsewhere. Answer: Go for the 15-year refinance, but don’t put any cash in. Leave a little of the inheritance on the side so you have plenty of emergency cash, and invest the rest. The idea is that the payments might be higher, but the interest you’ll get (around 4 to 4.25 percent) will help tremendously, so the differential won’t be that much, if any. For example, let’s say you took out a $250,000 loan for 30 years at 6.2 percent. Your monthly payment is about $1,531. On a 15year loan at 4.25 percent, your monthly payment will be $1,874. That’s about $350 per month extra, or $4,200 more per year. If I See GLINK/Page E4
Inside this week’s Home & Real Estate
Realtor of the Week Kristen Specketer of The Group in Loveland
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Transactions View recent homes sold in the Loveland/ Berthoud area
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Tips for buyers and sellers with home showings JADE CODY SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR
hen buying or selling a property, an open house or home showing is paramount. For sellers, it is a first impression and a chance to entice the homebuyers into making an offer. For homebuyers, it represents the opportunity to see, feel and walk in what will be a monumental financial investment. Here are some tips for both homebuyers and sellers in terms of home showings. SELLERS — PREPARING THE HOME It may seem obvious, but homes should be clean, decluttered and free from distractions. Sarah Warnock, Realtor with Prudential Rocky Mountain, Realtors in Loveland, said a home showing can be key to a sell. Too much clutter — whether it be items on the counters, too much furniture or too much on the walls — can dissuade a buyer. “People need to be able to envision their own stuff in there,” she said. • Entryway — “Really work on the entryway,” Warnock said, because it will be the buyers’ first impression of the home. Remove debris from garden beds, clean up the door and the windows, and make sure the landscaping looks manicured.
• Kitchen and bathrooms — According to Warnock, these two rooms may be the most important rooms in the house. Make sure the countertops are clean and uncluttered. • Closets and cupboards — Buyers will be looking through the every nook and cranny in the house, including the closets. Be sure they are organized and clean. • Personal items — Some Realtors recommend taking down all personal decor items, Warnock said, but “I think that makes it feel cold and sterile ... as long as it’s not cluttered.” Keep family photos and personal touches to give the house a feeling of home. • Valuables — Put them away or lock them up. • Get lost — Home sellers should never be present during a showing, Warnock said. It makes the homebuyers feel uneasy, unable to express concerns and rushed. While you’re at it, take the pets. While you love them, not everyone is a pet person and might give the impression that the home isn’t clean. Along those lines, it’s also a good idea not to smoke in the house when you’re having showings. • Lights, action — Turn all of the lights on and open window coverings and blinds, Warnock said. This will give the home an open, refreshing feeling. BUYERS — WHAT TO LOOK FOR • Visit a reputable lender and become pre-approved. This should be the first step in the homebuying process, and will give homebuyers a good idea of
what they can afford to purchase, said Stephanie Kirkland, Realtor with The Group in Loveland. • Shop online first — Most listings are available for viewing online, so it’s a good idea to weed out the homes you might not be interested in beforehand, Kirkland said. “If you have a pretty good idea of what you’re looking for, there’s a lot of inventory available right now,” she said. • Picture yourself living there. Are you comfortable with the stairs, are the closets big enough, will the home take too
much fixing up? Imagine your daily life in the house you are touring, Warnock said. • Control — With any home, there are things you can and can’t control. Decide if you are comfortable with the things out of your control, such as the neighborhood and nearby streets. “You can’t change your neighbors and you can’t change a nearby busy street, but you can change the countertops,” Warnock said. For more information, contact Warnock at 970-612-1212 or To contact Kirkland, call 970-613-0700.
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Loveland's newest low maintenance patio & semi-custom home community For more information contact Glen Marketing Team, ERA: Another quality neighborhood by Glen Companies ERA Herman Group 8 reputable and reliable builders offering homes from mid $300's (970) 663-4522 Real Estate Conveniently located in S.W. Loveland 1/4 mile west of Wilson Ave on 14th St. SW