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2010 Thrivent Home Owner Gets Her “Yes” Kayleena had become used to being told “No.” As Loveland Habitat for Humanity’s Thrivent build partner family, Kayleena had been turned down for low-income housing programs and a number of other assistance programs, being told she did not qualify. The mother of two, she knew nothing about Loveland Habitat for Humanity® and its mission to help families qualify for decent and affordable homes; that is until her Aunt mentioned it. “I spoke with my aunt and she told me about Habitat. I went to the ReStore and got an application,” said Kayleena. “I met with Susan, the Family Services Coordinator, and she was so nice. I was not told no!” Kayleena’s journey toward home ownership started one year ago. After she applied for her Habitat home she went through the family selection process and qualified based on her need, good credit, residency and willingness to partner with sweat equity. Although the process seemed daunting at first, Kayleena said, “everyone was so friendly.” Kayleena has completed her 250 hours of required sweat equity. All Habitat homeowners are required 250 hours per adult. She has also recieved extra help from the Lutheran Community. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a faith-based membership
organization called to improve the quality of life of its members, their families, and their communities by providing unparalleled solutions that focus on financial security, wellness and caring for others. Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity® engages Lutheran congregations, Thrivent chapters and members, Habitat affiliates, and individuals from across the United States and around the world to build hundreds of homes per year with families in need, provide mission trips for Christian outreach in local and foreign communities, and directly reduce poverty housing and homelessness around the world Sixty-five percent of the funding for this build was awarded through a grant by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Another 10 percent was raised by five local Lutheran churches through fund raising and donations of materials and labor. With her dream of a home of her own nearly a reality, the excitement is building especially for her young son who cannot wait to have his own yard to play in. Plans are already underway for how the kid’s rooms will be decorated and how she will have time to spend with her great neighbors.
Meet the 2010 Loveland Habitat Partner Families!
The Archer Family
The Archer Family Jennifer raised her children as a single mom. Her priority was to be a “stay at home mom” as much as possible. This meant working jobs that either allowed her children to be with her or working while they slept once they were old enough to be home alone. These jobs were low-paying, so Jennifer was never able to earn enough to qualify for a mortgage. Jennifer is very excited for the opportunity to finally own a home and to never have to move again. Jennifer lives with her daughter, Elise and 2 year old grandson. They moved into their home in February of this year.
The MacLeod Family Jenna shared a small apartment with her toddler daughter. She prayed that her daughter would experience the comfort of a safe home and neighborhood. At the encouragement of a co-worker, Jenna applied for her Habitat home. She has been amazed at the support from the Loveland Habitat staff and on the jobsite from the volunteers. She has lived in her home since spring of 2010. Jenna says she so appreciates that her daughter now has her own bedroom and an opportunity to grow up in a loving community!
The Riley Family
The MacLeod Family
The Riley Family Jenn is looking forward to the joys of owning her own home, which she says means a shorter commute to work; planting her garden; taking care of her yard and trying out her interior decorating abilities. Jenn prefers to stay in one place. She looks forward to moving into her Habitat home and staying there for the majority of her life. She says her partnership with Habitat is definitely going to be one of the best times of her life and a positive life-changing event. Jenn hopes to move into her home later this year.