Saturday Reporter-Herald August 7, 2010 E1
Sell with
Space Use the value of space when selling
ome buyers are searching for square footage and spaciousness. So why not give it to them? Even though a house is small, a seller can still earn top dollar on its sale by taking the time to play up its positive features and size. That is what home staging is all about. Setting the stage to sell a smaller house on the market can help the 90 percent of buyers who are unable to see all it has to offer. That’s right — home staging statistics show that only about 10 percent of buyers can actually visualize the potential of a home. So here are a few simple solutions to help buyers see and feel the space they crave, and put in an offer:
PARE IT DOWN • In a space-challenged living room or family room, start by editing furniture. Pare it down to one sofa and coffee table if necessary. Bring in a dining room chair with arms if there is room. Dress it up with a small decorative pillow or a throw over the side. The smaller the furniture and the less there is of it is best to really make that square footage shine. • Eliminate small pieces of art and plaques on walls as well as personal family photo galleries. Too many small items on walls tend to distract the eye and enclose the space. • Remove area rugs on carpeted floors as they tend to make rooms appear smaller. • Clear any excess clutter on the floors, on shelves and in corners of rooms. Pack up collections of small pieces like figurines. • Remove and store large screen TV’s, stereos and equipment that can often overpower a room. PLAY IT UP • A simple trick to make a living area appear larger is to pull sofas and other furniture off of the wall about six inches. By doing this, it creates instant depth and a feeling of spaciousness. • Place a larger mirror with a pretty frame across from a picture window, say, over a sofa to reflect the natural beauty outdoors. A mirror acts as an art piece while visually enhancing the size of the room (this works great in entryways too). • Use a fitted slipcover in a white, tan or cream adorned with pretty throw pillows to update a heavy dark colored sofa. This will instantly brighten and visually expand the space. • A glass-top coffee table is the perfect choice to allow the potential buyer to see more of the floor underneath, which translates into a more spacious feel. • Keeping interior wall paint colors neutral, light and fresh and choosing updated, simple window treatments that match the wall color, are a sure way to make a room appear larger. • Saturday, August 7, 2010 • Reporter-Herald
Lending Myths Can you really get a mortgage these days? RH PAID ADVERTORIAL
ou have most likely read and seen the news stories all over the media: “You need 20 percent down to get a loan,” or, “if you don’t have perfect credit you cannot get a loan,” then, “only the people that don’t need a loan can get one,” and, “it’s a great time to buy but nobody can qualify.” There are too many scenarios to list. Ask the average person on the street, and they will probably tell you the same thing. After getting the constant negative drum beat of the media, it is hard not to think this. None of this is true. It is true that investors like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA and VA have stricter standards than in years past. The industry is close to having the same guideline restrictions that it did in the early 90s. The difference between then and now is homebuyers have been spoiled with the ease of lending from 2001 to 2008. The transition has been a very hard one for most people to experience, although most will agree consumers needed stricter
RH photo
standards for lending after the housing bust. Extending credit has always been about three things — credit, collateral and capacity. Collateral is the easiest. The house needs to appraise for what the purchase price is. Credit is next; if you have paid your bills on time, getting a loan should be easy. If you have had some credit issues, there are still many resources available for loans to fit you. Capacity is where the problems come up. It is hard
sometimes to Mortgage rate update verify a steady stream of inThis week Last week Trend come, especially for self-employed 30-year fixed 4.57% 4.59% buyers. 15-year fixed 4.03% 4.05% The bottom line is do not let 3.60% 3.64% 5/1 ARM a media story stop you from trying to buy a home. Talk to a rep- to buy in six months to a year. utable lender and get your apThe climate for affordability in proval. If credit, collateral or ca- homes, along with the lowest pacity is stopping you today, rates in history are just too good lenders can get you on the path to pass up.
GET IT SOLD By putting in the work to show off square footage by setting the stage to sell a smaller home, it is sure to stand tall against the competition and earn big rewards. Jill is a Home Staging Expert (HSE) certified stager and redesign specialist serving the Northern Colorado area. For questions or more information, e-mail Jill Schuett of Applause Home Staging, LLC, at, or go to 26-313725
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