Real Estate Guide

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Saturday Reporter-Herald September 4, 2010 E1

Real Estate Matters • Saturday, September 4, 2010 • Reporter-Herald

Examine reports when repairing credit ILYCE GLINK TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES


uestion: I have made some bad credit mistakes due to my stupidity and the fact that I am not educated in financial matters. I am looking to buy my first home. I have a credit score that isn’t so pretty. I have some negative information on my credit report. I want to know how to increase my credit status, fix my credit report and raise my credit score to the point where I can purchase my first home. Answer: Mortgage lenders want every borrower to have a perfect credit report and a very high credit score. Unfortunately, about onequarter of Americans these days have poor credit histories and a credit score of 550 or below, which isn’t going to help you get qualified for financing. If your credit score is poor, you should go to the website and pull a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit reporting bureaus. While the reports are free (you can get a copy from each of the three credit reporting bureaus free once a year), take the opportunity to buy a copy of your credit score from, which will cost you about $9. Look for errors or omissions on your credit report. While you admit you’ve made some stupid mistakes, you should also check for errors or information that has been incorrectly added to your report and could be dragging down your score. Next, you should pay all of your bills on time and in full (if possible) each month. If it isn’t possible to pay all of your bills in full, you should at least make the minimum payment required each month. Over time, perhaps a year or two, making on-time payments will increase your credit score and help to clean up your credit history. During this time, be sure to use your credit card wisely (or open up a credit card account if you don’t have one), and pay off the bill at the end of each month. Getting a credit card means you will increase the total amount of available credit that has been assigned to you. Paying off the bill each month helps lower your “use ratio,” or how much of your available credit you’re using each month. There are more tips about fixing your credit history and raising your credit score at my website, You might also want to check out the Equifax Personal Finance Blog ( While I write the real estate blog for the site, the Equifax folks write about credit from their vantage I See GLINK/Page E2

Steps to Sell Home investments can pay off big when selling JILL SCHUETT APPLAUSE HOME STAGING


imple home improvements are really the starting point for setting the stage to sell a home. Making a home as movein ready as possible is the key to competing in today’s market. And, statistics show that preparing a home for sale by putting in a little elbow grease, time and money into repairs, updating and home staging will reap a significant return on investment. In fact, a 2009 HomeGain national survey based on the 12 areas of home improvement identified by real estate agents in HomeGain’s original survey in 2003 show just that. HomeGain surveyed

RH photo/Jade Cody

A well-manicured and spruced up landscape, such as in this Loveland home for sale at 2695 46th St., can add as much as 473 percent to the selling price of a home. Below, cleaning and de-cluttering a home can add as much as 872 percent to a home’s value. nearly 1,000 real estate agents in each of the United States regions. All agents might not necessarily agree on the same pre-sale strategy. Differences of opinions may vary based on the climate of the market, region of the country or condition of the home in question. The percentage of agents that agree on the positive impact of a particular presale activity is

summarized below.

FRESHEN IT UP • Remove wallpaper inOUT WITH THE OLD, IN cluding wallpaper borders WITH THE NEW and paint walls a nice While some home imneutral color. provement projects reap • Paint dark, outdated bigger dollar returns wood trim and doors than others, some simple updating like replacing a white. • Paint dark wood panhome’s light fixtures and eling white, off-white, door handles as well as cream or beige. This will kitchen and bathroom give an instant face-lift to cabinet hardware with an old, dark room. modern brushed nickel • Make a positive first pieces will factor in to a impression by putting a home showing better and spending less time on the fresh coat of paint on the front door and replacing market. In a buyer’s mind, these updates cre- old, tarnished outside light fixtures and house ate value as “move-in numbers with new ones. ready appeal” — things After all the cleaning, they won’t have to spend de-cluttering, repairs and time and money changing out themselves. updating are done, hiring

a home stager may help pull it all together with proper furniture arrangements, adding décor and accenting all the unique, positive features of a home. See how putting a little time, effort and money in the right places in preparing a home to sell will really pay off. Jill Schuett is a Home Staging Expert certified stager and redesign specialist serving the Northern Colorado area. For questions or more information, e-mail Jill Schuett of Applause Home Staging, LLC, jill.applause, or go to www.applausehome

Home Improvement: Return on Investment Home Improvement Project Clean and De-clutter Home Staging Lighten and Brighten Landscape Repair Plumbing Update Electrical Replace/Shampoo Carpet Paint Interior Walls Repair Damaged Floors Update Kitchen Paint Outside of Home Update Bathroom

Average Cost $100-$200 $300-$400 $200-$300 $300-$400 $300-$400 $300-$400 $400-$500 $500-$750 $500-$750 $1,000-$1,500 $750-$1,000 $750-$1,000

Home Price Increase

Return on Investment

$1,500-$2,000 $1,500-$2,000 $1,000-$1,500 $1,500-$2,000 $1,000-$1,500 $1,000-$1,500 $1,000-$1,500 $1,500-$2,000 $1,500-$2,000 $2,000-$3,000 $1,500-$2,000 $1,000-$1,500

872% 586% 572% 473% 327% 309% 295% 250% 250% 237% 201% 172%

Percentage of Agents Recommending 98% 82% 95% 94% 88% 89% 97% 94% 91% 69% 81% 70%

Inside this week’s Home & Real Estate

Real Estate Transactions Listings from Front Range properties recently sold

Page E2

26th Annual Historic Homes Gala & Tour Page E3

Featured Home Plan Granbury is a cozy ranch suited for a small family

Director y

Page E4

Page E4

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