Health Line of Northern Colorado

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March 15, 2012

HealthLine Of Northern Colorado

Functional Fitness Gain mobility, strength

Get your health Get your health back on track. back on track.

Schedule your annual checkup today. Schedule annual checkup Dr. your Susan Agrama and today.

Dr. Peyton Taliaferro are now Dr. Susan Agrama and welcoming new patients.

Dr. Peyton Taliaferro are now welcoming new patients.

1327 Eagle Drive, Loveland

1327 Eagle Drive, Loveland

To make an appointment, To make an appointment, call 970.619.6450 call 970.619.6450 Dr. Susan Agrama

Dr. Susan Agrama

Primary Primary Care Care

14th St. SW

14th St. SW

South Taft Taft Ave. Ave. South

In the heart of south Loveland

King Soopers

Eagle Dr. Dr. Eagle

Dr. Peyton Peyton Taliaferro Taliaferro Dr.

The Poudre Valley Medical Group Primary Care clinic is conveniently located in the heart of South Loveland. Loveland. The The office office is is south south of of King King Soopers Soopers in in the the Thompson Thompson Valley Valley Towne Towne Center Center shopping shopping center, just west center, just west of of Starbucks. Starbucks.


Health Line of Northern Colorado is a monthly publication produced by the Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald. The information provided in this publication is intended for personal, noncommercial, informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with repsect to any company, product, procedure or activity. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.

Natural Energy A simple diet change can get rid of afternoon fatigue

Page 11

Get Moving

Movement can keep sitting muscles active

Page 18

Functional Fitness Gain mobility, strength

Page 5

Common Diet Traps Avoid them and stay on track

Page 19

For advertising information contact:

also inside Get Better 4 Uncommon 6 Jess No 8 Learn Better Walking 9 Avoid Adult 14 Teeth Can Reveal 15 Health 18 Health 19

Linda Story, advertising director: 970-635-3614

For editorial:

Summer Stair, 303-473-1212

No More Excuses: Increase your fitness at any age PAGE 19

How to behave after ...

a sleepless night face or socialize with friends.

By Alison Johnson McClatchy-Tribune

After a night of tossing and turning, the next day is exhausting — and seemingly endless. Sleep specialists say you can feel a bit better, and improve your odds of a good sleep the next night, with these steps:

DON’T HIT THE CAFFEINE HARD In fact, cut off all caffeine after 2 p.m. “Caffeine may increase irritability, make falling asleep at night difficult or cause frequent waking during the night,” says Dr. Martha Boulos, a neurologist at the Sleep Disorders Center at Sentara CarePlex Hospital in Hampton, Va. “Then you can fall into a bad cycle and mess up your whole week of sleep.”

DO SOMETHING NEW A change in routine — starting a project, for example, or trying a different exercise class — can help you stay alert. STAY COOL Turn down the heat, keep a window open and dress lightly. Warmer temperatures — think hot baths — make you drowsier.

BE CAREFUL ABOUT DRIVING Lack of sleep affects reaction time and focusing ability. If you’re really dragging, try to get a ride. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Dehydration makes you even sleepier. Just go easy in the evening to prevent nighttime urination. BE SMART ABOUT NAPS If you really need some shut-eye, limit naps to 20 or 30 minutes and don’t snooze after 4 p.m. Alternatives to napping: get some exercise, listen to fast-paced music, splash cold water on your

EAT SMALL, HEALTHY MEALS That way, your body won’t have to put much energy into digestion. Vegetables and fruits are great for keeping you well hydrated.

REWIND AT NIGHT Rewind at night. Take a hot bath (see above), listen to soothing music or read. If sleep troubles continue for a week or two, talk to your primary care doctor.

Functional Fitness Gain mobility, strength to improve daily life Summer Stair Reporter-Herald

The days of cheographed aerobics and jazzercise are over and instead have been replaced with exercise techniques that help build strength and mobility to help improve daily life. Known as functional fitness, many would argue it is for the literal minded who need a reason to be physically active. According to Robin Depperschmidt-Williams, senior program coordinator at the Orchards Athletic Club in Loveland, this is not the case and can in actuality be beneficial for anyone, no matter his or her age. “The more you do, the better you feel,” she says. “The better you feel, the more you do.” MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU Functional fitness is exactly that “functional”. It allows the person doing the exercise to gain strength and mobility to help them maintain a certain lifestyle, do more or simply be more comfortable in doing daily chores such as grocery shopping or going up and down the stairs. Depperschmidt-Williams works with many seniors on functional fitness,

because by having added strength in areas you may not even think of, such as the wrists, seniors can maintain a form of independence they may not have been able to do before. Exercises that include functional fitness often include free weights for strengthening and flexibility. Depperschmidt-Williams says exercises will often be focused on strengthening the core. “Everything derives from the core – from the body’s powerhouse,” she says. USE THE TIME YOU HAVE One of the great things about functional fitness exercises are they can often be done at home. If you can’t make it to the gym or you find it hard dedicating 30 minutes to a class or working out, Depperschmidt-Williams says they can be done any where and in places you might not even realize. Here are some ways you can add in “functional” fitness exercises in your daily life. “I hate wasting time,” Depperschmidt-Williams says. “So use the time you have and do compound exercises to increase your strength and mobility by adding these types of things in.” Remember: Start slow when adding

exercise into your daily routine. “Start at a level you feel comfortable with and just add a little bit more at a time.” • Heal raises – These can be done any where you might find yourself standing and waiting, such as in the grocery store line. • Squats, leg lifts and arm raises – When you are waiting for food to warm up in the microwave or on the stove do squats. • Pushups and crunches – Don’t skip the commercials, but utilize them by doing simple floor exercises during them.

“The more you do, the better you feel ... The better you feel, the more you do.” – Robin DepperschmidtWilliams

HL Uncommon Sense

Guilt Free

Know when it is appropriate to feel bad about your actions Dr. Beth Firestein Licensed Psychologist

Dear Dr. Beth: Guilt runs my life and I hate it! I feel guilty if my neighbor invites me to a neighborhood gathering and I don’t want to go. I feel guilty when my child gets a bad grade because it means I’m not a good mother. I feel guilty if someone gives me a present at the holidays and I haven’t thought to give them one. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this guilt? It’s making me miserable. Dr. Beth: As women, guilt seems to run our lives. If there is one issue that every woman in my practice seems to struggle with, it is guilt. There are two kinds of guilt: One is rational guilt—you feel guilty because you hurt someone’s feelings or yelled at your children or forgot an appointment at the doctor’s office. Guilt is the message from our conscience that tell us we’ve done something wrong and need to take ownership for our mistake, apologize or at least try hard not to do that thing again. That is what I call “rational” or “appropriate” guilt. The other type of guilt is what I call “irrational” or “inappropriate” guilt. This is guilt that does not have a realistic basis. For example, let’s say you do turn down an invitation from a neighbor to a neighborhood party. You haven’t done something to hurt someone, but they disappointed and when they show their displeasure, you feel guilty. Women have been trained to feel responsible for everything, especially for other people’s happiness. We have been taught to feel responsible for everything that goes wrong in our families or in our households. We feel guilty and responsible for other peoples’ misfortunes,

even if their misfortunes have nothing to do with us. This is inappropriate guilt and probably accounts for 80 to 90 percent of all the guilt we feel. What I try to do is help women sort through and determine which feelings of guilt are actually appropriate guilt and which are irrational or inappropriate guilt. When we feel appropriate guilt, there is something we need to do about the situation: apologize or perhaps just change our behavior. When we identify that we are having inappropriate guilt, we need to not do something about it. We need to disentangle the feeling reaction from the facts of the situation and re-train our emotions to discontinue the automatic reaction of guilt. If you find that guilt runs your life and a lot of your decisions are based on guilt, this is a problem. It is important to give some thought to the things that make you feel guilty. What are the biggest triggers for your automatic guilt response? How many of your reactions are just old habits from years of being made to feel responsible for everyone’s well-being and happiness? As you identify these inappropriate guilt responses, work on noticing them when they arise and label them for what they are: “This is appropriate guilt” or “This is inappropriate guilt.” It’s difficult to do, but once you recognize that some guilt feelings are irrational, you can begin to avoid falling into the guilt trap. It takes practice to go against your long-standing tendencies to respond to everything by apologizing and thinking it’s your fault. But with practice you can definitely move toward freedom from irrational guilt and your life will be happier because of it. Dear Dr. Beth: I have been in several relationships in my adult life, includ-

ing one marriage and several other long-term relationships. Communication has always seemed to be a problem in my relationships. I used to think it was the other person’s fault, but now I’m involved with a woman that is a big-time communicator. Being with her has made me realize that I am really a poor communicator and part of the problem all along has been me. I feel like she over-communicates and I under-communicate. How do we bridge this difference without getting on each other’s nerves. Dr. Beth: This is often a problem in male-female relationships. Both men and women are capable of being really good communicators or poor communicators. However, women tend to be more verbal than men and have an easier time talking about personal issues, feelings, and relationship issues, leaving guys feeling annoyed, lost or somehow inadequate. It sounds like you and your girlfriend are at two ends of the communication spectrum. She probably has lots of experience and skills in the communication area and my guess is that you have had fewer opportunities to learn how to communicate about personal feelings and relationship issues. While this doesn’t make your style “bad” or “wrong”, it is clearly problematic for you and probably for both of you. For your part, it sounds like you might benefit from reading a couple of the many excellent books about communicating with a romantic partner that can be found online and at your local bookstore. You can also attend classes or workshops on communication. You can do this on your own, but it would be especially useful to do this with your partner.

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Finding a comfortable middle ground for communication in any relationship is important.

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With respect to your girlfriend, it is difficult to know exactly what you are referring to when you say your partner is an over-communicator. It could simply be that she places a high priority on communicating about feelings and relationship issues and this feels overwhelming to you. Or perhaps she does repeat herself and dwells too much on the details of your interactions. Maybe it feels uncomfortable if she is continuously evaluating and wanting to discuss your relationship. There is no easy way to bridge this gap. By the time we are adults our communication patterns are fairly well set. However, there is always room for personal growth and both you and your girlfriend would benefit from looking honestly at your own communication patterns and trying to meet closer to the middle of the spectrum. If you can become aware of when you are feeling overwhelmed by her communication, the two of you can work out a signal to let her know that you need to limit the discussion or perhaps come back to it at another time. She should be able to honor this request. Unfortunately, the way to bridge the gap caused by having two such different communication styles is to communicate about them! While this may not seem fair to you, it’s really the only way to find out if you can get on the same page and develop the skills and sensitivities to really make your partnership successful. With love as the foundation and a few good books, classes or a good couple counselor, I am optimistic that the two of you can find the common ground to bridge your different communication styles and have a more compatible and fulfilling relationship.

Victor Palomares, PA-C

Uncommon Sense with Beth Firestein Dr. Beth Firestein is a licensed psychologist. She has 24 years of therapy experience and has practiced in Loveland for more than 14 years. She may be reached by calling her office at 970-635-9116, via email at or by visiting

Dr. Kevin Felix

3850 North Grant Ave., Suite 200 | Loveland (Located northwest of 37th Street and Garfield Avenue.)


HL Jess No Less It’s all about the effort Jessica Benes Jess No Less

I’m not a natural born runner. I don’t even like running all that much. But I love participating in races. I signed up for the “Sharin’ O the Green’ 5K” on St. Patrick’s Day in Fort Collins with my friend because I skipped 5Ks last year and I kind of miss them. And it supports Partners Mentoring Youth, which I’m particularly fond of. I love the people, the atmosphere, the official number I get to pin to my shirt, the water stations and that heady adrenaline that rushes through my system when I have less than a kilometer to go. I got addicted to that adrenaline because I lived in a foreign country for awhile and my friend convinced me we should run in a couple races. I trained by running along the broken road to school and back in a little city in Ukraine. My students thought I was crazy. People don’t really “go running” there.

One weekend, my friend and I went to Korsice, Slovakia and ran a half marathon. We figured it couldn’t be so hard to run a half marathon. I did run a 5K once before that. How much harder could 13 miles be? Only four times as many kilometers. My friend and I started the run with a plan. We ran three minutes and walked one minute for 10 kilometers. Five kilometers passed quickly and I was surprised. When I ran the 5K in Loveland, it had seemed to take so long. There were a lot of people on the sides of the streets calling out encouraging cries of hup-hup-hup-hup-hup-hup! At 10 kilometers, we started running two minutes to one walking. At 15 kilometers we went down to one to one so we could make it in. Sometime after 10 kilometers we passed through a large group of raucous Slovakians. “U.S.A., U.S.A.!” they screamed when they saw us. Highlight of the trip. The muscles in my right knee and near my ankles started to ache after 13 kilometers. We sprinted it in at the end. And then I died.

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What: Sharin’ O the Green’ 5K When: March 17 Where: Odell Brewing Company, 800 E. Lincoln Ave., Fort Collins Why: Race benefits Partners Mentoring Youth Cost: Adults $30-$35. Race day registration will be available from 7-8 a.m. And THEN. This friend of mine thought if we could do a half, we were fully capable of doing a full. So the next summer, a large group of Americans paraded off to Prague, took over a hostel, and prepared to run 26 miles. I ran two minutes walking to two minutes running most of the way and it took me six hours. I got a participation medal that said “15 years” and when I showed my pupils, they all thought I’d come in 15th place. The life lesson here? I’m a sporadic athlete at best. Running a marathon just proved to me that I can do anything I set my mind too. Like the Warrior Dash or Tough Mudder?

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Get the most out of your walk By Alison Johnson McClatchy-Tribune

Walking is great exercise, but falling into a rut — same route, speed and form — can stall your progress. Kick into higher gear with these tips: Hold your head high. The ideal walking posture is upright, with shoulders back and not slouched. You’ll work more muscles to hold that position, including your stomach and buttocks. “It all starts with posture,” says Dr. John Schaffer, an orthopedic surgeon at Sentara Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, Va. Swing your arms right. Pump back and forth with your elbows bent at 90 degrees, arms close to your sides, wrists straight and hands unclenched to build speed and avoid hand swelling. Step it up. The faster you walk, the more you’ll use multiple muscles to maintain your posture. Many trainers recommend alternating short bursts of speed with recovery periods to burn extra calories, such as a minute of speed walking followed by a minute of strolling. Gradually add distance. As an added challenge, pick routes with hills or stairs. You’ll add muscle mass and burn more calories even at rest. Work in some strength moves. Pause along your route for some push-ups, lunges and squats. It’s also easy to carry a lightweight resistance band and do a few arm exercises. Reconsider weights... Some trainers say wearing a weighted vest can help build bone density, but many experts say that’s not certain. As for hand and ankle weights, they may add stress to joints and throw off posture, Dr. Schaffer says. ... and consider poles. Walkers can burn more calories and improve balance by carrying walking poles, sold in fixed or adjustable lengths at many sporting good stores, according to the Mayo Clinic. Be smart. Seek medical attention for pain that lasts a week or two and doesn’t improve with rest and anti-inflammatory medications.

Ask the Experts:

Varicose Veins

I have veins in my legs that are discolored and painful. What are these and how are they treated? Varicose veins are superficial veins that are dilated and bulge under the skin. They can be blue or purple in color and are often found behind the knees and in calves and thighs. They can cause swelling, aching in the legs and damage to the skin leading to open wounds. Varicose veins are treated with a laser procedure to seal the vein. Spider veins are tiny blood vessels below the surface of the skin. These are treated, via injection, through a method called sclerotherapy that causes the vein walls to collapse.


Experts Work Best. Maurice Lyons, D.O., Cardiovascular Surgeon Kenneth Richards, M.D., Cardiovascular Surgeon Todd Bruce, PA-C, Cardiovascular Physician Assistant NCMC Vein ClinicCardioVascular Institute of North Colorado 1800 15th St., Suite 340, Greeley Appointments – (970) 378-4100

McKee Medical Center & North Colorado Medical Center

Beat late-afternoon fatigue naturally A diet change can provide energy throughout the day Summer Stair Reporter-Herald

When late-afternoon fatigue sets in it often results in a trip to the office vending machine for a quick sugary snack and some caffeine. The only draw back is the quick high, followed by feeling sometimes even more tired than before. While the sudden energy boost seems like a quick fix, the energy crash afterward is depleting. “If a person is unable to sustain their energy throughout the day and needs caffeine to do so, quite often there is an underlying issue that needs addressed with the endocrine system,” says Nicole Eckman, RD, of Enlightenment Nutrition in Fort Collins. “Meaning they may have blood sugar imbalances, or other concerns with their metabolism which can often be improved with dietary changes.”

SO WHY NOT A QUICK FIX Rushing for a sugary snack, a gulp of caffeine or popping open an energy drink seems easy enough since they are so readily available, but Eckman warns that these “quick energy” items are often laden with caffeine, sugar, sugar substitutes and other substitutes “In other words, high on calories and low on sustaining nutrients,” she says. “While they may give someone an energy boost, it will be temporary, often followed by a crash in energy due to a drop in blood sugar … which gives a false sense of energy to the body,” Eckman says. IT’S ALL ABOUT SIMPLE DIET CHANGES To sustain energy throughout the entire day, Eckman suggests eating a balanced diet enriched with foods that naturally provide nutrients needed to provide energy and fuel to the body. It is also important to get your body on an eating schedule and stick with it. “One of the biggest mistakes people make is waiting too long between meals and allowing the blood sugar to drop,” Eckman says. “This is when people go for the refined carbohydrate snack in the vending machine and all inhibitions go out the window.” Eckman recommends eating every three to four hours, but that each person should listen to their body’s cues for hunger cues because everyone’s needs and metabolism operates on it’s own schedule. The following foods provide the body with lasting natural energy. • Protein – Good quality protein is an excellent source of sustainable energy. Eckman says protein takes two times as long as most carbohydrates to get digested and utilized by the body, therefore providing more staying power, satiety and blood sugar stability. “When the blood sugar remains stable, the energy level does as well. Good sources of protein include organic eggs, raw nuts and seeds, lean meats, fish, and beans and legumes. • Fiber – Because fiber slows down digestion, it provides a steady source of energy throughout the day. Some of the best high-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains,

and beans and legumes. • Combine it – That’s right eating a combination of protein and high fiber carbohydrates every three to four during the day is the best way for people to sustain their energy. Eckman says it’s all about simply replacing. For example ,an apple with a tablespoon of almond butter is a better snack than a handful of crackers or fruit alone. For breakfast, a hardboiled egg with fresh berries will provide more sustainable energy than cereal and toast. • Whey Protein – This source of protein is so important it deserves it’s own mention. Eckman says it’s one of the most bio-available sources of protein, meaning our bodies know how to use it wisely. • Berries – These fruits are the highest in antioxidant and are a disease-fighting food. Berries also contain a lot of good fiber and are considered a low glycemic fruit, which means they won’t spike blood sugar levels which is important in maintaining a steady stream of energy. • Greens – These are super rich sources of both minerals and phytonutrients. Greens are essentially calorie free and are loaded with nutritional benefits. • Chia Seeds – These seeds have been being used since ancient times to sustain energy. Nutrient powerhouses, these seeds are loaded with fiber and Omega-3 heart healthy benefits, as well as some plant-based protein.

Avoid the most common diet traps Jane Glenn Haas McClatchy-Tribune

A year ago, the USDA spelled out specific foods to avoid and lifestyle changes to make if we want to avoid being fat and sick. And I, for one, know how much attention we paid to those guidelines. We were supposed to avoid extra calories from solid fats and added sugars

(SoFAS). We were supposed to exercise more. And we were to avoid refined grains. “A quick look at the pie charts suggests that one particular kind of pie _ pizza _ is a major source of the food types Americans are advised to avoid,” wrote Daniel J. DeNoon for WebMD. Cutbacks advised 1,500 mg of sodium daily for people over 51, AfricanAmericans and people with high blood

pressure. That, DeNoon concludes, is about half of all Americans. Every year the USDA offers some new guidelines and some dietary advice. But we don’t have to wait for this year’s release to know what’s going to be said. Because it all amounts to eat less and eat healthy. It’s what online diet coach Valerie Orsoni calls “avoiding the most common traps.”

GOING IT ALONE It’s really hard to stick to a diet by yourself so publicly declare your war on pounds and find a support group.

STAY MOTIVATED It’s hard to stay motivated after tablespoons of roasted buckwheat years of trying but losing weight in a cup of boiling water. The is like living in Hollywood,” says resulting “tea” will reduce your Orsoni. “Only the highly motivated appetite by 20 percent, she ones who never lose hope make claims. it.” Then eat what you like but watch Her suggestion? Steep about two the portion size, she adds.

SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE Make small changes, such as adding a freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass of room-temperature water and drink first every day; walk up to 30minutes before breakfast; stop eating between meals; have a 100 percent raw meal daily (like almond and fruit for breakfast) and try going without sugar for a few days.

DON’T DEPRIVE YOURSELF OR VIEW FOOD AS AN ENEMY Remember quick loss diets are most quickly regained. Learn to cook and eat new foods that are good for you.

... With these new 7 tips The truth is individuals determine for themselves which diets are best, from Weight Watchers to Jenny Craig to simple calorie counting. This year, US News ran a feature on the best diets, according to medical experts. What’s illuminating is the input from dieters.

They report Weight Watchers, the Biggest Loser, Jenny Craig and the raw food diet were most successful for those anxious to drop pounds. And then the magazine offers seven “new” tips to help you stick to your diet plan:

ROLE PLAY Heading to an event heavy with hors d’oeuvres or whipped cream? Practice turning down the goodies with a friend or in front of a mirror.

SHOOT YOUR DINNER Take a photo of each meal and post on your favorite social network site, experts say. Discourages cheating.

BRUSH YOUR TEETH A minty mouth can quash nibbling, says Jackson Blatner.

PICTURE YOURSELF Keep a photo of yourself that you love or you hate and whip it out when temptation strikes, suggested by dietitian Keri Gans, author of “The Small Change Diet.”

SPICE THINGS UP Using mustard powder, cinnamon, nutmeg to your meals.


Reach for a crayon instead of a cookie. Keeps your hands busy, says dietian Dawn Jackson, author of “The Flexiation Diet.”

BET ON IT Put money on the line or donate to a charity when you fail, says the 2008 American Medical Association Journal.

Minimize adult acne By Alison Johnson McClatchy-Tribune

Pimples that pop up long past the teenage years are just, well ... unfair. “Hormonal changes and using the wrong skin care products are common causes,” says Dr. Melissa Schwarzschild, a dermatologist with Richmond Dermatology & Laser Specialists in Virginia. But you can fight back: • Wash your face every night. Oil, dirt and sweat build up in skin pores and can lead to pimples. That’s true for women — especially those who wear make-up — and men, who naturally produce more oil. Also aim to shower soon after exercise. • Exfoliate regularly. Remove dead skin cells at the skin’s outermost surface once or twice a week. Use a low strength glycolic acid or mild facial scrub. • Buy “non-comedogenic” skin care products. These lotions, cleansers, cosmetics, soaps and sunscreens are formulated not to block pores and trap in oil. • Try to balance out hormones. Just before menstruation, a woman’s estrogen levels decrease and the hormone progesterone becomes dominant, which can trigger breakouts. Several types of birth control pills can make a difference. • Touch your face less often. Your hands pick up bacteria and dirt throughout the day, which you can transfer to skin on your face. • Control stress. Anxiety increases the hormone cortisol, which in turn triggers sweat glands in your face to produce more oil. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, eat well, drink lots of water and find ways to relax.

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The Mouth Holds Clues to Many Ills Michael Birnbaum The Washington Post

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All faiths or beliefs are welcome. 09-G0452

Continued on page 17


Your mouth can tell you a lot about your overall health. Troubled teeth and gums aren’t always just a dental problem. Sometimes they indicate deeper issues, and dentists are increasingly picking up the clues. “We look around the mouth and we look for color changes. We’re looking for certain smells. Spots around the gums,” said Washington dentist Joseph Kravitz. The relation of oral health to the rest of the body has gotten increased attention in recent years, spurred by such experts as Richard H. Carmona, who as U.S. surgeon general urged policy-makers in 2003 to “increase the understanding of how the signs and symptoms of oral infections can indicate general health status and act as a marker for other diseases.” The publicity reminded a lot of dentists that their jobs weren’t just about root canals and fillings, and it educated the public, Kravitz said. Following are some non-oral-health issues and the possible clues Kravitz says dentists may be able to identify: • Heart disease. Gums that have turned a “bright beefy red” or purple. Kravitz checks his patients’ blood pressure when he notices those symptoms. • Type 2 diabetes. Gums that bleed at the slightest touch although there is no plaque evident. Kravitz said patients

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Just one more reason to take care of yourself

Preventative screenings and annual exams help detect or stop illnesses before they become a serious problem. Keep good health and live life enjoying the things you love most. Immediate appointments may be available at the following primary care clinics in Loveland. Loveland Family Practice 3850 N. Grant Ave. Suite 100 Loveland, Colo 970.624.5170 • Dr. Kevin Felix • Victor Palomares, PA-C

Foxtrail Family Medicine *Partnership of Poudre Valley Health System and Associates in Family Medicine

1625 Foxtrail Dr. Loveland, Colo. 970.619.6900 • Dr. Anne Davies • Dr. Deric McIntosh

Medical Clinic at Centerra Family Medicine North Medical Office Building 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave. Loveland, Colo 970.392.4752 Family medicine • Dr. Pamela Levine

Internal medicine • • • • • • • •

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Grace Alessi Mark Berntsen Sheila Copple Dana Christiansen John Ebens William Lopez Michael Randle Keith Thompson

• Dr. Daniel Zenk

Poudre Valley Medical Group Primary Care 1327 Eagle Drive Loveland, CO 80537 970.619.6450 • Dr. Susan Agrama • Dr. Peyton Taliaferro

Continued from page 15

with diabetes also typically have sores elsewhere on their bodies that they may not have connected to the disease. • Kidney disease. A sweet ammonia smell on a person’s breath, detectable even from behind a dentist’s surgical mask. • Acid reflux. Teeth that look worn and pitted, as if they’d been “dipped in battery acid.” Only some teeth will be affected, depending on where the acids settle during a person’s typical sleeping position. • Oral cancer. Gum tissues with white spots that last two weeks or more. (Kravitz said spots that clear up more quickly can indicate many other things, including something as simple as having bitten into too-hot pizza.) • Leukemia. Fiery-red swollen gums that just won’t heal, distinguishable from diabetes symptoms with a blood test. • Osteoporosis. Certain black spots on tooth X-rays that indicate air pockets and dead bone. • Stress. Gums that have pulled away from teeth, or teeth that themselves are fractured. All sorts of fungal, bacterial and viral infections can enter the body through cracked teeth, Kravitz said. • Sleep apnea. An enlarged tongue and inflamed gums in the part of the mouth through which air passes. • Pregnancy. Deeply swollen gums can indicate hormonal changes. • Bulimia. Upper front teeth that are paper thin, with the enamel almost completely worn away, and teeth that hurt. Distinguishable from acid reflux because different teeth are affected. Kravitz said patients should make sure that dentists aren’t “just looking in their mouths for five to 10 seconds” and that a thorough inspection should take at least five minutes. He said that when he notices symptoms in his patients’ mouths, he’ll often have them come back in two weeks. About half the time, the symptoms are gone with no lasting effect. The other half of the time, he’ll refer the patient to a physician. “Every dentist in this country has this training,” Kravitz said. “So it’s good for consumers to make sure their dentists are paying attention.”


Losing muscle and strength Wina Sturgeon McClatchy-Tribune

This news seems like the big secret of elite athletes, whose careers depend on keeping their bodies in top physical shape. But the “secret” is really just common sense: If you spend one to two hours continuously working your muscles, then spend eight to 10 hours continuously sitting without working your muscles, which action will have the greatest effect on your body? Think about it. If you have a desk job, you probably sit for the major part of your day. You also sit while driving or taking public transportation to get to work. Then you sit at home relaxing after work. You spend more time sitting while eating. If you spend all that time sitting without any interruption you will lose a lot of the effects from the time you spent working your muscles and building your strength. Here’s the science: Muscles adapt. They do so quicker than you think. With this adaptation, muscles also take the path of the way they are trained. For example, take swimmer Michael Phelps, who of course spends much of his time training his body. His muscles have adapted to this regimen. If he suddenly started just sitting around, his muscles would naturally adapt by atrophying. He would lose bulk and strength, he would begin getting fatter. But because his body has already adapted to being an elite athlete, his muscles would quickly return to their former elite state once he began working out again. Now take the adaptation pattern of a person who spends most of their time sitting. This person may spend an hour or so building muscle and strength, perhaps even on a daily basis; but spends 10 times that workout hour in fairly uninterrupted sitting. Their muscles have adapted to NOT being used. It’s harder for those muscles to retain their bulk and strength. Give those muscles any excuse, and they will go back to their normal adaptation — losing, to one degree or another, what they gained while working out. So if you’re not an elite sponsored and coached athlete, if you have to

hold down a job and live a more ordinary life, is there anything you can do to stop the loss of muscle gains? The answer is a big strong And, again, all it takes is common sense. Call the prevention method the “interruption principal.” You can use it to prevent your muscles from adapting to the time you spend sitting. All you have to do is frequently put a little physical stress on your muscles. Interrupting your sitting once an hour will do the trick. You only need to spend three or four minutes at a time to interrupt strength and muscle loss. The best way to start is by analyzing your sitting patterns. Since most people don’t sit long in the morning, start by analyzing your commute. If

it’s longer than an hour, pull your car over or stand up from your bus or train seat and spend three or four minutes either marching in place or walking around with high steps. Push your arms forward and pull them back, in a rowing motion. Twist your upper body from side to side to work your core. If you’re in public, where people might stare, make smaller, less obvious motions. At home, make the motions wide and vigorous. Doing this every hour or half hour will help continue the gains you’ve made from your training. Active movement has a surprisingly long effect, and frequently interrupting your sitting time will help burn fat, stop loss of strength and keep you in much better athletic shape.

No More Excuses Improving fitness is for every age and ability Wina Sturgeon McClatchy-Tribune

Nothing gets in the way of fitness like a good excuse. So, let’s eliminate one of those right now. I’m too old to get into good shape. The truth is you might not be as old as you think. “What’s more important than your actual age is your physiological age,” said Alexis Colvin, assistant professor of sports medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. “You might be 60 on the outside, but on the inside you might be closer to 40. ... It’s a mindset.” You’re never too old to work out and improve your fitness level, Colvin said, as long you approach it wisely. Kelly Norton, an instructor at Tacoma, Wash.’s Allstar Fitness, says she hears the age excuse quite a bit from new participants in her classes. “We recently had two people walk into our Shred (high-intensity interval training) and after they looked around and saw how built we were, they walked out,” Norton said. “We didn’t even start

the class yet. The truth is our class, like any good fitness class, has three or four levels. Lots of options. Something for everybody. “We have people in the class who are 50 and 60 years old.” Norton is an ultra fit 41, but she calls herself a “walking billboard” for beating back the excuse of age. “When I was 34-35, I was tired all the time,” said Norton, who weighed 178 pounds and wore size 12 clothing. “I couldn’t keep going like I was 18. I felt like I could barely keep my head above water after 4 p.m. ... All around, I was unhealthy and unhappy.” Norton enjoyed exercise, but figured it was her age and her slowing metabolism that kept her from taking her fitness to the next level. Then she started working as a fitness instructor and “felt an obligation to be what I was preaching.” So Norton made a point of eating well and lifting weights more often. “I was tired of feeling tired,” Norton said. Today, Norton isn’t tired. She’s almost 30 pounds lighter, wears a size 6 and radiates energy. And she doesn’t feel too old for anything.

“At 41, you can’t kick me out of the gym,” Norton said. Starting exercise might sap your energy at first, but if you keep going, you’ll eventually start having more energy, feeling younger and reducing your physiological age. But just because you feel young, doesn’t mean you should totally ignore your actual age, Colvin said. Consult your doctor before you start working out, start slow and build gradually, she said. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, consult a certified personal trainer to make sure you are using good form. Poor form is one of the quickest ways to get hurt. And don’t let the chiseled 20-somethings in your gym’s fitness classes scare you off. Most instructors will love to have you in their classes, regardless of your age and fitness level. “We can do high impact or no impact,” Norton said of her Shred fitness classes. “We don’t want them to worry about getting injured or about old injuries. We can find something they can do.”

HL Health Briefs

Banner Health Simulation Education Program Accredited Systemwide Banner Health’s Simulation Education program has been accredited by the American College of Surgeons – becoming the first program that ACS has accredited across an entire health care system. There are 62 accredited simulation programs around the world and Banner Health is one of the few that is nonacademic and non-university supported. Banner Health’s simulation centers are the Western Region Simulation Center in Loveland, Banner Simulation Medical Center in Mesa, Ariz., and Banner Good Samaritan SimET Center in Phoenix. Previously, only the Banner Good Samaritan SimET Center had been accredited by the ACS. ACS reviewers were particularly impressed by Banner’s emphasis on quality and metrics in education. Banner’s processes for program evaluation and assessment were recognized by the association as a “best practice.’’ The Banner Simulation System at McKee Medical Center gives physicians, nurses and other health care professionals the chance to perfect clinical

skills in a safe, but realistic environment – without touching a single patient.

McKee Cancer Center Begins Construction on Cancer Center Expansion McKee Medical Center has begun construction on a 5,900-square foot expansion valued at more than $9 million. The expansion will result in new services and technology for the cancer center, which is located on the north end of the McKee Medical Center campus at 2000 Boise Ave. The project includes the addition of space for a new “super” linear accelerator designed to advance the radiation treatment of brain, lung, breast, prostate, head and neck, and other types of cancer. The construction space is located to the south and west sides of the existing cancer center on land currently part of the hospital courtyard. A portion of the new area is designed for physician offices, conference areas, and support services Construction completion is estimated for late summer with patient treatments beginning on the new True Beam Stx linear accelerator in January

It Takes a Strong Person To Care For Someone With Dementia. And, In Some Ways, An Even Stronger One to Ask For Help.


HealthGrades Recognizes Emergency Medicine at McKee, NCMC A report released this week by HealthGrades named McKee Medical Center and North Colorado Medical Center among the top 5 percent of hospitals in the nation for emergency medicine. The findings are based on an analysis of more than 7 million Medicare patient records from 2008 to 2010. HealthGrades Emergency Medicine in American Hospitals report focused on 12 of the most common and life-threatening medical emergencies among that patient population, including heart attack, stroke, pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. The investment in and commitment to quality emergency medicine ranges from the thirty year operation of the North Colorado Med Evac air transport program to the electronic intensive care patient monitoring system and the electronic medical record processes serving both McKee Medical Center and North Colorado Medical Center patients.

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HL Health Line Calendar

Breast-Feeding Support Group When: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (except holidays), 10-11 a.m. Where: McKee Medical Center Cost: Free Contact: 970-669-9355

Bright Beginnings for Infants Bright Beginnings is designed to celebrate the birth of new babies and provide families with health, safety, development, play and community resource information. When: April 16, 11:15 a.m.12:15 p.m. Where: Family Birth Center Conference Room, 3rd Floor Cost: Free Contact: 970-495-7526 to register Total Joint Education Physical therapists and occupational therapists prepare patients for surgery. This program is coordinated through your physician’s office as part of the surgery scheduling process. When: Thursdays, 3 p.m. Where: McKee Conference and Wellness Center Cost: Free Contact: 970-635-4172 to register Breast Cancer Support Group When: TBD Where: McKee Cancer Center Lobby Cost: Free Contact: 970-622-1961

Caregiver Cancer Support Group When: TBD Where: Call for locations Cost: Free Contact: 970-635-4129

Caregivers Support For caregivers of elderly adults. The group focuses on providing support and education about community resources and behavior issues, particularly for people with Alzheimer’s and memory impairment. When: Third Thursday of the month, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Where: First Christian Church, 2000 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland Cost: Free. Care of elderly adult family members or friends is available through Stepping Stones Adult Day Program during meeting times at no charge. Contact: 970-669-7069 General Cancer Support When: TBD Where: McKee Cancer Center lobby Cost: Free Contact: 970-635-4129 Man-to-Man: Prostate Cancer Support Group When: TBD Where: McKee Conference and Wellness Center Cost: Free Contact: 970-622-1961 Soulplay Art Therapy People whose lives are touched by cancer experience the benefits of

“I Just Want My Teeth Cleaned” Economy making a dent in your wallet? No dental insurance? Don’t let it affect your oral health. Affordable, Quality Dental Services.

expressing themselves through art. No art experience needed. When: TBD Where: McKee Cancer Center Conference Room Cost: Free Contact: 970-635-4129

Blood Pressure Screening Have your blood pressure checked by a Wellness Specialist. When: Monday through Where: McKee Wellness Services, 1805 E. 18th St. Suite 6, Loveland Thursday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost: Free Contact: 970-669-9355 Spirit of Women Spirit of Women provides health information for women in all stages of life. We host innovative events featuring timely health education topics for women

and Spirit Business Partners. To learn more about events through McKee Spirit of Women, visit or call 970-203-6631. Spirit members are welcome to take advantage of programs in either community regardless of where you live.

Loveland Community Health Fair McKee Spirit of Women presents the Loveland Community Health Fair with free and low-cost screenings, educational booths, health counseling and more. When: April 14, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Where: McKee Conference and Wellness Center, 2000 Boise Ave., Loveland Cost: Varies Contact: 970-669-9355 or visit www.BannerHealth. com/lovelandhealthfair

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Spirit of Women McKee Medical Center

When people talk about getting in shape, they generally are talking about their body from the neck down. But keeping your brain healthy is critically important to your overall health. The brain loses agility as people get older, but the good news is that emerging evidence suggests there are steps to take to keep your brain healthier as you age according to the Alzheimer’s Association. On Tues., March 20, McKee Medical Center will present its second Spirit of Women event, “Avoiding a Brain Wreck” at the McKee Conference and Wellness Center at 2000 N. Boise Ave in Loveland. Beginning at 5:30 p.m., the session will offer brainhealthy snacks to sample and provide participants the opportunity to play games, do puzzles and even dance to challenge the mind to think outside the box. The focal part of the session features Dr. Srinivas Bandi, neurologist at Aspen Medical Center, who will highlight the signs and symptoms of different brain disorders and discuss tips for keeping your brain healthy. Brain disorders to be discussed include concussion, seizures, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and Cerebral Palsy. According to Phoebe Hawley, Outreach Program Manager for the Seasons Club at McKee, this session “is an opportunity to reach out to women of all ages in the community to arm them with knowledge on the whole spectrum of brain activity.” Women play a vital role in the health of our nation as they are responsible for making an estimated 80 to 90 percent of healthcare decisions within a family. “Avoiding a Brain Wreck” session will give eyes to women to see how they can help their family make effective lifestyle changes to encourage healthy brain function,” says Hawley. “Avoiding a Brain Wreck” is a free event, open to the public, and sponsored by McKee Spirit of Women. Participants are encouraged to pre-

register for the event by calling 970203-6631. Women who are committed to leading healthier, happier, and more active lives can become a member of the Spirit of Women Program at McKee Medical Center by calling this same number. Becoming a Spirit of Women member offers exclusive benefits such as receiving a Spirit of Women key tag and a quarterly Spirit magazine. The key tag is a passport to special events, exclusive discounts and important health information. The key tag identifies members, entitles them to attendance, information and Spirit Business Discounts throughout

Loveland and the surrounding communities. Lifetime membership in the Spirit of Women program is $20. McKee also offers complimentary memberships to McKee employees and volunteers (or spouses/domestic partners) and women 65 and older. Membership applications are available in the main McKee lobby and Wellness Spring library in the McKee Conference and Wellness Center. More information is available from a dedicated Spirit of Women phone number, 970-203-6631, or by visiting\ mckeespirit.

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Ask the Expert:


My child has been short of breath and tired lately. Are these warning signs of RSV? Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RVS) is a common and frequent cause of respiratory illness in young children. It’s highly contagious and spreads through schools between late fall and early spring. Adults and older children may experience flu-like symptoms. Infants or small children may have trouble breathing and eating, act unusually lethargic and irritable, and may become blue in the lips and fingernails. Most cases are not life-threatening and can be treated like a cold. Serious cases can lead to pneumonia and bronchitis. Prevention can be managed by frequent hand-washing and through the quarantining of children with symptoms. Talk with your pediatrician for more information.


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