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VALENTINES INSIDE je veux vous enseigner comment faire la pirouette

02 13 09 | reportermag.com

Speed dating can you find true love in three minutes?

saint valentine the saint behind the ceremony

jaythreeoh “the slow flow show� dj hangs up the mic


Laura Mandanas


| eic@reportermag.com Managing Editor

For every one person that calls in each day, he estimates that there are a couple hundred more

Ilsa Shaw

listening who feel the same way. Over the thirteen and a half years that he has been involved

| managing@reportermag.com

with WITR, hip hop DJ Jaythreeoh has developed a strong following and community of supporters.

David Spiecker


Still, it is time for a change; after years of professing his love of fat chicks on the show, Jaythreeoh

| copy@reportermag.com

is marrying one of his own in July (see “Jaythreeoh Hangs Up the Mic,” page 13).

Andy Rees


Though his show is now coming to an end, I’d say that this is one of the most compelling RIT

| news@reportermag.com LEISURE EDITOR

success stories that I’ve heard in some time. We rationalize that money we spend on college will

John Howard

being able to get a job once we’re through, but that’s not exactly what we’re going to take away

| leisure@reportermag.com FEATURES EDITOR

Madeleine Villavicencio

passionate about? Usually not piles of homework.

| features@reportermag.com SPORTS/VIEWS EDITOR

Jack Reickel

From organized activities such as track (see “RIT Track and Field: Through Perseverance, Progress, page 29”) and DJing at WITR to other, shall we say, “nontraditional” activities (see

| sports@reportermag.com ONLINE editor

from the place. Certainly, the academics are important, but what is it that students get most

Adimabua Ofunne

“Salvia on Campus, page 9”), extracurricular activities are some of the most important things at RIT. They’re what make RIT bearable. They’re make students feel connected. They’re what might

| online@reportermag.com

eventually get us to donate money to the institute once we’ve graduated. (Well, track and fieldWRITERS

Alecia Crawford, Leanne Cuching, Neil

DeMoney, Eric Drummond, Carolyn Dunne, Maximiliano Herrera, Dan Lovria, Chukwuma

like activities, anyway. Extracurricular hallucination consumption, perhaps not so much. But to each their own.) The most successful students are the ones that find these niches of people with interests

Morah, Alex Rogala, Ilsa Shaw, Evan Stark

similar to their own, and it’s no wonder. The amount of support found in these small groups is


for: to hold our family members down and be here for our loved ones. That’s what I’m gonna do.

undeniable. As Jaythreeoh explained on the air during his last show, “That’s what we’re here ART DIRECTOR

That’s what I have to do.”

Susie Sobota

Over the past several years I’ve seen RIT try to replicate these supportive networks through

| art.director@reportermag.com STAFF DESIGNERS

Evan Anthony, Kelvin Patterson

students to form is definitely worth striving for, but attempts to institutionalize them may be

Lisa Barnes

AD Designer


in vain. Part of the magic of these groups is that the supportive relationships between members

Eric Drummond

have evolved naturally.

| photo@reportermag.com STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS

programs such as FYE and learning communities. Making room for supportive networks of

Robert Carr, Oscar

We’re coming up to budget season at RIT, and while there are plenty of cuts that will need to

Durand, Jake Hamm, Matt Kelley, Thomas

be made, I hope that funding for student clubs and organizations will remain largely unaffected.

Liggett, Seth Personett, Steve Pfost, Eddie

If anything, this is an area that RIT should be pouring their resources into. Getting students to

Rodriguez, Christopher Valites, Evan Witek Staff illustrators

Katie Anderson, Jamie

care about a small number of individuals in these groups is the first step in developing real the missing school spirit that everyone is so worried about.

Douglas, Joanna Eberts, Matt Mancuso, Robin Miszkiewicz, Robert Modzelewski, Ben Rubin, Sara Wick CARTOONIST

Laura Mandanas

Kory Merritt

Editor In Chief


Lindsay Block

Kyle O’Neill

| reporterads@mail.rit.edu BUSINESS MANAGER

Danielle Gotschall

| business.manager@reportermag.com PRODUCTION MANAGER

Kelvin Patterson

| production.manager@reportermag.com ONLINE Production manager

Chris Zubak-Skees

| webmaster@reportermag.com




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Reporter Magazine is published weekly during the academic year by a staff comprised of students at Rochester Institute of Technology. Business, Editorial, and Design facilities are located in Room A-426, in the lower level of the Student Alumni Union. Our phone number is 1.800.970.5406. The Advertising Department can be reached at 1.800.970.5406 ext. 0. The opinions expressed in Reporter do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute. INSERT FUNNY/HILARIOUS/CHEEKY INSIDE JOKE HERE MAYBE SOMETHING ABOUT A VOODOO DOLL IN THE FORM OF A CAT. Letters to the Editor may also be sent to reporter@rit.edu. Reporter is not responsible for materials presented in advertising areas. No letters will be printed unless signed. All letters received become the property of Reporter. Reporter takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union. Copyright © 2009 Reporter Magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of this Magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission.

table of contents

letters pg. 04

02 13 09 | volUME 58 | issue 20

features pg. 18 Valentines

news pg. 06

Above photograph by Jeffrey Porter.

Cut them out! Give them to your friends!

Sophomores Sarah Priestap and Elijah

Some Like It Fast

Hoffman skip class to go cross country skiing across the frozen Genesee River.

Sit In at University of Rochester

Speed dating.

SDS demands aid for Gaza.


SG Update

An indecisive single lady.

Pizza Bomb deliciously successful.

Word on the Street

Cover illustration by Jamie Douglas.


Give me your worst pickup line.

Not listed: Horned Lizard Day, February 14.

Who is Saint Valentine?

In the February 6 issue of Reporter

Salvia on Campus

He’ll make you lose your head.

// Both Jeffrey Porter and Steve Pfost took

Serious consequences.

sports pg. 28

leisure pg. 10

Track and Field

Wooing for Weirdos

Through perseverance, progress.

You’re awesome (good looking and charming). Rail Jam Sick grinds.

views pg. 30

Jaythreeoh hangs up the mic

(Guide)Lines of Separation

After 13 and a half years, he’s leaving WITR.

Gracefully exiting sticky wicket relationships.


RIT Rings

Coraline and Lights That Flicker Will Surely Fade.

[Margaret Thatcher], you are really cute!



photographs for “The Inaguration.”

// SG Update was written by Andy Rees, not

Alecia Crawfoed.

Letters to the editor NOTE Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are solely those of the author. Reporter reserves the right to edit submissions on the basis of content, length, grammar, spelling, and style. Letters are not guaranteed publication. Submissions may be printed and reprinted in any medium. Reporter will not run responses to letters that are responding to a letter.

Editor’s Note: The “Worker Rights

a rule sacrifice the environment

mandated benefits.” To put this

that kind of environment, much

Consortium” article appearing in the

and the rights of workers to

in perspective, the prevailing

stronger language is necessary

January 30 issue of Reporter was

get contracts. Under this kind

industry wage usually isn’t

to make collective bargaining

written by Leah Andrews before reading

of pressure to produce, it is not

enough for a worker to live

possible. The WRC takes care of any ambiguity: “Licensees shall

James Fisher’s letter to the editor

surprising that sweatshops are

on, much less support their

(January 23 issue). Andrews requested

standard, and yet when unfair

families. Legally mandated

not cooperate with governmental

that the article be pulled so that she had

labor practices come into the

benefits and minimum wage?

agencies and other organizations

more time to look into Barnes & Noble’s

public eye, suppliers tend to

These factories are in countries

that use the power of the State to

policies, but due to a miscommunication,

take the heat, even though they

that are so desperate for foreign

prevent workers from organizing a union of their choice. Licensees

the article was published anyway.

are simply trying to keep up

investment that they can’t

Reporter regrets the mistake and

with demand. The FLA, in part

afford to do something as

shall allow union organizers free

apologizes to all parties involved.

governed by representatives from

damaging as mandate a wage

access to employees. Licensees

The following article is an update on

the very companies that put so

much higher than the “industry

shall recognize the union of the

Andrews’ original article.

much downward pressure on the

standard.” With all the talk the

employees’ choice.” The decision to use B&N as

lower levels of supply chains, is

FLA and B&N do to promote

Fair Labor Association: No Sweat?

inextricably linked to this system.

their high standards, one would

RIT’s bookstore was carefully

by Leah Andrews

According to Eric Dirnbach of

hope for something a little

made, B&N demonstrating

BehindTheLabel.org, fair labor

less rock bottom. Compare

business practices superior to

After learning that Barnes &

enforcement is improving, but

this with the Worker Rights

other companies in the area. If

Noble (B&N) College Booksellers

weak. That’s hardly surprising,

Consortium’s (WRC) Code of

these weak codes of conduct are

has pending affiliation with the

with such a blatant conflict of

Conduct, which goes on to define

the best option, I maintain that

Fair Labor Association (FLA) and

interest within the FLA.

how to determine a living wage,

it’s time for RIT to take action

in 1998 adopted the White House Apparel Industry Partnership “Workplace Code of Conduct,”

requiring that workers receive

by directly affiliating with the

aside, the B&N and FLA Codes

no less than a salary that covers

WRC and adopting our own code

of Conduct are completely

basic needs.

of conduct to be enforced from

Questions of enforcement

Freedom of association and

outside the industry that first and

I wondered if the goal to make RIT

inadequate. Here’s my favorite

a sweat-free campus had already

part, the section dealing with

collective bargaining are also

foremost perpetuates a system

been realized. After a little bit

wages and benefits: “Employers

essential elements of a good code

of inequity.

of digging, I learned that we still

recognize that wages are

of conduct, but all the FLA has

have quite a way to go.

essential to meeting employees’

to say is that employers shall

basic needs. Employers shall pay

recognize the right of workers to

FLA and WRC websites.

designed to put enormous

employees, as a floor, at least

associate and collectively bargain.


pressure on suppliers to produce

the minimum wage required

Garment workers throughout the


as much as quickly and as cheaply

by local law or the prevailing

industry are harassed, threatened

as possible. To keep up with

industry wage, whichever is

or fired if the word “union” is

global competition, suppliers as

higher, and shall provide legally

so much as whispered, and, in

The garment industry is

TO SEND LETTERS Email reporter@rit.edu. Reporter will not print anonymous letters.

4  Letters | 02.13.09

Compare these codes yourself at the

Scholarships and Awards For Leadership, Service and Spirit Applications due March 20, 2009 Apply online at:

www.rit.edu/leadership Or pick up a copy at:

The Student Alumni Union Info Desk, The Financial Aid Office, or The RIT Leadership Institute SAU Room 2130 (Second floor of the SAU RITreat)

Scholarships and Awards Include: The Alfred L. Davis Leadership Awards Kathleen M. Keyes Award Eric Sienna Award Walls Olson Scholarship Isaac L. Jordan, Sr. Fund Cheyl Bulls, Lanette Moore & Susan Willoughby Memorial Scholarship


sit in at

university of rochester On February 6, the University

untold amount of misery in the

of Rochester (UR) chapter of


the Students for a Democratic

Adriano Contreras, a fourth

Society (SDS) held a protest on the

year multidisciplinary major,

UR campus to support peace in

stated, “The goal is not only to

Gaza. Members of RIT’s Campus

have the demands met, but to

Antiwar Network attended

set a precedent for other colleges

to show their support. The

in the US.” This is one of the

protesters planned on occupying

first occupations of a university

the building until their demands

for Gaza, whereas, in England,

were met. According to SDS’s press release, their demands

there have been close to twenty. “The media presents an almost

included having UR adopt a

completely one sided picture of

“peaceful investment policy to

the situation in America, which

the university’s endowment

is the problem. We’re trying

which includes divestment from

to challenge that,” continued

corporations that manufacture


weapons and profit from war,”

by Maximiliano Herrera | photographs by Robert Carr

But not everybody was in favor

UR and RIT students voice their opinions at a sit in at the UR campus, February 6.

humanitarian aid to Gaza,

of the protest, such as a group

academic aid to Gaza University

calling themselves “Students

and scholarships to Palestinian

for the Peaceful-ish Takeover of

university already has in place.


Iceland.” The group was mocking

For example, the university does

plan out implementation of the

the protester’s demands that UR

not invest in companies profiting

demands, and determine whether

student of Computer Science,

should fund anything in Gaza by

from the humanitarian crisis

the demands are feasible. Burns

said, “This is important because

demanding funds for an invasion

in Darfur. We’re just trying to

described the situation as “more

the atrocities that occurred

of Iceland.

get that policy to apply to all

of a beginning than an end.”

RJ Bean, an RIT graduate

over Christmas break resulted

Ryan Acuff, a UR graduate

crises.” This would be a topic of

will assist SDS to research and

At the end of the negotiations,

in the deaths of thousands of

Psychology major, and head

discussion in the negotiations

many of the protesters excitedly

Palestinians, and, coupled with

organizer for the Gaza protest,

later during the night.

celebrated. After clearing the

the longstanding siege and

said, “The demands are fully

occupation of Gaza, have led to

compliant with the policies the

When the time came to actually

a victory march to the UR library

discuss the demands in depth, it

to continue with a meeting about

became clear to the protesters

the protest and to propose future

that UR would be punishing

courses of actions. “While there

students who stayed after the

were some problems with how

building closed at midnight. So

this was approached by students,

a fifth demand was added: “No

it is good to see that they were

retribution for anyone who stays

sticking up for their beliefs in

after the official closing of the

a peaceful manner. While the

building.” The administration

politics of the whole situation is

firmly stood against it and

nothing I want to take sides in, I

negotiations were suspended.

view the suffering in Gaza as a

Fifteen minutes before

the students with their goals like

negotiation with Matthew Burns,

I said I would,” said Burns. •

the dean of Students Affairs at UR. agreed that all of the demands will require further investigation before they can be fully realized, if they are even possible to

6  News | 02.13.09

terrible situation. I want to help

midnight, Acuff led another

Ultimately, SDS and the university

RJ Bean and Jake Allen protest in front of UR’s library.

building, the protesters went on

meet with the administration to

achieve. Burns promised that UR

SG Update

compiled by Alecia Crawford

RIT Forecast

compiled by Alecia Crawford

SG Super Bowl Party Ads Reprimanded

Sat 14

The advertisements for the Student Government Super Bowl par-

Valentine’s Day

ty received backlash from the administration for not including

Wherever there’s love. Time to prove your love for your

“with proper ID” when mentioning the alcohol present at the event.

significant other through the finer things in life. Like ma-

Carol Reed, associate director of the Center for Campus Life, came to

terial things. Cost: Depends on devotion.

the senate meeting to try and clear up any confusion on this issue.

Valentine’s Day Dance

Fitness Club Approved

SDC rooms 1300 and 1310. 8 - 11 p.m. Take advantage of

K ier st en Sh i n r o c k , d i r e c t or of O r g a n i z at ion a l R e c og n it ion ,

the tunnels and samba over to this event. There might be

reported to the Senate that the Fitness Club has been approved.

punch! Singles: $2 Couples: $3.

Nick Swardson Cancelled

Sun 15

The CAB representative reported to the Senate that Nick Swardson cancelled h is Febr uar y 6 per for mance due to being sick.

Men’s Basketball vs. Hartwick

Swardson’s MySpace blog states, “I had to cancel the shows. Woke up

Clark Gym. 2 - 4 p.m. Now that Sunday afternoon football

sick Monday. Fought it off. Got worse and worse. Spent afternoon at

is hibernating until the fall, watch the Tigers play some

doctor’s and he recommended I not fly. I have a lot of [work] for my

B-ball against Hartwick. Cost: Free.

new movie next week and couldn’t risk getting worse... Hopefully the

Mon 16

schools will let me reschedule.” Swardson also cancelled his show at the University of Connecticut.

Percussion Explosion

OCASA Pizza Bomb Success

The Club at Water Street, 204 North Water St. 9 p.m.

Jacqueline Robinson, OCASA representative, reported that the atten-

Work that week 10 aggression out on percussion in-

dance at the Pizza Bomb, which promoted OCASA through free pizza,

struments, or just watch other people play. 18+ with ID.

wings, soda and games on February 5, reached 450 people, the largest

Cost: $5 to drum, free to watch.

number of attendees so far for the event.

Tue 17

Grad Students to Have Business Cards Fabiana Kotoriy, graduate senator, reported that the office of Gradu-

String Theory

ate Studies have approved the business cards for their students.

Johnny’s Irish Pub, 1382 Culver Road 7 p.m. Find out an

Kotoriy gives credit to Ashok Rao, dean of the College of Business,

Irish approach to “string theory” at this pub’s weekly live

and David Koster, COB senator, for pressuring the graduate office to

music show. Cost: Free.

get this accomplished. The party that will be covering the cost for the business cards is still unclear at this time.

Wed 18

New York Student Aid Alliance

Argentine Tango Dance

Dr. Heath Boice-Pardee, Student Government advisor, briefly touched

Nasty D Bar & Grill, 140 Alexander St. 7 p.m. Learn the

upon the New York Student Aid Alliance fan page on Facebook.

Argentine tango from Jan Bares. Cost: $4.

The state of New York is tr y ing to get r id of the Tuition Assistance Prog ram (TAP) for many students. For more information

Thu 19

visit http://nystudentaidalliance.org. •

Thursday Night Cinema: Pineapple Express Ingle Auditorium. 10 p.m. CAB starts off the weekend with another entertaining movie, the funny and actionfilled Pineapple Express, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco. Cost: Free.

Fri 20 12th Annual Snowball Semi-Formal SAU Cafeteria. 8 p.m. Otherwise known as “the last chance you get to dance with that cute chick before she goes and gets crazy with someone else on spring break.” Cost at the door: Singles: $9, Couples: $17.





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salvia on campus


by Leanne Cushing | photograph by Matt Kelly and Eddie Rodriguez

There hasn’t been much

lso referred to as “Magic

the incident, Public Safety picked

out of one of the windows in the

Mint” and “Sally D”,

up the student, who was coatless,

dorms because they imagine that

research done on salvia and its

salvia is a hallucinogenic plant

shoeless, and unaware that he was

they can fly.

effects. There have been reports

that has been smoked for religious

outside. The student was taken

purposes by the Mazatec Indians

to a hospital and monitored over

is still legal, RIT has few options

alcohol, prescriptions or illegal

for centuries. Legal in most states,

night. He was released, but was

for disciplinary action when

drugs. Hallucinations can range

relatively cheap and easy to get,

charged with underage drinking

students are in possession of

from pleasant visions to horrific

it has become increasingly popular

and endangering behavior.

salvia. If salvia is found on a

nightmares. So far 13 states

student, he or she will be referred

have laws prohibiting its sale or

with high school and college

Dawn Soufleris, assistant vice

Considering that “magic mint”

on a variety of interactions with

students over the past few years.

president for Student Affairs,

to an educational program

possession. There is a bill to ban

Though there are mixed reports

expressed her concerns with salvia.

about the substance. If they are

salvia in New York State that is

caught using it, they will be held

currently under review, but it has

as to whether the substance is

“My biggest fears are that someone

addictive, long term effects and

will wander into the nature

accountable for “endangering

been pushed off the priority list

consequences of the drug can

preserve and won’t be found until

behavior.” According to Soufleris,

due to the state of the economy

be serious.

it’s too late.” Students under the

it is generally difficult to pinpoint

and other government issues.

influence of drugs or alcohol have

salvia usage and popularity

Soufleris fears that salvia will

hospitalized at RIT due to an

also been known to wander out

among students at this time.

have to be a cause of death or serious injury in New York before

Last year, one student was incident involving salvia. The

onto Jefferson Road or be found

There have been many rumors

student was intoxicated, but

lying down in the roads on campus,

and reports of its growing

it is dealt with. “It’s really like

acting unusual even for a weekend

noted Soufleris. One other fear she

popularity on campus,

playing with fire — you’re going to

evening. After someone reported

has is that someone might fall

specifically in Park Point.

get burned.” •


Weirdos Wooing For

by Leanne Cushing | photographs by Christopher Valites

10  Leisure | 02.13.09

Beautiful people in romance movies may fall in love in clichéd ways, but eccentric folk have bizarre, yet just as passionate, techniques. After all, there are crazy things people will do for true love. But I urge you not to judge, dear reader! You, too, may find yourself in Cupid’s clutches someday with similar antics.

2D Love Many people believe you don’t choose love — it chooses you. A man in Japan, Taichi Takashita, petitioned to be allowed to marry the love of his life, a cartoon character. “I am no longer interested in three dimensions. I would even like to become a resident in the two-dimensional world,” he w r ot e on h i s on l i ne p et it ion . The o b j e c t of h i s a f f e c t ion s , Mikuru Asahina, is a high school junior in the Haruhi Suzumiya manga. Although his petition has collected over a thousand signatures, Japan will still not allow a two-dimensional marriage.

Unrequited Love

I Now Pronounce You Dolphin and Wife

Erotomania is the delusion of a romantic relationship with a stranger

A British millionaire named Sharon Tendler married the love of her life,

who is usually of higher social status than them. This insanity can be

a dolphin named Cindy, in 2005. She claimed to have fallen in love with

illustrated well in an entertaining tale about David Letterman’s stalker,

him fifteen years earlier when visiting a dolphin reef in Israel. An Is-

Margaret Mary Ray. She stole Letterman’s Porsche, claimed she was his

raeli news site reported, “Cindy, escorted by his fellow bestmen dolphins,

wife and that her son was their only child. She left cookies and an empty

swam over to Tendler and she hugged him, whispered sweet nothings

whiskey bottle in his home in Connecticut, and left books and letters in

in his ear and kissed him in front of the cheering crowd.” Even though

his driveway. After all of her efforts, she failed to woo Letterman and

the ceremony had no legal bearing, she now proudly calls herself a “one-

ended up serving ten months in prison for harassment.

dolphin woman.”

My Tractor is Red, My Flannel Shirt’s Blue, Murder is Sweet, and So Were You

A Long Wedding in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

There was a farmer in the United Kingdom that ran over his wife with

Another strange kind of a wedding is that of obsessive Star Wars fans. The

a tractor to gather the insurance money to fly off to the Maldives with

best example of this wedding theme was that of Rebecca D’Madeiros and

his mistress. To his misfortune, his children found a Christmas card

Bill Duda, whose wedding took place in their backyard in Portland, Oregon.

from another woman in his room, which caused the case to be reopened.

The groom dressed as Admiral Ackbar and the bride as Mon Mothma,

A Queen’s Counsel prosecutor reflected, “Despite being experienced on the

while Yoda was the one to perform the ceremony. Flickr has over 12,000

farm, his wife somehow contrived to fall under the front wheels of the

photos of it — just google “Flickr Star Wars wedding.”

tractor and the defendant somehow managed not to see her.”

The LOL proposal A Tale of a Mage and A Warrior

A man proposed to his girlfriend in LOLcat pictures featured on the I Can

On the well-known massively multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft,

Has Cheezburger? website. The girlfriend, Loretta, responded, “I can haz

two star-crossed players fell in love. In determination to meet his love in

huzbind? Yes!”

real life, the warrior, a 17-year-old boy, tried running away to Australia. To his dismay, authorities seized him at the Raleigh-Durham International

Going Postal

Airport and brought him back home to his parents. Determined, the love-

Believing it would make people happier, a 30-year-old from Brooklyn,

sick 31-year-old woman decided to fly to her love by taking a flight to the

Jake Bronstein, sent 1,000 strangers love letters. Each letter was uniquely

United States and meeting up with him. When she arrived, the authorities

written by himself, his friends and family members. An excerpt from

seized her and held her on child abduction charges.

Times Online reads, “Dear You,

Underwater Love

If you were cold, I would do my best to warm you up. If you were sad,

Many couples get engaged or married underwater, at a variety of differ-

I’d do that dance you seem to like. If you were broke, I’d give you money.

ent locations. There have been engagements from the Georgia Aquarium

You’re worth it because you’re awesome (good looking, charming, and fun).

to marriages in the Andaman Sea near Thailand. What says “I love you” like scuba gear and sea water?

Even writing this made me smile. That is so you. Thanks. -Love, Zoomdoggle” •


The Rail Jam Showcases RIT’s Snowboard Supremos

To me, snow is a lot like trash: it makes campus

on their coffee. A nearby wooden quarter pipe

R e d Bu l l’s That ’s It, That ’s All. O f c ou r s e,

look unattractive and sometimes appears in

also housed some inventive slides and tricks.

a day of shredding wouldn’t be complete with-

shades of yellow. RIT’s Snowboarding Team and

The pièce de résistance was the well-sized ramp

out hot chocolate, which was also served.

the College Activities Board (CAB) beg to differ.

that had riders twisting, flying, and front-flip-

The Rail Jam raised the interest of those who

“In an area like Rochester where it snows a

ping over the paved path connecting the SAU

might want to pick it up as a hobby, myself in-

to the Library.

cluded. Unfortunately, as the winter quarter

lot, we wanted to host a fun, outdoor activity

comes to an end, so does the chance to register

that brings people together,” says CAB event

One of these acrobats was Brittany Lemenager,

manger Taf Islam, a fourth year Mechanical

a second year Graphic Design major, who gets

for RIT’s ski and snowboarding class, which isn’t

Engineering major. “That’s what the Rail Jam is.”

more nervous when she’s giving a presentation

available in the spring for obvious reasons.

And bring people together it did; hundreds of

in class than when she’s approaching a ramp

Snowboarding Team’s fifth year Industrial &

students, wanting to forget a sadistic week eight,

at high speed. “What I like most is the environ-

Systems Engineering major, Brian Smits, offered

decided to stop by throughout the day and en-

ment,” she says. “It’s what makes snowboard-

some final tips on what to expect when hitting

joy the snow escapades. I guess one man’s trash

ing one of my favorite activities.” The freestylers

the slopes for the first time: “Get ready for a

really is another man’s treasure.

that rose above the rest were awarded prizes

The event’s course itself was quite the setup

,courtesy of the Snowboarding Team.

beating. You’ve gotta be dedicated and you’re going to be sore at the end of the day, but once

given the amount of space available on the hill

And the f un didn’t stop there. The night

you get the hang of it, it’s a lot of fun.” Lemenag-

located behind the tiger statue. A picnic table

concluded at the RITz with three snowboard-

er added, “Bring a pillow. Your butt will hurt.” •

and rail were both staged, hosting sick grinds

ing movie premieres: Rome’s No Correct Way,

that could make onlookers in Java Wally’s choke

Burton’s It’s Always Snowing Somewhere, and

12  Leisure | 02.13.09

by Chukwuma Morah | photographs by Evan Witek

Jaythreeoh Hangs Up the Mic by Eric Drummond | photograph by Eric Drummond

“So, like what are you going to do? What do you

Mackey, Geech Lorenz, DJ D1 Imperial, DJ BackSpin, Coach Bill & Destroy and DJ Sight. Going over its scheduled time by an hour and a half, the show included freestyle performances by most of the guest rappers, including a couple rhymes from Jaythreeoh’s longtime friend, Flirt, who doesn’t normally spit lyrics. “That was probably the best show I have ever

mean you’re not going to have anybody else?

seen,” said Michelle Corneau, general manager of

You can’t just stay on? You’ve got to figure out

WITR. Jay went out with a bang.

something. We need it. I can’t be at work and not hear the show. What the hell is wrong with you?

For the past two weeks fans and friends have been calling and emailing about him leaving. There

Stop playing. You need to quit telling lies on the

is no scheduled hip-hop show anymore at WITR. In

radio and finish the show... [This listener] called

Jay’s words, “There are some big shoes to fill.”

and basically just let me have it,” related Jaythreeoh. After thirteen and a half years, Jaythreeoh, DJ

Jay wipes his eyes after saying his last line on the air.

For the finale, Jaythreeoh brought in Rochester rappers and friends including L.I., Moses, Hassaan

Jaythreeoh ended his final show on an emotional note, saying, “You can’t tell me not to cry, man. I

of “The Slow Flow Show” at WITR, hosted his final

don’t care what you want to call me. I can’t say

show last Friday, February 6. Starting as a freshmen

‘until the next time,’ but I’ll say it this time for the

in college under the tutelege of DJ Chris G, his

last time: Fat chicks rule the planet y’all. Peace, love

show continued on after he graduated, always as a

and blub.” •

volunteer position — five days a week from 9 to 12

To see video of Jaythreeoh’s interview and last show, check out

in the morning. But it is now time for Jay to move

http://reportermag.com. To hear audio of the entire last show, visit

on. Changes needed to be made, both for himself


and for his family.


Reviews Coraline by Alex Rogala

with her detached parents and the monoto-

to date, and the first major instance of stop-

nous world around her. After entering a mys-

motion. The film was shot in a mix of clay ani-

tifying door in her home, Coraline is whisked

mation and CGI, and the resulting product is

away to a fantasy world where she meets her

remarkably well polished, with a wonderful

“Other Mother” and “Other Father,” cheerful

blend of classic stop motion and 3D. Whereas

button-eyed counterparts to her real parents.

many 3D films go out of their way to present

However, after spending time in this world,

gimmicks, Coraline uses the medium surpris-

Rating: Dig it

she slowly begins to realize it’s not the utopia

ingly effectively, preferring to provide an over-

she saw at first glance.

all 3D illusion, which winds up being more be-

Childhood memories have always had an irre-

wonderful storytelling and more twists than

The PG rating might turn some viewers away,

placeable role in modern society — everything

expected from a family movie. The charac-

hoping for a more mature film, but it’s no rea-

The plot is incredibly rich, packed full of

lievable in the end.

from books to movies to music trends allude to

ters are realistic, allowing them to empathize

son to discount this surprisingly dark family

this time of innocence. Youth only comes once

with Coraline as she faces all the adventures,

film. Coraline provides a warm welcome to the

and carefree memories of childhood abound.

challenges and dreams of childhood, albeit in

refreshing flashbacks of childhood, and will

Coraline, based on the Neil Gaiman novel,

a more exaggerated form.

remain one of the best films of 2009. •

follows this tradition, documenting the ad-

Notably, Coraline is a film of many distinc-

ventures of a young girl who is disappointed

tions, including the longest stop-motion film

Flicker Will Surely Fade is all of those.

writing is easily recognizable, which makes

Lights That Flicker Will Surely Fade Promise of Redemption

It is the first album released by Promise of Re-

Lights That Flicker Will Surely Fade stand out

demption, an acoustic solo project by lead singer

even more from the crowd. While the major-

Shane Henderson of the not-so-well-known al-

ity of the lyrics center on a theme of heartache,

by Dan Lovria

ternative band, Valencia. The word “passion-

Hender s on’s mu s ic i s c u r iou s ly... h ap p y.

ate” does not even begin to describe this album.

Each note delivers such pure and untouched

Rating: Dig it

Henderson pours his very heart and soul into

tr uth, and it is impossible to f ind yourself

his album, writing emotional songs highlight-

not smiling — if not with your lips, then with

ing the highs and lows of his past relationships.

your heart.

Henderson’s talent is extraordinary and his vo-

As an amateur artist myself, Lights That Flicker

cals are incredible, successfully capturing the

Will Surely Fade is the first album that has in-

along that changes how you listen to music.

hearts of his listeners through each and every

spired me to write songs with emotion, teach-

Maybe the album opens your ears to a new

song on the album.

Every once in a great while, an album comes

ing me to let my heart guide the pen instead

genre. Perhaps the lyrics are so inspiring and

While vocals and lyrics drive this album, Hen-

heartfelt, you can literally feel the emotions of

derson’s talent with his instrument is profound

listens to be inspired, to learn and to enjoy real,

the singer pouring through your headphones.

as well. Henderson opens nearly every song on

pure music, you owe it to yourself to hear what

Maybe the songs are so catchy, in one week they

his album with an original riff that continues

Shane Henderson has to share. Promise of Re-

break into your “Top 25 Most Played” playlist on

throughout the track, most notably the sev-

demption is one man and his guitar telling his

your iPod. “A diamond in the rough,” “a hidden

enth song entitled, “Promise of Redemption.”

story to the world. It can’t get much better than

gem” — whatever you want to call it, Lights That

The level of difficulty involved with his song-

this. •

14  Leisure | 02.13.09

of my hand. If you are someone like me, who

02.13.09 At Your Leisure

by John Howard


In 1987, Hallmark introduced a line titled

then on this holiday of love, you’re bound to

passion it evokes, the date is also connected to

Mahogany that was geared toward the com-

have a smile on your face — particularly if

one of the most important medical discover-

pany’s African-American consumers. From its

you live in California. In 2005, this west coast

ies in human history. On February 14, 1929,

humble beginnings as a 16-card promotion,

state raked in about $289 million of the $397

a young bacteriologist by the name Sir Al-

the line has grown to a number nearing 1,000

million in sales of domestically produced cut

exander Fleming accidentally came across

cards catering to its largest markets in Wash-

flowers. Among that number, lilies made up

a mold that produced an antibiotic, now

ington, New York and Chicago. The company

$76.9 million; tulips, $39.1 million; and roses,

referred to as penicillin. Today, penicillin is

became a year round brand, offering seasonal

$39 million.

used to treat sexually-transmitted diseases as

and non-seasonal cards in 1991.

Roses are seen as one of the traditional gifts

Half of the United States buys cards as part

syphilis and gonorrhea.

Sexually speaking, the economy around

for a woman to receive on Valentine’s Day.

of their normal Valentine holiday tradition.

However, studies suggest that women are

Valentine’s Day does quite well. According to

191 million Valentine cards are purchased

doing a little bit of the purchasing, as well. 27

Trojan, a manufacturer of condoms, along with

and distributed every year on the 14th. Out of

percent of the people who buy flowers on Val-

New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July, this

this number, which excludes the crappy Power

entine’s Day are women and, of that number,

holiday, which also happens to be National

Ranger messages you got glued to lollipops in

15 percent of US women play the part of their

Condom Awareness Day, sees one of the prime

elementary school, half of them are purchased

own Valentine, sending themselves goods of

peaks in condom sales. (Yet despite this,

less than a week before the actual holiday.

passion every February 14.

If you’re a gardener that produces flowers,

March has been the highest selling month for

Though February 14 may be known for the

at-home pregnancy tests.)

Reporter recommends Change the cake’s shape, icing color and even

http://theoworlds.com/valentine. For all the culi-

making one. It’s a virtual cake, free of charge

narily challenged out there (or simply those with

and personalized to your taste that is sent in

background from doilies to a white plate with

no means of baking other than a microwave

the form of an eCard to your special someone(s).

rose petals — all the options you need to help stir

reeking of burnt popcorn), this is the best way

Choose to add decorative icing, sprinkles or

up a little romance, and cut some carbs in the

to make a Valentine’s Day cake without actually


meantime on this “chocolatiest” of holidays.

Overseen and Overheard at RIT


“Was that the Priceline negotiator guy?”

“Hello, RIT Hotline.

“No, he’s from Star Wars or something.”

How may I help you?”

Business students mid-Shatner double take,

Random woman in business

watching Super Bowl commercials

suit on a cell phone


“All of us — whether or not we’re celebrities — every one ought to spend part of their life making someone else’s life better.” Jerry Springer

Word Scramble

by Kory Merritt

What many will be feeling the night of the 14th Unscramble the highlighted letters to solve the puzzle.

UDDLCE_ _ _ _ _ _ ONTEGU _ _ _ _ _ _ RTTSU _ _ _ _ _ RNIUEDJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OARECNIVSTVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

To see more of Kory Merritt’s comics, check out B

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


HAPPY 7th ANNIVERSARY TO US! Wahoo! Join us as Ben & Jerry’s and RIT celebrate seven years of bliss together on Februrary 13 & 14

50% OFF ANY ICE CREAM Hurry offer good only on Februaruy 13 & 14 RIT Scoop Shop Student Alumni Union (BTW that’s Valentines Day-bring your squeeze!)

III CANCELED NICK SWARDSON CALLS OFF RIT SHOW Hi Everyone, The College Activities Board would like to apologize for any inconvenience that may have occurred due to the cancellation of the Nick Swardson show. We know that many of you are frustrated, not only because Nick canceled, but also because the same thing happened earlier this year, with the postponement of Nas. The chance of one show being canceled in a single year is very rare and unfortunate let alone two. We assure you that the College Activities Board has done and will do anything to prevent this from happening in the future.

The Gordon Field House Box Office will be offering full refunds for all tickets sold for the show until Friday, March 13. Tickets purchased online and over the phone will be refunded automatically. CAB will continue to work hard to provide you with diverse and exciting entertainment. Check out our website at cab.rit.edu to see our calendar and to find out more information about our events. The College Activities Board






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Late Night Events & Special Events 2/14

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ritter ice arena, 11PM, $2/person or $3/couple

paid advertisement


S me Like It Fast by Madeleine Villavicencio illustration by Ben Rubin and Sara Wick

Love is timeless. It has been the subject of plays, novels, poetry and, yes, even playground songs. We’re all familiar with: “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.” But would you marry someone after seven minutes? I suppose that depends on the person. For me, that’s right up there with the idea of “love at first sight,” and I’m not a believer.

People spend an infinite amount

events dedicated to speed dating

men took their seats. The true

of time and effort looking for that

scattered across cities all over

test commenced: small talk.

speed dating provides a quieter

perfect mate, and, in the process,

the world. Websites like

At the end of three minutes,

atmosphere that regular “pick-

supporters present is that

they experience a whole lot of


a Taboo buzzer sounded off

up sites” lack. The “heart-to-

heartache. They make countless

incorporate the same procedure

(which, in ordinary speed dating

heart” small talk opportunity

mistakes and oftentimes end up

while using instant messaging

situations, is usually a bell or

is supposed to result in a more

alone while waiting for the next

and webcam technology. They

glass clinking), indicating that

meaningful connection. In

one to come along. It makes you

took it a step further by releasing

the men had to move down one

my experience, it was quieter.

wonder whether they’ve been

an iPhone app February 3 of this

table and on to the next prospect.

Unfortunately, I kept giving in

going about it the wrong way. At


Yes, the men had to do all the

to the temptation of listening

least Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah, an organization that promotes Jewish pride, thinks so.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker


to the couple at the next table,

In between turns, the

especially when my current

participants decided if they had

partner was someone I wasn’t

The Need For Speed

On February 4, Reporter

just met someone they would

interested in.

expanded its brand name into

like to get to know better and

With an increasing divorce rate,

the dating service business by

marked their sheets accordingly.

limit. If you’ve ever been on a

contemporary dating methods

holding our very own invitation-

The same procedure was

date with someone and all you

seem less likely to result in

only speed dating event. For this

repeated until each male had

could think about was returning

a “lasting” relationship. Deyo

experiment, 18 hopeful singles

a chance to interact with each

home, or if you’ve ever been to

told Harvard Magazine that he

piled into room 1829 in the

female. Of course, things weren’t

a party where someone you’re

Another issue was the time

Student Alumni Union (SAU)

that simple. In true RIT fashion,

not interested in is hanging all

that evening, looking for a

there were more guys than girls

over you, then you might know

are looking for and doing now

match. The night began with

and this caused some confusion

what I’m talking about. Speed

in dating.” The dark, smoky

the consumption of snacks

in the beginning. To solve that

dating provides you the speedy

and rowdy environment of bars

and refreshments — the Ritz

issue, two guys had to sit out

exit you’re looking for. After a

and clubs isn’t really conducive

Bits cheese sandwiches were a

during each round. At the end

certain period of time, you don’t

to getting to know a person or

favorite — as the music of Tiger

of the experiment, a survey was

have to see them again if you

making a connection. He believes,

Idol finalists drifted through


don’t want to (ideally). Though,

believed “short-term bursts, ‘hooking up’ — that’s what people

the walls of the neighboring

Once finished, everyone turned

this does go both ways. If you’re

but you can do things that will

Ingle Auditorium, doubling as

in their sheets and surveys to

caught in a dull date, then you’re going to have to sit through the

“Chemistry can’t be orchestrated, bring it out — make a space

entertainment for the night. At

be processed. A day later, emails

where it is possible.” So, in 1998

the same time, participants

forwarding contact information

awkwardness until time is up.

at Pete’s Café in Beverly Hills,

registered and left contact

for “mutual matches” were sent

Also, if you seem to really get along with someone, then you’ll

Deyo held a round robin event

information with the assigned

to the participants. Mutual

where single Jewish men and

staff. In a typical speed dating

matches occur when both parties

be forced to leave him or her

women conversed for seven

situation, registration would

express interest in each other by

once the buzzer rings.

minutes before moving on to the

have occurred beforehand,

marking “yes” on their sheets.

next person. The goal of these

usually online. In addition, there

For the sake of simplicity, a blank

minutes wasn’t enough. With

was counted as an automatic

the average speed date lasting

brief “dates” was to help these

would have been a fee to ensure

Jewish singles meet and marry.

commitment, keep the numbers

That day, speed dating was

even and, of course, cover costs.

“no.” What these mutual matches

Quite a few argued that three

between three to eight minutes,

do with that information is

a number of survey participants suggested that the time limit

Ours, however, was free. After

totally up to them. They can

“SpeedDating” is a registered

all, you can’t put a price on “true

choose to make a move or wait

be extended to five minutes.

trademark of Aish HaTorah.

love,” or the fact that you’re using

around. In that respect, speed

Personally, for people I had met

born. In fact, the single word

Soon enough, the idea became

your participants as guinea pigs.

dating is actually considered

previously and whose interests I

popular in the matchmaking

Each guest was given a number

more of a “pre-dating” event

shared, three minutes definitely wasn’t enough. For others,

industry and, eventually, in

and a “match sheet” to indicate

than an actual date. Think of it

pop culture. The practice

the prospects he or she would

as a turning signal on the road to

three minutes felt like forever.

was depicted in movies such

be interested in. The ladies


It depends on the chemistry

as The 40-Year-Old Virgin and

were seated at different tables

Hitch. After it made its way

and the men were lined up to

to the small screen with Sex

their corresponding pair. “You

The Good and the Bad

and the City, it was game over.

may now begin,” echoed a voice

Every system has its pros and

Today, there are hundreds of

throughout the room and the

cons. The main argument


between the two involved. For larger events with more participants, not everyone gets to interact with each other.


“ I made my decision in...�

When you are attacted to someone, are you more likely to make the first move?

In making your decision, how important were each of the following factors? N/A is the lowest, 5 is the highest.

Having Similar Interests

Sense of Humor

Physical Attributes

Maintaining Eye Contact


M1 Y F1








M3 N



M4 N


M5 N


M6 N




M7 N


M8 Y


M9 N


M10 N





































































N F7



Less time would mean the







recommended to prepare a



by leaving boxes on their sheets

opportunity to meet more people,

Words of the Wise

list of topics to talk about and

blank. In addition, guys are more

which means more options.

When pressed for time, decisions

questions to ask. Some of the

likely to vote “yes” while girls are more likely to vote “no.” Some

are made rather quickly. What

more overused subjects include

options cover a wider range of

you do in those first few seconds

year and major, the classes

marks were darker than others,

people. Because of its random

may impact your partner’s

you are taking, where you’re

possibly indicating a greater

nature, you will probably meet at

opinion of you greatly. Some of

from, what you do for fun or in

intensity of like or dislike. Finally,

least one person you never would

the major influences listed were

your spare time, hobbies and

girls are more likely to write

have walked up to at a party.

the manner one carries oneself,

general interests such as music,

notes about the people they meet

How do you know you don’t like

sense of humor, having similar

food, and movies. These are all

and draw symbols such as stars

With speed dating, your

something if you don’t try it? Of

interests, maintaining eye

really safe but they’re not going

and smiley faces to reinforce

course, this also means that you

contact and physical attributes,

to make you memorable. The

their decisions.

may be forced to interact with

while other factors include

best question of the night posed

some unusual characters. One

the way the person is dressed,

to me: “Imagine you weren’t

Final Words

anonymous survey participant

the person’s major, minor, or

working right now. If you weren’t

I feel that the experiment was a success and I’m happy with the

in our experiment suggested a

concentrations, the person’s

paid to do your job, would you

pre-screening process in order to

handshake (if they shook your

still be speed dating?”

weed out potential “stalkers.”

hand at all), facial expressions

In addition, if you’re the type of person who hates having to

and body language. Some survey participants commented on

turnout. Although I don’t think I will ever speed date again, I

More Than Just Numbers

a pretty odd experience but once

would encourage you to try it. It’s

introduce themselves repeatedly,

specifics such as fidgeting, what

It isn’t just the quantitative data

you get the ball rolling, it can be

imagine doing so with every

you’re doing with your hands

collected that’s interesting. If

pretty cool. You can learn a lot

new round every few minutes.

(like nervously picking your

you take a look at the match

by just observing and interacting

It can get tiresome. It’s not like

fingernails) and the importance

sheets themselves, you start to

with people. Who knows, maybe,

you can hold a deep meaningful

of a smile.

conversation regarding the

One major recurring issue that

notice a few things. More than

in the end, you’ll walk away with

half of the women’s sheets had

five matches just like hottie M3.

philosophies of life given the

appeared was how well a person

multiple erasures, meaning they

And in case you were wondering,

time limit. How much can you

could keep the conversation

are more likely to change their

one of my mutual matches did

really cover in a few minutes?

flowing. Things can get really

minds more than once. Men, on

send me an email back. •

The truth is, not a lot, so you

awkward really fast if you’re

the other hand, were more likely

better come prepared.

sitting in silence. It’s usually

to avoid the decision all together


Find something cool? Slide it under the door of the Reporter office, along with a note about where you found it. We’re located in the

A match sheet from Reporter’s speed dating experiment. Evidence that women are likely to change their minds more often than men.

basement of the SAU, room A-426.

22  Features | 02.13.09


give me your worst pickup line. photographs by Jake Hamm

“I wish I was DNA so I could unzip your genes.”

“You must be a parking ticket because you’ve got fine written all over you.”

“Uh... let’s go... um... over there...”

Ashley Pastor

James Lord

Environmental Management

Environmental Science

Computer Science

and Technology

Second year

Fifth year

First year

“I’ll be sine you be cosine and together we’ll be one.”

“I’m sorry, did we have sex last night?”

“How about we combine our xx and xy cromosomes?”

Jesse Powers

Andy Mclyskie

Su Lu

Sean Kumar

Information Technology

New Media Marketing


First year

First year

Second year

“Did you fall from heaven? ‘Cause... I don’t know.”

“I’m gonna treat you like my homework... slam you on the table and do you all night long.”

“Hey baby, that dress looks good on you... but it would look better on my floor.”

Advertising and Public Relations

Renee Johnson

Amber Gulley

First year

Advertising and Public Relations


First year

Fourth year

Eric Potter

12th Annual Semi-Formal

Snowball Dance Friday, February 20 8pm to 1am in the SAU Cafeteria

Tickets (presale) $8 Single / $15 Couple Tickets (at the door) $9 Single / $17 Couple Sponsored by Habitat for Humanity Co-sponsored by RITGA and the Community Service Center

Saint Valentine The Saint Behind the Ceremony

by Ilsa Shaw | photograph by Thomas Liggett



our eyes are bombarded with the annual

his name, located in a glass-fronted box at the Basilica of St. Praxedes

fête of red cardboard, tubby nude cherubs,

in Rome.

and giddy smooching nincompoops set on

One ancient festival seems to have more to blame for the modern per-

courting a mate, we can’t help but think:

ception of Saint Valentine’s Day than the very saint himself: Lupercalia.

Why? Is there any reason for this Saint

This Roman festival called for a gathering of worshippers on the Palatine

Valentine’s Day nonsense? Some call it a

Hill in Rome, where Rome’s legendary founders, Romulus and Remus,

“Hallmark holiday” without any histori-

were believed to be nursed by a wolf called Luperca. Following a few ani-

cal basis, while others prefer to celebrate it without really knowing the

mal sacrifices, the ceremony involved priests running around and striking

reason why.

women with straps of goat skin, an activity thought to assure the women

In reality, the story is quite complex. The very man after whom this day

of fertility and an easy delivery. The name for these straps — februa,

is named, Saint Valentine, was a Roman priest who may have addition-

or “means of purification” — eventually gave the month of February its

ally practiced as a physician. One of his priestly duties was to oversee

name, and settled the festival’s date on the 15th day of the month Febru-

and conduct marriages, an act that would eventually place him in quite a

arius. Another similarity is a particular part of the ceremony where girls’

predicament. The tale gets hazy from this point on, but one story dictates

names were put in a box for boys to draw out. In true Valentine fashion,

that the war-hungry emperor, Marcus Aurelius Claudius, demanded a

the two were then paired off until the next Lupercalia.

large supply of troops, yet was met with a problem: Men would not leave

Since there is speculation that Saint Valentine was killed for support-

for battle. They were too attached to their wives and families. In response,

ing Christians during a time of severe persecution, some believe that the

Claudius banned marriage outright. Valentine, however, continued to

Roman Catholic Church used his martyrdom to Christianize (and even

preside over them, and was discovered, captured and beheaded on Febru-

popularize) Lupercalia. This would explain the association between the “pairing off” of mates and the saint himself, as well as a possible reason

ary 14 between 270 and 273 AD. Although it makes for an interesting story, the event’s reality has

for terming it “Saint Valentine’s Day.”

undoubtedly been obscured and romanticized. This can especially be

As the years progressed, the holiday likely became increasingly ro-

seen when considering the other Saint Valentine, a bishop who lived

mantic in nature, which blurred the facts of the actual saint’s role.

just 60 miles north of Rome in Interamna (meaning “between rivers”),

Possibly due to the association between February and fertility, the belief

home of modern day Terni, Italy. One piece of the folklore puzzle is

that birds found their mates on the 14th of the month became a common-

that this Valentine supposedly oversaw the first marriage between a

place theme of medieval literature. Even so, in 1,700 years, our outlook has

pagan man and a Christian woman. Christianity was not tolerated in

changed. No longer do we sacrifice goats for Luperca, slap women with

Roman culture at the time, so a marriage between a true-blue Roman

februa, or pair off children for annual matings. We don’t even think of the

and a Christian was accordingly unacceptable. Valentine was scourged,

saint behind the ceremony. •

imprisoned and beheaded as per the orders of Placidus, prefect of Interamna. The eerie fact is that this beheading happened around the same time as that of the other Valentine,

Bizarre Worldly Customs

in around the same area. Many scholars believe that these were, in fact, the same

United Kingdom



S a i nt Va l e nt i n e . It i s s u g gested that he was a Roman

Girls once forecasted their

In a complete rever sal of

Men sometimes send a

priest who became a bishop

futures by pinning five bay

Amer ican culture, women

gaekkebrev or “joking letter”

in Interamna, but was then

leaves on a pillow, one in

are expected to g ive men

to their valentine. Here, he

sentenced for some unknown

each corner and one in the

cho colate. Gir i chocos, l it-

composes a two-lined rhyme

blasphemous deed and brought

center. They then brought

er a l ly “o bl ig at ion c ho c o -

but does not sign his name.

t o R ome for h i s e xe c ut ion .

out a s p e c i a l ly pr ep a r e d

lates,” are t y pically g iven

If the receiver can guess the

The Bollandists, an asso-

hard-boiled egg, whose yolk

to a woman’s boss. Honmei

sender’s identity, then he is

ciation of scholars that have

was removed and replaced

chocos, on the other hand,

expected to reward her with an Easter egg in the spring.

studied the cult of the saints

with salt. The egg was to be

are “true feeling” gifts, only

since the early 17th century,

eaten — shell and all — and

given to those who truly en-

assert whole-heartedly that it

the girl was not to speak or

tice the woman. Male reci-

was the same person, but the

drink until the next morn-

procity happens exactly one

off icial Roman Mar t yrolog y

ing. Dur ing the night, she

month later, on March 14 for

(first published in 1583) lists

would dream of her future

White Day, when honmei-

t h e s e t w o s i m i l a r e nt r i e s

husband. Of course, the spell

receiv ing males have t he

as separate sa int s ent irely.

would be broken if she men-

chance to give women white

To d at e, t he r e i s on l y one

tioned her dream to anyone

chocolates or other white-

pile of skeletons bear ing

within 10 days.

themed gifts.


Track and Field

Through Perseverance, Progress by Carolyn Dunne | photographs by Oscar Durand

1 February 1 was a day for the RIT Indoor Track and Field team to

Reduced in numbers and impacted by several injuries,

improve alongside her teammates.

Mitchell, third year Biotechnology

Though the competing team is

major Jamie Morey, fourth year Electrical Engineering

continue collecting the dividends

the women’s team also took

relatively smaller than usual,

of their intense effort.

second place to Ithaca. Despite

third year Electrical Engineering

majors Chris Libera and first year

The men’s team earned second

the team results of this particular

major Lindsey Clark gave voice to

Eletrical Engneering Tecnology major Carol Melice. This was a

place in the Empire 8 Champion-

meet, fifth year Electrical Engi-

the general team motto when she

ship Meet, taking a heartbreaking

neering major and captain Joanna

said, “What you put in, you will

true testament to the hard work

loss to Ithaca College by a single

Dobeck is encouraged by the fact

see the benefits of in the long run.”

and dedication of athletes and

In addition, several athletes

coaching staff alike. RIT also

point. “Close losses are always

that “there is a level of com-

tough. There were some instances

petitiveness that pushes us to run

qualified for the Eastern College

where we could have done a

faster, throw and jump farther

Athletic Conference (ECAC) meet,

ments in the meet that took place

little better but there were many

in practice, which helps to make

including fourth year Mechani-

on Super Bowl Sunday, with the 400 meter relays for both the

posted several marked improve-

areas where the team performed

us even better for the meets.”

cal Engineering major Michael

extremely well,” professed fifth

She can’t wait for the season to

Hardbarger, fifth year Computer

men’s and women’s team taking

year Electrical Engineering major,

continue into the spring with

Engineering major Timothy Wes-

first place as well as Clark throw-

captain and distance runner

the startup of outdoor track and

ley, third year Laboratory Science

ing a personal best in the weight

Dereck Bojanowski.

field so that she can continue to

Technology major Samantha

throw event.

28  Sports | 02.13.09


Runners compete in the men's 5,000-meter race during the 2009 Empire 8 Track and Field Championships held at the Gordon Field House on Sunday, February 1.


Members of the RIT Track and Field team celebrate after the RIT win in the 5,000-meter race.

2 6 and 7, the Tigers competed at

Melice in the pole vault have

individually with the athletes

American in the mile, was named

also proven their potential and

to prepare them for the postsea-

both the New Balance Invitational

Outstanding Male Athlete for the

heart as they qualified for the

son and keep students healthy

and Syracuse Invitational.

Hardbarger, a returning All-

meet and chalked up two first

ECAC meet, much to the pleasure

throughout their competitive sea-

The most notable achievement

place finishes in his events,

of Coach Warth. “I feel [that

sons, from cross country to indoor

was by Hardbarger, who broke

one of those wins being an Em-

Melice] is only going to improve

and outdoor track and field.

pire 8 meet record. Coach Dave

as she gets more used to the

Warth strongly believes that this

college scene. Libera was a major

daily throughout the whole sea-

Championships in March.

athlete has a legitimate chance at

surprise as this was his first

son,” says team captain Morey.

There are three more meets that

qualifying for the national NCAA

meet of the year, returning from

Coach Warth has hotly contested

will give other Tigers the oppor-

finals, since “everything he has

injury.” Morey and Wesley have

that RIT has “one of the best

tunity to earn times or distances

done has been right on schedule

also progressed in the throw-

coaching staffs in all of Division

great enough to qualify for this prestigious national meet. •

“We meet and work with them

for what we want” in preparation

ing events under the tutelage of

III,” including Coach Walters, a

for a campaign to become the

Coach Walters.

former World Record holder in

Division III national champion in the mile run. Rookies Libera of sprints and

Head coach Warth and assistant coaches Sonya Walters and Dave Stevens have all been working

RIT’s mile record by three seconds and qualified for the NCAA

throwing, in her first season coaching at RIT. On the weekend of February


Lines of Separation (Guide)

by Evan Stark | illustration by Joanna Eberts

At one point or another, you will

that stabbing, stealing from, and

find yourself in a sticky wicket of

drugging are not traits of a good

a relationship. Though you cannot

boyfriend or girlfriend. By being

stand to stay, you don’t ever find

honest, their next relationship

yourself presented with an easy

may progress further.

way out. When you do decide to

make the final break, consider the

DO NOT: Take it back. No one is

following “do” and “do nots”:

happy when a relationship flipflops past the first flop — not the

DO: Examine the chances of

people involved, and not all the

making it work. Before abruptly

people around them.

ending a relationship, let your And DO: Wait until you are calm.

partner know about the things that may be bothering you. You

Don’t act immediately out of

might find that your relationship

anger during a bad night or out

improves greatly.

of frustration due to them not DO NOT: Sabotage yourself.

amiss. Unless they attack you. In

you come across as rational and

it’s done for. If there’s no saving

Sure, you want to avoid being

extreme cases, watch out

not as a

anything and you are acutely

the “bad guy” in the upcoming

for that.

crazy person.

aware of this, don’t just wait for

confrontation, but accidentally

that “opportune moment” when

running over your significant

DO NOT: Tell everyone

Keep in mind, there are gray

you hope the person says, “So, do

other’s bike, car, dog, foot or

beforehand. Your friends may

areas as well. Break-up sex can

you think we should break up?”

sibling just isn’t the answer.

appreciate the heads up. However,

work for couples who need a final

The longer you drag a doomed

if you tell them too much before

physical encounter. Others may

the fact you’ll be placing them

find it more destructive. Still others may find it will cause them

relationship on through the mud,

DO NOT: Use electronics. Setting

the more grimy hurt feelings will

aside the lameness of electronic

in awkward situations when

cling to it.

breakups, problems with

hanging out with your soon-to-

to violate the aforementioned

communication are likely to

be ex-significant other. Worse

flip-flop rule. Every relationship

DO: Be clear. The worst thing ever

arise. No matter how clear you

is if the now-ex commiserates

is different; there is no surefire

is for either party to be unsure

think your email or PowerPoint

with their friend and that person

advice for every situation. Still,

whether or not the relationship is

may be, those graphs can be

says “Oh, I knew that was gonna

these guidelines will more often

still going on. This isn’t to say that


happen a week ago.”

around the situation so much that

DO: Speak face to face. It’s the

DO: Be honest. True, you can

the other person doesn’t realize

best way to seem genuine and the

lie to make someone feel better,

it’s over.

least likely to have something go

but it’s better to let them know

30  Views | 02.13.09

than not keep you out of trouble — well, the avoidable part

tact is the enemy, but don’t tiptoe

of trouble. •

The opinions expressed in the Views section are solely those of the author.

answering their phone. Make sure DO NOT: Wait until you know

RIT RINGS 585.672.4840 compiled by Neil DeMoney

All calls subject to editing and truncation. Not all calls will be run. Reporter reserves the right to publish all calls in any format.

Tuesday, 12:58 p.m.

Monday, 5:40 a.m.

Monday, 12:14 a.m.

I would just like to inform you that sushi Tuesday is now changed to sushi Wednesday. Hence, my whole schedule is thrown off and I am now in a bad mood. Have a nice day.

I was bang ing my roommate’s

This Asian girl who is a friend with benefits called me up last night and wanted pootang but I told her I was busy. Really, though, I was just playing Pokemon. Is that alright?

This goes out to the [elohssa] who hit my car and didn’t leave a note. Uh... I hope you know that hit and run is a misdemeanor and that there are cameras in almost every parking lot. So good luck with that.

Sunday, 11:16 p.m.

Saturday, 2:59 a.m.

Hey [Margaret Thatcher] in

My roommate doesn’t know how to clean his refrigerator. When we got back from break he sprayed in air freshener instead of cleaning it out. My friend was in here today and said it smelled like mold, but I can’t smell it. He eats stuff out of the refrigerator, so should I be worried?

Sunday, 11:39 p.m.

NRH [three], you should let me know if you’re single. I’m only two floors up so you should figure it out.

Wednesday, 8:26 p.m.

Wednesday, 6:32 a.m.

I just wanted to tell you that World of Warcraft is extremely addictive and is interfering with my school work. RIT should make a policy that nobody can ever play it again, but then I would be sad that I couldn’t play it. What should I do? Decisions, decisions...

Hey Rings, it’s me again. Guess what? I’m trying to register for my classes. I’ve been awake si nc e 5:50 t h i s mor n i ng. I didn’t get to sleep till 2:00 a.m. because I was working on my senior project. That’s right, I’m a senior. So, RIT, what the hell are you doing, RIT, getting rid of the phone system and the VAX. I’m so happy I’m graduating and getting out of this place.

g irlfr iend and he walked in. But that’s not the [screwed] up part because after he walked in, I didn’t stop.

Sunday, 11:10 p.m.

I really want to get published in this magazine. So could you tell the girl in NRH, I think her name is [Margaret Thatcher], that she is really cute. Thanks!

Sunday, 11:26 a.m.

You know what’s hilarious is when somebody at the Commons calls for an order and gives you the wrong address. But then they call you an hour and a half later complaining after you’ve tried calling them 17 times. I just can’t believe this. Haha. to hear this article out loud

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