November 2013

Page 1

Unspoken Abuse Men in abusive relationships


Male Contraception The road ahead


Check out our staff meetings in the Campus Center basement, room A730 every Friday at 5:00!

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HELP US, HELP YOU EDITOR IN CHIEF Amber Wilson-Daeschlein PRINT MANAGING EDITOR Steven Markowitz ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR Michelle Spoto COPY EDITOR Nathaniel Mathews NEWS EDITOR Alyssa Jackson LEISURE EDITOR William Hirsh FEATURES EDITOR Nicole Howley SPORTS EDITOR Kayla Emerson VIEWS EDITOR Joan McDonough WRITERS Nick Bovee, Taylor Derrisaw,

Kayla Emerson, Gino Faneli, William Hirsh, Amanda Imperial, Alyssa Jackson, Alex Jones, Juan Lachapelle, Nathan J. Lichtenstein, Michelle Spoto, Brett Slabaugh, David Utt

ART ART DIRECTOR Kathryn Eble DESIGN DIRECTOR Autumn Wadsworth STAFF DESIGNER Melissa Cavallaro, Akshara Chopra, Mariah Jade Cole, Zach Cross, Mariah Lamb, Nick Tyler CONTRIBUTING ILLUSTRATORS Emily Brooks, Andrew Philpott

Waking up to the sounds of an on-going argument, I sit up from the air mattress and check the time. It’s 2 a.m. The people who surround me aren’t my roommates or my family or friends crashing on my couch; they’re my coworkers, and they’re arguing about that week’s magazine. It was 2010—my freshman year—and the current Editor In Chief decided she wasn’t going to write the Editorial for the upcoming issue, which was due at 7 a.m. that day. The task lay to me and two other Section Editors, James Arn and Evan Williams. After a bit of “why was I woken up for this?” bickering and some brainstorming, we got to work. Well that was then, and this is now. The request—no arguing involved, this time—came earlier, but with a well-remembered dose of panic; what does the RIT community have to learn from me?! After a few more minutes of anxiety induced self-loathing, I realized I was asking the wrong question. I should have been asking: “what do I have to learn from RIT community?” The answer: a lot. We do the best we can at Reporter to produce high-quality content for the people of RIT. But we could do better, and we’d like for you to tell us how. Each member of the RIT community—students, faculty, alum—has a unique perspective on the issues that impact them. With a staff made entirely of students, Reporter only sees part of the big picture. In order for us to produce a magazine that matters to the community at large, we need input from all aspects of RIT. Particularly passionate about an RIT policy or national current event? Write a Views piece and give everyone a chance to see your perspective. Have an opinion on an article we ran? Leave us a comment online. Or even better, write us a Letter to the Editor and help us start a dialogue about the issues that matter to your slice of the RIT community. With an updated website and a new emphasis on online, we’re getting up content quicker than ever. The freedom of online gives Reporter renewed opportunity to reach each person in the RIT community every day. As we continue our transition to digital media, it’s important to recognize how far our community stretches and to produce content that is relevant, timely and important to the people of RIT. Although this is a lofty mission, with your help we can work together to improve Reporter—both online and in print—to better fit the needs of our collective community.



Michelle Spoto



CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Seth Abel, Matt Burkhartt, Joyce Kasab, Joe Philipson


Please Recycle

Reporter Magazine is published monthly during the academic year by a staff comprised of students at Rochester Institute of Technology. Business, Editorial and Design facilities are located in Room A-730, in the lower level of the Campus Center. Our phone number is 1.585.475.2212. “I think girls should be treated like princesses now because they later give birth and feel like crap.” L.N. The Advertising Department can be reached at 1.585.475.2213. The opinions expressed in Reporter do not necessarily ref lect those of the Institute. Letters to the Editor may also be sent to “For someone who doesn’t realy like what she’s doing... she does it.” K.E. Reporter is not responsible for materials presented in advertising areas. No letters will be printed unless signed. All letters received become the property of Reporter. Reporter takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union. Copyright © 2013 Reporter Magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of this Magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission.



Netanya Lerner, a second year Biomedical Photography major, is assisted with applying makeup prior to the fourth annual Haunted Trail Tour in the woods behind Gracie’s on October 10. The tour is organized by Delta Phi Epsilon and Sigma Chi, who donated all

RIT helps create local charter school

7 In Your Backyard Meet the candidates for

15 Unspoken Abuse Men in abusive relationships

19 Male Contraception

26 Hanging out RIT’s Dirty Laundry RIT’s problems with laundry facilities

The road ahead

22 Generational Shift

Henrietta Town Supervisor


6 The Turning Point in Education



proceeds to the Children’s Miracle Network. photograph by Matt Burkhartt

29 Word on the Street What advice would you give to someone who has been a victim

Women outpacing men in college

8 At Your Leisure Learn how to pettifog the origins of Gotham

10 Reviews A create-your-own card game and a remaster of a classic Zelda



of domestic violence?

24 To Play or Not to Play

30 Rings Polisseni Center as a roller coaster

Unraveling the value of college athletics


cover photograph by Seth Abel Correction: The October 2013 cover artwork disclaimer only identified two

12 Reporter Beard Style Guide Forge a beard of great power

of the three tattoos that were added. The eyeball, barcode and lion tattoos are illustrations only.

13 Beards Growing at RIT Who are they? Where did they come from? What beards work for them?


THE TURNING POINT IN EDUCATION by Taylor Derrisaw | design by Mariah Lamb



Charter Schools are independent public schools. They have more freedom to change curriculum and styles in accordance with how the students learn by involving teachers, parents and students in the education process.


Enrollment to get into charter schools is increasing. According to the website Take Part, in the 2011-12 school year enrollment was at 610,000. In 2013, that number was 920,000.




Standford estimates that in 2009 only 17% of charter schools raised students’ math scores. In 2013, that number had increased to 29%.

ationally, the high school graduation


She will also be working closely with faculty and

training ground for the teachers produced

rate is about 78 percent, the highest it

students to ensure that the school is delivering

through the nonexistent major. “A lot of the

has been in 40 years based on federal

the education that the students deserve.

other universities who try to get involved in

government estimates. However, inner-city

“We don’t want to dictate the curriculum,

projects like this have an entirely different

schools are failing and high school graduation

but we want to make sure that once they have a

gain ... We don’t have a school of education

numbers are falling in the Rochester area.

rigorous curriculum set up we can support it in

here at RIT, so we have an entirely different

According to President Bill Destler: “The

order to uphold those standards,” said Destler.

stake in the matter,” said Destler.

urban schools have been hard-pressed to

“We want to make sure that students are

“This is a pretty big step, especially when

achieve high graduation rates. And Rochester

as well prepared for success in college as

you look at the education systems around

has one of the biggest problems in the entire

possible,” Mayberry said. “Our ultimate goal is

the world,” said Youri Ingula, a first year

country in terms of education.” As of June

not just that the students get into college, but

System Administration major. “It’s nice to see

2013, Rochester’s high school graduation

that they will graduate.”

colleges partner up like this and improve the

rate was at 43 percent for all public districts according to YNN.


Although parents have been steadily leaning in charter schools’ favor, this is due primarily to the closure of public schools around the country.


The initiative could also benefit RIT overall by drawing in more applicants from the

school system to give kids in ‘basic’ education a collegiate learning experience.”

To turn the tide in education, Uncommon

surrounding area. “This is the future pipeline

“Unlike our high school system, our higher

Schools, an organization that operates 38

for students to come to RIT, and the more that

education system is widely regarded as the

charter schools in three states, has partnered

we better prepare those students to come to a

best in the world; so we ought to be able to

with RIT to open a new charter high school

place like RIT, the more successful they will be,

help out in order to give the students value in

in Rochester. According to the Democrat and

so we have a vested interest in this,” said Destler.

education and get them excited for what lies

Chronicle, the school is set to open in fall 2014.

Yet what separates RIT from other colleges

RIT’s vice president for strategic planning

that help local schools is that RIT does not

and special initiatives Katherine Mayberry will

have an education major. This means that

be supervising and monitoring the high school.

the Institute cannot use the school as a

News | November 2013

ahead,” said Destler.

IN YOUR BACKYARD: n November 5 an election will be


voters aged 18 to 29 represented 19 percent

level that affect students, ranging from

held for the position of Henrietta

of the total vote according to a National

safety in apartments, city inspections …

Town Supervisor. As of press time,

Exit Poll conducted by Edison Research. Yet

to basically how receptive people in the

there are 8,118 Democrats and 7,244

locally, politicians are struggling to persuade

city government are to the needs of the

Republicans registered to vote in the town

students to vote.

university and its students in general.”

of Henrietta, as well as 5,238 individuals

“By college students not being engaged in

To help students learn more about

not associated with a political party. This

the voting process, it actually hurts them,

the upcoming local election, we have

comes to 20,600 voters total, according

because they end up having less of a say in


to the Democrat and Chronicle. The total

policies and procedures,” said Assistant to

candidates for Henrietta town supervisor.

number of students enrolled at RIT for

the Dean of Students at Boston University

To read even more about each candidate,

2013 is 18,292. Even adjusting for overlap,

Katherine Cornetta in an interview with The


the numbers say it all; RIT students have

Daily Free Press.

the potential to significantly impact local politics and elections.







College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University professor Graham Wilson in

On the national scale, students show up

the same interview said, “There are all

to vote. In the 2012 presidential election,

sorts of policies that take place at the local


JACK MOORE: Republican

Henrietta Town Supervisor since 2008, Michael Yudelson is

For the past six years Jack Moore has served on the Henrietta Town

running for reelection on a platform of smaller government, keeping

Board, and he is now running for supervisor. Owner of the Gro-Moore

the same tax rates, saving jobs and keeping corporations in the area.

Farms, Moore believes there is a leadership crisis in the town that

On October 11, after losing the Republican ballot in the primary,

he hopes to fix, according to YNN. His platform promises to adjust

Yudelson announced he was changing his political party from

tax rates to prevent overpayment, hire a finance director and hire

Republican to Democrat.

department heads to maintain civil service requirements.

According to the D&C, the change does not reflect an alteration

Another goal is to create a registry of student housing to “ensure

in his philosophy or approach, but was due to Yudelson’s desire to

high standards for Henrietta neighborhoods” and to “vigorously

distance himself from Republicans in Washington, D.C. since the

pursue compliance with Henrietta property codes,” as written

government shutdown. The decision came too late to be changed on

in a newsletter released on August 16. These property codes are

the ballots; his name will appear on the conservative side.

outlined by the law passed in November 2011, which prevents four

“I am legitimately not sure whether the majority of my supporters are Republican or Democratic. I have never thought about it, and quite frankly,

or more people – unrelated by blood, marriage or adoption – to live in a single house.

don’t really care,” wrote Yudelson on his campaign website. “There is no

Moore tries to stay connected with his community. “I enjoy going

Republican or Democratic way to plow the streets, run our recreation

door-to-door. I went to 3,500 doors during the primary. I interact with

programs and Senior Center, or work with the employees in the Town Hall

all Henrietta residents every day, so it’s a part of my life …” said Moore

and serve our constituents. But there is a right way and a wrong way.”

in an interview with News 10 NBC.


AYL AT YOUR LEISURE by William Hirsh | design by Melissa Cavallaro


PETTIFOG (verb): To quibble over petty things. Sentence Jon pettifoggered over the grade of his midterm.




little island located off the coast of

Howard Shore, well known for

as wallpaper cleaner to remove



Africa, creating an environment

composing the soundtracks for

the sooty residue left by coal


the Lord of the Rings films, was


PLANTS. Most ecosystems FORM over millions

a standard of home heating

of years but the environment

Saturday Night Live and has

systems, Play-doh was rebranded

found at Ascension Island was

appeared in

as a kid’s toy because of its

created over a few decades.

band was renamed to fit a certain

fireplaces. When



where his

Cascadia Now is a movement to


an independent state of






the same name, unifying British


because it is mostly methane.

Columbia, Oregon, Washington,

1,600-year-old sketch performed











parts of Idaho and Alaska. The

by Greek comedy duo Hierocles

added to natural gas to give it

goal of the movement is to bring

and Philagrius in which a person

a scent so people can protect

together a united bioregion with

complains of a recently purchased



slave dying in his SERVICE.






of adding this

chemical is called stenching. To remove toxins from the soil at







autonomy. The term Cascadia

According to Rotten Tomatoes,

was COINED in 1970 by a Seattle


University professor.

movie performance is as the

the site of Chernobyl, scientists Gotham,



called phytoremediation. Other



titular heroine of the classic

in 1998 planted hemp into the soil to be used in a

the was






nickname for New York City





SERVICE.” It rests at a 100 percent RATING. Delivery

PLANTS such as sunflowers are


also effective at this procedure.

in the early 1800s. New York was

The movie “This is Spinal Tap”

originally the setting of the caped

is the only film on IMDB to have

Ascension Island, once barren

crusader until it was changed to


and volcanic, was transformed

something fictional so people

reference to a joke in the film

by Charles Darwin and Joseph

wouldn’t have a city to relate to.

about the band turning their

Hooker into a green ecosystem.

The moniker was originally used

amps up to 11.

Beginning in 1850, plants from

mostly for satirical SKITS.

across Europe were brought to the



SKETCH, like The All Bee Band.

similarity to clay and its nontoxic nature.

the original music director for

Leisure | November 2013

by Washington Irving


out of 11. This is a

HAY(NA)KU Time Is precious Live with it

“Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.” -Lewis Carroll

Wii U It took nearly a year for the

drop to $300 along with solid

I find so much satisfaction in

system to pick up steam but the Wii

bundles, the value of the Wii U

being able to play these games

U is beginning to grow in top form.

has greatly increased.





Much of what I loved about

With a slew of full game

release of the 3DS which saw

my experience is how much

releases like “Super Mario 3D

a price cut nearly five months

the Gamepad, a controller with

Land” and Kickstarter games

after launch with few games to

a touch screen in the center,

such as “Mighty No. 9,” “Shovel

purchase, I was really averse to



Knight” and more coming in the

buying this system when it first



future, the Wii U places itself in

came out last November. Since

where television real estate is a

a great spot to succeed moving



commodity it’s incredible how

forward. With the imminent

of delayed titles and general

much I can play just on the

release of the next “Smash Bros”

third party apathy towards the

Gamepad. From “Wind Waker

and “Mario Kart 8,” the Wii U

system, I feel the Wii U is on

HD” to “Mighty Switch Force

will finally be on its feet.

the path to becoming a great

Hyper Drive Edition” to even

console. Starting with a price

classic games like “Earthbound,”














COMIC by Emily DeVault



Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD by William Hirsh | design by Mariah Jade Cole

“The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker”

stirred its

lineup. The result is a game with a high definition polish, optimized

fan base when announced in 2001 because it differed in every way

controls and a streamlined quest late game. Needless to say, it’s

from the initially dark concept footage shown in 1999. This created

impressive how much has been improved in only a six-month

a rift between fans that wanted a successor to the N64-style games

development cycle.

and those who looked forward to the new cel-shaded take on the

The first thing many will notice is the slick graphical update.

series. Upon release, The Wind Waker had much fanfare but still

While some fans might have been apprehensive about the addition

dissent from some fans. Years later, the game having aged better

of higher resolution textures and lighting, they have nothing to

than its successor Twilight Princess, most fans have warmed up to

fear about the past aesthetic being compromised. The HD facelift

the game. Some even cite it in the “games are art” debate.

is a balanced mix of old and new, almost rendering the game’s

“The Wind Waker HD” is a remaster of an already classic game, done strategically so there are more games in the Wii U’s holiday

characters and set pieces like clay. It’s actually quite refreshing for someone who has played the original many times. I also like that they’ve updated areas like a part of the second dungeon, changing it to daytime rather than the grim lighting from before. Although sometimes rendering of certain shadows might appear out of place, overall this was a nice overhaul. Gameplay, as you might expect from a remaster, is mostly the same as before but with a few improvements. The addition of the Swift Sail item has made exploring the Great Sea significantly faster and hence more fun. Being able to sail in any direction without the hassle of pulling out the Wind Waker is a huge plus to this game. Other streamlined features include faster animations for actions such as grappling or conducting with the titular baton, faster text and the reduction of Triforce charts to find in order to make it to the end game. I would say the biggest change that affected the way I play is the introduction of the community-sourced social application Miiverse to the game. This allows for features such as the ability to take selfies with the Picto Box and share them worldwide. Admittedly I was initially skeptical of the implementation, but the amount of player interaction that this capability generates is remarkable. In fact, I found myself taking screen caps in-game to show off the weird, strange or just beautiful moments I found while adventuring. Overall, this is a great time to jump on the Wind Waker vessel. Various enhancements make the game appealing to play for newbies as well as nostalgic for veterans. I will say despite improvements, there are some minor downsides to this version of the game. While gorgeous to play both on TV and with the Gamepad, the game will on a rare occasion stutter when encountering too many enemies on the high seas. This game might also be a tough sale for other fans who might have expected more content from this re-release of a ten-year-old game. Although the inclusion of a difficult Hero mode is nice, it’s not very challenging for a veteran who has played before and remembers the locations of key items. Some players might have to settle for playing with self-imposed challenges such as a three-heart run. Besides these slight issues, “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD” is still a great title in the series and is worth it for those still holding out for the next iteration.

For fans of: Darksiders, Okami, The Legend of Zelda


Leisure| |November October 2013 Leisure 2013


B o a rd G a m e | P r i c e : a ro u n d $ 5

Blank White Cards by Michal Colie | design by Mariah Jade Cole

I first discovered the wonderfully creative card game 1000 Blank White Cards at a college party. Designed by Riff Conner and Nathan McQuillan of Madison, Wis., it’s highly humorous and somewhat bizarre. The game is designed for three to six players, but is best played with six people who have an open mind and enjoy the social

Shield of Imminent Blocking

dynamic of card games. Even playing with your family would work, as long the game is tailored to the experience of the people participating. Gameplay can last for any period of time, but tends to take about an hour. It’s inexpensive to purchase supplies for the game and assemble it, which is perfect for the everyday college student. You’ll need about 40 to 60 blank white index cards (it depends on how many people are playing and if you are beginners), some black or blue pens (not felt tip;

This is a temporary shield! While weak, this shield protects you from one attack before dissipating into... OBLIVION!

you don’t want them soaking through) and extremely basic drawing abilities – stick figures are perfectly fine. First, creating the deck is key. Each player gets a certain number of blank index cards and gives each card a title, a drawing that somehow describes the card and a description of what the card does — this can be a point value, some sort of instruction or a penalty. Here are some examples of cards from the last game that I participated in (some are drinking related, 21 and over only)

Oh Hell No!

When everyone’s finished, the players gather the cards and shuffle them together, adding them to the previously-created deck (made up of the best cards from the last game). Deal five cards to each player. Then place the deck in the middle of the playing table. The game begins with the person to the left of the dealer, and then the order continues clockwise. On your turn, you draw the top card from the deck, read it in its entirety aloud and either do the action it tells you or face the consequences. If the card has a point value or some other sort of lasting

With as much sass as possible, say ‘OH HELL NO’. The card is then thrown with the thrower’s eyes closed. Whoever the card is closest to is its new owner.

effect, it stays in front of the player until it is somehow invalidated, discarded or removed by another card. Otherwise, it is simply placed in the discard pile. If you cannot play a card then draw a second card from the deck and the game continues on to the next player. Once the deck is gone, the game is over. The winner is determined by how many cards each player has at the end of the game or how many points you racked up. You could even not have winners. It’s up to you. Due to the improvisational nature of the game, it plays best with

(Reaction Card)


a group of friends, family or even as an icebreaker. However, the experience hinges on your fellow players. If you play with people who are not as enthusiastic or creative they may not contribute as well to the gameplay experience. I would recommend playing with some close friends rather than with complete strangers. Also when hosting, think about if players’ personalities will mesh well to determine if the game is worth playing. Not only is this game expressive and highly engaging, but it’s

Your palette sucks; I saw you drinking Keystone. Prove me wrong, I dare you. Drink two drinks of the best alcohol here (I’m talking serving size, beyotch).

extremely original too - no one will ever have the same deck as you!

For fans of: Fluxx, Dvorak, Story Cubes



by William Hirsh | design by Zach Cross

For every hairstyle imaginable, there is a complimentary beard. Reporter has dove into the depths of beard styles to find the perfect cut for those proud beard-growing warriors.


Even grandma would have a fair shot of cultivating these styles.

The Lamb: Shear down the chin and leave the sideburns; what’s left is some tasty mutton chops.


Grow it out and grow it long, the Weed is about growing out your ‘stache and beard to their full length.

Bah!: Any man could achieve a goatee, which just requires some chin hair trimmed.

May take some skill to cultivate. Learn well before contemplating these styles.

Iron Curtain:


Frank’s Pick:

Tear down that wall of upper lip hair and trim around: This chin strap beard will stay strong.

Full beard, woo-ooo! This style, known as a Ducktail, is a full on beard with a pointy end.

Break out your stache and grow it to the max. The Zappa is a bushy mustache with a small soul patch underneath. Inspired by the musician of the same name.


Styles of great power. Prepare to commit to these wild beards.

Half & Half Beard Hawk: A punk rock delight. Match it well: Craft a half hawk on your head and another below the chin.


The Weed:

Leisure | November 2013

The Gandalf:

Fourche Français:

None shall surpass this beard’s length. Grow it out until you best a wizard’s wooly power.

Two mighty prongs like a fork. Note this won’t help in consuming food.

BEARDS GROWING AT RIT by Alexander Jones | photography by Joe Philipson | design by Zach Cross

Imagine, if you will, a coalition of bearded men and (not-sobearded) women at RIT united under the common goals of helping the community and having fun. A club in which those who take great pride in their beards, those heavily involved in the process of growing one and those who just admire them can come together under this glorious facial hair umbrella. It may seem a little daunting at first, but RIT’s Beard Enthusiasts At RIT Demonstrating Success (BEARDS) club hopes to provide these services and to make sure you have a great time along this particularly hairy journey. “Technically, BEARDS stands for ‘Beard Enthusiasts At RIT Demonstrating Success,’ but we switch it up a lot. Mostly the ‘D.S.’ part. Some days it’s just ‘Doing Stuff,’” says club president Griffin Kettler. “Us founding fathers came up with [the concept for the club] one day when we were just sitting around and realized, ‘Oh, wow, we all have beards!’ It was so long ago that I honestly don’t remember the details, but we just totally ran with it.” Griffin says: “We definitely started the club just for kicks and giggles at first, but things have been getting more serious this year. We’re still all about just having fun and eating pancakes, though.” While BEARDS may be growing past its humble beginnings and into bold new bearded frontiers, the club is still very much rooted in a hands-off attitude. “I don’t really think we have a message or anything,” says Griffin. “We’re still just people with a common interest in getting together, interacting with each other and trying to do good under a common guise of beards.” Another aspect that sets BEARDS apart from its fellow clubs is its ‘do-it-yourself’ mindset. “It’s been totally word of mouth,” says Griffin. “I really do think that for that reason we have some serious potential to do good at RIT. At this point I’d say we’re a social organization moving to become a service organization.” This transition into a club more involved in community outreach is being bolstered by BEARDS’ current “Beard Bounty” initiative. “Basically, we’re just shaving our beards for charity,” says Vice President Tyler Schrodt. “We’re paying the ultimate price.” The club is still finalizing which charity they will donate to. This commitment to beard growth and admiration can be seen through its principal members’ “tools of the trade.” They highly recommend that perspective beard growers take note. “Personally, I use a nice set of clippers just to make sure my beard doesn’t go into ‘crazy beard status’ or anything,” says Griffin. “Also, you can’t ever go wrong with mustache wax. A lot of mustache wax. Adornments like flowers or whatever aren’t a bad place to start either!” For those who aren’t so genetically blessed to grow mighty

beards: “Just don’t give up,” advices Griffin. “It doesn’t matter if you can grow a great beard or not here. We have anywhere from one-weekers to six-monthers here and some people who just can’t grow beards at all. We’re just a bunch of male and female beard enthusiasts and that’s what’s important.” However, if you can grow a beard, Griffin doesn’t hesitate to offer some particularly enthusiastic styling tips. “You can’t go wrong with ‘The Wolverine’,” he says. “Also, you can’t ever go wrong with a really nice mustache if you can grow one. Big, burly lumberjack beards are ideal too.” Yet Griffin believes that there is no specific style that works for everyone. “If you can grow one and you’re confident about it, it’ll work for you.” This sense of optimism and acceptance is one that permeates all of BEARDS. Man or woman, beard-blessed or beardless, all are welcome, just as long as you can admire a nice beard. “We We just love beards here, here,” adds Griffin. “It doesn’t matter if you have one or not. Just stop on by.” BEARDS meets every other Friday in the Gosnell (GOS) Atrium.

133 13

10 Leisure | September 2013

When people think of abusive relationships, often the first thing they assume is that a man is abusing a woman. According to PRWeb, nearly 1.3 million women are assaulted by their partner each year in the United States, although this number is not exact.The Domestic Violence Resource Center reports that up to six million women may be victims of abuse and that one in four women have been abused in their lifetime. However, women are not the only ones experiencing domestic violence. Many men have been abused by their partners as well, and these cases often go unreported. Although PRWeb states that 835,000 men are assaulted each year by their partner in the United States, the Domestic



Center reports that this number can




100,000 and six million.

by William Hirsh | photography by Seth Abel | design by Nick Tyler

15 11 15

HOW DOES THE ABUSE BEGIN? Darci Lane-Williams, director of the Center for Women & Gender, worked previously as a counselor at Alternatives for Battered Women, a center that specialized in women’s domestic violence cases. In her time there, Lane-Williams also saw several cases of males seeking advice. According to Lane-Williams, most such abusive relationships do not begin with violence but with emotional abuse. This can vary from questioning the male’s manhood, taking hits at his self-esteem, controlling his behavior by making him feel guilty about certain decisions

Lane-Williams stated that cases of domestic violence against men often occur because "men aren't encouraged to get help" and speak up about the violence. At the Center for Women & Gender, only six men came for counseling for domestic abuse in the last year. Cases of domestic violence against either gender are strikingly similar according to LaneWilliams, "The reason any person is abusive in a relationship is to have power over a person and control them," said Lane-Williams. On average, it takes three months for abuse to begin. After this time period, the partner's behavior begins to change. "It starts in simple behaviors like emotional manipulation," stated Lane-Williams.

like hanging out with friends and more. It is from these emotional struggles that many abusive relationships begin to turn violent.


Jeff Sherman, a fourth year Game Design & Development major, experienced one of the many unreported cases of domestic violence against men. In his freshmen year he began dating a girl and, although the relationship

Sherman being 6 ft 4, one might think it would be easy for him to defend himself. Yet he never would as society often views male abuse as a non-issue.

(VAWA), were originally biased in women’s favor, the 2013 reauthorization of VAWA has passed new Inclusion Mandates that ban discrimination based on race, color, country of origin, gender, gender identity, orientation or disability. This change affects most laws from state to federal and is a positive sign of changes to arrive in the future.

GETTING HELP Lane-Williams stated that one of the first things an abuse victim can do to seek help is to see a counselor or an expert on domestic violence. After that, men should begin to think more about the behaviors of their partners and recognize that they are not responsible for the abuse being inflicted upon them. “Call it what it is,” affirmed Lane-Williams, “And take responsibility for noticing the behavior.” According to the Mayo Clinic, men need to notice if their partner calls them names or puts them down, prevents them from seeing family and friends and tries to control aspects of their life, among other signs of domestic violence. Sherman, at wits end, found support through

But this habit did not stop throughout the

“If I were to defend myself in any way, no one would believe that I was the one defending myself and not the other way around,” said Sherman.

relationship and did not deter Sherman from

Commonly, according to Lane-Williams,

to visit him during his freshmen year. When

the partnership until the very end.

the police assume that when they respond to

she began to hear the details of his on and off

“I was at a point in my life where I didn’t feel much self worth,” recounted Sherman, “so I didn’t know there was anyone out there who was interested in me.”

an abuse case, the man is the offender even

relationship, the girl decided to step in and

when they refuse to defend themselves. “I’ve

talk to him about it. Over the spring break of

seen large men that could hurt [the abuser]

that year, Sherman spent time with his friend

but just take it because they were taught not

until he received a call from his then-girlfriend.

to hurt women and that it’s not appropriate,”

“When I got a call from the person who was

said Lane-Williams. Although Lane-Williams

doing this to me, my pseudo-sister answered

noted that most officers are trained to decide

the phone and said ‘[Sherman]’s on vacation,

the abuser and victim based on the level of

he’s having a good time and you don’t have any

aggression, some officers make assumptions

right to reach out to him anymore’ and hung up

about the situation.

the phone,” he said.

began quite normally, it quickly snowballed into an abusive relationship. “She would habitually cheat on me,” said Sherman. He decided to take her back because he thought she was being honest and upfront with him the first time it happened.

Self-esteem played a key role in the perpetuation of this relationship. Sherman would be subjected to a multitude of abuses, mostly emotional, from his girlfriend. "She was very good at being manipulative," said Sherman. "She would convince me that things would be better again and I wanted to believe that things weren't as bad as they were." This constant belittlement of the other partner is one of many behaviors found in abusive partnerships. “Coming into college I had a lot of self-confidence but being compared to past boyfriends and being told I was inadequate eroded away the confidence I had built up,” said Sherman. Later on, the emotional abuse would turn violent at times. “It was mostly emotional abuse,” said Sherman, “though there was a few times where I would be slapped across the face and pushed against a door.”


Features | November 2013

Ultimately, this stems from the dominant view of abusive relationships in United States, where the men are often expected to be the ones abusing the women, and where the

a close friend from his high school days. “There was this one person back from high school that was basically my sister,” said Sherman. They were extremely close and she even went

“Hearing that was what I needed to finally close that chapter on my life,” said Sherman.

opposite is rarely considered. Sherman finds this particularly evident in the media, especially TV. “I didn’t realize that in the heat of the moment I was also a part of the norm where guys aren’t victims of abuse,” said Sherman. “You watch TV and you see a girl get mad at a boy and shove and hit him and it is seen as either a comedic bit or the guy deserves it. Men don’t deserve to be treated this way.”

Lane-Williams advised against men returning to a relationship with their abuser, romantic or in friendship. “Walk away from the relationship,” said Lane-Williams. “If you were in an abusive relationship, just end it.” Maintaining a friendship is often just as bad as staying in a relationship. According to Lane-Williams, being a friend of the abuser allows them to control and monitor the victim more efficiently.

While protective laws such as the

Students who have qualms about an abusive

landmark Violence Against Women Act

significant other should try for “a clean break:

Try not to interact with the person and move on,” said Lane-Williams. Lane-Williams stated that victims should be sure to prepare a safe exit strategy before taking this step. This is especially vital in extreme cases where the victim might lose their housing when trying to leave an abusive partner. After months of feeling inadequate about himself, Sherman finally found someone with whom he could be honest about his problems, leading to him growing as a person. “I went through a dark period of not being able to trust anyone,” said Sherman. “The woman I’m with now does a lot to be patient and understanding.” Sherman said the understanding exists because his latest girlfriend was also a victim of domestic abuse.

“We’ve both been able to be there for one another,” said Sherman. “No matter who you are or how healed you feel, if you panic because you see that person again, it’s ok. It’s ok to not do certain things if you feel that you need to protect yourself. Don’t give up on people; there are good people out there no matter what.”


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The Road Ahead by Nick Bovee | design by Kathryn Eble

Cervical caps. Condoms. Diaphragms. Implants. IUDs. The Pill. Plan B. The Ring.


Shots. Sponges. Despite the large variety of contraceptives available, the majority

In 1873, the United States passed

methods of female birth control aim to

the Comstock regulations banning

trick the woman’s body by mimicking

methods are designed for female use,



natural hormones. Ovulation is blocked

leaving few options for men.

dissemination of information about

by suppressing the estrogen peaks that



trigger the release of the egg from the

contraception for the same reason

strong until 1938 when judges in a

ovaries. A similar process occurs during

women do: enhanced sexual agency

case involving Margaret Sander, the

pregnancy. In the past, the claim has


founder of the first U.S. birth control

been that because men do not have

clinic, repealed the federal ban.





Men need reliable, non-permanent





planning. The only options currently








available are male condoms, which

Diaphragms became the popular

bring difficulties with pleasure and

birth control at that time. In 1960, the

are only effective for a single use, and

first birth control pill was developed

Another roadblock is, due to the

vasectomies, which many men find too

by Gregory Pincus and despite its

duration needed for male birth control

permanent a solution.


methods of altering fertility.


and the likelihood of it needing an

However, this may change with a new

popular. Since then, there has been

implant, similar profits to those of

trial drug, Reverse Inhibition of Sperm

a great deal of research into finding

the pill are just not possible. With

Under Guidance (RISUG), predicted to



break into the market in 2014-15. RISUG

female birth control. Unfortunately,

contraceptives are a lower priority to

passed small scale Phase I and II testing

development into male alternatives

for-profit pharmaceutical companies.

in India back in 1997 and started large

has not been as plentiful.



fertility, it is too difficult to develop









However, RISUG has been able to

scale Phase III testing in 2002; the last

The issue is partially due to the

make substantial headway without the

phase of clinical testing needed before

difficulty in making long term male

promise of large profits because despite

a drug can be approved for sale to


corporate disinterest, the demand for

the general public. Whether this drug

hormone based methods used in

succeeds beyond clinical trials depends

many female contraceptives. Many





male contraception is there.

not only on effectiveness but also on societal acceptance.




Details of the Contraceptive RISUG’s main advantages are its

magnetic fields. Formal reversal tests

One possible inhibitor to the progress


for RISUG and Smart RISUG have only

made in male contraception is the

and reversibility, not to mention that

been performed in animals, but so far

backlash it may receive from multiple

there is a possibility for HIV-inhibiting

they have all been successful.







functions. The treatment lasts up to 10

The RISUG trials were put on hold

religious mindsets may have strong

years, with reports of trial users having

from 2002 to 2007 due to concerns over

objections to any form of birth control,

effectiveness for over 15 years.

potential prostate damage and the

citing moral reasons. From another

RISUG acts by coating the insides

appearance of albumin in urine, but

angle, stereotypes about the relation

of the vas deferens and damaging the

adverse effects never manifested. In early

between masculinity and fertility are

makeup of the sperm membranes as

2010 the Parsemus Foundation, a not-for-

still prevalent. If one cannot father a

they pass through the altered area. This

profit organization, worked to obtain the

child, he may be looked at differently

effect is theorized to be caused by the

property rights to RISUG in the United

or called inferior. Also, many people

positive charge of the injected styrene

States. Once the rights were obtained,

believe that the responsibility of birth

maleic anhydride (SMA) coating which

they developed a version of the drug for

control should stay in the hands of

disrupts the negatively charged sperm.

the United States and other countries

women alone.

This procedure can be performed by

outside of India, called Vasalgel. At the

simply injecting the SMA compound

time of writing, Vasalgel has over a year

tend to attract notice from religious

directly into the vas deferens.





of successful birth control in rabbits. The


procedure is over in only 15 minutes and

company is looking to expand into its

should be used for creating new life

is considered effective in about ten days.

first clinical trials in 2014, with a market

is common

release in 2015.

and is clearly expressed in Roman

A second injection is required to





among many religions,

reverse the procedure and flush out

By its nature, Vasalgel is not

Catholic doctrines. Documents like

the SMA. One study showed that

expensive to produce, and Parsemus’

the Papal Encyclical “Casti Connubii”

this injection can be as simple as a

intent to keep it affordable means


mixture of baking soda dissolved in

that big profits are unlikely. The

marriage and purpose of sex lying in

water and it restores normal function

company plans to publicly fund the

the creation of life. Birth control is

in a matter of months.

trials through crowd-sourcing and

strictly forbidden and any sex that is

A secondary version of RISUG –

Paypal donations, and they expect

“deliberately frustrated in its natural

named Smart RISUG – was developed

little interest in competition from

power to generate life is an offense


larger pharmaceutical companies.

against the law of God.” Although






reversed without an injection by using


Social Forces

Features | November 2013




this document was written in 1930,

its stance holds true for many strict



contraceptives would also take an undue

followers of religion to this day. Male

common, “How does the female know

burden off woman using oral contraceptives,

contraceptives are likely to encounter

whether that person’s telling the truth?”

which can raise cancer risks.

a level of religious controversy similar

Obviously a violation of trust and

to those in the past.

agency, there are likely people willing

significantly from these advances in















to try such an approach for their own

birth control. Despite the social forces


benefit. Complaints about the lack of

aligned against it, the large majority

summation of manhood. “Guys take

sensation with condoms are common

seems to be in favor of more personal

pleasure in their fertility,” says Brian

despite the industries work at making

and reliable control over their ability

Barry, associate professor of sociology

them thinner, while maintaining the


and psychology currently teaching

level of protection. To avoid using

age men often “view procreation as

the changing family course at RIT.

condoms, in a rather Machiavellian

a disaster and not a blessing,” says

Men often associate their fertility

way, some men could falsely claim to

Barry. These men generally try to avoid

with performance capabilities and

be using RISUG.

starting families until some security






children. Younger,



Another opposing opinion is that birth

and commitment has been established.

is unrelated but is stereotyped as

control is a woman’s responsibility. This

When men are older, and ready to begin

the cause of infertility, making it a

idea may have arisen due to the fact that

a family, RISUG is reversible without

very difficult diagnosis for men to

women physically carry the pregnancy.

damage. Aside from the family planning

deal with. In fact, men dealing with

“Some people feel that there shouldn’t

aspect, RISUG opens men up to much

infertility often experience depression

be a limitation on male fertility, that

safer expression of sexual agency. This

and feelings of inadequacy. When

women should handle [birth control],”

will allow the same freedom that birth



says Barry. Still, it takes two to get

control currently allows women: An

truly infertile, the same negative

pregnant. Even though the guy does

active sex life, free from unwanted risks

connotations could potentially arise

not physically carry the child through

and complications.

causing fewer men to be interested in

pregnancy, he is still equally responsible

using the drug.

for that child’s wellbeing or conception.






Some men may also use these new






developments to manipulate their

contraceptives has the potential to shift the

way to unprotected sex. Associate

relationship dynamic to a truer balance.

professor of Sociology at RIT Vincent

“We’d get more egalitarian relationships,”

Serravalo theorized that, while this







Generational Shift:

Women Outpacing Men in College by Juan Lachapelle | illustration by Andrew Philpott | design by Autumn Wadsworth

“Gender Gap,” a phrase usually defined as the difference between the male and

Determining why this trend is occurring is a major

female populations, is now being taken under the lens of college education,

concern but the reasons are difficult to pinpoint. Some

specifically in terms of college attendance and graduation. This gap that has

studies suggest that the gap could be linked to male

been changing and expanding since the late 1970s has now begun to raise

behavior patterns starting in middle and high school.

concerns and questions across American universities.

Claudia Buchmann, co-author of Rise of Women and

Historically, males have enrolled and graduated at a higher rate than women.

sociology professor at Ohio State University, explained to

According to the U.S. Census, about 20 percent of males 25-29 years old held a

Inside Higher Ed that the gap in graduation is not caused

bachelor’s degree in 1970. Comparatively, the percentage of women in the same

by intelligence but by the common, observed difference

age group was 15 percent. At around the same time, this rate for males began to

in “effort and engagement in school.” On average, the

slow while the rate for females continued to climb. In 2009, 74 percent of women

male population is less engaged in middle and high

graduating high school went on to a two or four year college. Only 66 percent of

school than their female peers; a difference that can

men did the same.

have a snowball effect that leaves some individuals

Females now enroll at higher rates and graduate more frequently, and often

unprepared for college.

sooner, than males. Although women’s growing collegiate success should be

Upon hearing about the gender gap in college

applauded, the decreasing rate of men’s enrollment and graduation is raising

g raduation, second year Criminal Justice major

concerns at colleges nation-wide, including RIT.

Halle Phipps was surprised. “It doesn’t really

It has become apparent to faculty that the gap between men and women

make sense, you’d think they would have the

at RIT is larger than the national average. The national six year graduation

same initiative to g raduate at the same rate.” To

rate for the 2003 freshmen class was 55 percent for males and 60 percent for

her, a student’s drive should be the main factor

females, a 5 percent gap. At RIT, the graduation rate for the 2005 freshmen

in g raduation rate. “Gender shouldn’t really make

class was 73 percent for females and 60 percent for males, a 13 percent gap.

much of a difference.”

RIT’s own Student Success Steering Committee, a group focused on

But some of the classically-held male stereot y pes

improving student retention, has created a subcommittee to address the

can also contr ibute to the problem. “I think there’s

gender gap on campus. Matt Lake, senior academic advisor for the department

a tendency in the male populat ion to not be as

of information sciences and technology, and Dan Hickey, assistant director at

out ward when seeking help, asking for help and

the Academic Support Center, are both members of this subcommittee. Lake

looking for resources,” explains Lake. “There’s

and Hickey are looking at the numbers and trying to find their causes, and they

somewhat of a male culture aspect of want ing to

are not the only ones.

do it on your own.”


Features | November 2013

Considering the theories and data available to them, the subcommittee is working to help change the numbers. They have done

from a particular type of major? We’ll tend to investigate more of that,” he says.

research on the efforts of peer institutions, including Cornell, RPI, MIT,

In the end, Lake does not believe that RIT’s males should be

Syracuse and the University of Rochester, to see if they have services

worried. “I think it’s important for students to realize that just

that could benefit the male population if implemented here.

because males are graduating at a lower percentage doesn’t mean

Yet the committee has mostly focused on the services RIT already

that it has to be specific to them,” says Lake. When looking at this, it

has – including the Academic Support Center, various study centers

is best for the student to assess his own efforts and to make sure he

on campus and the Early Alert system – and how these services can

is doing everything he can to succeed.

be improved to help close the gap. “What are the resources that

Members of the committee believe that women should look at

already exist on campus that could benefit our males?” asked Lake.

the statistics in a similar way. “Everything I’ve said about the [men]

“What are we doing to outreach to those males to make sure that

holds true for women as well,” says Hickey. He also wants to look

they are utilizing those resources that already exist?”

into whether the support females have on campus, like the RIT

But Buchmann also told Inside Higher Ed that the male population overall should not be the main focus. “We really need schools that set high expectations that treat students as individuals – not just as gendered groups,” she explains. When




Center for Women and Gender, could benefits males if made more available to them. For anyone who is concerned about their academic success, Hickey and Lake want to express that students are not alone.


Seek out help. Do what is necessary to help oneself succeed and

states that they focuses less on gender and more on who is not



graduate. Talk to advisors or visit the various resource centers on

graduating and from where. “Is it from a particular college? Is it

campus for assistance. Be proactive.



TO PLAY DETERMINING THE VALUE OF COLLEGE ATHLETICS by Marc Koehler | illustration by Emily Brooks | design by Akshara Chopra


Sports | November 2013

Imagine you’ve played a sport for ten or more years and you’ve been told by many – and personally feel – that you are athletic enough to compete at a higher level. You now receive the opportunity to go to college to pursue a degree. However, an immense decision awaits you: Should you continue your sport? This is a difficult decision to make whether you have been recruited or will be a ‘walk-on’ trying out for the team. Participating in college athletics requires a large time commitment, with practices or games nearly every day of the season. If you choose to continue, you may have to sacrifice time that could be dedicated to academics, social life, normal sleep schedules, jobs, internships or overall leisure. There are many who cannot handle the time commitment to athletics or may decide that their time would be better spent elsewhere. However, there are also those who not only hold their own, but take skills learned from their athletic career such as management and organization and apply them to other aspects of life.

Why Athletes Discontinue Playing

“There’s a big difference,” says Spiotti. “Our student-athlete graduation rate is 20 percent higher than the non-student-athlete graduation rate.”

There are several reasons why a student-athlete might decide they want to stop competing. A term used quite frequently during interviews with head coaches, sports executives and students here at RIT is “burnout.” In athletics, the burnout effect is referenced when a student-athlete has played a sport for a long time and is no longer interested in playing. Kevin Barrett, a second year Management Information Systems major and former RIT student-athlete, wrestled at college for one season. Although Barrett spoke highly of the sport and his coach, he said the time and physical wear, including injuries, was too much. He is much happier being a non-athlete and said that he now has time for other activities. He seems content with his decision and still supports all current and prospective student-athletes. Student-athletes may also decide to take a break from sports when they consider the other opportunities they may be missing. Barrett, for one, is glad that he can now be a part of a professional fraternity, hold a job and still have time to be social with friends. With the constant grind of wrestling – or any college sport – he believes this would be unfeasible. As a student’s priorities change, so too will their time commitments.

But how can student-athletes have better scores when they have less time to devote to academics? Masterson explains that sports help develop time management skills. “It’s actually helpful to structure your day that way.” The time that is taken out of these student-athletes’ daily lives can actually be positive. “I think sometimes unfortunately [not having enough time] is a fear that keeps people from participating in athletics,” said Masterson. However, efficient time management skills can be developed with the right planning. Coaches give players their sports schedules in advance to prepare student-athletes not only for their respective sport but for other college commitments as well, with academics being the priority. In addition to time management skills, other crucial lessons are learned. Every coach that was interviewed emphasized that student-athletes learn to appreciate the value of leadership, teamwork, accountability and respect. Coaches not only put student-athletes in a prime position to compete, but assist in producing bright young men and women.

Why They Should Play

Modifying the Mindset

Some see the deeper value of college athletics, as the head coach of the RIT Women’s Soccer team Elizabeth Masterson explains: “We do have special people on our team who maybe aren’t getting as much playing time, or maybe don’t get playing time at all, who still see the value in coming back and being part of a team and understanding their role is a great one, even if they are not the superstar on the field.”

“Any time I see somebody who gives up their eligibility, I think it’s devastating. It’s really too bad that they don’t see the longterm picture of being able to finish their four years of eligibility,” says Masterson. “I think the students here are so focused on their academics and so driven to start their careers that sometimes they want to get going with it early. For me, I am of the mindset [that] you have your whole life to work, but you only have these four

Participating in college athletics can be not only physically

years to play college athletics.”

beneficial but mentally as well. In 2012, the American College of Sports Medicine organized a study of 317 middle school students.

People’s mindsets vary: some may disregard what you prioritize.

Their research showed that, “T he fittest group of students scored

Everyone has a unique group of activities that define how they

almost 30 percent higher on standardized tests than the least

spend their time. However, time is limited and you may no longer

fit group.” This can translate into real academic benefits for RIT

prioritize once-favored activities. If there is a crucial decision to


make, think long and hard about it. Reassure yourself that you

According to Lou Spiotti, executive director of RIT’s Intercollegiate

will not have any regrets after you make that decision. Evaluating

Athletics, the student-athlete population has a higher average

whether you should play a sport or not is great practice for future

cumulative GPA of about 3.3, as opposed to the overall average of 3.0.

vital decisions you may face.

How Many High School Athletes Play in College?

Men’s Basketball: 3.3%

Women’s Basketball: 3.7%

Baseball: 6.7%

Men’s Ice Hockey: 10.9%

Men’s Soccer: 5.6%

Estimates from

25 25

VIEWS Hanging Out RIT’s

DIRTY LAUNDRY by Nathan J. Lichtenstein | photography by Tom Brenner | design by Akshara Chopra

“I had somebody open up the detergent tray … put whatever they were going to put in there to wash their clothes and they threw money in there because they thought that’s where the money went as well. I don’t know what they were thinking but there was like two or three dollars’ worth of change there in the soap dispenser,” said Greg Vieira, facility mechanic for RIT Housing Operations. Behind the scenes, Vieira has been working at RIT for 12 years and, for the last five years, has been tasked with single handedly maintaining every laundry facility on campus. Vieira said the average student often imagines him as the “bad guy” since there are always a lot of broken machines. In truth, Vieira is the hero of the laundry — a humble man who takes great pride in his work.

Greg Vieira repairing a laundry machine.


Views | November 2013

Let’s Talk Numbers

A Day in the Life

Before diving into the dirty details of the laundry system at

For students, the transition from broken to functional machines is

RIT it is important to understand the scale of the operation. This

a fairly seamless, yet opaque process; you begrudgingly place a pink

year, there are about 18,000 students enrolled at the Institute, all

sticky-note on the troubled machine and leave. Within a day or two

of whom (hopefully) do laundry. Approximately 7,000 of those

the machine is repaired and working again.

students live in RIT-owned housing, which includes resident halls, apartments, Greek housing and more. When asked roughly how many washers and dryers are employed across all of student housing, Vieira was quick to respond: “I know exactly: 360 on campus.” You read that correctly: 360. Now keep in mind that means there are 360 washing machines and 360 dryers making a grand total off

Yet actually repairing the laundry machines is not an easy job. To repair a single washing machine takes Vieira about two hours. Fixing just two washers eats up half of his work day. “I try to get into the laundry areas as much as I can but again, I’m divided with my time because I’d like to commit all of my time to one room and get it all fixed, but it’s just not physically possible,” says Vieira.

720 individual units. While that is a large number of machines for

Just listening to the amount of work that Vieira does for the RIT

one man to watch over, that is not a whole lot of laundry facilities

community can get you thinking, why is there only one laundry

for several thousand students to share. In fact, that means there

mechanic on campus? According to Jeremy Babcock, assistant

are approximately 20 students to a single washer and dryer. My

director of Housing Operations, having another laundry mechanic is

family of six shares a single washer-dryer pair and still laundry

something that is being looked into.

day is a challenge.

Occasionally, when the amount of broken machines becomes too much for Vieira, an outside mechanic is commissioned to help out, but due to budgetary constraints, he is never hired for more than a day. Afterwards, the repairs are left to Vieira once again.

Room to Improve Vieira and Babcock are currently working on a plan to begin replacing all of the residential side laundry facilities over the next few years. The current washers and dryers are only five years old but due to the constant use of the machines, they are already reaching the end of their lifespan. The decision to stage the replacements over a span of years is partly due to the hefty price tag of about $500,000 that would accompany replacing all the machines at once. This also ensures that RIT Housing is not put in its current situation again five years down the road, with the laundry facilities desperately needing to be replaced all at the same time. My time spent talking with Vieira and Babcock inspired me to remind the RIT student population of a few things in order to keep the machines working and everybody satisfied: The washers are only designed to hold 18 pounds of clothing at a time so please do not overload them. Report broken machines online; do not just stick a pink slip on the troubled machine. Remember each washer and dryer is one of 720 machines and there is only one man to fix all of them so please be patient and respectful. And if you ever see a kind man sporting an RIT Housing Operations polo and a goatee in the laundry room, take the time out of your day to say thank you. Vieira works hard to keep the laundry rooms running and he is damn proud of it.

27 27


Views | October 2013


“ What advice would you give to someone who has been a victim of domestic violence?” photography by Joyce Kasab | design by Autumn Wadsworth

Patrick Borque

Najua Baaith

Austin Williams

New Media Design, fourth year “I had a friend go through that. Keep your head up. Keep telling yourself you’re strong enough to push through and see the next day.”

Computer Science, first year “He/she was brave to go through that. I can’t imagine it.”

Film Production, fourth year “Keep fighting, there are people there for you.”

Brianna Sherelis

Jesse Lee

Brian Jacobs

Medical Illustration, fourth year “Ask them if they’re okay; I’ve never experienced it.”

Illustration, fourth year “Look forward.”

University Studies, first year “I would be supportive, reassure them that it would be ok.”

29 29

GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? TEXT OR CALL 585.672.4840 compiled by Joan McDonough | design by Autumn Wadsworth

Friday, 11:59 a.m.

Sunday, 3:49 p.m.

Walked into class as my professor was saying, “If I wanted to win at something I’d play basketball against a five year old. I’d stuff him at the board every single time.”

The food at Gracie’s makes me miss my mom’s cooking. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, indeed!


Friday, 2:51 p.m. Catching snippets of conversation on the Quarter Mile: “since I was born I think we’ve had three meth labs blown up.”

2013 30 Views| |October November 2013 30 Views

Monday, 8:31 p.m. I feel like there’s still time to turn the Gene Polisseni Center into a roller coaster...


Ċ Ƌ Đ Ƌ Ā Ā þ Ƌ Ƌ Ƌ Đ Ƌ ă Ć ă Ċ Ă Ā ąĊ ą ą ą ą 31

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