photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your greatest fear? Driving a formula one car at top speed. It is
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
What is something that people hate about you?
my greatest fear but it is something I really
Nurburg, Germany. I want go to the
I don’t think people hate me for this but I have
want to do someday.
Nurburgring and race on the track. It is
managed to annoy a lot of people with my
the toughest, most dangerous and most
crazy driving. I am that guy with a blue sports
demanding purpose-built racing circuit in the
car who drives like crazy on campus.
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
What are you most passionate about?
The RIT vs UNH NCAA East Reagional final
Cars and racing them.
hockey game in Albany, NY.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had? I don’t remember…
With 10 seconds to impress someone, I would
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose? Even though I’m from Miami, I pick freezing to death! I figure that I’ll at least go numb after
can speak Portuguese. It always makes me
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
sound exotic.
Europe. I’ve always wanted to take the train
people in history being punished by being
and go from country to country in Europe.
frozen to the stake!
start talking about how I lived in Brazil and
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation? I want to work for an international company that will allow me to travel. I still haven’t decided what I want to be when I grow up, but I definitely want to travel.
awhile. Besides, burning hurts! You don’t see
photograph by Robert Luessen
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What is something that people love about you?
Probably when I fell asleep in programming
To start my own game development company
The sexy dred locks. You can’t tell me you
and broke my chair. For anyone who has used
and NOT get bought out by Electronic Arts or
haven’t looked at my hair and thought, “Man, I
the chair in the back of the game design lab
Activision. I’d hate to do all that work only for
need to talk to him for some tips to get myself
since then, my bad.
one of them to come along and say, “Hey, we
some sexy dred locks!”
own you now, kthxbai.”
What brought you to RIT? school. That, and I was told this school was
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
very prestigious by my SAT Prep teacher, and
You know when you go into Gracie’s and ask
she was always right about everything.
for chicken nuggets or something and they
Game Design major + wrestling team = perfect
give you like three? Seriously, why would anyone walk all that way for three chicken nuggets? I mean, really.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
How do you feel about your major? I feel that it’s incredibly versatile and will help
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
My greatest aspiration is to ultimately find a
me succeed, but there are days when I feel like
London! I adore those British accents, and am
job that I enjoy going to every day. I want to
I can’t handle another psychology course! For
bit of a Harry Potter and Skins nerd, so I think
either work in the corrections system or work
the most part, I do enjoy it, though.
I’d really love it there.
with juvenile delinquents/runaways.
What is your greatest fear?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
My greatest fear is losing my independence
Film Arts with Professor Dupre. I had always
and having to listen to someone else for the
wanted to learn how to analyze films, and he’s
rest of my life. I hated life as a teenager!
been able to teach me that and much more! I will always have more appreciation for the art of film because of him.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
eaten actual food since the night before, my
most people immediately conclude I’m smart
phone fell on the floor, and I leaned over to
once they hear my major. Technology is an
pick it up because I was too lazy to circle
aspect of our society that will continue to
I would just sit there and smile. That always
around my desk. The result? I got lightheaded
expand, and I look forward to be a being a
does it, usually.
and tipped over but was too weak to hold
part of that. Most of the time, the progress
myself up. I fell over along with the chair.
of technology and the results of my projects
What is your greatest fear?
Everyone turned around at the sound and were
blow my mind away and really get me excited.
I don’t have many fears; I guess my greatest
all like, “Are you okay?” I asked for permission
Other times when I’m lost in the course, I’m
fear would be disappointing myself, because
and left the class. Later, I figured out why
that kid in the back going, “whaaaat???!!!”.
I have to live with who I am at the end of the
my professor had looked puzzled; not many
students ask for permission to leave class in college.
What is something that people love about you?
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
How do you feel about your major?
can take a joke, most of the time.
This happened in class a while back. I hadn’t
I mostly love it because it is challenging and
I would hope that it is my sense of humor; I
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your greatest fear? Snakes. I am freaking scared of them.
My smile. I smile almost entire day. Everyone sees me smiling, and many have commented that I have a great smile.
What is something that people hate about you? People think that I show off a lot. I am a bit rude and have a bit of arrogance. They also think that I boast a bit.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? I would go to French Polynesia. I love the
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
islands of French Polynesia (especially Bora
I am a director of several iron and steel
have. The rooms of the hotel are on the water
companies in India whose annual revenue is
and it’s like you can jump into the water
near about 100 million U.S. dollars.
with your partner anytime of the day. Truly
Bora and Tahiti) and the pure blue water they
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your greatest fear?
course load is so rough that boys with no
My greatest fear is E.T. He is wrinkly, has no
social skills barely have time to develop any.
My sense of humor is so offensive and dirty. I
legs, has an expanding neck, HUGE eyes, and
Cut the poor kids some slack!
mostly make jokes that involve dead babies,
screams like an old lady being hit by a car.
disgusting sex moves, or I just walk around
Also, he turns white when he’s sick, and that’s
saying, “that’s what SHE said.” I can always
just freaky. I first saw the movie when I was 5
make someone laugh, even if they’re in the
and it still haunts my dreams.
worst mood.
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose? I would definitely choose freezing to death
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
because you go numb before you die. Burning
I think they should offer etiquette classes
And freezing to death may be slower, but it’s
That my hair is red. I’m not sure if they’re
for men. Although I have come across some
less painful because you simply can’t feel
jealous or think I might eat their soul, but I get
amazing guys while here, many of them
anything! Plus then you can take my frozen
a lot of crap for being a ginger.
simply don’t know how to communicate with
body home and put it in the corner of your
women or anyone in general. I feel that the
living room.
What is something that people hate about you?
to death would also be too cliché for a ginger.
photograph by Robert Luessen
Something that people love about you?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
What are you passionate about?
Simply put, people love my hair. I have been
For some it might be getting that job offer or
and solve puzzles and to do yoga and to
growing it out for years now and received
being accepted into college, but my greatest
color in coloring books (yes, I still do!). Books
many nice compliments about it. The summer
achievement will always be the day when I
provide me with endless information; some
after my freshman year at RIT I was a camp
bought my first car. I was 16-years-old and had
offer pages to color on while others can offer
counselor at an overnight boys and girls
been saving since I was 12. She was a ‘98 Ford
escape. Dance and yoga offer me a way to
camp in the Poconos of Pennsylvania. I had a
Explorer and she was the most beautiful thing
move my body and feel invigorated. And
group of about 10 7-year-old little girls. Every
I had seen in my entire life. I named her Bianca
I am endlessly trying to figure things out;
morning they would fight over who got to hold
and loved her until the day she died. Not
whether it’s a person or a concept, puzzles are
my hand to breakfast. Those that weren’t fast
many people can say that at the age of 16 they
enough to get a hand grabbed a lock of my
bought their own car and paid the insurance
hair, which they could actually reach.
for a year, but I can.
I love to read. I love to learn. I love to dance
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT? A song I heard while I was on a tour here. My
What is your greatest aspiration after Graduation?
If you could travel anywhere where would you go and why?
mom and I came for a visit to see my cousin
Getting accepted into Peace Corps. I’ve heard
I would go to Micronesia, unless the time
and we decided why not look at RIT. We
it’s pretty hard to get in though!
frame is this summer. If it is this summer
were touring the dorms in the Grace Watson
then South Africa for the World Cup, if not
building and the song “Lover I Don’t Have to
How do you feel about your major?
Micronesia because I have a had a weird
Love” by Bright Eyes was coming from one of
International Studies was definitely a good
fascination with it ever since middle school
the rooms. Bright Eyes was my favorite band at
choice. The major’s requirements could use
when I was in a Geography Bee.
the time and it was the first song of theirs that
some working out, it’s a new major here. The
I had heard. RIT also happened to have my
content is what is most attractive about it.
major. Things happen for a reason. I believe in
It probably wont be useful at all without a
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
fate and signs, it was a huge sign.
Masters degree or higher though.
Meeting my freshmen for the first time as an Orientation Assistant!
photograph by Robert Luessen
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
because I did well on the test and have hearing aids. The thing is, I hear fine and don’t know
“Peoples’ knees. Cover your knees up if
Internet Marketing with Professor Neil Hair.
any sign. My friends say I’m the worst deaf
you’re gonna be walking around everywhere.”
Between the consultancy project in which I
person ever. Sweet!
- Charlie Kelly of It’s Always Sunny in
created a professional marketing plan for a
What is your greatest fear?
Philadelphia. But seriously, I don’t like people’s knees.
was always learning and having fun. He is one
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
of the toughest teachers I’ve ever had here at
I’m an ADK 46er. That means that I climbed
RIT, but the all-nighters were definitely worth
the 46 highest peaks in New York State that
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
are over 4,000 feet above sea level. Hiking is
Makin’ whoopee in the Wallace Library (4th
definitely one of my favorite things to do and I
Floor). Best Thursday night study session ever!
real client and his British accent and humor, I
What brought you to RIT? I took the ACTs in my senior year. I was called down to the guidance office one day and told that RIT wanted me to go to their school
can’t wait to finish my Winter 46.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT? I love zodiac signs. After I narrowed colleges to
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
my final five, I choose the tiger – Ritchie.
Drawing with Cliff Wun; inspiration, life, and
The lack of hygiene in the bathrooms, but I
art all in a single class.
don’t think that’s going to change.
It would probably the classic “changing in
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
my room and having a floormate opening the
Singapore, to meet up with my favorite
A sheep, because they’re adorable, cute, and
fluffy. All of which are things I love.
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
How do you feel about your major?
I give great hugs.
worth it.
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
I’d like to own and run my own tattoo/piercing
Last year I saw a guy in a fish suit pass one of
my classrooms. I think we need more of him.
I love it. It’s a lot of hard work, but definitely
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? I would be a giant squid. They have all the fun.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why?
Most memorable moment was hurling tequila
Bill Destler. He has a vision and seems to
I would speak softly and carry a big stick. Tell
and salad back into a toilet bowl my freshman
be able to realize it while working with the
them that there is surely a purpose for them
year on a dorm floor I didn’t live on. The RA
students and faculty as opposed to against
on this earth.
was female and couldn’t really get me out of
them. Business leaders could take a page from
How do you feel about your major?
What brought you to RIT?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
and made very little sense. I stayed in it only
If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why?
for the name. I should have switched back to a
Floor Lamp. I’m decorative, Taller than I am
To teach.
business management or marketing major.
now, and provide illumination to people. “It’s a
The promise of top notch weather.
My major was rotten. It was poorly planned out
good thing”
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is something that people love about you?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
I’m pretty eccentric. I can be really quiet or
I’ve managed to become kind of campus-
I’d steal their soul and keep it in a jar by my
I can be impossible to shut up. I curse like a
famous for how white I am. And by that, I
bed to use as a nightlight.
sailor and have been told I have an evil laugh.
mean physically pale – white hair, white skin.
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
on the top floor of buildings telling me they
All-nighter graphic-design-and-Joss-Whedon
And everyone seems to remember me.
I’ve gotten texts, on sunny days, from people
A six-legged robot unicorn. ‘Cause, c’mon. Sixlegged robot unicorn!
parties. Ah, I love this school.
can see me walking down the quarter mile.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What are you most passionate about?
and figure they did their part. Students need
This thing I do called parkour. Running,
– they need to get off their computers,
I would do a backflip!
jumping, climbing, crawling – moving
get outside, and engage people to make a
creatively from one place to another. I like to
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
vault, spin, slide, flip, play, and teach people
I want to go somewhere and do something
how to do things that they thought were
good for the world. I’m tired of people using
to schedule meetings, events, demonstrations
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with
that don’t improve the world. Whatever I do in life, I don’t want my contribution to humanity
People need to remember that they CAN
twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that
to be adding a few 0s to someone’s bank
make a difference, and that they can change
for destruction ice is also great.
anything. Too often people hear something
their knowledge to make or promote things
they don’t like, then join a Facebook group
those who favor fire. But if I had to perish
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
How do you feel about your major?
I know a lot of people say the co-op program,
I love it. Some classes are better than others,
What are you most passionate about?
but that really is one of the major reasons
but I can’t see myself studying anything else.
Identifying typefaces. And print.
experienced people in the industry and they
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
If you could be any object, what would you be and why?
all love what they do. It’s hard for many people
My Film Arts class was marvelous. We
I would be a sea turtle. They are some of the
to say that. Plus, since I’m from Florida, I had
watched movies each week and got to learn
coolest creatures on earth and they live a long,
never lived in the Northeast, and I figured that
about all the different symbolism in each
long time. Anyone seen Finding Nemo? Isn’t
college would be a good chance to try. It’s only
movie. Also, Mark Dupré is awesome.
that explanation enough?
I decided to pick RIT. The professors in my major are some of the most interesting and
four years, right?
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people hate about you?
What are you most passionate about?
Damn near everything. I’m a cynical bastard
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
who finds ways to justify how horrible human
“Remember the guy dressed as Raptor jesus
time. I’ve been wearing it for 6 years and I tend
tragedies are actually good things. Some of
carrying the life-sized cross this halloween...
to get VERY protective over it.
my better rants include topics such as “I hope
Yeah that was me.”
My hat, I wear a black soviet ushanka all the
“Well Haiti is known mostly for kidnapping
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
and drugs so who the hell cares?” And let’s
My math professor walks into class with her
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
not forget The porn nation incident, that way
hair a mess & no make-up. Then I notice she’s
The video game “I wanna be the guy” That
a grrreaat daaayy, and whenever people try to
wearing the same clothes as the day before so
way I would know how to beat myself & would
make me feel bad about it, I just scoff & shrug
I turn to my friends & mutter “Walk of shame”
laugh myself to an infinite loop every time
New Orleans gets hit with another hurricane so the stupid people who MOVED BACK die”,
them off.
someone nerd-raged over me.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Writing, producing, directing and starring in a
Every corner of the world, every color in the
Ever had breakfast in Paris, lunch in London
theater production made in 7 weeks with little
spectrum and every cloud in the sky. There’s
and dinner back home in the US in one day?
to no resources and no background skill for
so much magic in this world that I want to see,
Consider me a Time Lord.
Tora-Con. And no, it wasn’t for college credit,
so many hues I want to taste and cultures I
we weren’t high nor did we get paid. We just
want to learn.
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
wanted to do this based on a whim I got early
To establish my own animation studio and
What are you most passionate about?
compete with the big leagues for my shot at a
Life and all of its quirky intricacies, even the
collection of little golden men and globes.
bad and the ugly.
in my freshman year of RIT.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is something that people hate about you?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
(See previous answer.)
Bowser’s Castle from the original Super Mario
“I have the Nintendo Seal of Approval stamped on my ass.” Then, I would show them.
Bros. It’s warm as Hell in there and that theme
What brought you to RIT? The plentiful herds of neckbeards. They
What is something that people love about you? The fact that I have the Nintendo Seal of Approval stamped on my ass.
have given my crossbow some much-needed practice.
song still blows my mind.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
stolen my heart. I love her very much and
How do you feel about your major?
hope to see her soon, and yes, I’m just like a
I love my major. It gives me a complete view
My most memorable moment at RIT is easily
maple in the springtime.... Sappy.
of the computer from top to bottom. It is also
when I was caught climbing halfway up the
is full of the craziest and most entertaining
a pleasant conversation with them while
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
waiting for the other officer to arrive. Coolest
We don’t need apartments. Yes, they’re
public safety guy ever.
great but we have more apartments than any
Sentinel by public safety and then having
people I know. We just need to find a way to get rid of our bad publicity.
campus our size that I’ve seen. We need a set
What is something that people love about you?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
of upper classmen dorms set up away from
I have no idea. I am an arrogant, self, absorbed
the freshmen. The only restriction is that you
jerk who tends to be loud mouthed and speaks
Hmmm, this has me caught between Vienna,
have to be at least a 2nd year to get in them,
before he thinks. If anyone can figure out why
Austria and Cazenovia, NY. While, Vienna is
and if you’re over 21 you can have a limited
so many people love me please let me know.
hands down the best and most fun city I have
amount of alcohol in your room. Now get on it!
ever been in, Cazenovia has this girl that has
photograph by Robert Luessen
How do you feel about your major?
business/marketing. It has been the most
Scholars Program and a true mentor) and Dr.
It is my biggest passion and I simply love it!
complete class I’ve taken, since it combines
Deborah Colton (Marketing Professor) Why?
The faculty, the courses and all the support at
everything from basics of the business
Words cant describe how and why ... but when
the College of Business have been invaluable.
world with new trends of the global business
I’ll get my Ph.D. will be because of both of
The International Business program has
environment. Loved the writing projects :)
them ... Essie: Thank you! You have no idea
allowed me to pursue interdisciplinary
how much you’ve change my life and how much you’ve shaped my career interests.
international issues with courses in marketing
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
and management.
Everywhere in South East Asia! The greatest
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
interests by combining my fascination with
discovery of my senior year was a great love
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
and respect for Asian cultures....
Marketing in a Global Environment with John Ward ... I think that class truly allowed
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why?
me to discover my passion for international
Ms. Essie Sierra-Torres (director of the McNair
A tiger ... I am a territorial person, fearless and loyal.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
Giving amazing massages.
Making E-House’s elevator arrow point up,
Rich Newman’s Modern America History class.
even though they’re on the top floor of NRH.
There aren’t many professors who stand up on desks and deliciously drop the f-bomb when describing the American Revolution.
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
Getting a job to pay off my college education.
I asked the girl I rear-ended with my car on a date.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
me to complete my 2nd degree of Biomedical
I would tell them that its still possible, within
Dr. Richard Doolittle for teaching me that it
5 years, to graduate with 2 degrees and see
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
the world after being kicked out of school ...
Finish my Captain’s licensing for sailing 200
and it doesn’t matter how many incredibly
Or I would tell them about white-water rafting
ton vessels, then attend Medical School.
impossible/terrible a situation may be - there
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why? Two people more than anyone, but equally:
down the Nile. That was scary as hell.
doesn’t matter how badly you do in school,
is ALWAYS a solution, and you ALWAYS have options. It’s what you do from there.
What brought you to RIT?
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
I had a grant from National Geographic to
The first day of Gross Anatomy class, and
always a way to make something you want to
continue studying photography, but when a
getting to know my ridiculously obnoxious lab
happen actually happen. But furthermore, that
friend almost died, I joined the RIT ambulance
partner (who I came to adore. But I’ll never tell
more times than you think, you will have to be
and became an EMT. I took Gross Anatomy
the one to pave the road; and not to be afraid
and traveled to Uganda, which motivated
Dr Ian Gatley for teaching me that there is
of that.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
to bike to class (a bright yellow cruiser bike, at
How do you feel about your major?
Mainly I wanted a change of scene. I’ve lived
that). If I’m wearing pants, it’s either a laundry
I love being in CS. It’s such a diverse field that
in the south my whole life and I had no
day or I’m seriously ill.
there’s pretty much something for everyone;
intention of staying there for college when
you’re not shuttled down one path and, contrary to popular belief, you’re not destined
wanted snow, shoulders on the roads, and of
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
course H&M! I was also attracted by Division
I want to be involved in the “next big thing” in
interest in artificial intelligence, which is what
III athletics, since I’m a diehard runner and
computing. My dream is actually to work for a
drew me to CS in the first place. Plus, there’s
wanted to continue at the college level.
small start-up company with the potential to
the possibility of having a huge influence on
be something that people will truly enjoy and
everyday life - computer scientists have a
What is something that people love about you?
use in their everyday lives. Maybe the next
hand in everything from security systems to
Pandora! And if that fails, well, I can still aim
traffic lights. CS majors may be thought of as
I like to think people appreciate my sense of
to become a Pokemon master.
pasty, antisocial uber-gamers, but we’re to
it was my first chance to see other places - I
to end up a code monkey. I personally have an
style. I’m known for wearing poofy dresses,
thank for a lot of the modern amenities people
heels, and crazy headbands year-round, even
take for granted.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
How do you feel about your major?
A desire to draw medical anatomy. RIT was
I love Illustration. It’s perfect for me. I’m
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
one of the few universities I found that offered
blessed to have found such an intelligent
Drawing with Cliff Wun. It was... an
medical illustration. So I saddled up all ready
art school. However, I wish we were better
experience. He’s infamous amongst most of
for a career drawing cardiovascular surgeries,
prepared (i.e. internships) before graduation.
the art kids for his attitude and tattoos. Some
only to discover that I puke watching live
I’ve watched a lot of my friends hit winter or
of my closest friends were made in that class,
surgeries. So I became a regular illustrator.
spring quarter their senior year and scramble
despite differences in majors. We bonded
to duel impending reality. A lot of people
through what seemed like insurmountable
What is your greatest fear?
I knew back home were surprised when I
projects at the time. It was there that I first
Definitely losing my hands or losing my mind.
didn’t go off to become a doctor or some sort
put more than eight hours into a piece of art,
I do art, so I guess I could continue that if I lost
of biological engineer, but I honestly believe I
something that I do all the time now. That
my marbles. Losing my hands however, would
have made the right choice. I’d be doodling all
professor was the person who has kicked my
put a damper on doing everything I love.
over my lab reports otherwise.
ass the most and also set me free. He’s a great guy; listen to him, and don’t let him scare you too much.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
The most memorable moment so far has been
The most memorable class I’ve had so far was
I think the food could use some improvement,
building the box castle in the EPB quad in fall
“Modern American History: Learning Through
Gracie’s isn’t the worst but it could be much
Las Vegas” with Professor Nystrom.
How do you feel about your major? I’m really enjoying my major so far, we haven’t
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
really gotten into any major specific classes
If I could travel anywhere I’d probably go back
yet, so I’ll see.
to Tanzania, because I really miss the culture there.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
I do hurt another’s feelings. I like to people
shots of the wedding, I want to cover the
watch, and because of that, often observations
wedding as a journalist and write their love
I have been told time and time again since
just kind of stream from my mouth without
story as it evolves from engagement to the
I arrived here at RIT that I am “too nice.” I
being filtered. .
exchange of vows.
Seeing smiling faces makes my day and I
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What are you most passionate about?
love helping people! Though I get teased
I aspire to open a truly ironic business, a
I am most passionate about making a
relentlessly about it, I think most find it a
photo studio called, “War and Weddings,”
difference. Photography, writing, engineering,
refreshing dissimilarity in character.
covering two classic parts of humanity; love
mission work, teaching; the majority of
and war. The objective of the company will be
my hobbies are born out of my desire to
What is something that people hate about you?
to spend one month out of every year in war
make a difference in the life of others or the
torn places, documenting the tragedy and pain
perception of others. I try to live by Gandhi’s
I am honest to a fault. I have a tendency to be
through freelancing war-photography. For the
quote “Be the change you wish to see in the
brutally honest, in a nice, non-spiteful way. It
rest of the year, I intend to cover weddings in
is entirely unintentional half of the time when
a whole new way, rather than just snapping
keep telling [people], it’s a little southern/ midwestern hospitality shining through.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
What are you most passionate about?
The most appropriate way for me to answer
My roommate waking up while I was in the
Enjoying my college experience to the fullest.
this is, the nights I can’t remember, with the
room having sex, and then proceeding to get
friends I’ll never forget.
up and get our other two housemates and his
What is something that people hate about you? My honesty and my ability to speak without a filter.
brother who was visiting for the weekend and
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
all four of them cheering me on while I was
Campus safety needs to be less uptight.
still inside of her.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
To pick one thing that people love about me
loudly. If I wasn’t a science major, I would
is an impossible task. I can’t name one thing
probably be a film editor.
I recently won the Baldwin Scholarship for
people don’t love about me. But if I were to
the College of Science. It’s only granted to
narrow it down to one, my sense of humor
5 graduating students and it’s for those that
is the clear winner. My humor is it’s dry yet
excel not just academically, but as citizens
colorful; subtle, yet cocky; it’s in your face and
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
within the RIT community. To be selected
Dying in a fire is more bad-ass than freezing
shows how highly regarded I am by all of my
especially in the frozen tundra that is Rochester. BUT, it’s also considerably more
keeping my head down. Now that I am looking
What are you most passionate about?
up I am seeing what I have accomplished and
I am very passionate about films. It’s really
bits of bacon. When it comes to facing an icy
it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Winning this award
my second calling. I have no problem sitting
end, I can’t help but envision Southpark’s and
made me not want to change one thing from
for hours on end in front of a screen. One of
Futurama’s bout with time travel and hope for
the past four years. I got it right the first time.
the things that come easily to me is my ability
a chance at similar adventures. Is it weird I
to recall plotlines, actors’ names, directors’
have a thing for Leela?
mentors. I spent 4 years working hard and
What is something that people love about you?
names, and whatnot. Unfortunately for my friends, I also love analyzing films, somewhat
painful even if I were to console myself with
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your great aspiration after graduation?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
How do you feel about your major?
I’ve loved theatre ever since I was little. I’ve
I’ve been roller-skating since I was 5
like crying, but you learn so much from
been interested in interpreting since freshman
and competing since I was 10. I joined a
interpreting that it’s nothing but beneficial.
year of high school, so I’d love to be able to
synchronized skating team in 2004 and skated
As one friend told me, it’s about “performing.”
combine those two passions and become
with them until I transferred to RIT in 2008.
Some days you’ll have good days and others
a performing arts interpreter. Who knows,
My most impressive accomplishment was
you won’t; you just need to know how to take
maybe you’ll see me on Broadway one day.
having the chance to go to Italy and Australia
your frustration and make yourself a better
with my team for the World Competition, the
person. Interpreting is a versatile profession
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
roller-skating equivalent to the Olympics. I
with the ability to travel anywhere and
was able to travel to – and make friends from
interpret for anyone.
Having the chance to watch the men’s hockey
– another country. Not many people can say
team make history when they beat Denver and
that they’re competitive roller skaters, but how
then beat UNH. I wasn’t a hockey fan until I got
many people are also able to say that they’ve
to RIT, but I’m glad that I was able to be a part
represented their country?
of RIT history, even if it was just as a fan.
Honestly, there are some days when I feel
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT? First the hot guys playing WoW on their
What is something that people hate about you?
computers all day that are super pasty, but
I’m pasty white.
then probably the awesome printing program.
What is something that people love about you? I’m pasty white.
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose? Burning cause I’d at least die with a tan.
What do you think needs improvement at RIT? The amount of pasty kids at the school. They need to encourage outside activities instead of LAN parties.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
Probably my ability to be spontaneous. I’m
I’d like to invent a pair of shoes that will allow
My most impressive accomplishment would
very dedicated to this school-I love RIT-but on
me to fly out west so I can hike some 14,000
be running two half-marathons last year. I’m
any given weekend I’ll pick up and go to the
footers, and also run an ultra-marathon or
really proud to have accomplished balancing
Adirondacks or New York City for some type of
two with the Tarahumara, while creating time
life here while training for my first big race.
climbing, hiking, or social event. This January,
to allow for creating my newest product-of
I took up running after my freshman year
I went to Tampa Bay’s Annual Gasparilla
course while climbing El Cap at the same time.
because I wanted to be healthier and also to
Festival. It’s basically like a Pirate themed
So I guess that makes my greatest aspiration
see what I could handle as an athlete. Once I
Mardi Gras, where thousands of Pirates take
to have Superfeet.
ran the first, I trained throughout summer and
over the town. The following weekend I
fall to improve my time by 15 minutes. That
went skiing up at Wildcat Mountain across
was awesome. Everyone should run.
from Mount Washington. I’m always doing something adventurous.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
What is your greatest fear?
All of these bricks. yeah I love bricks.
Objects with lots of holes in them. Damn things make me squirm.
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? A giraffe, they’ve got long tongues. Good for snogging.
What is something that people love about you?
How do you feel about your major?
My can do attitude!
and get forgotten about. Then we get the short
We’re thrown in with all of the photo majors end of the stick when we decide to concentrate in graphic design or print media.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
How do you feel about your major? Graphic Design since changing my major to
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
I would just make out with them. Is that okay
it. I used to be New Media Design and that
If I’ve learned anything while living in
to say? I hear I’m a great kisser, so there’s
sucked, so I made the big switch. I’m much
Rochester, I’d rather have a quick, painful
really no better way. Let’s do this.
happier now.
fiery death than have to think, “HOLY FUCK
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far? award. I’m not really sure for what. I remember
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
getting a book for it, and thinking, “A book?
A microphone so I can be oh so close to your
What is this garbage?”
luscious lips. Oh baby, oh baby.
I absolutely love it. I’ve learned so much about
I’M COLD” over and over again ‘til I died. Then
In 5th grade I got the John James Audubon
again, I’m a big baby whenever I burn my ear with my straightener. I’m gonna have to man up!
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
To be a teller of great stories.
AE: Writing for Sociology. I wrote a paper
If I could travel anywhere I would go into orbit
exploring the society of geeks, and found out I
around earth. A couple laps around the planet
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
wanted to be one in the process!
would be awesome!
When I fell in love
What do you think needs improvement at RIT? The winter. It’s too long!
photograph by Robert Luessen
How do you feel about your major? I have always been fascinated by computers,
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
and now I can design, build, and program one
There needs to be more interaction between
I count convincing the Christian and GLBT
from scratch. Truly there is no better way to
the great number of unique groups on
communities on campus to sit through a
spend your money than towards learning how
campus. People don’t venture outside of
lecture together (and interact afterward) and
to make a career out of enslaving computers.
their comfort zones much when it comes to
convincing RIT to pay for it all as my greatest.
It is empowering to realize that I am one of the
social interaction at RIT. I am impressed by
I did not do so single-handedly, but I doubt it
factors leading to the impending robot revolt.
how little time it takes people to switch from
would have happened without me.
being accepting of some very strange things
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
to spewing vitriolic comments involving stereotypes.
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
Maybe it was Circuits I with Prof. Cliver, which
I hope to someday be able to say that I have
met in a conference room, with homemade
played capture the flag in a Wal-Mart. Then I
cookies every Wednesday, a bonfire at the end
shall run for president of something.
of the quarter, and lectures about being an “eng-a-neer.”
photograph by Robert Luessen
How do you feel about your major? about deaf education. Apparently there’s much
What RIT needs to work on is weather – oh
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
more to it than having my own classroom and
wait, you need to be God to do that! I guess
I think I’ll go with burning to death. I plan
having students worship me. It’s different
second on the list would be more Asian and
to be cremated when I die, so I might as well
though - I graduated from RIT with an IT
Deaf influence around the campus. Compared
as hit two birds with one stone – die and be
degree, and it’s definitely some big change I
to other groups, I think we’re the most
cremated at the same time.
chose. I don’t regret it though.
underrated group.
What is your greatest fear? To die alone. I suffer from mild monophobia
What are you most passionate about?
(not diagnosed though!); I’d rather be around
If it wasn’t obvious enough in my previous
the people I like, or I freak out. Oh, and the
statement, I’m passionate about spreading the
flying spaghetti.
Asian love.
It’s challenging, yet I’m learning so much
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
My greatest aspiration after graduation is to
My most embarrassing moment in college was
If I had ten seconds to impress someone, I
have my own line of faucets or lighting.
during a recent critique, when I showed my
would play the beginning of the “Inspector Gadget” theme song on a tuba.
project ideas to the rest of the class and people
How do you feel about your major? I think Industrial Design covers a lot of ground
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
and really makes you think about every
If I could travel anywhere, I would go to
make a product functional and out-of-the-box
Belgium. I imagine Belgium is beautiful and
thinking to make a product appealing. It’s like
full of top notch chocolate.
answering a question that has no specifically
detail. Design combines rational thinking to
correct answer.
started making poop jokes.
photograph by Robert Luessen
How do you feel about your major? I love it. My department has the best events,
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
and our classes and really interesting
I conducted research on the concept of
If you could be an inanimate object/ plant/animal what would you be and why?
and involved. Our professors know how
credibility on Facebook marketing for my
I’d be a hydrangea. They are really pretty and
to keep class work entertaining and fun
senior thesis in communications. Oh and my
change colors based on the pH level of their
while challenging us. I feel like I’m giving
family trained our cats to use the toilets.
a testimonial for my department in an infomercial. (Very fitting with my major being Advertising)
If you had ten seconds to impress someone what would you do or say?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would make them one of my awesome ice
I would go to Australia. It looks gorgeous and
would probably be a mess because I would
the wildlife there is fascinating.
have to make it in 10 seconds.
cream sundaes with all of the fixings but it
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT? The diversity of people — you have different
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
cultures and background — and its good work
If I could travel anywhere, I would travel up to
to see what you will be dealing with in years to
the top of the sentinel. I mean, who else do you
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
come in the workplace.
know who has been to the top of the Sentinel?
I would want to be the Sentinel. I mean why
Why would I go there? It’s one of the highest
wouldn’t I? Who wouldn’t want to be a guy
points on campus, and it’s pretty much in the
riding a horse statue? The Sentinel is just
middle of campus.
freaking awesome.
What is your most memorable moment at RIT? Being able to stuff a futon, three dressers and three desks into a double dorm room
What is your greatest fear?
and having it all work out. Good thing my
EGS LAN Tournaments.
roommate isn’t mad.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What are you most passionate about?
What brought you to RIT?
Most of my passions revolve around food. I
was and that all the buildings had similar
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
love cooking it, eating it, and looking at it. I get
architecture. The graphic design program is
The holocaust is something near and dear to
really excited when I go to mega-Wegs, walk
really impressive. The campus is not in the
my heart, so I would have to say freezing to
up and down the aisles, and look at all of the
city but close to one. It’s easy to get home, and
death. I mean is a Rochester winter really that
the food selection has enough variety.
different from freezing to death?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
I plan to go backpacking in Europe with my
My most recent memorable moment at RIT is
siblings. Experiencing the culture all around
when the hockey team returned from Albany
Europe would be an incredible experience. I
and a throng was waiting for them at the
also want to go to Egypt and Australia one day.
Sentinel at 2 a.m. Everyone was beaming that
When I visited, I liked how organized RIT
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
really close to my dorm room!) I had to just
in 2 to 3 years) who joke around with everyone
stand there in a towel and pretend it wasn’t
who comes in, the random people who call the
Running out of a packed RIT hockey game,
anything out of the ordinary, which is hard to
Northside NRH elevator from time to time to
which we won, with my buddy John on my
do when you have an Austin Powers chest.
chat with students, the janitor who used to
back yelling, “go RIT!” I carried him past the
bring us ‘Bum Fight’ videos, the people who censor the RIT Rings with hilarious non-
out the back door by the old Reporter office,
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why?
before falling over from a combination of
Much of the Industrial Engineering
lovin’cup for allowing me to get a $2 PBR on
school spirit and exhaustion. I’m not a big guy,
department, several of my philosophy
campus before lunch, EH for holding SIH
so that was quite a feat for me!
professors, all the kids brave enough to
traditions strong, and yes, I am even inspired
express their inner nerd with any assortment
by that kid who doesn’t wear shoes, I mean,
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
of video game and comic book apparel, the
have you seen his feet in the winter? It’s a
people who put on that Ritchie mascot outfit
sight to see!
The time someone’s mom caught me shaving
and walk campus regardless of the weather,
in the girls’ bathroom during move-in. (It was
the ladies at Gracie’s (which I haven’t been to
Sentinel, through the SAU, past the RITz and
dirty words, Destler for getting rid of Simone,
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your greatest fear? Losing my eyesight. And spiders. So the
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
greatest fear would really be losing my
France. I wish I was a fly-ass French dude.
eyesight from a giant spider.
How do you feel about your major?
What are you most passionate about?
Anyone who doesn’t believe art/photo majors
Photography. And drinking. So really, drunken
work hard should come visit building 7 around
midnight on a Sunday night. We’re all working harder than any of you other assholes playing World of Warcraft.
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? Easy. I’d be pterodactyl. That shit is hot.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
out to designing for interiors, fashion, or for
thing of all though would be attaining Eagle
I found RIT in Dallas viewing people’s
industrial purposes.
rank. Now that is an accomplishment.
School, but I went to see prospective schools
How do you feel about your major?
and RIT was the one college with Game Design
It wasn’t actually my first choice, but it’s a
What are you most passionate about?
and 3D Graphics. Knowing I wanted to be in
great major with students who aren’t so cut-
This is an easy one; art. I love all forms of art
one of those majors, I entered the college.
throat that they’ll leave you high and dry. In
from design to photography and definitely
fact, we all work very well together and learn
music. I’ve been trying to compose some music
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
much more that way.
utilizing different sound patterns lately, and
I would like to have a steady job in design, preferably designing characters for games or
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
animations. Eventually, I’d like to have my
I would say that becoming an OA is pretty
own design studio where I do commissions
impressive as is helping put on a performance
for many companies and begin branching
for a convention. I’d say the most impressive
portfolios. I didn’t have one as a junior in High
I find this combined with imagery definitely fulfills the artistic side of me.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
How do you feel about your major?
Freshman year, my a cappella group brought
“typical CS student”. I suppose it’s true to
Hopefully I would be with a quartet so that
Jonathan Coulton and Paul and Storm to RIT
some extent, although it’s certainly not a
I could sing a barbershop tag. People love
for a concert. Not only did we get to meet
blanket statement. Some of us do bathe daily
chordy goodness.
them, we got to open for them. They’re all
and like to go outside.
even funnier in person than you would expect.
What are you most passionate about? Music. Up until last year I was in Surround
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Sound, one of RIT’s all-male a cappella groups.
Australia! From what I’ve seen and heard,
Then at the end of last year I co-founded RIT’s
it’s a beautiful country. Plus they gave us the
first co-ed a cappella group, Proof of Purchase.
It’s a great creative outlet and a lot of fun at the same time.
I love my major, but I hate the notion of the
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
five years since his stay, but we continue our
“professionals” whom I have no respect for can
friendship via Facebook, Skype and occasional
deem me good or bad or tone deaf.
Rarely, I am successful at doing a stall, or
through a bad connection. Although he’s been
freeze, which is a form of breakdancing (for all
back a few times, I have yet to make the trip to
you un-hip folk). If given 10 seconds, I would
his roots.
calls where I struggle to understand his accent
try my luck and hope for the best.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
What are you most passionate about?
Sunglasses, preferably a pair of Ray Ban’s. I
Music. I recently became a member of WITR
worry about melanoma.
Australia! Rob, an exchange student from
89.7 to foster this passion and am training to
Melbourne, spent a semester at my high school
be a DJ. I’d like to learn piano, hopefully this
during my sophomore year. We had a class
summer. I write songs and sing, and maybe
together and became really close within the
someday, something will come of that. And
five months he was in the states. It’s been
no, I will not go on American Idol so that
could soak up the sun without ever having to
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
To work for John Deere of course!
I won’t say the class or the professor, but
Do you think my tractor’s sexy? Then let’s go
the professor wrote three white boards full
How do you feel about your major?
of notes then realized it was in permanent
It’s a small major that allows us to all be
marker. Luckily, we had someone in the class
What brought you to RIT?
connected. Everybody knows everybody
who knew how to get it off the board and
To start with, the warmer winters than what
and we have strong relationships amongst
saved the day.
I am used to being from the real upstate New
for a ride on my John Deere.
York. Then the co-op program and the fact that RIT has one of the only collegiate Model Railroad Clubs in the nation.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your greatest fear?
Balance something on my foot. I’m not particularly athletic or strong, and I don’t
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
like being brainy as a means of impressing
England interests me, what with Top Gear,
Junk Yard Wars and Douglas Adams.
What brought you to RIT? Strong academics, the right distance from
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
home, looked like somewhere I’d fit in well.
The nickel-and-diming. (See dining plan,
less painful. But I feel like I did that all winter.
Let’s just say the semen trees weren’t in bloom
wellness classes, and housing)
Burning would at least be a change of pace. I
at the time.
Back flips.
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? I’d be a dog. They’re always happy.
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose? Freezing to death would probably be much
think I’ll go with fire.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
I sometimes say inappropriate things.
Self Actualization.
Career: Being nominated for a Webby.
What is something that people hate about you?
What is your greatest fear?
(Hopeful!) Personal: Learning to define myself.
I sometimes say inappropriate things.
Losing those who I love.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your greatest fear?
I am nice and very supportive, if you get on
Not being good enough for anything or
my good side. =]
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation? I want to be an audio engineer or work somewhere in the field of music.
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose? Neither one, but if I had to, I would choose to
What are you most passionate about? Music and poetry.
freeze to death.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
close to art. “Graphic Media” sounded like art and “Marketing” sounded like money. A match
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
I like to consider myself an optimist —
made in heaven, even today.
Realizing the success of RIT Improv after
someone who doesn’t let the little things drag
building it up from essentially nothing four years ago. Our now annual event,
There’s just so many exciting things to do and
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
learn and explore in this world, and I can’t get
I hope to complete my MBA in
this April, as well as featured five local college
enough of learning about people.
Entrepreneurship, and then hopefully move
improv groups performing on the same
on to receive a Ph.D. in either Marketing or
stage in what was possibly one of the largest
How do you feel about your major?
Entrepreneurship so that I may teach. Bonus
improv collaborative performances in the
To be honest, I had no idea what “Graphic
points for style. I’d also love to own a small
northwest New York state area was a huge
Media Marketing” meant when I came to RIT.
entertainment business or company, or at least
thrill. I’ve never been prouder of how far the
I was an art student from a technical school
remain close to the art and entertainment
BrainWreckers have come.
who knew he couldn’t really draw all that well,
him down.
wanted to make money, and wanted to stay
Improvamonium, drew a massive audience
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
To be a multi billion trillionaire.
India. Because it is home.
How do you feel about your major? What happened to the major I chose? (Graphic
What are you most passionate about?
Helping people and making money.
What is your greatest fear? Fear of failure.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
What are you most passionate about?
How do you feel about your major?
I came to RIT to get a good education so I can get a good job! I’ve had enough of food services
I am most passionate about my plants, which
large amounts of work it involves, but I learn
and working with teenagers!
can be clearly seen at the innovation center
lots of really interesting things — my favorite
as I am helping Tim Stephany keep a whole
being that if you eat candy while you’re
mess of plants alive for his vertical gardening
drinking, it heightens and lengthens your
buzz because sugar runs up the same brain
What is something that people love about you? Something that people love about me is I am
I think my major is a pain in the ass given the
pathway. I don’t know about anyone else, but I always get the munchies when I’m drinking.
one that has to live with me, so anyone else
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
can just stuff it.
If I had to choose between burning to death or
out too!
always me, no matter what anyone else’s opinion of how I act or dress is. I’m the only
freezing to death I’d freeze because then you just go to sleep. Also — it’s an easy death to find in New York, then, isn’t it. Lol
The best part is my friends heard me say it so many times they’ve started carrying candy
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
What are you most passionate about?
I have been told that my aura can light up a
I want to travel to the Motherland, Korea. I was
I am a designer, so therefore I am passionate
room. I bring happiness wherever I go and give
born there but I am adopted. I want to return
about design. I always have been. I look
off a positive energy. I am a naturally very
to see where I came from, there are many
back at all the majors I wanted to do, and a
happy and “bubbly” person. I laugh easy and
programs that I can sign up for where I can
majority of them involved design. When I am
often, I bring positive feedback and give people
possibly see my orphanage and possibly birth
aggravated and want to quit, I just remind
the benefit of the doubt. My glass is usually
parents, although, I am undecided if I want to
myself I was born to design. I saved a fortune
3/4 of the way full; I sometimes go out of my
meet them or not. I know Korea is beautiful,
cookie fortune that said, “You make the world
way to make someone happy and I will drop
but I want to experience that first hand. I love
a beautiful place.” That’s what I want to do,
almost anything to help out a friend, such as,
the culture, music, and of course the food!
I want to make pretty things and make the
dropping off friend(s) at the airport and the
world beautiful. I am also very passionate
train station at 4am, on a Friday.
about cooking, my first choice was to go to culinary school; there is nothing quite more wonderful than making something incredibly delicious and making someone very happy.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What are you most passionate about?
my saxophone, my section, the pep band and
against Denver, the game no one thought we
every chance I get to play.
would win. Which just grew after they won
I am passionate about Many things. I have
against UNH. There was so much excitement.
I play the tenor Saxophone. I have played the
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
sax since fourth grade, and it started out as
My goal is to work for NASA after graduation.
something I could do and like to do. Then I
I have had the dream since I was a little girl,
grew to love the sound and the atmosphere
especially after I saw October Sky. I was told to
and joy that music brought. I knew I wanted
reach for the stars and thats what I am trying
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
to play the sax when I went off to college. So, I
to do... literally.
Well if they are not from RIT, I normally come
always loved music, and it has since grown.
joined the pep band. Pep band has become my
And I was there, to see it happen and to play my instrument
out with Hi, Im Gabi Potts and I go to RIT. If it is someone from RIT I normally say, Hi my
pep band and with music. I hum the songs
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
and count down hours until I am due to play
My most memorable moment was when I was
and Jerry’s ice cream.
or be with pep band members. I am hooked to
sitting in Albany watching the Tigers win
passion. I surround myself with people from
name is Gabi and I have had every type of Ben
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
My first quarter I was in the fall 24 hour show
Dr. Jeff Wagner, undoubtedly. He’s like if Count
Barcelona, Spain. I’ve been there before when
for the RIT Players. My character was a doctor
Rugen from “The Princess Bride” was a soft
I was twelve, and it has been my favorite
and an old, cigar-loving crone. So between
southern farmer who taught Economics and
place in the world ever since. Tequila, Paella,
blackouts, I had to change between outfits:
refused to let his students fail. He is basically
Spanish women, and siestas. What more could
from scrubs and a stethoscope to a wig and a
the reason I came here as an undergraduate,
a college student want? Also, the architecture
fuzzy pink blouse. Well, when I ran across
and he’s the reason I’ve had such a positive
and history is fascinating.
the stage, my flip flop got caught in my wig,
experience here. He is fiery, brilliant and will
and the lights came up and I was sitting, in
make sure you discover your own passions
drag, on stage, my freshmen year, with a flip-
and determinations. There was one time I
flop in my wig. Needless to say, I just stared
was walking to get lunch, and he ambushed
straight ahead and smoked my cigar while the
me and wouldn’t let me go until I gave him an
audience howled.
answer on how I was doing on a paper.
photograph by Robert Luessen
How do you feel about your major? If I could use one word to describe my major
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
it would be interesting. My classes are
More free pizza, less Salvatore’s. No really, that
interesting, my professors are interesting, and
greasy cardboard that they call pizza is about
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
my fellow IT students are … weird.
as appetizing as that crap they serve at Little
I would have to say a potato cannon. Potato
Vincent’s Pizzeria on Long Island.
cannons have brought a lot of joy to me during
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
time at RIT and I would like to bring that joy to others. There is nothing like launching a
Most of my moments cannot be retold in a
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
public forum so I’ll go with watching Jared
American Politics freshman year, the teacher
night sky. I love the smell of Aqua Net in the
Gero my friend fall down the Gordon Field
was crazy. On the first day of class he told us
House steps before the Snoop Dogg concert.
that it was the first time he had been out of bed in a year because he fell down a flight of stairs.
potato or Solanum tuberosum through the
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
with my passion-nearing-obsession for sports. RIT’s lack of passion for athletics is magnified
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
I’d impress someone in ten seconds by
in the illustration major and so I am further
I think everyone has a problem with the lack
removed than I would already be on this spirit-
touching the ceiling. It doesn’t matter how
of spirit, the lack of unity the campus feels.
desolate campus.
If the student body is united in any way,
high the ceiling is, or if I’m outside, I will
it’s by feeling oppressed by the institute. I
stretch higher and higher until my hand
How do you feel about your major?
know that different, more positive levels of
reaches something. The tallest I’ve ever
The Illustration department is the most
cohesion exist at other universities, and it is
reached in such a situation was a bit over 1.1
positive and encouraging environment I’ve
my sincerest hope RIT starts to head to that
million feet, the distance from sea level to
ever heard of coming from any program at
outer space.
any school. There is the flexibility to focus on what matters to you, and the staff are very
What is something that people hate about you? The illustration studio is frequently irritated
encouraging of upper-level students tailoring their assignments to fit in their portfolios.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT? The snow and garbage plates, of course! Also,
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
because RIT is one of the
Less separation between different colleges,
To be successful and happy, what more can
best schools for photography in the country,
more school spirit! Go Tigers!
you really ask for?
but mostly the snow and [garbage] plates.
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Oh there are so many. I’ve had some pretty
To the moon! Why? Because “space tourism” is
totally ungraceful, falls. You know, the ones
now an actual industry
where people around you
and people are legitimately doing it. Also, it’s
stop to stare and ask if you’re okay. I’m smooth
the moon. Does anyone
like that.
have a few million bucks I could borrow?
epic, really public,
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
close friend. It was a tremendous undertaking
My mom’s minivan, a lot of money, and
that took us over a year to complete. We
something called project lead the way. It is
also directed %15-Minute Hamlet% by Tom
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
(was?) a program in high school that was
Stoppard together. I was also Vice President
Definitely freeze - if you end up not dying you
focused on engineering. It even provided me
for RIT Player’s and have directed many other
just lose a limb. Burns are worse.
with RIT credits.
What is your greatest fear?
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Space, the final frontier: to explore strange
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
new worlds, to seek out new life and new
The directing and acting I have done for RIT
gone before.
Player’s. I co-directed and co-stared in a play called %True West% by Sam Sheppard with a
civilizations, to boldly go where no man has
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What brought you to RIT? I thought it was in New Rochelle, New York
What was your most embarrassing moment in college?
I would go up to the person and say “Hello,
and I wanted to stay closer to home (Bronx,
Drunk-dialing all my friends to tell them
NY). What a confusion I made but something I
your smile captivated my heart.” If they are
don’t regret either.
everything about myself and how I love them
not smiling- I would say “Your smile would brighten my day, (they smile) thank you.”
How do you feel about your major? Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why? Nicole Ogden because she is the definition of perseverance
I wish it had a Co-Op requirements, so I can also gain experience in my field.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your greatest fear?
“I got no money but I got more to love!”
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
(grabbing the “rolls”)
Losing someone..
My memorable class would be Arts of
What is something that people love about you? The fact that I smile all the time and that I am always friendly and approachable.
ExpressionWriting Seminar, freshmen year, great times with great people.
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose? I would choose to freeze to death, I love the cold.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is your greatest aspiration after graduation?
Photo Arts One. I was a Photo major until this
love to see all the regular touristy places like
past winter quarter, and the very first college
Big Ben and the Taj Mahal, but I also want to
My greatest ambition after graduation is
professor I had was…interesting at best. My
visit spots where just the locals go. If I had the
to somehow work towards human rights. I
very first college class ever, the guy showed up
time and money to travel all over the world, I’d
have a great interest in fair trade and citizen
to class 10 minutes late and when he spoke, it
do it in a heartbeat.
was so quiet that no one could hear him. After about an hour, he gave us our first assignment
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
as college freshman and then said, “Now get the hell out.” All 18 of us booked it.
My most impressive accomplishment so far is
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what you be and why? I would be a teddy bear or stuffed animal,
making the Dean’s list three times.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go, and why?
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
I honestly cannot pick just one place. I live
The most memorable class I’ve had so far is
literally, want to travel most everywhere. I’d
vicariously through the Travel Channel, so I
because I love cuddling.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
What is your greatest fear? Getting pooped on by a seagull is my only fear.
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
Born in Germany, moved to Pakistan, back to
What brought you to RIT?
Freezing to death. I heard you get crazy
Germany, California, Malaysia, Australia, back
The Sentinel. I seriously love the hypocrisy.
hallucinations and such when it starts
to Malaysia, Florida, Texas, and now I live in
Square buildings filled with math and
to happen, so it seems like a bit more
science - places where gravity and structure
entertaining way to go.
makessense. Yet in the heart of the campus is
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? Ground sloth – what’s more legit than a sloth that’s 5 meters tall?
a mesh of abstract metal and impossibility which is I guess why people hate it?
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT? I came to RIT because it seemed right. I visited
What was the most memorable class you’ve had?
multiple times and when I came for the
That has to be Materials Processing my first
If you had to choose between burning to death or freezing to death, which would you choose?
College and Careers program my heart was set
quarter here. This isn’t because of the material
The only reason I have the answer to this
on it. I remember telling my mom when I got
but because of a very important lesson
question is because I talked about it in my
back into the car to leave “I’m coming here.”
Professor Scarborough taught us the first week
Materials Science Lab the other day as we were
of class. “If you think outside the box people
arguing if we would rather stick our finger in
die. You have to think on the edge of the box.”
hot oil or -60 degree C alcohol. I would rather
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? I would be an eagle. So I could soar in the skies at a whim and look at everything below with great ease and power.
freeze to death because I would loose the feeling in my nerves.
photograph by Robert Luessen
If you had 10 seconds to impress someone, what would you do or say?
How do you feel about your major? In my time at RIT, New Media Interactive
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why?
Whip out my Taylor acoustic-electric, my
Development has undergone two or three
Every single person whose name appears on
name changes, and the name still doesn’t
the left-hand side of page 6. They’re the reason
loop pedal and an amp, and build a song from
accurately convey what we New Media (ID)
there’s a magazine every week.
scratch. That may take more than 10 seconds
Kids do. So, here’s a clarification: we are the
for the full effect though.
rejects of building 7 and building 70; we are
What is your greatest fear?
social media and internet enthusiasts; and
Clowns. And spiders. …spiders with clown
we make cool shit. (Shameless plug: check out
faces? *shudder*
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why? A hat. It could be a baseball cap, a fedora hat or beret. Or I’ll take a cowboy hat, a beanie, or a jester’s three-point cap.
Sketchbox at Imagine RIT! And all the other New Media Team Projects.)
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
game since the middle of my freshman year.
RIT never crossed my mind until around the
I sit in the Corner Crew every time I go and
fall of my senior year of high school. When
would hate to sit anywhere else. Watching
a friend recommended that I check out the
the Tigers win the AHA championship,
What do you think needs improvement at RIT?
campus, I made the trip up from Pennsylvania
beat Denver University, slaughter UNH, and
A lot of my friends are really involved on
and have been set on going here ever since.
advance to the Frozen Four in Detroit (of which
campus, and a lot of people I know like it
The fact that RIT had the first IT program in
I was in attendance) has made for some of the
here. However, there’s still a large number of
the country really appealed to me, and I also
greatest weekends ever.
students who don’t seem to ever do anything
liked that I would have nine months of co-op
at some point in my life.
and then complain that campus is boring.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
How can the campus improve so that more
I would love to go back to Australia – I went
really know how to answer that question, but
What is your most memorable moment at RIT?
after my sophomore year of high school and
it bothers me sometimes to see the lack of
absolutely loved the country. I love traveling,
school spirit and involvement here.
I’ve been going to almost every home hockey
so I would really like to go almost everywhere
experience before going out into the “real world
people actually like to be here? I guess I don’t
photograph by Robert Luessen
What is something that people love about you?
What is your greatest fear? I don’t like creepy crawly things, but my
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
My sarcastic sense of humor and ability to be
greatest fear would be never making anything
I would go to Paris to see the fashion and
nice at the same time
of my life after I graduate.
haute couture fashions shows.
Has anyone at RIT inspired you? How and why?
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
I have been inspired by many people here at
My most impressive accomplishment so far is
RIT. My mentor Professor Miller has inspired
getting into college. I come from a family six
me to start thinking about the kind of career
and there isn’t much money to go around, and
I want and to go for it instead of hoping it will
my parents did not go to college. I am the first
come to me.
in my family to go to college.
photograph by Robert Luessen
What brought you to RIT?
but if I could, I would go to somewhere scenic
A coin flip. It was either RIT or Emerson
and secluded in Japan. I love the pictures
College. I’m glad it landed on tails.
of their mountains, cherry blossoms, and
What is your most impressive accomplishment so far?
ancient shrines nestled in the wilderness. I
If you could be any inanimate object/animal/indigenous plant variety, what would you be and why?
feel it could free my mind from the fast-paced
I would love to be a Peregrine Falcon because
industry my career is geared towards.
they are extremely fast (they can achieve
I was able to stay up 12 consecutive days (with
speeds of around 200mph), and the can glide
few minimal naps) in order to complete an
How do you feel about your major?
high above Earth’s terrain so I can appreciate
ambitious two quarter animated film this past
I often consider it comparable to child birth
all the natural beauty below me. Plus, I think
Fall and Winter.
(although I know I will never know the feeling):
gliding would be a cool feeling to experience.
it requires a lot of effort, time, and loving care,
If I could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
and if you persevere through the pain, you’ll
I’m not exactly comfortable traveling to other
to me, is a labor of love.
countries where they don’t speak English,
end up with something beautiful. Animation