October 2010 EP

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The East Providence

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Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence



Tuesday November 2nd


“It’s All About The Kids…” By Gina Wesley-Silva

When you first meet Dr. Nadine Lima, the newly appointed principal of Emma G. Whiteknact Elementary School in East Providence, words like “elegant” and “refined” immediately come to mind. Dr. Lima is tall and commanding, and she possesses a kind, yet determined manner. She comes across as no-nonsense leader who is both fair and wise. Dr. Lima is a focused and passionate administrator who is adamant about making certain that the needs of her students are her top priority. “I have a student-centered approach,” she explains, “not only educationally, but emotionally and socially too. Our little ones come to us and we have to do our best to meet all of their needs! That is my main focus!” Lima explains that her “kids come first” attitude and approach to life was taught to her by her beloved role model and mentor, her late grandmother. “My Nanny was a wonderful woman! She taught me early on that kids have to be the priority. It just makes sense! Everything has got to be centered around their benefit,” she said emphatically. Dr. Lima arrived at Whiteknact as part of a city wide restructuring program. Her career in the East Providence school system began with an assignment at Orlo Ave School from August 000 through June 004, and then continued with an assignment at J.R.D. Oldham School from August 004 through June 010. When asked how she felt about the E.P. school system, Dr. Lima explained, “I like the concept of neighborhood schools! The schools tend to be small and manageable, so as the principal you are really able to get to know your students, because it‘s about them! It‘s about creating a friendly, yet educational environment for learning and teaching.” She went on to explain, “We’re here for the kids! We are public servants and we get paid to serve the children, so it is up to us to set the foundation to support students so that they can succeed.” continued on page 4

Silver Spring Students Kate Mendillo, Paige and Ashlyn Messier had their 2nd annual lemonade stand fundraiser in September. With the help of the Townie Football team they were able to raise close to $150.00, which was matched by Townie Alumni John Carnevale. Close to $300.00 was given to a local child who had major surgery in September.

The Reporter October 2010


October 010 The Reporter


East Providence News Briefs Police Investigating Green Laser Pointer Directed From Riverside Into Two Airplanes

Pilots from two airplanes have reported that green laser pointers, popular among stargazers, have been shined into their cabins over the last month. The lasers are strong enough to cause temporary blindness and such a condition while piloting an airplane has obvious safety issues. It is believed that the beams have originated from Riverside and are being investigated by a team of law enforcement and public safety agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the Rhode Island State Police and the East Providence Police Department (EPPD). Directing laser pointers towards an aircraft is a federal crime that carries a penalty of a minimum of 10 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. Anyone with information on this matter can contact Lt. Blinn at 435-7600.

Water Level Of Turner Reservoir Dam To Be Lowered To Start Fish Passage Construction For Ten Mile River Restoration

The contractor hired to construct fish passage facilities at Hunts Mill and Turner Reservoir Dams in East Providence, Rhode Island, will start mobilizing at the site to start construction on Sept. 6, 010. In order to begin construction of the fish passage facilities, the water level at Turner Reservoir Dam must be lowered 30-4 inches. As a result, 15 feet or more of shoreline may be exposed. Officials anticipate that it may take two to three weeks to complete the water lowering for the contractor to start the work. The Ten Mile River watershed, with a total drainage area of about 56 square miles, is located in southeastern Massachusetts and northeastern Rhode Island. About 51 square miles of this drainage area are situated in Massachusetts and the remaining five square miles are located in Rhode Island. For more than 00 years, dams have blocked anadromous river

herring (blueback herring and alewives) and American shad from their historic spawning grounds in the Ten Mile River watershed. These anadromous fish live as adults in salt water, but must return to freshwater to spawn. The project area includes the lower portion of the Ten Mile River watershed, with a specific focus toward providing anadromous fish passage at the first (lowest) three dams on the river: Omega Pond Dam, Hunts Mill Dam and Turner Reservoir Dam. The city of East Providence and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) are the nonfederal sponsors for this environmental restoration project. The Denil fishways will provide for upstream migration of adult Blueback Herring, Alewife, and American shad to historic spawning areas. Each Denil fishway would be 4-feet wide and have a 1 vertical on 8 horizontal floor slope to allow the passage of both river herring (blueback herring and alewives) and American shad. The project will restore anadromous fish populations to the lower Ten Mile River up to the Golf Club Dam in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. This would allow anadromous alewives access to about 340 acres of spawning habitat within Omega Pond, Hunts Mill Pond and Turner Reservoir and provide approximately three miles of riverine spawning habitat for blueback herring and American shad.

Become A Fan Of The Carousel On Facebook

Did you know the Carousel has a Facebook page? Share memories, photos and stories about the Carousel.


The Crescent Park Carousel was built in 1895 by Charles I.D. Looff, one of the earliest and foremost carousel designers. The Crescent Park Carousel is nationally recognized as a true masterpiece of wood sculpture. Originally built as a showcase for prospective buyers, it is the largest and most elaborate of Looff’s works. The Carousel contains 6 beautifully hand carved figures and four fanciful chariots. Overall richness of effect was Looff’s trademark and the Crescent Park Carousel gives full interpretation to that spirit. Elaborate embellishments of decorative panels, beveled mirrors, faceted glass jewels, electric lights, colored sandwich glass windows and its original band organ

music surround flying steeds to create Looff’s “Total Carousel Experience.” Saved in the 1970’s by a handful of residents, the Crescent Park Carousel was placed on the National Register of Historic sites and places in 1976. In 1985, the Rhode Island General Assembly proclaimed the Carousel as the State Jewel of American Folk Art and in 1987, the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, designated the Carousel as a National Historic Landmark. Volunteers are always welcome for Carousel Fundraising Events. If interested please call the Carousel Commission office at (401) 435-7518.

010 Prices Carousel Rides $1.00 Every Thursday is Kid’s Day 75 cents per ride all Day!

Inside this Issue Births..................................7 Business Directory...................78 Classifieds................................ 77 Clubs......................................34 Dining Guide............................74 E.P. Chamber of Commerce..... EBCAP News............................ 3 Events & Activities.................... 8 Fall Home Improvement.........50 How You Can Help.................64 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................55 News Briefs................................3 Opinion............................. Candidates Letters.......59 From the Mayor................. 0 EP School Committee........17 East Bay Center.................14 Parks and Recreation.............. 7 People......................................4 Senior Center News................67 Scouts...............................56 Town News.............................6 Weddings/Engagements......71 Who's Who.............................65


The Reporter October 010

continued from cover...

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“It’s All About The Kids…”

By Gina Wesley-Silva Dr. Lima says another aspect of the neighborhood schools that she particularly enjoys is getting to know the students’ family. “You really get to know the parents and families of the students too. Parents are more apt to be involved when the school is right down the street, and sometimes the parents went to the school themselves, so there is a real sense of involvement and community within the school,” she says. However, not one to upset the apple cart without a good reason, Dr. Lima says she intends to spend her first year getting to know the staff and the various routines that are already established at Whiteknact before she makes any significant changes. Lima says she did her doctorate on school cultures, and the principals’ role in creating a positive school culture. “What I’ll do in my first year is just learn the community, learn all constituents, and not make any drastic changes unless it has to do with student safety or well-being.” She then added, “Some administrators have a more aggressive approach, and they come in and change things right away, but I tend to be a little bit more deliberate then that.” And, as for how she sees her role as principal, she says, “The principles’ role is to set the tone, and also to serve as a facilitator. It’s a lonely job, on the elementary level, because it’s just you - but it is also a job where you are able to self- reflect a lot, and I like that.” Dr. Lima also describes her role as principal as somewhat of a “resident parent”. “When the parents drop their children off in the morning they expect them to return home safely. So, as soon as they come in the front door they’re mine. I am the parent outside the home, and it is a big responsibility,” she says. When asked what her greatest difficulties or challenges might be this year, Dr. Lima thought for a few seconds, and then replied. “To learn the dynamics and the culture of this school. That’s going to be a challenge, but is also exciting! And, little things are important, such as where are fire drills held, or where do the kids line up in the morning. It‘s the simple little organizational things like those that I will focus on learning first,” she said. As a child Dr. Lima attended school(s) in Seekonk, MA and in East Providence. She received her undergrad degree from Kings College in New York, and then began teaching in the Boston area. Later she moved back to RI, where she received a Masters Degree in Educational Administration from Providence College, and then went on to receive a Doctorate in Educational Leadership (K - 1 ) from Johnson & Wales.

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We hope you enjoy receiving our paper each month! We encourage you to continue to send us your news, letters, and announcements. We also hope you will support your local businesses because they make this newspaper possible!

October 010 The Reporter


The East Providence


Letters to the Editor...

Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please note: • Letters MuSt be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MuSt arrive by the 15th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!

Email: news@eastprovreporter.com

Do You Even Know Who Your State Senator Is? I Didn’t.

I’m David Sullivan a pro-life single guy with a strong Christian faith and boy are we in a mess! Rhode Islanders will be paying for this current mess into the foreseeable future if voters do not get to the polls and ‘’vote the bums out’’! My opponent, Senator DaPonte, for 1 years now, has helped lead us here. On Nov you can choose to either help save Rhode Island from its problems, or you can let Senator DaPonte and his friends conduct business as usual. Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. This is insanity! It will take strong leadership to make this state prosperous again and I believe I as a self employed small businessman have the experience and moral backbone to confront issues head-on. I’ve worked! From a lemonade stand to paper routes, I’ve been a house painter, landscaper, yes even a garbage man! Mr. Daponte was elected at 0 and is by all accounts a career politician. I wouldn’t mind if my taxes weren’t so high and the roads weren’t such a disaster! So what would I busy myself doing as your Senator? I’ll vote to stop spending money that we do not have, make illegals respect the process or go home and lower taxes by eliminating fraud and waste. People are getting paid that do not work for it! People are receiving benefits that aren’t citizens! People are taking advantage of our compassion! I’ve heard stories about mothers receiving free childcare while they go to the beach! They don’t even have jobs? I also believe it is unfair to overtax homeowners to the point they can no longer afford their homes. I’ve been an investor since 87 and a real estate broker for years. I understand that high taxes discourage home owner-

ship and that in turn hurts the tax base! I also believe landlords have few rights against bad tenants. Leveling the playing field will encourage investment in multi family homes and boost property values! I understand the grief of the homeowner because I’m one! In both Pawtucket and East Providence. My assessments go down and my bills still increase! Cutting taxes is the only way to attract business back to Rhode Island and eliminating waste is the only way to cut taxes! I hope others in District 14 will afford me the opportunity to serve. I believe you will be glad you did. Mr. Daponte has had over a decade. I’d like a shot at getting better results than this. November nd! David Sullivan Senate district 14

P.O. box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

© 010 Target Marketing Group, Inc.

We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect local areas. We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified ads and display advertising.

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East Providence Republicans

Even though it was a beautiful day to vote, it was a bad day for the East Providence Republican City Committee. I have just reviewed the September 14 Primary results. What I saw was the results of blatant misuse of power by The Republican City Committee. Their lack of focus and team playing caused them to lose every position with in the primary they were seeking within our City. This committee’s lack of leadership has basically given all seats to the Democrats. They have now or will lose control of power in the school committee and city council. Even though our City electoral system is non-partisan, we still need a strong multiparty system. The Republican Party of East Providence needs to look within itself and find a means to correct their shortcomings. Bob Enos continued on page 6

Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento call 401-569-47 6 Feature Writers David Howard Carolyn Bray Laura Calverley Gina Wesley-Silva Photography Norm Spring technical/graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Special thanks to: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral TCI Press

PhOnE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 news@eastprovreporter.com Visit Our Website at... www.EastProvReporter.com

The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.

The Reporter October 010


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Restoring Civility to the City

Restoring civility to the city. This is the talking point of the union backed candidates in our city. What civility do they wish to achieve? I recall attending a school committee meeting where union members throughout the state took our high school auditorium making demands of my community. I even recall a union member’s twisted face of rage screaming at an elderly lady, “If you don’t like the taxes, MOVE!” Such civility! So how is civility restored? East Providence has always had a School Committee and City Council made up of a majority of union affiliated members. Throughout time they benefited themselves and their family members giving away the store in generous contracts and constant tax increases to pay for them ignoring the infrastructure of our city, our crumbling schools and ignoring the downward spiral of our school system. At one time, the public sector workers had the great benefit of job security over making the “big bucks” of the private sector. That is no longer the case, now they got it all, job security, a Rolls Royce package of benefits, lifetime pensions and yearly raises, step increases and whatever else they can grab through contract negotiations. The private sector is struggling with job insecurity, companies cutting back, government imposed health care and most people who are lucky enough to be working are running scared. When the union members scream “I pay taxes too!” well, yeah, you’re happy to pay to keep your livelihood. However, the rest of us are paying you and question what we’re getting for our hard earned money. Joe Larisa is not well like, but likeable is not what I want. I want somebody who’s watching my pocketbook, not caving into bullying demands by union thugs. Tony Carcieri, he’s hated by the unions. That’s good enough for me. That means he’s doing his job. Tony and Steve Santos are looking out for the best interests of the students first, not the adults employed by the school department. Hopefully, we will get past SC member John Amaral on board. At one time, he was the only member asking for co-pays and pension reform which fell on deaf ears in a union controlled school committee. Look at the candidates running and who’s contributing to their campaigns. Go to the Board of Elections website and check for yourself. Do you want candidates backed by unions who have nothing to do with your community or people who are looking out for you? So what’s your choice, East Providence? Civility and high taxes or fiscal responsibility? Fran Brelsford Riverside, RI

Richard Rodi Can Make a Difference

During the last Presidential election my doorbell rang and when I opened the door it was a man who told me he was Richard Rodi and he was running for State Representative. Now I have been here in Rhode Island since I was 7 from Portugal and have never voted. I explained to Mr. Rodi that I felt all politicians for the most part don’t listen to the voters and are crooks, so I was not interested. He nodded and continued to listen as I explained everything I felt was wrong with our City and State and how I am a businessman with a family that no one gave anything to. How I worked hard for everything I have and that it seemed the State just keeps making it tougher and tougher on us all. After about twenty minutes of listening to me explain it all Mr. Rodi asked me a pretty simple question. “Then why don’t you vote?” I then explained that I felt my vote does not matter any way. He said, “Then you cannot complain if you don’t vote.” He went on about why it is so important to vote and that my vote does count. He said that I have a voice and the freedom to express my views in the voting booth. I remember him saying, “You have to be part

October 010 The Reporter of the process to help change the process, but again if you don’t vote then you have no voice”. We shook hands and he wished me and my family well and went on his way to the next house. Over the next week or two I decided that Mr. Rodi was right and that I should register to vote. I made my way over to City Hall one afternoon to register to vote. As I was filling out a voter registration application I noticed that Mr. Rodi walked in with his son for some election business. I tapped him on the shoulder and asked, Mr. Rodi, do you remember me? For a second he looked at me and said with a smile, “Antonio?” he then said how happy he was to see that I was registering to vote. I was impressed that he remembered my name. I told him that he inspired me to vote after our talk on my lawn. He then asked, “So do I have your vote?” I told him I was still thinking about it and would consider him. A few weeks later Mr. Rodi was on my porch again asking for my vote. After another long talk I agreed to support him and told him I would ask my wife and family to do the same. He then went a little further and asked if I would put his sign on my lawn, I said no I don’t feel good putting signs on my lawn, he then said fair enough and shook my hand and as he walked towards his truck I stopped him and said, give me 4 signs. For the first time in my life I became a voter and I was supporting a candidate for office and was putting a sign on my lawn and commercial properties. Even though Mr. Rodi eventually lost his race, I have continuously seen him in the neighborhood or in the paper. He has been working hard for us and I called him a few months ago and asked him, are you planning on running again, he said yes and I told him that he has my vote. I think he is a hard working guy that really cares about the people of this state. He would make a difference. So vote for him, we need a guy like him for a change. Thank you. Antonio Moniz East Providence


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Elect Dr. Isadore Ramos Senate District 18

The Truly Independent Candidate!

Dr. Ramos Pledges to:

• Place senate salary/benefits of over $20,000 in a charitable fund for local residents or groups. A review committee of residents will disperse grants based on need. • Dr. Ramos will also not accept any “buyback” stipends for not taking health care. • Introduce legislation to eliminate unfunded state mandates, lowering taxes. • Not support “new” programs that would raise city or state expenses. • Dr. Ramos will continue his long-time style of open and fair government. “As a retiree, I will be available to you every day. You’re well-being is my concern above any special interests. Please consider my candidacy, Thank You!” - Isadore S. Ramos Paid for by the Friends of Isadore S. Ramos.



The Reporter October 010

Why Didn’t Anyone Debate Mr. Gerling?

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I recently attended a debate held by the East Bay Republicans and the Rhode Island Voter Coalition. I had received an email stating that three of the candidates for my district (District 18) would be there. Senator DeVall (Democrat), James Miller (Independent) and Steve Gerling (Republican) had all replied stating they would be there. I thought it would be a great opportunity to hear their opinions on how to help Rhode Island. Mr. Gerling was the only candidate who showed up. He gave a presentation of his views, and answered questions from the audience, some of which were very difficult. The organizers of the debate tried to make sure that voters were able to hear the facts. All I can assume is that Mr. Gerling was the only one who really wanted the public to hear his platform. These people want East Providence voters to elect them on November nd, but it seems that Senator DeVall and Mr. Miller either don’t want the voters to hear what they have to say, or didn’t want to go up against Mr. Gerling. I hope voters will take this into account when they go to the polls in November. Lola Lee

I need your support and I ask for your vote on November 2nd.

The proximity of East Providence to the capital city of Providence holds numerous opportunities for growth. The future of our city depends on it. We need our elected officials to do their best for East Providence and its citizens to prosper! FIXINg OUR ECONOMY STARTS wITH ATTRACTINg NEw BUSINESSES TO OUR COMMUNITY wITH LESS RED TAPE IN LICENSINg & PERMITTINg AND TO SUPPORT THE ALREADY ESTABLISHED SMALL BUSINESSES wITH JOB gROwTH TAX INCENTIVES & OPPORTUNITIES TO SECURE STATE CONTRACTS.

Vote DEVALL November 2nd For a ride to the polls call (401) 862-1921 Paid for by the Friends of Frank DeVall • Political Advertisement

October 010 The Reporter

Have We Learned Yet?

Thank You

This will be the last issue of The Reporter that most people will read before the November elections, and the last chance readers will get to make an informed decision about what each candidate really stands for. If you’ve visited my website (see my ad), all you September 14th was a wonderful day for myself have to do is read, because my schedule is spelled out clearly and my family. I want to thank the people of without additives like; “will work towards” or “will explore possibiliRiverside for coming out and supporting me on ties”. We’ve already “explored” what happens when government my first run for public office. refuses to stop spending, and the legislature has indeed “worked towards” shifting the burden of their mismanagement onto cities Since announcing my candidacy I have received and towns with proven disastrous results. The reality is that this is a tremendous amount of encouragement, the tipping point. If we don’t stop the wasteful spending this time, support and enthusiasm. we may lose the ability to do so. They are hoping you don’t realize that. Have we learned why they are vague about their plans? Have I am truly humbled. we learned that we cannot tax ourselves into prosperity? This election, the same old gang that invented wasteful spendSincerely, ing now claims they want to eliminate it. Any Democrat claiming Michael D. DiGioia to be less likely to raise your taxes seems to me like a kid claiming to be the driest one in the pool, so the voters get fed promises that Please consider me. Vote Tuesday, November 2nd fighting tax increases is a work in progress. I suppose they want voters to believe they keep planning to “do that next time”. Have we learned that they don’t really intend to keep their promises to taxpayers and businesses? No politician should dare make the absurd promise to create jobs, because the truth is; they can’t. Jobs are created when businesses need employees, and feel confident enough in the economy to hire them. I find it frightening that tired old misnomers such as “economic development” are still bantered about when existing business has been begging for our help all along. Business doesn’t need development, but it needs relief so it can develop ENDORSED DEMOCRAT - CITY COUNCIL WARD 4 itself. Generally, it is counterproductive to develop something and Paid for by the friends of Michael DiGioia strangle it at the same time. We would do well to worry more about the foot on our neck than getting a new shirt. Let’s get the cost of doing business down, and let the business owners do the rest. Have we learned why people open businesses yet? If not for the tragedy, I would find it comical that after we boot out the guy selling snake oil, a salesman comes over the Average Size hill selling a magical elixir, and people get Ranch or Cape Home in line to buy it. Democrats tell voters they will “work, help, support”, or maybe even “fight for” vaguely depicted ideals of security, but they avoid definitive terms like; “will sponsor” or “will introduce”. How secure is 1200 sq. ft. that? How about; “state aid to reduce local Comparable savings on larger homes taxes”? Have we learned where (or from whom) the state gets its money? Please, go outside and look at your roof. How long before you need to fix it? Does your porch, deck, or driveway need repair? Is your car getting old? Does it need work? How about tires? Are you putting it off because you can’t comfortably spend the 1379 Grand Army Highway money? The roofer, the contractor and the Route 6 • Swansea mechanic are suffering too, because more and more of your money is being funneled through the statehouse and to those of their choosing before it gets to you. Private business is being squeezed out. Still they dare FREE Estimates to promise that this time, they are listening. Your Local Family Run Business for over 50 years! Have we learned who it is the Democrats seek to help?




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continued on next page...

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The Reporter October 010

We’ve Teamed Up! Lezaola Thompson Insurance Inc.

In the comic strip “Peanuts”, poor Charlie Brown never realized that Lucy was always going to pull the football away just before he kicked it, no matter how many times she promised not to. Time after time, he fell for the same old tired gag. Charles Schultz wanted you to laugh at such pathetic inadequacies, not live them. Do you wonder why some signs don’t read; “raise taxes”? Steve Gerling

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East Prov. School Comm. Chairman asked to Resign

As residents of East Providence, we are outraged at the actions taken by East Providence School Committee Chairman Anthony Carcieri on his stopping a Wheeler School bus traveling on the Henderson Bridge after a student threw orange peels out the bus window hitting Mr. Carcieri’s automobile traveling behind the bus. The student was wrong, but the reaction from Mr. Carcieri in his stopping, boarding the school bus and yelling at the students was abusive and of a bullying nature. This could open the door for the





Seekonk: Steps from Turner Reservoir. Cape on dead end w/water access, 3 beds, 2 baths, fireplace, hwds. Updates: roof, vinyl, windows, furnace. Mint move-in condition! $249,900. Robin lozito 401-486-6937






east providence: 3-fam w 2 car garage. 1st/2nd identical - liv rm w fp, hwds, dining rm, EIK, 2 beds, full bath, 3rd flr Studio w additional bed, kitchen, bath. Replacement windows, 259,900 bill duquette 401-258-6826

Seekonk: Great price for this 2 bedroom home. Close to highway! Finished room in basement! Great condo alternative. must see inside to appreciate! Call today for a showing! $189,000. Jodi hedrick 508-509-3925











Riverside: Great little starter or downsize! 2 beds or 1 bed and dining room terrific very private yard fence w/ huge deck 1 car garage outstanding area great value!! Come see... $164,900. Jane Marshall 401-486-4847

Rumford: Cape, kitchen w/island + dining opens to liv rm w/hdwds & sliders to deck and pool. New windows, vinyl siding, mstr w/whirlpool, finished lower. 4 BR's, 2 full baths, $239,900. Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677

barrington: Sweet Ranch in desirable Primrose. New windows, young roof. Sunny & spacious yard ready for your garden! Hwds, lg family room. Great starter or retirement! $215,000. Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677

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October 2010 The Reporter possibility of future acts by others that may be far worse. No one, and we repeat, no one (except for the police), should be allowed to stop a school bus carrying students and be allowed to board without the police being alerted and called to the scene as a Code Red Alert. School bullying does not stop alone with students, but includes teachers, parents and even school committee members. Mr. Carcieri, you were wrong and showed a complete lack of the leadership that was entrusted upon you by the citizens of East Providence in caring for our students. You have failed us and we ask that you submit your resignation immediately. We further ask the School Committee to immediately censure you on all future actions taken by the school committee while we await your resignation as a member of the School Committee. We no longer want you on the School Committee handling students and school business. Mr. Carcieri, you uncontrollably bullied these young children and we ask you to submit your letter of resignation immediately for the betterment of our community! William and Elaine Drapeau Rumford, RI


Helio Melo for

State Representative District 64 Thank you for your support in the past. I am asking for it again.

Mr. Carcieri was asked by the Reporter if he wished to respond to this letter. His comment follows: “This “letter” is just another feeble attempt by my opposition to distract the East Providence Voters from the real issues in this election.” Tony Carcieri

What: Representatives from dozens of statewide mental health advocacy, support and information resources will be on hand to offer details about services and resources available for parents, families, teachers, and children and adolescents with special mental health needs. Participating organizations include: Rhode Island Parent Information Network; Parent Support Network of Rhode Island; Rhode Island Department of Human Services Center for Child and Family Health; Office of the Mental Health Advocate; Rhode Island Disability Law Center; CEDARR Family Centers; and the Rhode Island Bar Association.

Thursday, October 28 6 to 8 p.m.

Where: Bradley Hospital Ruggles Gymnasium 1011 Veterans Memorial Parkway East Providence, RI Other: This event is sponsored by the Bradley Hospital Family Liaison Program and the Lifespan Health Connection. It is free and open to the public. Registration is requested. Please contact Chris Brown at 401-432-1205.

VOTE Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 Paid for by the friends of Helio Melo

Bradley Hospital hosts fifth annual Family Resource and Educational Fair


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The Reporter October 2010

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Primary Results for East Providence, September, 2010 by Carolyn Bray

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East Providence residents bucked a national trend in the September 14 primaries by reinstating a number of incumbents as their party nominees: State Senators Frank DeVall Rex Cleaners and Daniel DaPonte won their Democratic primaries against opponents John Rossi and 2838 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence RI Brian Castro (Castro, however, was elected to join DaPonte and thirteen others on the Ward Committee). Republican David Sullivan will oppose Daniel DaPonte for the District 14 seat Anawan Cleaners in November; Republican Stephen Gerling is running against Frank DeVall. Junction Plaza , Rt.44-118, Rehoboth MA Democratic incumbent Helio Melo (District 64) was unopposed in a primary for his office, as was incumbent Roberto DaSilva (District 63), along with Mary Duffy Messier (District 62) S & B Cleaners and Joy Hearn (District 66). Mr. Melo and Mr. DaSilva will be unopposed for re-election Briarwood Plaza, 8 Olney St., Seekonk MA in November, but Mary Duffy Messier will face Republican opponent Thomas Clupny, and Perfect Tailoring Joy Hearn will face Republican candidate Margaret Kane for District 66; both Clupny and 454 Taunton Ave., Seekonk MA Kane had no opponents in their primaries. Republican incumbent John Savage was essentially re-nominated to his District 65 seat, defeating fellow Republican Stephanie Sivalingham, and will be unopposed in the election. After a bruising year of battles over teacher, police and firefighter contracts, two City Council members chose to step down, so Valerie Perry’s seat will be filled by either Thomas Rose or Steven Gianlorenzo, the top two (with no party designation) vote-getters respectively, both of them getting more votes than fellow nominee Stephen Arruda. City Councilman Bruce DiTraglia will be challenged • Furniture • Brush for his seat on the Council in November by the bigger unaffiliated • Appliances • Yard Waste vote-getter for Ward 4, Michael DiGioia; both of them got more votes in the primary than William Ricci. • Construction Debris • Trash Bruce Rogers, a Democrat and former Mayor, seeks to replace Demolition of...Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools Brian Coogan on the City Council, who is stepping down. Council-at-Large Mayor Joseph Larisa will be opposed by former City Let us do the work Solicitor and Democrat Billy Conley in November. Councilman Free Estimates Call Tony Robert Cusack, widely considered Mayor Larisa’s right-hand man, faces a political newcomer and Democrat named Katie Kleyla. (It is interesting to note that the trend toward incumbents seen in some East Providence races did not carry over into the Providence mayoral election, in which the two men with long histories in local politics - John Lombardi and Steven Costantino - were defeated soundly in the Democratic primary by relative newcomer Angel Taveras, who got almost 50% of that Providence vote.) According to the Board of Canvassers, the East Providence School Committee members - who were also involved in some controversial decisions in the past two years - will all be up for reFree Estimates election in November. Signs popping up around town state that Charlie Tsonos is seeking the seat on that committee now held by INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL publicly outspoken Chairman Anthony Carcieri. At-large member Luisa Abatecola is being opposed by John Amaral. The incumbent CAMERON MA 508-643-0001 from Ward 4, Steven Santos, has been opposed by Christine Rossi. FAX: 508-222-5510 CONSTRUCTION & ROOFING Incumbent Robert Faria faces Ryan Tellier; Shannon Barbosa is RI 401-724-0009 68 Falmouth Street stepping down and only Stephen Furtado has applied to take her www.cameron-roofing.com Attleboro, MA 02703 place.

REMOVAL SERVICE Attic - Cellar - Total House We take everything


October 2010 The Reporter John Loughlin will be the Republican running for the Congressional seat vacated by Patrick Kennedy in a race against outgoing Providence Mayor and Democrat David Cicilline, who won the Democratic primary against (in descending order of votes gotten in East Providence) former Rhode Island Democratic Party chair Bill Lynch, State Representative David Segal, and Anthony Gemma. Loughlin was opposed in the Republican primary by Kara Russo, who also ran for the Lieutenant Governor slot - and lost - against Heidi Rogers for that Republican nomination. Even though she defeated Russo in the primaries, after the votes were in Heidi Rogers announced that she would not pursue the Lieutenant Governor post, so incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Roberts, who defeated fellow Democrat Jeremy Kapstein in that primary, may be running unopposed by anyone other than Robert Healey of the Cool Moose Party. As we go to press, Republican and primary-loser Kara Russo is trying to revive her candidacy for the Lieutenant Governor post. Chris Blazejewski defeated Therese Caron to be the Democratic nominee for the State House seat vacated by David Segal when he ran for Patrick Kennedy’s seat. Incumbent Congressman James Langevin won the Democratic primary for his seat against Betsey Dennigan and Ernest Greco, and will be opposed in the election by Republican Mark Zaccaria, who defeated (in descending number of East Providence votes gotten) William Clegg III, Michael Gardiner and Donald Robbio in the Republican primary. John Robitaille defeated Victor Moffitt in the Republican gubernatorial race. Robitaille will go up against outgoing Treasurer and Democrat Frank Caprio - who ran unopposed in the Democratic primaries - and Independent Lincoln Chafee for the governor‘s office. Rhode Island’s Moderate Party is putting forward their former Chairman, software engineer and entrepreneur Ken Block, as a candidate for Governor. Incumbent Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis won his Democratic primary against State Representative Leonidas Raptakis, and will be opposed in November by Republican Catherine Kerry Taylor, who had no opponent in that Republican primary. In a close race, Peter Kilmartin defeated Stephen Archambault and Joseph Fernandez in the hotly contested Democratic primary to replace Patrick Lynch as Attorney General. Kilmartin will now be running against unopposed Republican candidate Erik Wallin. New TV ads also indicate that longtime lawyer and political activist Keven McKenna is running as an Independent for Attorney General. Ads are also airing for the Moderate Party’s candidate for Attorney General, trial lawyer and former Save the Bay director Chris Little. Gina Raimondo is the unopposed Democratic candidate for General Treasurer, and she will be running against unopposed Republican Kernan King. The top five vote-getters, and thus elected, to Senatorial District Committee 18 are Karen Souza, Sharlene Damiani, Robin Bothelo, Brenda Lister and Michael Tracy. The State Committeewoman for District 65 will be Sharlene Damiani. The fifteen top vote-getters for the East Providence Ward 2 Committee, listed by descending number of votes, were Helio Melo, Daniel DaPonte, Anthony Almeida, Brian Castro, Bryan Silva, Julie Silva, Brian Coogan, John Braga, David Medeiros, Manuel Sousa, Lucy Rose, Fernando Pereira, Brian Monteiro, Matthew Braga and Stephen Furtado. For details on the numbers of votes candidates got in the East Providence races, go to http://www.ri.gov/election/results/2010/ statewide_primary/east_providence/ or call the Board of Canvassers at City Hall.

Call us at 508.252.6575 to advertise in the next issue ads@eastprovreporter.com


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The Reporter October 010

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On September 11, 010, East Bay Center participated in The Rhode Island Rally for Recovery, in honor of the 1st Annual National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month. The event, which was held in Providence at the Roger Williams Memorial Park and was part of official Waterfire festivities, surpassed all expectations for support, collaboration, entertainment, and family fun. EBC staff Patricia Arel, Frances Bradshaw, and Karin M. Donovan joined many community providers throughout the state to empower and celebrate personal journeys towards recovery from mental health and addictions issues. EBC’s table was busy as folks dropped by to ask questions about programs that could benefit themselves or family members. Program brochures were also available to share with friends and family. But the busiest part of the table centered around Pat’s incredible face painting skills for children and adults. It was a lot of fun watching “young and old” flip through Pat’s binder of color photos and having difficulty choosing exactly which character or design they wanted, as each one was more festive than the last. Crafts were also available for children to explore their special creativity by decorating personalized bookmarks and door hangers. The event culminated with a moving processional to Waterfire with a candle lighting in memory of loved ones. Events such as this highlight that help is always available when you most need it. The continuum of our services and the dedication and compassion of our staff provide everything you need to take that initial step. If you or someone you know needs help, please call our intake line at 401- 46-1195 extension 115. We’re here to help you succeed through recovery. We also encourage you to visit our web site at www.eastbay.org for additional information.

Be Safe This Fall: The Miriam Hospital Hosts Safety Fair On Fall Prevention

What: Every year, 1.6 million people visit emergency departments in the United States for fall-related injuries, and approximately 0 to 30 percent of all falls result in fractures. However, many falls can be prevented. The Miriam Hospital is hosting a multidisciplinary safety fair to provide information about fall prevention and ways to improve safety in the home. Information booths and free fall risk screenings will be available. Since more than one third of adults 65 and older experience a fall, psychiatric and geriatric nurse specialist Debbie Mendelsohn, RN, MSN, CNS, also will lead a special lecture on the early signs of dementia. When: Saturday, October 4, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fall risk screenings will be conducted from 10 a.m. to p.m. “Early signs of dementia” lecture will take place at p.m. Where: The Miriam Hospital 164 Summit Avenue Providence, RI Other: The event is free and open to the public. To learn more or to register, please call the Lifespan Health Connection at 401444-4800 or visit www.miriamhospital.org.

October 010 The Reporter

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RIveRSIde - freshly painted 3 bed, 2 bath Colonial. Newly fenced yard, 22x19 great room, (HE) washer & dryer, solar panels, newer heating- wood stove. Come take a look. $269,000. Call Stephanie Duggan 401-477-6186


RuMFoRd - Pristine 3 bed, 1 1/2 bath colonial in Rumford features, hardwoods, open floor plan, huge yard, great location. Just REDUCED to $239,000 call today easy show. Napolitano Team 401-225-7070

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The Reporter October 010

“Tony insists on an Excellent Education for our Kids while “TonyAffordable insists on an our Kids while being forExcellent our EastEducation Providencefor Taxpayers.”

Bob Cusack being Affordable for the East Providence Taxpayers.” City Council, Ward 1

 Led drive for educational excellence at a cost East Providence canexcellence afford. at a cost East  Led drive fortaxpayers educational Providence taxpayers can afford.  Ended unaffordable spending that would have increased property taxes.  Ended unaffordable spending that would have increased property taxes.  Provided professional collaboration time for our teachers. professional collaboration time for our  Provided teachers.  Upgraded classrooms with new technology (computers, educational software and and(computers, new text  Upgraded classrooms withsmart-boards) new technology

Bob Cusack City Council, Ward 1

   

books for kids. educational software and smart-boards) and new text books for kids. Required professional development for our teachers and provided them with the tools they need to be Required professional development for our teachers and successful. provided them with the tools they need to be successful. Stopped rampant nepotism in our school department. Paid for by Friends of Tony Carcieri Stopped rampant nepotism in our school department. Paid for by Friends of Tony Carcieri

October 010 The Reporter


East Providence School Committee Anthony A. Carcieri, EP School Committee Chair

two decisions Reflect Landmark Accomplishments

In difficult times, school committee and administrative leadership require courage to see the forest through the trees. During the deepest recession and record unemployment levels we were faced with an historic deficit, less revenue, unaffordable and unsustainable contracts, and little focus on our long deteriorating school buildings and even worse, less focus on our kids’ education. I understand the difficult balance that must be struck when faced with high employee expectations, past precedent and a stagnant educational system supported by taxpayer dollars. In the past years I have learned that it is easy to be critical of that which we don’t know a lot about. It is easy to become upset by change. I have come to appreciate why previous school committees and administrations may not have questioned the status quo. Questioning the status quo is a very hard thing to do. As we all know now, questioning the status quo results in an uproar. I believe it was done, in part, to maintain labor peace. Working together to maintain labor peace is always preferable. Collaboratively solving major problems is always the ideal way to reach agreement. But, collaboration and negotiation must at a point sooner than later, strike the balance among employee expectations, reinvigorating our educational programs, declining revenue and our East Providence taxpayers’ ability to pay for our schools. I received a letter dated January 13th, from Bill Raabe, a director of the NEA - the national teachers’ union located in Washington, DC, parent organization of the RI NEA and their local affiliate, the EPEA. Thankfully, he admitted that we had been negotiating with the local teachers’ union for over a year. He wrote, “It is my understanding that the School Committee and EPEA have been in bargaining for over a year, which has failed to produce a collective bargaining agreement. After going through interest arbitration, the EPSD rejected the arbitration award as to economic matters, and unilaterally implemented its own last offer, an action that cut $3. million from the salary and benefits of EPSD employees.” Bill Raabe acknowledged that our school committee had been bargaining with the union but he made clear that we must pay for salary increases and benefits with money that we didn’t have in order to truly maintain a spirit of collaboration with union leadership. He wrote, “NEA believes that such unilateral action is improper and destroys the collaborative and collegial spirit between management and labor that is necessary to productive labor relations and to improving our schools.” He closed with, “It is our sincere hope and expectation that the School Committee will reconsider its unilateral action, restore employee salary and benefits cuts, and return to good faith bargaining.” Mr. Raabe’s letter made clear that labor collaboration meant “give the money back.” As chairman and one member of our school committee, I would have liked to see things go better but better would have led to maintaining the status quo. It is unfortunate that this school committee has been portrayed by some people in our community as a body “unwilling to bargain.” We know that “unwilling to bargain” meant unwilling to sign-off on another contract that was unsustainable and unaffordable at the expense of our students’ and taxpayers’ needs. Had we signed off on another standard contract then the status quo would have continued: no meaningful revenue left to replace outdated textbooks; no revenue continued on page 19


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The Reporter October 010

THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY! THE RECORD JOE LARISA DOESN’T TALK ABOUT: • In his last three years as Mayor, taxes have been raised 10.5% • Since taking office in 2008 the City’s bond rating has been downgraded twice • Based on the current audit East Providence’s deficit is $6.1 Million • His deficit reduction plan was rejected by the Auditor General • Was the attorney who put Central Falls into receivership resulting in a junk bond rating and a 19% tax increase imposed by the unelected receiver • Has repeatedly threatened to put the City of East Providence into bankruptcy • In July his conviction for violation of the Rhode Island Code of Ethics was confirmed by the Rhode Island Superior Court

THERE IS A BETTER WAY BILLY CONLEY’S RECORD: • Negotiated collective bargaining agreements for the Town of Johnston which resulted in savings of $5 million • Served as Chief Legal Counsel for the Rhode Island Ethics Commission enforcing the highest ethical standards of conduct for all public officials • Led the Town of Johnston’s successful legal fight enabling development by a global corporation adding millions of dollars to the Town’s tax base • Attacked and reversed existing defaults and judgments against the Town saving hundreds of thousands of dollars for its taxpayers

IF ELECTED BILLY WILL: • Stop attacking our city’s people and start attacking our city’s problems • Never threaten to place the City into bankruptcy • Will implement a deficit reduction plan that will work for the City of East Providence • Restore the City’s bond rating in order to maintain our schools and infrastructure


Elect Billy Conley Councilor At Large


October 010 The Reporter to provide the tools to upgrade our curriculum; no revenue to provide necessary technology to teach our students or to provide our teachers with the teaching tools necessary to support their professional development. Had we maintained the status quo, the taxpayers of East Providence would still be paying the entire health insurance costs for our school districts’ employees. As long as collaboration and bargaining continues without resolution, the status quo is maintained and all at the expense of students and taxpayers in the community. Employees in the public sector are necessary for the greater good of our community. But, our community needs to be able to afford these services without being forced into debt and without forfeiting continuous improvement of these services. And so, we made hard decisions during difficult times but decisions that led to incredible improvements for our students and our community:  The scandal at our Career and Technical Center was stopped in its tracks. Our CTC students will now benefit from expanded programs: Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Web/graphic design, Advertising/media, Bio-science engineering and Environmental & life sciences (in partnership with Brown, URI, Bryant, and Johnson & Wales).  Our teachers now have the necessary tools to improve their professional skills. We now have 3 days of in-district professional development and literacy and numeracy coaches in the elementary and secondary schools.  Our teachers now have time to work collaboratively to improve student achievement levels.  Our students now have the technology to support a 1st century education.  Our math curriculum has been improved and upgraded and our science curriculum will follow.  Professional development is aligned with our curriculum – a first for our school department.  Our facilities have been improved within our current revenue restrictions.  Landmark East Providence School Department /Bradley Partnership- we have brought our special needs kids home.  Administrators and teachers now pay 0% toward the cost of health insurance premium.  Central administration salaries reduced 5%.  Developing a Student & Family Center at abandoned Watters School in partnership with YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, East Bay Community Action and Family TIDES.  Improved student/teacher ratio: 13/1.  Successfully negotiated 4 contracts. Quality education for our kids and savings of over $5 million for taxpayers. I am proud of the fact that our school committee unanimously decided to extend our superintendents’ contract. Dr. Cirillo has delivered innovative, systemic educational upgrades, reached out to create community partnerships and has worked tirelessly to realign our school department to focus on our “Culture of Achievement” in an extraordinarily short period of time. Contrary to the belief of some, such challenges couldn’t ordinarily be addressed without an infusion of significant, additional amounts of money. Money our taxpayers do not have. And so, we have turned enormous challenges into badly needed educational improvements and created innovative community partnerships in the face of difficult times without further burdening our taxpayers. I would like the opportunity to continue this drive for educational excellence at a cost our taxpayers can afford. Thank you, Anthony Carcieri East Providence School Committee, Chairman Ward 1


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Thank You for the Vote of Confidence on Primary Day


Bruce DiTraglia for

Councilman ward 4 A proven candidate for the people

Vote Election Day - Tuesday, Nov. 2nd Paid for by Bruce DiTraglia


The Reporter October 2010


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 

Fighting for Change…and Winning!


Achievements ( Took on Special Interests and Big Union Bosses to save EP from bankruptcy ( Passed and held to lowest tax rate cap in State at 3.5%; other cities at 10%-17% ( Historic cooperation with School Committee, favoring kids over bad contracts ( Led 10 year effort to acquire land, design and construct Rose Larisa Memorial Park Paid for by Larisa for Council

An Independent Voice for EP Taxpayers

FROM THE MAYOR’S DESK by Joseph S. Larisa, Jr.


On November 2nd, you will decide the direction of East Providence for the next 2 years. You will decide whether East Providence passes the first Charter property tax cap in the State. You will determine whether East Providence remains governed by leaders who are committed to economic justice – ensuring that tax rates are capped at a reasonable levels and fighting for fair and equitable labor contracts. You will decide whether East Providence continues to be the leader in protecting its hard-hit property taxpayers during the “great recession” or whether we go back to the bad old days when politics ruled over merit; and property tax rates were raised to whatever level necessary to fund unaffordable salaries and benefits. All over the State, East Providence is talked about as a City unafraid to fight for fairness, a City with leaders willing to challenge the system and bring much needed change in these awful economic times. While most City Councils and School Committees across Rhode Island gave up the fight and went along to get along – with property taxpayers on the short end – we changed the status quo . . . and we are winning. Where we had to, we fought in court, and won time and time again. Whenever we could, however, we reached historic labor agreements that respected Townie taxpayers. When State leaders imposed draconian cuts on East Providence totaling over $7 million a year on our City and schools, we called them out. When they sided with the special interests over the public interest, we exposed them and won. Most all Townies had to cut their expenses; so your City did so too in a big way. No good deed goes unpunished, so now the Big Labor Bosses and Special Interests say that it is time to put all this good government to an abrupt end. They have hand picked their candidates for Council and School Committee with the endorsement of the political machine. While they talk of “new ideas,” in truth they completely reject the necessary change that has taken place in EP over the last two years. Instead, the candidates want to turn back the clock to the days when politics trumped over good government, contracts were more important than kids, and budgets were balanced on the back of Townie taxpayers. For the sake of the future of our City, please take the time to learn about your local candidates. Ask them: 1) Do you support the Charter Amendment the Council placed on the ballot that would lock in the City 3.5% tax cap by placing it in the Charter? 2) Do you pledge never to increase property tax rates above the 3.5% cap for any reason (just as this Council has refused to do even in the “great recession”)?; 3) Do you support the tough stands taken by the Council to ensure fair and affordable labor contracts with real copays?; and 4) Do you support the heroic stand by the School Committee to value kids over expired contracts and their quest for academic excellence for EP schools, while respecting EP property taxpayers? Bad things happen when good people stay home on election day. So please get up to speed and let your voice be heard on November 2, 2010. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please email me at mayorlarisa@verizon.net. * Joe Larisa was elected Mayor of East Providence for a fourth term in December 2008 by the Council. He was elected councilman at large in November 2008, a position he previously held from 1992-2002, and 2004-06.

October 010 The Reporter

Rhode Island Historical Society 189th Annual meeting

Since 1986

Wednesday, November 10th at 5:30 p.m.

Aldrich House; 110 Benevolent Street, Providence, RI For more information: Mary Lou Upham; 401-331-8575 x33 or mlupham@rihs.org You are cordially invited to attend the 010 Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Historical Society as we review the past year and celebrate our progress and achievements, while anticipating exciting new beginnings! A reception will immediately follow the conclusion of the business meeting and speaking program. All RIHS trustees, members, guests, and staff are invited to attend this meeting, program and reception. Admission is free and open to the public, but RSVP is necessary to mlupham@rihs.org or call 401.331.8575 ext. 33 by October 31, 010. This year, our special guest will be Rhode Island documentary filmmaker, Ms. Carla Ricci. Ms. Ricci worked at Harvard University and then Tufts University as Associate Provost for Research. During these years she and her family spent their summers in the tiny mill town of Carolina, RI. Ms. Ricci started a second career about ten years ago making documentary films which allowed her to move to Rhode Island full time… a place she and her family enjoy immensely. The film “Carolina, RI: The Story of a New England Town” is a two hour documentary that will be aired on RI PBS. Our feature presentation will be clips from this award-winning film, along with commentary by Dr. Morgan Grefe, Director of our Goff Center for Education and Public Programs. There will be a question and answer period following the showing. To see the trailer or for more information, visit www.carolinarhodeisland.com.

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“One of the City Council’s most respected and fiscally savvy members…has extensive knowledge about pensions, benefits and credit ratings.” NOV 10

-Providence Journal, July 2, 2010


· Held tax increases to 3.5% while other towns had from 10% to 18% rises. · Insisted on concessions from employee unions and achieved them. · 2010 budget spent LESS than previous year – first time in city history.

Economic Development

· $200 million Village on Waterfront with Chevron is largest project in state · Retained EFD plant with relocation to new facility in East Providence · Attracted Parmatech-Proform to relocate here from MA by changing Enterprise Zone Paid for by Cusack for Council


· Recruited and appointed highly qualified citizens for City Boards and Commissions · Council Trustee on Pension Fund – gain of 22% in 2009 · Responded to all calls for service by constituents in a timely manner. · Chair of bipartisan Soccer Task Force which will build new fields and upgrade existing ones

Quality of Life


· Got commitment from DOT Director to replace North Broadway bridge · Leading opposition to TLA project which would destroy our Rumford waterfront · Pressed City management for cleanup of city streets and traffic islands · Passed regulations to reduce excessive signs


The Reporter October 2010

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce


Chamber Challenge 2010

New Member Promotion

Spot the Chamber Decals and Win $100 in Local Restaurant Gift Certificates

WOW! Join the Chamber now and get over $1,500 in EXTRA benefits*!

Two hundred businesses in the East Providence area are members of the Chamber. Do you know who they are? If you find an East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce decal on a door, window, vehicle, photo frame at a business, etc., take a picture of it at the location and send it to the Chamber's Facebook page. The person who sends in the most pictures by 11/15/10 wins. See the Chamber's Web site for details.

Business After Hours 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct 7, 2010

FREE for EP Chamber members $15pp for non-members Registration required by 10/5/10. Contact the Chamber.

Hosted by... Shamrock Financial at their headquarters 75 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI The Chamber's monthly, evening networking event. Bring lots of business cards for exchanging.

We've teamed up with Citadel Broadcasting to offer new members one month's placement on the Chamber's Interactive Marketing Page on these Web sites: WPRO AM and LITE 105 FM. ($500 value) · FREE Merchant Services Account set-up* & Terminal from East Commerce Solutions ($500 value!) A must for every business! Set-up your account to accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and/or AmEx · FREE logo placement (with link to your Web site or email) in the Chamber’s weekly blast emails to all members for THREE months ($270 value) · FREE logo placement (with link to your Web site or email) on the home page of the Chamber’s Web site for THREE months ($270 value)

PLUS, new members get a chance to win two, luxury box seats to the November 21, 2010 New England Patriots vs. Colts game at Gillette Stadium. Value: Priceless (Compliments of Capital City Financial) All members receive a free listing in the Chamber's online business directory.

Visit www.eastprovchamber.com BUSINESS DURING HOURS Wed., October 27, 2010 12:00 p.m. - 1:29 p.m. Check-in: 11:45-Noon Registration required. Contact the Chamber.

*offer ends 10/31/10


Location: Davenport's Restaurant 1925 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, RI The Chamber's monthly networking luncheon. Leads and lunch DURING the workday. Everyone gets time to present a 60-second "commercial" about their business. $15pp for EP Area Chamber members & their guests $25pp non-members


to learn more about the Chamber and get a membership application.

New Chamber Members! RE/MAX River's Edge Ananke IT Solutions Edible Arrangements Koch Eye Associates

Visit the Chamber's Web site for 2010 Chamber Calendar of Events, directory of member businesses, news & more www.eastprovchamber.com

Serving the communities of East Providence & Barrington, RI and Seekonk & Rehoboth, MA

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1011 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914 phone: 401.438.1212 fax: 401.435.4581 email: office@eastprovchamber.com www.eastprovchamber.com

October 010 The Reporter

News from the East Bay Community Action Program...

East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offers a wide array of health and human services for area residents. Its upper bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000.

Taking part in a ceremony marking opening of 70 Turner Avenue in East Providence, East Bay Community’s Action’s Program’s (EBCAP) new facility housing two Head Start classrooms and six supportive apartments for individuals and families, were, from left to right: Richard Godfrey, Executive Director of Rhode Island Housing; Diane Smith, Director of East Bay Coalition for the Homeless, an EBCAP program; Paula Bradley, field liaison for Congressman Patrick Kennedy and an EBCAP board of directors member; Lt. Governor Elizabeth Roberts; Dennis Roy, EBCAP, Chief Executive Officer; Jim Vincent, President of EBCAP’s Board of Directors; Michael Callis, financial specialist from the New England Regional Office of Head Start and Joseph Larisa, Jr., Mayor, City of East Providence. The facility is the former convent for St. Brendan’s Church.

EBCAP Opens New Facility

Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts and East Providence Mayor Joseph Larisa Jr. joined East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP), Rhode Island Housing, the Housing Resources Commission (HRC) and regional Head Start officials to celebrate the completion of new homes for families who were formerly homeless and new Head Start classrooms. The partners hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house at 70 Turner Ave. in East Providence, a former convent which has been transformed into six service-enriched apartments and two Head Start classrooms. “The opening of 70 Turner Avenue provides additional housing opportunities for individuals and families with children and adds new classrooms to help give children an important educational advantage through the successful Head Start program,” said EBCAP Chief Executive Officer Dennis Roy. “We appreciate the hard work and cooperation of Rhode Island Housing and East Providence officials in making this project a reality.” The six apartments for individuals and families will be operated by East Bay Coalition for the Homeless (EBCH), a program of EBCAP, and bring the number of service-enriched homes for EBCH in the East Bay up to 18. There are two Head Start classrooms on continued on page 24



The Reporter October 010

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the first floor, and they replace ones housed in leased space at the Meadowcrest School. One of the classrooms is named in honor of Mary Nugent, who spent 34 years as a Head Start teacher and administrator at EBCAP. Lt. Gov. Roberts presented a Citation to EBCAP and praised the cooperation of local, state and federal government agencies in accomplishing the renovation of the facility to provide new homes and Head Start classrooms. The 70 Turner Ave. facility consists of two, two two-bedroom and four, one-bedroom rental homes, including one fully handicappedaccessible apartment as well as the Head Start classrooms and a children’s play area at the rear of the building. The playground equipment and landscaping were funded through a grant from the Carter Family Charitable Trust. East Providence Mayor Joseph Larisa, Jr. cited the work of East Providence’s planning and zoning officials in working with EBCAP on the development, adding, “This building will be here for many years helping people.” The ceremony celebrated the completion of the rehabilitation of the former St. Brendan’s Church convent in the Riverside section of East Providence. Each new apartment contains energy-efficient appliances which will save the residents money when it comes to energy costs. Individuals and families residing in these homes have the support of a case manager to assist in the development of short-and long-term goals, and they receive supportive services including life skills counseling, job training, education, and food nutrition counseling. “Many partners have joined together to ensure that some of the most vulnerable Rhode Islanders have a safe, healthy home,” said Rhode Island Housing’s Executive Director Richard Godfrey. “These new homes are more than just four walls and a roof; they offer solutions by also providing key services to families and individuals in dire need.”

on most Chrysler Vehicles

Rhode Island Housing acquired the vacant building and placed it in the agency’s Land Bank, enabling EBCAP the time needed to assemble the financing to rehabilitate the property. It was then sold to EBCAP, which began an extensive rehabilitation of the building. Financing sources for the development included $500,000 from the HOME funding, $ 60,000 from the state Housing Resources Commission’s Building Homes Rhode Island (BHRI) program, a 5-year first mortgage from Rhode Island Housing ($450,000), a $ 70,000 loan through the Rhode Island Housing Special Needs Rental Production (SNRP) program, and $39,430 in funding from the agency’s Fire Code program. In addition to the capital funds, the Corporation for Supportive Housing provided a pre-development loan for $ 5,000 to finance the initial purchase of the building and pay for environmental consulting and historic consulting. Funding for the Head Start classrooms included $199,000 from The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and $35,000 from The Carter Family Charitable Trust. Those attending the ribbon-cutting were provided with tours of the classrooms and apartments.


October 010 The Reporter Factory Authorized to Sell & Service ALL Chrysler, Jeep & Dodge Vehicles


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Zoo Boo Spooktacular coming soon!

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The Reporter October 2010

October 010 The Reporter

East Providence Parks & Recreation




The East Providence Parks & Recreation will be taking reservation for: November 3 to Lantana’s, Randolph, MA to see the American Bandstand Revue, lunch will be included. November 10 to Salem Crofts Inn, Brookfield, MA, lunch, apple pie demo and Neil Diamond tribute entertainer. A stop at the Oakwood Christmas Barn is also included. Reservations for the trips will begin on October 1 by calling Deborah Rochford at (401) 435-7513 beginning 8:30 a.m. The East Providence Recreation Department offers Gift Certificates for all occasions that can be used toward bus trips. They are available in any denomination. For further information, please contact Deborah Rochford at City Hall 401-435-7513.

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“Opera Providence” - Fri, October 22, 2010

Featuring: Italian Opera Love Duets and Arias from La Traviata, La Bohême, The Marriage of Figaro, Madame Butterfly, and selections of Neapolitan love songs Metacomet Country Club, East Providence, RI Dinner and concert - $51/person; Bus leaves City Hall at 6:00pm Call Deborah Rochford at 401-435-7513 for Reservations

Youth Basketball Clinic

The East Providence department of Parks and Recreation will sponsor an instructional basketball skills clinic for resident children ages 6-14 on:

Saturday October 16, 2010 from 1 – 3 p.m.

The clinic will take place at the East Providence Recreation Center, located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue. The program will be instructed by Kate Lynch, Head Coach of the Community College of Rhode Island Women’s Basketball team. As a player at Southern Connecticut State University, Coach Lynch was SCSU’s all-time leader in points, field goals, and free throw percentage. Lynch helped lead her team to a Division II National Championship in 007 and garnered MVP honors of the National Tournament. She was a two time First-Team All-American, Northeast Region Player of the year, Northeast 10 Player of the year, and First Team All Conference. On the heels of her illustrious college career, Lynch was inducted to the New England Basketball Hall of Fame in 008. This clinic is free of charge, but space is limited. Pre-registration is required by calling the Recreation Center at 433-6360.

“Something Spooky”

Friday October 22 • 6 – 8 p.m.

This party is open to East Providence children ages pre-school to grade 3 and takes place at the Recreation Center located at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. The evening will feature treats, games, prizes, and face painting. Free admission tickets are available at the Recreation Center and the department’s main office in room 303 of the East Providence city hall beginning October 1st. For more information, contact the Recreation Center at 433-6360.

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The Reporter October 010

Events & Activities

Rhode Island State Grange Session October 7th

The 1 4th Annual Session of the Rhode Island State Grange will be held from Thursday October 7, 010 to Saturday October 9, 010 at the Ramada Inn, located at 940 Fall River Avenue in Seekonk, Massachusetts. The times of each day of the State Grange Session are as follows; Thursday October 7th at 8:30 A.M., Friday October 8th at 8:30 A.M., and Saturday October 9th at 8:30 A.M. Special guest at the State Grange convention representing the National Grange is expected to be Thomas Severence, the current High Priest of Demeter of the National Grange. There will be various reports of the different resolutions that the delegates or alternates representing the different local Granges around the state have assigned to them. There will also be reports and awards presentations of the Directors of all the State Grange committees. Some of the Directors will have very special presentations when presenting their reports. There will also be at the Session the Election and Installation of the Rhode Island State Grange Officers for the next years. Other highlights of the State Grange Session will be the Obligation of the Fifth Degree followed by the conferral of the 6th Degree in full ritualistic form on Thursday October 7th at 7 P.M. The State Grange Session is open to all local 4th Degree Grange members with the exception of the first day October 7th when the Grange is opened in the 6th Degree and lowered to the 4th Degree and the conferral of the 6th Degree on Thursday evening October 7th.

4th Annual Golf Tournament Maria E. Pinheiro Scholarship Fund

Sunday, October 10th • Swansea Country Club

Scholarship awarded to a deserving East Providence High School Senior.

18 holes of golf, bag Lunch, golf Cart and dinner - $100 per person Raffles and door Prizes!!!

Dinner donated by Outback Steakhouse of Seekonk, MA. To register, please call Margaret Curvelo 401-837- 871, Paula Francis 401-480-3367, Sue Goulart 401-465-94 1, Tom & Lisa Pinheiro 401-438-3939 or Lisa Costa 401-473-5098. Also find us on facebook for more information.

The Effect of ADHD on Marriage October 15

The Rhode Island Chapter of CH/ADD presents a special program with Author Melissa Orlov who recently released her book, “The Effect of ADHD on Marriage” with a forward by the esteemed Dr. Ed Hallowell. The program will be on Wednesday, October 15 at Bradley Hospital, 1011 Veterans Memorial Pkwy in East Providence. A $5 donation is requested from non-members of CHADD. For more information contact Roberta @ 369-0045 or 431-07 8. We welcome Donna Letendre, hair stylist & colorist


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October 010 The Reporter

Class of 1960 East Providence High School 50th Reunion


Bulldog Club of New England Sanctioned Match Show

October 16th

pending AKC aprroval

October 16, 010 at the Metacomet Country Club located at 500 Veterans Memorial Parkway, East Providence, RI For more information please contact Allan Gilmore at 401-4343667.

Sunday, October 17, 2010 At Canine Mastery 10 A Pond Street, Seekonk Ma Halloween Costume Contest & Parade • Prizes • handling Seminar Lunch • Raffle/Sales table • Show Contact Ed Kozatek with any questions at 401-723-9306

Goddess Delight and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Present

SHAKIN FOR A CURE Saturday, October 16th • 3-6pm

St. John's Club; 1365 Rodman Street; Fall River, MA light refreshmants & cash bar available Tickets $20.00; Children under 12 $5.00 For Tickets Call 508-369-6392 or email goddessdelight7@ yahoo.com



Annual Macaroni Dinner Sunday, October 17th

Our Lady of Loreto’s Social Ministry Group will be sponsoring it’s Annual Macaroni Dinner on Sunday October 17th from 1 noon to 3:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Loreto Hall 346 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 0 914. The menu will include: macaroni, meatballs, sausage, antipasto, Italian bread, coffee and dessert. There will be a 50-50 raffle, door prizes, and other raffles. For your listening pleasure we will have the music of Frank Castle. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 1 . Limited tickets will be sold at the door on the day of the dinner -so order early. ady Tickets may be ordered by calling the parGet re lidays ish office at (401) 434-3535. Gather your e ho for th perb gift u family and friends and enjoy good food, with s & home s a e and a good time, at a great price, for a great d i items decor cause. The proceeds will go to benefit the Social Ministry’s outreach program - Love OUR FAIR Thy Neighbor.


Seekonk, MA

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Harvest Time Fair

Community Yard Sale Sunday, October 17th

Bishop Hickey Council Knights of Columbus will host a community yard sale on Sunday October 17 from 9 a.m. – p.m. at the council hall on Willet Avenue in East Providence. We are looking for people to rent space for only $ 0.00 (8ftx8ft). You must bring your own tables for displaying items. If interested please contact Anne @ 401- 435 - 145 to reserve your space. There will be food and beverages available for sale in addition to brother Chris Costa’s famous home made “doughboys”. This is a family event, all ages are welcomed. This is also an alcohol free event. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the newly forming “Columbiettes of Bishop Hickey Council # 36 3”.

winslow Gardens & linn health Care Center united Methodist elder Care Communities (On the corner of Irving & Alexander Avenues)

East Providence, RI • 401-438-4456

FEATURES: Yankee Candles, Sterling Silver Bracelets & Beads compatible with Pandora, Troll, & Camile, Costume Jewelry, SERV handcrafts from artisans around the world, Attic Treasures, The Sugar Shack, Festive Fashions, A Gently Used Clothing Boutique, Silent Auction, Vintage Library and More!

fRIDAY, NoVEMBER 5 4pM-7pM SATURDAY, NoVEMBER 6 9AM-3pM *Free Admission & Ample Parking *Children & Families Welcome All Fair proceeds directly benefit Winslow Gardens & Linn Health Care Center Residents

DON'T COOK ON FRIDAY NIGHT... EAT HERE! 5PM-7PM FRIDAY: - A variety of soups & calzones Eat In or Take Out

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SERVING FROM 11AM-3PM We accept e y w r want to learn more about retirement living that's affordable and enjoyable? tour uMeC's winslow Gardens or linn health Care Center at 11AM or 1pM We are an equal opportunity provider of elder housing and health care



The Reporter October 2010

Medi-Weightloss Clinics® East Bay

A Physician-Supervised Three Phase Weight Loss Program That Works. Fred Brosco, MD Medical Director Now Open and Scheduling Appointments Former East Providence Medi patients welcome! 1235 Wampanoag Trail Forbes Plaza

Call 401-433-1800

for information or to book your appointment

Finding Health Information Online For Seniors October 18th

When you search the Internet, do you have trouble figuring out which websites have legitimate health and medical information? Does it seem like a lot of websites are trying to sell you something? The RI Hospital Library will hold a free computer workshop at the East Providence Senior Center where you can learn about high quality health and medical websites that provide accurate information for seniors. You will get hands-on experience with easy to use, government sponsored health websites. Note: Basic Computer Skills required (using a mouse and searching the Internet). Date: Monday, October 18; Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Location: East Providence Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave, East Providence, RI 02914 Registration Required: Please contact Bob Rock, East Providence Senior Center 401-435-7800.

Riverside Community Event October 23rd


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On Saturday, October 23rd The Evangelical Covenant Church of Riverside, 165 Rounds Avenue, will hold its annual Harvest Feast from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to come for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and a silent auction to benefit the Church’s outreach ministries. If you have any questions please call 401-433-4356.

Calling all vendors

Vendor & Quality Craft Fair Saturday, October 23 from 9-2

Sponsored by St. Paul’s Church Booster Club, Pawtucket, RI. No flea market items or adult theme vendors. Fee: $25 a table (2 ½’ x8’ provided) plus donation to raffle. Call Judy at 728-4300 or email at Legug@verizon.net to reserve table. Limited space – reserve early.

The Busy Bee Bazaar

Saturday October 30• 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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Country Store, Baked Goods, Arts and Crafts, Homemade Candy, Penny Social, Jewelry, Thrift Shop, Book Nook and The Bee Hive Café. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 81 Warren Ave (corner of Fourth St.), East Providence, RI 02914

Run/Walk for Fun

Saturday November 6, 2010 10 A.M. @ Kent Heights School

We are happy to announce that the PTA’s efforts last year brought a new play area for the kindergarten area. This year we hope to surpass last year’s efforts and raise enough to bring a playground to grades 1-5. We can only do this with your help. The “Run/Walk for Fun” was great fun last year, thanks to everyone involved. We hope to continue this event and get everyone (parents, teachers, students, & friends) involved! Pre-register $20 adults-$15 kids, Register Day of Event $25 adults-$20 kids (Free T-shirts to first 75 to register) Any questions contact Leann Dunn (401) 378-1701 or Tracy Amoroso (401) 935-1546

October 010 The Reporter


Annual Harvest Supper November 6th

The Seekonk Congregational Church, 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA will hold their Annual Harvest Supper on Saturday November 6th. Two seatings are planned, 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M. The menu will include Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Harvest Beets, Onions, Cole Slaw, Rolls & Butter, Apple Crisp and beverage. Ticket prices are: Adults $1 .00 and Children (5-1 years old) $4.00. Take out is available. For tickets or any information please contact, Christina Greene at 508-336-8807 or the Church office at 508-336-9355. Tickets will also be sold during coffee hour after the 9:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. services on Sundays in October. Reservations required.

Once you

You’ll never go back.

E.P. Elks Lodge #2337 Craft Fair Saturday, November 13, 9am-4pm

Elks Lodge; 60 Berkeley Street (off Warren Avenue); East Providence, RI Booths representing local Artisans with exquisite handmade jewelry, handcrafted holiday ornaments, gift baskets, candy, knitted apparel, wearable arts and much more. The fair includes a raffle table to benefit the Bundles of Joy, an organization whose aim is to help underprivileged children in the greater Providence area. Come and join us in this community event.

Riverside Raiders Lobster and Meat Rae

46 Willett Ave. Riverside, RI 401-632-0004

earn’ s h l u M Pub

Every Saturday from Oct 2 - April 9 doors Open at 12:30 Rafe drawings start at 2:00

Knights of Columbus Hall, CCOB; Crescent View Avenue, Riverside RI

(no Rafe dec 25 or Jan 1) All Welcome Meats, Lobsters, tV, Cash Rafes, and more.

This raffle was very successful last year. We were able to help many kids participate in football and cheerleading. Please be a part of our continued efforts!



2-4pm Every Saturday

Now thru December

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We’re the place where kids of all ages can just be kids. Learn all about the trendiest haircuts, the most exciting parties and the best-trained stylists around.

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The Reporter October 010

CHARLIE TSONOS East Providence School CommitteeWard 1

Small Business Owner Retired Lieutenant Colonel (USAR) Life Long East Providence Resident

East Providence Historical Society Calendar of October Events\

board Meeting - Members Welcome Wednesday, October 6, 7:00 p.m. The John Hunt House, Hunts Mill Road, Rumford, RI

blackstone heritage Corridor Weekend

Sunday/Monday, October 10 &11, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The John Hunt Mill House, Hunts Mill Road, Rumford, RI

diners: yesterday, today and tomorrow

438-4552 • 826-7788 FAX ctsonosschoolcom@aol.com

275 Wilson Avenue Rumford RI 02916

Let Your Voice Be Heard

VOTE November 2nd Paid for by the friends of Charlie Tsonos

Monday, October 25, 7:00 p.m. Members’ Meeting – Public Invited Newman Congregation Church, 100 Newman Ave., Rumford, RI Time to relive and relate your Diner experiences! The food, the culture, the history, the architecture, the preservation, the restoration, the stories… join us for an entertaining and educational evening with diner expert Richard J.S. Gutman, Director and Curator of the Culinary Arts Museum at Johnson and Wales University. Mr. Gutman will share the history of diners and his experiences in restoring diners. Already diner fans are asking, “Was the first diner really located in Providence? Are there any diners in East Providence? Are diners being

Fall Miracle Revival with Rev. Ted Shuttlesworth COME EXPECTING A MIRACLE!

7 PM Nightly October 31st thru November 3rd ZION GOSPEL TEMPLE Cor. Leonard Ave. & Gurney St. E. Prov., RI

401-435-6900 www.zgtri.com

October 010 The Reporter built today? Who decides to restore and preserve vs. demolish and destroy? Diner food - first class meals or home-style cooking? Why do we find diners so fascinating?” Mr. Gutman is the leading authority in the diner field and author of six books, including, “The Best 5 New England Diners” (one of your favorite diners?) Mr. Gutman has worked on more than 80 diner restorations throughout the world and has been a guest speaker on numerous radio and television programs and organizations. So bring your stories, your diner souvenirs and questions to what promises to be a most engaging diner experience! The East Providence Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the heritage and enjoying the history of our city. http://www. ephist.org.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 2010 [Rain Date: October 24th, 2010]

Teachers Credit Union 362 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI

Wine Tasting & Silent Auction

11:00 AM

Thursday, October 7, 7-9pm

Carpenter Museum, Rehoboth, MA A “kick-off” event for Carpenter Museum’s Oral History Project, “UnEarthing Rehoboth’s Farming Past.” Admission: $10 includes free wine glass. Contact: 508- 5 -3031, www.carpentermuseum. org

12:00 PM SHARP EFFIN’S LAST RESORT W/ MUSICAL GUEST 325 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI


Folk Art, Antique & Artisans Show

Friday, Nov. 5, 4-9pm, Saturday, Nov. 6, 9am-4pm Francis Farm, Rehoboth, MA

More artisans! More antiques! More fun! Free admission. Food and entertainment. All proceeds benefit the Carpenter Museum. For details & directions go to www.carpentermuseum.org. Or call 508- 5 -3031.


ALL proceeds will benefit the Hasbro Children’s Hospital Pediatric Cardiology Department

25$ Per person to the Joe Traf Memorial Fund

FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT RIDE 25$ Per person at the Effin’s Door

Joan Traficante: 508-222-4371 joetraf.com

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now thru 4/3/11 Sundays at 2pm


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trinity brotherhood Woodward Ave East Providence, RI

TH & E TH B E Igg BE ES ST T !



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The Reporter October 2010

Club News & Announcements Programs Open to the ADHD Community

New! Special Program on a Special Date! Wednesday, October 13, 7 p.m.


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Just Arrived...The Eclipse - 250 Watt 7 min. booth!


Lotions, Moisturizers, & Tanning! Stop in or Visit us on the Web

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Author Melissa Orlov will present a discussion of her new book, “The Effects of ADHD on Marriage” with a forward by expert Dr. Edward Hallowell Place: Bradley Hospital Gymnasium/Auditorium

Where do you start? “The Medical Perspective on ADHD” Presented by Dr. D’Sa from the Neurodevopmental Center/Memorial Hospital

Wednesday, November 3, 7 p.m., How can you organize your life, manage your time and function better? Come find out from ADHD Coach Louanne Zinno Wednesday, December 1 at 7 p.m.

All Programs at Bradley Hospital, Pine Room unless otherwise specified, 10ll Veterans Memorial Hospital East Prov. RI 02915 Free to Members of CHADD. A $5 donation is appreciated from non-members. For more information contact Roberta Schneider at 369-0045 Other: RI ADDult Support Group: 9/16, 10/21, 11/19 Bradley Pine Rm. 7 p.m.

October 2010 The Reporter

East Bay Toastmasters

Improve your communication, presentation and leadership skills. Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. Whether you are a professional, student, stay-at-home parent or retiree, Toastmasters is the most efficient, enjoyable and affordable way of gaining great communication skills. You’ll be more persuasive and confident when speaking, and you’ll improve your one-on-one dealings with others. Meetings are held the first and third Thursday each month at the United Methodist Eldercare at 30 Alexander Ave, East Providence, RI, 02914. Meetings start at 5:30 and end at 7:30 p.m. Visit us at http://eastbay.freetoasthost.us/index.html or contact us at jeanne_ri@hotmail.com.

October 2010 Events at Providence Children’s Museum

Families have a playFULL fall at the Children’s Museum as they continue to explore two exciting new environments in the Museum’s native Children’s Garden that celebrate active outdoor play and join in special programs all month long:

Puppet Play Sat., October 9 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Sun., October 10 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Mon., October 11 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M.

Families explore the Museum’s two exciting new puppet displays and design and craft their own puppets from an array of recycled materials. Ages 3 – 11

Boo Bash Saturday, October 30 1:00 - 4:00 P.M.

A tiny bit spooky, a whole lot of fun! Play bewitching games galore, have hands-on fun with imaginative arts and “witch crafts,” explore an eerie environment, mix it up in the mad scientist’s laboratory and much more. Come in costume and have a blast at the biggest Halloween bash around! Ages 3 – 11

Creepy Creatures Sunday, October 31 1:00 - 3:00 P.M.

Lizards and snakes and an alligator, oh my! Kids come in costume and meet some captivating critters – prickly, hairy but not too scary! Ages 3 - 11 Located at 100 South Street in Providence. Call (401) 273-KIDS or visit www. childrenmuseum.org. Read the Museum’s blog: http://providencechildrensmuseum.blogspot.com/

Vote for Recovery! Reckless Spending Stops Now!

Gerling Steve



for Senate

RI State Senate District 18 A True Conservative Voice for East Providence I will immediately introduce legislation to protect home owners and businesses. Please read my no nonsense, no compromise affirmations on my web site. Steve Gerling

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All East Providence residents deserve a strong, responsible voice in the General Assembly www.gerling4senate.com Paid for by Gerling for State Senate


Committee to Elect Jim Miller CandidatetoforElect State Committee JimSenate Miller Cordially Invites You to a 36 The Reporter October 010 District 18 • East Providence Cordially Invites You to a


Political Advertisement Political Advertisement

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Committee to Elect InBELIEVE Honor of Miller 6:30pm to Committee to8:30pm Elect Jim Jim Miller CAN IN

Bob and the Four Hospice Kittens

By Rita C. Falaguerra Bob Falaguerra was born and died an East Providence Townie Cordially Brightridge ClubYou Hallto Cordially Invites Invites You to aa at the age of 66. When we were married almost 41 years ago, he 59 Brightridge Ave, East Providence would never even consider leaving the City he grew up in and loved. He’s even buried at the Fates of Heaven Cemetery just so Candidate for State Senate Suggested Donation: $30.00 he could stay in East Providence forever. The kids and I thought Candidate for State Senate District 18Honor • East Providence Call 401-954-2412 In of it was a fitting resting place for him. In Honor of District 18 • East Providence “Change We Can During the past fifteen years of our forty one year marriage, I Believe In” Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jim Miller became very involved with cats and kittens. Bob would complain • tax relief about each one I brought home but oh how he loved them! The Wednesday, August 25, 2010 happiest memories I have of him is laying on the couch, watching • eliminate wasteful 6:30pmAugust to 8:30pm Wednesday, 25, 2010 government spending his big screen TV, the remote in his hand and covered with his Candidate for State Senate 6:30pm tofor 8:30pm Candidate State Senate Brightridge Club Hall ‘babies’. The injured, abused, the maimed, and the not so healthy •District Focus on a realistic economic 18 •• East Providence District 18 East Providence 59 Brightridge Ave, Eastfor Providence Brightridge Club Hall ones were almost my favorite, but they soon became Bob’s Babies. development plan Rhode 59 Brightridge Eastwill Providence Island – Ave, one that not only He loved them deeply and helped care for them so lovingly. Suggested create butDonation: save jobs $30.00 He and I spent 34 days at the inpatient Hospice Center on North Suggested Donation: $30.00 • Increase state aid for education Main Street in Providence. While there I got a call, on my cell, that Call 401-954-2412 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Wednesday, August “Change We Can there was a 5 week old kitten that had been slammed into a wall by • A6:30pm strong voice for 25, 2010 Call 401-954-2412 to 8:30pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm “Change WeIn” Can Believe Paid forsmall by thebusiness Committee to Elect Jim Miller a three year old and now had swelling on the brain. I agreed to take Believe In” Paid for by the Committee to Elect Hall Jim Miller Brightridge Club the kitten and keep it with us at Hospice. We named him Philip at • Address the needs of our Brightridge Club Hall 59 Ave, the Center. But there were three siblings that were also in harm’s senior population 59 Brightridge Brightridge Ave, East East Providence Providence way, so, a phone call to the rescuer, delivered to us at Hospice, the REMEMBER TO Suggested Suggested Donation: Donation: $30.00 $30.00 three siblings. Samantha, LaDonna and George all named after the wonder CMA;s who took such good care of Bob. Bob could Call 401-954-2412 Call 401-954-2412 “Change no longer move his body or legs and without their expert, loving, “Change We We Can Can Believe Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jim Miller compassionate care, my husband would have suffered greatly. Believe In” In” Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jim Miller On November 2ND!! The happiest moments he, and other patients at Hospice had, was these small kittens, cuddling next to them on their beds. (HosHoNESTY • INTEGRITY • ACCESSIBILITY pice actually encourages this and many family members bring in paid for by the Committee to elect Jim Miller their cats and dogs to make the dying happier and at peace.) My husbands’ face would light up as he stroked the kitten with, once steady hands, that now had tremors in each. Those kittens made him so happy and brought back memories of happier healthier times when he cuddled We are your Neighborhood Auto Repair Shop kittens on a regular basis. They were certainly a very bright spot in a sad place with no happy endings. Who doesn’t get a smile on their face when a soft, cuddly, baby kitten in snuggling next to them? So, when Bob died on September 3, 010, I decided that I wanted to do something that would honor Bob, and his love of cats and kittens, and animals in general, so I requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Cat Adoption Team Services. With all of the money that has been donated 205 North Brow St. (Next to Munroe Dairy) in Bob’s name and memory, The Robert East Providence, RI Falaguerra Memorial Fund as has been established. This fund will directly aid injured, (401) 431-0366 maimed, deformed, abused and physically Over 20 Years in Business needy cats and kittens. It is my hope that this will be a self funding memorial and will A Full Service Automotive & Fleet Repair Shop continue in his honor to help the smallest and neediest. We are an Authorized Dealer In fact, we have our first recipient. Marla, and 8 week old kitten who was found with both of her eyes rotting in her head. She is completely blind, and will always be so; Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5:30pm, Sat 8:00am - 1:00 pm Both of her eyes need to be removed so

Jim Miller Miller Jim RECEPTION Jim Miller


Barbosa & Son Auto Repair, Inc.

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e y w r

continued on page 39...

October 010 The Reporter




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The Reporter October 2010

October 010 The Reporter


Celebrating 1 Year!

Man About Town 13 Centre Street, Rumford RI 02916 (Formerly Dick's Barbershop)



Men's Color, Hairstyling, and Waxing Barber-Salon featuring

Kimberly Hours: Tues 9-5 • Wed 9-6 • Thurs. 9-7 • Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 9-3 L - R Ladonna, George, Samantha, And Phillip (In The Background). make sure there is no infection there as that would kill her for sure. Bob would be very pleased and happy with what I’ve done in his honor and memory. Donations to The Robert Memorial Fund can be made by mailing a check to CATS, The Robert Falaguerra Memorial Fund, PO BOX 15194, Riverside RI 0 915. We are a 501c3 and your donations are tax deductible.

Advertise In The East providence Reporter!

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Thank You

for your vote in the Primary! Please continue your support and vote in the upcoming November 2nd Election.


Tommy Rose Democrat for City Council, Ward 3

Honesty • Integrity • Commitment Resident of East Providence for over 20 Years Email TRose426@gmail.com • Any Questions Call (401) 952-8208 Find us at Tommy Rose for Council Ward 3 East Providence Paid for by the friends of Tommy Rose.

The Reporter Reporter October October 010 010 The

40 40


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Builders take note! 2 Family 3 bed, inviting porch, Hwds, newer Plus, 2 Build able Lots, Great windows, updated bath; sliding doors Investment Opportunity. in kitch to garden and patio; shed w/ $339,900 elec. & water, sprinklers. $184,900



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Rare find legal 2 Family, or use as roomy single family. $239,900

"Want a view on the water, this is the perfect spot. Great for summer home or year round. COME TAKE A PEEK! $ 225,000







Nice Raised Ranch with Dining Rm, Full finished basement, Fam- Ranch, Fenced Yard, EIK, Deck, Fam Rm, Wet Bar, 2 Baths, Hdwds, new ily RM, 3 Beds, 2 Baths, Private Roof, Gargage. Not A Short Sale, location Dead End St. Abutting Taxes Refect Homested. $205,000 Golf Course. $224,900

w NE










3 Bed Room Ranch, Updated galore, New Deck, Finished lower level, Must see! $224,900

3 bedroom ranch w/ lg fam rm off kitchen, fenced yard, new heat, new electric, new roof, hdwds. Great neighborhood. $239,900

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Interior newly painted; newer Drop Dead Gorgeous, Custom roof, wins, water tank; wood stove, Beautifully updated 2 Bed BunBuilt 3 bed, 2 1/2 Baths, Brick fenced yd, Waddington, partially galow, Modern Kitchen, Formal Front Ranch, central air, Beautiful finished basement. $199,500 Dining, Garage. $ 169,900. in ground pool on 1 plus Acre at Dead End Street. $ 345,000

Great location, 4 Bd 2 1/2 bath Contemporary. Hdwds, Gourmet Kitchen-granite, Stainless, Gas fp in Liv Rm & D.R; updated roof, New windows, decks, 2.5 acre lot, hot tub. $499,900

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Lustrous Hwds, 6RM, 3BR, 1.5BA Spacious, ready to move in; 3 beds on Cape on Cul-De-Sac off Wamp.Trl/ 1st, hdwds. 4th Bed, office, fam rm on RT114., FP, 3 season porch, 12,000 sq. lower; 2 baths, Nayatt School. $319,000 ft. lot, PRICE TO SELL! $ 189,000

R. Ranch, One Owner, Fam Rm, Brick FP, 3 seasons rm, 3 Beds, New Heating, Waddington School. $199,900







3 Bed, 2 Bath, R. Ranch on EP/ Seekonk line, crnr lot, 2 kitchens, hwds, wrkshp, deck, above grnd pool, Ready to move in. $259,000





Gil Medeiros 401-688-5867

Elizabeth Cangarl 508-558-9758

Bill Tirrell 401-474-6301


To be built 1800 sq ft, Ranch, 2 car garage, roomy master w/ bath, Brand New Waddington 3 Bed hardwoods, 2 full baths. $479,900 Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, Hardwoods, garage, Great Area $ 299,900

East Providence


Looking for a nice Ranch in Riverside? 3 Beds, 1 1/2 Baths, Fireplace in Fam Rm, 2nd fp in LRoom, Hwds, room to expand in Basement. One car garage, nice large yard. $ 225,000

Marcel Robert 401-439-5574



New list, terrace, charming 3 bed, dining room, 2 car garage, walk to park/beach, $244,900




Roomy 3 Bed Colonial, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage. You will feel at home in this one. $195,900

Phil Tirrell

Broker / Owner

East Providence


Waddington 3 Bed Cape 1 1/2 Baths, brick fireplace needs TLC. $169,900






w Ne


w Ne

New Construction. 3 bed Colonial w/ attached garage, 2.5 baths, central air. $359,900

Don Saracen Barbara Jean Taylor Kathy Santos 401-465-4706 401-529-4499 401-241-5380

Sharon Santos 401-699-3566

East Providence

Shirley Toombs 401-439-5831

Melinda Marshall Louanne Jennings 401-996-1106 401-699-6323


Kent Heights, Brand new Raised Ron Faria Ranch, gleaming hardwoods, 2 bath 401-578-0075 George Erickson 401-437-2030x237 central air. 2 car garage. $299,900

Dorene Coelho 401-559-5141

Mary-Jane King 401-524-6773

Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

Luci Stoddard 401-641-8114


The Reporter October 2010

People in the News Rumford Resident Had the Last Laugh

Michelle Gomes Sanchez

Paul Alrozo took 1st place in Toastmaster’s Humorous Speech competition

Rumford resident Paul Airozo had the last laugh when he took first place in a Humorous Speech competition put on annually by East Bay Toastmasters, a local chapter of Toastmasters International. Paul’s speech was titled “So You Thought It Was About The Food?” was a topic that anyone who has ever gone grocery shopping with a spouse can relate. Paul is the Purchasing Agent for the City of East Providence. He has been a member of the East Bay Toastmasters since 2003 and has enjoyed success in on-stage in past competitions. Having secured the win at his home club, Paul will now advance to compete at the Area level. That lucky winner will move on to speak at the Division G Contest on October 16 at Dr. Sanchez and her mother. the Pawtucket Public Library in the basement at 10 a.m. The family of Michelle Gomes Sanchez is proud to announce You can hear Paul Airozo’s speech at the Area contest on that she has completed her Doctor of Education, her dissertation Thursday, September 30th at 6 p.m. at the United Methodist Elder being on Parent Empowerment and Involvement, from Boston ColCare Center, 30 Alexander Avenue, East Providence. There is no lege. She earned her Masters of Education (1998) and Bachelor of charge for the event and everyone is welcome to attend. Arts (1997) from Boston College as well. She is a 1993 graduate Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organizaof East Providence High School. Dr. Sanchez is Principal of the tion that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a Epiphany School in Dorchester, MA. Michelle and her husband worldwide network of clubs. The organization currently has 250,000 Lino Sanchez reside in East Providence with their two adorable members in 12,000 clubs in 106 countries. Since its founding 85 sons, Lino Jr. 3 yrs of age and Jaylin 2. Michelle is the daughter of years ago in October 1924, the organization has helped more Clarinda Neves of East Providence, sister of Ilda Andrade of East than four million men and women give presentations with poise Providence, Tony Neves of Florida. She is also the Aunt of Justine and confidence. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, 2010 - Reporter Ad - 7.5 x 4.875.qxp 8/19/2010 5:24 PM Page 1 Monteiro (EPHS 2005) and Dana Andrade (EPHS 2011). please contact Jeanne Cox at jeanne_ri@hotmail.com.

 

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October 2010 The Reporter


Leading Eye Doctor To Join Area Practice

Vision Care at The Brown Center is proud to announce the arrival of Dr. Alison Loranger. East Providence, RI September 20, 2010: Dr. Alison Loranger, a graduate of the New England College of Optometry has opened her practice at 400 Warren Avenue in East Providence, RI. Dr. Loranger has extensive training in developmental vision, focusing problems, and eye disease. Dr. Loranger is an honors graduate from the University of New Hampshire and has trained in major eye care centers including the New England Eye Institute and the North Hampton VA Medical Center. In addition to her many certifications and expertise as a clinical optometrist, Dr. Loranger has a passion for helping others. She served as chairperson of the “Go Green” movement at UNH, an active member of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, and the American Diabetic Association.

ENDORSED DEMOCRAT - CITY COUNCIL WARD 4 Michael DiGioia is a life long Rhode Island resident. Michael DiGioia is married to Kelly and has 2 children. Michael DiGioia is a graduate of URI (BA, MA), University of Massachusetts School of Law (JD) Michael DiGioia is a former Assistant District Attorney in Bristol County. Michael DiGioia is a lawyer in private practice. Michael DiGioia is a parishioner of Saint Brendan's.

Dr. Alison Loranger.

From Dreams to Screams

East Providence author Dan Gordon grew up a Red Sox diehard in Seekonk. After college, Gordon traveled the world on a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship studying baseball culture in Japan, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Little did he know then that his love of the game would inspire a twenty year writing career culminating in his most recent book Field of Screams: Haunted Tales from the Baseball Diamond, the Locker Room, and Beyond. The following is an excerpt on the Pfister Hotel, where visiting teams stay when they play the Milwaukee Brewers. Baseball fans might expect the most feared site in the National League to be an imposing pitcher’s park or a home-teamcontinued on page 44

• Tired of Bickering? • Tired of Arguing? • Tired of Riverside

being forgotten and left out?

If you are, I'd like to talk to you and ask for your support.

Why is Michael DiGioia running for City Council? "I have never run for public office. I am running now because I'm upset that all I see in city government is arguing and bickering, cost increases and service cuts. I wouldn't run my family this way. I wouldn't run the city this way. I'm asking for your support. There has to be a better way for all of us."

Michael DiGioia with his wife Kelly and two children, Isabella, age 2 and Michael II, 15 months.

Vote: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 For a ride to the polls call 258-6524 Paid for by the friends of Michael DiGioia


The Reporter October 2010

Vote for Steve Santos

East Providence School Committee - Ward 4 As Vice Chair of your School Committee I have worked relentlessly on transparency for our East Providence School Department by: Establishing an Anti-Nepotism Policy that prohibits School Committee members from handing out jobs to their family members and friends! Eliminating Taxpayer Provided Health Insurance and other Benefits for the School Committee that have cost East Providence taxpayers thousands of dollars each year for over 25 years! Insuring that the full School Committee meeting agendas are posted on the Internet for all citizens to see!

VOTE NOVEMBER 2ND Paid for by Friends of Steven E Santos

friendly stadium. But to hear most players tell it, the most feared site in the National League is the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee, where many visiting teams stay while in town to play the Brewers. Dozens of big-leaguers dread their overnights at the historic building, having suffered through some spooky encounters they can only explain one way. “It was haunted, man,” says Adrian Beltre. “I’m dead serious. I couldn’t sleep for three straight nights.” The sure handed Red Sox third baseman’s story is typical of many players. He stayed at the hotel in 2003 while with the Los Angeles Dodgers. “I felt some weird stuff,” he attests. For starters, there were noises. While lying in bed, Beltre heard steps as if someone were walking by him—but nobody else was in the room. He heard the sounds of someone hitting the wall. And he heard a knocking on his door. “I got up and looked out and nothing—nobody was there.” He believes the room was haunted by the ghost of a woman, because “when I went into the bathroom, there was [the smell of a] woman’s perfume.” If the imposing, 220-pound slugger’s observations are limited to noises and odors, there’s a good reason: “I didn’t see nothing because I was covered under the blanket!” he admits. “But definitely some stuff was going on. “I slept for only an hour in three days,” he recalls. “I was scared. I was real scared, but I got through it.” According to teammate Alex Cora, Beltre was so upset that the entire team was affected. “The next year we switched hotels because of him.” But Beltre was not the only Dodger dodging ghosts that night. At the ballpark the next day, several players talked about their own odd experiences, including Eric Gagne (“I heard all kinds of noises,” says the pitcher). Coach John Shelby—who had been staying at the hotel without incident since his playing career began in 1981— was shaken from his own encounter. “I’m laying down, I’m sleepy, and I reach up to turn the light off—the lamp, by my bed. I turn on my back and lay down. And I hear this deep sigh, like somebody just took a deep breath.” Shelby says the sound was low but unmistakable, and he’s certain it wasn’t just air escaping from the pillow as he lay his head down. “So my eyes are wide open now. I’m laying there. It’s dark. And now I’m real focused.” He tried to convince himself he was just hearing things. “And the next thing I know, I hear it again! And it’s right by my ear! “It was scary,” Shelby admits. “My heart was racing.” He quickly turned on the light. “I looked at my bed. Didn’t see anybody. I looked around the room. Didn’t

October 010 The Reporter


see anybody. “And I’ve been sleeping with the light on in the bathroom ever since when we go to the Pfister.” Upon its grand opening in 1893, the Pfister Hotel was not only opulent and luxurious, but also state of the art. It was one of the first hotels to feature electricity and thermostat controls in each room. Its twenty-foot-high ceilings were adorned with chandeliers and its walls lined with ornate designs and big-scale artwork. (Even today, the establishment claims “the largest Victorian art collection of any hotel in the world.”) The Pfister’s 196 renovation added a twenty-three-story tower (the “new wing” that baseball players say is ghost-free) but maintained a historic air. Walk in the lobby today and you step back in the nineteenth century. Even the concierge wears an old-fashioned waistcoat straight out of the 1890s. For many ballplayers, the old-time feel of the place adds to its eeriness. “When you get into that place, when you see that place, you get scared,” says veteran pitcher Jose Santiago, one of many players who switched hotels rather than stay at the Pfister. “Because it has, like, angels on the walls.” Reliever Chad Harville says the dark cedar, the heavy curtains, the dim lighting, and the solid doors all contribute to the impression that “This place is full of ghosts.” And, of course, there are the stories players love to tell about the place. Before his first trip in 004, Harville recalls that “everybody was talking about it. Everybody said, ‘Watch out for the ghosts!’ You hear the stories before you go.” Journeyman infielder Joe Randa heard that “other guys were having lights turning off, [fire] alarms going on, alarm clocks going on and stuff like that.” When Adam Eaton was pitching with the Padres, “guys claimed to have their TV turn on,” as well as computers. Pitcher Ricky Bottalico was told that “furniture has been moved around.” Such stories influence players from the minute they enter the building. "I'm kinda scared of the dark as it is," two-time Cy Young winner Tim Lincecum admits. "But when you throw those kinds of stories in 508-557-1474 there, and a creepy old building . . ." Lincecum had his own encounter at 503 winthrop Street, the Pfister. "My door was shaking at one Rt. 44 • Rehoboth, Massachusetts point in the night, like someone leaned on Indian hills plaza (next to vino's Restaurant) it and then leaned on it again. I could hear it. And I could see the door pressing." It open daily 10:00AM - 10:00pM was 4:00 a.m. Lincecum did not know what was causing the bizarre scene, but he did know one thing: "I'm not answering that door! If it's a ghost or a real person, I'm not answering it!" Instead, he flipped the door For Every Dollar Bring in this ad latch to keep any marauding spirits at bay. you spend And then he followed the time-honored and receive tradition for expelling unwanted night visireceive tors, known to little kids and professional ballplayers alike. "I slept with the lights on," he says. "I left one of my lamps on. And one of the lights in to play in the the bathroom, just to make sure." Sweep Stakes More stories on the Pfister and other baseball venues are included in Field of Screams: Haunted Tales from the Baseball Diamond, the Locker Room, and Beyond. Readers can also learn more about the book at author Dan Gordon’s website fieldofscreamsonline.com Must be 18 years old or over with valid ID • Official Rules Available on Site

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The Reporter October 010

2010 EPHS Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony


Chrissy Rossi for

School Committee Ward 4

Email me your concerns at varoom94@yahoo.com My Family and I are life-long Townies. We all went through the East Providence School System • I am willing to work hard to advocate for the children of East Providence and help bring civility and courtesy back to the school committee

• Advocate for full day K across the board • Advocate for smaller class sizes • Advocate for the return of the "Gifted Progam" for our exceptional students in grades 4 and 5

The 7TH annual East Providence High School Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be held on Sunday, October 4, 010. A reception will start at 1 noon followed by dinner at 1:00 P.M. at the Venus DeMilo restaurant in Swansea, Massachusetts. The public at large is invited to attend. The EPHS Hall of Fame was established in 1984, the centennial anniversary year for the high school. The 010 ceremony will pay special tribute to the Hall’s founder, the late former Superintendent of Schools, Myron J. Francis, who passed away earlier this year. Long time Hall of Fame Chairman, Arthur Elmasian, also passed away recently. The Hall of Fame was formed to honor those graduates of East Providence High School for bringing honor to themselves and to the high school. It was former Superintendent Francis’ hope to also boost pride within the community and specifically the high school. The committee also acknowledges honorary graduates of EPHS for their distinction in the community.

• I'll be thinking outside the box to help create "Fresh ideas" to get out of debt • Reduce Administration Costs

Chrissy won't let Riverside get neglected!

• Encourage any and all students at EPHS interested in the program at the CTC to sign up and learn a meaningful trade

COME SEE ME ANYTIME AT MY SHOP ON ANY ISSUE. Located at 686 Willett Ave. Riverside, RI (401) 481-1721

paid for by the friends of Chrissy Rossi

Edward L. Cronan. The 010 ceremony will honor 4 inductees: EDWARD L. CRONAN, JR. (Honorary). Mr. Cronan graduated from LaSalle Academy and is a retired Guidance Director at East Providence High School. During his tenure at EPHS, Cronan had been a Social Studies teacher, Cross Country and Track coach and guidance counselor. Cronan received special recognition from the RI Association of Admission Officers as a successful guidance counselor. He was honored by the National Youth Sports Coaches Association for his volunteer youth coaching. He received a teacher of the month award by the East Providence School Department and was named an “Outstanding Educator’ by the East Bay Woman’s Club. Cronan was also honored as a RI Cross Country Coach of the Year. Cronan was an active member of several volunteer organizations including continued on page 48...

October 2010 The Reporter



The Reporter October 2010

American School Counselors, The College Board, the National/RI Interscholastic Athletic Administrators’ Association, The URI Alumni Association, the Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation of America and others. He was also a volunteer with the East Providence Central Little League, St. Martha’s CYO basketball and Friends of Townie Athletics. After retiring from EPHS, Cronan worked as a track coach, guidance counselor and administrator for LaSalle Academy. Thankyou you for vote of confidence Thank foryour your vote of confidenceCronan graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 1972, receiving Bachelor and Master’s degrees. the Democratic Primary! ininthe Democratic Primary! Colonel Robert Germani, Class of 1979. Colonel Germani have successfullyled led the the charge for:for: I haveI successfully charge achieved academic and athletic success as a student at EPHS. Reformlowering lowering income taxes for 80% the of the He was a varsity hockey player serving as a captain. He went on ¥ Income Tax Tax Reform income taxes forof80% ¥ Income working class residents of of Senate District 14 14 working class residents Senate District to excel in hockey at the University of RI., graduating from URI Funding Formula resulting resulting in $4.2 million EXTRAEXTRA for in 1985. He completed Squadron Officer School, Air Command Funding Formula in $4.2 million for ¥ School ¥ School East Providence Schools East Providence Schools and Staff College and Air War College. He entered the RI Army Reform resulting in million in savings to Reform resulting in$90 $90 million in savings to ¥ Pension ¥ Pension National Guard in 1979 and is a highly decorated veteran. He RhodeRhode Island Taxpayers Island Taxpayers also has served in the RI Air National Guard. Colonel Germani has served as Chief of Security Police, But we must work together to: But we must work together to: 143rd Security Forces Commander, City and School Budgets ¥ Consolidate Consolidate City and School Budgets ¥ the Mission Support Commander and bridges roads ¥ Build¥ and Build repair and repair bridges and and roads the Detachment Commander for the administrative spending to stop ¥ Cut duplicate administrative spending to stop deÞcitsdeÞcits ¥ Cut duplicate 201st Mission Support Directorate. His WE THESE CHANGES WENEED NEED THESE CHANGES NOW! NOW! awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, Army AchieveI respectfully ask vote for I respectfully ask for for youryour vote for ment medal, Air Force Outstanding Unit STATE SENATOR STATE SENATOR Award, National Defense Service Medal, ononTUESDAY November 2, 2010 TUESDAY November 2, 2010 Army Overseas Service Medal, RI Commendation Medal and Defense Service www.dandaponte.com www.dandaponte.com Medal, among others. Germani has also ForFor a aride thepolls, polls, please call864-4234 (401) 864-4234 been an active community volunteer in ride to to the please call (401) the RI FOP, the Elks, Softball and Golf Paid for by the Friends of Daniel Da Ponte Paid for by the Friends of Daniel Da Ponte Colonel Robert Germani. leagues and the Make a Wish Founda-

October 010 The Reporter tion. Colonel Germani is a founder of the RI National Guard Open House and Air Show. Among his many charitable committee memberships, Germani is President of the McGowan-Roberts Memorial Fund and active with the March of Dimes, Special Olympics, Tour de Cure, little league, Boys and Girls Scouts and Breast Cancer Awareness programs. Robert M. Silva, Class of 1957. Mr. Silva began his practice of law in 1966. After high school he graduated from Providence College and Boston College. He was in the Honors Society and a Delta Epsilon Sigma. While a student at EPHS, Silva was a member of the school ‘s Student Council , as well as the President of the Rhode State Student Councils , representing Rhode Island at the National Conference. He was a three year member of the Rhode Island Honor Society, a member of the Gymnastic Robert M. Silva. Team, and a member throughout high school of the Dramatic Club. As a senior he made the Rhode Island All State Drama Team. Silva was a member of the school wrestling team and was one of two students selected as the most likely to succeed. From 1969 to 1984, Mr. Silva was an elected member of the Middletown Town Council. He served as council President twice. He was appointed as legal counsel for the RI State Water Resources Board, the RI State Lottery Commission, the East Providence School Committee and many other state and local agencies. Silva has been active in many community groups such as Meeting Street School Easter Seal campaign, the Middletown March of Dimes, the RI League of Cities and Towns, the RI Bicentennial Commission, EPHS Blueprint Task Force, the Catholic Charity Fund and a volunteer for many other public and private agencies. He remains the senior partner in the Law Firm of Silva, Thomas, Martland and Offenberg, LTD. James N. Viara, Class of 196 . Mr. Viara was an outstanding wrestler at EPHS. His Hall of Fame sponsors describe him as a “SelfMade Businessman”. In the years since his graduation from high school, Viara has operated several very successful businesses. After retiring at the young age of 4 , Viara bought a dairy farm and converted it to a horse stable whereby he raced and boarded specially trained horses for the Providence Police and others. Viara also has businesses operating in 5 New England states. Viara’s nominaJames N. Viara. tors praise him as an ‘example of a high school graduate without college experience, who became very successful from hard work and a solid background’. During his retirement, Viara has acted as a mentor for many young men from dysfunctional families. Some of Viara’s mentees have gone on to careers as pilots and within the medical profession. Some of Viara’a philanthropic activities have included donations to the RI Zoological Society, RI ASA, Vietnam Veterans memorial, Easter Seals, American Diabetes Association and Boys Town. The EPHS Hall of Fame committee has re-organized after the recent death of its long time Chairman, Arthur Elmasian. Elmasian was principal of EPHS for 18 years and served in other roles for the EP school department for over 40 years. Elmasian graduated from EPHS in 1949 and is a Hall of Fame member.


Succeeding Elmasian as Hall of fame committee chairman is 008 inductee, Robert “Bob” Rodericks, class of 197 . “This was a tough year for the Hall of Fame as we lost two of our most respected and charter committee members”, said Rodericks. “Myron Francis created the Hall and Arthur Elmasian has been a great chairman through the years. During their illnesses this past year I promised them I would help to keep the Townie Pride flame burning. Both Townie icons have meant too much to this community for our Hall of Fame to falter at this time. I and the rest of the committee pledge to honor their memories by continuing to support our high school Hall of Fame”, said Rodericks. Chairman Rodericks invites any high school graduate to join the committee by contacting him at bob_rodericks@yahoo.com or by calling 434-36 . Any graduate or non-graduate can nominate a person for induction into the Hall of Fame. Tickets for this years’ induction ceremony, which include a full dinner are available to anyone for $40. Tickets are available at the main office at East Providence High School, E.R. Martin and Riverside Middle Schools. Tickets can also be obtained by calling ticket co-chairs, Donald and Linda Carlson at 433-3693.

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HOME Cozy Up to Redecorating and Prepare Your Home for Indoor Entertaining (ARA) - After months of sunshine, cookouts, beach-going and outdoor entertaining, it can be a little disappointing to realize the cool bite of fall is on its way. But warding off those cold-weather blues can be as simple as redecorating a room (or a few) to create a hideaway that you can enjoy until spring arrives. With a little time and creativity, you can create a fresh space that will outlast the dreary weather of the coming months. Preparing a home for the coldest months of the year - whether you expect to host company for the holidays or to simply spend more time indoors - can seem daunting. But professional designer and television personality Danielle Hirsch says there is no need to fret. Hirsch, featured on Dutch Boy's new Restore My Decor.com decorating website, says there are many ways to minimize the time and expense you might associate with refreshing your home's interior. Here are just a few of her easy and affordable tips that can help bring new life to your decor.

October 2010 The Reporter



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It might sound like a cliche, but a fresh coat of interior paint can truly do wonders to renew a space. Dutch Boy's Restore My Decor. com website features advice from Hirsch to help you decide what color and design scheme is right for your room. She also offers tips to help your project run smoothly. Gathering valuable inspirational ideas from the site will ensure your interior turns out right the first time, saving you valuable time and money. Don't stop with wall color, though. As the weather turns bleak, heat up your home design by bringing a bit of color inside. Are you conservative when it comes to design? Try accenting a neutral room with a few pieces of the same color family. If you're more daring, play with a variety of warm, bright colors. "Take cues from Mother Nature and pull colors you see from the foliage around you," Hirsch says. "Rich oranges, chocolate browns, vibrant reds and ambers - these colors bring energy as the days get darker earlier."

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You can also take pleasure in the changing of the seasons by incorporating natural outdoor elements into your decor. "Nothing says fall like a pumpkin, and if you hollow it out, it makes a great vase," Hirsch says. She also suggests accenting a room with seasonal fruits, vegetables

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October 010 The Reporter





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and flowers, colorful leaves and pinecones for quick and easy ways to bring the natural beauty of autumn indoors. "To round out your fall decorating remember that with the days getting shorter, warm lighting is essential," Hirsch says. Do a quick audit of the lighting to ensure you're making the most of your room's natural and artificial light. Introducing a new light source, whether it's a standing or table lamp, can transform the overall feel of a room and fight off the dreary gray outside your window. Hirsch goes onto say, "This fall, don't be lulled into hibernation. Take the time you have indoors and put it to good use. Tackling interior projects now will leave your home looking beautiful and ready for family and friends for years to come." Courtesy of ARAcontent


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Practical Upgrades Pay Off in Kitchens and Bathrooms (ARA) - Practical pays off when it comes to kitchen and bath renovations. Gone are the days when virtually every kitchen or bathroom remodel involved top-of-the-line luxury upgrades and a budget big enough to fund an Ivy League education. Today’s homeowners want more value for their remodeling dollars, and that means turning to improvements that make both functional and fiscal sense. If you’re contemplating a kitchen or bathroom remodel, here are some pointers for keeping it practical:

Be like the Swiss . . .

That is to say, stick with neutrality in both the bathroom and the kitchen. Choose neutral colors for the walls and for parts of the room that might be especially costly to change later if your taste in bold colors doesn’t play well with the preferences of potential buyers. Keep fixtures such as sinks and toilets, tiling and flooring in neutral tones and use accessories like shower curtains, towels, artwork and small appliances to put your personal color stamp on the room. continued on next page...

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The Reporter October 010

Home Improvement

Look Who’s Back for The Holidays!

Personal Touch

Reflect action

No matter how big your bathroom feels to you, there’s no downside in making it feel bigger. Use mirrors to make the room appear larger than it is. Wall-to-wall, counter-to-ceiling mirrors, free of frames or bevels, fit with contemporary styling and can make a modestly sized bathroom feel much larger.

Country Gift Shoppe • Fall & Christmas Decor • Framed Pictures • Flags • 2011 Calendars • Candles • Wooden Signs ...And much more!

Sink into it

Sinks play a pivotal role in the usability and desirability of both bathrooms and kitchens. In baths, replace dated, single-basin vanities with dual-sink models, which are in high demand by homebuyers. For kitchen sinks, which are on display in your home 4/7, opt for a blend of practicality and beauty. Kohler’s Vault family of fabricated stainless steel sinks blend form and functionality. The sinks can be installed as undermount or self-rim, so they work with virtually any decor. Log on to www.kohler.com to learn more.

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Storage is a significant issue in virtually every American home, and both homeowners and home buyers are acutely aware of how much - or how little - storage the average bathroom or kitchen has. In both rooms, adding cabinets and shelving can improve the room’s livability and practicality. Storage is so important, you may want to consider replacing a powder room pedestal sink with a modestly sized vanity. If you really want to make a storage splash in a bathroom, add a shower storage unit.




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And speaking of showers . . . A great shower isn’t just a luxury, it’s a practical concern as well. Americans rely on their showers for more than just cleanliness - a shower is also a spot to relax and decompress. It pays to shell out a few more dollars for touches - like a good showerhead such as the Kohler Flipside Showerhead -- that will turn your shower space into a more welcoming experience. Shower surrounds have made it particularly easy to upgrade an existing shower. Sterling has introduced the Accord seated shower, with a seat that is movable and removable. The seating area is the largest available to consumers, and allows you to relax in a seated position, leaning against the shower wall. Log on to www.SterlingPlumbing.com to learn more.

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October 010 The Reporter


EAST PROVIDENCE PUBLIC LIBRARIES Letting Go and Lightening Up… Literally thursday, October 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Riverside Branch Library Does the basement cleanout project overwhelm you? Does the pile on your desk stress you out? Instead of tackling those projects, many of us take that stress and do unhealthy things with it. Overeating is one unhealthy habit to cope with stress. Professional Organizer, Ron Blum, will give you practical techniques to tackle the clutter and projects in your life, without reaching for the cookie jar. In this one hour seminar you will learn ways to do just that and lighten up...literally. The presenter, Ron Blum, is a Professional Organizer and is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers. This program is free and open to all and no registration is required. Call 433-4877 for more information.

Live Your Life Well

Thursday, October 28th at 6:30 p.m.

Riverside Branch Library What can we do to enhance our lives? Are we getting the most out of our opportunities? Using elements of positive psychology and building upon one’s coping abilities, Marie Strauss, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker, will offer skills and support related to life adjustment issues that people face as they work through the milestones of being middle aged through older adulthood. Join Marie and others in an interactive group discussion which will focus on making a transformation from just “living your life” to “living your life well.” This presentation is provided by the speaker’s bureau of the Mental Health Association of Rhode Island. This program is free and open to all. No registration is required. Call 433-4877 for more information.

East providence Library Locations www.eastprovidencelibrary.org wEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 401-434-2453 Monday - Thursday 9-8; Friday & Saturday 9-5 FULLER BRANCH LIBRARY 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI 401-434-1136 Monday & wednesday 10-6; Friday 10-5 RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Avenue, Riverside, RI 401-433-4877 Monday – Thursday 10-8; Friday & Saturday 10-5 RUMFORD BRANCH LIBRARY 1392 Pawtucket Avenue, Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Tuesday & Thursday 10-6; Saturday 10-5


NOV. 2

Fighting for Change…and Winning! A Background of Working for You:

Joe is on Your Side:

( Lifelong East Providence resident

( Took on Special Interests and Big Union Bosses to save EP from bankruptcy

( Councilman at Large; elected Mayor by the Council ( Chairs council meetings with fairness and integrity ( Graduate of Duke and its Law School ( A career of putting merit over politics

( Passed and held to low tax rate cap of 3.5%; other cities at 10%-17% ( Led 10 year effort to preserve and construct Rose Larisa Memorial Park ( Delivered largest spending cuts in EP history to protect taxpayers

( Husband of Kathleen and Father of Joey

( Historic cooperation with School Committee, favoring kids over contracts

( Founder Larisa Law and Consulting

( Spearheaded new $200 million project on EP waterfront; largest in State ( New Wastewater Plant eco-friendly with no more odor

To make sure we continue the change EP needs, email me at Mayorlarisa@verizon.net or call me at 434-5945. Paid for by Larisa for Council


The Reporter October 2010

Scouting Around Town Hornaday Medal

Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside recently spent a weekend camping at Camp Aquapog in South Kingstown. The main events of the weekend were spent on the pond canoeing, kayaking and rowing. While doing so scouts completed advancements for on the water related badges.

On September 15, 2010, Theodore Sanford Jr. (Troop 4, Riverside) was given a special award - The Hornaday Medal. This is not an easy award to earn. It requires that you earn multiple merit badges and also incorporate a special conservation project. In this case, it was an Eagle project. Ted is an Eagle Scout and his Eagle project was Scouting for Knowledge. He collected books throughout the community and redistributed them to the elderly, day care centers and local school systems. This was in addition to the five conservation theme merit badges, and you’ll see the commitment needed to earn this medal. Great job Ted!

Boy Scout Registration - October 18

Boy Scout Troop 55 will hold an information and sign-up night on Monday, October 18 at the American Legion Post, 830 Willett Avenue, Riverside at 6:30 p.m. All boys who are interested in learning more about Boy Scouts, and their parents, are invited to attend. Boy Scouts is open to boys aged 11 and up or those who have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old. Boys who have earned the Cub Scout’s Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old are also eligible. Come learn about the fun and interesting activities you can participate in as a Boy Scout! TOWNIE PRIDE FOREVER * TOWNIE PRIDE FOREVER



Photo from left to right: Theodore Sanford, Sr., Theodore Sanford Jr., Everett King.

L���� D�M���� A�������� School Committee At Large

“Every Decision I make starts with the Welfare of Your Children FIRST!”


-Spearheaded a Community Build Project for the New Playground at Kent Heights -Co-chairs the East Providence Wellness Committee -PTA President for 3yrs / PTA Treasurer for 2yrs www.VoteLuisa.com www.LuisaAbatecola.com


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2010 The Reporter


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2010 Subaru Outback LT Leather, 2010 Subaru Sunroof Outback . . . . . .$26,995 LT Leather, 2010 Subaru Sunroof 2008 Toyota Outback . . . . .Corolla .$26,995 LT Leather, 4 Dr,Sunroof Air 2008 . . .Toyota . .. .. .. .. .. .$26,995 .Corolla . . . . . . .$9,995 4 Dr,2008 Air . .Toyota .2007 . . . . .Subaru Corolla . . . . . . . Impreza .4.$9,995 Dr, Air .Wagon . . . 2007 . . . . Auto . Subaru . . . .. .. .. .. ..$9,995 Impreza . . . . .$13,995 Wagon 2007 Subaru Auto . . . .Impreza . . . . . .$13,995 Wagon Auto . . . . . . . . . .$13,995 2009 Kia Rio 10K . . . . . . . . 2009 . . . . . Kia . . . Rio . . . .10K . . . . .. ..$10,995 . . . . .2009 . . . . .Kia . 2008 . .Rio . . . Subaru 10K . . . . .......$10,995 Legacy . . . . . . . .Auto, . . . .2008 Roof . . . . .Subaru .. .. .. .. .. .$10,995 . .Legacy . . . . .$16,995 Auto, 2008 Roof Subaru 2007 . . . . Subaru . .Legacy . . . . . .$16,995 Forester Auto, Roof Premium .2007 . . . . .Subaru .Sunroof, . . . . .$16,995 Forester Auto $18,995 Premium 2007 Subaru Sunroof, Forester Auto $18,995 Premium Sunroof, Auto $18,995


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CREDIT. . . .. .$12,995 . .Tribeca . . . .SALES .$20,995 Sunroof, 2007 Leather Subaru 2003 Hummer . Tribeca .& . . DUE . . . .$20,995 H3 Sunroof, Loaded Leather 2003 . .1. .PAYMENT .. .Hummer . . . . . .$20,995 . . . H3 . . . Loaded .$21,995 2003 . . . . Hummer . . . . . . . . . H3 . . . Loaded . .$21,995 . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 2009 Toyota Corolla . . . .S. .Auto . . . . . .2007 . . .$14,995 20074Chevy Cobalt 41K, . . . 41K, . . . . Auto .2005 . . . .$9,995 Subaru Legacy AWD . . . .$11,995 . . .Chevy . . . . . . Cobalt . . .$14,995 2007 4 Dr, . .Subaru . . . . . . .Legacy . .2005 .$9,995 Subaru Sedan,. .Auto, AWD . . . . . .$11,995 2009 Toyota Corolla S Auto 2009 . . . . .Toyota . . .S. .Auto . .Corolla . . . .$14,995 Dr, 41K, AutoChevy . .4. Dr, . . . Cobalt . . . . Auto . .$9,995 Sedan,2005 Auto, AWDSedan, . . Legacy . . .Auto, .$11,995 2009 Subaru Legacy Auto . . . .2007 . . .$18,995 2007 Subaru . . . . . 4. .Dr . . . . .2004 . . .$13,995 2004 Subaru . . . .LL . . 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The Reporter October 010

Who Says You Can’t Have it All?

For Providence Country Day School students, challenging oneself in the classroom, on the athletic fields, in the art studio, on the stage and in the community is all in a day’s work. PCD’s college prep scholars are also league champion athletes, award winning artists, actors and singers. They are leaders in their school and in their communities and each one helps make our school a more vibrant place to learn and grow. college prep | arts | athletics | grades 6-12 | co-ed 660 Waterman Ave. • E. Providence, RI 02914 401.438.5170 | www.providencecountryday.org

OPEN HOUSE - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

We Share Hope

We Share Hope thanks East Providence Elks On September 1 , 010, a pasta dinner fund raiser was sponsored by the East Providence Elks with the proceeds going to We Share Hope. According to Stephen Martin, President and Founder over 300 supporters were in attendance and the East Providence Elks raised $4,500.00 to help with the expense of running the organization’s vehicles. Sincere thanks and appreciation to all who donated prizes for the table raffles, food for the buffet, all business who purchased an ad on our place mat and all the East Providence Elks members who gave their time, energy, and resources over a five month period of time to make this day possible. We also wish to sincerely thank brother Elk, David Le Page for his tireless efforts, leadership and organizational abilities without which this function would not have happened. Members of the East Providence Elks have been active in the We Share Hope community for over fourteen months. They are distributing food to hundreds of needy individual and families throughout East Providence and those they serve are growing weekly. As we watch the East Providence Elks members who are giving to others we can’t help but notice their enthusiasm. For we have found that in self forgetting one finds true happiness. We Share Hope is a community of individuals who are committed to serving the common good. Their primary mission is to provide food to organizations that feed the poor, distressed, and the under privileged. At present they support over 90 agencies in Rhode Island.

St. Margaret’s Church 20th Anniversary

On Sunday, October 17th, St. Margaret’s Parish in Rumford will observe the 0th anniversary of the dedication of its new church at the 10 a.m. Solemn Concelebrated Liturgy of Thanksgiving, with Auxiliary Bishop Robert CF. Evans presiding. Concelebrants will include Rev. Thomas L. Keenan (Pastor Emeritus), Rev. Edward J. McGovern (former pastor), Rev. Msgr. William J. McCaffrey (pastor), and Rev. Msgr. Paul D. Theroux (Vicar General & priestin-residence). The former St. Margaret Church was destroyed by a fire on Sept. 7, 1987 and the current new church was dedicated on October 1, 1990. St. Margaret Parish was founded by Bishop Matthew Harkins on June 0, 1888. All present and former parishioners as well as neighbors and friends are most welcome to join in attending this 0th Anniversary Liturgy of Thanksgiving.

St. Margaret’s Sponsors Haiti Benefit Concert

On Sunday, October 17th, at 3 p.m. St. Margaret’s Parish, Rumford will sponsor an Anniversary Concert to benefit the restoration and operations of the Haiti Mission school “L’Ouverture Cleary”, a co-educational Catholic school in Croix de Bouquet outside Port Au Prince ward 2 School Committee which serves 357 gifted but poor students in grades 6 thru 1 . • Father of 3; Stephen,Jr Meaghan and Christine The Benefit Concert will be conducted • Married to Margaret (Allen) by Mr. Ron Procopio, Music Minister and • Lifelong residents, graduate of EP High 1975 Organist at St. Margaret’s, along with the • Bachelor Degree in Business Management: Bryant University Parish Adult and Childrens’ Choirs and in• Former State President of the Rhode Island PTA strumentalists and several guest soloists. • Member of the Board of Directors of the Rhode Island Parent Tickets are $15. for adults and $8. for Information Network (RIPIN) • Chairman of the Crescent Park Carousel Commission youth/children, and are available from the • Lector at St. Martha’s Parish Parish Office (401-438-3 30) or by email at furtadoschoolcommittee@gmail.com office-stmargaretchurch@cox.net. Tickets are also available after the weekend MassMy Goals are to return open public comment and increase parent and es, and a limited number of tickets will be community involvement in decision making And RETURN TOWNIE PRIDE! available at the door.


Paid for by friends of Steve Furtado.

October 010 The Reporter



Comments from The Candidates Jim Miller Visits Washington DC

On Wednesday, September nd, District 18 Senate Candidate, Jim Miller, attended the “Rhode Island Business Leaders Day” hosted by Senator Jack Reed in Washington, D.C. Speakers that were invited by Senator Reed included: Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, National Journal Correspondent Major Garrett, Congressman James Langevin, New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Under Secretary of Defense Dr. Ashton B. Carter, Indiana Senator Richard Lugar, Director White House Office of Health Care Reform Nancy Ann-DeParle, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd. It was a very intense dialog of what is affecting us as Americans today and where we are headed in the near future. What I came away with is that there is no easy task for either federal or state officials, and it will take a lot of hard work and tough decisions on all of us to get us on this forward path. Most of us are looking for answers today, and some of the issues such as energy and health care are not easy fixes and time is something we must be aware of as much as the problems themselves. I did, however, come away with a lot of positive energy from this esteemed field of business leaders. As for the speaking program, I felt that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was enlightening and direct when it came to answering questions on the ability to get out of the recession, Mr. Geithner feels, as do most of us, that we are still in a recession. This opportunity to listen to and interact with Washington decision makers was one that I will not forget soon, and I can put the information gathered at this forum to good use at the state level of government. -Jim Miller

To the Concerned Citizens of East Providence,

There are a lot of good things happening in our city. There are a lot of good people here. I know this because I have lived here all my life. I was educated in our school system. And I meet them every day on the campaign trail. I am sad to see young people leaving East Providence. They are buying homes elsewhere because they cannot afford the taxes here. They are relocating their families based on their mistrust in our school system. But, I am not leaving. I am staying here to change that. My parents moved here because of their faith in this city, and the only way to restore that mentality is to change the way we do business. It is time to break up the “good ol’ boy” network in East Providence. I refuse to be a part of the back room deals that have suffocated our government for so long. We don’t have time for petty political posturing. When the new City Council is elected on November nd, we need to focus on one goal: Bring Townie Pride Back. There must be communication with the members of the minority on the Council. Currently, the minority is shut out and ignored. I pledge to be a calm and logical voice, focusing on responsible leadership and positive reinforcement. If faced with the current Proposed Budget, I would not vote to raise taxes, while also squeezing in raises for city employees. I will work with state legislators, be they Democrat, Republican or Independent, to fight for the state aid that is rightfully owed to our city. Talk is cheap. The time for action is now. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Sincerely, Katie J. Kleyla Candidate for City Council – Ward 1 katie4council@gmail.com continued on next page

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The Reporter October 010

Frank DeVall for State Senate He knows there’s more to be done!

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I would like to thank the many citizens who took the opportunity to vote in the September 14th primary election. Through your votes and the efforts of many volunteers and supporters, my campaign was successful in securing the Democratic ballot position for the general election on Tuesday, November nd. During this past session, Rhode Island legislators sent a strong message to the business community that they are working hard to create jobs and help businesses thrive. The General Assembly passed the most significant reform to the income tax code in forty years. We took decisive action to make it easier to do business in Rhode Island by cutting government red tape. We put systems in place to improve the skills of the workforce, and streamlined the process for businesses to access capital, thereby providing funds necessary to expand and improve facilities and create jobs here in East Providence. The president of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce described the 010 legislative session as “probably the most significant year in the last decade in terms of helping small business.” The new tax code will help companies attract and retain top-notch talent, and make the state more attractive to companies looking to remain here or locate here. My experience in the State House, working collaboratively with various stakeholders, helped to produce six laws during my first term, including laws that assisted workers with extended health coverage and benefits, upgraded the Dig Safe program for the first time in twenty years, and helped small business continue to advertise with neon lighting. With your support, I look forward to returning to the Senate to continue to work for you. I plan to submit the Full-Day Kindergarten Bill once again. It just makes sense. Hard-working parents are forced to place their children in half-day kindergarten classes, then spend lunch hours shuttling them to daycare programs, all at high cost to the families. We want better test scores from our schools; we want our students reading at grade level; we want confident young children. Let’s provide all kindergarten-age children the opportunity to improve their skills with early intervention. This may improve test results in middle and high school, and diminish the need for remedial education. To assist our working families, legislators need to work towards consolidation of certain budgetary items and services, as well as to continue to bring state spending under control without eliminating services necessary to our citizens. It will be an honor to continue to serve as your Senator and to provide East Providence residents a voice for their concerns at the state level. I respectfully ask for your support and vote in the general election on November nd. Senator Frank A. DeVall, Jr.

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Cusack Announces Re-Election Bid

East Providence, RI (August 5, 010) Robert E. Cusack of East Providence announced his candidacy for a third term on the City Council representing Ward One. “It has been a pleasure to serve the people of Ward One for the past four years, and I humbly ask that my constituents support me for another term,” Cusack said. “I have listened closely to the concerns of city residents and tried my best to make the city a better place to live and work. As we all know, the past few years have been very difficult, but through the sacrifices of our employees and our taxpayers, we have managed to remain afloat financially. Yes, the Council and School Committee have asked for large sacrifices, and for the most part have achieved

October 010 The Reporter them, and understandably, this has resulted in some highly charged (and high volume) discussions at meetings. However, I am proud of the results because even in the face of unprecedented funding cuts by the state, we have produced balanced budgets. In times past, elected officials simply caved in to special interests’ demands because it was easier than fighting. Unfortunately, some fighting this time was needed to avoid insolvency. It was uncomfortable for me to insist on concessions from employees who are my own friends and neighbors, but I felt the taxpayers couldn’t be the only ones to sacrifice this time. In fact, many taxpayers feel the 3.5% tax rate increase was too much in the current recession, with Rhode Island unemployment at 1 %. I think the Council has acted fairly, and has performed far better than those of other cities and towns in our state.” In 006, I promised to do my best to protect taxpayers, promote good economic development and improve our quality of life. I feel I have delivered on those promises despite the worst economic recession since the 1930s. We have held tax increases to 3.5%. We have the largest development project in the state here, the $ 00 million Village on the Waterfront, with Chevron as the lead partner. We have adopted ordinances to clean up excessive signage and worked with the state DOT to repair our infrastructure. I have recruited and appointed highly qualified members of our city boards and commissions. I have personally advocated for residents who needed my help interacting with city government. I hope to continue all this important work on residents’ behalf, and I ask for their help and support on election day.” Bob Cusak


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Ramos To Donate State Salary/benefits if Elected to District 18

Former East Providence City Councilman and Mayor Dr. Isadore S. Ramos, seeking election to the Rhode Island State Senate from District 18 as an Independent, announced that, if elected, he will donate his salary to charitable organizations in East Providence, as means of showing he is a true independent voice for the residents of District 18. The salary for a legislator is $14,495 a year. Dr. Ramos also said he would not participate in the health care plan provided to legislators, further adding to Dr. Isadore S. Ramos. the savings for residents of the district and state. The cost of an individual health care plan for a legislator is $6,463. Dr. Ramos said he also would not accept payment of a $ ,00 waiver given to lawmakers who do not take health care benefits from the state. “My candidacy is all about providing a voice in the State House to represent residents of East Providence, not the interests of lobbyists, trade and professional organizations, Dr. Ramos said. “For too many years our state has suffered because the special interests have controlled the legislative process,” he added. “I promise that I will not be aligned with anyone but the taxpayers and I will speak out if I feel their interests are not being properly represented.” Dr. Ramos also served on the East Providence School Committee and was a teacher and school administrator in East Providence for many years.

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The Reporter October 010

Town News R.I. Resource Recovery Distributes Profit-sharing To Municipalities

More than $680K Presented to Cities and Towns for Recycling Performance

In a year when Rhode Island cities and towns saw millions in state aid slashed, Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation has provided a measure of cash relief based on the municipalities’ recycling performance. Yesterday, RIRRC divided $681,014 in profits from the sale of household recyclables to 36 eligible R.I. cities and towns. “In a difficult year when the markets were so unpredictable, we are proud to announce that we turned a profit at the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) and now share that benefit with the municipalities who serve as our partners,” said Michael OConnell, executive director of RIRRC. “Many cities and towns improved their overall recycling rates, which helps to prolong the useful life of the Central Landfill," he said. “The check presentations made today prove that recycling is a good investment for our state, our hometowns and our state’s environment.” Profit-sharing checks averaged $18,917. Shares are based on each municipality’s recycled tonnage brought to the MRF in Johnston during fiscal year 010. Recycling rates are computed as the percentage of recycling waste processed at the MRF compared with the amount of the municipalities’ waste sent to the Central Landfill for burial. The recycling rates and profit-sharing amounts among eligible local municipalities were as follows: Municipality FY10 MRF Recycling Rate Profit Share Barrington 7% $17,169 Warren 4% $9,516 East Providence 3% $35,041 Bristol 16% $11, 15 Pawtucket 14% $30, 91 Providence 13% $75, 1

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Providence should be noted for its jump from 10 percent to 13 percent in just six months by enacting a “no bin, no barrel” effort, called Green Up Providence. Despite challenges posed by multilingual and multi-family housing obstacles, the city is on track to achieve a 0 percent recycling rate in FY11. “Nearly two-thirds of Providence households are multi-family and they have the added burden of needing to constantly reeducate residents due to the ever-changing population and demographics,” said OConnell. “Their grassroots efforts included educational materials in Spanish and English, Q&A meetings, the involvement of community groups, and ensuring that all households had access to recycling bins and collections. This is one of the best success stories of the year.” When the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) owned by the quasi-public agency earns profits, they can distribute them to municipalities that have recycling contracts with RIRRC. Located in Johnston, R.I., Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation is the quasi-state environmental agency that manages nearly all of the state’s municipal and commercial solid waste. RIRRC owns and operates a materials recycling facility, which processes more than 92,000 tons of recyclables annually, and the Central Landfill, which disposes approximately750,000 tons of solid waste annually.

(l to r) RIRRC Chairman Douglas Jeffrey; RIRRC Vice Chairman Geri-Ann DiPaolo; North Providence Mayor and RIRRC board member Charles Lombardi; East Providence Recycling Coordinator Steve Mutter; and Michael OConnell, executive director of RIRRC. Mutter accepted RIRRC’s profit-sharing check of $35,041 for East Providence’s recycling performance last year.

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October 010 The Reporter


A “Kids First” School Department Vote for Tony Carcieri for Excellent Education at an Affordable Cost in East Excellent Student/Teacher Ratio Providence! An End to Runaway Spending and Unaffordable/Unsustainable Contracts Through My Efforts We Have Saved Over $5 Million Dollars for the  A “Kids First” School Department Taxpayers  Excellent Student/Teacher Ratio – 13:1 Investment Classrooms New Textbooks and Technology  An EndintoOur Runaway Spending–and Unaffordable/Unsustainable Contracts  Through Tony’sBrought Efforts WeHome Have Saved Over $5 Million for the–Taxpayers Special Needs Kids to Our School District East  Investment in OurPartnership Classrooms – New Textbooks and Technology Providence/Bradley  Special Needs Kids Brought Home to Our School District – East Career & Technical Center Freed from Scandal and Now Focused on Kids Providence/Bradley Partnership Extraordinary Educational Improvements Without Asking the Taxpayers  Career & Technical Center Freed from Scandal and Now Focused on Kids for More Money Educational Improvements Without Asking the Taxpayers  Extraordinary for More Money

Big Labor Bosses have targeted Tony because he fought for our students Big Labor Bosses haveTownie targetedtaxpayers! Tony because he fought for our students and for our hard-working and for our hard-working Townie taxpayers!

“I am running for re-election to to continue thechange change for our “I am running for re-election continue the wewe needneed for our school system and toandstop thethe special from turning the clock school system to stop specialinterests interests from turning back back the clock in East Providence.” Carcieri n East Providence.” - Tony- Tony Carcieri

Paid for by Friends of Tony Carcieri

Paid for by Friends of Tony Carcieri

“Tony insists on an Excellent Education for our Kids while


The Reporter October 010

How You Can Help Blues Preservation Society

We are seeking new and/or used donated instruments such as guitars, flutes, trumpets, saxophones, trombones, clarinets, child size keyboards, child beginner’s drums, etc. The musical instruments will be provided to underprivileged school aged children in grades 4 through 1 , who express an interest in music of their choice, show an aptitude for musical instruction, are needy and are recognized by their school or organization. Please contact Elizabeth Pegg, program coordinator at area code 401-438-5886 or Donna Pena at 461-7889. For additional information about the organization go to our website at www.bluespreservationsociety.org.

Considering Adoption?

The Many Faces of Adoption: Families Tell Their Stories Adoption Options of Jewish Family Service

thursday, October 28, 2010 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

gET AN ONLINE AUTO/HOME POLICY QUOTE Enjoy a fast, free, premium estimate.

959 North Main Street, Providence, RI Join us for a panel discussion followed by coffee and dessert. You will hear from families who have adopted children of various ages from the United States and from abroad. Families will tell their stories and be available for questions. RSVP: by Friday, October , 010 Peg Boyle – 331-5437, ext. 31 or peg@ jfsri.org

Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

VISIT www.Statelineins.COM Fill out a secure online form. An actual agent promptly reviews your information to assure that you get the very best deal we can provide. Virgil Sales, Jr., CLU, ChFC Stateline Insurance & Financial Services Inc. 520 North Broadway, East Providence, RI 02914 • 401-438-8345

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Adoption Options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 959 North Main St. in Providence on October 1, 010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331-5437 or visit www. AdoptionOptions.org.

October 010 The Reporter

Save the Date Cats Alive! Cocktail Party and Silent Auction

Local group holds annual event to raise funds for feral cats

Cranston, Rhode Island - PawsWatch, Rhode Island’s Volunteer Network for Feral Cats, will hold its 10th annual cocktail party and silent auction at the Rhode Island Shriners Imperial Room at One Rhodes Place, Cranston, RI 0 905 on Saturday, November 13, 010 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $ 5 and may be purchased in advance or at the door. Tickets can be purchased online at pawswatch.org or you may send a check made payable to PawsWatch, PO Box 3711, Newport, RI 0 840. Please specify the number of tickets and your name will be added to our guest list. Proceeds will help pay for veterinary care and provide food & shelter for feral cats. For more information contact PawsWatch at cats@pawswatch.org or 401.848.9867. If you love animals and are looking for an opportunity to reduce the suffering of feral cats in your community, please support PawsWatch’s upcoming Cats Alive! annual cocktail party and silent auction. PawsWatch is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to helping Rhode Islanders provide spay/neuter and vaccinations for neighborhood feral cats. The organization is funded by community donations which are applied directly to providing vet care and shelter for feral cats and kittens. PawsWatch has provided crucial veterinary care to thousands of feral cats since it was founded in 1997. By working with local veterinarians and concerned neighbors, we are able to spay and neuter, vaccinate and treat injuries and illnesses. In addition to the necessary vet services, our hardworking volunteers help Rhode Islanders learn and apply humane methods to improve the lives of the feral cats in their neighborhoods. This includes facilitating vet care and making sure that the cats have adequate shelter and an ongoing food supply. Additional information is available at www.alleycat.org, the national leader of Trap-Neuter-Return-Monitor (TNRM.) To donate or to learn more about PawsWatch, visit www.pawswatch.org or email to cats@pawswatch.org.

Rhode Island Blood Center Drives East Providence

10/6/ 010 - 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm; EXIT REALTY, Conference Room; 1980 Pawtucket Avenue 10/7/ 010 - 9:00 am - 11:30 am; Eastgate Nursing & Recovery, Bloodmobile; 198 Waterman Ave. 10/14/ 010 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm; East Providence Senior Center, Bloodmobile; 610 Waterman Avenue 10/ 1/ 010 - 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm; Gregg’s Restaurant, Bloodmobile; 1940 Pawtucket Avenue 10/ / 010 - 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Local No. 37, Hall; 845 Waterman Avenue 10/ 6/ 010 - 7:30 am - 1:30 pm; East Providence High School, Auditorium; 000 Pawtucket Avenue 10/18/ 010 - 10:00 am - :00 pm; Rite Aid Pharmacy, Bloodmobile; 655 Warren Ave 10/18/ 010 - 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm; Rite Aid, Bloodmobile; 10 0 Newport Avenue, East Providence, RI 0 916


Who’s Who & What They Do Profiling Local Businesses

Inferno wood Pellets and International Forest Products have Teamed Up to Serve You Better.

Inferno Wood Pellets is pleased to announce that it has appointed International Forest Products as its exclusive Sales Agent. Inferno is committed to producing and distributing its leading-brand of wood pellets and is excited about this next step into the growing field of alternative fuels. “IFP is the right choice for us” says Inferno’s owner, John Ferreira. “They bring the logistical expertise, the expansive network of customers to the right level of distribution, and the strong financial presence that we desire for our business.” Our customers can rest assured that they will have the same ‘mill-direct’ access to our product along with having the tremendous market presence and back-office support that IFP brings. Inferno Wood Pellet manufactures premium quality wood pellets, which are sold to distributors and retailers throughout New England. The Inferno facility is located in Rumford, Rhode Island. In addition to providing exceptional service and competitive pricing, Inferno is especially proud of offering wood pellets that are environmentally friendly. IFP is a 38-year-old, Boston-based family company dedicated to the worldwide business of forest products marketing. Its clear focus is to be the marketing arm and financial partner of the independent producer, servicing their need to be on the forefront of the global trends for their products.

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The Reporter October 2010

October 2010 The Reporter

East Providence Senior Center News Monthly Highlights

Flu Clinic 4th 9:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 4th 10:30 a.m. Bright Star HealthCare 5th 10:30 a.m. Clinical Lab 6th 8:30 a.m. Beginners Computer 6th 9:00 a.m. Internet Computer 6th 10:30 a.m. Stroke Club 6th 1:30 p.m. Beginners Computer 6th 2:30 p.m. Flu Clinic 8th 9:00 a.m. Columbus Day 11th Closed East Bay Center 12th 9:00 a.m. Weight Maintenance 12th 10:30 a.m. Beginners Computer 13th 9:00 a.m. Internet Computer 13th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 13th 10:30 a.m. Beginners Computer 13th 2:30 p.m. Blood Donation Drive 14th 10:00 a.m. 55 Alive Driving Course14th 11:30 a.m. Flu Clinic 14th 1:30 p.m. In-Sight 15th 12:45 p.m. Flu Clinic 15th 1:00 p.m. Health Info Workshop 18th 9:30 a.m. Flu Clinic 18th 1:00 p.m. Beginners Computer 20th 9:00 a.m. Food Stamps 20th 10:00 a.m. Internet Computer 20th 10:30 a.m. Beginners Computer 20th 2:30 p.m. Retired Teachers Mtg 21st 10:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 21st 10:30 a.m. AARP Board Meeting 21st 1:00 p.m. Flu Clinic 22nd 1:00 p.m. Caregivers Support 25th 10:30 a.m. Flu Clinic 25th 1:00 p.m. East Bay Center 26th 9:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 26th 10:30 a.m. RSVP Board Meeting 27th 1:00 p.m. Advisory Board 28th 9:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 28th 1:30 p.m. Flu Clinic 29th 1:00 p.m.

AARP Safe Driving Course Thursday, October 14th, 12 noon – 4:00 p.m.

People 55+ yrs. (sometimes 50+ check w/ your insurance company) may get a discount on their automobile insurance for taking this course. Discounts vary; contact your insurer for the amount of discount they offer and to see if you qualify. This new 4 hour course is condensed from 8 hours so please be prompt at 11:30 for completion of AARP forms and your insurance certificate. No late comers will be allowed. The class will take place 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The course fee is $14.00 for each participant. AARP members will receive a $2.00 discount if the person takes either their active, unexpired, AARP membership card or membership number to class that day. This is

a mandated requirement and there are no exceptions in order to obtain this discount. Registration is required ASAP as space is limited. PLEASE bring your check to class that day payable to AARP. For more info, call the Senior Center @ 435-7800 Ext. #6. You can bring a snack or sandwich to eat during the class break. If the course participant is a member of AARP but does not have their AARP membership card, they can call 1-888--6872277) to obtain their number. If the course participant is a member but does not have their card or AARP membership number with them, they will have to pay $14.00.

Health Information Online For Seniors Monday, October 18, 2010 9:30 to 11 a.m.

When you search the Internet, do you have trouble figuring out which websites have legitimate health and medical information? Does it seem like a lot of websites are trying to sell you something? The RI Hospital Library will hold a free computer workshop at the East Providence Senior Center where you can learn about high quality health and medical websites that provide accurate information for seniors. You will get hands-on experience with easy to use, government sponsored health websites. Note: Basic Computer Skills required (using a mouse and searching the Internet). Registration Is Required. Please contact Ellen Frazier @ 435-7873.

Senior Center sends it’s Millionth Dollar Coupon

For several years now volunteers at the center have been collecting, clipping, and sorting coupons to send to our troops and their families overseas. This has been a rewarding endeavor for everyone involved. This month we surpassed the one millionth dollar mark. This is certainly a great milestone and accomplishment. The goal is providing coupons to military families stationed overseas. The prices in overseas commissaries are significantly higher than those in the States and military families do not always have access to coupons in newspapers and inserts. Military commissaries overseas accept coupons up to six months past the expiration date.


610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room 435-7872 Fax 435-7803

Weekly/Monthly Programs 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m.

Monday Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Book Club Craft Class Ballroom Dancing Tuesday Cards (Cockroach) Zumba Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) Tai Chi Drawing Class Cribbage BINGO Stroke Club (1st Tues) Wednesday East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble PACE Nutrition Class Thursday Tax Preparation (Feb. & March) Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support Group (4th Thurs) Friday Billiards League Scrabble PACE Meditation Class (not held in August) In-Sight Support Group (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League

Daily Lunch Noon Library 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Coffee Hour 2:15 p.m. Fitness Center 8 a.m. — 4.p.m. (closed 12-1pm)


The Reporter October 2010

Military Commissaries accept manufacturer coupons as well as Internet printed coupons. The Commissary is a grocery store so only “grocery” coupons are needed. Families cannot use store specific coupons. Excerpts from thank you letters sent to us: On behalf of the entire Camp Zama Commissary, I would like to extend to you the warmest of THANK YOU for your support of our most valued National Treasure, The Men and Women of the American Armed Forces. The time spent cutting coupons and mailing them here to the camp Zama Commissary is priceless. We look forward to the mail coming in every day to see your wonderful coupons you have provided. I know how time consuming it is to clip, cut, and send out the coupons and that is why we send our biggest Thank You for all your hard work and efforts to provide World Class Customer Service Savings. When we receive the coupons, we have some employees prepackage them in sandwich zip lock bags and leave them for our patrons to take at our coupon center. These coupons do bring smiles to our patron’s faces when they realize how much they save in the end. I, myself who is a military spouse take advantage of the coupons and appreciate the time given to provide our servicemen, women, civilians, and their families members stationed overseas an opportunity to save.

Computer Assistance

Monday, Oct. 25th • 2 to 4 p.m.

Instructor Karen Boyd gives members a great cardiovascular workout. Hand and ankle weights are used to tone and build your muscles.


Tuesday 9:00 a.m. $5 The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you’ve got a Zumba class!

Tai Chi

Tuesday 11:00 a.m. $3 This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body.

Arthritis Exercise

Wednesday & Friday 10:45 a.m. No Charge A proper balance of exercise and rest can help relieve stiffness and maintain or improve your joint mobility and muscle strength.

Fitness Center

Our fitness room is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. The fitness room consists of treadmills, recumbent bikes, an elliptical stepper, hand weights, and six dual weight machines. Other features include a matted floor, mirrored walls, water, stereo, and cable TV. You must have approval from your physician to participate in this program. Forms can be obtained in the Administration Office. The fee is $35 for a one year membership.

Classes Crafts

On the last Monday of every month, two students from MTTI career training school will assist any member with computer questions. These volunteers will try to resolve your computer problems, and help you with a computer course you may be taking. The students will be in the computer lab.

Monday & Thursday 1:00 p.m. Craft class makes dolls for Hasbro Children’s Hospital and cancer pillows for Women & Infants Hospital. Other “make and take” crafts will be taught.

Exercise Programs

Tuesday 9:30 a.m. $5 Come learn a form of watercolor for all levels of talent. Some of the fantastic artwork is displayed throughout the center.

Intermediate Yoga

Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. $3 Integrated YOGA for emotional/mental power. Flexibility, strength, balances, beauty, stretching, weight reduction, improved breathing, relaxation, and stress relief. All are components of our Yoga classes.

Beginners Yoga

Mondays 10:30 a.m. $3

Ballroom Dance

Monday 2 p.m. $3 Relearn all the old moves on the ballroom dance floor as well as some new ones. Singles are welcome.


Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m.$2



Tuesday 1:00 p.m. $5 This group of artists works with pencil drawing, beginners to advanced welcome.

Computer Classes

Sessions & Times Vary Our computer lab consists of class room computers and computers for general use. All computers are on-line. Courses offered: Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Word Part 1 & 2, and Introduction to the Internet Part 1 & 2. Computer classes are conducted by trained computer teachers. Classes are held in 4 week sessions. Each class meets for 1hr. and 15 minutes.

The cost per session is $20/members and $25/non members. Classes are filled on a first payment basis. Class size is limited to six students.

Support Groups

Diabetes Support 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Open meeting held monthly for people with diabetes to meet for mutual support. The group meets the fourth Thursday of each month. Caregiver’s Support 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . 11:30 a.m. This support group is held the fourth Monday each month. The sessions offer support and sharing with others who are caring for loved ones. Stroke Club 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The Stroke Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month and provides entertainment, education, support, socialization, refreshments, and transportation for stroke survivors and their caregivers. In-Sight Support 12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. In-Sight offers programs and support in productive living for the vision impaired. The group meets the 3rd Friday of every month.

General Services

Elder Information Specialist: Our Elder Information Specialist assists the elderly and their families in providing information/referral and assistance with accessing services and programs. Nutrition Program: The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 125 seniors per day. The Cranston Senior Center provides the meals. Case Management/Senior Services: The center coordinates with East Bay Community Action Program Inc., for all casework and follow-ups. Protective Services Council, made up of city departments and mental health/social service agencies, meets monthly to discuss problems concerning the elderly. Transportation: The center has two buses that are used daily for door-to-door transportation to and from the center. Notary: This service is available in the Administration Office at no charge. Seminars: Monthly social, educational, and financial seminars on topics relating to seniors. Manicurist: A manicurist visits the center weekly for manicures and polish changes. Gift Shop: The gift shop has many different items for the convenience of the seniors. Small items from candy and greeting cards to jewelry, handmade items and crafts are available.

October 2010 The Reporter

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Flu shots at the center starting this month! On Thursday October 14th from 1:30-4:30 p.m. VNA of Care New England will be here. Then starting Friday October 15th and running through Friday November 19th the Wellness Company will be here on Mondays and Fridays from 1-4 p.m. All RI senior insurance cards are accepted, there is no pre-registration, but please bring your insurance cards and wear short sleeves. If you prefer to make an appointment to receive your flu shot, you can arrange it through a local pharmacy. Contact Jen, CVS Warren Avenue at: 438-2272, Noelani, CVS Taunton Avenue at: 434-2993, or Dan at Rite Aid: 434-5700 and they will be happy to accommodate you. Anthony at Walgreen’s can also give you a flu shot any time the store is open, call 438-9501 for store hours. Nutrition Weight Loss continues. Our next session begins after the New Year. Contact the Health Office at 435-7870 to register or stop by with any questions. Our walking club continues on your own. Please join our walkers when they meet daily at 10:30 a.m. at the dining room side door (unless we have bad weather). We have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office. They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certified diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870. Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica NP lead a weekly meditation group at the senior center each Friday at 11 a.m. This program is free and open to all members. Beginners welcome! We are very pleased to have Hattie Ide Chaffee for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, October 4 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Please stop by and find out the wonderful services they provide our community. East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday October 6, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor. Please utilize this service so they will continue. The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello LICSW, is assisting our seniors with any of their social service needs. The dates this month are: October 12 and 26 from 9 a.m. to12 noon. Do you have questions? Do you just wish to talk with someone confidentially? Please contact us for an appointment at 435-7870.

Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group will be meeting Tuesday October 12 at 10:30 a.m. We will be having a general discussion. Please join us so we may continue this group! Waterview Villa’s nurse, Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, October 13 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Come sit and chat with our favorite nurse! Attention all AED team members. Our last mandatory review session for the year is Monday, October 18 at 1:30 p.m. Please attend to keep your skills current! The Food Stamp Assistance program will be here on the third Wednesday of every month to assist seniors with eligibility requirements and the application process. Many seniors are eligible and they do not know it! This month Janet Holmes will be here on October 20. Please contact her at 437-0006 ext. 147 to make an appointment. Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, October 21 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with lovely Yvonne about this wonderful facility. Our Caregiver’s Support Group will be meeting Monday, October 25 at 10:30 a.m. We will be having a general discussion. If you have responsibility as a caregiver,


please join us for this very supportive group! No pre-registration necessary. Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, October 26 in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility. They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Contact them directly at 246-2500. SNAP is back! The Senior Nutrition Awareness Project is returning with treats and recipes this month with Sarah. She will be speaking Wednesday, October 27 at 2pm and Thursday October 28 at 11 a.m. on: Dining Out. Please attend to welcome her. Diabetes Support Group will be meeting on: Thursday, October 28 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. If you have diabetes, please attend this wonderful, supportive group. No preregistration is necessary. The senior center health office welcomes donations of medical equipment and supplies and we are happy to loan out equipment to the community. Please contact us at any time. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call 435-7870.

continued on page 73...


The Reporter October 2010

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October 010 The Reporter


Weddings & Engagements LEARN TO SKATE + PLAY HOCKEY Greater Providence Youth Hockey s 2010-2011 Season 8 and under U Instructional and House League For more information visit www.gpyha.org

Demetrios Designer

Wedding Dress


Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Blackmar.

Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Blackmar

Suzanne Marion Richardson and James Michael Blackmar shared a day of happy beginnings when they united in marriage on Saturday, June 19, 010. They were married by Justice of the peace Joseph Little in Riverside RI. Suzanne is the daughter of Mr. William Richardson of Easton MD and Mrs. Wendy St. Onge of Woodstock VA. James is the son of Mr. Charles Blackmar Jr. of Riverside RI and Mrs. Diane Humphreys of Riverside RI. Suzanne is a 00 Graduate of Stonewall Jackson High School in Quicksburg, VA. James is a 006 Graduate of East Providence High School in East Providence RI.

Engaged? Just Married? Celebrating a 25th, 50th or 100th Wedding Anniversary?!? Send your Announcements & photos to news@eastprovreporter.com. It's Free!

• Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic,

shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering

mermaid style. Train is chapel length. • I bought the dress at a bridal shop but ended up getting a different dress. (Shops don't allow returns...boo).

New at Bridal shops this dress costs $1,000-$1,300

ASKING $500.00

Please call Laurie 339-221-0704

Come by to give it a try...of course you may bring your mom or girlfriends to help. Located in Rehoboth

Happy dress shopping! - Laurie

PS: In the magazine pic it looks more form-fitting...I think it is her pose.

let everybody know for FREE!

Send Pictures and Announcements to News@eastprovreporter.com


The Reporter October 010

Birth Announcements Send your Baby Announcements & photos to news@eastprovreporter.com. It's Free!

Domenic Vincenzo Vargas

Domenic Vincenzo Vargas

Cheryl Anne Martitz and Nelson Bettencourt Vargas of East Providence announce the birth of their son Domenic Vincenzo Vargas. He was born June 18, 010, 1:44 P.M. weighing 8 lbs oz at Women and Infants Providence RI. Maternal grandparents are the late carol Carlson Martitz and Vincent Vincenzo Rocco and paternal grandparents are Maria Gilda Bettencourt Vargas and Bernardino Vargas of Pawtucket RI.

Olivia Marie Santos

Olivia Marie Santos

Michael and Kathryn Santos of Rumford are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Olivia Maria Santos. She was born on June 4, 010 at 1 :56 a.m. at Women and Infants Hospital. Olivia weighed 7 lbs 8 oz. and was 19.5” long. Paternal grandparents are Dennis and Louise Santos of Rumford, RI. Maternal grandparents are Dr. Anthony and Susan Alario of Rumford, RI.

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October 2010 The Reporter

East Providence Senior Center and Monty’s Trips

Oct. 3 - 6, 2010 L a n c a s t e r, PA $440.00pp Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 Buffet Breakfasts, 3 Amish Style Dinners, Sight & Sound Theatre featuring “Joseph� & Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre featuring Church Basement Ladies, Guided Tours, Lancaster Outlet, Hershey Chocolate World, all Taxes, Baggage, Meal and Driver’s Gratuities and Motor coach Transportation. Insurance available. Nov. 26 - 29, 2010 Christmas at the Beach - $385.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 full course breakfasts, 2 full course Holiday Dinners, Admission to Busch Gardens’ Christmas Town, Garden of Lights tour at Norfolk’s Botanical Gardens, Holiday Lights at the Beach Tour of Virginia Beach Boardwalk, Star of Wonder: The Mystery Of the Christmas Star Planetarium Show, Christmas Imax Movie, Virginia Air & Space Museum, Virginia Living Museum, Guided tour of Colonial Williamsburg, Souvenir Gift, Gratuities and Motor coach transportation. Insurance available. Dec. 5 - 7, 2010 Indian Head Resort $260.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 2 nights Deluxe Accommodations, 2 Breakfasts, 2 Dinners, a Cocktail Reception, Entertainment each

evening, Free Individual Photo, Christmas Party with Santa & Gift, all taxes, Transportation & Driver’s Gratuity included. Feb. 21 – 23, 2011 Atlantic City/Tropicana - to include 2 Nights Accommodations, $20.00 Cash Bonus, 1 Breakfast Buffet, 1 Dinner Buffet, Casino Revue Show, Motor Coach Transportation and Driver’s Gratuity. $167.00 Dbl. Occ. Triple Occ. $ 162.00 Single Occ. $ 230.00 Insurance $ 15.00 Sign up in the E. Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401) 435-7800 Ext. 7. Can also call: Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194 - 28 Metacomet Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 Trips Must Be Booked and Paid In Full 30 Days from Date of Trip. Please Make Your Reservations Early

Wanted Coupons “Making a Difference’

We ask all to bring in clipped coupons found in the Sunday newspaper and maybe we can make a difference. They are distributed to the spouses and children of troops who sometimes struggle to make ends meet on military salaries.


Cell Phone Recycling

The center is collecting used or discarded cell phones. Most phones end up in kitchen drawers collecting dust. By partnering with Cellular Recycler, we have developed a way to make the most of used cell phones. A box is in the administration office for depositing the cell phones. We thank you in advance. The phones will either be recycled for their precious metals according to EPA standards or be refurbished for use in developing countries. The memory of each phone is “flashed� to wipe out any previous information stored on the cell phone.

Scam Warning

Senior Medicare Patrol received a second report about someone calling individuals who are diabetic about their supplies and they state they are from Medicare. The first report was about getting a new monitor; this second call was about replacing faulty equipment. The phone numbers use area code 414, the most recent number being 414-755-4720 - which of course does not work when you call it. It is suspected that these calls are originating from Canada. You should never give out personal information to Someone who calls. The Government will not and does not call for this or any other personal information.

0/,)4)#!, !$6%24)3%-%.4





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The Reporter October 010

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October 010 The Reporter

Dining Guide


Recipe from Chef Erin...

Brian's Favorite Beef Stir Fry Serves 4

1 cup prepared teriyaki marinade -OR1 cup soy sauce ½ cup brown sugar garlic clove, minced TBS ginger root, minced

celery stalks, chopped carrots, julienned 1 red pepper, diced 1 green pepper, diced 1 Onion, diced TBS white wine 1 TBS soy sauce 1 pound of steak tips, (cut in small pieces) 1 cup cold water 1 TBS vegetable oil 1 heaping teaspoon of dry chow mein 1 tsp sesame oil (optional) gravy mix

Mix soy sauce with brown sugar, garlic and ginger to make teriyaki marinade. Or use a prepared teriyaki sauce. Toss steak tips with garlic powder and teriyaki. Marinate for @ 3 hours or more. Heat both oils in large saute pan. Cook veggies in oil. Add fresh ground black pepper to taste. Remove veggies after 3-5 minutes. Cook tips in same oil until nicely browned on all sides. Remove tips. Add leftover teriyaki marinade, wine, water mixed with chow mein mix. Cook -5 min. Add soy sauce. Add steak tips and veggies back to pan and simmer for at least 10 min. Serve over rice or chow mein noodles.

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The Reporter October 2010

Newman YMCA Fall Programs Register now for the NEW Y Shooting Stars School of Dance

Held in our new Y Program Center at 51 Winthrop Street in Rehoboth near the Dighton town line. Starting in October Preschoolers through Teens learn: Irish Step, Musical Theater, Boys Only, Ballet/Lyrical, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Acro/Cheer and more! Join one of the Dance Troupes and perform at local community events. The Y is a nonprofit charitable organization and scholarships are available for those in financial need for dance lessons as well as all Y programs; thanks to the generosity of people and businesses in our community.

New Adaptive Physical Activities

The Newman Y offers inclusion in all our programs. For those who need or desire more individualized adaptation to activities we offer a full array of Physical Adaptive Activities Those with physical and/or developmental disabilities are encouraged to meet with our Director to design the most rewarding and engaging individualized activity plan. Each session is 45 minutes unless otherwise indicated: Start to Wellness Introduction to the use of the weight room, cardio equipment and other exercise equipment the goal is to assist the individuals in creating fitness routine that they can complete with little or no assistance. Scheduled at your convenience Walking Club Begins inside the Y and progresses to walking out on community and nature trails. Specialized for those with balance issues. Tuesdays at noon Cardio Dance Stretch and tone while moving to fun upbeat choreographed music Held Monday at 5:30 P.M. and Weds at 1:30 P.M. also Sunday at 2 P.M. Social Swim youth and adult Focus is on cooperation and social skills through games in the water. Participants must be able to swim or be accompanied by a companion Teens through Adults Saturday 3 P.M. youth on Sunday at 1 P.M. Group Fun Fitness for ages 6 - 12 Class is geared for children on the autism spectrum or for those who need to work on social skills and communication. Class uses obstacle courses, cooperation games fitness stations and more.

Newman YMCA Family Events

Parent’s Night Out – Friday, October 15

Enjoy your own night out while your children ages 3-11 do crafts, have gym time and enjoy a pizza party at the Y 5:45 - 8:45 P.M. for Y members $10/child

Eat Cheap – Thursday October 28th

Sponsored by Vino’s Family Café swim and play on the playground before dinner then enjoy family pool challenge games or

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family Zumba after a nutrition meal sponsored by our local restaurants. Proceeds benefit the Y Financial Assistance Campaign.

30th Anniversary Rededication Ceremony and Charity Luncheon

Thursday October 21st 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. at the Newman YMCA. Please join us to review the community impact over the last 30 years, celebrate the volunteers and employees who have worked so hard to benefit us all and then enjoy a delicious luncheon sponsored by Outback Steakhouse for only $15 the proceeds of which will benefit the Y financial assistance campaign.


Halloween in Seekonk at the YMCA FRI, Oct 22 from 7:00-8:30 P.M. – For a thrilling, safe Halloween, the Newman YMCA is again offering an imaginative experience – an evening for little goblins (ages 3-11) and their families to enjoy in an environment that’s fun and exciting. The fun takes place at Newman YMCA, 472 Taunton Ave Seekonk MA 02771. Activities include: costume parades, games, haunted room, giant obstacle course, ghost stories and horse drawn hay-rides. Older children, or those who are very brave, will be thrilled by the Haunted Camp Grounds. The Event is Free to Y members and $5/child (parents free) for nonmembers, tickets must be picked up in advance.

Register for Newman Y Fall programs starting November 1st

Swim Lessons for Preschool through Teen offered daily after school, evenings and weekends. Private lessons scheduled at your convenience for all ages. Start your child in a parent child class and then have them progress through YMCA lesson levels to achieve proficiency in swimming and water safety. Barracudas Swim Team – this is the team for you if you are unsure of your competitive level, need to advance your technique or want to be the best you can be. Beginners are welcome! Practice up to 4 days per week between 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Nurturing, motivating environment. Bus transport from Seekonk and Rehoboth schools available. Now featuring monthly clinics with the Seacoast USA Team Karate/Self Defense ages 5 and up – karate Kids aged 5-7 meet once a week on Saturdays at 10:45. Tae Kwon Do for ages 6 and up meets twice a week on Tues/Thurs 6:00 p.m. for beginners and for advanced belts at 6:50 p.m. which includes an additional workout on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. Sports instruction starts at age 1 with Gym and Swim progressing to Mighty Mites Sports ages 4-6 then Sports Medley for ages 6 - 8 and 9 - 11. Tennis is offered starting at age 5 on Mondays at 3 and 4 p.m. Track and Field starts September 22 for ages 6 and up on Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. work on sprints, broad jump, introduction to cross country and optional participation in local meets, New! Hoop it Up Basketball Clinic Series for ages 6-11 is divided by age group and meets on Saturdays. Concentrate on skill building and fundamentals ½ hr skills ½ hr game play. Adult Programs: New this year if you have MS, post polio symptoms or paralysis from any cause, you can benefit by using the YMCA’s FES Bike which is an electrical stimulation cycle creating enhanced movement and exceptional health results. Physician’s approval is necessary. A full array of teen through programs and classes are offered including Livestrong Cancer Rehabilitation, Coed Volleyball, Men’s Basketball Leagues, Yoga, Cycling, Zumba, Team Weight Loss Challenge, Y Pump, Kickboxing and many more. Most programs run for 8 weeks – New Register Online check www.YMCAgreaterprovidence.org for details or call for a brochure 508-336-7103.

October 2010 The Reporter

CLASSIFIEDS Send Classified with Payment to The East Providence Reporter; P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

REAL ESTATE Rehoboth: 2 large summer street homes. Front home 4 bedrooms, Hilltop Country Farm Hiose. Back home, 2 large apts, 4 car garage, workshop. $410,000.00. Call 305-978 1040 or 305895-8274 (e1110)

FOR RENT House for rent, 1st floor, 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, Riverside. $1100 a month plus one month security deposit., including utilites. No pets. 401-433-5827. (e1010) For Rent: Rehoboth Large Summer Street Counrty Apt. Charming, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, enclosed porch, hardwood floors. $750.00. Call 305-978 1040 or 305-895-8274 (e1010)

COMMERCIAL RENTAL Commercial Space Available - Heated garage space’s with office and bath: 1 -40x40 -1 20x40 both have 14 x14 doors 22’ ceiling , plenty of outside storage great for contractors, car or truck storage etc. Call Steve at 508-252-3391. (rfIW)

VACATION RENTAL Vacation/honeymoon rental: St. Michael, Azores (Portugal), pristine 2-bed/2-bath apartment with kit, DR, LR & laundry, linens provided. Majestic Atlantic and mountain views from spacious deck, near golf, beach, etc. Call 401-480-0374 or 508-336-2432 for info/reservations. (e1210)

FOR SALE For Sale: Country dining set, round table with leaf, matching hutch & six chairs (solid maple). $650; Small colonial secretary

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1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15 Additional Words $.25 each

desk – cherry $100.00; 1960’s singer sewing machine desk works, $200.00; solid cherry colonial end table. $75. (401)225-3532. (e1010) For Sale: 2001 Dodge Ram Pick-up 1500 , 4x4 , Extended cab ,360 CU engine ,180K miles, runs great ,needs muffler, plow included. 3500.00 OBO Call 508-252-4210. Must Sell!! (e1110)

HELP WANTED Help Wanted: Residental Cleaning Service seeks energetic person to be part of a team, must love to clean take pride in their work, and like people and pets. Potential for growth within the company. Must be able to start by 7am if needed and work til 4:30pm if needed. Please call for infor and interview. evenings 5:30-8pm 508-252-6497 (e1010)

GENERAL SERVICES MY BEST FRIENDS PET CARE: Pet sitting, dog walking and pet taxi service. 508-406-1287 janetontheplanet@aol.com (e1010) CLEAN OUTS: Cellar & Attic Clean Outs. Call Eric Perry 508208-4586 (e1010) PARTY RENTALS: For sale or rent, Tents and moon-walks, xparty place, call Dan after 5pm (774)306-1278 (e1010)

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Heating Assistance Accepted

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The Reporter October 2010

OCTOBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Air Condition & Heating Architectural Design Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Bakery Bank Bank Barbershop Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Materials Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Carpentry - Finish Cell Phones Cemetery Chamber of Commerce Church Collectibles Consignment Store Consignment Store Credit Union Credit Union Dog Grooming Electrician Engine Repair-Lawn Entertainment Entertainment Farm - Turkeys Fireplaces/ Chimney's Food Service Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil

Vicmir 50 VIZCAD 61 A-1 Custom Auto Body 4 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 14 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 57 Barbosa & Son Auto Repair 36 Fred's Service Center , Inc 21 New England Tire 37 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 80 Somerset Subaru 25 Crugnales Bakery 74 Coastway Credit Union / Decunha 10 Navigant Bank c/o Duffy & Shanley 70 Man About Town 39 East Providence Siding 53 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 52 Inferno Wood Pellet/J & J Materials 65 Anthony A. Carcieri 16 Anthony A. Carcieri 63 Bruce DiTraglia 19 Charlie Tsonos 32 Chrissy Rossi Candidate 46 Christopher Blazejewski 26 Christopher Blazejewski 47 Daniel DaPonte 48 David Sullivan 24 Dr. Isadore Ramos 7 Frank Devall 8 Helio Melo, State Rep. 11 Jim Miller for RI Senate District 18 36 John Amaral 38 Joseph S. Larisa 20 Joseph S. Larisa 55 Katie Kleyla 66 Luisa Abatecola 56 Margaret Kane 73 Michael DiGioia 9 Michael DiGioia 43 Richard Rodi 23 Robert E. Cusack 21 Ryan Tellier, For School Committee 48 Steve Furtado 58 Steve Gerling 35 Steve Santos 44 Thomas Rose 39 William Conley 18 Mark Koussa Carpentry 54 Prime Time Communications 14 Lakeside Cemetery Association 65 East Providence Chamber 22 Zion Gospel Temple 32 Wexler's Collectibles 60 Corner Consignment Shoppe 62 Saks Consignment 27 Columbus Credit Union 27 Community & Teachers Credit Union 8 Pampered Pets 7 Pineview Electric 53 Fred's Service Center 28 Cyber World Sweep Stakes 45 King Richard's Faire 42 Belwing Acres Turkey Farm 19 Briggs Family Fireplace 52 Thomsen Foodservice 17 Affordable Fuel 77 Al's Quality Oil Co. 60 Buy Rite Oil 62 COD OIL 24 Columbus Energies Inc. 33 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 80

Fuel - Propane Garden Center Gifts & Collectibles Glass Fabricator Golf Club Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Handyman Hardware Store Health Care Health & Fitness Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Insurance Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Laundromat Laundromat Music Nail Salon Nursing Homes Nursing Homes Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Parks Pest Control Services Physical Therapy Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Private School Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Sheds Shoes Small Engine Repair Stone Masonry Tanning Salons Tanning Salons Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Weight Loss

Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 30 J & L Landscaping & Garden Center 61 Personal Touch 54 Bill Lizotte Glass & Aluminum, Inc. 52 Wampanoag Golf Course 27 Jace Salon & Spa 4 Running With Scissors 19 Salon Wisteria 31 Shear Image Salon 28 Snipits 31 Just In Time Handyman Service 4 Standard Hardware 54 Barrington Urgent Care 49 Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 6 Almeida Home Improvements 51 CA Home Improvement 52 Grant's Home Improvement 53 Heritage Remodeling 9 John Rico Lighting & Improvement 51 Professional Property Maintenance 28 AllquotesUSA.com 77 Lezaola Thompson Insurance Inc. 10 Stateline Insurance 64 East Bay Landscape, Inc. 72 Jacole B Landscaping 59 Moore's Landscaping 76 Superior Lawn Care 60 Launder Plus 20 Willett Laundromat 13 Dougs Music Retail & Learning 6 Posh Nail Spa 14 United Methodist Elder Care Comm. 29 Waterview VillaAttn: Garrett Sullivan 69 Brown Center 13 Romani Orthodontics 34 Adams Painting 28 Cronan Painting 53 Crescent Park Carousel 31 First Choice Pest Control 54 Sport & Spine Physical Therapy 11 Dyer Plumbing & Heating 59 Fullport Plumbing & Heating 51 The Providence Country Day School 58 The Wheeler Schoolc/o Laurie Flynn 72 Juan Cerda BOA Remax Agents 15 Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 13 Mateus Realty 79 Red Realty 2 Remax Heritage Agent Brokers 15 ReMax Rivers Edge 10 The Tirrell Team 40 Luxury Box Bar & Grille 74 Phillips Street Restaurant 75 Schroder's Deli 74 Sparky's Coney Island 75 Tito's Cantina 75 Cameron Roofing 12 Artesani Remodeling 30 S. Willard Roofing 51 Tabeleys Roofing 52 B.O.B. Supply 17 Fran's Shoe Service 12 Seekonk Small Engine Inc. 59 Quarry Brothers, Inc. 50 Exotic Tans (formerly Sunset Tans) 21 SunSational Tanning 34 Big Blue Removal Service 12 Advanced Tree 29 Medi-Weight Loss Clinic 30

October 010 The Reporter

buying or Selling - Call

MAtEuS Realty Serving East Providence and surrounding areas since 1975. the experience makes the difference!

So if you're ready to buy or sell, Call Mateus Realty today at 434-8399.


eASt pRovIdenCe - Well kept 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Ranch, 2 Kitchens, FR, Hw's/Tile, gas heat, central air; new roof, siding, windows, upgraded electric, sliders, patio, garage. $209,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - Pierce Field!! This property can be used as a legal Raised Ranch style 2 Family, 2 Brs each, Florida room, gas heat. $169,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - Clean 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Ranch, 2 Kitchens, FR, Hw's, tile, gas heat, central air, upgraded electric; young roof, siding, replacement windows. $159,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - Estate Sale!! Clean 2 Br Bungalow, siding, dining, porch, upgraded electric, 9000 sf lot, garages. $149,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - Rumford Line!! Must see!! Well maintained, one owner 4 Br Cape, dining, partially finished lower, screened porch, gas heat, upgraded electric, Hw's & young roof; sprinklers, alarm, garage, 7000 sf lot on dead end st. $219,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - 3 Br, 2 Bath, R Ranch, eASt pRovIdenCe - Centrally 2 Kitchens, FR, office, cathedrals, Hw's/ located!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cottage, Tile & granite, gas heat, central air, siding, dining, Hw's, updates, sliders, prchs, sliders to deck & patio, sprinklers, garage, corner lot on dead end st. $259,900 garage. $169,900

RIveRSIde - 4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cottage, dining, FR, laundry on 1st, remodeled in and out!! Roof, siding, replacement windows, driveway, farmers porch, kitchen, baths, electric, plumbing, interior walls, ceilings & floors. $199,900

RIveRSIde - 2/3 Br Cottage w/ great waterview!! upgraded electric, porch, shed, garage, 7000 sf corner lot. $159,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - Great potential & possibilities, 2 Br Cape, dining, expandable attic, nice area, 9000+sf lot; new roof, chimney & boiler; upgraded electric, Hw's, replacement windows. $149,900

eASt pRovIdenCe - 3 Br Ranch, Hw's, gas heat, upgraded electric, new siding/ windows, 9000+sf fenced, corner lot. $179,900 - Subject to bank approval!!

JohnSton - Remodeled front column R Ranch on 1/2 acre lot, custom kitchen, fireplaced living, 24 foot MBR, finished lower w/ fireplaced FR, LAV, Hw's, tile, garages. $269,900



582 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914

Visit our website for information on these and other properties at...




The Reporter October 010

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