The Seekonk
Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
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Seekonk Town Meeting Preview
By Laura Calverley Seekonk residents will be gathering for the annual fall town meeting on November 29. At press time, the board of selectmen was still reviewing submitted articles and had not yet approved the final town warrant. Following is a review of several articles that are likely to be on the agenda, although there may be changes and additions before town meeting. Town Clerk Jan Parker is expecting an average turnout for town meeting. “We’ll probably get about 1 0. There are some financial articles on the warrant that might bring in some groups,” Parker said. There are three articles from the Planning Office on the warrant. One is a general article amending the town bylaw to allow the town to designate certain streets, such as Prospect Street, a ‘Scenic Road’. The designation would put regulations into effect to preserve the scenic quality of the road. “It would require any person to go to the Planning Board for approval to remove any trees or stone walls from the right of way of Prospect Street,” said Town Planner John Hansen. The legal right-of-way is the area that lies between a private property line and the town street Hansen says the purpose of the article is to preserve the scenic quality of the town’s land and it would not infringe on anyone’s personal property. Two other articles from Planning involve the zoning bylaws. One would allow drivethrough facilities in certain areas. Many businesses in Seekonk currently have drive-thrus, but there is no regulation stating that drive-thrus are allowed, according to Hansen. The only rules are standards for how much room is required for cars waiting in the drive-thru line. continued on page...
GO WARRIORS! Show your team spirit at the Thanksgiving Day Game!
@ D-R High School Field 10:00 AM
Martin Wildlife Refuge displays glorious fall colors. Ducks glide along Burr’s pond, colors courtesy of Mother Nature. Read more on page 26.