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Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
New Year. New You. Your 2011 Health & Fitness Guide page 49
The 2010 East Providence Mohawks Peewees Return from the Pop Warner National Super Bowl The Peewee team from the East Providence Mohawks has just returned from playing in Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida in the Pop Warner Super Bowl. The Mohawks qualified for the national tournament after sweeping through the season with a record of 1 and 0 with 9 shut-outs. “Our goal from Day One was to win our regular season, our Super Bowl, the Regional Championship and play at Disney.” Says coach Kevin Gaugler. “We set out to “play until there was no one left to play.” “We wanted to bring a National Championship to the city.” continued on page 4...
“Dream Your Life, Then Live Your Dream!”
By Gina Wesley-Silva To most people this phrase might sound like a nice, catchy slogan to start the New Year off with, but to East Providences’ own, world champion BMX bike rider Kevin Robinson, this phrase represents his motto, his creed, and the philosophy he lives by. In fact, when I asked Robinson what his greatest accomplishment was so far he replied, “My biggest accomplishment has been just dreaming out my life and then living out that dream.” Robinson has had some pretty outstanding accomplishments as a result of living out his dream, most notably; he earned a gold medal for performing a trick he invented called the “double flair,” at the X Games in Los Angeles in 006. “It took me three years to pull it off, and still to this day, no one else has ever done it,” he said. Robinson’s eyes lit up as he described the stunt, “…A double flair is, I go up the ramp, which is about 1 feet tall, and when I go off the ramp, I’m about 10 feet over the top of it, I do a back flip, and then another back flip, and then a half turn rotation, to come in facing forward. So, it’s basically two and a half back flips on a bike.” He smiled and continued, “Before this, I had won three bronze medals, but this was my first gold,” he said. Thoroughly likeable and engaging, this ambitious, yet humble man, says trophies and medals are not what excites him, “I have more trophies than I know what to do with. I have X Games gold medals, but to me the trophies are not important, in fact most of the time you’ll find my trophies in my sons’ toy box! It’s the pushing through the fear to the accomplishment on the other side that’s exciting to me,” he says. ...continued on page 12