December 2009

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The East Providence

eporter R

DECEMBER 2009 Volume 5, no. 12


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence



Gift Guide on page 47.

Luminary Memorial Walkway Continues at Historic Girl Scout House

by Carolyn Bray Anyone missing a deceased loved one during this holiday season can submit that person’s name to East Providence Girl Scout Troop #117 and find the walkway of the Riverside Scout House at 351 Willett Avenue lit with luminary containers next to dedication cards naming the dearly departed. This is the fourth year the group has offered this visual tribute, and they will be lighting the luminaries for the first four Sunday evenings of December. They ask for a donation for this service, but say there is no amount specified - they’ve received everything from one dollar to $100 for the dedications. The Girl Scout House in Riverside itself is a tribute to the dedication to the Scouts of a handful of people, including the three women who run it now as the East Providence Scout House Association. Linda Arruda, Elaine Mathers and Joyce Smedberg formed the non-profit association so they could raise money to maintain the Scout House. ...Continued on page 8

You’re Invited EP Parks & Recreation

Holiday Celebration

Thursday, December 17 5-8 p.m. The Recreation Center located at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. The East Providence Department of Parks & Recreation invites children of all ages and their families to catch the holiday spirit. Make your own holiday ornament and play a game of Holiday Bingo! Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact the Recreation Center at 433-6360.

Holiday Open House

Friday, December 11th Santa’s Arrival & Tree Lighting EP City Hall Doors Open At 5pm • Santa’s Craft Shop • Entertainment & Refreshments Santa Arrives On The Plaza At 6:30pm


The Reporter December 2009

December 2009 The Reporter

East Providence News Briefs ATTENTION READERS:

More On The East Providence Teachers’ Contract

As the yearlong dispute between the city’s School Committee and its teacher union continues, officials all over the state are watching. Many of the School Committee members believe the state law authorizes officials to take whatever action is necessary to avoid a spending deficit. By reducing teacher salaries and benefits, the committee, in January kept its budget in balance. The old teachers’ contract expired on Oct. 31, 2008, and no new agreement had been reached by January. With the district owing more than $7.4 million in back bills and the teachers’ salaries and benefits consuming 63 percent of the district’s total revenue, the committee implemented changes that saved the district more than $3.3 million. The teachers’ union has filed an unfairlabor-practice complaint with the State Labor Relations Board and the School Committee countered by taking the matter to Superior Court. “The issue, especially in East Providence, is really whether a teacher union can — by unilaterally saying no to reasonable and necessary cuts in salaries and benefits — force a double-digit tax increase on local taxpayers to balance a school budget” said Joseph Larisa. City and district officials are asking the court to rule: 1 - That the committee acted lawfully with its January cuts; 2 - That the contract, which expired in October 2008, had no force or effect after its expiration; 3 - That the State Labor Relations Board has no jurisdiction in this matter; 4 - Or that if the State Labor Relations Board can rule on the matter, it cannot order the committee to spend any money that has not been allocated to it by the City Council or that would result in the district having to deficit-spend.

Cape Verdean Museum Looking For A New Home

Shipwreck artifacts that help tell their story remain boxed in storage and photos, ceramics, books and other objects have had to be turned away.

The Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit — the only one of its kind in the United States — needs a new home. The curator and board members say they have outgrown the storefront location on Waterman Avenue, and are asking city officials to help them find a new location. The former Union Primary School on Pawtucket Avenue in Rumford is of particular interest to them. The school has been unoccupied since the East Providence Community Center and its food pantry moved to another location. The Cape Verde islands were colonized by the Portuguese in the 15th century and became an independent country in 1975. Immigrants from the islands have lived in New England for more than 200 years, making significant contributions to the whaling and cranberry industries. Many East Providence residents have loaned or donated historic items to the museum. Its library has early reports on the slave trade and rare Cape Verdean collections. East Providence City Manager said work would need to be done on heating and cooling systems at the old school to make it suitable for the museum.

E. Providence School Committee Trims $1.3 Million From Budget

The School Committee cut nearly $1.3 million from its 2009-2010 spending budget. These reductions were ordered by the City Council. While they reduced money allocated for testing services, technology, maintenance and non-instructional supplies, (the amounts are still higher than last year) the district will not reduce the amount it will spend on new textbooks and instructional supplies. More than $775,000 — an increase of more than $526,962 over last year’s $250,000 amount — is allocated for these purchases. The School Department’s current $73.81-million budget includes $43.5 million from city property taxes and a possible $500,000 from the sale of the former Grove Avenue Elementary School. The total represents a 1.18-percent increase over the 2008-2009 budget. E.P. School officials will know if the district remained in the black when an audit is completed in the next couple of months.

The comments in Talk of the Townies, My Five Cents Worth, or other opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the views of the owners, editors or staff of the The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Would you like to write for the Reporter? Please call the Editors at 508-252-6575.... Let's Talk! We are looking for writers on all subjects and from all "parties" that may be of interest to the residents of East Providence. Call 508-252-6575

Inside This Issue Births..................................57 Business Directory...................70 Classifieds................................ 69 Clubs......................................31 Dining Guide............................66 E.P. Chamber of Commerce.....20 EBCAP News............................11 Events & Activities....................38 Hoilday Guide..................47 How You Can Help..................32 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................54 News Briefs................................3 Opinions EP Education Assoc..........18 Superintendent's Office.....20 Parks and Recreation..............14 People......................................22 Senior Center News................59 School News......................25 Scouts...................................53 Sports................................29 State House....................34 Town News........................12 Weddings & Engagements......64

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Teachers Object To New Pay Proposal

The School Committee announced that, beginning in July 2011, East Providence teachers will be paid, in part, by how well they do in the classroom, not just based on years of employment. If the plans go through, the East Providence would be one of the first in Rhode Island to enact “pay for performance” for teachers. Currently there are no school districts in Rhode Island where it happens now. Deborah A. Gist, education commissioner, supports pay for performance and said that by 2015, all districts must develop a plan to reward the most-effective teachers. The East Providence Education Association, however, feels the School Committee has implemented the plan unilaterally and circumvented the union in the creation of its pay-for-performance plan.

Bus Safety Addressed

East Providence motorists who choose to ignore those blinking red lights on school buses may have a tougher time getting away with such violations starting this spring. SmartBus Live! President Alfred Cardi appeared before the E.P. School Committee with a proposal to install cameras on city school buses. These cameras would snap photographs of vehicles and license plates that don’t stop when bus drivers activate the blinking red lights and the stop sign. The system is also capable of adding interior cameras that can record up to a week of bus activity. The equipment is installed free of charge and the city would receive 12.5 % of every $300 violation that is issued through the system. City police feel having this technology is valuable when it comes to proving a violation occurred. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administrations, 159 school-age pedestrians have died in school bus related accidents since 1996. School transportation director Ray Linneman said the earliest to expect these cameras, if approved by the committee, would be spring 2010.

Candidates Running for Dennigan’s Seat

Three candidates will take a shot at the District 62 House of Representatives seat formerly held by Elizabeth Dennigan including Mary Duffy Messier (D), of Pawtucket, Paul Dinsmore (I) of East Providence and Thomas Clupny (R), also of East Providence. Ms. Dennigan announced that she was leaving her seat to oppose James Langevin for his Second Congressional District seat. District 62 covers the northern parts of East Providence and southern parts of Pawtucket. Mary Duffy Messier is a lifelong Pawtucket resident spent time working behind the scenes on a number of other campaigns. Ms. Messier retired after 35 years of teaching in Cumberland and spent time as a union representative with the Cumberland Teachers’ Association. Messier feels that addressing the state’s unemployment rate, healthcare situation and focusing on an education funding formula is a “priority.” Thomas Clupny has been a resident of East Providence since 1974. Mr. Clupny said he considered a spot on Smith Hill after he attended the Tax Day Tea Party in April. He is currently the Director of Environmental Affairs for the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority. Mr. Clupny said he wants to focus on government spending and education. Paul Dinsmore is a lifelong Rumford resident who has made a run at District 62 in the past as an independent. Additionally, Mr. Dinsmore ran for the East Providence School Committee in 1988, but lost. He has been practicing law since 1981. This year, Mr. Dinsmore feels the big issue in the state is the budget.

December 2009 The Reporter

The East Providence


Letters to the Editor...

Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 15th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!


Dear East Providence Residents, All Townies,

I am a resident of East Providence and as a tax payer in this city I am more and more concerned each day by the state of our city. I have lived here all my life and raised my family here and have never before felt this way about our city. Each day, there is something else in the newspaper or we hear our town officials on the radio talking about East Providence. I have come to question the real motives of these people who seem to be searching for publicity rather than searching for answers to the problems they say we have. I have numerous questions about the city’s financial condition. The City Council says we are bankrupt and the Auditor General says this is not true. The School Committee first tells us that it has a $3.4 million deficit, then $4 million, then $8 million, now $5 million. This seems to change every time we hear them speak. If the situation is so uncertain, and the School Committee is unable to get a handle on the situation, we need to get help from the outside. We need to determine the TRUE financial condition of our city. If we don’t have an appropriate figure, how can we make appropriate decisions? Perhaps we need a Fiscal Performance Review by the State Auditor General before we move forward. I am dismayed that the School Committee is bungling along, making decisions that have long lasting, demoralizing effects on everyone. They seem to be making decisions that will get them in the spotlight on a state level. I am asking our city officials to stop seeking the limelight and start to work hard at alleviating the tensions and conflicts in our school system. You are our elected school committee and I expect that your first and only focus should be our children and what is best for them educationally - not what “message” we are sending to the rest

of the State. You work for US, the people of our wonderful city. Please begin to rebuild our wonderful city of East Providence – first from the inside. The State will notice on its own. Sincerely, Charlie Tsonos

Now is the Time

Now is the time that we should be really coming together and supporting our city. I am tired of everyone saying that we should make Rhode Island regional instead of our historic 39 cities and towns. Yes we are the smallest state in the Union BUT, we have history! With that said, let us now decide to pick up where we all left off and come together and decide that what we need for East Providence is an atmosphere of economic growth! The Providence and Worcester Railroad has torn up their tracks to the berm that they put in off the Veterans Parkway. Should we encourage the P&W to put those tracks back and get that PORT going? YES! JOBS fellow Townies, JOBS! Thousands of JOBS are there for the asking. Where you ask? I work in Warwick. I see a small blue school bus driving through Warwick that that says Marine Environmental Studies on the side of it and the teacher who drives that little bus takes students from the three high schools in Warwick to areas that work with just that in and around Warwick! We have only one high school so that shouldn’t be hard to do. Working with URI, private agencies and Save the Bay, we can add that to the EP Vocational School: Marine Environmental Studies. Why? That seems to be one of the BIGGEST hang ups with the port and big ships. The other? The surrounding environment in general. Again, we can work with URI and other agencies to help continued on page 6

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We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect local areas. We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified ads and display advertising.

All information must be submitted by the 20th of the month It MUST INCLUDE the name and phone number of the sender.

The Reporter is...



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or Mary at 401-569-4726 Published by:

Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento call 401-569-4726 Feature Writers David Howard Leslie Patterson Laura Calverley Bob Rodericks Carolyn Bray Photography Ed Wilk Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral

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The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.

The Reporter December 2009

Christmas Tree Recycling... Chip-A-Tree -2009 The East Providence Department of Public Works and Parks Division will be collecting and chipping Christmas Trees for use as mulch for City projects.

Drop off your tree Dec. 26 - Jan. 17 at the following locations: Glenlyon Field Agawam Field Kimberly Rock Field Hull St. Playground Pierce Field Central Av Playground Silver Spring Playground Kent Field Riverside Rec Field Grassy Plain Park Sabin Point Park Carousel Parking Lot

Curbside collection will be available January 4 - January 22.

Please remove all ornaments, lights & stands.


No wreaths, garland, roping, or artificial trees.

our children learn how to have our cake and eat it, too! Another new class for the EP Vocational School! Then, we can send our children to URI, train them and then KEEP THEM HERE IN RHODE ISLAND with JOBS that have been put into place working on the marine interests in Rhode Island ~ especially EAST PROVIDENCE! We can be the pioneers for this project since Quonset/Davisville is still being argued over. While they are arguing, WE CAN BE DOING! Make East Providence a special interest for JOBS! Support JOBS for the marine interests are just as important. Noise? Oh well! The whole area is/was? zoned INDUSTRIAL! You want to live in an industrial area; you have to put up with the industrial environment. Sorry, it just comes with the territory! And, our North of the Border Friends in Quebec will still want to be our friends if we would help them be their winter port! Canadian ports in the winter get a little frozen and ours don’t freeze that often! OH, and all those empty condos and town houses on Roger Williams Ave.? Remember mill houses? If you want a job and can live near it, you will not mind that the P&W goes by a hundred times a day with trains that transport the goods and needs that YOUR JOB is providing! Our parents and grandparents put up with mill housing in the early part of the 20th century and Rhode Island thrived. INDUSTRY brings tax revenue NOT houses! It is a win-win deal! What do we says fellow TOWNIES? Are we TOWNIES FIRST, then Rhode Islanders and then JOB SUPPORTERS? Put them all together and it spells money for East Providence! TOWNIES ~ SUPPORT EAST PROVIDENCE! Paul Maziarz East Providence

For more info call the Recycling Office at 435-7710 or 435-7711.

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Bill Murphy of the East Providence Taxpayers Association in addressing the public at large said, “Sadly enough a recent editorial column written by Representative Savage parrots the talking points on Binding Arbitration distributed by the largest teacher’s union in the state, literally quoting the document word for word on more then one occasion.” How insulting! I do not know which alleged union document Mr. Murphy is referring to, but I do know he has it backwards. My Open-Editorial was researched and written independently in August and I am more then capable of thinking and writing for myself. If there were parallel “word for word” quotations in both my Open Editorial and a union document, then it was the union borrowing from my writing (I’m complimented) and not as Mr. Murphy would have you believe. But unfortunately, truthfulness and accuracy is only a secondary concern for some people. Mr. Murphy is also wrong and outright misleading on several other points. I did not support the perpetual contract bill which came over from the Senate. I did not support the Binding Arbitration Bill introduced in the House by Representative Gemma of Warwick. My Open-Editorial shows support for Binding Arbitration legislation if the legislation is crafted correctly as I perceive the correctness to be. To be done correctly Binding Arbitration Legislation must: - Only take into consideration each side’s last best offer; - Take fully into account the financial ability of a city or town to support its Schools; - Take fully into account the city/town financial obligations (long and short term) in all other areas of municipal government; - Ban teacher strikes and work to rule; - Not apply to management/labor contracts in dispute at time of passage. (East Providence and others).

December 2009 The Reporter This form of Binding Arbitration Legislation, which I support, is totally different than that which Mr. Murphy and the East Providence City Council, following Councilman Larisa’s lead, constantly rant against and to which the East Providence School Committee, quite foolishly, exposed itself in a non binding way this past year. While they may share the same label, Binding Arbitration, that is where the similarities end. They are completely different in both composition and application. Not even as close as apples to oranges. For the record, I do hope that Binding Arbitration Legislation with specific guidelines will pass in the General Assembly not because some union wants it, but because I sincerely believe it is a right solution to a long existing, and costly problem in Rhode Island. Respectfully Submitted, Rep. John A. Savage

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The Reporter December 2009

...Continued from Cover

Gift Certificates Available

Luminary Memorial Walkway Continues at Historic Girl Scout House

by Carolyn Bray In 1999, the women state, Rhode Island Girl Scouts sold off all their properties. The only community with their own meeting house left is the East Providence Girl Scouts. The Scout House started life in 1870 as a one-room schoolhouse on farmland. In fact there is a sign on it naming it as the oldest surviving one-room schoolhouse in East Providence. The East Providence Historical Society has put the Scout House on the historical register. The late Ruth Haselgrave, longtime Girl Scout who has been given a small plaque honoring her on the property, was one of the first Girl Scouts to use the building for the troops, which began in 1929. The property made its way into the hands of Mobil Oil, who had a facility nearby. With Ms. Haselgrave’s input, Mobil contributed to fixing the building, which was eventually given to the City of East Providence. The women of the Girl Scout Association now handle the utilities, maintenance, insurance and upkeep of the building, including Offer Expires 1-15-10 shoveling snow and mowing the lawn, so troops can go on having their meetings, dinners and other events there. Maintaining the Sukhy Dillion has over 20 years experience in Threading Scout House and paying for the heat costs approximately $5000 per year, according to Linda Arruda. The building expenses are 1200 Fall River Ave. (next to Dunkin Donuts) paid through their annual Craft Fair, yard sales, and other similar activities. Seekonk, MA • 508.336.6311 The three women of the Scout House Association, one of whom -- Elaine Mathers - is still active with a troop, say a period when the Visit our other location building was being renovated and was unavailable showed them how detrimental it is to the Scouts not to have their own meeting 85 Power Rd., Pawtucket RI • 401.728.6637 place, so they determined to keep the Scout House for the girls. The building is used every day, including Sunday, with 13 troops availing themselves of the cozy facility, which has a fireplace, basement and small kitchen as well as a bathroom. Girls ages five through 18 participate in the troops, with characteristic Scout names like daisies, brownies, junior cadets and ambassadors. When asked what it is about the Girl 310 Maple Ave., Barrington, RI 02806 Scouts that has kept them so devoted to the troops and keeping the Scout House for them, all the women smile as they look at each other. Linda Arruda says, “Friendships.” Joyce Smedberg adds, “Traditions.” Elaine Mathers says watching the girls move through life and meeting up with them later, “They become your kids.” She notes that a young Japanese woman who was part of the East Providence Girl Scouts is now the first woman navigator on a container ship. She also states that another former troop member, who teaches metals at a Boston college, now has jewelry on display in the Smithsonian Institution. These women are proud of the girls they worked with, and each makes it clear she has been enriched No Appointment Necessary by the experience. Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Weekends 9am - 4pm It costs just $15 per year to join the Girl Scouts in East Providence. Anyone interested in joining or learning more about them should call 433-4028. If you wish to add a name to the December Luminary Joseph Grillo, MD, Medical Director Christine St. Hilaire, Business Manager Walkway at the Scout House, please call Elaine Mathers at 433-3166.

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The association that runs the Scout House are all from the East Providence Girl Scouts and include (left to right) Joyce Smedberg, program coordinator; Linda Arruda, public relations coordinator and Elaine Mathers, service unit manager

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Side view of the Riverside Scout House including plaque for Ruth Haselgrave in foreground.

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The Reporter December 2009

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New Members Welcome!

your Credit) ■ What’s Your SCORE (Understanding ■ Appraisal The Closing Process and Legal ■ The Process your Credit) Documentation ■ The Closing Process and Legal Appraisal Process December 2009 The Reporter 11 You really can’t ■ The ■ PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) Documentation ■ The Closing Process and Legal shop for a home Pre-approvals ■ (Private Getting Pre-Approved and the You really can’t ■ PMI Mortgage Insurance) Mortgage without a pre-approval.Documentation Build your dream home! “70 years of making a differ Mortgage Mortgage Process shop for a home You really can’t Every individual or■ PMI ■ Getting Pre-Approved and the (Private Mortgage Insurance) originators originators Mortgage without pre-approval. “70 years of making difference.” Seekonk aLoan Center shop for a acouple home attending the Mortgage Process The seminar is free, butthe seating is limited. ■ Getting Pre-Approved and originators without 23 Circle Drive • Seekon HOME FINANCING individual or aEvery pre-approval. “70 years of making a difference.” seminar will be Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. 508-366-4455 Seekonk Loan Center Mortgage Process Rego attending the Nate The seminar is free, will but be seating is limited. Everycouple individual or for Refreshments served. eligible one. 23 Circle Drive • Seekonk Get out of that adjustable Seekonk Loan Center East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offerscouple a wide seminar will be Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. 508-366-4455 attending the The seminar is free, but seating is limited. Construction all-interest rate! Build your dream home! 23 Circle Drive • Seekonk Refreshmentsor will be served. eligible array of health and human services for area residents. Its seminar upper will befor one. 508-366-4455 Build your dream home! Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. Seekonk loan Center bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue Refreshments be served. eligibleinfor one. Build your will dream home! 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000. Nate Rego Refinance Nate Rego Get out of that adjustable Get out of that adjustable Take advantage of 508-336-4455 or all-interest rate! or all-interest rate! Falling homeLearn prices! what youloan need to know Seekonk Center MSIC/EHl/nCuA Rego East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) hasNate a new gift Seekonk loan Center 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk Jean Correia as you look for a home: 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk Get out of that adjustable Purchase idea for area residents, perfect for the holidays – especially if there Take advantage of 7.5" x 4.875" Take advantage of or508-336-4455 is a senior citizen on your gift list. all-interest rate! 508-336-4455 ■ What’s Your SCORE (Understand Falling home prices! Falling home prices! The Ocean State Dining Program, which serves hot luncheons Seekonk Loan Center your Credit) MSIC/EHl/nCuA MSIC/EHl/nCuA 7.5" x 4.875" Seekonk loan Center Jean Correia to elderly residents at 10 sites in the eastJean bay,Correia is offering the op23 Circle Dr, Seekonk ■ The Appraisal Process 7.5" x 4.875" 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk portunity to provide a week (five) or a month (20) meals at the ■ The Closing Process and Legal meal site of choice. For example, East Providence residents can Take advantage of Documentation give a gift of meals at the East Providence meal site held Monday Falling home prices! ■ PMI (Private Mortgage Insuranc You really can’t Scott, through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 Hi p.m., at the East Providence MSIC/EHl/nCuA shop for a home Senior Center on Waterman AvenueHere or the site at Goldsmith/City ■ Getting Pre-Approved and the Jean Correia Hi Scott, isHi the ad I have created. Below are the changes I was talking to without a pre-approval. Scott, View ManorHere at 99 is Goldsmith Mortgage Process the ad IAve. have phone… created. Below are the changes I was talking to you about on the EveryBelow individual are or the changes I was talking to you Reservations may also be purchased for anyHere of the is other themeal ad I have created. phone… couple attending the The seminar is free, but seating is limited sites in the program, which are listed below. phone… seminar will be Please callCommercial (508) 336-4455 to register. Whether a gift recipient regularly visits the meal site, or has Interior Exterior Residential Please the “new Members Welcome” banner Members from the last ad.for one. Please insert the “new Welcome” banner from the last ad. Refreshments will be served. eligible never attended the insert noon time lunches, this will be a welcome th th Please insert the “70 Anniversary St Anne’s Cu” logo from the last ad. (The one I have in Please the “new Members St Welcome” from from the Free last ad.last ad gift, for these luncheons have received excellent reviews insert from Please insert thethe “70 Anniversary Anne’sbanner Cu” logo the th participantsthere in the now program. is a copy & paste from our website.) Estimates Please insert the “70 Anniversary St Anne’s Cu” logo from the last ad. (T there now is alogos copy & the paste from our website.) A week Please of lunches coststhe $15,MSIC, while aEHl month ofnCuA lunches is $60.from Licensed insert &there last ad. now is a copy & paste from our website.) To purchase, visit the lunch program at the meal site to the reserve Fully Insured Please insert EHl & nCuA thelast last Please insertMSIC, the MSIC, EHl & nCuAlogos logos from from the the dates requested, or call the meal site and make reservations Powerwashing I am not a marketing person… please feel free to adjust anything that makes sense or will over the phone. Jarrett Cronan, Owner makesites the are: ad look better. Please email or fax me a copy of the finished ad. If you have any The 10 meals I am not a marketing person… please feel free toadjust adjust anything I am not a marketing person… please feel free to anything thatthat make questions, please give me a call at 508-336-4455 or email me at East Providence Senor Center, 610 Waterman Ave., phone: make the ad look better. Please email or fax me a copy of the finished ad. make the ad better. Please email or fax me a copy of the finished 435-7872; Goldsmith/City View Manor, 99 Goldsmith Ave.,look 7.5" xPhone: 4.875" questions, please give me a call at 508-336-4455 or email me at jwcorreia@ 434-7645. Thanks for all your help… Jean questions, please give me a call at 508-336-4455 or email me at jwcor Barrington Senior Center, Peck Government Center, County th Road, phone: 247-1926. Thanks for all your help… Jean Warren Senior Center, Kickemuit Village, 20 phone: help… Jean ThanksLibby forLane, all your 245-2474. Bristol Senior Center, Benjamin Church Manor, 1020 Hope St., phone: 253-8458. For more information call 508-252-6575 Portsmouth Senior Center, 100 Bristol Ferry Rd., phone: 6832223. Middletown Senior Center, 650 Green End Ave., phone: 8498823. Newport, Donovan Manor, 19 Chapel St., phone: 847-2117; Edward King House, 35 King St., Phone: 846-7426. Tiverton Senior Center, 207 Canonicus St., phone: 625-6790. * * * Holiday Special East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) announces East 3 FREE Classes Bay Family Health Center in East Providence will open on Saturday mornings from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, starting Jan. 9, 2010. Adult/Teen Stretch & Tone Classes The Health Center is located at 100 Bullocks Point Ave in Riverside. Adult Beginner / Int. Tap Classes The additional hours are part of the Health Center’s patient-cenKids Ballroom Classes (ages 9-13) tered medical home model providing enhanced access to medical care, which also includes same day and next day appointments. Thursday Evenings The Health Center provides care for all ages from infants to New Students Only - Expires January 28th 2010 seniors, delivered by a staff including board certified physicians. *Certified Teacher - Dance Teachers' Club of Boston The new Saturday hours are in addition to the Health Center’s Classes in Ballet, Pointe, Lyric, Modern, Jazz, Hip-Hop, weekday schedule of Monday and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tap, Acro-Gym, Kids Ballroom - PreSchool-Adult and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Most major health insurance plans are accepted and fees for Call Now & Join The Fun patients without insurance are greatly reduced. Director: Jo-Ann Donnelly Assistant Director: Shannon Ashton Current and new patients may schedule appointments by call443 Willett Ave., Riverside RI • (401)433-4671 ing 401-437-1008.


Refinance FREE Homebuyers


ConstructionWednesday, March Refinance Purchase Everyone deserves a



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Mention This Ad and Receive Hi Scott, 10% Here is the ad I have created. Below are the Off changes I was talking to you phone… 401.323.0359

Please insert the “new Members Welcome” banner from the last ad. Please insert the “70 Anniversary St Anne’s Cu” logo from the last ad. (T We Mail FREE to 100% of there now is a copy & paste from our website.) East Providence! Please insert the MSIC, EHl & nCuA logos from the last ad.

I am not a marketing person… please feel free to adjust anything that mak make the ad look better. Please email or fax me a copy of the finished ad. questions, please give me a call at Riverside 508-336-4455Dance or email Center me at jwcorreia@ Thanks for all your help… Jean


The Reporter December 2009

Town News


Full Color



The City Of East Providence Is Looking For Local Talent

The Affirmative Action Office of the City of East Providence will be holding a contest for the students of East Providence in coordination with its annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration in January 2010. 24 x 36 or larger As a part of this year’s program we would like to involve the young people of the City of East Providence. We are going to be holding two contests for the students in East Providence. Full Color - Posters • Newsletters Children in kindergarten through 5th grade we will be able to submit a drawing or painting that should depict Dr. King’s likeness or his message of peace/non-violence, • Brochures • Flyers • Postcards • Etc... equality, etc. Volume Discount Pricing For children in 5th through 12th grades we will have an open mic contest for poetry, 294 Taunton Ave (Rt 44) • Seekonk, MA essay, rap/song performance. We are looking for the children to be creative, to show us how they view Dr. King’s mesTel: (508) 336-0848 sage, how they themselves can be peacemakers in today’s society. We are asking that their Fax: (508) 336-0847 submissions be in the general theme of his message of peace, equality, non-violence. Once we have selected the winners, each student will be notified. The winning drawing/painting entries will be on display at City Hall beginning that night of the celebration through the month of February. The students that are selected to perform will be notified and will be invited to perform that evening at City Hall and all participants will also be presented with a special certificate that evening. Please contact Lita Garrett at 435-7766 or email: lgarrett@ More information is available on the City website: (look under City News) The Market Analysis contest deadline is Friday, December 11, 2009. Of Your Home

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East Providence Prevention Coalition

As phase two of the “Don’t Get Bagged…” campaign unfolds, the East Providence Prevention Collation is partnering with local liquor stores to sell alcohol with an educational message. Instead of giving out brown paper bags to carry alcohol in, these stores will be giving out red re-usable bags to customers. The front of the bags reads “Keeping Townies Safe & Healthy” and has the EPPC’s logo on it. The back reads “Don’t Get Bagged… 65% Of Kids Get Alcohol From Friends & Family.” A total of 3,865 bags have been ordered and will be sent to liquor stores during the holiday season. The first part of this campaign launched with brown paper lawn and leaf bags. These bags cite the Social Host Law “Don’t Get Bagged… Adults who allow underage drinking parties on their property are subject to a $350-$1000 fine and/or 6 months in jail for a first offense.” Bags can be purchased at City Hall from the Public Works and Engineering department for a nominal fee. The “Don’t Get Bagged…” campaign is a component of the “Townies Putting the Brakes On Underage Drinking” campaign. According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), adults who started drinking before 21 are more likely to be alcohol dependant than those who waited till 21 to drink. So with that in mind let’s remember to keep our youth safe and sober this holiday season by not providing.

Call Mary at 401-569-4726 to advertise in the next issue

December 2009 The Reporter

2009 Beautiful Landscape Award Recipients Announced

The East Providence Beautification Commission has selected four City properties to receive the 2009 Beautiful Landscape Award. This prestigious annual award recognizes organizations and businesses, which add to the aesthetic and environmental beauty of the City. Since 1967 the Beautification Commission has acknowledged those organizations, whose well-maintained properties exceptionally reflect pride of residence in East Providence. All neighborhood organizations are considered.


Creative Styles 109 Waterman Ave. East Providence, RI

(401) 270-5880 A Full Service Salon

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Community Service Award

The 2009 Community Service Award is presented to persons, or a group that is responsible for the improvement or maintenance of a public space in the city. This year the Community Service Award is presented to:

Elliot Gault, Eagle Scout

For coordinating work completed at Boyden Heights Conservation Area, Boyden Boulevard, Riverside, Joe Gibson, Chair of the Beautification Commission said, “I personally congratulate the 2009 award winners, and it is a privilege to work with all Commission members. There are many beautiful landscapes in our city, and awards decisions were not easy. Residents are fortunate to live in a community where neighborhood businesses and organizations so visibly express their pride and respect for all to enjoy. Beautifully designed or carefully maintained landscapes add to the pride we all share.” An award presentation ceremony was held in the council chambers of City Hall

The 2009 Beautiful Landscape Award recipients are:

Carla Corporation

Ralph V. Fleming lll, President 33 Sutton Avenue, East Providence RI 02914

Riverside Animal Hospital

• Hair • Manicures • Pedicures • Waxing

Holiday Special

$5 Off Any Service of $10 or more new clients only • with this ad • Expires 12.31.09

Ms. Krista Iacono, Manager 815 Willett Avenue, Riverside RI 02915

Walk-Ins Welcome Rental Space Available Gift Certificates Available

St. Martha's Church

Nos Falamos Portugues

Father Douglas J. Spina, Ph. D 2595 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence RI 02914

Wannamoisett Country Club

Harry Asquith, President 96 Hoyt Avenue, Rumford RI 02916

We’re More Than Just Cartwheels!

Meet the Author

Yolanda Lodi invites you to submit an apple recipe for inclusion in her next cookbook, Yolanda’s All Apple Cookbook, scheduled for publication in spring 2010. Submit your unique apple recipe along with a brief comment about the recipe, such as why it is special to you or how the recipe came about, by Saturday, December 12, 2009, to Yolanda Lodi, 41 Walnut Street, Middleborough, MA 02346. Be sure to include your phone number and/or e-mail address. If your recipe is selected you will receive a contributor’s copy upon publication. Or you may bring your apple recipe to the Swansea Public Library on Saturday, December 12, between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and meet Yolanda Lodi, who not only will be signing copies of her two most popular cookbooks, Yolanda’s Blueberry Cookbook and Yolanda’s All New Cranberry Cookbook, but will also share her experiences in creating and collecting recipes. Swansea Public Library is located at 69 Main Street, Swansea (508) 674-9609. www.

Give the gift of CONFIDENCE, STRENGTH, AND FITNESS this holiday season.

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The Reporter December 2009

East Providence Parks & Recreation

Merry Christmas to all! from

Helio Melo & Family State Representative District 64 Paid for by the friends of Helio Melo


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

2009 Turkey Trot Road Race Results

The East Providence Parks & Recreation Department sponsored the 28th annual Turkey Trot Charity Road Race on Saturday, November 21, 2009. There were 42 runners in the 4.3 mile fun run. Special thanks to race official Edward Cronan, the East Providence Police Dept., and Recreation Dept. staff their assistance and dedication. Race results are as follows: Winner of the Edward Cronan Sr. Memorial trophy is: Andrew Estrada. This award is presented to the first East Providence resident to finish the race. Division Winners: Male/Female Junior (18 & under): Andrew Estrada, 27:56 / Victoria Pereira, 31:55 Open (19-39): Andrew Sabourin, 26:54 / Lauren McKivergan, 33:42 Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence Master (40-49): Larry Walker, 28:47 / Kimberly Koness, 35:18 Mary Nascimento, Senior (50-59): Jim Limperis,Sales 29:03Manager / Pat LaChance, 32:46 Grand Master (60-69): David Farrell, 32:05 / Jean Rainwater, 36:25 Diamond Master (70+): Fred Zulegar, 38:01 cell 401.569.4726 following lists all face finishers: officeThe 508.252.6575 Andrew Sabourin, 26:54; Andrew Estrada, 27:56; Larry Walker, 28:47; Daniel DeCoste, 28:54; Jim Limperis, 29:03; Eric Shuman, 31:54; Victoria Pereira, 31:55; David Farrell, 32:05; Mike Darigan, 32:13; Pat LaChance, 32:46; Eric Benevides, 33:04; Lauren McKivergan, 33:42; Christian Horne, 33:43; David Simmons, 33:49; Frank Baker, 34:06; Rachael Procter, 34:29; Kimberly Koness, 35:18; Evelyn Asante, 36:23; Jean Rainwater, 36:25; Jim Maloney, Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence 36:57; Heather Ameen, 37:40; Fred Zulegar, 38:01; Devon Goodwin, 38:24;Mary Frank Meireles, 38:35; Brian Drainville, 38:36; Susan ClemNascimento, Sales Manager ens, 39:02; Paul Pare, 39:55; Mark Adams, 40:48; Stan Kurzynski, 41:12; Pat Kurzynski, 42:00; Maryanne Donato, 42:23; Linda Dubois, 42:37; Brandon Dubois, 42:37; Chuck Hyson, 43:02; Lynne cell 401.569.4726 Goodwin, 44:06; Douglas Procter, 45:23; Marc Drainville, 46:20; office 508.252.6575 Kathleen Correia, 51:06; Amanda Drainville, 52:25; Sue Winthrop, 104.57; Terri Landry, 105:23.


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


Cutting Gallery RTheeporter Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Specializing in hair cuts, perms, color, highlights , & facial waxing Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

We would like to Welcome Bianca to our salon staff

10% Off Any Chemical Service w/ Bianca cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575 GIFT CERTIFICATES Stylist Space Available

Diane - Manager Rehoboth, Seekonk The 375 N. Broadway, Providence RI • 401-431-5095 & E.East Providence



School Break Activities

The East Providence Department of Parks & Recreation will conduct activities for Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager youth members during the holiday school Complete auto collision repair break, December 28 -30, at the Recreation Center located at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. Towing Foreign & Domestic cell 401.569.4726 cell 401.569.4726 The center opens at 12 noon on these dates We handle all insurance claims 6-14, ages 15-17 will be allowed office 508.252.6575 office 508.252.6575 for ages Free Estimates in during their regular age group times. For more information, contact the center MA RS. # 1367 at 433-6360. Serving your community for over 20 years The schedule is as follows: Monday, December 28: 1849 Fall River Ave. (Rt 6), Seekonk, MA “Game Day” - ages 6-14 - 1-4pm Try your hand at board games, PS2 (508) 336-6475 Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence games, or bring one of your favorites games RobertMary Coelho Jr. & Ernie Sales Loiselle - Owners to play! Snacks provided. Nascimento, Manager Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence



Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


cell 401.569.4726

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Seekonk Happy The Rehoboth, Holidays & East Providence


cell 401.569.4726

December 2009 The Reporter Tuesday, December 29: “All Sports Day” - ages 6-14 – 1 p.m. Come play any of your favorite Rec. Center sports! Basketball, soccer, floor hockey & much more! Wednesday, December 30: “Afternoon at the Movies” - ages 6-14 – 1 p.m. Enjoy a movie on the “big screen”, Popcorn & beverages provided.



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The Reporter December 2009

Amid City Conflicts, Police Re-Hire 12 of 13 Laid-Off Officers

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by Carolyn Bray October and November were highly controversial months for City business, as conflicts between City workers and the City Council came to a head and open arguments occurred at City Council meetings. Councilman Coogan took Mayor Larisa to task for abrasive tactics, and two State Representatives (Daniel Daponte and Helio Melo) attending a City Council meeting strongly criticized how Mayor Larisa has been conducting the City’s business. After Councilman Coogan subsequently received a negative piece of mail with white powder in it (that turned out to be sugar), Mayor Larisa appealed to the public for more “civil debate,” although he was reported elsewhere as participating in angry arguments himself. Meanwhile, the police union, suffering the Council’s lay-off of 13 police officers, worked in negotiations with the City and offered contract modifications that would essentially replace the $900,000 the Mayor said would be saved by the lay-off of the 13 officers. The 13 police officers were offered their jobs back. One had already gone to work for another community, according to Local 569 International Brotherhood of Police Officers President Detective John Rossi. It was reported on that Detective Rossi, (who could not be reached for this story) said, in response to Mayor Larisa’s stated happiness at the new police contract, that the agreement could have come months [earlier], avoiding layoffs. The changes to the police contract include the officers giving up the next six holidays and forfeiting their annual uniform payments for two years. An enhanced early-retirement package is also being offered to the officers. They have until March 1 to decide whether to take it or not, and Detective Rossi believes six or more may take the deal. Awaiting the results of arbitration by the police officers, challenging the City’s right to hire Police Chief Joseph Tavares from outside the ranks of the East Providence Police Department, Chief Tavares continues in his position for now and has the following to say about the laid-off police officers: “When the 13 police officers were offered their jobs back, it was a great day. Twelve officers have come back.” He states that, whatever the outcome of the arbitration about his position, he considers the day the officers were rehired his favorite day as Chief. He said the one officer who didn’t return, Geoffrey Waldman, is now working for his former employers, the Warwick Police Department. He spoke to Mr. Waldman personally, says they had a pleasant conversation, and that Chief Tavares joked they had done a swap, adding with a chuckle, “I don’t know who got the better end of the deal.” As part of continuing business as usual while his professional fate is decided elsewhere, Chief Tavares also has the following statement on the official East Providence Police website: “The police department’s primary objective is to improve the quality of life in our City by identifying and addressing public safety and community concerns. The police department recognizes the importance of working with the community at large to develop programs to meet this objective and is committed to accomplishing its mission in a professional manner that promotes respect and dignity of all people.” One of the more reflective public comments regarding the City Council’s recent actions and the police was posted on the website of Detective Corporal Dave Abbott of the East Providence Police Department. In his statement, addressed particularly to Mayor (Joe) Larisa, he echoes the public comments of others when he says: “I can empathize with Joe because he is volunteering to do greater good for his community… The greater good is finding a way for everyone to work together. That does not involve labeling one segment of an issue as the problem and expecting their sacrifice to be the only solution. The greater good is about building trust and

December 2009 The Reporter strengthening communication. Building trust with all segments of your community, be it taxpayers or employees…. The damage to this department and the City will take years to fix. I am not talking about financial damage. There is no trust or faith remaining in our City. It is not a good situation. Whether you are in the public or private sector there has to be a desire for employees and management to work together. When you cannot trust those elected to lead… who can you trust? If you really think that taxpayers are getting a better deal in services with everything that has taken place, then I would caution taxpayers that an increase or decrease in money does not equate to a change in services, but the way workers are treated most definitely will.”

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The Reporter December 2009


East Providence Education Association 1235 Wampanoag Trail East Providence


By Val Lawson

East Providence Teachers Willing to Bargain but... What about the School Committee?

Over the past year, as the President of EPEA, I have repeatedly voiced the concerns of the East Providence teachers. Throughout the conflict over our contract, we have been disregarded by this school committee and administration despite their claims. Another example of this mistreatment is the committee’s unilateral implementation of a pay for performance compensation plan. This action clearly demonstrates and reinforces our claims that the committee is not interested in resolving its dispute with the teachers by bargaining in good faith, as other school committees have across the state. The process by which the EPEA first received notification of the pay for performance compensation plan came from Mr. Kinder – the school committee’s well paid attorney – September 11. At this time, in his letter, Mr. Kinder inquired whether the EPEA intended to bargain over this proposal, and if so to contact him as soon as possible. He made it clear ~ Holiday Styling ~ the pay for performance plan would be implemented effective October 1, with or without Comfortable Salon Atmosphere bargaining. So, once again, we the teachers find ourselves in a situation of dealing with a school committee that claimed it wanted to bargain with the teachers but launched a Creating with you for 18 years timeline of less than a month before implementation. Despite our reservations concerning the school committee’s commitment to bargain, we responded by letter dated September 15 indicating that, as always, the EPEA was willing to negotiate, and suggested three dates in early October. We ultimately agreed to meet October 6. At this time, the EPEA submitted a three year proposal including language on pay for performance. We were disappointed, but not surprised, that the school committee came to the table with no proposal, since we believed Expires 12.24.09, New Clients Only it would present one if only to support its claim of willingness to bargain, while consistently pointing out that it is the teachers who refuse to negotiate. Mr. Carcieri has stated this on numerous occasions, but once again the actions of the school committee prove his statements are empty rhetoric. Throughout this process, the committee has never demonstrated that it was seriously interested in resolving this dispute. In fact, the recent actions regarding pay for performance suggest that it would prefer to continue to prolong the conflict and legal process by adding additional issues to the dispute. Despite the committee’s failure to submit a proposal and its bargaining history, the East Providence teachers agreed to present our proposal as an act of good faith. Through out this process, it has been the East Providence teachers who have been committed to working with the school committee in bargaining a successor agreement in the best interest of both parties. But at this negotiation session we were informed that the committee had not yet completed its proposal and that we would have it within a week. We discussed some of our proposal and then scheduled a meeting for October 19. On the day of our next meeting we were notified our session Children bring in an was cancelled because Mr. Kinder was unable to attend. We then unwrapped new toy & receive scheduled another meeting for October 27. However, with no notice to the EPEA, the superintendent, by one childrens breakfast for letter dated October 21, contacted four teachers to serve on the free with the purchase of a school committee’s Teacher Evaluation Improvement Committee. In his letter, the superintendent stated that the East Providence adult breakfast. School Committee had decided to implement certain changes to the way in which our district compensates teachers. There is no question that the school committee intentionally bypassed the EPEA – the recognized bargaining agent for EP teachers for over 40 years – and went forth with its implementation, despite the fact that we agreed to bargain this issue. Our meeting 940 Fall River Avenue • Seekonk, MA scheduled for October 27 did not take place. Mr. Kinder’s attendance was required at a school committee meeting in Westerly where the Westerly School Committee was scheduled to approve

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December 2009 The Reporter a contract with its teachers. The EPEA finally received the school committee proposal a month after we presented our proposal to the committee. It was sent Friday afternoon, November 6, three weeks after their selfgranted extension. We finally met November 10 to discuss the exchanged proposals. If there was ever any doubt of the intentions of this school committee to restore some measure of stability and sanity in its relationship with its teachers, its latest actions and proposals clearly show otherwise. As a result, this committee has left the EPEA no alternative but to file yet another unfair labor practice. This school committee continues to travel down the same road, spending taxpayer money on exorbitant legal fees to fight its unlawful actions toward the teachers. So far, the only winners in this fight are the lawyers.

781-8280 Rehoboth Reporter December 2009


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From the East Providence Superintendent Office

Mario F. Cirillo, Jr., Ed.D - Superintendent of Schools An Opportunity to Support our Gifted Students… TAG… you’re it!

I recently read correspondence received from one of our advanced placement teachers. He is very concerned about our talented and gifted students, particularly in our middle schools. As your superintendent, I share his concern. He is certainly not alone; many principals have expressed their concern as well. The East Providence School System has not done all it can do for our talented and gifted students, particularly at the middle school level. Too often a general attitude exists that these students are self-starters and will always succeed. But, if our gifted students are not continually challenged, particularly in the middle grades, then they tend to get bored, they stop pushing themselves to remain engaged and simply let themselves go! As a result, these students may end up achieving well below their intellectual capacity. And this occurs before they enter high school! Many years ago, as principal of a blue-ribbon middle school, I implemented a “Talented and Gifted” (TAG) Program for our advanced students. The TAG Program was geared toward specific instructional requirements necessary to keep our gifted, middleschool students academically challenged and engaged in school. We had particular teams of teachers uniquely qualified to teach advanced subject matters geared toward that particular group of students. They worked in flexible schedules, focused on a variety of academic subjects. It was a great success. Those students moved on to high school fully engaged and well-prepared for a rigorous advanced placement program. Just as we are making huge strides in serving our special needs children by returning them to our school community with our EPSD/Bradley partnership, so we must make progress in serving our advanced placement students. And we must start at the middle schools. We must identify and acknowledge the unique academic needs of our gifted students by re-organizing how we deliver qualified classroom instruction to meet our gifted students’ needs. This re-organization will to be part of a planned, well-thought out comprehensive re-tooling of our current middle school model. I am pleased to have that teacher who corresponded on our staff. He rightfully pointed out that we can achieve this goal without spending more money. Indeed, as your superintendent I am responsible to run this school department on a balanced budget. continued on page 20

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The Reporter December 2009

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce East Providence Businesses... Start off the New Year with a Chamber Membership! Visit our Web site for information on how a chamber membership can benefit your company.

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WHO BENEFITS Chamber members of all sizes and in all industries. The larger the group, the greater the savings for businesses. Companies with locations in multiple states can participate - all locations eligible (in deregulated states.) HOW IT WORKS •Simply call the East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce (401) 438-1212 •Your electricity is still delivered by National Grid. •There are no fees for East Providence Area Chamber members to join the energy buying group nor does Action Energy or its suppliers charge any additional fees to switch suppliers. •There is no minimum usage to participate. No long-term contract. •The Decision Is Yours...YOU DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE •Companies can enroll & leave the group & return to National Grid on any billing period* •You save money by combining your purchasing power with other local businesses

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East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1005 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914 phone: 401.438.1212 fax: 401.435.4581 email:

Columbus Credit Union 3 Crescent View Drive Riverside, Rhode Island (l-r) Christine St. Hilaire, board chairmanelect, East Providence Area Chamber; Cidalia Rocha, CEO, Columbus Credit Union; and Laura McNamara, executive director, East Providence Area Chamber

December 2009 The Reporter However, I have no intention of forsaking any of our students by failure to provide the appropriate education for all of our students. And so, we must innovate. There are a variety of factors necessary to accomplish this goal. It requires the cooperation of our teachers to work in “cohorts” or groups, for our principals to participate in identifying those teachers who are prepared to teach at an advanced level, to have the freedom to determine those teachers’ best placement for each classroom or subject to properly meet the needs of our gifted students. It requires teamwork and flexibility in determining classroom assignments, school buildings and scheduling of classes. For example, our teams of teachers’ skills may be differentiated by math, foreign language, literature, etc. Currently, our middle schools operate on a fixed schedule with no flexibility. Our principals do not have the leeway to choose teachers by “best fit” according to classroom needs. Our teachers are responsible for sizeable groups of students with a variety of learning styles. Without specific focus on “differentiated” teaching in every classroom, it is difficult for them to meet the needs of every student; students who are typically learning at different paces and who have different learning styles, particularly our gifted students. Indeed, by continuing this practice we are asking too much of our teachers and under serving our students. I have given a lot of consideration to the different paths we may take to meet the needs of our gifted and talented students. We may also consider the highly regarded “School-Wide Enrichment Model” (SEM). Whichever direction we take the East Providence School Department will ultimately have one more program that will not be a victim to budget constraints. An outcome too many public schools in RI have experienced. I am sure that our parents don’t want our brightest kids strategizing around the inadequacies of our school district’s lack of gifted programs. I am certain that our parents and students expect “their” schools to operate in such a way that all of our students learning needs are met. As your superintendent, I look forward to receiving the professional cooperation from our teachers that is necessary to meet these expectations.

Dennigan Endorsed By Now

Betsy Dennigan, Democratic candidate for congress in the 2nd congressional district has received the important endorsement of the National Organization For Women. NOW is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States with 550 chapters. In announcing the endorsement, Carolyn Mark, President of the Rhode Island chapter of NOW said, "Ms. Dennigan has been and will be unequivocal in her support of issues that improve the lives of women and as a result for families in Rhode Island and across the country. She understands that a woman's right to a full range of reproductive services is meaningless if she does not have access to these services. Now, more than ever, we need legislators who will stand up for women and Ms. Dennigan will do just that." Dennigan said "I am proud to receive this endorsement. In congress, I will be a strong voice for such issues as reproductive rights, marriage equality and pay equity for women." Rhode Island NOW is a progressive voice for social justice designed to bring women into full participation in all acts of public and private life without barriers or bias based on gender.

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The Reporter December 2009


People in the News Shop For a Cause

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Hope Laiter at a charity fund raiser. Hope Laiter, age 8, at a charity fund raiser held at Macy’s, Warwick, RI store. This huge event sponsored by Macy’s, Shop For a Cause, raised over $3,000.00 for charity this day, Oct 17, 2009. Hope is a Riverside resident and a 2nd grade student at St Luke School. She was a runway model this day at Macy’s with her American Girl Doll. Together they charmed the patrons of Macy’s while supporting all worthy causes.

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Students from Riverside Dance Center entertain in Rehoboth at Francis Farm while collecting donations for the East Bay Tap-In organization.

December 2009 The Reporter

YMCA of Greater Providence - Newman Branch among Cox Charities Employee Advisory Grant Recipients

Cox Communications awarded $16,000 in Cox Charities grants to 16 non-profit organizations as part of the Cox Charities Employee Grant Program, an extension of the company’s philanthropic work in those communities where its employees live and work. Cox employees have a well-earned reputation for being ambassadors in their communities. Annually, employees are given an opportunity to nominate organizations in Rhode Island and Connecticut that support education and youth development for $1,000 grants. An advisory group comprised of Cox employees from various departments ranks the applications and votes for final selections. The committee reviews and ranks each application on several key criteria before final selections are made. “We are proud to support our employees who donate their time to positively impact our future generations. The Cox Charities grant program is just one of the many ways Cox remains committed to its employees and the community.” said Paul Cronin, vice president and general manager, Cox Communications New England. Since its founding in 2001, Cox Charities New England has provided more than $2.5 million in grants and in-kind services to non-profit organizations with a focus on children and education.

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The 2009 Cox Charities Employee Grant recipients are:

Boys & Girls Club of Meriden, Boys Troop 8888, Connecting for Children and Families, Enfield Loaves and Fishes, Girl Scouts of Connecticut – 10762 & 10698, South Windsor Teen Center, Tri Town YMCA, Boys Scouts of America Cub Scouts Troop 8, Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick, Rhode Island Mentoring, East Providence Public Library, YMCA of Greater Providence – Newman Branch, Highland Charter School, Latino Dollars for Scholars, Mt. Hope Learning Center, West Bay Community Action’s Childcare Center

In the photo from left to right: Cathy Edingtion, Cox Business Sales Representative; Valerie Perry, East Providence City Council; and Jeanine Achin, Executive Director, Newman Branch YMCA.

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The Reporter December 2009

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Hasbro Toys helps Newman Y

Hasbro Toys helps Newman Y afterschool children get active with the donation of 93 toys. The toys were divided among the YMCAs afterschool program sites. Pictured are children from the Silver Springs Elementary School in East Providence. The Newman Y provides enrichment programs and licensed before and afterschool care at Palmer River School in Rehoboth; at the YMCA in Seekonk; and for MJ Francis, Hennessey, Orlo, Silver Springs, Waddington and Kent Heights in East Providence, Rumford and Riverside.

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Happy Holidays!

Local Artists to Display Works at Little Pictures Show

The Providence Art Club will host the exhibit from November 22 to December 24

Many galleries feature small work exhibitions this time of year, but no one has carried on this tradition longer than the Providence Art Club. For more than a century, the Art Club has displayed original works at small prices during its annual Little Pictures Show & Sale. And the tradition continues this year, as the galleries will be home to an array of diverse multi-media works, all for $250 or less. Several local artists, including, Karl Doerflinger, of East Providence; Nancy Godfray and Donna Kenny Kirwan, of Rumford; and Shawn Kenney and Meredith Thayer of Riverside; will have their artwork displayed as part of this cash and carry exhibition. Their work will be featured, in the Club’s newly renovated spaces, alongside pieces by more than 100 artist members. Blending together a collection of timeless landscapes and still lifes with intricate glass works and mixed media assemblages, this medley of mediums and styles are sure to satisfy every art aficionado. Purchases can be picked up immediately, an ideal opportunity to give the gift of art to someone special for the holidays. Exhibit hours are Monday – Wednesday and Friday, noon to 5 p.m.; Thursday, noon to 6 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. The opening reception will be held Sunday, November 22 from noon to 4 p.m. Deacon Taylor House at the Providence Art Club will also host open artist studios on December 5 & 6 and December 12 & 13 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Club will be closed Thursday, November 26 through Sunday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. For more information, contact Kristin at (401) 3311114. All exhibitions are free and open to the public.

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December 2009 The Reporter


Christmas Trees Pointsettias • Wreaths Roping • Swags

Orlo Avenue Elementary School Collects 1,270 Canned Goods!

The month of October was an exciting one for the entire Orlo Avenue community. Students, family members, teachers, staff, and neighbors collected 1,270 cans for local food pantries in East Providence. Students kept tally counts, graphed weekly results, and created their own math problems using the can collection data. Orlo Avenue would like to thank the parents and staff for delivering the cans to the local food panties. Congratulations to all students that went above and beyond to help those in need. Happy Holidays!


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At East Providence High School The East Providence High School PTSA is selling Entertainment books for only $25 @ 2000 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, RI 02914 Books are still available at the main office from 7:30am – 2 pm. All proceeds benefit programs for students. Contact Roberta Schneider 369-0045 or 435-7806.

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Wheeler School Announces 100kW Solar Energy System



The Reporter December 2009

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The Wheeler School is delighted to announce the installation of a 100kW solar electric system at its Van Norman Field House on the 120-acre Wheeler Farm campus in Seekonk, MA. The solar energy system is being installed by Alteris Renewables, recently ranked as the fastest-growing renewable energy company in the Northeast by Inc. 500 and includes 480 Suntech 210 watt solar panels and a SatCon inverter. “This project is another important element to our ongoing environmental commitment,” said Wheeler School Head Dan Miller. “Everything we are doing has a curricular dimension that teaches at our ‘grass-roots’ level, while also making a strong public statement about the importance and viability of environmental sensitivity.” Student leaders from Wheeler’s ECO Club were able to attend planning meetings for the project. “There have already been many ‘green’ improvements at Wheeler,” said student Jiawen Tang, a co-president of the School’s ECO Club (Environmental Concerns Organization), “But the installation of the solar panels will be the most visible example of Wheeler’s efforts and dedication to sustainable development and environmental action.” ECO co-president student Sol Taubin added, “By converting to solar panels and having the Farm run completely on solar energy, Wheeler is dramatically decreasing its environmental impact. It’s fantastic to see such a commitment being made by an institution and school, and on behalf of ECO (and the world), we’d like to thank Wheeler for making such a commitment to alleviating environmental impacts and involving students in its efforts.” According to Alteris Renewables, the choice of Massachusettsmade component from SatCon further contextualizes this project in the scope of the green economy that has been growing in the state. A Power Purchase Agreement, or PPA, made possible by EOS Ventures of Massachusetts, financed a portion of the project. Through third party ownership, PPAs allow non-profits like schools to enjoy the benefits of a solar energy system without the usual large initial capital investment.

Kent Heights Receives Grant

Kent Heights Elementary School has received a $750 grant from the ExxonMobil Educational Alliance program to support the school’s math program. The PTA worked with the school to secure the grant, which is one of 2,400 available to schools across the country served by Exxon or Mobil stations. The grants were made possible by funding from the ExxonMobil Corporation. The ExxonMobil Educational Alliance program is designed to provide Exxon and Mobil retailers with an opportunity to invest in the future of their communities through educational grants to neighborhood schools. ExxonMobil believes that, as members of the community, local retailers are best qualified to work with local educators to help identify schools and programs most in need of support. Thanks to the ExxonMobil Educational Alliance grant, Kent Heights Elementary School was able to purchase much-needed calculators for each classroom.


December 2009 The Reporter


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The Reporter December 2009

East Providence School Dept. Child Outreach Screening Program FREE screenings designed to take a brief look at developmental skills in the following areas: • speech & language • cognitive • fine & gross motor • vision • social & emotional • hearing It is recommended that all children ages 3, 4 and 5 participate in Child Outreach screening. Call 433-6259 for an appointment. Child Outreach is sponsored by: East Providence Public Schools and the Rhode Island Dept of Education

Buying your Auto Insurance is just a click away Go to: Email: Duarte Agency


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Silver Spring Elementary School

Mrs. Cullion, Principal of Silver Spring Elementary School, announces the students who received certificates at the Silver Spring Achievement Assembly held on November 20, 2009 Grade One Sofia Almeida, Wasan Barnawy, Devonee Barrette, Rahmel Berkley,Amaya Brown, Taylah Brum, Arianna Carbone, Priscilla Constant, Alex Correia, Benjamin Correia, Evete Craveiro, Cassandra Cunningham, Aaron DaCunha, Ashley DeOliveira, Aiyonna Enos, Ethan Escobar, Larissa Feitosa, Amaya Fiske, Alexis Fritsche, Saanvi Hole, Brooklyn Joyce Kshama Kolur, Nathan Lathrobe, Paige Lewis, Ariyana Medas, Alyssa Miller, Sai Davan Musunuri, Colby Nelson, Anshu Nunemunthala, Karicia Pimentel, Ethan Proulx, Adriana Ramos, Sydney Ribeiro, Vincent Seal, Marisa Silva, Arianna Soares, Sabrina Soares, KyMani Stuckey, Lauren Vieira, Dakota Watjen, Jon Williams, Tatianna Williams, Rocco Wolfe, Alexandra Woods Grade Two Daniel Andrade, Matthew Andrews, Greg Anthony, Anthony Arruda, Sadie Barros, Rachel Bettencourt, Jared Cabral, Christina Capobianco, Miguel Carranza, Ashley Cassino-Henriquez, Sasha Chibante, Katie Costa, Alyssa DeOliveira, Dwyneth Dumapias, Sarah Feitosa, Leanne Fontes, Madison Forti, Brayden Fowler, Jace Kassed, Abbey Lemieux, Robert MacDougall, Riley Mello, Paige Messier, Michelle Northup, Aaron O’Malley, Aaliyah Pattie, Zachai Rodrigues-Smith, Jenna Starnino, Eliza Vecchiarelli, Stella Wolfe, Alessandra Woods Grade Three Elizabeth Adamjan, Casey Burke, Jason Cabral, Deonna Cooley, Alyssa Craveiro, Neha Dharmapuram, Cameron Ellinwood, Dylan Enos, Jake Freitas, Marcus George, Alexia Goncalo, Kayla Harris, Ariana Henderson, Robyn Levasseur, Shiyuan Huang, Joseph Lyssikatos, Mariana Matteson, Quinn McCaughey, Jazzmyne Miller, Sarah Morris, Dylan Pacheco, Anaizah Perry, Tyson Reed, Janessa Rivera-DeLomba, Maia Villarica, Dorian Woods Grade Four Cameron Barros, Amanda Bettencourt, Michaela Botelho, Justin Brasil, Jessica Carter, Tyler Coelho, Jessica Costa, Brianna DaCunha, Nathen DaLuz, Isaac Dinerman, Amyra Durkin, Cameron Ellinwood, Alexandria Escalera, Tyler Germano, Justin Goncalo, Alyssa Guarino, Danayshia Jackson, Charita Kunta, Syanne Levesque, Alyssa Machado, Aryanna Machado, Brooke Martins, Liam McCaughey, Shelby Mello, Kate Mendillo, Ashlyn Messier, Jacob Miguel, Bret Nascimento, Kevin Nunez, Michelle Pinto, Cynthia St. George, Jacob Schafer, Mackenzie Shields, Riley Skog, Jeremy Smith, Hunter Travassos, Jordan Tunstall, Lynn Antonette Villarica, Romeo Walmsley, Tae-Joon Yoo, Haley Zalomski Grade Five Julia Andrade,Connor Azulay, Elena Carrranza, Cameron Farias, Eric Ferreira, Tyler Freitas, Trey Kassed, Kishan Kolur, Michael Landry, David Ogunronbi, Jack Ouellette, Justin Palrao, Makenzie Ribeiro, Cassandra Santiago, Rebekah Vecchiarelli

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December 2009 The Reporter

SPORTS Riverside Youth Football And Spirit 2010 Season Early Registration Form

Register before the end of this season, and save money! Benefits of Early Registration: LOW $50. Registration Fee Per Child & $95. Per Family (Non-refundable). Discounted Fee Only Good Through December 31. Winter and Spring Emails and Communications will be sent to you. You’ll have the choice of being involved in all off-season events (Such as the monthly exercise program!) CURRENT DATE __________FOOTBALL___CHEERLEADING___ PLAYER / CHEERLEADER NAME ___________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) As it appears on Birth Certificate DATE OF BIRTH __________________________________________ (Month) (Day) (Year) ADDRESS________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS _______________________________________ (Home) (Cell) EMAIL ADDRESS to send updates to ________________________ TEAM YOU PLAYED FOR LAST SEASON ____________________ AGE AS OF JULY 31, 2010 _______ CURRENT GRADE ____ SCHOOL ATTENDING IN SEPT. 2010________________________ WEIGHT - FOOTBALL ONLY ______________________________ TEAM ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE DETERMINED UNTIL JULY-and depend on registration numbers in each age and weight group! Are you interested in the Winter Workouts? Yes or No (Circle One) Raiders Use Only Please: Early Reg Fee: ONLY $50.00 Amount Paid ________________ Cash, Check, Other _______ Please write clearly and mail form and registration fee to: Riverside Raiders, PO Box 15031, Riverside, RI 02915.

EPHS Girls 2009 JV Volleyball State Champs

The East Providence High School JV Girls Volleyball under the coaching of Mike Solitro has earned the title of 2009 JV State Champs. They have also earned the Division 1 North Title. We are all extremely proud of them and the effort they have put into working together as a team to achieve such success. EPHS Girls 2009 JV Volleyball State Champs Back Row: Mary Monagle, Izzy Newton, Samantha Landry, Nicole Strik, Hannah Drolet, Lindsey Allienello, Leah Drolet, Lexie Cordeiro, Coach Mike Solitro Front Row: Thomeeka Speaks, Alyssa Dias, Lauren Discuillo, Jillian DeLude, Lucianna McLaughlin, Patti LaLiberte, Adria Spivey


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The Reporter December 2009

Who’s Who & What They Do Profiling Local Businesses

Tirrell Realty Enters The Franchise Arena, Brings Weichert® Brand Name, Expanded Service to Market Broker/Owner and President Phil Tirrell has announced that the company known throughout East Providence and East Bay as Tirrell Realty, is now an independently owned and operated franchise with Weichert Real Estate Affiliates. Newly named Weichert, Realtors® - Tirrell Realty, the office located at 1086 Willett Avenue in Riverside brings “not only a new brand name to the market,” Tirrell said, “but a new brand of service.” Tirrell, a 30-year veteran real estate professional, has owned Tirrell Realty since 2005. Armed with many years experience as a Realtor with two other major franchises, he took a look at franchising as a way to expand his company’s service capabilities “and to help my agents become the best in the industry,” he said. On the agent front, the Weichert® organization provides in-person local training, along with ongoing online education and a support system that includes marketing tools and leads. In addition, Tirrell said, “the people I talked to are really real estate people,” individuals who are “grounded and back-grounded” in the kind of experience that relates directly to the task at hand. From founder Jim Weichert, to Weichert Affiliates President Martin J. Rueter and his management staff, the team is made up of people who have been in the field as Realtors, Brokers, office owners, managers and sales people, “rooted or reared in real estate.” Rueter joined in the conversion announcement. “We are especially proud that a highly respected professional like Phil, who shares our consumer-centric business philosophy, has chosen to be a member of the Weichert family,” he said. “Together, we expect to bring the best service available in the industry to this unique market.” Weichert, Realtors® is one of the nation’s largest privately owned providers of real estate and home ownership services. Weichert Real Estate Affiliates (WREA), the franchise arm, opened



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the first affiliated agency in January 2002, and currently has franchised offices in 35 states. According to Entrepreneur magazine as of its 2008 survey, “WREA remains among the fastest growing franchises in the nation.” In addition to training and support for agents and managers, the full service organization offers mortgage and insurance services, an award-winning Internet lead-generation platform, a Realtor® recruitment program, and global outreach in the relocation arena. Other support services include in-house marketing, advertising, dedicated public relations, pre-license schools and Realtor recruitment. Tirrell is licensed in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He is a long-established top producer, trainer and award-winning team leader, whose up-the-ranks career included membership in real estate’s million-dollar and multi-million-dollar clubs. Since opening his own company four years ago, he has added 17 agents and plans to launch an ambitious recruiting campaign to add to the sales team. Meanwhile, Tirrell and the current members of Weichert, Realtors® - Tirrell Realty can be reached at 401-437-2030. Phil Tirrell new owner of first Weichert franchise in East Providence market Weichert has nearly 18,000 sales associates in approximately 500 company-owned and franchised sales offices in key markets throughout the U.S. A family of full-service real estate and financial services companies, Weichert helps customers buy and sell both residential and commercial real estate, and streamlines the delivery of mortgages and home and title insurance. For more information, Weichert’s customer service center can be reached at 1800-USA-SOLD or at

Weichert, Realtors®

Tirrell Realty

Each Weichert franchised office is independently owned and operated.

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December 2009 The Reporter



News & Announcements

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Karaoke with Cal Ray Sundays : From 5-9 Everyone Welcome. November 15th December 6th and 20th January 3rd and 17th February 14th and 28th March 7th and 21st.

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The Lions Club of Rumford Presents

CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS OF HISTORICAL EAST PROVIDENCE SITES Supplies Are Limited – Don’t Wait – Last Year’s Edition Was Sold-out The Lions Club of Rumford presents the second in their annual series of Christmas ornaments. Each year, a new ornament depicting an icon of East Providence will be added to this collector’s series. The 2009 ornament depicts the main gate of Pierce Memorial Stadium. The ornament was manufactured and hand assembled in the USA by the same company that makes the official White House Christmas Ornaments. It is made of gold plated brass, so that it will not tarnish. It is three dimensional, with the banner resting on the gate pillars with the gate behind the pillars. Ornaments are available through any member of the Rumford Lions Club. They are also available by mail. The cost is $15 and if ordered through the mail there is a $1.50 per ornament shipping fee. Please send your payment to: Rumford Lions, PO Box 4921, Rumford, RI 02916. Be sure to include your shipping information and a telephone number. You also may contact the Lions at or by calling 401-474-1212.

This ornament will look great on your Christmas Tree. It also make a great gift for family and friends.


The Reporter December 2009

Rumford Cemetery d/b/a

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Horseplay Equine Rescue First Event on December 12th

Horseplay equine rescue is having a Holiday Pasta and Craft Fair benefiting HorsePlay Equine Rescue and Sanctuary, at the North Kingstown Community Center, Beach Street, Wickford, R.I. Tickets only $10.00 for pasta Dinner and choice foods and Vegetarian Foods, Not just for Horse Lovers – Animal shelters and rescues throughout R.I. will be there. RSVP Horseplay @ (401) 294-3565 or

December 13th - Free Event-at Horseplay-143 Gilbert Stuart Road, Saundertown, R.I.

Holistic Healing and Intuitive Communication with Sheila Ryan, and Solutions to common problems/vices and Understanding Equine Nutrition. Rain or Shine. For more Info, there is a volunteer in your neighborhood call with questions (508)-472-3706. Horseplay is a non-profit organization. Go to

(508) 674-4055 • (800) 447-1192

For All Your Propane Needs 24 Hour Emergency Service ~ Budget Plan ~ 1499 GAR Highway, Swansea, MA ~ SALES & SERVICE ~ Automatic Delivery


Tap-In Readies for Christmas

Many wonderful and generous donations made the Tap-In Thanksgiving program very successful, assisting about 350 East Bay families. Enrollment for the Christmas program will begin on Nov. 30, and the agency is hoping to be equally generous despite the difficult economy. Families with children will receive toys and a Gift Card. Only new toys will be accepted during this time, and donations of Gift Cards for older children to stores such as Target, Wal-Mart and FYI as well as Movie Tickets would be greatly appreciated. Singles and older couples will each receive a small gift, a canned ham, and a Gift Card, so small non-perishable hams would also be very welcome. Distribution will take place on Sat., Dec.19. While no furniture can be accepted during the month, bedding and linens particularly in full, queen and king sizes are always needed and disappear as quickly as they come in. Also, the housewares closet is in need of small appliances such as toaster ovens, mixers, coffee makers, and pots and pans. The agency will be closed Wed, Thurs and Fri of Thanksgiving week, and Thurs and Fri of Christmas week. Donations may be dropped off anytime during regular office hours of 9 to noon, Monday thru Friday. Please call the office at 247-1444 during those hours for any further information. Tap-In is located in the lower level of the Library building on County Road.

Seven Stars bakery

Visit our newest location at Rumford Center, 20 Newman Ave, East Providence! 820 Hope Street, Providence • 342 Broadway, Providence For hours and directions, please visit us at

Record Food Distribution At Tap-In

During the month of October Tap-In assisted nearly 600 families with food. Small wonder that the supplies are constantly in need of replenishing! Volunteers are working hard to lend assistance, but the need

December 2009 The Reporter keeps growing and the volunteer pool doesn’t. Agency volunteers would be happy to speak with and give a tour to anyone who feels they might have a little time to contribute particularly during the holiday season when things are particularly busy. Donations of non-perishable food items such as instant potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans, stuffing, cranberry sauce, fruit, baking mixes, juice, etc. as well as reusable bags and $15 vouchers would be most helpful now to fulfill the Thanksgiving Program registration of over 300 families. Located in the lower level of the Library building, Tap-In is open Monday thru Friday from 9 to noon. Volunteers would be happy to accept all donations of food, household items, linens, children’s clothes, small appliances, etc. during those hours. Please call 247-1444 at those times for further information

Get Into The Holiday Spirit: Become A Fresh Air Host Family

This November, many families in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are thankful for something special: the gift of their friendship with a New York City child. Through The Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly Town program, local families open their hearts and homes to inner-city children as volunteer hosts for up to two weeks during the summer. By volunteering as a host family for summer 2010, the spirit of Thanksgiving can continue in your home throughout the year. One child recounts the activities she tried in Friendly Town during her visit. “I saw things here that I don’t get to see in New York – like deer, frogs and the stars!” Since 1877, The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities. Nearly 10,000 New York City children enjoy free Fresh Air Fund programs annually. In 2009, close to 5,000 children visited volunteer host families in suburbs and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and into Canada. Additionally, 3,000 children attended five Fund camps on a 2,300-acre site in Fishkill, New York. The Fund’s year-round camping program serves 2,000 young people each year. For more information on hosting Happy a Fresh Air child next summer, please Holidays! contact Claire Duckmanton at 508-7618242 or The Fresh Air Fund at (800) 3670003. You can also visit The Fund’s Web site at

Pick Up & Delivery Available


Photos with Santa Claus

fundraiser for Angelcat Haven Feline Rescue Please join Angelcat Haven and Santa for a photo of your pet with Santa Claus. The event will take place at the Petco in South Attleboro, located on Route 1. Photos will be taken on Saturday, December 5, 2009 and Saturday, December 12, 2009 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Photos are $8.95 and $5.00 from every photo will be donated to Angelcat Haven Feline Rescue. This year has brought an even greater influx of homeless cats and kittens, says Angela Frankudakis, president of Angelcat Haven. Due to the poor economy and many local foreclosures, the group has been faced with helping more cats than usual. “2009 has been a difficult one,” she says. “And every donation helps". Have your pet’s photo taken with Santa and Petco will donate to help with the care of these cats. The Participating Petco is located on Rt. 1 in South Attleboro. Angelcat Haven (ACH) is an all-volunteer,501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned cats in Southeastern Massachusetts. For more information, or to volunteer, please call our message center at (508) 203-4240 or visit Tax deductible donations can be sent to Angelcat Haven, 36 Bacon square, Plainville, MA 02762


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The Reporter December 2009

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Rep. Savage Bill Helps “GREEN” Rhode Island

Early in 2008 Representative Jack Savage (R-Dist. 65 East Providence) introduced legislation (H-7068) that would reduce rubbish disposal costs for cities and towns as they increased the amount of their recyclable waste. While at that time, Rep. Savage’s bill didn’t garner the necessary votes for passage, it did become part of a comprehensive package introduced by Rep. Jan Malik (D-DIST. 67 Barrington/ Warren), Chairman of the House “Environment and Natural Resources Committee” and was subsequently enacted into law and became part of the state’s fiscal year 2009 budget. Currently, the standard rate municipalities pay to dispose rubbish material at the landfill is $32 a ton (No charge for recyclable material). Under Savage’s incentive-based proposal this fee could be reduced by as much as $3.00 per ton for those cities and towns who recyclable at least 24% of their collective waste. When initially proposed, Representative Savage said of his legislation, “This is an incentive for our cities and our citizens to increase our recycling efforts. This measure reduces the tipping fees for communities that dispose of their waste in the most efficient way while also increasing the lifespan of our central landfill.” In August it was reported that East Providence was one of 16 communities to qualify for a rebate. For recycling 24.4% of its disposable waste, East Providence received a rebate check of $14,131 from the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation. Respectfully Submitted, Rep. John A. Savage

Gallison Bill Strengthening Penalties for Underage Drinking By Boaters Enacted

State House – Newly enacted legislation sponsored by Rep. Raymond E. Gallison Jr. will crack down on drinking by underage boaters by stripping them not only of their right to operate a boat, but also of their right to drive a car. “Kids need to understand that the water isn’t a fantasy land where the laws of the land don’t count. Driving a boat drunk is just as dangerous, if not more, than driving a car drunk. But just taking away their boating licenses isn’t going to put enough of a dent in their lifestyle to drive the message home. Taking away their drivers’ license will, and it might save someone’s life. If they’re driving drunk on the water, there’s a stronger possibility that they’re driving their cars drunk, too,” said Representative Gallison, a Democrat who represents District 69 in Bristol and Portsmouth. Under the new law, effective immediately, an underage person who is convicted of operating a boat, jet ski, waverunner, hovercraft or other watercraft under the influence of alcohol could lose his or her right to operate a boat for three to six months and his or her automobile driver’s license for a year, on top of any other penalties they might face relating to the offense. The legislation (2009-H 5289aa), which passed the Assembly late last month and became law last week without the governor’s signature, would also allow the suspension of the registration of the boat that the young person is operating at the time of the

December 2009 The Reporter offense. The purpose of that provision is to encourage those who own boats to ensure that they are not used by young people who are going to operate them while drunk. “We thank the Bristol Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and Representative Gallison for taking on this important initiative. The more tools we have in our arsenal to protect our kids and others using our roadways and waterways, the better.” added Diane Mederos, Town Administrator for the Town of Bristol. Representative Gallison, who submitted the bill last year as well, sponsored it at the suggestion of the Bristol Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. The coalition’s chairwoman, Victoria White, said the group felt strongly that Rhode Island law should specifically address underage drinking by boaters. “It’s a red letter day for the Ocean State. This legislation is well-tenured in New York and they have better boating statistics because of it. It’s all about risk-reduction and standard-setting,” said White.

Perseverance Pays

On February 16, 2005, at the request of then East Providence School Superintendent Dr. Jacqueline Forbes, I, along with Rep. Henry Rose, introduced legislation which provided for the statewide transportation of students with special needs. This measure alone would save school departments across the state hundreds of thousands of dollars. This legislative proposal was heard in the Health, Education and Welfare Committee, but failed to generate enough support to be voted out of committee. The measure was reintroduced again in 2006 and 2007, but met the same fate. On January 3, 2008, I, along with Rep. Rose and Rep. Helio Melo, proposed legislation which would require the state to finance the transportation costs for those students who traveled out of our city to attend private, public, or vocational schools. The measure was heard in House Finance but again failed to gain sufficient support. This year, on February 25th, I, along with Representatives Melo and DaSilva, introduced legislation which called for the consolidation of all school bussing contracts into one statewide bussing contract. The legislation had three objectives: 1) The elimination of the duplication of routes transporting children within and out of the city; 2) The improvement of service to children through the development of routes with shorter ride times; and 3) The reduction of costs to local school districts through efficiency and eliminating the need for each school district to contract for these services separately. The good news is this was the year. House Bill 5646 became Article 12 in the Supplemental Budget and was signed into law in April. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in bussing costs will now be saved by our cities and towns. Equally important – a first step has been taken toward the consolidation of school support services on a state wide basis. Respectfully Submitted, Rep. John A. Savage District 65 Riverside

Happy Holidays!

Off His List... Mine! n o e B

ift w/ Free G atin r e K any ent Treatm


The Reporter November December2009 2009



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Immaculent Ranch on dead end St. Gleaming Hardwoods, Fireplaced Livingroom, Large MBR, Fenced yard with deck $259,900


Beautiful Barrington 3 Bed Cape on 27500 sq ft yard! Fireplaced living. Oversized garage, central air. $359,900



n Pe






Stunning 3 Bed Ranch, Harwoods, Fireplace, Interior & Enterior of home exquisite! $249,900

Unique and spacious turn of century home, 5/6 beds, 5 baths, huge rooms, zoned commercial. $209,900







Waddington 3 Bed Ranch, Large Riverside Terrace Ranch, familyroom! New Kit Appliances, Beautiful yard with sprinklers Attached garage. Priced to sell! Beautiful 3 bed Colonial on 20,000 and privacy hedges, newer sq ft lot. Attached garage, $189,900 roof & siding. $194,900 Hardwood floors $259,900

Brand New spacious 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Hardwood floors. Corner Lot, Garage. $289,900

East Providence



Waterfront – 4 Bed Colonial, Beautifully updated thru-out, 2.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, large living & dining, garage. $289,900

Waddington, 3 Bedrooms Cottage, Well Maintained, 2 Baths, Must see! $199,900






Roomy 2600 sq ft Ranch, Oversized 2 car garage, Priced to sell! $209,900






Brand new roomy 3 bed, 2 bath Colonial, hardwoods, central air, family room. $269,900

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December 2009 The Reporter


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WOW Roomy 2/3 Bed Ranch in Waddington, central air, located at end of Cul de sac! $229,900

East Providence

Waddington 3 bed Ranch, Newly Renovated Kitchen & Bath. Large Yard $206,900. G


Great Location! 4 Bed Bungalow, 1st Floor Bed, Fireplaced Living room Garage $229,900 ED


Solid 2 Bed Ranch on Barrington / Waddington line. Attached Garage, Applianced Kitchen, Move in condition! $209,900



Roomy Waddington Cape, Fireplaced Living,Big Kitchen with sliders to deck,Gleaming Hardwoods $189,900



Terrace Waterfront! Charming 3 Bed Cape. Beautifully landscaped. $379,900

East Providence ST








Impeccable 3 Bed Cape, Spectacular Great Room, Gourmet Kitchen, privated yard with Hottub! $259,900

Desirable Country Club Plat, Nayatt area, Beautiful fireplaced Living, 2 car Garage, Must see! $399,900

Gil Medeiros 401-524-3136

Don Saracen 401-465-4706

Bill Tirrell 401-474-6301

Beautiful Tri Level 3 Bed, Gleaming Hardwoods, Fireplaced Living, Large Deck overlooks Park like Yard! $239,900



Marcel Robert 401-439-5574


am if ult

Nice Multi Family in Waddington, Live in and collect rent! Great Investment Opportunity. $249,900





Phil Tirrell

Broker / Owner



New Construction. 3 bed Colonial w/ attached garage, 2.5 baths, central air. $399,900






Well Maintained 3 Bed Ranch, Attached garage, Family room in lower level, Located off Pawt. Av. $189,900

Stephanie Duggan Louanne Jennings 401-477-6186 401-996-1106

Ron Faria George Erickson 401-578-0075 401-437-2030x237


Shirley Toombs 401-439-5831

Dorene Coelho 401-559-5141

Mary-Jane King 401-524-6773

Melinda Marshall 401-699-6323

Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

Luci Stoddard 401-641-8114


The Reporter December 2009 Over 20 Years Serving The Community

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I Wish All Of You A Happy And Healthy Holiday Season And A Great New Year!

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Lighthouse Santa to Visit East Providence by Boat on Sunday, Dec. 6 East Providence, RI: Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Santa and his elves will be returning to Narragansett Bay onboard their holiday-themed boat. Children and adults of all ages are invited to welcome and wave to Lighthouse Santa as he travels along the East Providence coastline sending holiday greetings. There will be plenty of time to take photos, too. Lighthouse Santa will be quite visible in his jolly red suit and will be ringing a handbell and waving to onlookers along the shoreline.

Now accepting reservations for our

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Gift Certificates Available

December 2009 The Reporter


Perfect Image Hair Studio Men • Women • Children

Weather-permitting, Lighthouse Santa’s visit is scheduled for Sunday, December 6 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Lighthouse Santa will begin his journey from Bullocks Cove in Barrington/Riverside and will be traveling along the eastern shoreline of East Providence toward Providence. He will remain in his boat and will not be going ashore during this visit. Due to weather and tidal conditions, the time schedule is estimated for seeing Lighthouse Santa and his elves. Their travel itinerary and best viewing locations will be: 10:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. for Narragansett Terrace and Rose Larisa Park. At approximately 10:30 a.m., they are scheduled to be in the Sabin Point Park area until 10:45 a.m. Then, they will travel further north along the Riverside coastline and East Bay Bike Path to Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. The boat will arrive and circle the Lighthouse between 10:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. After visiting the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse area, Santa and his elves will continue traveling northward along the East Providence coastline toward Squantum Woods and over to Providence and Waterplace Park. From there, they will continue their journey by heading south on Narragansett Bay along the western shoreline of Providence and Cranston. For more information, photos and updates, visit the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Web site at or their page on Facebook: facebook. com/pomhamrockslighthouse.

Riverside Circle #28, Daughters of Isabella

Riverside Circle #28, Daughters of Isabella, has chosen St. Martha’s Church’s Annual Christmas Dinner Theater for its December meeting. Circle members who plan to attend the Christmas Dinner Theater will meet on Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 1:30 pm at St. Martha’s Church, 2595 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence, RI.

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Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575

“Hands Across the Sea”

The Rhode Island Wind Ensemble will present the “Hands Across the Sea” holiday concert at St. Andrew’s School on Federal Road in Barrington, RI, to benefit The International Institute of Rhode Island on December 13th, Sunday, at 2 P.M. The guest soprano soloist will be Melanie Colvin. Admission will be toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, deodorant) or hats, mittens, scarves, and socks. Gift cards to Ocean State Job Lot or Walmart would also be welcome.

Christmas Dinner Theatre

On December 4, 5 and 6th, St. Martha’s Church (2595 Pawtucket Ave) will be holding its annual Christmas Dinner Theatre. This year’s production is “A Christmas Carol: the musical”. Tickets are $15.00 (general admission) and $10.00 (Kids 10 and under). The macaroni/meatball dinners start at 5:30 on the Friday and Saturday nights and at 1:30 on the Sunday performance. For more information and/or tickets, please call: 7513266 or the Rectory at: 434-4060.


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The Reporter December 2009

Pet Photos with Santa

Professional Property Maintenance and Repair

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1663 Mineral Spring Ave, North Providence, RI 02904 1 Photo $15.00, 6 Photos $20.00, 12 Photos $25.00 Size 4x6 *All Proceeds Benefit PAWSWATCH;

774-254-2705 or 401-368-6957


50 OFF*

Led by Dr. Clarice LaVerne Thompson, along with friends from RPM Voices of RI


WITH THIS COUPON, not to be combined with any other offer. Offer ends 12-23-09.



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e r 1177 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI 508-761-6700 yw (Pawtucket/Seekonk Line - Benny's Plaza) 401-729-1187

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Thank You

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Now Accepting e y r Same Quality & Same Service Rumford Bill Hopkins (401) 431-2816 Lic# RI 18045 MA 134986

Join us to Sing in the Holidays Sat, December 12, 2009, 2 p.m.


UNISONG is back and in a big way - we have a new home and collaboration! All UNISONGs will now take place at the RI Philharmonic Music School, at 667 Waterman Ave. in E. Providence. We are on a bus route, wheelchair accessible and there’s plenty of parking. Our collaboration with RPM Voices ( means every UNISONG will begin with a warm-up by RPM Voices founder and director, Dr. Clarice LaVerne Thompson. However, on Dec 12, Dr. Thompson will be doing more than warming us up - she will be sharing and teaching a variety of holiday music with us all. Families are strongly encouraged to attend this very festive experiential event. Dr. Thompson believes that group singing has some very significant attributes that prove to be vital universally to communities at large throughout the world: We cannot all talk together, but we can all sing together. Choral music technique and education is experiential. Singing together fosters social bonds, which fosters community, family, networking, and the sharing of folk traditions and cultural expressions UNISONG is a non-performance community singing session meeting monthly. UNISONG is lead by a different guest musical director each time to explore music from diverse sources. Conceived by Jodi Glass, a life-long music lover and community organizer, UNISONG has come to fruition with the help of Kathy Jellison, Priscilla Young, Rachael Warren, Rose Weaver and Cathy Clasper-Torch. “Music is a deeply powerful source for expression and can lead to positive change,” said Jodi. “With that in mind, we seek to bring together people from different cultures, generations, genders and musical experience or interest in order to learn from each other and have a good time making music.” Participants don’t have to do the following in order to sing along: read music, attend every time, prep for any performance, prep at all, or have previous experience singing with a group. A $5 admission fee is requested - no one will be turned away Contact: Jodi Glass at or http://www. “bringing people together in song…knocking down walls” (rick massimo, projo) “ session leaders are artists of the highest quality…everyone in the community can actively participate in UNISONG”. (RISCA)

December 2009 The Reporter

Chorus of East Providence Christmas Concerts on December 4 and 5

Lobster Raffle

Begins 1/2/10 thru 3/28/10 Sundays at 2pm

t rea



ne Mo

es Priz

s ffle a R

n che n t i K pe O

Trinity Brotherhood Woodward Ave East Providence, RI

Th & e Th B e igg Be es st t !

The Chorus of East Providence presents its Christmas concert on two evenings this year - Friday, December 4 at 7:30 P.M. at St. Margaret Church, 1098 Pawtucket Ave. Rumford, RI 02916 and Saturday, December 5 at 7:30 P.M. at Riverside Middle School, Riverside, RI 02914. The program, Sing We Noel, features both sacred and secular Christmas music. Familiar and not so familiar carols such as Home for the Holidays, Dona Nobis Pacem, White Christmas, The Little Drummer Boy and And The Glory of the Lord from Handel’s “The Messiah” offer a variety of seasonal music for all to enjoy. Tickets are $10, no charge for children age 12 and under. A limited number will be sold at the door. For information on tickets or program sponsorships: call 401-323-7041 or email thechorusofep@ or see website: Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa, or some combination, The Chorus of East Providence invites you to join them in a joyful and uplifting celebration of the holiday season. This concert highlights the musical talents of the 78-member Chorus, directed by Beth Armstrong and accompanied by Victoria Lambrozo. The Chorus of East Providence is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to promote choral singing to enhance the cultural life of the community. Board officers include President Betty Capaldo, Vice President Gary Dias, Secretary Sandra Medeiros and Treasurer Bill Simpson, all of East Providence.

East Providence FOPA

Crestwood Country Club is the perfect place to host your holiday event. Our function rooms are decorated for the season and our menu selection is sure to please every appetite. Please call our events coordinator at 508-336-8582 ext. 104 for more details or visit our website at

Come join us on Friday, December 18th for our 6th annual “Jingle Mingle” This will give an opportunity for smaller companies to enjoy a night of dancing, festive cocktails, and great food. We will be hosting a cash bar all night, dancing to a DJ, Hor’s during cocktail hour and a holiday buffet. The price per person is $40.00 plus tax and surcharge. Reserve your tables today. Please call Barbara at 508-336-8582 ext 104

Crestwood Country Club is your destination for corporate golf outings. We have a few dates available for next year. Please call Michael Smith at 508-336-8582, Ext. 100 for more details.



The Reporter December 2009

Since 1986

Fred Vinhateiro Owner

Fred’s SER V I C E C E N T ER • I N C .

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Let us do the work Free Estimates Call Tony 508-226-1295

Holiday Open House in Tiverton Four Corners December 5 & 6 Saturday (10-5 p.m.) and Sunday (12-5 p.m.) Please join us on Saturday (10-5 p.m.) and Sunday (12-5 p.m.), December 5th and 6th for our Holiday Open House where various shops and galleries will host tastings, art openings and children’s activities. During this year’s open house merchants will be hosting a “Home for the Holidays” food drive to benefit the East Bay Community Action Program’s Tiverton food pantry. Please bring a non-perishable baking item or side dish for a donation. Items such as gingerbread cookie mixes, sugar cookie mixes, bread mixes, stuffing, dry potatoes etc. For the Holiday Open House there will be story telling for children at Little Purls children’s clothing store on Saturday 10:30 a.m. Other free events for children include a “drop-in” kid’s activity at Roseberry-Winn Pottery; “Make Your Own Ornament” at The Tiverton Four Corners Art Center for children ages 6-12.. Carolers and a bagpiper will enliven the village on Saturday. We welcome all to tour the village and enjoy cheese tastings and hot cider at Milk & Honey Bazaar, cookies and cocoa at the Provender. Tiverton Four Corners is one of Rhode Island’s treasured historic sites, placed on the National Register in 1974. The history of this rural village dates from the seventeenth century. Today, Tiverton Four Corners has become an important center for antiques, fine art, decorative crafts, and cozy shops nestled into a quaint New England Village of 18th century. A schedule for all events happening in the Four Corners may be found by visiting www.tiverton4corners. For more information, directions, store listings with hours, please visit our website Tiffany Peay, President, Tiverton Four Corners Merchant Association Tiffany Peay Jewelry, 3879 Main Road, Tiverton Four Corners, RI 02878, 401-816-0878,

Four Corners Arts Center

Boutique flea market to open in Tiverton Four Corners for holiday season. Open Saturday November 28th thru December 31st. At Tiverton Four Corners – 3845 Main Road Boutique flea market to open in Tiverton Four Corners for holiday season. The Winter Flea at Four Corners is a distinctive consignment flea market featuring over a dozen vendors selling art, antiques and collectibles, vintage and resale designer clothing and textiles, jewelry, and other handmade items. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Four Corners Art Center. Opens Saturday, November 28 and runs through New Year’s Eve. Hours: 12-4 Thursday-Sunday. Winter Flea at Four Corners is located at 3845 Main Road Tiverton, RI 02878

December 2009 The Reporter


Luminary Memorial Walkway

East Providence Girl Scout Troop 117 will sponsor its 4th Annual Luminary Memorial Walkway beginning Saturday, December 5th. For a small donation, you can have a candle(s) lit the first four Sunday evenings during the month of December in honor of a loved one. The candles will be placed around the East Providence Scout House located at 351 Willett Avenue in Riverside. Each candle will have its own dedication card that names the person you wish to memorialize as well as the donor’s name. If you would like to have a candle(s) lit, please send the name(s) of the loved one, your name, phone number and the amount being donated to Elaine Mathers, 44 Cove Street, Riverside, RI 02915. If you have any questions, please contact Elaine at 433-3166.

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Mission Bazaar at Newman Congregational Church

Rumford, RI – Saturday, December 5, 2009 between 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Newman Congregational Church will host their Thirteenth Annual Christmas Mission Bazaar to benefit various charities. Amongst the tables you will find fresh pine wreaths and ornaments; “Newman’s Own” Country Store featuring a variety of crafts, homemade jams, cookies, and gingerbread houses. 10,000 Villages and Maya Works will provide baskets, instruments and other gifts. Another table will host pottery, jewelry, decorations and toys from 40 developing regions of the world. There will be treasures from “Newman Marcus” (our white elephant tables), a Quilt Raffle, Book Table and Silent Auction. Alternative gifts will be available. The kitchen is open for lunch and Santa’s Workshop is available for child care, so bring the family and enjoy the festivities! Newman Church is located on the corner of Pawtucket and Newman Avenues in Rumford. For more information contact the church office at 401-434-4742.

Oscar Ni, O.D. Optometrist-Vision care • Serving Seekonk area for the past 10 years • Eye care for the whole family • Same day service available • Featuring Dolce & Gabbana and DKNY frames • New Location, New Phone Number

10% off on Rx glasses with this ad must present at the time of purchase

The Newest Lobster Raffle In Town All Proceeds Support Riverside Raiders Cheerleaders and Football Players!


Noon-4pm 1st Drawing starts at 1:30 Weekly On Saturday Afternoons October 10 thru April 10 (No Raffle on Nov 28, Dec 26, Jan2)

Where: Knights Of Columbus Hall Crecent View Avenue-Riverside (In the hall - clean friendly environment)

Come watch your favorite sports teams on the NEW Big Screen Tv’s! Food and Beverages will be sold Full Schedule Listed At

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Most Health Plans Accepted

751 Fall River Ave. Seekonk, MA 02771 • 508-336-0576 •

Bill Lizotte

Architectural Glass & Aluminum, Inc. "Over 30 Years Experience"

Windows • Insulating Glass • Frameless Shower Doors • Glass Table Tops & Mirrors Commercial Doors & Hardware Storefronts • Thermal Aluminum Windows 24 Hour Emergency Service 401-641-2866 400 Wampanoag Trail • East Providence, RI


Happy Holidays!


The Reporter December 2009

Seekonk Auto Salvage, Inc. Automobile Recycling

• Buyers of Junk Cars, Trucks & Late Model Vehicles • 24 Hour Towing • Quality Flatbed Service

Highest Prices Paid for Scrap Vehicles - Call for Pricing 508-789-4047 or 508-761-6343 • Seekonk, MA Family Owned & Operated for 40 years

Licensed & Insured

Advertise in

The East Providence Reporter Call the Office at 508.252.6575 or Call Mary at 401.569.4726

Newman YMCA Programs and Free Family Events Register on-line

Drop ‘n Shop Saturday December 12th

Shop for ½ a day or all day while your child is entertained with fun activities including crafts, stories, moonbounce and gym games Y Members $20 ½ day or $35 full day Non Members $40 ½ day or $65 full day 8:00 a.m. - noon; noon-4:00 p.m. or 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

2nd Annual YMCA Holiday Craft Fair Sat. December 12th 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Unique handcrafted gifts, jewelry, baked goods, skin care and so much more – the whole gym is filled with shopping opportunity! Offered simultaneously with Drop ‘n Shop for your children for details contact Jen at 508-336-7103 or e-mail Breakfast with Santa Saturday December 19th 8:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. Held at Applebees on route 6 in Seekonk, breakfast served by Santa’s helpers, raffle prizes, photos with Santa and more family fun. Y Members $5, Non Members $8 get your tickets in advance at the YMCA.

Holiday Variety Show – Free Friday December 18th 6:00 P.M.




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Snowblower Service Since 1986

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3730 Pawtucket Avenue • Riverside RI • 401-433-3000

Come watch the new YMCA Dance Troupe perform to your favorite music. Dance Troupe is a new program for kids ages 6-9 and 10-teen. Practice is held on Fridays and consists of 45 minutes of technique in classical dance styles then 30 minutes of choreography. Ages 6-9 meet 4:30-5:45 p.m. and 10-teens meet 5:45-7:00 p.m. New season starts in January. Y Members $52, Non Members $104 for 7 week session. Youth Basketball League ages 6-12 Orientation on December 12th Games start December 19th and run through March Instructional League with skill development emphasis and Fun. Volunteer Coaches always welcome – spend quality time with your kids. First 2-3 weeks are reserved for team practice and scrimmages while the rest of the season is games. One hour a week commitment is all you need: Small Shots 6-7 yr olds 12 p.m. practice/game Power Pass Girls 6-7 yr olds 1 p.m. practice/game NCAA 8-9 yr old boys 2 p.m. practice/game Girls Rule 8-9 yr old 3 p.m. practice/game NBA 10-12 yr old boys 4 p.m. practice/game WNBA 10-12 yr old girls 5 p.m. practice/game Members $53 Non Members $100 Parent/Child Basketball Program ages 4 & 5 starts January 2 7 week program will teach fundamentals working towards game play. 4 year olds meet on Saturdays at 9:30 A.M. and 5 year olds at 10:30 A.M. Members $53 and Non Members $99 Youth, Preschool, Teen and Adult Swim Lessons start in January offered multiple times a day and during weekend hours. Progressive lessons give participants a sense of accomplishment, self confidence and teaches water safety. Members $52 Non members $104 for a 7 week session. Private lessons available for all ages Preschool through Adult. New Masters Swim Program on Tues/Thurs evenings. continued on page 46

December 2009 The Reporter

Holiday gift cards available!

Invest in your body... It’s the only one you have. “Only” brand name nutrition with the “BEST” prices! Weight loss-Vitamins-anti oxidantssports & endurance supplements-weekly body fat analysis-personal chef Enjoy a freshly made smoothie at our bar that offers free WI-FI & flat screen Television for your enjoyment!

$1 off any smoothie 5% off any $25 purchase 10% off $50 or more 613 Waterman Ave at the corner of Pawtucket Ave • 401-431-2900



The Reporter December 2009

Winter Is Upon Us


Road Salt = Service For All Contractors 5 Tons Minimum Pick-Up. Treated Sand And Delivery Also Available 508-962-0444 - Cell 401-641-4141 508-336-4272

December School Vacation Camps

Monday December 28 – Thursday December 31st 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Adventure Camp ages 11 -15 limited to the first 26 to register. Daily fun field trips: Indoor Rock Climbing, Lazer Tag, Bowling and more. Basketball Camp ages 6-12 specific skill development, participate in drills, emphasis on sportsmanship and skill development. Daily games and optional swim. Enrichment Camp ages 6-12 Legos, Art, Sports Medley, Dance are just a few of the highlights included in the fun week of creative and developmentally appropriate activities. Daily optional swim. All Camps: bring warm clothes, sneakers, comfortable clothes, swimsuit and towel and pack lunch and snacks. Please note there is am additional $15 activity fee for Adventure Camp regardless of number of days enrolled. Members: 2 day option $89; 3 day option $107; 4 day option $142; Non Members: 2 day option $100; 3 day option $128; 4 day option $163; Contact Deb 508-336-7103 or for details.

Shape Up During the Holidays with a Group Exercise Punch Pass 8 classes - $48

Want to avoid holiday weight gain or get a jump start on your New Years Resolution? Try this punch pass - your choice of over 70 group classes per week including: Aqua Aerobics, Arthritis Foundation aqua and land classes, Water Walking, Indoor Cycling, Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Boot Camp, Kickboxing and traditional cardio and conditioning classes. Our classes are all welcoming to all fitness levels and encourage family participation – middle school age and older may attend any class. Check the website for schedule: www. ...continued on page 52

Our family has been taking care of your family since 1923. Has Your Oil Company Let You Down?

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Extended Hours Of Operation Until 9pm Monday - Friday, 8am-4:30pm Saturday & Sunday During Heating Season Extensive Inventory Of Parts Both On The Trucks And At Our Facility (Most Likely We Will Have The Part When You Need It) Experienced, Professional, And Courteous Customer Service Department Licensed & Professional Service Department Prompt, Courteous Service When You Need It and We Have the Service Crew to Accomplish This!

Give us a call today at (401) 434-1487 to speak with one of our knowledgeable people.

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Happy Holidays!

December 2009 The Reporter


2009 Holiday Gift Guide 492 Winthrop Street • Rehoboth, MA 02769 Come See Our New Music Complex!

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Jewelry • Fashions • Accessories Unusual Cards • Cool Toys • Kids Novelty Gifts Oils • Incense & More

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Must present ad, Excludes Delivery, Expires 12-24-09

Happy Holidays!

All beads and charms start at $5.99, bracelets $9.99. We carry the new additions of necklaces and earrings.

• Holiday Decor • Poinsettias • Fresh Wreaths • Fresh Boxwood Trees • Fine Chocolates • Gourmet Gift Baskets And of course we have Fresh Flowers!

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The Reporter December 2009

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Gift *Visit our website for more specials & Info ~ Senior & Cards 202 Newport Ave, East Providence, RI • 401-GET-TANN (401-438-8266) Student ble 1630 Mineral Spring Ave., No. Providence, RI • 401-353-0120 Availa Discounts Versaspa Spray Tanner• super sonic • legacy leg tanner

We have great stocking stuffers!

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December 2009 The Reporter


Happy Holidays! A Country Christmas at

J & L Landscape & Garden Center 363 Taunton Ave. (Rte 44) Seekonk, MA. • (508) 399-8947 e

Hours: Mon- Sat 8-6, Sun 8-5

Come Decorate with Us! CUT TREES: Fraser Fir 8'/9’ Balsam up to 12’

Seasoned Firewood: Cord, 1/2 Cord Pickup or Delivery


WREATHS: Boxwood up to 24” Balsam up to 48” Mixed Juniper up to 48” Custom Made Wreaths

• Holiday Baskets • Swags • Roping • Bulk Greens & Much More!


338 Broad Street • Providence, RI 02907 • (401) 272-7022

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10% OFF All Accessories with this ad • Expires 1-15-10

only at primetime. no contracts. everyone approved.

Come Home to

Wampanoag Golf • S P E C IAL •

18 holes of golf with cart $25/person 7am-1pm Mon-Fri, after 12 noon on Sat & Sun

Thru Dec. 31st, 2009, Excludes Holidays • 1 Coupon Per Person • Must Present Coupon

Positive New Beginnings 873 Waterman Ave., East Providence

• Spiritual Readings Everyday • Belly Dancing Classes • Reiki • Ear Candling • Theta Healing • & more

Now Offering

• Zumba Classes • Reconnective Healing by Appt. • Massage Therapy by Appt.

Come on in and browse our unique selection of Incense, meditation cd’s, books, gifts, angels, candles, jewelry and more!

December 5th • Holiday Craft Fair. 10am-5pm

Holiday Special 10% OFF All Gift Certificates. Expires 12-24-09

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In Store Here or at Your Home of Office - Great Girls Night Out! 432-7195 or 265-7720 ­•

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912 Broadway • E. Providence, RI 02914 401) 435-8050

Not to be used with any other promotion

Come and Get Some Positive Energy from


Holiday Gift Certificates Available 168 Old Providence Road, North Swansea, MA (508) 379-9832

The FTD© Holiday Cheer Bouquet

Christmas, Friday, December 25 Looking for something fun and festive for a holiday host or hostess, teacher or colleague? Look no further. A brilliant ceramic vase masquerades as a wrapped gift brimming with roses, cushion pompons, alstroemeria, mini carnations and christmas greens. Candy canes add a sweet touch. We'll send it across the miles or around the block along with your holiday message. Order it today.

Gilmore's Flower Shop, Inc Shop Info: SRP: (401) 434-3667 76 Taunton Ave. East Providence, RI ©2009 FTD, Inc.


The Reporter December 2009

Crescent Park Carousel

Gift Shop

East Providence City Hall 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 401-435-7518

Open Monday through Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm

Come in and see what’s new!

A. Kreations

2009 Ornament and a new Snow Globe.

Give a Special Holday Gift

Handstyled Jewelry

We still have "Winter's Magic," A 2008 Carousel Print by local artist Lynn Sevigny, and Carousel Cookbooks great for gift giving this holiday season!

"By" Alan K. Russell

Need a gift for someone in the office? How about your child’s Teacher? Gift baskets, ornaments and more, prices to fit every budget!

(401) 438-0022 (home) Jewelry Repairs

All beads and charms start at $5.99, 4 for $20 &ALL 2IVER !VENUE 2OUTE Custom Picture Framing 3EEKONK -ASSACHUSETTS

Holiday Special

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December 2009 The Reporter



We hope you shop our advertisers this holiday season!

Carousel Consignment A Children's & Maternity Resale Shop

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This Holiday Season with this Ad • Gift Certificates Additional Available • Large Selection 10% OFF Used Books Trade credit does not apply. Expires 1/30/10 of Current Books 20 Commerce Way (Near Target) Seekonk Square, Seekonk, MA (508) 336-2660 • Mon-Fri 10-5:15, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5

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Updo’s for your Holiday Parties Mon-Fri 9am-8pm Sat 9am-5pm

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301 Taunton Ave. (Rt.44) Mills Plaza • Seekonk, MA

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The Reporter December 2009 RI MP 2009 RI Pipefitter 1505

Events continued from page 46 Free Cancer survivorship program – Livestrong

All phases of plumbing and heating systems from new installations to repairs. Residential & Commercial

we 401-435-8016 ry

Livestrong was created in collaboration with Lance Armstrong Foundation and Stanford University, is being offered FREE at the Newman YMCA. Participants will improve functional capacity, increase quality of life, build muscle mass and strength and reduce the severity of therapy side effects. The program is 12 weeks long and offered two times per week. Register with Judy jcerrito@ The Newman YMCA 472 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA or call 508-336-7103. The vision of our YMCA is to become the most valued resource for families and individuals seeking healthy lifestyles and wellness. Our mission is to build healthy spirit, mind and body for all through programs services and relationships that are based on our values of caring, honesty respect and responsibility.

Pawtucket’s Winter Wonderland in Slater Park

Free Estimates


MA 508-643-0001 FAX: 508-222-5510 RI 401-724-0009

Let Beatlemania Live! transport you and your family through the ULTIMATE BEATLE EXPERIENCE…travel from “1964” when The Beatles first arrived in America to perform on the Ed Sullivan Show…then hitch a ride with “Sgt. Pepper” on his “Yellow Submarine”…and complete the journey with the ultimate “Abbey Road” experience in this one time concert performance!

Elmasian Auditorium 2000 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence, RI

Saturday, April 24, 2010 – 8pm Tickets - $22.50

For More Info Contact 401-435-7511

Great Christmas Gift!! Sponsored by Heritagedays Inc. To Benefit The Heritage Festival & EP High Fine Arts Department

Pawtucket’s Winter Wonderland Committee is pleased to announce ABC 6th Meteorologist Jim Corbin has been named as Pawtucket’s Winter Wonderland’s official Weatherman for 2009. Jim’s knowledge of New England weather and accurate forecasting made him the perfect choice. The Wonderland volunteers will look to Jim and ABC 6 news for their weekend forecast. Pawtucket’s 11 Annual Winter Wonderland will kick off December 5th 2009 at 4 P.M. This years opening ceremony hopes to be the grandest opening to date. Riding on a fire truck from Pawtucket’s Engine Co. #6 Santa will make a grand entrance into the park. Escorting Santa into the park Santa’s parade will include Dancin’ Sprit dancers, OSF cheerleaders, antique autos and a few surprises. Santa will be welcomed at the Carousal by two of his elves along with Pawtucket Major James Doyle, 2009 Official Winter Wonderland Weatherman ABC 6’s Meteorologist Jim Corbin, Wonderland President Robert Machowski Jr., and the Ocean State Chorus, along with other City Dignitaries. Santa, Mayor Doyle and Meteorologist Jim Corbin will official open the festival by illuminating the 415 trees and multiple decorations that make up the festival. The festival is held in Historical Slater Park on Armistice Blvd in Pawtucket RI on the weekends of December 5 & 6 and December 12 & 13 from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. There is a heated entertainment tent filled with performers from local school groups, dance studios, choral groups, bell ringers, and puppeteers. There are free visits with Santa. For a small fee optional photos with Santa will be taken by Pat Zacks of the Camera Werks in Providence, will be available. Mrs. Claus will be on hand to visit with the children. There will be Hay Rides, train rides, face painting, children’s craft tables, and of course 25 cent rides on the historical Loff Carousal. Beside the 415 decorated Christmas Trees there are Victorian houses and an 18 foot tall talking Snowman to enjoy. Along with the Food court, the Historical Daggett house will be decorated for the season and open for tours and paintings will be on display and for sale at Rhode Island Water Color Society art gallery. The Winter Wonderland festival is a non profit organization run entirely by volunteers in conjunction with the City of Pawtucket. Admission to the park is free with free parking in designated areas only. For direction and additional information please call 401 726-3185 or visit the Wonderland web site at

December 2009 The Reporter

Scouting Around Town Registration Now Open for Boy Scouts’ Merit Badge College at RIC

Area Boy Scouts have an opportunity to earn up to two merit badges each when they register and attend Narragansett Council’s Netop District Merit Badge College at Rhode Island College on Saturday, January 23, 2010. Registration opened November 16th online at http://www. and will fill up early. The Merit Badge College is an opportunity to meet with highly qualified merit badge counselors, earn your merit badge and foster development of what could become a lifelong interest. Particular emphasis is given to hobby and career merit badges that are difficult to obtain elsewhere. New offerings this year include Painting, Plumbing, Graphic Arts, Energy and Traffic Safety. Also offered are American Business/ American Labor as well as Entrepreneurship and Music. Fifty different badges are planned in all, so register as soon as possible. Cost is only $20 per Scout; $10 per adult, payable when you register. The fee includes lunch and the MBC patch. In the Eagle’s Nest, Eagle Scout VIP luncheon will be hosted by University of Rhode Island football coach, Bob Griffin. As one Boy Scout said last year, “This is the best! I get to have a fun day and earn two full merit badges at the same time!” The Boys Scouts of America’s Boy Scouting program is for boys who are at least 11 years old and not yet 18. They participate in patrol-centered activities, campouts, community service opportunities, advancement and leadership while they earn merit badges and all of this while having fun. If you would like more information on Boy Scouting, contact Eric Oulette at the Narragansett Council at (401) 351-5515 ext 27, or visit our web site at

Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Calendar East Providence

12/17/09: Providence Country Day School; 660 Waterman Avenue, E Providence, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

East Providence

12/24/09: Dunkin’ Donuts; 399 North Broadway, East Providence, 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 12/29/09: Rite Aid Pharmacy; 655 Warren Ave., East Providence, 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.


12/7/09: Churches of Riverside; Evangelical Covenant Church Riverside, 4:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m. 12/14/09: Little Red School House; 20 Sprague Ave. Riverside 4:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.


BP Simpson

SNOW PLOWING 401-487-7575


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager



cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence Limited availability—

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ig^c^in eporter gZeZgidgn buy now! Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Now– Dec. 27

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Nascimento, Sales Manager KidsMary only cell 401.569.4726 $10! office 508.252.6575 (401) 351-4242 201 WASHinGton St. • proViDence • ri


Rehoboth, Seekonk supporting sponsors season sponsor & East Providence


presented by

Timothy Crowe as Scrooge

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

cell 401.569.4726

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cell 40 office 5



cell 40 office 5




The Reporter December 2009

East Providence Siding Over 25 Years Experience

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RI Lic# 1374 • MA Lic# 132364 Tom Viveiros •

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East Providence Public Libraries East Providence Library Locations Rumford Branch Library, 1392 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Riverside Branch Library, 475 Bullocks Point Ave., Riverside, RI 401-433-4877 Fuller Branch Library, 260 Dover Ave., East Providence, RI 401-434-1136

Call us at 508.252.6575 to advertise in the next issue

NEWS Deadline:

is the 20th of each month Send News To

December Activities for Middle & High School Students Animanga Group

Chat about anime and manga, share fan fiction and art, play trivia games, watch short anime try Japanese crafts, etc. while sampling Japanese snacks. Monday, Dec. 7, 3-4 p.m. @Riverside

Charity Day

Earn community service credit: Knit blanket squares (don’t worry, we’ll provide the needles, yarn and teach you how!), or write letters to service people overseas. Monday, Dec 21, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. @Fuller

Open Mic Café

Sing a song, recite a poem, play a tune. The mic is yours! Bring your voice, guitar, keyboard, etc. and perform for your friends café style. Bands, soloists, and/or other group acts are welcome. Thursday, Nov. 19, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. @ Riverside.

Writer’s Group

Practice writing individually and as a group using games and fun exercises to develop skills in poetry & story writing. You’ll have the opportunity to publish in the library’s magazine. Monday, Dec. 14, 3 – 4 p.m. @ Rumford


T.G.I.F! -DDR, Guitar Hero, board games, etc. Every Friday, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. @ Riverside (Sep 18-Dec 11) Crafts Folded Houses Wednesday, Dec. 9, 3 p.m. @ Rumford Bead Club-Poinsettia Ornaments Wednesday, Dec.23, 3 p.m. @ Rumford

December School Vacation Week Monday, Dec. 28

Bingo 11 – 12 p.m. @ Riverside Calendar Craft 3 – 5 p.m. @ Fuller

Tuesday, Dec. 29

Pencil Drawing Class with Dorothy 2 – 4 p.m. @ Rumford Gaming (Wii or PSII) 5:30 - 7:30 @ Riverside

Wednesday, Dec. 30

Dave Marchetti’s Animal Experiences

December 2009 The Reporter Dave will introduce you to various animals including: lizards, turtles, tree frogs, snakes, a hedgehog, a rabbit, a chinchilla, and more 2-3 p.m. @ Riverside Gaming (Wii or PSII) 3 – 4 p.m. @ Fuller

Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas & A Happy & Healthy New Year! REPRESENTATIVE

For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held, or

Jack Savage & Kathi

December Activities for Children

Weaver Memorial Library, 41 Grove Ave., East Providence, RI 401-435-1978 Temporarily Closed For Renovation As Of October 5.

Fuller Branch Library

Storytimes – September 15 – December 1

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m., ages 2 – 3


Monday, December 14, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., all ages – Paper Plate Christmas Angel Monday, December 28, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., all ages – New Year Calendar Craft

Charity Day

Earn community services credit while engaging in the project of your choice. Ongoing projects include knitting blanket squares (we’ll provide needles & yarn and teach you how) and writing letters to service people overseas. Monday, December 21, 2:30 – 4:30, grades 4 through adult

December School Vacation Week

Monday, December 28, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., all ages - New Year Calendar Craft Wednesday, December 30, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ages 10 & up, Gaming – Wii and Play Station Games

Riverside Branch Library

Storytimes – September 14 – December 3

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Mondays, 10:30 a.m., ages 2 - 3 Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m., ages 4 – 6 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., ages 2 – 6 Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., ages 0 – 2(36 months)


T H E B E S T P A R T O F YO U R JOURNEY IS BEING THERE T O L I G H T T H E W A Y. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your friends at Visit us online at or call 401.233.4700

Enjoy Life’s Journey


The Reporter December 2009

Roll In 2010!! with the

Bowling Academy Fun For Everyone! Great Value! Thursday December 31, 2009


We read and act out great stories, tell jokes, make crafts, eat snacks, and play games. Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:30, grades 1 – 5 December 17: Celebrate the holidays & read a hilarious Christmas book by Bill Harley.


Tuesday, December 8, 3:30-4:30, all ages – Paper Plate Holly Wreath

Santa Visit

Thursday, December 10, 3:00 - 5:00, all ages – Bring your camera and take pictures with Santa Claus. We will also be decorating holiday cookies.

December School Vacation Week

Monday, December 28, 11:00 - 12:00 p.m., grades k-12 – BINGO for prizes!

Four convenient times: 1:30-3:30pm • 4-6pm • 6:30-8:30pm • 9-11pm

Tuesday, December 29, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., grades 1-12 – Gaming – Wii and Play Station Games

Pizza & Soft Drinks, Shoe Rental, 2 Hours of Extreme Rock N'Bowl Only $11.99 per person

Wednesday, December 30, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., all ages – Dave Marchetti’s Animal Experiences. Dave will introduce you to various animals including: lizards, turtles, tree frogs, snakes, a chinchilla, a hedgehog, a rabbit, and more.

Reserve your spot today!! 354 Taunton Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914


Rumford Branch Library

Storytimes – September 17 – December 3

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Thursdays, 1:30 p.m., ages 3 – 6


We've Moved!

Barbosa & Son Auto Repair, Inc. We are your Neighborhood Auto Repair Shop

Monday, December 7, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., all ages – Swedish Paper Chains Wednesday, December 9, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., ages 10 & up – Folded Houses Monday, December 21, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., all ages – Airplane Ornaments Wednesday, December 23, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., ages 10 & up – Beaded Poinsettia Ornaments

Rooster Game Book Discussion & Activity Group

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205 North Brow St. (Next to Munroe Dairy) • East Providence, RI

(401) 431-0366 Over 20 Years in Business A Full Service Automotive & Fleet Repair Shop • All Major & Minor Repairs • All Makes & Models of Cars and Trucks

We use the Latest Diagnostic Equipment

December School Vacation Week

We are an Authorized Dealer

Happy Holidays!

Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5:30pm, Sat 8:00am - 1:00 pm Ed Barbosa - owner, Nos Falmos Portugués

Read the RI Children’s Book Award nominee books and prepare for the Rooster Games while having fun at the library. We will discuss three or four books at each meeting, play games, and read short Readers Theater scripts. Ask at the library for a copy of each book. Wednesday, December 16, 3:00 – 4:30, grades 4 – 6 Giff, Patricia Reilly. Eleven Look, Lenore. Alvin Ho: Allergic to Girls, School, and Other Scary Things Scieszka, Jon. Knucklehead: Tall Tales & Mostly True Stories of Growing Up Wolf, Joan M. Someone Named Eva

Gift Certificates Available

Tuesday, December 29, 2:00 - 4:00, grades 4 & up - “Pencil Drawing Class with Dorothy” For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held.

December 2009 The Reporter


Birth Announcements Have a delivery from the Stork? The Reporter lists Birth announcements for FREE! Send photo and/or announcement to

Chloe Linda Sullo





Tough Economy? our SavingS KEEp you giving.

Dec 14 - Dec 31, 2009 • Spend $25 and get a $5 store Credit NewTough and gentlyEconomy? used brand name toys and kid’s clothing at 40-80% off retailour prices... savvy Santa’s rely onyou Children’s Orchard® all year long. SavingS KEEp giving.

Tou our

New and gently used brand name toys and kid’s clothing at 40-80% off retail prices...

Seekonk Square savvy Santa’s rely on Children’s Orchard® all year long. 20 Commerce Way ™ Find aMA Treasure. Seekonk, 02771 Save a Fortune. 123 Main St., Ann Arbor, 313-555-1212 508-336-7757

Mon- Wed: 9:00-5:30 Thursday: 9:00-7:00 Friday-Sat: 9:00-5:30 Sunday: 12:00-5:00

* Store credit has no cash value and is not transferable, is not valid on day of received.


Michael and Dawn Sullo of Riverside proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Chloe Linda Sullo. Chloe was born on April 28, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. at Women and Infants Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long.

Life Care Centers of America 2009

Chloe Linda Sullo.

December 5th - 13th Annual Mission Bazaar from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. December 13th - Christmas play “Keeping Watch” at 4:00 p.m. with performances by Newman’s Christmas Orchestra December 20th - Community Carol Sing at 4:00 p.m. with performances from the youth & adult choirs and Providence Adult String Ensemble (PASE). Christmas Eve Services, December 24th at 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. All are welcome and invited to attend these time-honored traditions.

The sun setting is no less beautiful than the sun rising. Preserving the dignity, health and happiness of those we serve through quality health care services including 24-hour nursing care, hospice services, respite care, life enrichment activities, IV and wound therapy, and physical occupational and speech therapy–that’s our purpose.

401.438.3250 1 Evergreen Dr. East Providence, RI


Christmas Activities at Newman Congregational Church, UCC in Rumford.

New a savvy S

Find 123 Main


The Reporter December 2009








*Vehicle Pictures for Illustration Only.

December 2009 The Reporter


East Providence Senior Center News 610 Waterman Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room 435-7872 Highlights

Kent Home Medical 1st 10:30 a.m. Clinical Lab 2nd 8:30 a.m. Stroke Club 2nd 1:30 p.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 7th 10:30 a.m. United Health 7th 1:00 p.m. Blue Chip 7th 2:00 p.m. Evergreen Breakfast 8th 9:00 a.m. East Bay Center 8th 9:00am Weight Maintenance 8th 10:45 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 9th 10:30 a.m. Caregivers Support 14th 10:30 a.m. PCD Concert 14th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 17th 10:30 a.m. SNAP 17th 11:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 17th 1:30 p.m. AARP Meeting 17th 1:00 p.m. In-Sight 18th 12:45 p.m. East Bay Center 22nd 9:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 22nd 10:30 a.m. Christmas Eve 24th Half Day Christmas 25th Closed Waterview Villa Breakfast 29th 9:00 a.m. Advisory Board 31st 9:00 a.m. New Year’s Eve 31st Half Day

Special Events:

Dec. 7th United Health @1 p.m. and Blue Chip @ 2 p.m. Information session on each of these programs. Dec 14th Providence Country Day Xmas Concert @ 10:30 a.m. Dec. 17th Providence Country Day service day. Enjoy a mornings playing games and getting manicures. Dec. 18th Special Christmas dinner in the Dining Room.

Gift Shop

Remember to visit our lovely gift shop located in the dining room area. We have a great selection of hand made items, gift cards, and snacks.

Exercise Programs Intermediate Yoga

Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. $3 Integrated YOGA for emotional/mental power. Flexibility, strength, balances, beauty, stretching, weight reduction, improved breathing, relaxation, and stress relief. All are components of our Yoga classes.

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Beginners Yoga

Mondays 10:30 a.m.


Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m. $2 Instructor Karen Boyd gives members a great cardiovascular workout. Hand and ankle weights are used to tone and build your muscles.


Seekonk, MA

(508) 336-4869


The Reporter December 2009

Arthritis Exercise

Wednesday & Friday - 10:45 a.m. No Charge A proper balance of exercise and rest can help relieve stiffness and maintain or improve your joint mobility and muscle strength.

Tai Chi

Tuesday 11:00 a.m. $3 This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body.

Ballroom Dance

Monday 2 p.m. $3 Relearn all the old moves on the ballroom dance floor as well as some new ones. Singles are welcome.

Fitness Center

Our fitness room is open Monday through Friday 8am to Noon, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The fitness room consists of three treadmills, two recumbent bikes, an elliptical stepper, hand weights, and six dual weight machines. Other features include a matted floor, mirrored walls, water, stereo, and cable TV. You must have approval from your physician to participate in this program. Forms can be obtained in the Administration Office. The fee is $35 for a one year membership.

Card Games

Bridge Monday & Thursday 1:00 p.m. Pokeno Monday 9:00 a.m. Cockroach Tuesday 8:15 a.m. Cribbage Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Hi Lo Jack League Friday 1:15 p.m.

Classes Crafts

Monday & Thursday 1:00 p.m. Craft class makes dolls for Hasbro Children's Hospital and cancer pillows for Women & Infants Hospital. Other “make and take” crafts will be taught.


Tuesday 9:30 a.m. $5 Come learn a form of watercolor for all levels of talent. Some of the fantastic artwork is displayed throughout the center.


Tuesday 1:00 p.m. $5 This group of artists works with pencil drawing, beginners to advanced welcome.

Computer Classes

Sessions & Times Vary Our computer lab consists of class room computers and computers for general use. All computers are on-line. Courses offered: Introduction to Computers Part 1 & 2, Microsoft Word Part 1 & 2, and Introduction to the Internet Part 1 & 2. Computer classes are conducted by trained computer teachers. Classes are held in 4 week sessions. Each class meets for 1hr. and 15 minutes. The cost per session is $20/members and $25/non members. Classes are filled on a first payment basis. Class size is limited to six students.

Daily Programs

Computer games • Billiards • Cards Nutritional Lunch • Bocce ball • Walking Track • Morning & Afternoon Coffee Senior Center Library

The library is a very warm and lovely place for people to choose a good book and read in a nice quiet area. We continue to receive many donations of new and current books. These donations have truly enhanced the quantity of our library. We also have current magazines for your enjoyment. The book club meets on Monday afternoons. New club members are welcome.

General Services

Elder Information Specialist: Our Elder Information Specialist assists the elderly and their families in providing information/referral and assistance with accessing services and programs. Nutrition Program: The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 125 seniors per day. The Cranston Senior Center provides the meals. Case Management/Senior Services: The center coordinates with East Bay Community Action Program Inc., for all casework and follow-ups. Protective Services Council, made up of city departments and mental health/social service agencies, meets monthly to discuss problems concerning the elderly. Transportation: The center has two buses that are used daily for door-to-door transportation to and from the center. Notary: This service is available in the Administration Office at no charge. Seminars: Monthly social, educational, and financial seminars on topics relating to seniors. Manicurist: A manicurist visits the center weekly for manicures and polish changes. Gift Shop: The gift shop has many different items for the convenience of the seniors. Small items from candy and greeting cards to jewelry, handmade items and crafts.

Donald E. MacManus Attorney at Law

General Practice of Law Including: • Wills and Trusts • Real Estate • Personal Injury • Business & Commercial

Call (508)336-6440 546 Arcade Ave. • Seekonk, MA

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Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Bridge Book Club Craft Class Ballroom Dancing

8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Cards (Cockroach) Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball


December 2009 The Reporter 10:45 a.m. Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) 11:00 a.m. Tai Chi 1:00 p.m. Drawing Class 1:00 a.m. Cribbage 1:25 p.m. BINGO 1:30 p.m. Stroke Club (1st Tues)


8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble PACE Nutrition Class

9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tax Preparation Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support (4th Thurs)

9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m.

Billiards League Scrabble PACE Meditation Class In-Sight Support (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League




Lunch Noon Library 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Coffee Hour 2:15 p.m. Fitness Center 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. (Closed 12 – 1 p.m.)

Leisure Programs

Book Club Monday 1:00 p.m. Bingo Tuesday 1:25 p.m. Scrabble Wed & Friday10:00 a.m. Meditation Class Friday 11:00 a.m. Library Daily 8 - 4 p.m. Computer Games Daily Lounge Billiards Daily Lower level

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Flu update: You are all aware of the shortage of seasonal flu vaccine. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and will let you know if the situation changes and we can arrange more clinics. As seniors, we are not in the high risk category to receive the H1N1 vaccine. If the Department of Health has enough vaccine to distribute to us we will inform you ASAP! Nutrition Weight Loss. Our next session does not begin until January 2010. Classes are held once weekly on either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. You must pre-register for this award-winning program by calling the Health Office at 435-7870. Did you know we have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office? They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certi-

fied diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870. Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica RN lead a weekly meditation group at the senior center each Friday at 11 am. This program is free and open to all members. Our walking club is on hiatus until spring. Please thank Rita and Kathy for their wonderful assistance with this program. They will be back! Tuesday, December 1st we have a new program starting at the center! Local vendors who have services or products of interest to seniors will have space in our lobby to showcase themselves. This month Kent Home Medical Equipment, a division of Kent Hospital, will feature their products, including a new walker that no other company in the state has! Please be assured, we will only allow reputable vendors in our doors and they must be cleared through the office to get space. On December 1st please stop by to speak with Tammy, from Kent Home Medical, from 10:30 to 12 noon. East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday December 2nd, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor. We are very pleased to have Bayada Nurses for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, December 7th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Please stop by and find out what these wonderful home care specialists can do for you and your family. The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello LICSW, assists our seniors with any of their needs. Kathleen is at the senior center twice monthly, in the Health Office, for individual appointments. This month the dates are December 8th and 22nd from 9am to12 noon. Please see Rita in the Health office for an appointment. Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group will be meeting Tuesday, December 8th at 10:45 a.m. in the seminar room. We will be having a general discussion and information on how to get through the holidays and still maintain your weight! Please join us so we may continue this group! Waterview Villa’s nurse, Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, December 9th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Come sit and chat with her. Waterview Villa sponsors a free monthly breakfast program, sign-up in the Administration office or with Sonya on the day she visits. Our Caregiver’s Support Group will be meeting earlier this month. We are scheduled for the second Monday, December 14th


at 10:30 a.m. in the seminar room. We will be having our round table discussion. If you are caring for someone, this group is for you. Please join us for support. Lisa Marie McCormick RD from SNAP is now here twice each month! On Wednesday, December 16th at 2pm and Thursday December 17th at 11 am Lisa Marie will be discussing Cholesterol. Please join us for this timely topic. Lisa Marie brings treats and recipes to this free program! Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, December 17th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with Ivone Joia about this lovely facility. Diabetes Support Group will be meeting earlier this month on the third Thursday, December 17th, from1:30-3 pm in the seminar room. We will be having a round table discussion with some guests. This program is free and open to anyone with diabetes. Please join us for support and helpful hints from others with diabetes. Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, December 22nd in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility? They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Just contact them directly at 2462500. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call Rita at: 435-7870.

East Providence Senior Center and Monty’s Trips

Dec. 1-2, 2009 Indian Head Resort - $171.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 1 Night Accommodations, Welcome Cocktail Reception, Entertainment, Band/Dance, Lunch, Dinner and Breakfast, Bingo, Motorcoach Transportation, Driver’s Gratuity Included, Shopping & more. Cancellation Insurance $12.00 Dec. 10, 2009 Bright Nights/Yankee Pedlar Inn - $61.00 Includes Motorcoach Transportation, Trip to Christmas Tree Shop, Dinner at the Yankee Pedlar Inn, Viewing of the Bright Nights display in Springfield, MA. No refund if cancellation is made in less than 48 hours prior to departure. Driver Gratuity included. Feb. 15 –17, 2010 Atlantic City/ Tropicana $153.00 pp Dbl. Occ. to include $20.00 Bonus, 1 Brunch, 1 Dinner, Revue Show, transportation, accommodations and driver’s gratuity. Single $243.00 - Triple $143.00 - Cancellation Insurance $15.00 April 16 – 19, 2010 Washington, DC - $369.00 Dbl Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 6 meals – 3 breakfasts and


The Reporter December 2009

3 dinners, Tours of US Capitol, Embassy Row, several War Memorials, Arlington Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Institute, Iwo Jima Memorial, Tombs of the Unknown, Georgetown, 1 dinner with entertainment, motor coach transportation and much more. Triple Occ. $349.00 Single Occ. $489.00 - Cancellation Insurance $35.00 Must sign up by October 1st if we are to have the tour inside the White House included. May 21-28, 2010 Oldies Cruise to Bermuda – Hosted by Harvey Robbins, Concert Producer & Founder of the Doo Wop Hall of Fame. Inside cabins from $895.00 - $905.00, Ocean View cabins $1095.00, Balcony cabins from $1295.00 to $1325.00. Private invitation to shows and party. Insurance available. Please note: Deposit required to reserve a trip & overnight trips must be paid in full 30 days from date of trip or sooner and certain trips that include air fare and also international trips. Sign up in the E. Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401) 435-7800 Ext. 7 Can also call: Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194

Monthly Breakfast

Waterview Villa and Evergreen Nursing are sponsoring monthly breakfast meetings at their facilities for our seniors! The dates this month are:

Evergreen, Tuesday December 8th Waterview, Tuesday December 29th Sign-up is in the Administration Office on a first come first served basis, each breakfast is limited to fifteen (15) participants.

Scams Flourish In A Tough Economy

In tough economic times like we are experiencing now, it seems that scams and schemes flourish. New scams come to light and some older scams re-surface. Recently, in fact, what is known as the “distressed grandparent” scam made the rounds again. In this scam, grandparents are told that their grandchild is in trouble (often in another country or state), and that the grandparents need to wire money to keep the grandchild out of jail or some other legal situation. Of course, there is no emergency and the grandparents get fleeced for thousands of dollars. To protect yourself from this scam, make sure that you contact the grandchild or their parents before sending any money. In dealing with other scams, it is wise to remember that “if it seems to good to be true, it usually is”. When it comes to charities, be very wary of campaigns that attempt to make you feel guilty if you elect not to donate to their particular cause. Many scams try to capitalize on your patriotism, current disasters and events. Before making a contribution, always ask for written information about

Happy Holidays fromourhometoyours!

the charity, such as the name, address, telephone number and website. You should research the charity before making a donation. Contact the state Department of Business Regulation at 462-9583 or go the Better Business Bureau “Wise Giving Alliance” website at org. You should also ask how much of your donation goes directly to the charity and how much money goes for other expenses. Some organizations use professional fundraisers who take a portion of your donation for their administrative expenses. Many scams involve notification by mail, telephone or e-mail, that you have won an expensive prize or a large amount of cash through some bogus lottery. These scams may involve sending your hard-earned money to some questionable entity to claim your prize. This information can also be used to steal your identity or commit credit card theft. There are some simple rules to remember about these scams. If you have to pay for the prize, it’s not really a prize at all. Fraudulent offers often include an instruction to send a check or money order. Never give your credit card information or bank account information in response to a telephone call, written notification or e-mail. Many offers come with an official-looking check that you are asked to deposit immediately to claim a prize or money. The victim is asked to wire a percentage of the amount using a Western Union or Money Gram. It won’t take long for you to discover that the check is a fake. With today’s credit crunch, many shady firms try to capitalize on persons who have no credit, bad credit or find themselves needing some type of loan. The advance fee loan sharks prey on vulnerable consumers by taking their money on the promise of a loan, credit, credit card or other credit promise. The catch is that you pay them a fee and them they disappear-with your money! Don’t pay a fee for the promise of credit. Ignore any offer that guarantees a loan in exchange for a fee. Watch out for fancy websites. Be particularly careful about sending any personal information. Most secure websites will have a URL that begins with “https” and a lock pictures on the bottom right of the screen. Check with the Department of Business Regulation to see if the loan company is registered with the state. And remember, it is illegal for companies to do business in the United States by phone where they promise a loan in exchange for a fee before they deliver the service. If you are the victim of a scam, you should report the information to your local police. Chances are that other persons may have also fallen prey to the same scam. Silence is a great ally for scam artists. You should also file report with the state Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Unit at 274-4440.

December December2009 2009 The TheReporter Reporter 111 63

December Reporter December2009 2009The The Reporter111 111

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The Reporter December 2009

Weddings, Engagements & Anniversaries Colleen Holland to Wed Steven Thompson

Gene and Ruth Holland of Rumford, RI, and Naples, FL, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Colleen A. Holland to Steven K. Thompson of Monroe, Ct. son of Ken and Dagmar Thompson of Johnston, Ct. Colleen graduated from St. Mary Academy – Bay View and from Boston College. She received a masters degree in education from Rhode Island College and

she is a teacher employed by the East Pro. School Dept. Steve graduated from Simsbury High School, Simsbury, Ct, and from the University of Rhode Island. He is the Director of Professional services for Monroe Staffing in Monroe, Ct. The couple plan to marry on August 7, 2010.

Colleen Holland and Steven Thompson.

Phillips - Pellegrino

(508) 336-0721 Holiday Specials • $5.00 OFF Full Set Acrylic Nails • $5.00 OFF Manicure & Pedicure Combo • 30% OFF Permanent Makeup Application • 20 Minute Foot Massage $15.00 Sale ends 1-10-10


Also Offering Waxing & Facials

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Open 7 days a week 150 Highland Ave., Route 6 (Next to Bob's Store), Seekonk, MA

Allyson M. Phillips of Seekonk and John A. Pellegrino V of Seekonk were married on July 24th at Raffael’s in Walpole, Mass. The reception followed an outdoor ceremony. Thomas A. Welch officiated. The bride is the daughter of Shelly Phillips and Robert Vendituoli, formerly of Seekonk. The groom is the son of John Pellegrino IV, formerly of Seekonk. The matron of honor was Pam Picchi. Jamie Calci was bridesmaid and Crystal Calci was junior bridesmaid. The best man was Bill Roy. Nicholas Phillips, brother of the bride, and Kenneth McGowan were ushers. The flower girl was Amanda Hughes and the ring bearer was Andrew Hughes. The bride is a graduate of Seekonk High School and Bristol Community College in Fall River. She is a psychiatric nurse in Providence. The groom is a graduate of Seekonk High School and is employed as an inventory manager in East Providence. The couple visited Palm Beach, Aruba on their honeymoon. They make their home in Riverside, RI.

Happy Holidays

Good Deeds for those in Need

Bring a canned good and Receive $5.00 Off Any Hair Service Deadline 12.30.09

462 Willett Ave. Riverside, RI • 401-632-0004

Hair • Nails • Waxing Gift Certificates Available Liz Sorrentino - Proprietor

Mr. and Mrs. Pellegrino.

December 2009 The Reporter

Linhares - Teixeira

M r. a n d M r s . Agostinho Linhares of East Providence wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Michelle Maria Linhares to Christopher John Teixeira, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joao Teixiera of East Providence, on August 29, 2009 at St. Francis Xavier Church in East Providence. The Reverend Richard A. Narciso, parochial Vicar officiated. A reception followed at Kirkbrae Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Teixeira. in Lincoln, RI. The Maid of honor was Kimberly Linhares, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Tabitha Martins, Emily Resendes, Ashley Resendes, Christine Marques, Sonia Pimental, Marlene Pires, Amanda Theriault. Jr. Bridesmaids were Mackenzie Poco, Lindsey Ferreira, Brittany Ferreira, Cassey Medeiros. Flower Girl was Makayla A. Araujo. The Best Man was Jason Oliveria and Remembered in Spirit Brother of the Groom Richard Teixeira. Groomsmen were Joshua Correira, Derek Oliveira, Brian Pires, Gary Linhares, Scottie Medeiros, Gilbert Resendes, Jacob Medeiros, Jeffrey Charron, Delmar Condinho and the Ring Bearer was Camerone Souza. Michelle is a 2001 graduate of East Providence High School and a graduate of Penn Foster Career School in Professional Bridal Consulting. She is employed as co-owner of Ana’s Bridal Boutique in East Providence. Christopher is a graduate of East Providence High School and is owner of Rtistic Construction Creations in East Providence. After a honeymoon to Playa del Carma, Cancun Mexico the couple resides in East Providence.

Walters - Couto Chelsea K. Walters of East Providence and David G. Couto of Rehoboth, Massachusetts were united in marriage on October 16, 2009. The bride is the daughter of Colleen Kennedy of East Providence. She was given in marriage by her mother and brother, Benjamin Walters. The groom is the son of Carol Buttera of Rehoboth, and David Couto of East Providence. Maid of honor for her sister was Lindsay Walters. Stephanie Mello, cousin of the bride was bridesmaid. Corey Kennedy, cousin of the bride was the best man. Ushers were Roger Morrisette and Kenny Lauro.

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The Reporter December 2009

Dining Guide

Open 7 days a week.

Check out the new Gavi Trattoria at The Sons of Italy! From the owners of Pizzico Ristorante on the East Side of Providence, a newly renovated dining room renders the former spot unrecognizable.

Redeem this ad for $10.00 Off with purchase of 2 entrees or more expires 1-15-10

Check out for our weekly promotions! 99 Hicks Street, East Providence, RI. 401.490.0618

The Original Lobster Raffle to Benefit Riverside Little League Every Saturday • 12pm - 4pm TM

Now thru Easter

December 19 • 12-4 Wii system with Band Hero • 32" Flat screen LCD TV Providence Bruins Tickets • Sheetrock Tools Set Gift Cards • Liquor Baskets • Many more Lobsters Prime Ribs • Spiral Hams • Cash Prizes • and much, much more!

Bring a newcomer, and you both buy tickets, and you'll each receive $5 worth of Free tickets toward the "Special Box"! No Raffle 11/28 and 12/26



Q ua ey ome lity Since 1945 Turk mad & f e S o up ee •T s • Schroders own Roast B ake ring Home Cate • r e Entrees • S d r o teaks cut to

DECEMBER SPECIALS November 29th – December 5th Schroder’s Own Roasted Turkey.....................$7.99 lb Cooper Sharp American Cheese......................$6.99 lb December 6th – 12th Schroder’s Own Roast Beef..............................$8.99 lb Sorrento Provolone.........................................$5.99 lb December 13th – 19th Virginia Baked Ham.......................................$6.99 lb Land O’ Lakes Cheese......................................$5.99 lb

Make your holidays easier! Check out our Holiday Menu Available December 1st

Christmas Raffle


Catering For All Occasions


24 Monroe Avenue, Riverside, RI (off Bullocks Point Avenue)

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year! - from the staff at Schroder’s Deli

New Lite Lunch Menu Items $1.99 each Daily Lunch Specials $4.99 each, Monday – Friday We now accept EBT cards! Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 7am-6pm, Sunday 7am-1pm


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27 Francis Farm Rd. ~ Rehoboth, MA Reservations are still available!

Holiday Party Buffet Saturday, December 12th Groups Large & Small are Welcome

Cash Bar 6:30pm-12:00am Buffet Dinner 7:00pm Dessert & Coffee 8:30pm-9:00pm Entertainment 7:00pm-11:00pm Call for details and reservations $30.00 per person (price includes dinner, entertainment, tax & fees)

Starting Thursday, January 14, 2010

Phillips Street Restaurant 51 N.Phillips Street • East Providence, RI, 02914 401-434-3224 • fax 401-228-3323

Portuguese Cuisine

Francis Farm Monthly Steak Fry's ....are coming!! Watch for details on our website

Check Our Website for Upcoming Event Info.

• Daily Specials • Lunch & Dinner

Order Food For That Special Occassion S 12-6 M 12-9 Th 12-9 T closed F 12-10 W 12-9 S 12-10

Holy Ghost Beneficial Brotherhood of RI

Let Us Plan Your Private Party! Birthday, Reunion, Charity Event, or Holiday Party? From 5 to 500 we can accommodate any request and budget. From salad to steak tips and all in between, we do it.

Need live music? We have that too. Sit back and relax…. While we do all the work! 237 Newman Ave, Rumford, RI • 401-435-3037

Now Taking Orders for Christmas and All Occasions

10% off Party of 15 People or More *Restrictions may apply.

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Expires Jan. 3rd, 2010

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Breads, Pizza, Calzone Loafs, Spinach Rings, and Much More!

Any Purchase of $10 or More

(luxury Box, World Gym, Firefly Golf Course GIFT CERTIFICATES & MEMBERSHIPS)

350 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA • 508-336-6634 Next door to: World Gym Plus



The Reporter December 2009

find it in the

Dining Guide


"Best Grinders in Town"


Serving Full Breakfast Menu & Lunch

• Daily Specials • All Homemade Soups & Chili • Giant Italian Grinders • Wraps & Deli Sandwiches • Salads • Giant Hot Dogs w/ all the fixings • Fresh Brewed Flavored Iced & Hot Coffee Famous for our Homemade Meatballs FREE DELIVERY $10.00 MIN.

Breakfast Special $2.65

2 Eggs, Homefries, Toast & Coffee

After 1:00 PM SPECIALS • FREE Bagel w/ Purchase of Coffee cream cheese extra • FREE Cup of Soup w/ Any Sandwich • FREE Salad w/ Any Sandwich with coupon

615 Waterman Ave., East Providence RI • (401) 434-9663

Serving Breakfast & Lunch

Homemade Holiday Pies Order Early for Christmas Homemade Jellies Breads - Banana, Pumpkin Holiday Baskets to order

•Fresh Fruit Waffles• •Homemade Pies• •Fish-n-chips•

• Daily Specials • Take out Available (508) 336-9807 469 Taunton Ave., Rt. 44, Seekonk, MA

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am-2pm, Sat. 7am-11am, Sun. 8am-12pm

Happy Holiday’s from

Riverside R.I New hours 7am to 7pm Mon - Fri Daily Specials * Open 7 Days Order’s to go 401-433-0395

FN129784 Engagement City: PROVIDENCE, RI TRADE AD Media: Job No.:

Ad Size: 5.75” X 10” December 2009 The Section: Reporter 69 ENTERTAINME

CLASSIFIEDS Insertion Date(s):

Send Classified with Payment to The East Providence Reporter; P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS

1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15 Additional Words $.25 each

Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

WANTED OLD FLOWER VASES: please donate for upcoming show, can pick up, call 401-632-3602. (rfD) OLD CARPENTER HAND TOOLS: planes, levels, rulers, chisels, chests, wrenches, etc. Please call 508-222-5360. (e110)

FOR RENT Rumford: 2nd floor, cozy 1 bedroom, deck, plenty of parking, electric included, no pets/smoking. $800.00/mo. Call 401-595-2879. (e1209) FOR RENT: East Providence, 2 Bedrooms, 1st, appliances, Heat/Hot water included, no pets, 401-438-6764. (e1209) Rehoboth: Modern 1 Bedroom. Immaculate. Utilities, Cable & Internet Included. $950 Available Jan 1st, 2010 508-612-9469 (e1209)

Tax volunteers needed. AARP Tax Aide – the AARP Foundation’s nationwide tax counseling and preparation service is a volunteer run program. And we need volunteers. The service helps middle and low income taxpayers with special attention to those 60 and older in readying their national, state, and local returns. After IRS training and certification, volunteers are asked to give 4 hours a week from Feb 1 to April 15. To learn more about volunteering, call toll free (888)227-7669 or check (e1209) PEARLE VISION Sales: Seekonk and South Attleboro. Wanted – Outgoing people person with a good fashion sense to help patients select eyeglass frames. Weekends and part time during the week needed. This is just an entry-level position. The ability to work in both locations a must. Call Patrick at (508) 336-7040.(e1209)



This Holiday Season We’ve Iced the Price! Opening Night Tickets Starting at Just $14!*

DEC. 26 - 30

Sat. Sun. DEC. 26 DEC. 27 12 NOON 12 NOON 3:30 PM 4:30 PM 7:00 PM*

Mon. DEC. 28 1:00 PM 5:00 PM

Tue. DEC. 29 11:00 AM 3:00 PM

Wed. DEC. 30 1:00 PM

*(Excludes Rinkside and VIP seats. No double discounts.)

Basic Bookeeping-Part-Time 20-25Hours per week .Local credit union Call Joan or Lori at 401--438-7788. (rfCT) "Part time floral designer for local flower shop. Minimum 5 yrs. experience plus references. Call 508-336-5333 during business hours.(rfVV)


Ticket Prices: $15 - $25 - $45 VIP - $60 Rinkside

Limited number of Rinkside and VIP seats available. Call or go online for details. (Service charges, facility and handling fees may apply.)


The Reporter December 2009

DECEMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY A/C & Heating Architectural Design Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bakery Bakery Bank Bank Bank Book Store Bowling Alley Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Carpentry - Finish Cell Phones Cemetery Chamber of Commerce Cigar Shop Cigar Shop Clothing-Resale Collectibles Consignment Store Credit Union Credit Union Dance Studio Dance Studio Dentist Dog Grooming Electrician Engine Repair-Lawn Excavating Farm - Produce Farm - Turkeys Flooring - All Types Florals & Gifts Florist Florist Food Service Framing - Custom Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Furniture/Upholstery Garden Center

Vicmir 72 VIZCAD 22 Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 59 Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 60 A-1 Custom Auto Body 24 East Providence Auto Body 29 Fogarty Auto Body 30 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 14 Hot Rides INC. 26 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 58 Barbosa & Son Auto Repair 56 Fred's Service Center , Inc 42 New England Tire 27 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 17 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 33 Seekonk Auto Salvage 44 Crugnales Bakery 67 Seven Stars Bakery 32 Coastway Credit Union 10 Navigant Bank c/o Duffy & Shanley 55 St. Anne's Credit Union - Seekonk 11 Browser Books LTD 51 Bowling Academy 56 East Providence Siding 54 Gianlorenzo & Sons Construction 24 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 43 Helio Melo, State Rep. 14 John Savage, Representative 55 Mark Koussa Carpentry 44 Prime Time Communications 49 Lakeside Cemetery Association 32 East Providence Chamber 20 Habanos Cigar Lounge 48 The Cigar Box 51 Children's Orchard 57 Wexler's Collectibles 42 Carousel Consignment 51 Columbus Credit Union 35 Community & Teachers Credit Union 9 Arthur Murray 21 Riverside Dance Center 11 Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 7 Pampered Pets 9 North Star Electric 4 Fred's Service Center 44 Foley Excavating 38 4 Town Farm 25 Belwing Acres Turkey Farm 19 Armoush Flooring 59 Vine & Vessel 47 Gilmores Flower Shop 49 Phil Judge Florist, Inc. 51 Thomsen Foodservice 15 Frames of Mind 50 Affordable Fuel 31 Al's Quality Oil Co. 7 Columbus Energies Inc. 26 Ferreira Oil, Inc. 24 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 34 Wood's Heating Service 46 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 32 Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 40 J & L Landscaping & Garden Center 49

Bill Duquette Gets Results! Specializing in Residential Sales. Call today for a free Market Analysis of your home.

Bill Duquette


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River's Edge

300 County Road, Barrington RI

Gift Shop Gifts & Collectibles Gifts & Collectibles Glass Fabricator Golf Club Golf Club Hair / Nails Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair & Tanning Salon Handyman Hardware Store Health Care Health & Fitness Home Improvements Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Jewelers Junk Removal Landscape Service Landscaping/Tree Servic Laundromat Live Entertainment Massage Therapy Music Nursing Homes Nursing Homes Nutrition Optometrists Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Parks Physical Therapy Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Printing - Copies Private School Raffle Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Salt Security Systems Snow Plowing Spiritual Healing Tanning Salons Tanning Salons Theatres - Live Threading Town Trash/Junk Removal Travel Tree Service Tree Service Wireless Wood Furnaces Writing - Editing

Selective Eye 47 Cardsmart 50 Cuties Gifts 47 Bill Lizotte Glass & Aluminum, Inc. 43 Crestwood Country Club 41 Wampanoag Golf Course 49 Perfect Nails & Facials 64 Creative Styles 13 Metro East c/o Dennis Horton 35 Perfect Image Hair Studio 39 Perfectcuts 16 Running With Scissors 51 Salon Wisteria 64 Shear Image Salon 19 The Cutting Gallery 14 Tryst Salon 18 Rhonda & Co. 25 Just In Time Handyman Service 29 Standard Hardware 25 Barrington Urgent Care 8 Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 13 Professional Property Maintenance 40 Duarte Agency - Allstate 28 Lezaola Insurance Group 65 A. Kreations 50 All Surface Cleaning & Junk Removal 21 Superior Lawn Care 28 Little Welshman's Landscape 30 Launder Plus 22 Disney On Ice - Feld Entertainment 69 Heavenly Hands 48 Dougç—´ Music Retail & Learning Center 47 Evergreen House Health Center 57 Waterview Villa 62 Maximum Nutrition 45 Brown Center 12 Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 43 Orthodontic Partners 17 Cronan Painting 11 Crescent Park Carousel 50 Sport & Spine Physical Therapy 39 Dyer Plumbing & Heating 16 Fullport Plumbing & Heating 52 Copy Shop, Etc. 12 The Providence Country Day School 65 The Merrill 6 Bill Duquette - ReMax River's Edge 70 Coldwell Banker - Michele Cerreta 21 Kent Farm Village 34 Margaret Farley Realtor 12 Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 38 Mateus Realty 71 Red Realty 2 ReMax Heritage 15 ReMax Rivers Edge 10 The Tirrell Team 36 Country Kitchen 68 Darling's Restaurant - Ramada Inn 38 Darling's Restaurant - Ramada Inn 18 Francis Farm - Clambakes 67 Gavi Trattoria 66 Lincoln Bar & Grille 66 Luxury Box Bar & Grille 67 Phillips Street Restaurant 67 Riverside Kitchen 68 Schroder's Deli 66 The Zone Deli 68 Tito's Cantina 67 Cameron Roofing 52 Artesani Remodeling 19 Tabeleys Roofing 40 B & B Trucking 46 Home & Commercial Security 63 B. P. Simpson Snowplowing 53 Positive New Beginnings 49 Elite Tanning, Inc. 16 SunSational Tanning 48 Trinity Repertory Company 53 Sukhy's Threading 8 City of East Providence Recycling 6 Big Blue Removal Service 42 Cruise Holidays at the Stateline 54 Advanced Tree 59 Steve's Tree Service 23 Verizon Wireless Zone 72 Reed Outdoor Furnaces 23 David Howard - Writing Workshop 29

December 2009 The Reporter

Buying or Selling - Call

MATEUS Realty Serving East Providence and surrounding areas since 1975. The experience makes the difference!

So if you're ready to buy or sell, Call Mateus Realty today at 434-8399.

Attention Buyers!! • Large Inventory!! • Lower Prices!! Now Is A Great Time to buy!! • LOW Interest Rates U





EAST PROVIDENCE - Brightridge!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial, fireplace, Hw's, gas heat, $149,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Centrally located 3 Br, 2 1/2 bath Colonial, dining, FR, office, Den, Hw's/tile; new kitchen, boiler & upgraded electric; siding, replacement windows, deck, patio, garage. $204,900

RIVERSIDE - Waddington!! 3 Br Ranch, FP, Hw's, gas heat, central air, upgraded electric, garage, young roof, replacement windows & gas furnace, 7200 sf lot. $214,900

Barrington - Nayatt School!! New 5 Br, 2 1/2 bath Colonial, 1st flr Mstr w/ bath & jacuzzi, great rm, FP, dining, granite, hwd's/tile, gas hydro/central air, farmer's prch, sliders, patio, garages, 10000 SF lot on cul-de-sac. $469,900

RIVERSIDE - 3 Br, 2 bath cottage, remodeled in & out in 1995, siding, replacement windows, gas heat, upgraded electric. $159,900

CRANSTON - Edgewood!! Near J&W, Estate Sale, waterview, 4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial, dining, Hw's, FP, expandable attic w/ staircase, front porches 1st & 2nd, siding, replacement windows. $199,900

JOHNSTON - Remodeled 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cape, modern kitchen / bath, mud rm / laundry, hw's/tile, young roof, siding, windows, deck, gas boiler / hw tank, upgraded electric, 6000+ SF fenced corner lot on dead end. $214,900





EAST PROVIDENCE - Centrally located!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cottage, dining, hwd's, updates, sliders, prchs, garage, $179,900.

R East Providence -Impeccably maintained in & out!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial near new sub-division!! Spacious eAST PROVIDENCE - Brightridge/Silver kitchen & Liv Rm, Hw's/tile, upgraded Spring!! 3 Br Ranch, FR, cathedrals, electric, young roof, siding, windows, skylights, sliders, patio, Hw's, gas heat, french doors to deck, 24x24 car port. $219,900 garage, 7000+ sf lot. $199,900

Happy Holidays!

Pawtucket - Spacious 3 br Ranch, sun porch, fireplace, hw's upgraded electric, garage, 9000+sf corner lot near hospital and medical office building. $179,900



582 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914

RUMFORD - Spacious 5 Br, 2 bath Colonial, 1st floor, master, office, pool, deck, gas heat, several updates. $259,900

Happy Holidays!

Visit our website for information on these and other properties at...



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