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The East Providence
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Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
See page 49
Who Is New City Councilor Katie Kleyla?
by Carolyn Bray If you’ve met newly-elected City Councilor Katie Kleyla (pronounced Kl-eye-la), and if you live in East Providence’s Ward 1 you probably have, than you already know she is a vivacious, friendly and very pretty young woman eager to get to work on the City’s problems. What you may not know about Ms. Kleyla is that she attended URI on a full scholarship, a self-described “townie” coming out of East Providence High School, and that she has made her living as a vocalist booking shows all over the area and teaching music too. This follows in her father’s tradition - he is an opera singer with the Met. Kleyla grew up in East Providence, first on Pinegrove Street behind Uncle Tony’s restaurant, and then on Pawtucket Avenue. When she returned to East Providence from URI, she re-immersed herself in city life and “felt it necessary for young people to take some responsibility” for what went on in the City. Ms. Kleyla says one reason a newcomer like her won the election is because “Many people didn’t like all the bickering” going on with the City Council as led by Joe Larisa, and the School Committee as led by Tony Carcieri. Kleyla wants to make East Providence a “business-friendly” community of civil discourse, and allows as how all the fights with the unions and others under the previous regime worked against that. When asked, Kleyla says the School Committee’s outgoing move to raise school principals’ salaries after having summarily docked wages from teachers, was “another way to exhibit power. Politics doesn’t need to be about power, it needs to be about conversation.” Continued on page 4...
Santa’s Arrival & Tree Lighting Sponsored by EP Parks & Recreation
Friday, December 10 See you at 6:30pm!
City Hall Doors Open 5pm Holiday Carol Sing-A-Long with The Caring Clown Ministry Courtesy United Methodist/Linn Healthcare Ctr.
“A Visit With Scrooge”
Live Participation Stage Show by Fountain Street Creative 6:30-8:30pm - Council Auditorium
SANTA’S CRAFT SHOP & Free Refreshments! 3rd Floor - Baked Goods . Crafts Hand Made Jewelry & More!
Happy Holidays!
Free & Open to the Public