December 2010 SR

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The Seekonk




Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989

Your 2010 HoliDAY guiDe

See page 43

Seekonk Town Meeting

By Laura Calverley Voters at town meeting on November 29 approved funds for a study of the town’s buildings and for the town’s 200th anniversary celebration. They also authorized the creation of two building committees – one for renovating the Banna Fire Station and the other for the animal shelter. Turnout was about 170, which is more than the average attendance. Twenty-one articles in all were reviewed, and some caused more debate than others. Two expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund were discussed for some time. The first requested approximately $163,000 to acquire 4.3 acres of land on Arcade Avenue, behind the YMCA, for open space and passive recreation such as hiking. William Mason, President of the Seekonk Land Trust, said that residents had expressed strong interest in preserving open space and creating new hiking and biking trails in a recent town-wide survey. The land is mostly wetlands, but part of it may be developable and it will connect two current areas of open space. Selectman Dave Parker questioned whether the land was on the tax rolls because the town would lose the money if the article passed, but the information wasn’t available. One resident said it would cost the town more in services if the land were developed. The article ultimately passed with a few dissenting votes. The second appropriation from Community Preservation requested $40,000 for engineering and design services to preserve the Old Town Hall on Taunton Avenue. Dan Horton, Chairman of the Historical Commission, said the Old Town Hall should be preserved because of its historic value to the town. continued on page 4

Celebrate the Season! The 6th annual Tree Lighting sponsored by the Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk was held December 2nd at the Seekonk Town Hall. A grateful THANK YOU from Seekonk Kiwanis to everyone who attended and participated. We received many donations of food for the Seekonk food panty, Doorways, which will help with their increased needs.

Toys for Seekonk’s Children

The Seekonk Girl Scouts are collecting new unwrapped toys. The toys will be donated to Doorways in Seekonk and be available for families in need. There are drop–off boxes in the following locations: Martin Elementary School lobby, Kevin Hurley Middle School lobby, & YMCA (childcare room). Thank you for your kindness! Seekonk Girl Scouts

Celebrate the Holidays and stop by to see the tree located at 100 Peck Street.

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