The Seekonk
Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
Seekonk Working on Budget, Master Plan and Town Hall Construction By Laura Calverley
We’re only a month into the new year and Seekonk is tackling a number of different matters, not the least of which is the nearly record amount of snowfall this season. Other issues include preparing the Fiscal Year 2012 budget, updating the town’s Master Plan and doing construction and mold remediation work on town hall. Seekonk has already exceeded its budget for snow removal this year, according to Town Administrator Michael Carroll. But, it’s not unusual for towns to go over their budgets. State law allows towns to deficit spend for that account and most towns budget an amount close to the previous year. Seekonk’s snow budget for this year is $91,000. Before the storms on February 1 and 2, the town had spent approximately $85,000 for snow removal. With the cost for salt and other materials, the town had surpassed the $91,000. Last year the town spent slightly more than $91,000 for the entire season. Considering the fact that we still have about six weeks of winter left and have already spent that amount, we will definitely be in a deficit situation. “We budget what we think is a reasonable amount and if we don’t get the snow, we’ll have a surplus, but if we get too much snow, we’ll have a deficit. If we have a deficit, we know we can pay for it next year,” Carroll summed up.
Town Budget
Town officials are also busy working on the budget for Fiscal Year 2012. The budget for the current fiscal year is approximately $ 2 million. Recently, Governor Patrick announced that he is cutting $65 million in state aid to city and town governments, but increasing local school aid by $1 0 million.
Seekonk Town Hall showing the preparations for the work to replace the siding.
Candidates Are Emerging for Seekonk Election By Laura Calverley
Seekonk voters will be going to the polls on April to decide local elections. There are twelve seats available this year, including two on the Board of Selectmen. Selectmen Chairman Robert Richardson has taken out papers to run for a third term. He will be running as a team with former selectmen John Turner, who also took out papers. Turner served from 2006 to 2009. Robert McLintock is also running for selectmen this year. He has already returned his papers. McLintock served for many years on the school committee. Another potential candidate for selectmen is Webster Larken, who took out papers but has not yet returned them. Selectmen Michael Brady has said he is not running for reelection. Other available positions include a seat on the school committee, one seat on the planning board, two seats on the library
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New Year.
New You.
Your 2011 Health & Fitness Guide
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Valentine's Day Feb 14th
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