March 2010 EP

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The East Providence

eporter R

MARCH 2010 Volume 6, no. 3


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

Behind the Badge at E.P.P.D.

East Providence

“Heritage Fest” Turns 30! Turn to page 16

by Gina Wesley-Silva

When it comes to standard police procedures, or understanding the unigue particulars of law enforcement, most people literally don’t have a clue. Sometimes this creates tension, distrust, and misperceptions between the police department, and the public at large. And, this is one of the reasons that the East Providence Police Department offers a Citizens Police Academy each year. The class has two purposes, one is to familiarize the public with what goes on ‘behind the badge’, and the other purpose is to improve relations with the general public. Let me give you a few examples of some common things you might see on the road that may seem strange. You are driving along and spot an approaching police car in your rear view mirror. The siren is on, and its red lights are flashing. You pull over to the right, continued on page 14

Spring Home & Garden

E. P. Students Support Help for Haiti

on page 38

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Fifth Grade students at Silver Spring School, under the direction of their teacher, Deborah D’Arezzo read with horror about the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Haiti. They brainstormed ways they could raise money and decided to create beaded bracelets to sell in school. In three days, they made and sold these bracelets to students and their families… enough to raise over $800. to send to the American Red Cross for the Haiti Relief Fund. Many thanks to these young philanthropists for their energetic response to people in need! They have learned that together they can truly make a big difference in this world.

The Reporter March 2010

March 2010 The Reporter

East Providence News Briefs East Providence Superintendent of Schools Defends Legal Fees

During the fiscal year that ended last Oct. 30, lawyer Daniel Kinder and his legal firm were paid $609,374. The majority of these payments, $359,458, were due to the many teacher battles in arbitration, Superior Court and before the State Labor Relations Board. The union has challenged nearly every change in compensation that the school committee announced in January 2009. The legal fees helped the district avoid spending $4 million in fiscal year 2010 and allowed $7 million of additional funds to be available for technology improvements in the classrooms and money to address minor facilities problems. $175,000 was budgeted for legal fees in the previous fiscal year.

105 E.P. Teachers Will Receive Layoff Notices

School Supt. Mario Cirillo has recommended to the school committee that 150 layoff notices, almost double the number of non-renewals issued last year, be sent to district teachers for the next school year. The committee approved Cirillo’s recommendation by a 4-to-1 vote with Luisa Abatecola voting no. The decision is a result of the impact of the governor’s budget which reduces state school aid to all districts in the next fiscal year. State law requires that teachers be notified by March 1 that their job maybe eliminated in the coming year. School committees have usually been able to restore the jobs of most laid-off teachers. Last year, 53 teachers in East Providence of the 55 who received layoff notices returned to their jobs. Supt. Cirillo hopes to get most of the teachers back because “the alternative would be devastating for our district.” If the layoffs are not reversed, class sizes could increase to 28 or 30 students, programs may be cut or a school could be closed. .

Grant Awarded To Refurbish Fire Stations

City Manager Richard Brown said the Fire Department received a $5.2million federal grant that they applied for over a year ago. This will allow the city

to make improvements to their two oldest fire stations, Station 1 on Broadway and Station 4 on the Wampanoag Trail. The city has two other stations with the newest firehouse, Station 3 in the Rumford section (built in 2002) and the Riverside station built in 1974. Brown said, the grant money will be used to add square-footage within the footprint of the building. The new space will be used for training, education programs and administration. He said construction will begin as soon as possible.

Water Leaks Can Now Be Detected By The Water Department

Water Department Superintendent Ken Booth reports that new technology is being implemented to obtain readings and find leaks. The city will be conducting monthly readings. The new digital meters send a radio signal to the receiver, purchased in 2005, which is placed in a city vehicle and driven from street to street. All water services in the city will eventually have the new meters. Customers with the oldest meters will be notified by the Water Department and their meters will be changed over the next several years. There are 15,242 water services in East Providence, which include commercial and residential units. If the water department identifies a possible leak from the data received, they will send the customer a post card. The card will only state that they have identified a possible leak. The customer is then responsible for identifying the leak and correcting the problem.

City Council Against Field Use Fees

The city council has received an athletic field use and allocation policy drafted by the parks and recreation department. The process began after residents called to say that the East Providence athletic fields were being damaged by overuse. If the city started charging a field use fee to leagues and teams that are made up of mostly non-residents, it would also have to start charging residents. However, Mayor Larisa said, there is no support on the city council to charge anything if it means new fees for residents. continued on page 4


The comments in Talk of the Townies, My Five Cents Worth, or other opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the views of the owners, editors or staff of the The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Would you like to write for the Reporter? Please call the Editors at 508-252-6575.... Let's Talk! We are looking for writers on all subjects and from all "parties" that may be of interest to the residents of East Providence. Call 508-252-6575

Inside This Issue Births..................................65 Business Directory...................70 Classifieds................................ 69 Clubs......................................33 Dining Guide............................66 E.P. Chamber of Commerce.....20 EBCAP News............................9 Events & Activities....................28 Home & Garden.....................38 How You Can Help..................21 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................43 News Briefs................................3 Parks and Recreation..............13 People......................................22 Senior Center News................56 School News......................46 Scouts...................................63 Sports Update.......................68 State House.......................52 Town News........................12

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NEWS Deadline:

The question still remains of how to make sure fields aren’t being damaged through overuse. This can be controlled by limiting the number of days fields can be used with priority given to teams who have a majority of E.P. resident participants. Within the field use proposal, different groups would be given priority to prevent this type of occurrence. The group breakdown would be… Group 1, the highest priority, are teams falling under parks and recreation department programs and other official city sponsored and/or funded programs or events. Group 2 is official school department sponsored and/or funded programs or events. Group 3 is non-profit youth recreational organizations that are open for participation from the entire city and have at least 51 percent city residents. Group 4 is non-profit adult recreation organizations that are open to the entire city and contain at least 80 percent city residents. Group 5 is other non-profit youth organizations with less than 51 percent residents. Group 6 is non-profit adult organizations with less than 80 percent city residents. Group 7 is designated as for-profit commercial agencies located within East Providence. Group 8 is for-profit commercial agencies located outside the city. To see the entire proposal, visit

is the 20th of each month Send News To

Attention East Providence Residents Yard Debris Collection

First grade student Madison Francis Whittaker of Oldham Elementary School.

Begins March 22 All Yard Debris must be in paper bags or reusable containers 1 person can lift For more information call

435-7710 or 435-7701

East Providence Recycling Division

Hats for Haiti at Oldham Elementary School Friday January 29, 2010 was Hats for Haiti Day. All the students could pay a dollar and wear a hat to school all day; well Madison decided to go one step further. She asked if she donated ten dollars to Help out the children of Haiti could she wear ten hats. And with her teachers approval and some help from her family she was able to accomplish this goal. She knew it was for a good cause so she did her best to help.

March 2010 The Reporter

The East Providence


Letters to the Editor...

Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 15th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!


Keep Bio-Med!!

My name is Haley Olbrych. I am a freshman at East Providence High School. I am writing to talk about why cancellation of the Bio-med class at the East Providence Career and Technical Center is not a good idea. The Bio-Medical program is possible going to be dropped from the Career and Technical Center starting in 2010-2011 school year. Biomedical is a great program in which the students study different Health Occupations. Students learn about everything from making beds in a nursing home to CPR. In this program most student will get there Certified Nursing Assistant license by junior year. Students also get certified in CPR and First Aid. Biomedical is an excellent opportunity for student to find what they want to do when they graduate High School. Biomedical is also a great opportunity for students who don’t want to go to college or can not afford it to become a Certified Nursing Technician straight out of high school. Nurses and Doctors are two jobs that the world will always need. Statistics show that by the year 2020, there will be an estimated shortage of 800,000 nurses. With the world population living longer and needing more care, the healthcare field is one of the best places to get a job, and will likely stay that way for many years to come. With over 100,000 vacant positions and an ever-growing need for healthcare workers, the career outlook is excellent for the nursing field. Nursing is a highly regarded profession. A 2004 Gallup Poll announced that the public again voted nurses number one for “honesty and ethical standards of various professions.” Through this Biomedical program future nurses and doctors will emerge. This is a program that takes all four years of high school to complete. The students that are now enrolled in this program expected to be able to finish this program when they graduate 12th grade. If this program

does close it will waste all the knowledge of the students who are already enrolled in the program. I am told that the school will offer a program after school to all enrolled students in the program who want to finish the Bio-Medical class after school. As a student myself I know that not many student have time to take a class like that after school because of school sport, after school programs, and homework. Plus I was told that you have to be at least 16 years of age to take this after school Bio-Medical program. And for me that would mean I would have to wait till next year to take this program because I am not yet even 15 years old. Some students in the Bio-Medial program are from other cities like Warren and Barrington and come to the East Providence High School and East Providence Career and Technical Center just to take the Bio-Medical program. If the Bio-Medical program is closed then these student will either have to pick another program in the Career and Technical center or go back to their local school. For some students (this would) mean leaving the school that they have been going to since their Freshman year and Seniors, in this situation, will have to leave East Providence High School in their last year. Sincerely yours, Haley Olbrych Dear Haley Thank you for your very informative and well written letter. You sound like “a future doctor” to me. I invite more students to send in their opinions on any subject that is of interest to them. Get involved… We need more input from the “future” voters in East Providence. Thanks The Editor continued on page 6

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The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.

The Reporter March 2010

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To the Editor:

I read with interest and some confusion the story entitled “East Providence School Committee Reaches Agreement with NEARI” in the February 2010 issue (pp. 19-20). Although labeled as “opinion”, the story was written as if it were a genuine news article by an impartial reporter. Writer Anthony Carcieri, School Committee Chair, consistently uses the “third person” in his opinion piece, referring to himself as “Mr. Carcieri” rather than as “I” or “me”. In fact, he even quotes himself and Lonnie Barham, the School Department’s Chief Operating Officer, and Superintendent Mario Cirillo as well. Not surprisingly, they all have laudatory remarks about the new contract with the Teacher Assistant Association. Mr. Carcieri quotes himself as especially pleased that this group of employees evidently got it, whereas the teachers are apparently still clueless that the gravy train has been derailed. This, of course, is my interpretation of Mr. Carcieri’s opinion. My remarks are subjective. His remarks are as well. According to Wikipedia, an opinion is “a subjective statement or thought about an issue or topic, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts.” Simply put, Mr. Carcieri’s opinion is his spin on this issue. A news article, on the other hand, is meant to be objective, or, again quoting Wikipedia, “’mind-independent’ - that is, not the result of any judgments made by a conscious entity.” Again, simply put, objective facts are those presented in an impartial, neutral manner. This may seem a minor point, hardly worth quibbling over, but I believe some clarification is in order. Either Mr. Carcieri’s is an opinion piece or it is a news article. If it is an opinion, why disguise it as if it were something else? If it is a news article, why not offer additional facts? For instance, where did these quotes come from? A school committee meeting? If so, when? Interviews? If so, then where and under what circumstances? How about the teacher assistants? Did Mr. Carcieri offer them an opportunity to be quoted, too? I know from personal experience that the editors of The Reporter guard carefully the journalistic integrity of their newspaper. And we all know from watching cable news outlets and reading various blogs on the internet that the wall between opinion and genuine news is being torn down daily. I call upon the editors of this newspaper to review their journalistic standards and not permit opinion to pose as legitimate news coverage. Thank you, Candy Seel, East Providence, RI

Excellent Comment…

Thanks Ms. Seel for saying what I should have said a long time ago. Mr. Carcieri is not the only one to send his opinion pieces in “third person”. The Teachers (Education) Association, their representatives and other individuals have also submitted their opinion articles implying a reporter has written them. This is not the case… Let me clarify. We offer FREE space in our publication for any non-profit group, club/organization or school/ town office to express their opinions and report their activities to the town of East Providence. Since we are a direct mail publication and send the East Providence Reporter to 100% of the homes and business in town, we feel we provide a vital service that is not available thru any other media source in the area. Think of us as a “Town Newsletter”. We do not have reporters, only freelance feature writers. I hope that this “third person” issue will end, but I don’t want to discourage those who have been using us to reach the residents of East Providence with their message. We will continue to identify these articles as “Opinion” pieces. Thanks again The Editor

March 2010 The Reporter

Scary Animal Laws

I would like to bring to everyone’s attention two new laws that are being consider at the State House. Senate Bills S2244 and S2245. Let me explain what these two laws will do to all of us. They label any private person or animal rescue group, that helps find a home for a stray cat or an unwanted dog, as an Animal Broker. Why should you care? Let me paint a very reasonable scenario for you. Your neighbor looses their home to foreclosure and they have two cats that they can’t take with them. You take one and your mother/sister/relative/coworker takes the other. You’re doing a good deed, right? You didn’t make a penny; you did this out of the goodness of your heart, right? Well, under these two new Senate Bills You Are Now An Animal Broker and you now come under the preview of the Department of Environmental Management for the State of Rhode Island! So, let’s carry this concept to the next step. How about Craig’s List? If you are trying to place a cat or a dog, for no re-homing fee, and I take that cat or dog from you, you and I are now Animal Brokers and we must answer to DEM! Now you and I have to abide by the same rules as any animal shelter in the State and DEM can come to your home or mine and inspect it just as they would an animal shelter. Is this something you’d want or like? Is that a good use of their short staffing and our limited tax payer dollars? These laws beg the question, to whomever was behind this brilliant legislation, What are you thinking?” Did you hit your head? With the budget crisis we have facing every city, town and State; do we need to pass laws that will have to make the staffing at DEM larger? If so, where does the money come from? According to DEM, they are under staffed right now, why give them more to do? continued on page 8

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The Reporter March 2010 Food for Thought

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Now let’s consider Senate Bill S2253. What will this brilliant piece of legislation accomplish? This law forces every animal control officer, in every city and town, to pick up every cat that they find loose, and bring them to the shelter and kill them (Put To Sleep?) If you let your cat outside to sit on your porch, watch out! Your cat can end up at the animal shelter and it may be dead before you realize what happened to it! So, how does this new law affect our already in the red municipal budget? There is a cost associated with every single cat that is picked up, housed, and ‘disposed’ of. Where does this money come? Where does this money come from?? You guessed it, your tax dollars and mine hard at working killing our pets. Rita C. Falaguerra Riverside, RI

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Dear Citizens of East Providence... “Townies”

Where is our Freedom of Speech? Why are we not able to speak until after the decisions are made? The Chairman of the School Committee, Anthony Carcieri, has created “Townie Shame” to use his own words. The current “public comment policy” is unacceptable. Input to government is what Democracy is all about. Stifling public comment is the policy of this Chairman and the majority of this school committee. What is Mr. Carcieri afraid of? Does he have all the answers? Is Mr. Carcieri the only person in East Providence worthy of an opinion? We all have opinions, and whether or not we agree, we are entitled to them. No one person has all the answers. It appears that Freedom of Speech at The East Providence School Committee meetings will have to wait until Tuesday November 2, 2010 to become a reality. All the citizens of East Providence are becoming victims. School Committee Chairman, Anthony Carcieri, and several members of the school committee have created this situation. Three members of the school committee requested that the meeting be open to public comment. One member backed down, thus giving Mr. Carcieri his way not to allow any comments, therefore denying everyone their rights of free speech. As a committee member, I will always allow public comment. Sincerely, Charles Tsonos Rumford, RI

March 2010 The Reporter

News from the East Bay Community Action Program... East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offers a wide array of health and human services for area residents. Its upper bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000. East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) held its annual Total Quality Management (TQM) day on Jan. 27 at the Johnson & Wales Inn in Seekonk. All EBCAP employees attended the event and took part in problem solving activities specific to their programs, a services fair with displays from every EBCAP department and an awards presentation. The theme of the all-day program was “Together We Achieve More.” Elizabeth Burke Bryant, Executive Director of Rhode Island KIDS COUNT was the keynote speaker for the event and cited the many partnerships between EBCAP and KIDS COUNT, noting “we’ve been in the trenches together working for children for many years.” KIDS COUNT is a children’s policy and advocacy organization that provides information on child well-being, stimulates dialog on children’s issues and promotes accountability and action. A total of 39 employees were honored with service awards for five,10, 30 and 35 years and EBCAP’s Green Team, which instituted a recycling program at all EBCAP locations, was named Team of the Year. * * * A reminder that East Bay Family Health Care at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. in East Providence has added Saturday hours from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Monday through Friday hours are: Monday and Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For appointments or other information call 437-1008. * * * EBCAP’s food pantry at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. served 1,655 individuals during January. The food pantry hours are: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Information on making donations to the food pantry can be obtained by calling 437-0006, ext. 140.


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The Reporter March 2010

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March 2010 The Reporter


Saint Margaret’s Young Students Collect Food for Pantry

by Carolyn Bray Colleen Almeida has worked for 20 years at Saint Margaret’s Catholic school in Rumford. She teaches first grade there now. Four years ago she started her students collecting canned foods to contribute to the community food bank. She says they consider themselves “blessed” to be at the school, but that her young charges are aware of the suffering of others not as fortunate as themselves, in Haiti and in Rhode Island. Given the chance, the kids were eager to do something to help others: “They like to know they are part of something positive,” Ms. Almeida asserts. Now with the opening of the Bread of Life Food pantry, close to the school at Newman Church, what was a first grade class collection program has expanded to include students from pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes too. Saint Margaret’s teachers and students decided to make the 100th day of the school year a goal by which the three classes would have collected at least 100 food items, and this year, on February 11, their 100th school day, the three classes gathered in a classroom to review their successful donation of foodstuffs. On that day they counted the food, including everything from cans of soup and peanut butter to cereal boxes and tuna, and found the pre-kindergarten class had collected 57 items, the first grade 114, and the kindergarten had assembled 145 food items for the pantry. The children gathered around their bounty and looked excited and proud of what they had accomplished. Ms. Almeida says that the students enjoyed the chance to help the community, and suggests a reward be offered to classes that do the most food collecting, like a Dress Down day, or free pizza on a Friday. She’d also like to put a challenge out to other schools and classes, imagining how many needed food items could be col-

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ey Debit Accepted ($10.00 min. purchase) lected if other classes in East Providence schools make their 100th day their day to donate 100 items needed at local food pantries. In these hard economic times, the Bread of Life food pantry is in heavy use at Newman Church, 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford. Regular times to access or donate to that pantry, or to volunteer there, can be learned by calling 431-1972. Meanwhile, Colleen Almeida and her colleagues at Saint Margaret’s will continue to educate their students about those experiencing misfortune in our world, and will go on finding ways to inspire the children to start - even at their tender ages - the practice of helping others less fortunate than themselves.

Saint Margeret's Students with their food pantry donation.


The Reporter March 2010

Town News East Providence Chapter #1302 American Association of Retired Persons

Maria Correia

AARP Chapter #1302 Announces Meeting Schedule

Sales Associate

AARP chapter #1302 announces it’s March, April, and May meeting schedule. Meetings are held at the Riverside Congregational Church located on Oak Avenue in Riverside. Members are encourages to bring non perishable food items for the local food bank to all meetings. Guests and new members welcome. The schedule is as follows:

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March 4th 11:30 a.m.

A St. Pat’s corned beef luncheon will be followed by entertainer Bobby Bourasa. Tickets are $15 each. Make checks payable to AARP #1302. For reservations, call Barbara Thornton at 401-4330283.

April 1st 12:30 p.m.

Meeting followed by refreshment of “Sundaes in a Basket”.

May 6th 11:30 a.m.

Annual meeting with election of board members, followed by an ethnic pot luck luncheon.

Mollis Releases Key Dates for East Providence Voters and Candidates in 2010 Elections East Providence Has 30,851 Registered Voters Heading Into 2010 Election Season

Providence, RI -- Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis released the state’s official 2010 election calendar, which gives East Providence voters and candidates their first glimpse at all the key deadlines and milestones in this year’s elections. “I had the privilege of overseeing Rhode Island’s record-breaking elections in 2008. More Rhode Islanders registered to vote and more turned out at the polls than at any other time in state history. I hope this year will be just as historic,” said Mollis. The calendar includes a detailed list of crucial dates in the 2010 races for offices ranging from town council to Governor of Rhode Island to the U.S. House of Representatives. There is no race for U.S. Senate this year. East Providence has 30,851 registered voters heading into the 2010 election season. “You will find key deadlines and basic facts about everything from registering to vote to filing declarations of candidacy and nominating papers. This guide also contains important dates and details regarding the campaign finance regulations,” said Mollis. April 1 is the first crucial date in the calendar. Candidates who are affiliated with one of the state’s three recognized parties – Democratic, Republican or Moderate – have until April 1 to change their party affiliation if they plan to run under a different party’s banner. Candidates must officially announce their intention to run for office by filing declarations of candidacy from June 28-30. The next important milestone is July 7 through July 16, when candidates must collect the signatures of enough eligible voters to officially put

March 2010 The Reporter them on the ballot. The threshold ranges from 50 signatures for the state House of Representatives to 100 for state Senate to 500 for the U.S. House of Representatives and most statewide offices to 1,000 signatures for governor. Rhode Islanders have until Aug. 14 to register to vote in order to cast ballots in the Sept. 14 state primary. Oct. 2 is the deadline for registering to vote in the Nov. 2 general election. The election calendar is posted on the Secretary of State’s website at Hardcopies of the 26-page booklet are available upon request. Chris Barnett -Communications Director Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis State House 82 Smith St., Room 217 Providence, RI 02903-1120 (401) 222-4293

Lighthouse Group to Host Presentation on Riverside and Rhode Island Coastal Geology

The Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse will host a presentation about the geology of Narragansett Bay and the shoreline near Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, located 800 feet off the coastline in Riverside, Rhode Island. The presentation is scheduled for Monday, March 22 at James R.D. Oldham School, 640 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside at 6:30 p.m. It is open to the public. The guest speaker is Dr. Janet Freedman, a coastal geologist at University of Rhode Island and a geologist for Rhode Island Resource Management Council (CRMC.) The Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation, is a local non-profit organization that is dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. For information about the last remaining lighthouse in Riverside, visit their Web site: For more information about the presentation, contact David Kelleher 401.433.2763 or email: pomhamrockslighthouse@

East Providence Parks & Recreation The East Providence Parks & Recreation will be taking reservations for several trips beginning March 12, 2010.

• April 21st will be a trip to Lantana’s in Randolph, MA to see the comedian “Glen Anthony” lunch included. • April 29th is the Newport Playhouse to see “Happy Birthday” lunch & cabaret included. • May 5th will be the Broadway show “Church Basement Ladies” at the Garde Arts Theatre in New London, CT, lunch included. • May 18th there will be a trip to the Cornerstone Production of “Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows” musical, lunch will be at the Daniel Packer Inn in Mystic, CT. We will stop at Mystic Village. Please call Deborah Rochford at (401) 435-7513 at 8:30a.m. Reservations for April 23rd Mohegan Sun Casino trip and the 4 day trip to Penn Dutch, June 27-30 are now being accepted.


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The Reporter March 2010


Construction Septic Systems

Continued from the Front Cover

Behind the Badge at E.P.P.D.

• Excavation • Demolition • Retaining Walls • Site Work • Ledge Removal

by Gina Wesley-Silva

and watch as the cruiser speeds past you. But, a little up ahead in the road, you notice that the siren silences, the red light stops flashing, the police car even slows down, and then ducks down FREE Estimates a side street! Feeling bullied, and irritated, for having to pull over for no apparent reason, you think to yourself, “...Must be on his Over 20 Years Experience way to the 2 for 1 special at Dunkin Donuts!” Nope, what actually MA & RI Licensed & Insured happened was that this cruiser just received notification to cancel the response. This means that the first cruiser to respond to the Cell: (401) 640-9634 • Office (508) 639-9340 scene had already determined that back up was not needed. • Email: Simple. Another common scenario that might seem weird is when you see a police vehicle, travelling very fast, with its red lights flashing, but no siren is heard. “What’s up with that?”, you think to yourself. Well, graduates of the Academy would explain that the cruiser is engaged in a “silent” approach, which would be the normal Independent Doctor of Optometry approach for burglaries, bank robberies, or other crimes where an audible siren might endanger the safety of innocent citizens, and/or alert the perpetrator(s) to escape. So, these are just two examples of some of what you will learn by participating in the Academy. Community Relations Officer Tom Aguiar heads up the Citizens Police Academy and says classes will start this month, around the middle of March. The Academy is a twelve week program of weekly 2 to 3 hour meetings. All instructors are East Providence Police Mention this ad for more details!!!!! Officers, who volunteer their time to educate the public on various aspects of law enforcement, such as criminal investigations, Located next to BJ's Optical Located next to Target Optical patrol operations, legal issues, crime scene investigations, 287 Washington Street 79 Commerce Way communications operations, etc. Academy members may also South Attleboro Seekonk, MA participate in mock motor vehicles stops, mock murder scene investigations, and mock building searches. 508-399-7377 508-336-0109 East Providence Police Chief Joseph Tavares commends the Academy and says it is critical, as well as prudent, that residents Call for details on savings for complete and the department work together. “We cannot do it alone. We pair of glassess or contact lens supply. depend on the community to help us do our job better,” he says. And, he talked about how regular citizens often help solve crimes that would otherwise go unsolved, by providing just the right bit of information. He says, “There’s a little bit of policemen in everybody!” This statement is probably true if one considers the popularity of police dramas and crime shows that dominate television nowadays. But, though these shows may be extremely entertaining, Sgt. John Andrews cautions us not to take them too seriously, because often they set up unrealistic expectations of the police department. “Unless you are watching COPS, what you are watching is not reality at all. It is just Hollywood”, he says. Aguiar and Andrews point out that there are also other benefits of participating in the Complete auto collision repair Citizens Police Academy, such as meeting Towing Foreign & Domestic new people and developing long-term We handle all insurance claims bonds. “When those people make those bonds, they are there for life. It doesn’t stop Free Estimates when the class is over,” Andrews says. MA RS. # 1367 Chief Tavares says there are also some other goals for Academy. “The goal of the Serving your community for over 20 years Citizens Police Academy is to engage the 1849 Fall River Ave. (Rt 6), Seekonk, MA citizenry into knowing how their police department works. Every police department (508) 336-6475 has a series of operating departments and functions, such as detectives, investigators Robert Coelho Jr. & Ernie Loiselle - Owners

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March 2010 The Reporter


who follow up on crimes, to the patrol officers, who are our first responders, to community police officers who handle community police problems, to the traffic division, etc. This Citizens Police Academy allows the citizen to get to know how this all works,” he adds. As for the scheduling of topics Aguiar says, “One week you might be exposed to how evidence is collected, and the csi area, and another week you might be exposed to fire arms and weaponry, shooting aspects, and even ride alongs with a police officer.” The EPPD has been offering the Academy since 1996. To participate you must be at least 18 years old, have no criminal record, and be a resident of East Providence. A graduation ceremony is held at the culmination of each class, and pins and momentos are given to graduates. To sign up for the Citizens Police Academy, or learn more about it call Community Relations Officer Tom Aguiar at 401-435-7630.

Parks & Recreation to Host St. Pat’s Party - March 12

The East Providence department of Parks & Recreation will host a St. Pat’s party on: Friday March 12, from 4:30-6 p.m., at the recreation center located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue. Leprechauns of all ages are invited to try their “luck o’ the Irish” at a game or two and enjoy a shamrock treat! For more information, contact the recreation center at 433-6360.

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*Call to Rhode Island artists: Actual work presented for jury, original artwork in 2D media only; oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolor, graphite, original prints, mixed media, etc. no photography. Art work must be within the exhibit theme to be accepted for review. Work previously shown at Hope Gallery will not be accepted. All work must be ready to hang: clips, loops and sawtooth hangers are not acceptable and the art must not measure more than 14” x 24” including frame outside dimensions. Artists must be at least 18 years old. Works must be within the last 2 – 4 years. All work must be for sale. Three entries allowed per artist; $25 non-refundable entry fee. Gallery takes a 30% commission upon sale of art. Drop off for Jury: Saturday, April 17 & Sunday, April 18 - noon to 4:00 P.M. – no exceptions.

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The Reporter March 2010

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East Providence “Heritage Fest” Turns 30!

By Gina Wesley-Silva One of the most well-known and best publicized festivals in the state, the Annual East Providence Heritage Festival, will celebrate its 30th consecutive year in July. For certain, the Heritage Fest is the “premier event” in the city of East Providence! Each year, its organizers, vendors, entertainers, city residents, and attendees come together and transform our normally quiet little city, into a thriving metropolis hosting a weekend-long carnival and entertainment festival. Recently, I met with East Providence Heritage Days Inc., Vice Chairman, Clarence “Junior” Butler, and Board Member Alba Curti, to get a glimpse into the history and the workings of this great event. It all began in 1981, as the brainchild of Alba Curti, who adopted the idea after seeing a newspaper advertisement for a similar festival in another city. Curti says she remembers thinking that a heritage festival would be perfect for East Providence because of the cultural and ethnic diversity of the city’s residents. “The first Heritage Festivals were held right here at City Hall”, Curti said with a reminiscent smile, “but soon they became so popular and huge that we needed to find a bigger space.” Within a few years they found the “bigger space” that they were looking for, when in 1985 Pierce Memorial Field was chosen as the site for future Heritage Fests. Pierce Field was the perfect location because of it’s size, well-kept grounds, idyllic location, ample parking, and easy accessibility. It is a “...jewel of the city,” says Curti. She then added, “…which is a credit to the city’s administration.” Junior Butler was also around in those early days, in fact he has been actively involved with the Heritage Festival for 29 years. He describes himself as “…a Townie!” And, he says he takes a lot of pride in this city. As for what he loves most about the Heritage Festival, he said, “When you go to Pierce Field on Saturday night and you look around and see all the people there, their diversity, and people sitting in lawn chairs and on blankets on the grass, and kids running around... and then the music comes on. You can’t help but feel good about it!” He paused, then added, “And, then when it’s all over and the people are leaving, and you hear their comments… in 29 years, I can honestly say I have heard very few negative comments. And that is the essence of what we are trying to accomplish! The pride, the caring, and the love for what we have in this city.” But, the festival has had its share of hard times too in its 30 year history. Curti explained that in the beginning the City of East Providence contributed financially to the festival through the parks & recreation department, but when the economy began to decline, funding from the city dried up. Thus, in 1999 East Providence Heritage Days, Inc., a non-profit 501c3 corporation was formed. Its main function was to secure funding for the Annual Heritage Festival to ensure its survival. And soon, because of its non-profit status, Heritage Days began to attract corporate sponsors that were eager for write offs. Heritage Days also began donating money to other charitable organizations too. “We are a public charity and so one of our missions is to help other public charities,” Curti says. Butler says funding for the festival has improved, but also says that the effects of a bad economy as well as rising costs, means that still other sources of support are needed. He says expenses for the festival can be quite high. “People don’t understand the costs associated with a production of this type. There are talent fees, staging costs, production costs, just to name a few. So, we definitely need to continue to supplement the income of the Heritage Days any way we can!” One upcoming fundraising event for this years festival is a one night production of Beatlemania, in the Elmatian Auditorium at the

March 2010 The Reporter East Providence Senior High School, on Saturday, April 24, 2010. Curti says “Beatlemania has been around for a long time, and a few of its current cast members are also original cast members from when the show appeared on Broadway.â€? She says the show is fabulous. “This is a must-see if you like Beatles music, and even if you don’t. It is just a wonderful performance!â€? Butler echoed her enthusiasm and also pointed out that not only will the proceeds go towards funding the Heritage Festival, but a portion of the proceeds will also go to the high schools’ Fine Arts Dept. Tickets are $22.50 per person, and are fully tax deductible. Curti says“If you get your tickets now, you can deduct them on this years taxes.â€? She further explains, “Since the Heritage Days Inc., is a non-profit 501c3 corporation, under IRS regulations, any donation to Heritage Corp., can be fully written off on your income taxes.â€? Butler and Curti are hoping to sell out Elmatian Auditorium with Beatlemania. Butler says if that happens they will be a lot closer to bridging the gap between â€œâ€Śwhere we are and where we need to be.â€? Tickets can be purchased at the Teachers Credit Union, Coastway Credit Union, the Parks & Recreation Dept., City Hall, and online through ticket web. For more information on purchasing tickets call 401435-7511. When asked what she liked most about her 30 year history with the festival Curti said it is the ethnic entertainment. “You can go and spend the weekend and bring your children, and you can introduce them to various cultures. They can watch South American dancers, they can watch Irish dancers and musicians, and that is so important for people to be exposed to other cultures.â€? She adds that â€œâ€Śonly when we understand everyone’s background and where they come from, will we have a true road to peace. If you break bread with people of different cultures and you come together in a positive way ‌that is basically the key to understanding.â€?

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continued on next page







The Reporter March 2010


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For more information on the 30th Annual East Providence Heritage Festival, call 401-435-7511 or visit the website at: www.

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Butler and Curti also agreed that another aspect they enjoy most about the festival is the people they work with. They expressed immense gratitude for the volunteer staff who help plan, organize, and run the event. They spoke of a sense of pride, and a spirit of cooperation and camaraderie between all who work on the festival. “We cannot thank them enough,” said Butler. “Those people, the ones behind the scenes, who do the security, or man the parking lots, or make sure no one goes backstage who doesn’t belong there, and they don’t even get to see the show. They are great!” In 1988, the festival started showcasing national acts which immediately upgraded it from a small, homey, local cultural festival, to a serious contender for being the best music festival around! And, year after year as more and more national and international recording stars graced the stage at Pierce Field, the festival grew in popularity. “It literally put us on the map,” said Curti. But, despite the elevated status and attention that national acts brought to the festival, the festival never lost its integrity. And, that is because its organizers never lost sight of Curti’s original vision, nor of the festivals’ ultimate purpose - which is to provide cultural entertainment. “Showcasing national acts is what draws the crowd in to see the other ethnic entertainment,” said Curti, “and that is a win-win situation!” In honor of the festival’s 30th year, Heritage Days will add an extra day to the weekend lineup this year. Normally the festival runs from Friday through Sunday, but this year the festival will start on Thursday and continue through Sunday. Admission on Thursday is free. “This is our way of saying thank you to everyone for helping us achieve 30 consecutive years,” says Curti. The cost for admission for the whole weekend is only $15. Butler says, “Fifteen dollars for the whole weekend! You can’t beat that price anywhere!” One final note: I can personally attest to the magic of this festival, as well as to the absolute professionalism of Curti, Butler, and the entire Heritage Days staff! Last year, I had the distinct pleasure of performing at the 29th Annual Heritage Festival with my band, Gina Wesley & DreamCatcher, as the opening act for the headliners, TAVARES. My band members and I were treated like royalty by the staff and by the audience. We were given the same respect and consideration that was given to TAVARES. A great time was had by all. It is an experience I will never forget!

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March 2010 The Reporter

Biotech Class Cancellation Ends Career Track for High School Students

by Carolyn Bray Amy Cinquegrana and Samantha Santos are two of the 45 students in East Providence High School’s Vocational Center who were enjoying the Biotech program in which they were enrolled, and which offered them a Certified Nursing certificate after three years of study, with the help of hands-on training they would also receive at Evergreen House. The students and their parents were abruptly informed in early February that, allegedly due to low enrollment, the program was being cancelled. Students were told they could pay to take a night or after-school class to substitute for this training, but most of them are unable to do that because of the class workload and outside work responsibilities they already have. Students also learned that regular CNA class work would mean three to four extra hours and 8 chapters of reading on top of their regular school workload. Letters of protest were sent to School Superintendent Cirillo about this direct path to employment right out of high school being closed down, so Superintendent Cirillo is meeting with the students concerned on February 24th, apparently wanting to talk with them before their parents appear at the upcoming March 8 School Committee meeting. None of the students or parents involved understands why the class was cancelled. The students note the program has not been promoted at all, so if a larger enrollment was needed the school could have advertised the Biotech program’s existence. Amy Cinquegrana says the cancellation “isn’t fair.” Students had to begin what they say is basically nursing training in the 9th grade - after three years, with clinical training at Evergreen House, they would be ready for the job market, where CNAs tend to be in high demand. The cancellation “makes our career choices smaller,” notes Samantha Santos. “We’ll have to start on nursing after high school.” Amy Cinquegrana states, “I want to be able to walk out of high school knowing I have something to start off with.” Kristine Cinquegrana, Amy’s mother, has been setting up training visits for the CNA students with Rhode Island Hospital, and says, “Coming out of high school with a CNA [certificate], it’s one less thing they have to worry about to get a job. They can walk out of the high school with a career. Why would they want to take away something that provides a future for these kids, and gives them a career right out of high school? This is not a money-making center, but it is a career tech center - we’re supposed to be providing kids with careers.” Samantha Santos adds: “At least finish the kids already in it if they have to finish it - or we just wasted two years we could have been trying something else for our future.” It will be interesting to see if the efforts of the students affected by this cancellation decision can change their own professional futures and the future of the Biotech program at East Providence High School.



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The Reporter March 2010

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

Business After Hours Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Hosted by: Positive New Beginnings Holistic Center

Location: Positive New Beginnings Holistic Center 873 Waterman Avenue, East Providence

Mark Your Calendar! East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

4th Annual Touch-A-Truck Saturday, May 15, 2010


Location: Chamber Office Parking Lot 1011 Waterman Avenue - East Providence

Bring plenty of business cards. Learn more about the Chamber and our members. All attendees get an opportunity to introduce themselves and their companies. FREE admission for East Providence Area Chamber members $10 pp for non-members Contact the Chamber for more information or to register: Registration Required by: 3/19/10

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 $15 pp for EP Chamber members $25 pp for non-members Registration required by 3/22/10. Contact the Chamber.

Location: Davenport's Restaurant

1925 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:29 p.m. Registration Check-in: 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

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Chamber Power Group WHO BENEFITS Chamber members of all sizes and in all industries. Companies with locations in multiple states can participate - all locations eligible (in deregulated states.) HOW IT WORKS •Simply call the East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce (401) 438-1212 •Your electricity is still delivered by National Grid. •There are no fees for East Providence Area Chamber members to join the energy buying group nor does Action Energy or its suppliers charge any additional fees to switch suppliers. •There is no minimum usage to participate. No long-term contract. •Companies can enroll/leave the group & return to National Grid on any billing period* •You save money by combining your purchasing power with other local businesses ELIGIBILITY • Companies with a business electric account. • Companies must be East Providence Area Chamber member in good standing. *Actual time to become effective based on number of days from meter read. There are no guarantees. Individual results will vary. All companies subject to credit approval. Featuring Chamber Event photo albums

Visit the Chamber's Web site for 2010 Chamber Calendar of Events, directory of member businesses, news & more

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Statewide Business After Hours 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Location: Rhodes-on-the-Pawtucket 60 Rhodes Place, Cranston, RI Annual chamber networking event with members from all Rhode Island chambers of commerce. Last year's attendance: 1,000+ businesspeople. $15 per person. Registration required. Contact East Providence Area Chamber by 3/26/10 to register.

Serving the communities of East Providence & Barrington, RI and Seekonk & Rehoboth, MA

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1005 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914 phone: 401.438.1212 fax: 401.435.4581 email:

March 2010 The Reporter

How You Can Help


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Tap-In Is Looking Forward To Spring!

Winter clothing is gone from Tap-In, the all-volunteer agency assisting clients in the East Bay area. Seasonal (Spring) clothing in good, clean, wearable condition is needed for children in sizes infant through 14. Due to the severe lack of space please hold on to those summer shorts and bathing suits until the weather really gets warm enough. Also, please Do Not Leave Any Items Outside. If regular office hours are not convenient please call. Other arrangements can be made for drop-offs of any donations including clothing, food, household and non-upholstered furniture items. In fact, to make it easier Tap-In will be open on Sat., March 27 from 9 to noon for donations and also for food clients unable to visit during the week. Along with on-going needs for full, queen and king size sheets, comforters and blankets, there have been quite a few requests for vacuums and other small appliances as well as apartment sized tables and chairs. Of course, the Food Closet is always hoping for as many nonperishable items as possible. Toiletries and paper goods are also greatly appreciated by clients trying to stretch budget dollars. Please call 247-1444 for any further information, or just drop in and take a tour. Volunteers who are there from 9 to noon, Monday thru Friday would be happy to assist you. Tap-In is located in the lower level of the Library Building on County Road in Barrington.

Local Rabbit Rescue Group Offers Free Educational Seminar for the Public Thinking about adopting a companion rabbit? Or do you already have a bunny but would like to make him a bigger part of the family? Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue can help. The non-profit, Rhode Island shelter will run a free educational seminar for current and/or potential rabbit owners on Saturday, March 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Rhode Island SPCA in Riverside. Rabbitsavvy experts will demonstrate proper lifting and handling, diet, and housing options. Topics include bunny behavior, nail-trimming techniques, and litter box training. Attendance is free, but donations to the shelter are gratefully accepted. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please, no children under 13 and do not bring your rabbits. Questions? Call 401-623-1340. Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue, Inc. was founded in 2002 and takes in 200 rabbits relinquished to shelters each year. Over the past eight years, the non-profit shelter has found homes for more than 1,000 rabbits. To read more about Sweet Binks and see adoptable rabbits on the web, go to www.



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The Reporter March 2010

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On Sunday, January 24th, the children of the Riverside Family Center’s AfterSchool with the Arts program gathered in the Riverside Congregational Church for their annual Winter Concert. There was the usual frenzy of activity prior to show time filled with nervous chatter and last minute rehearsals. Then show time arrived and the children of the Riverside Family Center (RFC) put on a wonderfully entertaining and impressive concert. At the final curtain calls, the children glowed to enthusiastic applause from the audience.

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Riverside Family Center "Afterschool with the Arts"

March 2010 The Reporter The AfterSchool with the Arts program focuses on the educational and social development of children with an emphasis on the arts. Studies show that children who take music and art lessons do better in school, and demonstrate stronger psychological health and self-esteem. The children certainly demonstrated this principle with their talent and enthusiasm during the Winter Concert. AfterSchool with the Arts is always open to new enrollment and tours are available by appointment. Interested families can contact the program director, Jessica Clark, at 401-433-2822. The two-hour event included performances in theater, guitar, piano, ensemble, martial arts and a visual art exhibition. The children, ages 5 to 13, took weekly lessons in preparation for the concert. The theater performance featured a large group of many first time performers who dressed in monster costumes to perform an excerpt from “Where the Wild Things Are”. The martial arts group was of particular note this year as the children demonstrated fighting techniques and board breaking. Musical performances at all skill levels were a joy to watch. Artwork by the talented young people was on display throughout the building. The concert concluded with a performance by the RFC’s ensemble group who call themselves the Oak Street Band. These advance students performed original pieces as well as a cover of “Proud Mary”. As always, they met with applause and whistles from an enthusiastic crowd. It was wonderful to see many parents, grandparents and other family members, along with a city council representative and members of the community at large in attendance and offering encouragement to the children as they proudly demonstrated their various talents. RFC puts on two concerts each year that serve as the only fundraisers for the AfterSchool with the Arts program. Each year the performances get better as the group of children grow in number and in skill. These concerts not only demonstrate the talent of our students, but they also give the community a chance to see the work being done at the Family Center. The funds raised from these concerts go towards purchasing new equipment and instruments. Riverside Family Center is a non-profit organization that provides quality services to the families of Riverside, East Providence and Barrington. Afterschool with the Arts is an after school enrichment program for children ages 5 through 13. This year there are also a number of children enrolled in a new Teen Mentor program. This is for students who are over age 13 but want to share their time and talents with the RFC as well as take lessons in their music or art.

Local Student Makes MCLA Dean’s List


North Adams, MA-Cynthia Brown, vice president for academic affairs at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), has announced that Sean Snead of East Providence was placed on the dean’s list for the fall 2009 semester. To be eligible for the dean’s honor list, matriculated students must be enrolled in six or more credit courses attain a grade point average of 3.25 or better and have no incomplete grades.


The Reporter March 2010

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Chelsea M DeCrescenzo

Endicott College is pleased to announce the Dean’s List students for Fall Term, 2009. In order to qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must obtain a minimum grade point average of 3.5, receive no grades below a “C”, and be enrolled in a mimimum of 12 credits for the semester. The following students have met those requirements: Chelsea M DeCrescenzo is the daughter of Anthony & Mary DeCrescenzo of Riverside, RI. Chelsea is a Freshman majoring in Interior Design.

The Newman YMCA Receives Grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeves Foundation

The Newman YMCA in Seekonk Massachusetts is the recipient of a $17,000.00 grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeves Foundation, to aid it in its plan to open a center of excellence for the physically challenged. The money will be combined with another grant from the Bristol County Savings Bank to purchase specialty equipment to add to their Wellness Center. One of the machines that will be purchased is a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) bike, from Restorative Therapies, which as been shown to help individuals with Paralysis due to Paraplegia, Quadriplegia and stroke. Recent studies have also shown this therapy to help MS patients. The Newman YMCA is the only membership based facility within a 40 mile radius to offer this particular therapy. The Newman YMCA is also a member of the Inclusive Fitness Coalition (IFC) and as such is committed in its mission to facilitate the lives of all individuals regardless of physical challenges. The Newman YMCA services communities in Seekonk, Rehoboth and East Providence, the building facilities are all ground level, fully handicap accessible and the front entrance as well as the Wellness Center entrance is equipped with automatic doors. The pool is equipped with a chair lift for those wishing to benefit from aqua therapy.

March 2010 The Reporter


Bryant Commemorates Black History Month

Events include speakers, soul food dinner, fundraiser for Haiti, and the annual Extravaganza fashion show. Growing up with one black parent and one white parent, Morgan Johnson ’12 (East Providence, RI) is in a fairly uncommon category – fewer than 2 percent of Americans are biracial or multiracial. She recalls family members emphasizing the importance of justice and equality for all, and as the chair of Bryant’s Black History Month committee, she is further communicating this message. Johnson is helping to plan events that celebrate diversity and educate the Bryant community about the contributions of influential African Americans. “I grew up in a community that was very diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, and religion,” says Johnson, a communication major who aspires to begin a career in radio or television after graduating. “At Bryant, I’ve been given the opportunity to share these great values with my peers.” Johnson and her committee came up with the theme for the month, “Not Just African. Not Just American,” to help dispel the stereotype that the month-long celebration is based solely on trials and tribulations of Blacks in the United States. “We want to emphasize that the history of these people spans far beyond our nation’s borders,” says Johnson. “Black History Month is celebrated worldwide.”

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The Reporter March 2010


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Riverside Resident named “Hospitality Ambassador of the Year” by Rhode Island Hospitality Association

The Rhode Island Hospitality Association (RIHA) recently named Riverside resident, Frank Azevedo, Allied Employee of the Year at its 20th Annual “Stars of the Industry” Awards Ceremony. Frank is marketing associate for Sysco Boston, located in Norton, MA. The Stars of the Industry Awards recognizes the outstanding achievements of members of the hospitality, foodservice and tourism industries. Award recipients were chosen not only for their dedication and contributions to their careers, but for their involvement in their local communities. “It is with great pleasure that I recognize Frank as the Allied Employee of the Year,” said Dale J. Venturini, President and CEO of RIHA. “During these challenging times, his achievement goes far in making the hospitality industry one of the most successful, strengthening the industry’s position as the cornerstone of Rhode Island’s economy and the community.” Prior to joining Sysco Boston in 2007, Frank was director of sales for Cacciola Provisions a Boars Head distributor in Rhode Island for six years. Before that he worked as a front desk manager, assistant director of services, and multi-unit restaurant manager for the Renaissance Westchester Hotel in White Plains, N.Y. for two years. Frank is a graduate of Johnson and Wales University. He resides in Riverside, with his wife Stacey, and their three sons Andrew, Nathan, and Matthew. With more than 600 foodservice and hospitality members in Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Hospitality Association has been the voice of the hospitality in the state more than for 27 years. For more information, please call (401) 223-1120, or write to: Rhode Island Hospitality Association, 94 Sabra Street, Cranston, RI, 02910, or visit

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March 2010 The Reporter




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The Reporter March 2010

Events & Activities UMPIRES WANTED East Providence Umpires Association USSSA since 1983

The First & The Best in the State of Rhode Island We are looking for a few good men and women interested in umpiring competitive men and womens softball. What is required is a sincere interest in umpiring and a passion for the game. It is a great way to stay close to the game of softball and spend time outdoors in the summer with a great association of people. If interested, please call our recruitment coordinator and treasurer Chuck Vermette at 435-9162 and leave a message. Please leave a number where you can be reached.

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American Legion Riverside Post 10

Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner Saturday, March 20

Join us for a corned beef and cabbage dinner at the American Legion, Saturday, March 20, 2010, at 830 Willett Ave in Riverside. Starts at 7:00 P.M. Tickets are $10:00 per person. Tickets may be purchased at the Legion Post, or at the door on the night of the event.

East Providence Schedules Clinic for Rabies Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats and Dog Licensing

(East Providence, RI) The City of East Providence, Office of the City Clerk, in conjunction with the East Providence Animal Shelter and the Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting a Rabies Clinic on Sunday, March 14, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at the Engustian Municipal Public Works Complex, One Commercial Way, East Providence. Appointments in advance are not required. Dogs must be on a leash and cats must be in carriers. Facing an onslaught of financial hardships, many residents are finding it difficult to cover the cost of a veterinary visit and vaccination for their companion animal. However, rabies vaccinations for all dogs and cats are required by State Law. To help residents comply with the law, the cost for obtaining a rabies vaccination for a dog or cat is just $10.00 per companion animal. In order for a dog or cat to receive a two year vaccination, human companions must present proof of previous vaccination, a copy of their previous rabies certificate, dated within the last two years is required, otherwise the companion animal will receive a one year vaccination only. In addition, dog licenses will be available at the Clinic. The City of East Providence requires dogs to be licensed, a license fee with proof of the companion animals spay or neuter is just $13.00 per dog, $5.00 for senior citizens. If the dog is unaltered the cost is $33.00, $15.00 for senior citizens. Residents will need to pay in cash only, checks, credit and debit cards will not be accepted. For questions contact the East Providence City Clerk’s Office at 435-7590.

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50th St Mary’s Academy Bayview Reunion

May 2, 2010

At Bayview, Riverside RI Contact: Arlene Van Dusen Desrochers 401-433-0899

March 2010 The Reporter

The East Providence and Barrington Harbor Commission

Boating Safety Day Event

The East Providence and Barrington Harbor Commission’s are co-sponsoring a 2010 Boating Safety Day event and cookout being held at Cove Haven Marina on the Barrington\East Providence line on May 22 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Attendee’s may arrive by boat (with prior reservations) or by car. Refreshments will be served by the Bristol Elks Lodge courtesy of Brewer’s Cove Haven Marina. I am working on a Live Radio broadcast of the event and local, state and federal politicians will be invited along with the local press. I am looking for commitments from your organization for the following if it applies to you or if you can arrange it. 1. Coast Guard, DEM, Harbormasters, Police & Fire vessels for display and/or public tours. 2. CG Aux Robot, CG Aux personnel for vessel safety inspections. 3. Boating Safety handouts and give-a-way items. 4. Any marine-related business, vessel, equipment or novelty that would “draw” people to the event? RIMTA member? Please RSVP with the length and type of vessel you will be bringing and whether it will be open for public tours, number of personnel and anything you else you can offer for this event. Please contact me with any Q’s. Thank you in advance for your assistance, S. Bruce Dufresne, EPHM & Ray Sousa, Barrington HM


ATTENTION WRITERS Professional manuscript critiques and marketing assistance available from published writer with MFA in creative writing. Reasonable rates for stories, articles, novels. Contact: or call 401-438-8367

WILLETT LAUNDROMAT Self Service Coin Laundry Clean Friendly Environment Open 7 Days ~ 4 am - 10 pm

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American Legion Post 10

March 20, 2010 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Proceeds benefit 1/126 Aviation Echo Company Family Readiness Group of the RI Army National Guard

Across from Willett Ave. Pond

For more information Please contact Dawn Corey 401-241-8343

Central Falls High School Class of 1959 Reunion

The class of 1959 from Central Falls High School is planning a reunion on June 12th at the Crown Plaza in Warwick. If you have not been contacted please call Louise (Perry) Harrop at 401-3335387 or Louise (Gagnon) Colninan at 401-333-4026.

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Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 Reunion

The Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 is planning a reunion and is looking for former classmates. Contact Diane Penacho Perry at: 508-336-0242

434-6780 355 Ferris Ave, Rumford, RI 02916

Ronnee Powers, Director Mary Ann Peterson, Assistant Director

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The Reporter March 2010

Sunday Night Karaoke

5pm-9pm with Cal Raye

March 7th & 21st at East Providence Elks - 60 Berkley Street

50/50 raffles to benefit Elks Childrens Charity. Public welcome to join the fun – See you there!

Call 508.252.6575 To Advertise in The East Providence Reporter

Irish Italian Night

On Saturday, March 20, St. Martha’s Church, 2595 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, will host Irish Italian Night in Msgr. Bracq Hall The evening will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a social hour and an assortment of delicious appetizers. The family style dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. The menu will include: Minestrone Soup, Garden Salad, Chicken Marsala, Pasta, Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, & Carrots, Bread & Butter, Assorted Desserts, & Coffee. There will be a cash bar and an in-house raffle. There will also be dancing to the music of DJ Frank Porto. Tickets are: $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for children 10 and under.

St. Martha’s Church Lenten Mission

The theme of this year’s Mission is: Lord Jesus, You Are The Way, The Truth, & The Life. The Mission will be presented by St. Martha’s Pastoral Team. It will be introduced the weekend of March 13/14 and will conclude on Wednesday evening. The Mission themes are: Monday, March 15, Lord, You Are the Way, Tuesday, March 16, Lord You Are the Truth, Wednesday, March 17, Lord, You Are the Life. Monday - Penance Service, with individual confessions offered in English and Portuguese, Tuesday - Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Healing Service and Benediction, Wednesday, the Celebration of the Holy Mass. The Mission will begin at 7:00 p.m. each evening.

¡CityArts! 2010 Art Blossoms Gala

At Roger Williams Park Botanical on April 8th!

Providence ¡CityArts! for Youth announces its first annual ¡CityArts! Art Blossoms Gala to be held April 8th at Roger Williams Park Botanical Center in Providence, RI. The Art Blossoms Gala is a springtime event to raise funds for free afterschool arts education programs for urban at-risk youth in Providence. Escape the lingering chill of our New England winter and bask in the lush oasis of the Botanical Center­—a hothouse of gorgeous greenery and exotic blooms. Over 200 guests are anticipated for this festive, floral event in celebration of ¡CityArts!’s blossoming young artists. The evening will feature live music, creative fare by Russell Morin Fine Catering and a cash bar. Guests are invited to compete in a spectacular silent and live auction of over 40 stunning works by emerging and celebrated artists, and to have fun making their own art in art stations situated throughout the center! Event tickets are $75 if purchased by March 19, $80 if purchased after. Patron Donor packages include two tickets and special donor recognition, and are available for $250. Visit for more information, event updates and ticket purchases. Each year, ¡CityArts! provides over 500 at-risk youth between ages 8 and 14 free access to quality arts learning experiences in visual art and design, music, dance, theatre and creative writing. ¡CityArts!’s mission is to ensure our capital city’s most challenged youth have access to quality arts programs unhindered by socio-economic barriers, celebrating the arts as a means to youth empowerment, community building and social change. ¡CityArts!’s programs take place in its Broad Street Community Arts Center and in partnership with public and charter schools, libraries and social service agencies citywide. For more information, call (401) 941-0795 ext. 103 or ext. 113. Providence CityArts for Youth, Inc. 891 Broad Street, P.O. Box 27691 Providence, RI 02907

March 2010 The Reporter

World War II Tea

East Providence FOPA

Featuring Letters Home from Veterans Throughout History Sunday, March 28, 1 – 4 p.m.

Lobster Raffle

Stop by the Carpenter Museum in Rehoboth from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 28 and join us as we sip tea, snack on great food from the WWII era, and enjoy the “Letters Home” Exhibit. The event was inspired by Rehoboth’s “town-wide read,” The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Annie Barrows. It’s sponsored by the Blanding Library and Carpenter Museum This program is also supported in part by a grant from the Rehoboth Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. The event is free, but please call for reservations so that we can plan for food: 508-252-3031.

Begins 1/2/10 thru 3/28/10 Sundays at 2pm

FABRICATIONS QUILT SHOW Saturday, April 24th, 10am-5pm Sunday, April 25th, 10am- 4pm

Admission $5.00 , Children under 12 free with paid adult

Over 300 Quilts on Display • Fabulous Raffle Quilt • Vendors • Special Exhibits • Children’s Activities • Food Service


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Newman Y Programs & Events Register on-line

Youth/teen spring danceMarch 19th Fri 6:30 - 9:30 P.M.

Calling all 11 to 16 year olds to celebrate spring at the Newman YMCA. Open to the Community $6 per ticket. Must purchase your ticket in advance. Pizza, Lemonade, Professional DJ

Family Movie Night - Friday, March 12th 6:30 P.M.

Y Members Free non-members $8/family Big screen projector movie in the gymnasium, bring your own pillows and blanket, snacks available. Like a drive-in but warm!

Parent’s Night Out

Friday, March 19th 5:45 - 8:45 p.m. - $10 Y members Children ages 3-11 do an art project, play gym games and eat dinner at the Y so you can have a night out while your kids are safe and having fun.

Indoor Birthday Parties

Schedule a great indoor party: Toddler Tumbling; Gym Time; Moon Bounce; Kids Choice – dance, gymnastics, basketball and more; Sports Specific; Splash in the Pool. All parties include a host or hostess, balloons, party room for food and a gift for the Birthday Child.

Eat Cheap Nite- March 25th Thurs 5:30 - 7:00 P.M.

Join us for a healthy, inexpensive dinner sponsored by local restaurants. Thanks to Rehoboth House of Pizza for a great meal continued on next page

The Newest Lobster Raffle In Town All Proceeds Support Riverside Raiders Cheerleaders and Football Players!


Noon-4pm 1st Drawing starts at 1:30 Weekly On Saturday Afternoons Now thru April 10 (No Raffle on Nov 28, Dec 26, Jan2)

Where: Knights Of Columbus Hall Crecent View Avenue-Riverside (In the hall - clean friendly environment)

Come watch your favorite sports teams on the NEW Big Screen Tv’s! Food and Beverages will be sold Full Schedule Listed At...


The Reporter March 2010

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Renaissance Gymnastics Academy, Inc. Find out why.... “We’re More Than Just Cartwheels!” GRACE * STRENGTH * CONFIDENCE * COORDINATION * BALANCE * READING READINESS * POWER * HEALTH * FLEXIBILITY * DETERMINATION Year-round enrollment in our Academic Session Summer Registration ~10 % Early Bird Discounts thru 4/1/10 Call for your FREE introductory class TODAY! 887 Waterman Ave ~ East Providence 401-435-0159

in February and look for Shaw’s to provide the banquet in March. Pre-registration is required. Make the night complete with family swim or Zumba class. Moonbounce and gym games for children 8 and under. Workouts or swim for 9year olds and up. Proceeds benefit the Newman Neighbors Helping Neighbors Campaign to provide child care and camp for children. Members $3, Non Members $6.

Free Cancer survivorship program – Livestrong

Livestrong was created in collaboration with Lance Armstrong Foundation and Stanford University, is being offered FREE at the Newman YMCA. Participants will improve functional capacity, increase quality of life, build muscle mass and strength and reduce the severity of therapy side effects. The program is 12 weeks long and offered two times per week. Register with Judy jcerrito@

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Campaign

Suzanne Nadeau of Rehoboth has been named the Community Campaign Chairperson for the Newman YMCA “Neighbors Helping Neighbors 2010 Campaign”. The Newman YMCA is a charitable non-profit organizations dedicated to building healthy spirit, mind and body for all through programs, services and relationships that are based on our core value of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Throughout Rhode Island and South Eastern Massachusetts, the YMCA responds to critical community needs in the areas of health and wellbeing, youth development and social responsibility. The Y supports those who are well and those living with chronic illness or disease. The Y helps parents keep their jobs by providing high quality preschool and before/after school care and helps those families who are un or under employed by providing services and programs for their families at reduced rates or free. Our mission work impacts thousands of people. To accomplish our mission we need your support. To contribute or find out more about how you can help, go to our website or call: Newman YMCA 472 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA, call 508-336-7103 or register online www.YMCAGreaterProvidence. org.

Ocean State Ice Theatre Presents the Third Annual


A Skating Exhibition Featuring Local Artist: Jaimee Fernald, Danielle Olney, Brad Vigorito, Corey Haxton & Nick Moormann And performances by Ocean State Ice Theater Novice Team Performing “The Lion King” & OSIT Introductory Team After the exhibition the ice will be open for the audience to skate, skate rentals available!

DATE: Friday, March 26, 2010 TIME: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Lynch Arena

Come out and support your fellow skaters and friends.


March 2010 The Reporter

Club News & Announcements Rumford Lions Helping Others

Over the holiday season the Lions Club of Rumford provided groceries to 30 families to help them enjoy a holiday meal. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving saw deliveries made to 15 families throughout the city. The menu included a turkey and all the trimmings needed for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. On Tuesday December 22nd another 15 families received a ham and the addons needed for a festive meal. All 30 deliveries included some extras to assist the families with a few additional meals. In response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti the Rumford Lions donated $500 to Lions Hope for Haiti through the Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF). Lions Clubs from throughout the world (Lions are in 205 countries) have donated over $2 millions to help the people of Haiti. One hundred percent of all donations go directly to Haitian relief. A few Christmas ornaments of the Pierce Field gates are still available. Contact a member of the Rumford Lions or email us at to purchase an ornament. Cost is $15 (s&h $1.50), please put Ornament in the subject. These ornaments make memorable keepsakes and great gifts. A new memorable ornament is made each year. New ornament sales begin by September. The annual road race & walk to benefit the Scott Gorham Scholarship Fund & other Lions Charities will be held on Sunday June 27, please save the date. At a later date registration forms will be emailed to all who have provided their address. You may be added to the mailing by sending your email address to Please put Road Race in the subject. Looking to join a great organization to help people and communities? Become a Lion and enjoy the pleasures of helping others. Our motto is “We Serve”. Contact any Rumford Lion officer listed at View this website for what Rumford Lions do for the community. And visit the Lions International site for added information about Lions clubs and becoming a Lion.

Riverside Circle #28 Daughters of Isabella

Meets Thursday, March 11 at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Crescent View Avenue, Riverside, Rhode Island.


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The Reporter March 2010



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March Book Party and April Fiction Workshop At Writers’ Circle

The public is invited to celebrate The Writers’ Circle 2010 Anthology, Sunday, March 21 at 1:00 p.m. at Borders Books in the Providence Place Mall, Providence, RI. The program is free and open to the public. The event features key note speaker, author Jon Land, live music, café refreshments, book sales, the authors’ table, readings of poetry and short fiction, and a photo exhibit. Drama, fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry are featured in the anthology, which celebrates the Circle’s seventeenth year. Authors featured in the book are: Bob Colonna, Robert Levinson, Jon Land, Susan Bergeron, Dorothy Clark, Charles Greaves, David Howard, Ashley O’Brien, Sally Sanford, Marcia Taylor, Charles Whitin, Mike Fink, Nellie Fagen, Robert Mariani, James Marlow, Celest Martin, Patricia Pierannunzi, Martha Collins, Carol Anderheggen, Nancy Brown, Tom Chandler, Jack Coulehan, Lisa Christine, Diane Dolphin, Silent Lotus, Lawrence Krips, Michael Mack, Brett Rutherford, Michael Sheff, Lisa Starr, Christopher Stewart, and Heather Sullivan. To order a book for $21.50 or to reserve a chair for the event, call 401-461-6691 or e-mail Starting April 7, Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Writers’ Circle will conduct a 10 week Flash Fiction workshop with author and editor, David Howard, at 1087 Warwick Avenue, Warwick, RI. The workshop is by invitation, only. Applicants should send a 5 page sample of their writing, along with a cover letter, stating all contact information, and reasons for wanting to participate. Deadline to apply is April 2. For more information go to www.riwriterscircle. com, 401-461-6691, or e-mail Flash fiction is a rapidly growing genre and one with many new publishing opportunities. The ten week workshop in Flash Fiction will provide a useful model for writers to use in creating their own short story under 1,000 words. The workshop will include some examples of the genre, creating a flash fiction plot and characters, guidelines for writing, editing the story, linking a series of stories, marketing your work. Each participant will complete a 500 word story as part of the workshop, and receive a critique of that story as well as a list of flash fiction markets to consider. Facilitator David Howard has directed many fiction workshops and has a thirty year history as an editor and published author. The Circle’s National Flash Fiction Contest is still open. Deadline for submission is June 10, 2010. First place wins $500 dollars and publication. Artistic Merit Nominees will also be listed and published. Winners announced August 2010. For guidelines, see web page at or The final judge is Dr. Randal Albers, Chair of the fiction writing department, Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois.

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March 2010 The Reporter

News from the Haffenreffer

ECHO Festival of the Performing Arts Celebrate — Song, Dance & Story Sunday, March 7, 4 p.m.

Providence, R.I — On Sunday, March 7 at 4:00 p.m., ECHO (Education Through Cultural and Historical Organizations) will bring the ECHO Performing Arts Festival to Brown University. Native and immigrant performing artists from Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi and Massachusetts come together to entertain and educate through a performance that shares their cultural traditions in an engaging, lively presentation suitable for all ages. This year’s performance, Celebrate — Song, Dance & Story!, takes a journey down life’s paths, from childhood to love and marriage and beyond. Using traditional and innovative stories, songs, and dances, we learn of challenges and triumphs, while also exploring the values of these communities and what is important to them, whether respect for ancestral ways or the dangers of jealousy and vanity. ECHO Performing Arts Festival is celebrating its 10th year of providing compelling educational programs. This program takes place at Brown University, in Salomon 101/DeCiccio Family Auditorium. ECHO is administered by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement. This performance is a collaboration of the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology and Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA. The Haffenreffer Museum houses a fascinating collection of artifacts from the Native peoples of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. It is recognized as one of the leading anthropological teaching museums in the Northeast. The Haffenreffer Museum offers public lectures, performances, symposia, festivals, summer camps, and a broad range of related programs and events for all ages. For more information about the Haffenreffer Museum, call 253-8388, or visit us at

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The Reporter March March2010 2010



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Waterfront – 4 Bed Colonial, Beautiful 3 bed home, new Beautifully updated thru-out, 2.5 kitchen, 2 new baths, renovated baths, 2 fireplaces, large living & master w/ Jacuzzi, spacious 2 car dining, garage. $289,900 garage w/ 22 electric. $229,900

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March 2010 The Reporter

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New list, terrace, charming 3 bed, dining room, 2 car garage, walk to park/beach, $269,900

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Ron Faria George Erickson 401-578-0075 401-437-2030x237

Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

Luci Stoddard 401-641-8114


The Reporter January 2010



Timeless Gardens at The RI Flower Show

It’s Picture Framing Time at

Onlookers at the 2010 Rhode Island Spring Flower and Garden Show felt a “groovy kind of love” for the psychedelic design conjured up from inspirations of Woodstock and the VW vans of the hippie generation with this year’s theme of “Timeless Gardens”. They wandered through 1950’s inspired vignettes and even took “A Timeless Journey” through the “Coney Island of the East”- Crescent Park.

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Front right: Designer Michelle Sousa of Metamorphosis design; Front left: Emily Johnson of Emily’s Garden show; and Back: Scott Rose Big Sky Landscaping.

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March 2010 The Reporter


Home & Garden For nearly the past 20 years the Rhode Island Spring Flower and Garden Show has been the harbinger of spring for horticultural enthusiasts in the Southern New England area. With over 30 garden displays and garden market place vendors the show washes senses parched for spring colors and aromas. This year’s flower show assails the senses with floral smells, groovy retro music and brilliant color immediately upon entering the RI Convention Center’s doors. Designers and landscapers prepare for months prior to the show obtaining plant and display materials for the event. They turn the RI Convention Center floor from a slab of concrete to a cornucopia of floral and garden displays including stone walls, cottages, reflection pools and even giant sand sculptures. Participants started building their displays on 2/15 and finished up a mere three days later. Metamorphosis Design in association with local Rehoboth landscape company owner Scott Rose of Big Sky Landscaping gave peace a chance this year and became the Design Creativity award winner at this year’s show. Owner/ designer Michelle Sousa of Metamorphosis Design lived up to her “Wildly Creative” slogan with a VW van being flown away by a dove made from hydrangeas. Tranquil Lake Nurseries also put in a good showing with their creative display of drought resistant plants winning them a gold medal at this year’s show.

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The displays at the 2010 Rhode Island Spring Flower and Garden Show helped over 30,000 attendees ignore old Punxsutawney Phil’s winter predictions and get a breath of the spring air coming in just a few short weeks. The snow will be forgotten and those crocus flowers will remind us that warmer days are blowing in soon.

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The Reporter March 2010

Spring is in the air... Top 10 Kitchen and Bath Trends For 2010 (ARA) - Does your kitchen or bathroom look like it’s stuck in a time warp? Then it might be time to update the most-used rooms in your home. For inspiration, look no further than the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), which recently shared its top 2010 kitchen and bath trends.




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To compile the findings and determine the latest kitchen and bath trends, the organization surveyed those members who designed a kitchen or bathroom during the last quarter of 2009. According to NKBA, the top 10 trends for 2010 are:

1. Shaker style kitchen design 2. Maple and alder cabinetry finishes 3. Quartz countertops 4. Pull-down/pull-out kitchen faucets 5. Polished chrome finishes 6. Under-counter refrigerator drawers 7. Dishwasher drawers for small loads 8. Marble vanity tops 9. Integrated sink tops, drop-in sinks, vessel sinks and pedestal sinks 10. Bronze and stainless steel finishes

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March 2010 The Reporter


Time to start planning your projects We've Moved!

In the Kitchen

Making a big statement throughout the kitchen in 2010 is the addition of functional drawer appliances. One such example, which has been specified by nearly a third of NKBA’s kitchen designers, is modern refrigeration technology. Turning convenience into a luxury, under-counter refrigerated drawers feature adjustable horizontal and vertical dividers to keep frequently used items close at hand. Perfect for the ultimate entertainer, refrigerated drawers are quite roomy, typically tall enough to store a 2-liter bottle and wide enough to hold items such as serving trays and pizza boxes. If you’re tired of running the dishwasher when it’s only half-full, consider installing a dishwasher drawer. Because it’s independently operated, you can wash small loads as economically as large ones. Plus, the extra flexibility to run cycles simultaneously with your traditional dishwasher makes clean-up quicker and easier, explaining why nearly a third of designers are incorporating this new trend into kitchens, as well.

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The Reporter March 2010

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According to NKBA, just under half of bathroom designers utilize marble, as it provides a sophisticated look that’s reminiscent of Roman baths with its regal, refined detail that exudes a sense of luxury. Plus, marble countertops provide a stain-resistant, water-resistant, rugged and durable surface - ideal for child-friendly bathrooms or homes with just one bathroom that see a lot of traffic throughout the day.

Polished chrome finishes are another bathroom design trend for 2010. Look to incorporate this chic metal accent into all your hardware by updating the accessories in your bath, as well. You’ll be able to make a big impact with small updates like new towel bars and robe hooks, for a completely coordinated look. Courtesy of ARAcontent

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In the Bath

Granite is the dominant material chosen for vanities in current remodels - used by seven of every eight designers - however, in 2010 alternative natural materials, like marble, will continue to grow in popularity.

NKBA also forecasts that integrated sink tops will be a popular choice this year, as you can easily use existing items to achieve this look. By adding a sink into an antique dresser or chest, designers are creating one-of-a-kind vanities for nearly 30 percent of all clients.

Free Estimates


Another popular element to include in the kitchen in 2010 is a pull-down or pull-out faucet. Utilized by 85 percent of kitchen designers, it’s an easy way to make a design statement at the kitchen sink while increasing functionality. The new Arbor pull-down kitchen faucet from Moen seamlessly brings simple sophistication to the kitchen with its transitional styling that complements virtually any decor. It’s available in a chrome finish, which is another 2010 trend to look for in appliances, accents and hardware throughout the entire kitchen. For more information about the Arbor pull-down kitchen faucet from Moen, visit or call (800) BUY-MOEN (800-289-6636).

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March 2010 The Reporter

East Providence Public Libraries East Providence Library Locations Rumford Branch Library, 1392 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Riverside Branch Library, 475 Bullocks Point Ave., Riverside, RI 401-433-4877

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Riverside Branch

Saturday, March 13th 12:30 — 2:00 P.M. Riverside Library Sports Book Club 475 Bullocks Point Ave., Riverside, RI 02915 Join us for a lively discussion of Seth Davis’s When March Went Mad: The Game that Transformed Basketball moderated by sports fan Mike Bender. Contact Joyce May at 435-1986 or for more information. Pick up a copy of the book at the Riverside Library.

Wee ’bit of the Irish

Monday, March 15th 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. (Rescheduled from 3/8/2010. Call 433-4877 for concert location.) Celebrating Ireland in Story and Song. What would March be without a wee ’bit of the Irish? Your toes will be tapping before you know it as the Celtic soul comes alive in the merry performance of Mary King, Tom Maguire, Phil Edmonds, and storyteller Marilyn Meardon! With new music and stories each year, this free all-Irish concert is perfect for the whole family! Step dancers are welcome too!

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Monday, March 22nd 7:00-8:00 P.M. (Call 433-4877 for program location.) Women in Art

Celebrate Women’s History Month with us! Local artist Margaret Owen wowed the library audience with her portrait class last fall. Now she returns with a rollicking slide show of paintings by women from 1476 to the present with commentary on subject, technique and process as well as how it all fits into family life. Library programs are free and open to all. Contact Joyce May at 435-1986 or for more information and thank you for your patience during our exciting Weaver renovation project.

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The Reporter March 2010

March Programs at the Riverside Branch Library

Oriental Rugs Workshop Thursday, March 18th 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Wii Video Games For Seniors Mondays, March 8th and 22nd 1:00 - 2:00 P.M.

Heard about it but never played? It’s YOUR turn to play tennis, baseball, bowling, golf or boxing Wii Video Games! Have fun and get some exercise as you learn how to swing, hit and throw with the Wii remote. This program is free and open to the public, no registration required.

Rhode Island Small Business Development Center Information Session Thursday, March 11, 2009 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Lelani Bonner, Director of Training & Marketing, will tell you about the free and low-cost personalized consulting, training seminars, assistance, and information available to small businesses and entrepreneurs at the RI Small Business Development Center. The RISBDC is linked to many business development programs in our state and you will benefit from knowing how to draw from this wealth of offerings! She will also tell you about a new service that will give you an in depth review of your financial situation. This program is free and open to all and registration is required.

Roz Rustigian, Oriental rug expert and owner of Rustigian Rugs in Providence, will talk about the practical aspects of Oriental rug ownership such as the repair, cleaning and maintenance of Oriental Rugs. She will also discuss rug selection and use for decorating your home. She will start with an identification overview and share a brief history of Oriental Rugs along the Silk Road from Eastern Europe to China. Rugs will be displayed and Roz will entertain questions at the end of the lecture. This program is free and open to the public, no registration necessary.

Chat about anime and manga, share fan fiction and art, play trivia games, watch short anime try Japanese crafts, etc. while sampling Japanese snacks. Monday, Mar 1, 3-4 p.m. @ Riverside



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Charity Day


Animanga Group


Open Mic

Sing a song, recite a poem, play a tune. The mic is yours! Bring your voice, guitar, keyboard, etc. and perform for your friend’s cafÊ style. Bands, soloists, and/or other group acts are welcome. Food and drinks will be served. Wednesday, Mar 17, 6:00-7:30 p.m. @ Riverside Earn community service credit: Knit blanket squares for a blanket which will be donated to a homeless family (don’t worry, we’ll provide needles & yarn, and teach you how), or write letters to U.S. soldiers stationed overseas. Monday, Mar 15, 2:304:30 p.m. @.Fuller

East Providence Public Library March Activities for Middle & High School Students @ the East Providence Public Libraries

#/.7!9 4/523 CALL 800-888-4661


Writer’s Group

Practice writing individually and as a group using games and fun exercises to develop skills in poetry & story writing. You’ll have the opportunity to publish in the library’s magazine. Monday, Mar 22, 3-4 p.m. @ Weaver

T.G.I.F! -DDR, Guitar Hero, board games, etc. Every Friday, 2:30-4:30 p.m. @ Riverside (except Apr 23 – School Vacation)

It's Free... Did you know...You can send Wedding and Birth Announcements, Club and Organization Events and Meeting Dates, School News, Church listings and special events and more!!!

Send or call 508-252-6575 for more information

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March 2010 The Reporter Crafts

Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m. @ Rumford Mar 9-Basket Weaving with Magazine and Newspaper cutouts Mar 23-Beaded rubber band jewelry Wednesdays, 3-5 p.m. @ Fuller Mar 24-Friendship Bracelets For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held, or

March Activities For Children @ East Providence Public Libraries Storytimes

Weaver-Closed for renovation Fuller Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. ages 2 - 3 Riverside Mondays, 10:30 a.m. ages 2 - 3 Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. ages 4 - 6 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. ages 2 - 6 Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. ages 0 - 2 Rumford Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. ages 3 - 6


Riverside Branch Library Chess Club Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Ongoing through March 9 Ages 6 – 18 Pizza Party Finale on March 9 Registration required. Call 433-4877

Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. March 11 - Elephants @ Riverside March 25 - The Little Red Hen @ Weaver

Charity Day @ Fuller

Monday, March 15 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Earn community service credit: Knit blanket squares for a blanket which will be donated to a homeless family (don’t worry, we’ll provide needles & yarn, and teach you how),or write letters to U.S. soldiers stationed overseas.

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Fuller Branch Library 3 – 5 p.m. Monday, March 8 - Make a Tube Friend (all ages) Monday, March 22 - Book Bingo (all ages) Wednesday, March 24 - Friendship Bracelets (ages 10 & up) Rumford Branch Library 3 -5 p.m. Tuesday, March 2 - Spring windsocks (all ages) Tuesday, March 16 - Irish Step Dancer Craft (all ages)

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We read and act out great stories, tell jokes, make crafts, eat snacks, and play games. Books are read during the program.

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The Reporter March 2010

SCHOOL NEWS Bay View Will Send 12 Girls to the Rhode Island Science and Engineering Fair (RISEF)

In March the 12 scientists from Bay View will gather at CCRI and be judged on the state level. “We are very proud of all the efforts and are particularly pleased that our girls remain so eager to dive into science.” said McCarthy. The 12 girls representing Bay View are as Follows: L-R Top Row: Alexandra Indeglia, North Kingstown, Patricia Gauthier, Smithfield, Cristina Marsocci, Scituate, Shannon Vallande, Cranston, Emma Wallace, Providence, Middle Row: Emily Sulanowski, Cranston, Katherine McCann, Swansea, MA, Bianca Saliba, Johnston, Ellen Bamberg, Scituate, Margaret Schreck, Providence, Front Row: Lili Lan Visgilio, Providence, Rachel Simoneau, Coventry , Mary Catherine Calouri, Scituate, Alexandra Scala, Rumford, Sara Kourtesis, Tiverrton.

Dick Thomas, Realtor Associate He's a hell of a Guy! Feature Of The Month East Providence This home looks like a builders model. Everything is new & in impeccable condition. You will love it and it is priced to sell so don't delay. 2 fireplaces. Granite counters. High end appliances. All new cabinets. 2 Much 2 list call 401-474-1504 today.


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Innovative and Interesting Hypotheses Put to the Test by the 8th Grade Scientists January 28, 2010 Riverside, RI - The 8th girls of Bay View have spent the last several months carefully preparing for the first round of judging to earn a spot in the RISEF finals at CCRI in March. The subjects pondered and tested represented a wide range of topics including; Is Your Dog a Southpaw? Saliva or Purell? You Filthy Animal! Your Computer Keyboard, What Germs Lurk? The Cat’s Meow! Tee Time, to name a few. “What makes this project so special for our girls is the opportunity to take their everyday enjoyments like animals, horses, sports, hobbies and find the science angle.” Said Mrs. McCarthy 8th grade science teacher, “They spend much time to decide the nature of the investigation and frankly I am always amazed by the topics and enthusiasm with which they devour this project.” The third floor open space in the Bay View Middle School was covered with exhibits, log books photos and girls eager to share their projects with any willing ear. According to the RISEF website “Science is everywhere. In the home, in the garden, in the office, in the supermarket, on TV, on the street everywhere. No matter what you do, to be successful you will need to learn how to think critically and creatively and how to work with others.” Since 1995, the Rhode Island Science & Engineering Fair has served as a premier primary education student research showcase. With participation of approximately 500 students from 90 schools across the state, RISEF’s goal is to promote science education and investigation by RI students. RISEF will continue to promote the importance of science education and showcase the unique talents of Rhode Island’s brightest students. McCarthy noted, “Over the years Bay View has had a very successful record at the state wide competition, and we know this year we are sending some very impressive work.”

March 2010 The Reporter

TOWNIE HEROES This week...

Joseph Lydon Classroom Teacher Member, East Providence Education Association Retired Colonel, United States Marine Corps Father of three Joseph Lydon takes pride in the many different roles he plays within the East Providence community. He has served our country, raised a family and volunteered for charitable organizations. But his most important work is the education of East Providence’s children. Joe works every day, inside the classroom and out, to provide our children with the best education possible - making sure they reach their full potential.

Thank you Joe, for your dedication and commitment to making East Providence a better place to live for everyone, especially our children.

Proud to be a teacher. Proud to be a Townie. Paid for by Working East Providence



The Reporter March 2010


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Lance Faria Wins Riverside Middle School Geographic Bee

Riverside, RI, January 28 - Lance Faria, an eighth grade student at Riverside Middle School, won the school-level competition of the National Geography Bee. Lance will be honored at Riverside Middle School with a certificate of achievement and a medal from the National Geographic Society. The school-level Geography Bee, at which students answered oral questions on geography, was the first round in the 21st annual National Geographic Bee. The Bee is sponsored by the National Geographic Society. Following the results of this first round, all RI school winners took a written test. The top 100 scorers in the state on the written test will be eligible to compete in the RI State Bee April 9, 2010. The National Geographic Society will provide an all-expensepaid trip to Washington, DC for state champions and teacher-escorts to participate in the National Geographic Bee national championships on May 26, 2010. The first-place national winner will receive a $25,000 college scholarship and a lifetime membership in the Society. The winner will also travel (along with one parent or guardian), all expenses paid, to the Galapagos Islands with “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek and the “Jeopardy!” Clue Crew. The winner will experience geography firsthand through up-close encounters with the wildlife and landscape of Galapagos. The National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. Founded in 1888 to “increase and diffuse geographic knowledge,” the Society works to inspire people to care about the planet.

March 2010 The Reporter

Riverside Middle School Students Send Help to Haiti

Students at Riverside Middle School sent a check to the American Red Cross for $1,500, on Thursday 2/4, to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The money had been collected for about a week at the end of January in an almost spontaneous school wide effort. The collection began when RMS Foreign Language teacher Yira Polanco began a collection in her classes. She was quickly overwhelmed by the generosity of her students and decided to begin asking for donations throughout the school. Before long, students could buy one dollar raffle tickets at lunches for a chance to win one of two $25 Target and two $25 Wal-Mart gift cards. All proceeds were sent to the Red Cross.




Kent Heights Elementary School December PBIS Award Recipients

The following students were recipients of Kent Heights Elementary School’s PBIS Award: Megan Amore, Tess Amore, Katherine Atwell, Kylie Bahry, Alex Berger, Jacob Braga, Mackenzie Brogan, Kaylee Cady, Gaetano Calise, Sabrina Claudino, Samantha D’Alessandro, Donovan DaSilva, Mykel DeJesus, Kevin Fernandez, Allison Forand, Callie Frazier, Mya Graham, Jamison Grover, Hannah Hendricks, Edivania Lopes, Teddy Mason, Haley Massa, Annai McLean, Colin Monteiro, Olivia Peixinho, Nathan Perry, Hailey Placido, Devin Ponte, Ashton Robertson, Lynette Sam, Sara Sanchez, Aidan Schwab, Caroline Silva, Evan Soares, Brianna Taylor, Owen Tellier, Chante Weeden, and Alexandra Wolski. Congratulations to our PBIS award recipients for consistently being kind, hardworking and safe!

Come in for a free visit try a Zumba, Yoga, Aqua or any of Come inexercise for a free visit our 50+ group classes per try a Zumba, Yoga, Aqua or any of week,our you’ll feelexercise comfortable among 50+ group classes per “Just For Kids” Clothing Sale Covenant Cooperative Nursery School friends, neighbors caring week, you’ll feel comfortable Come in for a freeand visit among Spring Fundraiser neighbors andor caring tryfriends, a Zumba, Yoga, Aqua any of instructors all dedicated to healthy A “Just for Kids” Clothing Sale is planned for Saturday, April 10th instructors all dedicated to healthy from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon at the Covenant Cooperative Nursery our 50+ group exercise classes per lifestyles School at 165 Rounds Avenue in Riverside, RI. Gently used clothlifestyles week, you’ll feel comfortable among ing for boys and girls (sizes 0-8) will be available. The school welcomes donations of clothing, including shirts, sweaters, pants, dresses, footwear and outerwear. Contact the nursery school office (401) 433-3196 for more information.

Martin Middle School Career Day March 18th

The Guidance Department at Martin Middle School will be holding Career Day for all eighth grade students on Thursday, March 18, 2010 from approximately 8:00 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. The morning will start with coffee and pastry in the cafeteria at 7:30 a.m. You are invited to join us, talk with our guests, and stay to hear the presentations of each of the speakers which will be held in the cafeteria. Your time and support is greatly appreciated by all of us as well as our students.

friends, neighbors and caring instructors all dedicated to healthy lifestyles

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The Reporter March 2010

Myron J. Francis Elementary School Supports Local Food Pantry

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On Friday January 8th, the Myron J. Francis Elementary School held their annual Food Bank Bingo event. This year, the event was held to benefit the Bread of Life Food Pantry located at the Newman Congregational Church in Rumford, RI. The Myron J. Francis PTO sponsored the event which raised $838.87 and collected 160 canned goods for the food pantry. Year after year, Myron J. Francis Families have shown their commitment to the local community by coming out for a night of fun while supporting a great cause. Parents and local businesses showed their support through volunteer efforts and generous donations for our raffle prizes. According to Myron J. Francis Principal, Mrs. Lloydanne Leddy, “I am proud of the Francis School Community. The spirit and generosity of this school community is amazing! Community service is extremely important and our children learn best by example and participation.” The Myron J. Francis PTO looks forward to continuing this tradition in the future, especially as this year has presented more need than ever. According to the Bread of Life Steering Committee the need for food and resources has doubled since its opening in April 2009. During the first 9 months of operation, the Pantry served 3,250 families, the majority of which sought assistance during the past 3 months Every donation assists the Pantry to assure it will be there to help those in need in the months to come. To help meet the need of the local community, The Bread of Life Food Pantry always welcomes donations from individuals as well as organizations. For more details on how community members can help, please call the Pantry c/o of Newman Congregational Church at 401-434-4742. Special Thanks! The Myron J. Francis PTO would like to thank the following local businesses for their donations to support our Food Bank Bingo: Bertucci’s Restaurant, Bowling Academy, Chardonnay’s Restaurant, Copy World, Dave & Busters, Outback Steakhouse, Panera Bread, Providence Bruins, Shaw’s Supermarket, Showcase Cinema

Myron J. Francis Elementary Students Help Haiti

At Myron J. Francis Elementary School, Students Think It’s “Cool To Be Kind”

In Addition, To Their On-Going Community Service Activities, Next week, February 1-February 5, Myron J. Francis students will be conducting a week long effort to collect money for the victims of the magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. The students have chosen Save the Children as the recipient of this drive. During the week: • Myron students are invited to participate by bringing quarters from home February 1- February 5 - Quarters for Quake Victims. • Student project leaders will visit classrooms daily during the week to collect quarter donations from their fellow students. • Students WILL CREATE incentive posters about this project for the school AND write encouraging letters to the children of Haiti. • Students will ALSO participate in educational activities about Haiti, earthquakes and math projects utilizing the donated quarters. • Friday, February 5, children may wear red & blue to honor the victims (the colors of the Haitian flag) and may further contribute by bringing in a dollar bill on that day. The Day Will Be Concluded with an assembly to honor victims.

March 2010 The Reporter

Moses Brown School’s Krause Gallery Spring Line-Up

East Providence School Dept. Child Outreach Screening Program

Moses Brown School has released the spring schedule for upcoming events and exhibitions at Krause Gallery. The Krause Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting a diverse selection of contemporary art work from both local and national artists. Exhibits are free of charge and open to the public.

Week of March 22nd-March 26th

FREE screenings designed to take a brief look at developmental skills in the following areas:

Krause Gallery

Moses Brown School • 250 Lloyd Ave Mon-Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. & by appt 401 831-7350 x174

• speech & language • cognitive • fine & gross motor • vision • social & emotional • hearing It is recommended that all children ages 3, 4 and 5 participate in Child Outreach screening. Call 433-6259 for an appointment. Child Outreach is sponsored by: East Providence Public Schools and the Rhode Island Dept of Education

February 2nd – 26th: Anne Mondro depth, layers; Michele L’Heureux; Peter Ciccariello March 2nd -11th: MB Student Portfolio Show March 15th - 28th : RIAEA Annual Exhibit March 30th – April 23rd: Karina Hean details; Kathryn Hagy April 27th – May 28th: Patrice Sullivan family matters; Bob Martin June 1st -10th: MB Senior Show

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Founded in 1784, Moses Brown is an independent college preparatory Quaker school, enrolling 785 boys and girls, nursery through grade 12. Moses Brown is known throughout the region for engaging students in academics, the arts, and athletics, as well as promoting the value of community service. For more information, call 401-831-7350 ext. 112

*From the Editor*

The Reporter continues to provide local news to the public for free. We love to get as much news to you as possible. Unfortunately, due to lack of space in our paper, we cannot run honor roll lists for all the schools. On a level of fairness, we cannot run one school and not another. We hope you continue to send us your news and enjoy our paper!

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The Reporter March 2010

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Da Ponte Objects To Cox Rate Hikes

State House – Cox Communications will raise its prices for service and installation fees beginning March 1, 2010. Sen. Daniel Da Ponte (D-Dist. 14, East Providence, Pawtucket) strongly opposes the various fee and rate hikes proposed by Cox. “During this terrible economic time, everyday costs continue to rise while people’s paychecks remain the same or shrink all together. Cox’s proposed rate increases hit those who simply want to watch the local news with a clear signal,” said Senator Da Ponte. “To saddle these customers with a 25-percent rate increase while leaving alone those who choose to pay for the extras is, in my opinion, an unjust business tactic.” Cox Communications plans to increase its rates for limited basic service by 25 percent. Effective April 1, 2010, Cox plans on increasing its installation fees by 40 percent. Senator Da Ponte has sent a letter to Cox Communications voicing his opposition to the proposed rate increase for Cox subscribers.

Rep. Hearn Aims to Ban Those under 21 from Nightclubs That Serve Alcohol

State House – As violence in nightclubs continues to increase, particularly in downtown Providence, city officials have called on state legislators to take action and enact measures to make these establishments safer for patrons. To help resolve much of the violence and criminal activity that occur in clubs across the state, Rep. Joy Hearn has recently introduced legislation banning anyone younger than 21 from entering a nightclub that serves alcohol. The bill (2010-H 7404) will be heard today by the House Committee on Corporations. “In recent years, law enforcement has seen a dramatic rise in nightclub violence, particularly during ‘underage nights’ when young people under 21 can get into bars that are normally 21-plus establishments,” said Representative Hearn (D-Dist. 66, Barrington, East Providence). “Most nightclubs are 21-plus for a reason. These ‘underage nights’ are a breeding ground for violence because underage individuals are generally not mature enough to handle the nightclub experience.” She said that while nightclubs are prohibited from serving alcohol to underage patrons during “underage nights,” many underage clubgoers consume alcohol before entering the establishment or accept alcoholic drinks from friends who are 21. “Nothing good can come out of any situation that mixes underage individuals with access to alcohol,” she continued. Co-sponsors of the legislation include Rep. Michael J. Marcello (D-Dist. 41, Scituate, Cranston), Rep. Amy G. Rice (D-Dist. 72, Portsmouth, Middletown, Newport), Rep. John M. Carnevale (D-Dist. 13, Providence, Johnston) and Rep. Lisa Baldelli-Hunt (D-Dist. 49, Woonsocket).

Da Ponte Urges Prayers and Assistance to Madeira Victims

State House – Sen. Daniel Da Ponte (D-Dist. 14, East Providence, Pawtucket) recently sent a letter to the Rhode Island Congressional Delegation in hopes that assistance could be brought to the people of Madeira who suffered tragic mudslides and flooding over the weekend. “As I am sure you are aware, the island of Madeira was hit with a devastating tragedy over the weekend that saw mudslides killing 42 people, and with a death toll that will most likely continue to rise over the coming days. As a fellow legislator with a heavy Portuguese constituency, I am writing to you in hopes we can combine our efforts to assist those who were left in need,” said the letter addressed to Sen. Reed, Sen. Whitehouse, Congressman Kennedy and Congressman Langevin. Da Ponte requested the delegation to contact the State Department to inquire about any additional assistance the country can offer. Senator Da Ponte also asked the delegation to petition the European Union to declare the island of Madeira a disaster zone, qualifying them for supplemental assistance.

March 2010 The Reporter

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Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Rep. Gablinske Named Vice Chairman of Newly-Formed House Small Business Committee

State House – Rep. Douglas W. Gablinske (D-Dist. 68, Bristol, Warren) has been named vice chairman of the newly-formed House Committee on Small Business, announced Speaker of the House William J. Murphy this week. The committee, created to bring more focus to the importance of the small business community to Rhode Island’s economy, will review legislation relating to the streamlining of licenses and permits, eliminating or decreasing bureaucratic steps and delays and uncoordinated or duplicative reviews and filings, and reducing associated added costs to businesses. Several bills introduced this session have already been referred to the House Committee on Small Business for consideration and will be heard in the coming weeks. “I feel that the Committee on Small Business is the perfect fit for me, given my background and experience in business for the past 25 years,” said Representative Gablinske, who owns a real estate appraisal company. ““I think my professional credentials and knowledge will be helpful in serving as vice chairman of this very important committee and in analyzing the bills that come before us.” Representative Gablinske also serves on the House Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, the House Committee on Corporations and the House Committee on Separation of Powers.

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Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

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Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

cell 40 office



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The Reporter March 2010

“Immerse in the Story”

The Newman YMCA KIDSWORLD has enhanced our “Immerse in the Story” library thanks to a generous grant from Comcast. These children in our Kidsworld Preschool at the YMCA are excited about their new literature purchased with a grant from Comcast. The children are from East Providence, Seekonk and Rehoboth. The new books emphasize diversity and caring about others. Through our Immerse in the Story initiative, preschoolers in our Kids World Licensed child care and preschoolers in our community at large explore literature by first reading or listening to a story and then by experiencing the story in a new way. This may mean representing the story by creating a piece of art, by seeing a live characters from the story, by watching a play or by dressing up and dramatizing the story. We collaborate with community agencies and organizations to present these opportunities to the children. The Newman YMCA maintains a policy of turning no one away from basic services for lack of ability to pay. For these families, we maintain a program of financial aid, helping them to bridge the gap so that their child can benefit from services

Standing (l-r) Zoey P – Seekonk, MA, Gianna P – Seekonk, MA, Nicholas K – Seekonk, MA, Gabriella S – Rumford, RI (seated) Gillian L – Rumford, RI Seated (l-r) Caisius P – Seekonk, MA, Sophia W – Seekonk, MA, Connor H – East Providence, RI and Lila M – Seekonk, MA

Considering Adoption?

Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

Providence, February 18, 2010 – Adoption Options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 959 North Main St. in Providence on March 18, 2010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331-5437 or visit

March 2010 The Reporter


Instant CASH for GOLD Recycle E-Waste & HHW at RIRRC on March 13

Dispose Electronics And Hazardous Waste In One Trip To The Landfill

Johnston, R.I. (February 19, 2010) – Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation will hold an Eco-Depot and electronics recycling collection on Saturday, March 13 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Central Landfill, 65 Shun Pike in Johnston. This household hazardous waste and e-waste collection program is a free service for RI residents. Most electronic waste – televisions, computers, monitors, printers, keyboards, laptops, CPUs, zip drives, scanners, modems, and mouse devices - cannot be placed in the trash or recycled in R.I.’s curbside program. By dropping off these materials at RIRRC, you can be assured that the equipment will be recycled properly and safely. Eco-Depot is one of the best programs available in the state. At no charge, RIRRC will accept household hazardous wastes - such as oil-based paints, propane gas tanks, fluorescent light bulbs - and safely dispose them so that they will not pose a threat to the environment. Products that have warning labels are usually classified as HHW. For a complete list of eligible materials, go to On the site, you will be able to book an Eco-Depot appointment. “We ask that everyone who wants to use Eco-Depot to make an appointment so that you can be in and out in several minutes,” said Mike OConnell, executive director of Rhode Island Resource Recovery. “We know that everyone wants to get through their Saturday chores quickly and booking an appointment time will reduce waiting time at the landfill.” Appointments are not necessary for recycling e-waste. Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation is the quasi-state environmental agency dedicated to providing the public with environmentally sound programs and facilities to manage waste. The agency helps fund and promote the state’s recycling program, and owns and operates the Materials Recycling Facility and Central Landfill in Johnston.


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The Reporter March 2010

East Providence Senior Center News 610 Waterman Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 • Dining Room 435-7872 • Fax 435-7803 Zumba Tuesdays, Noon to 1 p.m.

Let's face it, working out can be healthy, rewarding and beneficial. Working out can be lots of things, but it's never been known to be an exhilarating experience… Until Now! The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is

simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, and to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you've got a Zumba® class! In the past years, the Zumba® program has become nothing short of a revolution, spreading like wildfire, and positioning itself as the single most influential movement in the industry of fitness. As of July 2009, the Zumba® program is being taught at over 40,000 locations in 75 countries, has sold millions of DVDs, and has changed the lives of Zumba® Fanatics worldwide with an astonishing five million participants taking Zumba classes every week. Why? Because it's the best party around. Beginning Tuesday, March 2nd Noon to 1 p.m. The cost is $5.00 per class

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Simple ways to protect your home and ways to avoid probate will be two of the many topics discussed.

Library Circulation of books from January 2009 thru December 2009

VISIT WWW.Statelineins.COM Fill out a secure online form. An actual agent promptly reviews your information to assure that you get the very best deal we can provide. Virgil Sales, Jr., CLU, ChFC Stateline Insurance & Financial Services Inc. 520 North Broadway, East Providence, RI 02914 • 401-438-8345

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Books recorded out 1421, total days open 242, average per day 5.87. Since we have been in the new addition our circulation has increased from 4.13 books to 8.42 books recorded out per day. Our large print collection is growing. Our senior center book club participated in the 8th annual read across RI program. The new library has received many compliments and everyone including the library volunteers are very happy to be in the new addition. We thank Valerie LaCross for providing a well organized, warm, and comfortable setting in our library. We also thank the volunteer library staff of: Carol Ladeira, Sue Gamache, Claire Dawson, Madonna Rock, Virginia Gonsalves, Ginny Cobb, Shirley Gorden, and Joe LaCross.

March 2010 The Reporter

East Providence Police Citizens police Academy

If anyone is interested in joining the group this year, please pick up the application in the senior center administration office. If you have a friend or family member who would like to participate, please have them do the same. The academy is generally limited to 20 participants due to space limitations. Participants must be at least 18 years of age, residents of East Providence, and have no criminal record. A tentative start date for the 12 week program is March 18, 2010.


Joseph Grillo, MD Now Accepting New Patients! Internal Medicine

Tai Chi at the East Providence Senior Center

Tai Chi is being offered on Tuesday mornings @ 11:00am at the East Providence Senior Center. This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body. For more information, please contact the center at 435-7873.

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Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. $3. Integrated YOGA for emotional/mental power. Flexibility, strength, balances, beauty, stretching, weight reduction, improved breathing, relaxation, and stress relief. All are components of our Yoga classes.

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Beginners Yoga Mondays 10:30 a.m. $3 Ballroom Dance

For More Information Call 508-252-6575

Monday 2 p.m. $3. Relearn all the old moves on the ballroom dance floor as well as some new ones. Singles are welcome.


Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m. $2. Instructor Karen Boyd gives members a great cardiovascular workout. Hand and ankle weights are used to tone and build your muscles.

Tai Chi

Tuesday 11:00 a.m. $3. This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body.


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The Reporter March 2010

Toy Platoon Reporting for Duty!

treadmills, two recumbent bikes, an elliptical stepper, hand weights, and six dual weight machines. Other features include a matted floor, mirrored walls, water, stereo, and cable TV. You must have approval from your physician to participate in this program. Forms can be obtained in the Administration Office. The fee is $35 for a one year membership.

Bridge Pokeno Cockroach Cribbage Hi Lo Jack League

Card Games

Monday & Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Friday

1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

Monthly Highlights

left to right standing: SPC Dianne Chase and SSG Lora left to right sitting: Rita Champagne and Norma Walker East Providence, RI - January 21, 2010 – Winslow Gardens residents recently teamed together with Operation Homefront and local Dollar Tree stores to help assure a wonderful holiday for young military children. Winslow Gardens residents recently teamed together with Operation Homefront and local Dollar Tree stores to help assure a wonderful holiday for young military children. In December, several dozen boxes and bags of toys donated by Dollar Tree customers were delivered to Winslow Gardens. The residents spent a very busy week sorting and packaging the toys. The toys were delivered to the Jonathan Harwood Army Reserve Center in Providence, RI for holiday distribution to family members of U.S. Military. Operation Homefront provides emergency and morale assistance for troops, the families they leave behind and for wounded warriors when they return home.

Located in East Providence, Rhode Island, United Methodist Elder Care is an affordable continuum of housing and care serving 206 very-low to moderate income seniors. Winslow Gardens offers independent-living subsidized apartments and affordable assisted living apartments complemented by full service dining and assistance with activities of daily living. The adjacent Linn Health Care Center offers skilled nursing home care, long term care and rehabilitative services. An on-site chaplain and dynamic activities staff work to create a warm, enriched, and inviting community life. Residents of all religious, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds are welcome.

Genealogy Class 1st 9:00 a.m. Genealogy Class 1st 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 1st 10:30 a.m. BrightStar Lifecare 2nd 10:30 a.m. Weight Maintenance 2nd 10:45 a.m. Clinical Lab 3rd 8:30 a.m. Stroke Club 3rd 1:30 p.m. Tax Assistance 4th 9:00 a.m. Genealogy Class 8th 9:00 a.m. Genealogy Class 8th 10:30 a.m. East Bay Center 9th 9:00 a.m. Home Instead Senior Care 9th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 10th 10:30 a.m. SNAP 10th 2:00 p.m. Tax Assistance 11th 9:00 a.m. SNAP 11th 11:00 a.m. The Townie Red Hats 11th 1:00 p.m. LifeSpan Medical 16th 10:30 a.m. Veteran’s Benefits 16th 10:30 a.m. Food Stamps 17th 10:00 a.m. Tax Assistance 18th 9:00 a.m. Ask a Lawyer 18th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 18th 10:30 a.m. AARP Board Meeting 18th 2:00 p.m. In-Sight 19th 12:45 p.m. East Bay Center 23rd 9:00 a.m. Columbus Bank 23rd 10:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 23rd 10:30 a.m. RSVP Board Meeting 24th 1:00 p.m. Tax Assistance 25th 9:00 a.m. Advisory Board 25th 9:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 25th 1:30 p.m. Caregivers Support 29th 10:30 a.m. Independence Home Health Wares 30th 10:30 a.m.

Classes Crafts

Monday & Thursday 1:00 p.m. Craft class makes dolls for Hasbro Children's Hospital and cancer pillows for Women & Infants Hospital. Other “make and take” crafts will be taught.


Tuesday 9:30 a.m. $5. Come learn a form of watercolor for all levels of talent. Some of the fantastic artwork is displayed throughout the center.


Tuesday 1:00 p.m. $5. This group of artists works with pencil drawing, beginners to advanced welcome.

March 2010 The Reporter

Computer Classes

Sessions & Times Vary. Our computer lab consists of class room computers and computers for general use. All computers are on-line. Courses offered: Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Word Part 1 & 2, and Introduction to the Internet Part 1 & 2. Computer classes are conducted by trained computer teachers. Classes are held in 4 week sessions. Each class meets for 1 hr. and 15 minutes. The cost per session is $20/members and $25/non members. Classes are filled on a first payment basis. Class size is limited to six students.

Support Groups Diabetes Support

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Open meeting held monthly for people with diabetes to meet for mutual support. The group meets the fourth Thursday of each month.

Caregiver’s Support

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. This support group is held the fourth Monday each month. The sessions offer support and sharing with others who are caring for loved ones.

Stroke Club

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The Stroke Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month and provides entertainment, education, support, socialization, refreshments, and transportation for stroke survivors and their caregivers.

In-Sight Support

12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. In-Sight offers programs and support in productive living for the vision impaired. The group meets the 3rd Friday of every month.

Daily Programs Computer games Billiards Cards Nutritional Lunch Bocce ball Walking Track Morning & Afternoon Coffee

Senior Center Library

The library is a very warm and lovely place for people to choose a good book and read in a nice quiet area. We continue to receive many donations of new and current books. These donations have truly enhanced the quantity of our library. We also have current magazines for your enjoyment. The book club meets on Monday afternoons. New club members are welcome.

General Services

Elder Information Specialist: Our Elder Information Specialist assists the elderly and their families in providing information/referral and assistance with accessing services and programs. Nutrition Program: The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 125 seniors per day. The Cranston Senior Center provides the meals. Case Management/Senior Services: The center coordinates with East Bay Community Action Program Inc., for all casework and follow-ups. Protective Services Council, made up of city depart-


ments and mental health/social service agencies, meets monthly to discuss problems concerning the elderly. Transportation: The center has two buses that are used daily for door-to-door transportation to and from the center. Notary: This service is available in the Administration Office at no charge. Seminars: Monthly social, educational, and financial seminars on topics relating to seniors. Manicurist: A manicurist visits the center weekly for manicures and polish changes. Gift Shop: The gift shop has many different items for the convenience of the seniors. Small items from candy and greeting cards to jewelry, handmade items and crafts are available.

Leisure Programs

Book Club Bingo Scrabble Meditation Class Library Computer Games Billiards

Monday Tuesday Wednesday & Friday Friday Daily Daily Daily

1:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 8-4 p.m. Lounge Lower level

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Nutrition-Weight Loss. Our next ten-week session begins the last week of this month. You must pre-register for this award winning program by contacting Rita in the Health Office. Get a new you for spring! Did you know we have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office? They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certified diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870. Free weekly meditation group! Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica RN lead this wonderful group each Friday at 11 a.m. This program is open to all from beginner to expert. Try something new to reduce your stress. Our walking club is on hiatus until good weather. Please thank Rita and Kathy for their wonderful assistance with this program. They will be back! Our new vendor program has been successful! Local vendors who have services or products of interest to seniors will have space in our lobby to showcase themselves. This month we have in our main lobby: March 2: Bright Star Lifecare March 9: Home Instead Senior Care March 16: Lifespan Medical March 23: Columbus Bank March 30: Independence HomeHealthWares, diabetic foot care information We are very pleased to have Bayada Nurses for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, March 1st from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Please stop by and find out what these wonderful home care specialists can do for you and your family. Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group will be meeting the first Tuesday, March 2nd at 10:45 am in the seminar room. We will be discussing Body Fat and Water Percentages. Please join us so we may continue this group! East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday March 3rd, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor.


The Reporter March 2010

Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Bridge Book Club Craft Class

8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Cards (Cockroach) Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball PACE Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) Postal Service (1st Tues) Drawing Class Cribbage BINGO Stroke Club (1st Tues)

8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble Tai Chi Exercise Nutrition

9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tax Preparation (Feb. & Mar) Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support Group (4th Thurs)

9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Pool League Scrabble PACE In-Sight Support Group (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League Ballroom Dance





Daily Lunch Noon Library 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Coffee Hour 2:15 p.m. Fitness Center 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. (Closed 12 - 1 p.m.)

The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello LICSW, assists our seniors with any of their needs. Kathleen is at the senior center twice monthly, in the Health Office, for individual appointments. This month the dates are March 9th and 23rd from 9 a.m. to12 noon. Please see Rita in the Health office for a confidential appointment. Waterview Villa’s nurse, Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, March 10th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Come sit and chat with her. Lisa Marie McCormick RD from SNAP is now here twice each month! On Wednesday, March 10th at 2 p.m. and Thursday March 11th at 11 am Lisa Marie will be discussing The DASH Diet. Please join us. Lisa Marie brings treats and recipes to this free program! The Food Stamp Assistance program will be here on the third Wednesday of every month to assist seniors with eligibility requirements and the application process. Many seniors are eligible and they do not know it! This month Janet Holmes will be here March 17th. Please contact her at 437-0006 ext. 147 to make an appointment. Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, March 18th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with Ivone Joia about this lovely facility. Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, March 23rd in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility? They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Just contact them directly at 246-2500. Diabetes Support Group will be meeting on Thursday, March 25th, from1:30-3 p.m. in the seminar room. We will be having an open discussion. This program is free and open to anyone with diabetes. Please join us for support and helpful hints from others with diabetes. Our Caregiver’s Support Group is scheduled for the fifth Monday, March 29th at 10:30 a.m. in the seminar room. We will be having an open discussion. If you are caring for someone, this group is for you. Please join us for support. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call Rita at: 435-7870.

Gift Shop

Remember to visit our lovely gift shop located in the dining room area. We have a great selection of hand made items, gift cards, and snacks.

East Providence Senior Center and Monty’s Trips Feb. 15th - 17th

Atlantic City/Tropicana $153.00 pp Dbl. Occ. to include $20.00 Bonus, 1 Brunch, 1 Dinner, Revue Show, transportation, accommodations and driver’s gratuity. Single $243.00 - Triple $143.00 Cancellation Insurance $15.00

March 17th

Saint Patrick’s Show Fest - $60.00pp featuring Trooper Dan. 1st stop will be at the Vanity Fair Outlet for a coffee break and a view of the latest fashions. You’ll receive a discount coupon cook and a shopping bag. Then you’re off to a Lively Irish Musical Show and Luncheon at White’s of Westport. Luncheon will include Corn Beef & Cabbage, Roast Turkey with homemade stuffing served family style with soup, potato, vegetable, dessert and beverage.

April 16th -19th

Washington, DC - $369.00 Dbl Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 6 meals – 3 breakfasts and 3 dinners, Tours of US Capitol, Embassy Row, several War Memorials, Arlington Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Institute, Iwo Jima Memorial, Tombs of the Unknown, Georgetown, 1 dinner with entertainment, motor coach transportation and much more. Triple Occ. $349.00 Single Occ. $489.00 Cancellation Insurance $35.00

May 21st-28th

Oldies Cruise to Bermuda – Hosted by Harvey Robbins, Concert Producer & Founder of the Doo Wop Hall of Fame. Inside cabins from $895.00 - $905.00, Ocean View cabins $1095.00, Balcony cabins from $1295.00 to $1325.00. Private invitation to shows and party. Insurance available.

June 28th-30th

Lake George - $395.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 2 nights accommodation at the Georgian Resort, 2 full Breakfasts, 2 full Dinners including dinner show featuring Laura Roth, visit to Saratoga Springs Casino, and motor Coach transportation and driver’s gratuity. Insurance available. More details to follow.

Aug. 29th -Sept. 1st

Wildwood, NJ - $320.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodation, 3 full breakfasts, 3 full dinners, day at the Tropicana in Atlantic City to include their bonus package, visit to Cape May and much more. Driver’s gratuity included. Insurance available. More details to follow. Sign up in the East Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401)

March 2010 The Reporter 435-7800 Ext. 7 Or Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194


Coupons “Making a Difference'

We ask all to bring in clipped coupons found in the Sunday newspaper and maybe we can make a difference. They are distributed to the spouses and children of troops who sometimes struggle to make ends meet on military salaries.

Cell Phone Recycling

The center is collecting used or discarded cell phones. Most phones end up in kitchen drawers collecting dust. By partnering with Cellular Recycler, we have developed a way to make the most of used cell phones. A box is in the administration office for depositing the cell phones. We thank you in advance. The phones will either be recycled for their precious metals according to EPA standards or be refurbished for use in developing countries. The memory of each phone is “flashed” to wipe out any previous information stored on the cell phone.

Remember When:

Warwick Shoppers World - It carried everything from housewares to clothing "The Original Wal-Mart". Taken over by Zayre's then taken over Ames - Closed in the late 70's. Kennedy’s Clothing Store, Located at the Corner or Dorrance & Weybosset streets in downtown Providence. Well known for its men’s suits and casual wear. It also had some woman's apparel. Kennedy's closed in the early 80's during the mall boom. The Strand Theater, 84 Washington Street, Providence. The Strand opened on 12th June 1915 as a movie house. Adams Drugs - Chain drugstore - many locations all over RI, later it was taken over by Brooks. Scuncio Chevrolet, Smithfield, RI, Putnam Pike Closed late 80's early 90's - Owned by Ed Scuncio. One of the best Chevrolet dealers in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Auditorium, North Main Street, Providence - Before the Civic Center this was the place for Concerts, Sports, Professional Wrestling, RI Reds Hockey! Warwick Musical Theatre, Rt. 2 Warwick, Hosted some of the greatest stars from Paul Anka, Liberace to Frank Sinatra. Known as "The Tent" Lonsdale Drive-In, Lincoln, RI. This was a fun place to see double bills in the 70's. Stayed open through the late 80's. Better Bake Shop, Smith Street, Providence, RI - Owned by Mr. Ricci, The best everything! St. Patrick’s Day you could get

Green Zeppoles! The Bakery closed in 1999 after 54 years in operation. Pub Dennis, Had locations in Cranston & Woonsocket - Bar & Grill type restaurant. Kids loved the "Strawberry Denny's Special Frozen Drink" while the adults loved the Potato Skins & Burgers. Closed in the late 80's.

Important New Tax Information

Anyone filing has to bring additional information with them this year For tax Form 1040A, Copy of Social Security Form 1099, Copy of property tax bill, For renters, a copy of your lease or rent receipt. For Form 1040, Current years tax form, All w-2’s, All other tax form information Deduct Certain State and Local Real Estate Taxes on Your Federal Tax Return For the 2010 tax year, taxpayers who use the standard deduction on their Federal Tax Return will be entitled to an additional standard deduction for paying certain state and local real estate property taxes that would be deductible on Schedule A, line 6, if itemizing deductions. Single taxpayers will be entitled to a maximum of $500 and joint taxpayers will be entitled to a maximum of $1,000. The amount will be added to your standard deduction so be sure to bring your Real Estate Tax information with you when you have your return prepared. Also if you


bought a new car, light truck, motorcycle or Motor Home you might be able to deduct the sales tax on your Federal Tax Return.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

A brief lesson in Irish history. St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is one of Christianity's most widely known figures. He was born in Britain to wealthy parents in the fourth century. It is believed that he died on March 17; around 460AD. He was taken prisoner at the age of sixteen by a group of Irish raiders that were attacking his family's estate. They took him to Ireland where he spent six years in captivity. Away from people he worked outdoors as a shepherd. Lonely and afraid he turned to his religion for solace, and became a devout Christian. After six years he escaped and walked nearly 200 miles to the Irish coast after a voice-which he believed to be God'sspoke to him in a dream, telling him it was time to leave Ireland. After reaching Britain it is reported that St. Patrick experienced another revelation-an angel in a dream tells him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Shortly after, he began religious training that lasted for more than fifteen years. After his ordination as a priest he was sent to Ireland to both minister to Christians already living in Ireland and to convert the Irish to Christianity. He incorporated


The Reporter March 2010

traditional Irish rituals into his lessons of Christianity instead of eradicating native Irish beliefs. St. Patrick's Day started as a religious feast celebrating the anniversary of St. Patrick's death. This was observed as a religious holiday for thousands of years by the Irish. The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in the United States as Irish soldiers serving the English military marched through New York City. Along with their music, this helped them reconnect with their Irish roots. Today St. Patrick's Day is observed Countries all over the world.

Steps to Longevity

By Robert N. Butler, MD Aging Well - Committing to a consistent regimen of walking contributes to healthful aging. It requires no membership, costs nothing, and requires only the dedication to exercise on a regular basis. And exercise is an important component of longevity. Aging well doesn’t happen by accident. It requires effort from those who want to age well. It requires real work and dedication not only to oneself but also to one’s life. It’s not enough to persevere in helping the body age well; it requires a commitment to preserving the mind as well. We have no definitive evidence that brain aerobics, for example, through physical activity, social interaction, or intellectual stimulation, stalls Alzheimer’s disease. But we do know these activities help maintain cognitive vitality or brain health and are very important for the enjoyment of old age. That enjoyment requires some sense of genuine purpose—to continue to work or undertake volunteer activities, such as joining Experience Corps or ReServe to maintain a vital, productive relationship to society. We know that perhaps no more than 25% of our health and longevity depends on genes, leaving some 75% up to us. This offers us a lot of power but also entails genuine responsibility and self-care. We need to expand our prevention efforts through a broad public health perspective. For example, there are some 15,000 senior centers throughout the United States. These are community facilities, 5,000 of which receive support of various types from the Administration on Aging. But the utilization rate is not what it should be. Senior centers need to be modernized and updated in at least two respects, both of which support healthy aging. First, senior centers should promote exercise, diet, and other healthful behaviors. Second, closely related to an individual’s purpose, older adults should be encouraged to contribute more directly to their communities. Such modifications of senior centers would promote healthy aging.

Of course healthy aging is a life course issue. It’s not something to simply introduce at the age of 50, 60, or beyond. A few years ago, several of us wrote a paper in The New England Journal of Medicine on the problem of obesity in America and the prospect that we may lose three to five years of life expectancy from the 30 additional years of life we gained in the 20th century. Further, for the first time in our history, our children may die before their parents. It is sad to see 10-year-old children who are obese and already have type 2 diabetes. I call on the citizens of America, the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force, and other appropriate organizations to help sponsor a national walking movement through which friends, neighbors, and families would walk together to increase their exercise levels. This is not expensive and requires no membership in a health club. A national walking movement is a simple but important step in dealing with the problem of obesity. It is critical to recognize the cost of failed health promotion and disease prevention. We must go beyond the doctor-patient relationship to achieve the goals of healthy aging, which requires healthy living throughout the life span. It is never too late to start and always to soon to stop.


Walter and his wife Shirley went to the state fair every year, and every year Shirley would say, 'Walt, I'd like to ride in that helicopter' Walt always replied, 'I know Shirley, but that helicopter ride is fifty bucks, and fifty bucks is fifty bucks' One year Walter and Shirley went to the fair, and Shirley said, 'Walt, I'm 85 years old. If I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance' To this, Walter replied, "Shirley, that helicopter ride is fifty bucks, and fifty bucks is fifty bucks' The pilot overheard the couple and said, 'Folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and don't say a word I won't charge you a penny! But if you say one word it's fifty dollars.' Walter and Shirley agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, But still not a word. When they landed, the pilot turned to Shirley and said, 'By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn't. I'm impressed!' Shirley replied, 'Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Walt fell out, But you know, "Fifty bucks is fifty bucks!'.

Always follow the Doctor's advice

Here are some gems from Dr. Lou Holtz (Former Football Coach) Dr. Lou told Lloyd Carr, the retired football coach at the University of Michigan: "Make sure you always have four things in your life: Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for and something to believe in." I learned that you can't tell people about your problems. 90 percent don't care and the other 10 percent are glad you have them. You can't go through life being bitter." Dr. Lou always ends up with some closing thought for the week. Here's a sampling: "If you want some great advice, don't ask Dr. Lou. Ask your spouse. There's no one who loves you any more, wants you to succeed any more or will be any more honest with you." "Progress requires this: You cannot steal second base and keep one foot on first. For every person who tells you can do something, you'll find 99 people who say you can't. Don't be discouraged by the 99, but be encouraged by the one person who believes in you." "Believe in yourself. You can't satisfy everyone. Just make sure that you please yourself." "There are two different types of people: Those who lift you up and those who pull you down. Lift people up; don't pull them down." "As Oliver Wendell Holmes said, 'What lies ahead of you and what lies behind you is of very little importance when compared to what lies within you.' If determination lies within you, you'll be able to find a solution to all your problems." My favorite from Dr. Lou: "10 percent of you won't remember 10 percent of what is said 10 minutes after it's said. But I hope it will cause you to think. I hope all of you have the desire to dream, the courage to win, the faith to believe and the will to succeed."

$10,000 Awarded

$10,000 Awarded to Support the Chaplaincy Program at Winslow Gardens and Linn Health Care Center East Providence, RI February 10, 2010 – The Rhode Island Foundation’s Board of Directors recently approved a $10,000 grant from an Anonymous Fund in support of the Chaplaincy Program at Winslow Gardens and Linn Health Care Center. Residents, staff, and families are appreciative of the ongoing support of The Rhode Island Foundation and the Foundation’s Stewardship Manager, Pamela Tesler Howitt. The Chaplaincy program is a vital and essential component of the comprehensive care provided to our residents, staff, and families.

March 2010 The Reporter

Scouting Around Town A Knock on the Door and Then…

...You open it to see your neighborhood Girl Scout standing on the porch with the cookies that you had ordered. You are probably asking yourself, “What took so long for the cookies to be delivered? I ordered those weeks ago.” Getting Girl Scout cookies from the bakers, ABC Bakers, the official Girl Scout Bakers since 1939, to your door is a very involved and lengthy process. This year Girl Scouts took cookie orders from January 4th through January 26th. Each girl then gave her order form to her troop’s cookie manager who tallied the order as well as the orders for the entire troop. Once completed, the troop’s order was forwarded to the Product Sales Coordinator for East Providence. The Product Sales Coordinator then compiled all of the troops’ orders for East Providence and forwarded them to Girl Scouts of Rhode Island headquarters located in Providence. Girl Scouts of Rhode Island then sends the orders for East Providence - as well as the other 35 communities which comprise Girl Scouts of Rhode Island - to ABC Bakers. ABC Bakers then trucks the cookies to the Paul Arpin Van Lines warehouse in West Warwick. The staff of Paul Arpin Van Lines then separates the orders for each of the communities and prepares them for delivery. This year East Providence Girl Scouts placed an initial order consisting of 1,431 cases or 17,172 boxes of cookies. The cases of cookies were “shrink wrapped” by kind in stacks measuring (approximately) 8 feet by 8 feet. They were then delivered by Paul Arpin Van Lines in a semi tractor-trailer truck to the Dean Warehouse in East Providence. From there the cookies were separated by volunteers into individual troop orders. The troop’s cookie manager then went to the warehouse at a designated time to pick-up her troops order. Cars, trucks and vans were used to transport the cookies to the cookie manager’s house where she separated them into each Girl Scout’s order. Each Girl Scout then picks up her cookie order from the troop cookie manger, takes them home and divides them into individual customer orders. Once completed, she goes to your house, knocks on your door and then…. you are given your long anticipated Girl Scout Cookies. If you weren’t home when your neighborhood Girl Scout took orders and would like to buy some cookies, please call Linda at 433-4028 to place an order.

Communion bracelets….

(birthstone colors available)

Confirmation gifts and Rosaries.

M.R.T. Jewelers 401.435.3500

927 Warren Avenue, East Providence Exit 8 Off 195 East to Seekonk

Tues, Wed, Fri 9-5:30pm • Thurs 9-8:00pm • Sat 9-4:30pm • Closed Sun & Mon



The Reporter March 2010

Low Cost Spay/Neuter for Cats

Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside and Webelos II’s from Pack 4 Riverside

Spay/ Neuter your cat now before you have kittens!!! Sponsored by Cat Adoption Team Services

RI has a mandatory spay/neuter law for all cats 6 months of age & older. This program covers free roaming, stray , feral and owned cats


for Spay/Neuter Rabies & Distemper Kittens can be done as early as 12 weeks old

Call Rita 433-1946 • Mary 724-5613 Debbie 437-0729 or Email:

“Crossed the Bridge...” Webelos II’s from Pack 4 Riverside recently completed their journey in Cub Scouts and crossed over to Troop 55 Riverside Boy Scouts. The newly dubbed Boy scouts are pictured on the ceremonial bridge along with their Den Leader, Mrs. Leslie Cousens.

Enrollment is open for the Troop and any boy who is interested in joining can stop by a weekly meeting which are held Monday Nights @ 6:30 at the American Legion Post 10 on Willet Avenue”

“Mush!” Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside and Webelos II’s from Pack 4 Riverside recently competed in the annual Pokanoket District Klondike Derby which was held at Camp Buxton in Rehoboth. Pictured are the scouts who competed as well as the adult leaders with the custom built Klondike sleds for each scout patrol.

March 2010 The Reporter


Birth Announcements St. Angelo

Robert St. Angelo Jr. and Amanda Morin of Riverside, are proud to announce the birth of their son Dominic Joseph St. Angelo. Dominic was born at 4:26 a.m. on November 18, 2009, at Women and Infants Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Laura and David Morin Jr. of North Kingstown. Paternal grandparents are Louise St. Angelo of East Providence, and Robert St. Angelo of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Demetrios Designer

Wedding Dress Weddings, Engagements & Anniversaries We List Weddings, Engagements & Anniversarys for Free! Email Announce ment and Photo to If you have any questions call the office at 508-252-6575

NEW, UNALTERED, UNWORN, with tags • Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic,

shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering

mermaid style. Train is chapel length. • I bought the dress at a bridal shop but ended up getting a different dress. (Shops don't allow

*Price just dropped! Bridal shops charge $1,000-$1,300

Only $700.00

Please call Laurie 339-221-0704

Come by to give it a try...of course you may bring your mom or girlfriends to help. Located in Rehoboth

Happy dress shopping! - Laurie

PS: In the magazine pic it looks more form-fitting...I think it is her pose.


The Reporter March 2010

Dining Guide

and The Sons of Italy Pub & Banquet Facilities Classic Italian cuisine.

On Broadway Food, at Off Broadway Prices! Check out new pub menu and flat screens in the bar area where the drinks are strong & cheap! RI State Lottery and Keno in the Pub.

Redeem this ad for $10 Off Dinner or $5 Off Lunch

Catering For All Occasions •H

Banquet facilities available for up to 125 guests

Q ua ey ome lity Since 1945 Turk mad & f e S o up ee •T s • Schroders own Roast B ake ring Home Cate • r e Entrees • S d r o teaks cut to

99 Hicks Street, East Providence, RI. 401.490.0618


minimum 2 entree purchase, expires 4/10/2010

Check out

February 28th – March 6th

Boar’s Head Cracked Pepper Turkey......................$8.99 / lb Boar’s Head Picante Provolone Cheese..................$8.99 / lb

March 7th – March 13th

St. Patrick's Day Raffle TM

Saturday, March 13th 12-4pm

• Pot'O Gold - Gift Certificates • Pair Tickets Boston Celtics • Liquor Baskets • Pot'O Beef (Princess House Stainless Steel Pot filled with Corned Beef, bags of potatoes, carrots, and cabbage)

• Corned Beef • Lobsters • Prime Rib • Chicken • Shrimp • Steaks • Cash Prizes

The Original Lobster Raffle to Benefit Riverside Little League

Every Saturday • 12 - 4pm • Now thru Easter Bring a newcomer and you both buy tickets, and you'll each receive $5 worth of FREE tickets towards the "Special Box"




24 Monroe Avenue, Riverside, RI (off Bullocks Point Avenue)

Schroder’s Own Roasted Turkey...........................$7.99 / lb Cooper Sharp American Cheese............................$6.99 / lb

March 14th – March 20th

Schroder’s Own Roast Beef...................................$8.99 / lb Sorrento Provolone...............................................$5.99 / lb

March 21st – March 27th

Virginia Baked Ham..............................................$6.99 / lb Land O’ Lakes Cheese..........................................$5.99 / lb

March 28th – April 3rd

Boar’s Head Pastrami...........................................$9.99 / lb Finlandia Swiss Cheese........................................$7.99 / lb

Schroder’s Own fresh Ground Round $2.99/lb New Lite Lunch Menu Items $1.99 each Daily Lunch Specials $4.99 each, Monday – Friday We now accept EBT cards! Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 7am-6pm, Sunday 7am-1pm


e y


w r

March 2010 The Reporter


Phillips Street Restaurant 51 N.Phillips Street • East Providence, RI, 02914 401-434-3224 • fax 401-228-3323

Portuguese Cuisine

237 Newman Ave, Rumford, RI • 401-435-3037

• Daily Specials • Lunch & Dinner

Order Food For That Special Occassion S 12-6 M 12-9 Th 12-9 T closed F 12-10 W 12-9 S 12-10

Now Taking Orders for St. Joseph's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and All Occasions

$1.00 OFF

Holy Ghost Beneficial Brotherhood of RI

Any Purchase of $10 or More Expires April 5, 2010

• Quick Service • Casual Dining • Prepared Fresh Daily • Daily Specials • Catering • Little Amigos Menu • Gift Certificates

• Call In Orders • Take Out

Since 1989 Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner

Call Us to Cater your Special Event

Voted Best of RI by 2009

Seafood & Vegetarian Specials

• Margaritas & Sangria (by the pitcher) Agave • Mexican Beers 100% Tequila


Breads, Pizza, Calzone Loafs, Zeppole, Spinach Rings, and Much More!

Waterman Ave. Deli

97-99 Waterman Ave. • East Providence, RI

434-4964 • Fax: 434-5219

Every Friday Fish-n-Chips Fried Whole Clams, Fried Scallops & More

Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner * Daily Specials *

1379 Fall River Ave. Rt. 6 • Seekonk

Famous for our Homemade Portuguese Soup

651 West Main Rd. Route 114, Middletown, RI 401.849.4222 • Visit our website:

open Mon.-Thurs. 6am-6pm, Fri. 6am-7pm, Sat.7am-4pm

7 Days a Week... Come check out our NEW MENU!

Sundays & Wednesdays:

Tuesdays & Fridays:

Rock Star Karaoke Win $1000

Beirut Tournaments


Ladies Eat Free!


Dancing Nancy

Dave Matthews Tribute

*some restrictions may apply

D5 and After Effect

Kids Eat Free Live Everyday! Those Guys, What Matters?, Dirty Deeds *Check out our website for up to date events Every Saturday Bands including: 350 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA • 508-336-6634 Next door to: World Gym Plus


The Reporter March 2010

SPORTS UPDATE It's Raiders Time!! RIVERSIDE RAIDERS REGISTRATION!! Football and Cheerleading THURSDAY April 15th 6-8 FRIDAY April 16th 6-8 Knights of Columbus Hall Crescent View Avenue Ages: 7-15 Must be age 7-15 as of July 31, 2010 Registration Fee: 65 per child or 100 per family Questions: Call Shirley Winter at 433-3371 OUR COACHES TEACH SPORTSMANSHIP, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, PRIDE IN ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS, AND INVOLVEMENT IN OUR COMMUNITY No Previous Play Experience Necessary-We Are Here To Teach! Everyone Plays - in EVERY game!!

Riverside Raiders Executive Board or Head Coaching Position Request Form Executive Board Positions available for 2010 Elections 2 year positions

Head Coaching Positions Available for 2010 Appointment 1 year position All Teams for both Football and Spirit Midget, Jr. Midget, PeeWee, Jr. PeeWee, Mitey Mite (Letters are due to Shirley Winter - 19 Griffith Drive by Saturday March 13, 2010) Further information regarding duties, responsibilities and expectations of above positions can be found on our website: By filling out the information below and submitting this form, you agree to a background check and to follow all rules and regulations set forth by National Pop Warner, Regional Pop Warner and Riverside Raiders By-Laws. You also agree to participate in, help with, and support ALL Riverside Raiders Fundraisers and Events. Please remember that we are here for All of the Children!

East Providence Central Little League 2010 Sponsorship Packages Yes, I wish to support the East Providence Central Little League and contribute to the youth activities in my community for the 2010 baseball/softball season. Enclosed is my payment for the sponsorship level checked below: _______ $500 Sponsor • Official Team Sponsor • Outfield Fence Field Sign (For the entire Season) • Sponsor Plaque • Full Page ad in EPCLL opening day program • Website link from to your site • Opening day recognition _______ $400 Sponsor • Official Team Sponsor • Sponsor Plaque • Half Page ad in EPCLL opening day program • Website link from to your site • Opening day recognition _______ $300 Sponsor • Official Team Sponsor • Sponsor Plaque • Website link from to your site • Mention in EPCLL opening day program • Opening day recognition _______ $ Other • 2010 Field Improvement Campaign Any donations would be greatly appreciated and are tax deductable. Visit for more information. Sponsorship Information (Please Print or Type) Business Name:__________________________________ Contact:_________________________________________


Billing Address:___________________________________


City, ________________________________________

Phone numbers

State, _______________Zip Code:__________________

Email address


Position Requested Date Signature Experience, qualifications or reasons for requested position:

Email:____________________________________________ Website:_________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: “East Providence Central Little League” or EPCLL P.O. Box 14651East Providence, RI 02914 Receipts mailed upon request only

March 2010 The Reporter

CLASSIFIEDS Send Classified with Payment to The East Providence Reporter; P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising



Treadmill: Pro-form 390PI, power incline, 3 training zones, shows- speed, time, distance, calories, fat calories. Folds up, excellent condition. Originally $600, asking $325. 401-435-5799. (e310)

OLD FLOWER VASES: please donate for upcoming show, can pick up, call 401632-3602. (rfD)

FOR RENT For Rent: Apt. in East Providence, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, appliances, nice neighborhood, off street parking, no petsy smoking. Call 401-438-6764. (e310) FOR RENT: East Providence, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, appliances, nice neighborhood, off street parking. No pets/smoking. Call 401-438-6764 (e310)

VACATION RENTAL Custom Log Cabin: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from Cannon, Bretton Woods & Loon; weekly & weekends, Call 401-4334491. (e410)

GENERAL SERVICES CAN (Portuguese) to care for your loved one at your home. Call 954-8298 (e310)

HELP WANTED Preschool Teacher: Mother’s Hours. Join our caring team providing high quality preschool curriculum in the Newman YMCA Kidsworld. Our program is designed to the needs of children with concerns for their interests, special talents or challenges with emphasis on individual style and pace of learning and appreciation for diversity. 2 years experience requested. Send resume to Jen Faria (rfNY3) Personal Trainer: Looking to grow your business? Join the Newman YMCA team as we offer the Y Team Challenge and help people lose weight and inches while developing healthy lifestyles. We work with people of all ages and abilities from physically disabled to triathletes. Must have National Certification. Contact Luca DelBorgo (rfNY3) HELP WANTED: Residential cleaning service seeks person to be part of a team; part time up to 30 hrs. per week; Call Donna at 508-252-6497 or 401-524-5219. (rfCC3)

Landscape Services: Yard clean ups, grass cuts, bushes trimmed, light tree work, handyman work, reasonable prices, free quotes! Call 508-243-4723. (e310)

Donald E. MacManus Attorney at Law

General Practice of Law Including: • Wills and Trusts • Real Estate • Personal Injury • Business & Commercial

Call (508)336-6440 546 Arcade Ave. • Seekonk, MA

Licensed to practice in Massachusetts & Rhode Island


1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15 Additional Words $.25 each

Commercial RENTal Hairsylist salon space to rent or business partner: 181 Willett Ave. Call 401-723-3437 or 401-862-7560(e310)

Cutcliffe Glavin


ARCHETTO Attorneys at Law R.I. and MA. Bars

Conrad M. Cutcliffe The Packet Building 155 South Main St., Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-2963

(401) 454-1900 Fax (401) 331-7001


CANVASSING OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR East Providence Canvassing Authority seeks an administrative professional to manage Canvassing Office. Responsible for organization and implementation of all procedures necessary to conduct elections in accordance with Federal and State Laws, regulations and policies. Provides accurate/timely information to voters and candidates. Handles all voter registration and maintains files of related voter and election documents. Strong computer skills with expertise in Microsoft Office required. Prior experience in administration of elections and supervisory skill, knowledge of election laws and RICVRS preferred. $40,010 - $47,799 w/benefit package in accordance w/CBA. Resume w/cover letter: E. Providence City Hall, Attn: HR, 145 Taunton Ave., E. Providence RI 02914, must be received no later than 4:00 PM. Wednesday, March 31, 2010 . EOE/AA.


The Reporter March 2010

MARCH BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountant MLR Tax Services (Tirrell Realty) 17 Advertising Agent Conway Tours 44 Air Conditioning & Heat Vicmir 26 Architectural Design VIZCAD 21 Attorney Attorney William C.Maaia 25 Attorney Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 69 Attorney Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 69 Auto Body A-1 Custom Auto Body 24 Auto Body Fogarty Auto Body 28 Auto Body Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 14 Auto Dealers Hot Rides INC. 18 Auto Repairs Fred’s Service Center , Inc 44 Auto Repairs New England Tire 27 Auto Repairs Somerset Chrysler Jeep 8 Avon Products First Choice Fundraising 43 Bakery Crugnales Bakery 67 Bank Coastway Credit Union Attn Karen Decunha 10 Beauty Products Mary Kay - Connie Ackroyd 25 Building Contractor East Providence Siding 41 Building Contractor Gianlorenzo & Sons Construction 24 Building Contractor Wood Frame Structures Inc. 43 Carpentry - Finish Mark Koussa Carpentry 42 Chamber of Commerce East Providence Chamber 20 Child Care Beehive Childhood Center 50 Chiropractor New Hope Family Chiropractic 51 Chiropractor Riverside Chiropractic Center 48 Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles 51 Computer Services East Providence Computer Service 28 Consignment Store Saks Thrift Avenue 11 Credit Union Columbus Credit Union 35 Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union of East Providence 15 Dentist Dr. Dimitri Ganim 6 Dentist Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 8 Dentist Kenneth J. Rawlinson, D.D.S. 7 Dog Training/Fencing K-9 Contain & Train 26 Electrician Lightning Electric 41 Electrician North Star Electric 4 Engine Repair-Lawn Fred’s Service Center 39 Fence & Home Improvement Foxx Fence 38 Flooring - All Types Armoush Flooring 53 Food Service Thomsen Foodservice 16 Framing - Custom Frames of Mind 38 Fuel - Oil Affordable Fuel 32 Fuel - Oil Al’s Quality Oil Co. 7 Fuel - Oil Columbus Energies Inc. 18 Fuel - Oil Savard Oil Co. Inc. 16 Fuel - Oil Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 35 Fuel - Oil Wood’s Heating Service 45 Fuel - Propane Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 34 Function Room Rental Oyster House Marina 9 Furniture Leather Living Home 23 Furniture/Upholstery Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 32 Garage Doors Fred Brown 6 Gifts & Collectibles Cardsmart 33 Hair Salon Running With Scissors 22 Handyman Just In Time Handyman Service 6 Hardware Store Standard Hardware 39 Health Care Barrington Urgent Care 57 Health & Fitness Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 32 Health & Fitness YMCA - Newman 49

Home Improvements Grant’s Home Improvement 42 Home Improvements Professional Property Maintenance 34 Hotels Comfort Inn & Suites 48 Insurance Stateline Insurance 56 Insurance Agency Lezaola Insurance & Insurance House Group 16 Insurance Agency The Agency Paiva 57 Jewelers M.R.T. Co., Inc. 63 Jewelers Northeast Jewlers, Inc. 55 Junk Removal All Surface Cleaning & Junk Removal 34 Kitchen Remodeling Kitchens Direct, Inc 41 Landscape Materials The Big Dig - Wright Trailers 39 Landscape Service Moore’s Landscaping 24 Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care 43 Laundromat Launder Plus 12 Laundromat Willett Laundromat 29 Live Entertainment Dunkin Donuts Center 54 Music Doug’s Music Retail & Learning Ctr 13 Nursing Homes Waterview Villa 61 Optometrists Brown Center 19 Optometrists Dr. Lucia A. M. D’Angelo 14 Optometrists Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 50 Orthodontics Romani Orthodontics 17 Painting Contractor Adams Painting 21 Painting Contractor Cronan Painting 40 Parks Crescent Park Carousel 9 Plumbing & Heating Dyer Plumbing & Heating 9 Plumbing & Heating Fullport Plumbing & Heating 52 Pool Club The Grist Mill Pool & Tennis Club 15 Private School The Childrens Place Ltd. 29 Raffle The Merrill 13 Real Estate Bill Duquette - ReMax River’s Edge 21 Real Estate Juan Cerda Bank Of America 46 Real Estate Margaret Farley Realtor 22 Real Estate Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 12 Real Estate Mateus Realty 71 Real Estate Red Realty 2 Real Estate ReMax Rivers Edge 10 Real Estate The Tirrell Team 36 Remodeling Home Pro Remodeling 72 Restaurant Gavi Trattoria 66 Restaurant Lincoln Bar & Grille 66 Restaurant Luxury Box Bar & Grille 67 Restaurant Phillips Street Restaurant 67 Restaurant Schroder’s Deli 66 Restaurant Tito’s Cantina 67 Restaurant Waterman Ave Deli 67 Roofer/WaterProofing Cameron Roofing 42 Roofing Contractor Artesani Remodeling 19 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 40 Septic Systems AO Construction 14 Spiritual Healing Positive New Beginnings 50 Stone Wall Construction Daniel D. Wright Realty 40 Tanning Salons Exotic Tans (formerly Sunset Tans) 19 Tanning Salons SunSational Tanning 22 Theatres - Live Trinity Repertory Company 53 Town City Of East Providence Canvassing 69 Town City of East Providence Recycling 4 Town Working Rhode Island 47 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 42 Travel Cruise Holidays at the Stateline 30 Tree Service Advanced Tree 41 Wireless Verizon Wireless Zone 72 Writing - Editing David Howard - Writing Workshop 29

March 2010 The Reporter

Buying or Selling - Call

MATEUS Realty Serving East Providence and surrounding areas since 1975. The experience makes the difference!

So if you're ready to buy or sell, Call Mateus Realty today at 434-8399.

Attention Buyers!! • Large Inventory!! • Lower Prices!! Now Is A Great Time to buy!! • LOW Interest Rates U





EAST PROVIDENCE - Bright Ridge! 3 Br, 1.5 Bath Cottage. Dining, LR/ Fireplace, partially finished lower, gas heat, upgraded electric, siding, garage, fenced yard $199,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Vets Pkwy! Short Sale! Enjoy city/water views, bike path & golf. 2BR Ranch, heated breezeway, EAST PROVIDENCE - Centrally partially finished lower, HW's/tile rep. located!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cottage, windows, garages, corner lot $199,900 dining, hwd's, updates, sliders, prchs, garage, $179,900.





Seekonk -3900sf Custom Ranch w/ in-law. 5Br, 3.5bath, pantry, 2 kitchens, dining, FR, LR/FP, Cathedrals, skylights, french doors, porch, balconies. Master suite w/ jacuzzi & walk in closet. HW's, tile, granite, central air, 3 car garage, 1.2 acres. $879,900


RIVERSIDE - Great investment opportunity or owner occupied (1) 3Br unit (2) 1 Br units, siding, replacement windows, young roof, upgrade electric, $118,900

Barrington - Nayatt School!! New 5 Br, 2 1/2 bath Colonial, 1st flr Mstr w/ bath & jacuzzi, great rm, FP, dining, granite, hwd's/tile, gas hydro/central air, farmer's prch, sliders, patio, garages, 10000 SF lot on cul-de-sac. $469,900






East Providence - Brightridge/Silver Spring!! Well kept 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Ranch, 2 Kitchens, FR, Hwd's, gas heat, central air, upgraded electric, garage, deck, patio, 8000+ SF lot. $249,900

East Providence - 2/3 Br, 2 bath Ranch, partially finished lower with spacious FR, Den, Bath/jacuzzi, gas heat, Hw's/ tile, pool, fenced yard. $194,900




CRANSTON - Edgewood!! Near J&W, Estate Sale, waterview, 4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial, dining, Hw's, FP, expandable attic w/ staircase, front porches 1st & 2nd, siding, replacement windows. $199,900


East Providence -Impeccably maintained in & out!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial near new sub-division!! Spacious kitchen & Liv Rm, Hw's/tile, upgraded electric, young roof, siding, windows, french doors to deck, 24x24 car port. $199,900

Riverside - Clean 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Ranch, Master/Lav, Hw's, central air, updates, shed, fenced yard. $189,900

RUMFORD - Spacious 5 Br, 2 bath Colonial, 1st floor, master, office, pool, deck, gas heat, several updates. $249,900

434-8399 FALAMOS PORTUGUES • FAX # 435-3401

582 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914

Visit our website for information on these and other properties at...



The Reporter March 2010

This Year - Get It All Together all on one simple bill.

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1 Waseca Ave. - Next to Dunkin Donuts

One-year agreement required plus taxes & fees. $179 early termination fee applies. Not available in all areas. See store for details. *Network details & coverage maps at




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