March 2010 EP

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The East Providence

eporter R

MARCH 2010 Volume 6, no. 3


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

Behind the Badge at E.P.P.D.

East Providence

“Heritage Fest” Turns 30! Turn to page 16

by Gina Wesley-Silva

When it comes to standard police procedures, or understanding the unigue particulars of law enforcement, most people literally don’t have a clue. Sometimes this creates tension, distrust, and misperceptions between the police department, and the public at large. And, this is one of the reasons that the East Providence Police Department offers a Citizens Police Academy each year. The class has two purposes, one is to familiarize the public with what goes on ‘behind the badge’, and the other purpose is to improve relations with the general public. Let me give you a few examples of some common things you might see on the road that may seem strange. You are driving along and spot an approaching police car in your rear view mirror. The siren is on, and its red lights are flashing. You pull over to the right, continued on page 14

Spring Home & Garden

E. P. Students Support Help for Haiti

on page 38

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Fifth Grade students at Silver Spring School, under the direction of their teacher, Deborah D’Arezzo read with horror about the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Haiti. They brainstormed ways they could raise money and decided to create beaded bracelets to sell in school. In three days, they made and sold these bracelets to students and their families… enough to raise over $800. to send to the American Red Cross for the Haiti Relief Fund. Many thanks to these young philanthropists for their energetic response to people in need! They have learned that together they can truly make a big difference in this world.

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