March 2011 SR

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The Seekonk


MARCH 2011 VOLUME 23, NO. 3


Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989

Spring Home

& Garden

on page 60 annual used

book sale

Blanding Library, April 1-3 Friends’ preview, Fri. 5 to 8 p.m. General sale, Sat. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Seekonk Election...Meet The Candidates

In the town election on April , residents will be voting on three contested races – board of selectmen, school committee and planning board. Three former board members and a member of the planning board are running for two seats on the board of selectmen. Candidates Webster Larkin, Robert McLintock and John Turner have all served previously as selectman and on other town boards and committees, and William Rice currently serves on the planning board. Selectmen Robert Richardson is facing John Bilodeau for a seat on the school committee. Both candidates have served on the committee previously. For the planning board, incumben Phoebe Dunn is being challenged by Russell Horseman. The other races on the ballot are uncontested. The candidates are: Jan Parker for Town Clerk, Michelle Hines for Town Moderator, Phillip Campbell for a seat on the Water Commission, David Pitassi for a seat on the Board of Assessors and Cheryl Faria and Deborah Bostian for two seats on the Library Board of Trustees. There will be an open seat on the Housing Authority. The Reporter requested that the Selectman and School Committee candidates respond to questions and have published their answers in this issue. Turn to page 10 to learn more about the selectman candidates and page 26 for profiles about the school committee.

Seekonk Men Win Pond Hockey Classic

The RI Rangers consists six men. Tom Fecteau, Chris Lambert, Mike Mulvey, Scott Cronin, and Tosh Warren are all from Seekonk. The sixth player is Mike Dunne, of Cranston.The 5 Seekonk guys have been playing hockey together since they were Mites. Sean Fecteau also made the trip but didn’t play. Instead he coached and was referred to as Sean “Herb Brooks” Fecteau.

plus bake sale, yard sale & silent auction on Sat. only

Book clearance at $2 bag Sun. 9 a.m. to noon

Hummel Report Continues To Pursue The Truth Turn to page 94 for the March 3rd transcript of the most recent investigation in Rehoboth involving the BOS and Chief Enos or view the video at...

The RI Rangers with the coveted trophy. The trophy is a wooden replica of the Stanley Cup. Their names will be engraved on the trophy as the 2011 Pond Hockey Classic 40+ Division Champs. See full story on page 58.

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