March 2012 East Providence

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The East Providence

eporter R

MARCH 2012 Volume 8, no. 3


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

If you didn't receive this paper by March 7th, please call the Reporter at 508-252-6575

Spring Home & Garden See page 40

EP Middle School Sports Fans Protest

By Bob Rodericks They came in all ages, sizes and backgrounds...keeping their promise from hours earlier. Dozens of students and parents began lining up at 1:30 pm for a 3:00 pm budget commission meeting at EP City Hall. Under clear skies but with a chilly temperature, middle school athletes and their families held signs and waved to passing motorists on Taunton Avenue. Many cars and trucks tooted horns and waved encouragement to the energetic middle schoolers. Students from Martin and Riverside Middle Schools, along with parents and some city community sports coaches, held quickly made signs extolling the benefits of school athletics. The large crowd was festive in nature and determined to get their message across. “Save our sports, save our sports…” was the unmistakable chant resonating up and down the sidewalks of city hall. Passing motorists seemed to recognize what the youthful protest was all about as they honked horns and gave friendly smiles to the protestors. People entering and leaving city hall passed through the crowds of protestors and did not seem bothered by the scene. In fact one woman leaving city hall with a baby carriage and two children in tow, stopped to offer encouragement. “My children will be in middle school soon and I hope they have the chance to have after school sports and music,” she said. continued on page 16...

Middle school students outside EP City Hall.


The Reporter March 2012



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March 2012 The Reporter


East Providence News Briefs By Bob Rodericks

Middle School Sports News

By Bob Rodericks tournaments, etc. The middle school baseIt’s Now Official - EP’s Middle School ball team is a feeding program for the HS,” Athletics Eliminated. What many opposing said Face book blogger Larry Willey. Willey athletic teams from area schools could not also urged caution in the growing volunteer do, the state budget commission overseemovement - “there is also the matter of liing East Providence succeeded in doing. ability should a student get injured. There is Without scoring a basket or hitting a ball, a lot to consider and many questions to be Michael O’Keefe of the state appointed asked,” Willey added. And there was this budget commission ended middle school face book plea from EPHS Hall of Famer sports with the use of a pen and a swipe at and world gold medalist Kevin Robinson local elected officials. “The school Commit(KRob Foundation), “unfortunately, EP just tee keeps rejecting recommendations but received some bad news involving middle without giving alternatives,” stated O’Keefe. school sports- if you feel that you would like O’Keefe was upset that the school committo make a difference in your city and help tee refused to cut all-day kindergarten and out the children that don’t get a say in this close Oldham school as well as eliminate matter, come to the next K-Rob Foundation middle school sports. “The cooperation meeting at the Little Red Schoolhouse at isn’t there,” O’Keefe stated referring to the 20 Sprague Ave. in Riverside- Our mission school committee, during a commission is to help the children of EP get involved meeting in February. O’Keefe has not yet and stay involved in sports- WE NEED TO ordered the city to close Oldham or to ALL WORK TOGETHER ON THIS ONE!!!! eliminate all-day kindergarten but he clearly Spread the word!” asked Robinson. isn’t happy with those decisions. O’Keefe “This is (an effort) to get ideas rolling did sound the death knell for middle school about raising the money for our kids - NOT athletics. This technically means the end TO EXPRESS ANGER OVER THE CUT AND of boys and girls basketball, soccer, track, VENT ABOUT POLITICIANS!!!!!!! There will girls softball, wrestling, cheerleading and also be a meeting at the Little Red Schoolcross-country to mention several of the house in Riverside headed by Robin Adams interscholastic teams fielded by E.R. Martin Robinson AND Kevin Robinson ... IF WE and Riverside Middle Schools involving ALL WORK TOGETHER THERE IS NO WAY hundreds of students. THAT WE CANT HELP THESE KIDS,” added Martin Middle School soccer coach, Coach Coan. Long time head coach of the June Coan, has taken to the Facebook sohighly successful EPHS wrestling team is cial pages to rally and organize supporters very concerned. “We have always dependof middle school athletics. “Yes, we must ed on a great feeder system at the middle find the grants that are out there and fundschool level,” said high school coach Tom raise as coaches,” Coan said in her blog. Galligan. “Both Martin and Riverside have Coan and others have organized meetings prepared many fine student-athletes for of those in the community wishing to help. the high school. For the past several years Coan, however is urging supporters to Riverside Middle School has either finished plan a measured response to the dilemma. one or two in state finals and both middle “People are already talking about donating schools have sent individual state champs money, my petition just skyrocketed ... I am to us at the high school,” said a concerned happy to hear people are wanting to help, Galligan after a recent high school match. but please people, let’s get organized and Galligan’s townie grapplers are heading into find out how to give money and who’s conthe state finals as a major contender. trolling it and the specifics before we act on A few days before the state budget anything,” Coan blogged. “I will say though commission ordered the ending of middle I thank God I am not the Athletic Director school sports, the East Providence School today or anyone on the school committee Committee refused to do so. On a 3 to 1 because I’m pretty sure I would be going vote the committee voted to keep middle insane!” added Coan. Others have quickly school sports alive. Chairman Charles Tsoresponded to the call to save middle and nos, and members Chrissy Rossi and Ryan high school athletics (high school athletics Tellier voted to keep the program. Member is also being reviewed by school and state Steve Furtado dissented and expressed an commission members for eliminations). “I interest to explore the possibility of combinam a 1970 grad of EP. I went through the ing middle school sports teams and looking EP school system from K to 12. I am sure that we could get donation, fund raiser, golf continued on next page...

Did you miss getting your ad in the Spring Home & Garden section? You're in Luck... we are featuring this section again in April. Call 508-252-6575

Inside This Issue Births..................................56 Business Directory...................62 Classifieds................................ 61 Clubs......................................28 Dining Guide..........................59 E.P. Chamber of Commerce.....20 E.P. Town News.....................19 Events & Activities....................23 How You Can Help.................34 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................35 News Briefs................................3 Obituaries.................................49 Opinion From the Mayor's Office..21 The Other Side of the Desk...27 Parks & Recreation...............19 People....................................36 School...............................46 Scouting Around Town......52 Senior Center News...............54 Sports................................38 Spring Home & Garden........40 State House.....................60 Weddings..............................57 Who's Who.........................58


The Reporter March 2012

into volunteer booster clubs, etc. The majority of the committee extolled the virtues of keeping middle school students involved and the need to investigate “other bigger ticket items” in the budget that may be cut. Ryan Tellier spoke about the “need to educate a child academically and socially.” Member Luisa Abbatecola was not able to attend the meeting. At press time, several groups were planning to organize in an attempt to keep middle school athletics. Check daily with for updates. Rumford Bridge Cops… The Rhode Island Department of Transportation will pay for police traffic enforcement on Wilson Avenue and the Roger Williams Avenue area. East Providence police Sergeant John Andrews told a group of residents attending a community meeting that area traffic jams will be relieved by police officers directing vehicles at peak times in the morning and late afternoon. The state also talked about exploring more 4-way stop signs and lowering speed limits, in an area which already sees motorists speeding often. The Ten Mile River bridge detour has been estimated to take upwards to two years to repair. “Bring your ‘A’ Game!”… It seemed like fighting words for sure, but both state appointed budget commission chairman, Michael O’Keefe, and East Providence Mayor, Bruce Rogers exchanged those words at a recent budget commission meeting. O’Keefe is looking into the re-appointment of John Faria to the East Providence Housing Authority by Mayor Rogers. The re-appointment was a formality, not requiring a city council vote. Similar board appointments, however, are usually announced during public city council meetings. Rogers made this re-appointment in the city clerk’s office during the day and not before the city council. O’Keefe stated that all board appointments now need to come before his commission. When Rogers said that his actions were legal and that he would not change and would have his lawyer verify same, O’Keefe responded (to Rogers), “bring you’re a game.” Rogers then said, “oh, I’ve got an A game.” Faria is the chairman of the East Providence Democratic City Committee. O’Keefe Orders Halt to Council Benefits … The budget commission chair has ordered that medical benefit packages be stripped from city council members. O’Keefe stated that he did not think there would be any trouble in securing unpaid volunteers for all city boards and commissions. The state budget commission was also critical that full time city planner, Jeanne Boyle, is receiving over $29,000 in extra stipends for her role in the city Waterfront Commission. However city officials said that Boyle doesn’t receive this stipend unless the waterfront commission has the funding to do so. The total cost of all city boards and committees is reported to be approximately $135,000. Mayor Bruce Rogers was the only city counselor not receiving medical benefits. Rogers does receive $6500.00 in other stipends. More School Layoffs… The East Providence School Committee continues to pare down its’ school based staff with the approval of close to 40 layoffs at its’ February meeting. Some 29 teachers and most of the district’s remaining education specialists received layoff notices for next school year. The final number of teacher pink slips may change as student schedules and census are developed later in the year. State law requires school districts

to notify teachers regarding potential layoffs or non-renewals before March 1st. School administrations and school committees have long asked to extend that non-renewal notice guideline. Management stresses that fewer layoffs may occur once the more actual student census and scheduling needs are known after June of each year. However, teacher unions have fought to keep the March 1st deadline. The school system has just fewer than 6,000 students today, down from a system wide high of 10,500 in the late seventies. More layoffs may yet be considered at the central office level or with classroom teaching assistants. The school committee has also put off the hiring of a permanent Superintendent of schools until further notice. Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Edward Daft, remains the interim Superintendent.

Martin Middle School Gains in State Testing By Bob Rodericks

E.R. Martin Principal Glenn Piros met with the Reporter to issue

a statement to the community concerning Martin’s gains in state NECAP testing. “I am very proud of Martin’s students, faculty all staff and parents! We continue to excel here at Martin and I want our community to be aware of this,” Piros told the Reporter. Here is his press release in full: “Students Continue to Excel. The results of the 2011 New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) were recently released. This year’s test results continue to be encouraging for Edward R. Martin Middle School. On Wednesday February 15th, 2012 the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) also released their public report summarizing R.I.’s NECAP state results. Included in these results was an analysis of student scores in grades K-12. For Edward R. Martin Middle School these results were extremely positive. Last year Martin was one of two R.I. public middle schools that made “statistically significant” gains in reading. This year’s report identifies Edward R. Martin Middle School as one of R.I.’s middle schools with a 10% overall increase, or “statistically significant progress,” in both reading and math in 2011 compared to results in 2007. As we continue to analyze and compare student achievement, our students continue to demonstrate praiseworthy levels of achievement in both reading and math. These are statistical results that demonstrate great achievement throughout the entire school community. Congratulations to all students, parents, and educators on a job well done.”

Call 508-252-6575 to Advertise in The Reporter www.

.com Martin Middle School Principal Glenn Piros.

March 2012 The Reporter

Letters to the Editor...

The East Providence




Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in Letters To The Editor, Opinion Columns and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication... It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please Note: • Letters to the Editor MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters to the Editor MUST arrive by the 20th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!


Senator Frank DeVall Not Running Again

To the citizens of East Providence, Senate District 18:

Frank DeVall I have been very proud to serve the city of East Providence for the last four years as your State Senator, so it is with great gratitude and a bit of sorrow that I will not be a candidate for re-election to the 2012 Rhode Island Senate. Through your efforts I was fortunate to serve two terms, representing District 18, with outstanding Senators throughout our State and a legislative staff at the State House we all should be proud of. Since my election in 2008, I have been working on behalf of myconstituents to improve conditions in the lives of those residing in our state. I am proud that legislation I proposed resulted in assisting workers laid off by the closing of the Colibri Group, providing employees with extended health insurance coverage. I was also pleased to supportsuch legislative acts that advocated

for a fair, equitable school funding formula, that granted adoptee rights to vital records, and that established pension reforms to better equip our state to keep the state pension system sustainable for years to come. As I have stated in earlier statements, the pension reform decisions have had a direct effecton my own future. The results of two pension reform bills, in ’09 and ’11, have extended my own years of service to contribute by 12 years from 28 to 40 years. The circumstances of additional years before considering retirement and the further responsibilities of today’s school administrators with the new educator evaluation system would provide me with considerably less time to continue the demanding position as your Senator. Therefore my decision is to not seek reelection once the 2012 General Assembly session is completed. I would like to thank the 13,186 constituents who casted their vote for me over the four election campaigns that gave me the great opportunity to serve our community during an era where tough decisions had to be made. I appreciate the numerous contacts from constituents overthe past years which were so valuable in my study of an issue, helping to form my opinion. Whether in agreement or not, those conversations were generally respectful and certainly enlightening. I have learned much and many of you have helped me to sharpen my skills and abilities to serve. This opportunity would never been mine without the encouragement and support of so many. Thank you for your patience and thanks for all your efforts on my behalf! Sincerely, Senator Frank A. DeVall Jr. letters continued on next page...

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Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento cell 401-569-4726 Office 508-252-6575 Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Dustin Oerman Feature Writers Bob Rodericks Gina Wesley-Silva Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral TCI Press

PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.


The Reporter March 2012

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Sports Benefit the Entire School and Brings the Student Body Together with "Townie Pride"

Dear Governor Chafee: Recently, the state budget commission appointed to the city of East Providence has decided to deprive our students and community of the ability to participate in middle school sports. Although I fully understand the difficult job the commission must undertake, I fear this move will have dire effects on our students’ educational experience and will serve to erode our sense of community. On Feb. 23, hundreds of East Providence residents joined with our youth to voice their objections to the elimination of middle school sports. It was touching to witness the confidence and conviction these students demonstrated when they stood up before a large crowd to testify to the benefits they have gained in their academic and social development because of the school sports programs. As you know, the middle school years are the most formidable years of a child’s life. These students are leaving the comfort of their elementary school environments – where they have been for the past six years with the same student body – and are put into a new environment with unfamiliar peers and teachers. Their mentors have been left behind and their friends may have gone to a different middle school. It is at this point in their young lives that bullying and other negative influences can have such serious negative impacts on a child’s development. Middle school sports allow the student athlete to become part of the school community and to build new and long-lasting friendships. They learn the value of teamwork and the valuable lessons learned when you win and lose. Many of the students testified to the importance of their coach in their lives as both a teacher and mentor. Students spoke of how middle school sports have forced them to work harder at their academic goals and how they have led to remarkable improvements in test scores. Middle school sports benefits more than just the student athlete. It benefits the entire school as it brings the student body together to root for its school team. It builds pride within the school and the community. In many instances, this is the only opportunity some members of our community have to come together for a positive common goal: rooting for and supporting their student athletes. Many in East Providence refer to this as “Townie Pride.” It is an essential part of the fabric of our community. After having been exposed to the testimony of these young students this past Thursday, I question why middle school sports are not part of the state’s Basic Education Plan. If our goal is to give our students an excellent education with valuable life lessons that will serve them for years to come, why aren’t we requiring middle school sports throughout the state? On a personal note, my 10-year-old son who has been playing soccer since age 5 was recently expressing how excited he was to join the Riverside Middle School soccer team. His hopes have been dashed by the budget commission’s decision to eliminate middle school sports. He was so upset that when I mentioned there was a protest scheduled this past Thursday, he asked to be part of it. It was an excellent opportunity to teach him about civic involvement. I hope you will intervene to ensure that his dreams and those of more than 500 other East Providence children are realized by saving our middle school sports. Respectfully, Roberto DaSilva, Representative – District 63

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March 2012 The Reporter

Candy Seel Announces Candidacy for Ward 3 Seat on East Providence City Council

Driven by her strong desire to revive the city of East Providence, resident Candy Seel announced her candidacy today for a seat on the East Providence City Council. A genuinely proud Townie focused on results, Seel is seeking to represent Ward 3, a position currently held by first-term Councilman Thomas Rose, Jr. As an outspoken critic of the current Council majority, Seel has regularly voiced her opinion in letters to the editors of local newspapers and has spoken frequently at Council meetings. Her criticisms have often been based on the majority’s disregard for the rule of law, primarily the City Charter, and its focus on trivial issue. “East Providence is a wonderful community, but I’m not happy with the way it’s being run,” stated Seel. “Time and valuable resources have been squandered on time clocks and tow lists. Now we are faced with state oversight and junk bond status. We deserved better than this from our elected officials. I will work from my first day in office to find real


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The Reporter March 2012

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solutions that help all of us – not just a few special interests.” In a letter to supporters, Seel said: East Providence is struggling to provide basic city and school-side services – the things that provide the quality of life that has made East Providence so great for so many generations of Townies. At the same time, the city struggles with a budget deficit that was allowed to grow over many years. This situation calls for elected officials to work together to do what’s best for all the people of East Providence and to provide leadership to pull us back from the brink of the financial cliff. But it’s clear that that’s not what drives some members of the current Council. Their decisions seem to have been based not on the interests of the people as a whole, but on the interests of their friends and financial backers. I have a different approach. My campaign is based on honesty, fairness, independence and intelligence. I’ll use my education, my integrity and my common sense to make the best decisions I can on the issues that face us. Seel has lived in East Providence since 1977 and has been a homeowner and property taxpayer since 1994 when she and her husband Jerry purchased their home on South Broadway. A 1965 graduate of East Providence High School, Seel attended as a resident of Seekonk, Mass. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1974 from George Washington University in Washington, DC, and in 2009 received her Master of Public Administration degree from The University of Rhode Island. Committee to Elect Candy Seel

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Candy Seel, Candidate

March 2012 The Reporter


Eric James Zollo: Candidate for Councilman of Ward II of the City of East Providence In the City Wide election of 2010, Ward II City Councilman Brian Coogan chose not to seek yet another term in the City Council and instead we were forced to take Bruce Rogers as our Councilman due to the fact that he was the only man seeking the position in the election. Upon entering the City Council, instead of working together and attempting to unit a city crippled by debt and corruption Bruce Rogers instead chose to fight Councilman at Large Bill Conley over ridiculous and unnecessary issues such as who deserved to be rightfully mayor of our City, Rogers or Conley, backroom deals over our City towing list including its top company A-Towing once presided over by former Councilman Coogan and now Councilman Thomas Rose Jr., and of course the infamous seemingly unending TLA Pond View waste processing fiasco. Since entering the City Council in 2011 by default, Mayor Bruce Rogers has only further led the City of East Providence into a severe state of economic crisis, mass city wide budget cuts, and only more and more of the same brand of backroom politics that got East Providence into the trouble it is currently in. Therefore I formerly announce that I am in fact a Candidate for Ward II Councilman of the City of East Providence; I do not plan on running for City Councilman merely to oppose any one man, but merely to propose new policies and plans to restore our crippled city. Before Bruce Rogers we had an increasing deficit after Bruce Rogers we have a deficit spiraling further and further out of control to an extent only palpable to that of the City of Central Falls; before Bruce Rogers East Providence had not been threatened with the possibility of a State Intervention; now Bruce Rogers has left Governor Lincoln Chafee no choice, Rogers refusal to work with both the people of East Providence and the State Government up to and including Governor Chafee has only hurt East Providence’s credit rating and appearance within our State. It is because of these crises I feel obligated to stand up and attempt to do something for our citizens while our City Council attempts to do nothing. If elected your City Councilman I will fight every second to protect the jobs of each and every Teacher, Police Officer, and Fireman in this City threatened with job loss because of Bruce Rogers plan to reduce spending by cutting the jobs of our Educators and our Police and Fire Departments. On my first day within the city council I will push forward a motion to re-assemble a new Debt Elimination Committee tasked with a mass city wide investigation into useless and un-needed City spending; I will also fight for a cut in City Wide taxes on both Homeowners and Small Businesses it’s time to take the burden of dirty politics off the backs of our Homeowners, Small Businesses and the men and women who educate the future of our nation

it is both ridiculous and unnecessary for a City Government to tell our Teachers, Cops, and Firemen do more with less, work harder for less benefits and less pay but deliver the same results; that’s not the City I know and care about. And ultimately I plan to fight for mass pay cuts not to our Teachers and Police and Fireman, but our City employees behind the walls of City Hall making well above and beyond the reasonable rate of pay but do anyway simply because of whom they know and how long they’ve been there. So ask yourselves are you better off now than you were 2 years ago, are your children receiving a better education now than they were 2 years ago, is your city and

its citizens better off now than they were 2 years ago; if you feel they are than I urge you to vote for Bruce Rogers; but you feel upset and aggravated, and disappointed at a Mayor and a City crumbling before our eyes than I urge you to vote for me Eric J. Zollo for your City Councilman; because I can do so much more for East Providence. Experience is what broke this City; I believe it’s time for new ideas and new leadership in our City. President Ronald Reagan once said, “America can and will be that shining city on the hill.” I believe East Providence has that same potential as well. Eric Zollo Candidate

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The Reporter March 2012

"O’Keefe’s Pride"

“As Reliable As The Sun”

I would like to announce a change in our government, our new official name is “The Oligarchy of East Providence” and our new motto is “O’Keefe’s Pride”. If you don’t like this, it’s my fault, it’s your A Division of Thomsen Foodservice fault as well, unfortunately we have two types of unhelpful citizens Store open to the public Mon-Fri 8-4:30 & Sat 8-12 in this town, the first being the group that I allowed myself to fall in, I used to be more involved in the community and politics but I became complacent and somewhat numb, I let my community fall into this state because as a citizen I (and many others) did not Mushrooms Lettuce Whole Milk raise my voice. The other group is the kind that June Coen talked about recently, that are raising their voice, not to help our city but Onions Celery 2% Milk to smear others personally, they are out for their own pride, not Carrots Tomatoes Half & Half Townie Pride. Reading comments from various news sources, I was pained to read comments like “bring on the receiver!” and Heavy Cream Mixed Peppers Potatoes people gleefully announcing that the city’s bankruptcy is at hand. Light Cream Lg. Wht. Eggs Regardless of your politics, regardless of your positions on how to run the city, the solution isn’t to see us fail! When the Budget Commission cut Middle School level sports 401-431-2190 ext. 8 programs, they did not do it for the $106,000 it saves, they did it 141 Narragansett Park Dr. East Providence, RI 02916 to assert their authority. It is time we assert ours, we have no local Located off Newport Ave. in back of East Providence 10 Cinema voice anymore, so our voice must be projected into the State House, to Governor Chafee and his administration and to the General Assembly, that we welcome help to solve our fiscal issues, but we will not tolerate the suspension of democracy in East Providence and elimination of small but valuable programs like middle school sports. It is time for the state and local communities to look at long-term solutions. East Providence is progressing with consolidating school and city services, this must continue, but the next step is even larger. We should setup an administrative district in each county of Rhode Island (perhaps with Bristol and Newport county districts being combined, and Providence County being split into two districts), this district would be responsible for backend municipal services such as public building maintenance, personnel functions, financial functions, IT functions, perhaps also certain functions of state law, such as building and fire code inspections. The district could also arrange multi-municipality contracts that would be cheaper than a single city/ town could enter into on their own. This setup would remove the cost of duplicating Over 20 Years in Business these backend services 39 times over, in A Full Service Automotive & Fleet Repair Shop addition, it would still allow each community to maintain its identity, offer its frontend public services based on each community’s will and allow school districts to focus on education instead of administration. These administrative districts should be funded at the state level, removing the burden from homeowners and reducing the regressive property tax. We need real solutions to the real problems we face, both in East Providence and Rhode Island as a whole, not political adhominem attacks or the elimination of the public’s voice by unelected officials. Jason Desrosiers

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March 2012 The Reporter


Dear Representatives,

Dear Representative Helio Melo, Representative Bob DaSilva, Representative Jack Savage, Senator Frank DeVall Jr. and Senator Daniel Da Ponte, I am writing to you on behalf of the children of East Providence who are about to lose their Middle School Sports Programs. The Budget Commission has line item cut Middle School Sports right out of our budget. Not only does this decision contradict Chapter 16-2-9 of the General Laws of The State of RI but, it will directly and adversely impact over 400 children in the City of East Dr. Lisa Daft, DMD Dr. Jared W. Stubbs, DDS Providence. For a great many of these children, their participation in athletics is the only reason they keep their grades up. They work hard to achieve good grades so that they can maintain their spot on the school team. The cost for Middle Schools Sports is only $106K. It is barely a fraction of one percent of the City’s total budget. It certainly is not going to be the savior of our financial problems. These children did not create the problem yet; they are the ones losing out. I do not feel that it is prudent to try to balance the budget at their expense. Last week, over 200 people showed up at City Hall to show their support for Middle School Sports. Parents, Children, City Leaders and State Representatives all came together to try to prevent this tragic result. This group is growing in numbers by the day and will Dr. Jared W. They Stubbs, rally again on Tuesday night at the City Council Meeting. will DDS • Dr. Lisa Daft, DMD 520 Taunton also be attending the next Budget Commission Meeting on Thurs-Avenue, Seekonk, MA day. I am asking for your support to help save the Middle (508) School 336-7260 Sports Programs for our City. Please advocate for us at the State level and let Rosemary Booth Gallogly and Michael O’Keefe know that you too support our young athletes. I would also ask that you please introduce legislation in this session that will add Middle School Sports to the Basic Education Plan so that these programs will never have to be in jeopardy again. They mean so much to so many children in our community and enhance the total student experience. Sincerely, Chrissy Rossi East Providence School Committee Member


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The Reporter March 2012

Advocates for Middle School Sports Organize

By Bob Rodericks The site was the Comedy Connection on Warren Avenue comhappy with state budget commission chairman, Michael O’Keefe. It plete with a stage and blue lights and a class for prospective cowas O’Keefe who ordered the school department to wipe out Middle medians wrapping up a lesson as supporters of East Providence’s School sports to save about $100,000. “That’s $100,000 from a beleaguered Middle School sports teams arrived promptly at 7 pm $75 million budget,” complained local sports enthusiast Vincent Wednesday, February 22nd. However not many of the roughly 65 in Spremuli. “I was a Middle School teacher for 35 years (not in East attendance were in the mood to laugh. “We’re not here tonight to Providence) and this is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard of finger point,” said organizer Donnie Senna, a Martin Middle School for our kids,” Spremuli said forcefully. “It’s not my area to decide parent. “We want to help our kids stay busy after school and we what to cut- bus routes, something, but kids need this. They look need the support of parents like you,” Senna told the crowd. But up to these coaches. My grandkids played 3 sports at Riverside some in the crowd did some finger pointing and were not very Middle School and it was a major part of their life,” he continued. “Because of this Mr. O’Keefe, some 500 kids are now left with no after school sports for their three years in middle school,” said Spremuli. Kevin Robinson of the KRob Foundation is also helping to organize the effort to save Middle School sports. Robinson is sponsoring another meeting in the Riverside neighborhood. “Our message is to keep our kids active in sports. We pay for kids who can’t afford fees, etc. This is the time when kids are most susceptible and we can’t let this happen,” the EPHS Hall of Famer and world gold medalist told the crowd. “I went to Martin and EPHS and to this day I still say ‘coach’ when I see my former coaches and teachers. I have been to over 30 countries and there is nobody like the people in this city. I love our people and spirit,” Robinson said to loud applause and smiles. “We have to find a solution, keep this in the budget, and make the right choices. We will stand together,” said Robinson. Resident John Pangborn was critical of the Bacon and Edge consulting report which called for cutting middle school sports. “Youth sports in the community can help but not replace school athletics,” Pangborn said. “We need some suggestions. How about Part of the crowd at The Comedy Connection. club sports? We need to email the Governor, etc,” he continued. School Committee chairman Charles Tsonos and member Chrissy Rossi were in attendance. “There are questions that are out there. The committee has asked our lawyers about this issue. You should pass a resolution (seeking sports re-instatement) and Part-Time Handy Man ask the school committee to forward it to the budget commission,” I have a good one already. Over ten years. Since he works Tsonos suggested to the crowd. “Consider it asked,” shouted back part-time for other responsible people, he is not always the audience. “These are uncharted waters,” continued Tsonos. “No other city has been asked to do this,” he said. Rossi spoke available to me. Therefore, I need one or more part-time at length at the meeting. “How about pay for play? The state dehelpers. partment of education believes our funding formula includes these activities but there isn’t a state law against it,” continued Rossi. Honest, neat, responsible, punctual. Should have your own Rossi had sharp comments aimed at budget commission chairman pick-up truck. I provide all machines, tools and supplies. Michael O’Keefe. “He threw me out of the last commission meeting. Generally, I work along with you. O’Keefe told me he didn’t have time for my questions and made me leave the meeting. He feels he is the lord and master and doesn’t care about us,” said Rossi. Rossi then urged people to attend the Work Areas. My home in Seekonk. Some rental properties next day meeting of the budget commission at city hall. “Make a on the East Side of Providence. A 22-acre farm on Martha’s big scene and fuss. Be there,” she asked. Vineyard. Kevin Robinson spoke again and asked everyone to remember that, “Kids come first. Let’s keep focused on that as we find a way Activities. Open and close a pool (one of the largest to keep sports for our young people,” he reiterated. A parent of a privately-owned pools in New England). Cut grass, fertilize, special needs child told the group that “special education costs are edge, paint, shampoo, spray bushes, snow blowing and a big culprit here. Special education is the (spending) problem, shoveling, sanding and prep wood floors and poly, not middle school sports. Cutting this $103,000 is short-sighted,” he said. “The money the city spent on the Bradley partnership hurt maintain black-top parking area; blow parking area and us. It didn’t work and it cost us,” the parent continued. “My child sidewalks; move garbage cans and recycle bins to the curb has special needs and strongly needs activities like sports to be and return. 24/7 tenant problems (rare). Rake leaves. successful in school.” Chain saw. Parent Roger Forand asked Chrissy Rossi if the “…school committee has offered the budget commission any alternatives? Please send your experience, compensation and what you Have you suggested to the state that the $106,000 could come from cannot do to: another area instead of sports?” Forand asked. Rossi responded Owner, 100 Sunset Drive, Seekonk, MA 02771. Thank you. that she had done that to the commission in an e-mail. “You need

March 2012 The Reporter to do that publicly, not in e-mails,” Forand chided Rossi. “They won’t allow me to ask questions. They threw me out of the room,” Rossi retorted. But Rossi assured Forand that she will make her budget suggestions public at the next school committee meeting. “Can we call for a larger scale public meeting with Mr. O’Keefe?” asked some in the crowd. “I will see that the school committee schedule a special meeting and invite Mr. O’Keefe to answer our questions,” pledged Tsonos. “Will he come,” the crowd asked. “I will have him there,” said Tsonos. State Representative Bob DaSilva was in attendance also. “What troubles me is that our elected officials have no say. Some commission members don’t even live in Rhode Island and are only concerned about dollars and not the impact on our kids and families,” worried DaSilva. “I understand that we have a problem. But this commission isn’t the answer. Some other cities like Providence and Woonsocket and others are in worse financial shape than us and they don’t have a budget commission in their towns,” DaSilva said. “We have two of the state’s most influential legislators in Senator Dan DaPonte and Representative Helio Melo. They are both good people who have some control over this process,” offered DaSilva. “DaPonte and Melo are respective chairs of the senate and house finance committees and this budget commission reports to them,” he said. DaSilva urged those in attendance to contact DaPonte and Melo with “your opinions in this matter. I am totally against this state takeover process as it exists now. I am sending a letter to the Governor to object to this process,” added DaSilva. Former school committee member Bob Faria attended the meeting and stirred up some spirited give and take between attendees. “I support middle school sports, my kids participated, but I think all-day kindergarten is more important than middle school sports. Cranston has no middle school sports and Providence only competes against other Providence schools. There might be a different way to do this. Maybe we can re-design teams or combine the two middle school teams into just one,” Faria suggested. “There might be more competition this way. You could save by cutting one set of coaches (if two schools combine sports), cut buses, etc.” said faria. “You just cut out half the kids in the city,” shot back Vin Spremuli. “When was Middle School Sports ever a right?” shouted back faria. Some in attendance began to shout out and the tension level in the room rose for the first time in the meeting. Responding to the concern that eliminating half of all sports teams by merger, Faria said “…you don’t make the team then you don’t play. It’s more of the same, this city doesn’t want to change.” “Throw out ideas is ok but don’t throw out kids…” said Spremuli. At this point, organizer Donnie Senna asked for cooler heads to prevail, “let’s not get into arguments,” Senna asked. Organizer June Coan said that the B&E report which recommended cutting sports has errors in it. “Cranston and South Kingstown do have middle school sports in contrast to what some have said,” claimed Coan. That question remains unclear as some communities who have middle school sports may use booster clubs to fund them. The Reporter contacted the Cranston School Department and a spokesperson in the superintendent’s office replied, “no we (Cranston) does not have Middle School Sports.” Adding to this confusion is a RI Principal’s Committee on Athletics ( which does list Western Hills Middle School and some other Cranston schools as being members. Although listed as ‘members’ the Reporter could not find any schedules for Cranston teams on the web site. Finally, a group of middle school students spoke. Nervously, they stood before the assembled adults and talked about wanting to keep their sports. “My wrestling coach at Riverside makes me do my homework and keep up with my grades or I can’t wrestle,” said recent middle school state champion Mario peoples. “He


(wrestling coach) has made me like and do well in school, which I didn’t like so much before,” said an emotional Peoples. He is like my best friend. “I cried when I heard about this,” said a girl from Martin. “The sports keep me busy and interested in school.” “You are our future!” KRob (Kevin Robinson) stood and told the students. “It takes me back to my days as a student here,” said KRob. “Hang in there. Stay positive and direct your passion toward school success. We will help you.”

Kevin Robinson being interviewed at The Comedy Connection meeting.

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The Reporter March 2012

What’s In A Book?

By Gina Wesley-Silva For Riverside resident Peter Monsarrat, books hold the key the language would not work. We couldn’t use new books because the books have to come from the RI Library System, and which can reveal the answers to just about everything. Easily the newer ones are back ordered, so we were left with the ones in the most enthusiastic and engaging person I have ever had the the middle,” he said. pleasure of discussing books with, Monsarrat has encyclopedic Still, Monsarrat said he had to define a goal for the group, “I knowledge of authors, themes, and books, as well as seemingly inexhaustible passion on all things even related to the subject of found out that they all read books, mostly pulp, like science fiction, fantasy, and murder mysteries. Not that there is anything wrong books! with pulp, there is just more to life than that. So, I decided I would It should come as no surprise then, that Monsarrat is the proud owner of thousands of books. His home has at least five rooms introduce them to other types of books that they otherwise might not read.” Put simply, his goal therefore was to broaden the readin it, in which there are large, fully stocked, floor to ceiling book shelves in them. In fact, last summer he had so many books that ing experience of the members of the book club. he decided to donate 2000 of them to the Adult Correctional Institute Monsarrat’s strategy and choice of books has proven to be very successful. “The first book we read is called “Angela’s Ashes”, by in Cranston, just to “…clear out some space…” in his basement. Prison Librarian Jean- Marie Sjostedt was so impressed with Frank McCourt. In my humble opinion, this is the best writing in the last decade. The author writes about his childhood in Ireland. his generous donation, and with his impressive and impeccable collection, that she asked Monsarrat if he would be willing to run a And by the time the book is over you really know the definition of book club at the ACI. “I asked her if we could do books like Huck ‘grinding poverty’. This book had a profound effect on the prisionFinn, which of course is very controversial, she said ‘yes’, so I said ers.” said Monsarrat. Another book which was read by the group included last years’ ‘yes’, and we’ve been doing it ever since!,” said Monsarrat. Thus, the ACI’s “Book Discussion Group” began. RI Library Associations’ Book Clubs’, Book of the Year, “The Unforgiving Minute,” which is the story of a man who grew up in RI, Monsarrat explains he was not sure what to expect from the and whom became an Oxford scholar. Monsarrat says this book minimum security prisoners, “I didn’t know what kind of goal to have. I knew we couldn’t use older books like Dickens, because generated great discussion within the group, “I didn’t know if these young men (prisoners) could relate to someone who was an Oxford scholar, but they had no trouble whatsoever. In fact, they thought he was just dandy!” Probably the most profound experience for the group occurred when former Celtic basketball player Chris Herren, who is now a popular speaker on drug rehabilitation, responded to an invitation by Monsarrat to speak to the ACI Book Discussion Group. Herren was a talented kid from Fall River who made it to the pros, but fell into a life of drug addiction, and ultimately ruined his career. Herren and Providence Journal sports columnist Bill Reynolds, wrote a book about his life called “Basketball Junkie”, which was on the group’s reading list. And, last month Herren spoke to the group. Bob Kerr, of the Providence Journal, was also there as guest of Reynolds, and wrote the following in Projo that evening, “The guy from Fall River who played for the Boston Celtics and did a pile of drugs has become a one man salvation show. He delivers a message rich in degrading addiction and redemption.” After learning about the types of books Monsarrat had chosen for the book club, I began to notice a recurring theme in each wherein the protagonist or main character was often a tragically flawed male. I asked Monsarrat about that and he explained that the prisoners saw in the pages of these books, some of the same qualiPeter Monsarrat. ties, both positive and negative, that they themselves possessed. He related a poignant incident that occurred during the discussion of Angela’s Ashes. When Monsarrat asked the group who was “wrong” in the book, one man raised his hand and exclaimed, “I am the father in that story! I drank away all my pay every week. I did that! It was real hard on my wife and family! ” Still one wonders what it is like running a book club inside a prison, even for minimum security inmates. I asked Monsarrat what the prisoners are like, and his answers made me smile, “Everyone Carpentry & Painting always asks me what the prisoners did. I always tell them I don’t Basement Remodeling know and I don’t care. But surprisingly, the prisoners treat me with Interior & Exterior Work the utmost courtesy and respect. It’s always ‘yes sir’, ‘no sir’. They are very polite. And when they swear during book discussions, Where Quality & Affordability Count they always apologize.” No Job is Too Small • Senior Citizen Discount • Free Estimates Monsarrat says the ACI is looking for more volunteers to lead Thomas H. Huber • LICENSED & INSURED book groups. If you are interested, please contact: Jean-Marie Sjostedt (401) 462-3338; jean-marie.sjostedt@

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March 2012 The Reporter


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The Reporter March 2012






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Continued from the Cover...


EP Middle School Sports Fans Protest


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Ken Andrade - President Repairs Welcome

By Bob Rodericks Most of the effort to protest the loss of middle school sports has been organized by various social media. Emails and on line face book activity urged supporters to attend a meeting on Wednesday February 22nd at the comedy connection on Warren Avenue. That meeting was moved there from an earlier advertised but smaller venue. At the Wednesday night meeting, supporters found out that the city budget commission was meeting the next day at city hall. Overnight face book activity and emails and phone texting organized the large protest which occurred at city hall on Thursday. Martin Middle School soccer coach, June Coan, has taken to the Facebook social pages to rally and organize supporters of middle school athletics. “Yes, we must find the grants that are out there and fundraise as coaches,” Coan said in her blog. Coan and others have organized meetings of those in the community wishing to help. Coan, however is urging supporters to plan a measured response to the dilemma. “People are already talking about donating money, my petition just skyrocketed ... I am happy to hear people are wanting to help, but please people, let’s get organized and find out how to give money and who’s controlling it and the specifics before we act on anything,” Coan blogged. “I am a 1970 grad of EP. I went through the EP school system from K to 12. I am sure that we could get donation, fund raiser, golf tournaments, etc. The middle school baseball team is a feeding program for the HS,” said Face book blogger Larry Willey. Willey also urged caution in the growing volunteer movement - “there is also the matter of liability should a student get injured. There is a lot to consider and many questions to be asked,” Willey added.


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And there was this face book plea from EPHS Hall of Famer and world gold medalist Kevin Robinson (KRob Foundation), “unfortunately, EP just received some bad news involving middle school sports- if you feel that you would like to make a difference in your city and help out the children that don’t get a say in this matter, come to the next K-Rob Foundation meeting. Our mission is to help the children of EP get involved and stay involved in sports- WE NEED TO ALL WORK TOGETHER ON THIS ONE!!!! Spread the word!” asked Robinson. As the city hall protestors gained momentum, word went through the crowd that the budget commission was meeting in a ‘private’ meeting. Hearing rumors that they would not be allowed to enter the meeting, the protestors raced to the opposite side of the building and standing beneath the second floor window where officials were meeting, they continued to chant and wave signs. At some point the police were called and responded to city hall. officer T.J. Britto responded and told protestors to stay on the sidewalk. “They are doing a good job,” Britto told the Reporter. “As long as they don’t block any streets, I don’t see a problem,” Britto added. As 3:00 pm approached the large throng of protestors entered city hall and proceeded to the third floor meeting room. The group quietly waited in the hallways as

March 2012

The Reporter


the commission was finishing their closed door meeting. Shortly after 3:00 Mayor Bruce Rogers emerged and was met by the protestors. “You are welcomed to come in, we haven’t started the meeting yet,” Rogers said. Commission chairman Michael O’Keefe left the room briefly and seemed surprised and perplexed by the Federal and state tax returns prepared crowd waiting to attend the budget meeting. The throng quickly business or personal • reasonable fees filled every seat in the third floor meeting room and stood four and five deep around the perimeter of the room. The five or six regular Call for Appointment • (401) 431-4055 attendees of the commission meetings were “surprised” to see the Save up to 50% over national chains and CPA Firms crowd. “Why are these people here?” they asked. Only two of the five budget commission members were in attendance - Mayor Returns prepared by New Clients Only Rogers and Commission chairman O’Keefe. O’Keefe was asked Marcel Robert, Public if he would agree to move the meeting to the council chambers. “No, I don’t think so. This will only be a half hour meeting. They’re Accountant, Enrolled (middle school sports) not on my agenda,” he said. A commission Agent, over 30 years staffer was seen on the phone describing the room as “probably experience. over capacity.” In minutes, several police along with the fire chief and fire marshal appeared. Fire officials told O’Keefe that he In Addition couldn’t hold the meeting due to overcrowding and would O’Keefe I am a Real Estate Broker with be willing to move the meeting to the council chambers. O’Keefe said that he would not. As the police and fire officials conferred in Weichert Realtors / Tirrell Realty an adjoining room, the crowd patiently waited. The fire chief reand I can provide tax advice entered the room and asked O’Keefe to meet with him and police regarding Buying Or Selling. officials briefly. O’Keefe, looking ‘bothered’ told Fire Chief Joseph Call Me for a No Cost consultation. Klucznik, “I’ll be with you in a minute, I’m having a conversation.” Klucznik didn’t appear amused as he left the room. Shortly after By Appointment Only that exchange O’Keefe joined the discussion with police and fire officials. Fire marshal Oscar Elmasian then re-entered the room and addressed the overflow crowd. “I cannot allow this meeting to continue for safety reasons. However, if most of you leave and go 685 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI to the council chambers, Mr. O’Keefe will meet with you to discuss your concerns. He will discuss the matter but there will be no votes taken,” Elmasian said. It was clear that O’Keefe was “strongly urged” by police and fire officials to meet with the crowd at some point. The large crowd quietly left the room and re-assembled in the council chambers. A few lingered during the budget commission meeting and heard discussion for about half an hour on budget options. This included discussion on the need to consoliwww. .com date school and city administrations and begin the process of a charter change to change the city fiscal year which is different from every other city and town in Rhode Island. The commission met although only 2 of 5 members were present. Committee staffers told the Reporter that, “you know, we don’t have to follow open government rules. We don’t have to have public meetings or allow people to speak. We’re different,” Mayor Rogers and Chairman O’Keefe Conveniently Located on Route 44 (Winthrop St) Taunton were joined by a third commission member, city manager Peter Graczykowski as they convened an impromptu community meeting for the middle school protestors. • Laser Hair Removal Just about every seat was taken and some • Sun Damage and Age Spot Removal stood along the chamber’s perimeter. “I heard that you have some questions,” said • Leg and Facial Vein Treatments O’Keefe. “I will stay here and listen to every • Skin Tightening • Wrinkle Reduction last one of you speaks. Let’s go,” O’Keefe • Diamond Peel Microdermabrasion • And Much More... pledged. And, indeed, he did as the three members of the state budget commission listened to impassioned pleas to keep their Priti A. Patel, M.D. is now accepting new middle school sports for almost three hours. patients for medical practice *Mention this ad The first speaker, John Pangborn set a stern tone. “We live in this city, not you. Does the & Receive 20% Off Early Morning and Evening Appointments Available hiring freeze eliminate our Spring sports? Any Aesthetic Service We Accept All Major Insurance We’re not going away, we will come to every

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The Reporter March 2012

Crowd at the Town Hall.

EP midle school wrestlers.

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meeting, we won’t sit by idly,” Pangborn said. “This protest was organized from 9:00 last night. Today it’s 200 people, next time we’ll bring 2000. Townies don’t sit by, we’re resilient,” he continued. O’Keefe responded that “all cuts made have a face on it. This isn’t fun.” When a voice yelled out a question from the crowd, an often feisty O’Keefe shouted back, “when it’s your turn, you speak at the mike. You need to support tax hikes if you want everything…” said O’Keefe. Police and fire maintained a presence in the room including the fire chief and marshal and no fewer than 4 police officers. The mood in the room didn’t improve with the next speaker. “I have taught middle school for 35 years and this decision is terrible,” said Vin Spremuli. Spremuli has also coached and directed little leagues, CYO and coached interscholastic sports for decades. “What are your educational qualifications to make these decisions? Have you worked in a school?” he asked O’Keefe. “Well, I taught at college for 5 years,” O’Keefe answered. “Are you aware of the impact this has on middle school children?” probed Spremuli further. “Yes,” was O’Keefe’s answer. “Aren’t there other plans a good finance person could make that would affect less people?” asked Spremuli. “You tell me since you had 35 years teaching. “I’m a coach not a budget expert. I’m a good teacher, that’s my area,” Spremuli answered. A feisty O’Keefe then shot back, “If you were good at your job you would have a better graduation rate.” At which point the crowd erupted in a chorus of boos and shouts. “Terrible comment, awful,” yelled a parent. The boos rained down on the chairman as police and fire nervously shuffled in the rear of the room. “Well that’s nice Mr. O’Keefe, but only one problem with your comment - I taught at Ponagansett for those 35 years, not EP,” Spremuli said to a mixture of some laughter and continued boos from the crowd. For the remainder of the meeting, speaker after speaker extolled the importance of keeping middle school and high school sports. Virginia Tavares, a parent, said that “I moved to East Providence because Cranston dropped middle school sports. Now it’s happened here. My kids do well because of school sports. My son’s wrestling coach is like a father figure to him, this is devastating,” Tavares said. “The police will be busy,” said another parent, Joel Monteiro. “With nothing to do after school, this will cost added resources to the city.” In a poignant moment bringing sustained applause by the crowd, Riverside Middle School student David Sheldon spoke quietly and with emotion. “I have been wrestling since third grade. Coach is like my second father. How sad to me that last year we were honored by the city as ‘EP Heroes’ (for winning another state title) and this year we are in this same room fighting to save our sports.” A young Donnie Senna explained how sports has made him a good student. “Because of soccer and wrestling I have all A’s. before I didn’t know how to get good grades, now I want to get them.” When a parent asked why we have so many school superintendents of schools in Rhode Island, O’Keefe agreed. “I am with you. I think we could have an East Bay School Department, for instance. It could be easy to solve our budget problems if we did things like this. But people don’t want to give up the local identity,” continued O’Keefe. Local coach Jim Russo asked “what will it take to reinstate these sports?” “Help us close the $20 million dollar hole you still have in this city,” was O’Keefe’s sobering response. In the end, several residents thanked O’Keefe for his time and acknowledged that the budget commission had a difficult job. Vin Spremuli approached O’Keefe as the meeting ended and said “I disagree with you but thank you for your time and effort.” “Likewise,” said O’Keefe. “This community should fight passionately for what they want.”

March 2012

The Reporter


East Providence Town News East Providence Recreation Department

In celebration of Black History Month, on Feb. 7, the East Providence City Council acknowledged the many contributions that (left to right) Marlene Britto-Alves, Karen Franks, Cleo D. Graham, Dorothea F. Laughlin, Alice Martin, Onna Moniz-John, Judith Morse, Jamie Brown, Emily Thomas, Toni-Maria Spencer as well as (not in photo) Mary Reis and Barbara Fuller have made to the East Providence community. Photo by Susan Cady

Breakfast Enables Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation to Increase Its Giving

East Providence, RI-The Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation (CSF) of East Providence was overwhelmed by the generosity of residents on Saturday, November 26th. The organization’s annual breakfast raised $4,080.00 through ticket sales, a silent auction and raffle. The increased revenue enables The Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation to award four additional $1,000.00 scholarships to East Providence students. In 2011 the East Providence Chapter of CSF awarded 154 scholarships and book awards in the amount to over $160,000. The Board of Directors would also like to extend a sincere thank you to all the local businesses who donated items, services, and gift certificates to CSF’s worthy cause. This event would not have been possible if it were not for all the volunteers that gave their time planning and staffing the event.

Phone-A-Thon To Raise Dollars For Scholars

The East Providence Parks & Recreation Department has seats available for the following trips: Sunday, March 4, “Come Fly Away” PPAC Wednesday, March 14, Boston Flower Show Thursday, March 15, St. Patrick’s Day Party at Venus de Milo with Andy Cooney’s “Forever Irish” Thursday, March 22, The Addams Family, PPAC Friday, March 30, Opera Providence, dessert, wine & the music of “Gilbert & Sullivan” at Blithewold, Bristol. Tuesday, April 17, Trinity Repertory Company, Tony Award Winning Comedy “Boeing Boeing” Thursday, April 19, Moody Blues, PPAC Reservations for the following trips will begin on Friday, March 2 by calling Deborah Rochford at (401) 435-7513 beginning 8:30 a.m. Thursday, April 5, Newport Playhouse “Death of a Don”, lunch & Cabaret included. Tuesday, April 24, Hu Ke Lau & Yankee Candle, lunch & entertainment included.

Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation (CSF) of East Providence will sponsor a phone-a-thon on March 27 and 28. Students and volunteers will be calling East Providence residents between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. on those dates. Hosting the fund raising event is Nordson EFD, Inc. of Catamore Boulevard, East Providence. This year, the Carter Family Charitable Trust will match, dollar for dollar, the first $40,000 in donations to the phonea-thon. “Our goal is to surpass last year’s achievement of $87,000,” stated Phone-athon Chairman Louise Paiva. SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU! The largest volunteer scholarship organization in the state, CSF of East Providence administers more than 200 scholarships and book expense awards annually to East Providence residents who are entering or (including pick-up and delivery - regularly $1.20 per Lb. - 10lb. min) already enrolled in college, vocational or technical school. Each student receives one or more scholarships totaling a minimum of $1,000. Residents who do not receive a phone call during the phone-a-thon, but who would like to contribute, can send a tax-deductible contribution, made payable to CSF of East CALL FOR INFO 401-437-9274 Providence, to: Dollars for Scholars Phonea-thon, CSF of East Providence, P.O. Box LaunderPlus 154438, Riverside, RI 02915.

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The Reporter March 2012

MARCH 2012 Business DURING Hours Wednesday, March 28, 2012 Check-in: 11:45am - Noon Lunch 12:00pm - 1:29pm Registration required by Noon 2/26/12 Contact the Chamber.

Location: B. Pinelli's Simply Italian Restaurant 736 North Broadway, East Providence, RI The Chamber's monthly networking luncheon. Leads and lunch DURING the workday. Everyone gets time to present a 60-second "commercial" about their business. Shy people welcome.

$20pp for EP Chamber members; $30pp non-members

Pay at the door. No-shows will be billed. $5 extra for walk-ins

Business AFTER Hours Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Hosted by: Vine Yard East Restaurant 315 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI The Chamber's monthly, evening networking event. Bring lots of business cards for exchanging. Non-members welcome. Check out the Chamber at this event. FREE admission for EP Area Chamber members & their guests; $15pp non-members. Registration required by Noon on 3/12/12. Contact East Providence Area Chamber office

Join the Chamber this month and get over $1,000 in extra benefits.Visit for details

Mark Your Calendar! Touch-A-Truck is coming!

Hosted by East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

NEW! East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 2012 Business Directory & Resource Guide


Business Owners:

Join the Chamber by March 26 Get TWO free listings in the Directory Contact the Chamber for more information.

Saturday, May 5, 2012 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Chamber office parking lot Open to the Public


•Directory listings of Chamber member companies •Advertisements from local businesses •Information about East Providence, Barrington, Seekonk and Rehoboth.

Available Spring 2012

Shop Local and Support the Businesses in our Community. Visit the Chamber's online business directory for listings of chamber member companies. Serving the communities of East Providence & Barrington, RI and Seekonk & Rehoboth, MA

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1011 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914 phone: 401.438.1212 fax: 401.435.4581 email:

Visit the Chamber's Web site for Chamber Calendar of Events, directory of member businesses, news & more.

March 2012

From the Mayor’s Office By Bruce Rogers

The Reporter


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On November 29, 2011 (see January 2012 Reporter for content), I came before the City Council and spoke of the City/School consolidations of the past year and how they were working out. At the same time, I spoke of future consolidations of almost every single department. The report was well received and endorsed by the majority of the City Council and all was referred to the City and School Administrations to make this come to fruition. Analysis and fiscal impacts as well as exchanges of ideas and legal and collective bargaining agreements and their effects had been and were continuing to be looked into. Now it is the beginning of March and the Budget Commission is meeting with each department head with the goal in mind of not only consolidating most departments but also further consolidation of the already enjoined departments. The State of Rhode Island, through the Budget Commission has the resources and expertise to reach this end result which the City may not have had. I not only support and endorse these actions, history shows that I actually sponsored such a movement and felt very relieved that “the experts” agree that this is the way to go. The B & E Report which analyzed practices within the School Department and recommended change all having fiscal impact on proposed budgets, has been adopted, in its entirety by the entire City Council and sent to the School Committee for their recommendation back to us and the Budget Commission. Keep in mind the School Department Administration worked with B & E to develop this analysis, hopefully knowing what would be acceptable to the School Committee on behalf of the children in our School system which they represent. The Budget Commission, with School Committee advice and on my recommendation have dropped ½ day K from the acceptance of the report and are suggesting using alternative funding to allow all day K to remain as part of the School Administration regular curriculum. It was the feeling of all involved, School Committee, School Administration and Budget Commission (of which I am a member) that in the long range all day K enhances the educational background of our children well beyond their formative years. We are now working on the issue of Middle School sports and whether or not the services being provided to the students at this grade level can be funded some other way or if there are actually existing programs sponsored either privately or city side that can benefit this grade level to the same extent. The Budget Commission is continuing its work on a daily basis and I am there as a member representing the wishes and recommendations of the City Council on behalf of the people. I think it is now time for me to sit down with each and every union leader, one on one, to discuss possible ways of renegotiating or offering adjustments to contracts and collective bargaining agreements which may benefit the rank and file as well as the tax payers now and in future years. My feeling is that if the City and its employees can sit down and come to some agreements, it is far better than any demands that any one body, be they Budget Commission or not, might dictate to our labor forces.

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The Reporter March 2012

March 2012

The Reporter


Events & Activities Share events & activities at What’s New In Autism

This workshop which is hosted by the East Providence Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education will provide information on treatment and educational program options for children with autism spectrum disorders. The presenter, Jane I. Carlson, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst with more than 20 years of experience working with children with autism and is currently the Vice President of day and residential programs at the Groden Center in Providence, RI. This presentation will focus on current evidence-based information in the areas of diagnosis, etiology, medical/genetic findings, and educational/treatment options. A framework will be presented for evaluating information to determine the evidence supporting claims of treatment effectiveness. Resources for evidence-based practice information will be shared. Workshop will be held: Thursday, March 8, 2012, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Martin Middle School Library, 111 Brown Street, East Providence, RI Seating is limited. Registration is required. To register, please contact Laurie Brown at Sbrown8025@ or Jennifer Enos at and leave your name and the number of people registering.

Special Olympics Rhode Island 5th Annual Torch Run Plunge Sunday, March 11th, 2012

NEW LOCATION: Goddard Memorial State Park, Warwick Registration begins at 10:00 a.m., Games on the beach begin at 11:15 a.m. * Heated men’s and ladies changing tents * Post Plunge Party at The Carousel at Goddard Park * Create your own Firstgiving fundraising page at: * Donation: $50 minimum donation to plunge! * Incentives, the more you raise the more you get! * All non-plungers can join the party for a $15.00 donation * Great food from Eddie’s BBQ and music by 3D DJ Service * PLUNGE at 12:00 p.m. Please call Special Olympics Rhode Island for additional information or email Tracy Garabedian at

Annulment Fact and Fiction March 13th

Rev. David Masello, JCL Administrator of St. Alexander Parish, Warren, will present Annulment: Fact and Fiction on Tues, Mar 13th from 7 - 8:00 P.M. at Our Lady of Loreto, 346 Waterman Ave, East Prov. (In the parish meeting room, side door of the rectory). Fr. Masello has been serving in the Marriage Tribunal in one capacity or another since 1987. While there is no fee, registration is required for handouts & space consideration. To register, call 434-3535 and leave your name and phone number.


recreational classes for ages 2.5 - adult pre-professional training ages 8-21

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EVERY SUNDAY • 2pm - 4pm Bring your friends, relax,enjoy the fun, and win! win! win! Location: American Legion Post 10; 830 Willett Ave, Riverside, RI

American Legion St. Patrick's Day Dinner March 11th

American Legion Riverside Post 10 will be holding our St. Patricks Day Dinner on Sunday March 11 at 5 P.M. for $10 at 830 Willett Ave, Riverside. For more info call 433-0859.

We offer Lobsters, 32" Flat Screen TV, meats and every week is a different selection of gifts and more Proceeds benefit EP Jr Townies Football and cheerleaders and Special Olympics RI/ Wampanoag Warriors

For more info call (401) 433-9859


The Reporter March 2012

Rhode Island State Grange Youth Department

Hi Lo Jack Tournament and Agriculture Department Birdhouse Contest

The Youth Department of the Rhode Island State Grange will be sponsoring a Hi Low Jack Tournament, to be held in conjunction with the State Grange Agricultural Committee having a Birdhouse Contest on Sunday March 18, 2012 at 2 PM at Kickemuit Grange Hall located on 92 Vernon Street in Warren, R.I. All Grange members and non-members are eligible to compete in this tournament. Teams must consist of two players. At least 1 member of the team must be a Grange member, and all teams must be present by 2 PM for the start of the contest. Applications will be accepted up until that time. Prior notice is appreciated for collation purposes. The amount to play is $2.50.

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For more information about this event, you can contact Tracie Miller, Rhode Island State Grange Youth Department Chairperson at 508-6170943 or send an email Tlmiller@bridgew. Edu. The birdhouse contest is in its second year and open to all grange members and they are in 2 adult categories; making a birdhouse from scratch and painting a prebuilt birdhouse. The judging of the birdhouses will take place on this particular day. There will be a birdhouse contest for junior grangers with decorated birdhouses. These birdhouses will be judged bases on craftsmanship and creativity. For more information about this event, you can contact Carol gafford, rhode island state grange agricultural director at 401-595-6655 (Cell) or 508-674-9609 (work). You could also send Carol an e-mail at farmgal046@yahoo. Com. The public is welcome to attend these two events.

Orlo Avenue Fundraiser for Phase III of the playground Friday, March 23, 6-8pm at Monster Mini Golf

140 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk MA Orlo Avenue’s Playground Committee will host a night out. All proceeds will be applied to Phase 3 of the playground. Tickets are available at the door and are $7 per person.

Hands That Heal RI Appreciation Luncheon Saturday, March 24th

On Saturday, March 24, Hands That Heal RI will hold its 6th Annual Appreciation Luncheon from 1-4pm at the Scituate Community House at 546 West Greenville Rd, N. Scituate. Everyone is invited to attend, meet our volunteers, learn about activities, and the elderly and needy that we have helped during the past year. For more information, contact President Elaine Birrell at 647-1488 or Secretary Bev Palombo at 934-3173.

March 2012

Chorus of East Providence “Sentimental Journey” Music of the Greatest Generation”

The Reporter


Come Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary Sale

Directed by Beth Armstrong Accompanist Victoria Lombroso Tickets: $12.00 Priority seating $20.00 Children under 12 no admission

April 28, 2012 7:30 Martin Middle School Brown Street East Providence

April 29, 2012 3:00 Martin Middle School

Brown Street East Providence Join the Chorus of East Providence as they take you on a musical journey back in time to what is referred to as the music of the Greatest Generation. Music of the 1940s was based mostly around the big band sound, and jazz. Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Artie Shaw, The Dorsey Brothers, Dizzy Gellespie, Cab Colloway, Glenn Miller, and Bing Crosby all helped define the musical era. The vocal sounds of the Andrew Sisters, Anita O’Day, and Mildred Bailey dominated for most of the decade. The era featured small groups of singers and musicians and the big band sounds with usually 10 or more instruments. The smaller size ensembles allowed more solo opportunities for the singers. The music itself was characterized by more complex melodies and chord progressions, as well as more emphasis on the role of rhythm. The Chorus performances are filled with wonderful selections, amazing solos, and many 1940 favorites. Mark your calendars and plan to take a Sentimental Journey with the Chorus of East Providence in April. For more information, visit the website:

“Just For Kids” Clothing Sale

15-20% OFF

All jewelry and selected items March 1 through St. Patrick's Day Visit our website and Facebook page — Open 7 days a week — 20 Commerce Way • Seekonk, MA 800-550-2724 • 508-336-6500


Saturday, April 28th 8:00 a.m. - 12noon

Covenant Cooperative Nursery School 165 Rounds Ave. in Riverside Gently used, inexpensive clothing for boys and girls in sizes 0-8 Donations of clothing accepted Please contact the school office (4333196) for further information

EPHS Class of 1982 Reunion Notice

Save this date! The East Providence High School Class of 1982 will celebrate their 30th reunion on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at the Hillside Country Club, Rehoboth, Mass. Tickets cost $50 per person. For information, contact Dawn Gama Eccleston,; Karen Costa Rebello,; or Cathy Barilla Anthony,

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The Reporter March 2012


Dear Potential Sponsor, The K-Rob Foundation is a Non Profit Organization whose mission is to help underprivileged children of East Providence get involved and stay involved in sports. The K-Rob Foundation is currently in the planning stages of our 2nd Annual “Ride with K-Rob” event to be held on May 20, 2012 from 9:00am- 5:00pm. Our event is going to include a Bike Ride and a full day Fun Festival at the Historic Looff Carousel in Riverside, RI featuring Live Music, BMX Demonstrations, Rock Climbing walls, a Football Combine with Jamie Silva, native EP NFL Football Player, Rudy Pauls from the Biggest Loser and much much more! We had overwhelming success last year with over 4000 community members and participants coming out to enjoy our family event! Our success and ability to offer this wonderful opportunity to our community is based on the contributions of sponsors who have gone out of their way to lend financial support. Every dollar that the K-Rob Foundation raises goes directly to helping children in need of assistance. In 2011, the K-Rob Foundation was able to subsidize over 75 children’s sports

related fees and registration. As a sponsor, your Organization will receive tons exposure from media campaigns and all promotions for the event, which included ESPN last year! You will also gain exposure from the attendees attending the event. As a company committed to the community, you are an ideal partner for us in this venture. We have several different packages for sponsorship and these are detailed in the sponsorship commitment form enclosed with this letter. You can choose how you would like to participate in the event and how to best have your company recognized. All contributions are tax deductible. We are looking forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions , you may contact Robin Robinson at 401-741-2717 or Thank you for your consideration in being a partner and supporting the children of East Providence! Yours Sincerely, Kevin Robinson President, K-Rob Foundation

VENDOR AGREEMENT FORM Company/Product NAME_________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: _____________________________________

See what one of our patients had to say about their PT Exerience: I am a woman in my late 50's and I had surgery on my back. After about 12 weeks of being out of work, I thought it was time to get some physical therapy. I did not want to go back to Warwick for physical therapy so I tried to find a facility close to my home. I looked in the yellow pages for a physical therapist. I saw Sport & Spine Physical Therapy at 250 Wampanoag Trail and I thought to myself, 'I don't play a sport but I will go and see what they are all about.' I like Sport & Spine because I get individual therapy by the same person and I'm not shuffled around to different people when I go. I also like the hands on physical therapy approach that I get. I have gone to other physical therapist and they don't even touch you, they just tell you what exercise to do and send you home. We work through each exercise and they acutally listen to my pain. I like having a working relationship with my therapist where I can express myself and know that they have the knowledge to finally ease my pain."

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250 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence RI 401-383-9290 • Blue Cross, Medicare, UHP & most Insurance accepted

ADDRESS_______________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________ E-mail Address:__________________________ (ok to use for confirmation?______) Cost: $50.00 for crafters, $75.00 for Businesses, $100 for Food Vendors. Cost includes: 10 X 10 plot of land and electricity (if needed) Must provide tables if needed. (K-Rob Foundation will not be providing booths or tables) ELECTRICAL SERVICE REQUIRED: Yes No If yes, 120 volt duplex outlet will be furnished. Please bring your own extension cords. If additional service is required, please specify: VENDORS CHECK IN TIME: 9:00 AM BREAKDOWN time will be 5:00pm (subject to change) NO RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED WITHOUT ENCLOSED PAYMENT RESERVATIONS WILL BE PROCESSED AS RECEIVED. Make Checks Payable to: K-Rob Foundation MAIL APPLICATION FORM TO: K-Rob Foundation Attn : Vendor Agreement PO BOX 415, Barrington, RI 02806 Phone: 401-289-0267 Deadline Date for payment: April 2012 I release the K-Rob Foundation and the Carousel Commission from any responsibility from theft, damage or loss. Signed____________________________________ Date:____________________

March 2012

The Reporter


From the Other Side of the Desk By Joe Larissa

Save Our Sports and More Myths Debunked Finally, you may hear that “the budget problem has been building for years and has not been caused by the present elected officials.” More hogwash. The last council not only balanced the city budget, but left a surplus despite sticking to the cap tax and despite declining state aid. The school committee likewise balanced its budget, but after it left office, the state withdrew about $1.2 million previously given to our schools. We were on the path to fiscal sanity until the new crew took over. Those are the facts. Now, we have a school committee that somehow started the year with a $7 million deficit, has no plans to pay off the prior deficit (other than the big tax increase) and a council that has turned Townie Pride to Townie Shame by letting the state take over the city. * Joe Larisa served four terms as Mayor of East Providence, a position elected by the Council from among its members. His latest term ended on December 1, 2010. He also served as councilman at large for the City from 1992-2002 and 2004-06 and 2008-10. Questions or comments? Email me at

East Providence FOPA

Lobster Raffle 10/2/11 thru 3/25/12 Sundays at 2pm es

riz at P



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To save about $100,000, the State Budget Commission -- which your council and school committee let take over the city – proposed to cut sports programs for our middle school kids. Townies are outraged, and should be. Remember, this is the city council that gave away $175,000 to 10 janitors who were laid off when the City privatized. We had reduced the total cost from $650,000 a year to about half that ($325,000) through privatization. This council, however, declined to appeal a bogus arbitration award. The result was a ridiculous $175,000 cash payment to the janitors for no work performed and now the city pays over $300,000 a year more than it needs to for the same service. The council easily could have saved all Townie sports and programs – but then they could not have paid off their union pals. All of this, however pales in comparison to the candy store giveaway from the council to the firefighters at the start of their term. After we went to bat for Townie taxpayers with the police union to save about $1 million a year in reduced policing costs, and instituted layoffs to ensure a fair deal got done, the fire union decided against real givebacks, and bet the house that a big labor friendly council would back down. Well, they won and taxpayers lost, to the tune of well over $1 million each year. Just image what East Providence could do with all this cash now. As bad as the council’s actions over the past year, the union elected school committee takes the cake. Their predecessors inherited a $5.1 million deficit and state school aid which was cut by millions over the 2 years they were in office. Meanwhile, city aid was cut so badly by the state that we could afford only modest increases in school aid. If they did not take drastic action, the former school committee would have forced a 10% or higher property tax increase or forced the city to declare bankruptcy. Tony Carcieri, Steve Santos, Bob Faria and Shannon Barbosa, cut over $4 million a year in school expenses to balance their budget – and they saved all important school programs. In fact, Superintendent Cirillo and his deputy Lonnie Barham, did more with less money. With this team gone, the present school committee has done little more than spend, spend, spend. Indeed, both the city and the state have contributed more than $3 million more to their budget this year than a year ago, yet they still they cannot balance it. (Nevermind beginning to pay off the prior debt.) Why? The answer is simple. Some 90% of the budget is comprised of salaries and benefits, with almost all of that in teacher salaries and benefits. Yet, although the contract was up last year, you never hear a peep from any members about cuts in those benefits to balance the budget. Yet that is where all the spending is. Instead, we hear “we can’t cut our way out of this one” and “our schools are underfunded by the city.” Both are hogwash. The truth is that because they were elected by big labor, they refuse to cut where they must -- and that Townie taxpayers have funded our schools admirably through the years. Of course, the cry of “underfunding” is nothing more than a clever way to say “please increase taxes above the cap to pay for additional salaries and benefits.” Economic justice demands that the 3.5% property tax increase cap is enough from EP taxpayers, especially during these economic times. The rest must (and has this year) come from increased state aid and the council providing millions more in school aid. If the prior school committee were still in office and administration in place, there would be no spending problem on the school side and no program cuts that hurt the kids. When their successors are in the pocket of big labor, a state takeover, and budget chaos is exactly what you get.



The Reporter March 2012

Club News & Announcements Email or

Share announcements & news at www. American Sign Language Classes start in March and April

Mon evening (Pawtucket and Warwick) Thurs afternoon (Pawtucket) or Sat morning (Pawtucket) Visit our website or call 401 722 1022

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Kingdom Cruzers

East Bay Chapter – CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) E-mail

*Meeting - Last Thursday of the month *Chelo's Restaurant, 911 Warren Ave, East Providence, RI * Meeting 7pm to 9pm

CMA information:


Boys & Girls Club of East Providence Announces 2012 SMART Girls Graduates Organization receives community grant from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island

East Providence, R.I., January 31, 2012 – The Boys & Girls Club of East Providence is pleased to announce the latest group of SMART Girls program graduates, as well as to unveil a community grant provided by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island to support this critical program. Now in its tenth year at the East Providence Club, The SMART Girls program provides female members (ages 10-15) with the education, guidance, and support they need to become happy and healthy young women. The small group program helps the young girls to make decisions that will have a positive impact on their physical, social and emotional development as they practice life skills for nutritional eating, physical fitness, accessing the local health care system, resolving conflict, and building healthy mentoring relationships. The Club is pleased to announce that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) has chosen to support this critical program with a grant of $6,000. “In these difficult times, the Club couldn’t continue to offer these types of quality programs without support from community partners. The corporate leadership that (BCBSRI) has shown with this support will truly help these young women to make healthy choices in their lives,” explained Executive Director Erin Gilliatt. ”The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of East Providence to inspire all children—especially those from diverse backgrounds—to be productive, responsible and healthy members of the community, which is directly aligned with BCBSRI’s commitment to improve the quality of life of Rhode Islanders by improving their health,” said David Fogerty, assistant vice president of financial planning at BCBSRI and a board member at The Boys & Girls Club of East Providence. “We are honored to support this program in their very important work.” The 2012 SMART Girls graduates are: Remi Barros, Arianna Curvelo, Adidas DeWillis, Jayda DeWillis, Brianna George, Kayla Gomes, Kinsey Gomes, Tayla Gonsalves, Shantel Hall, Madison Hampton, Krya Heron, Alexandra Lowell, Felicia Martin, Arianna Mello, Justice Morris, Kathryn Roman, Rylie Peeler, Anayizah Perry, Ashley Shankar, Lexacy Silva, Brianna Viverios, Michaela Wintle Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is the state’s leading health insurer and covers more than 600,000 members. The company is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter @BCBSRI. Since 1932, the Boys & Girls Club has been providing after school and weekend programs for youth ages five to eighteen, and currently serves more than 300 children per day. More information about Club programs is also available online at

March 2012

New member inductions - East Providence Lions Club

The Reporter




HAIRCUTS* *1st Time Clients * Month of March

* Wednesdays 12:00 - 7:00 Walk Ins Welcomed or by Appointment to Assure Accommodations

Call Shari @ 508-951-1210 The East Providence Lions Club recently inducted new members Wendy Wood Hubbard and Dr. Robert Hill. Pictured from l-r are Lions District Governor Francine Murphy-Brillon, sponsor Dr. Rodger Lincoln, Dr. Robert Hill, Wendy Wood Hubbard, sponsor Gordon Hubbard, and Lions Vice District Governor William Kelly.

Rumford Lions News

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The Rumford Lions will once again hold the Scott Gorham Memorial 5K Road Race and 2 Mile Family Fun Walk at 10:00 AM on Sunday, June 24, 2012 at Hunts Mills Field in Rumford. This will mark the 13th consecutive year for this event. If you have not provided your email in the past, or if it has changed, please send your email address to rumfordlions@cox. net. This will allow us to keep you updated on the event and send you the registration form once it is available. Please put Road Race in the subject. *Fully Insured

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The Deaf and Health Department of the Rhode Island State Grange will be sponsoring a Fun Bingo Night to be held on Friday March 30, 2012 from 7 P.M.-10 P.M. at Rocky Hill Grange Hall, 1340 South County Trail in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Come and enjoy a night of fun, food, and prizes. Light refreshments including beverages will be available. Any profit realized from this night of fun and fellowship will be donated to Hospice Care of Rhode Island. Have fun and contribute to a worthy cause at the same time. For more information or questions regarding the event, call Barbara Bates, Deaf and Health Director at 401-539-7882.

285 Bullocks Point Avenue Riverside, RI 02915


Scott Gorham Road Race to Benefit East Providence Citizens Scholarships 5K Road Race, 2 Mile Family Fun Walk and Children’s Races To Be Featured It’s early but we want to spread the word and we would like you to Save the Date!

Rhode Island State Grange



The Reporter March 2012

Lobster Raffles Every Saturday beginning

October 1, 2011 thru April 7, 2012 Doors open at 12:30pm 1st raffle @ 2:00 p.M. Where: Bishop Hickey Council # 3623 50 Crescent View Ave, Riverside, RI 02915

Come on over to our “family” friendly atmosphere All ages are welcomed!

The kitchen is open for lunch at 12:30 p.M. And features weekly specials along with our usual menu of steak & cheese sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries and more…….. Also free popcorn We give away a 32” flat screen T.V., RIB EYES, LOBSTERS, VARIETY OF MEATS, GIFT CARDS AND CASH. All proceeds to benefit knights of columbus charities For more info call 401-433-0930

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Advertise In The East Providence Reporter!

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East Bay Toastmasters Club Speech Contest

Riveting speakers with dramatic, humorous and inspirational stories

Toastmasters members will compete against each other in a club speech contest Thursday, March 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Linn Health Care on Alexander Ave, East Providence. The winner will go on to compete in the area contest, which includes several counties in Rhode Island, next month. The event is open to the public. “Every year Toastmaster clubs all over the world hold club contests to find representatives to advance and compete against Toastmasters from several different clubs in their area” says East Bay Toastmasters Club President, Shae McWilliams. “This year’s contest includes a diverse group of individuals speaking on a wide range of topics.” Lynn Potter, a Warren resident, is the contest chair. Participating in the contest will be Chuck Potter, Joseph Nunes, Paul Airozo, and Robert Chappell. Speakers will deliver five- to seven-minute presentations on wide-ranging topics, and are judged on content, organization and delivery. Winners of the club contest will go on to compete at Toastmasters International Area Speech Contest in April. The East Bay Toastmasters club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Linn Health Care, 30 Alexander Ave, East Providence. For more information about the club, please visit

St. Brendan Forever Young Club

St. Brendan Forever Young Club will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a corned beef and cabbage luncheon and entertainment on Tuesday, March 13 in the Parish Hall at 11:30 a.m. St. Luke’s Young at Heart Club will join us that day. Anyone is welcome to join us. Reservations need to made by March 5 by calling Alice at 433-0427 or Helen at 433-1702. The cost for this lunch is $16 per person and reservations are required.

Rhode Island Watercolor Society Opening of the Annual Artist Member Show

The Rhode Island Watercolor Society announces the opening of its 116th Annual Artist Member Show running from April 15- May 3, 2012 featuring a wide variety of painting styles and techniques created by RIWS Artist and Signature Members. The exhibit and sale of paintings is open and free to the public at the Society’s Gallery, located at the J. C. Potter Casino (Boat House) in Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Boulevard, Pawtucket, RI. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 10 AM to 4 PM and Sunday from 1 to 5 PM. One of the oldest watercolor organizations in the United States, the Society serves an active membership of over 350 artists throughout New England. For more information on the Rhode Island Watercolor Society and its programs and activities, contact Alyssa Wood, Gallery Director, at (401) 726-1876 and riwsgallery@ or visit the Society’s web site at

March 2012

Save the Dates:

Saturdays in April 2012 – CD/Book Signings at the museum. (Dates & Artist to be announced) Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 3rd Annual Cape Verdean Museum Golf Tournament at Crestwood Country Club, Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Saturday, June 9, 2012 Fundraiser – at the Cape Verdean Progressive Center (CV Club) East Providence, Rhode Island. Sunday, June 10, 2012 - “Mastro” in partnership with the CV Club, East Providence, Rhode Island. For more information, please visit our website at


New Spring Items!


`The Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit will open for the season on Thursday, March 1, 2012 from 1 - 5:00 p.m. The museum is located at 1003 Waterman Avenue in East Providence, Rhode Island. Our Hours of Operation for 2012 are Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-5:00 pm and on Saturdays 12-4:00 p.m. Donations accepted. For School or Group Visits, please call in advance on the days of operation at (401) 228-7292 or email us at Education Coordinator will return your call. The CVME is the only museum in America dedicated to the history and culture of Cape Verde and the Cape Verdeans in America.

u o nttrryy Sh C e e r u o n C T e e r Shoop llooww T p

WWil i l

The Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit Open for the Season

The Reporter

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FOXX FENCE INC. $50.00 gift card for any referrals for a new fence installation. Call for details.

Belly Dance Bliss 4

Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe is pleased to be hosting our 4th Annual Belly Dance Bliss show. It will be held at Hope Congregational Church, 120 Wampanoag Trail in East Providence on Saturday, March 10 from 3-5 P.M. Join us for a family friendly afternoon of beautiful dance performances. Tickets are only $10 with a non-perishable food item, $5 for children and seniors. Proceeds will be donated to Hope Congregational Church and the RI Food Bank. Also, Yelena is now teaching Belly Dancing for Beginners on Thursday evenings at Doug’s Music, 492 Winthrop Street in Rehoboth, MA. Contact: for more information about the show or classes. Visit our website: or www.facebook. com/goddess.delight.

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Advertise In The East Providence Reporter!

For more information call 508-252-6575

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Now Offers a Bi-Lingual Mass Spanish and English

As part of a continuing effort to reunite St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 81 Warren Avenue, East Providence with our community, we are exited about a new endeavor. We now offer a Bi-Lingual, (Spanish and English), Mass on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. This service is in addition to our regular mass that is held on Saturday at 5:00 pm, (September thru May), and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church has been part of the community since 1871 and hopes to continue to the tradition of welcoming all for another 100 years. For more information, call 401-440-6046, Spanish, or 401-6831176, English.

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The Reporter Reporter March March2012 2012 The

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Rare Find, Beautifully updated, Charming Cape, 2/3 Beds, must see all the detail in this beautiful home, situated on a private 8,000 Sq. Ft. lot. $229,900

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Newly updated 3 Bed Cape on Cul De Sac. Must see basement that is newly finished, and new heating system. $175,900


East Providence


Fanatastic one level living in Why rent when you can own? 2 Waddington. Beautiful hardBed Ranch near Hundred Acre woods throughout. Extra living Cove, fenced yard. Watch the Well cared for, full dormered Cape, space in lower level. Central Air, sunset over the water! Perfect for in desirable Kent Heights. 3 Beds, gas heat, newer roof, windows starter fix me up or 203K buyer. formal din w/built-in hutch, 2 full and vinyl siding. Great fenced in Want to live in Barrington, walk to baths, breezeway w/dry bar and slider to great yard. $189,900 yard. $209,900 Hundred Acre Cove. $117,500





4 Bedroom Colonial, near Barrington High School. $209,900



Spacious well keeped 3 Bed Ranch, New Roof, Replacement Windows, siding. Large Fenced in Yard with built in pool and shed. 6 Car off street parking. Ready to move in! $ 179,900



Ready to move in condo, with the security of a 3rd floor end unit.Updated Recently Remodeled appliances,new water heater, windows, throughout. 3 Bed Colonial, slider opening to trex decking.Brand must see gourmet kitchen, new separately controlled ac units.Short master bed with bath, roomy walk to waterfront,bike path, club house attic for expansion. $299,900 and bike path. $134,900



Affordable 3/4 Bed Bungalow in nice area of Riverside, Detached 1 Car Garage, 1 1/2 Baths. $149,900


Riverside ST



Looking for a Nice Ranch, this home has 3 Beds, 1.5 Baths, fireplace in fam rm & liv rm, hwd flrs, w/additional rms in basement. One car garage, lg yard. $159,900


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Nice 3 Bed Ranch, fireplace living room, family room, 2 car garage, deck, large backyard, eat in kitchen, finished basement. $259,900 ST


ottage w/ gardens. Barn w/2 c garage & nother sm garage turned into bonus rm r quiet getaways. Walk to water. Living w/ floor to ceiling stone fp. $229,900



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Nayatt Area, updated Tri-level home, lg liv rm w/fp, formal dining, must see kitchen w/sun rm, master w/bath; updated roof, heat; fam rm and home office w/fp. $395,900


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Roomy 3 Bed Colonial, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage. You will feel at home in this one. $145,900

Colonial, ready to move in. Quiet st, walking distance to water & 2 marinas. Close to shopping & restaurants. $209,900


Marcel Robert 401-439-5574

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David Robert 401-651-5100

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Nice owner Duplex on Dead End St. Large 12.,000 Sq. Ft. Lot. $169,900

East Providence



Visit our Website

The Reporter

3 Bed Ranch, open flr plan, great area. Granite kitch, great rm w/ 1 Bed Ranch w/in walking distance to water & park, 6500 ft fenced lot; eligible for cathedrals, Living/dining w/fp. 203k loan; room for possible expansion, Newer roof & windows. Laundry on 1st. Fenced yard. $189,900 low taxes, low heating cost. $99,999






Brand New 3 Bedroom Home, Family To be built 1600 sq ft, Ranch, 2 car Brand New Waddington 3 Bed garage, roomy master w/ bath, Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, Hardwoods, Room, 1 1/2 Baths, and 2 Car Garage. Ron Faria garage, Great Area $ 299,900 hardwoods, 2 full baths. $459,900 401-578-0075 $279,900

Jeff Bennett 401-332-8297

Jeffrey Luciano 401-965-2817

Douglas Caito Peter Leddy 401-935-3202 401-374-5345

Kathy Santos 401-241-5380

Shirley Toombs 401-439-5831

Skip Gilmore 401-529-5479

Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

Paul Faella 401-529-1422

Luci Stoddard 401-641-8114


The Reporter March 2012

How You Can Help Kid’s Granting Wishes Program ... Attention ALL Teachers:

Children’s WIshes of Rhode Island have opportunities for everyone to get involved and our “Kid’s Granting Children’s WIshes Program” is a wonderful place to start. This is a great way to get students involved and to give back to those who could use some hope, love, dreams and faith infused back into their lives. Make a differance and help a child with a lifethreatening medical illness at the same time. Its a lession you can provide that will be magical to another child. Children’s Wishes exists because of the generosity of donors and sponsors… contact us today for ways on how you can get your classroom involved in a great cause. Call our office at 401-921-1300 or email us at to learn more. Be sure to ask us about our Kids Granting Children’s Wishes Program!

Tap-In Accepts The Feinstein Challenge!

There will be a new Nationwide Feinstein Challenge extending from March 1 to April 30, and Tap-In is looking forward to being part of it. Each dollar donated will count toward a share on the fund, and each food item will count as $1 as well. Resupplying the Emergency Food Closet has become quite a challenge in itself during these difficult economic times so all donations will be doubly appreciated. Non-perishable items such as spaghetti sauce, pasta, tuna, cereal, soup, beef stew, spam, peanut butter, mac and cheese, baked beans, vegetables, powdered milk, tea, coffee and other drinks and snack items are very gratefully received by East Bay area clients. Small household appliances like toasters and toaster ovens, coffee makers, blenders, hand mixers and lamps are currently in very short supply. Can openers, flatware, pots, pans, sheets, blankets and towels are also always needed. All donations may be dropped off the agency located in the lower level of the Library building on County Rd. during regular office hours of 9 to noon, Mon. thru Fri. Checks may be mailed to: Tap-In, Inc., P.O. Box 252, Barrington, RI 02806 Please call 247-1444 for any further information.

Local Non Profit Charity Continues to “Reach Out” Through Peg RI TV to Help Rhode Islanders

If you have Cox, Full channel cable, Verizon Fios or access to youtube, you may already, be familiar with the Peg RI-TV program Reach Out. Since 2011, The AIDE Foundation members lead by John Brando Medeiros, Nancy Greene, Tina Marie Pothier, Alex Sylvia, Ron Paolino Sr and Rachel Sylvia, have created programming which profiles local charities, and people who work with or give back to the community. Guests such as Robert Healey, Michele Duga, Will Muggle, Sandra Tolley, Erin Gilliatt, Joanne Quinn and Laura Jaworski have provided helpful and intriguing information which The AIDE Foundation hopes will educate and inspire Rhode Islanders. Hosted by local professional comedian Poppy Champlin and professional poker player Ron Paolino Sr, the AIDE Foundation has found an unlikely, lively and humorous pairing of clever repartee and educational content. The program Reach Out is the creation of John Brando Medeiros and Nancy Elizabeth Greene who direct and produce each show respectively. Original score by Louis Turse, Reach Out is a unique show, in that it focuses on topics and organizations which are part of the RI community. The AIDE Foundation encourages the viewers of Reach Out to contact them at with any guests or organizations their viewership wishes to see profiled on their show. The AIDE Foundation has other programming they’re hoping to receive funding to produce in the coming year including its award winning “Cool Schools” senior project mentor ship program. Off The Hook, a program for kids created by kids, and several other educational programs geared to helping Rhode Islanders are awaiting funding, The AIDE Foundation is hoping for donations and other funding to improve its current programming and create new programming to help those in need. Volunteers are welcome to contact the AIDE Foundation, and seniors looking to take part in “Cool Schools mentorship program. To donate or volunteer please see thier website at Reach Out can be seen on , Verizon Fios Channel 25 in East Providence, Cox channel 18. Tuesdays 3:30pm and Thursday 8:30 pm. Statewide Mondays at 12:00pm Cox channel 13 and Verizon Fios 32. All The AIDE Foundation programming is easily identifiable under the PTV New England label. 401-603-AIDE (2433).

Seeking Quality Therapeutic Foster Parents

We Provide: 24/7 Support, Bi- Weekly Stipend, Comprehensive Training, 8 Paid Respite Days, $2,000.00 Referral Bonus, Foster Parent Liability Insurance, $1000 Sign on bonus. Devereux Therapeutic Foster Care-RI 501 Centerville Rd. Suite 102, Warwick, RI 02886 , (401) 734-9680, mcharles@

March 2012 The Reporter


East Providence Public Libraries Riverside Branch Activities

Computer Classes for Job-Seekers

These free hands-on classes will give you the opportunity to learn new skills and put them to practice when searching for and applying to jobs online. The instructor, Karen Panzarella, has a Masters degree in Computer Education. She has taught computer classes at the East Providence Senior Center as well as for East Providence Career and Technical Center Vocational Training for Adults. Space is limited and registration is required; call 433-4877. East Providence residents receive priority. Laptops provided or bring your own.

Part 1: Thurs, 3/22, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Receive help establishing a free email account. Learn how to send and receive messages, and add attachments.

Part 2: Thurs, 3/29, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Learn how to navigate the best jobsearching websites. Find out how to get company and career information online for local businesses where you’d like to work.

Part 3: Thurs, 4/12, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Learn how to apply to jobs online, upload your resume to online applications, and attach your resume and cover letter to an email.

Part 4: Thurs, 4/19, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Use this working session to apply for jobs online with assistance close by.

Understanding Gluten-Free Diet Saturday, March 31 at 10:30am

Riverside Branch Library, 475 Bullocks Point Ave Learn the basics of a gluten-free diet. The presenter, Kathi Thiboutot, is the Chapter President of a Celiac Support Group, and the owner of Healthy Haven, an all glutenfree specialty health food store in Tiverton. Some gluten-free products will also be displayed and available for sampling. This program is free and open to all. No registration is required. Call 434-2453 for more information.

Weaver Activities

Drop–in Knit & Crochet Club

Tuesday evenings from 6 -7:30 p.m.

Shake off those winter blues by dropping in on the new Knit & Crochet club led by Rosemary Carlson. All are welcome, from novices to experts alike.

eBook Workshop

Thursday, March 8th at 6:00 p.m.

Learn how to use the RI Ezone to download free library eBooks to your Kindle, Nook or other eReader. This is a hands on class, so bring your own laptop and device, or register to use one of the library’s laptops. Two people will share a laptop during this presentation. Call 434-2453 to register.

Celebrating Ireland in Story & Song

Mon, March 12th at 7p.m.

Phil Edmonds, Mary King and Hughie Purcell delight audiences with music and stories that embrace Irish history and culture in one of our most popular programs. Dublin bred Hughie Purcell joins Mary and Phil this year, playing acoustic guitar, fiddle, and banjo. Don’t be late! Seats go fast!

Get Your Home in Order: An Organizing Workshop at the Weaver Library

Monday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. Want to get organized, but don’t know where to start? Come to this workshop by professional organizer Lisa Griffith of The Organized Way, and discover the IN ORDER system for getting your home organized. Learn to start the organizing process quickly and easily. Discover how to organize your home so that you can feel confident that you will find what you need when you need it.

Adult Writers’ Workshop Tues, March 27th at 6p.m.

Author Carolyn Davis will give examples of exposition in fiction, nonfiction, and biography. Carolyn’s instruction will benefit both the beginning writer as well as the more seasoned one. Weaver Library programs are free and open to all. Questions? Contact Librarian Joyce May at 434-2453 or eplibraryjoyce@

March Teen Programs

(Programs are for grades 6 and up unless otherwise noted.)


CCRI Pediatric Nursing Students present a day of hands-on babysitting training. Certificate awarded upon completion. For ages 11-15 years.

FOOD FUN @ Weaver

Make and enjoy FRUIT SMOOTHIES! Monday, Mar. 12, 3:30 p.m.

JP THE DJ @ Weaver

What’s it like to be a D.J.? Find out and enjoy music, snacks, fun! Thursday, Mar. 22, 4:00 p.m.


Help clean up the grounds at Weaver Library. Monday, Mar. 26, 3:30 p.m.

TEEN MONDAYS @ Riverside Laptops, Wii, games. After school on Mondays.

TEEN THURSDAYS @ Weaver Laptops, Wii, games. After school on Thursdays.

Activities for Children WEEKLY STORYTIMES January 17 - May 19, 2012

No advance registration is necessary. Half hour storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Mondays, 10:30am, ages birth - 35 months @Riverside; Tuesdays, 1:30pm, ages 3 - 6 @Riverside; Wednesdays, 10:30am, ages 2 – 3 @Fuller; Wednesdays, 6:30pm, ages 2 – 6 @Weaver; Thursdays, 9:30am, ages birth – 35 months @Weaver; Thursdays, 10:30am, ages 2 – 4 @Weaver (Change); Thursday, 1:30pm, ages 3 – 6 @ Rumford; Saturdays, 10:00am, ages 2 - 6 @Weaver


Stories and songs for children who have developmental disorders and their families. Saturdays (once a month), 11:0011:30am @Weaver March 10, April 7, May 5

CRAFTS – all ages

Monday, March 12, 3:00-5:00 - Leprechaun Craft @Fuller; Tuesday, March 20, 3:00–5:00pm – Spring Pencil Toppers @ Rumford; Monday, March 26, 3:00–5:00pm – Make “Hoot” the paper plate owl @Fuller


Read and act out great stories, tell jokes, make crafts, eat snacks, play games, and more! Wednesdays, 3:45 – 4:45, grades 1 – 5 Through - May 16 - March dates are: Mar. 7, 14, 21, & 28 Book Selection is read during the program.

For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held, or the main Youth Services Department at 434-2453.


The Reporter March 2012

People in the News Are you proud of someone? Share at

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Please visit to read about Local Residents in University News! A Hospice Volunteer Shares His Story

By: Pam Taylor, Director of Communications at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island

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Jim Phillips is a long-time East Providence resident, who volunteers his time. Jim Phillips is a big guy with a big heart. A Korean War vet, a retired truck driver, and a former member of the Teamsters Union, Jim is also a hospice volunteer. He is one of 300 volunteers at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island (HHCRI) who give their time and talent to helping patients and families cope with serious illness. Volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team which includes physicians, nurses, hospice aides, social workers, chaplains and grief counselors. In fact, any hospice who receives Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement is required by law to provide 5% of its patient care by volunteers. Jim has been a volunteer for Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island for the past 14 years. “He has been a tremendous support to hospice patients - Jim is a grace-filled gentleman with a passion to help others,” states Bobbi Wexler, the Volunteer Program Manager at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island. “Since we started keeping records in 2003, Jim has made 600 visits and donated more than 2,500 hours to HHCRI. He’s helped hundreds of patients and families,” says Wexler. When asked what made him get involved with hospice, Jim replies, “I was at a Teamsters Meeting with about 300 members and two women from hospice came to give a presentation. I decided that day,” he said. Jim can talk for hours about his experiences and the rewards of hospice volunteering. “It makes me feel good to help someone,” he states humbly. “I forget about my own aches and pains.” Some of Jim’s stories are heartbreaking like the one about a gentleman he was visiting during the Christmas season. “As I was leaving, I said to him, ‘I’ll see you next year.’ The man replied, “I’m not going to be here next year.”

March 2012 The Reporter “The patient knew he was dying. I went home that night and cried,” Jim said choking up. But, there were funny stories, too. He reluctantly shared with me the story about a gentleman he was visiting in a nursing home. The hospice patient, despite his diagnosis, still wanted to smoke. The patient begged him not to tell the nursing home – “They’ll kick me out, if they catch me,” the hospice patient told him. With a big grin on his face, Jim admits that he did help the patient sneak a cigarette. Jim believes common sense and learning how to set boundaries are two important qualities that hospice volunteers need to be effective. What does Jim do as a volunteer? He drives patients to doctor appointments; Takes patients shopping; Provides transportation; Brings coffee and ice cream to patients; Takes patients for rides; Delivers hot wieners; Passes out Thanksgiving baskets; Offers caregivers the opportunity to take a nap, get a haircut, go shopping or just have some time off. It’s not uncommon to hear HHCRI volunteers comment that they get much more out of volunteering than they give. Most volunteers will tell you that they find it personally gratifying and emotionally meaningful to assist those in need at a critical point in their lives. Jim is no exception. “It’s all good,” states Jim. “I meet the nicest people, make a lot of friends - can’t really explain it. It makes me feel good. I’ll keep volunteering until I can’t do it anymore.” SIDEBAR ON HOW TO VOLUNTEER Are there any requirements to become a volunteer at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island? Volunteers are considered staff at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island. Patient volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. All volunteers are required to complete the application process. The process includes filling out an application, being interviewed, having a criminal background and reference check, providing an immunization record, and completing HHCRI’s annual educational requirements. Volunteers who are interested in direct patient care also need to complete approximately nine hours of in-class instruction which includes an orientation to Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island and a volunteer training workshop. New trainees should be without a significant loss within their family or among their close friends for at least one year before entering direct patient/family care training. Each volunteer also receives an annual performance evaluation. How can I become a volunteer for Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island? Applications can be obtained by calling the office at 401-4154200 or downloading one from our website at


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Can you name any of these early 1960 EPHS student leaders or their Assistant Principal? Email us at

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The Reporter March 2012


By Bob Rodericks also assisted. Midway through the second period, Estrella tallied EPHS Vicente is state’s Outstanding Wrestler: his second goal of the game off a nifty setup from Ryan Costa and East Providence High School finished in fifth place overall in Barry, giving the Townies a 4-0 lead going into the intermission. this year’s state wrestling tournament held on February 25th in Cranston tallied their lone goal of the evening 0:27 into the second Providence. Two returning state champions for EPHS, Jonah Auperiod. Marc LaValley turned away 24 of the 25 shots he faced. On relio and Joao Vicente won state championships again this year. Saturday night, Mount Hope gave the Townies all they could handle Both wrestlers won with convincing pins. Vicente was honored by the first half of the first period, but the East Providence defense and tournament officials with the tourney “outstanding wrestler award”. LaValley stood up to the test. East Providence went on the power Bay View Academy girls’ basketball finished the regular season play at 5:46 and made the Huskies pay for their sin as Kevin Hall with an undefeated 18-0 Division I North record. They enter the scored off a Paul Lukas pass. Ryan Barry also assisted. Barry added state tournament as a heavy favorite. Bay View’s closest opponent the eventual game winner 2:43 into the second period. Kevin Hall was Barrington High school with a 13-5 record. Bay View finished and Kyle Marquis assisted. Paul Lukas put the Townies up 3-0 on the season with 1,145 points while only allowing 632 points from a breakaway feed from Kyle Marquis at 6:09. Matt Hall increased combine opponents. Bay View did lose a crossover game to the lead to 4-0 on a Matt hall blast from the point. Troy Derrick asrival LaSalle in December, 51-45. LaSalle is also undefeated in sisted. The Huskies tallied their lone goal of the game at 10:34 of their division I South scoring 1,323 points while allowing just 764 the 3rd period. LaValley turned away 39 of the 40 shots he faced. points against. A classice rematch could be in the waiting for the The Townies have the number two seed in the playoffs and have state finals. earned a first round bye. The Townies will resume play on Friday Congratulations to EPHS senior Ryan Carmone for his 2nd place March 9th time and place TBD. The Townies recognized their 5 finish in the 200 yard freestyle at the Division 2 swim championships seniors on Friday night. The seniors are: Ryan Barry, Matt Hall, held this weekend at Roger Williams University. His time of 1:56:66 Keith Marquis, Shawn Medeiros, Sarah Duarte. (courtesy Coach was a personal best by over 2 seconds. Ryan also finished 3rd in the Croke’s Townie Blogs). 100 freestyle(53.32) Joining Ryan at the State Championships, to EPHS boys’ basketball senior Jawaan Lyles was selected to be held at the University of Rhode Island this weekend will be Liam the First Team All Division 1 East team as well as the 2nd Team Fisher- 4th 100 back and 100 butterfly, Josh Pari- 100 breastsroke, All League Team. The All League Team is made up of the 10 Best and Chris Dutra- 100 back and 100 butterfly. The girls placed 4 Players in all of Division 1. Senior Brendan Quigley was selected into the state meet Haley Costa-500 freestyle,Meredith Norton- 100 to the 2nd Team All Division Team. The selections are made by butterfly, Erica Dutra- 100 backstroke qualified in individual events. the Coaches Association. By being selected First Team All DiviJoining them will be Amy Tiernan to complete the relay teams. sion, Jawaan also made the RI Basketball Coaches Association The Townies Hockey Team wrapped up the regular season with Top 48 All Star Game. The game will be played on Wednesday with a pair of 4-1 wins over Cranston East on Friday and Mount March 14th at 7:30 at Rhode Island College. The Lady Townies Hope on Saturday. The wins secured the Townies second place won the season finale against Cumberland 65-39 to earn the 8th with a 13-3 record. On Friday night the Townies scored a pair of first seed and will square off with rival LaSalle in the preliminary round period power play goals. Troy Derrick put the Townies up 1-0 at the of the State Tournament. 7:04 mark. Jared Estrella and Kyle Marquis assisted. Two minutes (NOTICE: Upcoming Spring Sports Teams, Little Leagues, later, Estrella teamed up with Marquis to put the townies up 2-0. Soccer, and all youth teams in East Providence… send your upJust 0:46 into the second period Kevin Hall increased the Townies dates and information to us for publication! We want to cover your lead to 3-0 on a clean break away from Ryan Barry, Keith Marquis organization! Email comments to

Rumford Little League Try Outs

Saturday, March 10, 2012 at KR Baseball Academy

Girls – all ages 4:00-5:00 P.M. Boys – all ages 5:00-6:00 P.M. ** Tee Ball Players Do Not Try Out ** KR Baseball Academy 413 Central Avenue Pawtucket, RI 02861 Missed registration? Go to to find forms and information for late registration.

The Townies Hockey Team wrapped up the regular season and secured second place with a 13-3 record.

March 2012 The Reporter

East Providence Townies Competition/ Basketball Cheerleaders

The East Providence Townies Competition/Basketball Cheerleaders are a group of 19 very talented and athletic girls. They bring encouragement and entertainment to the home basketball games with their cheers, stunts and tumbling performances. These girls also make their way around the Cheerleading circuit around the state during competitions. Coached by Chris Ricci and Deanna Stone-Akers. Choreographed by Gil Pimental. Here are the names of these very talented Athletes: Victoria Allsworth, Tori Ash, Jazmine Braz, Jessica Cordeiro, Haley DeFontes, Hayley Feola, Carissa Jacobs, Dalynn Jacobs, Alexis Leaf, Kristin Lyons, Priscilla Machado, Taylor Medeiros, Amanda Michon, Justyce Morris, Arabella Okwara, Sarah Poirier, Ka’dejia Shepard, Isabella Torres, Jillian Vierra

East Providence Townies Competition/Basketball Cheerleaders

East Providence Jr. Townies - 2012 Season Football and Cheerleading Registration FOOTBALL (Ages 7-15) CHEERLEADERS (Ages 7-15) CHALLENGER CHEERLEADERS (Ages 7-15) FLAG FOOTBALL (Ages 5-6 & 1st year 7 year olds – see details below)

Wednesday March 21st from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Friday March 23rd from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Saturday March 24th from 10:00 am - Noon

WHERE: BRIGHTRIDGE CLUB, 59 Brightridge Avenue, E Prov (FRONT HALL) Player/Cheerleader must accompany Parent to Registration in order to be weighed for football or sized for cheer uniform NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE: $85 per participant; $200 for families with 3 or more participating ALL NEW - Flag Football League Information (5 & 6 year olds, 1st year 7 year olds) NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE: $50 per participant Each Flag Player receives a Game T-Shirt and FREE admission to all EPJRT Games at Pierce Field! Print the Registration Forms from our website: www.epjrtown-

Please Bring Completed Forms with your to Registration MANDATORY FUNDRAISER - Chances to win cash prizes of $50 to $500 every day in the month of September! All participants will be required to participate in our Calendar Raffle Fundraiser


Each participant will be required to sell 5 Raffles for $10 each (Family max. of 10) You will receive your 5 Raffle Tickets at Registration to start selling! Looking forward to a great 2012 Season!!

EP Junior Townies Football & Cheerleading

1st Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser Saturday August 11th at Swansea Country Club

Registration starts at Noon; Shotgun Start at 1:00 pm Scramble Format Registration Fee - $125 per person Includes 18 Holes of Golf, Cart, & Dinner Earn $25 Credit off your Fee for every $500 in new Sponsors Dinner only: $30 per person (arrive at Swansea Country Club around 5:00) Please make checks payable to: EP Junior Townies Prizes for 1st and 2nd place (Men, Women and Mixed) Longest Drive (Man & Woman) Closest to the Pin (Man & Woman) Various Golf Games and Contests throughout the event (Putting Challenge, Mulligan, Silent Auction, Raffle, 50/50) Proper Golf Dress Required (Golf or Collared Shirt Required; No Jeans or Cargo Shorts) Questions? Call or email: Donna Hassell 808-4191; Tournament Coordinators: Allen Winter 230-4802 and Jim Miller 954-2412 Please complete and return section below, with payment, by August 4, 2012 Team Leader ________________________________________ Golfer 2 ____________________________________________ Golfer 3 ____________________________________________ Golfer 4 ____________________________________________ Contact number in case of questions _____________________ _______________

LEARN TO SKATE + PLAY HOCKEY Greater Providence Youth Hockey • 2011-2012 Season 8 and under • Instructional and House League For more information visit


The Reporter March 2012

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Spring 2012 Five Simple Steps To Help Homeowners Ease Into Spring Projects

(ARA) - Now, while the winter is still around, is the best time for homeowners to get a jump start on planning and prepping for their spring and summer home and garden projects; so when the weather really does warm up, it takes little effort to get the projects underway. In addition to fine-tuning home improvement and gardening plans, it is also a good idea to make certain the required tools are in tip-top shape, so the projects are not delayed. Here are some ways to prepare for the spring and summer seasons with just a few simple steps: * Plans - Sketch out those garden plans, and pick the plants that can be purchased or grown from seed. Plans don’t need to be drawn to scale, but they’ll provide great background information for a shopping list. Research how early seedlings should be started, so they’ll be ready for transplant when the time arrives. Also create plans for any home projects that need to be accomplished. The depth of those plans depends on how complicated the project is. Make certain all permits are in order, if required by the community; and if a contractor is needed, a formal agreement and timeline is in place prior to work commencing. * Lawn tools - Check pruning shears for sharp blades - and either sharpen or replace them if they don’t easily cut through a small stem of plant material. Also, review lawn mower blades. Check

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March 2012 The Reporter


Home & Garden the oil, gasoline and starters on all gardening machinery to ensure they’ll run correctly when needed. * House tools - A review of all home tools helps to determine if any new purchases - or replacements are needed. This is the perfect time to head to the store and purchase missing tools, add new blades to saws or replenish the sandpaper stash - eliminating wasted time running back and forth to the store. * Hand tools - A little care can go a long way in keeping your hands and feet - the most valuable tools found in every household - in good shape after the long, dry winter months. These tools are vital to accomplishing everything on those garden and home project lists, and they are often forgotten. O’Keeffe’s Working Hands and O’Keeffe’s for Healthy Feet are both guaranteed to effectively relieve dry, cracked skin in even the most extreme cases. And just a little bit of the highly concentrated, hypoallergenic and odorless creams is needed. Start every project off with healthy hands, and keep them that way throughout the entire season of projects. It’s the best cream for dry hands - especially after the long and dry winter months. * Materials - As the project season gets closer, start purchasing the materials needed ahead of time. This helps to spread the cost out, and can give an idea of how much time and effort the project will take to be completed. Get started now in matching colors, finding the perfect accessories and even price-comparing between different suppliers to help save money.

For homeowners who haven’t experienced the warm-weatherproject itch quite yet, it’s still a good idea to start thinking about those items on to-do lists to help with being prepared and ready to go when the season arrives. It doesn’t take a lot of energy to have a successful spring and summer project season. Don’t forget O’Keeffe’s Working Hands and O’Keeffe’s for Healthy Feet to keep hands and feet in healthy shape to tackle any job.

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The Reporter March 2012


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Spring 2012

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(ARA) - Home sweet home. With more homeowners deciding to stay put in their homes, rather than attempting to sell in the current market, that old adage is more meaningful than ever. Staying put doesn’t mean homeowners are settling. Many are upgrading or redecorating their abodes, turning their old home into the stylish - yet comfortable - home sweet home they’ve dreamed of for many years. Upgrading and redecorating a house can be done in small steps, or in one overhaul, depending on your available time and finances, and the upgrades you want to do. For example, redesigning your kitchen with new appliances, cabinetry, flooring and wall color will require a lot more time, money and decision making on your part than redecorating a bedroom with new linens, wall color and rearranged furniture.

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No matter if you want to have everything done in one large overhaul, or intend to spread your upgrades out over several years, you need to develop a working plan - one that can be constantly tweaked and updated as the project progresses. Here are some tips to get your working plan started: * Plan on a budget. You can develop a total budget for all the work you want to do, or an annual budget, which will help you divide up all the projects so you are able to afford them over a period of time. When planning your budget, it’s a good idea to overestimate the cost of a project, just in case something unexpected pops up requiring additional cash. Many a home remodeler can tell you about the simple home improvement project that turned into something much bigger than originally anticipated. * Set a timeline. This is to determine your availability to work on the project. If you find that you only have a day or two available, you probably will want to plan for a much smaller project. Or you may want to hire out any work you won’t be able to finish yourself. * Make a list of equipment you need. If you’re going to be purchasing larger supplies like wood boards and drywall, you probably need to update your truck with the Adarac truck bed rack system from Access, a division of Agri-Cover, Inc. Your truck will be able to transport up to 500 pounds of home improvement supplies on the rack, which sits neatly behind the cab and secures your load with eyelets. And don’t forget about finding a secure place in your

Early Spring SpecialS

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March 2012 The Reporter

Home & Garden




home or garage to store supplies while the project is ongoing. If you live in a home where storage is limited, consider keeping your tools in your truck bed, covered and secured with an Access tonneau cover. The cover’s locks keep your tools safe and dry until you need them, and when you’re ready to get started on the project, the tonneau truck bed cover can easily be removed, granting you access to everything. * Ask questions. As you get started in the planning of your project, talk to friends and family who have done something similar, as well as the experts at home improvement stores. The more information you have, the more prepared you will be to address issues as they arise. Staying in your current house and revamping it into that dream house you always wanted can really pay off. You may find yourself inviting family and friends to come and vacation at your house, so you can stay home and enjoy it.

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The Reporter March 2012

Spring 2012

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(ARA) - As the days get longer and things get a little brighter inside your house, it becomes easier to notice the places that could use a little extra TLC. It’s also the perfect time to work on simple home improvement projects as you wait for warm weather to come. Here’s a checklist you can work on now so your home will be vibrant and welcoming once long summer days roll around.


Once the light begins to reflect off your floors, you really start to notice some imperfections. If you’ve been waiting to screen and recoat your hardwood floor to give it a new shine, now’s the perfect time to do it. If you’re replacing tile, vinyl or linoleum flooring, a heat gun is a great tool to help soften the adhesive for easy removal. The Wagner HT3500 digital heat gun offers 12 precise temperature settings, making it an easy-to-use tool for do-it-yourselfers.


One of the easiest ways fill your rooms with warmth is to give them a fresh coat of paint. Increased sunlight will help you choose the color that works best with your room, and you can finish painting before the weather gets really nice and you want to spend more time outside.

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Spring is a great time to take a look at your window treatments and see if they could use a little love. Cleaning your blinds and washing your curtains can give your indoor space a little extra life. If you’re repainting, you may also want to consider repainting or restaining your window frames. You can also use a heat gun to help you remove old paint or varnish from your frames.


As the weather warms up and you’re again ready to use your deck, you’ll probably notice plenty of debris that’s collected over the winter. Start by giving it a good spray with the hose to clear away everything. If you plan on staining or repainting your deck, mild temperatures are ideal. If you get it done in the spring, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy it throughout the year.



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March 2012 The Reporter

Home & Garden


Landscape Construction Walkways

Retaining Walls Landscape Construction Patios


Since you’re freshening up the rest of your house, don’t forget the bathrooms. Besides simply scrubbing your tub, cleaning bathroom tile and regrouting is an easy way to get your bathroom looking clean and bright. This project can be done over a weekend and is simple enough for most homeowners to handle. By taking some time to tackle these projects now, you’ll give yourself a whole summer of relaxing in the warmth of your newly refreshed home. For more project ideas, how-to videos and information on tolls for painting, staining and other home improvement tasks, visit

Hydroseeding Bobcat Services Walkways • Spring Cleanups Retaining Walls Weekly Lawn Maintenance Patios Hydroseeding • Walkways • Fencing Bobcat Services

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Southside Community Land Trust Announces 20th Annual Rare & Unusual Plant Sale

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In honor of the Plant Sale’s 20th year, City Farm will feature 20 favorite plants and perennials chosen by long‐term volunteers and friends of SCLT. Saturday, May 19th and Sunday, May 20h 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (special members-only preview hour Saturday 9:00-10:00 a.m.) Where: City Farm, located at the corner of Dudley and W. Clifford Streets (between Prairie Ave. and Broad St.) in south Providence Why: Give people the opportunity to purchase a wide variety of plants for their gardens while sustaining the Community Land & Construction Trust’s urban agriculture programs The Plant Sale is one of the area’s largest and most popular Commercial Roofing & Residential • Licensed & Insured in Ma & RI outdoor plant sales, where over 2,000 people show up to browse • Snowplowing and purchase more than 18,000 organically grown seedlings for •All Types of Roofing purchase. The plants available include flowering perennials and •Leak Specialist annuals, vegetables, fruits, and herbs, and can serve as healthy w/ Tear-Off Job 1800 SF + starts for window boxes, container gardens, community garden •Seemless Gutters plots, or backyard gardens. All proceeds from the Plant Sale go We Will Beat All Written Estimates By Licensed Contractors to support the Community Land Trust’s educational programs and community gardens in Providence. e y The plants are cultivated early in the spring by Rich Pederson, City Farm Steward for the Community Land Trust, assisted by a team of apprentices and interns. “For this year’s sale we wanted to do something special to honor its 20th running year,” says Pederson, “so we’re going to feature 20 favorite plants from SCLT staff and longtime volunteers. The Plant Sale will be a celebration of that milestone as well as a general celebration of urban gardening and food growing.” The Plant Sale is not only an important fundraiser for the Community Land Trust, but also a festive community event. Visitors can listen to live music from local bands as they browse the selection C.Grant & Sons EXCAVATION, INC. of plants. Members of the SCLT Providence Community Growers Network (and SCLT members) can enjoy admittance to a special preview an hour before the sale officially starts, giving them first access to the plants available; people can become members by going to or calling (401) 273-9419. More information about the Plant Sale, including directions to City Farm, is available at Southside Community Land Trust (SCLT) provides access to Complete Site Work land, education and other resources so people in Greater Providence can grow food in environmentally sustainable ways and create community food systems where locally produced, affordable, New Installations & Repairs and healthy food is available to all. For more information, please (401) 433-2475 visit Licensed & Insured RI Reg. 0009731


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The Reporter March 2012

SCHOOL NEWS World Class KRob Foundation Thrills Orlo Supporters!

Nicole Estrella with Kevin Robinson. See more photos from the event at, under school.

Now Enrollng for 2012-2013 Grades 1-6

East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education

It’s Elementary...

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By Bob Rodericks The effort to raise private funding to construct the first ever playground at Orlo Avenue School continued on Saturday, February 4th as world class BMX bikers Michael Steidley and EPHS Hall of Famer, Kevin Robinson - known as KRob, entertained hundreds at the EPHS gym. Orlo avenue volunteers Nicole Estrella and Heather Foley and many others, organized the world class stunt show with the KRob Foundation. Orlo is the city’s only school without a playground and these spirited Orlo volunteers hope to build one by the end of the school year. Everyone from the student body to the parents and school staff to city workers has pledged to pitch in to bring this to fruition. Funds are needed to purchase equipment and supplies and the KRob Foundation Gold Medal performance in the high school gym helped the cause greatly. A small admission fee was charged to see the stunt show, which saw high jumping BMX world famous athletes. There were also plenty of snacks and souvenirs for sale and hundreds of chances to win prizes. “There weren’t too many people who thought that I could make a career of this stuff (bike riding)” Kevin Robinson told the large crowd in the gym. But the Townie graduate explained to the hundreds of wide-eyed fans that “I never gave up and you shouldn’t either,” Robinson gleefully exclaimed. Organizer Heather Foley said more funds are greatly needed and EP residents can contact project organizers at the school or by checking out the Orlo PTA page on face book. “Several more fundraisers including a pasta dinner are coming up. Please help our kids,” she and others in the Orlo community ask.

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Special Needs Recognition Program Awards

The East Providence Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education is pleased to announce the Fourth Annual Special Needs Recognition Program. We are currently seeking nominations for educators, teacher assistants, therapists, programs, students, parents and/or community resources that have provided consistently outstanding services for Special Education students, especially in the area of inclusion. Inclusion is students with special education needs spending most or all of their time with non-disabled students. The goal of this program is to increase awareness and recognize those people who are providing best practices in inclusive education.

Basis for Nomination

Criteria: Identify the criteria that are the basis for your nomination. Refer to the criteria below. Nominating Statement: In 250 words or less, please state your reasons that support your nomination. Please keep a copy of your narrative for the Recognition Program awards reception. Criteria for the Special Needs Recognition Program Educator/Teacher Assistant /Therapist An educator/therapist who has provided consistently outstanding services to advance the success of students with special needs

March 2012 The Reporter by demonstrating teaching practices in the classroom(special education or general education) which enable achievement and participation of students with special needs: Peer helping strategies Social skills development Management of behavior Differentiated instruction, instruction accommodations & appropriate test modifications classroom organization training & support of staff which increases achievement of students with special needs Promoting parent involvement to enable achievement and participation of students with special needs.


A student who has made an outstanding contribution to school objectives or programs in one or more of the following ways: Participating in school programs which increase peer acceptance and support individual differences. Providing direct assistance, friendship, and encouragement to students with special needs. Demonstrating leadership in student activities to promote a spirit of caring, belonging, and cooperation among the student body.


A school based program, demonstrating outstanding results in promoting success of students with special needs through the cooperative efforts of school administrator, regular education and special education staff.


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A parent who effectively advocated for their child to get the supports necessary for their child’s academic and social success.

Community Resource

A local business or individual, who has made an outstanding contribution to school and/or community programs that benefited students with special needs. Once all the nominations have been received and the winners have been chosen, there will be an awards reception on May 10, 2012 at Martin Middle School (details to follow). We thank you for your participation in this program.

Please return the nomination form along with your nominating statement by Friday, March 30, 2012 to: or or mail to East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education 80 Burnside Avenue, Riverside, RI 02915

Recognition Program Nomination Form 1. Name of Person or Program Nominated: ___________________ _____________________________ 2. Category of Nomination: (circle one) Teacher Assistant Therapist Parent Community Resource Program

Educator Student

3. School: ________________________________________________ 4.Your Name: ____________________________________________ Phone

Email: _______________________________

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The Reporter March 2012

March 2012 The Reporter

Tooth Fairy Flies Into East Providence


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Dr. Kirsten Romani and the Romani Orthodontics' Tooth Fairy talk with students about healthy oral hygiene. February was Children’s Dental Health Month and as part of their community outreach and service, Dr. Kirsten Romani and the Romani Orthodontics’ Tooth Fairy recently visited all eight of the East Providence elementary schools to talk with a total of more than 435 second grade students about the importance of good oral hygiene and healthy habits. Dr. Romani’s dental health program consisted of an educational presentation followed by an animated video and an interactive question and answer session with the tooth fairy. Topics reviewed included proper tooth brushing habits and the use of dental floss, using fluoride toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association, visiting the dentist every 6 months, and making healthy choices to reduce sugars in the diet and minimize soda consumption. Mouth guards for protection against sports related injuries were also recommended. Each child received a “goodie bag” filled with a toothbrush, pencil, tooth fairy box, and stickers. Dr. Romani and the Tooth Fairy have been making this presentation to East Providence students for over a decade. Although Children’s Dental Health Month is in February, Romani Orthodontics’ efforts to educate the children in our community are ongoing throughout the year.

School news continued on next page...

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The Reporter March 2012

Bay View Academy Students Make Baby Blankets For Local Organizations

East Providence, RI – Bay View Academy Lower School students participated on Monday, January 30 and Wednesday, February 1, in an optional, after-school project to make baby blankets for McAuley Village, a two-year transitional housing program for homeless single parents and their children and Hasbro Children’s Hospital. The project, which reinforces the Academy’s Mercy Core values of compassion and service and collaboration, was run by Lower School teacher, Janine Cooney. Twenty-three students ranging from grade one through grade five participated and 24 blankets were created. “The girls gave up their afternoon activities to be a part of this project. They love doing it because they really feel they are personally doing something to help someone else, and they are. It was a wonderful afternoon” stated Ms. Cooney. The girls who participated were: Sonia Dady, Attleboro, MA; Tessa Foley, Bristol; Parker Kern, Cranston; Gabby Osorio-Palo, Cranston; Malena Corso, Cranston; Caroline Mahoney, East Providence; Maggie Mahoney, East Providence; Orla Feld, East Providence; Grace Bourassa, Greenville; Chloe Marsella, Johnston; Celia Macari, North Providence; Erin Donovan, Pawtucket; Molly Donovan, Pawtucket; Christina Obrien, Providence; Abbie Greene-Sermak, Rehoboth, MA; Lizzie Cooney, Rehoboth, MA; Daniella Olivares, Seekonk, MA; Jane Maciel, Seekonk, MA; Gina Khiami, Warwick; Caitlin Blanco, Warwick; Amera Khiam, Warwick; Jenna Inglehart, West Warwick; Lily Gucfa, Rehoboth, MA

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Caroline Mahoney and Maggie Mahoney, of Riverside, working on the blankets.

March 2012 The Reporter

Bay View Academy’s Mock Trial Team Advances To Playoffs

East Providence, RI – The Bay View Academy Mock Trial Team, senior division, which has been in existence for 14 years defeated Mt. Saint Charles on Wednesday, February 8, 2012. Bay View currently has a record of 3 and 0, defeating Ponaganset High and LaSalle Academy in addition to the Mount, which automatically puts them in the playoffs. The team has been praised for their poise, their confidence, and their preparedness.

Bay View Academy’s JV Basketball Team Soars To 2nd Consecutive RI State Basketball Championship

East Providence, RI - The Bay View Academy Junior Varsity Basketball Team won their second consecutive State Championship on Sunday, February 19, 2012. The team defeated the North Kingstown High School Skippers 50 - 45 at the Bay View Academy Athletic Wellness Center. Although the teams have played against one another during summer league, it was the first time they had squared off during the regular season. The team is comprised of sophomores Paige Monk (Rehoboth), Molly Burke (East Greenwich), Michaela Kelley (East Providence), and Stephanie Jackvony (Cranston) and first year students Alison Guilmette (Coventry), Sofia Cabral (Bristol), Rylee Leonard (Coventry), Francesca Corsinetti (Johnston), Morgan Burke (East Greenwich), and Abigail Burke (East Greenwich).

Bottom Row: Merideth Matos (Rehoboth), Lauren Nadeau (No. Kingstown), Brittany Lizotte (Johnston), Aubrey Sneesby (Pawtucket) Middle Row: Emma Smith (Seekonk), Mariela O’Neill (Rumford), Merci Ujeneza (Providence), Allison Courtemanche (Johnston) Top Row: Emily Petrie (Seekonk), Amanda Bettencourt ( East Providence), Chanda Pen ( Fall River), Tory Bauer (Mendon, MA), Kelsey Leonard (Warwick)

Bay View Academy Selects Middle School Science Fair Representatives

East Providence, RI – The following girls will be representing the Bay View Academy Middle School at the State Science Fair: Allison Paul - Pawtucket; Meaghan Gillis-Providence; Elizabeth Furtado- East Providence; Rose Mahoney: Cranston RI; Taylor Morris- Coventry; Michelle Saliba -Johnston; Christina Conley- Bristol; Jacqueline Capuano-Cranston

The Bay View Academy JV Basketball Team

To see more Bay View Academy news and photos, visit

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(401) 438-1994 (401) 434-4774 Bay View Academy’s Middle School Science Fair Winners From left to right Front Row: Allison Paul (Pawtucket), Meaghan Gillis (Providence), Jacqueline Capuano (Cranston), Elizabeth Furtado (East Providence) Back Row: Michelle Saliba (Johnston), Taylor Morris (Coventry), Christina Conley (Bristol), Rose Mahoney (Cranston)


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The Reporter March 2012

Scouting Around Town Troop 2012

GSRI will be giving all baby girls born in local hospitals on March 12, 2012 a complimentary one year membership to Girl Scouts along with a goodie basket of items to welcome them into the world on the 100th birthday of Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts Celebrates its 100th Birthday at the RI State House, launching the “Year of The Girl” On March 13th @ 3:15 – 4 p.m. The Governor will read a proclamation in the rotunda; the entire RI House and Senate will take the Year of the Girl pledge and become GSRI members. Female legislators will sponsor a Girl Scout and take her on the floor while in session as they vote on the Girl Scout Resolution. There will be a giant birthday cake.

Were You an East Providence Girl Scout?

East Providence Girl Scouts are in the process of planning a celebration to mark the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting. We would like to reconnect with past members of East Providence Girl Scouts to help commemorate this major milestone. Would you please telephone Valeri at (401) 529-9923 or e-mail her at (be sure to include the words Girl Scouts on the Subject line) and tell her your contact information. It would be wonderful to include you in our celebration!

It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time

Girl Scout Cookies are now available for sale! There are 8 different flavors: Thanks-A-Lot, Shout Outs, Lemonades, Shortbread, Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties, Caramel deLites, and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. The Shortbread package has a special commemorative logo on it in recognition of this year’s 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting. Each box of cookies costs $4.00. Interestingly, five flavors of Girl Scout Cookies: Thin Mints, Caramel DeLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, and Shortbread are in the top ten most sold cookies in the United States. That’s amazing considering the fact that Girl Scout Cookies are sold for only three months of the year. Oreo cookies are the number one selling cookie followed by Thin Mints, Oreo Double Stuff, Caramel DeLites, Chips Ahoy, Peanut Butter Patties, Chewy Chips Ahoy, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Nilla Wafers, and Shortbreads. All of the proceeds—every penny—from a local council’s cookie activities remains in the area where the cookies are sold. This revenue is used to benefit girls, some of it directly by remaining in the Girl Scout troop treasury and some of it indirectly by subsidizing the cost of providing the Girl Scout program in the local area. Money from Girl Scout Cookies helps Girl Scouts of Rhode Island: Recruit and train volunteer adults to work with girls. Provide the financial assistance needed to make Girl Scouting available for all girls. Improve and maintain camp and other activity sites. Keep event/camp fees for all members to a minimum. Sponsor special events and projects. If you would like to purchase Girl Scout Cookies, but have not yet been contacted by a local Girl Scout, you may go to GSRI.Org and “click” on Girl Scout Cookies to find a booth sale site, call Girl Scouts of RI at 331-4500 and place your order, or by calling Linda at 433-4028.

Daisy troop 290 share their cookie spirit during their first sleepover at the East Providence Scout House!

March 2012 The Reporter

Eric James Buzzi obtains the Rank of Eagle Scout

Eric James Buzzi of Riverside, RI recently obtained the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 4 Riverside RI. As a student at Alice M Waddington elementary Eric received the Presidential Education Award. At Riverside Middle School he was a member of the robotics team that went on to win 1st place at the URI competition. He has been a member of the scout organization since 2000 starting out as a Tiger Cub and obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout. He also earned the Al Alteri Dei religious award. Eric has been involved in the community with activities such as bible camp at St Brendan’s. He recently completed his Eagle Project which consisted of landscaping and cleaning up of the grounds at Little Neck Cemetery in Riverside. Eric is a senior at East Providence High School. He will further his education in the field of Civil Engineering beginning in the fall of 2012.


Boy Scout Troop 55 Riverside

“Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside recently competed in the Klondike Derby at Buckhill in Chepatchet. The Klondike Derby is an event where scout patrols compete in skill events ranging from fire building, orienteering, basic first aid, obstacle course, pioneering, signaling and knot tying. The event concludes with a sled race where teams run a course with their sleds in a timed event. The Klondike Derby is a great team building event which really helps the scouts to work together as a team (patrol). Troop 55 ran the Up and Down Obstacle course challenge for the event. Even with the lack of snow a great time was had by all.”

Girl Scout Troop 1281

East Providence Girl Scout Troop 1281 members Kelsea, Sophia P, Sophia C, Julianna, Isabel, Cecelia and Sara stuffed Build-A-Bears which they donated to children in Foster care during Christmas at Boys Town New England Bazarsky Campus in Portsmouth. Boys Town Foster Family Services is a community-based program where professionally trained Foster Parents provide care and support to children of all ages, infancy through adolescents.

Boy Scout Troop 55 Riverside at Buckhill.

World Thinking Day

Girl Scout Troop 1281

Girl Scout Troop 1303

East Providence Girl Scout Troop 1303 visited the Build-ABear workshop and earned their “Brownies Around the World” patch. While there, they donated a gift card to St Jude’s Hospital which will be used by a child who is a patient of St. Jude’s to make his or her own bear.

Girl Scout Troop 1303

World Thinking Day is celebrated annually on February 22nd by all Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. It is a day when they think about their “sisters” in all other countries of the world and the meaning of Guiding and its global impact. Most recently, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts has selected an important international issue as the theme for each year’s World Thinking Day, and selected a focus country from each of their five world regions. They use these as an opportunity to study and appreciate other countries and cultures as well as increase their awareness and sensitivity about global concerns. East Providence Girl Scouts held their Thinking Day event at St. Brendan’s Church in Riverside. Troop 117 chose Guyana, land of many waters, as their focus country. They built a model rainforest that contained flowers, snakes, lizards, toads, bugs, animals, birds, and butterflies. The feeling of being in a rain forest was completed with a waterfall and dry ice to replicate fog. Japan was chosen as the focus country by Troop 290. After each girl had their passport stamped, they were able to try on clothing native to Japan, play games that Japanese children play, and sample different foods of the country. Other focus countries included Australia (Troop 458), Peru (Troop 1281), and Russia (Troop 1303). They too had information, games, dolls, cooking vessels, foods, and dances from each of the respective countries. Information about 100 years of Girl Scouting was presented by Troop 505. In keeping with this year’s theme, “we can save our planet”, Troop 475 chose recycling as the important international issue. Entertainment for the event was performed by Sidy Maiga who is the current drummer in residence for Boston’s Uhuru Africa. He is a master master percussionist from Bamako, Mali, West Africa who specializes in djembe and dun dun. see photos at


The Reporter March 2012

610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914

Phone 435-7800 Dining Room 435-7872 Fax 435-7803

East Providence Senior Center News


AARP Tax Preparation 8th 9:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 8th 1:30 p.m. East Bay Center 13th 9:00 a.m. Home Instead Senior Care 13th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 14th 10:30 a.m. AARP Tax Preparation 15th 9:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 15th 10:30 a.m. AARP Board meeting 15th 1:00 p.m. SNAP Assistance 16th 9:30 a.m. In-Sight 16th 2:45 p.m. AARP Tax Preparation 22nd 9:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 22nd 1:30 p.m. Caregivers Support 26th 10:30 a.m. Computer Assistance 26th 2:00 p.m. East Bay Center 27th 9:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 27th 10:30 a.m. RSVP Board Meeting 28th 1:00 p.m. AARP Tax Preparation 29th 9:00 a.m. Advisory Board 29th 9:00 a.m.

Flowers for Everyone

Thursday, March 22nd at 1pm Spring Beginnings

Welcome spring with a spectacular fresh floral arrangement! Each participant will receive a natural woven basket with an abundance of flowers, including daisy pom, miniature carnation and wax flower. Students will create a seasonal floral piece as they learn the elements of design. Please join us for this special celebration of spring! With experience ranging from greenhouse management to horticulture therapy, Sally Gruber’s involvement in the field spans over twenty years. Graduating with a degree in ornamental horticulture, Sally has developed plant-related programs for many sites supporting those with special needs. Currently, Sally teaches floral design and other nature-related classes throughout the state of Rhode Island. She serves individuals of all abilities, and seeks to engage all of the senses. By incorporating various art forms including poetry, storytelling and drama, participants enjoy a multi-dimensional learning experience $15.00 includes all supplies. If interested please sign up in the Administration Office.

Senior Spring Fling

Sunday, April 29th 2pm—5pm

Please come and join us for an afternoon of dinner and dance April 29, 2012 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM at the East Providence Senior Center. Those who wish to dance will be lead to the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, Cape

Verdean and Portuguese dancing styles by coaches ready to help you move to the beat that most appeals to you. Even if you are not a dancer come and enjoy the music. The cost for this event is $5.00 dollars which includes a light dinner. Scholarships will be provided to those with limited funds. Seating is limited. Contact Adriana Dossantos at 508-336-8772 for tickets.

Basic Genealogy Course

Let your computer help you find your Ancestors

This is a basic genealogy course designed to show you how your computer can help you find your ancestors. You must have access to a computer connected to the Internet. Class is limited to twelve

Classes will be run for 4 weeks on Mondays 9am to 10:15am. April 23rd, May 7th, May 14th, and May 21st Sign-up in the Administration Office Cost is $20

Free Tax Aide Program Thursdays 9am—Noon

AARP sponsored tax-aide program every Thursday in March til April 12th.

Give Blood

East Providence Senior Center March 29th 11am to 2pm

Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer donor, a person like you who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation. When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood. From its beginning, the American Red Cross has formed a community of service, of generous, strong and decent people bound by beliefs beyond themselves. The American Red Cross blood donor embodies this principle. Please join us in our mission to maintain a safe and stable blood supply by making your appointment to donate blood today.

Vigorous Mind Brain Wellness

At the end of July the Vigorous Mind Program will be up-graded to give our members more. This will require all members to have a new user name and password as well as a short review of the new system. Please come to the Administration Office to schedule a short training. You will like the new program. Vigorous Mind is a brain wellness program. It is a scientifically based software product offering users a broad brain exercise program that trains multiple cognitive functions. The program includes a set of brain exercises that trains attention, memory, processing speed, language, number skills, multi-tasking, reasoning, hand-eye coordination as well as other critically important brain skills. The system adjusts the level of difficulty to your level and lets you view your results and progress over time. Computers are available daily at the center.

Computer Assistance

Monday, March 26th 2pm- 4pm

On the last Monday of every month, two students from MTTI career training school will assist any member with computer questions. These volunteers will try to resolve your computer problems, and help you with a computer course you may be taking. The students will be in the computer lab.

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Nutrition Weight Management continues! Our sessions begin again in April. Classes are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Contact the Health Office at 435-7870 to pre-register for the next session. Get healthy for spring! Sorry, these classes are not drop-in, you must pre-register.

Therapeutic Touch with Eleanor Leighton RN.

Ms. Leighton has been performing this well researched technique for our members. Each Thursday, Ms. Leighton is here from 10:30 to 12 noon to provide members a 15 minute, individual treatment. She will be seeing members in the Seminar room, this is a permanent change. Please contact the

March 2012 The Reporter Health Office at 435-7870 for your private appointment or to ask any questions.

Registered Dietitians

We have Registered Dietitians available for appointments in the health office. They will counsel you, in private, about your dietary needs and insurance usually covers these visits. They are also certified diabetes educators. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870.

Weekly Meditation Group

Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Ellen Frazier lead a weekly meditation group at the senior center each Friday at 11 am. Try something new for yourself this year. Perhaps improve your stress management. This program is free and open to all members. Beginners welcome!

Atria Bay Blood Pressures

Atria Bay Spring Village is taking blood pressures. Please say hello to Judy Moorehead RN on Monday, March 5 from 10:30 to 11:30 in the dining room. She will take your blood pressure and answer any questions about their lovely facility.

Maureen’s Maintenance Group

Maureen’s Maintenance group will be meeting the first Tuesday of this month: March 6 at 10:30 am. Our meeting has changed to: the health office, exam room 1, this is a permanent change. This will be an open discussion meeting. Members, please try to attend.

Diabetes Support Group

Diabetes Support Group now meets twice monthly the second and fourth Thursdays each month. This month the dates are: March 8 and 22 from 1:30 to 3 pm. On March 8 we have a guest speaker, Ann Marie Sabula RD presenting on Functional Medicine! March 22 is a members only meeting-you lead your discussion! If you have diabetes,

Waterview Blood Pressures

Waterview Villa’s, Crystal Jarbeau will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, March 14 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Come sit and chat with her and discuss what services Waterview Villa has for you.

Evergreen Blood Pressures

Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, March 15 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with lovely Ivone Joia about this wonderful facility.

Caregiver’s Support Group

Caregiver’s support group will be meeting: Monday, March 26 at 10:30 am. Our meeting has been changed to the Craft room, this is a permanent change. If you are caring for a loved one and could use information or support, this group is for you. Please join us. No pre-registration necessary.


Hattie Ide Chaffee Home

Hattie Ide Chaffee Home will be performing blood pressure checks Tuesday, March 27 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the seminar room. April Paniccia, clinical social worker at Hattie Ide, can tell you about the wonderful services they provide our community. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call 435-7870.

East Providence Police are Warning Residents

East Providence police are warning residents to be wary when approached with get-rich-quick schemes and requests for money from people oversees. On Thursday, an 83-year-old woman at Goldsmith Manor was scammed out of $400 after a caller said she won a raffle and she needed to send the money via Western Union to Jamaica to claim her prize. “Unfortunately she did and will never see the money again,” wrote Det. Capt. Richard Frazier in an e-mail. Another resident of Rumford Towers sent $1,394.22 to a person whom she was corresponding with on the Internet via Western Union on Thursday. The person claimed he was in the military in Afghanistan and needed the money for a plane ticket back to the United States. She sent the money to somewhere in Cyprus, wrote Det. Capt. Frazier. Police are cautioning people to be suspicious and contact the police with any information regarding scams.

East Side Clinical Lab

East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday March 7, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor. Please utilize this service.

Dr. Richard R. Reuter, Podiatrist

On Thursday, March 22 from 9-12 noon Dr. Richard R. Reuter, podiatrist, will be in the Health Office seeing patients. Dr. Reuter has a practice in Barrington and comes highly recommended. Many members have asked for the convenience of visits by a foot doctor here at the center and Dr. Reuter has graciously agreed to do so. Please call the Health Office at: 435-7870 to schedule your appointment or if you have any questions. Dr. Reuter accepts all major insurance plans. We hope to have podiatry as a regular service at the center.

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The Reporter March 2012

Birth Announcements Isabelle Avis-Irene Silva

Deana & Joseph Silva of Rumford are Proud to Announce the Birth Of their Daughter Isabelle Avis-Irene Silva! Born on January 25, 2012 at 12:34 p.m. at Women & Infants Hospital! Isabelle Weighed 6 lbs 13 oz & was 19.5 inches long! She was Welcomed by her Big Brother Anthony (8) & Big Sister Haylee (5)! Maternal Grandparents Patricia & David Silvia of Providence, RI. Her Paternal Grandparents Alicia & Dan McMillan of Orlando, Florida and Joseph & Sheila Silva of Orange City, Florida! Her Great Grandparents Ruby Silvia of Providence, RI and Avis & Harold MacReading Of Riverside, RI. Her Pround Aunts & Uncles: Lisa & George Perras, Meridith Silvia & David Silvia all of Providence, RI. Sarah Silva & Ron Bernier Of Orlando, Florida! Isabelle Is the Little Cousin To Marc, Erica, Julissa, Ethan & Alyssa! She is Truly Loved by all of her Family & Friends! We Love you Isabelle! You Made Our Family Complete! Love Mommy, Daddy, Ant & Haylee! Isabelle Avis-Irene Silva.

Paul Thomas Reis III

Paul & Kristy Reis of East Providence are happy to announce the birth of their son, Paul Thomas Reis III, born on November 4th 2011 at 3:21 p.m. at Kent County Memorial Hospital, Warwick. Paul weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Paul was welcomed home by big sister Jasmine and big brothers Cameron and Evan. Maternal grandparents are Thomas and Joanne Quinlan of Coventry. Paternal grandparents are Paul and Pamela Reis of East Providence.

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Paul Thomas Reis III

March 2012 The Reporter


Weddings, Engagements &Anniversaries Maia’s Celebrate 55th Wedding Anniversary

Gilbert and Marilyn Maia of East Providence celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary surrounded by family and friends. Their children and grandchildren hosted a dinner reception in their honor at the Bristol County Lodge of Elks in Bristol. They were married on April 14, 1956 at the Saint Peter and Paul Cathedral in Providence. Gilbert, Sr. retired from Lamar Advertising in 1999 after many years as a foreman. He is presently working as a driver for International Auto Parts. Marilyn (Hassell) was a jewelry worker for A S Manufacturing before retiring in 2002. They are the proud parents of five children, Deborah Reis, Gilbert Maia, Jr. and wife Karen, Brian Maia, Lori Hanley and Dean Maia and wife Teresa. In addition to their children, they have two grandchildren Crystal Legault and husband Eric, and Katarina Hanley and one great granddaughter, Olivia Legault. They have been long time residents of East Providence. They enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren. Congratulations on this rare accomplishment.

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Gilbert and Marilyn Maia of East Providence.

Megan Dias Engaged to Joshua Blais

John and Laurie Dias of Ravena Avenue, Riverside, announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan, to Joshua Blais, the son of Donald and Marilyn Blais of West Warwick. Ms. Dias is a 2006 graduate of St. Mary Academy-Bay View and received a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Roger Williams University in 2010. She currently works as a Patient Intake Coordinator at Fresenius Medical Care in East Providence. Her fiance is a 2004 graduate of West Warwick High School and received a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Rhode Island in 2008. He is studying for a master’s degree in Financial Management from Johnson and Wales University and is a staff accountant for Cardi Construction in Warwick. A wedding date of May 18, 2013 has been set in Newport. Megan Dias and to Joshua Blais.


The Reporter March 2012

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What Every Child of a Senior Should Know About Reverse Mortgages

Now that family members are living longer and healthier lives, reaching retirement age no longer means growing old. At the same time, many worry that their retirement savings is not sufficient to provide a more comfortable life during their non-working years. For your own peace of mind and for the well being of your older family members, it’s important to plan for the future by talking about the kind of financial help they may need to enable them to “age in place”. If your family members are 62 or older, it may be helpful to learn more about how a reverse mortgage may help them live a life with less worry and fewer restraints. “A reverse mortgage offers older adults many options, because they can continue to own and live in their homes—while also possibly helping them to pay their bills, make home improvements, travel, help children and grandchildren financially and a lot more,” says Maria Moukhtarian.  A reverse mortgage is a way for older adults to access the equity in their homes to pay for their needs while continuing to live in and own their homes. Homeowners age 62 or older who live in the home as their principal residence are eligible. The home has to have little or no debt remaining on it, and meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) minimum property standards. A reverse mortgage allows borrowers to retain ownership of the house. They can continue to live in it as long as they want, and

the loan doesn’t have to be repaid until they permanently leave or sell the home.* However, they are still responsible for paying property taxes and homeowners insurance, and keeping the house in reasonable condition. “The reverse mortgage process can be relatively simple, and there is a lot of information and resources available to help you learn more about it,” says Moukhtarian.” Moukhtarian suggests that you speak with a reverse mortgage professional to learn more about reverse mortgages. MetLife Bank, N.A. offers free, educational materials, including a comprehensive information planner kit and video to consumers who want more information about a MetLife Bank reverse mortgage. She can be reached at 774-810-0384. “A reverse mortgage can make all the difference, and can help seniors to live better today and be more prepared for the future,” notes Moukhtarian. *Although there are no monthly mortgage payments, interest accrues on the portion of the loan amount disbursed. All loans are subject to property approval. Certain conditions and fees apply. Mortgage financing provided by MetLife Home Loans, a division of MetLife Bank, N.A., Equal Housing Lender. © 2010 METLIFE, INC. R0511183253[exp0612][All States][DC]

A reverse mortgage could help you maintain your independence I can help you get the facts about how this important financial option can help you increase your cash flow and possibly enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle. And as a reverse mortgage consultant with MetLife Bank, N.A., a MetLife company, I stand ready to help you throughout the entire process. Call me with questions or to get started.

Maria Moukhtarian Reverse Mortgage Consultant 774-810-0384 All loans are subject to property approval. Certain conditions and fees apply. Mortgage financing provided by MetLife Home Loans, a division of MetLife Bank, N.A., Equal Housing Lender. © 2011 METLIFE, INC. 1202-0692 R0611189938[exp0712][All States][DC] © 2009 PNTS

HUNGRY? find it in the... March 2012 The Reporter


Dining Guide Play with Your Food...

Hello, I’m Angela Hall and welcome to “Play With Your Food”…because cooking should be fun! Traditionally, March is known for being a cold and seemingly long month with the last possibilities of snowstorms and only a hint of spring. This year however it seems that spring has started in February. March does bring with it, for many, the season of Lent leading up to Easter. During Lent many abstain from eating meat and may be looking for healthy tasty vegetarian dishes. An interesting vegetable to explore during this time would be Leeks. Leeks, known scientifically as Allium porrum, are related to garlic, onions, shallots, and scallions. Leeks look like large scallions with a more delicate and sweeter flavor than onions; leeks add a subtle touch to recipes without overpowering the other flavors. Leeks should be firm and straight with dark green leaves and white necks, only purchase those that have a diameter of one and one-half inches or less. Although leeks are available throughout the year they are in season from the fall through the early part of spring when they are at their best. Leeks enjoy a long and rich history, one that can trace its heritage back through antiquity. Thought to be native to Central Asia, they have been cultivated in this region and in Europe for thousands of years. Leeks were prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans and were especially revered for their beneficial effect upon the throat. The Greek philosopher Aristotle credited the clear voice of the partridge to a diet of leeks, while the Roman emperor Nero supposedly ate leeks everyday to make his voice stronger. Leeks have attained an esteemed status in Wales, where they serve as this country’s national emblem. The Welsh regard for leeks can be traced back to a battle that they successfully won against that Saxons in 1620, during which the Welsh soldiers placed leeks in their caps to differentiate themselves from their opponents. Tips for preparing leeks; cut off green tops and remove outer tough leaves. Cut off root and cut leeks in half lengthwise. Fan out the leeks and rinse well under running water, leaving them intact or if a recipe calls for sliced Leeks simply place them in a bowl of water and lightly agitate. Once you have tried these lovely delicate additions to your cooking you will find more and more dishes to include leeks. Add slice leeks when roasting potatoes for an elegant side dish. Sauté leeks in olive oil and top any pasta dish. Have fun with leeks. If you have any questions or want to share thoughts on these and other receipts you can contact me at or look for me on Facebook. Happy spring!


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The Reporter March 2012

From the State House Secretary of State Mollis Announces 5 from East Providence File to Run for Presidential Delegate in April 24 Primary Candidates need signatures of at least 150 eligible voters in order get their names on the ballot

Providence, R.I. —Five East Providence residents were among 135 Rhode Islanders filing to run for presidential delegate in the state’s April 24 presidential primary, Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis announced. Would-be delegates had to choose to run as a delegate for one of the presidential candidates who will be on Rhode Island’s ballot or as uncommitted. Barack Obama will be the only candidate on the Democratic ballot. On the Republican side, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Buddy Roemer, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum will be on the ballot.

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East Providence’s Christopher M. Bricault filed to run as a Paul delegate. Maryann Fonseca , Onna A. Moniz-John and Phyllis Staffor filed to run as Obama delegates. Steven E. Santos filed as a delegate for Romney. Robert B. Lancia filed to run as a Santorum delegate. Among the prominent Rhode Islanders who filed statewide were Joe Paolino, Myrth York and Ray Rickman as Obama delegates and Don Carcieri, Scott Avedisian and Alan Fung as Romney delegates. All 135 candidates now have until Feb. 28 to collect the signatures of at least 150 eligible voters in order to qualify to appear on the ballot. The public can follow the progress they are making achieving the 150-signature threshold on the Secretary of State’s website at Statewide, 52 Rhode Islanders hope to represent President Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC, the week of Sept. 3. Voters will elect 22 delegates on April 24. Romney led all Republican candidates with 27 delegates hoping to go to the Republican National Convention Aug. 27-30 in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. Twenty-three Rhode Islanders filed to be Paul delegates, followed by 22 for Santorum and 11 for Gingrich. No one filed to run uncommitted or as a Roemer delegate. Voters will elect 16 delegates and 16 alternates. Rhode Islanders must register to vote by March 24 in order to cast a ballot in the presidential primary. April 3 is the deadline to apply for a mail ballot. April 24’s presidential primary will be the first test of the state’s new Voter ID law. Beginning this year, poll workers will ask voters to show a current and valid ID at the polls. A wide range of IDs will be accepted including a R.I. driver’s license, college ID, U.S. passport and social security card. “The perception that identity theft could occur at the polls weakens the public’s faith in the integrity of our elections. Voting should be at least as secure as everyday tasks like renting a car or getting a library card that routinely require ID,” said Mollis. No eligible voter will be turned away at the polls. Anyone who does not bring an ID can vote using a standard provisional ballot. If the signature they give matches the one on their voter registration, their ballot will be counted. Although photo IDs will not be required until 2014, the Secretary of State’s office is visiting every city and town to provide free photo IDs to registered voters who don’t already have a valid photo ID. “Photo ID ensures that poll workers can match a face to the name that voters give them when they obtain their ballots at the polls. The simple act of asking for ID protects the rights of every voter,” said Mollis. In order to obtain one of the new state-issued IDs, voters must bring proof of identity such as a social security card, credit or debit card, utility bill or government-issued document. More details about Voter ID including the schedule of locations where voters can obtain an ID are posted on the Secretary of State’s website at

March 2012 The Reporter


1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15


Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

Additional Words $.25 each

Submit your classifed at


Annual Horsemans Flea Market Sunday April 15 7am-4pm. Large Indoor Venue. Equipment,tack, trailers ETC. Show and Sell available for horses. Go to for information and applications for tables and space.


Merchandise Wanted: Old Christmas

decorations and ornaments; call 401632-3602.

WE BUY Diabetic Test Strips for Cash. Unopened,Unused & Unexpired. We get them to people with little or no insurance. TOP CASH paid. FREE local pick-up. Call Ron @ 508-217-8074.

Real Estate

VERY DESIRABLE CARPENTER STREETRARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUILDLOT-CARPENTER ST. 1.75AC MUST SEE. PERFECT TIME TO - Imagine your dream home on one of the most desirable country roads in Rehoboth. Buildable Single family lot. Approved 3 bedroom 2.5 bath septic system plan in hand. ASKING 165,000. REMAX CLASSIC- MLS #: 71292922 Call Elaine 508 944-3953 BEAUTIFUL DEEP WATER ACCESS WATERFRONT HOME. ASSONNET NECK AREA- Only 8 min.from RT 24-Exit 10. Priceless Solitude 1 acre lot, Inviting Sunsets.Custom designed 3-bdrm 2-fbath Colonial with breathtaking deepwater frntg/ views- Enjoy your own private sandy beach, Deepwater mooring. No flood insur req. ASKING 569,000. Call Elaine REMAX Classic(508)944-3953 see MLS#71260085 (e312)



Michael, Azores (Portugal), pristine 2-bed/2-bath apartment with kitchen, DR, LR, & laundry. Linens provided. Majestic Atlantic and mountain views from spacious deck, near golf, beach, etc. Call 401-480-0374 or 508-336-8432 or email for info/reservations.


For Rent

Rehoboth Small 2 bdrms., Locust Ave. first floor, appliances included, easy to heat, for lease, recently redone, nice area. $900/ month. Call J & J Realty 401-245-1155

FOR SALE Join us for our GRAND OPENING section! 18” doll clothing & accessories/ American Girl doll. 10% off one regular price from Saturday 02/11/12 thru Saturday 02/18/12 Stop by at the OLIVIA’S CLOSET/DOLLS ATELIER to help us to celebrate. 58 Olney St./ Seekonk,MA For Sale: Woodworking Equipment

Various Sanders, 1 1/2 HP Routers. 16” Band Saw, 15” Planer and much more. If interested, call 401-339-5671

Help Wanted

Help Wanted: Landscape construction worker with a minimum of three years experience needed.Duties will include assisting on masonry projects and landscaping projects.You must be reliable, have the desire to work, be prepared for a labor intensive job, speak English, and be prepared to work in RI and MA.Must have a valid driver’s license,your own vehicle,references,and a good driving record.$14/hour.Call 401-722-1652 for more information.

GENERAL SERVICES House Cleaning 22 Years Experience: Husband and wife team. Free Estimates , Price per job. Weekly and Bi Weekly openings available. Many references in local area. Working in SE Mass and RI.Spring is coming! Call us now . Wendy 508-328-2789 or Gagne Painting: A Benjamin Moore Contractor Interior & Exterior Free Estimates Fully Insured Call 401-663-1709 HEALTH/NUTRITION/COOKING CLASSES Enrolling Now $40.00 per class or 4-8-12 week package deal • Obesity/Weight-loss • Type II Diabetes • Cardiovascular • Digestive issues • And more…. Contact: Dawn Parente @ 774-991-0695 Cleanouts & Cleanups: Houses, attics, cellars, garages, sheds, yards, etc. Demolition of sheds, fences, pools, decks, etc. Junk Removal, gutters cleaned, & handyman services. Insured. Call Gary at (508)245-0832.

East Providence Now Can Submit Classifieds On Our Website. View & Post at www.



The Reporter March 2012

MARCH BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountant Appliance Repairs Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bank Building Contractor Building Materials Carpentry - Finish Chamber of Commerce Chiropractor Collectibles Credit Union Credit Union Dance Studio Dentist Dentist Dentist Engine Repair-Lawn Entertainment Excavating Fence - Sales & Serv. Fence-Sales/Serv. Finance - Real Estate Food Service Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Furniture/Upholstery Gift Shop Gift Shop Gifts & Collectibles Hair Salon Hair Salon

MLR Tax Services CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair Donald E. MacManus, Attorney A-1 Custom Auto Body East Providence Auto Body Fogarty Auto Body Tri Star Autobody, Inc. Hot Rides INC. Barbosa & Son Auto Repair Fred’s Service Center , Inc Mike’s Truck & Trailer Repair New England Tire Somerset Chrysler Jeep Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc Seekonk Auto Salvage Coastway Community Bank East Providence Siding J & J Materials Corp. Mark Koussa Carpentry East Providence Chamber New Hope Family Chiropractic Wexler’s Collectibles Columbus Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union Festival Ballet Providence Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC Romani Orthodontics Rumford Dental Fred’s Service Center The Chorus of East Providence C. Grant Excavating McGuirk Fence Co. Foxx Fence Metlife Thomsen Foodservice Affordable Fuel Al’s Quality Oil Co. COD OIL Ferreira Oil, Inc. Masterson Furniture and Upholstery The Claddagh Connection Willow Tree Country Shoppe Personal Touch Creative Styles L & R Salon

WILLETT LAUNDROMAT Self Service Coin Laundry The Cleanest Laundromat In Town

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17 37 62 51 30 60 36 16 10 6 21 2 50 11 28 15 44 40 36 20 49 30 40 7 23 11 7 24 43 9 45 42 31 58 10 49 6 50 31 43 25 31 44 47 29

Hair Salon Handyman Handyman Hardware Store Help Wanted Home Improvements Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Jewelers Kitchen Remodeling Landscape Service Landscape Service Laundromat Laundromat Martial Arts Medical Practice Mortgage Broker Mortgage Broker Music Nursing Homes Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Physical Therapy Plumbing & Heating Pool Club Printing - Copies Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Remodeling Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor School - Private Small Engine Repair Spiritual Healing Stump Grinding Tanning Salons Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Weight Loss

Shear Image Salon A Handyman and More Just In Time Handyman Service Standard Hardware Part Time Handy Man Professional Property Maintenance Lezaola Thompson Insurance Inc. The Agency Paiva M.R.T. Co., Inc. Kitchens Direct, Inc Moore’s Landscaping Superior Lawn Care Launder Plus Willett Laundromat New England Martial Arts Dojo Internal Medicine & Preventative Care NE Moves Mortgage Prospect Mortgage, llc Doug’s Music Retail & Learning Ctr Waterview Villa Brown Center Romani Orthodontics Cronan Painting Sport & Spine Physical Therapy Dyer Plumbing & Heating The Grist Mill Pool & Tennis Club Minute Man Press Of Seekonk Ocean State Montessori School Coldwell Banker Res'l Brokerage Mateus Realty Ray Paiva @Paiva Realty Group ReMax Rivers Edge The Tirrell Team Batty Construction Home Pro Remodeling Phillips Street Restaurant Sparky’s Coney Island Waterman Ave Deli Cameron Roofing Colonial Roofing & Construction Tabeleys Roofing Willard Roofing The American Sign Language Academy Seekonk Small Engine Inc. Positive New Beginnings M.C. Stump Grinding SunSational Tanning Big Blue Removal Service Advanced Tree Medi-Weight Loss Clinic

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46 41 14 42 12 47 49 25 48 41 43 45 19 62 18 17 8 16 13 55 60 7 43 26 36 64 24 46 8 63 16 15 33 37 64 59 59 59 44 45 44 42 28 42 21 29 29 47 37 21

March 2012 The Reporter

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EAST PROVIDENCE - Warren Ave!! Several Possibilities!! Currently used as a SF with Barber Shop! Ideal for live-in/ business. Corner lot with oversized garages $214,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Shor t Sale!! Great starter home on dead end street. Young roof, siding, windows, boiler, hw tank and chimney; upgraded electric. $79,900





REHOBOTH - 3 Br, 2 1/2 bath Colonial on 1.93 acres, dining, LR/FP, master suite w/ private bath, jacuzzi and walk-in closet, central air/vac. $189,900- BEING SOLD "ASIS" CASH OR 203K BUYERS ONLY.






EAST Providence - Waddington!! 3 Br Cape, dining, FLRM, hw's, tile, upgraded electric, replacement windows, garage, 15000+ sf lot. $169,900

RIVERSIDE - Waddington!! Short Sale!! Spacious 3/4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cape, dining, fireplaced living, FR, bar, sliders, deck, partially finished basement; young boiler, upgraded electric, replacement windows, hw's, tile. $169,900


EAST providence - Centrally located!! Spacious 3 Br, 2 bath home, dining, LR/ FP, sunroom, Hw's, young gas boiler, upgraded electric, siding, replacement windows, garages, minutes to East side & downtown Prov. $159,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Pride of ownership!! 3 Br, 2 bath R/Ranch; finished lower, Hw's, Tile, gas heat, c/a, french doors to deck, sliders to patio, sprinklers, garage, fenced yard, easy hwy access, minutes from East Side!! $229,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Silver Spring!! Nicely maintained, 2 bath Ranch, partially finished basement, young roof and windows, skylights, granite, large deck & shed, 10000SF lot. $174,900






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RIVERSIDE - Waddington!! Neat 3 Br Ranch, cathedrals, skylights, gas heat; new roof, windows, kitchen, bath and interior doors, siding, deck, pool, $179,900

RUMFORD - 2 Family near golf course! 3 Brs, dining, prch each, young roof, siding, replacement windows; gas heat, upgraded electric, separate utilities, Hw's, garages. $209,900

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The Reporter March 2012

Postmaster: Deliver by March 7th




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