April 2010 EP

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The East Providence

eporter R

APRIL 2010 Volume 6, no. 4


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

Spring Home & Garden

on page 38

EP Woman Says Ancestors Secrets Can Lead to Family’s Healing

By Gina Wesley-Silva Ever since I was a little girl my mother had told us stories about “Nanny”. Nanny was my great, great grandmother. I’d never met Nanny since she died the year before I was born, but my mother told us that she was a Shinnecock Indian and had been born in Long Island, New York. I found all stories about Nanny fascinating and as I grew older I learned that not only did she make a tremendously strong and positive impression on my mother but also on all other relatives who had known her. She was the matriarch who ruled quietly but nonetheless prominently for several generations. Not much was known about her life on the reservation, or even prior to her moving to Rhode Island with my great, great grandfather, but I always knew that one day I would trace her roots to find out what I could about her life in New York, and hopefully connect with lost relatives. This search eventually lead me to meeting with genealogical research specialist Gail Belt, of East Providence, who specializes in tracing Northeast Native American ancestry. continued on page 16...

SPRING FARMFEST 2010 Saturday, April 24th & Sunday, April 25th 9:00 5:00 p.m. Close by at The Rehoboth Agricultural Fairgrounds 76 Almeida Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769

More Information on page 30

Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside

Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside recently took part in a weekend campout at Camp Cachalot located in Carver, MA. The scouts are pictured standing next to one of the ‘Adirondacks’ that they slept in. Activities for the weekend consisted of working on the Totin’ Chip and Fireman Chit badges for the new scouts who just joined as well as the Signaling Merit Badge. The Signaling Merit Badge is one of four ‘vintage’ merit badges that have been reintroduced to celebrate Scouting’s 100th year. Enrollment for the troop is open for those boys interested in joining. Meetings are every Monday night located at the American Legion Post 10 on Willet Avenue in Riverside. Starting time is 6:30.

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