The Rehoboth
APRIL 2010 VOLUME 22, NO. 4
Serving the Residents of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
Saturday, April 24th & Sunday, April 25th 9:00 - 5:00 p.m.
At the Rehoboth Agricultural fairgrounds 76 Almeida Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769
more information on page 27
It’s That Time Again!!!
April 1 through 24
Roadside Cleanup The Rehoboth Business Association
Autism Caring and Fun Sharing Seminar Helps Caregivers of Children with Autism
By Laura Calverley With autism now affecting 1 in 150 children, most people know someone affected by autism - a family member, friend, or member of their church or community. People who have not had previous training or experience in autism often find it challenging to care for a child with autism. Now a free training seminar being offered may help. It is especially for babysitters, grandparents, camp counselors and other caregivers who may have to look after a child with autism. As part of Autism Awareness Month, Boy Scouts from Troop 1 in Seekonk and Community Autism Resources are offering the free training seminar, “Autistic Caring and Fun Sharing” for caregivers who take care of children with mild to moderate autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The seminar will take place on Saturday, April 17, 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. at the Newman YMCA. See below for how to register for the event. Those attending the seminar will gain insight on how to anticipate challenges, avoid over-stimulating the child, manage behaviors, communicate and just have fun. The presenter is Holly Flanagan, M.S., CCC-SLP, Hanen Certified Speech-Language Pathologist. Flanagan works at the South Coast Educational Collaborative Enrichment Network and is a Doctoral Candidate in Education at Northeastern University. continued on page 8
And it rained, and rained and rained...
More Info. on Page 34
Spring Home & Garden on page 58
more pictures on page 4
2 The Reporter April 2010
Car Care Centers
Spring Car Care Packages Sale Ends May 20th, 2010
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April 2010 The Reporter
Town of Rehoboth News Notes by Laura Calverley
Rehoboth Mother Charged with Murder
A Rehoboth mother was charged with murder in the beating death of her 2-year old son last month. According to a story in the Sun Chronicle, Kim Peno, 38, had “a lengthy history of child abuse and neglect and was recently returned custody of her two children.” According to a press release from the Rehoboth Police Department, the father entered the Seekonk Police and Fire Headquarters on March 18 at 12:15 a.m. seeking assistance for his injured child. Seekonk paramedics rendered immediate aid to the child and he was transported by Seekonk fire personnel to Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence for treatment. The boy later died from his injuries while at the hospital. Peno is reportedly undergoing a mental health evaluation and the case has been continued until April 12.
Annual Town Meeting Scheduled for May 10
Rehoboth’s annual town meeting will take place on May 10 at 7:30 p.m. at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. There will also be a special town meeting within the annual meeting in order to reallocate money within this year’s budget. This is the first year that the town meeting is scheduled in May. Town meeting has traditionally been held in April, but residents approved an article changing the date to the second Monday in May at last year’s town meeting. The reason for the change was the fact that state aid numbers are not always finalized in time to prepare the budget for April.
Town Receives Second Solar Energy Grant
Rehoboth was recently awarded a $150,000 grant from the Department of Energy to install a solar photovoltaic array on the Highway Department garage roof. The solar energy system is expected to supply all the electrical needs for the building as well as produce additional energy that can be sold back to the grid and return revenue to the town. The town’s Energy Committee researched and applied for the grant. This is the second solar energy grant that the town has received. Last year the town was awarded approximately $1 0,000 for a solar
photovoltaic and solar hot water system at the Council on Aging. That project is in its final stage, with the solar panels already online. According to Mike Costello, Chairman of the Energy Committee, the COA system is providing 35 percent of the electricity needs of the building. After other energy components are installed, the expected target is 50 percent, which is an expected annual savings of $12,000. The Highway Department project is expected to begin work by the end of the month.
Rehoboth Fire Chief Appointed to Fire Training Council by Governor
Rehoboth Fire Chief Robert Pray has been appointed to the Massachusetts Fire Training Council by Governor Deval Patrick. The Massachusetts Fire Training Council is the sole certifying agency for certification of all levels of fire service personnel in the Commonwealth. The Council has statutory authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the operation of the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy and has the authority to approve courses and curriculum taught by the Academy. Chief Pray is the first chief of a call fire department ever appointed to the council. The Board of Selectmen recently recognized Chief Pray for this prestigious appointment!
High School Drop Out Rate Rises
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School saw an increase in its dropout rate during the 2008-09 school year, according to a report from the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The dropout rate at the school increased from 1.6 percent to 3.2 percent. That figure is slightly higher than the state’s rate of 2.9 percent. This is the first time the statewide dropout rate has dipped below 3 percent in the past decade. Attleboro reported the area’s highest dropout rate of 5 percent.
High School Graduation Rate Decreases
D-R High School’s four-year graduation rate for 2009 decreased, from 88.7 percent in 2008 to 81.8 percent in 2009, according
to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. D-R’s graduation rate is about even with the state’s four-year graduation rate, which was 81.5 percent. The state saw a 0.3 percentage point increase from 2008.
Inside this Issue Antiquarian Society.....................75 Births.........................................95 Business Directory...................101 Classifieds...............................99 Club Announcements.................70 Dining Guide...............................8 Events and Activities...................2 Home & Garden......................58 How You Can Help......................87 Letters to the Editor.......................5 Library.........................................80 Obituaries................................97 People in the News.....................56 Rehoboth Animal Shelter............23 Rehoboth Council on Aging.......90 Rehoboth Ramblings.................16 Rehoboth Rescue Squad..........1 Rehoboth Town News................21 Scouts.......................................88 Seekonk Human Services..........78 Seekonk Scene..........................18 Sports Update............................37 Spotlight on Schools.................. 2 Wedding................................9
The Reporter April 2010
Rehoboth Road and Bridge Closures
The Rehoboth/Seekonk
Updated Date: 3/31/10
P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769
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Duration of Closure
Wheeler Street Bridge Elm Street Bridge Danforth ST. Bridge Carpenter Street Bridge Summer Street Bridge Wilmarth Street Bridge Danforth St. at Rachel St. Providence St from Wheeler St to Seekonk line Reed Street @ Shad Factory Dam Danforth St. - between Reed,Carpenter and Rachel StS
Indefinitely Closed Indefinitely Closed Indefinitely Closed Indefinitely Closed Temporarily Closed Temporarily Closed Temporarily Closed Temporarily Closed Temporarily Closed Limited Access
photos by Norm Spring.
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Rep. D’amico Announces Process to Apply For Flood Disaster Assistance
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Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia, President Editor/Publisher - Barbara Georgia Advertising - Mary Nascimento Feature Writers Laura Calvery David Howard Leslie Patterson Photography Dick Georgia Norm Spring Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O’Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral
PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 Visit Our Website at...
Financial Assistance Available for Individuals and Businesses in 4th Bristol District
4th Bristol District—Representative Steve D’Amico (D-Seekonk) is urging individuals and businesses heavily affected by recent flooding to apply for aid from the Individual Assistance Programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA). Individual Assistance (IA) Programs are available to affected homeowners, renters and businesses in Seekonk, Rehoboth, Swansea, and Norton. The assistance was authorized under a Major Federal Disaster Declaration issued by President Barack Obama after a review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s analysis of a request submitted by Governor Deval Patrick for federal assistance for those most impacted by the flooding beginning on March 12, 2010 and continuing. “If you have suffered damage from the recent flooding, I encourage you took look into applying for the federal flood aid that has been made available,” said D’Amico. “Our area was hard hit by these storms.” If your home or business has sustained uninsured damage from the flooding that began on March 12, 2010, you may be eligible to receive flood disaster aid. Have as much documented proof of your losses and expenses as possible, including photos, video, receipts, estimates, etc. You can start the application for assistance process by contacting FEMA at 1-800-621FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired. The toll-free Teleregistration numbers will operate Monday - Friday from 7:00am - 1:00am and Saturday and Sunday from 7:00am - 10:00pm, until further notice. You can also begin the process online at There is a ten question screening questionnaire at that website to determine what, if any, assistance you can apply for. FEMA will give out a control number to eligible applicants, and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) will come assess your damage. For more information, visit or
April 2010 The Reporter
Letters to the Editor... Beckwith Sports And Academic Fundraiser – Notice Of Thanks!
In September 2009, a parent-driven fundraising effort was initiated with the goal of raising $28,000 to fully fund all the Beckwith inter-scholastic sports and academic programs including the school’s Girls and Boys Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Math, and Spelling Teams. After six months of fund raising projects, we concluded our endeavor on Saturday, March 20th with a fabulous Clam Boil Dinner at South Seekonk Gun Club. The monies we raised provide the opportunity for upwards of 90 students to participate in interscholastic competition by paying for transportation, stipends, event officials, uniforms and equipment. We would like to thank the many, many people and businesses who generously contributed their money, services and time. Donations: Kevin Cicci; Mark and Carrie Sylvia; P.A. Rand, LLC.; Windy Acres Nursery; Rehoboth Youth Basketball; Dighton Rehoboth Junior Football; Dr. Richard Mello; R & F Transportation; Farrell Backlund Insurance Agency; Rehoboth Youth Baseball Softball Association; The UPS Store; Foley Excavation; Francis Farm; Sew What Custom Embroidery; Sal & Janet Lopez; South Seekonk Gun Club; Rehoboth Police Association; Eats Restaurant; Century 21 David Smith Real Estate; Law Office of Lori O’BrienFoeri; Rehoboth County Club; Dr Jared Stubbs and Dr Lisa Daft; Navigant Credit Union; Home & Commercial; Richard Moschella; Laura and Gerry Schwall continued on next page
The letters in this section do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Dick & Barbara Georgia
Policy For “Letters To The Editor” and “Press Release” Submissions We will no longer allow “Letter To Editor” writers to withhold their name, nor will we allow organizations to submit only the organization’s name on the letter without a representative’s name as well. In addition, we will not publish any letter that is considered libelous. If you are accusing someone of an action or behavior, you must be able to support that accusation with verifiable facts. The reason for this policy is obvious.
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The Reporter April 2010 Raffle Prize Donations: Joe Mozzone; Jack Petrone Printing Services: Mark & Deb Charette (UPS Store) Tupperware Party Hosting: Chuck and Cheryl Colon; Alison Mello Clam Boil Services: Seekonk Rod and Gun Club Clam Boil Raffle Basket Donations: Lynne Petrone, Denise St. Pierre, Lynne Guimond, Sharon DeBlois, Deb Charette, Kathy Saleeba, Fitness Mom Studio; Chartley Liquors; Chartley’s Country Store; Elite Spa; Rehoboth House Of Pizza; County Thyme Gifts; Briggs Pizzeria; Zenos ll Chinese Restaurant; King’s Oak Pizza; The Painted Lady; Azaria Tanning; Dee Jay Car Wash; Hillside
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Country Club; Bliss Life Yoga; China Gourmet Restaurant; Waves Of Healing. Clam Boil Raffle Ticket Sellers: Michelle Petrone, Olivia Colon, Emily Colon, Mikaela Thiboutot Clam Boil Auction Donations: Jeff Potter; Craig Cox; Dr. Jared Stubbs, DDS and Dr. Lisa Daft, DMD Thanks also to the parents and students who helped sell the baseball raffle tickets. Thanks to all the families who bought and sold Grandma’s Pies. Thanks to the students who sold candy. And finally, thanks to the Fund Raising Team for organizing and running all these events… great job! The Massasoit League Fundraising Committee
Save Blanding Library
It has come to my attention that a quiet Rehoboth gem - The Blanding Library - is in danger of closing. I feel that this would be a great loss for the town of Rehoboth. The Library is convenient. The staff is extremely friendly and helpful. The library offers a wealth of programs and social opportunities, especially for children. I know that in these technological time that reading material, music and videos are easy to acquire, but technology also takes away the personal interactions that take place by going to the library, music store, etc. When you go to the library you meet your neighbors and get to say hi. You interact with the library staff who get to know you and call you by name. You participate in a practice that dates back to the 1700’s. I feel that if the library closes, we will be giving up not only a friendly place to visit, but a part of history. I strongly ask that the Selectmen and Finance Committee vote to continue to support the Blanding Library for the citizens and children of Rehoboth. Cheryl L. Acheson - Rehoboth
Thank You To All Postal Employees
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the postal employees in the Postal Service’s Southeast New England District for the extraordinary performance they provided during the recent flooding in our area. Media reports indicate that this was the worst flooding in 100 years or more, and true to the motto, “Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night shall stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,” our employees reported to work to ensure that postal customers got their mail. Some left their own homes, with basements flooded, to report to duty and get the mail home. Other drove more than 25 miles out of their way to get around closed roads and flooded highways or braved thigh high water to make their “appointed rounds.” The dedication of all of our postal employees helped provide our customers with the service they deserve and once again showed their dedication to providing a vital service to our community. They are all true professionals. I am proud of their hard work and perseHours verance and proud to be a member of this M•T•T•F postal team. 9-5 Thanks, everyone, for the hard work. It Wed til 8 was greatly appreciated. Sat 9-1 Sincerely, John W. (Mike) Powers, III District Manager Southeast New England District United States Postal Service
April 2010 The Reporter
Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
I have been involved with the Sustainable Seekonk Energy Committee which is a grassroots committee not recognized by the Board of Selectmen (BOS). We became aware of grants available through the Mass Technology Collaborative and Massachusetts Dept. of Energy Resources for renewable energy projects and sought the Board of Selectmen’s support for pursuing these grants. As the Chairman of the BOS, Mr. Cavaco stonewalled us by removing us from a meeting agenda and delaying action on the grants. Despite his opposition, the Selectmen approved applying for the grants and Seekonk was awarded in excess of $160,000. This did NOT and will NOT cost the town one cent of our taxpayers’ money. The fact is it will save a lot of money for us. If it were up to the BOS Chairman, we would have never received one cent. Seekonk spends $1. million a year on utilities. Mr. Cavaco, why are you so opposed to saving money through energy conservation and renewable methods of producing energy? You claim to have saved the Town money through your micromanaging. I see you as pennywise and pound foolish. Ronald Bennett Planning Board
Blanding Is Worth Saving
I am very sorry to learn that the Blanding Library may close soon. My dog and I have been part of the Puppy Pals program for children. It is very rewarding to watch as these children relax and read to a safe listener - my dog, Ralph. Ralph lies there while the children read and pet him. He kisses their faces and rolls on his back trying to coax a tummy rub from them. I like the way the library offers programs, reading time and just a friendly place where they can see people interacting in a friendly, unhurried way. I ask that all the citizens of Rehoboth think about what would be lost to all our residents should the library close. Many people moved here to get a slice of quiet beauty and distance from busy, noisy city life. The library plays a part, I believe, in what they were looking for when they moved here. I ask that the Selectmen and Finance Committee support the Blanding Library at their next meetings. Ernest L. Hallquist
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Continued from Cover...
Autism Caring and Fun Sharing Seminar Helps Caregivers of Children with Autism
By Laura Calverley “This program will help those caregivers better understand some of the specific strategies for caring for children with ASD, and provide ideas so they can have fun together. There are many caregivers who want to spend time but don’t feel like they know how... should they play, teach, discipline… they wonder if they are really competent beyond simply watching and caring,” said Flanagan. The event was developed and coordinated by 15-year old Tighe Ratcliffe, Boy Scout and Life Scout from Troop 1 Seekonk, as an Eagle Scout Project. Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Ratcliffe has been involved with the scouting program for seven years. “I wanted to do an Eagle Scout project that involved autism awareness,” said Ratcliffe, who has a mild form of Asperger’s Syndrome, which is on the autism spectrum. Tighe, who is a sophomore, at Fatima High School in Warren, Rhode Island, says that it can be challenging for caregivers of children on the autism spectrum because the kids communicate differently, have difficulty understanding social cues and become over-stimulated more easily than kids who don’t have autism. “Things that are fun for other kids can sometimes cause behavioral problems in kids with ASD. I wanted to have an event where caregivers can learn from a professional how to have a safe, enjoyable experience with a child with ASD,” said Ratcliffe. A kit filled with fun activities, tips from the seminar and safety guidelines will be distributed to those attending the event. “It will provide them with all sorts of things to do with the kids, such as activity cards, toys and other things to engage or calm the child,” said Ratcliffe. Another benefit of the seminar is that it will help caregivers, and parents feel more comfortable. “Autistic Caring and Fun Sharing will help those who care to be more confident and competent when spending time with children with ASD so the experience is fulfilling for everyone!,” said Flanagan. “It also helps parents feel more comfortable and know their child is in good hands,” said Kelly Ratcliffe, Tighe’s mother.
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Tighe Ratcliffe
April 2010 The Reporter
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The seminar offers suggestions on how to communicate with a child with autism, such as by using objects and pictures, not just verbal communication, because many children with autism think visually. “They’ll know how the child sees the world,” said Ratcliffe. According to the Autism Society of America, autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. It affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is a “spectrum disorder” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. Ratcliffe was able to put the program together with the help of several groups. He applied for, and received, a $5,500 grant from Bailey’s Team, a group dedicated to raising funds to support organizations and individuals that fund research and/or provide services to individuals living with autism spectrum disorders and their families. “It’s the first grant I ever wrote. I’m still amazed by it,” said Ratcliffe. Another amazing thing about this project, said Ratcliffe, was the enthusiasm that all the organizations and supporters had for the event. In addition to Bailey’s Team, other groups that partnered with Ratcliffe to bring the event to the public were: Boy Scout Troop 1 Seekonk, Our Place Tuxedo and Uniforms, South Coast Educational Collaborative and Community Autism Resources, a Southeastern Massachusetts program, also covering the Cape and Islands, that provides support to individuals with ASD and their families. This free event will be held at the Newman YMCA, 27 Taunton Avenue in Seekonk on Saturday, April 17, 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Light refreshments will be served. It is open to anyone interested, but space is limited so please register early.
How to Register
There are three easy ways to register: (1) go to and click on Autism Caring and Fun Sharing, then fill out the form; (2) call Jan Randall at Community Autism Resources at 508-379-0371, ext. 16; (3) sign up at the Newman YMCA. Babysitters under the age of 16 should have permission from a parent or guardian to attend. For safety reasons, please do not bring children to the seminar. If childcare is needed during this seminar, the Newman YMCA’s Prime Time babysitting services are available between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (at a small fee for non-members).
April 2010 The Reporter
Seekonk Meadows May Be Open This Summer
By Laura Calverley Seekonk Meadows, the nine-acre meadowland area behind the Seekonk Public Library, is expected to be open this summer. When complete, it will have walking trails, picnic tables, benches, a gazebo, a children’s play area and an amphitheater for outdoor summer concerts and events. All of these design elements, part of Phase II of the overall project, may not be completed by the summer, but will hopefully be in the process of being constructed. As many people know, the Meadows is being developed on the site of the former landfill. The state awarded a $1.2 million grant to cap the landfill. The landfill capping was Phase I of the project and was managed by the Town of Seekonk and the Department of Public Works. The capping involved stirring up the landfill to release gases, putting in gas emission pipes, and covering the landfill with a membrane. Layers of gravel, loam and a covering of grasses were then put in. Phase I was completed earlier this year. Because the Meadows is being developed on a former landfill, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will be providing continual oversight. The Seekonk Meadows Committee is waiting for a permit from DEP to begin Phase II. “Once we receive the permit from DEP, the Meadows can be open to the public and we can begin implementing the design plans which should happen over the summer,” said Cheryl Faria, Chairwoman of the Meadows Committee. The Committee is expecting a response by DEP sometime in May. DEP has strict regulations about how the land can and can’t be used. Seekonk Meadows can only be used for passive recreation. Originally considered by many residents as a town park, Seekonk Meadows will actually be similar to Caratunk Wildlife Refuge. Activities and plantings that could potentially damage the landfill cap are not allowed. “Anything we do on top of the cap has to be approved by them (DEP),” said Faria. According to the Meadows Committee, it is unlikely that the DEP would ever allow manicured lawns, ball fields, motorized vehicles or trees and plants with extensive root systems that could jeopardize the cap or the environment. The vision that the Committee has for the Meadows is that of a tranquil space for walking, bird watching, photography and communing with nature. It will have paths winding through tall grasses and wildflowers. continued on page 13
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12 The Reporter April 2010
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April 2010 The Reporter “It’s really recreation land for passive use,” Faria said. The Committee only plans to mow the Meadows once or twice a year. The amphitheater area will be mowed for summer events and the gardens are expected to require only minimal maintenance. The future plans also call for a second, overflow parking lot to be located directly behind the library building. The Meadows will eventually provide access to the Gammino Pond conservation area, a sixty-acre property that includes a five-acre pond that is managed by the town’s conservation commission. “Eventually we hope to tie the two areas together,” Faria explained. The idea for crating a meadow on top of the abandoned landfill was first suggested by Ken Langerquist in 1993. Langerquist was then President of the Seekonk Library Trust. He passed away last year while Phase I was in progress. “He was able to see it coming to life, which was good,” Faria said. Seekonk Meadows is a joint project of the Town of Seekonk and seven different town organizations – the Seekonk Board of Library Trustees, the Library Trust, Friends of the Library, the Land Trust, Conservation Commission, Board of Selectmen and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Each organization has a representative on the 10-member Seekonk Meadows Committee, with three additional at-large members. Phase II of the project, which is being overseen by the Committee, is being funded entirely by private funds. The budget is $350,000 and the Committee has raised $1 0,000 to date. To support the Seekonk Meadows project, send your gift, payable to the Seekonk Library Trust with a memo line designating “Seekonk Meadows” to: Seekonk Public Library, 10 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771.
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The Reporter April 2010 H BOT RES
Rehoboth Rescue Squad Training in Personal Safety (TIPS)
By Tom Rose, Captain of Rescue
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Lawn Mower Safety
Now that April has arrived many of us will begin the mowing season and now is the best time to brush up on safety procedures to help keep us free of injuries. Of course many users have years of mowing experience. However, sometimes safety precautions are overlooked and the results can be dangerous. The Rehoboth Rescue Squad recommends that mower operators refer to the operator’s manual for routine maintenance schedules and safety tips. Below are some general mower safety guidelines:
Before Mowing
• Dress for the job. Safety begins with proper clothing. Choose close-fitting clothes and long pants, hearing protection, eye protection, work boots with traction, and wear heavy gloves when handling the blades. Avoid loose-fitting clothes or jewelry that can become caught or hung up on the machine and cause injury. • Know the machine. Be aware of controls, fuel tank, fuel filter (if equipped), engine oil fill and check, mower deck, grass deflector, height adjustments, radiator (if equipped), and air filter. Again, read your operator’s manual. • Read warning labels and check safety features. Since there are dangers associated with power equipment, pay attention to all labels and safety features of your machine. Never remove safety guards and devices. • Inspect the machine before use. Check the oil level and cooling system. Keep the air filter clean and free of debris. Ensure all parts such as belts, pulleys, catchers and guards, are in proper working order. Proper tire pressure is important. Again refer to the owner’s manual. • Adjust the cutting height of your deck. See that it is consistent. Never adjust mower height while the engine is running. All adjustments should be made while the engine is turned off. • Check the collection/discharge system. Your mower will have a material collection system (MCS), side discharge or mulching system. Make sure the MCS, discharge chute and mulching attachments are properly secured and in good working order. Never operate the mower if attachments are not securely fastened. • Check the fuel level. Fill the gas tank before you begin mowing. If you need to refuel, locate the mower to a flat concrete surface, if possible, turn the engine off, and allow it to cool. Carefully fill the tank and avoid spilling. Spilled gasoline will evaporate however it will release hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere. Remember not to smoke around gasoline. • Clear the work area. Before mowing, inspect the area and clear all hidden hazards such as rocks, branches, and hidden debris such as broken glass, bottles, and toys. Injuries occur from debris projected into the air by mower impact. This can cause injuries to operators, pedestrians, and property. • Inspect for nature’s hazards. While inspecting, look for bees, fire ants, poison ivy, and poison oak. Avoid poor working conditions such as overly saturated ground which can cause slippery conditions.
While Mowing
• Know your surroundings. To avoid injury to yourself or others, pay attention to people around you. If a person or animal approaches, stop the mower and turn off the engine. You may resume when the work area is free of all people and animals. • Never carry passengers. Adults often allow young children to ride on their lap while they cut the lawn. This is extremely unsafe as young passengers have the potential of falling off the machine while it’s running. This can result in devastating injuries to a child’s hand, feet, or entire body if run over by the machine. Life-long debilitating injuries are certainly avoidable.
April 2010 The Reporter • Pick up any missed debris. Turn off the engine and remove missed debris. Never attempt this while the engine is running. • Unclog the deflection chute. Sometimes the deflection chute can become clogged with grass clippings. To unclog it, turn the engine off and make sure the blades are stopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire and use a tool or stick to clear grass clippings. NEVER use your hand and never place your hands and feet near the cutting blades. • Be extra careful on slopes. Decrease your speed on down slopes to avoid tipping. Make gradual turns and avoid sudden starts, stops, and turns.
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sCuBA divers
The Rehoboth Rescue is looking to augment our Dive Squad. If you are a recreational or professional SCUBA diver and would like to volunteer your services to the town, please contact us. We own equipment including tanks and regulators. We also have a ZODIAC inflatable boat, fully equipped, with an outboard and a trailer. Check us out! We can always use help and our training dive drills are fun, summer or winter. The Rehoboth Rescue Squad continues to train and is always looking for volunteers. Contact Chief Gary Kloss at 01.226.3870 for an application or visit us on our new website Write to us at Rehoboth Rescue Association PO Box 61, Rehoboth, MA 02769-0061.
Roll-offs Available
After Mowing
• Clean your mower. The mower should be cleaned after each job by removing clippings and other debris from the mower, the mower deck and deflection chute. Lingering debris can cause buildup and potential malfunction or breakdown of parts. The accumulation of grass, leaves, or excessive grease can be a fire hazard. • Perform routine maintenance. Preventive maintenance is important. Tend to any repairs immediately. If any repairs are overlooked and the mower is used, damage to additional mower parts or operator injury may result. Before you start up your mower this year, be certain you have taken all the necessary precautions. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe mowing season, not only for yourself, but for those around you as well.
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The Reporter April 2010
Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson
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Interesting Times
Henry VIII and the cast of supporting characters from his court seem to be everywhere these days. I haven’t seen the Showtime series “The Tudors” but the program’s website is full of interesting links for those who want to know more about this turbulent era. The Showtime previews I saw made the series look a little too contemporary for my taste, too much Hollywood and not enough Hampton Court. I started to say too sensational, but then it’s impossible to make the original story any more lurid, what with all the vicious intrigue, beheadings, and so forth. In fact, beheading was one of the more merciful ways to go at that time, but let’s not get started on burning at the stake and worse, please. If the court of Henry VIII was a snake pit, you might describe Thomas Cromwell as the chief snake handler. Rising from a poor background and a brutal childhood, Cromwell was a shrewd selfmade upstart who became the king’s right-hand man and who eventually lost his head, like so many others. Cromwell is the subject of a new novel “Wolf Hall” by British writer Hilary Mantel and a new biography by Richard Hutchinson, “Thomas Cromwell: The Rise and Fall of Henry VIII’s Most Notorious Minister”. (This Cromwell was the great-great-great uncle of Oliver Cromwell, an even more notorious Englishman.) Hilary Mantel’s novel is called “Wolf Hall” after the ancestral seat of the Seymour family and it won literary awards on both sides of the Atlantic. This long novel could stand some editing, especially since the author is already at work on its sequel. It just goes up to the execution of Thomas More. If you only know Henry’s Lord Chancellor Thomas More as the saint portrayed by Paul Scofield in the excellent play and movie “A Man For All Seasons,” you’ll never look at him the same way again. In “Wolf Hall”, Thomas More goes in for the torture and execution of heretics in a big way. On the other hand, perhaps Ms. Mantel is a bit too sympathetic in her portrayal of Thomas Cromwell. In Hutchinson’s biography, the man comes off as a lot nastier. This nonfiction book is a work of popular history; it has footnotes, but it’s lively and breezy in tone, not dry and dusty. For example, Cromwell’s crude and cruel father Walter is described as “clearly the neighbour from hell” and, commenting on Henry’s infatuation with wife number 5 Catherine Howard (another head eventually lost), Hutchinson remarks, “There’s no fool like an old fool.” Would this intriguing (in both senses of the word) cast of characters be gratified to know that millions of people are still mesmerized by their lives almost 500 years later? Contemporary American and English readers can only be extremely grateful that they live in a time and place where those with dissenting views on religion and politics no longer end up with their heads on the chopping block for public edification and entertainment. The blood-soaked era of Henry VIII might be a fascinating place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there. All this book talk reminds me that I would like to take a moment to praise libraries; I borrowed the two books above from the library. If you like books, you’re undoubtedly a fan of libraries. As of this writing (March 23), we are facing the possibility of our local public library in Rehoboth being closed for financial reasons after July 1. I have no easy answers to the town’s serious budget problems, but I would to highlight the importance of a public library to a community. If our library is no longer certified by the state due to lack of funding, town residents would not be able to use their library cards at any of the other Massachusetts public libraries either. Thanks to a network of state-accredited libraries (SAILS in Southeastern Massachusetts), we have had access to many thousands of items
April 2010 The Reporter from the libraries in other towns, but this would cease. Essentially this would mean that town residents would be deprived of all the services they have come to expect from a modern public library and would not be able to get them elsewhere. A public library plays a vital role in a community in ways other than lending books too. It is a gathering place offering many popular programs for children and giving adults a community center for concerts, lectures, book discussions, poetry groups, knitting and quilting groups, or just for a friendly chat with the staff at the desk. Children use the library for school projects and parents who homeschool their children rely heavily on library materials too. You just can’t get the human touch or personal service from computers or a virtual library like you do from a real-life library. In short, a town without a library is a less desirable place to live.
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Children’s Film Event
The Red Balloon
Saturday, April 17th 2010 10:30 A.M. The Meeting House
3850 Main Road tiverton four Corners, RI 02878 free and Open to the Public
The Four Corners Arts Center is pleased to present The Red Balloon on Saturday April 17th 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at The Meeting House-3850 Main Road Tiverton, RI. This event is free and open to the public. Set in Paris, this classic French children’s film was directed by Albert Lamorisse in 1956. In 1957 it won an Oscar for the Best Original Screenplay as well as receiving a special BAFTA award. A boy makes friends with a seemingly sentient balloon, and it begins to follow him. It follows the boy to school, to the bus, and to church. Boy and balloon play together in the streets of Paris and try to elude a gang of boys that wants to destroy the balloon. The film runs 3 minutes with almost no dialog spoken. The film is appropriate for all ages. The Four Corners Arts Center is a federally approved 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation founded in 1993. Our mission is to promote the arts at Tiverton Four Corners and the surrounding FarmCoast communities.
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The Reporter April 2010
The Seekonk Scene Town Clerk’s Corner By Jan Parker, Seekonk Town Clerk
The federal census forms have been mailed out to every household. This office does not have any role in the federal census, just our annual local mandated census. I would encourage everyone to complete their “Your hometown landscaping service provider” federal form; otherwise, a census taker will come to your house to take down the inforWe specialize in lawn renovations and hydroseeding. mation. It is much more convenient to fill out We are a full service licensed/insured landscape contractor. the form and mail it back yourself. Save a Pet is collecting items for the animal shelter. Cleaning Call 508-222-7883 or go to to supplies such as paper towels, laundry detergent, bleach, chewy request a free estimate*. MC/Visa accepted. dog treats, peanut butter, kongs, washable cat beds, Arm and Ham*Owner has a degree in plant/soil science and 20+ years mer kitty litter, Pedigree canned dog food, and Purina Cat Chow are experience all needed at the shelter. The barrel is in the Town Hall lobby for those donations or you may bring them to the Town Clerk’s office and we will see that they get them. The shelter is always collecting used printer toner cartridges. They are recycled and the shelter receives the money for them. The barrel for the cartridges is also in the lobby of Town Hall. They are also planning a yard sale in May. They will be looking for donated items to sell at that. For those cat and dog owners looking for low cost spaying and neutering, the animal control officer has provided us with the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s spay and neuter phone number. They serve Cape Cod and south of Boston with a van that travels to towns after they get 0 appointments for spaying or neutering. You can call them and they will tell you if they are going to have a van in the area. The number is 877-590-7729 or e-mail spaywaggin@ The annual town meeting will be held Serving Rehoboth, Seekonk, Swansea on Monday, May 2 th at 7:00 P.M. at the and surrounding area Seekonk High School on Arcade Avenue. This is when the annual budget is voted on, along with other warrant articles. Dog licenses are now due for renewal. All dogs six months and older must be licensed per Massachusetts General Laws. services Include: A late fee is charged for renewals after • In-Home Pet Sitting • Mid-Day Exercise and Training May 31st. Please provide a current rabies certificate. • Broad Range of Pet Training • Behavioral Modification A reminder that yard sale permits are • Pet Taxi, Including Vet Visits • Backyard Wildlife Management required in Seekonk. The fee is $5.00 per day and you may have four sales a year. You’ll feel confident and relaxed This office issues the permits.
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April 2010 The Reporter
Local Grants Awarded For Seekonk Arts and Culture
State Representative Steve D’Amico (D-Seekonk) and Bill Clark, chair of the Seekonk Cultural Council; have announced the award of 15 grants totaling $6,9 5 for cultural programs in Seekonk. Grant recipients include the local Fife and Drum Corps, the Pied Potter Hamelin, and the Tequila Amigos Latin Orchestra. A complete list of recipients and grant amounts can be found below. The Seekonk Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community. Decisions about which activities to support are made at the community level by a board of municipally appointed volunteers. The members of the Seekonk Cultural Council are: Debbie Block, Bill Clark, Patti Dalton, Lydia McManus, and Martha Torrance. “The arts are not luxuries. Creative expression is central to who we are as a species, it is one of the defining characteristics of human beings,” said Representative D’Amico. “By supporting the arts, sciences and humanities, the volunteers of the Seekonk Cultural Council help enrich all our lives and make Seekonk a better community.” Statewide, more than $2.65 million will be distributed by local cultural councils in 2010. Grants will support an enormous range of grass-roots activities: concerts, exhibitions, radio and video productions, field trips for schoolchildren, after-school youth programs, writing workshops, historical preservation efforts, lectures, First Night celebrations, nature and science education programs for families and town festivals. Nearly half of LCC funds support educational activities for young people. This includes the PASS Program, which provides subsidies for schoolage children to attend cultural field trips. The Seekonk Cultural Council will seek applications again in the fall. Information and forms are available online at (www. masscultural Applications are happy due Oct. 15, 2010.
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this year’s grants include:
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The Reporter April 2010
Science Department News
Biology II students presented their ecological research findings from their study of the Runnins River at the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust Meeting Wednesday, March 31st at the Seekonk Public Library. Students described their visit to the river, sample collection and subsequent classroom analysis of the samples. Results of the study were also presented. The research is supported by the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust and facilitated by the Watershed Access Lab at Bridgewater State College. Student will present again on April 28th at Bridgewater State College and April 30th at Seekonk High School. A presentation will be posted on the Science Department webpage in May.
Attention All Chrysler, Jeep & Dodge Owners Oil Change Special on most Chrysler Vehicles
Seekonk letter carriers on Saturday, May 8 will be collecting nonperishable food donations along their routes for delivery to Doorways Food Pantry. It is the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” drive conducted by the National Association of Letter Carriers - the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Just place a non-perishable food donation by your mailbox on Saturday, May 8 before your mail is delivered. Your letter carrier will deliver it to Doorways Food Pantry. Help fight hunger in our community. Thank you.
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April 2010 The Reporter
Rehoboth Town News Kathy’s Corner Town Election
The Annual Town Election will be held on Monday, April 5, 2010 with polls open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. All three precincts will be open. Precinct I is the Town Office, 1 8 Peck Street, Precinct II is the COA Building, 55 Bay State Road Kathleen J. Conti and Precinct III is the South Fire Station, Town Clerk 102 Pleasant Street. Any voter who will be unable to get to the polls on election day may cast an absentee ballot in the Town Clerk’s Office prior to that date or submit a written request to the Town Clerk for a ballot to be mailed to them. Please note that an original signature of the voter requesting an absentee ballot must be obtained before we can honor an absentee ballot request. The deadline for applying for an absentee ballot is Friday, April 2nd at 12:00 p.m. Anyone having questions regarding the election may call the Town Clerk’s Office at 252-6502, x109 or x110.
2010 Dog Licenses
Dog Licenses were due and payable on April 1st. Any dog license not paid by May 31st will be assessed a $15.00 per dog late fee in addition to the license fee(s). License fees are as follows: male or female dog $20.00; spayed or neutered $10.00. Proof of current rabies inoculation and spaying/neutering is required unless we already have it on file in our office. Licenses may be purchased at the Town Clerk’s Office or obtained through the mail. Please send appropriate documentation, check (payable to the Town of Rehoboth) and a stamped (two stamps per tag) self-addressed envelope to the Town Clerk’s Office, 1 8 Peck Street, Rehoboth, MA.
Census Reminder
Just a reminder to all residents that census forms must be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office immediately. There are approximately 750 outstanding census forms that we have not yet received. Residents that have not returned their census forms may be receiving a call from our Board of Registrars, Precinct I – Sue Robert, Precinct II – Jennifer Moitoso and Precinct III – Helene Vitale.
used Motor Oil Collection
saturday, April 24, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon highway Garage No mix of water or hydraulic fluids
Call about our adult Dance Classes
492 Winthrop Street • Rehoboth, MA 02769
Summer Theater Camp with Judy DePerla
Buy 6 Music Lessons Get 2 Free Expires 5-15-10 New Students Only
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Replacing Politics with Common Sense. VOTE
DAVID SAAD September, 2010
REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR MASSACHUSETTS STATE REPRESENTATIVE 4TH DISTRICT • We must replace the current state pension fund with one that makes sense • We must defeat the “Bathroom Bill” • We must stop taxing our way out of our problems • I will find the redundancy in state programs and eliminate them
For more information visit:
The Reporter April 2010
ReMOVAl seRVICe Attic - Cellar - Total House we tAke eVeRythING • Furniture • Brush • Appliances • Yard Waste • Construction Debris • Trash
Demolition of...Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools
let us dO the wORk Free Estimates Call tony 508-226-1295
100% COVERAGE! For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at Law Office of Lori J. O’Brien-Foeri • Elder Law
• Probate
• Medicaid Applications • Guardianships • Wills & Trusts
• Power of Attorney
• Asset Protection
• Estate Planning
• Civil Litigation
• Health Care Proxy
Officer Walker Retires
Rehoboth Police Officer William Walker retired on December 29, 2009 after 23 years on the Rehoboth Police Department. Officer Walker began his career on December 29, 1986 with the Rehoboth Police Department. Officer Walker received numerous commendations throughout his career for his outstanding police work having served as both a Patrolman and a Detective. On Saturday February 27, 2010, Officer Walker was honored at a retirement party at the American Legion Post on Bay State Road in Rehoboth. Family, friends and co-workers shared memories of Officer Walker’s career and wished him well in his retirement. Senator James E. Timility presented Officer Walker with a citation on behalf of the Senate. Other notable recognitions were given by Chairman of the Board of Selectman Skip Vadnais and Chief Stephen Enos for years of service and dedication to the Town of Rehoboth. MassCop Area Vice-President Sgt. James Medeiros and Sgt. Richard Shailor a member of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #10 presented Officer Walker with awards from their respective organizations. Lastly, Officer Walker was presented with a custom-made “Rehoboth Police” fishing pole by his brother and sister officers from the Rehoboth Police Department.
Chief Pray Appointed To the Fire Training Council by Gov. Patrick
Rehoboth Fire Chief Robert Pray has been appointed to the Massachusetts Fire Training Council by Governor Deval Patrick. The Massachusetts Fire Training Council is the sole certifying agency for certification of all levels of fire service personnel in the Commonwealth. The Council has statutory authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the operation of the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy and has the authority to approve courses and curriculum taught by the Academy. The Fire Training Council is appointed by the Governor. Chief Pray is the first chief of a call fire department ever appointed to the council. Please join the members of the Rehoboth fire department in congratulating Chief Pray on this prestigious appointment!
• Planning for children & adults w/ special needs
In-home appointments available 492 Winthrop Street
P.O. Box 222 Rehoboth, MA 02769 Email:
RJD & Sons Chimney Sweep
• Chimney Sweep • Pointing • Caps • Chimney Liners • Water Proofing • Gutters Cleaned Licensed & Insured
• Bucket Truck • Tree Service • Tree Trimming • Brush Chipping • Firewood • Land Clearing
(401) 647-3845 Roland J. Duhamel
Memorial day Parade
The Dighton- Rehoboth Memorial Day Committee has been busy working out the details for the May 31st 2010 event. Veterans Agent Robert “Woody” Woods has held monthly meetings at Dighton Town Hall since December. The next meeting is scheduled for April 7th to be held at the Marine Corps League house at 95 School Street, Dighton, MA (former VFW) at 6:30 PM. All interested from Rehoboth and Dighton are invited to attend. If you are group looking to participate, you may call either the Dighton Veterans Agent or the Rehoboth Veterans Agent. Letters will be going out to all those that got them last year, but if you haven’t heard from the committee by April 7th, be sure to call. Needed are volunteers to help coordinate marching units, starters, and parking directors on Memorial Day. If you can’t come to the meeting, call Woody (508-269 5 5) or Bill (508-252- 67).
April 2010 The Reporter
Local Energy Project Funding Received Senator Timilty Announces Funding Awarded to Town of Rehoboth
Boston- The town of Rehoboth has been awarded a $150,000 federal grant from the Department of Energy. This is part of the effort to help Massachusetts invest in clean energy and energy efficiency projects that will reduce long-term energy costs, increase energy independence, and create jobs. Communities with less than 35,000 residents were eligible to receive Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grants. Rehoboth’s grant will be used to purchase and install a 41 kW solar PV system on the roof of the Rehoboth Highway Department Garage. Senator Jim Timilty urges all constituents who have any questions concerning this project to contact his State House office at 617-722-1222.
Rehoboth Animal Shelter
There are a number of pets awaiting good homes at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter. The two young tabby female cats pictured here are being spayed and have very nice personalities. There are also a friendly mother cat and her five kittens, four boys and a girl in assorted colors. They are all about to be neutered and will be available later in the spring. Please prevent unwanted litters by spaying and neutering your pets! For more information, please call the Rehoboth Animal Shelter at 508-252-5421.
Join the FUN and FRIENDS Join the FUN and FRIENDS xJoin Grades SchoolFRIENDS theK-Middle FUN and and Join the FUN FRIENDS x Grades K-Middle School x Grades 8:30am-4:30pm x K-Middle School Join the FUN and FRIENDS x xx Grades K-Middle School 8:30am-4:30pm Before/after care available x 8:30am-4:30pm Grades K-Middle School Before/after care available x xx xx8:30am-4:30pm Swim Daily care 8:30am-4:30pm x Before/after available Swim Daily x xx xBefore/after care available Outdoor Activities on Camp grounds Before/after care available x Swim Daily Activities Swim x xx xSwim 2,Outdoor 3 orDaily 5Daily day rates on Camp grounds x x Outdoor Activities onCamp Camp grounds Activities on grounds 2,Outdoor 3 or Activities 5on-line! day rates Register xxxx Outdoor on Camp grounds 2, 2, 3 or 55day rates x 3 or day rates Register on-line! xxx x2,Register 3 or 5 day rates on-line! on-line! at no extra charge: Added Register Value Options
x Register on-line! Middle SchoolOptions Age Adventure trip daily! Added Value Options no extra charge: Added ValueOptions atatat no extra charge: Added Value no extra charge: Elementary School Students can choose Enrichment Middle School AgeAdventure Adventure trip daily! Middle School Age trip daily! Added Value Options at no extra charge: Middle School Age Adventure trip daily! or Basketball Camp ElementarySchool School Students cancan choose Enrichment Elementary Students choose Enrichment MiddleSchool School Age Adventure trip Enrichment daily! Elementary Students can choose or Basketball Camp or Basketball Camp Elementary School choose Enrichment or Students Basketballcan Camp or Basketball Camp
472 Route4444 472Taunton Taunton Ave Ave Route Seekonk, MA Seekonk, MA 472 Taunton Ave Route44 44 472 Taunton Ave Route 508.336.7103 508.336.7103 Seekonk, MA 472 Taunton AveMA Route 44 Seekonk,
508.336.7103 Seekonk, MA 508.336.7103 508.336.7103
The Reporter April 2010
EVENTS & ACTIVITIES For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at
It’s That Time Again!!!
The Rehoboth Business Association April 1 through 24, 2010
Rehoboth Roadside Cleanup
Groups, organizations and residents are invited to “adopt” a town road and pick up any litter that is marring our beautiful landscape! You can help by picking up RBA bags, selecting a section • Landscaping & Fencing • Septic System Installation of road, and pick the trash there. Please bring an automobile • Standing Water Solutions • Stone Driveways Installed with you, station it at the side of the road and work in front of the automobile for added safety. After you have completed clean• Stump & Rock Removal • French Drains Installed • Topsoil ing up any roadside, please tie the bag closed and you may Grading • Roof Drains • Sawcut Asphalt/Driveway Repair leave it there at roadside. Call Brian Dufrane (77 .930.916 ) or Tim Johnson from Propane Plus (508.252.3359) and a truck FREE ESTIMATES will come and pick up the bags in the locations you designate. All Calls Returned • Other Services Available (Remember, wear long sleeves and gloves). Official bags have an RBA tag attached to them and only these will be accepted for roadside pickup. No household items or trash will be accepted. Bags will be available starting April 1. Official bags may be obtained at the following locations during normal working hours: Rehoboth Board of Health – 1 8R Peck Street Rehoboth Transfer Station Blanding Public Library – Bay State Road Bay State Road, Rehoboth MA Bay State Road, Rehoboth MA ® Anawan Beer & Wine – 2 2 Anawan Street (Route 118) A Developmentally Appropriate Bristol County Savings Bank – 257 WinA Developmentally Appropriate throp Street (Route ) Pre-School for: Pre-School Program Program for: Also note the RBA has recruited the and Seekonkassistance of the sheriff’s department. Dighton, Dighton, RehobothRehoboth and Seekonk Road crews will be picking up trash along Winthrop Street (Route ). Do not pick up trash along Route . Thank you in advance for all your help.
Call Mitch (774) 406-0587
Citizens For Citizens, Citizens For Citizens, Inc. Inc.
Program HeadHead StartStart Program
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Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 is planning a reunion and is looking for Please call (508) 675-2151, Please call (508) 675-2151, ext. 204 ext. 204 former classmates. Contact Diane Penacho Perry at 508-336-02 2. more information for morefor information
Part Based Day & Options Home Based Options Available • Part Day & •Home Available
Ma. License # 8117990 Ma. License # 8117990 #212592
April 2010 The Reporter
American Legion Auxiliary Annual Old Fashioned Penny Social
Neal Bellavance Electric Rehoboth Mass
The Seekonk American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 311 will hold their annual Penny Social on Saturday, April 17th at the American Legion Post at 351 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA. The doors open at 5 p.m., with the Penny Social and Raffles starting at 6 P.M. Admission is free. Hot dogs will be available for purchase. Proceeds will help the Auxiliary to continue their programs that benefit Veterans, their families and our local community. Please call Kathy at 01- 3 8917 with any questions.
All types of electrical work Electric Services
D-R Class of 1995 15-year Reunion Saturday June 19th, 2010
Quality work at a reasonable price Insured MA Lic# A-15028
Free Estimates RI Lic# A-003583
6-11 PM; francis farm: Rehoboth, MA tickets: $30.00 • dinner Buffet & Cash Bar
Please send ticket money by May 15th to: D-R Class of 1995/Stephanie Czech PO Box 353, Raynham, MA 02767 (check or money order made payable to Stephanie Czech) For more info, or to find out how you can help make the reunion a success: Email: Facebook Group: Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School Class of 1995
For Advertising Information and Rates...Call 508-252-6575 The Dighton Dandi Lions & The Dighton Intertribal Indian Council
Clam Boil!! Lots of Food to Eat Saturday, April 17 6pm to ??
Seekonk Rod & Gun Club, 90 Reed St., Rehoboth, MA 02769 Donation $24 per person • Door Prize ~ Chinese Auction Call for Tickets Alice (508) 880-2588 Don (508) 880-6887
ham & Bean supper
A Ham and Bean Supper will be held on April 17, 2010 at 5:00 at the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center, 55 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth. Tickets are $8.00/person. It is being sponsored by The Best is Yet to Come. Proceeds to benefit local charities. For tickets call Lorraine Botts 508 252- 593 or the Senior Center 508 252-3372.
Learn About The $1900 A Month Benefit For Veterans The VA Doesn’t Want You To Know About. Many Veterans and spouses qualify for a little-known VA benefit designed to keep Veterans and spouses at home and out of the nursing home. It can also pay for assisted living. The benefit ranges from about $1000 a month for widows to about $1900 a month for couples. Our FREE report outlines the benefit and what it takes to qualify. Call now for a copy of your free special report.
Call anytime and leave a clear message 1-508-252-3013 Law Office of Lori J. OBrien-Foeri PROVIDING ESTATE, MEDICAID & DISABILITY PLANNING
Acorn Landscapes Residential/Commercial
• All Phases of Lawn Maintenance • Spring/Fall Cleanups • Tree & Shrub Pruning • Custom Landscape Design • Annuals/Perennials • Dethatching /Aeration Service • New Lawn Installation & Overseeding • Tractor Service Available • Snowplowing • And More
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Call 508-410-5523 or 508-336-7536 For Prompt & Courteous Service
The Reporter April 2010
Sign Up Today! For Home Delivery Fresh Milk Natural • Organic
to all New Accounts
1/2 Gallon of Hood Milk
Fresh Natural Eggs 89¢ doz. Hood Milk $1.39 1/2 Gal.
Save A Pet Society Yard Sale
The members of Seekonk’s Save A Pet Society will be holding their spring yard sale on May 15, 2010, with a rain date of Sunday the 16th. The yard sale will be held from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. at the Aitken Elementary School on RT 152, Newman Avenue, in Seekonk. There will be the usual fantastic assortment of house wares, books, furniture, gadgets and “treasures.” All the items are donated and all the proceeds go to assist the Seekonk Animal Shelter. We will have some delicious food for your lunch as you take a break from browsing our tables. Our volunteers are great cooks! If you have ever attended one of our yard sales, you know they are top notch. We also will have Save A Pet merchandise on sale. The tee shirts are awesome! If you have saleable items that you would like to donate to our sale, we are a 501©3 organization and can give you a receipt for your donation. We are not accepting any computer items. Please contact our president, Pat Cloutier, at or call her at 508 336- 223 to discuss donating. Hope to see you there.
Citizens Scholarship Foundation of Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School
dR Antiques fundraiser has Been Cancelled
Call: 508.838.1739 or visit:
station 3’s Annual drive - thru Chicken BBQ to order online
We reserve the right to limit quantities
when: sunday April 11th time: 11:30-1 p.m.
where: station 3 on Pleasant st. for tickets Call (508) 379-0156
Fish the Florida Everglades with
s s a B B o e ys h T Bass Trips 1/2 Day or Full Day
Rick Wasteney Clint Wasteney 1-954-382-6188
to Florida and get some bass!
April 2010 The Reporter Residential RI & MA
Licensed & Insured since 1984
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Saturday, April 24th & Sunday, April 25th 9:00 5:00 p.m.
Renovations • Repair work New ceilings and resurfaced walls Need a plasterer with good prices? Call John Grilo 508-455-0375 All work Guaranteed
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* tRACtOR Pulls * 4 wheel QuAd Pulls *lAwNMOweR RACes * dOG shOw (sponsored by Mayflower Portuguese water dog Club) * deMOlItION deRBy – saturday 3:00 p.m.
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ADMISSION: Adults: $8.00 Children (under 10) $4.00 FMI:
Website details: Rehoboth Agricultural Fair 2010 Dates: August 5-8, 2010
508.252.4770 454 Winthrop Street (Rte. 44) Rehoboth, MA
Office Hours By Appointment
Now Offering Saturday Appointments Spring Breakfast
Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
seekonk Congregational Church, united Church of Christ ing
600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA Woodworth Hall of the Gardiner Build-
Call For Reservations: 508-336-9355 Cost: $6.50 for Adults - $3.25 Children -12 The Earnest Workers will have candy filled Maybaskets available for sale
• Complete Dental Implant Center • • Prosthetics • • Teeth Whitening • • Bonding • • Family & Cosmetic Dentistry • • Crowns • • Emergency Treatment •
The Reporter April 2010
Bargain Shoppers’ Paradise Returns For 62nd Year to Providence, April 15-17
KLP Landscaping
Annual Wheeler School Sale Emphasizes “Reuse & Recycle” For More Than Half A Century
15% OFF
Largest Free Event of its Kind in Southeastern New England
ANY SPRING CLEAN-UPS Now Accepting New Lawn Clients for Spring!
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Fully Insured • Free Estimates Landscaping • Snow Plowing • Construction
Licensed Pesticides Applicator for your Weed, Insect, & Fertilization Needs
Kreg Propatier
Providence, R.I. — Rhode Island’s oldest and largest clothing sale is back, and bigger than ever. Come satisfy your bargain-hunting urges (and help reuse and recycle) by shopping April 15-17 at the 62nd Annual Wheeler School Clothing and More Sale. The sale will be held in the Wheeler School Gymnasium at 07 Brook Street (between Angell and Meeting Streets) in the heart of the historic East Side of Providence. Admission is free. This popular, yearly sale is a bargain shopper’s paradise offering big savings on highquality, new and second-hand women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, home decor, books, sporting goods, toys and electronics. Thousands of items will be sold at amazingly low prices. Find incredible bargains for every member of your family and every room in your house. All clothing is carefully inspected to ensure that it is laundered, hole and tear-free. The Wheeler School Parents Association sponsors the event. Sale Hours: Thursday, April 15 :00 – 9:00 p.m. Grand Opening Night Friday, April 16 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Saturday, April 17 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. All clothing and items remaining after the sale are donated to area shelters, charities and community organizations. Proceeds from the Sale benefit the Wheeler Financial Aid fund and Providence Summerbridge, a nationally-acclaimed academic program for public middle school students. For more information about the 62nd Annual Wheeler School Clothing and More Sale, contact The Wheeler School at 01. 21.8100.
Power Lift and Power Recline. Many Styles to choose from Starting at $679.00
Shop at Home • Free Estimates • Over 50 Years Experience Hours: Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 9-5:30; Wed. 9-7; Sat. 9-3
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Dixon Cleaning don't have time to clean? Call dixon Cleaning
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Saint Anne’s Hospital’s “2010 Get Moving Million Dollar Walk” to benefit Saint Anne’s Hospital Regional Cancer Care in Fall River and Dartmouth
Thanks to thousands of walkers, sponsors, donors, and volunteers in its 11-year history, Saint Anne’s Hospital’s 12th annual “Get Moving” walk is positioned this year to break the million-dollar mark. This year’s “Get Moving Million-Dollar Walk” to benefit Saint Anne’s Hospital Regional Cancer Care will be held on May 15 at Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School, 251 Stonehaven Road, Fall River. The Get Moving Walk is a grassroots, community fundraising effort founded in 1999 by community members, hospital employees and patients to help advance world-class cancer care in the region. Since its first year, the event has consistently exceeded its annual goals. To date, the Get Moving walk has raised more than $9 0,000, net of expenses, including $157,000 net last year. It is the hospital’s largest annual fundraising event. Much of Get Moving’s success lies with the support of corporate sponsors and the growth of individual and team walkers. For the second consecutive year, this year’s title sponsor is the Anthony F. Cordeiro Insurance Agency, of Fall River. Founded in 1987 in Fall River, the agency is a full-service, independent insurance agency that offers a complete line of personal and business insurance products. The agency’s $10,000 investment as title sponsor represents the largest in support of this year’s walk. “The Anthony F. Cordeiro Insurance Agency has been a proud sponsor of the Get Moving walk since its inception,” said Anthony F. Cordeiro, of Fall River, agency owner and president, “and this year, we are proud to be able to continue in the role of title sponsor. “Saint Anne’s Regional Cancer Care, including the Hudner Oncology Center and the Dartmouth radiation therapy center, touch the lives of thousands in our community,” said Cordeiro. “It’s our sincere hope that, in partnering with Saint Anne’s, we can broaden
April 2010 The Reporter the reach of the Get Moving walk and ultimately benefit patients who rely on the care and services of the area’s most established and respected cancer care program.” Funds raised through this year’s walk support the hospital’s technology and facility enhancements at the Hudner Oncology Center in Fall River and its newest state-of-the-art radiation center that opened last September on Faunce Corner Road in Dartmouth. These investments, totaling $26 million, have enabled Saint Anne’s Hospital to continue its commitment to providing the region with the same advanced level of care found at major academic cancer centers in Boston. This year’s Get Moving committee is enthusiastically preparing for the “Million Dollar Walk,” setting the goal of $1,000,000 raised by Get Moving walkers back in 1999 and committed to continue growing the walk to Saint Anne’s Hospital 2009 Get Moving benefit the hospital’s expanded cancer care Walk top fundraiser, Vangy Auclair, with program in Dartmouth. Co-chaired by Karyl husband, David and dog, Lucy. ReBenoit, of Swansea, and Kyra Cordeiro, of hoboth resident Vangy rasied $2,615 Fall River, the committee includes hospital for cancer care. employees, employees of the Cordeiro Insurance Agency, members of the business community, and other interested members of the community. For more information about this year’s Get Moving walk to benefit Saint Anne’s Hospital Regional Cancer Care, visit or call the hospital’s Office of Development at 508-235-5057.
Community Dance
For Martin Elementary School’s Annual “Spring Fling”
May 22nd • 10:00 – 3:00
Please Contact Maria harris for detailed Information (508) 336-5345
eStone Driveways u l B & Masonry Asphalt & Gravel Driveways Patios & Walkways Stone Walls Chimney Repairs & Foundation
Got Potholes? We Can Help! Bill Card
774.306.6217 or 508.252.3412 Rehoboth, MA Insured
Richard G. Dias
* FREE * On Sunday evening, April 18, from 7 to 9 p.m., there will be a community dance held at Goff Memorial Hall, 12 Bay State Road, in Rehoboth. This dance is hosted by the Sunday Night Jammers, a group of area musicians who meet regularly on Sunday evenings at Goff Hall to play Celtic dance music. The April 18 will feature contra dance steps and a variety of international and couple dances, such as polkas and waltzes. All dance steps will be taught. Admission is free and open to the public, and all ages and beginners are welcome. It is not necessary to come with a partner. A potluck precedes the dance at 6 p.m. For information, call Bob Elliott at 508-669-5656 or Judith Schrier at 01-751- 55 , or you can email Paul Wilde at http://www.
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Powerwashing & Minor Repairs
The Reporter April 2010
SINE PLUMBING & HEATING "Quality Service Since 1945" •Repairs & Installation •Residential/Commercial/ Industrial Call us to •Pumps & Filters Sanitize your •Conditioners well after the flood! •Water Heaters & Heating Systems •Drain Cleaning •Fully Licensed & Insured Serving RI & Southeastern MA RIMP #1430 MA #23520
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Bike MS: Riding for a Cure!
On May 1, 2010 Pete and Loretta MacDonald will be on Martha’s Vineyard with friends and family for the Bike MS: Ride the Vineyard 2010. Loretta devoted nineteen years to teaching at Palmer River School. Though the progressive effects of MS forced her to leave classroom teaching, she now joyfully volunteers in third grade a few hours a week. Her husband, Pete, will join the “Folks on Spokes” cycling team on the bike ride, which is organized by the Central New England Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Also participating will be their three children, Pete, Shawna and Matthew - all DRRHS graduates - and about 25 other family members and friends. The MacDonalds have been riding in this annual event for the last 17 years. Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system. It affects many people here in Rehoboth. Symptoms range from mild, such as numbness in the limbs, to severe such as paralysis or loss of vision. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50. The unpredictable physical and emotional effects can be life long. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot be predicted, but advances in research and treatment are giving hope to those affected by the disease. The mission of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to end the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis. We know there are many worthwhile causes always seeking your support. If you want to join the fight against MS, you can donate to the Folks on Spokes team by sending a check made out to the National MS Society to: Pete MacDonald, 5 Apple Valley Dr., Rehoboth, MA 02769. The MacDonalds can also be reached at 508-252- 75.
A-1 Custom Auto Body 22 Pawtucket Avenue East Providence, RI 0291
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Spring is here! It’s been a rough winter. Don’t pay those outrageous prices for a new driveway! Let us fix your old driveway to look like new. Rubberized Crack Filling Mohegan Seal Coating • Chip Sealing Asphalt Patching Seal Coating & Driveway Maintenance Residential & Commercial
Fight the Cost of New Pavement... We Seal your Old Pavement
we use...
Call (508) 252-4195
Folks on Spokes Riding for a world free of MS… Rain or Shine
Poetry In The Village
Blanding Library, Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA (off Rte 44)
APRIL 21 ** Mwalim **
Considered by critics and peers alike to be one of the true modern masters of the oral tradition, Mwalim is a multifaceted, Black Wampanoag performing artist, writer, composer, pianist and songwriter. Black Masks Magazine cited him as “one of the leading voices in this generation of artists. Mwalim is the author of A Mixed Medicine Bag (2007, Talking Drum Press, LTD), a collection of original Black-Wampanoag Folk-tales. His award winning small-club concerts and musical performance pieces are storytelling journeys through a rich blend of jazz, soul, and funk. His latest album “The Liberation Sessions: Soul of the City” (2009, Liberation Music – MGM) has received 12 nominations in various categories by the New England Urban Music Awards including Best Male Spoken-word Artist. OPEN MIC sign up 6-6:30 p.m., Open Mic Readings 6:30-7 p.m. , 7:15 p.m. Feature For more information contact:
April 2010 The Reporter
The Providence Speakeasy
David Laurino Plaster & Paint
Proceeds to benefit the Epilepsy Foundation of MA, RI, NH, & ME
A Night of Gambling, Gangsters, and a Roaring Great Time!
Each mobster and moll in attendance will be given $50,000 in play ‘dough’ to hit your table of choice, including Black Jack, Poker, Roulette and Craps. Throughout the evening, guests will have the opportunity to bid on oodles of ritzy auction items, purchase grab bags and visit booths on Epilepsy Education and Awareness. Learn the Charleston, sample delicious food, and enjoy live music in key the Roaring 20’s, all while supporting a worthy cause. Period themed attire is encouraged, ages 18+ only please. Tickets are $50, which includes your play ‘dough’ and fun for the entire evening for a great cause!
Serving Rehoboth for Over 20 Years
Call David 508-252-4773
to Purchase tickets
Tickets are $50, which includes your play ‘dough’ and fun for the entire evening Visit our website and purchase tickets online. Mail payment to with ’Providence Speakeasy’ noted in the memo line, with a name for the reservation. For further information, please contact: The Epilepsy Foundation of MA, RI, NH, & ME; 888-576-9996 OR 617-506-6041; 540 Gallivan Blvd, Boston, MA 02124
Fully Insured
FREE ESTIMATES All Work Guaranteed
Dyer-Lake Grief Support Group
The Dyer-Lake Funeral Home is pleased to announce plans for the next monthly grief support group to assist members of the community who have experienced the loss of a loved one. According to director, Michael S. Lake, “the journey through the grieving process can be filled with emotion. It can often be painful and lonely. We want to help individuals and families through their own unique grieving process. Attendees can listen, share stories or actively participate in the discussion. Although a group environment, participation varies depending upon where people are within their grieving process.” The next meeting in the series will be held on Wednesday, April 1 , 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the funeral home at 161 Commonwealth Avenue, Village of Attleboro Falls, North Attleboro. The discussion will be entitled “Good Grief, Are You Kidding”. The free event is open to people of all ages and to all members of the community whether or not Dyer-Lake has previously served the family. Facilitating the session will be Linda Regan, LICSW and Judith Gordon, R.N. of the Community Visiting Nurse Agency in Attleboro. The group meets each month from September – May with one additional session scheduled during the summer months. The next meeting will held on Wednesday, May 19, 2010. To register for this event or to receive information about future sessions, please call (508) 695-0200 or visit
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GROOM & STYLE Forever Paws Animal Shelter is sponsoring a
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The Reporter April 2010
Autistic Caring and Fun Sharing
Training Seminar for Babysitters, Grandparents and other Caregivers at Newman YMCA sponsored by Bailey’s Team
As part of Autism Awareness Month, Community Autism Resources and Boy Scouts from Troop 1 Seekonk are offering a FREE training seminar for babysitters, grandparents and other caregivers who are looking after children (toddlers to age 12) on the autism spectrum, mildly to moderately impaired. This seminar was created for people who have not had previous training in caring for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Those attending this seminar, Autistic Caring and Fun Sharing, will gain insight on anCommercial • Industrial ticipating challenges, avoiding overstimulating the child in their care, managing behaviors, communicating and having fun with a child with ASD. A kit filled with fun activities, tips Residential from the seminar, and safety guidelines will be distributed to those attending the event. MA - RI License The objective is to help make the caregiving experience easier and more fun for both the child and caregiver. Bucket Truck Service The event was developed and coordinated by Tighe Ratcliffe, Life Scout, Boy Scout Troop 1 Seekonk, as an Eagle Scout Project. Tighe knows it is hard for parents of a child ~ Fully Insured ~ with ASD to find a good babysitter who is fun and knows how to handle their child: “The Fire Alarms Installed & Serviced challenge for caregivers of children on the autism spectrum is that these kids communicate differently, have difficulty understanding social cues and become overstimulated more easily than kids who are not on the spectrum. Things that are fun for other kids can sometimes cause behavioral problems in kids with ASD. I wanted to form an event where 93 Tremont St., Rehoboth, MA caregivers can learn from a professional how to have a safe, enjoyable experience with a Tim Dorrance -Owner child with ASD.” This interactive seminar will be presented by Holly Flanagan, M.S., CCC-SLP, a Hanen Certified Speech-Language Pathologist from the South Coast Educational Collaborative Enrichment Network. This program provides professional development and parent education programs designed to make a difference for students by supporting and collaborating with the important adults in their lives. Several groups within the community have partnered to bring this free event to the public including Bailey’s Team, Boy Scout Troop 1 Seekonk, Community Autism Resources (CAR), Newman YMCA, Our Place Tuxedo and Uniforms, and South Coast Educational Collaborative. Bailey’s Team, the event’s major sponsor, is dedicated to raising funds to support organizations and individuals who fund research and or provide resources, services and aid to individuals living with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Community Autism Resources (CAR), a Southeastern Massachusetts program, also covering the Cape and the Islands, provides support to individuals with ASD and their families by sharing knowledge, information, and enhancing skills enabling persons with autism to live satisfying and fulfilling lives within the community. South Coast Educational Collaborative conducts education programs and services that complement and strengthen the school program of member districts and increases educational opportunities for all children. They also provide professional development and parent education. OPEN HOUSE This FREE event will be held at the NewAny Monday thru Friday man YMCA, 27 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA, on Saturday, April 17, from 9:15 A.M. 3:00-6:00PM until 11:30 A.M. Light refreshments will be served. Space is limited so please register TM by Friday, April 9. The first 100 people to sign up will be included. There are three easy ways to register: (1) go to com and click on Autism Caring and Fun We are excited to offer SIX-WEEKS Sharing, then fill out the form; (2) call Jan of half & full day programs for CHILDREN 3 -12 Randall at Community Autism Resources by MINI-ME dialing 508-379-0371, ext. 16; (3) sign up at program Taekwondo & Judo (New!), Arts & Crafts, the Newman YMCA. Babysitters under the age of 16 should Rehoboth History Comes Alive!, for 3 to 5 have permission from a parent or guardian Professor Gizmo Returns!, Bicycle Extravaganza, year olds to attend. For safety reasons, please do Kids‛ Gardening & Cooking, Sports, Fun & Games not bring children to the seminar. If child care is needed during this seminar, the Newman YMCA’s Prime Time babysitting services are available between the hours of 340 Anawan Street (in the back) rt. 118 - Next to Rehoboth Police/Fire Station 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M. (at a small fee for Applications/info: • • (508) 336-0123 non-members).
(508) 252-4000
Happy Spring!
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Julia Sweet's Rehoboth Fitness Studio
April 2010 The Reporter
Rehoboth Contra Dances
Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA; $8; All dances taught. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. Contact: 508-252-6375; Serving Massachusetts & Rhode Island Since 1960 Underground Lawn Sprinklers Installation & Repairs Install A Filter To Keep Sediment From Affecting Sprinkler Head Perfomance.
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Friday, April 9, 8 p.m. Caller, Steve ZakonAnderson; music by LocoMojo
Friday, April 23, 8 p.m. Caller, Chris Weiler; music by Amy Larkin, Jonathan Larkin, and Max Newman
All dances will be taught by All dances will be taught by caller Steve Zakon-Anderson. caller Chris Weiler. Music will be Music will be performed by Lo- performed by Amy Larkin, JonacoMojo, with Amy Larkin, Shirley than Larkin, and Max Newman. White, and Linda Henry.
Friday, April 30, 8 p.m. Caller, Nils Fredland; music by Dave Langford and Peter Barnes
All dances will be taught by caller Nils Fredland. Music will be performed by Dave Langford and Peter Barnes.
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The Reporter April 2010
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South Coast Chamber Music Society members Megumi Stohs, Tim Roberts, and Janice Weber will perform classical works on April 10 in Rehoboth, MA
Arts in the Village Presents the South Coast Chamber Music Society
On April 10, Arts in the Village is pleased to present violinist Megumi Stohs, cellist Tim Roberts, and pianist Janice Weber, all members of the South Coast Chamber Music Society, who will be 250 S. Main Street performing a program of old and new classics. e Attleboro, MA y MA RS#381 The concert opens with Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio in D Minor (Op. 9), one of the most popular of all chamber pieces, which was described by the Romantic composer Robert Schumann as “the • Qualty Workmanship • Residential master trio of the age.” Debussy’s Sonata for Cello and Piano in D • very Competitive Rates • Commercial minor, a richly nuanced, meditative dialogue between piano and • Direct Insurance Billing • Mobil Service cello, typifies the best that chamber music has to offer. • Same Day Service (508) 223-2291 Paul Schoenfield’s “Café Music,” which premiered in 1987, is a fascinating piece that assimilates a wide range of early-twentiethcentury American, Viennese, light classical, Gypsy, and Broadway styles, including a paraphrase of a beautiful Hassidic melody. The piece calls for virtuosic playing as it We Service All Makes & Models shifts dazzlingly from the exuberant to the serious. Pick Up & Delivery This concert, which is sponsored by BONUS DISCOUNT Don Backlund of Rehoboth, MA, will take Available place on Saturday, April 10, 7:30 p.m., at Goff Memorial Hall, 12 Bay State Road, in Your Entire Repair or Maintenance Free Shuttle Rehoboth, MA. Admission is $1 for adults, Expires 5/15/2010 Service $12 for seniors, and $5 for students and children, cash and checks only. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the Mass Inspection SUPER DETAILS SPECIAL doors open at 7:00 p.m. For information, Station $109.95 please call 508-252-5718.
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walk-Ins welcome
April 2010 The Reporter
Lobster Roll Luncheon Friday - April 9, 2010
Centenary united Methodist Church
15 Sanford Street at the Corner of North Main Street, Attleboro, MA 02703 Once again, you can order your delicious, take-out Lobster Roll Lunch, complete with a roll filled with chunky lobster meat on a thin bed of lettuce (with or without mayo), chips, pickle, cookie, and choice of soda or water, by calling 508-222-1759, faxing 508-2222326, or email An order form is available on our website at These complete, boxed lunches are only $9.50 and can be picked up at the best time for you between 6:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Pick up is at Centenary United Methodist Church, corner of North Main & Sanford Streets, across from the YMCA, in downtown Attleboro. We now can offer business and professional office delivery for group orders. So why not take orders where you work and we’ll bring everyone’s lobster roll luncheon to you. Call today and place your order for one, or for your entire family, office or facility. Deadline to order is Monday, April 5th. If you leave a message, please tell us the number of lunches; whether you want Coke, Diet Coke, Ginger Ale or Water; mayo or no-mayo; and the pick-up or delivery time you prefer; together with your name and phone number. Some extras will be available for instant pick-up on Friday, April 9th. Find out why so many people are regulars at Centenary’s quarterly Lobster Roll Luncheon. Order yours today!
Job Supports Group at Good News
Good News Bible Chapel, 235 West Street, Attleboro will host JobSeekers, a bi-weekly support group for the unemployed and underemployed on Thursdays, April 15 and April 29 at 9:30 a.m. Each JobSeekers session includes prayer time, networking, and practical coaching on job-seeking skills. Good News is fully handicapped accessible. For more information about Good News Bible Chapel, visit
Baby Shower for Birthright
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Women’s Guild will meet Thursday, April 8th, at 7:00 P.M. in the lower church. Program: Baby shower for Birthright. Everyone is asked to purchase an item for a baby’s layette. Items are Not To Be Wrapped. Also, Bernadette Huck, Executive Director of Seekonk Human Services, will be our guest speaker. All women are invited (members and non-members). Refreshments will be served.
Hornbine Baptist & Holy Cross Catholic Church located on 141 Hornbine Road in Rehoboth Spring Breakfast, serving pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, pan fries, assorted muffins, toast, coffee, and juices.
Sunday April 18, 2010 Serving from 8:00am till 12:00pm
Donation $8.00 per person. Children under 12 are $4.
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The Reporter April 2010
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Christian Life Church
Christian Life Church (CLC), 222 Plain Street in Rehoboth, MA, will host Evangelist Jack Willis on Saturday, April 2 and Sunday, April 25, 2010. Schedule for these services will be: Men’s Breakfast, Saturday morning 9 a.m. at CLC, (Cost is $7 at the door. Please call ahead for reservations.); Saturday Evening Service 7 p.m.; and Sunday Morning Service 9:30 am. To reserve your seat for the Men’s Breakfast or if you have any questions, please call the office at 508-252-336 , Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to p.m. Jack Facts: Born: February 18, 19 5 in Plains, Pennsylvania. Born Again: October 31, 1965, Halloween night, as a result of street ministry in Long Beach, CA. Through the years, Jack has developed a deep love for and devotion to Almighty God. Jack was ordained into Ministry October 6, 1972 in Long Beach, CA. He served 8 years at Long Beach Community Chapel in various roles including Deacon and Minister of Youth, worship leader, and soloist in the Echos of Israel Choir. He’s traveled around the United States, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Africa (Cameroon’s and Nigeria), and Trinidad as an Evangelist. He served as an Associate Pastor in San Diego and Norwalk, CA; Richland, WA; Findlay, OH; and Cranston, RI. Jack has also served in various capacities over the years such as: Family, Singles, and Teen Camps, Men’s Retreat Speaker, Convention Speaker, Presbytery, and various Seminars. He also served as Associate Instructor with Christian Equippers International (Glad Tidings School of Evangelism), Senior Pastor at Fountain of Life Church in Richland, WA; Police Chaplain for the City of Richland Police Department and a Diversionary Court Counselor for the Juvenile Justice System in the State of Washington. He has also ministered in prisons and juvenile correctional facilities. He was a former member of the Christian Crusaders Motorcycle Ministry for over 13 years. Jack traveled as an Evangelist out of Christ-Life Church in Fort Worth, Tx, for 3 years. Jack rides a 1986 Harley Davidson Lowrider, sometimes down the aisle of a church, by request of course. He ministers at motorcycle rallies in various parts of the country. His home base church is The Rock Of Roseville in Roseville, CA, pastored by Francis and Suzy Anfuso. Jack serves as Pastor/Evangelist at The Rock. Jack’s unique preaching style of using humor, life circumstances, and present day truth has an impact on the young and not so young alike. His passion for the living Word of God comes across in his preaching in a very real and living way. He presently resides in Orangevale, CA with wife Maureen, and his daughter Caitlin. Daughter Sherri, and husband Louie Hunter and children Ty William and Rylee LaRae are living in Burbank, WA and his son David and his wife Nicki and children Sierra, and Spencer are living in Prosser, WA. Come meet Jack at CLC and bring a friend!
Schobel's Farm (508) 252-4631
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Dighton Community Church Annual Clamboil! Raffles
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April 2010 The Reporter
SPORTS UPDATE SIBL to Host First Round of National Competition
The Swansea Independent Baseball League has been selected to serve as a host organization for the first-round of the 2010 Aquafina Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit & Run Contest. According to President David Hadad, the SIBL will host a Local-level competition Saturday, May 1, at the Nike Site Playing Complex in Swansea. Boys and girls of ages 7 through 1 years will be eligible to participate free of charge for the opportunity to advance to higher levels of competition. Winners at the Local competition will advance to a Sectional competition a few weeks later and the opportunity to qualify for a Team Championship competition in June at Fenway Park in Boston. Team Championship victors will earn berths in the National Finals to be held July 12 through 1 at Anaheim Stadium in Anaheim, Calif., in conjunction with festivities related to the annual Major League Baseball All-Star Game. According to Hadad, the Local competition at the Nike Site will be open to all local residents and will not be restricted to just SIBL registrants. Further information about the competition will be disclosed shortly.
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The Reporter April 2010
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April 2010 The Reporter
RYBSA Rehoboth Youth Baseball and Softball Opening Day Ceremony
By Jay Delaplain, President of RYBSA The 2010 RYBSA Opening Day ceremony will be held on April 17th at 11:00 A.M. on field #1. During this ceremony we will be renaming softball field #5 “The Mike Taylor Memorial Field”. In 199 when RYB and RYS first merged to form RYBSA, it was Mike Taylor who met with the board of selectman, the planning board, the parks and recreation board and the state agencies whom we needed to get permission to build the softball fields. Mike used his time, knowledge and personal relationships to get us the needed requirements to build our two softball fields. The organization that we now know as The Rehoboth Youth Baseball and Softball Association could not have survived the early years of its existence without Michael Taylor, of that there is no doubt. We could not have bridged the gap and created the relationship between baseball and softball which was critical in order to create a singular, more powerful entity called RYBSA without Mike Taylor. Former RYBSA President Anthony P. Pivirotto will be on hand to assist in the dedication of the field.
Now is the Time!
By Fred Day, VP of RYBSA Junior/Farm Softball Wow! We just completed the skills assessment for the boys. The findings will be used to place players in the appropriate division and to help create even teams. Although we saw some impressive displays of hitting, fielding and throwing, one disturbing fact was very apparent. A very high percentage of the boys who participated, especially among the 7, 8, and 9 year olds, do not know how to throw a baseball. The situation is more or less the same with our girls playing softball. The obvious question is, why? Whose fault is it? Who (you knew this was coming) dropped the ball? Is it the responsibility of the parent to teach basic skills, or does that job belong to RYBSA? There is, of course, only one reasonable answer. It is and must be a shared responsibility. Only by the combined efforts of players, parents and coaches will basic skills be acquired and developed. Now is the time. With better weather and longer days let’s grab our gloves and get outside. Fifteen minutes a day of playing catch has been shown to dramatically reduce stress and add ten years to your life. Alright, I made that up. But you know it’s good for you, it’s good for your child, and it’s good for your relationship. If you need some help on how to teach a particular skill, ask a coach. Watch. Listen. Repeat. Be persistent but patient in correcting mechanics. Praise everything done right. Don’t let frustration ruin the fun. Remember, time flies. Children are grown and gone in the blink of an eye. Don’t miss out on the many benefits playing ball has to offer.
RBI Clinics Come to Martin Street
By Jay Delaplain, President of RYBSA Chris Welch, the general manager of the RBI Baseball Academy will be running a free fielding clinic on April 25th from 10:00 – 12:00 at the Martin Street Complex. Chris will be joined by Nick Tempesta, Hitting and Fielding Instructor. Nick attended Eastern Connecticut State University and went on to lead them to a National Championship in his freshman year. Nick was two time All-American shortstop at EConn. Once Nick completed his years at Eastern Connecticut, the Toronto Blue Jays did not waste any time in drafting him in the 26th round. After being drafted, Nick earned the MVP of the Blue Jays minor league affiliate in the Pioneer League. He spent his last few professional seasons in the Philadelphia Phillies organization where he learned from one of the greatest hitters of all time, Mike Schmidt. RYBSA recently completed month long indoor pitching and fielding clinics at RBI Baseball Academy.
Tri County Hockey Sets Tryout Dates
The Tri County Saints youth hockey organization has set their tryout dates and times for the 2010-2011 season. The tryouts will take place from March 28th thru April 1 th and are open to kids from Mites through Midgets. Online registration is required before tryouts, and registration is also open for the 2010-2011 House League (beginner league for kids 10 and under). For specific dates and times for your child’s age group tryout, please visit the Saints Website at
Seekonk Youth Soccer Spring 2010 Recreation Clinic
Sign Up will run from March 6 - April 17 6 week season starts April 27 & 29
Our new Spring Recreational Clinic will consist of a multi-week skills program. The goal of this program will be to teach and develop foot skills to the U-6 and U-8 age groups and prepare them to participate in the Fall Recreational league. For more information and to register online at Space is limited so sign up early. The league is always in need of volunteers to help coach our children and maintain the fields. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or a board member please send us an e-mail.
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The Reporter April 2010
Seekonk Jr. Warriors Go All-American
J.T.’s AUTO & BOAT TOP 181 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA - 508-524-3748
The Seekonk Jr. Warriors are changing their ways. Along with their conference Blackstone Valley AYF, Seekonk is changing its weight based format to the All-America Grade based format. AYF is the largest youth football and cheer organization in the country and partners with the NFL. The All-American division is a grade-based program that fosters participants in the same grade of similar age to play together. This system provides continuity for players and teams through 8th grade and onto High School. It eliminates the complicated age/weight structures for determining placement. “Every year we turn kids away who are 5-10 lbs too heavy to play with their friends and are too intimidated to move up to a higher level. Many of these kids don’t end up playing football until they get to high school and have no experience. It will get kids that might not have been able to play otherwise, active and turning off the video games.” Football players can rally classmates to play together in a safe and structured format, giving them more of an opportunity for children to participate. There is no longer a need for players to lose weight just so they can play football with their friends. Freshman and sophomores are no longer allowed to participate at the midget/8th grade level. This structure removes the older/lighter system which would pit younger players against older more mature players. Many smaller communities such as Seekonk have had difficulty drawing players due to the restrictive weight categories. SJW encourages players from other nearby communities who don’t want to lose weight to play football with kids their own age and to come and join the Seekonk Jr. Warriors Youth Football Program.
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All-American Division
The All-American Division allows Seekonk to become more evenly aligned with State/Regional structures. Nationally the AllAmerican division is divided evenly among Div I and Div II. Though here in New England, it has trended heavily towards the popular All-American div. There are no longer any National Division II teams left in the Northeast to compete against in Regional playoffs. Connecticut and New Hampshire are now all All-American, Central Mass, and one of the largest leagues in Mass, Bay State, have joined All-American for the 2010 season.
Healthy Kids Day
The Seekonk Jr. Warriors are offering a Registration @ Healthy Kids Day on Saturday, April 17 at the Newman YMCA from 9-1. We know parents have questions on how this will work and will there be a potential for more injuries? There is no distinct difference in the rate of injuries between grade based and weight based structures… results from a Mayo Clinic study since 1997. There will be more information available at this session and time to ask
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questions. Please visit our web site often as more details become available, www. Mary Jane Bernard, President Seekonk Jr. Warriors 508-324-5996
April 2010 The Reporter
Local Martial Artists Win BIG!
Perfection's Hair Salon & Spa
Local Martial Arts students training with Shihan John Agostini at the USA KARATE – Rehoboth School competed in the Tournament of Champions, held in February 2010 in North Providence, RI. This was the first tournament for the 2010 Competition season. Competitors entered divisions based on their age and rank, competing in categories such as Empty Handed Forms, Weapons, Sparring, Board Breaking & Jui Jitsu. Shihan John, Head Instructor of the USA KARATE – Rehoboth School, along with his assistant Sensei Dave, trains these dedicated martial artists and congratulates all the students who worked so hard preparing for the competition. Shihan John proudly recognizes the following students for their commitment to the study of the Martial Arts and for their exceptional accomplishment. Franconia, NH is the location of the upcoming competition to be held April 17, 2010, and many of the students are hard at work preparing to compete.
338 Metacom Avenue • Bristol, RI 02809
6 & Under Forms: 3rd Place Gianna Blackwell (Rehoboth) 7 & Under Traditional Weapons: 2nd PlaceDavid McNaughton (Rehoboth) rd 3 Place Charleigh Blackwell (Rehoboth) th Place Wyatt Palardy (Rehoboth) 7 & Under Open Weapons: 2nd PlaceShea O’Brien (Attleboro) nd 7 & Under Co-ed Sparring: 2 PlaceGianna Blackwell (Rehoboth) th Place Charleigh Blackwell (Rehoboth) 7 - 9 White - Purple Forms: 1st Place Cassandra Wenner (Attleboro) th Place Shea O’Brien (Attleboro) 7 - 9 Blue - Brown Forms: 2nd PlaceDavid McNaughton (Rehoboth) 7 - 9 All Girl Sparring: th Place Cassandra Wenner (Attleboro) 7 - 9 White – Purple Boys Sparring: 3rd Place Shea O’Brien (Attleboro) 7 - 9 Blue – Brown Boys Sparring: th Place David McNaughton (Rehoboth) 8 - 11 Traditional Weapons: 1st Place Colleen O’Brien (Attleboro) 10 - 12 Blue – Brown Forms: th Place Alyssa Hills (Seekonk) Adult Traditional Weapons:3rd Place Charlie Blackwell (Rehoboth) Adult White – Blue Forms: 2nd PlaceCharlie Blackwell (Rehoboth) Adult White – Blue Sparring: 1st Place Charlie Blackwell (Rehoboth) ates Adult Blue - Brown Belt Sparring: 1st Place Jack Szydlowski (Rehoboth) m i t s Synchronized Forms: th Place Alyssa Hills & Colleen O’Brien EE FRE (Seekonk & Attleboro) Youth Breaking: 1st Place Nicholas Richard (Attleboro) Jui Jitsu: 1st Place William Monroe (Rehoboth) Black Belt Forms: 3rd Place Michael McCarthy (Rehoboth) th Place Jack Szydlowski (Rehoboth) Black Belt Weapons: 2nd Place Michael McCarthy (Rehoboth) Black Belt Sparring: 1st Place Michael McCarthy (Rehoboth)
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The Reporter April 2010
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Note from the President
Spring is here! It’s a time for renewal, a time to emerge from our winter hibernation and sprout with new energy and focus. This month honors the many volunteers of the PTSA who contribute countless hours to make a difference for all of our Rehoboth students.
National Volunteer Week April 18th-24th
April 18th – 2 th is National Volunteer Week. I cannot thank our PTSA Volunteers enough. Because of their tireless dedication and commitment, our children’s learning experience is enhanced from supporting class field trips & family time events to providing supplies needed in the classrooms, and so much more. Our volunteers are the best! So if you see a PTSA Volunteer, stop and take a moment to thank them. Not just during National Volunteer Week but throughout the year! And to all of the volunteers who contribute to the Rehoboth PTSA, please accept my heartfelt “Thanks!” for helping make a difference everyday in the lives of our young people. Book Fair is coming! A book is like a present; you get to open it again and again. The Book Fair at Beckwith will be held from April 26th through May 2nd and the Palmer River book fair will be held on April 26th through April 30th. All proceeds go to our school library. Learn more at PR Talent Show: Did you know that we have many talented dancers, actors, comedians, singers and more right here at Palmer River? Each year the PTSA sponsors a Talent Show with students performing everything from singing your favorite songs to telling a few jokes. Unfortunately, time is running out on this event. Since the beginning of the school year, we have been advertising for a strong leader to step up to run the annual PR Talent Show, but the position still remains open. Please consider volunteering for this open position to help showcase the talents of our PR students! Go to www.RehobothPTSA. org to learn more!
PTSA Open Positions for 2010-2011:
In our busy lives we sometimes forget that even the simplest offer can go such along way. An organization cannot run by itself and the PTSA needs both Beckwith and Palmer River parents/guardians to keep these great programs running. Won’t you consider joining us to make a difference in every child’s education? Open PTSA positions for the 2010-2011 school year are: Secretary Beckwith Vice President Beckwith Enrichment Beckwith Fundraising Chair Beckwith 5th Grade Events Membership Reflections Art Contest PR Talent Show
April 2010 The Reporter Go to our website to learn more about how you can contribute and make a difference in every student’s education at www. Art Contest: Congratulations to all who entered the Reflection Art Contest. I had a chance to view all the entries and I take pride in saying our children are truly talented. Looking forward to seeing you at our Reflection Ceremony in May! Flower Power Fundraiser: Thank you to everyone who participated in our Flower Power Fundraiser last month! Parents bought bulbs & plants to make their yards beautiful while supporting our schools. I can’t wait to start planting flowers! We still have many exciting events to come: Paw Sox, Walking with the Dinosaurs, BW Production of Grease, Book Fair, 5th grade events, field trips, yearbook, and more. Keep checking back to our website to learn more at www. Debbie Fitzgerald Rehoboth PTSA President
D E ! v O M E WE’v Check out our new location at Rehoboth village Plaza / Park Street
2009-10 PEG Awards
The PTSA Enhancement Grant Program (PEG) was established to fund projects at Beckwith and Palmer River outside the school budget that would make a difference in our children’s classroom experiences. All proposals should meet as many of the PTSA goals as possible. These goals include enhancing the learning curriculum, improving the quality of education, promoting the welfare of the children, and developing a united effort between parents and educators to secure the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, or spiritual education. This year’s recipients were notified in December that their grant requests had been approved. The items purchased through this year’s PEG program include; two ELMO TT-02Rx document cameras (Ms. Shibley, Grade 1 and Ms. Zalk and Ms. Grosslein, Grades 7 and 8), a spotlight for the
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The Reporter April 2010
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Beckwith Drama Club (Mr. Collard, Drama Club Advisor), two iPod touch for use with listening centers (Ms. Crohan and Ms. Bozzuto, Grade 5), microscope slides and other materials for hands-on science exploration activities (Ms. Caron, Grade 7), a listening center and materials (Ms. Sousa, Grades 5-8 Special Education), and a Mastering Math Games library (Ms. Maldonado, Special Education, SIMS).
What's Up Palmer River!
By: Emily Greenberg Grade 4 Get ready for some pranks on April 1st, April Fool’s Day. The following day, April 2nd there is no school because of Good Friday. Two days after that on April th is Easter Sunday. Hope the Easter Bunny comes. Ugh, th grade ELA MCAS is on April 6th and 8th with th grade long composition make-ups is on April 7th. I hope you all do well and that it’s not too hard. Good Luck. The 3rd grade has already completed their ELA MCAS and I’m jealous because they’re finished. I never knew this, but Holocaust Remembrance Day is on April 11th this year. It remembers all the Jewish people like Ann Frank who were put in concentration camps during World War II. This day at precisely 10 a.m. a siren goes off in Israel and everyone stops whatever they are doing and stands at silent attention for two minutes, even if they are driving in a car they must stop and get out. April Vacation is from April 19th to April 23rd (Yeah!). What are you planning for your vacation? I hope the weather is nice. I do not know what I will be doing yet this year for vacation. I’m sure it will be fun. If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims! So long, for now!
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April 2010 The Reporter
Walking With Dinosaurs
at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence
Presented by Rehoboth PTSA Special Offer for Palmer River/Beckwith Schools! Wednesday, June 23 @ 7 p.m. Sunday, June 27 @ 5 p.m. Tickets Just $20 Saturday, June 26 @ 7 p.m. Tickets Just $22 (Normally Priced at $31.50)
A full service
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17 Life Size Dinosaurs Roam the Arena Floor in this Astonishing Show!
To order: Please fill out the ticket order form below and return it in a sealed envelope marked Walking with Dinosaurs Attn: Suzanne Cabral along with your cash or check by Friday April 30, 2010. Please make checks payable to Rehoboth PTSA. Child’s Name: _______________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________ Room #: _____ Grade: ___
Performance:___________________________________________ (include day, date, and time) Number of Tickets: ______ Amount Enclosed: ______________ Any questions please contact Suzanne Cabral at SuzanneC@ or call 01.323.2735
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The Reporter April 2010 FREE ESTIMATES
Beckwith Burger Palace Book fair
The Burger Palace Diner book fair will be serving up some egg-cellent books this month. The book fair will be open from April 26th to May 2nd, the students will have the opportunity to shop during school for some great summer reading. Volunteers are needed please contact Tiffany 508.557.1125 or bartholomews@
Palmer River Book
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It's Coming: Spring into the Palmer River Book Fair for some great books. Mark your calendars between April 26th-29th. Look for details coming via backpack. Volunteers are especially needed during the Spring, because the children shop during the day. We need YOU! If you can find an hour or more during the day, please contact Wendy Cordeiro 508-252-2359 or 508-272- 129.
PTSA Pawsox Night
Friday, May 28, 2010 - Time 7:05 p.m. vs. Norfolk Tides Limited Quantity - 100 Tickets - Box Seats - $9.00 each It’s Webkinz Night...The first 3,000 fans ages 1 and under entering McCoy Stadium prior to the PawSox vs. Tides game at 7:05 on May 28th, will receive a Webkinz compliments of Dunkin' Donuts.
Palmer River News Elise DuBois, Assistant to Principal
A notice to all parents of children who will be 5 years old by August 31, 2010!
Kindergarten Registration has begun for the 2010-2011 School Year at Palmer River Elementary School. If your child was born on or between 9/1/200 and 8/31/2005, they are eligible to begin Kindergarten in September of 2010. If you have not yet received a registration packet in the mail, please call Palmer River School (252-5138) between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to request one.
STEM Night Success
Palmer River Elementary School Council and PTSA presented a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) evening on March 3, 2010. This evening was filled with interactive opportunities to highlight how STEM impacts careers and daily activities. The children and their families were able to weave through many different stations which included: Casting Fun in Orthopedics with Dr. Lifrak, Fire Rescue with Firefigher Randy Larrivee, DVD Dismantling and what is inside with Mr. Greenberg, Colonial Quack Medicine with Mr. Downs, The Building of Buildings with Architect David Morais, Sports Science with Julie Sweet, Engineering Fun with Trains with Mr. Latham and Finger Print Forensics with Chief Stephen Enos, Patrolman Keith Perry and Patrolman Matthew Gardner. We wish to thank our PRES families who attended and hope it was fun and informative. A special thank you to our presenters and organizers who worked behind the scenes to make this a very special evening particularly, Mrs.Tiffany Bathlomew, Mrs. Jill Lifrak, Mrs. Suzanne DePalo, Mrs. Jen Moitos and Mrs. Fitzgerald.
Off to the Island… Study Island That Is
We would like to honor all the students who have completed their grade level Study Island sessions in Math and ELA. So far this year our students at Palmer have answered 15 ,009 questions at a "proficient" level. We have, however, fourteen amazing
April 2010 The Reporter students who have finished their entire grade level sessions this year. They are: First Grade - Liam Anderson, Kara Bisbano, Kyle Bisbano, Isabella Brown, Benjamin Horowitz, Jackson Lifrak, and Jordan Soufy Second Grade - Megan Fitzgerald, Sean O’Brien, and Aidan Soliday (Aidan also finished 3rd grade and has moved on to th grade. He passed both sections of the 2nd grade at an advance level and passed 3rd grade with an average of 85.7 in math and 88 in ELA. Aidan is only in 2nd grade). Third Grade - Kerry Fitzgerald, Trevor McDuff, Elicia Paille, Catherine Poole, J.D. Housley, and 2nd grader Aidan Soliday. Fourth Grade – Jake Benevides has finished everything in History and Social Science and is nearly done with ELA and Andrew Melanson – completed his ELA and math at his instructional level with a proficient level! Well done children! You have set the bar high for all of our students at Palmer River.
Just a Fraction of their Learning
Room 6 has been studying the western regions of the United States. Students are creating games that require knowledge about their region as a means of teaching the rest of the class about that area. In math, these students took a tasty look at fractions with a Hershey bar fraction lesson. Who knew that math could be so yummy? Students also found fractional parts of our 23 class members based on various characteristics.
Moving our Library into the 21st Century
Thanks To Palmer River librarian, Mrs. Susan Smith, gone are the days of hand coding our books and library cards. The Palmer River School Library Media Center recently converted to an automated and online circulation system. Over 11,600 books and other education materials were cataloged. The project could not have been possible without the help of a very dedicated group of student and parents volunteers. To search our collection, go to http://lib. Thank you to all who have made automation a reality for our school.
Kindergarten Kids… Come One, Come All
A notice to all parents of children who will be 5 years old by August 31, 2010 - Kindergarten Registration has begun for the 2010-201 1 School Year at Palmer River Elementary School. If your child was born on or between 9/1/200 and 8/31/2005, they are eligible to begin Kindergarten in September of 2010. If you have not yet received a registration packet in the mail, please call Palmer River School (252-5138) between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to request one.
Safety First!
As we move into spring, many of our classrooms will be participating in educational fieldtrips with their classrooms. We wish to remind families, in order to participate as a classroom volunteer on these school sponsored trips you must be approved through a CORI/SORI check. If you have completed paperwork at one of our open houses, you will not need to re-submit. If you have any questions about this feel free to contact the Palmer River School office.
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Dentistry At Its MOST Advanced. Dentistry At Its MOST Comfortable. Beckwith Middle School A1 Wood Floors 8
The Reporter April 2010
Thanks most recent advances laserand dentistry, many dental procedures Overto 20the years experience • Family in owned operated can now be completed without the need for anesthetics, vibrationD.L. or theBeckwith Middle School News wood floors disconcerting whine of the dental drill. Dr. Alan Merchanthouse employs just Website: and finished suchInstalled, technology in asanded, relaxing country setting in Rehoboth. For the highest Volunteer Service Recognition Beckwith students Ali Freitas and Curtis Letourneau have Old fl oors will look like new quality dental care – furnished by a highly trained and friendly staff of dental been honored for exemplary volunteer service with a President’s Dustless Sanding professionals – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule your appointment with Service Award. Sponsored by Prudential Financial in Volunteer partnership with the National Association of Secondary School www.A1-woodfl Dr. Alan Merchanthouse.
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Principals, the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program recognizes young people nationwide for outstanding community service activities. “The recipients of these Dental Implants awards vividly demonstrate that young Emergency Treatment people across America are making remarkable contributions to the health and vitality of their communities,” said John R. Strangfield, chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial. Congratulations to Ali and Curtis!
DR. GABRIEL WASSOUF Located in Rehoboth AboveCommons the Post Office above the post office.
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Dates to Remember
April 1 Grade 5 field trip April 1 Grade 8 MCAS Testing April 1 School Council April 2 No School – Good Friday April 5 Grade 5 field trip April 5 Grade 7 MCAS Testing April 6 Grade 5 MCAS Testing April 7 Grade 7 Comp. Make-up April 1 Principal’s Coffee 10 a.m. April 16 Term 3 Report Cards issued April 19-23No School –Spring Vacation April 30 Math Meet in Dighton April 30 “Grease”
Sixth Graders Read for Rehoboth!
This year, as we are all too painfully aware, the economic crisis has devastated many Rehoboth families, and our local food pantry is struggling to meet the rapidly growing increase in demand. With this situation in mind, the sixth grade is conducting a read-a-thon to benefit the Rehoboth Food Pantry, a non-profit program that distributes food and supplies to many of our neighbors in need. This worthwhile program, “Read for Rehoboth,” is a great way to motivate our students to become more avid readers and more active, responsible members of our community. Last year, our students raised over $7,000. This year, we’d like to increase our donation to over $10,000! If you’d like to help out by sponsoring a student, please call Mrs. Woodard at 508-252-5080. Your help and encouragement would be greatly appreciated!
Nurse's Notes Cathy Mondor, RN, BSN
Elevator Use: If a student has an injury that necessitates the use of the elevator, a signed doctor’s note must be brought in saying what the injury/medical problem is and stating that the student needs to use the
April 2010 The Reporter elevator. The note must also state how long the elevator use will be necessary. Please make sure students are seen in the health room before using the elevator for the first time; some instructions are needed. Medications: Per Dighton-Rehoboth School District policy, students are not allowed to carry medications of any kind to or from school including over-the-counter meds. If a child needs a medication while at school, it must be brought in by a parent in the original pharmacy container Unopened and a parent permission form must be signed. In the case of a prescription med, a form must be signed by the doctor; in this case ask the pharmacy to give a second bottle to bring to the school. Minor Illnesses: When a child is uncomfortable before school with symptoms of head cold, allergies, minor sore throat, headaches, cough, etc., parents may want to consider a dose of Tylenol, Motrin, or cold or allergy medication. As long as the student doesn't have a fever, it may mean the difference between getting through the day without too much discomfort and feeling ill to the point of needing to go home.
Test Taking Tips
“Tests are easy” some middle graders say. “It’s the questions that are hard.” But test questions aren’t so difficult if your child understands how to handle them. Help your middle grader tackle tough questions by sharing these strategies: True or false: As a general rule, a question should be answered false if any part of the statement is untrue. Suggest that your child look for words like all, none and always. These may be clues that the answer is false. Example: “All the soldiers in the Revolutionary War were American.” At the same time, words like often and may usually signal that a statement is true. Multiple choice: With these questions, it’s important that your middle grader read every choice before choosing an answer. This allows her to rule out answers she knows are wrong. Using this strategy, your child may have two options to pick from instead of five, which increases her chances of selecting the correct answer. Essay: Encourage your child to read each question at least twice before answering. Making an outline will help her organize her thoughts so her writing is clear and flows smoothly. When she’s finished her essay, she should check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. (Article from Middle Years, 2009 Resource for Educators, a division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.)
No Cell Phones During MCAS
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education prohibits cell phones during MCAS testing. If your child brings a cell phone to school, please know that cell phones are not allowed in the testing environment and that lockers are not secure. Students found to have cell phones in the test environment will have their tests invalidated by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Invalid tests receive no points and students do not have an opportunity to retake the test.
Principal’s Coffee
The April 14th Principal’s Coffee will feature the introduction and explanation of Student Growth Percentiles
Pearls of Wisdom
Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. - Doug Larson
New Features at Beckwith Website
Please check out our website periodically for new features, updates and memos!
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Lady Raiders
The Lady Raiders had a great season this year, posting 6 wins and 9 losses. Although this doesn't seem great, this is the most wins the team has had in many years. Some high points of the season were beating Case and Bridgewater after falling to both teams earlier in the season. This showed how much the girls had improved. Then they defeated rival Dighton soundly in the last game of the season to end the year on a winning note. The team was led by eighth graders: Emily Colon, Olivia Colon, Jordan Lizotte, Rachel Lobalbo, Michelle Petrone and Ally Poirier. The Raiders also have 8 girls who will be returning next year: Maddie Jolin, Jessica Potter, Samantha Carden, Kasey Charette, Kylie D'Ambrosio, Annie Mitchell, Haley Mitsmenn and Taylor Poirier. Mrs. Jerauld would like to thank all the players for their dedication and teamwork throughout the season. Good luck to the eighth graders and Go Raiders!
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The Reporter April 2010
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Massasoit Spelling Meet
The Massasoit Spring Spelling Meet was held on March 11 at Beckwith. Our team placed second in a very competitive meet. Team members Ally Luongo, Elizabeth Oakley, Lauren Farris and Nikita Bansal competed in the oral portion. Other team members are Gaby Watson, Zoe Karavolis, Jordan Lizotte, Lissa McLean, Casey Wade, Rebekah Philip, Jenna Burke, Kelly Brown, Chrystal Sousa, Raina Parente, and Ali Freitas. Congratulations to the team and advisor, Mrs. Flatley.
The D-R Bulletin Board
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The Dighton Rehoboth Marching Band
The Dighton Rehoboth Marching Band is working hard to raise money for a trip to Disney World in June of 2010 where the students will perform in the Main St. USA Parade. If you would like to help, please contact them at
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Citizens Scholarship Foundation
of Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School A Chapter of Dollars for Scholars® Antiques Vendors Sought for DR Fundraiser
[Rehoboth] The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School chapter of Citizens Scholarship Foundation is seeking antiques dealers for its spring fundraiser. Saturday, April 2 th, CSF will hold an Antiques Show and Sale at the High School to raise money for college scholarships for 2010 graduating seniors. Antiques dealers from all over New England are being recruited to display and sell their treasures. Applications are now available. Vendors will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis. Contact: Charlotte, the coordinator for this event at or (508) 339-5921.
Show Canceled
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The Dighton-Rehoboth Chapter of Citizens Scholarship Foundation have to cancel the Antiques Show and Sale scheduled for April 2 th. There weren’t a sufficient number of antiques dealers participating.
Prom Fashion Show Was Truly A Great Event!
It was a festive time at the Hillside Country Club on Saturday March 13, when local businesses joined forces with the Dighton Rehoboth High School’s DECA group. The rain poured and the wind howled outside, but it was springtime and prom season at the Hillside Country Club.
April 2010 The Reporter
Several local businesses donated time, Founded money and business expertise to create 1988 years THE a fun fashion expo for the participants. Fo 1 Twenty-two young men and women modTHE AGENCY ye eled tuxes and gowns for a crowd of about AGENCY 140 people. The evening began with students selling raffle tickets. The prizes ranged from gift certificates to gift baskets, to a grand prize prom package worth over $1000. The grand prize Joseph E. Paiva - Broker included…Prom dress, accessories as well In appreciation for the exceptional servic as a salon visit for hair, make-up, pedicure, Tel: (401) 438-0111 • Fax: (401) 438-0146 • you provided our agency since August 199 manicure and a spray tan for the girl, and In appreciation for the exceptional service tuxedo for the guy, flowers for both and limo you provided our agency since August 1995 service for the night of the prom. Congratulations on a great career The event kicked off with a wonderful dinCongratulations on a great career ner served by the Hillside Country Club staff. •Auto - SR22 Filings • Automobile Best wishes for a happy and healthy retirem As dessert was served the DJ, who donated • Homeowners • General Liability his services for the night, began with dance Best wishes for a happy and healthy retirement • Motorcycles, Campers & Rvs • Commercial & Investment Property music. People felt like they were getting a • Boats Yachts The Staff • Workers Compensation peek at prom night while the kids greeted The /Staff • Businessowner's Packages each other and began to dance. Joseph & Odilia Paiva & Odilia LowJoseph Rates Call Paiva & Compare The floor cleared and the fashion show • ContractorsIsaura Pereira began. Couples entered and modeled the Isaura Pereira beautiful dresses and coordinating tuxes. It Hours of Operation March 26, 2008 East Providence, RI March 26, 20 was great to see so many people donating East Providence, RI 9-5 Monday their time and money for such a worthwhile through Friday cause. Thanks for all who attended and contribEvenings by uted to the fundraising effort. The proceeds Appointment will benefit the DECA program at Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School. Licensed In Rhode Island & Massachusetts school continued on page 53...
PAIVA Insurance & Real Estate Personal
PAIVA Insurance & Real Estate
194 Warren Ave., East Providence, RI 02914
The Reporter April 2010
Who’s Who... & What They Do Profiling Local Businesses
Every Business Has A Story... Let Us Know About Yours. Advertise in our Business Story Section... Call 508.252.6575
Fresh, Local Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers
of summer vegetables. We’re hoping that our new high tunnel will produce July tomatoes and cucumbers that unlike winter greenhouse produce will have true summer flavors much earlier. We will be offering a C.S.A. program this year based on 20 weeks starting in late May. We will have more information coming as soon as possible. As you come out of a long cold winter, itching with “Spring Fever,” we hope you visit our website for updates, or stop by the farm at 33 Agricultural Ave. in North Rehoboth to see what’s growing, It’s always summer in the greenhouses, as we start many of our baskets in February to have them ready for spring. As summer progresses to fall we will be way ahead as usual with great garden mums that were planted in June, along with flowering cabbage and decorative Kale, corn stalks and pumpkins, Whether you need a couple, or a truck load we have you covered.
First we would like to introduce ourselves. We are the Souza family. We have been in the farming business for many years, but primarily as wholesalers. We have decided to expand our little stand out front into something a little larger to better serve our loyal customers; reward them with more selection, as well as attract many new customers. We will kick off the season by offering a variety of the usual flower favorites, impatiens, marigolds, Gerber daisies, geraniums, and many other annuals. We will still have our great hanging baskets in addition to many combo baskets that are sure to catch your eye. Red, white and blue combos will look great on the 4th or as decorations at any welcome home party for our many veterans. Herb container gardens are something new to our selection this year. Watch for our spring basket and window box planting weekend, which should be a great time. You get to choose your favorites and have them planted in fresh soil in your favorite containers. As the season progresses we will diversify with many fresh vegetables and fruits starting with a variety of lettuce and salad greens, summer and zucchini squash, green beans, and blueberries, leading the way to the full range
33 Agricultural Ave., Rehoboth, MA • 508-245-4635
April 2010
WGBH’s High School Quiz Show Announces Series Broadcast Schedule
Mondays at 7:30 p.m. on WGBH 2, beginning March 22 WGBH today announced the broadcast schedule for the 20 eastern Massachusetts schools competing on High School Quiz Show, a new weekly series airing Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. on WGBH 2, beginning March 22. Hosted by Dhaya Lakshminarayanan, High School Quiz Show episodes will be simulcast online at as they are broadcast, and will be available on Comcast On Demand for the duration of the season. May 3: Dighton-Rehoboth Regional H.S. vs. Lynn English H.S. June 7-10: Quarterfinals, teams TBA June 1 and 15: Semifinals, teams TBA June 16: State Championship, teams TBA After the first round is complete, the top four teams with the highest point totals advance to the playoffs for the statewide High School Quiz Show Championship. They’ll face the top four public high school teams from western Massachusetts, selected from the long-running academic game program, As Schools Match Wits, produced and broadcast by sister station WGBY in association with Westfield State College. More than 70 schools from eastern Massachusetts applied to participate in the first season of High School Quiz Show, and based on WGBH’s criteria of location, size, diversity, and the commitment of a team coach, the selection was narrowed to 20. Quiz questions for the teams correlate with the core Massachusetts high school curriculum, including literature, history, and science, together with current events, sports, entertainment, and general knowledge. Major production support for High School Quiz Show is provided by the University of Massachusetts. Research, development and production funding generously provided by the Bank of
The Reporter
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The Reporter April 2010
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America Charitable Foundation. Additional funding is provided by Comcast, Massachusetts Teachers Association and New England Aquarium. High School Quiz Show is endorsed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Follow High School Quiz Show on Twitter at HS_QuizShow and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook. com/pages/High-School-Quiz-Show/150028153208?ref=ts.
About WGBY
Village Green Alphabet Soup Preschool & Full Day Kindergarten Childcare Center 251 County St., Seekonk 440 Central Ave. (Rt 152), Seekonk, (508) 761-SOUP (508) 336-6272
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Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Based in Springfield, WGBY is at the hub of a vibrant educational, cultural and economic region and WGBY is proud to tell its stories. A community supported public broadcasting organization, WGBY connects the people of western New England to events, ideas and each other through PBS and locally produced programming as well partnerships with hundreds of community organizations. On the leading edge of broadcasting technology with High Definition, four digital television channels, video on demand, podcasting and streaming video, WGBY is one of the region’s most accessible community institutions, engaging minds and enriching lives of the almost 1 million households it serves from its studios in downtown Springfield.
About WGBH
WGBH Boston is America’s preeminent public broadcaster, producing such award-winning PBS series as Masterpiece, Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, Nova, American Experience, Arthur, Curious George, and more than a dozen other prime-time, lifestyle, and children’s series. WGBH’s television channels include WGBH 2/HD and , and digital channels World and Create. Local TV productions that focus on the region’s diverse community include Greater Boston, Basic Black, and María Hinojosa: One-on-One. WGBH Radio serves listeners from Cape Cod to New Hampshire with WGBH 89.7, Boston’s NPR Station for News and Culture; 99.5 All Classical; WCAI for the Cape and Islands; WNCK on Nantucket; and the AllClassical WGBH HD channel. WGBH also produces the national radio news program The World. WGBH is a leading producer of online content and a pioneer in developing educational multimedia and new technologies that make media accessible for people with disabilities. Find more information at
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Seekonk High School Please Save The Following Dates For Some Exciting Events In The Science Department At Seekonk High School: April 13, 1 & 15 at Seekonk High School. Bioteach Days. Facillitator from Mass Bioed will be assisting teachers in implementing Biotechnology experiments in their classes (actual schedule available from Mrs. Cunard) April 28th at Bridgewater State College. AP Biology & Biology II students will present their Runnins River research at the Watershed Access Lab Annual Symposium.
April 2010
The Reporter
Martin Elementary School Crafters And Vendors Wanted For Martin Elementary School's Annual Spring Fling May 22nd 2010 10:00 3:00 Please Contact Maria harris for detailed Information (508) 336-5345
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MARTIN SCHOOL 445 COLE STREET SEEKONK, MA SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2010 10:00 – 3:00 PM Rain or Shine
deadline for submitting News is now the 23rd of each month...
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The Reporter April 2010
People In The News Imagining the Possibilities With an early decision acceptance to Johns Hopkins University, Kyla Mor ’10 has truly been able to enjoy the best of both worlds. Not only has she been in the enviable position of knowing where she is going to college since December, she has been able to immerse herself in her studies simply because she enjoys learning. Indeed, Mor is most certainly not resting on her laurels. Instead, she has remained intellectually curious and continues to put her best effort into her Kyla Mor. classes, which include rigorous courses such as AP English, AP Government, Spanish IV Honors, and Senior Studio Art. “I don’t mind being booked,” says Mor. “I just like learning about everything.” It was Mor’s desire to embrace as many experiences as possible that drew her to Johns Hopkins in the first place. “So many schools said that they offered the best of both worlds, but at Hopkins it is really true. It’s got a great campus, yet the city of Baltimore is all around it, and Washington, D.C. is very close by. It is both an excellent liberal arts college and an outstanding research university. Everyone is incredibly smart, but campus life is not only about studying,” she says. Though Johns Hopkins’ academic reputation was a compelling reason for Mor to apply early, she also likes that she will be able to play intramural basketball and participate in community service. While Mor’s diverse interests also include visual art and creative writing, she finds courses in history most compelling and intends to major in the subject at Johns Hopkins. “I love history because it branches out into so many other subjects. In some ways it is the basis for everything else—politics, economy, society, and culture,” she says. Mor’s excitement for history was inspired in no small part by Mr. Dodd’s AP U.S. History course, a class that has stood out in her experience so much that she wrote her college essay about it. “The demands of the class pushed me so much, but the hard work was very rewarding. I loved the intensity of the study and felt like I learned an incredible amount,” she says. Mor has brought her “work hard, but enjoy every minute of it” approach to other areas of her life. She is currently one of the most in-demand tutors in PCD’s new Peer Tutoring program, and has three tutees in three different subjects (Algebra I, Spanish I, and AP Government). Playing forward on the Girls Varsity Basketball team gives Mor the opportunity to hone her physical skills and use her brain in a different way, and volunteering with the elderly at the Jewish Community Center in Providence and Tamarisk Assisted Living in Warwick leaves her emotionally recharged. Recent trips to Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Israel have sparked an interest in travel, which Mor hopes to do extensively in college (“There are so many places I want to go,” she sighs). Though Mor, who is from Seekonk, is unsure about what she will do after college, she is certain that the academic rigor and extracurricular experiences at Johns Hopkins will prepare her for whatever comes next, just as they have done here at PCD. “I like knowing about everything,” she says. “The possibilities are very exciting.”
Jillian Pestana
Jillian Pestana.
We are very proud of our 5-year old daughter Jillian Pestana from Rehoboth who attends kindergarten at Palmer River Elementary School. She recently donated 11 inches of her hair to the non-profit organization Locks of Love which supplies hair prosthesis to children who suffer from long term hair loss. If anyone is interested in making their own donation of 10 inches or more, details can be found on their website
YMCA Barracudas Place High in the New England Championships
The Newman YMCA sent three swimmers to the New England Championship swim meet held at Harvard University. Taylor Durand, from Rehoboth age 12 swam the 50 yard Backstroke in 3 .5 seconds to claim 53rd place. Bryan Tran ,age 12, also from Rehoboth swam the 100 yard Freestyle in 1:00.05 1 th place as well as the 200 Individual Medley in 2: 1.2 . Madison Paine from Seekonk, age 10, swam the 100 yard Freestyle in 1:11.21 for 20th place as well as the 50 yard Freestyle in 31.65 placing 22nd. The Newman YMCA Barracudas practice September through March. During the off-season swimmers can get the feel of a swim team by joining the YMCA Shark Attack program of stroke technique and swim endurance which starts the week of April 26th Progressive Swim Lessons for all ages starting as young as 6 months old with a parent are offered 7 days per week at the Newman YMCA. The next session starts April 26th. Home Pool Private or semi-private neighborhood lessons are available this summer contact Aquatics Director Sean Tormey at The Newman YMCA is a charitable non-profit organizations dedicated to building healthy spirit, mind and body for all through programs, services and relationships that are based on our core value of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. For details visit Newman YMCA 72 Taunton Ave on Route in Seekonk MA or call 508-336-7103.
Pictured from left Taylor Durand, Rehoboth; Bryan Tran, Rehoboth; Madison Paine, Seekonk
April 2010
Citizens Bank Appoints One Colleague and Promotes One Colleague to Senior Vice President Citizens Bank has appointed one colleague and promoted one colleague to Senior Vice President, the company announced. James Poirier has been appointed to Senior Vice President at Citizens Bank. Poirier joins Citizens as a Sales and Retention Manager in the Customer Service Operations Department. He James Poirier. is responsible for the development and implementation of service to sales programs. Prior to joining Citizens, Poirier was a vice president at Brown Brother Harriman. He is a graduate of the Wentworth Institute of Technology and lives in Rehoboth, Mass. Jessica Casale has been promoted to Senior Vice President at Citizens Bank. Casale is a Senior Finance Director in the Commercial Banking Finance Department. She manages financial reporting for the Global Markets Group and consolidated financial reporting for the Commercial Banking Group. Casale joined Citizens in 2002 as a Financial Analyst. She is a graduate of Bryant University and resides in West Warwick, R.I. About Citizens Bank Citizens Bank is a division of RBS Citizens, N.A., operating its seven-state branch network in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. It has 82 branches and 150 ATMs in Rhode Island. RBS Citizens, N.A. is a subsidiary of Citizens Financial Group, Inc., a $148 billion commercial bank holding company headquartered in Providence, R.I. CFG’s two bank subsidiaries are RBS Citizens, N.A. and Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania. They operate a 12-state branch network under the Citizens Bank brand in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont, and the Charter One brand in Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. CFG has non-branch retail and commercial offices in about 40 states. CFG is owned by RBS (The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc). CFG’s Web site is
The Reporter
Local Police Officer Completes Mid-Management Course at Roger Williams University
Bristol, R.I., March 12, 2010 - The Justice System Training and Research Institute at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I., in partnership with the New England Association of Chiefs of Police, recently recognized Lieutenant James Trombetta of the Rehoboth, MA Police Department for the successful completion of the “Command Training Series: Mid-Management Course,” a two-week comprehensive training program for police mid-level supervisory personnel. Coursework addressed contemporary concepts of management and leadership relevant to the responsibilities of a middle manager in a modern criminal justice agency. The program, presented by experienced academics and law enforcement practitioners between March 1 and March 12, 2010, discussed topics including operational leadership and management principles, emotional intelligence, data analysis, planning and project management, organizational and interpersonal communications, problem employees and conflict management, labor issues and legal research, organizational culture and change management, understanding the budget process, and contemporary and critical issues. Graduates of the session represented police departments from throughout New England and included Lieutenant Trombetta. Roger Williams University is a 52-year-old independent, coeducational liberal arts university that has quickly established itself as a leader in higher education. A dynamic educational environment in which students live and learn to be global citizens, the University is committed to its mantra of learning to bridge the world. With 40 academic programs and a robust array of co-curricular activities available on its waterfront campus in historic Bristol, R.I., RWU looks to a set of core values in fulfilling its mission to prepare students for life as 21st century citizen-scholars. Under the leadership of President Roy J. Nirschel, Ph.D., the institution has achieved unprecedented academic and financial successes. In 2009, U.S. News & World Report named RWU the seventh-ranked baccalaureate college in the north.
Katherine E. Murphy
Katherine E. Murphy, of Rehoboth was among 17 Bridgewater State College students inducted earlier this month into The Beta Chi chapter of Phi Alpha, the National Honorary Society in Social Work. Katherine was inducted during a ceremony held on campus on March 1. *Phi Alpha’s purpose is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarships and achievement in social work.
Rehoboth, MA, Resident Named To Dean’s List At Boston University
(Boston, Mass.) -- Lauren A. Scungio, a resident of Rehoboth, has recently been named to the Dean’s List at Boston University for the fall semester. Boston University is the fourth largest independent university in the United States, with an enrollment of more than 29,000 students in its 17 schools and colleges. The university offers an exceptional grounding in the liberal arts, a broad range of programs in the arts, sciences, engineering, and professional areas, and state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research.
Rehoboth Residents Tori Vichroski and Brooke Hobson modeled at Emerald Square Mall’s Prom Expo the weekend of March 6th.
The Reporter April 2010
2010 Castle Cleaning Rehoboth, MA
Dungeons Dusted, Moats Mopped, Parapets Polished Serving the needs of the community for 25 years Residential & Commercial, Fully Insured
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Spring Creating an Outdoor Living Room
(ARA) - For leisurely entertaining this summer, take full advantage of the great outdoors and extend your living space by creating an outdoor room. Why not have an outdoor living room with comfortable seating for all or your friends, or a space where you could fire up the grill and dine out under the stars? Adding a level, low maintenance surface, like a patio, will give you not only the pleasure of living in your outdoor space, but of loving it too. A great way to create this space is by installing pavers, bricks, or stone to create beautiful patios and paths. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, it can be as easy as installing a winding path to connect your home to your garden or creating a space for a cozy bench to watch the birds splashing in the bird bath.
Think Spring...Book Spring Projects Now! Painting & Powerwashing Interior • Exterior / Commercial • Residential Mildew Removal • Log Homes & Decks Sealed • Wallpaper Borders
FULLY INSURED Craig A. Winter Phone: 508-285-3752 Fax: 508-285-9951
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• Lite Pine • Dark Pine • Prize Hemlock
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April 2010
The Reporter
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Rehoboth MA 02769 • 508-252-6959
NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO PUT IN A NEW LAWN! Call us for Spring Clean-ups! · Same Day Decorating · Staging for Real Estate Sales · Shopping Services for Furniture/Art/Rugs/Accessories · Custom Window Treatments/Blinds/Bedding · Residential and Commercial · Gift Certificates
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Rehoboth ~ Wellesley ~ Sun City Hilton Head
• Landscapes Designed & Installed • Patios and Walkways • Lawns Mowed & Trimmed • Bushes & Hedges Trimmed Tim Dixon • Rehoboth, Ma
We Care About Our Work - Insured Check out our New Lawn Fertilization Programs on page 19!
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Cherry Branch Plaza 40 Charles Street Wakefield, RI (401) 783-3100 Email:
hardscape design & construction Outdoor Living Spaces patios, Walkways, Retaining Walls 120 Pond street, seekonk MA commercial
The Reporter April 2010
Steve’s Tree Service Professional arborist at a reasonable price. We go out on a limb for you!
• Climb & Clean Out Trees • Remove StormDamaged Trees • Prune Fruit Trees & Ornamentals • Grind Stumps • Bucket Truck Service
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Pavers come in many different shapes, sizes and colors, offering you ways to customize your ideas to match your house and landscaping. Once you have your patio or walkways installed, you can make your backyard inviting and appealing all summer long. Here are a couple of fun, easy tips: *Find sturdy, comfortable seating that will withstand the elements for years to come. Try wrought iron, wood, or even resin (often made from post-consumer bottle waste such as milk containers) for low-maintenance options. These are readily available in your local garden or specialty stores. *Seating is even more comfortable with the quick addition of colorful cushions and throw pillows. Swap these out for a change of scenery and store pillows in a clean, dry space (like a garage or storage bench) when not in use to extend their lives.
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Spring and Fall Clean-up Weekly Lawn Maintenance Landscape Construction Small Excavation and Bobcat Service Retaining Walls Pavers, walkways & Patios Mulch Luke Anderson
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April 2010
The Reporter
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Employees and family members of Ferreira companies or Balise Chevrolet are ineligible to win. Complete rules and details posted in each store.
Reseeding Package Specials JUST $139!
3 yards Screened Loam, 1 bag of 19-19-19 Starter Fertilizer & 10 lb. bag of URI No. 2 Grass Seed when you present this coupon! Includes local delivery.
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1 yard Screened Loam, 1 bag of 19-19-19 Starter Fertilizer & 10 lb. bag of URI No. 2 Grass Seed when you present this coupon! Delivery not included.
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1 yard Screened Loam, 1 bag of 19-19-19 Starter Fertilizer & 10 lb. bag of URI No. 2 Grass Seed when you present this coupon! Delivery not included. One discount per customer Effective 04/01/10 - 05/15/10
JUST $139!
3 yards Screened Loam, 1 bag of 19-19-19 Starter Fertilizer & 10 lb. bag of URI No. 2 Grass Seed when you present this coupon! Includes local delivery. Effective 04/01/10 - 05/15/10 One discount per customer
The Reporter April 2010
Designer Decorating Donna Faber-Spellman of Wellesley’s
featuring the finest carpets in the world
(wall-wall rugs, orientals, Sisals, & needlepoints)
Now serving the Rehoboth & seekonk area
Check out my showroom at Lydia Costa Interiors 820 Taunton Ave. • Seekonk, MA Please call for an appointment
*Plant flowers, herbs, and vegetables in containers to add a pop of color to your outdoor living spaces. Keep these lush and lively all summer by planting seedlings in a good quality potting mix like Miracle-Gro Potting Mix with Moisture Control. *Keep unwanted grass and weeds from popping up between the pavers by using Ortho GroundClear. This weed control can be used early in the season between the pavers to kill the weeds you see popping up, and will keep new weeds from growing for up to one year. What a great way to spend less time working and more time enjoying your yard! * Use an edger to trim the grass around the walkways and the edge of your patio for a more finished appearance. *String some twinkle lights for a festive party atmosphere and use inexpensive, solar powered yard lights to illuminate your outdoor spaces. These usually require little or no installation; just stake in the ground along paths or in pots for added interest. With the addition of patios or paths and a trimmed, designer look in your backyard, you’ll be able to enjoy spending time in your outdoor living space, and not have to worry about a lot of maintenance to keep it looking beautiful. Start living in the outdoors and loving it. Courtesy of ARAcontent
21 Brook Street, Suite 17 • Seekonk, MA 02771
Interior & Exterior Painting Pressure Washing Commercial & Residential DEPENDABLE Quality materials & craftsmanship RELIABLE prompt & Efficiant Service call for your FREE Estimate & compare Your Satisfaction Guaranteed!
April 2010
The Reporter
Bristol County Conservation district
Annual tree and shrub sale
The Bristol County Conservation District (BCCD) is announcing its annual Tree and Shrub Sale. “We are offering a variety of trees, plants, and bulbs from local nursery’s”. This is a fund raising program that provides support for some of the districts services and environmental programs. It is a great way to support your local conservation district while getting beautiful local plants. For more information and to download an order form please visit
Vinyl Fence, Railings, Decking, Lamp posts, Mail box posts & Outdoor Décor Granite lamp & mailbox posts also available…
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Complete Landscape Service Spring & Fall Clean Ups Weekly & Bi-weekly lawn service Mulch Installation & Delivery Fertilizer Applications Tree & Shrub Pruning Tree and Stump Removal Dethatching & Aeration Service Irrigation System Installation & Service Snow Plowing Call today for your FREE ESTIMATE!
774-259-4595 • Making Lawn Care Affordable
The Reporter April 2010
PARELLA LAWN & LANDSCAPE • Lawn Renovation • Slice Seeding • De-thatching • Spring Cleanup
(ARA) - Avocado and harvest gold bring back memories of the 70s - but what colors will spring and summer of 2010 bring to our homes?
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“As the economy continues to work its way out of a recession, there will be less spending on new items and more repurposing of existing items throughout the home,” says Donna Schroeder of spray paint manufacturer Krylon. “A great way to breathe new life into these old objects is with spray paint in one of the year’s hottest colors.” Nature, collections, senses and symbols will be the drivers for paint trends in 2010, says Schroeder. These main drivers are interconnected, allowing each trend to blend into the other to create a cohesive look and feel throughout your space. The four stylish color themes found in the 2010 trend palette are:
Call 508-567-2982 See Our Website at
Spice Up Your Space with the Top Color Trends for Spring and Summer
Construction and Re-Construction
Whether you prefer scented candles, dim lighting or cozy rugs to accent your home, stimulating all the senses is a key style component in 2010. Comprised of soft colors, the sense trend will swaddle and soothe the soul. It engages all five senses as it mixes textures, scents and patterns throughout the home. This trend also focuses on the details, allowing you to make a statement with even the smallest elements. Colors in the sense palette include Pacific Purple, Morning Mist, Hyacinth, Celery, Jade and Sand.
As concern for the environment continues to play a large role in home design and decorating, homeowners are shifting toward smaller spaces. They’re also buying less and repurposing more. To complement this eco-consciousness and the shrinking of carbon footprints, indoor design and decor trends continue to be reminiscent of the outdoors. Bring the beauty and wonder of the
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April 2010 environment into your home with colors found in natural elements. Colors in the nurture palette include Fern, Meringue, Terra Cotta, River Rock, Mountain View and Cloud.
The Reporter
A love of architectural shapes and details from the past help fuel the trend of symbols in 2010. Moody and complex colors are integral to this palette, allowing design elements from yesteryear to resurface in modern-day homes. Look for accents with a historical look and feel to complement the dramatic hues and elegant feel of this trend. Spray paint colors in the symbol palette include Almond, Cherry Red, Navy, Ivy Leaf, Leather Brown and Castle Rock.
The beauty and wonder from across the world can be a great place to derive inspiration for your home. By combining meaningful objects from your personal travels with rich, globally inspired colors you can showcase your belongings as a masterful collection. This trend allows you to tell a story of your past travels and experiences through your home decor. Colors in the sojourn palette include Bahama Sea, Burgundy, Peek-a-boo Blue, Blonde Shimmer, Niagara Ivory Mist and Equestrian.
Seekonk, MA
(508) 336-4869
To learn more about color trends and how to choose the perfect color, visit Courtesy of ARAcontent
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The Reporter April 2010
Spring Festival 2010
Saturday, May 1st 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Learn new techniques that will help you hone your gardening skills and improve the look and ease of care of your own garden. A variety of garden experts and speakers will share their knowledge and tools of the trade with you through different workshops, hands-on activities, garden talks and demonstrations. Bring a picnic lunch; we’ll provide the drinks. Come share the day with us.
Special Guest Speaker, Joan Harrison Saturday, May 29th • 11:00 am Joan Harrison, author of The Colorful World of Hydrangeas, will speak to gardeners about multiple aspects of growing, pruning and having success with these fabulous woody plants. She will answer your questions about desired color, the best varieties for our growing area and special varieties for small gardens, window boxes or containers.
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Spring is in the Air Get Your Home Ready (ARA) - There is nothing more exciting than that first warm day of spring when everyone feels enlivened and refreshed. It’s time to bring the renewed energy inside and give your home the boost it needs after a long and tired winter. Once you’ve set aside time to spruce up your home, make sure you have resourceful products at your disposal like ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda. One box has countless uses for effective, safe, and economical cleaning and deodorizing all around your home. “Using natural ingredients found in your kitchen allows you to turn your home into a clean and fresh living area,” says lifestyle expert Jill Cordes. “And be creative. Baking soda works on everything from deodorizing carpets and cleaning patio furniture, to polishing jewelry and putting the shine back into your bathroom floor. And even better yet, it is affordable, at about a dollar a box.”
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April 2010 Try the following tips from Cordes to have your entire home looking and smelling clean this year:
Start in the kitchen
* Grab the baking soda and sprinkle some onto a clean damp sponge or cloth to wipe down stainless steel surfaces like the kitchen sink without scratching. Rinse thoroughly. * If you wrinkle your nose in disgust every time you open the door to your microwave, it’s definitely time to deodorize. Baking soda on a damp sponge not only helps clean any dried-on food, but also keeps odors at bay. Leave a box of baking soda in the microwave when not in use for continued freshness.
Head to the bathroom
* Your shower curtain looks like it has seen better days, but you can give it a much needed refresh with a quick scrub using baking soda directly on a damp brush. Rinse clean and hang the curtain to dry. * Bathroom floors don’t have to look dingy or splotchy. If you have tile or no-wax floors, mix 1/2 cup baking soda in a bucket of warm water, mop and rinse clean. Baking soda on a sponge also helps to remove unsightly scuff marks.
The Reporter
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The Reporter April 2010
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Don’t forget the outdoors
* You shouldn’t have to drive your car around with the windows open this spring to get rid of odors. Eliminate unpleasant smells by sprinkling baking soda directly on fabric seats and carpets. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum. Everyone will love taking rides in your car again. * Bring your patio furniture out of storage and get ready to relax in the sunshine. Take a cloth and wash off all the dirt and grime that gathered during the long winter months with a solution of 1/ cup of baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. Rinse everything down and air dry. Using ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda during your spring house cleaning allows you to save money with a real alternative to harsh chemicals for your furniture, kitchen surfaces, and appliances. For many more tips and methods including hand washing dishes, tackling baked-on grill residue, cleaning toys or even giving your body a little pampering, visit And once your home is clean and fresh (without the smell of winter still lingering), sit down on your sparkling patio furniture to enjoy the spring air. Courtesy of ARAcontent
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April 2010
The Reporter
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Happy Spring Cleaning! BeNeVIdes
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The Reporter April 2010
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Announcements Send Your Letters, Club News and Announcements to...
Anawan Grange
We celebrated our 112th Anniversary on March 9 and what a good time we had. We had visitors from Achusnet, Rochester, Norton, and Abington Granges. Our Deputies were present also. The musical program by Heart and Soul led by Minna was wonderful. Winners of the candy march and special drawing were Diane Cote and Michelle Harmon respectively. Sandwiches and Anniversary cake ended the evening. Our April meetings are the 13th and 27th when we will be thinking of the 4 degrees. The 27th will also be the annual inspection and our Deputy will be in attendance. Hope all can come. We recently received the legislative policies from the State Grange. Under Education, “The Massachusetts State Grange supports increasing State Aid to rural school districts to improve the quality of education in these rural communities.” Do enjoy the wonderful spring days that have followed the heavy rains. Come visit at the Grange at any of our meetings. Don’t forget the Anthony C Thatcher scholarship is still available. Questions? Call 508-822-4946.
Anawan Pony Club Competes At S.N.E.R. Quiz Rally
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from lft to rt Emily Hale, Tru Levesque and Ella Lewicki On March 20th Anawan Pony Club competed in the Southeastern New England Regional Quiz Rally. The Rally was held at Chatham Elementary in Chatham, Ma. 60 competitors in all, 8 clubs, and 18 teams competed that day. Anawan had 1 team compete in the Novice Division for ages 10 and under. Our team consisted of Macayla Sousa D2 (Capt.), Ella Lewicki D1, Tru Levesque UR, and Emily Hale D1. It was a long, hard and draining day for our girls. They competed in all 4 phases of quiz which included the class room phase, written test, mega room and stations. All their hard
April 2010 The Reporter work and dedication paid off and the youngest team to compete was awarded 2nd place. Anawan’s parents also ran the food booth that day. Our next rally will be Dressage Rally on May 30th at the Johnson and Whales Facility in Rehoboth Ma. If any one would like to learn more info about our club please contact Tammy Lewicki - Anawan DC at
Affordable Fuel Inc. No need to hunt around for great home heating oil prices! Call Affordable Fuel for Our Daily Price Quote y
Auto & Truck Removal
Back row left Emily Hale & Macayla Sousa front row left Tru Levesque & Ella Lewicki
East Providence Seekonk Rotary Upcoming Speakers
East Providence, R.I. (March 3, 2010): The East Providence/ Seekonk Rotary Club, an organization of business and professional persons who provide humanitarian service to our community and in the world, announces the following meetings and speakers for April 2010:
Monday, April 19, 2010:
Guest Speaker: John Grady, executive director of the R.I. Manufacturers Association. East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club meetings are held on Mondays at the 1149 East Restaurant, 965 Fall River Avenue in Seekonk MA at 12:15 p.m. Businesspersons and individuals interested in attending the presentations and learning more about Rotary Club activities may contact Club President Mike McQuade at 508-336-4985. Chartered in 1946, the East Providence, RI/Seekonk, MA Rotary Club (No. 6334, District 7950) is a local club of Rotary International, based in Chicago, IL. Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. East Providence/Seekonk Club meetings are held at the 1149 East Restaurant, 965 Fall River Avenue in Seekonk each Monday at 12:15 p.m. For more information, contact Club President Michael McQuade at 508-336-4985 or write: PO Box 14303, East Providence, RI 02914.
Cash Paid For Your Junk Cars & Trucks $175 & Up Gary’s Auto Removal 401-743-7446
Advertise In The Reporter Call 508-252-6575
The Reporter April 2010
Commercial • Residential
Croome Sanitation Inc. Quality Service Since 1962
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Quick Radio Dispatched Service The Rehoboth Minutemen marched in the Pawtucket St Patrick’s Day Parade recently. This was the first of many planned events for the 2010 season.
Local Group Seeking Drummers
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Who: The Yankee Volunteers Fife & Drum Corps is a Seekonkbased musical marching band that features historical music, live musket fire and their signature dancing girls. Founded in 2000, the group performs annually throughout RI and southeastern MA in such events as the Bristol 4th of July parade, Gaspee Days Parade and Newport St Patrick’s Day parade. Each year the group travels on a concert tour as the finale to the season. The past tours have included; Jamestown VA for the 400th anniversary, Washington, DC with performances at the Capitol, and both the Lincoln and Jefferson Monuments and Charlestown, SC. This fall the group will be traveling to London, England as guest performers for the America in London Events. What: Students and adults, ages 10 and up who are interested in history, music and enjoy performing should attend an open rehearsal on April 11. The group is happy to have people with no experience, but musical background is a plus. They are presently looking to fill openings in the snare drum line, but are happy to accept prospective fifers, dancers and musket men. When: Rehearsals are Sunday evenings from 6—8 @ the Barn on Lake Street, Seekonk. Other details: There are no enrollment or registration fees to join the group. We encourage anyone who has either had musical training, formal dance lessons or who simply has a desire to perform, to attend the open rehearsal on April 11. For further information: email
The Rehoboth Business Association
Will Be Hosting A Dinner Meeting At: Johnson & Wales Inn 213 Taunton Avenue, Rte 44, Seekonk, Ma Tuesday, April 13, 2010. Speaker: Margaret M. North SPHR, CCP. Majer North Associates Specializing In Compensation, Benefits, Training & HR Administration 6:00-6:30 P.M. Social, 6:30 P.M. Dinner. Cost is $25.00 For Members & Non-Members. Please RSVP By April 6th. Email or call Dale McCaughey at 508-252-3312. RBA, P.O. Box 643, Rehoboth, MA 02769
April 2010 The Reporter
Deadline for Submission: April 20,2010 Rehoboth American Legion Post 302, Inc, 84 Bay State Road, PO Box , Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769
Scholarship Application - Award $500.00
For consideration of one of two academic scholarships awarded by the above organization, the applicant must be a descendant or sibling of a U.S. military veteran, honorably serving or discharged. This applicant agrees to provide all the information requested and does not hold The American Legion, Inc. responsible for its decision. Post secondary students must produce a 1st semester academic report and a letter from the institution, that indicates eligibility for enrollment in 2010.
Personal Information
First Name: ___________________ Last Name: _______________________ Address: _______________________ Home Phone: _______________________ City: ___________________ State: _______ Zip:______ Citizenship Status:_____________ Date of Birth:____________________ Place of Birth:_____________
educational Information
High School: __________________ SAT Math: _______________________ College: __________________ SAT Verbal: _______________________ Planned secondary school:______ SAT Total: _______________________ Documents to be included with this application: Acceptance letter to post secondary institution, Official transcript from secondary school, Attendance Report, if not included on academic report, Essay of no more than 250 words covering accomplishments and achievements, Discharge, record of service or other proof of relationship to US Military Veteran. Optional: Resume, Picture American Legion Post 302 is pleased to announce availability of scholarship applications for students attending post-secondary school in 2010. The two $500 scholarships are based upon scholastic and personal achievement. The applicant must be a descendant or sibling of an American military veteran. Applications are available at the guidance office of D-R High School or directly from the Adjutant at the American Legion Deadline for submission: 20 April 2010
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Rehoboth Lions News April 10, the lions will be shed cleaning- members are needed to volunteer at 9:00 AM. there are 2 Rehoboth students in the d-R Band that have been selected for the Massachusetts Lions All-State Band. They are Brian Strange – Trumpet – Anawan Lions Sponsor and William F. Clement – Percussion + Drum set – Rehoboth Lions Sponsor. Camp sunshine – We received a Thank You for our $200 donation. Clam Boil Chairman Chuck Procopio reports that our March Boil was A Great Success! He also reported that a clear majority of those present at the Boil wanted the Raffles to return. The Club has agreed. Citizens’ Recognition Night Committee. Those receiving Awards this year have been chosen. The Com. has its assignments and all Award Winners and Presenters will be notified. For the first year there are Six advertisements available at $ 0 each on the inside cover of the program booklet. First come first served – tell us ASAP. Buy tickets from any LION. Come support you friends and have a very pleasant evening. health & welfare Report. by Assistant Chair, Earle Dias. 3 Hospital Beds just went out. We were donated a “Hover-round” and it is in valued use already. Also – Pick-up loads of Medical equipment went to the Cardi Drive for Haitian Relief.
U.S. and Foreign Coins Old Comics and Sports Cards Old Watches and Collectibles Diamonds and Jewelry
508-336-9103 113 Taunton Ave Same Location for 40 Years Seekonk, MA
The Reporter April 2010
Bowling – The South Attleboro Lions Annual Charity Event Sunday March 28 @ Taunton 10 Pin. Rehoboth Lions had 3 Teams. Bristol County House of Correction – 10 Rehoboth Lions went for a very interesting tour and presentation by Sheriff Hodgson. Friends of the D-R Marching Band requested a donation toward the Band’s performance trip to Disney. Our Lions Club will be sponsoring a Lions’ Pizza Party for the Band @ Disney at $800. Coop – Cooperative Production, serving handicapped folks with programs in Dighton, Taunton Norton and Rehoboth made their request that we be a sponsor for their “Is It Summer Yet” Fund Raising Event. Our Club has agreed to being a sponsor at $500.
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District 33S Shoebox Project – Mailing “Gift Boxes” to the Troops. The District is collected “stuff” at the March 31st District Governor’s Advisory Meeting. Our Club will donate $200 for postage for the Shoebox Project. Lions State Convention, April 23-25 in Sturbridge. Mike & Karen Salois our in-coming King Lion (and spouse) will be attending. Memorial Day Parade (in Dighton this year) – The Dighton veterans have asked both Rehoboth Lions Clubs to help with organizing the parade. There is a meeting on April 7. We have a committee led by Jim Johnston to support the Parade Committee. CSF – Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation. The Frank and Barbara Ferreira/Lions Trust will give its annual $1500 amount. The Lions Club will give $1000 as a Memorial Donation for the 19 Deceased Members of our Club.
Lions Meetings And Events Coming Up
April 14 – Regular Meeting @ Crestwood C.C. April 21 – Clam Boil @ Seekonk Gun Club – & Board of Dir. Mtg. April 28 – Program Meeting @ Uncle Ed’s Norton Restaurant May 12 – Rehoboth Citizens’ Recognition Night @ Venus De Milo May 19 – Clam Boil and Board of Directors Meeting after at Seekonk Gun Club May 27 – Autumns Catering at The American Legion Hall
The New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association
The New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association is making plans for the upcoming show season starting with our Fourth Annual Spring Show and Swap Meet on April 24 & 25th at Francis Farm in Rehoboth. Vendors are wanted for this event. We would like to include farms and any agricultural related businesses since it will be planting and gardening time, as well as tractor & truck interests. Reserve your space for $10 for one day, or $15 for the weekend by calling Bev @ 508-222-7109 or TJ @ 508-272-5474. Bring a canned good for Rehoboth Helping Hands Food pantry for free admission to this fun family event. The Ham & Bean Supper in February was another big success thanks to the many volunteers. Special thanks go to Better Dyer and John Skurchak (of Uncle Ed’s Front Porch), for all the great cooking. Thanks also to Dave Messinger (of KP Diner fame) for the delicious cole slaw dressing. Some of the proceeds of this supper will go towards the club’s scholarship award. This year the award will go to a deserving Bristol Aggie Student who will be chosen by the school. Our next regular meeting will be April 21st, 7:00 at Francis Farm. Everyone interested in old farm stuff is welcome.
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Landscape Construction & Weekly Lawn Maintenance • Walkways • Retaining Walls • Patios • Bobcat Services • Hydroseeding • Firewood Matt Blais - Owner
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At Francis Farm 27 Francis Farm Rd, off County St. Rehoboth, MA 02769 Good deals on Tractors, Trucks, Engines, Machinery Tools, Antiques and Collectables 20 x 30 ft spaces available for $10 or $15 Call Bev 508-222-7109 or TJ 508-272-5474 or visit Admission- bring a canned good for the REHOBOTH HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY
April 2010 The Reporter
The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society News
The Carpenter Museum... Carpenter Museum News John P. Maguire, who lived on Pleasant Street in Rehoboth, served in WWII from 1942 to 1945 as an aircrewman on a C-47 paratrooper plane. This photo will be part of our “Letters Home” exhibit on display starting through May.
April Lecture: Preserving Your Family Treasures
Thursday April 22 - T h e y ’ r e hidden somewhere (you’re not even sure where) in a drawer or closet. What should you do with those papers, photos and other family treasures? Join us at the museum on Thursday April 22 at 7:30 p.m. to learn about caring for your important family items with Donia Conn of the Northeast Document Conservation Center. Participants are encouraged to bring items that can be transported safely for examination and discussion.
Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Night
Wednesday, May 5 - Please join us for a potluck supper at 6 p.m. A short business meeting and presentation by Dave Downs on “Olde Time Schools” will follow at 7 p.m.
How Can You Find Out More? Let us Count the Ways!
1. Website: 2. Email: 3. Facebook: Yes, we’ve found another way for you to get reminders of upcoming events and see what’s going on at the museum! Simply type “Carpenter Museum” into your Facebook search box and click “Become a fan.” RSVP to events, see pictures from those events, or just keep up with changes… It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Building on our Knowledge of Rehoboth History
A dozen of us spent a recent Sunday afternoon learning more about the museum. Guided by knowledgeable leaders Rebecca Smith and Otis Dyer, Jr., the group enjoyed an in-depth tour of the main building and barn. The goal was two-fold: to share more information about our collection and to entice new volunteers to consider being docents who will lead visitors around the museum. If you are interested in becoming a docent, please contact us!
And in the Museum, Let there be Light!
Outside, the first yellow crocus prepared to pop through the ground in our small garden by the back door. Inside, electricians were busy adding new lights and replacing old ones in our gallery, parlor, colonial kitchen, and new workspace and offices. We’re pleased that visitors will now have a better view of our collection and exhibits. Special thanks to RAS President Tom Charnecki for coordinating the project.
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The Reporter April 2010
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She’s back…
After a two-month maternity leave, Curator Laura Napolitano has had to “jump back in” quickly, collecting for and planning the World War II “Letters Home” exhibit, which will be displayed in our gallery starting March 28.
Memories of Wartime By Amanda Knox
Many of us can only imagine what a soldier’s life was like during World War II. But memories of more than 50 years ago are still all too real for Rehoboth veteran Russ Spooner. He fought in five major battles, including Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. Many of the memories Spooner shares are not pleasant. He recalls seeing a soldier jump out of a falling plane, his parachute opening, and then multiple maRehoboth WWII. chine guns shooting him to death before Veteran Russ Spooner, he could reach the ground. Life was hard. 1945 Spooner says that troops would someNote: Local World times live in schools because there were War II veterans Russ enough floors for everyone to sleep and Spooner and Jack cooks could set up in the cafeterias. Shepard joined us at He also remembers that troops were our “Letters Home” taught that during an attack, when nothexhibit during the ing else could be done, they should get World War II Tea on by a big tree and never look up until the Sunday, March 28, to attack was over because their faces could share their memories reflect light, making them visible to the and answer questions. enemy. Spooner was in charge of a lot of ammunition and when he had to “dig in” for protection he would dig a hole for the ammo and three feet away he would dig a hole for himself. “These were just the little things you’d see every day,” says Spooner. “Whether you lived or died was 90% luck and 10% digging in. The priests and ministers would say, ‘There are no atheists in the fox holes,’ but they were saying this from 6,000 miles away, and that’s the closest they ever got to one. There was definitely some doubt.” Yet, Spooner remembers some happier moments, especially when he thinks of the children overseas. “Less than 2 hours after we were in a new place the kids would come and ask for gum or chocolate.” He also tells a humorous story of rubber tanks. From the air these pieces of deception looked exactly like real tanks. The troops would move with them and, Spooner said, “The Germans would think we were going one way when we were really going the other.” The ruse worked successfully when before the battle of Normandy the Germans were tricked into thinking the battle would be at Calais. He remembers, too, managing to meet up with his cousin Ruth Fairweather who was a nurse tending to injured soldiers. One of Spooner’s friends mentioned that she had been his nurse and that he knew where she was. Spooner was granted a 12-hour pass to visit his cousin and although he didn’t know how he would get to her or how he would return, he found her. They were able to spend the afternoon and evening together before they both returned to their duties. The Germans surrendered in May 19 5 and the Japanese surrendered that August. Spooner returned home in December 19 5. Being away changed him because when he returned he said he and his fellow veterans realized how people would get upset over “stupid things.” He felt “they were too self engrossed. They needed some big bombs to drop in the center of the cities to real-
April 2010 The Reporter ize what the problems really were.” In 1951 he married his first wife and they had twins, Lorelei and Russell II. They were divorced in 1970 and he now lives in Rehoboth with his wife Bessie. During his two years in Europe Spooner estimates that he wrote 150 letters home. He wanted to share his experiences with loved ones, but like his fellow soldiers he received a paper with a list of ten pieces of information that were prohibited from being included in a letter. Despite not being able to disclose their locations, the troops regularly got mail back from their families, “which is what kept us going sometimes,” Spooner says. “I didn’t know if someone would want to read my letters someday, but I hoped they would,” he says. He has written a book sharing the experiences he mentioned in those letters along with all of the details he was unable to include when he wrote them. Seeking Signs of Sanity: A Veteran’s Account of His Role in World War II is available on Amazon. com and in most major book stores. The Carpenter Museum is now open Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. Come see our Holiday Postcard Exhibit, on view in the Tilton Room until April 15, and our “Letters Home” exhibit, displayed in the upstairs gallery through May. For more information about programs, call the museum at 508-252-3031, or visit our website:
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CPR Course
Attleboro, MA, March 8, 2010 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital’s Nursing Education Department is currently accepting registrations for the following course held at the Hospital, which is open to the public: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): Thursday, April 15 from 8 a.m. to :30 p.m. and Friday, April 16 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Auditorium. Participants must show proof of current CPR certification and have basic knowledge of cardiac dysrhythmias. The cost for the full and recertification for registered nurses is $165 and $2 0 for physicians. Course fees include course materials, ACLS textbook, and refreshments. For more information or to register for this class, please call the Nursing Education Department at 508/236-7161.
April Support Groups
The groups are FREE and open to the public. The following are scheduled for April 2010: Breastfeeding Support Group – Tuesday, April 13, 2010 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center. For more information, call Nursing Administration at 508-236-7151. Partners and Caregivers of Patients with Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, March 1 , 2010 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group – Wednesday, April 21, 2010 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, contact John Marino who serves as the group’s advisor at 508-226-637 or call the Hospital at 508-236-7680. Breathing Club – Tuesday, April 27, 2010 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, call the Respiratory Care Department at 508-236-7550. Diabetes Support Group – Wednesday, April 28, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. The topic of discussion will be “Diabetes Questions & Answers.” For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at 508-236-7166. Breast Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, April 28, 2010 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call Ellen Gilbert or Julia Twining at 508-236-7015. Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a full-service, independent, financially stable, non-profit acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.
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The Reporter April 2010
Seekonk Human Services Administrative Assistant Phyllis Corbitt ext. 112 Editor: Town Crier, Art Therapist
Seekonk Human Services Staff *Center Hours *Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Clerical Assistant Kimberly Mallon ext. 110
Wednesday Evenings at Town Hall By appointment only
Outreach Case Managers Jan Tabor, LPN ext. 111
Executive Director Bernadette Huck Ext. 115
Senior Aides Nancy Rodrigues Nancy Vine Loretta Ferreira Seekonk Human Services Executive Board Members Christine Allen Rene Andrews Anita Gendron Victoria Kinniburgh Anne Libby Lynne Neves Josephine Veader
Educational & Social Programs Karen Stutz ext. 114 (Monday – Wednesday mornings)
*Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 Noon Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239
Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239
Veronica Brickley, LPN BASOC ext. 117 (Monday, Wed, Friday)
April 2010 Newsletter
Men’s Breakfast @ Ramada Inn
April 8, 2010 @ 8:30 A.M. - Bonnie Ryvicker, a popular speaker with the men’s group, will return to speak on “Managing Life’s Transitions”. This is a topic that will address some of life’s situations including the death of a spouse, becoming a caretaker, when a spouse goes into a nursing home, and support groups available. There is no registration required and the cost for breakfast is $7.25 which includes tax, tip & coffee. Date: May 13, 2010 Beth Hallal from the Board of Health will be the speaker.
Wednesday A.M. Coffee
vices hosts a monthly cardiac prevention clinic every month. We have 2 nurses from South Coast Hospital here who will take your blood pressure, check your cholesterol, BMI (Body Mass Index) and glucose. A complete breakdown of all your test results will be available in 5 minutes and while you are waiting you can ask the nurse questions about any medicines you may be taking or any concerns you have. No appointment is necessary and it is first come, first served. Our community is very fortunate to have this FREE service, which enables you to monitor your health each month.
Joan’s Travel Group Presents
@ Seekonk Human Services April 14, 2010 @ 10:00 am - Our speaker will be Don Couloombe from Royal Travelers of New England. Royal Travelers is celebrating over 41 years as a “50-Plus” Travel Club, that offers pre-planned, fully escorted tour packages for the 50-Plus Traveler. Whether it is a “Same Day, “Domestic overnight” or “World-Wide” tour, they offer it all. A lunch of meatloaf, mashed potatoes & vegetables will be offered for $2. We Would Like To Be Able To Accommodate All Who Would Like To Stay For Lunch – Please Sign Up And Pay At Least One Week In Advance.
“Loretta LaRoche” Acclaimed Humorist & PBS Star The Best Selling Author of “Life is Short – Wear Your Party Pants” @ Mohegan Sun Tuesday, April 20, 2010 $58.00 Show at 3:00 P.M. Buffet Lunch and Casino Bonus included. Reserved Seating at the Theatre Departure at 8:15 a.m. from Seekonk Showcase Cinema 1-10 Seating Is Very Limited. Must Be Paid In Full When Reserving Your Seat. Call Joan at Swansea COA for reservations at 508-6788943
Pitch – “Hi-Lo-Jack”
Seekonk Human Services May 5, 2010 10:00 A.M. - Bonnie Ryvicker, a physical therapist, will give a presentation on“Learn to Master the Wii”. A lunch of Chinese food will be available following her presentation, but you must sign up and pay at least one week in advance if you are interested in staying for lunch. The cost for lunch is $2 and you need to call 508-336-8772 so that we can order enough food. Bonnie is a popular and energetic speaker who has spoken many times at the Men’s Breakfast. She is certain to entertain you as well as teach you the latest fun pastime, the Wii. Hope you can join us for an informative and fun-filled morning.
@ Seekonk Human Services Dates: April 7 & April 21 Time: 12:30 – 2:30 - Everyone is welcome to play cards on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month. No sign up is required and you are welcome to bring a friend with you.
Foxwoods Trip
Seekonk Human Services is sponsoring a trip to Foxwoods on April 14, 2010. The cost for the trip will be $18 which includes a $10 food voucher and a $10 Keno ticket. Pickup will be at the Showcase Cinemas 1-10 in Seekonk at 8:15 a.m. and will depart Foxwoods at 4:00 p.m. “Checks should be made out to “Friends of Friends”. Please call (508) 336-8772 to sign up. Seating Is Limited.
Cardiac Prevention Clinic
@ Seekonk Human Services April 21, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon - Seekonk Human Ser-
Exploration Wednesday
Daffodil Days at Blithewold Mansion in Bristol, RI
Lunch at Geppetto’s Grilled Pizzeria, Federal Hill May 3, 2010 Cost: $62.00 Trip Operated by Jodie’s Place. Your motorcoach will depart at 10:45 AM from Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant St. A cooking demonstration & lunch is included at Geppetto’s “Upscale” Grilled Pizzeria, Federal Hill, Providence, RI. Lunch
April 2010 The Reporter includes: Fresh mixed salad, Rhode Island calamari with hot peppers and a squeeze of lemon juice, Penne Pasta served with Pink Vodka Sauce, Assorted Gourmet Grilled Pizzas, Homemade Tiramisu and a beverage. This afternoon you will visit Blithewold Mansion, Gardens & Arboretum. The mansion is beautifully landscaped offering a historic public garden situated on Bristol Harbor. You’ll have a guided tour of the Mansion and Grounds featuring the nonstop beauty of thousands of Daffodils! You’ll end the day with a guided tour of Bristol that will feature the waterfront area, downtown, Colt State Park and more. Return at 4:45 PM. Sign up at Seekonk Human Services (508)336-8772. Full Payment Due Upon Reservation (No Refunds If Cancellation Is Received Within 7 Days Of Departure) Limited Seating!
No TRIAD Meeting on April 28th No Bridge Club on April 29th United States Census 2010
Every year, the federal government can allocate more than $300 billion to states and communities based, in part, on census data. Census information guides funding decisions for important community facilities, such as schools, hospitals, child-care centers, and more. Census data can be used to write proposals for grants that benefit your organization/institution. Census data affects your voice in Congress as well as the redistricting of state legislatures, county and city councils and voting districts. The 2010 census is important. The U.S. Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years. The census will show state population counts and determine representation in the U.S. House of Representatives. Don’t forget to fill out your census questionnaire when it arrives at your household. Census workers also will visit households that do not return questionnaires.
Registry Of Motor Vehicles
The Registry of Motor Vehicles will no longer mail out the following materials to customers: License renewal notices MassID renewal notices An express branch of the Registry of Motor Vehicles is open in Downtown Attleboro in the former post office building on Park Street. The office will be open Monday through Friday from 9 to 5 for license and registration renewals. The hope is that an Attleboro facility will reduce the long lines at the Taunton & Fall River offices. Check your license each year near your birthday to see if this is the year it expires. Renewal can also be done on line at www.mass. gov/rmv. You may call 1-800-858-3926 for more information.
Prescripion Advantage
Are you having trouble affording the premiums, co-payments, or “donut hole” costs for your prescription drugs? Massachusetts has a state prescription assistance program called Prescription Advantage to help limited income seniors and low income disabled persons under 65 cover their prescription drugs. Membership in Prescription Advantage also entitles you to change your prescription drug plan once a year at any time of the year. To determine whether you are eligible for Prescription Advantage, call Seekonk Human Services and make an appointment with a SHINE counselor: (508) 336-8772.
GATRA Transportation
1-800-483-2500 Dial-A-Ride Cash Fares Each Way: Seekonk to Attleboro… $1.25 Seekonk to East Providence… $1.25 Seekonk to Rehoboth… $1.25
Seekonk… $1.25 Seekonk to Providence… $2.50 Seekonk to Pawtucket… $2.50 Seekonk to Barrington (upon availability)… $2.50 Any towns outside of these areas will be upon availability. Passes: 10 – Ride Ticket… $10.00 You can purchase a GATRA ticket at Seekonk Human Services or you can pay cash on the van. Tickets cannot be purchased on the van. If you are homebound and need a ticket please call Human Services @ (508) 336-8772.
Long Island Journey
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 - Package includes: Cost: $88 per person, Roundtrip Motorcoach, Passage on Long Island Ferry, Winery Tour & Tasting Lunch at the Sound View Restaurant – choice of Broiled pork chops, Chicken Marsala & Grilled Salmon, salad, potato, vegetable, dessert & beverage Shopping In Greenport Long Island Meal Gratuities & Tax – Driver Tip Included Call Joan Leonardo, Swansea COA, at 508-678-8943. The trip departs @ 8:15 A.M. from Showcase 1-10 Seekonk and returns at 9:00 P.M.
Silver Tea
You are cordially invited to attend a Luncheon Honoring women in Seekonk Age 75 or older Lunch will be held at Johnson & Wales Inn On Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 12:00 Noon Hosted by Seekonk Human Services and Funded by Friends of Friends Community Services Entertainment by Steve Caddick & Avalon R.S.V.P. (508) 336-8772 by May 7. Transportation is available through GATRA (Dial-A-Ride). 1-800-483-2500
Fox Tours Presents 2010 Grand Amish Showtime June 22 – 24, 2010 - Tour Includes: Deluxe Heritage Hotel in Lancaster Four Meals (2 Breakfasts, 2 Amish Feasts) Sightseeing Tour of Lancaster Amish Country Hershey Chocolate World Visit New ‘Joseph’ Show at Sight & Sound Theatre Luxury Silver Fox VCR/DVD Motor Coach
Cost: $299.00 PP Double, $289.00 Triple, $379.00 Single A 50% deposit must be made when you sign up. Full payment is due 30 days prior to the trip. Please sign up at Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant Street or call 508-336-8772 for more information.
Spirit of Boston
Fabulous Entertainment & Delicious Lunch Cruise July 21, 2010 - Tour Includes: Narrated Boston Harbor Cruise Delicious Buffet & Variety of Entrees Entertaining Musical Show Quincy Market or North End Visit Trip by Jodie’s Place Cost: $69.00 Sign up at Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant Street or call 508-336-8772 for more information. A 50% deposit is required when you sign up. Full payment is due 30 days prior to the trip.
The Reporter April 2010
News And Notes From
Blanding Library by Leslie Patterson
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Did you know? With the grim possibility of closing the Blanding Library for budgetary reasons looming on the horizon, here is some background information regarding funding for the town library. The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners administers state aid to public libraries and has done so since 1890, but it is dependent on municipal funding. The key benefits from state aid are local aid and reciprocal services. Participation in the program allows the town and its library to receive local aid for library services. Participation also guarantees that residents of a town or city that is state-certified are able to borrow library materials from other town libraries in the system. The town’s required appropriation to the library is based on its municipal funding history, which is the average of the prior three years municipal appropriations plus 2½ %. The library’s weekly hours of service to the public are based on the town’s population, as are the library’s material expenditures. In a town the size of Rehoboth, the library is required to spend 16% of its operating expenses on materials. Why is certification by the state so important? If the town or city’s libraries do not meet the state standards for certification, as outlined above, residents will not be able to borrow materials from certified libraries, regardless of where their library card is issued. This severely limits the service that a library patron receives from a local library. No library can afford every book that a local person might need so loans between libraries, along with the use of a library computer network, are a crucial part of public library services these days. De-certification means that if you are a resident of Rehoboth and you have a Seekonk or Swansea or Attleboro library card, for example, you would not be able to use that card either. This has happened to other Massachusetts town libraries in the SAILS system and is a great hardship to the local library staff and its many thousands of local patrons. Stay tuned for further discussion on this important issue. Rehoboth On the Same Page: The second annual town-wide read will include these upcoming events relating to “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. All of these events are free except for the May Breakfast listed below. “Under the Swastika: the British Channel Islands during World War II,” is the topic of a lecture by Theodore Gatchel, professor emeritus at the U.S. Naval War College, Blanding Library, Wed., April 1 at 7 p.m. For a lively discussion of the novel come to the Blanding Library on Thurs., April 22 at 7 p.m., when by Joyce May, reader’s advisory librarian from East Providence, will lead the discussion. Living Literature’s “A Brief Visit with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society” will take place on Tues., April 27 at 6:30 p.m. also at the Blanding, with a dramatized visit with some characters in the novel. May Breakfast in RI: On Saturday May 1, the Blanding Library will be joining with libraries across Rhode Island for a special May breakfast at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet from 9 a.m. to noon with Annie Barrows, one of the authors of the Guernsey novel. Tickets are being sold by the table and are $25 a person. Call the Blanding at 508-252- 236 to sign up or to find out more. Jazz Concert: The Shane Wood Jazz Trio will perform traditional jazz, blues, and ballads on Sat., May 8 at 7 p.m. at the Blanding Library. They will play music from the 19 0’s to the present in a smooth blend of vocals, saxophone, piano and drums. This free
April 2010 The Reporter event is open to all thanks to a grant from the Rehoboth Cultural Council. Book Sale: Something new for the annual used book sale this year in May -- on Sat. May 22 in addition to a silent auction, there will be a different type of flea market. We renting large picnic tables at $15 each in the clambake shed behind Goff Hall to individuals who wish to sell their own flea market merchandise that day. Please Note that the Blanding Library cannot accept any flea market donations. You bring and you take away any items that remain at the end of the day on May 22. See the separate announcement for times and hours of the sale or call the library for more information. The Blanding Library is located in historic Goff Hall at 124 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth, 508-252-4236 ( To find out what’s going on at the library, click on “calendar” on the website. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is closed Sundays and holidays, including Mon., Apr. 19 for Patriot’s Day.
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Ed the Wizard presents
“Reading Is Magic”
Interactive Magic Show at Blanding Library, Rehoboth, Tues., April 20 at 1:30 p.m. Free, no registration needed.
Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly
Happy Earth Day,
Wed., April 21 Blanding Library, Rehoboth At 1:30 p.m. Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary Presents Fun Nature Activities for Kids Kindergarten – Grade 4 Program is free but registration required. Call 508-252-4236
New Story Hour
Blanding Library New story hour series begins April 28 &Tot times on alternate Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Reservations required. Call 508-252-4236
Blanding Public Library Annual Used Book Sale
May 21-23, Goff Hall, Rehoboth Friday 5/21: Preview sale for members of Friends of Library only, 5-8 p.m. Saturday 5/22: General sale & bake sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sat. Only: Flea Market (Individual sellers only) and Silent Auction Sunday 5/23: Clearance, $2 a bag, 9 a.m. to noon. The Blanding accepts donations of used books in good condition. We cannot accept flea market items. For details, call 508-252-4236
Blanding Library Budget
March 28, 2010 (Submitted by The Antiquarian Society Board of Directors) The Antiquarian Society Board of Directors met on March 24th to decide what action they would take following a decision by the Board of Selectmen to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee to completely eliminate the Blanding Library’s budget for the coming fiscal year. The Directors had submitted the $201,380 library budget to the Finance Committee on February 3rd and were told after a brief hearing on March 16th that that their budget had been “zeroed” out. The library budget represents 1% of the total town budget. The proposed budget reflects a 2-1/2% increase required by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners to retain certification of the local library. The Antiquarian Society administers the Blanding Library (the only public library in the town) and the Carpenter Museum. The
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The Reporter April 2010
library has been supported by town funds for more than thirty years. If the action by the Finance Committee and the Board of Selectmen is upheld by voters at the May 10th town meeting the library will close completely on July 1st. This would mean that Blanding Library would be decertified by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, all scheduled future library events would be cancelled, the staff of the library would lose their jobs and the doors of the library would be closed and locked. Also, once the town is decertified the residents of Rehoboth would not be permitted to borrow books or any other materials from other city or town libraries including Seekonk, Taunton, Attleboro and Dighton. The Antiquarian Society Directors noted at their meeting that the impact of closing the library would be felt sooner than July 1st because of timing issues related to materials circulation, reserving funding for expenses such as unemployment compensation, giving required notice on contractual arrangements, and arranging a final audit. The Antiquarian Society Directors rejected a suggestion by the Board of Selectmen that they submit a warrant article for the May 10th town meeting asking voters to approve an override election for library funding. The Board feels they are being treated unfairly as no other line item budget has been completely eliminated. They will be looking for support at the town’s annual meeting on May 10th to restore the library budget line item for 2010-2011.
Seekonk Public Library Moneywise Financial Talks at the Seekonk Public Library
Join us on Thursday April 29 at 6 p.m. at the Seekonk Public Library, as we launch a series of personal financial talks presented by Andy Liles of American Credit Counseling Service, a nonprofit organization offering free credit counseling. The first presentation will be Putting Bad Debt Behind You. Learn more about rebuilding credit. Find out what a credit report is, how you read it, and how to go about correcting any mistakes. Ways to improve a credit score will be presented. This program is free and open to all. For more information call the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130.
“How-To” Session on Solar for Homeowners and Small Businesses
“Solar for Homeowners and Small Businesses” is the topic of a program scheduled at the Seekonk Public Library on Thursday, April 15, starting at 6:30 P.M. It is free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. Sponsors of this event include Sustainable Seekonk Energy Committee, Seekonk Public Library, Newman YMCA, Seekonk Community Garden, and the Mission and Social Action Committee of Seekonk Congregational Church. Megan Amsler, Executive Director of Cape Self-Reliance, will give a soup to nuts presentation on solar energy for homes and small businesses, starting with energy efficiency and siting issues and ending with financing, including heat loans and rebate programs. Cape Self-Reliance was founded in 1980 by a group made up of the New Alchemy Institute, the Housing Assistance Corporation of Cape Cod and the Wampanoag Tribal Council to help communities on Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket attain self-reliance in energy, water and food. Its mission is to promote environmentally sound technologies and sustainable practices.
A native of Wellfleet, Ms. Amsler is chair of the Falmouth Energy Committee and treasurer of the Cape and Islands Renewable Energy Collaborative. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Cape Cod Community College where she teaches renewable energy. She established Cape Cod as a Million Solar Roofs partnership has facilitated over 1500 solar installations in the region and has worked on various wind power projects since 2001. Megan is also involved in workforce training in the clean energy sector. For more information about the April 15th event, call (508) 336-359 .
Alert: Artists, Crafters, Venders
Just in time for Mother’s Day! The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library will be hosting a Gift Sale on Saturday, May 1 between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Artists, Crafters and Venders are being offered tables to sell their goods. Tables are $25 each. The sale will be in the Library Meeting Room. Space is limited. Anyone interested should in having a table that day should contact Cynthia Corbett at cecorbett7@comcast. net to reserve space as soon as possible. Other events are being planned for that day to draw in lots of shoppers.
Library Friends Celebrate May Day with Sale
On May Day, Saturday, May 1: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library will be hosting a variety of Sales. For shoppers looking for a unique or special gift for the Mother in the family or shoppers who are looking for something different to celebrate spring, this will be the place to shop. The May Day Sale will include: *Just in time for Mothers Day Shopping: A Craft and Gift Sale featuring hand made jewelry, crochet goods, home décor, beauty products and much, much more. *To celebrate the Season, outside the Library, the F.O.L will hold a Perennial Plant Sale, with an offering of house plants as well. A great opportunity to find something different for the garden that will come up year after year. *Weather permitting, the Friends will hold a mini book sale outside the library. *For something tasty to nibble while shopping or to take home, the Friends will hold a Bake Sale in the library lobby. All proceeds generated from the sale will fund Library Adult and Children's programs, Museum and Park passes, the BOOKPAGE, and other special Library projects.
Plant Donations Welcome
The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library are seeking Perennial Plant donations for the May Day Sale, Saturday, May 1 to be held at the Seekonk Public Library. Residents who would like to share their plants may contact Priscilla DuVally at pduvally@gmail. com or 508-399-7850 for information and drop off times. Communities Thrive at the Library-National Library: April 11 to 17
National Library Week
The Seekonk Public Library will be celebrating National Library Week special events taking place throughout the week. Events include A Chocolate Chip Cookie Bake Off, A Reptile Program, A Silly Storytime for all Ages, Computer Classes and Customer Appreciation Day. For more information residents may contact the Library at 508-366-8230, visit the library website at www.seekonkpl. org or check out the Seekonk Public Library sites on Facebook and Twitter.
Vacation Week Special at the Seekonk Library
Tuesday, April 20, 10:00 a.m. - Legos Workshop - Nathan Rochefort helps you make the best Lego creation ever! Bring you
April 2010 The Reporter collection of Legos or use some of Nathan's to create an exciting machine or special thingamabob! All ages, registration required. Thursday, April 22, 10:00 a.m. The Bubble Guy-An interactive, entertaining program with Seekonk native Mike the Bubble Guy Dorval. Experience tricks and sculptures, rainbow bubbles and even learn how to make a square bubble! No registration required.
Friends of Seekonk Public Library Coming Events-Something For Everyone Programs for Children, Families and Friend
*Monday, April 26: 6:30 p.m. Animal World Experience: A program featuring of multitude of exotic animals from around the world that children get to pet and hold. A hands-on and up close experience guaranteed to be fun for all.
Specializing in all styles of stone masonry with over 15 years experience
• STONEWALLS • FIREPLACES • PATIOS • WALKWAYS Call for a free estimate MARK CARVALHO • (774) 229-6360
*Monday, May 24: 6:30 p.m. Puppet Pals Show: A performance filled with stories, skits, silly songs, audience participation and of course, puppets! Children will enjoy meeting the puppets and even help with the show. For children and adults alike.
Entertaining and Educational Programs for Adults
*Wednesday, April 7: 6:30 p.m. Brainstorming with Rory Raven. Back by popular demand, Raven, master mentalist, amazes all with his abilities to entertain with a fascinating guided tour through the mind and its powers, both real and imagined. An evening of fun for the whole family. *Thursday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. Common Sense About Cleaning. Green living is about more than energy efficiency, recycling and solar panels. Human health and the environment go hand in hand. Liberty Goodwin, Director of the Toxics Information Project(TIP) will discuss the ways that household products can impact both. Simple steps to a really green household will be presented. Among the topics will be: household cleaning products we have around that will meet our needs, how to handle mold, anti-bacterial products and much more. *Wednesdays, May 5 to 26: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Ballroom Dance Classes: Four evenings of dance with Tomas Vasicek, professional instructor at Dance Fever in Newton. The class will be shown various dance steps such as Fox Trot, Swing and Salsa. FUN for the beginner and those who want to improve skills. Space is limitedregistration is required. Call the Adult Services Department at our Library, 508-336-8230, ext. 130 to register. All programs listed are sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library: All are free and open to the public!
Friends of the Seekonk Public Library ~ Become a Member ~
A membership in the Library Friends organization supports these efforts. Membership categories range from $10 to $100 annually. A tax deductible donation of just $10.00 will help support these programs and services. Our Seekonk Public Library Programs are free and open to the public. If you have had the opportunity to enjoy a program this year or just want to support your Library please fill out the form provided and mail to: Friends of the Seekonk Public Library, 410 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771. Thank You.
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The Reporter April 2010
Dining Guide
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Welcome to the cabin. Welcome Spring! Winter hibernation is officially over. Nature’s furry friends have been rationing their nuts and seeds, frantically winter gathering, and waiting for new shoots and leaves to sprout. I too, have been anxiously awaiting spring’s seasonal fruits and vegetables. Last year’s potatoes, apples and root vegetables have had their day. It’s April. Think asparagus, fiddleheads and maple syrup. Hail asparagus, you tall, wispy stalks of grassy herbaceousness! Of course you can find a bunch of asparagus just about any time of year at the supermarket. But in April, you begin to see the freshest local asparagus. Local asparagus is fat and firm, and topped with a purple-green bouffant. I will eat asparagus year round, but spring asparagus is noticeably more beautiful, tender and sublime in flavor. Please roast asparagus if you haven’t tried it. A simple recipe follows. And try the rice asparagus casserole recipe, a simple and springy layered side dish. A few years ago I heard a restaurant term and title from a new Providence restaurant, “Forager”. It seems with the trend to procure local product, a full-time position was created. I picture this person roaming the woods, leather hip pouch and knife at the ready to cut some root or lichen for consumption, or for a wizard’s spell.
April 2010 The Reporter
$2 Drafts & $3 Shots All Day, Everyday! My foraging experiences began much differently that April. I was walking my dog Frodo on the Anawan Club property (in a location I will not disclose), when I literally stumbled over a patch of fiddlehead ferns. If you are unfamiliar with this fleeting delicacy, they look like their name, with a spiral scroll atop a new fern shoot. They are the early unfurled shoot of the Ostrich fern. They taste like a mild, meaty broccoli rabe. They do need to be cleaned. The stalks have a papery coating that I wash off under cool water. And they must be blanched briefly, and then prepared and used like almost any other veggie. Fiddleheads are to New England what truffles are to Provence, France. While the harvest season is extremely brief (two weeks total), woody areas of Rehoboth offer perfect conditions for growth. Free fern food. Go foraging! Cool nights and warm days start the maple sap flowing. Last year I visited a nearby sugar shack, and learned so much. For quite a while I have considered tapping some of the maple trees here on the club property. How cool would it be if I could offer the gentleman their own maple syrup atop their jonnycakes? I imagine myself collecting the pails, stoking the fire and patiently waiting for the boil down. Clearly I have a vivid imagination, because I have never done it. Maybe next year. Find native foods and local harvest info, along with farmer’s market schedules, local menus, and many other valuable resources from two websites: & Check them out. This month at the cabin, I will be incorporating some of these spring goodies into my menus. I will serve the Chicken in Lemon Wine Sauce, a light refreshing chicken breast entrée, along with the asparagus casserole, and a lovely ricotta pie for dessert. To follow are the recipes. Please feel free to email me with comments or questions about the recipes, or anything food-related at chefchicks@ Let’s all eat each other’s cooking and say it was good.
Chef Erin
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The Reporter April 2010
Chicken in Lemon Wine Sauce
Serves 4 Please lightly pound chicken, both to tenderize and to create even thickness for uniform cooking. I use vermouth in place of white wine, but you can use whatever dry white wine you have around as well. 2 TBS Olive Oil 4 boneless chicken breast 4 TBS flour 2 TBS butter ½ cup onion (diced) 2 TBS lemon juice 3 TBS vermouth (or white wine) 1 !/2 cup chicken broth Parsley for garnish Lightly dredge prepared chicken breasts in flour. Add oil to sauté pan and heat to medium-high. Brown chicken breasts on both sides. Remove chicken from pan to a plate. Lower heat to medium and add onions and butter. Cook onions till softened. Add vermouth or wine to pan, then lemon juice and broth stirring constantly. Return chicken to pan and simmer @ 20 minutes, till flavors meld and sauce is slightly reduced.
Rice Asparagus Casserole
Serves 4 1 bunch asparagus 1 ½ cup rice 1/2 cup vermouth or white wine 2 TBS butter 1 TBS grated parmesan
Prepare ice bath for asparagus (a bowl with ice water) Boil @ 6 cups water and vermouth in sauce pan. Blanch asparagus 1 minute. Remove asparagus to ice bath. Reserve 3 cups cooking liquid. Bring to a boil. Add rice. Bring back to a boil, lower heat to simmer and cover. When rice is cooked and cooled slightly, begin layers in a small casserole or loaf pan. A layer of rice, followed by a layer of asparagus stalks, and so on, finally topped with rice. Dot with butter and sprinkle with parmesan. Bake in 350 degree oven @ 20-30 minutes till heated through.
Roasting Asparagus
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Trim ends and toss asparagus stalks with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Place on baking sheet and roast @ 15-20 minutes, to desired tenderness and crispiness.
Ricotta Pie
Serves 8 This was a savory pie recipe that I made slightly sweet. I love the texture that the parmesan and cornmeal give it, but wanted to use it for dessert. It worked great. 1 ½ cups water ½ tsp salt ¼ cup yellow cornmeal ½ pound ricotta 2 TBS parmesan cheese ½ cup sugar 2 eggs 4 ounces cream cheese (1/2 pkg) 2 pie shells Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bring salt and water to a boil, turn off heat and add cornmeal slowly. Keep stirring until it thickens ( 1-2 minutes) Let it cool to warm, then add cream cheese, ricotta, parmesan and sugar, mixing well. Finally mix in beaten eggs. Line pie plate with pastry. Fill shell. Top with a lattice pastry top. It looks pretty, and it’s relatively easy. Video and step-bystep instructions for basketweave online.
April 2010 The Reporter
How You Can Help Make A Difference In The Life Of A Fresh Air Child This Summer!
Sign up Now to make a difference in a Fresh Air child’s life! Volunteer with The Fresh Air Fund’s local committee or apply to become a host family and ensure that summer 2010 is special for New York City children. Each summer, close to 5,000 children, ages six to 18, enjoy two-week vacations with volunteer host families in suburban and small town communities across 13 Northeastern states and Ontario, Canada. Local Fresh Air Fund committee members recruit host families, reach out to the community and coordinate fun activities for families and children. As one committee member explains, “Volunteering with The Fresh Air Fund has allowed me to make a real difference in the lives of deserving children, while getting to meet other enthusiastic community members who care deeply about the program. It has been a very worthwhile experience from the beginning!” Volunteers in Southern Massachusetts need your help to create another fun-filled summer for children from New York City’s lowincome communities, such as eight-year-old Justin of Brooklyn. “We made hot dogs and s’mores over the fire. I’ve never cooked outside before!” For more information on how you can join your local Fresh Air volunteer team or become a host this summer, call Claire Duckmanton at 508-761-82 2 or The Fresh Air Fund at (800) 367-0003. You can also learn more about the host family program by visiting
Help Haiti
In our effort to help the people of Haiti and the devastation of the recent earthquake, we at Memorial Baptist Church have organized a disaster relief fund. Many want to help but don’t know how and where! We are receiving donations in the form of cash and checks from church members and the wider local community. The funds will be divided between Doctors without Borders, the American Red Cross and Partners in Health. Donations can be dropped off directly at the church office or mailed directly to: Memorial Baptist Church, 3 0 Church Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 Checks should be made out to MBC (memo line: c/o Haitian Relief Fund). All donations are tax deductible, receipts available upon request. Thank you. Sincerely, Pastor Del & the The Mission Board, Memorial Baptist Church. 340 Central Ave., Seekonk, MA 0277. (508)761-5142,
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Horse Play
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Your open door is hope! Become a foster parent.
Dare Family Services is seeking caring families to provide foster care for area children. While helping a child, you will receive excellent training, 2 hour support and a tax free stipend toward the child’s care. For more information, please call 508-802-9515.
for $10 OFF 1,000 gal with this ad SANITATION PUMPING, INC 508-824-8370 • 1-800-464-8370 Discount Expires April 30, 2010
The Reporter April 2010
SCOUTS Scouts left to right: Aaron Andrade, Andrew Melanson, Ethan Ricker, David Joachim, Michael Joachim & Noah Rapoza. Den Leader: Lisa Ricker
Webelos from Pack 1 Rehoboth enjoy STEM Night!
Pack 2 Rehoboth sleep over at Buttonwood park zoo in New Bedford.
Brownie Troop 460 in Seekonk visited the Water Treatment Plant as part of their “Wonders of Water� journey. They were treated to a wonderful tour and learned all about the process that water goes through before it gets to them. Next month they have committed to clean up the litter around the Turner Reservoir to fulfill the final requirements of their WOW badge.
The Webelos are currently working on their Science and Engineering pins. STEM Night (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) was the perfect opportunity to see it in action. The boys visited to cassette & CD station first. They observed how the system works with both technologies. The second station was the architect. They saw building plans, pictures of remodeled homes, as well as a model of a house. They also learned how to wrap and cast a broken arm which can be applied to their Readyman pin. It was a fun night of learning for the scouts.
Girl Scout Troop 507 would like to thank their customers for their generosity which has made it possible for the Troop to donate over 30 boxes of cookies to the Rehoboth Food Pantry.
April 2010 The Reporter
The Tigers from Pack 1 Rehoboth visited Attleboro City Hall for their Government Elective where they met Mayor Dumas.
Girl Scout Troop 866 participated in a Tae Kwon-Do class in Taunton. This was just one of many physical activities the Junior Troop completed to earn their Fitness Badge. Tae Kwon-Do is the world’s most popular martial art it combines self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation, and philosophy.
Rehoboth/Seekonk Girl Scouts April Newsletter
Pack 1 Rehoboth’s Food Drive! The scouts from Pack 1 Rehoboth completed their food drive on Saturday, March 27. It was very successful thanks to the Residents of Rehoboth.
The Girls Scouts and leaders would like to thank all of those who supported us during our Cookie Sales by purchasing our delicious Girl Scout Cookies. We hope you enjoyed your cookies! We would also like to thank all of our Cookie Moms who volunteered their time to organize their troop’s cookie orders. Special thanks to Lisa Blackbird, our Rehoboth/Seekonk Coordinator, who volunteered her time, her husband, and her house and managed all the cookie orders for both towns! Our next leader meeting is Tuesday, April 6th at Beckwith Library. For more Girl Scout information call Colleen McBride at 252-6430 or check out our webpage: http:// Coming in April: Bingo Party collecting for Project Undercover! Coming in May: Girl Scout Talent Show! Saturday, May 15th. See your leader or our webpage for more details!
Project Undercover
In April, Rehoboth Girl Scouts will be participating in a community service project called Project Undercover. Our troops will be collecting new packages of underwear, socks and diapers for children in need. These items will remain in town and distributed to Rehoboth children. Troops will have boxes throughout town from April 1 – 30th if you wish to donate. For locations go to:
Troop 1 hiking at Yawgoog.
The Reporter April 2010
Rehoboth Council on Aging April 2010 Council on Aging Newsletter Council on Aging Board meets at 7:00 p.m. 55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, Phone 508-252-3373 Fax 508-252- 617
The Rehoboth Council on Aging Through the Generosity of The Rehoboth Cultural Council Invites you to attend
How to Pastel Paint Expressively: Van Gogh’s: Starry Night”
A new workshop with instructions, demo & hands-on work presented by Artist Greg Maichack. On Friday April 9th at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served
Hours of operation:
Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to :00 p.m.Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Kitchen hours:
Activities from Activity Coordinator Norellen Palmer
Important! Registration is required for all upcoming programs. All activities will have participant sign up sheets for them. Most of the Activity programs that are at the Council on Aging are free and open to the public. Some programs require minimum attendance; if there is no interest then that activity will be either cancelled or postponed. Please call 508-252-3372 for information on all activities or to sign up.
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Transportation Reservations: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Transportation Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to p.m.
Monday, April 19th
“Wanabee Weight Meeting” Mondays, 11:00 a.m. Free
The “Wanabee” Weight Meeting is held at The Rehoboth Council on Aging Mondays, at 11 a.m. In this program you keep a diary of your meals and snacks, weight in and then we, as a group will discuss the gains and losses. There are a lot of different diets out there, which may help you lose your weight or just keep your current weight by eating healthier. The best way to lose weight is with encouragement and support of friends. Meetings are held on Mondays prior to Gert’s Café.
Tuesday Tai Chi at 9:00 a.m. Cost $3.00 per Class
Try a graceful way of exercising which is easy on your joints. This method of balancing may be new to you, but it has a great positive outcome for any age.
Closed Patriot’s Day
Tuesday Line Dancing 10:00 a.m. Cost $ 3.00 per Class
If you like to dance and have fun then this is the group is for you. Everyone is welcome to come in and try out some steps.
deadline for submitting News
is now the 23rd of each month...
Advertise In the Rehoboth/ seekonk Reporter
Balancing Exercise and Upper Cardio
Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m. Free. There is plenty of room available in any or all of our classes if you care to join us. This activity uses weights and stretching for balancing done on exercise balls or in chairs.
Wii Bowling League” Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. Free
Call 508-252-6575
The Rehoboth Council on Aging has started a Bowling League using the “Wii”. It is a great way to have fun, workout and show off those bowling scores. Please drop in and join us, this bowling in this can be done standing or sitting in a chair. 10 Emory Street in Attleboro
508.222.0118 or 800.220.0110
your choice . . . our caring HOME HEALTH - HOSPICE CARE - PRIVATE CARE LIFELINE MEDICAL ALERT SERVICES Serving, Attleboro, Easton, Foxboro, Franklin, Mansfield, No. Attleboro, Norton, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Wrentham and others upon request. Visit us at
Free Blood Pressure and Glucose Screening.
Monday, May 10th, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. The COA is pleased to have our Rehoboth town nurse Lynn Attienello administer these tests free on the 2nd Monday every other month.
Podiatry with Dr, Marian Markowitz
Thursday, April 15th and Monday, April 26th. Appointments start at 10am please call early to schedule yours.
April 2010 The Reporter
CPR Class
The Rehoboth Council on Aging will host a CPR Class on Tuesday, April 27th 2010 6 p.m. given by Instructor Scott Meagher of Safety Consultant Inc. Registration is a must. This class has no charge thanks to the Generosity of the Rehoboth Ambulance Committee. If interested please call 508-252-3372 for more information or to sign up. Registration is a Must.
Quilters Thursday s at 9:30 a.m.
Do you quilt or know of anyone who would like to come to our Quilting Group. There is always plenty of knowledgeable support offered.
“Men’s Morning Coffee” Fridays 9 a.m.
This is a group of “men” who meet to enjoy fresh coffee, pastry and conversation with old and new friends. Come on down and enjoy the morning with them and share your comments and ideas.
Knitting and Crochet Group Fridays at 10am
If you ever wanted to learn more about knitting or crocheting, the Ladies of the Needles are always there to share their knowledge with you. Don’t be shy! Come in and join the group.
Card Games 3 Days a Week!
Cards are here at your COA! Mondays at 9:30 a.m. we have a cribbage group, Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. we have a ladies group that not only play cards but also games. Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. we have a Hi-Lo Jack group. All have a great time and are always looking for a few “new” folks to join them.
Departments News
Do you have a few hours a week that you would like to give as a volunteer at The Rehoboth Council on Aging? If the answer is yes… Then DO we need for you in the following areas: “Meals on Wheels” Drivers, Front Desk/Receptionist, Gert’s Café Cooks and as a Craft Instructor. Please contact Norie at 508-252-3372 for further information.
Meal-site Information from Cheryl Maiorano
Please contact our meal site manager Cheryl for information on the Meals on Wheels program. A donation of $2.00 is requested for lunch, which consists of a main course, dessert and milk. A copy of the month’s menu is posted at the front desk and in the dining area for your review.
by appointment or drop in. If you need assistance with Medicare Part “D” or Prescriptions please call 508-252-3372 and set up your appointment.
SHINE Training to begin May 2010
Volunteers are being recruited for the Serving Health Information Needs of Elders Program, known as SHINE. Those who have 4 to 8 hours a week and would like to help senior citizens understand health insurance coverage are sought. The SHINE program is looking for dedicated people willing to make a commitment (some traveling may be required.) The SHINE program is seeking counselors in the greater Attleboro, Taunton and Fall River areas. For more information, upcoming dates, or to sign up for training, please call Lisa Sarkis, SHINE Regional Director 508-2221399.
Organization Events And News: The Best Is Yet to Come!
The next two meetings of The Best is yet to come, a senior social group, will be held on Thursday, April 8, 2010. Bring items of your choice for your favorite charities in town.
April 8th
The Best is Yet to Come, a senior social group, will hold their monthly meeting on April 8th at 1:00 p.m. at the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center, 55 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth, MA. Members should bring paper goods and health products for the Rehoboth Food Pantry. New members always welcomed. Call Pat Higson for details, 508 252-4602. And remember… The Best is Yet to Come.
The Best is Yet to Come is having their annual Ham and Bean Supper on April 17, 2010 at 5:00 at the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center, 55 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth. Tickets are $8.00/person. Proceeds to benefit local charities. For tickets call Pat Higson 508 252-4602, Lorraine Botts 508 252-4593 or the Senior Center 508 252-3372. New members always welcomed. Call Pat Higson for details. 508 252-4602 And Remember The Best Is Yet to Come!
Sheriff, Police and Seniors working together to enhance the lives of our seniors….. Next Meeting is scheduled for 10am, Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at the Rehoboth Council on Aging.
Transportation Information from Lois Fine-Sargeant
Do you need a ride to an appointment? The COA has transportation available Monday through Friday (except holidays) 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Transportation to the Rhode Island Hospital Area is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for medical appointments, which must be in by 10 a.m. out by 1 p.m. Arrangements MUST be made with Lois by 12 noon of the preceding day or as soon as possible. No arrangements for transportation can be taken after 12:00 p.m.; our COA staff can take only cancellations.
News from the SHINE Program Serving Health Information Needs of Elders
S.H.I.N.E Counselor NOW here at your COA
The Rehoboth Council on Aging is pleased to announce that there is a S.H.I.N.E. Counselor every Thursday from 9am to 1pm
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Care Services
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The Reporter April 2010
ig^c^in gZeZgidgn
XdbeVcn April 9 – May 9
Up Coming Activities
Talk about funny! by Neil Simon
Tickets start at just $10!
Programs being offered through TRIAD are: Free “911” cell phones File of Life Are you OK? Program Project Lifesaver. Yellow Alert
Foxwoods Trip
Seekonk Human Services is sponsoring a trip to Foxwoods on April 1 , 2010. The cost for the trip will be $18 which includes a $10 food voucher and a $10 Keno ticket. Pickup will be at the Showcase Cinemas 1-10 in Seekonk at 8:15 a.m. and will depart Foxwoods at :00 p.m. “Checks should be made out to “Friends of Friends”. Please call (508) 336-8772 to sign up. Seating Is Limited.
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club Meetings at the Rehoboth Senior Center
April 15th 12:00 Noon Pizza Party followed by Bingo
Friends of the Elderly Inc.
Next meeting will be held April 20th 3:00 p.m. at the Rehoboth Senior Center • (401) 351-4242 • Season sponsored by 201 Washington St. • Providence • RI •
Upcoming Trips Co-Sponsored By the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club and the Sandcastle Seniors
Tuesday May 11 trip to Maggiano’s Restaurant for an all you can eat dinner followed by a narrated cruise of Boston Harbor. Trip cost is $80.00 per person and includes round trip bus transportation and bus driver’s gratuity. Everybody Welcome. To sign up, please call Pete Michaud at 508-761-5087. Wednesday August 18: Day trip to Foxwoods for a Matinee Show “Legends In Concert”. Trip includes round trip bus transportation show ticket, free buffet, and $15.00 Keno. All trips include bus driver’s tip and pick ups in both Rehoboth and So. Attleboro. Everybody Welcome. For more information or to sign up, please call “Pete Michaud at 508-761-5087.
FOR SALE Demetrios Designer Wedding Dress
NEW, UNALTERED, UNWORN, WITH TAGS • Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic, shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering mermaid style. Train is chapel length.
Please call Laurie 339-221-0704
April 2010 The Reporter
“Use if Force Classes” Held by Rehoboth Police
Rehoboth Police Officer conducts the Use of Force Class on March 24.
Students of all ages participated in the Use of Force Class
Friends of Rehoboth Elderly Fundraiser
Bev Procopio, Rehoboth, takes aim... Don’t mess with Bev!
Jim and Marge Johnston enjoyed the Friends Fundraiser.
Volunteers made the Fundraiser a huge success.
Photos by Norm Spring
Smooth moves and good music added to the fun
The Reporter April 2010
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David and Fatima Bairos of East Providence are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Christine to Chris Zorra, son of Lynne and the late Everett Zorra of Seekonk on October 10, 2009 at St. Francis xavier Church, East Providence. The Rev. Fr. Scott Pontes officiated. The matron of honor was Dianne (Bairos) Escobar, (brides sister). Bridesmaids were Jennifer Bairos (brides sister), Stephanie Nunes (brides cousin), Amanda Marques (brides friend), Jill Roberts (grooms friend), and Ashlee Klegraefe (brides cousin-inlaw). The best man was Kevin Bradley grooms best friend. Ushers were Brian Bairos (brides brother), Steven Bairos (brides cousin), Michael Bairos (brides cousin), Tim Viveiros (grooms friend), and Alex DaLuz (grooms friend). A reception was held at Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth. The couple took a honeymoon trip to Jamaica and now live in East Providence.
April 2010 The Reporter
Fowler Engaged to Brown
Chris and Maryellen Fowler of Rehoboth are so happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Anne Marie to Mr. Robert Brown. Mr. Brown is the son of Paulla Walles Brown of Andover, MA and Robert Brown of Marblehead, MA. Annie and Robbie are both graduates of Sarah Lawrence College. The wedding is set for October 10th, 2010. The ceremony will be held at the Rehoboth Congregational Church. The reception is to be held at Five Bridge Inn, in Rehoboth.
Birth Announcements
2010 Membership Promotion One Year Promotion
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Two Year Promotion (includes 6 Free Lessons) Individual (A) - $6975 (reg. $9000) or $390/month for 2 months, includes all fees and capital fund contributions (This is a $11,760 value)
Family (AB) - $8875 (reg $11 50) or $489/month for 2 months, includes all fees and capital fund contributions (This is a $1 ,670 value)
Mark and Lynda Marcon of Rehoboth are overjoyed to announce the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Isabella Rose. Isabella was born on November 2 , 2009 at Sturdy Memorial Hospital. She weighed 6lbs oz. She has two brothers Taylor and Adam. Maternal grandparents are Stanley and Janice Szczepkowski of Assonet, MA. Paternal grandparents are Fred and Natalie Marcon of Manalapan, Florida.
No Initiation & No Assessment on either promotion
Lessons are a $360 value Many membership classiďŹ cations available. Call for details.
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Resigned members from 2008 and prior are welcome back under this promotion.
The Reporter April 2010
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April 2010 The Reporter
Timothy Joseph Peno
Timothy Joseph Peno, 2 years old died Friday, March 19, 2010 at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. He was born in Fall River a son of Joseph G. Peno Jr. and Kim Peno. Besides his parents he leaves four sisters, Donna, Lori, Jennifer and Kristine Peno; four brothers, Joseph, Michael and Corey Peno and Giovanni Kowalski; his paternal grandmother, Lucy J. Rose and several aunts and uncles. A committal service was held in the chapel of Gate of Heaven Cemetery Friday, March 26th at 11:00 A.M. followed by a memorial service at 12:30 P.M. in Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries Church, 802 Riverside Ave. Somerset, MA. In lieu of flowers, contributions to New England Organ Bank, 1 Gateway Center, Newton, Ma 02 58 would be deeply appreciated.
William F. Duffy, Jr.
William F. Duffy, Jr., 76, loving husband of Joan S. (Trott) Duffy since their marriage in 1953, died March 20th in Bradenton, FL. Born in Pawtucket, son of the late William F. and Florence Duffy, Bill was a life-long resident of Rehoboth. He served his country in the US Marine Corps during the Korean War. Mr. Duffy was a graduate of The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. He was Chef/Steward at the Anawan Club in Rehoboth for over 30 years and for over 28 years, Bill was Chef/Instructor at South Eastern Vocational High School in Easton, MA, where he was well loved and respected by his students. An avid golfer, he played and worked at the Rehoboth CC with his many friends. His hobby was wood carving life-like sculptures of birds, fish and nature scenes. Bill’s ever-ready jokes and stories never failed to bring a smile. Besides his beloved wife, he leaves sons William & Sean, 3 grandchildren; Tanya, Timothy, Aaron and nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by sisters Doris Ziemba and Edith Mancini. A funeral service was held on Wednesday, March 31’st at 10:00 AM, in the J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home, 210 Taunton Ave., East Providence. In lieu of flowers, memorial checks may be drafted to:
‘Southeastern Regional School District,’ C/O Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School, 250 Foundry St., South Easton, MA 02375-1799, Attn. Guidance Dep’t. Under Memo: William Duffy Memorial.
Mary M. Pestana
Mary M. Pestana, 85, formerly of Jean Drive and Seekonk Commons, died Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at Kent County Hospital. She was the wife of the late Manuel Pestana Jr. She was born in Taunton, Ma, a daughter of the late Francisco and Guilhermina (Candeias) Souza. Mary was a baker at Seekonk High School for 15 years before retiring. She was a communicant of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Seekonk for over 60 years. She was a member of the Women’s Guild, a CCD instructor and also a recipient of the Marian Medal. She was involved in many other church organizations. While living at Seekonk Commons, Mary organized a Rosary group that met weekly. She leaves one son, Gene Pestana and his wife Joan of North Attleboro; two daughters, Polly Ervanian and her husband Ed of West Warwick and Barbara Thomson and her husband John of Rumford; two
sisters, Guilhermina Ferreira of Seekonk and Dolores DePetrillo of North Providence; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was the grandmother of the late Edward E. Ervanian II, and the sister of the late Margaret Vieira, Irene Lagor, Frank Souza Jr. and Alexandria Souza. Her funeral was held on Saturday, March 6th with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Taunton Avenue, Seekonk. Burial was in St. Mary Cemetery, North Attleboro. In lieu of flowers, contributions to St. Anthony House, 252 Rhodes Ave., Providence, RI would be deeply appreciated.
Florence M. (Couitt) Sears
Florence M. (Couitt) Sears, age 78, of Back St., died unexpectedly Sunday afternoon, March 7, 2010, at home. She was the wife of Anthony Sears Jr. Born in Swansea, MA, on August 19, 1931, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Cora (Fratus) Couitt. Mrs. Sears was a faithful communicant of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. In addition to her husband of 56 years, she leaves her daughters and their spouses,
Consider These Thoughts
by Greg Scott
According to world-renowned death-and-dying expert Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, there are five distinct stages of grief: denial, followed by anger, bargaining, depression, and, finally, acceptance. In the years following the Swiss-born psychiatrist’s death in 2004, researchers have refined Dr. KüblerRoss’s grieving model. Using data from interviews of more than 200 grieving adults who lost a loved one to natural causes, researchers found that grief begins with disbelief, followed by yearning, anger, depression, and acceptance. This modified version of Kübler-Ross’s model shows that there is a surprisingly high, and steadily increasing, degree of acceptance throughout the grieving process. Yearning was found to be the most commonly reported psychological response to bereavement, which lasted an average of about six months.
“It is by those who have suffered that the world has been advanced.” - Leo Tolstoy
Regardless of how well an individual can cope, everyone benefits from being treated with compassion and understanding when they have experienced the loss of a loved one. Here at J.H. WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, we are available to assist you 24 hours a day, whenever you need us. Contact us at 434-2600. We understand the difficulties in handling arrangements when you are coping with a loss. Allow us to arrange a meeting and tour of our facility at 210 Taunton Avenue. We are here for you.
210 Taunton Avenue • East Providence, R.I.
J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home • ( 01) 3 -2600
The Reporter April 2010
Patricia Sears and Andrew Travers of Acushnet, MA, and Karen and Gary Martins of Seekonk, MA; and her three grandsons, Eric, Marc and Alec Dallaire. She was also the sister of the late Frank Couitt, Charles Couitt of Fall River, MA, and the late James Couitt. Her funeral was held Thursday, March 11th with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Ave., Seekonk. Burial followed at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Memorial donations are respectfully requested to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, PO Box 915, Seekonk, MA 02771.
Edward Zaretsky
Edward Zaretsky, 86, of Seekonk, died on Friday. Husband of the late ‘Gerie’ G. (Miller) Zaretsky. Born in New York on February 1, 1924, he was a son of the late Oscar and Zelda (Kessner) Zaretsky. Raised and educated in Providence, he was a graduate of Hope High School and later served in the United States Army during WWII. Former professional golf player, noted jazz musician and president and owner of Well Made Dress Corp. in Warren from 1970 - 1992. Member of the PGA, USGA, American Federation of Musicians - Providence Chapter, N.E. Apparel Club and honorary life member of Crestwood Country Club. Father of Karen Z. Ball, Nina S. Zaretsky and Paul A. Zaretsky. Grandfather of three. Brother of the late Beatrice Goldberg and Murray Zaretsky. Funeral service was held on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. in the ‘Swan Point Chapel’ of Swan Point Cemetery, Blackstone Boulevard, Providence. Burial followed. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the ‘Rick’s Music Education Fund’, a music scholarship program to provide music lessons to children whose families could otherwise not afford them. Donations may be sent to: Rick’s Music World, Ltd., 421 New State Highway, Raynham, MA 02767.
Angelina (Dias) Souza
Angelina (Dias) Souza, age 97, died Monday, March 8, 2010. She was the wife of the late Manuel Souza. Born March 2, 1913, in Seekonk, she was a daughter of the late Antone and Maria (Amaral) Dias. Mrs. Souza is survived by six children, Beverly Almeida, Manuel Souza, Elizabeth Lawrence, Robert Souza, James Souza, and Joanne McCarron; 17 grandchildren; 27
great grandchildren; 5 great-great grandchildren; a brother, Manuel Dias; and her sister, Clothilda Dias. She was the mother of the late Richard Souza. Her funeral was held Saturday, March 13th with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Ave., Seekonk. Burial followed at Mt. St. Mary Cemetery, Pawtucket.
Daniel N. Gallucci, Sr.
Daniel N. Gallucci, Sr., age 71, of Coleman St., died early Friday morning, March 12, 2010. Born July 7, 1938, in Providence, he was a son of the late Frank and Julia (D’Antonio) Gallucci. He is survived by his daughter, Lori Jean Polkey of Barrington; two sons, Daniel N. Gallucci Jr. and his wife, Wendy, of West Glocester, and Stephen Gallucci and his wife Kristen Anderson, of Seekonk; his granddaughters, Noel, Victoria and Gianna; a brother, David Gallucci of West Greenwich; his companion, Paula Hogan of East Providence; and his former wife, Patricia Marcello of Barrington. He was the brother of the late Frank Gallucci and the father-in-law of the late Mark Polkey. His funeral service was held Tuesday, March 16th. Military honors and burial followed at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery.
Cecilia A. Nunes
Cecilia A. Nunes, 79, died and went home to her Lord and Savior on March 19, 2010. She passed away peacefully at Memorial Hospital in Pawtucket, RI, surrounded by her loving family. Cecilia was born in Pawtucket, RI, the devoted daughter of the late Julio and Maria (Maia) Direito. Married to her beloved husband, John A. Nunes Sr., the couple started their family and created many fond memories in Tulus, LA. They relocated to North Attleboro, and eventually settled in Seekonk, MA where they established their loving home of 45 years. Cecilia was a kind, generous, supportive wife, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother and friend who always wore a smile. She possessed the unique gift to make everyone feel special. She was a second ‘Mom’ to many family members and friends. Her greatest satisfaction came from her family. She was a true matriarch. Cecilia had a love and talent for cooking, whether it was a Sunday dinner for the entire family or her coveted Christmas cookies. She was an avid Red Sox fan. She loved walks with her precious dog, Dusty whom she named after a Red Sox player. She enjoyed lively
political debates among family and friends. She was an active and faithful member of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Along with her husband of sixty years, she leaves behind by her son John Nunes Jr. and his wife Gail of Seekonk, Michael Nunes and his wife Susan of Seekonk, and Cheryl Carlsten and her husband Scott of Cumberland, grandchildren Toni Lee Schlais and her husband Dean of Pawcatuck, CT, John A. Nunes III and his partner Kerry Hastings, Stephanie Nunes, Danielle Nunes, Emily Nunes, Amy Nunes all of Seekonk, Ashley Carlsten and Maxwell Carlsten of Cumberland and her great-grandchildren Jamie Nunes, Jake Schlais, Dean Schlais, James Nunes, Andrew Nunes and Wyatt Nunes all of Seekonk. She will be greatly missed. The funeral was held on Wednesday, March 24th with a Mass of Christian Burial in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Ave. Seekonk. Burial was in Mt. St. Mary Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, PO Box 519, Seekonk, MA 02771 or American Heart Association , 222 Richmond St. Suite 108, Providence, RI 02903.
Irene H. Reposa
Irene H. Reposa, 90, of No. Wheaton Ave. died March 24, 2010 at RI Hospital. She was the beloved wife of Alfred M. Reposa. Born in Seekonk, she was the daughter of the late Manuel A. and Alexandria (Medeiros) Santos. She had worked as an assembler for Raytheon for 15 years. Besides her husband of 66 years, she is survived by her son Ronald Reposa and his wife Patricia of Rockville, RI, 2 grandchildren; Jacob Reposa and Laura Smith, 3 great grandchildren, Samuel Reposa, Molly Reposa and Maxwell Smith. She is survived by her sister Olive L. Santos and her brother Robert Santos both of Rehoboth. She was the sister of the late Manuel Santos Jr., Gloria Mello, Julia C. Santos, Joseph Santos, Tony Santos, Frank Santos and Mary M. Santos. The funeral was held on Monday, March 29th with a Mass of Christian Burial in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Ave., Seekonk. Burial was in Rehoboth Village Cemetery.
Laura (Raposo) Aguiar
Laura (Raposo) Aguiar, age 85, of Jean Dr., died Palm Sunday, March 28, 2010, at the Hattie Ide Chaffee Home. She was the wife of the late Antonio Daniel Aguiar. Born Oct. 2, 1924, in Somerville, MA, she was the daughter of the late Raul and Maria (Oliveira) Raposo.
April 2010 The Reporter She is survived by her four children, Octavio Aguiar of Sebring, FL, Alda Kalberer of Foxboro, MA, Edward Aguiar of East Providence and Antonio Aguiar of Northborough, MA; 11 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren, and 1 great great grandchild. Her funeral was held Wednesday, March 31st with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Ave., Seekonk. Burial followed at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Memorial donations are respectfully requested to Home and Hospice Care of RI, 1085 North Main St., Providence, RI 0290 .
Frank Thomas Kluk
Frank Thomas Kluk, 90, of Chappell Street, Seekonk, passed away peacefully in the Life Care Center of Attleboro on Thursday, March 25, 2010. He is survived by his beloved wife of 6 years, Sylvia (Brown) Kluk. Born in Fitchburg, Mass. on Nov. 25, 1919, he was a son of the late Thomas and Eva (Marchat) Kluk. Frank served his country proudly during World War II as a member of the U.S. Navy. He was recognized as a Navy hero for having saved the lives of many pilots through his idea of painting the hubs of U.S. aircraft with red lacquer thinner, which prevented friendly fire deaths. He also was chosen to deliver the paper order to the flagship for the invasion of Europe. Frank was the owner and operator of several companies, Kluk Advertising, Kluk and Brown Real Estate, and AAABCO Sign Company. He was also a thoroughbred horse trainer, racing under his own Klown Stables. Frank also formed a company for his inventions, AAAABCO. He was a member of the inventers association IANE at MIT in Cambridge. All funeral arrangements were private. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Frank’s memory may be made to: MSPCA, 350 South Huntington Avenue, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. Inurnment took place Friday, April 2 at noon in the Massachusetts National Cemetery, Bourne.
Please Note:
Business-Services Advertising Rates $35 for up
CLASSIFIEDS 1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15
to 30 words
FARMERS MARKET MANURE FOR SALE: Call Bob at 508379-9629 or cell 508- 00-173 . Will Deliver. (e 10) HORSE DRAWN HAY RIDES: Special group rates for children. Can accommodate large and small parties. Horses for all occasions - weddings and special events. Call for more info and rates. Call Mike (508) 252- 631 (MS)
WANTED WANTED: W.W. I and W.W. II items: Uniforms, helmets, swords, knives, anything related, highest price paid. Please call for a quote, Charlie (508)230-6 . (e610) WANTED: OLD FLOWER VASES: please donate for upcoming show, can pick up, call 01-632-3602. (rfD2)
FOR RENT FOR RENT: Garage 12’ x 32” overhead door, free elect, water, and heat. $300 per month. Steel contains 8’x8’x20’ plus one 8’x8’x 0’, $75 per month. 2 hr. security, off Taunton Ave in Seekonk. Call Al (508)3531626. (e 10) FOR RENT: S. Rehoboth, 1 & 2 bedroom, near I-195. Applianced, Utilities included. $825/$895. Call Steve 508-3531023 (e 10) SOUTH REHOBOTH: near I-195, 1 & 2 Bedroom, applianced, utilities included, $8 5/$895. Steve 508-353-1023. (e 10)
VACATION RENTALS VACATION RENTAL: St. Michael Azores (Portugal) New and pristine 2-bed,2-bath apartment, Kit, DR, LR, & Laundry. Linens provided. Atlantic & mountain view. Near golf course, beaches, etc. Weekly/monthly rental available throughout the year. For info/reservations call 01- 80-037 or 508336-8 32. (e610)
Additional Words - $.25 each
Send Ad with Payment The Rehoboth Reporter P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising
CUSTOM LOG CABIN: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from Cannon, Bretton Woods & Loon; weekly & weekends, Call 01- 33 91. (e 10)
FREE STUFF! FREE STUFF! Beer making supplies, carboys, bottles; 30 gallon fish tank, salt water supplies; several clean large dog beds; golf clubs and bags. All used but useful. Call David 508-252-9 03. (e510)
CHILD CARE REHOBOTH: Register Now for 20102011 School Year; Limited Summer openings Available, Big Kids Daycare Ages 2-7 years old, Before and After Kindergarten Care $30 A day, All Day Preschool Care $ 0 A day, Open 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM, 8 to 1 Ratio; Very active daycare, if your child likes the great outdoors, Arts and Crafts, Board Games- You found the right Daycare for your child! All meals and snacks included, two acre fenced in play yard, large playrooms, OFC Lead teacher, CDA certified and 26 years of experience. Call Joanne 1-508-2521252 or 1-508-2 3- 06. (e 10)
FOR SALE POP-UP TENT CAMPER: 2005 hardly used. 10’ Fleetwood colonial with furnace heater, cassette toilet, other extras. Sleeps 7. Tows well with small truck. 508-222- 0 0 (Rehoboth). $5,500.00. (e 10) FOR SALE: Antique car: 1973 Chevy Nova, 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatic power steering. All original with only 3,150 miles. $8,500. Call Chris. Home 508-252-5779, Cell 01- 77- 110. (e 10)
The Reporter April 2010
Please Note:
Business-Services Advertising Rates $35 for up
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Additional Words - $.25 each
FOR SALE: Round maple table set with (2) extension leafs and 4 chairs. $200.00 set. Call (508) 336-8415 (e410) FOR SALE: Almond wall Whirlpool Microwave with hood combination. In box never installed. $100.00 Call (508) 336-8415 (e410)
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: STITCHERS EXPERIENCE ON INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES REQUIRED. EAST PROVIDENCE COMPANY. EMAIL JULIE@UPCOUNTRYINC.COM OR MAIL RESUMES TO JULIE, 76 BOYD AVE, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 02914 (e410) BABYSITTER NEEDED: Looking for a caring, responsible student age 16-17 with experience for kids, 7, 8, 10. Skills required cooking , homework. 20hrs school & 40hrs in summer; M-F and some weekends. Call 774-930-5128 references (e410)
The Rehoboth Reporter P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising
to 30 words
For Sale: Kayak Heritage, 14’, call 401-438-0182 (e410)
Send Ad with Payment
HELP WANTED: Local restaurant looking for experienced wait staff, server/ bartender and cook. Part-time positions. Resume’ and references required. Please mail resume’ to Attn: W. Vigneau, 503 Winthrop St., Unit #1, Rehoboth, MA 02769. (rfV4)
JOB WANTED Job wanted: CAN, homehealth aide, personal care, cooking, cleaning, errands, companionship. References. 508-557-1953. (e510) Job Wanted: Medical Coding Student seeks employment in a medical office that will utilize what I learned in the classroom. I am able to type, file, answer phones and run errands. If interested call Michele at 508-336-6826 or email me at mgregoire1@ (e410)
GENERAL SERVICES J.B. Lawn Service – Residential or Business. Mowing, raking, fertilizing service available. Free estimate. Call John 508-5571560 or 774-226-5796. (e410)
Bookkeeping Services: Startups, Cleanups & Maintenance. Part-time slots available. Honest work – reasonable rates. Call 508-838-0300 or shaunette.nastar@ (e410) LANDSCAPE SERVICES: Yard Clean Ups, Grass Cuts, Bushes Trimmed, Light Tree Work, Handyman Work, Reasonable Prices, Free Quotes! Call 508-243-4723. (e410) HANDYMAN SERVICES: Remodeling/Repairs, Kitchens, Baths, Basements, Sheds Built, Painting. All types of flooring, Fish Ponds & much more .Free estimates Licensed & Insured call 508-379-0900. (e210) OLD WINDOWS REGLAZED & PAINTED: Workmanship guaranteed. Call Lou for prompt service at (508) 252-3996. (rp) GUTTERS CLEANED: Call (508) 2523996 (rp)
CLASSES / LESSONS PIANO LESSONS: Taught in my home, both classical and popular to persons of all ages. Anita Russo, 8 Terrybrooke Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4208. (e510)
Live near the water
71 Gardner Avenue, Somerset, MA generous size lot abuts a stream and wildlife preserve, private! Plenty of room for pool, pets or huge garden.3 Bed, 1 Bath Bungalow w/porch, deck and off street parking for 2-4 cars. Original HW floors and wide, detailed Southern pine molding All new energy efficient windows 1,335 Sq Ft on 0.32 Acres $219,000. Century 21, Anchor Realty. (508) 678-3770
April 2010 The Reporter
April Business Directory CATEGORY Appliance Repairs Appliance Repairs Architectural Design Art Supplies/Framing Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Shop Auto Dealers Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Auto Salvage Bakery Baseball - Professional Beauty Products Boat Canvas Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Materials Candidate - Seekonk Carpentry - Finish Carpentry - Finish Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Child Care Child Care Child Care Child Care Child Care Chimney Cleaning Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Collectibles Concrete Cutters Credit Union Dentist Dentist Dentist Disposal Service Dog Grooming Dog Services Driveways & Masonry Electrician Electrician Electrician Electrician Events-Corporate/Fam Excavating Excavating Farm Farmers Market Fence & Decking Fence & Decking
Affordable Appliance Repair Co. 77 McPartland Appliance Repairs 74 VIZCAD 15 Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 6 Laurie P. Mullen 70 Lori O’Brien-Foeri 22 Reed, Boyce & Travis, P.C. 8 A-1 Custom Auto Body 30 Sousa’s Auto Body 54 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 50 Seekonk Auto Body 40 Bristol Toyota 12 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 96 Manny’s Auto Repair Inc. 81 New England Tire 2 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 20 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 34 Gary’s Auto Removal 71 Seekonk Auto Salvage 76 Crugnales Bakery 84 Pawtucket Red Sox 86 Mary Kay - Connie Ackroyd 95 JT’s Auto & Boat Canvas 40 A. M. Carpentry 36 DTP Construction 65 M.G. Salois Construction 40 RAB Construction Corp. 10 Richard G. Dias 29 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 80 J & J Materials Corp. 61 David Saad - Candidate 21 Mark Koussa Carpentry 14 Pine Woods Construction 87 Earle’s Carpet Cleaning 75 M & S Carpet & Upholstery 41 Maintenance Plus 55 Briar Wood Child Academy 42 Citizens For Citizens - Attn. Carol 24 Rehoboth Family Childcare Assoc. 47 Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 44 Village Green Preschool 54 RJD & Sons - Chimney Sweep 22 Castle Cleaning 58 Christine’s Cleaning 81 Crystal Clean - Bethany Martone 8 Dixon Cleaning 28 Wexler’s Collectibles 73 Cut Rite Concrete Cutting Corp. 101 Community & Teachers Credit Union 19 Dr. Robert Zaluski 27 Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 48 Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 16 Professional Duct Cleaning 104 Groom & Style 31 Canine Mastery, Inc 77 Blue Stone Driveways & Masonry 29 Dorrance Electric 32 James Tavares Electric 102 Kevin Jordan Electrical 50 Neal Bellavance Electric 25 Camp Ramsbottom 47 J. Fisk Construction 46 J. M. Turner Construction Co. 24 Souza Family Farm 52 The Farmer’s Garden 67 Bridgewater Polyvinyl, Inc 60 Bridgewater Polyvinyl, Inc 63
CATEGORY Fence & Home Imp Fence Installation Fishing Flooring - All Types Flooring - All Types Flooring - Carpet Flooring - Wood Flooring - Wood Food Service Framing - Custom Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Funeral Home Furniture/Upholstery Garden Center Garden Center Garden Center Gift Shop Gifts & Collectibles Glass Fabricator Glass Fabricator Golf Club Handyman Hardware Store Hayrides / Carriages Health Care Health Care Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Heating & Air Heating Service Heating Service Heating Service Home Improvements Insurance Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Interior Decorator Irrigation Jewelers Junk Removal Kitchen
Foxx Fence 64 Fence Tech 58 The Bass Boys 26 Armoush Flooring 27 Custom Linocraft 70 Donna Faber Spellman Design 62 A-1 Wood Floors 48 David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors 34 26 Frames of Mind 67 Affordable Fuel 71 Al’s Quality Oil Co. 10 Columbus Energies Inc. 45 E & V Oil Co. 104 Pricerite Discount Heating Oil 73 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 38 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 70 J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home 97 Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 28 J & L Landscaping & Garden Ctr 58 Little Tree Nursery 15 Tranquil Lake Nursery Inc. 66 Willow Tree Country Shoppe 72 Cards Plus 33 A Class Glass 72 Anawan Glass & Mirror Inc. 34 Crestwood Country Club 95 ABT Handy Services 6 Standard Hardware 64 Schobel Hayrides 36 Community Counseling of Bristol Cty 91 Community VNA 90 Bliss Life Yoga 55 YMCA - Newman 23 Taylor Heating-Air Conditioning 102 COD Heating 6 Larry’s Heating & A.C. 81 LIMA HVAC, Inc. 83 Professional Property Maintenance 39 Lefebvre Smith Insurance 39 Durand Insurance Ageny 7 Lezaola Insurance & House Group 46 The Agency Paiva 51 Lydia Costa Interiors 59 United Irrigation 33 Attleboro Jewelry Makers 43 Junk Vehicles 35 Kitchens With Style 14
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The Reporter April 2010
Kitchen Remodeling Landscape Materials Landscape Materials Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscaping/Tree Landscaping/Tree Laundromat Lawn Care Lawn Sprinklers Limousine Service Liquor Store Marble Fabricators Martial Arts Masonry-Construction Masonry-Construction Massage Therapy Massage Therapy Medical Center Music Optometrists Optometrists Optometrists Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Party - Kids Party Rentals Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor
Kitchens Direct, Inc Daniel D. Wright Realty LLC Tiger Tree & Landscaping A. Prata Landscape Acorn Landscapes Atlantic Landscaping Benevides Lawn & Landscape Bettencourt Lawn Care Big Sky Landscaping Chris Manley CMA Landscapes & Irrigation Holden’s Landscaping K.L.P Landscaping Kimmell Landscaping Lawnscapes Lima’s Landscaping MacManus Landscape Services MacManus Landscape Services Manny Faria Matt’s Landscaping, LLC Oakhill Landscape Parella Lawn and Landscapes Superior Lawn Care Vinny’s Landscaping Little Welshman’s Landscape Tiger Tree & Landscaping The Laundry Club Simply Safer Lawn Care A & Q Lawn Sprinklers Lea Limousine Service Wine & Spirits Depot Star Marble & Granite USA Karate StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services Heavenly Hands Serenity Massage East Providence Urgent Care Doug’s Music Retail & Learning Ctr Brown Center Envision Eyecare Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist Anawan Paint C.A Winter Painting/Powerwashing Cronan Painting Delisle & Son Painting & Repair EZ Painting Iachetti Painting Company Lundco Painting LLC. Reliable Painting Co. Plaster Plus LLC Kolby Rentals and Party Supplies Action Industries Driveway Medics Hanley Paving, Inc.
59 63 69 20 25 65 69 65 58 36 68 69 28 3 18 63 59 19 17 59 60 6 7 66 83 66 53 68 13 35 103 75 9 83 66 76 50 9 21 33 5 80 1 58 69 29 100 9 62 75 2 55 71 7
Phone / Fax (508) 252-5275 Phone (508) 252-5490
Taylor Heating
& Air Conditioning, Inc. Bruce Young ~ John Benevides Falamos Portugues • Lisenced in MA & RI
87 Tremont Street • Rehoboth, MA 02769
Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Pest Control Services Pet Services Plastering Plastering & Painting Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Pool Club Powerwashing Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer-Waterproofing Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Security Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems-Cleaning Septic Systems-Cleaning Septic Systems-Cleaning Shoe Store Small Engine Repair Spiritual Healing Stone Masonry Stone Wall Construction Stump Grinding Summer camp Tanning Salons Tax Consultant Theatres - Live Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tuxedo Rental Veterans Consultant Water Treatment Web site Design Wood Furnaces
Mohegan Seal Coating Co Ryan Asphalt Paving Bi-State Pest Control Rehoboth Pet Care East Coast Plastering David Laurino - Plastering Potter Plumbing Sine Plumbing & Heating Vintage Plumbing & Heating The Grist Mill Pool & Tennis Club Dun Rite Home Repair The Childrens Place Ltd. Century 21 T. R. Little, Realtor Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) ReMax Rivers Edge Home Pro Remodeling Country Kitchen Luxury Box Bar & Grille Tito’s Cantina Vinny T’s Atlas Roofing & Waterproofing Cameron Roofing B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. Tabeleys Roofing Home & Commercial Security Fisk Contracting Town Sanitation Bay State Sewage Disposal, Inc. Croome Sanitation, Inc. Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. St. Pierre’s Shoes Seekonk Small Engine Inc. A Master’s Touch Reeves Stone Mason Contractor Daniel D. Wright Realty LLC Mike’s Stump Grinding Rehoboth Fitness Studio Eastside Tanning Albert H Thornton, Jr., Esq. Trinity Repertory Company A. Viera Disposal Allied Waste Cleanway Disposal & Recycling Waste-Tech, Inc. Big Blue Removal Service Advanced Tree Choate Tree Service M.D. Tree Service Precision Tree Inc. Seekonk Tree Steve’s Tree Service Helene’s Bridal Shoppe Lori O’Brien-Foeri Water Filter Company, Inc. Sites by Joe Reed Outdoor Furnaces
30 6 66 18 27 31 1 30 13 10 80 7 11 5 37 67 8 85 8 85 55 60 50 65 31 81 35 8 72 87 76 68 1 53 6 87 32 77 53 92 17 38 15 5 22 65 73 69 9 9 60 9 25 16 37 13
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April 2010 The Reporter
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The Reporter April 2010
The Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769
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