May 2010 EP

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The East Providence

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MAY 2010 VOLUME 6, NO. 5


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

Summer Sun & Fun Upcoming Day Trips, Camps, & Outdoor Activities

Turn to page 47

Big Al’s Little League Team

by Carolyn Bray When you meet Little League coach Chris Grant, you expect him to talk a lot about what he does and plans for the Riverside team of 10 to 1 -year-old boys he coaches. However, you quickly learn that what this tall, bearded, Rob Reiner look-alike wants to talk about regarding the team he coaches is the late Big Al Santie. There are four Little League teams in Riverside, playing 1 games per season, and they only play other major division teams - kids 10-1 years of age - wearing green shirts for Big Al, the color chosen by Al himself. The team is all boys now but Coach Grant says girls are also welcome. The team Coach Grant works with is also named after Big Al, and a memorial to the late coach - whose big smile and loud laugh were known all over East Providence - rests in the field where the team plays. Coach and team gather around the Big Al’s memorial to pay their respects before their games. “Big Al was a legend,” Coach Grant begins, warming to his subject. What could make a very large group of East Providence men and boys - Big Al coached a lot of teams, including basketball, for many years - so reverent and devoted to the memory of one man? “There was a certain way he handled his teams, it was just unique,” Grant asserts.” The coach shows pictures of Big Al in a booklet about Riverside Little League as he speaks. continued on page 15...

10th Annual Memorial Day Parade Monday May 31st The parade will step off from the James Oldham School on Bullocks Point Avenue at 10:00 A.M., and will conclude at the American Legion Hall on 830 Willett Avenue. There will be a Steak Fry at the Legion after the parade and free hot dogs for the kids! Tickets for the Steak Fry are $10.00 each. This event is open to the public.

Wearing green is Riverside's Little League Team, in memory of Big Al.

The Reporter May 2010

May 010 The Reporter


East Providence News Briefs Costly Repairs Needed For East Providence Schools

wasn’t on the agenda. The committee approved the revisions unanimously.

Pretty In Pink Flamingo Fundraiser A Flying Success!

The East Providence schools are in need of $108 million worth of repairs. $53 million worth of the repairs are considered necessary to the safety of students, teachers and staffers or to the students’ education. A previous estimated of the cost of critical repairs totaled $ 5 million and was used by Supt. Mario Cirillo’s to recommend seeking up to $35 million in bonds for the repairs and a high school addition. Rhode Island is expected to receive $44 million for the qualified school-construction bond program and Cirillo said the chances of getting $15 million are good. The city’s burden for the bond is estimated at $7 million, which equals $ 30,000 annually for the next 30 years and will cost to the average homeowner is estimated to be $8.5 annually. A report detailing the needed repairs will be available to the public next month and include estimates of $ 0 million needed to fix fire and building code violations. The district had 1 fire code violations

Beginning April Fools Day, flocks of flamingos have landed on lawns throughout East Providence. The fake plastic flamingos have been seen around East Providence as part of a fundraiser for the high school’s post prom party. The birds have been sent to homes and businesses and ten pink flamingos landed at the school committee meeting on a recent Monday night. Mayor Larisa came home to find 100 flamingos on their front lawn. 50 flocks have been sent flying with these orders resulting in a total of about $3,000 for the post prom party. The party will feature a live band, DJ, hypnotist show, inflatables, a fortune teller and prizes in addition to swimming, volleyball and basketball. The party will be held after the prom on June 17.

Public Comment Policy Changes Take Effect

Pay Cuts In The Future For Teachers

Beginning in April 009, the School Committee required residents, who wished to speak at their meetings, to fill out a request form a week in advance of a meeting and before the meeting agenda was made public. Because of this policy, several students, who had not signed up in advance, were not allowed to discuss their opposition to the removal of a bio-med program they are enrolled in at the city’s career and technical school. This caused the School Committee to change its controversial policy on public comment and will allow discussion of matters that the board will talk about that evening. There will now be two opportunities to speak. Attendees can come up early in the meeting and comment on any matter listed on the agenda. Each person has three minutes and no advance sign up is necessary. The second way is to sign up in advance and at the end of the meeting, a person has three minutes to discuss a matter that

The School Committee is planning to reduce teachers’ pay by another 3 percent. This should help close an expected $ .5million budget gap in the current fiscal year. The School Committee said the projected budget deficit of $ .5-million comes from midyear state-aid cuts, a reduction in federal assistance and a projected pension relief that didn’t completely materialize. If the proposal goes as planned the city’s 51 teachers will have 1. Their paychecks reduced until November. . Seven paid sick days taken away 3. An increase in maximum class sizes and 4. An extended work day and work year. These changes would increase teachers’ work days by a half an hour to seven hours; increase their work year from 181 days to 185 days. These reductions are projected to save the district $740,000 this year. Val Lawson said increasing the class size — from 35 to 40 students for physical continued on page 4


The comments in Talk of the Townies, My Five Cents Worth, or other opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the views of the owners, editors or staff of the The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Would you like to write for the Reporter? Please call the Editors at 508-252-6575.... Let's Talk! We are looking for writers on all subjects and from all "parties" that may be of interest to the residents of East Providence. Call 508-252-6575

Inside This Issue Births.................................. 5 Business Directory...................70 Classifieds................................ 9 Clubs......................................44 Dining Guide............................ E.P. Chamber of Commerce..... 0 EBCAP News............................11 Events & Activities.................... 9 How You Can Help.................1 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................51 News Briefs................................3 Opinion.............................. From the Mayor.................18 EP School Committee.......19 Parks and Recreation..............14 People...................................... 4 Senior Center News................58 School News......................4 Scouts............................... Sports Update.......................53 State House.......................53 Summer Sun and Fun.............47


The Reporter May 010

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education and health classes, and 5 to 8 for other classes — is not educationally sound. At the May 10th board meeting, the committee plans to vote to 1. Cut the pay of 9 administrators by 5 percent. . Require 0% payments toward the cost of health insurance for principals, 3. Allow fewer paid sick days and five furlough days These cuts would save another $170,000. The current changes saved the district more than $3 million and a Superior Court judge recently upheld the changes. The 009 cuts in pay resulted in approximately $ ,000 out of the average teacher’s annual paycheck and union officials estimate that a 3% cut for 1 months would equal an additional loss of about $ ,000. Teachers on a picket line reported financial strains — being behind on their mortgage, having to cut daycare and little money for unexpected emergencies, such as house repairs from the state’s recent floods.

Come to Resource Recovery’s Eco-Depot & Computer Recycling Collection On 5/8 Appointment Needed For Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off

Johnston, R.I. (April 1 , 010) – Need to get rid of household goods that cannot be tossed in the trash? Bring them to the Central Landfill on Saturday, May 8 from 8:00 to noon. Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation will accept household hazardous waste (HHW), computers, televisions and assorted electronic waste for free. However, only Rhode Island waste is accepted. What is HHW? Any product that is flammable, combustible, explosive, toxic, corrosive, poisonous and hazardous to health qualifies as HHW. RIRRC accepts a wide variety of HHW such as oil-based paints, propane gas tanks, fluorescent light bulbs, turpentine, driveway sealers, and unused lawn and garden fertilizers. Because the products are harmful to humans, animals, and the environment, they cannot be placed in regular trash and special care must be taken with their disposal. Likewise, most electronic waste – computers, televisions, scanners, mouse devices - cannot be placed in the trash or recycled through R.I.’s curbside program. For a complete list of eligible HHW, go to On the Web site, you can book an Eco-Depot appointment or call 94 -1430 x 41. Appointments are not necessary for recycling e-waste. All Rhode Islanders in need of flood disaster assistance should register with FEMA at or 1-800- 1-33 (TTY 1800-4 -7585). Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation is the quasistate environmental agency dedicated to providing the public with environmentally sound programs and facilities to manage waste. The agency helps fund and promote the state’s recycling program, and owns and operates the Materials Recycling Facility and Central Landfill in Johnston.

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to advertise in the next issue

May 010 The Reporter

Letters to the Editor...


The East Providence

Reporter Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 15th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!


Give Your Time and Love

National Nursing Home Week®, which begins on Mother’s Day May 9 and ends May 15, 010, is a special week where residents, caregivers, families, staff and volunteers honor and celebrate nursing facility life. This year’s theme is “Enriching Every Day” and is a perfect time to visit your loved ones, friends, and neighbors, as many facilities in Rhode Island will be hosting special events. If you are unable to visit, please make a phone call, send a card, flowers or even an email; this special attention will make someone’s day. Take this time to reach out and let someone very special know that you are thinking about them now and throughout the year. If you are not a regular visitor you might find the brochure, “Tips on Visiting Friends and Relatives,” helpful. It covers such things as planning for the visit, visits outside the facility and who should visit. This brochure is available free by calling 1-800- 8-8140 or at Sincerely, Garrett E. Sullivan, Executive Director - Waterview Villa

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We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect local areas. We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified ads and display advertising.


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Kilmartin Receives Endorsement from Teamsters Local 251

Follows Recent Endorsement from United Food and Commercial Workers Local 328

Today, Teamsters Local 51 announced it would join working families across Rhode Island in supporting Peter F. Kilmartin for Attorney General. “With his experience as a police captain, prosecutor, and elected official, I can’t think of a candidate better prepared to take on the role of Attorney General than Peter F. Kilmartin,” said Joe Bairos, Secretary Treasurer of Teamsters Local 51. “Our members know that Peter F. Kilmartin is committed to enhancing the economic security of Rhode Islanders, keeping our communities safe, and restoring the public trust in our government. We’re confident that he will be the advocate that Ocean State residents need to move our state towards a stronger and more secure tomorrow.” “As a native Rhode Islander, I have great respect for the members of Teamsters Local 51 and the role they play in our economy and our local communities,” said Kilmartin. “I am honored to receive the Teamsters’ support, and I look forward to working with it’s members to fight for the protection of all Rhode Islanders as our state’s next Attorney General.” Teamsters Local 51 represents more than 5,800 Rhode Island workers and is an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), which represents more than 1.4 million members in the United States. They join the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 3 8 in supporting the candidacy of Peter F. Kilmartin for Attorney General.

About Peter F. Kilmartin

Peter F. Kilmartin is a former Pawtucket police captain and prosecutor, current state representative (D-Pawtucket), attorney, professor at Providence College, and 010 candidate for Attorney General. continued on page 6

Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento call 401-5 9-47 Feature Writers David Howard Carolyn Bray Laura Calverley Gina Wesley-Silva Photography Norm Spring Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral TCI Press

PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 Visit Our Website at...

The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.

The Reporter May 2010

City Victorious in Police Chief Decision

We are gratified today that the arbitrator agreed that the City Manager possessed the legal right to seek applications for Police Chief from both inside and outside the department. With that power, he was able to pick the best and the brightest from all applicants - which is what the people of East Providence expect and deserve. No politics, all merits. The City Manager recently chose a supremely qualified Chief from Warwick -- who also happens to be the first minority police chief of any municipality in the state - and who is doing a great job. Now that this issue is settled, the men and women of the EPPD can continue to focus on what they do best - defending and protecting the people of East Providence. Mayor Joe Larisa

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A.a.r.p. Local Announces Meeting East Providence chapter #1302 of the A.A.R.P., (American Association of Retired Persons), will hold its annual meeting and Ethnic Pot Luck Luncheon on:

They Just Don’t Care

School Committee and the Administration Wearing Rose Colored Glass!

The City, our School System, Teacher, Students and Taxpayers are in serious difficulties and the burial chambers are getting bigger. Our School Committee Chair Person says “we got to spend money” and they want to. They originally were asking for the taxpayers to support a $35 million dollar bond issue. This is when, I told them that they must be wearing Rose Color Glasses, have they walled around the City and seen how many homes are for sale, have they spoke to the people to see how many could not afford a $40 tax increase. That they would never get this bond passed. This brought out the best of Carcieri and his walking around question and saying “It is difficult when no money is around”. Supt Cirillo’s request was not only for repairs but to put an addition onto the High School. How can they even think of an addition during these difficult times? What is even more interesting the entire school committee voted for it! Some might say pay now or pay later, or as Carcieri so easily states we inherited this situations and yes they did, but they have been in office for almost two years now and it is time to take responsibility for their actions, correct the problem but not at $35 million dollars. The School administrations hired an outside company to tell them what they already knew and that the schools are in dire need of repair, what they did not know the estimate would be $108 million and $53 million considered to be an “absolute must” for safety reasons. While the new estimate is much higher, Cirillo changed his proposal and the district will seek a $15 million zero-interest bond this year for the repairs. The cost to the average homeowner is estimated to be $8.56 annually over Thirty years It amazes me how they can change their glasses, overnight, Even with an increase of repairs from $25million to $108 million. Who is trying to pull the wool over whose eye? Bob Enos

Thursday, May 6th, at 11:30am

The meeting will take place at the Riverside Congregational Church, located at 15 Oak Ave. in Riverside. Members who have not already signed up to brig a dish may call Florence at 401-433-1629. Patrolman Thomas Aguiar will be the guest speaker. Members are asked to bring non-perishable food items for the local food bank and personal care items for our troops over seas. Tickets for the Tuesday June 1st luncheon at Davenports restaurant will be on sale for $20 each. Please make checks payable to A.A.R.P. #1302. Guests are always welcome.

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Thomas A. Rose Jr. Announces Candidacy for East Providence City Council Ward 3

Thomas A. Rose Jr. officially announced his campaign for City Council Ward 3. A resident of Ward 3 for 18 plus years, Tommy has observed the needs of the community and is ready to represent Ward 3 with a new voice. “I feel it would be my privilege to serve the residents of East Providence as a City Council Member. The future of our city depends on honest leadership and strong economic development. That needs to start right here in Ward 3.” Although a newcomer to the political arena, Tommy brings with him a long history of family involvement in the City of East Providence. His grandparents, Henry and Mary Rose, were the founders of Rose Furniture, a thriving small business in East Providence for over seventy years. “My grandparents started a business in this city many years ago. Through their example, I not only learned all of the important details of how to run a small family business, but also how to be an active member of the East Providence community.” His uncle, Henry Rose, held the District 63 seat in the General Assembly for 16 years after serving on the East Providence Planning Board for ten years. “I’ve also watched my uncle work hard for citizens over the past sixteen years, and I’ve learned a great deal from him.

May 010 The Reporter But now I feel it is my time to give back to my community. I believe I can be a strong voice for the residents of Ward 3.” Tommy Rose and Diane Medeiros reside in the Kent Heights area of East Providence with their son Tyler. Tommy is a self-employed small business owner, and is currently a member of the National Small Business Association. “I’m like every person in this city. We’re all struggling with the current economy, wondering how we are going to put food on our tables, afford our energy costs, and improve education so that our children will see a better future. My strong business background along with the Rose family values of honesty, integrity and courtesy will be at the heart of my campaign.” Thomas Rose for City Council Ward 3

John Savage Will Seek Reelection

I wish to inform you and the good citizens of Riverside that I am seeking reelection to the Rhode Island House of Representatives in the upcoming election. Over the last several years I have worked very hard for the people of Riverside and Rhode Island and I do take pride in my legislative successes. I do think about the young type 1 diabetic children whose lives have been positively affected as a result of the House Commission which I organized and led. I am proud of the fact that legislation which I initially proposed resulted in a statewide school bussing contract which is saving communities hundreds of thousands of dollars in transportation costs; Also the enactment of my proposal for the reduction of solid waste disposal fees for Rhode Island communities as they increase their amounts of recyclable material. continued on page 9

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May 010 The Reporter I am proud of my efforts to see that Separation of Powers finally became a reality as I cosponsored the Gorham Constitutional Amendment. And although voting to sustain the Governor’s budget proved fruitless, it did provide a forum where the budget issues which are plaguing Rhode Island could be brought forward. As one of the earliest and most vocal advocates for a fair, equitable school funding formula, I am now hopeful and optimistic that this will happen soon. But I am most proud of the way I have served. It is the issue and my study of the issue, not whether it was politically popular or unpopular, not whether it was supported by one party or another, which forms my opinions; And I always make a serious effort to keep my constituents informed of my opinions, votes and actions by answering their calls, letters, and emails in a timely fashion and by communicating via the news media. Common Cause issues a report card on what it calls good government votes. Of the five report cards issued during my tenure in the legislature, I have always been amongst the top ten highest scoring legislators and twice I have had the very highest mark. It has truly been my honor and my high privilege to serve you and to you I am most grateful. Without your encouragement and your support this experience would never be mine. I humbly thank you and ask for your help in my continuing fight to bring good and affordable government to Rhode Island. Sincerely, Representative John A. Savage

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They Have Shown Their Mettle

It really comes as no surprise. Over the objections of countless voices of reason and in direct defiance of common sense, the Rhode Island General Assembly has overwhelmingly decided to send us their age old message with only one minor variation; “we don’t care about the taxpayer” now has an addendum; “we still don’t care, nor do we intend to care about the taxpayer”. In doing this, they have drawn the proverbial line in the sand, confident that the voters of Rhode Island will be afraid to cross it. They have turned their backs on us as a final insult to anyone without big-labor affiliation. Basically, the House of Representatives as a whole (kudos to Jack Savage for not going along with this) said; “let’s stab them in the chest”. The Senate disagreed saying; “let’s stab them in the back”. Either way, the interests of the already overburdened homeowners of Rhode Island are obviously not at the core of their interests. Trade unions should not for one moment feel this is a victory for them. Plumbers, pipefitters and a myriad of Americana are cast aside as well. Now is a good time for them to ask their employer how the company will fair as more and more Rhode Islanders join the exodus from our state. Who will the carpenters work for when the few residents left here can’t afford to update their home? It is neither prudent nor productive to ask this legislature to consider reasonable measures or a degree of concern for the average Rhode Islander. They have made it clear; their constituents of concern are public employees, and everyone else is a mere burden to them. They will continue to drive Rhode Island down the road to ruin unless the most basic and effective right of the citizen is exercised; the right to vote them out. There are no more equitable requests. Not even demands for recognition will be considered. The time has come to simply make them leave their positions, and return to the constituency. The time has come to make certain they understand; “You Cannot Have My State”. Steve Gerling



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The Reporter May 010


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River's Edge

Riverside/Bayview: Dutch Rumford/Bridgham Farm: Rumford: duplex; dining, 1/ Rumford: 4 bed .5 bath Colonial, 4B, baths, fp, hwds, bath on 1st ea side. 3 beds/ Colonial; liv w fp, din, cent updated 4 bed bath din, Updated: septic, furnace, bath up on 1 side, 4 beds air on 1st. hdwds, screened Colonial. granite kit, liv rm w roof, windows, kitch $ 9,900 bath up on other. $ 4,900 porch, c garage. $338,000 fp, porch deck. $359,000 robin Lozito 401-486-6913 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039

Rumford: Victorian on 37,000 Rumford: Lg updated fam w hwds; new wins, roof, SF. high-end kitchen, new electric. Ea unit - 3 beds, appliances, granite, hwds, liv rm, kitch, din, 3 season baths, 4 beds, porches, porch. 3 c garage, $ 59,000 office, & more $358,888 Bill Duquette 401-258-6826 Bill Duquette 401-258-6826

Riverside: Ranch in Rumford - ready to move in. Waddington/Meadowcrest. designer kitchen, bamboo flooring, granite countertops, Finished basement. fenced yard, in-ground pool! sliders to deck, living rm, $ 54,900 too much to list... $ 59,000 Jodi Hedrick 508-509-3925 Bill Duquette 401-258-6826






Scituate: Ranch on private Seekonk: Wonderful home in Riverside: Cape w stone Rumford: Amazing BR great location! 3 beds, EIK, fp, din rm, hwds, baths. Cape with quality upgrades compound w horse stable & riding ring, hdwds, beautiful liv dining, finished basement w Former in-law a great space in spectacular location. rm w fp, lrg EIK, new bath w rms. Walk-out garage- lg for teen/ext fam! $ 55,000 michelle rockwell whirlpool/hot tub. $395,000 corner lot. $ 79,900 401-954-1159 michelle Cartwright michelle rockwell 401-954-1159 margaret Farley 401-447-8830 401-663-5677

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May 010 The Reporter


News from the East Bay Community Action Program...

East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offers a wide array of health and human services for area residents. Its upper bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000. Two EBCAP programs, East Providence Reads, now in its 1 year of serving at risk students and the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) are continuing to serve area children. Four new volunteers have been trained for East Providence Reads and there are now 55 Foster Grandparent volunteers serving at 35 sites, and contributing over 45,000 hours of service, annually. The RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) Keenagers, a knitting group, recently received a Certificate of Congratulations from Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts for their participation in the Operation Holiday Cheer Program. The Keenagers knitted 850 helmet liners which were shipped overseas to soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. * * * East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) held a week of activities to celebrate Earth Day (Thursday, April ), at all its locations. Sponsored by the organization’s Green Team, the daily programs included asking EBCAP employees to bring a reusable mug, dishes, water bottle and/or utensils for use at work, and take part in an All-EBCAP clean-up/plant a garden day. Staff was also asked to clean out an office closet, desk drawer or work space, remembering to recycle materials that will be discarded. Bringing recyclable plastic bags to a supermarket recycle bin is also part of the week long observance. EBCAP’s Green Team has been involved in establishing recycling programs at all locations.


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East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club Announces Meetings and Guest Speakers

East Providence, R.I.: The East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club, an organization of business and professional persons who provide humanitarian service to our community and in the world, announces the following upcoming meeting and guest speaker: Monday, May 3, 010: Guest Speaker: Seth Bai, Veterans Service Officer, Town of Seekonk East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club meetings are held on Mondays at the 1149 East Restaurant, 9 5 Fall River Avenue in Seekonk MA at 1 :15 p.m. Businesspersons and individuals interested in attending the presentations and learning more about Rotary Club activities may contact Club President Mike McQuade at 508-33 -4985. Chartered in 194 , the East Providence, RI/Seekonk, MA Rotary Club (No. 334, District 7950) is a local club of Rotary International, based in Chicago, IL. Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. East Providence/Seekonk Club meetings are held at the 1149 East Restaurant, 9 5 Fall River Avenue in Seekonk each Monday at 1 :15 pm. For more information, contact Club President Michael McQuade at 508-33 -4985 or write: PO Box 14303, East Providence, RI 0 914.


Steve’s Tree Service Professional arborist at a reasonable price. We go out on a limb for you!

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The Reporter May 010


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Tap-In (Touch A Person In Need) is an all volunteer, donor supported agency assisting clients in the East Bay area with free distribution of emergency food, children’s clothing, furniture and household items. While Fire Codes prohibit the storage of any overstuffed items such as mattresses, sofas, recliners, etc these items are still needed and matches may be made by calling the office. Among other items there are currently 40 requests for bureaus and 45 for beds in all sizes. Non-upholstered items such as chairs, tables, shelves, microwave and TV carts, computer desks, etc. may be picked up clients on site. Bedding, particularly in full, queen and king sizes is in extremely short supply, and towels are always needed as well. Any small appliances such as microwaves, coffee makers, mixers, blenders, toasters and toaster ovens also disappear quickly. Please be sure that all items are clean and in good working order with all parts included. Tap-In’s Food Closet, as well as all other food assistance sites, continues to be rapidly depleted. Strong support of the upcoming NALC Food Drive on May 8 would go a long way to help out those in need. Donations of the above mentioned items as well as seasonal children’s clothing up to size 14, and non-perishable food may be dropped during regular office hours 9 to noon, Mon thru Fri, and will also be open on Sat, May , 9 to noon, for the extra convenience of donors and food clients who may not be able to access the agency during the week. Tap-In is located in the lower level of the Library building on County Rd. Please call 47-1444 for any further information regarding donations or volunteer opportunities.

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Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from :00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 959 North Main St. in Providence on May 7, 010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331-5437 or visit www.

May 010 The Reporter

R Y A S R E V I HAPPY ANN Announcing The First Anniversary Of Hattie Ide Chaffee Home's In-House Rehabilitation Department!

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The Reporter May 010

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East Providence Parks & Recreation PPAC Shows 2010-2011 Date November 1, 010 Sunday

(City Hall) Show Cost Rockettes $54 Christmas Spectacular

Depart time :00 P.M.

December 1 , 010 Sunday

South Pacific


:00 P.M.

January 1 , 011 Sunday

In the Heights $54 Best Musical Tony Awards

:00 P.M.

February 8, 011 Tuesday

Lion King


:30 P.M.

April 17, 011 Sunday



:00 P.M.

May 1, 011 Sunday

West Side Story $5

:00 P.M.

Reservations begin for all shows May 14, 2010 at 8:30 A.M.

Deposit of $30.00 due for the Rockettes and Lion King only at this time. Call Deborah Rochford for more information 435-7513

The East Providence Parks & Recreation will be taking reservations for:

August 4th Lobster Roll Cruise in East Dennis, MA August 11th Portland Duck Tour, lunch will be at the Clam Bake Restaurant in Scarboro, MA Reservation for these trips will begin on June 4th by calling Deborah Rochford at the City Hall, (401) 435-7513 beginning 8:30 a.m.

Pawtucket Parks & Recreation to Hold Women’s Tennis League

The Pawtucket Department of Parks and Recreation is accepting applications for its annual women’s tennis league to be held at the Slater Park tennis facility in Pawtucket, RI. The league is open to adult women players ranging in levels .0 – 4.0. Participants must be knowledgeable of match play; this is NOT an instructional program. Women’s Doubles League will be held on Tuesdays, June 1 – August 10, beginning @ p.m. Women’s Singles League will be held on Thursdays, June 3 – August 5, beginning @ p.m. The fee is $ 5 per person for Pawtucket residents, $35 for nonresidents. Persons wishing to play both doubles and singles, add $5 to the base fee. To obtain an application, contact the Pawtucket Parks office at 401-7 8-0500, Ext. 51. Application deadline is Friday, May 1, 010.

May 010 The Reporter

Continued from the Cover...


Big Al’s Little League Team

by Carolyn Bray “[For Big Al] it wasn’t just about winning and losing, but being competitive, having some fun.” Coach Grant says that the Big Al methods he tries to emulate with coaching Little League have to do with “teaching the kids not only the fundamentals of baseball, but also values: hard work, determination and extra effort was what Big Al was all about.” Big Al did all his coaching, spent time mentoring kids and attending games, despite having heart and kidney problems and being on dialysis. He had siblings in town, but no wife or kids of his own. As his health deteriorated, his close friend Ron Silva and Silva’s family were among those who helped him, and the coaches and team fathers like Chris Grant sometimes had to carry him to his car after a game, partly because he had a prosthetic leg. Big Al was simply determined to be there for the teams, until the day in 007 when one team member found him dead in his home. Coach Grant says coats of Big Al’s that were purchased by his friends after his death still smell like cigars, which Al Santie loved to smoke, despite his health problems. Even when he was in dialysis treatment, this very social man would get the medical technicians to gather around him as he told stories, and his booming laugh could be heard all over the clinic. Big Al’s concern for the kids was also obvious: he would often greet them by asking how their grades were or what they had eaten for dinner. Coach Grant says now Ron Silva is the person they go to with questions regarding the Little League, and that he has been a staunch and generous supporter of the Little League in many ways. Coach Grant coaches with Kevin Feeney, another ballplayer who grew up in Big Al’s Little League. Both men are devoted to the Big Al team and to his memory, and have vowed they will coach the team into old age. Coach Grant goes back to the fond subject of Al Santie himself. “He was a father figure to every kid in the City.” Jaime Silva, of the Indianapolis Colts football team, played in the Riverside Little League, and recently there was a Jaime Silva day held for him in East Providence. Coach Grant obviously thinks that Silva’s experience working under Al Santie helped him in his career. Chris Grant reiterates what made Big Al such a special contributor to the kids and the community - a community so fond of him that all the mourners who came to his funeral could not fit into the chosen church. What was needed in the game and in life was “patience (with your less talented players),” says Grant, “hard work and extra effort, it was all about the things going on in [the kids’] lives. Al would say if they made a mistake that it was okay, ‘”Get the next one.”’ He instilled confidence in them all.” Al Santie also taught good sportsmanship to the young men he coached, and that if you worked really hard, good things would happen. The Riverside team named after him, led by two coaches who revered him, clearly intend to make Al’s positive outlook on life and sports come true.


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Big Al's coaching jackets.

Coach Chris Grant.


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The Reporter May 010

New Principal Gives E.P. High School Rave Reviews!

By Gina Wesley-Silva It has been almost one year since Janet Sheehan took over Earlier this year Sheehan assembled a Student Advisory Group as principal of East Providence Senior High School, and for her made up of students from all grades. The group meets once a the honeymoon is far from over. Sheehan became principal in month to discuss various topics of importance and interest to the July of 009, and says her new position is both rewarding and students. Sheehan says she was immediately encouraged by the gratifying. students participation and dedication. “Someone commented “I LOVE it! I absolutely love it here! I love the students, the that there is a new enthusiasm and energy now at E.P., and that is faculty, the parents! There is just tons and tons of participation in what we needed here. The students can feel the new energy and this school. It is unbelievable!” enthusiasm too, and they know they’re a part of it because I make Sheehan says she is not surprised at how enjoyable this exthem a part of it. It‘s about taking back your school and having an perience is proving to be for her since the school has always had input in your school. It‘s exciting and fun!” a very good reputation amongst her colleagues. “I have always Of course though, as with all things E.P. High has had its share heard that this is a close knit community which takes a lot of pride of criticisms too. When asked why some parents might not want to in their work. In fact, everything I had ever heard about the school send their children to E.P., Sheehan responded, “Well, the size of the and this district was so overwhelmingly positive that when I found school is one thing that may make parents worry. There is concern out about the opening I applied right away!” that their child may get lost in a school of 1800 plus students, and No stranger to educational systems or administrations, Sheenot receive the personalized attention they deserve.” han has over 0 years of experience. Prior to her current position With the schools’ current student population holding at approxiat E.P. High, Sheehan was the Associate Principal of Teaching & mately 171 , E.P. High is easily one of the largest high schools in Learning at Middletown High School for 5 years, and worked in the state. The normal student population fluctuates between 1700 the Providence School System for 15 years in Special Education, and 1800 students. Sheehan says the reason the current student school suspensions, and as Director of Guidance. population is low is because the school recently began cracking Sheehan says the faculty at E.P. High is outstanding. “I’ve down on residency, and making certain that students are residents worked in 3 different districts and this is absolutely the best faculty of East Providence. But, prior to that crackdown Sheehan says the I have worked with in all 0 years!” She further explained, “This student population ran well over 000. faculty is very self-reflective. They constantly evaluate what works Sheehan says there is one aspect of the school that she would and what doesn’t. It’s about instruction, instruction, instruction! like to see improved. “The physical structure of the building itself Everything else is peripheral. Our teachers and staff are committed needs work,” she says. “You want kids to take pride in their school. to that. It is a very effective way to educate.” You want them to keep the hallways clean, and to not litter or throw Another contribution to the betterment of the school are the stuff on the floor because that is a reflection of who we say we are, Conflict Resolution Counselors, or C.R.C.’s, says Sheehan. “They and how we feel about where we are. But, when you walk down have done a fantastic job this year! Our student suspensions have the hall and the ceiling is leaking or tiles are coming up from the been cut by approximately 70 % already. At this time last year, we floor, it doesn’t say we care about where our kids are going or the had approximately 500 suspensions, but now we are down to about environment they spend their day in.” E.P. High was built in 1951, 150, and that is mostly due to the work of the CRC‘s.” with some additions added later. The school has recently come Sheehan explained that every student who comes back from a under criticism from a concerned community and other sources suspension must go through personal counseling from the C.R.C.’s. due to its deteriorating physical structure. And that, along with mandatory school assemblies, focusing on But, despite the schools’ massive size and physical imperfecproper behavior, has contributed immensely to the progress in tions Sheehan still maintains that it is a great school. “We have minimizing student suspensions. some of the best teachers in the state here. We are using all of the The vast majority of students at E.P. High are remarkably polite best instructional strategies we can to help every child at every and cooperative, says Sheehan. “These kids are so respectful and level succeed. And, there is a sense of community here that I didn’t focused. When you have an assembly of 400 kids and it is so quiet experience when I was in high school!” She added, “There are so in there that you can hear a pin drop because they are respectful many things to get involved in here, there are sports, there’s the of the speaker…you know you’ve got good kids!” band, and the musical theatre group, and there are various clubs

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May 010 The Reporter - we have an environmental club, and a fishing club, just to name a few. There are just so many things students can get involved with at this school! For instance, our science department has an outstanding relationship with RI Hospital, whereby interested and qualifying seniors can spend 3 weeks experiencing all facets of the trauma unit, including participating in mock surgeries, as well as witnessing actual live surgeries too.” Clearly Sheehan is more than satisfied with EP High thus far, but she says she is even more positive about its future. “In my opinion, all of the data around this school, in no way represents the potential of the kids in this school, nor the achievements that we can and will attain moving forward. I think the potential for this school is huge!” It seems that Sheehan is not alone in her belief in the schools’ potential or in her intent to secure the schools’ future success and development. On April 5, a special ceremony was held at the school in honor of the Class of 19 1 which donated $4000 to E.P. High, to help create an E-portfolio computer lab in the library, so that students will be able to do digital portfolios in the future. Each month Sheehan posts a different “habit of the month,” from The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, on the marquis outside the school on Pawtucket Ave. For the month of April it read, “Keep Hope Alive.” It seems to be reflective of everything Sheehan believes in.

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FROM THE MAYOR’S DESK by Joseph S. Larisa, Jr.


If you are a reader of this column, you realize that managing a budget in the midst of the “great recession” is a neverending battle. Just when you think you’ve plugged a hole in the dam, another one opens up. Such is the case with the State’s auto tax cut, for which it promised to reimburse cities and towns for the lost revenue (and did until last year). Yet, last year it cut East Providence $3 million dollars of promised reimbursement, which forced us to use all of the 3.5% tax cap just to offset some ($ .1 million) of the cut. But that was only the beginning. The General Assembly is in the middle of making more cuts to the promised car tax payment for this year, and even ending the program for next year. As of press time, on the table are cuts to the city side of up to another $1 million this year and a staggering $ million starting July 1. In addition, more cuts to our schools are likely both this year and next. Meanwhile, the General Assembly continues to consider bills that would mandate millions more in taxpayers payments to teachers through binding arbitration or stopping taxpayer changes to unaffordable contracts. Just as bad, the legislature refuses to give cities and town any of the tools we need to afford the state budget cuts. The worst example is the refusal to pass a mandatory minimum 15% healthcare copay for all municipal employees. Big labor got to the representatives, and promised retribution at the ballot box. The result – taxpayers lose. Our bottom line in EP is that our taxpayers have done their share with a 3.5% tax rate increase, the top of our cap. Economic justice demands that additional revenue or cuts must come from somewhere else. If you get a moment, email your legislators and tell them you’ve paid enough. No more broken promises – give your City the tools it needs to reign in unaffordable salaries and benefits. Tools that work when Big Labor says no at the negotiating table. On another happier note, a year ago if you remember, the City and Police Union were in a protracted dispute over necessary salary and benefit cuts and with the selection of a new police chief. The result on the contract (after much wrangling and layoffs) was an agreement for this year that benefitted EP taxpayers by saving the city over $ 00k. On the police chief selection, recently an arbitrator ruled that the City Manager lawfully considered applicants from inside and outside the department, and that his pick of an outsider, was legal. The Council majority, which backed the City Manager’s ability to interview anyone qualified who applied, took a lot of heat for not ordering that insiders only need apply. But we heard from you with the overwhelming sentiment – why shouldn’t the City Manager choose from the largest pool possible and pick the best and brightest from all applicants? That is exactly what happened. Now that the dust has settled, we have an excellent chief, Joseph Tavares, with Townie roots. As an added bonus, we have the first municipal minority police chief in Rhode Island. We kept politics out and made sure merit prevailed. That’s Townie Pride.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please email me at * Joe Larisa was elected Mayor of East Providence for a fourth term in December 2008 by the Council. He was elected councilman at large in November 2008, a position he previously held from 1992-2002, and 2004-06.

May 010 The Reporter


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EP School Committee Asks Teachers Union to Help Close Budget Gap

continued on page 21

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In a letter from the School Department’s attorney, Daniel Kinder, the Committee proposed that teachers’ salaries be reduced by 3% for about the last one month of this school year and the first two months of the next school year. In addition, seven of teachers’ 0 sick days (15 for those hired after 1984) would be without pay. Teachers would be asked to be at school up to seven hours per day, rather than ½ hours, and they would undertake four days of professional training, bringing their work year to 185 days. The maximum number of students allowed in any class would go from 5 to 8. Kinder wrote to Jeanette Woolley, an employee of National Education Association of Rhode Island, and the spokesperson for the East Providence Teachers’ Union (“EPEA”). In the letter, Kinder said “The [schools] administration has reviewed every line of the budget in order to try to avoid debt . . . without again asking the teachers’ union for concessions. Unfortunately, even though the Committee will take most of the money from other budget lines, it does not appear that this impending deficit can be solved without EPEA concessions.” The letter was authorized by a unanimous vote of the School Committee. “The law doesn’t allow the Committee to incur debt,” Kinder said. “With the funding cuts the House and Senate already have approved, and with less federal funding than last year, the School Department just doesn’t have enough money. When that happens, the law is very clear. The Committee must take action to balance its budget.” Lonnie Barham, School Department COO said, “For the first time in many years, this year’s budget provided adequately for books and supplies and computer education. We established a reserve to pay down the debt that past school committees ran up. We’re going to need all of that and more to balance our budget in the face of reduced federal funding and state funding shortfalls.” Kinder’s letter emphasized that the “Committee remains committed to continuous improvement in the educational program. The [proposed changes] are



The Reporter May 2010

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

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May 010 The Reporter


intended to permit and effect improvements in the educational program, even while meeting the law’s requirements that the School Department operate within its allotted funding limits.” “We’ve been asking the Union to negotiate over these issues for over two years,” said Mario Cirillo, Superintendent of Schools. ‘For many years, the first half hour of class time at the High School has been unproductive, simply because the students don’t have time to get from one class to another. That means they drift in late, 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE all at different times. Now we’ll fix that. Teachers now won’t have to take precious time away from their classes for their professional development. We’ll provide it, and all professionals in the system Commercial • Residential • Licensed • Insured will move forward together. In the Elementary Schools, we’re going to give the teachers a chance to work on planning together. Every study shows these changes impact student learning in a good way. The U.S. Secretary of Education urges reforms of this kind. Our R.I. Commissioner of Education does too. We’re doing it.” Kinder’s letter says that the School Committee intends to vote on these reforms at its May 10 meeting. In the meantime, the Committee has invited the Union to meet to discuss the proposed reforms. “There is no time to waste if we’re to close the year with a balanced budget,” said Anthony Carcieri, School Committee Chair. “We’re almost through this school year, so any changes we make will save a lot less money than if we had started in September.” Chief Operating Officer Lonnie Barham commented, “The Department of Education tells us we’re going to lose $735,000 in money the state promised us for this year. On top of that, the savings the State promised from pension reform haven’t materialized the way they said it would. We’re off another $ 50,000 there. And the federal money we received last year won’t all be available this year either. That’s another $1. million.” The proposed changes would save $740,000 this year. “Teachers’ compensation accounts for about 0% of the schools’ budget,” said Barham. “We are cutting everything else that we can. It’s just about impossible to make any real progress, though, if you don’t touch the largest budget line, and that is teachers’ compensation. We can’t stop paying for special education. We can’t shut down the schools for a week or two as a business FREE ONSITE CONSULTATION might do. The law doesn’t allow it.” “Everybody on the Committee is excited about improving VIZCAD Design • Bristol RI • 401.253.2119 instruction, giving students greater consistency with their regular A Division of Wood Frame Structures teachers in the classroom, creating a common plan for improving student achievement at all levels,” said Carcieri. “What none of us wanted to do was go back to the teachers to help us solve this financial shortfall. And none of us wanted to see class sizes go up, even by just a couple of students. There is just no other way to do what the law requires.” “We are in a period where things just get worse and worse,” said Committee member Bob Faria. “It’s not what we want to do, but anybody who sits on a school committee today has to go through the cutting process. One thing is for sure with this Committee, though. We are going to keep looking out for the kids. We must be the only school department in the state that can say our academic program is better Mother's Day & Prom Specials today than it was two years ago.” • $5.00 OFF Full Set Acrylic Nails “The only reason we aren’t facing 5% cuts in pay across • $5.00 OFF Manicure & Pedicure Combo the board is that we’ve taken our fiscal responsibilities very • 30% OFF Permanent Makeup Application seriously for the last two years,” Carcieri said. “If we hadn’t • 20 Minute Foot Massage $15.00 then the most recent cuts from the state would be a disaster. Sale ends 6-15-10 Remember, there is nothing left to cut out of our budget. Our buildings are falling down because even building mainteNOW ACCEPTING Gift Also Offering nance was cut to next to nothing by past school committees. KIDS & ADULT Certifi cates Waxing & We’ve had experts study this. The only place we can cut is BIRTHDAY Available Facials PARTIES the amount we pay to employees. Everything else we pay is required by law.” Open 7 days a week Last year, confronted with an anticipated $4 million 150 Highland Ave., Route (Next to Bob's Store), Seekonk, MA shortfall, the School Committee took decisive action. After




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negotiating and arbitrating contract issues with the teachers’ union for five months, the negotiations were at impasse. The Committee then unilaterally rolled back a 5% pay increase from the prior year, eliminated a costly provision that paid teachers $5000 a year for not taking health insurance coverage, and required teachers to make the first contribution ever to the cost of their health insurance. The move saved the School District $3. million. A month ago, the Superior Court ruled that the Committee’s actions were lawful. In rapid succession last year, the Committee then negotiated new contracts with its custodians union, teacher assistants union and secretaries union. Millions of dollars in concessions were gained from these negotiations. “To find ourselves right back in the hole is discouraging,” said Steven Santos, a member of the School Committee. “But that’s Rhode Island today. The people at the State House are the only ones who can solve this, and they aren’t willing to do it. Until they take some sensible action, schools all over the state are going to have to cut back.” “With unemployment over 1 % in East Providence, most people who have jobs know they’re lucky. When the jobs come with great benefits and guaranteed, high value pensions for life, we all know they are blessed,” said Carcieri. “We don’t like asking people to work for less, but this is far better than being unemployed and our kids have to come first.”

East Providence School Committee Announces More Cuts

On May 10, the East Providence School Committee will vote on a series of new cost-saving measures that will cut all administrators’ pay by 5% this year and have principals contribute 0% of the cost of health insurance (central administrators do so already). In addition, members of the central administration will be required to take 5 furlough days without pay this year, and all administrators will give up eight sick days per year. All administrators would go to a new, less costly health insurance plan and there will be no payout to administrators who forego health insurance coverage. The twenty-nine administrators include school principals, assistant principals and finance, academic, curriculum, buildings and transportation officials, as well as the Superintendent. “This is always a tough thing for all of our employees,” said Mario Cirillo, Superintendent of Schools. “Our administrators, like our teachers, are a great group of people, who have hung in there through a difficult period and they’ve had remarkable success. Our schools are better in so many ways than they were two years ago. Ordinarily, you would be giving many of these people raises to reward their excellence. But these aren’t ordinary times.” “Last year, we had no money,” said Anthony Carcieri, School Committee Chair. “This year we have less. Our leaders deserve kudos for their work. There’s no doubt about it. But we have no money, so we must ask our leaders to lead in this way, too.” Chief Operating Officer Lonnie Barham commented, “The Department of Education tells us we’re going to lose $735,000 in money the state promised us for this year. On top of that, the savings the State promised from pension reform haven’t materialized the way they said it would. We’re off another $ 50,000 there. And the federal money we received last year won’t all be available this year either. That’s another $1. million.” With a total shortfall of $ .5 million looming, Superintendent Cirillo will recommend that these cuts take effect immediately. “We are in a period where things just get worse and worse,” said Committee member Bob Faria. “It’s not what we want to do, but anybody who sits on a school committee today has to go through

May 010 The Reporter the cutting process. One thing is for sure with this Committee, though. We are going to keep looking out for the kids. We must be the only school department in the state that can say our academic program is better today than it was two years ago.” “I’m proud of our administrators, principals and teachers,” said Carcieri. “Our administrators and principals have shown courage, skill and compassion over the difficult past two years. Now they’re taking another step to help our schools. We all owe them our thanks.” The reduction in principals’ and other administrators’ compensation are expected to save the School Department $170,000 this year. “We’re working on a plan to see to it that we do not incur any new debt this year,” said Barham. “The School Committee has emphasized to us that this must be our first step in closing the gap.” School Committee attorney, Dan Kinder explained, “The law is very clear. If the Committee sees a possibility of incurring debt, it must act promptly to avoid debt. This Committee takes its responsibility seriously. It has proven that time and again.” “The only reason we aren’t facing 5% cuts in pay across the board is that we’ve taken our fiscal responsibilities very seriously for the last two years,” Carcieri said. “If we hadn’t then the most recent cuts from the state would be a disaster. Remember, there is nothing left to cut out of our budget. Our buildings are falling down because even building maintenance was cut to next to nothing by past school committees. We’ve had experts study this. The only place we can cut is the amount we pay to employees. Everything else we pay is required by law.” Last year, confronted with an anticipated $4 million shortfall, the School Committee took decisive action. After negotiating and arbitrating contract issues with the teachers’ union for five months, the negotiations were at impasse. The Committee then unilaterally rolled back a 5% pay increase from the prior year, eliminated a costly provision that paid teachers $5000 a year for not taking health insurance coverage, and required teachers to make the first contribution ever to the cost of their health insurance. The move saved the School District $3. million. In rapid succession, the Committee then negotiated new contracts with its custodians union, teacher assistants union and secretaries union. Millions of dollars in concessions were gained from these negotiations. “To find ourselves right back in the hole is discouraging,” said Steven Santos, a member of the School Committee. “But that’s Rhode Island today. The people at the State House are the only ones who can solve this, and they aren’t willing to do it. Until they take some sensible action, schools all over the state are going to have to cut back.” “With unemployment over 1 % in East Providence, most people who have jobs know they’re lucky. When the jobs come with great benefits and guaranteed, high value pensions for life, we all know they are blessed,” said Carcieri. “We don’t like asking people to work for less, but this is far better than being unemployed and our kids have to come first.”


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The Reporter May 010

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East Providence Resident Earns Award at Math Olympics

An East Providence resident received an award recently as a student at Dayspring Christian Academy of Attleboro during the 010 New England District Mathematics Olympics competition sponsored by the Association of Christian Schools at Barrington Christian Academy. Sixth-grader Julia Aguiar of East Providence placed fifth in her grade in the Computation portion of the competition. According to DCA mathematics teacher Beverly Salois, a total of 3 DCA students in grades 3 through 8 qualified to participate in the Math Olympics, which tested the mathematical reasoning and computation abilities of more than 300 ACSI students representing 1 different schools. Nine DCA students placed in the top five finishers in their respective grades. Dayspring Christian Academy is an interdenominational and coeducational school which teaches students in pre-kindergarten 3 through Grade 8 from a distinctively Christian world and life view, and is a ministry of the South Attleboro Assembly of God. The school boasts a culturally and spiritually diverse student body representing more than 50 cities and towns in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as well as more than 30 religious denominations. Dayspring Christian Academy offers a strong and varied academic curriculum; a safe, structured and nurturing learning environment; low student-to-teacher ratios; proven academic achievements; computer laboratory and technology instruction; in-school library; extracurricular activities, including music, fine arts, science and athletics; a “learning centers” structure in its preschool programs; and after-school day care until 5 p.m. Further information about Dayspring Christian Academy is available by contacting the school at 508-7 1-555 , or accessing its Web site at

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Julia Aguiar of East Providence, a sixthgrade student at Dayspring Christian Academy of Attleboro, Mass., earned an award recently during a Math Olympics competition held in Barrington under the aegis of the Association of Christian Schools International. (Photo courtesy of Dayspring Christian Academy)

May 010 The Reporter




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The Reporter May 2010

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$200,000 Winning PowerBall® Ticket Claimed High Tier Instant Game & Keno Plus Prizes Claimed

Cranston, RI (April 15, 2010) The $200,000 winning PowerBall® ticket sold in Rhode Island for the March 20 drawing has been claimed. A woman from East Providence and a Woonsocket man split the winnings. They had bought the ticket from Taunton Avenue Shell in East Providence the day before leaving for a trip to Florida. The ticket was shoved in the glove compartment and forgotten even after they returned home from vacation. This week, the Woonsocket man went to get his oil change and decided to clean out his car. He took the ticket out of the glove compartment and left it on the dashboard all day. Later that night, when they were at a bowling alley, they checked the ticket and found out they were the big winners from that drawing. The $200,000 winning ticket matched all five numbers, but not the PowerBall® number. The couple did not purchase the Power Play® feature for an additional dollar on the wager. If they had opted for PowerPlay®, the $200,000 prize would have been multiplied by 5, to equal $1,000,000.

Rhode Island Resident Featured in Parade Magazine’s 27th Annual "What People Earn Salary Survey"

Tom Toupin, a 33-year-old barista from East Providence who earns 20,000, is featured in Sunday’s Parade magazine as part of its annual “What People Earn” salary report. With nearly one in every 10 Americans looking for work, the job search is tougher than ever. Parade chose five unemployed people and paired each with a career counselor. Visit to read daily updates on their job hunts. Offer your own advice or support, learn what their career counselors are saying – and, hopefully, congratulate them when they get jobs. Can you guess who makes more? A crossing guard or a reality TV star? A famous rapper or the CEO of one of the largest banks in the U.S.? Ellen DeGeneres or Jay Leno? “What People Earn” features all of these salaries and many, many more! As usual, the report finds a huge disparity between the wages earned by celebrities, CEOs, and other boldfaced names and the rest of us working folk. When you do the math, the 19 celebrities featured in Parade’s 2010 survey made 450+ times more than the 106 “regular” people who participated. Visit for hundreds of more real people and their salaries. Please note: due to regional advertisements, some photos do not appear in all versions of Parade.

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May 010 The Reporter


Events & Activities Our 14th Annual Fred's Service Center Car Show All Proceeds Donated to David and Elyssa Collins! We Need your Help!

Every year for the past fourteen years I have sponsored an Annual Car Show to benefit a local child in need. Our 14th Annual Fred’s Service Center Car Show will be held on Sunday, May 30, 010 from 10:00 A.M. to :00 P.M. at both 3730 Pawtucket Avenue and 371 Pawtucket Avenue in Riverside. The car show has been a great success in the past. We always register a significant number of cars to display, and the turn out gets bigger and bigger every year. We sell hot dogs, hamburgers, soda and sausage and peppers; give away trophies, dashboard plaques and door prizes, all of which are donated by businesses such as yours, or are purchased from donations we receive. Our guest D.J. is always “Crusin’ Bruce Palmer”. Bruce has quite a following, which helps make this event the success that it has become. All proceeds from our 14th Annual Car Show will be donated to David and Elyssa Collins. They are seven-year-old twins from Riverside who were born four months premature. Both David and Elyssa have cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder that causes physical disabilities such as limitations in their ability to walk. Elyssa also has a hearing loss and has cochlear implants to help her hear. The Collins family has to purchase double the amount of equipment to help the children do simple things like sit at the table. Their coverage only covers one set. They would like to purchase more of this type of equipment so that the children can be comfortable at both mom and dad’s houses. The family has been understandably emotionally, physically and financially drained due to the children’s illnesses and we would like to help them any way possible. Each year we design a t-shirt commemorating the show. It has been a great success and one of our biggest moneymakers. We would like to obtain sponsors, who would help to defray the cost of the shirts. If you would like to be a one-line sponsor on the back of our unique t- shirts, the cost will be $50.00 per sponsor. In order to be listed on the shirts, sponsor donations MUST be received no later than 5/ 1/10. We certainly hope that we can count on you to be part of the 14th Annual Fred’s Service Center Car Show. Please consider supporting this worthwhile cause. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate or sponsor this year, please try to attend. Come and enjoy the music, have some food, look over the custom cars on display, reminisce and help us raise money to benefit the Collins family. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Frederick A. Vinhateiro, President Fred’s Service Center, Inc. Please make checks payable to Fred’s Service Center-The memo portion should read Car Show.

Central Falls High School Class of 1959 Reunion

The class of 1959 from Central Falls High School is planning a reunion on June 1 th at the Crown Plaza in Warwick. If you have not been contacted please call Louise (Perry) Harrop at 401-3335387 or Louise (Gagnon) Colninan at 401-333-40 .

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The Reporter May 2010

Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 Reunion

The Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 is planning a reunion and is looking for former classmates. Contact Diane Penacho Perry at: 508-336-0242

Vendors Needed! When & Where

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Low Cost Spay/Neuter for Cats Spay/ Neuter your cat now before you have kittens!!! Sponsored by Cat Adoption Team Services

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The Jamie Silva 7 on 7 Charity Football Tournament

About Steve: On Sunday, June 27th, The Jamie Silva 7 on 7 Charity Football Tournament will take place benefiting Steve Lopez of East Providence, RI. Steve, who was paralyzed while diving into a pool in June of 2008, was a member of the Wrestling and Football teams at East Providence High School. Steve has faced enormous challenges as he has adjusted to his new life and as he has continued fighting to regain feeling throughout his body. Having begun his rehabilitation at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, MA, Steve moved back home to East Providence in August, 2008. The financial burdens of modifying his house for a quadriplegic along with attaining and maintaining the proper medicine and equipment needed for his medical care and rehabilitation have been tremendous on the Lopez family. The goal of the tournament is to provide financial relief to alleviate the burdens of Steve’s rehabilitation. About the Tournament: The Tournament will begin at 1 PM and each team that enters will be guaranteed at least two games. The format will be flag football and each game will consist of two 15 minute halves with running time, official time will be kept for the final two minutes. Teams consist of 10 players, with 7 on the field at a time. All participants will receive an official Jamie Silva 7 on 7 Charity Football Tournament T Shirt. There will be additional prize packages for the winning team. Participants should be 18 years of age or older. Cost: $200 per team (Make checks payable to Jamie Silva Camp, LLC.) Go to or contact for more information.

Tickets Now on Sale for Linden Place’s Annual Fourth of July Parade Picnic Linden Place is the ideal location for viewing the nationally famous Bristol Fourth of July Parade!

Linden Place, an 1810 Federal mansion in the heart of Bristol, RI will be hosting its Annual Fourth of July Parade Picnic on Monday, July 5, 2010. Located directly on the historic Bristol Fourth of July Parade route, Linden Place will be offering reserved bleacher-style seating, tables and chairs under the shade of the Linden trees, a continental breakfast and picnic lunch, restroom facilities and elbow room! Watch the 225th annual parade in patriotic style and support the restoration of this Bristol landmark! Tickets are $60 for adults, $45 for children and include both breakfast and lunch. Linden Place members receive a $10 discount on tickets. Stop by the Linden Place office to reserve tickets at 500 Hope Street, by telephone at (401) 253-0390 or visit This event sells out every year, so get your tickets early.

Fundraiser for The Committee to Elect Steve Gerling to Senate District 18 Wednesday, May 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 Knights of Columbus Hall

50 Crescent View Ave, Riverside A $30 donation ($50 per couple) is suggested.

May 010 The Reporter

Chorus of East Providence Concert on May 15 The Chorus of East Providence presents its Spring concert on Saturday, May 15, at 7:30 at Martin Middle School, 111 Brown Street, East Providence. “Ragtime!” features both music from the Broadway musical Ragtime, as well as the ragtime era in America, early 0th century. A medley of songs written by Irving Berlin, includes favorites such as “Blue Skies,” “Steppin’ Out,” What’ll I Do?,” and “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” Several Chorus members have solo spots, and a bassist and drummer will join pianist, Victoria Lambrozo. There’s music to please everyone, and fun for the whole family! Tickets are $10, no charge for children age1 and under. A limited number will be sold at the door. For information on tickets or program sponsorships: call 401-3 3-7041, email thechorusofep@ or visit the website:

The 3rd Annual Lauren Ashley Zarembka Memorial Foundation Saturday May 29th • 6:30 - 11:30pm Saint Brendan School Hall

55 Turner Avenue, Riverside RI Tickets may be obtained by contacting Mary Anne Maciel at email:, or 401- 53-3715, 433-4883, or 4384445. Prices are $ 0.00 or $10.00 for children ages 5 – 10. Tickets also available at Schroder’s Deli, Lakeside Plaza, Willett Avenue in Riverside. The foundation was founded in memory of Lauren Zarembka, a 00 EPHS graduate who passed away September 3rd of 007 after a two and a half year battle with a brain tumor. Based on the generosity of all those who have attended this annual event the past two years, as well as the support of the contributing sponsors, the fund has been able to award over $10,000.00 in scholarships as well as close to $5,000.00 in donations to music/theater programs, which were one of Lauren’s true loves in life. Additionally the foundation has adopted three families battling cancer through the Tomorrow Fund, at Hasbro Children’s Hospital during the past three holiday seasons. It is our hope that this fund will grow each year and be able to support additional scholarships, eventually reaching the level where each scholarship is fully endowed. Please join us at this year’s fundraiser which will feature: Appetizers, dinner, DJ, dancing, raffles and a silent auction. All proceeds are utilized towards scholarships, music/theater programs and providing assistance to families battling cancer at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Sponsorships are still needed for this event, and are available at Signature ($ 000) Platinum, ($1000) Gold, ($750) Silver,($500) and Bronze ($ 50) levels More information on sponsorships and the fundraiser can be obtained by contacting Mary Anne Maciel at email:, or 401- 53-3715. Scholarship applications may be obtained through the Citizens Scholarship Fund of East Providence. Donations may also be made through Coastway Community Bank, c/o Susan Bricault 830 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence RI 0 915. Please visit our website at: laurenzarembkamemorialfoundation. The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation is a 501 (c ) (3) Charitable Organization.


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The Reporter May 2010

2010 Boating Safety Day

The 36th Annual Native American Pow-Wow

June 12th and 13th, 2010 Public Invited Open from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Native American Crafts ¥ Story Telling ¥ Singing ¥ Dancing Raffle ¥ Refreshments Available

Host Drum ¥ Urban Thunder All Drums Welcome

Performance By: Wolf Cry Singers (Sat.) Flute Music By: Bob White Bear LaSalette Shrine Fairgrounds ¥ RT 118 Park Street, Attleboro, MA Admission $2.00 – Children under 12 & Seniors Free Campsite Fee : $25 For 2 Nights - $15 For 1 Night Traders by Invitation Only For More Information Call: Janis Blanchette 781-690-3231

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Please join us on May 22 for a fun filled day at Brewers Cove Haven Marina. It is FREE and open to the public. There will be Coast Guard and patrol boats open for tours, prizes and give-aways, lots of hamburgers and hot dogs. The East Providence and Barrington Harbor Commission’s are co-sponsoring a 2010 Boating Safety Day event and cookout being held at Cove Haven Marina on the Barrington\East Providence line on May 22 from 1000 A.M. to 300 P.M. Attendee’s may arrive by boat (with prior reservations) or by car. Refreshments will be served by the Bristol Elks Lodge courtesy of Brewer’s Cove Haven Marina. Local, state and federal politicians will be invited along with the local press. The following groups are attending: 1. Coast Guard, DEM, Harbormasters, Police & Fire vessels for display and/or public tours. 2. CG Aux Robot “Coastie” and vessel safety inspections. 3. Boating Safety handouts and give-a-way items courtesy Brewers Cove Haven. 4. CRMC with the R/V Jack Reed and a Narragansett Bay ecosystem display. 5. RIHMA with its PFD display. 6. Girl Scouts will be doing an Earth Day cleanup of the Beach around the Haines Park shoreline. 7. BayWatchRI with their Rescue vessel. 8. Friends of Pomham Lighthouse w/miniature lighthouse display. 9. Fire dept personnel will collect expired flares. 10. Metro Bay Pumpout Service (EP Harbormaster) 11. Confident Captain/Ocean Pros, Maritime Education & Training 12. Save the Bay 13. Sea Tow with their Rescue vessel, boating safety challenge, PFD loaner program 14. Safe Sea with their Rescue vessel 15. RI Saltwater Anglers Assoc. Please RSVP with the length and type of vessel you will be bringing and whether it will be open for public tours, number of personnel and anything you else you can offer for this event. Please forward this email to anyone you feel would be interested in attending or contact me with any Q’s. Thank you in advance for your assistance, S. Bruce Dufresne, EPHM & Ray Sousa, Barrington HM Harbormaster, City of East Providence 145 Taunton Ave, East Providence, RI 02914-4505 401-639-8437 Cell, 401-270-1437 Fax, 401-435-7600 Dispatch, www.eastprovidenceri. net

Newman Congregational Church, UCC Period Fashion Show – Sunday, May 16th

Rumford, RI – Newman Congregational Church located at the corner of Newman and Pawtucket Avenues in the Rumford section of East Providence, is pleased to announce a fashion show reflecting period costumes from 1810 to the present. The show is scheduled for Sunday, May 16th at 3 P.M. in the church. This event is part of a year-long celebration of the 200th Anniversary of our current Meeting House. With the fashions will be a commentary about what was happening at Newman and in society during each period. A High Tea will follow in Memorial Hall. Suggested donation is $5 per person. For tickets or more information call the church office at 401-434-4742.

May 010 The Reporter

Riverside Family Center Plans Concert

All are invited to join us as the students of the Riverside Family Center Afterschool w/the Arts perform in concert on Sunday, May 1 th beginning at 1:00 P.M. The event will be held at Riverside Congregational Church, 15 Oak Avenue (corner of Bullocks Pt. & Oak Avenues). Performances will include piano, guitar, drums, ensemble, a martial arts demonstration and theatre performance. Please join us for this fun-filled afternoon. Admission is free. Donations gratefully accepted. For questions, please call the Center at 433- 8 .


Bays, Beaches & Bouquets

The Barrington (RI) Garden Club is presenting a Standard Placement Flower Show and House Tour on Wednesday, June 9, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. This combination flower show and house tour event will be staged inside six Barrington homes—two in the historic Alfred Drowne district, two waterfront properties in the Nayatt area and two in the Rumstick Point section of Barrington. The Horticulture Division will be at St. John’s Church Hall, 191 County Rd., Barrington, along with the Special Exhibits Division. A Standard Flower Show conforms to strict standards established by the BGC’s parent organization, National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC). The show’s purpose is to stimulate interest in horticulture and floral design, provide an outlet for creative expression, promote NGC objectives, and otherwise educate the viewing public and members. Exhibits of both floral design and horticulture are judged by a panel of three NGC Accredited Flower Show Judges. Judging encompasses a standard point system leading to blue ribbon awards, red, yellow and white ribbons. Entries fall into carefully devised and themed divisions, sections and classes and are displayed strategically throughout the six homes. The Horticulture Division is open for entry to any gardener, club membership is not required. This division serves as a venue to show prized specimens which have been under the gardener’s long term care. Specimens may include flowering perennials, herbs, flowering vines, house plants, branches and outdoor container plantings. Proceeds from the Bays, Beaches & Bouquets event will provide funds for continuation of many local established civic beautification projects that the Barrington Garden Club manages. In addition to overseeing seven gardens at public spaces in Barrington, the club sponsors a Junior Garden Club whose members are participating in the show, a garden therapy program, and supports a local scholarship fund. It also maintains Osamequin Nature Trail, and provides holiday decorations at various public buildings and the Veteran’s Home in Bristol, RI. Historically and for decades, garden clubs have also concerned themselves with conservation, environmental, bird and wildlife topics. In addition to the National Garden Clubs membership, the Barrington Garden Club is also a member of the Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. Barrington is the largest garden club in the state of Rhode Island. The club recently opened up its membership to non-Barrington residents living in or nearby areas without a federated club. This June 9 event is open to the public. Pre-event tickets sell at $ 0 by calling 401- 4 -19 0. Tickets the day of the show are $ 5 and will be for sale at St. John’s Church. For information about making horticulture entries, call 401- 45-03 prior to June . For further information about the Bays, Beaches & Bouquets event contact Show Chairman, Sue Redden 45-8 15 or sueredden@

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The Reporter May 010


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Author Circle

The Author Circle will begin in June 010. This series will bring six Nationally Selling Authors to the Courthouse Center for the Arts. A 90 minute book discussion will be led by Betty Cotter with a VIP Cocktail Hour with the Author and a discount on their novels through Walden Books. The series of discussions and author readings is $100 for nonmembers for the sessions or $75 for members. You may also chose to attend singular sessions at $ 0 per session.

Schedule of Authors & Novels

Sunday, June 13 at 3 p.m. - Paul Watkins: The Ice Soldier Sunday, July 5 at p.m. - Ann Hood: The Red Thread Sunday, September at 3 p.m. - Thomas Cobb: Crazy Heart

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Art Exhibit Celebrates Multiculturism

An exhibition of artwork honoring cultural diversity will open on April 5th in the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative Gallery in the Blackstone Valley Visitor Center in historic downtown Pawtucket at 175 Main Street. The artwork, selected by Sue Carroll and Susan Dowling, will be on display until June 5th. A reception honoring the 19 artists will take place in the gallery on May th between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. at which time the Pawtucket Foundation will announce the winner of the first prize award of $1000. Music for the reception will be performed by the Armstrong Carpenter Duo. The exhibiting artists are: Pablo Alvarez, Jillian Barber, Deborah Baronas, Joan Thompson Boghossian, Bonnie Buck, Tamara Diaz, Holly Gaboriault, Vivian Garcia, Joan Hausrath, Suzanne Lewis, Nadia Mahfuz, Saberah Malik, Eileen McCarney Muldoon, Morris Nathanson, Mimo Gordon Riley, Hiroko Shikashio, Gretchen Dow Simpson, Gregg Spiess, and Elizabeth M. Talbot. The multicultural themed exhibition, held annually for the past four years, includes work in a broad range of media and approaches to content and subject. One of this year’s jurors, Sue Carroll, Director of the art program at the Wheeler School in Providence and Director and Curator of the Chazan Gallery for many years commented, “The diverse responses to the multi-cultural experience reflect the artists’ unique perspectives and touch upon larger physical, spiritual and social issues.” While the other juror, Susan Dowling, long-time producer of public television programs related to the arts and most recently co-producer of Art 1, applauded the high quality of the artwork submitted and was especially impressed with the thoughtfulness with which the theme was treated. “Reading the artists’ comments about their work provides wonderful insight and provides a deeper level of appreciation.” The gallery is open to the public seven days a week free of charge, is wheelchair accessible and parking is available. For more information, visit the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative website at: www.

May 010 The Reporter

Bishop Feehan High School Theatre Department Presents

Hello Dolly • May 7-9

If you enjoy musical theater, then you don’t want to miss Hello Dolly May 7-9 at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, MA! This production will mark the 44th show directed by Alden Harrison of the school’s Theatre Department ( 3 musicals and 1 plays). You will see the effervescent Dolly Levi (Shannon Ballou/Foxboro, MA) meddle her way into the life of the cantankerous but wealthy half-a-millionaire, Horace Vandergelder (Peter Starr/Walpole, MA). You’ll be tapping your feet as his clerks, Cornelius Hackl (Jay Vita/ Mansfield, MA) and Barnaby Tucker (Joe St.Thomas /Cumberland, RI), sing and dance their way through a hilarious evening of adventures with beautiful Irene Malloy (Meghan Casey /North Attleboro, MA) and Minnie Fay (Cassie Knipper /Norton, MA). Based on Thornton Wilder’s, The Matchmaker, Hello Dolly’s cast of 70 students, live music and toe-tapping songs will be a night to remember! NEW this year, in addition to open seating, tickets for center-section reserved seats may be purchased for all the shows at no extra cost. Tickets may be purchased weekends at Bishop Feehan from Noon - 4:00 p.m. starting April 4th or at the door prior to each show. For questions regarding tickets, contact Judy at 401- 58-04 1.

Friday, May 7th - 7:00 p.m. Saturday, May 8th, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 9th, 2:00 p.m.

General Admission $12 Students and Seniors $9

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The Reporter May May 010 010



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The Reporter May 2010


TOWNIE HEROES This week... TOWNIE HEROES Joseph Connors Joseph Connors This week...

This week... This week...

Joseph Connors Joseph Connors

Grocery Clerk Member, United Grocery ClerkFood & Commercial Workers’ Union, Member, United Food & Local 328Clerk Grocery Commercial Workers’ Union, Special Olympian Grocery Clerk Member, United Food & Local 328 Actor Commercial Workers’ Member, United Food Union, & Special Olympian Local 328 Workers’ Union, Commercial Eagle Scout Local Actor328 Special Olympian Sergeant-In-Arms Special Eagle Olympian Scout Actor

Joseph Connors has lived an extraordinary life of great accomplishment. JoeActor has been a Senate Page in Washington DC,

Eagle Scout Sergeant-In-Arms Eagle Scout even been featured on the Today Show. At age 22, Joe led a hugely successfulSergeant-In-Arms clothing drive to benefit battered women. He Sergeant-In-Arms Joseph has Connors has lived an extraordinary life of great accomplishment. has been Senateacross Pagethe in Washington DC, also been a Special Olympian, served on the Special Olympics Board ofJoe Directors and atraveled country as the Sergeant-In-Arms for the City of East Providence, an Eagle Scout, an accomplished actor, a subject for a book, and has

Joseph Connors hasfor lived extraordinary lifeis of great has been Page in DC, a “global messenger” foran the games. ButProvidence, Joe most proud of hisScout, 21 years working day ainSenate and day at Washington Stop Shop, the Sergeant-In-Arms the City of East anaccomplishment. Eagle anJoe accomplished actor, aout subject forand a book, and has Joseph Connors hasthe lived an extraordinary life great Joe has been aactor, Senate Page infor Washington DC, Sergeant-In-Arms for the City of East Providence, anaccomplishment. Eagle Scout, an accomplished ato subject a book, and has He lending everyday people a hand with groceries. eventhe been featured on Today Show. Attheir age 22,ofJoe led a hugely successful clothing drive benefit battered women. the Sergeant-In-Arms forToday the City of East Providence, anaEagle Scout, an accomplished actor, a subjectbattered for a book, and has even been featured the Show. Aton age 22,Special Joe led hugely successful clothing drive to benefit women. He has also been a SpecialonOlympian, served the Olympics Board of Directors and traveled across the country as

Thank Joe, for your selfless dedication todrive helping others. even been featured on you the Today Show. Aton age 22,Special Joe ledOlympics a hugely successful totraveled benefitacross battered has also been a Special Olympian, served the Board ofclothing Directors and thewomen. countryHe as

a “global messenger” for the games. But Joe is most proud of his 21 years working day in and day out at Stop and Shop, also been a Special Special of Directors traveled across the country as ahas “global messenger” forOlympian, the games.served But Joeonisthe most proudOlympics of his 21Board years working day and in and day out at Stop and Shop, a “global messenger” forathe games. Joegroceries. is most proud of his 21 years working day in and day out at Stop and Shop, lending everyday people hand withBut their

lending everyday people a hand with their groceries.

Proud to be a grocery clerk. Proud to be a Townie. Thank you Joe, for your selfless dedication to helping others.

lending everyday people a hand with their groceries.

Paid selfless for by Working East Providence Thank you Joe, for your dedication to helping others. Thank you Joe, for your selfless dedication to helping others.

Proud to be a grocery clerk. Proud to be a Townie. Proud to be a grocery clerk. Proud to be a Townie. Proud to be a grocery clerk. Proud to be a Townie. Paid for Paid for by byWorking WorkingEast EastProvidence Providence Paid for by Working East Providence

May 010 The Reporter



Kent Heights Elementary School’s 3rd Annual Spring Fair Kent Heights Elementary School will be having its 3rd Annual Spring Fair on Saturday, May 15th from 10am to 2pm. Kent Heights Elementary School is located on 80 Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence. This event will be RAIN or SHINE!! The fair will be filled with many children’s games, activities, food, raffles, and silent auction items. There will also be vendors and crafters available for your shopping pleasures. This event is open to the whole community so bring your family and friends on May 15th to have a great time at the Kent Heights Spring Fair. It is sure to be a great time!

New Partnership Creates Unique After-school Program For Children with Mental Health Needs

Children with special needs can enroll in after-school enrichment program with their peers

Bradley Hospital is teaming up with the Riverside Family Center (RFC) to create capacity for children with special needs in a fully inclusive after-school enrichment program, thanks to a new partnership with the National Inclusion Project and its Let’s ALL Play initiative. Let’s All Play is a nationally recognized program to train and provide innovative methods for recreation, physical fitness and educational activities for children with disabilities of all types. Students with special needs, including behavioral or medical challenges, will have the opportunity to enroll in RFC’s AfterSchool with the Arts program and share experiences with their peers from the community. More than $1 ,000 in funding from the National Inclusion Project will allow Bradley Hospital’s Department of Behavioral Education to train RFC staff on how to integrate children with highly specialized needs into their program. It will also provide funding for a Bradley consultant to be available at the RFC as needed to support this initiative when it begins in August. “We feel that working with Bradley Hospital will help us further our mission to open doors in communities nationwide for children with disabilities to experience everything life has to offer,” says Jerry Aiken, executive director of the National Inclusion Project. AfterSchool with the Arts offers performing and visual arts activities for children between the ages of 5 and 13, providing an environment where children can build competence and confidence in their particular area of interest and ability. The program had previously been unable to accept children with significant disabilities due to a lack of resources. Classes and lessons include chorus, dance, karate, visual arts and a wide range of different musical instruments. Children also have the opportunity to spend time on their school assignments for an hour before classes in a separate “homework room” away from games and lessons. “This partnership moves a significant step toward providing a place where any child can learn and play, regardless of their abilities or needs,” says Margaret Paccione-Dyszlewski, PhD, director of the department of behavioral education at Bradley Hospital. “The youngsters who will participate in this program will benefit socially, emotionally and behaviorally from interacting with their typically-developing peers in an inclusive setting where they feel valued and welcomed.”

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The Reporter May 010

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According to RI KIDS COUNT, East Providence has the state’s highest percentage of children in special education programs ( percent), including students with developmental disabilities, emotional disturbances, learning disabilities and visual, language and hearing impairments. In Rhode Island, approximately 18 percent of children enrolled in K-1 public schools during the 007- 008 school year received special education services. In addition to its inpatient, outpatient, residential and homebased services, Bradley Hospital also operates Bradley School – a certified special education school for children and adolescents whose special education and behavioral needs cannot be met in a regular school environment. The program serves hundreds of children each year at its three school campuses, including one in East Providence and a new satellite location in Westerly. Bradley Hospital is also partnering with the East Providence school department to provide special education within the city’s public schools, allowing children who may have been placed out of district to remain in their communities with their peers. Daniel J. Wall, president and chief executive officer of Bradley Hospital, praises the National Inclusion Project for recognizing the importance of inclusion for children with mental health needs and developmental disabilities. “Thanks to the generosity of the National Inclusion Project, children from both Bradley and the larger East Providence community have the chance to grow and learn from one another,” he says. Any elementary school age child from the East Providence community who meets the criteria for AfterSchool with the Arts may be eligible. Additional details will be available in early summer. For more information, please visit

National History Day Project Inspired by Les Paul Guitar

Hi! My name is Christina DesVergnes and I am a 7th grade student at St. Mary Academy-Bay View. Each year the 7th grade students enter the National History Day Contest. For 010, the Project Theme was: Innovation in History – Impact and Change. For my History Day Project topic I chose the Gibson Les Paul Guitar. The Les Paul Guitar is a very popular guitar with world famous musicians such as (but not limited to) Paul McCartney (19 0s), Eric Clapton (19 0s), Jimi Hendrix (19 0s), Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top (1970s) Carlos Santana (1970s), Nancy Wilson of Heart (1970s), Joe Perry of Aerosmith (1970s and 1980s), Eddie Van Halen (1980s), James Hetfield of Metallica (1980s and 1990s), Slash of Guns N Roses (1990s), Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam (1990s) Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day (1990s and 000s) and Kevin Jonas of The Jonas Brothers ( 000s). I grew up with this music and have a greater appreciation for guitar music since learning to play. Lester William Polsfuss (Les Paul) was born in 1915. He could play the guitar, harmonica and banjo by the time he was thirteen years old. Les performed around his home in Wisconsin. It was after one of his performances that he received a note from a music critic. The critic liked Les’ singing and his harmonica playing, but said that he could not hear the guitar very well. It was then that Les Paul was determined to make a guitar that could be heard. Perseverance, musical ability and a knack for electronics gave Les Paul what he needed to make an almost perfect sounding guitar. Working to find “zero” as the base sound, Les found that a solid piece of railroad track with a guitar string attached and electrified by a telephone receiver produced a sound that was literally music to his ears. This incredibly heavy prototype was not practical, so Les continued to work with solid pieces of wood shaped like a guitar. With time, the new guitar was lighter and met Les’ sound requirements. What made the Les Paul Electric Guitar different from the others? The Les Paul Guitar was a solid piece of wood, did not have a sound hole like an acoustic guitar and did not carry

May 010 The Reporter vibrations through the body of the guitar. The sound hole determines the richness of a note’s sound. The closer you play to the sound hole, the richer the tone. The guitar’s vibrations also can distort the sound. When Les Paul brought his guitar to the Gibson Guitar Company, the workers laughed and turned him away. He was not deterred and his perseverance paid off. My History teacher, Mrs. Margaret Cummings, was my advisor for the project. She loved my topic and the way that I had researched Les Paul, designed my backboard and presented my Individual Exhibit. Mrs. Cummings helped me with Primary and Secondary sources. She also helped me edit my Process Paper from 1700 words to a rule-following 500 words. Each week, when I came to Doug’s Music Center, I ask Kyle Murphy, my guitar teacher, which songs he felt showcased the Les Paul Guitar. We had the same ideas for a compilation CD. Doug Kelley, the owner of Doug’s Music and Learning Center and JMC Performing Arts Center, also took the time to discuss my project as it progressed. He explained the difference between a Gibson Les Paul guitar and an Epiphone Les Paul guitar. The Gibson is made in America (more expensive) and the Epiphone is made in Japan (less expensive). Doug and Kyle challenged me to find as many Les Paul Guitarists as I could. It was fun. As I started on my backboard, I thought of Les Paul: A Good Idea (Gibson Les Paul Guitar), Perseverance (lots of research), Hard Work (photos and concise, coherent information for the backboard) and voila! For my design I have a washout picture of a Les Paul Guitar collection across the entire backboard. The border has pictures of Les Paul and other famous guitarists playing the Les Paul Guitar. The pictures of Les Paul are throughout his life. My title is “Sounds Great!! The Gibson Les Paul Guitar” I chose this title because the Les Paul Guitar really does sound great! In the center of the board I have a list of important facts about this musical innovation. On the table I had a CD that I compiled and featured the different artists from my backboard playing their most famous songs on a Les Paul Guitar. I was so excited when Doug and Kyle asked to see my finished project. They loved it. Doug set up my exhibit with the CD and kept it at the Center for three weeks. He told me that everyone who read the exhibit and listened to the CD could not believe that such a variety of music had been played on a Les Paul guitar.


Because you are not able to listen to the CD, I’ll give you a list: Les Paul Trio How High the Moon Slash of Guns N’ Roses Sweet Child O’ Mine Nancy Wilson of Heart Led Zeppelin’s Black Dog Carlos Santana Black Magic Woman Kevin Jonas of The Jonas Brothers Poor Unfortunate Souls Jimi Hendrix All Along the Watch Tower Joe Perry of Aerosmith Livin’ on the Edge Bob Marley Could You Be Loved Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day Holiday Paul McCartney Maybe I’m Amazed The Gibson Les Paul Guitar changed music forever. Or as Les Paul said, “Let everybody hear this guitar and they’re surely going to like it.” And he was right.




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The Reporter May 010

East Providence High School Career Fair

Career Fair took place on April 8th in the gymnasium. On April th and 7th, speakers representing a variety of careers presented to Juniors in their United States history classes. Some examples of careers represented in the classroom and at the fair included: Law, Law Enforcement, Public Relations, College Soccer Coach, Chiropractor, MRI Technologist, Veterinarian, Fitness Instructor, Landscape Design, Environmental Scientist, and Business Owner/ Manager. On Friday, April 9th, Secretary of State Ralph Mollis delivered a keynote address to Juniors during their advisory period.




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Career Fair in the EPHS gymnasium.

Reality Check

Juniors at Bay View got a Reality Check, as 19 alumnae from the classes of 1987 through 005 returned to their Alma Mater to meet with them. In high school, junior year is a crucial time for direction and decision making as it relates to the future academic choices. The event, entitled “Reality Check: The Truth About College and Careers,” was developed by the Office of Alumnae Relations and the Alumnae Advisory Council in an effort to help assuage the fears juniors have at this point in their lives regarding college and careers. What better group of counselors could you get than the impressive ranks of the Bay View Alumnae? And, they showed up in force. Erika L Kruse Esq. noted, “The opportunity to guide these young women and give back to the school that gave me so much is very uplifting.” She continued, “Programs such as Reality Check keep true to the school’s mission and I am happy to provide direction to these wonderfully smart and talented young women.” The alumnae were able to answer some of the girls’ questions and discuss some of their concerns based on their own life experiences. Lia DelSesto, Director of Alumnae relations, noted, “It was a wonderful way to introduce the juniors to our very active alumnae as well as provide our alumnae the opportunity to give back to their school.” Alumnae participants from our area: Rebecca N. Morency Warr, Esq. ‘91 Riverside Tanisha N. Varner Perona ‘9 Riverside


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May 010 The Reporter

Business Sponsorship Opportunity, Community & Teachers Federal Credit Union & EP High School



We are pleased to announce that the Community Teachers and Federal Credit Union has formed a partnership with East Providence High School, and the students will participate in a CU4 Reality Financial Education Fair, sponsored by the Community and Teachers Federal Credit Union on Wednesday, May 1 , 010, at the Ramada Inn in Seekonk, Massachusetts. At this time, we would like to invite you and your business to join us as a business sponsor of the CU4 Reality Financial Education Fair. Enclosed a business sponsor form that details this exciting and rewarding opportunity. The CU4 Reality Financial Education Curriculum and Fair was developed by the Financial Literacy Education Committee (FLEC) of America’s Credit Union Museum in association with the New Hampshire Credit Union League. During the school year, credit union representatives from our credit union have been • Sales making presentations to the students on Careers, Banking Basics, Checking Accounts, On • Service Line Banking, On Line Bill Payment, Electronic Banking Services, Budgeting, Savings and Loans, and the culminating event is the Financial Education Fair that allows the students • Parts the opportunity to interact with the credit union and other selected businesses as consumers with a monthly income. At the end of the fair, the students will learn what it takes to make ends meet from month to month and have a better appreciation of the importance of budgeting, financial planning and making wise purchasing decisions. We are also inviting companies that interact with consumers such as realtors, automoSPRING SPECIAL! bile dealerships, insurance agents, retailers. food stores, travel agencies, pet stores, utility companies, internet service providers, hair stylists, fitness clubs; etc., to participate in this valuable experience. Over the past four years, as a result of the support of participating expires 5-31-10 businesses and sponsors, the students have been able to apply the knowledge that they learned during the school year on manging their personal finances and budgeting, and the businesses have achieved publicity in newspaper publications such as the Providence Journal, Providence Business News and on WJAR NBC 10. As a business sponsor of the CU4 Reality Fair that will be held on Wednesday, May 1 , 010, you will have the opportunity to promote your business on marketing materials in association with this event to the participating students at East Providence High School and their families as well as in the local community. The media will be residential Free Estimates invited to this event, and this will allow your business to achieve & Commercial Fully insured publicity as well. Additionally, we list your company’s name as a sponsoring business on posters at the CU4 Reality Fair as well as Landscape Construction & Weekly Lawn Maintenance displayed on signage at the Community & Teachers Federal Credit • Walkways • Retaining Walls • Patios Union. We would also be open to discussing any other options with • Bobcat Services • Hydroseeding • Firewood you that would effectively promote your business to the students and their families, in the local community as well as to the members of this credit union. Matt Blais - Owner Cell Phone (508) 400-3764 If you would like to participate as a sponsoring business at this event, please respond by May 5, 010, and/or call or email Laurie Robinson at (401) 5 3-5107 lgrobinson71

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The Reporter May 2010

Club News & Announcements


Exxonmobil Donates Rhode Island Pomham Rocks Lighthouse

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Gift to American Lighthouse Foundation Ensures Preservation of Historic Structure • Culmination of unique partnership between ExxonMobil and the community • Lighthouse listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places East Providence, RI – ExxonMobil has donated the historic Pomham Rocks Lighthouse to the American Lighthouse Foundation and its local chapter, the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. The donation will allow the nonprofit organization to continue restoring and preserving this historic structure. Built in 1871, the lighthouse is listed on the United States National Register of Historic Places and is one of the oldest lighthouses in Narragansett Bay. “The Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is an important part of Narragansett Bay’s heritage,â€? said Dennis Houston, executive vice president of ExxonMobil Refining & Supply. “In an era when lighthouses are disappearing from the national landscape, this donation will help ensure Pomham Rocks is preserved for future generations as a symbol of commerce and maritime safety. Pomham Rocks will stand as a majestic and bright light that reinforces the importance of commerce and maritime excellence to Rhode Island, New England and the United States of America.â€? ExxonMobil purchased the lighthouse and surrounding property from the U.S. government in 1981. The lighthouse was recently appraised at $680,000. In 2004, the American Lighthouse Foundation, the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse and ExxonMobil formed a unique community partnership to preserve this historic treasure. Through the partnership, the exterior of the lighthouse was restored in 2005. A red navigational beacon was reestablished inside the historic tower, returning it to its timehonored role along Narragansett Bay.

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The Brown Bag Lunch Program

We will be meeting again on Sunday, May 23rd at 9 a.m. at Positive New Beginnings, 873 Waterman Avenue, East Providence. We will be assembling the brown bag lunches as well as putting together all of the donations. For this month we are trying to raise as many free standing fans as possible. Currently, none of the rooms have windows and it gets pretty warm in there so we would like to give them at least one fan per room. Also we would like to raise as many new/used articles of spring/summer clothing for the children as possible. All donations may be dropped off at Positive New Beginnings any day, Tuesday thru Saturdays, noon till 6 p.m. If you’d like to participate, please email me at wendy. or you can reach me by our website at www.


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The restoration was paid for through a combination of private fundraising and a donation from ExxonMobil. “We applaud ExxonMobil’s generosity in donating the lighthouse to us and its willingness to partner with us over the years to keep it a part of the Narragansett Bay landscape,� said Bob Trapani, Executive Director, American Lighthouse Foundation. “We now look forward to beginning preparations for the restoration of the interior of the structure and continuing to ‘keep a good light’ for all who admire this Ocean State historic treasure.�

$24 PP

7 Days a Week $30 Bonus Pkg.

May 010 The Reporter

American Legion Baseball Registration

Riverside Post 10 American Legion Baseball is now accepting registrations from those players interested in trying out or returning for the 010 season. Tryouts/practice will begin towards the later part of May, with games beginning in Early June and running through the month of July. Eligible players are those that are at least sixteen years of age (Younger players must receive a recommendation from their high school coach) to be eligible a player must have been born on or after January 1, 1991. Player’s fee is $1 5.00. This covers national and local league fee’s, insurance, uniforms, equipment, umpires and all game related costs and will be payable upon a player making the team. All home games are played at Pierce Field. Registrations will be taken over the phone and more information will follow as the practice schedule is developed. To register, contact; Bruce Zarembka at: 401-433-4883 or 401 58- 4 1.


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Mateus Realty • 582 Warren Avenue, East Providence, RI

Roger Williams-Rumford Grange No. 52 Donates 452 Dictionaries

Roger Williams-Rumford Grange recently distributed 45 dictionaries to all of the third graders in the city of East Providence as part of the national Dictionary Project. The goal of this program is to assist all students in completing the school year as good writers, active readers and creative thinkers by providing students with their own personal dictionary. The dictionaries are a gift to each student to use at school and at home for years to come. This is the seventh year that the third graders of East Providence have received dictionaries from the local Grange. John A. Lawson, Jr., Master and Community Service Chairman of the Grange, visited all eight elementary schools to make the presentations. Participation in the Dictionary Project is just one of the many community service projects undertaken by Roger Williams-Rumford Grange members. UPC’s from Campbell’s products and General Mills “Education Points” are donated to the R.I. School for the Deaf; aluminum tabs are collected for the Shriners Hospitals and Ronald MacDonald House; knitted and crocheted baby hats and lap robes are made for local hospitals and nursing homes; non-perishable food, personal care items and children’s Christmas gifts are given to the East Bay Community Action Program; pennies are collected for Home & Hospice Care; cancelled stamps are given to the Vaca Valley Stamp Project in California; and items including pet food, litter and newspapers and collected for the East Providence Animal Shelter. If you would like to assist the Grange in any of their projects or would like more information on the organization, please contact John or Shirley Lawson at 434-1491.

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Summer time is near

So stop in and pamper yourself.

Nails by Evie Gouveia Mother's Day Special Spa Mani & Spa Pedi

CHADD of Rhode Island non-profit organization

Program: Wednesday May 5, 7 p.m. Bradley Children’s Hospital East Providence, RI


New Client Special

$5.00 OFF

Full Set of Nails, Manicure or Pedicure

SALON DOLCE 229 Warren Ave East Providence

Teens With ADHD; How Teens Can Cope. How Parents Can Help.

Eclectic space dedicated to the art of nails

Free to CHADD Members $5 Donation from non-members.

Evie Cell: 258-3476 • Salon: 434-6406

Presenter: Psychologist: Terry Harrison-Goldman


The Reporter May 010

Cruise Nights Every Friday Night 5:30pm to 8:30pm

3348 Pawtucket Ave., Riverside RI Parking Lot

Starts May 28th Music 50/50 Raffles

Rumford Lions Have Diverse Activities

The 11th annual road race & walk to benefit the Scott Gorham Scholarship Fund & other Lions Charities will be held on Sunday June 7. This year there will be an added attraction for children ages 4 through 1 . They will be able to participate in age group sprint races at the Hunts Mill site, no advance registration is required to participate in these new races. If you received a save the date card via email you will also receive a registration form in your email, they will be sent out on May 3rd. You may be added to the mailing by sending your email address to Please put Road Race in the subject. Race day registrations will be from 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. For more information contact us at the email address above or call 438- 9 7. Boosters will have their company name on the course map. You may become a booster by mailing a check for $ 5 to: Rumford Lions, PO Box 49 1, Rumford, RI. 0 91 On Saturday, May 8th members of the Rumford Lions will be out cleaning the highway from the Seekonk line on route 114A to the East Providence – Pawtucket line on Pawtucket Ave. The Lions pickup litter along this stretch of road 3 times a year, if driving by feel free to honk and say hi. Looking to join a great organization to help people and communities? Become a Lion and enjoy the pleasures of helping others. Our motto is “We Serve”. Contact any Rumford Lion officer listed at View this website for what Rumford Lions do for the community. And visit the Lions International site for added information about Lions clubs and becoming a Lion.

The Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit 1st Annual Golf Classic Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Laurel Lane Country Club in West Kingstown, Rhode Island

Proceeds got to

Captain Cruise and Crew Announces

A Cruise Night for Everyone!! Thursday, May 20th, 2010 6:30 p.m. at the Son's Of Italy Hall 99 Hicks St. • East Providence, RI 02914

This Cruise Night is FREE and open to anyone interested in cruising! Whether you've never sailed, or sailed the Seven Seas a hundred times, stop by and say hello to our Royal Caribbean International Representative! If you're a cruise novice, bring your questions. Cruise expert? Bring your experiences!

Captain Cruise and Crew is a full service travel agency serving the area for over 20 years!

Captain Cruise and Crew! We're WAY MORE than just Cruises

401-431-1480 2475 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, RI 02914 RI License #1306

The Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit (CVME) is dedicated to celebrating the history and culture of Cape Verde and Cape VerdeanAmericans. The museum, the first of its kind in the country, was founded in 003. We are a 501(C)3 institution, defined as a nonprofit organization created and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. The CVME has grown a great deal in the last five years. We have had visitors and donations from all over the world but now the museum has reached full capacity in its current location. Our goal is to keep this momentum of people and gifts flowing by moving to a new home where we can display more of our collection and expand into new areas as a cultural institution. We also feel that this move will allow us to play a larger role in the communities. We hope that you will partner with us to help facilitate this move and venture while also bringing to light the unity and strength of the businesses in the area that are patronized by the Cape Verdean community. We thank you in advance for your support. Help us make the Cape Verdean Museum 1st Annual Golf Classic a successful event. Please visit our website at for sponsorship and registration forms. I can be reached at and at (401) -4137. We look forward to your positive response. Kindest Regards, Denise A. Oliveira - President

Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575

May 010 The Reporter


Summer Sun & Fun Outdoor trips for the whole family to love (ARA) - As your children grow older, it can be difficult finding fun family vacations for everyone to enjoy together. Here are some tips to get out and have a pleasurable family vacation: 1. Go camping. Find a campground near scenic hiking trails, cool and refreshing lakes, or even extended ATV trails. This is a fantastic trip idea for the entire family, especially if each of you has different ideas about what you want to do on your vacation. For example, you can do some bird watching while your son attempts to cast for dinner. And your spouse might enjoy reading a book in a hammock strung between two trees while your daughter chases fish through the lake using her snorkel and fins. . Travel back in time. Turn the vacation into a history learning experience by exploring the Old West, walking the streets of America’s founding cities or designing a road trip along the Mississippi River and popping into the small river towns teeming with river history. Educational vacations don’t have to be boring - many communities in historical settings offer live recreations of the event or events, and if your children happen to be studying that era in school, it’s an even better experience.

3. Take an off-road trip in the wide-open spaces with the Polaris RANGER RZR 4, a sporty, multi-passenger side-by-side vehicle that can handle dunes, desert sands and wide-open spaces with ease. The bonus is this vehicle seats four, which means your family saves money on renting or purchasing multiple off-road vehicles. ATV and side-by-side trails allow your family to travel great distances off the main roads, giving you the opportunity to see new geography and potentially different wildlife which you wouldn’t be able to see from your car on the highway. 4. Visit one or several of the national parks stretching from coast to coast. You can take in the Atlantic Ocean from the cliffs of Maine in Acadia National Park, rare and endangered species in the waters of Everglades National Park, pretend you’re part of the explorers following the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail that stretches through 11 states over mountains, through rivers, across prairies and all the way to the Pacific coast, or admire the architecture of more than 00 cliff dwellings built by the Ancestral Puebloans in Mesa Verde National Park. That’s just to name a few of the hundreds of parks you can explore.

Seekonk Driving Range

Everyone Plays and Has Fun at

Bowling Academy Open to youngsters 5 -17! all abilities welcome.

There's something new right in Seekonk

Starts Monday, June 21st

Only $139 per child! Early Bird Special

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A non-refundable $30 deposit is due with the submission of this form. The remaining balance is due the first week of Camp Bowl-a-Bunch. (Emergency waivers will also be completed during the first week of bowling.)

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Summer Hours: 9am-10pm, Fri & Sat open til 11pm


The Reporter May 010

OPEN HOUSE Sunday May 23rd & Saturday May 29th 12 pm - 3 pm

Now Accepting Applicants For The 2010 Season! Send in your membership form early, space is limited!

508-336-0577 • Located on the beautiful Firefly Golf Course

350 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771

May 010 The Reporter 5. Organize an extended scenic drive. Plan a trip around one of the great lakes, or through a mountain range or even across the expanse of a desert. Research some of the small towns along the route for new and interesting things to see. Try out new restaurants and ask the locals what some of the more popular dishes are. If you are on your trip during the harvest time, stop by a roadside stand and make a picnic or a tailgate party out of the fresh produce that’s available. When planning your next family vacation, make sure you pack plenty of food and beverages, as well as your camera. Encourage the kids to take along journals so they can document the sights they see and the new places they are experiencing. But most of all, enjoy the time spent together on vacation. Courtesy of ARAcontent

Call About Our Adult Dance Classes

492 Winthrop street • rehoboth, mA 02769


Summer Theater Camp with Judy DePerla Music has so much to do with the moulding of character. It is necessary to teach it to our children. -Aristotle

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The Search for Spring Migrants is On! Some Highlights from Audubon Society of Rhode Island

For Info Call 508-336-6180

Visit our Website

Pull out your binoculars and field guide and head out with Audubon for the best birding of the year! Explore ponds, wetlands, fields and trails for spring migrants. A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Program Guide. Visit to download a copy. Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. Call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3041 or email

May 1, June 13, July 3, August 9 • Bird Banding Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. May 5th • Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle First Responder Training Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. May 15 • Secret Lives of Plants Audubon Parker Woodland Wildlife Refuge Coventry, RI; 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. May 15 • Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory Van Trip South Deerfield, MA 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. May 17-18 • Block island Spring Overnight Block Island, RI; Departs at 7:00 a.m. May 19 • Prudence Island Bicycle Tour Prudence Island, RI 9:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Grab your bike and head out to explore Prudence Island!


Crescent Park Carousel The Carousel is currently closed for restoration and will be opening later this season, but the fun hasn’t stopped. Please mark your calendar and join us in the park! Please contact the business office at 401-435-7518 or visit us on the web at for more information.

Movies in the Park

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and join us for some fun! Movies begin at dusk and are weather permitting. May 28th ~ Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel June 25th ~ Camp Rock July 23rd ~ to be announced (Classic) August 20th ~ Toy Story September (Date TBA) ~ Miracle on 34th Street

Cruise Night

5pm to 8pm every Saturday night beginning in May Bring your classic car in and enjoy some old time fun! Don’t have a classic car, bring the family and enjoy the sights!

Blount Clam Shack Opening May 5th Carousel Museum and Gift Stand will be open on limited occasions

Call 401-433-2828 for dates and times


The Reporter May 010

There's a lot to do this Summer! May 22 • Map ‘n’ Compass for families Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge Smithfield, RI; 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Come Home to

Wampanoag Golf • SPECIAL •

18 holes $

of golf with cart

Learn the use of a map and compass with instruction on how to navigate over distances, and then set off to find your way over an orienteering course. This is a workshop for beginners and will cover introductory compass use (no declination) and will review many of the pitfalls people experience when using trail and road maps. Bring your own compass or borrow one of ours.



Per Person

7am-1pm Mon-Fri, after 12 noon on Sat & Sun Not to be used with any other promotion

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168 Old Providence Road, North Swansea, MA (508) 379-9832

Air Conditio ned Studio

368 Waterman Ave, East Providence RI • 401.435.4908

Music, Art & Dance Camps

Ages 3-4: August 2nd thru 6th, 9 am - 11:30 am, $50 Ages 5-7: August 9th thru 13th, 9 am - 11:30 am, $50 Ages 8-11: August 16th thru 20th, 9 am - 2 pm, $100

Also offering Summer classes for Teens & Adults

Try a 5 week dance class in Ballet • Pointe • Tap • Jazz • Hip Hop artistic director - Beverly Parsons

3rd Annual


May 22 • Boats, Birds, and BBQ Community Boating Center Providence, RI; 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Enjoy a burger on the Bay! Community Boating Center and the Audubon Society of Rhode Island invite you to enjoy a FREE waterfront party. Highlights will include a BBQ and Audubon birds of prey presentations at 1:30 p.m., :30 pm and 3:30 p.m. Become a 010 member or either organization at the event and climb aboard a free bird watching sailing tour narrated by an Audubon naturalist (weather dependent). These special new members-only bird watching tours will leave at :00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. No registration required.

May 27 • Nature Flicks at Night Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Take a trip to Audubon for an evening of fascinating nature documentaries on the big screen. May 7 - Crash: a Tale of Two Species: The horseshoe crab has become an indispensable testing agent for drugs and vaccines, but due to their new use as bait for the fishing industry their numbers have dropped, jeopardizing life pyramid that depends on this age-old creature.

For more detailed information and other events, visit

Early drop off at 8:30 • Cost of Camp: $150.00

JOIN US... June 5th for our "Edible Wild Plants Workshop"

For more info call Frank Luca at 401-639-0814 or Register on-line @

Check out for Details & upcoming Classes

at providence Country Day school East Providence, RI

AUGUST 2-6 • 9AM TO 2 PM Boys and Girls Ages 7-15

May 010 The Reporter

East Providence Public Libraries Foreclosure Prevention Workshop Thursday, May 13th • 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Riverside Branch Library

475 Bullocks Point Ave, East Providence Are you falling behind on your mortgage? Do you feel tied up with debt and afraid you’ll miss your monthly payment? John Nimmo of the Housing Network of Rhode Island will present a free Foreclosure Prevention Workshop. Mr. Nimmo is the Assistant Director of the Homeownership Connection of Rhode Island and this workshop is presented by the non-profit Housing Network of Rhode Island. This program will explain the different types of counseling available for people who are in financial distress or facing interest rate increases. You will hear about loan modifications, refinancing, repayment plans, special forbearance and more. The HAMP (Home Affordable Modification Program) and HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program) federal programs will also be explained.

Weaver Library May 2010 Programs


East Providence library locations Rumford Branch Library, 1392 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Riverside Branch Library, 475 Bullocks Point Ave., Riverside, RI 401-433-4877 Fuller Branch Library, 260 Dover Ave., East Providence, RI 401-434-1136

Affordable Fuel Inc. no need to hunt around for great home heating oil prices! Call Affordable Fuel for Our Daily Price Quote


41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914

Tuesday, May 11th 2:00 P.M. or 7:00 P.M. Weaver Library Book Club

Join us for a lively discussion of Maggie O’Farrell’s The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox. Contact Adult Services Librarian Joyce May at 435-198 or for more information.

Thursday, May 20th 12:30 P.M. Weaver Library Great Books Group

Join us for a lively discussion of Aleksandr Pushkin’s “Queen of Spades.” Dr. Geoff Berg facilitates the discussion using the Great Books method of shared inquiry. Contact Adult Services Librarian Joyce May at 435-198 or for a copy of the reading.

Monday, May 24th 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Floral Design: Create a May Basket with Sally Gruber

Weaver Library invites first-time participants to a special floral design program that celebrates the beauty of May. Join talented horticulturalist and teacher Sally Gruber to learn the origins, symbols, and holidays of this favorite spring month and to create a fresh floral “May basket.” Sally’s classes are always very popular, so register early by contacting Adult Services Librarian Joyce May at 435-198 or This program is free; however we must limit the class to 0 first-time participants.

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It’s not too early to schedule your spring clean-up and weekly lawn maintenance!!

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The Reporter May 2010

May Activities For Young Adults Charity Day – @ Weaver

Earn community services credit while engaging in the project of your choice. Ongoing projects include knitting blanket squares (we’ll provide needles and yarn and teach you how) and writing letters to U.S. soldiers stationed overseas. Monday, May 10, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Animanga Group - @ Weaver

Chat about anime and manga, share fan fiction and art, play trivia games, watch short anime, try Japanese crafts, etc. while sampling Japanese snacks. Monday, May 3, 3 – 4 p.m.

Crafts @ Rumford and Fuller

Duct Tape Bags @ Rumford, Tuesday, May 11, 3 – 5 p.m. (ages 10-16) Beaded Flowers @ Rumford, Tuesday, May 25, 3 – 5 p.m. (ages 10-16) Tissue Paper Flowers @ Fuller, Wednesday, May 26, 3 – 5 p.m. (ages 10 and up)

Open Mic - @ Weaver

Sing a song, recite a poem, play a tune. The mic is yours! Bring your voice, guitar, keyboard, etc. and perform for your friends café style. Bands, soloists, and/or other group acts are welcome. Food and drinks will be served. Wednesday, May 19, 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Games - @ Riverside

Wii, PSII and board games, etc. Every Friday, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Oscar Ni, O.D. Optometrist-Vision care

Writer’s Group -@ Weaver

Practice writing individually and as a group using games and fun exercises to develop skills in poetry and story writing. You’ll have the opportunity to publish in the library’s magazine. Monday, May 24, 3 – 4 p.m.

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May Activities For Children

Storytimes - Ongoing thru May 6, 2010

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Mondays, 10:30 a.m., ages 2 – 3 @ Riverside Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m., ages 3 - 6 @ Weaver Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., ages 2 – 3 @ Fuller Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m., ages 4 – 6 @ Riverside Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., ages 2 – 6 @ Weaver Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., ages birth – 2 @ Weaver Thursdays, 10:30 a.m., ages 3 – 6 @ Weaver Thursday, 1:30 p.m., ages 3 – 6 @ Rumford

Crafts – all ages

part Now ic with ipating A

Den ltus tal


“We’ll keep you smiling!” Here’s a sparkling example of the kind of results you can expect...

Tuesday, May 4, 3 – 5 p.m. – May Baskets @ Rumford Monday, May 10, 3 – 5 p.m. – Finger Painting @ Fuller Tuesday, May 18, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. – Memorial Day Craft @ Riverside Tuesday, May 18, 3 – 5 p.m. – Hearts & Flowers @ Rumford Monday, May 24, 3 – 5 p.m. – Egg Carton Critters @ Fuller

Crafts – for ages 10 and up

Tuesday, May 11, 3 – 5 p.m. – Duct Tape Bags @ Rumford Tuesday, May 25, 3 – 5 p.m. – Beaded Flowers @ Rumford Wednesday, May 26, 3 – 5 p.m. – Paper Flowers @ Fuller

Bookies @ Weaver

We read and act out great stories, tell jokes, make crafts, eat snacks, and play games. Thursday, May 13, 3:30 – 4:30, grades 1 – 5 Theme: Paul Bunyan Book Selection is read during the program.

Charity Day @ Weaver

our patient before

Dr. Jared W. Stubbs, DDS

our patient after •

Dr. Lisa Daft, DMD

520 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA

( 508 ) 336-7260

Earn community services credit while engaging in the project of your choice. Ongoing projects include knitting blanket squares (we’ll provide needles & yarn and teach you how) and writing letters to U.S. soldiers stationed overseas. Monday, May 10, 2:30 – 4:30, grades 4 through adult For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held, or the main Youth Services Department at 434-2453.

May 010 The Reporter


From the State House Rep. Hearn: Eco-Depot and E-waste collection at BHS a huge success

State House – Rep. Joy Hearn (D-Dist. , Barrington, East Providence) is applauding residents of Barrington for what she called an “incredible turnout” at the Eco-Depot and E-waste collection held at Barrington High School on March from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Approximately 00 vehicles drove through the collection site to drop off household hazardous waste (HHW) and e-waste. HHW includes items such as automotive batteries, gasoline, disinfectant and oven cleaners. E-waste includes computers, televisions, monitors and laptops. The program is run by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation and the collection was facilitated by Clean Harbors, the main provider of hazardous waste disposal across the country. On March , Clean Harbors collected 37,000 pounds of paint and , 95 pounds of pesticides from Barrington residents. 4,800 pounds of flammable waste was dropped off, along with 130 pounds of mercury products and 500 pounds of propane tanks. In total, 47, 5 pounds ( 3. 3 tons) of household waste was collected from members of the community.

Riverside Raiders Youth Football and Spirit

P.O. Box 15031 • Riverside RI 0 915 4th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser You are cordially invited! Saturday August 14th, 010 at Swansea Country Club Registration starts at Noon, complimentary range balls after registering Shotgun Start at 1:00 p.m. / Scramble Format Dinner following 18 holes of golf on the Championship Course Prizes, Various Golf Games and Contests throughout the event, Can you beat the “Calloway Pro?” Registration Fee is $100 per person Includes 18 Holes of Golf, Cart, & Dinner Dinner only: $ 5 per person (arrive at Swansea Country Club around 5:00) Please make checks payable to: Riverside Youth Football Please remove and return section below, with payment, by August 1, 010. Team Leader ________________________________________ Golfer ____________________________________________ Golfer 3 ____________________________________________ Golfer 4 ____________________________________________ Contact number in case of questions __________________

Gerling Calls on Senator DeVall to Reject the Supplemental Budget in the Interest of East Providence Taxpayers and Small Businesses

Steve Gerling, Candidate for Rhode Island Senate District 18, today formally requested that Senator DeVall, who currently holds that seat, “support the interests of the taxpayers and small businesses of East Providence by voting against the supplemental budget as it stands, and calling on the resources at his disposal to insist that the fifteen percent co-share be re-instated into the legislation”. Gerling appealed to Senator Devall to keep the promises he made during the last election cycle despite AFL-CIO leader George Nee’s claim that the outcome of [the vote] on the supplemental budget “could be a factor in how endorsements are made”. Gerling claimed that “such language clearly indicates Big-Labor’s blatant disregard for any Rhode Islander not plugged into organized labor.” Gerling referred to a letter to East Bay dated 9/ 4/08, in which then Candidate DeVall, made among many promises, to“work towards alleviating the continued tax burden on our local homeowners and families”. Gerling went on to note that although Candidate DeVall received the endorsement of the RI AFL-CIO and the NEARI, he still claimed that “buy-backs and co-pays ‘must be brought to the table’ in future negotiations”. Gerling went on to say that “Even Speaker Fox had admitted that a fifteen percent co-pay was going to be required. Obviously, the General Assembly is being coerced by organized labor. My hope is that Senator DeVall will show the leadership qualities expected of his position, and vote against the supplemental budget as it stands. He must keep his promise to the people of East Providence”. more State House on page 68




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The Reporter May 010


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Riverside Raiders Registration! Football and Cheerleading Thursday May 20th 6-8 Friday May 21st 6-8 Knights of Columbus Hall – Crescent View Avenue


Syringa Tree

Ages: 7-15 Must be age 7-15 as of July 31, 2010 Registration Fee: 65 per child or 100 per family (Same fee as the last several years!)

anne scurria & barbara meek


Pamela Gien • Now – May 30 • Tickets start at $20

(401) 351-4242 • • 201 Washington St. • Providence • RI Season sponsored by

Questions: Call Shirley Winter at 433-3371 (Coaching and Board Positions still available-contact Shirley for Info) Our Coaches Teach Sportsmanship, Personal Responsibility, Pride In Academic Achievements, And Involvement In Our Community No Previous Play Experience Necessary-We Are Here To Teach! Everyone Plays - in Every game! 4th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser: Saturday August 14

REGISTER NOW! E.P. Oceaneers Fall Recreational Soccer League Boys and Girls ages 4 and up. Date: May 12, 2010 from 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm Location: East Providence Senior Center 610 Waterman Ave East Providence, RI Date: June 12, 2010 from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm Location: Bishop Hickory Hall / Knights of Columbus 50 Cresent View Ave, Riverside, RI Fees: $50 first child, $90 two children and $120 three children or more.

Join the Action! Ride the Tide with EP Oceaneers! Volunteers needed.

For more information on please call Joe Oliveira at 401- 99- 587.

May 2010 The Reporter

Local Youth Hockey Team Wins State Title

The Greater Providence Youth Hockey Mite A’s (8U) recently won the RIAHA Gold Division Championship by defeating the Northern RI Vikings, 6-4 at Smithfield Municipal Rink. The GPYHA Mite A Jr. Bears team finished their season with a record of 30-11-5 and went undefeated in the playoffs to win the State Championship.






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Local players include: Barrington: Jacob Andreozzi, Madelyn Cox, Luke Lamontagne; Bristol: Keegan Hanley; Rehoboth: Benjamin Gaucher; Riverside: Colin Chapman; Rumford: Benjamin Frazier, Matthew Pimental, John Voll; Seekonk: Nolan Carlson, Benjamin Lunnie; Swansea: Elizabeth Lepage; Warren: Cameron Rancourt. Head Coach, David Frazier of Rumford; Assistant Coaches: Gino Rancourt of Warren and Tony Gaucher of Rehoboth.

Call us

at 508.252.6575 to advertise in the next issue


The Reporter May 2010

Riverside Little League Opening Day At Forbes Field


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May 010 The Reporter


Eastgate Nursing & Recovery Center 198 Waterman Ave., East Providence, RI Imagine a place that makes you feel special, safe, at home... a place where people look after your needs with an enthusiastic smile, respect your individuality, and help you reach your potential. Imagine Eastgate.

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NEW PROGRAM Trapped by prescription Drugs? Help is just a phone call away...

Jamie Silva Football Camp

On June 5th - 7th, the Jamie Silva Football Camp will be held at Pierce Field in East Providence. Coaches will include Jamie, current NFL players, college coaches and also college players. The camp will focus on teaching techniques that have been learned at the highest level of the game. Enrollment is open to all players in 4th - 1 th grade and the cost is $1 9. This is a non-contact camp. Go to www.jamiesilva. com to sign up or email us at for more information. Sign up soon to guarantee your spot in this year’s camp.

Is someone you care about dependent on opioid prescription painkillers? If so, call Joseph Grillo, M.D. at (401) 289-0011 and ask about private, in office treatment for opioid dependence. No Appointment Necessary Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 7:00PM, Weekends 9am - 4pm

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The Reporter May 010

East Providence Senior Center News Rachel Rotkovitch - Thursday, May 13th - 10:30 am

Rachel Rotkovitch will present a power point slides on her life, from a middle class childhood in Poland to a nursing career at Yale. Rachel’s travels began in Poland and continued on to Palestine, Beirut, and Egypt where she began her career at King Fouad Hospital. Rachel served as the civilian consultant to the Surgeon General of the U.S. for eight years. She was the first nurse ever to be Vice

610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914

Phone 435-7800 • Dining Room 435-7872 • Fax 435-7803

President at Yale. In 1999, she was induced to the Nursing Hall of Fame at Columbia University. Rachel, a senior center member, will relive her incredible life’s story on May 13th, I encourage all to join her for this very interesting presentation.

Vendor Program

Our new vendor program has been successful! Local vendors who have services or products of interest to seniors will have space in our lobby to showcase themselves and provide education. Each Tuesday this month we have in our main lobby: May 4: Hattie Ide Chaffee-Occupational therapy and arthritis May 11: BCBSRI-Nutrition 101 for seniors May 18: Comfort Keepers- Doctor, Can we talk? May 5: East Bay Center/Kathleen Beltramello LICSW- May is Mental Health Month, Kathleen will have much information!

GET AN ONLINE AUTO/HOME POLICY QUOTE Enjoy a fast, free, premium estimate.

ZUMBA - Tuesdays, 12 - 1p.m.

VISIT WWW.Statelineins.COM Fill out a secure online form. An actual agent promptly reviews your information to assure that you get the very best deal we can provide. Virgil Sales, Jr., CLU, ChFC Stateline Insurance & Financial Services Inc. 520 North Broadway, East Providence, RI 02914 • 401-438-8345

Quality Service Since 1981

Zumba is held on Tuesdays, Noon to 1 p.m. at the East Providence Senior Center. Let's face it, working out can be healthy, rewarding and beneficial. Working out can be lots of things, but it's never been known to be an exhilarating experience… Until Now! The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, and to get hooked. Zumba Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, aweinspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you've got a Zumba class! For more information, please contact the senior center @ 435-7800.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is being offered on Tuesday mornings @ 11:00 a.m. at the East Providence Senior Center. This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body. For more information, please contact the center at 435-7873.

May 2010 The Reporter

Monthly Highlights

Blood Pressure Clinic 3rd 10:30 a.m. Hattie Ide Chaffee 4th 10:30 a.m. Clinical Lab 5th 8:30 a.m. Stroke Club 5th 1:30 p.m. East Bay Center 11th 9:00 a.m. Weight Maintenance 11th 10:45 a.m. Free Appraisal Day 12th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 12th 10:30 a.m. The Townie Red Hats 13th 1:00 p.m. Comfort Keepers 18th 9:00 a.m. Food Stamps 19th 10:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 20th 10:30 a.m. AARP Board Meeting 20th 2:00 p.m. In-Sight 21st 12:45 p.m. Caregivers Support 24th 10:30 a.m. East Bay Center 25th 9:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 25th 10:30 a.m. RSVP Board Meeting 26th 1:00 p.m. Advisory Board 27th 9:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 27th 1:30 p.m.

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Shingles Vaccines available at Walgreen’s Pharmacy. For those of you with United Healthcare insurance, you may have found it difficult to obtain a shingles vaccine. Walgreen’s accepts United healthcare-along with most other insurances-and can administer the vaccine. Speak with pharmacists, Andrea or Anthony, at 4389501 about your coverage and to schedule an appointment at their store on Warren Avenue. Looking for participants for Tuesday, May 4, 2010 10:30 to 11:30am here at the center. Family Service of RI would like your input on the joys and challenges of raising children that have become your responsibility. This will be a one hour session. Refreshments will be served and gift cards will be given for your participation. We hope to see you there! Our walking club is returning this month! We are planning an introductory meeting on: Wednesday, May 12th at 10:30 am in the dining room. Please join us to make this group successful. We are open to every one of all abilities! Nutrition-Weight Loss Continues. Our next ten-week session begins in June. You must pre-register for this award winning program by contacting Rita in the Health Office. Did you know we have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office? They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certified diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870. Free weekly meditation group! Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica RN lead this wonderful group each Friday at 11 a.m. This program welcomes all from beginner to expert. Participants have found the class very helpful. We are very pleased to have Bayada Nurses for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, May 3rd from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Please stop by and find out what these wonderful home care specialists can do for you and your family. East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday May 5th, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor. The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello LICSW, assists our seniors with any of their needs. Kathleen is at


the senior center twice monthly, in the Health Office, for individual appointments. This month the dates are Tuesdays, May 11th and 25th from 9 a.m. to12 noon. Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group will be meeting Tuesday, May 11th at 10:45 a.m. in the seminar room. We will be discussing exercise. Please join us so we may continue this group! Waterview Villa’s nurse, Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, May 12th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Come sit and chat with her. The Food Stamp Assistance program will be here on the third Wednesday of every month to assist seniors with eligibility requirements and the application process. Many seniors are eligible and they do not know it! This month Janet Holmes will be here May 18th. Please contact her at 437-0006 ext. 147 to make an appointment. Lisa Marie McCormick RD from SNAP is now here twice each month! On Wednesday, May 19th at 2 p.m. and Thursday May 20th at 11 a.m. Lisa Marie will be discussing Portion distortion and label reading. Please join us. Lisa Marie brings treats and recipes to this free program! Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, May 20th from 10:30 to 11:30am in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with Ivone Joia about this lovely facility. Our Caregiver’s Support Group is scheduled for Monday, May 24th at 10:30 a.m. in the seminar room. We are so pleased to have Kathleen Beltramello LICSW of East Bay Center to speak on Stress reduction and anger management issues. If you are caring for someone, this group is for you. Please join us for support. Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, May 25th in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility? They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Just contact them directly at 246-2500. Diabetes Support Group will be meeting on Thursday, May 27th, from 1:30 - 3 p.m. in the seminar room. Dolores Norton Braica NP will be discussing the benefits of exercise and meditation. We will then practice the relaxation technique. This program is free and open to anyone with diabetes. Please join us for support and helpful hints from others with diabetes. Did you know that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men age 50 or older will have an osteoporosis-related bone fracture in their lifetime? What is osteoporosis? Are you at risk? Plan to attend Women & Infants Hospital Bone Health Program and learn more about your risk, screening, prevention and treatment options on May 12 at 2:00 p.m. at the East Providence Senior Center. For more information, please contact the center’s health office @ 435-7870. Remember to visit our lovely gift shop located in the dining room area. We have a great selection of hand made items, gift cards, and snacks.

East Providence Senior Center And Monty’s Trips

May 21-28,2010 Oldies Cruise to Bermuda – Hosted by Harvey Robbins, Concert Producer & Founder of the Doo Wop Hall of Fame. Inside cabins from $895.00 - $905.00, Ocean View cabins $1095.00, Balcony cabins from $1295.00 to $1325.00. Private invitation to shows and party. Insurance available. June 21-25, 2010 Pine Grove Dude Ranch in the Catskill Mountains - $340.00 Dbl Occ. to include transportation, 4 nights accommodations, 3 meals a day, daily cocktail party w/hors d’ouevres, entertainment each night including dancing & shows,


The Reporter May 2010

Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Bridge Book Club Craft Class

8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Cards (Cockroach) Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball PACE Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) Postal Service (1st Tues) Drawing Class Cribbage BINGO Stroke Club (1st Tues)


Wednesday 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble Tai Chi Exercise Nutrition

9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tax Preparation (Feb. & Mar) Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support Group (4th Thurs)


Friday 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Pool League Scrabble PACE In-Sight Support Group (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League Ballroom Dance

Daily Lunch Noon Library 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Coffee Hour 2:15 p.m. Fitness Center 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. (Closed 12 - 1 p.m.)

free snack bar w/cheeseburgers, hot dogs, ice cream and more from 4 to 10 P.M., coffee & tea 24 hours a day, cake & cookies each night after the show, many daily activities including Bingo, photo of you on or next to a horse, complimentary souvenir cowboy hat. Pool, tennis, bocce, mini golf and more, driver gratuities, taxes & luggage handling included. July 24, 2010 M a r t h a ’ s V i n e y a r d - $71.00 to include transportation to Falmouth to board the Island Queen, a guided tour across the Island, time to visit Edgartown, enjoy the many sights, shops and restaurants. Return to Oaks Bluff to board the Ferry back to Falmouth. After a delicious meal at the Country Buffet, we return home about 7:00 P.M. Driver’s gratuity included. Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2010 Wildwood, NJ - $320.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodation, 3 full breakfasts, 2 full course dinners, including dinner w/entertainment at the Renault Winery, a day at the Tropicana in Atlantic City to include their bonus package, visit to Cape May, Historic Smithville, daily activities, entertainment, souvenir gift, all taxes, meal and driver’s gratuities included. Sngl. Occ. $415.00. Insurance available. Sept. 25, 2010 Bourne Scallop Festival $61.00 to include transportation, Scallop or Chicken dinner to include French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll/Butter, soda, a narrated 90 minute Cruise on Cape Cod Canal, craft booths and entertainment. Oct. 3 - 6, 2010 Lancaster, PA $440.00pp Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 Buffet Breakfasts, 3 Amish Style Dinners, Sight & Sound Theatre featuring “Joseph” & Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre featuring Church Basement Ladies, Guided Tours, Lancaster Outlet, Hershey Chocolate World, all Taxes, Baggage, Meal and Driver’s. Gratuities and Motor coach Transportation. Nov. 26 - 29, 2010 Christmas At The Beach - $385.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 full course breakfasts, 2 fill course Holiday Dinners, Admission to Busch Gardens’ Christmas Town, Garden of Lights tour at Norfolk’s Botanical Gardens, Holiday Lights at the Beach Tour of Virginia Beach Boardwalk, Star of Wonder: The Mystery Of the Christmas Star Planetarium Show, Christmas Imax Movie, Virginia Air & Space Museum, Virginia Living Museum, Guided tour of Colonial Williamsburg, Souvenir Gift, Gratuities and Motor coach transportation Dec. 5 - 7, 2010 I n d i a n H e a d $285.00 Dbl to include 2 Nights Accommodations, 2 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners, Welcome Cocktail Reception,

Entertainment, Show, Dancing and Shopping at Tilton Outlets & NH Liquor Store and Luxury Motor Coach. Driver’s gratuity included. Sign up in the E. Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401) 4357800 Ext. 7 or call: Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194 - 28 Metacomet Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916


Coupons “Making a Difference'

We ask all to bring in clipped coupons found in the Sunday newspaper and maybe we can make a difference. They are distributed to the spouses and children of troops who sometimes struggle to make ends meet on military salaries.

Cell Phone Recycling

The center is collecting used or discarded cell phones. Most phones end up in kitchen drawers collecting dust. By partnering with Cellular Recycler, we have developed a way to make the most of used cell phones. A box is in the administration office for depositing the cell phones. We thank you in advance. The phones will either be recycled for their precious metals according to EPA standards or be refurbished for use in developing countries. The memory of each phone is “flashed” to wipe out any previous information stored on the cell phone.

Remember when:

Shipyard Drive-In, Located on Allen's Avenue, Providence. Opened 1958 - Closed 1976. It was the In Place To Be! Up to 1700 car capacity! Anderson Little, A men’s clothing store chain, Located on North Main Street, Providence. Also in Lincoln Mall, & in Warwick. Closed in 1987. Narragansett Park was an American race track for Thoroughbred horse races. It was built in 1934 and located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Some of its important races were the Rhode Island Handicap, Governors Handicap, and the Narragansett Special. In its heyday, the track hosted races in which numerous Thoroughbred greats competed such as War Admiral, Seabiscuit, and Gun Bow. Competition for the betting public saw the facility close in 1978. The following year, the city of Pawtucket bought the site for commercial and residential redevelopment. All that remains of the grounds today is the grandstand building, which is in use as an outlet for the discount retailer Building 19. Jolly Cholly's Funland, 171 East Washington Street, North Attleboro, MA. Although not located in Rhode Island, It was a summer fun spot for many Rhode Islanders in the 60's & 70's. Sadly, the park closed in 1979.

May 2010 The Reporter Fanny Farmer Candy, The Famous Fanny Farmer Chain! Company was named in honor of culinary expert Fannie Farmer, who had died four years earlier. Closed in 1992 bought out by bigger chain called Archibald Candy Corp. Lechmere, Lechmere Inc. was a retailer of electronics, appliances, and other goods, with 24 stores located throughout New England and New York. On August 1, 1997, Montgomery Ward announced that all Lechmere stores were to be closed as part of their bankruptcy reorganization. W.T. Grant Five & Dime Main location was Downtown Providence, Famous for Visiting Santa during the holiday season and getting a free toy. Closed 1975. Bobby's Rollaway, was located at 1593 Newport Ave, Pawtucket. Jack Witschi's Sports Arena, located in North Attleboro Ma, Many Rhode Islander's in the 70's and 80's would enjoy the great Friday night WWWF matches! The building burned down in 1979.

Scams Flourish in Tough Times

In tough economic times like we are experiencing now, it seems that scams and schemes flourish. New scams come to light and some older scams re-surface. Recently, in fact, what is known as the “distressed grandparent” scam made the rounds again. In this scam, grandparents are told that their grandchild is in trouble (often in another country or state), and that the grandparents need to wire money to keep the grandchild out of jail or some other legal situation. Of course, there is no emergency and the grandparents get fleeced for thousands of dollars. To protect yourself from this scam, make sure that you contact the grandchild or their parents before sending any money. In dealing with other scams, it is wise to remember that “if it seems to good to be true, it usually is”. When it comes to charities, be very wary of campaigns that attempt to make you feel guilty if you elect not to donate to their particular cause. Many scams try to capitalize on your patriotism, current disasters and events. Before making a contribution, always ask for written information about the charity, such as the name, address, telephone number and website. You should research the charity before making a donation. Contact the state Department of Business Regulation at 462-9583 or go the Better Business Bureau “Wise Giving Alliance” website at org. You should also ask how much of your donation goes directly to the charity and how much money goes for other expenses. Some organizations use professional fundraisers who take a portion of your donation for their administrative expenses. Many scams involve notification by mail, telephone or e-mail, that you have won an expensive prize or a large amount of cash through some bogus lottery. These scams may involve sending your hard-earned money to some questionable entity to claim your prize. This information can also be used to steal your identity or commit credit card theft. There are some simple rules to remember about these scams. If you have to pay for the prize, it’s not really a prize at all. Fraudulent offers often include an instruction to send a check or money order. Never


give your credit card information or bank account information in response to a telephone call, written notification or e-mail. Many offers come with an official-looking check that you are asked to deposit immediately to claim a prize or money. The victim is asked to wire a percentage of the amount using a Western Union or Money Gram. It won’t take long for you to discover that the check is a fake. With today’s credit crunch, many shady firms try to capitalize on persons who have no credit, bad credit or find themselves needing some type of loan. The advance fee loan sharks prey on vulnerable consumers by taking their money on the promise of a loan, credit, credit card or other credit promise. The catch is that you pay them a fee and them they disappear-with your money! Don’t pay a fee for the promise of credit. Ignore any offer that guarantees a loan in exchange for a fee. Watch out for fancy websites. Be particularly careful about sending any personal information. Most secure websites will have a URL that begins with “https” and a lock pictures on the bottom right of the screen. Check with the Department of Business Regulation to see if the loan company is registered with the state. And remember, it is illegal for companies to do business in the United States by phone where they promise a loan in exchange for a fee before they deliver the service. If you are the victim of a scam, you should report the information to your local police. Chances are that other persons may have also fallen prey to the same scam. Silence is a great ally for scam artists. You should also file report with the state Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Unit at 274-4440. You should never give out personal information to someone who calls. The Government will not and does not call for this or any other personal information


The Reporter May 2010

Scouting Around Town East Providence Girl Scouts Celebrate World Thinking Day

Each year on February 22nd, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world celebrate World Thinking Day. World Thinking Day was first created in 1926 at the 4th Girl Guide/Girl Scout International Conference held at USA’s Camp Edith Macy. Attendees decided that there should be a special day when Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all around the world think of each other and give thanks and appreciation to their “sister” Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. The delegates chose February 22nd as the date for Thinking Day because it is the birthday of both Lord BadenPowell, founder of the Boy Scout Movement, and his wife Olave, who served as World Chief Guide. Since birthdays usually involve gift giving, it was decided during the 7th World Conference, held in Poland that girls could make a voluntary contribution to the World Association as well as extend warm wishes to one another.

This year’s World Thinking Day theme was “together we can end extreme poverty and hunger” and the aim was to raise awareness among everyone about the situation and improve the lives of the poorest people in the world. East Providence Girl Scouts held their Thinking Day event at St. Mark’s Church on Turner Avenue in Riverside on Saturday, February 27th. There various troops chose an impoverished country to describe and each made a food native to that country. Samples of the food were available for those who wanted to taste them. Everyone who attended the event was asked to bring a canned good and/or donate a dollar to the World Fund. Approximately 200 Girl Scouts, their families, and friends joined in the festivities for the day. As a result, nearly 200 canned goods were donated to the East Providence Food Bank and more than $100.00 was donated to the World Fund.

Boy Scout Troop 88 Rumford

All You Can Eat May Breakfast

Date: Sunday May 16, 2010 Time: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Place: Knights of Columbus Hall Bishop Hickey Council 50 Creasant View Ave. Riverside, R.I. Cost: $8.00 - ages 12 and up, $4.00 ages 3 to 11, ages 2 and under free. Menu will include: omelets made to order, eggs, Belgium waffles, home fries and much more. Any further questions or to purchase tickets contact Anne Costa - Troop Committee Chair at 1-401-435-2145. *All proceeds will benefit Boy Scout Troop 88 Rumford. (above) East Providence Girl Scouts Celebrate World Thinking Day! (below) Boy Scout Troop 55

Boy Scout Troop 55

Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside Panther Patrol recently participated on a Conservation Project that consisted of picking up litter at the East Providence Recreation Complex. By participating in this project the patrol completed all the requirements needed over a three month period to earn the Honor Patrol Badge. Congratulations Panthers! Troop 55 would also like to thank their charter sponsor, The American Legion Post 10 for their generous donation towards the purchase of new tents for the troop. The troop would also like to thank Riverside Shaw’s and Riverside Dunkin’ Donuts as well as their patrons for their generosity with the troop’s recent candy sales. Proceeds from the candy sales will go towards purchasing additional camping gear for the troop. Thanks to all!

May 010 The Reporter

East Providence Girl Scouts to Hold Blood Drive

East Providence Girl Scout Troop 475 in conjunction with the Rhode Island Blood Bank - will hold a blood drive on Saturday, May 3rd, at St. Margaret’s Church, 1098 Pawtucket Avenue, Rumford, from 10:30 a.m. – 3:30pm. A free box of Girl Scout cookies will be given to the participants. Please come and give “the gift of life”.




A Crestwood membership has always provided a great family experience. Now with the new pool facility and revamped practice range Crestwood is second to none!

The History of 'APRONS'

I don't think our kids know what an apron is. The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and they used less material, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven. It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears. From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven. When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids. And when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms. Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron. From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls. In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds. When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner. It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that' old-time apron' that served so many purposes. Remember: Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw. They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron. I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron.

the Best Country Club Value Enjoy 18 holes of championship golf in a beautiful setting with all the amenities. Full & Social memberships are now being offered with no initiation fees Call 508.336.8582 or visit our website for details

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The Reporter May 010

The Man in the Glass

Winslow Gardens & Linn Health Care Center United Methodist Elder Care Communities

“So . . . We Think We Have Talent” United Methodist Elder Care’s 5th Annual Talent and Variety Show

East Providence, RI April 3, 010 –United Methodist Elder Care held its 5th Annual Talent and Variety Show on April 11, 010

A delightful performance of “King of the Forest” was enjoyed by all who attended United Methodist Elder Care’s 5th Annual Talent and Variety Show. Residents, staff, friends and family members joined together to volunteer their time and talent to provide an evening of fun, surprises, laughs, and inspiration. Pictured are (left to right): Lisa Ballantyne, Dorothy Melo, Jean James, & Harry Moore. Located in East Providence, Rhode Island, United Methodist Elder Care is an affordable continuum of housing and care serving 0 very-low to moderate income seniors. Winslow Gardens offers independent-living subsidized apartments and affordable assisted living apartments complemented by full service dining and assistance with activities of daily living. The adjacent Linn Health Care Center offers skilled nursing home care, long term care and rehabilitative services. An on-site chaplain and dynamic activities staff work to create a warm, enriched, and inviting community life. Residents of all religious, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds are welcome.

Waterview Villa: “Enriching Every Day”

East Providence–In observance of Nursing Home Week, May 9 to 15, Waterview Villa will host a series of events designed to enrich the relationships and contacts between residents, youth, community members, and families and staff. The theme of the week is “Enriching Every Day”. Some of the week’s special events include: · Mother’s Day Brunch, Sunday, May 9th 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM · Dignitary Reception w/refreshments and appetizers, Monday, May 10th at :00 P.M. · Beach Party & Karaoke w/Caribbean Jim, Wednesday, May 1 th at :30 P.M. · Crowning of the Blessed Mother, Friday, May 14th, :00 PM …with many more special activities and events! National Nursing Home Week is an annual observance sponsored nationally by the American Health Care Association, based in Washington, D.C. and the Rhode Island Health Care Association. Waterview Villa is a 13 -bed nursing facility located in East Providence, RI. For more information on National Nursing Home Week, visit

If you get what you want in the struggle of life, and the world makes you king for a day, Just go to the mirror and look in the glass and see what the man has to say It isn’t your father or your mother or wife, whose judgment upon you must pass The one whose verdict counts most in your life, Is the one starring back in the glass He’s the one you must satisfy above all the rest, Cause he’s with you right up to the end And you know you have passed your most difficult test, if the man in the glass is your friend You may be the one to get a good break, and you think you’re a wonderful guy But the man in the glass will call you a fake, if you can’t look him straight in the eye You can fool whole world down the pathway of years, and get pats on the back as you pass But your final reward will be heart aches and tears, if you cheated the man in the glass Guy Marks

Weddings & Engagements We List Weddings, Engagements & Anniversarys for Free! If you have any questions call the office at 508-252-6575. Email Announcement and Photo to

FOR SALE Demetrios Designer Wedding Dress

NEW, UNALTERED, UNWORN, WITH TAGS • Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic, shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering mermaid style. Train is chapel length.

Please call Laurie 339-221-0704

May 010 The Reporter


Birth Announcements ...Continued on next page

Birth Announcements are Free! Email Birth Announcements to

Caroline Elizabeth Welch

James and Elizabeth Welch of Riverside would like to announce the birth of their daughter, Caroline Elizabeth Welch. Caroline was born on February 19, 010 at :05 A.M. at Women and Infants Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds and was 0 inches long. Paternal grandparents are Joseph and Marcia Welch of Seekonk, MA. Maternal grandparents are Harvey and Virginia Reisenweber of Martinsburg, West Virginia.

Dylan Thomas Pinheiro

Thomas and Lisa Pinheiro of East Providence are proud to announce the birth of their son, Dylan Thomas Pinheiro. Dylan was born on December 4, 009 at Women and Infants’ Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 0� inches long. Dylan joins big brother Noah. Maternal grandparents are Donald and Joann Ventura and paternal grandparents are Frank and the late Maria Pinheiro all of East Providence. Dylan Thomas Pinheiro

Isabella Marie Correia

Isabella Marie Correia

Richard Correia and Tiffany Estrella are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Isabella Marie Correia. Isabella was born at 11: 3 a.m. on February 19th 010 at Women & Infants in Providence, RI. She weighed lbs 14oz and was 19 1/ inches long. Maternal grandparents are Steven Estrella of Riverside, RI and the late Cynthia (Menezes) Estrella of Pawtucket, RI. Paternal grandparents are Mauro and Debbie Acquaviva of Riverside, RI. Maternal great-grandparents are Louis Estrella of Riverside, RI and Veronica Menezes of Riverside, RI and the late Joseph Menezes. Paternal great-grandparents are Anthony Sousa of Rehoboth, Mass, the late Karen Sousa of Riverside, RI, and a proud Aunt Amanda Estrella. Godparents are Americo and Harley Correia.

Ariel Faith Grundy-Silva and Araya Hope Grundy-Silva

Staria Silva and Raymond Grundy of East Providence are proud to announce the birth of there twin daughters Ariel Faith Grundy-Silva and Araya Hope Grundy-Silva. They were born at Women & Infants hospital on March 1 , 010 both weighing 5 lbs. oz at 9:0 and 9:03 a.m. There maternal grandmother is Linda Silva.

Dining HUNGRY? find it in the

The Reporter May 010


Recipes from the Cabin

Catering For All Occasions •H

Q ua ey ome lity Since 1945 turk mad & f e s o up ee •t s • schroders own roast B ake ring Home Cate • r e Entrees • s d r o teaks cut to


May 2nd – May 8th

Land O’ Lakes American Cheese ..........................$5.99 / lb Virginia Baked Ham .......................................... $6.99 / lb

May 9th – May 15th

Honey Ham .........................................................$6.99 / lb Alpine Lace Swiss Cheese ...................................$7.99 / lb

May 16th – May 22nd

Cooper American Cheese .................................$6.99 / lb Schroder’s Own Roasted Turkey ..........................$ 7.99 / lb

May 23rd – May 29th

Mild Provolone .................................................$5.99 / lb Schroder’s Own Roast Beef ............................... $8.99 / lb

May 31st – June 5th

Boar’s Head Cracked Pepper Turkey .................. $8.99 / lb Boar’s Head Pepper Jack Cheese .....................$7.99 / lb

Lite Lunch Menu Items $1.99 each Daily Lunch Specials $4.99 each, Monday – Friday We now accept EBT cards! store Hours: monday - saturday 7am-6pm, sunday 7am-1pm

204 WiLLEtt AVEnuE • riVErsiDE, rHoDE isLAnD

e y


w r

Welcome to the cabin. Most cooks are inspired early on by eating another’s great food. Most I know can thank their mothers for teaching them about life in the kitchen. That is certainly the case with me. Thank you Mom. Nell, you fed me so well. You taught me to appreciate great, fresh quality ingredients. You set a standard of really good, well-prepared, healthy eating. And most importantly, you turned me on to many of our family’s favorite, homey, sentimental recipes. That’s the food you can’t find in any restaurant, or from any type of food service. Mom, I learned to cook because I love your cooking. If you haven’t done so lately, thank your mom for all of the great meals she prepared for you. Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful cooks out there! To follow is a recipe my Mom would make in a pinch, one that her mother (my Nana) made for her. It is a simple, supereconomical casserole we always called “Deep Dish”. It has only five ingredients: creamed corn, potatoes, onions, ground beef and tomato sauce, combined in one baking dish, in layers, and baked. Deep Dish, it turns out, doesn’t refer to the type of baking casserole in which it is prepared, but to the era in which the dish was popularized. With a little research we found that Deep Dish was actually short for Depression Dish. The basic, and very cheap ingredients are those that were available to most, even during the Great Depression. Somehow the simple combination of flavors bake together wonderfully. And, the addition or substitution of other fresh vegetables, other meats (especially lamb if you like it), and fresh herbs would be fantastic. Always make a dish a little your own. I love rhubarb. Try the following Rhubarb Cream Pie. A recipe from my friend’s mom, Mona. This is an old-fashioned fruit custard pie, with the tart delicacy of the rhubarb combined with orange zest. Preparing the rhubarb is easy, and putting together the pie is simple. And a prepared pie shell is more than acceptable if it gets you baking.

Chef Erin Chinese Restaurant


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May 010 The Reporter

May Breakfast On May 16th


Our Lady of Loreto Church 34 Waterman Avenue in East Providence will be holding it’s annual May Breakfast on Sunday, May 1 th, serving from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. The menu will include: scrambled eggs, sausage, baked ham, baked beans, home fries, English muffins, bagels, fruit cup, waffles, juice and coffee. We will also be selling tickets for our 50/50 Raffle. Come and bring a friend, everyone is welcome! Ticket prices are only $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 1 and under. For ticket information and purchasing please call the Rectory, Monday, Tuesday and Friday between the hours of 9-Noon @ 401-434-3535. Sponsored by OLOL Social Ministry Group.

51 N.Phillips Street • East Providence, RI, 02914 401-434-3224 • fax 401-228-3323

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Holy Ghost Beneficial Brotherhood of RI

Rhubarb Cream Pie Serves 8

You must remove all leaves from rhubarb. The leaves are not edible. Wash and chop stalks much like celery. If they are very thick I halve the stalk and chop in ½ inch pieces. 9” deep dish pie crust 1 ½ cups sugar ¼ cup flour 1 orange (zested) ¾ teaspoon ground nutmeg 3 eggs (beaten) 3 cups rhubarb (chopped) Preheat oven 375 degrees. In large bowl, mix sugar, flour and nutmeg. Stir in eggs and orange zest. Add rhubarb and toss until thoroughly coated. Pour filling into pastry shell. Bake 50- 0 minutes, till set in center and golden. Let cool before serving. Can be served room temp or chilled.

MAY RECIPES Depression Dish Serves 4- 3-4 large potatoes (@ 1 ½ - pounds, peeled and cut to 1” chunk) 15 ounce can creamed corn 1 medium onion (1/ inch slice) 1 pound ground beef 1 cup tomato sauce s & p to taste Spray medium casserole or dutch oven with nonstick spray. Place potato chunks in bottom of casserole. Pour creamed corn over potatoes. Sprinkle onion slices atop potatoes and corn. Break raw ground beef into small pieces and place atop onions. Shake some salt and pepper. Top all with the tomato sauce. Bake, covered with foil or lid, in 350 degree oven 1 hour. Uncover and bake an additional 10-15 minutes, till bubbly and golden. Check potatoes for tenderness. When they are done the dish is ready to serve.

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The Reporter May 010

O’Neill Bill Aims To Make the Public A Priority for the PUC

State House – Despite its name and its role in regulating the public utilities rates, there is little in state law requiring the Public Utilities Commission to consider the public’s interest when deciding whether to grant utilities requests for rate increases. Rep. J. Patrick O’Neill has introduced legislation that would specify the PUC’s duty to consider the public in rate decisions and would allow the regulatory agency to take into account the utility’s profit margins and current economic conditions. “The Public Utilities Commission really should be looking out for the public first and foremost. It’s not there just to decide whether utilities’ costs really have gone up when they ask for a rate increase. The PUC should also be looking at whether the public can absorb the increase, as well as what kind of profit the utility is making and whether that profit is typical compared to the overall economy. In times when the economy is sputtering, utilities profits shouldn’t get special protection at the expense of Rhode Island residents and businesses,” said Representative O’Neill, a Democrat who represents District 59 in Pawtucket. The legislation ( 010-H 73 ) allows the PUC to consider the public benefit when establishing rates, and also allows the PUC to grant a lower standard-offer increase than a utility requests based on the utility’s profit margin. The bill also sets as a condition for rate increases that the utility’s profits must be in line with economic conditions in the state. “Protecting the public’s interests and considering the utility’s profits are key to electric rates that make sense for Rhode Island,” said Representative O’Neill. “If the PUC considers only that a utility’s costs have gone up and not its profits when considering a rate increase, it means that the ratepayers absorb every cost increase, and the utilities don’t have to shoulder any of the burden. In essence, it protects the utility’s profits more than the needs of

ratepayers. Furthermore, passing the entire cost of increased expenses to ratepayers at a time when the whole economy is suffering proliferates the burden on the local economy, since utility increases mean higher costs for all homeowners, renters, business owners, retailers and consumers.” He continued, “Most utilities are huge, for-profit companies whose primary concern is making money, not protecting their ratepayers. That should be the PUC’s job. The PUC should be able to tell them to carry some of the weight themselves sometimes instead of always demanding higher rates from consumers, particularly when the economy is bad.” The bill, which Representative O’Neill also sponsored last year, is before the House Corporations Committee. It is cosponsored by Rep. Helio Melo (D-Dist. 4, East Providence).

Kilmartin Receives Pawtucket Democratic City Committee Endorsement Follows Endorsement from East Providence Democratic City Committee

Pawtucket, RI –As support for Peter F. Kilmartin’s Attorney General Campaign continues to grow state-wide, the Pawtucket Democratic City Committee has become the most recent organization to endorse his candidacy. “Peter F. Kilmartin is honored to have received support from the Pawtucket Democratic City Committee,” said spokesperson Brett Broesder. “And Kilmartin looks forward to working with them while taking his message of economic security, public safety and restoring the public trust across the Ocean State.” The Pawtucket Democratic City Committee’s show of support follows recent endorsements from the East Providence Democratic City Committee, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 3 8 and Teamsters Local 51.

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May 010 The Reporter

CLASSIFIEDS Send Classified with Payment to the East providence reporter; p.o. Box 170, rehoboth, mA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising



OLD FLOWER VASES: please donate for upcoming show, can pick up, call 401 3 -3 0 . (rfD)

APARTMENT FOR RENT: Riverside, nd floor, 1- bedrooms, carpeted, stove/fridge, quiet neighborhood, parking, no pets/smoking, asking $750/month, 1 yr. lease. Call (401)433-0871. (e510)

YARD SALE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE: We’re back! Saturday, May 15th, 9am to 3 pm, rain date Sunday, May 1 th. 199 Brightridge Avenue, E.P. Clothing, furniture, household goods, puzzles, books, etc. Many new items for sale. Call (401) 434-0540. (e510) YARD SALE: May 8,15, , 9th. Saturdays, from 9 – . Weather permitting, at Summit Street, East Providence. (e510) THE FAMILIES OF RESERVOIR AVE, REHOBOTH, MA: are holding a street-wide yard sale on Saturday, May , from 9 4 p.m. Directions: Take Route 44 to New Street, New Street turns into Reservoir Ave when it crosses County Street. Contact Cathy on 508- 45-3499 or edingtongang@ (e510)

VACATION RENTAL: St. Michael Azores (Portugal) New and pristine -bed, -bath apartment, Kit, DR, LR, & Laundry. Linens provided. Atlantic & mountain view. Near golf course, beaches, etc. Weekly/monthly rental available throughout the year. For info/reservations call 401-480-0374 or 50833 -843 . (e 10)

COMMERCIAL RENTAL Commercial Space Available - Heated garage space's with office and bath 1 -40x40 -1 0x40 both have 14 x14 doors ' ceiling , plenty of outside storage great for contractors, car or truck storage etc. Call Steve at 508- 5 -3391. (rfIW)



Official Program1


al 29 AtnPnurovidencetival th

d Fes itaorgiael Stadium & Fiel Her e Mem ly 19


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Classic Cars



Ethnic Food

A Celebration of Ethnic Dance!

1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15 Additional Words $.25 each

FOR SALE For Sale: Round 18” Swimming Pool, liner/cover/ladder, $800, great shape: also hot tub, Call for details (401)433-0871. (e510) For Sale: Block and tackle, old, various sizes. $ 5.00 and up. (401)434- 833. (e510)

HELP WANTED Help Wanted: Seeking direct care staff to work with an adult with autism, in a creative, community based program. H.S. Diploma & experience required. Contact John at (e510) HELP WANTED: Experienced landscaper wanted. Knowledge in hardscapes, irrigation a plus. Pay based on ability. Call Brian @ 508-783- 437 or email (rfCMA5)

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Featuring exhibits, food booths, children’s shows, amusement rides, & plenty of entertainment, including: Blue Wild Gypsy (Jimi Hendrix Tribute), The Blushing Brides “The World’s Most Dangerous Tribute to The Rolling Stones”, THE SPINNERS with Beyond Blonde, Kissnation with Draw The Line (Aerosmith Tribute) Publishers of The East Providence Reporter, will again publish the Official Heritage Festival Program. The program will be sent to homes in East Providence, distributed at area stores and at the Festival itself where more than 35,000 people are expected to attend.

Advertising Deadline is June 18th BUT YOU’LL WANT TO RESERVE SPACE EARLY!


Contact us for Heritage Festival Program Advertising Rates

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The Reporter May 2010

MAY BUSINESS DIRECTORY A/C & Heating Architectural Design Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bank Baseball - Professional Basketball Bowling Alley Building Contractor Building Contractor Carpentry - Finish Chamber of Commerce Collectibles Construction Credit Union Credit Union Dance Studio Dance Studio Dentist Dentist Dentist Dog Grooming Engine Repair-Lawn Fence-Sales/Serv. Fishing Florist Food Service Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Furniture/Upholstery Garage Doors Garden Center General Contractor Gifts & Collectibles Gifts & Collectibles Golf Club Golf Club Golf Range Hair / Nails Hair Salon Hair Salon Handyman Hardware Store Health Care Health & Fitness Home Improvements Home Improvements

Vicmir 25 VIZCAD 21 Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 69 Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 31 A-1 Custom Auto Body 24 Auto Enhancements 56 Fogarty Auto Body 28 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 12 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 8 Barbosa & Son Auto Repair 26 Fred's Service Center , Inc 24 New England Tire 27 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 63 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 23 Seekonk Auto Salvage 22 Coastway Credit Union / Decunha 10 Pawtucket Red Sox 55 One On One Basketball Camp 50 Bowling Academy 47 East Providence Siding 41 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 40 Mark Koussa Carpentry 42 East Providence Chamber 20 Wexler's Collectibles 24 Reinke Construction Company 44 Columbus Credit Union 35 Community & Teachers Credit Union 17 Bayside School of Dance 50 Riverside Dance Center 14 Dr. Dimitri Ganim 6 Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 52 Kenneth J. Rawlinson, D.D.S. 7 Pampered Pets 9 Fred's Service Center 4 Foxx Fence 41 The Bass Boys 68 Gilmores Flower Shop 33 Thomsen Foodservice 16 Affordable Fuel 51 Al's Quality Oil Co. 7 Columbus Energies Inc. 18 Savard Oil Co. Inc. 45 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 35 Wood's Heating Service 17 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 28 Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 34 Fred Brown 11 J & L Landscaping & Garden Center 43 R.A. Bradley Co., Inc. 4 Cardsmart 29 Cuties Gifts 18 Crestwood Country Club 63 Wampanoag Golf Course 50 Seekonk Driving Range 47 Perfect Nails & Facials 21 Jace Salon & Spa 34 Suite 307 Hair Studio 55 Just In Time Handyman Service 6 Standard Hardware 39 Barrington Urgent Care 57 Sheryl Marsland 19 Grant's Home Improvement 11 Professional Property Maintenance 34

Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Kitchen Remodeling Landscape Materials Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Laundromat Laundromat Liquor Store Massage Therapy Music Nail Salon Nursing Home Nursing Homes Nursing Homes Optometrists Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Parks Physical Therapy Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Pool Club Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Sheds Small Engine Repair Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing Sports - Soccer Tanning Salons Tanning Salons Theatres - Live Town Trash/Junk Removal Travel Travel Tree Service Tree Service Wilderness Skills Wireless Writing - Editing

Lezaola Insurance & House Group 16 Stateline Insurance 58 Kitchens Direct, Inc 53 Daniel D. Wright Realty LLC 39 East Bay Landscape, Inc. 40 Jacole B Landscaping 51 Moore's Landscaping 14 Superior Lawn Care 43 Launder Plus 32 Willett Laundromat 14 Wine & Spirits Depot 72 Heavenly Hands 22 Dougs Music & Learning Center 49 Salon Dolce Nails By Evie 45 Hattie Ide Chaffee Home 13 Eastgate Nursing & Recovery Center 57 Waterview Villa 61 Brown Center 22 Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 52 Romani Orthodontics 25 Adams Painting 21 Cronan Painting 4 Crescent Park Carousel 49 Sport & Spine Physical Therapy 12 Dyer Plumbing & Heating 9 Fullport Plumbing & Heating 12 The Grist Mill Pool & Tennis Club 48 Juan Cerda Bank Of America 15 Marcel Robert / Tirrell Realty 26 Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 45 Mateus Realty 71 Red Realty 2 Remax Heritage Agent Brokers 15 ReMax Rivers Edge 10 The Tirrell Team 36 Dunkin Donuts ( East Providence) 46 Luxury Box Bar & Grille 67 Phillips Street Restaurant 67 Schroder's Deli 66 Tai Pan 66 Tito's Cantina 67 Cameron Roofing 42 Artesani Remodeling 31 S. Willard 53 Tabeleys Roofing 40 B.O.B. Supply 56 Seekonk Small Engine Inc. 43 A Master's Touch 23 Positive New Beginnings 24 R.I. Oceaneers Soccer Club 54 Exotic Tans (formerly Sunset Tans) 31 SunSational Tanning 19 Trinity Repertory Company 54 Working Rhode Island 38 Big Blue Removal Service 42 Captain Cruise And Crew 46 Conway Tours 44 Advanced Tree 41 Steve's Tree Service 11 Indigenous Ways 50 Verizon Wireless Zone - Tower Comm 72 David Howard - Writing Workshop 28

May 010 The Reporter

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EAst proViDEnCE - Bright Ridge! 3 Br, 1.5 Bath Cottage. Dining, LR/ Fireplace, partially finished lower, gas heat, upgraded electric, siding, garage, fenced yard $189,900

rumForD - Myron Francis! Well Maintained, 3 Br, Ranch, LR w/FP, FR, HW's, Garage. New Roof, rep. windows, kitchen, ceilings, walls, carpeting & boiler. 11,000+sf lot. $239,900

seekonk -3900sf Custom Ranch w/ in-law. 5Br, 3.5bath, pantry, 2 kitchens, dining, FR, LR/FP, Cathedrals, skylights, french doors, porch, balconies. Master suite w/ jacuzzi & walk in closet. HW's, tile, granite, central air, 3 car garage, 1.2 acres. $879,900

riVErsiDE - Condo Alternative without the fees!!! 2 BR Ranch, partially finished lower, hw's, young gas furnace / HW tank, upgraded electric, modern kitchen, 3 season porch, young roof, replacement windows, 7000sf lot $164,900

WArWiCK - Lakewood! Clean 3 Br Colonial, dining, FLRM, PRCH, HW's. Young boiler/HW tank, some replacement windows, Corner lot $159,900

riVErsiDE - Waddington! Mint 3 BR Ranch, large living room w/ french doors to den, FR, gas heat, upgraded electric, HW's, tile, replacement windows, front porch, garage, 7000+sf lot $239,900

East providence - 2/3 Br, 2 bath Ranch, partially finished lower with spacious FR, Den, Bath/jacuzzi, gas heat, Hw's/ tile, pool, fenced yard. $194,900





EAst proViDEnCE - Well kept 3Br, 1.5 bath, Ranch, 2 kitchens, FR, HW's/tile, gas heat/central air. New roof, siding windows, upgraded electric, sliders, patio, garage. $219,900.


EAst proViDEnCE - 3 BR Ranch, HW's, gas heat, upgraded electric. New roof siding windows. 9,000+sf fenced corner lot. $199,900 East providence - Brightridge/Silver Spring!! Well kept 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Ranch, 2 Kitchens, FR, Hwd's, gas heat, central air, upgraded electric, garage, deck, patio, 8000+ SF lot. $249,900

EAst proViDEnCE - Pierce Field!! 2 F; 2 Brs, dining each; 4 finished rooms on 3rd; Hw's, upgraded electric, separate utilities, siding, replacement windows. $229,900

EAst proViDEnCE - Brightridge / Silver Spring!! 3 BR Ranch, HW's, Tile, upgraded electric, siding, replacement windows, 6400sf corner lot. $199,900

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The Reporter May 010


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w w w. W i r e l e s s Z o n e . c o m

EAST PROVIDENCE • 401-490-5050 575 Taunton Ave In Shaw’s Plaza

Activation fee/line: $35. IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: Subject to Customer Agreement, Calling Plan, rebate form & credit approval. Up to $175 early termination fee ($350 for advanced devices) & other charges. Offers and coverage not available everywhere. Rebate debit card takes 10-12 wks & expires in 12 months. While supplies last. Limited time offer. © 2010 Verizon Wireless. *For rebate, must be a customer for 30 consecutive days. Phone may not be returned after rebate is submitted. Wireless Zone is not responsible for typographical errors.

We have Moved! Visit us online at to take a virtual tour of our new store

Previously located on Wampanoag Trail... We have relocated to

Wampanoag Plaza next to the new Stop & Shop

at the intersection of Pawtucket & Taunton Avenues!

Rt.1 1




et A ve

New Location, New LOW Prices

Ave t.44 Taunton



Experience the great selection and values that we have to offer. While you are here, ask about our monthly Wine Seminars.

Visit us today!

1925 Pawtucket Ave, E Providence, RI

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