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The East Providence
eporter R
JUNE 2010 VOLUME 6, NO. 6
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
Father of Townie Pride is Gone
Myron J. Francis, "Father of Townie Pride".
Sun & Fun For Summertime Events see page 47
By Bob Rodericks The 1947 East Providence High School yearbook said the following about its’ popular class president; “Myron is tall, good looking, intelligent, friendly, amusing and lots of fun. He has made a lasting impression on his classmates. He organized the boy cheerleaders and has been an asset to our football team.” That 1947 yearbook went on to list this senior class president’s many other academic and athletic achievements. Myron Francis was also the class president for his graduating class at Rhode Island College of Education and received a Master’s Degree from Boston University. The current high school web site added this phrase in a tribute to Francis; “…you are the reason that Townie Pride is our past and our future. Thanks for teaching us the meaning of community, Mr. Francis, we will miss you.” Myron John Francis, 1, died on Saturday May th, one day before Mother’s Day. The affable Francis was appointed Superintendent of Schools for East Providence in 1979. Francis started his career as an elementary school teacher, became an elementary school principal in 1963 and before being named Superintendent he served the district as Director of Elementary Education. Along the way he also served the district in many other administrative and curriculum roles. He was East Providence’s first coordinator of federal and state programs and an early leader in the Head Start movement for pre-school children. In 1977 Francis was a recipient of the state’s “Outstanding Educator Award”. Francis was only the 4th Superintendent of Schools that East Providence had known. Through the appointment of Francis, East Providence did not see a large turnover in that position. Preceding Francis was Edward R. Martin, the longest reigning Superintendent in the nation with a 7 consecutive year tenure. Myron Francis inherited a very large school system in 1979 with some 10,000 students, double sessions in a high school with 400 students in three grades, a middle school with close to 1600 students and another with close to 1,000 and several more elementary schools than exist today. continued on page 14...
The 6th Annual East Providence Police Officers Memorial Service East Providence Rec. Dept.
Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks Pierce Memorial Stadium July 3rd
(Rain Date-July 5th) Free to the public. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. Food & Beverage Concessions.
Concert with gina Wesley & dreamcatcher, 7:30 – 9 p.m., followed by Fireworks!
East Providence police officers stand at attention. Read about this event on page 4.