The Seekonk
JUNE 2010 VOLUME 22, NO. 6
Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
Seekonk Town Meeting
Voters at the annual town meeting on May 24 approved several articles, including the creation of a building committee to oversee the new senior center, a Meadows committee to oversee the land behind the library, the purchase of two special education vehicles, and a two zoning bylaw changes. Turnout was low, with less than 200 residents attending. Complete Story on page 4
GiANt yArD SAle June 12th and 13th
A Gigantic Yard Sale By The Anawan Lions, Sat. & Sunday, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Redway Plain field in Rehoboth (corner of Rt.44 and Bay State Road). Rain date will be June 2 and 2 th, same place and time.
Summer Sun & Fun Upcoming Day Trips, Camps, & Outdoor Activities
Turn to page 62
Seekonk High School Teacher Named Teacher of the Year The United Regional Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that Linda K. Limperis has earned the Chamber’s 2010 Teacher of the Year Award. A Seekonk High School math teacher, Mrs. Limperis was nominated by the principal of Seekonk High School, Marcia F. McGovern. “I cannot think of a more deserving candidate than Mrs. Limperis. Mrs. Limperis’s knowledge of her subject matter, innovative use of instructional strategies, and passion for teaching contribute to her designation as an outstanding teacher,” Principal McGovern wrote. “Sometimes, there is the perception in these difficult economic times that teachers can easily be replaced. Teachers like Mrs. Limperis are not replaceable.” A mathematics teacher at Seekonk High School since 199 , Mrs. Limperis earned her bachelor’s degree from Boston College and her master’s degree from Rhode Island College. Mrs. Limperis is no stranger to
professional awards. In 2008, she earned the Teacher of the Year award from East Bay newspapers; in 200 , she earned “Going the Extra Mile” award; and in 2003, she earned the Teacher of the Year award for high school teacher most respected by peers. “There are two factors that I believe helped me to succeed in the teaching profession,” Mrs. Limperis said. “The first is the ability to explain critical concepts in many unique ways. The second is my empathy in working with individuals.” “Making a difference in a young student’s life is so rewarding and personal. I am so happy that I have been able to do so throughout my career.” For her Teacher of the Year award, Mrs. Limperis has earned a $1,000 check from Bristol County Savings Bank and a plaque that was presented to her at the Chamber’s Teacher of the Year and Top High School Student and Scholarship Breakfast in May .
2 The Reporter June 2010
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June 2010 The Reporter
Town of Seekonk News Notes Controversy Over fire Chief Continues
There continues to be controversy over the reappointment of Fire Chief Alan Jack. Now it concerns the release of minutes of an April 14 closed session in which selectmen initially voted not to renew his contract. Selectmen reversed their decision after an outcry from residents and voted to reappoint the Chief for a three-year contract about a week later. The Chief’s current contract expires on June 30. Then selectmen said higher expectations would be put on him when his new contract is written. Selectmen had issues with Jack’s management of the department and his use of call firefighters. The board recently released the minutes from the April 14 meeting, but the minutes have been edited, or “redacted” to remove sensitive information. This may be a violation of the town’s Open Meeting Law. The minutes were expected to be released in April.
senior Center Plans Approved
The plans for a new senior center near town hall on Peck Street were approved by selectmen last month. The center will be approximately ,000 square feet and be made of pre-fabricated materials. Voters at town meeting last month approved the formation of a seven-member building committee to oversee the design and construction of the center. The building will house the Human Services Department and include offices, a common room, activity area and a kitchen. The meeting space will also be available for use by town boards, committees and others. Selectmen want to move forward on the project, which has been delayed for many years, as soon as possible.
town Meeting to discuss fy 2011 Budget scheduled
A special town meeting is planned for June 1 to review the budget for Fiscal Year 2011. Discussion of the budget was postponed to give the town more time to receive updated state aid information. The meeting will be held at p.m. at Seekonk High School.
Cost of Rt. 152 Project Increased
The Route 1 2/Central Avenue Improvement Project is going to cost more than expected. Originally budgeted at $3.3 million, the cost will now be closer to $4.2 million, according to town officials. The additional money for the project is expected to come from state and federal funding. The project, which involves expanding traffic lanes at the intersection of Newman Avenue and Central Avenue from three to four lanes and improving drainage on the streets, is on schedule. It has been plagued by numerous delays and cost overruns. The original design consultant, MS Transportation, was fired last fall and the design firm currently working on the project, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. has indicated that additional drainage improvements will be needed, accounting for the additional cost.
Regional 911 Being explored
The Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) is planning a study on the feasibility of creating a regional 911 dispatch center in the area. Several local cities and towns, including Seekonk, may participate in the study. The study, expected to begin this summer and take about a year, will determine whether regionalizing 911 could save money and improve service. There is no obligation or cost to the town. The study is being funded by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.
seekonk high teacher Named teacher of the year
Congratulations to Linda Limperis, math teacher at Seekonk High School, who was recently named 2010 Teacher of the Year by the United Regional Chamber of Commerce. Limperis, along with high school students from area cities and towns, were recently honored at the group’s Spotlight on Education Breakfast in Wrentham.
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Call The Reporter 508-252-6575 Inside this Issue Antiquarian Society..................... Births.........................................93 Business Directory...................101 Church......................................88 Classifieds...............................99 Club Announcements................. 0 Dining Guide...............................8 Events and Activities...................24 Letters to the Editor....................... Library.........................................80 Obituaries................................9 People in the News..................... 3 Rehoboth Council on Aging.......91 Rehoboth Ramblings.................20 Rehoboth Rescue Squad..........18 Rehoboth Town News................14 Scouts.......................................83 Seekonk Human Services.......... 8 Seekonk Scene..........................22 Sports Update............................3 Spotlight on Schools..................42 Statehouse Update.....................40 Summer Fun............................... 2 Wedding................................94
4 The Reporter June 2010
Seekonk Approves Senior Center & Meadows Committee at Town Meeting - Budget Discussion Postponed by Laura Calverley
The meeting opened with a motion to postpone discussion of the Fiscal Year 2011 budget. A special town meeting will be held on June 1 to review the budget. Town officials decided to delay the budget until more timely information on local aid is available from the state. An article approved later in the meeting made it possible for future town meetings to take place in June if necessary. The article changed the months that town meeting takes place from “March, April, or May” to “April, May, or June.” Voters approved a building committee to oversee the design and construction of the new senior center. It will be a seven-member group appointed by the town moderator. The article also allocated $ 0,000 from the capital stabilization fund to be expended under the direction of the board of selectmen. The money would be used to update or review building plans and/or hire a grant writer. Because the funds would come from stabilization, the vote required a two-thirds majority to pass. The town moderator, Harold Devine, reminded residents that this article was not authorizing the construction of a new senior center, which was already approved. The reason a building committee is needed, he said, is because at the last town meeting, voters rejected an article to create a permanent building committee in town. The vote was unanimous to approve the senior center building committee. Voters approved a Meadows committee, also to be made up of seven members, and appointed by the Board of Library Trustees, to plan and supervise the land behind the library, known as the Meadows, for passive recreation. The committee will make recommendations regarding contracts, expenditures and other items. In a separate article town meeting authorized the Meadows land to be transferred to the control of the Library Board of Trustees. The transfer of the land was an administrative fix and something that should have been done years ago, Town Administrator Michael Carroll had said previously. Residents also approved a capital expenditure of $190,000 to fund a multipurpose vehicle for the Department of Public Works to be used for the collection of yard waste, for roadway maintenance and snow removal. Superintendent of Public Works Bob Lamoureux said that the multi-purpose vehicle has been “a priority for the department for four years” and is something that is “sorely needed.”
Voters also approved funds for the fifth year of a seven-year lease/purchase of fire department apparatus and for the second year of a five-year lease/purchase of a telecommunications network for the school department. The telecommunications article was probably the most controversial of the night. A motion was made to table the vote, but it failed. “During the time from the last meeting in November and now, we have successfully negotiated a contract with a company that is going to be going forward (in installing fiber optics in the schools). … It is going to make our schoolchildren be able to compete in a world and be that much more technologically advanced,” said Fran Creamer of the School Committee. Creamer said the network is expected to be up and running by September. Members of the capital improvement committee said the town was not provided with enough information on the project. The first year of the agreement was already approved by a previous town meeting and this would be funding for the second year of the lease/purchase. The article was approved in a close vote, of 94 to , after some further discussion. Voters also approved an article amending the zoning bylaw to allow the addition of a solar photovoltaic overlay district on the southeastern part of town. Town officials had said there was some interest from a business in creating a solar facility there and it would create construction jobs and some tax revenue for the town. Another zoning change proposed the addition of the “Luther’s Corner Village District” in that area of town. According to Town Planner John Hansen, the proposed amendment establishes reasonable standards to allow a mix of limited commercial and residential uses consistent with the appearance of the Village. “The purpose of the Luther’s Corners Village District amendment is to preserve the architectural and historic character of the area,” Hansen said. An article submitted by the school committee requesting the purchase of two special education vehicles for about $ 9,000 was approved. The new vans will replace two other aging vehicles with over 100,000 miles on each. Residents also approved an article allowing the town to acquire or take land or approve easements to work on land, for the Rt. 1 2/Bakers Corners Roadway Improvement Project. Town meeting
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had already approved a similar article but because there were some updates to the maps and design of the project, another article was needed. Warrants for town meetings will now be available two weeks before the meeting, rather than three weeks, after residents approved an article proposing the change. Motions for articles will also have to be available 14 days prior to meetings. Two citizens’ petition articles were postponed, one proposing a moratorium of one year on all temporary signage bylaws and another that proposed developing a plan for centralized maintenance of all town properties. The meeting was adjourned with plans to reconvene on Wednesday, June 1 at p.m. at the high school for a discussion of the budget.
June 2010 The Reporter
Letters to the Editor... The letters in this section do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Dick & Barbara Georgia
Support For The Seekonk Rehoboth Five Year Plan? By the time this article is printed the first Senior Center of the series of Town Meetings will have
The excitement is building, following the April 28 Seekonk Board of Selectman Meeting during which the proposed Seekonk Senior Center received the unanimous support of all Selectman in attendance as well as Michael Carroll, Town Administrator. The current facility on Pleasant Street is not at all pleasant, it is very difficult to navigate for individuals with any handicaps and one wonders how the staff manage to help provide social services to all Seekonk residents, regardless of age…. they must be very creative in light of their work environment. Hopefully, Seekonk has finally turned the corner and a functional, most needed building may be on our horizon. Although it is being named the Seekonk Senior Center, in reality it will be a senior/ community center. Kudos to Dave Bowden and Mr. Reinke for their joint efforts in formulating an “idea” that appears to be economically feasible and in the realm of getting it done. As for the suggested location, Town Hall, Police/Fire Central, Animal Control Facility and the proposed Community Center, what could be better? I realize that the voters of Seekonk have not been in favor of this proposal in the past, however, the need is now, the momentum, hopefully, will move forward, and, those who have vetoed the center may, one day, use it, either for social service needs, which are not all senior related, especially in this economy, or, when they, too, become seniors. The age related calendar never stops, for any of us. Voters, you have said yes to many other requests, please consider another yes. And, those voters who do not regularly attend Town Meetings consider doing so. Put your taxes to work for you on this matter. Remember, a new center is not a luxury, it is a definite need! Yes, the excitement IS building, and there is HOPE. Barbara Malloy Seekonk
already taken place. Many if not all of our surrounding communities are down to bare bone budgets. Across the board State Aid will continue to decline. Town services are unsustainable with current Tax Revenue. I believe that our Finance Committee, Selectmen, and Town Officials are doing the best they can with the tools they have. They are so busy scrambling to make ends meet from month to month that it is overwhelming to look at the big picture and have time to think much beyond the current fiscal year. Our town is not alone in this endless frustration. I believe the answer lies with the State lowering the threshold for accreditation for all municipalities and consolidation of services wherever possible. The Blanding Library is the tipping stone this year. It has been suggested that every household donate a few dollars a year, but what about next year and so on. If memory serves me… a while back the town voted to allow a few dollars to be added to our tax bill to supplement Rehoboth’s Land Trust. When we needed the new DR septic system, a debt exclusion was proposed at a cost of only a few dollars per household. All these “few dollars” add up. The revenue is certainly needed to support adequate services, but what about next year? Are we going to be asked to contribute a few more dollars for a Tree Warden, or Police Chief, or replacement emergency vehicles and equipment? Maybe we will have to, but to me it seems like circumventing the inevitable override of Prop 2 ½, which every community might be forced into. As far as the Blanding Library is concerned, personally I would not want to see it “mothballed,” but we might not have a choice next year. I attend functions regularly there, and the staff is very cooperative, but I have to question if it is more of a priority to the town then ESSENTIAL town workers, like continued on next page
The Rehoboth/Seekonk
Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769
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The Reporter June 2010
Conservation, Tree Warden, Public Works, Police, and Fire. Within a 20 minute drive, I can get to at least 5 state accredited libraries. A hundred years ago a local library was pivotal to the community because of transportation limitations. Now with the power of the internet and books on “Kindle” and cable TV and “Netflix,” the times are changing. Maybe it’s time for consolidation to a few well equipped regional libraries where communities would pool their resources. Smaller libraries like Blanding could be run by volunteers just for the sole purpose of meetings and functions with no inventories to maintain. The other thing that doesn’t make any sense is the regulation that if a local library is forced to close because of budget restraints then those residents are in effect “Blackballed” from using any other library in the state forever. It appears foreseeable that communities will be forced to cut funding to less than state mandated levels for many services. We all need to put our emotions aside and collectively decide who or what services are deemed bare bones essential. Sacrifices will have to be made and people forced to settle for less than what we think we deserve. Respectfully, John Courchesne
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Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Beth Dalpe. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, the youngest of which, (Alex) has very specific and chronic medical issues due to Dravet Syndrome. After getting involved with our local emergency medical services, I feel inspired to encourage families and individuals in town who also have special medical needs to do the same as my husband and I have. Until one night about 4 ½ years ago, calling 911 was something my husband and I only heard about or saw on television. Now calling 911 has become, unfortunately, almost a routine. When Alex was only 4 months old he suffered from a huge Grand Mal seizure, we went to the hospital by ambulance, and was sent home a day later with hopes that this was a one-time event and we would never have to experience that kind of terror again. Well, our wishes unfortunately were not answered. In fact, they were just the opposite. Two months later it happened again, this time even worse. 911 was called again. This same scenario happened over and over again. At this time we lived in Seekonk and we began to know most of the medics and EMT’s by name. After months of seizures, we received a diagnoses, our little boy has a catastrophic form of epilepsy, Dravet Syndrome. We learned that this vicious cycle of seizures and 911 calls would not only not go away but potentially get worse with time. Soon after, we bought a home here in Rehoboth. Given our situation we needed to know the emergency services here, as it is considerably different. We needed to figure out a plan knowing that these 911 calls were not going to go away. We thought that the Ambulance/Rescue workers should know Alex’s specific condiHours tion and emergency medical needs as they M•T•T•F are very unique to his condition. Having 9-5 some sort of plan in place would be ideal, Wed til 8 a “protocol” if you will. So when the call Sat 9-1 comes in for the ambulance to come to our home, no matter who responds, they know what needs to be done. ...more letters on page 8
June 2010 The Reporter
If you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, the last thing you should have to worry about is leaving the comfort and familiarity of your community for treatment. And you don’t have to. In all but the rarest of instances, you can get all of your cancer care coordinated and delivered through Sturdy Memorial Hospital. Our oncology team consists of well-regarded, experienced physicians and nurses who have dedicated themselves to helping people deal with the unexpected changes brought on by cancer. They have access to the most advanced technologies used by cancer professionals today and are
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8 The Reporter June 2010 So going through routine questions such as medications, medical history etc. can be avoided or done in the Ambulance and transport can be done as quickly as possible. This “protocol” follows Alex even in school with the school nurse and his teachers and aides. Everyone is informed of Alex’s medical issues and emergency needs. Educating the teachers, school nurse, and emergency staff on the protocol makes a horrible experience of having to call 911, move smoothly and like clockwork. This has worked wonderfully for us thus far. I personally believe that anyone who has a need for such a protocol should contact Rehoboth Ambulance. Candidates for this protocol are the chronically ill, elderly who live alone (who in an emergency may not be able to speak for themselves) or medically fragile individuals who have complicated medical issues. Our local EMT’s and Paramedics in turn will also be able to do their jobs more effectively with your information in hand. Help them, Help You. To inquire about getting an emergency protocol, please contact Steve Haskell at Rehoboth Ambulance. Phone # 08-2 2-3029 Thank you, Beth Dalpe
Tomorrow Fund Fundraiser To Benefit Emma Wheeler
My name is Susan Howard. I am a resident of Rehoboth MA. I have a passion in my heart to create this fundraiser to honor our little hometown hero Emma Wheeler. She is in 3rd grade at the Palmer River elementary school. She goes to school with my three daughters. This past year Emma had to have a kidney removed due to cancer, and has had to go through chemo and radiation. She has missed a lot of school, but is a real trooper and an inspiration to so many. Her story touched my heart because my house has been struck with cancer this year. My husband was diagnosed with colon and thyroid cancer around the same time as Emma. As a wife and Mother I know first hand what cancer does to a family. We are fortunate to have wonderful insurance and did not experience a terrible financial burden due to my husband’s treatments. This experience has made me very aware of how many people are affected financially because of cancer. It is a true blessing to create this fundraiser for the Tomorrow Fund an organization that helps families of children diagnosed with cancer.
Dr. Harrison T. Smiley Announces That He Is Moving His Practice To Envisions Eyecare Center,
1970 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence RI (Next to East Providence High School) Dr. Smiley has been in practice in East Providence since 1973 and will continue caring for his patients, as well as accepting new patients on a regularly scheduled basis. Call 401-438-1166 for an appointment. Dr. Smiley will provide all optical services needed, and will screen for medical conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal disease. He is pleased to welcome his patients and have them experience a new and expanded facility, utilizing the latest technology in eye care delivery.
Dr. Harrison T. Smiley
Dr. Smiley will provide comprehensive eye care services for the entire family: children, adults and senior care. He has extended experience in cataract, glaucoma and retinal management and has served as staff optometrist for nursing homes in the area.
Envisions Eyecare Centers, Inc. are owned and operated by Dr. John S. Corvese. They specialize in providing personalized optical care to adults and children from all walks of life, in a professional and friendly manner. They offer all optical services, from a vast selection of contact lenses, to a wide array of eyeglass frames. Fashion and designer frames and sunglasses are available at the new adjacent Elegance N Eyewear boutique.
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June 2010 The Reporter I am the designer of the Comfort Wear Jewelry collection. My jewelry will be available to purchase at the Secret Garden through out the week and the weekend of the event. Comfort Wear jewelry is designed and created by me with the intended purpose to help bring comfort to people struggling through difficult times in life. Families that have a child diagnosed with cancer are truly suffering through a difficult time. I believe that my jewelry will truly touch the hearts of people and family members who have been afflicted by cancer. As the designer I will be donating 20% of my sales to the Tomorrow Fund.
Tomorrow Fund Fundraiser June 26th & 27th - Location: The Secret Garden 462 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA list of events...
On Saturday at 2:00 the Hillside Galileans a country gospel group will perform an outdoor concert. They will take a collection and 100% of the collection will go to the Tomorrow fund. Rain date for Sunday at 2:00 On Sunday at 12:00 the Rehoboth Fire Department will be bringing a fire truck for kids to explore. We will have a container from the Tomorrow fund for people to leave a donation. 100% of the collection will be donated to the Tomorrow Fund. Also I am working with local girl and boy scouts to create a can drive collecting recyclable cans. Each troop donating 100% of their collection to the Tomorrow Fund. I will be asking them to come to the event in uniform to bring the donations they collected. On Sunday My husband Shawn will be bringing his 19 Z28 Camaro. He has been restoring this car through out his cancer treatments. This has been very therapeutic to him. I am certain that the many men that have been faced with cancer in their own lives will be thrilled to view his car. We will have a canister available and 100% all donations will be donated to the Tomorrow Fund. I am looking forward to putting on this event. I am grateful to Pat Abrahamson the owner of the Secret Garden for allowing us to use her location. With out her this event would not be possible. Sincerely, Susan Howard
Kudos are in Order
Kudos to Mike Costello for his donation of time and energy to the maintenance of the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center, Rehoboth. He is the overseer of the building, and has not waivered in his duties, nor does he receive compensation for his efforts. Mike not only takes care of the inside, but he has cleaned up the grounds surrounding the building. Thank you Mike! Lorraine Botts Rehoboth, MA
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10 The Reporter June 2010
oPen TuesDAy nIGHTs TIl 8PM
David Saad Announces His Platform As Candidate for State Representative local Aid
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Our cities and towns have been hit hard by the frequent cuts in local aid payments by the state. Municipalities have been told by state leaders to revise their budgets mid year, for two consecutive years. And that has created a mess with critical, local duties like fire and police protection, education and library services. Our cities and towns have been devastated by the insensitive and absurd budgeting habits on Beacon Hill. Beacon Hill should stop trying to balance the budget on the backs of local governments. State government should be cut before local government – that hasn’t happened. We have , 00 more state employees than we did in 2004. That’s wrong and that has to change. I believe cutting local aid should be forbidden right now. We need to offer cities and towns a more predictable revenue sharing formula, one based on a defined share of state taxes. As a Representative I’ll use my business experience to promote policies in state government to help our cities and towns succeed. I will propose a rollback of the sales tax to %. However, 4% will be returned to the state while the remaining 1% will go to the local cities and towns in the towns, whose businesses have raised the sales tax revenues.
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I have met with many business owners, and the one thing that was similar to all of them was that Massachusetts is a difficult place to do business in. As a former small business owner I know that dealing with government is difficult. Nothing could be more anti-
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June 2010 The Reporter
Designer of Wellesley’s D e c o r a t i n g FABER’S RUG C O M P A N Y
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508-294-2099 US Senator Scott Brown thanks David Saad for all the help his campaign staff did to help him get elected. business. Most of the people I met said they understood we need laws regulating business, but most of the laws were antiquated and need to be changed. We are losing jobs to other states because of erratic tax laws, unfair health care costs that penalize small businesses. Not to mention high-energy costs, and unreasonable rules, regulations, and permitting laws enacted by state bureaucrats who’ve never met a payroll. As your Representative, I will create a strategy for Massachusetts that focuses on every business in the state, not just a chosen few. And, I will be committed to following through on that strategy during my term. Simply put, making our state friendlier to business means more jobs for our people. I will invite business owners from a cross section of different businesses and look at our existing laws and make changes with their input to help stimulate business. I will also work to create a climate that retains and attracts business to our state.
Massachusetts Health Care reform was a step in the right direction. But under Beacon Hill and Governor Patrick, health care reform has gotten out of control. It was intended to make quality care more affordable for families, individuals, and for small businesses, and create more choices for individuals. Now we have more mandates, less options, and higher costs. As your Representative, I’ll make health care in Massachusetts more affordable for our families, and for small businesses. I’ll demand that providers publicly disclose their prices for services, because we can’t lower costs until providers disclose exactly what they’re charging patients and insurLetters continued on page13
Voted beSt preschool/childcare in the Area by readers choice Awards!
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12 The Reporter June 2010
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nos Falamos Portugues
June 2010 The Reporter
ers. Expand the coverage that protects low-income seniors. I’ll work with our US representatives to get a waiver from the federal government that streamlines funding for Medicare and Medicaid to create a single, coordinated program for those who qualify for both programs. By re-structuring the program and move to a managed care model for MassHealth recipients, we’ll improve the quality of care and save millions of taxpayer dollars.
As a former educator I believe in order to meet tomorrow’s economic challenges Massachusetts must start with our students and teachers. We cannot allow politics to play any role in our educational process. School systems must adopt accountability, flexibility, performance and innovation. If all of our young people were to have a good education available to them we wouldn’t need divisive programs like “Affirmative Action” to level the playing field later in life. I believe education is not only a basic right but also the cornerstone to our future as a society. As your representative, I will focus on giving our classrooms back to our teachers so that they can focus on educating. Too much time is spent on matters unrelated to teaching. Classroom time should be fully spent on learning and not on discipline matters. Judges and courts have done too much harm to our educational process. The success of our children and our future starts with strengthening our public schools. David Saad Candidate for MA State Rep. 4th District
Reed Outdoor Furnaces
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Biomes Marine Biology Center Big Brothers Night with the Paw Sox
The place is McCoy Stadium. The date is Tuesday, June 29, 2010. The rivals are the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees and the Pawtucket Red Sox. The winner will be the Big Brothers of Rhode Island. That Tuesday evening will mark Big Brothers Night at McCoy and the Paw Sox will generously donate a portion of all the tickets that we sell to help us continue the vital work of providing adult companionship and guidance to boys without a father at home. Festivities will include: 1. Big and Little Brothers will participate in the pre-game ceremonies by marching on the field. 2. A Little Brother will throw out the first ball. 3. Advisory Board Member James McBride “Mr. Deep Positivity” will sing the Big Brothers Song. 4. At the seventh inning stretch, Advisory Board Member Danielle Lima will sing God Bless America. There will be the usual Red Sox-Yankee intensity from players just a step away from the major leagues and the customary good food, sight lines and family atmosphere of McCoy. Tickets are only $7, so get a bunch from our office, bring your family and Little Brother and enlist your friends, neighbors and fellow workers to help our cause. The more tickets we sell, the more our organization benefits. Let’s fill McCoy to the rafters!
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The Reporter June 2010
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Kathy’s Corner Town Meeting
Our Annual Town Meeting began on Monday, May 24th, at the Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School convening at :30 p.m. A second session, if necessary, will be held at the same time and location on Tuesday, June 1st to transact any business not completed in our first Kathleen J. Conti session. I urge all voters to come out to Town Clerk our Annual Town Meeting and let your voice be heard. It is up to you to vote on how your town government runs and how your money is spent. Your Vote Counts.
Dog Licenses
All dog licenses are due and payable by April 1st of every year and a late fee of $1 .00 will be assessed for any licenses that are not renewed by June 1st of each year. We still have 34 dogs that are unlicensed for this year. A citation with an additional late charge of $2 .00 will be issued for any dogs that are not licensed by July 1 th, so please, come in and license your dogs to avoid any further late charges.
Design • Sales • Installation
Kings Oak Center Financing 21 Brook Street, Suite #4 options Seekonk, MA 02 1 Available
Rehoboth Town News
Free Estimates Call for an appointment 08. 1.809
Business Certificates
Business owners are reminded that the application fee for a business certificate and/or business certificate renewal has increased to $ 0.00 and that your certificate is valid for four years.
In Memory of Peg Parker
For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at
On a personal note, I wish to extend my condolences to the Parker family. Margaret “Peg” Parker, must be honored and recognized for her contributions to the Town of Rehoboth. I especially want to acknowledge her assistance to me as a member of the Board of Registrars. Peg served in distinction on the Board from May 21, 2001 until March 31, 200 and she will be sincerely missed.
Public Notice In accordance with IRs requirements for nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organizations: the 2009 form 990 federal tax filing for the Rehoboth land trust is available for review by the public through August 31 at the Blanding Public library, Bay state Road, Rehoboth. Adam w. latham, President Rehoboth land trust P.O. Box 335 Rehoboth, MA 02769 (508)252-1033
June 2010 The Reporter
401.323.0359 On Monday May 3, 2010 new Rehoboth Police Officer Douglas A. Brown Jr. is sworn in to his new position by Police Chief Stephen J. Enos at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting. Officer Brown is currently in the “field training” phase of his indoctrination into the police department. Looking on is Selectmen Kevin McBride and Chairman Kenneth Foley. Photo was taken by Norm Spring.
Patrolman Douglas Brown Jr. Sworn In
Rehoboth Police have sworn in a new police officer to fill one of the vacancies in the ranks of the department. Patrolman Douglas A. Brown Jr., age 2 of Seekonk, MA graduated from the Municipal Police Training Academy in Randolph on Friday April 30, 2010. Officer Brown graduated from the 21 week academy with an overall academic score of 9 .33. Officer Brown was sworn in Moncontinued on page 16
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The Reporter June 2010
part Now ic with ipating A
Den ltus tal
Patrolman Douglas Brown Jr.
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Stranger Danger
Here’s a sparkling example of the kind of results you can expect...
our patient before
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Dr. Jared W. Stubbs, DDS
day evening, May 3, 2010 at the Rehoboth Board of Selectmen’s meeting. Officer Brown will begin field training with a veteran officer before assuming his own patrol duties with the force. Rehoboth Police have two additional officers in the current Municipal Police Training Academy being conducted by the MBTA Police in Quincy, Ma. Stephen J. Enos Chief of Police
Dr. Lisa Daft, DMD
520 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA
( 508 ) 336-7260
Got Bad Water?
On Tuesday, April 1 th, Sergeant Mark Rossi of the Rehoboth Police Department presented a “Stranger Danger” program to a group of – 9 year olds. The children are part of the Muscles and Minds Program at the Fitness Mom Studio. Sergeant Rossi was well received by the children as he discussed issues related to child safety. Each child received an activity book that contains coloring and game pages designed to reinforce the lessons they learned. Each parent was given a copy of “Personal Safety of Children”. This publication, a collaborative effort between several agencies, is intended to be used as a general guide by parents. The Rehoboth Police Department offers a variety of crime prevention and outreach programs designed for children and teens. For more information or to schedule a presentation please contact School Resource Officers Gardner or Perry (Rehoboth Police Department, 334 Anawan Street Rehoboth MA 02 9 or mgardner@rehobothpd. org or ).
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Dear Postal Customer During the Spring and Summer months, Wasps, Hornets and Birds frequently build nests inside the protection of Mailboxes. You can help your postal worker avoid Painful Insect Stings and ensure uninterrupted mail delivery be: ~ Ensuring that your Mailbox is in good repair with a tight fitting door. ~ Cutting back Plants, Flowers and Shrubs. Thank You, Your Letter Carrier United States Postal Service
June 2010 The Reporter
Rehoboth Animal Shelter
June is Adopt a Shelter Cat month, and the cats at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter are waiting for their new homes. In the meantime, donations of cat litter would be appreciated.
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This picture is of a mother cat whose kittens are ready for homes of their own; she is a friendly tabby who would love a soft cushion of her own. One of the kittens is a young black and white male. To visit these and other adoptable pets, call the shelter at 08-2 2- 421, ext.12 .
The Reporter: Providing you with 100% LOCAL COVERAGE for the BEST RATES! Call 508.252.6575 to Advertise
The Reporter June 2010 h Bot Res
e Cu
Reh o
Rehoboth Rescue Squad Training in Personal Safety (TIPS) By Tom Rose, Captain of Rescue
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Preventing Mosquito Bites
Now that we are in June, we find that a very wet spring and early season above average temperatures have brought out those annoying pesky mosquitoes. While the risk of getting diseases from mosquitoes is low, it is still possible. To prevent mosquito bites, apply insect repellent containing DEET (N, N diethylmetatoluamide) to your clothes and skin. The repellent is available in varying strengths up to 100%. In young children, use a preparation containing less than 24% strength, because the chemical can be absorbed through the skin. Repellents containing permethrin or other EPA-registered repellents such as deltamethrin may be used on clothing only, as mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing. Do not apply repellents containing permethrin and deltamethrin to exposed skin. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants whenever you are outdoors. Some people may wish to wear mosquito netting over the face as well. Limit outdoor activities at dawn,
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dusk, and early evening, when mosquitoes are most active. Install or repair window and door screens so that mosquitoes cannot get indoors.
Reduce Breeding sites
Reduce mosquito breeding sites by eliminating sources of standing water in the yard where mosquitoes may lay eggs. Fill, cover, or remove any items that can trap water. Common mosquito breeding containers include: Bird baths – change the water weekly and clean the bath on a regular basis Outdoor pet dishes – change the water daily not just to prevent mosquito breeding but also for your pet’s health Flower pots – remove any overflow water that has collected in the dish beneath the pot Ponds – consider purchasing mosquitoeating fish or even ducks if the pond cannot be drained Tires Gutters – clean and remove debris on a regular basis to prevent water from collecting Wheelbarrows Wading pools Trashcan lids and recycling bins Puddles/ditches in your driveway Swimming pools (not in use) – keep pool water aerated and chlorinated; cover when not in use Trim grass regularly The phone number for Bristol County Mosquito Control is ( 08) 823- 2 3. Please call them if you need to have your yard sprayed. If steps are taken to keep pesky mosquitoes at bay, more time can be spent at playgrounds, ball games, and barbecues than scratching itchy bites.
thank you ... dunkin’ donuts, NeAttA, and francis farm
The Rescue Squad served coffee and donuts during the New England Antique Truck and Tractor Association’s Spring Swap Meet on April 24 and 2 at Francis Farm. The weekend weather was outstanding with warm days and many people were up and out early for the event. From :30 A.M. to 12:00 noon you could get a cup of coffee and a donut for only a $1.00 donation. Rescue was on hand and staffed with our
June 2010 The Reporter EMT’s both days in case of an emergency. Thanks again to Dunkin’ Donuts, NEATTA, and Francis Farm for their generous donations and to our customers who donated money towards equipment.
have an old car or truck no longer usable
The Rehoboth Rescue Squad is looking for vehicles to be used for rescue training. Donors will receive a 22 receipt for tax purposes. Call Bud Fagundes for pickup at 08.2 2.3048.
Mammoth Rock Farm LLC Custom Agricultural & Land Services
55 HP Tractor, 90 HP Tractor, Loader backhoe and full inventory of tillage and mowing implements
For a detailed brochure and price list e-mail
sCuBA divers
The Rehoboth Rescue is looking to augment our Dive Squad. If you are a recreational or professional SCUBA diver and would like to volunteer your services to the town, please contact us. We own equipment including tanks and regulators. We also have a ZODIAC inflatable boat, fully equipped, with an outboard and a trailer. Check us out! We can always use help and our training dive drills are fun, summer or winter.
Battery Collection 7 days a week during June and July or Call 508-889-2269
Mowing under brush reduces disease carrying mosquito populations near paddocks and outdoor recreation areas. (non wetland areas) Make better use of your property by opening new and maintaining existing trails and fields. Enjoy fresh vegetables you grow yourself. Renew pastures with dense nutrient rich grasses of your choice. Enjoy a wide variety and healthy wildlife populations by planting multi-season food plots..
The Rehoboth Rescue Squad will again collect and recycle discarded auto, truck, tractor, home electronics, and all small dry cell batteries. Locate the sign behind the Public Safety Building at 334 Anawan Street and drop off your large batteries on the pallet or small dry cell batteries in the bucket. Recycle and save the environment by removing these lead contaminants from our soil and water supplies.
Talk To
Serving You For over 49 Years
The Rehoboth Rescue Squad continues to train and is always looking for volunteers. Contact Chief Gary Kloss at 401.22 .38 0 for an application or visit us on our new website http://rehobothrescue .org. Write to us at Rehoboth Rescue Association PO Box 1, Rehoboth, MA 02 9-00 1.
438-7788 438-7789
eQuAl HOuSing OppOrTuniTy
The Reporter June 2010
Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson
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Advice Column: Why should Amy or Annie have the last word in giving advice? Thinking things over, I’ve come up with some helpful advice myself. Some of this was learned the hard way. Here goes: Don’t go to the mountains on spring break unless you want to see snow. I couldn’t wait to see Taos, New Mexico, again on a recent trip to the Southwest, since I really liked it when we were there 1 years ago in August. Turns out that it is still very much winter there the last week of March (it was snowing April 1) and the town itself is still pretty much shut down for the winter. The Taos ski resort is some distance away and we don’t ski anyway. We went to a restaurant for dinner where we were the only customers the whole time. The food was OK but it felt very weird. I don’t know why they stay open in the off season. The snow-covered mountains were quite beautiful, however.
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June 2010 The Reporter Santa Fe and Albuquerque were quite pleasant in early spring, ranging from warm and sunny to cool and cloudy, even if the trees and flowers weren’t blooming yet. The flip side of this advice is don’t go to Albuquerque in the middle of summer if you can’t stand the heat, though it’s not nearly as bad as Phoenix. Everyone says to visit New Mexico in autumn. I hope to some day. While we were chuckling as we looked at the Santa Fe River (which was little more than a trickle), the rivers back home were going on a rampage. We returned to our soggy home on April 3, which brings me to: Don’t assume that your basement will never flood just because it’s never happened in over 30 years. The corollary to this is don’t assume that it can’t rain 8 to 10 inches in one day. Do count your blessings if you were away for the whole monsoon, and the airport was only closed while you were away and reopened in time for your return. We only had a little water in the basement, though April 4 was less Easter Parade and more bucket brigade. My sympathy to those who suffered real damage in the floods, and to those whose lives are still inconvenienced with some local bridges washed away or severely damaged. For the first time that I can recall, our return flight went right over our neighborhood (heaven knows enough planes go over our house daily but never one that I was on). This view of Rehoboth was a treat. The Palmer River was glittering in the afternoon sun and looked about twice its normal size. It was quite a dramatic view of the old hometown from above. Now, since it is June, here is some brief advice for graduates and other young people: Don’t be a twit on Twitter or a fool on Facebook. You’d think everyone would know this by now, but I recently heard a story about a new hire in an office, which shall be nameless here, who started criticizing her new co-workers on Twitter for all to read. Maybe she wanted to get fired, but we can call this one How To Lose A Job In Days. Don’t stay inside on a beautiful day if you can help it. Once outdoors, stop texting and enjoy the wonders of nature. (But if you go to the beach, don’t forget the sunblock.) A perfect summer day is a fleeting thing. Carpe diem. Likewise, don’t let online socializing take the place of real human contact; there’s nothing like it online. Don’t forget to send thank-you notes for gifts, whether graduation, wedding, or what have you. Writing a note on paper is best (your parents or some other old person can give you a stamp and show you how we used to send letters). But I’ll gladly settle for an email. Anything is better than just waiting to see if the check clears. If you don’t know what to say, a few simple words are best: “Thanks very much for your gift. I/we really appreciate it.” That’s all you need to say. Just do it. Parents of recent graduates, do check out an extremely funny spoof in the May 24 issue of The New Yorker magazine (available online) called “Your New College Graduate: A Parent’s Guide” by Simon Rich. There’s helpful advice on how to handle the little darlings when they return home after college, what to do when they scream or are fussy, and how to wean them off the bottle. After all that tuition money, you at least deserve a good laugh.
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The Blanding Library Website Has Changed. Our New Address Is
There are always too many Democrat representatives, too many Republican representatives, and never enough Massachusetts representatives.
DAVID SAAD September 14
REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR MASSACHUSETTS STATE REPRESENTATIVE 4TH DISTRICT • I will never support a Proposition 2 1/2 override • The “Bathroom Bill” is a pathetic waste of time by our legislators • I will support, or re-introduce the “Perry Bill” to stop benefits to illegal immigrants • The state pension fund needs a complete overhaul
For more information visit:
The Reporter June 2010
ReMOVAl seRVICe Attic - Cellar - Total House we tAke eVeRythING • Furniture • Brush • Appliances • Yard Waste • Construction Debris • Trash
Demolition of...Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools
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The Seekonk Scene Town Clerk’s Corner By Jan Parker, Seekonk Town Clerk
We have been busy certifying signatures for candidates for the September 14th State Primary. The candidates that win in September will go on the November 2nd State ballot. There are several candidates from Seekonk competing for the State Representative position. The Governor’s position will be on the November ballot also. We are expecting big voter turnouts everywhere for that election.
save - A - Pet
Save a Pet is collecting items for the animal shelter. Cleaning supplies such as paper towels, laundry detergent, bleach, chewy dog treats, peanut butter, kongs, washable cat beds, Arm and Hammer kitty litter, Pedigree canned dog food, and Purina Cat Chow are all needed at the shelter. The barrel is in the Town Hall lobby for those donations or you may bring them to the Town Clerk’s office and we will see that they get them. The shelter is always collecting used printer toner cartridges. They are recycled and the shelter receives the money for them. The barrel for the cartridges is also in the lobby of Town Hall.
Veterans Agent
The Veteran’s Agent is also collecting items to send to our troops. If you wish to donate, the list of items is on our website at You may bring items to this office that you would like to donate and we will see that the agent gets them. It is a nice way to remind our men and women who are serving in the military that we are grateful for their service.
yard sale Permits
A reminder that yard sale permits are required in Seekonk. The fee is $ .00 per day and you may have four sales a year. This office issues the permits.
Census forms
RJD & Sons Chimney Sweep
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If you have not sent your local census form back, please do so. It helps us keep our information current. Also dog licenses were due to be renewed by March 31st. The May 31st grace period has now expired and all renewals will be subject to a $20.00 late fee per the town by-laws. It is important that all dogs be licensed and current with their rabies shots.
For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at
June 2010 The Reporter
Seekonk Community Preservation Committee
The Seekonk Community Preservation Committee will hold a Public Hearing on June 1 at :00 p.m. in the Town Hall Board of Selectmen’s Room. The hearing will also be televised live on Seekonk Cable Channel 1 . The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the application procedure for CPA grants and to encourage residents of Seekonk to ask questions and familiarize themselves with the Community Preservation Act (CPA). The CPA was adopted by Seekonk in April 2009 and allows the Town to use monies collected from a 1.2 % levy on residential tax bills plus money from a State matching grant for projects in the areas of Open space, Historic preservation, Affordable community housing and Recreation. Projects can be developed by individuals or organizations, but they must meet the criteria set forth in the Application Process. Although the CPC selects the projects, all must be voted on by Town residents at a Town Meeting and only those projects receiving a majority of votes can proceed. More information about the CPA can be found on the committee’s web site at Information is also available on
businesses. Currently, Mr. Saad operates his own design agency and has served for 20 years as the president of the Rhode Island Men’s Senior Baseball League, the largest amateur baseball league in the Northeast. He has been married for 20 years and has four children. He is also the only New Englander that has been elected to the National Amateur Baseball Hall Of Fame and was also inducted into the Rhode Island Baseball Hall of Fame in 1999. He is a graduate of New England Scholl of Art & Design, Rhode Island College and has a Masters Degree from the Rhode Island School of Design.
David Saad On Ballot For State Rep. ~ 4th Bristol District ~
Seekonk, MA – David Saad, Republican candidate for Massachusetts State Representative, 4th District, has been confirmed by the Secretary of State to be on the ballot. “Beacon Hill has stopped working for the people of Massachusetts, said Saad. Beacon Hill’s only answer to our problems is to raise taxes and grow government. The state pension fund is out of control; our healthcare system has failed to perform in a fiscally responsible manner. And, the worst part of it is that Beacon Hill wastes time on reprehensible and dangerous bills like the “Bathroom Bill” that will only place our children in harms way. What’s needed is a serious dose of common sense.” Mr. Saad served two terms as representative to the Seekonk Town Meeting under the previous town charter. He was also elected to terms to the Seekonk Planning Board. While on the planning board he also served as its chairman. He is a former High school teacher and baseball coach. After leaving education Mr. Saad started up and sold a number of small
Let The Tree Experts Help You Large & Dangerous Tree Removal Stump grinding • Pruning • Storm Damage Bucket Truck Service • Brush Chipping Fully Insured • Free Estimates
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The Reporter June 2010
Residential & Commercial nOW OFFering SySTeMiC inJeCTiOn to treat Winter Moth Caterpillars. No Spraying Involved... Call today
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Centenary United Methodist Church Lobster Roll Luncheon - Friday – June 11, 2010
Once again, you can order your delicious, take-out Lobster Roll Lunch, complete with a roll filled with chunky lobster meat on a thin bed of lettuce (with or without mayo), chips, pickle, cookie, and choice of soda or water, by calling 08-222-1 9, faxing 08-222-232 , or email An order form is available on our website at http://cumc. These complete, boxed lunches are only $9. 0 and can be picked up at the best time for you between :30am and 1pm. Pick up is at Centenary United Methodist Church, corner of North Main & Sanford Streets, across from the YMCA, in downtown Attleboro. We now can offer business and professional office delivery for group orders. So why not take orders where you work and we’ll bring everyone’s lobster roll luncheon to you. Call today and place your order for one, or for your entire family, office or facility. Deadline to order is Monday, June th. If you leave a message, please tell us the number of lunches; whether you want Coke, Diet Coke, Ginger Ale or Water; mayo or no-mayo; and the pick-up or delivery time you prefer; together with your name and phone number. Some extras will be available for instant pick-up on Friday, April 9th. Find out why so many people are regulars at Centenary’s quarterly Lobster Roll Luncheon. Order yours today!
Open Your Heart To Emma EMMA WHEELER
FUNDRAISING DINNER Saturday June 12th • 6-11pm Hillside Country Club
82 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Thank you for joining us for an evening of... Dinner, Entertainment, Silent Auction & 50/50 Raffle Red Sox tickets, round of golf & much more!
Ticket Price $50 "A Little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference" ~ Winnie the Pooh
For more info or to purchase tickets please contact Gretchan Coleman at 508.823.7250 or
October 10, 2009 was the day the Wheeler family lives were changed forever. Until then, Emma Wheeler was just a normal eight year old girl. She was a happy third grader and liked to practice her gymnastics and play with her friends. After returning from a trip to Disney World, Emma had not been feeling well and had a fever. She went to see her primary care doctor, and was eventually taken to Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, RI for diagnostic tests. It was determined that Emma had a cancerous tumor growing on her kidney, clinically known as a WILMS Tumor. This type of tumor is seldom found in children over the age of . Being 8 years old, Emma’s tumor had grown to almost 2 pounds. Emma underwent a hour surgery to remove the cancerous tumor, as well as her kidney and surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. The tumor was sent to pathology which determined that the cancer was at stage 3 of a possible scale of . Emma’s tumor also tested positive for L.O.H. (loss of Heterozygosoty), a genetic issue which research studies have found correlates to a higher reoccurrence of cancer. This meant that Emma required a more aggressive chemotheraphy treatment in order to prevent a reoccurrence of the cancer. Emma was subjected to radiation treatment as well as chemotherapy. She will be continuing her weekly chemotheraphy regimen for approximately 33 weeks. The Wheeler family and many other families like them have been challenged by this disease, yet they forge ahead with the strength and inspiration of friends and loved ones. Emma’s perpetual smile gives us all hope. If you wish to contribute to a fund to help Emma and other children and families in need, please make your checks payable to: Emma Wheeler Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Inc., c/o Andre Toldo, Key West Blvd., Rehoboth, MA 02 9.
June 2010 The Reporter
D-R Class of 1995 15-year Reunion Saturday June 19th, 2010
Neal Bellavance Electric Rehoboth Mass
6-11 PM; francis farm: Rehoboth, MA tickets: $30.00 • dinner Buffet & Cash Bar
Please send ticket money by May 15th to: D-R Class of 1995/Stephanie Czech PO Box 353, Raynham, MA 02767 (check or money order made payable to Stephanie Czech) For more info, or to find out how you can help make the reunion a success, Email: DRclassof199 Facebook Group: Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School Class of 199
All types of electrical work Electric Services Quality work at a reasonable price Insured MA Lic# A-15028
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• All Phases of Lawn Maintenance • Spring/Fall Cleanups • Tree & Shrub Pruning • Custom Landscape Design • Annuals/Perennials • Dethatching /Aeration • New Lawn Installation & Overseeding • Tractor Service Available Paul Kieser, owner
Call 508-410-5523 or 508-336-7536 For Prompt & Courteous Service
3rd Annual A Ride for tomorrow
In Memory OF Mariah Burda
saturday, June 19 (rain or shine)
Motorcycle Registration: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 (must have helmets) Place: Aitken Elementary School 1 Newman Ave (Rte 1 2) Seekonk Ma Donations $1 per person in advance $20 the day of The ride will end at Houlihans Tavern On the River 28 Water St. East Providence RI
All proceeds to benefit the tomorrow fund at hasbro Children’s hospital
After the ride food, raffles, and music by 44 East, Blessing of the bikes by CMA For More Info visit the website For tickets contact: Jean Burda 508-726-5139 Tom Burda 508-726-1187 Bruce Andrews 508-400-9230 Make donations payable to A Ride for Tomorrow
Citizens For Citizens, Citizens For Citizens, Inc. Inc
Program HeadHead StartStart Program ®
Bay State Road, MA Rehoboth MA Bay State Road, Rehoboth
A Developmentally Appropriate A Developmentally Appropriate Pre-School for: Pre-School Program Program for: and Seekonk Dighton, Dighton, RehobothRehoboth and Seekonk
Currently Currently Enrolling Enrolling (by -Sept. 1st) - 5 years Children 3Children (by Sept.31st) 5 years • Foster Children Automatically Qualify • Foster Children Automatically Qualify Breakfast & Lunch Served • Breakfast &•Lunch Served Part Based Day & Options Home Based Options Available • Part Day & •Home Available
Please call (508) 675-2151, Please call (508) 675-2151, ext. 204 ext. 204 more information for morefor information Ma. License # 8117990 Ma. License # 8117990 #212592
The Reporter June 2010
FOXX FENCE INC. Now New England's Distributor for Illusions Vinyl Fence Made in USA
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Learn About The $1900 A Month Benefit For Veterans The VA Doesn’t Want You To Know About. Many Veterans and spouses qualify for a little-known VA benefit designed to keep Veterans and spouses at home and out of the nursing home. It can also pay for assisted living. The benefit ranges from about $1000 a month for widows to about $1900 a month for couples. Our FREE report outlines the benefit and what it takes to qualify. Call now for a copy of your free special report.
Call anytime and leave a clear message 1-508-252-3013 Law Office of Lori J. OBrien-Foeri Providing Estate, Medicaid & Disability Planning
Bristol County Livestock 4-H Achievement & Awareness Day June 13, 2010 1 – 4 P.M.
When: Sunday June 13, 2010 1 – 4 P.M. Rain or Shine Where: Kelley’s Farm 274 Stephen French Rd Swansea, Ma RSVP: Cheryl Schondek (508)669-5575 | katwings@comcast. net Robin Clapp (508)622-1464 - theclappfamily@lakesidepromise. com Directions: From Route 195 take exit 3, west onto Route 6 toward Seekonk. Take a right onto Colletti Lane (across from Columbus Oil). Take 1st left onto Stephen French Road, farm is on the left. We would like to welcome all Bristol County 4-H members and friends to join us on Livestock Achievement & Awareness day. This event is open to 4H members throughout the state and the public. There will be many fun activities and demonstrations to take part in. For those members planning to participate in jeopardy and written tests, Please study online at www.BristolCountyLivestock. com. Placements in these events will go toward the end of year 4-H banquet. Everyone is welcome to come and bring a friend. If you know of anyone interested in joining 4-H this would be a great opportunity for them to learn more about it by taking part in a fun-filled afternoon centered around livestock on a small family farm. There will be food and drinks for sale. You are welcome to bring your own refreshments and snacks. This event will take place rain or shine as we have a large hall to gather inside in case of inclement weather. We look forward to giving our youth the opportunity to express the knowledge they have studied and learned all year long. What a great way to kick off the 2010 Summer 4-H Show Season!
Bristol County Agricultural High School
~ FFA Fundraiser ~
“Each March Bristol County Agricultural High School (BCAHS) sends many students to the Massachusetts State FFA convention in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Then in October, those who performed well in their competitions move onto the National FFA convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. At these conventions students gain leadership skills, confidence, and knowledge for future agriculture based careers. This year to ensure no students are left behind we are having a raffle. The raffle has been donated by Mr. Mendonsa, a history teacher at our BCAHS, thanks to him all profit will go to the Bristol FFA Chapter. The winner of the raffle will receive either a four hour fishing trip or a three hour tour of the Newport Mansions. The tickets are 1 for $5 or 5 for $20 and the winner will be drawn in late June. If you are interested we ask that you email <> for more information.” Sincerely, Brittney Hardro Bristol FFA Chapter Secretary
For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at
June 2010 The Reporter
4th Annual Stuff for Strays! Animal Rescue Organization seeks donated items for yard sale
Plainville – The 4th Annual Stuff for Strays Yard Sale to benefit Angelcat Haven Feline Rescue is scheduled for Saturday June 12th & Sunday, June 13th from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at Desco Electronics, 3 Bacon Square, Plainville, MA. Proceeds from the event will help stray and homeless cats in the area. Gently used items, including furniture, home accessories, baby clothes, toys, kitchenware, books, CDs, electronics and much more will be available for purchase. There will also be baked goods, cold drinks, handmade organic catnip mats and cat toys for sale as well. It’s a fun-filled day of bargain shopping, entertainment and food – all for a good cause! ACH welcomes donated items for the sale. Please no computers, printers, adult clothing, exercise equipment or holiday decorations. Items can be dropped off at 3 Bacon Square from April 3rd through June th at 3 Bacon Square on Wednesday nights 4:30 to :30 p.m. and Saturday mornings 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. To arrange drop offs of donations, call ( 08) 203-4240 or email to Donations are tax deductible. Proceeds from the sale go directly to cover medical expenses for stray cats and kittens. Angelcat Haven (ACH) is an all-volunteer, 01(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned cats in Southeastern Massachusetts. For more information, or to volunteer, please call our message center at ( 08) 203-4240 or visit www. Tax deductible donations can be sent to Angelcat Haven, 3 Bacon square, Plainville, MA 02 2.
• Landscaping & Fencing • Septic System Installation • Standing Water Solutions • Stone Driveways Installed • Stump & Rock Removal • French Drains Installed • Topsoil Grading • Roof Drains • Sawcut Asphalt/Driveway Repair
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Call Mitch (774) 406-0587
To Advertise... Send Ads to..
Need more information? Call us at 08-2 2-
Red Road 8th Annual Sobriety Powwow
Join us in celebrating the Gift of Sobriety. June 19-20 – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Behind Dighton Town Hall 979 Somerset Ave (rte 138), Dighton, MA • Grand Entry 12:30 p.m. • Rain or Shine • Drums - Iron Rivers, Urban Thunder, Nigumij, Medicine Bear and Eagle Sings • Wolf Cry Singers •Children’s Program to bring awareness of the use of Drugs & Alcohol • Native American Flute Bob White Bear • Jennifer Lee Basket making Demo • Staking ceremony • Saturday night meeting • Raffle • 0/ 0 Prize Money
free Admission everyone welcome help us raise awareness in the community concerning the use and Abuse of Alcohol and drugs. Bring a chair or blanket & come to enjoy the day
508.252.4770 454 Winthrop Street (Rte. 44) Rehoboth, MA
Office Hours By Appointment
Now Offering Saturday Appointments • Complete Dental Implant Center • • Prosthetics • • Teeth Whitening • • Bonding • • Family & Cosmetic Dentistry • • Crowns • • Emergency Treatment •
The Reporter June 2010
Epworth United Methodist Church 915 Newport Ave. Pawtucket, RI 02861
KLP Landscaping 15% OFF
Any Spring Clean-ups Now Accepting New Lawn Clients for Spring!
Specializing in
Hedge & Shrub Trimming Perennial Gardens & Ornamental Tree Pruning
Fully Insured • Free Estimates Landscaping • Snow Plowing • Construction
Thrift Shop now open on Wednesdays from 10- 1. $3.00 a bagful of clothes through end of June. Great selections!
Licensed Pesticides Applicator for your Weed, Insect, & Fertilization Needs
4th Annual Clam Boil Sunday, June 27th at 5:00 the South Seekonk Gun Club 61 Reed St., Rehoboth MA Admission $30 Tickets can be ordered by calling 508-678-0804
Seekonk Students are... “The Crohn’s Crushers”
Kreg Propatier
Forever Paws Animal Shelter will hold their
Some Seekonk High Students will be spending the Saturday after graduation Taking Steps in the fight for a cure against Crohn’s & Colitis and other digestive diseases as “The Crohn’s Crushers” team. The students are raising awareness and funds for a disease that has affected themselves, friends and/or family members. The walk begins at 3 p.m. on Saturday June 12th at Colt State Park, Bristol, RI. You can help support them by making an online donation to any team member at:
Furniture 60 years! and Upholstery Power Lift & Power Recline FREE DELIVERY & FREE REMOVAL 1177 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI
(Pawtucket/Seekonk Line - Benny's Plaza)
The 36th Annual Native American Pow-Wow
Now in Stock STarting at
508-761-6700 401-729-1187
June 12th and 13th, 2010 Public Invited Open from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dixon Cleaning Don't have time to clean? Call Dixon Cleaning
In Business for over 30 years Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates
Call 508-252-1201
Native American Crafts ¥ Story Telling ¥ Singing ¥ Dancing Raffle ¥ Refreshments Available
Host Drum ¥ Urban Thunder All Drums Welcome
Performance By: Wolf Cry Singers (Sat.) Flute Music By: Bob White Bear LaSalette Shrine Fairgrounds ¥ RT 118 Park Street, Attleboro, MA Admission $2.00 – Children under 12 & Seniors Free Campsite Fee : $25 For 2 Nights - $15 For 1 Night Traders by Invitation Only For More Information Call: Janis Blanchette 781-690-3231
No Drugs or Alcoholic Beverages Allowed
A&Q Lawn Sprinklers June 2010 Affordable Quality Lawn Sprinklers
The Reporter
A Full Service Irrigation Company
A&Q Lawn Sprinklers Think Springâ&#x20AC;Ś
â&#x2122;Ś New Installation â&#x2122;Ś Maintenance for New & Old Systems â&#x2122;Ś Upgrade of Existing System â&#x2122;Ś Service or Repair â&#x2122;Ś Spring Start Up â&#x2122;Ś Winterize A Full Service Irrigation
Affordable sprinklers AffordableQuality Quality lawn Lawn Sprinklers Company A Full Service Irrigation Company
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our goal is to make your neighborhood a greener place!â&#x20AC;? Think Springâ&#x20AC;Ś
â&#x20AC;˘ new Installation â&#x20AC;˘ Maintenance $10 Off â&#x2122;Ś New 25%Installation Off â&#x2122;Ś Maintenance for & Old Systems Spring Startup Service Intsallation of â&#x20AC;˘ refurbish â&#x20AC;˘ service orNew repair *New Installation Only *New Customers Only Rain Sensor
$100 Off
â&#x2122;Ś Upgrade of Existing Spring/Summeror 2007 Repair â&#x2122;Ś Valid Service â&#x2122;Ś Spring Start Up For a FREE estimate, please call James Santiano â&#x2122;Ś Winterize at 401.723.8023 or 781.844.5014
Valid Spring/Summer 2007
Valid Spring/Summer 2007
$10.00 20% off $200.00 OFF â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our Spring OFF new goal is torain make your neighborhood a greener place!â&#x20AC;? Sensor Turn On installation installation Summer 2010 New Customers Only $10 Off Valid 25% Off
The Rehoboth Community Dance is held monthly on Sunday evenings at Goff Memorial Hall
Community Dance featuring the Sunday Night Jammers
* Free * On Sunday evening, June 2 , from to 9 p.m., there will be a community dance held at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, in Rehoboth. This dance is hosted by the Sunday Night Jammers, a group of area musicians who meet regularly on Sunday evenings at Goff Hall to play Celtic dance music. The June 2 dance will feature contra dance steps and a variety of international and couple dances, such as polkas and waltzes. All dance steps will be taught. Admission is free and open to the public, and all ages and beginners are welcome. It is not necessary to come with a partner. A potluck precedes the dance at p.m. For information, call Bob Elliott at 08- 9- or Judith Schrier at 401- 1-4 4, or you can email Paul Wilde at http://www.
Annual Yard Sale in August
Rehoboth Congregational Church, 139 Bay State Road is having their annual Yard Sale on August , 2010 from 9 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 p.m. Donations will be accepted after July 1st, proceeds to go to the Steeple Repair Fund. Call for info to the Church office 08 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 4 mornings Mon-Fri.
$100 Off
Spring Startup Service Intsallation of *New Installation Only *New Customers Rain Sensor for a free estimate, Please CallOnly James santiano Valid Spring/Summer 2007
Valid Spring/Summer 2007 Valid Spring/Summer 2007 401.921.5262 or 508.685.2991
For a FREE Now Accepting e estimate, r y please call James Santiano at 401.723.8023 or 781.844.5014
g cceptin Now A ing and even rday satu ents tm Appoin
luke P. travis, esq.
Reed, Boyce and Travis P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 239 Winthrop St., Rehoboth, MA Rt. 44 & Rt. 118 TEL: (508) 252-6699
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The Reporter June 2010
SINE PLUMBING & HEATING "Quality Service Since 1945" •Repairs & installation •Residential/Commercial/ industrial Call us to •Pumps & Filters sanitize your •Conditioners well after the •Water heaters & flood! heating systems •Drain Cleaning •Fully licensed & insured Serving RI & Southeastern MA RIMP #625 MAMP #12592
Call (401)434-6436
American Red Cross Holds Blood Drive at the Congregational Church
The American Red Cross, the Eastern Star Lodge, A.F. & A.M., The Rehoboth Business Association, the Rehoboth Dunkin Donuts, and the Rehoboth Congregational Church are holding a blood drive to support the community blood supply for patients in need. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, and every pint donated could save up to three lives. The Red Cross is urging the public to make an appointment to donate blood at the below location by calling 1-800-REDCROSS or logging on to
Monday, June 7, 2010 Blood drive: 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Congregational Church; 139 Bay state Road, Rehoboth, MA
All presenting donors can enter a weekly drawing to win a “Staycation Package” worth $350. *Prizes not redeemable for cash and non-transferable.
The American Red Cross Blood Services - Northeast Division must distribute approximately 3,000 units of blood each day just to meet the basic needs of area patients. Individuals who are at least 1 years of age (1 with parental permission), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate.
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Great Service • Great Quality
Factory Authorized Toyota, Honda & General Motors Repairs • foreign & domestic • free estimates • Insurance estimates • Complete Collision work Rumblestrip performs at the Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 11
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what: Rehoboth Contra dance who: Caller, lisa Greenleaf; music by Rumblestrip where: Goff Memorial hall, 124 Bay state Road, Rehoboth, MA when: friday, June 11, 8 p.m. how Much: $8
Information: All dances taught. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. Contact: 08-2 2- 3 ; There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 11, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA. All dances will be taught by caller Lisa Greenleaf. Music will be performed by Rumblestrip, with Nat Hewitt, Liza Constable, and Glen Loper. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $8. For information, call 08-2 2- 3 ; http://www.contradancelinks. com/rehoboth.html.
June 2010 The Reporter MA. All dances will be taught by caller Sue Rosen. Music will be performed by Beauty and the Beast, with Jim Guinness, Emily Troll, and Debby Knight. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $8. For information, call 082 2- 3 ; http://www.
Sue Rosen leads the Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 25
what: Rehoboth Contra dance who: Caller, sue Rosen; music by Beauty and the Beast where: Goff Memorial hall, 124 Bay state Road, Rehoboth when: friday, June 25, 8 p.m. how Much: $8
GIGANTIC YARD SALE FUNDRAISER saturday, June 12, 2010 & sunday, June 13, 2010 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Redway Plain field Rte. 44 & Bay state Road, Rehoboth, MA Raindate June 2 & 2 • 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Sponsored by Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club
Congratulations Class of 2010!
Information: All dances taught. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. Contact: 08-2 2- 3 ; There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 2 , at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth,
Spread the word… Seekonk Class of 1980 Reunion
Seekonk High School Class of 1980 is holding it’s 30th Reunion Saturday September, 11, 2010 p.m. at Riviera Inn Restaurant (the old Asquino’s) 80 N. Broadway East Providence. Invitations are being mailed. ??’s email me at or We are still looking for several classmates: Jim Mitchell Kim Allen Ronin Reedy Mary Barnes Jann Casperson Dorothy Zaida Richard Soito Gail Coggelshall Lucia Texeira Meg Medina David Thacker Bill Cassels Alan Reposa Mike Lannigan Debbie Chase Joe Bettoncourt Diane Mulhall Anthony Eddins Paul Turcotte Tammy Thibeault Lee Hunt Diane Tierney Jim Perry Joanna Gauthier Janice Rosa Lorrie Rebello Penny Brautlacht Steve Caracciolo
Proud Sponsor of the Chief Arthur Ted Hurrell Jr. Scholarship
HOME & COMMERCIAL SECURITY, INC. 800-337-9469 Three Generation Family Owned Business
44 Blanding Road, Rehoboth, MA
The Reporter June 2010
Seekonk Congregational Church United Church of Christ 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, Massachusetts
Join us when the Seekonk Shadowbox Players present this Murder / Mystery / Comedy
The Butler Did It! News Flash!
Commercial • Industrial Residential MA - RI License Bucket Truck Service
A Recent Survey reported that: % of the Church population believes that the Chauffer did it 11% believe that the Valet did it 19% believe it was the Gardener who did it % believe it was the Cook who did it We have it on Good Authority that “the Butler did It”
~ Fully Insured ~ Fire Alarms Installed & Serviced
(508) 252-4000
93 Tremont St., Rehoboth, MA Tim Dorrance -Owner
Come find out for yourself on Friday, August 2 th or Saturday, August 28th at :30 P.M.
To Advertise... Send Ads to..
Tickets: 2 choices...$12 - Light Summer Supper at :30 P.M. $10 - No Supper
Play starts at :30 P.M. with dessert and Coffee between acts Reservations Required - call the church office 08-33 -93
Need more information? Call us at 08-2 2-
Join us
19th Annual
Summer Open House and Garden Festival Saturday July 17, 2010 • 10 am to 4 pm Free and Open to the Public A day filled with a variety of informative gardening talks and garden vendors. Come and explore our acres of growing fields, display gardens and perennial sales area.
Visitors Welcome
Open daily from 10 am to 5 pm except July 4th and Labor Day. In June, early Daylilies and Japanese iris will be in bloom.
Tranquil Lake Nursery, Inc.
4 River Street • Rehoboth, MA • 08-2 2-4002
Considering Adoption?
Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings
Adoption Options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from :00 p.m. to :00 p.m. at 9 9 North Main St. in Providence on June 1 , 2010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331- 43 or visit www.
June 2010 The Reporter
Out Of The Darkness Overnight Walk For Suicide Prevention Coming To Boston Ellen O’Neil of Rehoboth is participating in memory of her little brother Tedd, her best friend, who she lost to suicide four years ago.
Serving Massachusetts & Rhode Island Since 1960 New York, NY – The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will be holding their national Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk Underground Lawn Sprinklers Backflow Repairs ( in Boston this summer. On June 26th Installation & Repairs through 27th an estimated 2,000 people from across the U.S. will Shallow Well Install A Filter To Keep embark on an 18-mile walk, from sunset to sunrise, to raise money Installations & Repairs Sediment From Affecting and awareness for suicide prevention. Save Water Install A Rain Sensor Sprinkler Head Perfomance. “Aside from raising funds and awareness, The Overnight also makes a statement, loud and clear, that more needs to be done to prevent suicide,” said Robert Gebbia, executive director for the we 508-336-5522 ry American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “We hope the sight of thousands of people walking through the night will bring us closer to our goal of making suicide prevention a national priority.” Suicide is a national health problem that cuts across all ages and demographics. Each year, close to one million people make a suicide attempt and more than 33,000 die by suicide in the U.S. alone. It 33 James Reynolds Road, Unit E is the fourth leading cause of death among adults 18 to 65 and the third leading cause Tel 508.379.9060 • Fax 508.379.9064 • of death among teens and young adults. In Massachusetts, suicide is the third leading Pediatric Home Care Division / Adult Home Health Care Division cause of death for youth ages 15 to 24, and the second leading cause of death for those Cultured Care, Inc. is now serving the pediatric population! 25 to 34-years-old. “Suicide is a very complex issue and Services offered include: one that is often surrounded by stigma and misconceptions. That said, it is important for • Nursing Skilled Visits • Nursing Home Care • Home Health Aides the public to know that more than 90 per• Personal Care Attendants • Medical Translation Services cent of people who die by suicide have an underlying psychiatric disorder, most often depression at the time of their death,” said Dr. Paula Clayton, medical director for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “Early recognition and vigorous treatment of depression is one of the best ways to prevent suicide.” Many of the participants join in The Overnight walk because they have a friend or family member who suffers with a mood disorder or, have lost a loved one to suicide. This will the first time the city of Boston has hosted this national event. Previous host cities include Washington, D.C, Chicago, San Francisco, New York and Seattle. Registration is now open at www.TheOvernight. org or by calling 888-The-Overnight. Since 2002, The Overnight has raised millions Cultured Care, Inc. is committed to providing exceptional care to for suicide prevention research, education the patients we serve, allowing them to remain at home safely. We initiatives and programs to support those are sensitive to your loved ones unique medical, emotional and bereaved by loss of a loved one to suicide. safety needs. Our clinical staff is compassionate and attentive to our Funds raised from The Overnight will help support suicide prevention programs, patients, ensuring the maximum level of care possible. research and education, including funds to help distribute AFSP’s new educational Cultured Care, Inc. also offers services in various languages. DVD “More Than Sad: Teen Depression” to Please call us for more information on how we can help your loved one. high schools across the country. For more information go to Participating Providers with Neighborhood Health Plan.
Cultured Care, Inc. Nursing and Home Care Agency
continued on page 34
Accepting All Major Insurances.
The Reporter June 2010 About the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy as well as to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide.
David J. Ledoux
hArDwooD FloorS Seekonk, MA
Ellen’s Story: Please support me as I take an amazing journey. The Out of the Darkness Overnight Experience is an 18-mile walk over the course ***Quality Craftsmanship*** of one night. Net proceeds benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, funding research, education, and awareness "Proudly serving the community for over 20 years" programs – both to prevent suicide and to assist those affected by suicide. Owner/Operator Office: 508-399-6211 Most of you know that I lost my beloved little brother Tedd Fully Insured Cell: 508-272-7729 to suicide. Tedd was my best friend. We spent many vacations together and even shared tattoos. I spoke to him the day before he ended his life. We were making plans to see each other. The fact that he lived in San Francisco during the last 13 years of his life only made our bond stronger. For the past four years of grieving him, I have been unable to talk about the terrible way in which my family lost Tedd. This walk is giving me a chance to finally confront the truth and be able to speak INC. about it in a way that doesn’t make me feel like I’m reaching out for pity. I want to bring my own experience Out of the Darkness. 2 0 S. Main Street Additionally, my dear sister also suffers from depression. It’s e Attleboro, MA y MA RS#3814 so hard to watch someone you love deal with this disease. People want her to “snap out of it,” but it’s clearly not that simple. My sister is a wonderful, loving person who happens to deal with a mood • Qualty workmanship • residential disorder. I would do anything to help her. • Very competitive rates • commercial I have chosen to participate as a crew member on this walk • Direct insurance billing • Mobil Service because I am a behind-the-scenes type of person. I’d rather help • Same Day Service (508) 223-2291 the walkers. However, I am still committed to raising $1,000 for this worthy cause. Anything you can give would be most appreciated. I’ll be thinking of all of you during the Overnight. Thank you for your support, financial or not. To support Ellen visit: We service All Makes & Models cfm?fuseaction=extranet.personalpage&c onfirmid=1001 18
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Dighton Rehoboth Regional High
Class of 1979 Reunion
Our Class is planning a reunion for this Nov. We are looking for our classmates. Please contact us at DRReunion or at: DR 9 Reunion P.O. Box 4 Rehoboth, MA 02 9
June 2010 The Reporter
Free JunK reMOVAl AnyTHing MeTAl
Junk Vehicles - Auto Parts - Mowers - Tractors Snow Blowers - Tillers - Plows - Grills - Barrels Tanks - Cast Iron Tubs & Sinks - Wood Stoves Electrical Wire - Appliances - Air Conditioners Humidifiers - Tools - Pipes - Bicycles - Batteries HEAVY ITEMS MUST BE EASILY ACCESSIBLE - NO STAIRS
Bristol County Horsemen’s Association
Annual Priscilla “Petey” Escobar Brunch Ride
June 27, 2009 – Goddard Park, Warwick, R. I.
NEHT Affiliated – or 12 miles – Sign up 9 a.m. BCHA Member $20 (Pre) - $2 (Post) - Non-Member $2 (Pre) - $30 (Post) Extra Meal - $10 - Brunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Fun Raffle! Pre-Entry Deadline – June 2 – No phone or email entry’s Name______________________________Pnone________________ Address__________________________________________________ Coggins__________________________ NEHT__________________ I, the undersigned, will in no way hold BCHA or Goddard Park for any damages to self, horse/equipment or property. Parent or Guardian must sign for any rider under 18 years of age and helmet is required.
Make check payable to BCHA, mail to Donna Spellman, 221 Tremont Street, Rehoboth, Ma. 02 8 For additional info call - 08-22 -8 81
Seekonk’s Save A Pet Society Fund Raiser - Everyone Wins
Seekonk’s Save A Pet Society is pleased to inform its supporters of yet another way that they can help the Seekonk Animal Shelter by participating in a Save A Pet event. This one is a definite win-win for everyone. King’s Oak Pizza located at 21 Brook Street, Seekonk, in the King’s Oak Plaza at the corner of RT 1 2 and Brook Street, is partnering with Save A Pet for this event. On June 13th, 1 th and 1 th, from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., present a special SAPS flyer at King’s Oak Pizza and 10% of the food bill will be donated to Save A Pet. Prices won’t change, food will be what you expect at King’s Oak, and you’ll earn a donation for the Seekonk Shelter animals with every dollar you spend on wings, wraps, appetizers, pizza, cold subs, salads, seafood and the complete kids menu. This offer is not available for delivery orders, but it is valid for take-out as well as dine-in meals. The flyer you must have to be part of the donation process will be available from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. at the Save A Pet yard sale on May 1 th at Aitken School. After the week-end of May 1 th, the flyer will be available to print out from the Save a Pet web page ( You need to eat, you want to help our shelter and the food at King’s Oak Pizza is great, so please don’t miss the opportunity to participate. The members of Save a Pet Society thank you.
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The Reporter June 2010
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HORSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS • Special Events • Wedding • Hay Rides Horses Bought & Sold 156 Hornbine Rd, Rehoboth, MA
YARD CARE / CLEAN UPS Want your next yard project to look twice as nice? Get two times what you pay for My first day of labor is half priced!
Experienced Chris Manley
Four Local Residents Achieve Black Belt Rank
Rehoboth residents, Lucas Szydlowski, Jack Szydlowski, and Michael McCarthy, as well as Jeffrey Goodman of Attleboro proudly achieved the rank of Shodan, First Degree Black Belt on Sunday, May 1 , 2010. Shihan John Agostini, Head Instructor of USA Karate – Rehoboth has trained these Martial Arts students for the past 3 ½ years, and proudly recommended them for this advancement. Shihan John explains that “being a Black Belt is more than just knowing Martial Arts, its being an example to others, a role model, a leader and a teacher to those who follow. Each of these students has worked and trained very hard to attain their goal of Black Belt. They pushed through a grueling testing process demonstrating their tenacity, determination and composure under pressure. These young men are fine examples to younger students who are striving to achieve their goals in the future.”
Seekonk Youth Soccer
Registration Now Open For Fall 2010 Open Registration will be held until June 30th Waiting list and late fees will apply from July 1st to August 1 th Registration Fee $ per player Family discounts available 8 week season with games being held on saturday beginning in september Practice times to be determined by the coaches
June 2010 The Reporter
Seekonk Jr. Warriors Football and Cheer Registration June 1 , 2010 from :00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. at Dick’s Sporting Goods - King Phillips Crossing 2 Highland Ave, Seekonk, MA 02 1
We will be accepting registrations for the 2010 season. There are some exciting changes this year. Our Blackstone Valley Conference has gone to an All-American model - a grade based format. As most other youth sports, the players get to play and move up year to year right along side their friends. So, even if you have never played or cheered before, come play with your friends and join Warrior Nation! “The program starts here!” Check us out: For football questions? Call 08-324- 99 Or e-mail For cheer questions? Call 08-33 - 018 Or e-mail You can also register online @
tim Dixon • Rehoboth MA 02769 • 508-252-6959 • Fertilization Programs • Landscapes Designed & Installed • Lawns & Bushes • Patios & walkways • Call us for All Your Maintenance & Project Needs
We Care About Our Work - Insured
Register for the 2010 Seekonk Junior Golf League season!
Now in its 8th season, the Seekonk Junior Golf League invites boys and girls ages 9 to 1 , of all skill levels, the opportunity to learn and enjoy the game of golf with their peers. Players also have the opportunity to help their team compete for the rights to the “Carner Cup” named after legendary Seekonk Golfer JoAnne Carner, founder of Firefly Golf Course and a member of the LPGA Hall of Fame. Registration will take place at the Seekonk Library on June th from 10 to 11 A.M. The number of registrations is limited and will be considered on a first come first served basis. The registration fee, which includes green fees, instruction, golf balls, tees and team hats, is $8 .00 for single entrants $ 0 for the 2nd golfer, and $30 for each additional golfer. Special consideration will be given to those experiencing financial hardship. The season will run from July 10th through the end of August. You may also register through our website; ( by downloading our registration form and following the simple instructions on the site.
ic pr
i st
t is
seekonk: Spacious Ranch w excellent flr plan. 3 beds, 1.5 baths, mudroom, fam rm on 1st, 2 car garage, pretty gardens & patio. Cent air, replacement windows, vinyl siding. $269,900 Michelle Rockwell 401-954-1159
Rehoboth: 4 BR Colonial on 6.44 acres! kitchen w Corian counters, living & fam rms w FPs. gorgeous Florida rm w cathedral ceilings & hdwds/cent air upstairs. Mstr w FP. $529,000 Jodi hedrick 508-509-3925
seekonk: Immaculate Cape on quite dead end w/water access to Turner Reservoir! 3/4 beds, 2 baths, fireplace, hdwds. Updates incl windows, vinyl, roof, furnace. Move in condition.$269,900 Robin lozito 401-486-6937
Rehoboth: 6 acres approved buildable land. Duplex corner lot allows in-law, 2 fam or single fam. All engineering. House will be aprox. 390 feet from rd, approvals in-hand. $134,900 linda Julian 401-714-6363
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Rehoboth: Serene & private Cape on 2.8 acres. Professionally landscaped, 3-4 BRs, 2 baths, new septic, huge Mstr, Cent Air, garage, Pool, Deck, kit w/Ctr Island & Fin Bsmt. $439,900 linda Julian 401-714-6363
Coastway Mortgages More options. Less stress.
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Rehoboth: Colonial on 3+ acres, near Rte 195, 44, 138, 24. Open flr plan, lg kitch w/bar & island, cathedral fam rm w skylights, wood burning insert, mstr w bath, $399,000 Jane Marshall 401-486-4847
River's Edge
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The Reporter June 2010
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we are New England golf Cars, a full-service provider of golf card and utility vehicles with over 25 years of experience. we service, repair and sell all major brands of golf car. we supply vehicles for business, factories, campgrounds, and special events, and are a licensed dealer of yamaha golf cars and parts. Contact us to find out how we can tailor a golf car solution to fit your needs.
62 INDUSTRIAL WAY SEEKONK, MA 02771 PHONE 508-336-4285 FAX 508-3336-4762
Rebecca Suzman is shown winning two gold medals in the Cape Cod Special Olympics. One was for the 100 meter dash and the other in the running long jump.
June 2010 The Reporter
Author Circle
The Author Circle will begin in June 2010. This series will bring six Nationally Selling Authors to the Courthouse Center for the Arts. A 90 minute book discussion will be led by Betty Cotter with a VIP Cocktail Hour with the Author and a discount on their novels through Walden Books. The series of discussions and author readings is $100 for nonmembers for the sessions or $ for members. You may also chose to attend singular sessions at $20 per session.
schedule of Authors & Novels
Hope Starr-Mararian.
Seekonk Classmates Compete in Tennis League
Seekonk Hurley Middle School students Hope Starr-Mararian and Nate Fournier battled each other in the Feature Tennis League match last week at Haley’s Junior Tennis League at Centre Court in Riverside. This was the first ecounter this season between Hope (The Backboard Beauty) and Nate (The Great) and the enthusiastic crowd was treated to some great playing by both advanced th grade players. Hope defeated Nate in a hard fought match with close points, and both classmates shaking hands at the end. Hope is the defending League Champion and is pushing for a repeat honor this year, but Nate is hoping to dethrone his H.M.S. rival.
Sunday, June 13 at 3 p.m. - Paul Watkins: The Ice Soldier Sunday, July 2 at p.m. - Ann Hood: The Red Thread Sunday, September 2 at 3 p.m. - Thomas Cobb: Crazy Heart
Please Use E-mail To Submit Your Letters, Club or Organizations News, Birth, Wedding and other Announcement To The Reporter
News Deadline Is The 23rd of Each Month
Accepting New Clients for Summer Projects!
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The Reporter June 2010
From the State House David Laurino Plaster & Paint
Timilty, Senate Vote To Strengthen Immigration Policy And Implement Inmate Fees
Boston, MA – By a margin of 28-10, Senator Jim Timilty (D-Walpole) and his Senate colleagues voted to enact a sweeping reform of immigration policy that will greatly limit the public assistance afforded to illegal immigrants, and increases penalties on those who knowServing Rehoboth ingly violate federal law by employing workers who are in the Commonwealth illegally. for Over 20 Years Components of the reform measure will debar contractors who knowingly hire illegal immigrants, and will require public vendors to verify citizenship or face stiff penalties. Additional policy changes included new penalties for falsifying state IDs and driver’s licenses, and a ban on illegal immigrants accessing in-state tuition rates at state colleges and universities. Call David “In this difficult economy, many of my constituents have fallen on hard times,” said Senator Timilty. “In no way, should we be handing out benefits and financial assistance 508-252-4773 to someone who is not a legal resident of the Commonwealth, or this country. I was very happy that the Senate acted on these important immigration policy changes.” Senator Timilty also supported an initiative by Senator Michael Moore that would allow Fully Insured sheriffs to set a fee schedule for services provided to inmates. This effort has been tried with success in certain counties throughout the district. The measure would allow the sheriff to FREE ESTIMATES set fees for dental and sick calls, eye glasses, prescriptions, and a host of other services. All Work Guaranteed The collection of fees would help to offset the budget deficit faced by many of the sheriffs, while simultaneously setting aside twenty-five percent of said fees to support inmates with cognitive-behavioral treatment issues. “I am hopeful that the fees collected by the Sheriffs will help support their ongoing efforts in keeping our community safe while also offsetting the costs of providing essential services to offenders,” stated Timilty. “There are too many abuses in the sysCall now tem, and this pay-to-play model should deter to book those who burden our corrections system Painting for with unnecessary requests,” concluded the or 508-676-1995 the Summer! Senator. ~ Seniors 10% OFF ~ These two matters were included in the engrossed version of the Senate Budget, and must now go before the members of the House and Senate Conference ComProfessional Neat Work FREE ESTIMATES ~ FULLY INSURED mittee, whereby the appointed members will be tasked with reconciling the differences between each branch’s respective versions of the budget. Final action on the General Appropriations Act is anticipated 508-336-6610 before July 1st. 508-336-5334
Delisle & Son Painting & Repair Interior & exterior specialist In Rehoboth & seekonk Call...508-878-4142
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With Our New 60 Foot Spray Booth We are able to repair... AUTOMOBILES • DUMP TRUCKS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT BOATS • R.V.'S • FARM EQUIPMENT • HORSE TRAILERS OWNER: Tom & Julie Clark
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On Eve of Memorial Day, Senator Timilty Sponsors Veteran Related Legislation
Boston, MA – The Senate passed two amendments co-sponsored by Senator Jim Timilty relative to veterans. The first expands full cost waivers to state colleges and universities to children of veterans that
June 2010 The Reporter were killed in action. The second toughens the penalties for vandalizing or desecrating veteran’s gravestones, memorials, or other markers. “These amendments honor those who have fought and died for our country,” said Timilty. “We must be sure to remember not only the fallen heroes of the armed services, but also the loved ones that they have left behind.” The tuition waiver would be available to a surviving child of a parent who died as a result of injuries sustained during active and full-time military service outside the United States. The deceased veteran must have been a member of the armed forces of the United States or National Guard after 1989. If the child meets the admission criteria to the college or university, the amendment provides a full waiver of charges for tuition, fees and room and board. The waiver does not extend to community colleges or if the child already holds a higher education degree. “I am very proud that the Senate was able to adopt this amendment,” stated Timilty. “No child of a deceased service member should be denied a college education because of financial challenges.” The second amendment, which was also approved unanimously, increases the fine from $1, 00 to $3,000, or six times the value of the damaged property, whichever is greater. In addition, the vandal would have to complete a minimum of 00 court-approved community service hours. This measure comes after vandals stole four bronze plaques honoring veterans in Attleboro, and caused significant damage to veteran’s memorials in Weymouth and Kingston. “Anyone who desecrates a veteran’s memorial should face severe punishment,” said Timilty. “These acts are unconscionable and they dishonor the sacrifice that our brave servicemen and women have made in the name of our freedom. I was delighted to support this important amendment.” Today at 3:00 p.m., the Senate will suspend debate on the budget for a Memorial Day remembrance ceremony to honor our service members who have put their lives on the line defending our Commonwealth and nation.
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Rep. D’Amico’s Office Hours for June Residents from all towns in the district (Seekonk, Swansea, Rehoboth, and Norton) are welcome to meet with him at any of the locations to discuss state government issues or any other matters of concern. No appointment is necessary. Rep. D’Amico will not be holding regular office hours in July or August due to decreases in attendance during the vacation season. Appointments with the representative in the district can still be scheduled at any time by calling ( 1 ) 22-2014 or ( 08) 33 -9192. For more information or questions, please call either of the numbers above.
Monday, June th: Seekonk Library 410 Newman Ave. :30- :30 P.M. Monday, June 14th: Blanding Library 124 Bay State Rd. :30- :30 P.M. Monday, June 28th Dunkin Donuts 23 8 GAR Highway (Rt. and Rt. 13 intersection) Swansea, MA 02 :30- :30 P.M
im Est
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The Reporter June 2010
Rehoboth PTSA N ewsletter Rehoboth PTSA Volunteers
You make a difference with each life you touch. You take time to care, a helping hand that means so much! Helping our children to achieve, giving them the power to succeed!
Note From President
April 30th, Arbor Day
Bill Dalpe plants a tree at Beckwith with the 5th grade students.
The end of the school year is quickly approaching and the PTSA is in full swing planning for next year. As some of you may already know, we meet for an hour once a month. After our October budget meeting we turn into a small group of 12. That is including both Palmer River and Beckwith Schools. Our event planners have been doing a fantastic job but to keep these events running we need you. I have been a volunteer for the last 4 years. Wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you consider joining me? You can read about our programs and volunteer opportunities by visiting If you would like more information on volunteering call me at 508-252-1048 or email My volunteer experience has made a positive impact on my life and I hope you will consider checking it out. Thank you for your support, Debbie Fitzgerald
PTSA Open Positions for 2010-2011 Secretary Beckwith VP Beckwith Fundraising Chair Beckwith 5th Gr Events Membership Reflections Art Contest Please consider donating a small amount of your time Contact Deb at 508.252.1048 or
Congratulations Rehoboth PTSA!
We repair screen doors and windows Standard Hardware â&#x20AC;˘ (401) 438-1420 360 Taunton Ave., East Providence, RI
At the State Conference, held April 9-11th our unit walked away with some awards. *****Outstanding Local Unit Communications***** (Newsletter/Website presented to a local unit who has developed their membership communications.) *****Student Participation and Achievement Award***** Clodagh Bartholomew, Brittany Boucher, Sophia Burrows, Emily Greenburg, Surrey Houlker (student who exemplifies and stands out among others and how they adopted and carried out the mission of the PTA and volunteered much of their time to bring this to fruition.) *****Outstanding Unit (events and programs)***** *****Membership Award (Increase in Membership)*****
June 2010 The Reporter
Beckwith Burger Palace Book Fair
Thank you to all our shoppers with your support we were able to raise over $1400 in books for the Beckwith library. A special thank you to Dylan Pacheco, Sophia Burrows, Brianna Pacheco, and Clodagh Bartholomew for their hard work setting up and to the sixth grade class who packed it up, all I can say is Wow. Thank You!
Palmer River Teacher Appreciation Week approaching quickly and there is still so many items needed to make our plans a success. Our teachers work very hard for us and deserve one week dedicated to them to show our thanks. Please look over the list of items still needed…. If everyone could donate just one small item we would have what we need to accomplish all our goals. Tuesday- luncheon and raffles Wednesday – ice cream social Thursday- Breakfast Items still needed for these great events are: Muffins, Bagels, Ice cream cones, Ice cream, Whipped cream, Candy bits, Desserts, Chips, Water, Napkins, Breakfast Juices, Raffle items Volunteers are still needed at the Breakfast. If you’ve already donated THANK YOU! If you haven’t already donated Please consider just one of these items. Contact-Sue Cabral or Peggy Gaudreau Thank You
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The Reporter June 2010
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Annual Staff Appreciation Week
Beckwith’s annual Staff Appreciation activities were held May 3rd- th. The faculty and support staff enjoyed fresh fruit, baked goodies, cheese & crackers, coffee, tea and pizza, as well as many raffles throughout the week. I would like to thank Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Massoud, Mrs. Muri, Mrs. Saleeba, Mrs. Sousa, Mrs. Stebbings, Mrs. Tidwell, Mrs. Watson and Richard from Autumn’s Cafe & Catering for providing tasty treats for the staff. Many thanks for the raffle prizes donated by Mrs. Archambault, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. Lynch ~Silpada Jewelry, Mrs. Reed ~Reed’s Produce & Garden Center, N. Dighton, Autumn’s Cafe & Catering, Baystate Pet & Garden Supply ~Taunton, Rehoboth House of Pizza, Vino’s Family Restaurant, Hillside Country Club by Lombardi’s and Papa’s Breakfast Barn. Thanks again to everyone who helped make Staff Appreciation a success. Respectfully submitted, Sue Duncan Beckwith Staff Appreciation For up to date information and event flyers visit
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June 2010 The Reporter
Beckwith Middle school Dates to Remember June 3 School Council June 3 STEM Night :30 p.m. June 8 Band Concert for Grade 4 June 9 Field trip for SIMS June 11 Step Up Day for Grade 4 June 11 Field trip for Grade June 1 Field trip for Grade 8 June 21 Grade 8 Social at Francis Farm June 22 Grade 8 Graduation p.m. June 23 Gr , , Last Day of School June 30 Report Cards Mailed Sept. 2 First Day of Next School Year
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It feels like spring has finally arrived. Baseball and softball seasons are underway, flowers are in bloom, and the weather has finally warmed up some. Keeping the nice, warm weather in mind, please help your child to continue to select clothing each day which is suitable to wear to school. Remind them to dress appropriately for the occasion; school is a learning environment.
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Grease is the word at Beckwith
The Beckwith Middle School Drama Club did not disappoint as it recently presented its adaptation of Grease to our community. The audience was delighted as deejay Vince Fontaine brought us back
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in time, Sandy and Danny continued their summer romance, and Teen Angel directed Frenchie back to high school. Cast members included Rebekah Philip as Sandy, Dylan Pacheco as Danny, Steele VanDenBerghe as Rizzo, Billy O’Gara as Kenickie and Gaby Watson as Patty Simcox. This production of Grease was directed by Mr. Collard and choreographed by Ms. Jutras. Additional cast members included Donovan Burtan, Shana Childs, Clodagh Bartholemew, Jon Delaney, Evan Dwyer, Surrey Houlker, Hannah Saleeba, Rachel Chrystie, and Jarrett Cordeiro. Kim Ribeiro, Jenai Childs, Morgan Machado, Cody Boehner Tori Scott, and Toni Scott were dancers. Additional cast members were Kristen Boehner, Briana Pacheco, and Josh Holme. Members of the Grease crew were Rachel LoBalbo, C.J. Pinette, Jared Braga, Chris Berry, Kira Hitz, Taylor Durand, and Elizabeth Beskid. Making guest appearances in the play were Mr. Collard, Ms. Jutras, Mrs. Jerauld, Mrs. Folgo, and Mr. Kelly. We would like to thank the cast and faculty for their hard work. We would also like to thank non-performing faculty and parents for their support. “Thank you” also to Carly Brasier, Holly Durand, Amy Barrett, Hannah Evans, Ali Lewis, Jeff Andrews, and Doug’s Music for their help with this production. And, at Sunday’s performance we raised $1, 00 for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Breast Cancer Foundation. Thank you!
Thank You – HSBC Rehoboth
Mrs. Angell’s seventh grade World Geography classes would like to thank the members of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) for volunteering to bring the Junior Achievement program to Beckwith Middle School. Mr. John Regan, Vice President and Senior Relationship Manager, organized the program and taught the classes along with his colleagues, Mr. Antonio Marinaro, Mr. Edward Gately, Mr. Anthony Capuano, and Mr. Paul Angland. The program “JA Global Marketplace” provided practical information about what makes international trade work and how it affects students’ daily lives. This was an interactive, hands-on program designed to help students understand complex business concepts and practices involving world trade, introducing key concepts of the global economy, cultures, human resources, international trade laws, and currency exchanges. “JA Global Marketplace” was developed to align with academic content standards for world geography and other social studies disciplines. Over the course of several weeks, these gentlemen brought the world of global trade and economics into our classroom and shared their experience as bankers and world travelers. Students greatly enjoyed the program and came away with a deeper understanding of world trade and how we are a part of the Global Marketplace.
Spring Math Meet
On April 30, the math team “Ciolfi’s Angles” traveled to Seekonk for the Spring Massasoit League Math Meet. Although Beckwith did not place in this meet, they were the team that had the most fun. The top scorers for our team were Joe Tomellini, Sam Massoud, and Anna Beliveau. Other members of the Beckwith math team are Tasha Boger, Aleigha Correia, Alden Foelsche, Kira Hitz, Zoe Karavolis, Courtney Liston, Ally Luongo, Matt Moschella, and Elizabeth Oakley. A special thank you to Mrs. Ciolfi, their coach.
Congratulations to Sal Lopez, Jeff Muri, Donovan Burtan, and Curtis Letourneau for their performance in the Southeastern Massachusetts School Bandmasters Association concert at Randolph High School on May 1st. Jeff was a member of the orchestra percussion section. Sal, Curtis, and Donovan performed with the band. The groups rehearsed all day Friday and Saturday morning before performing Saturday afternoon.
June 2010 The Reporter
PawSox Most Improved Student
This year Beckwith participated in the Pawtucket Red Sox “Most Improved Student” Program. This is an incentive for students to improve socially and academically throughout the school year. The student selected is awarded a certificate and a ticket to a game where the student will be honored by PawSox fans and the student’s name will appear on the centerfield scoreboard. We are pleased to announce that eighth grade student Crystal Cordeiro was selected this year.
Staff Appreciation Week
The Beckwith Middle School staff would like to thank the Rehoboth PTSA, parent volunteers, and community donors for making Staff Appreciation Week very special for us at Beckwith. During the week of May 3, we all enjoyed treats as well as many wonderful raffle gifts. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.
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Nurse’s Notes
Now that the warm weather has arrived, here are just a few reminders. When our kids are playing outdoors on the weekend, please keep them hydrated and use sunscreen especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Very often students return to school on Monday with sunburns and feeling the effects of dehydration from not having had adequate fluids. Also, students are more inclined to participate in sports-related activities throughout the weekend and are on the run playing with friends or having sleep-overs. Try to remind them that some “down time” is necessary so that they can return to school well-rested and ready to go. Everything in moderation!
STEM Night at Beckwith
Mark your calendar! STEM Night, an interactive, evening program of applied science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, will be held at Beckwith on June 3 starting at :30 p.m. Professionals from our community will be participating and showing us how these disciplines are used routinely in their fields.
School Committee Policy Changes
ur no
sr han ehob ds, o hea thch il rts and dcare hom .co m es Assoc.
Rehoboth Family Childcare
l Ho
Pat La Croix 508-252-3240
Kim Ranley 774-254-1240
Cheryl Silva 508-336-0436
Cindy Liddell 508-252-6053
Heather Fournier 508-226-2182
Jen Pedro 508-336-5322
Nancy Brockmann 508-252-4920
Bus Pick Up and Drop Off Policy
Notice to parents: The School Committee voted a bus pick up and drop off policy effective July 1, 2010. A copy of the policy is available at your child’s school. Also, the Policy Subcommittee held a question and answer session for parents on May 2 , 2010 in the high school library/media center or you can contact your child’s principal for specific information regarding your child.
Joanne Plumer 508-252-1252
Irene Bowley 508-336-5607
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Per changes in School Committee Policy on March 23, 2010, the following changes will take effect July 1, 2010: (1) The Superintendent must approve each flyer and notice distributed. (2) Students should have one pick-up location in the AM and one drop-off location in the P.M. Changes may only occur if the student has written permission from the school principal or his/her designee and only in the case of emergency or extenuating circumstances.
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The Reporter June 2010
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Hornbine School Open for the Season
The Hornbine School, Rehoboth’s one room school museum, will be open June th and 2 th from 2 – 4 p.m. This season, we expect to open on the following Sundays: July 11th and 2 th, August 8th and 22nd, and September 12th and 2 th from 2 – 4 p.m. The School is located in the south east corner of Rehoboth on Hornbine Rd. across from Baker St and the Hornbine Church. We have displays, scrapbooks and other memorabilia which interest visitors as well as “olde time games” for the children to try out. The Rehoboth Historic Commission is planning to make some needed repairs to the school which is 1 3 years old. In the past decade the Rehoboth Historic Commission has paid for and completed several major repairs to the school. They include: completely painting the building in and out, rebuilding about half of the footings for the building, strapping the chimney, installing security lights, replacing our sign and arranging for Dighton Rehoboth High School Students to replace the roof. Each year minor repairs are accomplished by Ron Wittemore. We are always looking for individuals and/or contractors who are willing to accomplish needed repairs. If you have an interest, please call Dave Downs at 08-222- 32 . All Palmer River 3rd Grade students will have attended The Hornbine School by the end of June. We expect to share some pictures of these visits in the July issue of the Reporter. Meanwhile, if you are a parent of a Rehoboth third grader, visit the school during any of our open dates and have your child show you around. Or visit
June 2010 The Reporter
Palmer River Students Take to the Stage Palmer River Elementary School students performed “The Princess and the Pea” this week. It was the first time in more than 20 years that the school has put on a play, according to Principal Linda McSweeney. The play, composed by Mark Burrows, is about a school searching for a new principal.
It was directed by music teacher Kristie Arruda, who was recently named Teacher of the Year by the Rehoboth Lions Club. The play was made possible by an anonymous donation of $2,000. Fourth graders entered an essay contest to determine how the money would be spent and the winning essay suggested that the school put on a play. McSweeney said it was chosen because it could involve so many children. More than 100 students performed in the play. They practiced before school for a month. Arruda said they all did a great job and she was very proud of them.
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The Reporter June 2010
Palmer River News
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*From the Editor*
The Reporter continues to provide local news to the public for free. We love to get as much news to you as possible. Unfortunately, due to lack of space in our paper, we cannot run honor roll lists for all the schools. On a level of fairness, we cannot run one school and not another. We hope you continue to send us your news and enjoy our paper!
Elise DuBois, Assistant to Principal
“Time flies when you are having fun” is very meaningful as we now move forward into June. This very productive year at Palmer River has flown by. As we move forward into summer, we encourage every family to access our summer reading recommendations with their children as a means of keeping our skills sharp. We will additionally house a copy of our grade level summer reading lists at the Blanding Library to help guide you. Throughout the year, our teachers have worked to develop your child’s strengths as a writer. We encourage you to start a new tradition of recording your summer fun through journaling. Children of all ages can benefit from both the practice writing and the opportunity to express their ideas. Build writing into your summer routine and even model by keeping a journal of your own. Use additional resources like photos, brochures, and ticket stubs to spark ideas for writing. Have older students give their own views on current events in the news. Research has shown that 18% of student learning is lost between the end of the school year and the first day back at school in the fall. Let’s beat those statistics and help our children to come back with stronger skills!
We Are Inspired: Emma Wheeler, Student of the Year
Words cannot describe the way in which Emma Wheeler has touched the lives of this school community. Emma, now in the third grade, has always been a dedicated, hardworking and kindhearted student. Teachers described Emma as “a pleasure New Client to have in class”. If you needed a student who was contentious, dependable, and cooperative, it was Emma. Emma’s kindergarten Located in teacher described her as a good citizen who sets an example for 60 Min Dighton, MA her peers by always keeping a positive attitude. Swedish This positive attitude has carried Emma far. As many have come ONLY to learn, Emma was diagnosed with cancer this past year. Emma $25.00 underwent a very lengthy surgery, an aggressive chemotherapy (50% Off Reg. Price) treatment, and radiation. As Emma embarked on this difficult journey, the children from her classroom, her school, and teachers FAtherS DAy Now Accepting Gift certificates could not begin to imagine the courage and strength this journey ey Available would require. When Emma was absent- the class just wasn’t the same. The children in her classroom even sang and dedicated Take a Break From Life’s Aches and Pains a winter song and DVD to Emma to let her know that they were 508-837-4287 • 508-669-6032 thinking of her. But even cancer could not hold back Emma....she Email: is something very special! Emma surprised us all! The classroom was a buzz hearing that Emma was going to come back in for a visit, and then to stay a day, and then several days. The children were overjoyed to have her back. Emma has continued to complete her schoolwork at home and enthusiastically joins her classmates whenever her health allows. Emma has been a model of inner strength and endurance; she continues to focus on the positive and strives to be the Complete auto collision repair best she can be. Emma you have been a Towing Foreign & Domestic true inspiration to all of us!
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Outstanding Community Service~ Kevin Hebert
Kevin Hebert has gone above and beyond to share his photography and technical expertise with Palmer River School. The teachers feel that Mr. Hebert, is such a valuable resource to our school. He has served our children and staff tirelessly and selflessly and we very much appreciate
June 2010 The Reporter all that he has added to Palmer River. Mr. Hebert has volunteered every Friday in the Palmer River Library updating and repairing the AV equipment for the teachers. With some of the older equipment, Mr. Hebert has a magic touch! Using his photographic talent at Palmer River, Mr. Hebert has also volunteered to take photos of the students at special events during the school year. His photos are amazing! He has the natural ability to capture the moment or the expression in our children’s faces. When we saw the amazing photos he took, we realized we needed to share his talents with others so as a result, we have been using Mr. Hebert’s photos in our school’s Year-In-Review DVD and student yearbook for years. Mr. Hebert’s dedication and countless hours of volunteer service to our students, teachers and school community have been outstanding. He has quietly shared his talents and generosity of time to make Palmer River an even more exciting place to learn.
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Teacher of the Year… Miss Kristie Arruda
Anyone who has seen Miss Arruda with her students knows that she has an amazing talent for making music class a place of joyfilled learning. Miss Arruda offers her high energy and enthusiasm complimented by her expertise and confidence. Because of Miss Arruda’s teaching, our Palmer River students love music! One of her most unique gifts is the way in which she inspires her students to greatness, making each one of them feel proud and special. If you came to a school performance, you’d likely only see Miss Arruda’s back. However, standing in the wings, you would be in awe at having the privilege of watching pure talent and inspiration at work. The children are mesmerized by this educator and hang on her every movement and gesture. As the song closes, Miss Arruda explodes with zeal causing the students to smile and stand a little bit taller. Can you believe that our Palmer River students come in early, before school, and, stay in for recess, just to have the opportunity to work with Miss Arruda? They feel lucky to be selected to work on a project, play, or bell performance. Our children practice with dedication and diligence to earn the next “string” on their recorder in Recorder Karate. Miss Arruda inspires our students with her music program at Palmer River. Herself a model of learning, she’s trained at the Berkley School of Music, she’s an accomplished flute player, and is working on her master’s degree at Rhode Island College. Miss Arruda even enjoys playing with a rock band! Thank you Miss Arruda, for being an inspiration to us all.
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The Reporter June 2010
Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence
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Dr. Dyer: Recipient of Outstanding Achievement Award
In past years, Dr. Dyer has generously donated hundreds of hours of his time to the education of our Rehoboth youth. He has left them with a love of learning and lasting memories. Dr. Dyer offers what no social studies text could ever give… himself! Each year, Dr. Dyer goes from classroom to classroom carrying a bountiful cartload of artifacts and treasures to share with the students. Many a third grader has had the opportunity to pound corn into flour or pound the drum of the Wampanoag. Our first graders learn the legacy of the Eskimo people and fourth graders the thrills of the Arctic region. The children are enthralled with his knowledge and listen eagerly with hopes that he my choose them to demonstrate the next activity. Try as they might, there are few teachers that will ever travel as far or share the wealth of experiences that Dr. Dyer has come to know and share. Each year, Dr. Dyer adds a new destination to his travels consequently enhancing his repertoire of presentations. Dr Dyer affords children (and their teachers) the opportunity to learn about other cultures in our world, appreciate diversity, and learn how far their curiosity can take them.
Thank You… Thank You!
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We additionally wish to thank all of the parent and PTSA volunteers who have dedicated countless hours to support our children and the school. With their daily contributions, Palmer River is strengthened. We are so proud to have these individuals as a part of our Palmer River Elementary school community. Their efforts have enriched our school in such wonderful ways. We thank you all! “The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in giving of oneself to others - that we truly live.” Ethel Percy Andrus
Advertise in our “Who’s Who & What They Do” Business Profile Section...
Call 508.252.6575
June 2010
The Reporter
People In The News Jeanine AchinAccepts Awards on behalf of the YMCA
Jeanine Achin, Executive Director of the Newman YMCA graciously accepted two awards on behalf of the staff of the YMCA. The East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education honored the Newman YMCA for their work creating and implementing inclusion programming and for the full accessibility of the YMCA. Karen Rebello, the co-chair of the EPLAC presented the Ms Achin with a Special Community Partner Award. The Newman Y also received the Community Outreach Award at the YMCA of Greater Providence Spring Award Breakfast for their work identifying and partnering with like minded, mission driven organizations such as ARC, the National Park Service, Human Services, Council on Aging and more.
Teaching and learning
Fulbright Scholar Sees Teaching as an Opportunity to Learn
By helping others to learn, Katrina Hegeman gains new insights herself. She stands to learn a great deal next year when she travels to the Slovak Republic as a Fulbright Scholar, teaching English to high school students. “I’m looking forward to learning firsthand about another country’s education system,” says Hegeman. “I feel so grateful for the opportunity to do what I love and at the same time help other people to learn English. I can’t wait to meet my students!” The senior from Dighton, Mass., will be teaching in Liptovský Mikuláš, a small city of about 32,000 people north of the nation’s capital, Bratislava. The country emerged from communist rule in 1989 as part of Czechoslovakia and it became an independent nation in 1993. “I was attracted to the Slovak Republic because of its interesting history and its central location in Europe,” she says. “All of my friends who have visited the Slovak Republic have enjoyed the culture.” Hegeman discovered an interest in teaching while taking education courses at Wheaton. “The fieldwork I did for those courses - which included tutoring a second-grader in language arts and observing high school English classes - made me want to pursue teaching as a career.” A major in English with a concentration in dramatic literature and creative writing and a minor in secondary education, Hegeman has excelled in her studies at Wheaton. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society, a Presidential Scholar (maintaining a grade point average of 3.8 or greater) and a member of the Dean’s List Top Ten students for her entire college career. She was admitted to Wheaton as a Balfour Scholar, and she holds Wheaton’s Charles A. Dana and Clemence Family scholarships. Her extra-curricular activities mirror her academic interests. She mentors Brockton High School students through the college’s H.E.R.O. (Higher Education Readiness Opportunities) program and volunteers with the Whe/Arc Friendship Club, providing social
opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She also has authored scripts for, as well as acted and directed in, the college’s Ten Minute Plays Festival since her first year at the college. Hegeman has served as a peer tutor at Wheaton, and she has observed classes in the Dighton-Rehoboth and Norton high schools. This semester, she is leading two classes at nearby Norton High School, a freshman composition class and an elective course on dramatic literature and the theatre. “Teaching is always slightly unpredictable and I like having to think on my feet,” Hegeman says. “It’s been a great experience getting to know my students and learning along with them. They bring fresh perspectives to whatever we’re studying, and they teach me new things all the time.”
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The Reporter June 2010
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Nancy Messinger Receives Community Conservation Award seekonk environmentalist recognized for land preservation efforts
[Seekonk]— Willet Mason, president of the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust, presented Nancy Messinger with the Fifth Annual Mary Wilson Community Conservation Award. The award was conferred this spring at the Land Trust’s annual meeting. In 200 , the Land Trust established the award, named for the founder of the organization, and it is presented annually to an individual who has contributed significantly to the advancement of conservation in the town of Seekonk. “Nancy Messinger has been associated with the Land Trust almost since it was established in 19 ,” said President Mason. “She was a protégé of our founder, Mary Wilson, who introduced Nancy to the field of conservation and the necessity to protect the vanishing open space in Seekonk that is a habitat for many species. She served on the board for almost 2 years, ten of them as president.” During her tenure as president, the Land Trust acquired over 200 acres of land, including the Martin Wildlife Refuge and established a mini-grant program to promote environmental education. In 1999 Nancy embarked on a project of preserving 12 contiguous acres along the Runnins River here in Seekonk. Although she stepped down from the board in 2003, she continued to oversee this endeavor until her goal was realized early this year, when the last gift of land was finalized. For more information about how you can join the Land Trust or volunteer for other Land Trust activities, please call Willet Mason at 08-33 -0 0 .
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Willet Mason presents Nancy Messinger with the Fifth Annual Mary Wilson Community Conservation Award. The award was conferred this spring at the Land Trust’s annual meeting. In 200 , the Land Trust established the award, named for the founder of the organization, and it is presented annually to an individual who has contributed significantly to the advancement of conservation in the town of Seekonk.
June 2010
Seekonk Resident Kelsey Petrie Awarded a Coveted Jefferson Scholarship
Kelsey Petrie from Seekonk, MA, a graduating senior at Saint Mary Academy- Bay View has been named a Jefferson Scholar at the University of Virginia. Kelsey is one of only 2 recipients of this year’s awards and the first ever to a RI student. Initially over 2 00 applications are received by the Jefferson Scholars Foundation. In March Kelsey was invited to the University of Virginia as one of 101 finalists to spend five days in meetings, interviews and other activities to determine the winners. “Being a Jefferson Scholar is an incredible opportunity not only because of the extraordinary experiences it offers but it allows all of us to meet and work with some amazing students and teachers at the University. The University of Virginia is a wonderful place and I am very excited to be going there and honored to be selected in this program,” said Kelsey. Colleen Gribbin, Bay View High School Principal praised the accomplishment noting, “Kelsey’s accomplishment is a tribute to her as a student, and more importantly a young woman who has made a difference in the world from a very young age.” She continued, “Bay View’s academically rigorous programs, combined with same gender environment and a clear Mercy mission make for outstanding results for all our girls, and Kelsey is indicative of that vision for our women.” She continued, “This is a young woman who has made a difference at Bay View and throughout the community with her work on environmental issues and her interest in public policy.” In addition to being selected as a Jefferson Scholar this year, Kelsey was named one of the Tomorrow 2 leaders by Time Magazine and Bentley University in 2009. The fundamental mission of the Jefferson Scholars Foundation is to identify, attract, and nurture individuals of extraordinary intellectual range and depth who possess the highest qualities of leadership, scholarship, and citizenship. The foundation seeks those with great promise, and gives them sufficient financial support so they are free to develop their talents and to use them for the good of the University community. The Scholars Program includes full tuition, room and board for four years, funds for books and travel and a year of study abroad. Scholars come from throughout the United States and around the world. The mission of the Jefferson Scholars Foundation is “”to strengthen our democracy by preparing those with “genius and virtue’ (Thomas Jefferson) to lead wisely and act decisively for the public good.”
The Reporter
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Rhode Island Association of School Principals
Dr. Christopher Kennedy of Rehoboth, MA Named Rhode Island Elementary School Principal of the Year
Dr. Christopher Kennedy.
May 13, 2010 - The Board of Directors of the Rhode Island Association of School Principals has named Dr. Christopher Kennedy, Principal of Nayatt School in Barrington, as its 2010 Elementary School Principal of the Year. Dr. Kennedy has fostered the implementation of Professional Learning Community behaviors at Nayatt School, facilitated development of Response to Intervention processes, and is helping to introduce the district wide PBIS initiative.
Triad Honors Their Own
Triad is a unique collaboration between the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office, Police and Public Safety Personnel, and Senior Citizens, dedicated to working together, creating programs to enhance the quality of life for all senior citizens. Special thanks to the people that made
The Reporter June 2010
Schroder's Plaza 216 Willett Ave Riverside, RI (401) 433-5165 Peter Curti, President
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deadline for submitting News is now the 23rd of each month...
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Teachers note that Dr. Kennedy promotes the belief that all teachers are responsible for the learning of every student at the school and that everyone contributes to student achievement growth. He empowers teachers to lead reform initiatives at the school and has promoted high expectations for all. Parents overwhelming speak to the open communication that Dr. Kennedy maintains with them and his commitment to developing the whole child. Always looking to improve education at Nayatt School, Dr. Kennedy is present in classrooms on a regular basis. He also works individually with students to ensure that their educational needs are met. Through creative scheduling, Dr. Kennedy holds four weekly first hour grade level assemblies each week. This assembly time provides teachers with the opportunity to meet in Common Planning Time every week to review student performance data, examine student work, and collaborate on instruction. Dr. Kennedy uses the student assemblies to teach students about citizenship, kindness, respect, and the like. Additionally, he holds school-wide Town Meetings once each month to showcase student learning. Described with words such as supportive, collaborative, knowledgeable, skilled, respectful, creative, and empathetic, Dr. Kennedy is seen as an educational leader by teachers, students, staff, parents, and central office personnel. One parent noted that, “no principal any of my children had ever cared so intently for them individually,” as does Dr. Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Rhode Island, a Master of Education in Language and Literacy from Harvard University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Johnson & Wales University. Dr. Kennedy served as a first grade and reading recovery teacher in Attleboro, MA before coming to Providence as a literacy coach and assistant principal. Having served as Principal of Barnes Elementary School in Johnston, he has been Principal of Nayatt School in Barrington since 200 . As Rhode Island’s Elementary School Principal of the Year, Dr. Kennedy will now participate in the National Distinguished Principal Program conducted by the National Association of Elementary School Principals in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education, in corporate partnership with AIG Retirement. The winners from each state will be honored at ceremonies to be held in Washington, D.C. in October. RIASP will also recognize Dr. Kennedy at a dinner meeting to be held at the Radisson Hotel in Warwick on May 2 , 2010. Dr. Kennedy resides in Rehoboth, MA.
Medical Reserve Corps Recognition Dinner
Submitted by Lynn Allienello, RN Public Health Nurse, Rehoboth Board of Health Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator, Rehoboth Chapter On May , 2010, in appreciation for valuable contributions made during the 2009-2010 pandemic flu season, the Bristol Norfolk Medical Reserve Corps Coordinators honored their volunteers with a recognition dinner. Chapter Coordinators from the towns of Rehoboth, Attleboro, North Attleboro, Norton, Seekonk, Mansfield, Plainville, and Foxboro presented certificates of appreciation and expressed gratitude for all the hard work provided by each and every person who willingly came forth to volunteer and help their local providers to
June 2010 administer seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines to the many children and adults in need. The Rehoboth Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers who deployed this past flu season include Robert Ashton, Scott Meagher, EMT-P, Judy Palazzi, RN, Al Erdos, Rebecca Erdos, Barbara Estrella, Peter Alley, Peter Prestoy, Scott LaCourse, Kathryn Knight, William Carmichael, Brenda Crandall, Janice Godfrey, Maryann (Mandy) Ezyk, Linda Greaves, and Stacy Vilao. In addition to the MRC volunteers, others who provided aid during this pandemic response included, Bette Dyer for her endless efforts at handling the hundreds of additional phone calls from residents regarding vaccine availability and for making calls on weekends and evenings to confirm appointments, Bethany Collins, RN and Mary Rosa, RN for helping to administer vaccine, and MaryAnn D’Andrea for managing patient registration.
The Reporter
Manny’s Auto Repair 22 -1330 / 22 -1338 M-F :30 - • Sat :30 - noon
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177 Fairview Ave, Rehoboth MA Pictured above is Al Erdos being awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the Bristol-Norfolk Medical Reserve Corps by the Rehoboth Chapter Coordinator, Lynn Allienello, RN.
Middlesex Savings Bank Names Susan T. Richards Vice President and Assistant Controller Natick, Massachusetts – The board of directors of Middlesex Savings Bank has announced the election of Susan T. Richards to vice president and assistant controller. Richards will be responsible for managing the operations of the Accounting Department, including budget reviews and analysis, coordination of the Bank’s financial reporting system, and related technologies. She works out of Middlesex Savings Bank’s Susan T. Richards Natick office. Richards has been with Middlesex Savings Bank for almost ten years. She was promoted from assistant vice president and assistant controller. She has previously worked for Fleet/BankBoston as a senior financial analyst and for Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank as vice president in the Treasury Group. She received her Masters of Business Administration from Providence College and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Rhode Island. She also attended the New England School of Financial Studies at Babson College in 2009.
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The Reporter June 2010
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Richards is a member of the Massachusetts Bankers Association. She is also a part of Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Central Massachusetts and Metrowest. In her spare time, she is a member of the Rhodes 19 Fleet 35 sailing out of Narragansett Bay, RI and currently resides in Rehoboth, MA. Middlesex Savings Bank, a $4 billion financial institution, is one of the largest independent community banks in Massachusetts. Headquartered in Natick, the FDIC and DIF insured bank has 31 retail branches in 24 towns and offers a full range of personal and business financial services. Middlesex Savings Bank has been recognized as one of the most charitable organizations in Massachusetts. Middlesex Savings Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Middlesex Bancorp, MHC, a Massachusetts-chartered mutual holding company
23 Power Street Norton, MA 02766
J & L Landscape & Garden Center Available for Delivery & Pickup
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John Ferreira, Jr., Receives Certificate of Ground and Flight Training
On May 5, John Ferreira, Jr., 22, of Cameron Way, Rehoboth received his Certificate of Ground and Flight Training from Sharkey’s Helicopters, Inc. of West Lebanon, New Hampshire. Said Roger D. Sharkey, President of Sharkey’s Helicopters, “He did a great job – he’s a natural at it! Not everyone has the kind of hand-eye coordination that’s needed to operate this kind of craft, but John does.” “Jr” can now be seen flying his father’s jet powered 480B ENSTROM Helicopter as a private pilot. In addition to his success as a newly certified helicopter pilot, John has also demonstrated a keen talent for the family business, Ferreira Construction Company. In fact, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. In addition to continuing his career at Ferreira Construction, John also plans to pursue his commercial pilot’s license. We wish this young aviator and businessman much success in all of his future endeavors!
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Pictured (left to right): Joe Brigham, FAA Designated Examiner, and John Ferreira, Jr.
June 2010
The Reporter
Seekonk Resident Advances in Pitch, Hit & Run Contest
Swansea – Ben Sears of Seekonk was one of 11 boys of ages 7 through 14 years who advanced to the second round of the nationwide Pitch, Hit & Run program after surviving a Local-level contest hosted May 1 by the Swansea Independent Baseball League at the Nike Site Playing Complex in Swansea. Sears was one of more than 40 players who participated in the Local contest of the national competition sponsored by Major League Baseball and Aquafina. The top finishers in each phase of the competition as well as the overall victors in the 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 age divisions advanced to the Section level, which will be staged May 22 in Berkley. Participants were required to pitch accurately from 45 feet, hit for distance and accuracy off a batting tee, and run a distance of 140 feet. Local-level competitions are staged throughout the United States. The Section-level victors will advance to the Team competition to be held at Fenway Park in Boston in June. Competitors at that level will be eligible to compete for a spot in the National competition which will be held in July in Anaheim, Calif., in conjunction with the Major League Baseball All-Star Game.
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Ben Sears of Seekonk is pictured with a blue ribbon he won Saturday after placing first in a phase of the nationwide Pitch, Hit & Run Competition’s Local-level contest staged at the Nike Site Playing Complex in Swansea under sponsorship of the Swansea Independent Baseball League. (Photo courtesy of Swansea Independent Baseball League)
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The Reporter June 2010
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Shayne Cordeiro Completes GED Diploma Congratulations to Mr. Shayne Cordeiro of Rehoboth. Mr. Cordeiro graduated from the Mass School of Information Technology with his GED Diploma and his Microsoft Word and Excel Certifications Shayne Cordeiro on March 24, 2010. Shayne was previously enrolled at Somerset High School where was enrolled but circumstances prevented him from completing his freshman year. Shayne decided to pursue his GED and was referred to Mass Info Tech by the Taunton Career Center. Shayne says he found Mass Info Tech “inviting” adding “it didn’t feel weird coming here.” Of his experience in class he says the work “kept you interested” and the teachers were “really willing to help with any questions or problems.” Shayne plans to attend Bristol Community College to gain enough credits to transfer to Connecticut’s Yukon State College where he will participate in their agricultural program. His family has been farming in Southeastern Massachusetts for four generations, and he hopes to continue the tradition. “People” continued on page 67.
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June 2010
The Reporter
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The Reporter June 2010
Summer Sun & Fun Rehoboth Antiquarian society
Clambake: Make it Part of Your Summer Plans!
Now Accepting Applicants for the 2010 Season!
Mark Sunday, August 1 th on your calendar. At 1pm we’ll be sitting down and enjoying our Annual Antiquarian Clambake behind Blanding Library, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth. The day is usually warm, the beer is cold, and the clams are oh-so-sweet! If you haven’t experienced an authentic New England Clambake, why not join us this year? Price: $33. Call 08-2 2-43 3 for tickets or more information. Proceeds help support Carpenter Museum, Blanding Library and Arts in the Village.
Send in your membership form early, space is limited!
508-336-0577 • Located on the beautiful Firefly Golf Course 350 fall River Ave, seekonk, MA 02771
free tours, food & summer fun at kenyon’s Grist Mill
K R Baseball Academy “where the impossible dream begins” (401) 724-7555 •
2010 SUMMER CAMPS The 2010 K R Baseball Summer Camps will take place during the weeks of July 12th and August 2nd for players age 9 -17. The camps will be held at Slater Park in Pawtucket, RI. The entire session will be run by the instructors of the KR Baseball Academy. Each camp will be held Monday – Friday from 8:30AM – 2:30PM The week of camp will include the following: • Daily instruction on all aspects of the game by Ken Ryan and instructors from the K R Baseball Academy. • Catered lunch served daily • Organized afternoon baseball games supervised by the K R Baseball staff • K R Baseball T-shirt and Baseball Cap for each participant • Instruction is provided in small groups of no more than 8.
Registration Fee is $295 per camper for the week.
Get complete info. at or call (401)724-7555.
Summer is here…the time of year to explore waterways, take a drive, and experience the sights, sounds, tastes, and history in our own backyard. Kenyon’s Grist Mill, the oldest operating manufacturing business in the state, invites visitors and Rhode Islanders alike to their second annual Summer Festival on July 24th & 2 th from 10 a.m. to p.m. Incorporating a wide variety of businesses across the state, the event is a celebration of locally made and grown products, culinary specialties, and activities that directly benefit our local community. The mill will be open for free, historic narrated tours of the grinding process. Enjoy free johnny cakes, cooking demonstrations, free food, oysters, wine and ice cream samples, and the opportunity to pet an alpaca. Visit the mill’s county store, enjoy the scenery and waterfall, and meet local artisans and farmers. Clam cakes, chowder and other local items will be available for purchase. There will be free kayaking along the picturesque Queen’s River (donations to benefit the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association). Admission and parking are both free, but please bring a food/clothing donation to the Jonnycake Center and/or the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Free parking is available at the Washington County Fairgrounds & Richmond Antique Center with free shuttle bus service. For more information on this event and the upcoming Harvest Festival on October 23 & 24, call 800- -KENYON or visit
June 2010
Newman YMCA
Alicia's Dance Studio 15 years of Dance Education
Parent’s Night Out
Friday, June 12th 5:45-8:45 p.m. - $10 Y members
Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Pointe
Children ages 3-11 do an art project, play gym games and eat dinner at the Y so you can have a night out while your kids are safe and having fun.
Family Luau • June 18th
Food and Fun Activities 6:00-7:30 P.M. Swim with the Dolphins 7:30-8:45 P.M. Join us for a healthy, inexpensive Luau dinner sponsored by local restaurant and supermarkets. Join the Hula Hoop Champion, Randy and learn some new Hula techniques, enjoy Hawaiian Music with Luca, then play games, jump in the bounce house, do an art project, have a face painting and much more Hawaiian style fun including swimming with dolphins in the 2 yard indoor pool. Once a month the Newman YMCA offers a special family night to share a meal and special moments. These nights we call Eat Cheap Family Nights and the Luau is our annual June event. We thank Autumns Catering in Rehoboth for providing the great meal for the April Eat Cheap Night and Lemon and Oil for May’s great meal and event. Pre-registration is required each month and space is limited so sign up early. Members $3, Non Members $ Proceeds of the Luau will benefit the Newman Y Neighbors Helping Neighbors Campaign supporting our Youth Development Programs and providing Summer Camp for children. The Newman YMCA is finishing up the 2010 campaign, chaired by Suzanne Nadeau from Rehoboth, and has $20,000 left to reach goal. For more information contact the Y or donate on-line www. – Newman Branch in Seekonk. The Newman YMCA is a 01(c) 3 charitable nonprofit organization. All donations are used exclusively for people in this community.
The Reporter
Registration June 30th 5:00–7:00 224 Winthrop street • Rt. 44 Rehoboth • (508) 252-1245 Located across from Dunkin' Donuts
“We’re More Than Just Cartwheels!”
East Providence, RI There’s still room for you at RGA’s SUMMER CAMP 2010!! Animal Adventure
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We’ll also be having minitheme days such as Balloons & Bubbles and Sports & Games! Plus, our own usual mix of cool crafts, water play, gymnastics, and great memories! 401-435-0159
The Reporter June 2010
Have fun this Summer! register Now For
Dance camp!
319 Tremont st. chartley Plaza rehoboth rte. 118
508 222-5157 Jill M. Quinn * Director
July 12th-16th $110.00 Ages: 3- • 9am-12pm Ages: -11 • 12pm-3pm Different dancing everyday, Crafts, Games, spa Day, Pajama Day, & Movie Day!
Fall classes begin September 13th!
Visit us at: Find us on FAcebooK!
Summer Day Camp Camp Wamsutta, Loving heart
Ages 3-teens should register now for the Newman YMCA newly named Camp Wamsutta. The YMCA thanks the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe and Cultural Advisor, Three Bears for bestowing the name “Wamsutta” to our camp. Wamsutta, whose name means “Loving Heart”, was the sachem of the Pokanoket tribe and son of Massasoitt. We are honored and humbled to call our camp this wonderful name. The Y offers ½ and full day Preschool camps and full day school age camps throughout the summer starting June 21st running through Labor Day. Camp day is 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with before and after care available. Participants are divided by age group and participate in Youth Development skills such as nature studies, archery, sports, art and field games. Math and Reading Tutoring is a new summer option. Specialty Camps options include Adventure Daily Field Trips, Gymnastics, Dance, Theater, Krump, Lego Engineering and Mad Science. Newman YMCA 4 2 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA, call 08-33 - 103 or register online www.YMCAGreaterProvidence. org
Call About Our Summer Dance Classes
SuMMer riDing prOgrAMS
July 12th & 19th • August 9th & 16th Mon-Fri 9-3 - Ages 6 and up • All Aspects of Horse Care • Daily Riding Lessons • Crafts & Activities • Demonstrations • Horsemanship • Horse Safety • Trail Rides • Field Trips • Swimming REFER A FRIEND AND MULITPLE FAMILY DISCOUNTS OFFERED! We have classes for everyone!
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MuSic Summer DANce Theater Camp leSSoNS! with Judy DePerla Ask About Our Summer Music Safari Music exploration for children 5 and under. Taught by Kristie Arruda
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June 2010
The Reporter
RI Historical Society “Concert under the Elms” 2010 Summer Series
On the Lawn of the John Brown House Museum 52 Power Street, Providence, RI Premier Sponsor: Capital Properties, Inc. This summer, beginning June 24th at :30 p.m., the Rhode Island Historical Society will kick-off its “Concerts under the Elms” outdoor summer concert series with the patriotic music and “pop” repertoire by The American Band. We are delighted to have Traditional American and Celtic Folk band AtwaterDonnelly joins us this year, and to welcome back the Duke Robillard Band and their classic blues, R&B, and swing. Swing n’ Strings with Al Basile is back, and to round out the summer, Magnolia returns with the lively sounds of Cajun music. And for the first time, Steve Smith & the Nakeds will perform! Concerts are held Thursday evenings through August th on the sweeping lawn of the Society’s historical John Brown House in Providence, located on Benefit Street between Power and Charlesfield Streets. Shaded by a canopy of elms – the John Brown House’s broad lawn is a delightful venue for a summer evening’s entertainment. Adult admission is $8.00 per person, with Rhode Island Historical Society members and children under twelve entering free. Concert goers can enjoy their own picnic, or purchase food and beverages on site. Please be advised that in the event of inclement weather, decisions regarding concert cancellations will be made at mid-day on the day of the concert. For more information about the concert series, please check the Rhode Island Historical Society’s website at, or call 401-331-8 ext. 33.
June 24 the American Band July 1 Rain date for American Band July 8 Atwater-donnelly July 15 duke Robillard Band July 22 steve smith & the Nakeds July 29 swing n’ strings - Al Basile August 5 Magnolia
Our 2010 season sponsors are Premier Sponsor Capital Properties, Inc., Lite Fare & Beverage Sponsor Eastside Marketplace, Brown University, Bank of America, BNY Mellon Wealth Management, The Washington Trust Company, Wealth Management, Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP, Providence Business News, Santoro Oil, Hinckley Allen & Snyder LLP, Mandel & Tracy, LLC, Dr. George and Mrs. Betsey Goodwin, Dr. & Mrs. William S. Simmons, Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Beth Weiss.
presents our
reHOBOTH SuMMer BASeBAll CAMp dates – July 19 – 23, 2010 times – 9:00am – 2:30pm daily After camp program available
508-543-9595 location of camp is at the
Mcphillips Field complex, Martin St., rehoboth, MA For boys and girls ages 7-12 Camp includes: • days of professional baseball instruction • Daily baseball games and instructional drills • Experienced, professional staff with low participant to instructor ratio • Spacious outdoor complex with multiple fields. • Indoor facilities available in event of inclement weather
For information on this camp please email Chris Welch at or call him at 08- 43-9 9
The Reporter June 2010
CAMP at the Y. rents. Summer pa r fo d in m of e d for kids. Peac Strength of min
For kids, summer camp at the Y promises new friends, new adventures For parents, it promises and often newfound co unwavering peace-of-m nfidence. ind. Led by carefully-sc accredited day, extende reened and trained sta d day and overnight cam ff, the ps offered by the YMCA of Greater Providence will give your kids new skills and memories tha t will last a lifetime. Eight camps acro
ss the state for child ren aged 3 -17
Bayside / Barrington Camp Fuller / Wakefield Cranston East Side - Mt. Hope / Providence Kent County / Warwick Newman / Seekonk South County / Peace Dale West Bay / North Kingstown
June 2010
William Michael Clerx - Valedictorian - William is the son of Marco and Frances Clerx of Seekonk. Clerx is a National Merit Scholar Finalist and President of the National, Spanish and Science Honor Societies as well as member of the Math, History and Music Honor Societies. He has consistently held first honors all during his high school career and has been a Top Overall Student since his sophomore year. Clerx has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Harvard College Prize Book Award, National Spanish Exam Junior Travel Award, the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award, the President’s Education Award, a gold medalist in the National Spanish Exam, Bishop Feehan Essay Contest winner, and the National Council of Teachers of English Writing Achievement award. He was also a semifinalist in the USA Biology Olympiad. His giftedness in science earned him scores of local, State and Regional recognition for his science fair projects on environmental issues. In his Freshmen year, his Best in Fair project won him 1st place and the Earth Day award at the Regional Science Fair, and 3rd place in the State Science fair. As a sophomore, his science project earned him 2nd place at Feehan, 1st place in the Regional Science Fair and led to the Stockhom Junior Water Prize and Massachusetts State Delegation to the National Contest in Orlando, FL. Music and theater are Clerx’s passions. An accomplished pianist, singer and actor, he has played piano weekly at St. Margaret’s Parish Masses and numerous school related events since his freshman year. He has also been a member of Feehan’s Chorus and Liturgical Choir throughout his high school career and has also had roles in seven Bishop Feehan Theater Company productions. Clerx can be seen on the athletic fields too as a three-season runner in Cross-Country, Winter & Spring Track. He’s also been a member of the Varsity Golf Team and the Seekonk Junior Golf League, the Seekonk Baseball League, the Pawtucket RBI Baseball League, Pawtucket Fall Ball, and the St. Margaret CYO Basketballl Team. Clerx has been very active in serving the school and the local community. He is the President/Junior Leader of the Rehoboth 4-H Club where he coordinated and participated in 4-H service projects and community activities. He has volunteered at Feehan’s Santa Shop for four years in various capacities such as coordinator, tour guide, translator, toy wrapper, and organizer. He worked on the Lenten Food Drive, Christmas Giving Tree, and volunteers at the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry. In addition, he has found time to serve at St. Margaret’s Parish as alter server, in the Children’s Choir and as Parish Sacristan. William will be attending Harvard University in the fall. Kaila Elizabeth Dion – Salutatorian - Kaila Elizabeth Dion is the daughter of Edward Jr. and Norma Dion of Plainville. Dion is a member of the National, History, Science, Spanish, and Math Honor Societies. She achieved first honors consistently for three years and has served as the President of the Math Honor Society for the past two years. Throughout her high school career, Dion has earned academic awards among which include the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and the Holy Cross Book Award. She has been a student council member for all four years and has served as the Homecoming and Spirit Week Secretary her senior year. Dion has been highly involved and extremely dedicated to several organizations and activities. She has been a member of One FAN, a community council made up of students from Bishop Feehan, Attleboro High School and North Attleboro High School.
s Pe
2010 Feehan Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Tree Dedicator
rth ea
Continued from pg. 60
People In The News
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The Reporter June 2010
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This group organizes community events that raise money to stop hunger in the local communities. She’s also been a member of Peer Ministry, Feehan’s St. Vincent de Paul Society, Big Brother Big Sister, Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.), and Maintain Our Vital Environment (M.O.V.E). She has also lettered in Feehan’s Volleyball and Basketball teams. Dion balances her exceptional academic skills with a sense of character and community. During her high School career she has participated in Feehan’s annual Santa Shop, the Breast Cancer Volleyball Match, and Christ’s Closet. She managed to find time in her schedule to volunteer for many worthwhile charities. Dion has helped organize the annual E. A. Dion Scholarship Golf Tournament in honor of her late grandfather and she currently lectors at Sacred Heart Parish in North Attleboro where she has volunteered at their St. Vincent de Paul chapter and as a volleyball coach. She’s also volunteered at St. Joseph’s Food Pantry. Kaila will be attending the College of the Holy Cross in the fall. (Bishop Feehan High School’s graduating class plants and dedicates a tree in honor of their class. Traditionally, it is the senior rated third in the class that does the dedication.) James William McAllister – Tree Dedicator - Son of Steven and Eileen McAllister of Mansfield, McAllister is a National Merit Scholar Finalist and a member of the National, Spanish, Science, History and English Honor Societies. He has consistently achieved First Honors throughout high school. As a freshman, he received the Top Overall Student Medal in Math. McAllister has also received the Fairfield University College Book Award, the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, and Honorable Mention on the National Spanish Exam. He placed 2nd in the Massachusetts Regional Science Fair where he received the Dr. Levine Award and the Naval Science Award. He is a dedicated member of Mock Trial, Set Crew, and the Math Team. This year McAllister lettered in track for his participation in three-seasons: cross-country, winter and spring track. An avid volunteer, McAllister’s service to others is filled with brilliant accomplishments. He has brought his skills to many worthwhile programs for the underprivileged, including the Santa Shop, Thanksgiving Day Food Baskets, and Our Daily Bread Food Pantry. He is also a member of Students Against Genocide (STAND) and serves as Eucharistic Minister at St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield. Additionally, McAllister enjoys sailing and playing guitar. James will be attending the University of Notre Dame in the fall.
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PHOTO: from left, Principal Bill Runey, Valedictorian William Clerx, Salutatorian Kaila Dion, and Tree Dedicator James McAllister.
June 2010
Area Residents Participate In Fitchburg State College Commencement
The Reporter
Fitchburg, MASS. – Bachelor’s and master’s degrees were awarded during Fitchburg State College’s 114th commencement exercises on Thursday, May 20 and Saturday, May 22. Hundreds of parents, friends and relatives attended the ceremonies, where 2 1 graduate degrees were awarded on May 20 and 443 undergraduate degrees were awarded on May 22. College President Robert V. Antonucci was the speaker for the graduate ceremony. The commencement address at the undergraduate ceremony was given by Dr. Patrice K. Nicholas, a 19 graduate of Fitchburg State, and the current director of global health partnerships at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions School of Nursing in Boston. Retired Brig. Gen. Oliver J. Mason Jr. was presented the Distinguished Alumnus Award at the undergraduate ceremony. The general retired in 200 as the adjutant general of the Massachusetts National Guard and served as director of operations at the onset of the global war on terrorism. The President’s Medal was presented on May 20 to Ellen M. DiGeronimo, a former member of the Fitchburg City Council and a longtime civic booster who remains active in numerous volunteer roles. Also on May 20, the college gave its first Contributions to the Graduate Program Award to retired faculty member Dr. Rosemarie Giovino. An honored educator during her 3 -year full-time career at Fitchburg State, Dr. Giovino remains an adjunct faculty member at the college. Area graduates who participated include: Rehoboth, MA David J. Pereira BS Business Administration
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Did you know that the Taunton River is Narragansett Bay’s second largest tributary? Several agencies – including Save the Bay – worked together and in 2009 the Taunton River became protected under the National Park Service’s “Wild & Scenic” Program. That’s just one reason why on Saturday, July 1 th, I will be participating in the 34th Annual Save The Bay Swim from Newport to Jamestown. I started in 1999 when my son, David, was just one and in a stroller, so I consider myself fortunate to be able to participate in this signature fundraising event for a 12th year. I know that you or someone you know has enjoyed the beautiful waters of the Bay and can appreciate the importance of protecting this valuable natural resource. Become a member of Save The Bay – individual memberships start at $3 - and enjoy discounts on some great activities like a lighthouse tour, a seal cruise, summer camp or entry at the exploration center at Easton’s beach in Newport. One time gifts and memberships really add up – and you can do either though my online personal swimmer page at www.savebay. org/CSimpson. Prefer to pay by check? No problem! Just make it payable to “Save the Bay” and mail to me at 9 New St, Rehoboth, MA 02 9. I will forward it to Save the Bay along with my sponsor sheet. Thank you! Colleen Simpson
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The Reporter June 2010
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Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club News
By Bernie DeRoche Our Lionistic year for the club ends on June 30, 2010. The installation of new officers will be on June 17, 2010 and they take office on July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. The District Governor for District 33S, Ray Hebert from the South Attleboro Lions Club, will be the installing officer. Our biggest fund raiser will be the yard sale to be held on June 12 and 13 at the Redway Plain on Rte. 44. We have a large variety of everything, clothes, household articles, books, jewelry, toys, etc. Be sure and schedule a visit! You won’t be sorry! The time is 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sat. and sun. The Club participated in the Memorial Day Parade and a great time was had by all. We also have our Marian Manor visit for Bingo scheduled. The Summer Bash will be held in August so watch for more information to come and watch for when tickets will go on sale. Another fall fundraiser is our Yankee Candles and that will go from September 2nd to October 7th so be sure and talk to your Lion’s member who is usually your sales person and get your order in. There will be more info to come later. Some club members will be attending the District Governor’s Awards Night in June. This is the night the District Governor recognizes the people and clubs who he feels have excelled with their members over the year. It is a fun night as well as an exciting one when you are awarded something surprising. The clubs do all that they can do whether an award is presented to them at the end of the year, it is part of their undertaking when they begin their year. They have a certain criteria to follow. Our raffle for the Mom’s Day of Pampering, which was the tickets that were sold at the Bale Sale at the bank at Easter, was drawn at our first meeting in May. It was won by Cheryl Gouveia. We would like to say a bit “Thank You” to all who bought tickets. With this kind of support from all, we are always successful and we look forward to your continued support.
Remember Gigantic Yard Sale
June 12th to 13th, Sat. – Sun. 9 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Redway Plain See you there! Our motto is “We Serve” and indeed we do. See you next month.
June 2010 The Reporter
Rehoboth Lions Club Slate of Officers for 2010-11 President Michael Salois 1st Vice Pres. Russell Weddell 2nd Vice Pres. Ray Medeiros 3rd Vice Pres. Chuck Procoppio Secretary William Cute Treasurer John Skurchak Tail Twister John Moriarty Lion Tamer Vinnie McKenna Director 2 yr. Peter Amaral
Director 2 yr. Dave Rollins Director 1 yr. Jay Crandall Director 1 yr. Jim Johnston Membership William Cute (Sec) Membership Jim Amaral Membership John Moriarty Publicity Chair Russ Latham Health & Welfare Joe Nunes Asst. Health & Welfare Earl Dias Past President Leonard Mills
Rehoboth Lions Club
is looking for people interested in discussing articles monthly Call 508-252-3446
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The 10th Annual Lions’ and Community Citizens’ Night, held on May 12th was a Great success. Twelve people who live or work in Rehoboth, received Golden Dome Certificates and Lions Club Plaques. The Rehoboth Lions wish to mark the passing of, Dan Pugliese, a committed Lion for many years. He gave freely his time, skills and resources to those in need. He was loved, serious, witty, challenging and a free spirit. His smile was infectious and will be missed.
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Lions Calendar for June 2010
June 6 Lions Chet Munroe Chicken BBQ – Our 38th Annual, $8.00 (Half A BBQ Chicken) Tickets Available From Any Lions Member. • June 7, Officers Training – District 33s • June 9, Lions Program Meeting at 7 PM @ Papa’s Meeting with induction of 2 new members. • June 12th and 13th A Gigantic Yard Sale By The Anawan Lions, Sat. & Sunday, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Redway Plain field in Rehoboth (corner of Rt.44 and Bay State Road). Rain date will be June 26 and 27th, same place and time. Included in the sale will be furniture, collectibles, toys, household items, books, clothing and assorted one-of-a-kind treasures! All kinds of treasures at super prices will make this a big fundraiser. In the spirit of recycle and reuse, we hope to see you all there. • June 16, June Board of Directors @ Lenny’s Office • June 23, Regular Lions Business Meeting @ Francis Farm @ 7 P.M., • June 26th, Saturday, MIKE SALOIS’ Installation Dinner @ Crestwood Country Club. Mike will be President of the Rehoboth Lions for 2010-11. Cocktails from 6-7, ceremony starts @ 7 Dinner @ 7:30. Your choice of Chicken Marsala or Boston Bakes Schrod. The cost is $35.00 pp. Mike needs a count by Tuesday June 22. Call Mike Salois at your earliest convenience.
Rehoboth Lions Golf Tournament
On Saturday, September 18, at 1 P.M. the Rehoboth Lions will be sponsoring our 22nd annual Golf Tournament. The format this year will be a “Bramble” where everyone hits a drive, then plays their next shot from where the best drive is. From then on everyone plays their own ball. The best two scores on each hole will be totaled to determine a winning team. As usual, the Lions tournament will include, on course contests, a fantastic meal from the Crestwood chef, terrific team prizes, as well as well over 100 raffle prizes. For more information and registration form, check out the Rehoboth Lions website at http://www. Or you can email Chairman Jim Whitehead at
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The Reporter June 2010
10th Annual Citizens’ Recognition Night
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10th Annual Citizens’ Recognition Night, May 12, 2010, Award Recipients (l-r) State Rep. Steven D’Amico, Outstanding Citizen Tom Charnecki, Public Servant William Saunders, Public Servant Gene Campbell, Outstanding Achievement Dr. Raymond Dyer, Environmental Stewardship Award Carol Williams, Joseph DeRoche Outstanding Service Richard Noons, Randall Silveira Public Safety Award Sharon Estrella, Senior Citizen of the Year Dorothy Conlow, Educator of the Year Jesse Armell, Community Service Award Kevin Hebert, Educator of the Year Kristie Arruda and Senator James Timilty.
Rehoboth Business Association Meeting Notice Tuesday June 15TH 2010
Country Garden Bed & Breakfast 339 Tremont Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
6:00 – 6:30 P.M. Social; 6:30 P.M. Dinner 7:30 P.M. Meeting/Awards Cost Is $20.00 for Members & Non-Members RSVP BY June 11TH, 2010 Email SALCYN506@AOL.COM OR CALL Dale at 508-252-3312
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Rehoboth Business Association
Food Pantry Drop Off
Second Saturday Of Every Month
Location: American Form; 513 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, Ma Time: 9:00 Am To 12:00 Pm Please Note New Drop Off Time
June 2010 The Reporter
Anawan Pony Club Members “Ride With Pride” At Rated Horse Show
Anawan Pony Club members competed at the South Shore Horsemans Council show series on May 16th, 2010. The show was held at Rozena’s Field in Raynam MA. It was a beautiful sunny day to spend outside with the girls and their ponies. Tammy Lewicki, Anawan DC and Instructor would like to congratulate the following dedicated members. Macayla Sousa riding Hollywood received 1st Walk-Trot Equitation, Champion WalkTrot Equitation Championship, 1st Walk-Trot Pleasure, and Champion Walk-Trot Pleasure Championship. Ella Lewicki riding Me Filtered Sunshine received 4th in Lead Line Equitation, 4th Lead Line Championship, and 4th Lead Line Suitability. We would also like to thank the moms from our club for packing the wonderful food and a special thanks to Nikki Price for bringing the grill and the yummy hot dogs and burgers. Our girls also competed at the Haskins 4H Show Series on May 9th in Berkley Ma. We would also like to congratulate the following members for that day also. Ella Lewicki riding Me Filtered Sunshine received 1st Lead Line Equitation, 1st Lead Line Suitability, 4th Lead Line Trail and Over All Lead Line Champion. Tru Levesque riding Lily 6th in Lead Line Suitability, and 5th Lead Line Trail It has been a great month for our members. Our next competition will be Dressage Rally on May 30th at the Johnson and Wales Facility in Rehoboth, Ma. This is a team competition and Anawan will be sending the youngest team to compete that day. It has been a long and fun month for our club. Keep up the great work and as always “Ride With Pride” Anyone wanting more info about our club please contact Tammy Lewicki DC and Instructor at Or you can check out our club on face book search Anawan Pony Club.
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Primitive ~ Country Home Decor candles, curtains, prints, lighting, furniture, etc. Photo: Macayla Sousa on Hollywood with Instructor Tammy Lewicki.
Anawan Grange
June - time for graduations and summer fun. We will be going out to eat on June 8. We will be meeting at the Grange hall at 6:00 P.M. and then follow our Overseer on a mystery ride to get something to eat. Our second meeting of the month is June 22nd at the Grange hall for a business meeting and a welcome to summer. We also have the privilege of hosting Bay State Pomona # 33 on June 26th for lunch and a business meeting. Upcoming events in the Grange are the Northeastern Regional Youth Conference at Bridgewater State College, July 9 - July 11, 2010; 95th North East Grange Lecturer’s conference, August 2 - 5, 2010 at Vermont Technical College; and the 138th Annual Session of the State Grange October 28-31 2010 in Milford MA. For further information please call 508-822-4946. There is an article in the June Readers Digest about “Phony Farmers who rip us off”, which may raise questions about farmers. The National Grange has a policy, adopted by the delegates at the 143rd Annual Convention as follows. “The National Grange believes that policies that promote a viable family farm structure in America’s agricultural sector are in the best interests of all citizens.
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The Reporter June 2010
We reaffirm our support for farm commodity programs that serve the best interests of producers and consumers. The purpose of the Federal Farm Program is to ensure Americans an adequate supply of safe and wholesome food, provide some income protection to the food producers and protect our environment by providing incentives for soil and water conservation. The National Grange supports programs that will stimulate interest and appreciation for an expanding agricultural industry that provides an abundant supply of reasonably priced food and fiber to meet our domestic needs and still export the products of one out of every three acres into the world markets. The National Grange continues to strongly support family farms as an integral and important contributor to a stable agricultural production and rural communities. We call upon the President and Congress to support programs and policies that will help sustain and enhance family farms - by increasing the net farm income, providing economic and tax incentives, and credit and/or tax credits for soil and water conservation - without escalating the advantages to non-farm investors.” As you all probably know the original Grange was based on Agriculture and this we continue to support. Come by any 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. There is always good food and fun.
The New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association’s fourth show season is well under way with many events planned for the Spring and Summer. Sixteen tractors plowed the fields at Ferolbink Farm in Tiverton, RI on a beautiful Sunday, May 2nd. Eight tractors plowed at the Pray Farm on Providence St. in Rehoboth on May 16th. Other club activities are the Dighton-Rehoboth Memorial Day Parade, Foxborough Founders Day on June 12th, a pull at Francis Farm on June 13th, and the Arnold Mills July 4th Parade in Cumberland, RI, being held on Monday July 5th this year. Our next members meeting will be on June15th, 7:00 p.m. at Francis Farm. All are welcome.
Crafters and Vendors Wanted for Auxiliary Fall Bazaar
On Saturday, 10/2, the American Legion Auxiliary will hold their first annual Fall Bazaar. It will be held at the American Legion Post located at 351 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA. Each space holds an 8 foot table and 2 chairs. Tables and chairs will be provided. The donation for each space is $25.00. Please contact Kathy at 401-434-8917 to reserve your space or for more information.
An Oliver tractor, Model 770, owned by Richie Lemieux at Pray Farm on plow day.
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June 2010 The Reporter
East Providence/Seekonk Rotary and Seekonk Lions Clubs Announce Charity Golf Tournament Wannamoisett Country Club to host tournament on July 26, 2010 with proceeds benefiting area charities
The East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club and the Seekonk Lions Club announce their Annual Charity Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, July 26, 2010 at the Wannamoisett Country Club, 96 Hoyt Avenue, Rumford, R.I. Anchor Karen Adams of WPRI-TV and Fox Providence will serve as Honorary Chair of this year’s event. Proceeds from the Rotary/Lions Annual Charity Golf tournament will benefit a number of community organizations including the East Providence and Seekonk High Schools, the Meeting Street School, Bradley Hospital, Seekonk Food Bank - Doorways, Seekonk Youth Baseball, Tap-In Food Bank and the RI Community Food Bank. The fee for an individual golfer is $175 and $700 for a foursome, and includes greens fees, carts, prizes, favors, lunch, after-golf hors d’oeuvres and dinner. A prize of $10,000 will be awarded to any participant who scores a hole-in-one. Sponsors of the event include: East Commerce Solutions Inc., Kavanaugh’s Bakery, Narragansett Brewery, Donnelly Photography, Atlantic Paper & Twine Co., Troy, Pires & Allen Insurance, Minuteman Press and East Bay Self Storage. “We are pleased to announce that the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary and the Seekonk Lions Clubs are joining forces to sponsor our charity golf event this July,” states Mike McQuade, president
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of the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club. “By bringing these two organizations together, we will maximize efforts and continue to serve our communities and aid those in need. Special thanks goes out to the Seekonk Lions Club members under the leadership of President Nate Helgerson for their willingness to partner with us again for the third consecutive year.” For more information on the Rotary/Lions Clubs’ Annual Charity Golf Tournament, contact David Murphy (Rotary) at 401-434-4300 or Keith Rondeau (Lions) at 508-336-9113.
Rehoboth Garden Club
Once again a $1,000 second semester scholarship will be offered to an area student by the Rehoboth Garden Club. The scholarship is available to a high school senior or graduate student from Rehoboth, Dighton, Seekonk or Attleboro in Massachusetts, or from East Providence or Bristol, Rhode Island. Applicants must have been accepted to an accredited college or graduate school and must be planning to attend such school in the fall of 2010. All applicants must be majoring in some phase of natural science, including agricultural sciences, agronomy, botany, environmental sciences, forestry, horticulture, landscape architecture/design, marine biology, natural resource management, plant sciences or soil and crop sciences. Interested students may obtain an application by writing to the Rehoboth Garden Club, 117 Carpenter St., Rehoboth, MA 02769, or by calling 508-252-6337. The completed applications must be submitted by July 31, 2010.
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The Reporter June 2010
The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society News
The Carpenter Museum... Yankee Spirits Gets in the Spirit of Giving this Memorial Day with a Grant to the Rehoboth Minute Company
The Rehoboth Minutemen may have a little quicker step in this year’s Memorial Day Parade. Yankee Spirits has donated $1,000 to the all-volunteer Revolutionary War re-enacting group to help pay for supplies and costumes and to help defray costs for educational performances. With more than 40 individuals dedicated to recreating life in Colonial America during the late 18th century, the Rehoboth Minutemen are well known in the local Attleboro area and participates in the city’s Memorial Day and Veterans Day parades. They also march in the Cumberland, RI, Fourth of July Parade, the Gaspee Days Parade in Warwick RI, and the Flag Day Parade in Brookline. The Rehoboth Minute Company works to accurately portray the lifestyles, clothing, equipment, drills, battle scenarios and encampments of the men, women, and children of the original 1 4 Company while providing an educational resource and further the understanding of the early portion of the American War of Independence. Schools that have benefitted from the program include Seekonk’s Martin School, Westwood, North Attleboro, Dighton, and Rehoboth. “The Rehoboth Minute Company does an excellent job of keeping the Yankee spirit alive,” said Michael Cimini, president of Yankee Spirits. “Yankee Spirits is glad it can do its part in preserving and promoting our local history.” Yankee Spirits Inc., which has locations in Sturbridge, South Attleboro, and Swansea, will donate a total of $1 ,000 as part of its 2010 employee-directed charitable giving campaign. This year, the program aims to make the most positive impact possible by focusing on historical societies and preservation groups working to save at-risk and vulnerable pieces of New England history. Established in 19 , Yankee Spirits Inc. is one of New England’s largest liquor retailers and offers an unsurpassed selection of discount liquors, fine wines, beer, and gourmet foods. Yankee Spirits is located at 3 Main Street, Sturbridge; 28 Washington Street (Route 1), Attleboro; and 20 Swansea Mall Drive, Swansea. For more information about Yankee Spirits’ charitable giving program, please visit
Hands-on Fun at Family Colonial Day Sunday, June 6, 1-5 p.m.
Come to Family Colonial Day at the Carpenter Museum, 4 Locust Ave., Rehoboth on Sunday, June from 1 to p.m. There will be lots to do and learn… and fun for all ages! Try hands-on cooking in the colonial kitchen. Spin and weave in the barn. Try stenciling. Learn about post and beam barns and try rope making! Visit our herb garden, live farm animals and much more! Free admission. Refreshments available. For more information call 08-2 2-3031. Hornbine School, our local one-room schoolhouse on the corner of Baker and Hornbine Road, will be open from 1 to p.m., too!
Once Again We Open our Doors to the 4th Graders
June is fast approaching, and that means the museum will soon be filled with Palmer River’s 4th grade classes. The delicious smoky smell from our colonial kitchen fills the air as the children excitedly disembark from their school bus in the morning. Inside volunteers dressed in period costume invite the children to experience life as it was in colonial times in Rehoboth with open-hearth cooking, stenciling, weaving, barn-building, rope-making and more. Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers, especially Rebecca Smith, who coordinates the event.
Ready… Set… Go Bike Rehoboth
Volunteer Paul Beukema, an avid Rehoboth bicyclist, has been working on designing bike route maps to encourage us to visit historic spots around Rehoboth. We’ll be putting up the first map on our website soon.
Edward Earle at his store, post office, and ice house, Rehoboth Village, 1924
News from Curator Laura Napolitano:
On Exhibit: History of Rehoboth’s Post Office
A new exhibit in the Tilton Auditorium of the Carpenter Museum traces the history of Rehoboth’s main post office from its founding in 1828 to the present. The main post office has had ten postmasters in its 182 years of existence, beginning with Jonathan
June 2010 The Reporter Wheaton. It has seen many location changes; once this was due to a major fire that destroyed two buildings in the village. Photographs displayed show the post office in private homes, general stores, a converted mill office, and finally in its own dedicated space. The exhibit also features documents related to the operation of a post office in South Rehoboth in the late 1800s by postmaster Edward H. Horton. Quarterly reports, a signed oath by a mail carrier, and a mail schedule give viewers a peek into the workings of a post office at the turn of the twentieth century. The exhibit will be up through August. Note that our “Letters Home” Exhibit featuring letters from Rehoboth veterans throughout history will also remain on view through the summer. Stop by and see it!
Preserving Your Family Treasures
By Curator Laura Napolitano On April 22 at the Carpenter Museum, Donia Conn, a conservator at the Northeast Document Conservation Center in Andover, Massachusetts, gave a fascinating talk on the correct way to preserve family treasures, such as newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, framed documents and artwork, and photographs. She also gave audience members individualized advice on how to store and display items they had brought from home.
Saving Fragile Paper Documents
Conn explained that paper items (such a newspaper clippings) should be stored in acid-free, lignin-free, buffered folders. Because newspaper clippings yellow and break down over time, she suggested color photocopying them, or scanning and printing them on archival paper (using archival ink if you are using an ink jet printer; laser printer ink, on the other hand, is very stable). Complete issues of newspapers should be stored flat in newspaper boxes. Scrapbook pages can also be scanned or photocopied. Store the actual scrapbooks in clamshell boxes (ordered through Custom Manufacturing Inc.). Paper can also be stored in plastic L sleeves made of polyester, polyethylene, or polypropylene (do not use PVC). Plastic sleeves are especially good to use if your paper document is fragile or torn. The static created between the two layers keeps the item together, and it allows you to see both sides without actually handling the paper.
What to Do with Those Special Photos?
Conn told the audience that photographs should be stored in plastic sleeves as well. This allows for safe handling and prevents fingerprint marks. You can use individual sleeves, or purchase sleeves with holes that can be placed in archival 3-ring binders or binder boxes. Label photographs on the back using a soft #6 pencil. To share old photographs, make color photocopies. If you choose to scan photographs, back up files to an archival gold CD and/or place them on several different computer hard drives. To remove photographs from albums with adhesive-covered pages, slide dental floss under them. Remount them into an archival album using polyester photo corners.
Showing Off Documents & Art
When displaying documents and artwork, Conn suggested using museum-quality cotton rag mat board. Attach items to the board using T-hinges made from Japanese tissue and flour paste. Use a window mat or spacers to keep items from touching the glass of the frame.
Where to Find the Best Materials?
To purchase storage and display materials, Conn recommended visiting the websites of vendors such as Gaylord, University Products, Hollinger Metal Edge, and Light Impressions. The Northeast Document Conservation Center’s website has a great deal of useful information, including printable preservation leaflets. Visit at
May 5th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Night
We ate, we shared good conversation, and we enjoyed a lively talk by Dave Downs on “Olde Time Rehoboth Schools.” Then President Tom Charnecki called the Annual Meeting of the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society to order. Discussion focused on details concerning the possible closing of the library due to lack of town funding. RAS members present also voted for our 20102011 slate of officers and trustees. Congratulations to new Vice President Dan Santos. Dan grew up in Rehoboth and is Education and Visitor Service Manager at the John Brown House Museum in Providence.
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The Reporter June 2010
Seekonk Human Services Administrative Assistant Phyllis Corbitt ext. 112 Editor: Town Crier, Art Therapist
Seekonk Human Services Staff *Center Hours *Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Clerical Assistant Kimberly Mallon ext. 110
Wednesday Evenings at Town Hall By appointment only
Outreach Case Managers Jan Tabor, LPN ext. 111
Executive Director Bernadette Huck Ext. 115
Senior Aides Nancy Rodrigues Nancy Vine Loretta Ferreira Seekonk Human Services Executive Board Members Christine Allen Rene Andrews Anita Gendron Victoria Kinniburgh Anne Libby Lynne Neves Josephine Veader
Educational & Social Programs Karen Stutz ext. 114 (Monday – Wednesday mornings)
*Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 Noon Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239
Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239
Veronica Brickley, LPN BASOC ext. 117 (Monday, Wed, Friday)
June 2010 Newsletter 12th TRIAD Birthday Party Celebration June 23rd @ 10:00 A.M.
Entertainer Vic Solo (a.k.a. Elvis) returns to Seekonk Human Services with a Country & Western musical program. Everyone is invited to attend the presentation and if you would like to stay for lunch, please sign up at 508-336-8772. A delicious lunch of B-B-Q chicken, potato salad baked beans & cole slaw will be available for $2. You Must Sign Up In Advance So That We Will Be Able To Accommodate You.
Men’s Breakfast
June 10, 2010 @ 8:30 A.M. Brothers Seafood Restaurant@ Briarwood Plaza
All are welcome! Bring a friend with you and enjoy good food and conversation. Our speaker this month will be Seekonk resident and former art teacher, David Saad. No reservation is required.
Wii Summer Program
@ Seekonk Human Services Monday’s & Friday’s beginning on June 14th 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
A workout and fitness video game designed to keep you on your toes as well as entertain you. Beginning on June 14th you can drop in to try your hand at Wii, Everyone is welcome. The Wii is designed to improve your balance as well as hand & eye coordination. No sign up is necessary. Come see what fun you can have while improving your health. If you have any questions, you may call 508-336-8772.
Lyme Disease Presentation Community VNA June 17, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m.
Community VNA’s Bonnie Ryvicker and Public Health Nurse, Maureen Cardarelli, RN are pleased to offer an educational program about Lyme disease on Thursday, June 17th at Seekonk Human Services. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is spread by the bite of a tick. Find out who is at risk of developing Lyme disease. Learn what the symptoms of Lyme are, how it is treated and how to protect yourself and your family. All are welcome. A lunch for $2 will be served following the program. Please call 508-336-8772 to register for lunch.
Cardiac Prevention Clinic
@ Seekonk Human Services June 16, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Why not take advantage of a FREE health clinic which is held once a month at Seekonk Human Services. Nurses from South Coast Hospital will be here to check cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure. Your test results will be available within 5 minutes and while you are waiting you can ask the nurse about any concerns you may have or any medications you are taking. No appointment is necessary, it is first come first served. This clinic enables you to monitor your health each month. No Clinic On July 21st. The Next Clinic Will Be On August 18TH.
Aerobics Classes
@ Seekonk Human Services Gymnasium 11:30 – 12:30 on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s
The last class will be held on June 17th and will begin again in September.
PITCH – “Hi-Lo-Jack”
@ Seekonk Human Services Dates: June 16, July 7 & July 21 Time: 12:30 – 2:30 Everyone is welcome to play cards on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month. No sign up is required and you are welcome to bring a friend with you.
What is Dial-A-Ride? It is a service provided by Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) to seniors (60+) for trips to doctor’s appointments, shopping, visiting or on any other personal business. Trips can be scheduled up to 14 days in advance. The latest a trip can be scheduled is 12:00 p.m. the day before the trip. To sign up for Dial-A-Ride services or schedule a ride, call 508-222-6106 or Toll Free 800-483-2500. GATRA also runs a Fixed-Route bus service in the Attleboro area. Photo ID’s are available with an appointment. Please call Stacy at 1-508-226-1102 ext. 263 to make an appointment to have your picture taken. The next date for photo ID’s will be July 21st.
June 2010 The Reporter
GATRA Transportation
1-800-483-2500 Dial-A-Ride Cash Fares Each Way: Seekonk to Attleboro……………………………$1.25 Seekonk to East Providence…………………….$1.25 Seekonk to Rehoboth…………………………….$1.25 Seekonk…………………………………………..$1.25 Seekonk to Providence…………………………..$2.50 Seekonk to Pawtucket……………………………$2.50 Seekonk to Barrington (upon availability)……..$2.50 Any towns outside of these areas will be upon availability. Passes: 10 – Ride Ticket………………………………….$10.00 You can purchase a GATRA ticket at Seekonk Human Services or you can pay cash on the van. Tickets cannot be purchased on the van. If you are homebound and need a ticket please call Human Services @ (508) 336-8772.
Foxfield Taxi
Attention Seniors! Do you need transportation to medical appointments in Boston, Providence, Lahey Clinic, Norwood, Foxboro, Mansfield or Attleboro? The Wheels Program can help you! Call Foxfield Transportation @ 1-800-585-8294. This program is funded in part by a grant from Bristol Elders Services, Inc. through the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Foxfield Transportation Inc. provides long distance medical transportation to elders 60 years of age and older.
Upcoming Trips
Fox Tours Presents Grand Amish Showtime
June 22 – 24, 2010 Tour Includes: Deluxe Heritage Hotel in Lancaster Four Meals (2 Breakfasts, 2 Amish Feasts) Sightseeing Tour of Lancaster Amish Country Hershey Chocolate World Visit New ‘Joseph’ Show at Sight & Sound Theatre Luxury Silver Fox VCR/DVD Motor Coach Cost: $299.00 PP Double, $289.00 Triple, $379.00 Single Full payment is due when you sign up. Seating Is Limited! Please sign up at Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant Street or call 508-336-8772 for more information.
Spirit Of Boston
Fabulous Entertainment & Delicious Lunch Cruise July 21, 2010 Your motor coach will leave from Seekonk Human Services. Departure time: 9:30 a.m. Return: 5:30 p.m. Narrated Boston Harbor Cruise Delicious Buffet & Variety of Entrees Entertaining Musical Show Quincy Market or North End Visit Trip by Jodie’s Place Cost: $69.00 Sign up at Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant Street or call 508-336-8772 for more information. A 50% deposit is required when you sign up. Full payment is due 30 days prior to the trip. Checks should be made out to “Friends of Friends”.
Theatre By The Sea “The Full Monty”
Date: August 19, 2010 Cost: $59 C h e c k s p a y a b l e t o “Friends of Friends” Time: The bus will leave @ 11:00 am from Seekonk Human Services A delicious meal is included in the price. Meal choices are: Wild Rice Stuffed Breast of Chicken
Baked Scrod with Seasoned Cracker Crumbs Homemade Vegetable Lasagna All meals come with roasted red bliss potatoes & deep dish apple pie. Plot: Six unemployed steel workers inspired by the Chippendale’s dancers, form a male striptease act. The women cheer them on to go for the “full monty” – total nudity. Payment must be received when you sign up at Seekonk Human Services.
Classic Movies
@ Seekonk Showcase Cinemas 1 – 10
Enjoy classic movies shown every Monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. All ages are welcome to attend. The cost is $2 per person which includes the movie, a small bag of popcorn and a drink. Note: Seekonk Human Services offers many legal, financial, recreational, medical screening and/or other activities and services by volunteers or nominal cost practitioner. Seniors participating in these services/activities do so with the understanding that Seekonk Human Services, the Town of Seekonk or its employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for any advice or services rendered by such volunteers or nominal cost practitioners.
Sturdy Memorial Hospital Lists June Support Groups
Attleboro, MA, May 10, 2010 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital offers support groups on a variety of topics throughout the year. The groups are FREE and open to the public. The following are scheduled for June 2010: Ostomy Support Group – Wednesday, June 2, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at 508-236-7166. Prostate Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, June 2, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group – Monday, June 7, 2010 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. The topic of discussion will be “Speech/Swallowing Issues” presented by Cara Burdette, Speech-Language Pathologist at Sturdy Memorial Hospital. For more information, call the MS Center at 508-236-7108. Multiple Sclerosis Caregivers Support Group – Monday, June 7, 2010 from 12 noon – 1 p.m. in Conference Room F. For more information, call the MS Center at 508-236-7108. Breastfeeding Support Group – Tuesday, June 8, 2010 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center. For more information, call Nursing Administration at 508-236-7151. Partners and Caregivers of Patients with Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, June 9, 2010 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Cancer Support Group – Tuesday, June 15, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group – Wednesday, June 16, 2010 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, contact John Marino who serves as the group’s advisor at 508-226-6374 or call the Hospital at 508-236-7680. Diabetes Support Group – Wednesday, June 23, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at 508-236-7166. Breast Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, June 30, 2010 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call Ellen Gilbert or Julia Twining at 508-236-7015.
The Reporter June 2010
News And Notes From
Blanding Library by Leslie Patterson
May was an incredibly busy month at the Blanding Library. We want to thank everyone who supported the library this spring, what with the town budget crisis and funding for the library being uncertain. Thanks especially to everyone who attended town meeting to make their support known. We also give a huge “Thank You” to everyone who helped with another great book sale this past month. We especially thank organizers Sharon Beskid and Avis Prior for all their many hours of hard work and we appreciate the work of all who volunteered their time for the library’s main yearly fundraiser. We hope everyone who came to the sale had a good time and found lots of treasures. Here are some interesting facts about the Blanding that you may not know, from Director Laura Bennett’s 2009 annual report: The Blanding Public Library is open six days a week, for 4 hours per week, including four evenings and Saturdays. In 2009, total circulation increased by 4%, the number of library patrons increased by % and circulation of books increased by 8%. Reading is alive and well in Rehoboth. Take a look at the Blanding Library’s new website, Thanks to Cathy Charbonneau of the Blanding and Barbara Spencer of the Carpenter Museum for keeping our website up to date. New technologies in the library include these features: Tumblebooks (read-aloud stories and games for children), Overdrive (audio books, music and e-books to download), databases for homework and research for all levels of students; Playaways (audio books
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contained in a pocket-size device for personal listening), high speed Internet access on four public computers, and WiFi available courtesy of Comcast. During the past year the Blanding has offered many programs, including ongoing series of story times for preschool children, computer instruction, informational sessions on town government, the annual used book sale recently held May 21-23, a children’s book sale in December, and various programs for school-aged children, including a summer reading program and the popular “Puppy Pals” reading program. Our town-wide reading program “Rehoboth on the Same Page” this year focused on the novel “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer, and it included six very enjoyable separate programs of both word and music, celebrating this popular book. These events were also held in May. The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society, which is the parent organization for the Blanding, also makes Goff Hall available for various community groups, making the library a true community center. Groups meeting at Goff Hall include all levels of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, a pony club, a book discussion group, Poetry in the Village, and a writer’s workshop, groups for knitting and quilting, and “Meet the Candidates” sessions for both major political parties. Music is a vital part of life at Goff hall, as it hosts not only Arts in the Village, but the Providence Adult String Ensemble, New England
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June 2010 The Reporter Contra Dance, and Sunday Folk Music Jammers. Goff Hall is a busy place and the staff at the Blanding serves as a gateway to keeping the building available to all these different groups. Assuming that the library is funded for the coming fiscal year, pending the outcome of town meeting, summer programs will begin the week of July . This summer’s Massachusetts Statewide Reading Program for kids is ‘GoGreen at Your Library’. Story & Craft times, as well as special programs, will be announced soon. Check the Reporter next month for further news of summer programs. New this summer: children will be able to register and keep track of their books online! There will soon be a link on our website setup just for that! New Web Address: Please note that the Blanding Library is now on the web under You can check out our calendar for upcoming events and find out the latest library news online. For more information on the library, you can also call 082 2-423 . The Blanding Library is located in Goff Hall, 124 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth. *
Summer Solstice Program on June 21:
The Sun Doesn’t Want to Go to Bed and Neither Do We! Come to the Blanding Library for the popular Summer Solstice celebration, this year on Monday, June 21 at :4 p.m. Award winning singer-songwriter Steve Blunt from New Hampshire will join us with his funny and engaging performance. Bring your blanket and a favorite stuffed animal, wear your pajamas and join in the fun! This is a family program for patrons of all ages, free and sponsored by The Friends of the Blanding Library. No registration is needed.
Amaral M A
• Tax Preparation • Bookkeeping • Collections • Expense Reduction Phone (508) 989-9794
James Tavares Electric
Seekonk Public Library
Friends of Seekonk Public Library
Programs for Children, Families and Friend
*Monday, June 28, :30 p.m.: Go Green. Make a Scene! Robert Rivest kicks of Summer Reading Program with mime and comic stories about how awesome it is to live on planet Earth. Everyone get to laugh, make a scene and learn ways to live Green! *Monday, July 12, :30 p.m.: Sparky’s Puppets… ”Stories in Trees.” A lively medley of stories celebrating the world of forest and fields.
entertaining and educational Programs for Adults
*Saturday, June 2 , 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Quilt Show: Margarettte Hanley, quilting instructor, and students from the three quilting workshops held at the library this past year will display their quilt work. Refreshments served. All programs listed are sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library: All are free and open to the public!
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The Reporter June 2010
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$25 per yard
Quilt Display
The Seekonk Public Library will present a quilt display on Saturday, June 2 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library have sponsored three beginner’s quilting classes this past year taught by Marguerite Hanley. Those who participated will display their beautiful quilts. These quilts will serve as an inspiration to those who have thought about learning this creative and relaxing craft, but have the impression it might be too difficult. Many of our students have taken the skills learned and went on to make more quilts for friends and family. The show is free and open to all. Refreshments will be served. For more information call the Adult Services Department at 0833 -8230, ext. 130.
Adult Summer Reading
Summer reading is NOT just for kids! This year adults are encouraged to participate in the 2010 summer reading program sponsored by the Seekonk Public Library, the Massachusetts Regional Library Systems, the Boston Bruins, and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. The theme is “Go Green at Your Library.” Set your own goal for the summer. It’s easy to do. Go to the library’s website at and register to participate in the program beginning Monday, June 14. Log the titles of books, audiobooks, or magazines you have read during the summer. Read reviews from other participants and add your own reviews as well! Each time you add a title you are eligible to win a prize. Every two weeks we will draw a name from the list of people who logged in during that time period. The more you read the better your chances are of winning! Some of our local prize sponsors include T.G.I.Fridays, Starbucks, King’s Oak Pizza, Outback Steakhouse, and others. For more information contact the Adult Services Department at 0833 -8230, ext. 130.
Newman YMCA
Free Cancer survivorship program – Livestrong
Clamshells $25 per yard
Minimum 5 Yard Delivery
Livestrong was created in collaboration with Lance Armstrong Foundation, the YMCA and Stanford University. It is being offered Free at the Newman YMCA. Participants will improve functional capacity, increase quality of life, build muscle mass and strength and reduce the severity of therapy side effects. The program is 12 weeks long and offered two times per week. Register with Judy
Partners With Disabilities
The YMCA partners with the ARC of Northern Bristol County, the Special Needs Departments of surrounding schools, the Apparelized Spinal Cord Injury Support Group and many others to provide inclusion opportunities for people with physical disabilities and those with developmental delays or disabilities. Financial Assistance is available for memberships. Programs are offered in the fully accessible pool, gymnasium as well as in the wellness center which houses specialized equipment such as the new FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation Bike) provided by grants from the Bristol County Savings Foundation and the Christopher Reeve Foundation. Contact Luca DelBorgo for details 08-33 - 103
June 2010 The Reporter
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Troop 13 Rehoboth
This past month troop 13 was busy as they always are with a plethora of events. Firstly they assisted in the serving of delectable spaghetti and meatballs at the Rehoboth Congregational Church’s annual dinner with kudos from members of the congregation. The boys also enjoyed a very agreeable weekend canoeing at camp Aquapaug. Caption: Earning Kayaking Festivities included epic sea BSA Award battles and navigating the thick fog. Amazing vittles that graced the palates of these voracious scouts included Reuben sandwiches, eggs in a bag, and homemade meatball subs. While some boys worked on renewing their knowledge of canoeing merit badge, others also began laboring to attain their barber’s merit badge. Just this past weekend, the troop had one of its Leadership Corps camping trips out at Camp Greenough in Yarmouthport. Saturday we kayaked from Chatham to Monomoy Island, followed up with some body-surfing and a great dinner that included burgers and tuna steak grilled to perfection. Sunday was devoted to practicing kayaking skills and earning the Kayaking BSA award. In June, we will be hiking Mt. Jefferson in New Hampshire. In July we’ll be taking our annual week of summer fun at Camp Cachalot in Carver. If this sounds like the kind of fun you’d be interested in, Troop 13 is always looking for boys between the ages 11 and 18 who want to enjoy the great outdoors. If interested, send email via our website
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Pack 2 Rehoboth Tours Fort Adams
How many feet of underground tunnels exist at Fort Adams, Newport? Pack2 Rehoboth had the special pleasure to receive a private tour of the historic Fort on Sunday, March 1 th. Cub Scouts and their families learned about the purpose of the Fort and its occupants and got a chance to climb up crooked steps, climb over heavy cannon, and climb through unlit tunnels beneath and around the Fort. So, how many feet of tunnels are there? Go to www. to find out and to discover more about our fantastic pack!
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The Reporter June 2010
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Lou Barboza
Troop 507 Explores Textiles
Cadette Girl Scout Troop 507 has been exploring textiles this spring. During a field trip to the American Textile Museum in Lowell, we learned about spinning, dyeing, and weaving many different kinds of fibers by hand or machine. Back in Rehoboth, we’ve made wool yarn on a spinning wheel and learned how different weaving patterns change the appearance of the resulting fabric. For instance, blue jeans are made out of denim, which has a twill weave. There are many kinds of looms; we even made our own out of old picture frames. This picture shows us weaving in front of the fire during a recent camping trip. We also wove on a set of chopsticks and made fancy braided strips with loops of cord. This month we plan to color fabric with home-made dyes. We’ll also be demonstrating spinning and weaving at the Carpenter Museum Colonial Day on June 6. Come see us there!
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Cadette Girl Scout Troop 507.
Junior Girl Scout 866 had a busy May!
Here is the troop at their end of year Award Ceremony. The girls received many badges and celebrated with their families. The first week of May we had Lauri Henderson come in and work with the girls so that they could earn their First Aid Badge. Mrs. Henderson is a member of the Ski Patrol in N.H. On the weekend she goes up North to ski the mountain with her husband and look for injured skiers. She is CPR Certified. She taught the girls CPR, how to splint an arm and leg & other injuries. They also made their own First Aid kits. The troop also went camping with other troops from Seekonk & Rehoboth at the annual Outdoor Day & Overnight Camp Out at Camp Promising Acres.
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Junior Girl Scout 866.
June 2010 The Reporter
Pack 1 Rehoboth Would Like To Wish Everyone A Happy And Safe Summer
This has been a special year for Scouts as it is the 100th year anniversary of Scouting in the United States of America. The end of our Scouting year has been a busy one. The boys worked very hard this year to achieve their goals. The Jr. Webelos worked on belt loops, badges, pins and point emblems advancing to Sr. Webelos and prepared themselves for the Boy Scouts next year. The Bears and Wolfs worked on belt-loops and their required badges to advance in rank, having fun and learning new things all the while. The Tigers, mighty mighty Tigers, learned the first steps it takes to become Cub Scout by first receiving their Bobcat badge and earning beads to get the Tiger badge. As a pack, we worked to better our community, our homes and our selves staying true to the core values of scouting.
Pack “1” Rehoboth summer events
June 13th Hike at Fort Barton in Tiverton, RI July 10th or 1 th (exact date TBA) Annual Fishing Derby at Anawan Club in Rehoboth August 22nd Family cookout at Colt State Park
Rehoboth & Seekonk Girls Scouts
Jamison Braz An Inspiration To All
The Schwartz Center for Children in Dartmouth provides education, therapy and rehabilitation for children with medical and developmental special needs. We have been so touched by the generosity of a young man who is helping the Center and we would love the people of Rehoboth to know about it. Jamison Braz, the twin brother of one of our Day School students, has been coming to the Center with his Eagle Scout troop (Troop 13 from Rehoboth) to work on refurbishing our courtyard. He has chosen the Schwartz Center to be the beneficiary of his Eagle Scout Leadership service project. The project had the troop sanding and staining our mahogany bridge, trellis and benches; weeding gardens, leveling patio bricks, planting flowers, and building birdhouses. The troop has also installed a 3. ft wooden carving of a bear, donated by Josh Sargent, the North Country Whittler. Their work is phenomenal – the courtyard looks beautiful. The entire project has been Jamison’s idea from the start; he was inspired to help his sister and her classmates at the Center. The most remarkable aspect is that Jamison has been able to far surpass his fundraising goal for the refurbishment project, as he has acquired nearly all of the materials needed to complete the project as in-kind donations from local businesses and retailers. Jamison has also received over $ 000 in monetary donations from area companies; since the courtyard project requires very little additional funding, this excess money will go directly towards the construction of a fully accessible and inclusive Boundless Playground for the children at the Schwartz Center. We are so inspired and touched by Jamison. He is 14 years old and has already achieved rank of Eagle Scout, which is quite an accomplishment for his age. His father, Kevin Braz is an assistant troop leader. We really hope that we can let the Rehoboth community know what great kids you have in the area and what they are doing in service to others. Lauren Moreau Philanthropy and Marketing Associate Schwartz Center for Children,
Rehoboth & Seekonk Girls Scouts had their annual Outdoor Day & Overnight Camp Out at Camp Promising Acres the first weekend in May. Girls from Daisy Scouts through Senior Ambassadors enjoyed a wonderful outdoor weekend! Troops donated nearly 200 items to Helping Hands Food Pantry as their community service project. The Girl Scouts hiked, played outdoor relay games, sang camp songs, explored Fairy Houses, enjoyed a campfire, and many other outdoor activities! The girls learned the basics of safe camping and being outdoors.
Rehoboth & Seekonk Girl Scout Talent Show
The Rehoboth & Seekonk Girl Scout Talent Show was a wonderful success. There was over an hour of entertainment. The girls sang, danced, played the piano, performed skits, & there was even a magic show! Some leaders even sang for the audience. As a service project the Girl Scouts collected over 100 household paper products donated to Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Pantry. We hope this annual spring event will continue to grow with more acts next year!
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The Reporter June 2010
Dining Guide Recipes from the Cabin
Welcome to the cabin. Strawberry fields forever. Sure, this time of year even strawberries at the food store are relatively sweet & tasty, but if you can, go to a local pick-yourown or farm stand or farmer’s market this year. Picking strawberries yourself is the best. You choose each exact and perfect berry, still warm from the sun. You smell the luscious aroma of the ripe fruit. And, in my case, you involuntarily eat about a pint of berries while you pick, as a bonus. When picking berries look for the shiny ripe fruit. Strawberries do not ripen further after picking, so don’t choose under-ripe fruit, it will stay under-ripe. Strawberries should be deep red throughout, and the shinier the skin the fresher the fruit. The simplest and most classic preparation of fresh strawberries Serving Breakfast & Lunch is the strawberry shortcake. This is macerated strawberries over a buttermilk biscuit topped with whipped cream. A Large variety of omelets! When I was a child, my grandparent’s neighbor was a farmer Fish-n-chips Every Friday Come try our homemade who grew strawberries. If my brother and I picked for his stand he chourico hash! would give us each a quart and a ride in the bucket of his tractor Catering Available (no seat belts!). Right away, my grandmother would clean and slice the berries. • Daily Specials • •Fresh Fruit Waffles• To macerate strawberries, begin with a proper cleaning. Straw•Homemade Pies• Take out Available berries should be placed in a bowl filled with water, submerged and •Fish-n-chips• gently agitated, then removed to a colander to dry. This cleans off any little loose leaves and removes much of the tiny “hairs” on a 469 Taunton Ave., Rt. 44, Seekonk, MA strawberry. Hull and slice strawberries. Cut off the green leaves and Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am-2pm, Sat. 7am-11am, Sun. 8am-12pm stem and slice or quarter the berries. Place berries in a nonreactive (ceramic,pyrex or stainless steel) mixing bowl. For each pint of strawberries, sprinkle with about ¼ cup granulated sugar, and toss gently to coat. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let sit 1 hour at room temperature or longer in refrigerator, at least 2-3 hours. Famous for our Wings, The longer they sit the more the juice will be drawn out and the softer the fruit will get. Pulled Pork & Steak Tips I like to add a bit of triple sec or cointreau Over 30 Flavors of Sauce to the berries for flavor and punch. Make a strawberry vinaigrette by adding balsamic Huge Salads vinegar and a touch of dijon – so wonderful 12 Ft 12 Beers on Draft summer salad. HD TV on aThis month at the cabin I will be making • Karaoke Every Thursday strawberry shortcake a multitude of times & Saturday 9pm-Close for my guests. It fits the rustic setting and it tastes like summer in New England. Don’t • Every Sunday 1pm-5pm miss out; make some yourself right when All you can Eat Ribs $12.95 / person Hours: Mon-Wed 11amthe berries are ready mid-June. • Every Monday All Day 30¢ Wings Coming into June, I will also amp up my 11pm, Thurs-Sat 11am-1am, grilling, using my outdoor kitchen as much Sun 12pm-11pm * Every Tuesday 5pm-9pm as possible all summer. Anything I can grill, 2 for 1 Appetizers I grill. This month I will sear some beef short • Take-Out Available ribs on the grill, cover them with bourbon * Every Thursday 2pm-6pm • Catering & Party barbeque sauce and braise them in the oven $1.00 Rib Day * Special until they fall off the bone and melt in your Rules Apply Platters Available mouth. The recipe for Barbeque Short Ribs of Beef follows. I love them with mashed 540 Central Ave., Rte 152 • Seekonk MA• 508-761-6854 sweet potatoes, or sweet potato salad. WWW.BONEYARDBARBECUE.COM
(508) 336-9807
June 2010 The Reporter As the weather finally gets warmer I like to offer more cold salads as side dishes. By the end of June or certainly into early July, I should be able to find some fresh corn to prepare one of my favorites, the Corn and Black Bean Salad. Try this recipe. The mix of corn, black beans, jalapeno, cilantro, in a sweet and tangy dressing is earthy and refreshing. Take this salad to your next backyard barbeque and enjoy the rave reviews. It goes wonderfully with anything grilled, and vegetarians love it. My advice: Get out in the good weather! Pick strawberries, grill, bring a salad to a barbeque. Let’s all eat each other’s cooking and say it was good. Chef Erin
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Barbeque sauce has so many variations. You can use cider vinegar, or any vinegar, and brown sugar, molasses or honey in lieu of the white sugar. All variations will give you a unique nuance to the flavor. Experiment with your own barbeque sauce add-ins. Serves 4 3 pounds beef short ribs 1TBS olive oil 1 onion, medium, chopped fine ½ cup celery, chopped fine ½ cup bourbon whiskey ¼ cup vinegar 1 cup ketchup 2 TBS sugar 2tsp salt 3 TBS Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp dijon mustard Heat oven to 32 degrees. Preheat grill. Grill over medium high flame to mark and sear the ribs on all sides. Place grilled ribs in baking pan or dutch oven. Heat oil in a saucepan on stovetop. Over medium high heat, add onions and celery and sauté, stirring often, till onions are soft and golden brown. Deglaze by adding bourbon to the pan, lower heat and allow spirits to cook off @ 2-3 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and cook, stirring, over low hear until flavors are mixed @ minutes. Pour sauce over ribs in pan, cover with foil, and bake 1 ½ - 2 hours. Meat should fall of the bone. Remove bones and ribs from pan. Skim excess fat from sauce and serve.
I use the same recipe for strawberry, raspberry and blueberry dressings. Serves 4 ½ cup olive oil ¼ cup balsamic vinegar -8 strawberries, cleaned and hulled 1/2 tsp dijon 1-2 TBS sugar Put all ingredients in cuisinart or use hand blender to puree. Season and sweeten to taste.
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Barbeque Short Ribs of Beef
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1379 fall River Ave. Rt. 6 • seekonk 1 West Main Rd. Route 114, Middletown, RI 401.849.4222 • Visit our website:
Corn and Black Bean Salad with Honey Serves 8 2 cans (1 oz) black beans 2 tsp lime zest 2/3 cup lime juice 4 TBS vinegar 2 TBS honey 1 TBS dijon mustard
1 1/2 tsp cumin 2 clove garlic, minced 1 jalapeno, small, minced 1/3 cup olive oil corn on cob, cooked 1 cup scallion, sliced 2 TBS cilantro, minced Drain beans and rinse gently. Set aside. Whisk together or blend in cuisinart: lime zest and juice, vinegar, honey, dijon, cumin, garlic and jalapeno. Add the olive oil slowly to slightly emulsify. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Cut corn off ears and mix with black beans, scallion and cilantro. Toss with dressing. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve and up to one week.
Mondays: 35¢ wings • 20% off for world Gym members tuesdays: rock Star Karaoke Win $1000 2 for $2 tacos wednesdays: $200 Guaranteed beer pong tourney thursdays: ladies eat Free! *some restrictions may apply $2 Drafts & $3 shots All Day, everyday!
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The Reporter June 2010
Church Listings Newman Congregational Church
Corner of Newman & Pawtucket Aves (Rumford) For more info: 401-434-4742
Vedanta Society of Providence
227 Angell St Providence RI 02906 401-421-3960
Seekonk Congregational Church
600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk,MA (508)336-9355 Web site:
New Testament Baptist Church
corner of Woodward St. and Rt. 140 in Norton. 508-285-9771
Christian Life Church 222 Plain Street, Route 118 Rehoboth, MA 508-252-3364
Holy Cross Catholic Church
(HORNBINE BAPTIST CHURCH) 141 Hornbine Road, Rehoboth, MA (401) 438-4616
Memorial Baptist Church,
340 Central Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771, 508-761-5142 Seekonkmbc@verizon
Eusebeia Bible Church
224 Winthrop Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 508-252-3505
West Dighton Christian Church
2767 Horton Street No. Dighton, MA Phone 508-252-9066
Trinity United Methodist Church
51 Railroad Ave. Taunton 508-824-8244
North Christian Church
Located at 2360 Chestnut Street North Dighton, MA Tel: 508-252-9494
Church of Salgion
Rt. 114, Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA Circle of Salgion - Church of Wicca Email: Phone: 774-229-6019
Dighton Community Church 2036 Elm Street, Dighton, Mass. (508)669-6241 or (508)761-5503
The First Baptist Church of Dighton
438 Main St. - Dighton, MA 02715 Church Phone:(508)669-5077 (508)822-1743
St. James Lutheran Church
Middle Highway and County Road in Barrington, RI (401)-246-0227
St. Dominic Catholic Church
RT—6 1277 Grand Army Highway Swansea Mass 02777 Rectory 508—675-7206
Lighthouse Gospel Church 595 Winthrop St., Taunton Children's Church Nursery Available
Rehoboth Congregational Church United Church of Christ
139 Bay State Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4545
Winthrop Street Baptist Church
Rt. 44 just off the Green 39 Winthrop St. Taunton, MA 508-822-1976
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
81 Warren Ave., East Providence, RI [Corner of Fourth St.] 401-434-7456
Taunton Seventh-day Adventist Church
109 Winthrop Street, Taunton (508) 823-6679
Somerset Congregational Christian Church, UCC 1411 County Street, Somerset Phone - 508-672-6623
Fall River Seventh Day Adventist Church (English language) 2695 No. Main St., F.R. 646-3506
First Christian Congregational Church United Church of Christ
GAR Highway, Rt. 6 • Swansea 508-673-7179 or 676-3815
Brick Church
1056 Center St. Dighton Call 951-7358
June 2010 The Reporter
New Beginnings Evangelical Church
Greater Fall River Baptist Church
294 Taunton Ave., Seekonk, MA Tel. #: 08-33 -4038
1980 South Main Street P.O. Box 9 , Fall River, MA ( 08) 3- 00
Good News Bible Chapel
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
23 West Street, Attleboro 08 22 291
Grace Community Chapel 110 County Street, Seekonk, MA 08-33 - 9 1
Hornbine Baptist Church
Church Services Sunday 10 A.M. 141 Hornbine Road, Corner of Baker Rd. South Rehoboth
First Spiritualist Church Anawan Grange
Rt. 44 & 118 Rehoboth
The First Baptist Church of Swansea 21 Baptist Street Swansea, MA Telephone ( 08)3 9-9 28
Christ Church Episcopal Main Street, Swansea, MA ( 08) 8-0923
Community Covenant Church
1 Tremont Street, Rehoboth, MA ( 08)-222-9400
Church of the Good Sheherd Episcopal
490 Broadway, Pawtucket, RI 401- 23-0408
Rehoboth Baptist Church 132 Moulton Street (Rt.. 118) 08-2 2- 43 • Fax 2 2-1080
Rt. 44 - Seekonk, Massachusetts 984 Taunton Ave. • P.O. Box 19 33 - 49 • Rectory: 33 -9022
Church of the Epiphany
133 Pawtucket Avenue Rumford between Newman Avenue and Rumford Library 401-434- 012
West Congregational Church United Church of Christ Winthrop Street at North Walker (Rte 44) • Taunton, MA Church Office: 08 824-34 1
The Reporter June 2010
The Hornbine Church
The Hornbine Church located on the corner of Baker St. and Hornbine Rd. had an all day celebration on Sunday, May 23rd. After a morning mass, over a hundred visitors were treated to a free delicious Portuguese meal, an auction and music supplied by a complete Marching Band. The Hornbine School was opened to visitors for the day also. It was an enjoyable day for those who attended. The event “Feast of the Holy Ghost” was put on by the Holy Cross Catholic Church which meets at the Hornbine Church. Both the Baptists and the Catholics use the building.
Seekonk Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771, 08-336-9355, Email:, Web site: Vacation Bible School, Egypt, Preschool- 6th grade, Aug 9th-12th - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (NEW Early Arrival available at 8:45 a.m.) Closing Ceremony Aug 12th at noon, Family picnic following *Join in Joseph’s journey from prison to palace! Each day, come and experience the Egyptian marketplace filled with culture and shops: Jewelry, Hair & Make Up, Toy & Game, Hieroglyphic Art, Basket Weaving, Brick making, Egyptian Treats, Animal Courtyard. *Special features include: kneeling at night time at the River Nile, Playing & Praying in the Pyramids, singing beside the Sphinx and meandering & moving through the Mighty Maze! *Daily Lessons: God gives us hope, special abilities, wisdom and forgiveness. Pre-registration requested, space limited in Preschool room, Fee: $15
2010 Spring into Summer Sale
10 Emory Street in Attleboro
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your choice . . . our caregivers
HOME HEALTH - HOSPICE CARE - PRIVATE CARE LIFELINE MEDICAL ALERT SERVICES Serving, Attleboro, Easton, Foxboro, Franklin, Mansfield, No. Attleboro, Norton, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Wrentham and others upon request. Visit us at
Murray Unitarian Universalist Church “2010 Spring into Summer Sale” on Saturday, June 12th from 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Located at 505 North Main St. Attleboro 02703. Tel: 508-222-0505. Murray Church will hold this one day event rain or shine! Indoor/outdoor yard sale, tables displaying the handiwork and wares of local crafters and vendors, and refreshments. Small and medium sized furniture, yard sale items, hand tools, sports equipment, toys, household goods, area rugs, books, videos, small electronics, televisions, stereos, kitchen items. Donated items in good condition will be gladly accepted prior to the event. Come early for the best selection!
June 2010 The Reporter
Rehoboth Council on Aging Annual Cookout
The annual Rehoboth Police Association and Beckwith Middle School Senior cookout will be held at Gladys L. Hurrell, Bay State Road on Wednesday, June 9th at 11:30 a.m. The students will be serving and providing desserts. What a deal no cooking, no clean up just have fun. Get your Tickets at the Rehoboth Council on Aging from 8:30 to 4pm Monday through Thursday and 8:30 to 12 noon on Fridays. Cost for this great event is $2.00
Annual Fathers Day Continental Breakfast
On Friday, June 18th 9 a.m., the Rehoboth Council on Aging will be honoring the Fathers of Rehoboth with the annual Fathers Day Continental Breakfast. The menu will consist of juice, sausage, bacon, rolls and pastry. Oh Yes there will be coffee! Please call the COA or sign up at the front Desk. Reservations are a Must!
June 2010 Council on Aging Newsletter Council on Aging Board meets at 7:00 p.m. 55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, Phone 08-2 2-33 3 Fax 08-2 2-4 1
Hours of operation:
Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Volunteers Needed
Do you have a few hours a week that you would like to give as a volunteer at The Rehoboth Council on Aging? If the answer is yes… Then we need you in the following areas: Front Desk Receptionist afternoons 12:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, Gert’s Café Cooks or as Craft Instructor. Please contact Norie at 08-2 2-33 2 for further information.
Kitchen hours:
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Transportation Reservations:
From Activity Coordinator Norellen Palmer
Important! Registration is required for all upcoming programs. All activities will have participant sign up sheets for them. Most of the Activity programs that are at the Council on Aging are free and open to the public. Some programs require minimum attendance; if there is no interest then that activity will be either cancelled or postponed. Please call 08-2 2-33 2 for information on all activities or to sign up.
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Transportation Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4pm
Gert’s Café
Usually Gert’s Café closes at the end of June, but thanks to our wonderful volunteers and Gert’s Cafe participants we are going to be open all summer same time and day, Mondays at 12 noon. Gert Messier and the COA staff want to say Thank you to all of our volunteers for participating in the newest adventure. Hats off to Carl and Kathy Chace, Sandy Carter, Kay Mann, Chuck, Lorraine Botts, Barbara Parent, Jim Rosa, Louise Cabral, Pat Higson, Marilyn Henley and Jim Scimone for all their help, expertise and above all time. Thank you also to all our patrons for coming to the COA and once again making Gert’s Café the “In Place to Meet and Eat”. Hope to see you all for our summer Session.
deadline for submitting News
is now the 23rd of each month...
Advertise In the Rehoboth/ seekonk Reporter
Call 508-252-6575
Are You Prepared? Presentation by Bonnie Ryvicker of CVNA
On Wednesday, June 23rd, 10 a.m. Bonnie Ryicker of the Community VNA will be on hand to talk about “Are you prepared? There are so many different situations that come up that we all need to prepared for please join Bonnie as she explains how do this.
Free Blood Pressure and Glucose Screening
Monday, June 10th 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. The COA is pleased to have our Rehoboth town nurse Lynn Attienello administer these tests free on the 2nd Monday every other month.
Podiatry with Dr, Marian Markowitz
Thursday, June 1 th and Monday, June 28th Appointments start at 10 a.m. please call early to schedule yours.
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The Reporter June 2010
Organization Events And News: The Best Is Yet to Come!
The next meeting of The Best is Yet to Come, a senior social group, will be held June 10, 2010. Bring items of your choice for your favorite charities in town.
Up Coming Activities
June 10thâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; A trip is planned to the Heritage Museum, and Sandwich Glass in Sandwich, MA. Members will leave the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center at 9:00 a.m. New members always welcomed. Call Pat Higson for details. 508 252-4602 And Remember The Best Is Yet to Come!
Sheriff, Police and Seniors working together to enhance the lives of our seniorsâ&#x20AC;Ś. Next Meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 16th, 2010 at the Rehoboth Council on Aging.
Up Coming Activities
Yellow Alert ID Cards will be available on Wednesday, June 9th 2010 at the Rehoboth Council on Aging 11:30 a.m.
Programs being offered through TRIAD are:
Free â&#x20AC;&#x153;911â&#x20AC;? cell phones, File of Life, Are you OK? Program, Project Lifesaver, Yellow Alert
Rehoboth Friends News
Friends of the Rehoboth Elderly Next Meeting will be held June 15th at the Rehoboth Senior Center. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club Upcoming Trips
Wed. Aug.18, Foxwoods day trip, includes r. t. bus trans, drivers tip, free buffet, $15 in Keno and a free show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Legends in Concertâ&#x20AC;? Cost for this trip is $43 per person. Sun. Sept. 26, 3 day trip to Atlantic City includes r. t. bus trans., drivers tip, 2 nights lodging at the Tropicana Resort 2 buffets, $20 bonus on arrival and a free show ,all for approx. $218 p.p. dbl. occ. Tuesday Nov. 9 day trip to Foxwoods cost $20 p.p. includes r. t. bus trans, drivers tip, free buffet and $15 in Keno. Either Jan or Feb - A 3 day trip to Atlantic City (same as above trip to A.C. but winter fares, approx. $153 p. p.). To sign up or for more information on any of these trips or to be put on our mailing list, please call â&#x20AC;&#x153;Peteâ&#x20AC;? Michaud at 508-761-5087, or e-mail at All trips are open to everybody and have pick up and drop off places in both Rehoboth and So. Attleboro. Wilfred â&#x20AC;&#x153;Peteâ&#x20AC;? Michaud Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club Trip Coordinator
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News
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Meetings are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, of the Month at 1:30 p.m. at the Rehoboth Council on Aging. June 3rd Meeting 1:30 pm Rehoboth Senior Center Luncheon with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Special Guestâ&#x20AC;? $4.00 Sign Up A Must Call Virginia Fisher @ 508-252-3943 Â June 17th Strawberry Festival Sandwich Luncheon 12:00 Noon Rehoboth Senior Center $7.00 Members Only. Kay Mannâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s delicious Strawberry Shortcake served after lunch. Sign Up A Must Call Virginia Fisher @ 508-252-3943 Â Â
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club Membership Application
Come and Join in the Fun ! ay Trips, Special Luncheons, Annual Picnic, Holiday Parties. The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club meets at 1:30 P.M. on the first and third Thursday of the month. September thru June, at the Rehoboth Senior Center ,55 Bay State Road. Members must be 60 years of age. Â Name____________________________________________________ Â Adress____________________________________________________ Â Tel. NO.____________________________D.O.B__________________ Â Dues are $4.00/year-resident $8.00/year - Non- Resident Amount Enclosed $_________________ Please make checks payable to: Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club Att: Emily Pacheco, 55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, Ma 02769
June 2010 The Reporter
Birth Announcements Jayden Cédric Hasenfratz
Kristen (Blessing) and Cédric Hasenfratz of Arlesheim, Switzerland are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jayden Cédric Hasenfratz. Jayden was born on February , 2010 at Bruderholz Kantonspital. Thrilled grandparents are Raymond and Germaine Hasenfratz of Arlesheim, Switzerland and Tom and Millie Blessing of Rehoboth. Delighted great-grandparents are Matthias and Germaine Knecht and Paula Hasenfratz, all of Reinach, Switzerland. Joyful Godparents are Thomas Blessing of Newport Beach, California and Séverine Hasenfratz of Perth, Australia. Jayden weighed 4.11 kilos and was 2 cm long. (right) Jayden Cédric Hasenfratz
Grayon Russell Andrews
Erica and Greig Andrews of 8 Oakland Avenue in Auburndale, MA announce the birth of their son, Grayon Russell Andrews on May 3, 2010. Grandparents are James Russell Andrews and Patricia Mattison.
Ezekiel Curtis Killam
Katerina, Gabriella and Penelope Killam are proud to announce the birth of their brother, Ezekiel Curtis Killam. Ezekiel was born on April 21, 2010 at Morton Hospital in Taunton, Massachusetts. He weighed 10 pounds 8.9 ounces and was 22 3/4 inches long. Ezekiel was welcomed home by proud parents, Tami and Matthew Killam of Seekonk. Maternal grandparent is Linda Nason of Rehoboth. Paternal grandparents are Betsy and Charles Killam of Rehoboth. (right) Ezekiel Curtis Killam
for submitting News
is now the 23rd of each month... Advertise In the Rehoboth Reporter Call 508-252-6575
The Reporter June 2010
Weddings & Engagements
FOR SALE Demetrios Designer Wedding Dress
NEW, UNALTERED, UNWORN, WITH TAGS • Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic, shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering mermaid style. Train is chapel length.
Please call Laurie 339-221-0704 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Francis
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June 2010 The Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Francis
Krista Sauvageau and Alfred (Fred) Francis are pleased to announce their marriage which took place on April 24, 2010. The Rev. John E. Unsworth performed the Roman Catholic ceremony at St. Brendan Church in Riverside, RI. The bride was escorted down the aisle by her brother, Frank Andreozzi, III. Matron of honor was the bride’s sister, Marilyn Walsh, and best man was the groom’s son-in-law, Christopher Pouliot. During the ceremony, gospel passages were read by the bride’s sons, Paul and Ian Sauvageau. The groom’s daughters, Andrea and Amanda Francis brought the communion gifts to the altar. A wedding celebration was held at Metacomet Country Club in East Providence, RI. The couple enjoyed their honeymoon in Sedona, Arizona and the Grand Canyon. Krista is the daughter of Jean Andreozzi and the late Frank Andreozzi, Jr. of Riverside, RI. Fred is the son of the late Arthur and Constance Francis of Seekonk, MA. The newlyweds now live on a beautiful farm in Rehoboth, MA.
deadline for submitting News is now the 23rd of each month ~ Call 08-2 2- for information
Advertise In the Rehoboth Reporter Call 508-252-6575
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Blood Center Drives June 2010 Drive Date: /12/2010 11:00 am-2:30 pm Location: Showcase Cinemas, Bloodmobile Address: 100 Commerce Way, Seekonk, MA 02 1 Drive Date: /14/2010 - 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Newman YMCA, Bloodmobile Address: 4 2 Taunton Ave., Seekonk, MA 02 1
We know your time is important, which is why you will receive a free estimate within 48 hours of your call.
Seekonk Tree Service 508-840-3987
Drive Date: /19/2010 - 11:00 am- 2:30 pm Location: Showcase Cinemas 1-10, Bloodmobile. Address: 800 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA 02 1 Drive Date: /2 /2010 - 8:00 am- 12:00 pm Location: American Legion Post 311, Hall Address: 3 1 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02 1
LIC# 663
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Thinking Thinkingof ofaaNew NewJeep? Jeep? Now is 96 The Reporter Now June 2010 is the the time! time!
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Ă&#x201C;ä£ä iiÂŤ Ă&#x201C;ä£ä iiÂŤ $12,000 Month at SAVE OVER 12,000"* -1"* 9TheSAVE OVER on 2010 Jeeps $
Â&#x2C6;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E; Event!ÂŁĂ&#x201C;Â&#x2021;x 7Ă&#x20AC;>Â&#x2DC;}Â?iĂ&#x20AC;on -ÂŤÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152; Spring Drive 2010 Jeeps -1 9ÂŁĂ&#x201C;Â&#x2021;x
2010 JEEP 2010 JEEP JEEP 2010 JEEP of a New Jeep? 2010 Thinking PATRIOT LIBERTY SPORT 4X4 COMMANDER Open "* WRANGLER SPORT Now is the time! SPORT -1Sunday
9$ ÂŁĂ&#x201C;Â&#x2021;x, ,
12,000 12-5
on 2010 Jeeps
" 2010 JEEP 2010&JEEP Test Drive Any Town Country and 9"1,
3.7 V-6, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks 2.0 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, ClothPATRIOT Low Back Bucket LIBERTY SPORT 4X4 -/ ,/ / fÂŁĂ&#x2021;]Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;x Enter a Chance to WIN a NEW 2010 More. More. 3.8 Litre V-6, & Air, Open #C15415 Air Ride, Hard top & More. 3.7 Litre, V-6,Seas Open & Air, Auto, #C15400 Power Windows & Locks, #C15449 3rd Row Seat. #C15130 Ă&#x201C;BUY
Ă&#x20AC;° FOR {Ă?{] Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x201C;ä£ä 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;]â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;] Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;] *Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC; Chryslerâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C;BUY Town & Ă&#x17D;°n Country! BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; iiÂŤ Ă&#x201C;ä£ä FOR iiÂŤ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
-/ ,/ / fÂŁĂ&#x2021;]Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;x
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Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jeep 12,995 Month Ă&#x201C;ä£ä17,995
Â&#x153;`}i at Ă&#x201C;ä£ä Â&#x153;`}i Ă&#x20AC;° Ă&#x201C;ä£ä iiÂŤ Â&#x2C6;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2010 JEEP 2010 JEEP $ GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO LIBERTY SPORT
3.7 V-6, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks & More. #C15415
Ă&#x201C; Ă&#x20AC;° {Ă?{] Ă&#x17D;°n 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;
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Ă&#x201C; Ă&#x20AC;° {Ă?{]WRANGLER Ă&#x17D;°n 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC; SPORT
2.0 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cloth Low Back Bucket Seas & More. #C15400
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x2021; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;] Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;] *Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC; 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192; E Â&#x153;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192; E Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;i Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{ÂŁx2010 JEEP
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Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}] "ÂŤiÂ&#x2DC; Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC; ,Â&#x2C6;`i 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192; EPower Â&#x153;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192; E& Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;i 3.8 V-6, Air Conditioning, Open Air Ride, 3.7 V-6, Auto,E Air, Windows Locks,
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Â&#x153;`}i Ă&#x20AC;° More. #C15463 Fog Lights & More. #C15483 E& Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;i Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x17D; Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{ÂŁx Now is the time! E Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;i Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x17D; Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{ÂŁx 3.7 Litre V-6, Auto, Fog Lites & More. #C15300
3.7 Litre, V-6, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks & More. #C15415
,>Â&#x201C; ÂŁxää -/
- â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR $ >Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x203A;>Â&#x2DC;
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $$SAVE OVER 12,000 $$ Ă&#x201C;ä£ä Â&#x153;`}i Ă&#x201C;ä£ä Â&#x153;`}i Ă&#x20AC;°
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
17,995 22,778
20,995 18,995
on 2010 Jeeps Ă&#x201C;ä£ä Â&#x153;`}i Ă&#x201C;ä£ä Â&#x153;`}i Ă&#x20AC;° ,>Â&#x201C; ÂŁxää -/
>Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x203A;>Â&#x2DC; - FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY ,>Â&#x201C; ÂŁxää -/
>Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x203A;>Â&#x2DC; 2010 JEEP - 2010 JEEP $ $ 3.8 V-6, Air Conditioning, Open Air Ride, & More. #C15463
3.7 V-6, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, Fog Lights & More. #C15483
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x2021; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] -Â?Â&#x2C6;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} ,i>Ă&#x20AC; 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192;°RAM Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{{x 1500 ST
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fÂŁ{]Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;x f $ ÂŁ{]]Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;x f $$17,995 f
â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed!
â&#x20AC;˘ Excludes all prev sales and adv prices
Automatic,2010 Air Cond., Power Windows/Locks, SUBARU â&#x20AC;˘ Must take delivery by#12924 5.31.10 Front/Side Air Bags, CD. Stk â&#x20AC;˘ CheckMSRP with dealer $22,134for details
â&#x20AC;˘ Subject to Tierâ&#x20AC;˘ All1Wheel approval Drive â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Side From stock Airinventory Bags, Air Cond.,
â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control Power Windows, Cruise, CD. Stk #13022 â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags
Head Airbags LEASE FOR * $ â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Down! Subaru â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The only manufacturer with 2010$0 IIHS Top Safety Picks forâ&#x20AC;˘ Cloth all models. Upholstery
36 MO FOR â&#x20AC;˘ Power Windows/Locks INTRODUCING THE LEASE NEWLYFOR REDESIGNED â&#x20AC;˘ Power Mirrors
SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed!
LEGACY $259 mo.
â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt
â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive Air Conditioning â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5Lâ&#x20AC;˘ Boxer 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ Interior AirControl Filtration â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability #S13110 â&#x20AC;˘ AM/FM/Stereo/MP3/CD â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags *36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval. â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Head Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery â&#x20AC;˘ Power Windows/Locks â&#x20AC;˘ Power Mirrors â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed! â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Interior Air Filtration #S13110 â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ AM/FM/Stereo/MP3/CD
$259 mo.
â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control *36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval. â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Head Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Remoteâ&#x20AC;˘ Completely Anti-Theft Re-designed! â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery Automatic, Air Cond., Front/Side Air Bags, Automatic, Air Cond., Front/Side Air Bags, 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ Power â&#x20AC;˘Windows/Locks Power Windows, Cruise, CD. Stk #13024 Power Windows/Locks, Traction/Stability Control Cruise. Stk #13029 â&#x20AC;˘ Power â&#x20AC;˘Mirrors â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt #S13172 â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning FOR FOR â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Head Airbags The Subaru Outback. â&#x20AC;˘ Interiorâ&#x20AC;˘ Air Filtration Remote Anti-Theft MotorTrendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 42 MO 42 MO â&#x20AC;˘ Stereo/MP3/CD 2010 Sport/Utility â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery of the Year â&#x20AC;˘ Roofrack â&#x20AC;˘ Power Windows/Locks
$0OUTBACK Down!Up To 60 Months
80 on Select $Models 298 246 $329 mo.
$0 Down!
â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise â&#x20AC;˘ Excludes all sales and prices â&#x20AC;˘ Subject toareTier *42 month lease. Control/Tilt 10,000 miles prev per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paymentadv due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates subject to 1 Tier 1approval finance approval. #S13172 LEASE FOR â&#x20AC;˘ Mustâ&#x20AC;˘ Interior take delivery by 5.31.10 â&#x20AC;˘ From stock inventory Air Filtration MotorTrendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Stereo/MP3/CD 2010 Sport/Utility â&#x20AC;˘ Check with dealer for details of the Year â&#x20AC;˘ Roofrack
â&#x20AC;˘ AirFirst Conditioning Due at delivery: monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment, $595 acquisition fee, and doc. fee; taxes,The license and registration not included. Subject to credit approval. Subaru Outback.
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x17D; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] *Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC; CARAVAN SE 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192; GRAND E Â&#x153;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192;° Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2C6;
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x17D; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] *Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC; 2010 DODGE 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192; E Â&#x153;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192;° Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2C6;
fÂŁĂ&#x2021;]Ă&#x2C6;Â&#x2122;x f$ ]Ă&#x2C6;Â&#x2122;x ÂŁĂ&#x2021; ] f$$12,995 17,695 14,769 f
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x17D; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] *Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC; 2.0 4 Cyl, Auto, Air, Cloth Low Back Bucket 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192; Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2C6; SeasE& Â&#x153;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192;° More. #C15400 3.3 Litre V-6, Automatic, Power Windows and #C15466 Auto,â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Air &Locks. More. FOR Great Gasâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Mileage. BUY
"Â&#x2DC;Â?Ă&#x17E; £ä Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x153;>Ă&#x17E; vĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C; *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;`iÂ&#x2DC;Vit 23,307 $ Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;° $Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`iĂ&#x192; >Â?Â? v>VĂ&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; `i>Â?iĂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;ViÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x192;]
Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;VÂ?Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;i\ *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Vi ÂŁ{ ]Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;x ]Ă&#x2C6;Â&#x2122;x 17,695 14,995 ÂŁĂ&#x2021; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
Up To 60 Months on Select Models
SUBARU â&#x20AC;&#x201C; THE ONLY MANUFACTURER WITH Subaru â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The onlyI.I.H.S. manufacturer 2010 IIHS Top Safety all models. FORPicks ALLforMODELS 2010 TOPwith SAFETY PICKS INTRODUCING THE NEWLY REDESIGNED
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x2021;Open6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] -Â?Â&#x2C6;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}>Â?Â? v>VĂ&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; `i>Â?iĂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;ViÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x192;] Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x17D; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] *Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;iĂ&#x20AC;
Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;VÂ?Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;i\ *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Vi Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`iĂ&#x192; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;° Air Ride, Satellite Radio. #C15409 #C15400 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C;BUY â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2C6; Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;FOR LiÂ&#x203A; ÂŁx{{x Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â?iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x192;ii° Â&#x2C6;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E; Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;vÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;>Â&#x2DC;Vi Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;}Â&#x2026; ° ,i>Ă&#x20AC; 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192;° 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192; E Â&#x153;VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192;° 3.3 Litre V-6, Automatic, Power Windows BUY FOR BUY FOR 3.7 V-6, Auto, Sliding Rear Window. #C15445 and Locks. #C15466 Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; Ă&#x152;>Â&#x17D;i Ă&#x192;>Â&#x201C;i `>Ă&#x17E; `iÂ?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;°
3.7 V-6, Sliding Rear Window. 3.8Auto, Litre, Auto, Power Windows Locks, â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; & #C15445
2010 SUBARU 2010 SUBARU â&#x20AC;˘ Excludes all prev sales and adv prices â&#x20AC;˘ Subject to Tier 1 approval ALL WHEEL DRIVE ALL WHEEL DRIVE LEGACY LEGACY â&#x20AC;˘ Must take delivery by 5.31.10 â&#x20AC;˘ From stock inventory â&#x20AC;˘ Check with dealer for details
ÂŁ{ Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;x ÂŁĂ&#x2021; Ă&#x2C6;Â&#x2122;x 14,995
Ă&#x17D;°Ă&#x2021; 6Â&#x2021;Ă&#x2C6;] Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;°] -Â?Â&#x2C6;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} 3.7 V-6, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks ,i>Ă&#x20AC; 7Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x153;Ă&#x153;Ă&#x192;° & More. #C15415 Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{{x
on Select Models
LEGACY We Have 140 New Subarus In Stock!
12,995 17,995 ATTENTION: JEEP BUYERS 23,995 17,995 E Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;i Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x17D; Â&#x203A; ÂŁx{ÂŁx Â&#x2C6;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E; 7Ă&#x20AC;>Â&#x2DC;}Â?iĂ&#x20AC; -ÂŤÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;
Ă&#x201C;ä£ä iiÂŤ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7Ă&#x20AC;>Â&#x2DC;}Â?iĂ&#x20AC; 2010 2010JEEP JEEP-ÂŤÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152; $ WRANGLER SPORT GR. CHEROKEE LAREDO
Months * 14,995 19,999*Up To$60
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;VÂ?Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;i\ *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Vi Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`iĂ&#x192; >Â?Â? v>VĂ&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; `i>Â?iĂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;ViÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x192;] Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;° "- " Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; Li Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â?iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x192;ii° Â&#x2C6;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E; Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; vÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;>Â&#x2DC;Vi Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;}Â&#x2026; ° *",/1 1 2010 JEEP 2010 JEEP Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; Ă&#x152;>Â&#x17D;i Ă&#x192;>Â&#x201C;i `>Ă&#x17E; `iÂ?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;°
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$329 mo. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re 2010 SUBARU
â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed!
*42 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval.
â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive
at Subaru Somerset Group â&#x20AC;&#x201C; TheAuto only manufacturer with 2010 IIHS Top Safety Picksâ&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L forBoxer all 4models. cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control We say â&#x20AC;&#x153;YESâ&#x20AC;? when sayREDESIGNED â&#x20AC;&#x153;NOâ&#x20AC;?! INTRODUCING THEothers NEWLY â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed! 2010 SUBARU Completely Re-designed! â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear All Wheel Drive Head Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5Lâ&#x20AC;˘ Boxer 4 cylinder 2009 Subaru 2010 SUBARU â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder 2009 Subaru 2009 Subaru 2009 Subaru â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control Impreza â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Windows/Locks Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Power Outback LTD Outback I 4-Wheel Legacy ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Dualâ&#x20AC;˘Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Power Mirrors Premium â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags LEASE FOR â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear HeadStk.AirbagsSP1824 Stk. SP1769 Stk. SP4805
Stk. SP1823 $0Down! Down! $0 $ $248 mo. LEASE 16,995 LEASEFOR FOR $248 mo. $259 mo.
â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt
Front/Rear Head Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Clothâ&#x20AC;˘ Upholstery
â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning
â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery â&#x20AC;˘ Power Windows/Locks
â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Interior Air Filtration â&#x20AC;˘ Power MirrorsWindows/Locks Power â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ AM/FM/Stereo/MP3/CD â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt Power Mirrors â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt
*36 month#12973 lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval.
#S13110 Subaru 2009 Forester
2007 Subaru 2010Forester SUBARU
â&#x20AC;˘ Interior Filtration â&#x20AC;˘ AirAirConditioning
â&#x20AC;˘ Interior Air Filtration 2007 Subaru â&#x20AC;˘ AM/FM/Stereo/MP3/CD 2007 Subaru Outback SE Impreza
â&#x20AC;˘ AM/FM/Stereo/MP3/CD *36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval.
*36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval.
â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed! Stk. SP1826 Stk. SP1801 Stk. SP1817 Stk. SP1831 â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed! â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed! â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABSBoxer Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side AirbagsControl â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear HeadABS Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Remote Anti-Theft â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Head Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery â&#x20AC;˘ Remote Anti-Theft â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Power â&#x20AC;˘Windows/Locks Cloth Upholstery â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Head Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Power â&#x20AC;˘Mirrors Power Windows/Locks â&#x20AC;˘ Remote Anti-Theft Stk. 12646A Stk.â&#x20AC;˘Control/Tilt S12971A Stk. S13042A Stk. SP1821A Power Mirrors â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning â&#x20AC;˘ Power Windows/Locks Air Conditioning â&#x20AC;˘ Interiorâ&#x20AC;˘ Air Filtration Interior Air Filtration â&#x20AC;˘ Power â&#x20AC;˘Mirrors â&#x20AC;˘ Stereo/MP3/CD Stereo/MP3/CD Cruise â&#x20AC;˘Control/Tilt â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Roofrack #S13172 â&#x20AC;˘ Roofrack â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning The Subaru Outback. â&#x20AC;˘ *42 Interior Air Filtration month*42 lease. 10,000 year First First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due doc,acquisition, acquisition, rates are subject Tier 1approval. finance approval. month lease.miles 10,000per miles perallowed. year allowed. monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment dueatatsigning, signing, includes includes doc, tax tax and and title. title. LeaseLease rates are subject to Tier 1 to finance MotorTrendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Stereo/MP3/CD 2010 Sport/Utility of the Year â&#x20AC;˘ Roofrack
2010 SUBARU FORESTER $ $ $ 16,995 19,495 13,995 14,995 2010 SUBARU 2010 JEEP
Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;VÂ?Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;i\ *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Vi Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`iĂ&#x192; >Â?Â? v>VĂ&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E; Ă&#x152;Â&#x153; `i>Â?iĂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;ViÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x192;] Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;VÂ?Ă&#x2022;`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;° FORESTER WRANGLER UNLIMITED 2010 JEEP COMMANDER SPORT 4X4 RAM 1500 ST "- "CHRYSLER MINIVANS SE Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; Li Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â?iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x192;ii° Â&#x2C6;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x17E; Â&#x201C;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; vÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;>Â&#x2DC;Vi Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;}Â&#x2026; ° nääÂ&#x2021;{Â&#x2122;xÂ&#x2021; * WRANGLER UNLIMITED *",/1 1 SPORT 4X4 OUTBACK SE "Â&#x2DC;Â?Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x152;>Â&#x17D;i £äĂ&#x192;>Â&#x201C;i Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x153;>Ă&#x17E; vĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C; COMMANDER *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;`iÂ&#x2DC;Vit Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152; `>Ă&#x17E; `iÂ?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;° 2006 Hyundai 2006 Subaru 2006 Subaru 2004 Chrysler
JEEP WRANGLER SPORT GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 2010 JEEP ÂŁ{Â&#x2122;ÂŁ Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; *Â&#x153;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152; ,Â&#x153;>` 8 / {DODGE "vv 2010 2010 &ÂŁÂ&#x2122;x "Â&#x2DC;Â?Ă&#x17E; £ä Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;iĂ&#x192; Ă&#x153;>Ă&#x17E; vĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C; *Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;`iÂ&#x2DC;Vit Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;DODGE Ă&#x152;>Â&#x17D;i Ă&#x192;>Â&#x201C;i `>Ă&#x17E; `iÂ?Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x17E;°
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*",/1 1 nääÂ&#x2021;{Â&#x2122;xÂ&#x2021; * "- "*",/1 1 -
3.8 V-6, Air Conditioning, Open Air Ride, & More. #C15463
3.7 V-6, Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks, Fog Lights & More. #C15483
VE 8 / S{A "vv ÂŁÂ&#x2122;x
Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; *Â&#x153;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152; ,Â&#x153;>` OVE{ R "vv ÂŁÂ&#x2122;x ÂŁ{Â&#x2122;ÂŁÂŁ{Â&#x2122;ÂŁ $ Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; *Â&#x153;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152; ,Â&#x153;>`$$ 8 / $ 17,995 3.8 Litre V-6,V-6, Air,3.8 Power Windows & Locks. 3.7 Litre Auto, Air, Sliding Rear Window. Litre V-6, â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Auto, Air, Power Windows & Locks. â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Auto, BUY FOR #C15495 #C15495 #C15445
3.7 V-6, Auto,3.7 Air,V-6, Power â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Power Windows. Auto,Windows. Air, #C15130 #C15130
$ 17,995 $ 7 0 23,995 $20,995 nääÂ&#x2021;{Â&#x2122;xÂ&#x2021; * 00 00 23,995 23,995 nääÂ&#x2021;{Â&#x2122;xÂ&#x2021; * 16,990 23,995
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x201C;BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUYFOR FORâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;BUY â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUYâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
$0$0 Down! Outback LTD Down! LEASE LEASEFOR FOR
$ Down! 12,995 $0 17,995 $278 mo. $278 mo.
2007 Pontiac $329 2006 VW mo. G6 only 28K Passat
Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re
PT Cruiser
2006 Honda CRV
2006 Honda Accord 22K
*42 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval.
Stk. S12907A
Stk. S12992A
Stk. S12856A
Stk. S12770A
at Somerset Auto$ Group $ $at Somerset $ Auto Group We say â&#x20AC;&#x153;YESâ&#x20AC;? when others say â&#x20AC;&#x153;NOâ&#x20AC;?!
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2010 DODGE RAM 1500 ST
Disclosure: Price includes all factory to dealer incentives. Includes military. Must be returning lessee. Liberty, Gr Cherokee
and Commander must finance through GMAC. Must takelessee. same day delivery. Disclosure: Price includes all factory to dealer incentives. military. Must be and returning Liberty, Gr Cherokee Disclosure: Includes all factory to dealerIncludes incentives including military returning lessee. and Commander must finance through Must take same delivery. Gr. Cherokee, Commander and Liberty must GMAC. finance through GMAC forday applicable rebate.
â&#x20AC;˘ Completely Re-designed! â&#x20AC;˘ All Wheel Drive
1491 Brayton Point Rd. Somerset, MA
1491Brayton BraytonPoint PointRd. Rd. 1491 Somerset,MA MA Somerset,
1491 Brayton Point Rd. Somerset Ma. 508-675-1106 508-675-1106
Nos Falamos Portugues CHRYSLER JEEPâ&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘DODGE DODGE NosNosFalamos CHRYSLER â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘JEEP FalamosPortugues Portugues
3.3 Ma. Litre 1491 BraytonPoint PointRd. Rd.Somerset Somerset Ma.V-6, Automatic, Power Windows 1491 Brayton 3.7 V-6, Auto, Sliding Rear Window. #C15445 and Locks. #C15466
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BUY FOR â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
1491 Brayton Point Rd. Somerset, MA
1491Brayton BraytonPoint PointRd. Rd. 1491 Somerset,MA MA Somerset, #12973
â&#x20AC;˘ 2.5L Boxer 4 cylinder
â&#x20AC;˘ Traction/Stability Control â&#x20AC;˘ 4-Wheel ABS Brakes
$0 Down!
â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Front/Side Airbags â&#x20AC;˘ Front/Rear Head Airbags
508-676-3071 â&#x20AC;˘ Cloth Upholstery
â&#x20AC;˘ Power Windows/Locks 508-676-3071 â&#x20AC;˘ Power Mirrors Nos Falamos Portugues
Nos Falamos Falamos Nos Portugues â&#x20AC;˘ Cruise Control/Tilt
$248 mo.
â&#x20AC;˘ Air Conditioning â&#x20AC;˘ Interior Air Filtration â&#x20AC;˘ AM/FM/Stereo/MP3/CD
*36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year allowed. First monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s payment due at signing, includes doc, acquisition, tax and title. Lease rates are subject to Tier 1 finance approval.
June 2010 The Reporter
Richard E. French
Richard E. French, 8, of Bay State Road, died at home Friday, May , 2010. He was the husband of Muriel F. (Munroe) French. Born on March 2, 1932, in North Dighton, he was a son of the late Edward C. and Grace E. (Barney) French. He attended Dighton schools, where he enjoyed playing sports and was a member of the high school football team. He was proud to be an Army veteran of the Korean War, serving with the 14 th Field Artillery as a medic. Mr. French worked as a salesperson for Nerney Motors of Attleboro for 22 years and for Roberts’ Ford for four years. He later worked at V-Tron Electronics Corp. of Attleboro for 13 years as sales and marketing manager. He was a member of the Rehoboth Congregational Church for 49 years, serving as chairperson of the Board of Trustees, head usher and on both the music and mission committees. He was an outgoing person who loved to meet new people and chat with family and friends. He enjoyed camping and skiing, and he spent many hours planning for each family adventure. After his retirement, he and his wife took a camping trip around the country, stopping at the Grand Canyon and the Gila National Forest, where they stayed for a week to explore the caves of the cliff dwellers. After retiring, he spent his winters at Parsly’s Park in Redington Shores, Fla., for 10 years, where he was involved in many activities, including shuffleboard and golf. He also loved to walk on the beach there. He enjoyed woodworking, making many birdhouses, outdoor chairs and tables and other items. A true handyman, he went out of his way to help family members and friends with any project. He always said that his hand-made creations came with a lifetime guarantee – “my lifetime.” In 200 , he was awarded Senior Citizen of the Year by the Rehoboth Lion’s Club. He was recognized for his work at the Rehoboth Senior Center, which included working in the herb garden, setting up tables for functions and constructing a speaker’s podium.
In addition to his wife of 8 years, he leaves his children, Karen L. Goulart of Little Compton, R.I., Kevin R. French of No. Dighton, and Kerri Jean Williams of Newtown, Conn.; his brother, David A. French of Westboro; his sister, Barbara A. Deane, of Eastham; and his five grandchildren, Matthew, Christopher, Nicholas, Nathan and Rachel. Memorial donations may be made to the Rehoboth Congregational Church, 139 Bay State Rd. PO Box 32 , Rehoboth, MA 02 9.
Lee (Swanson) Green
People who smile reflect positive emotion. Positive emotion has been linked to both physical and mental well-being. People who have big smiles live longer. Lee (Swanson) Green smiled a great deal during her 94 winters in New England. Born in Windsor, Vt. before the Hawaiian ukulele, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Lena Horne, and Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs at Coney Island, she graduated from Natick High School with the nick-name “Willow.” She lived in Missouri and Rhode Island before moving to Rehoboth at a time when telephones were cranked to get the operator. She was a daughter of the late Albert David and Ellen O. (Oberg) Swanson. She was a second-generation Swedish-American who loved her coffee. In fact, she embraced innovations and immediately embraced the microwave oven’s power to heat up her coffee. Among her favorite pastimes were tennis, table tennis, sailing, canoeing, golf, hiking, diving, ice skating and swimming. She enjoyed playing the piano, ballroom dancing, reading mystery and humor authors, and singing with her family and friends in western Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia, New Jersey, California, and Europe. Not only was she “green” by name, she was “green” by her actions and decisions. A woman ahead of her time, she designed her 194 house with built-in recycle bin, zoned radiant heat in floor and an oven with pilot light to dry “wet” garbage so it wouldn’t smell. She forbade littering with the exception of apple cores, sewed, and installed
awnings and grew appropriate trees in correct locations around her house to control summer heat and winter wind. A proud American, she flew the flag with the correct etiquette out of respect for her country and past and current military representatives. She contributed to her community as well as larger endeavors and would donate her time when it was in more supply than cash: school dentist assistant, March of Dimes, SPCA, Disabled Veterans, Rehoboth’s municipal services, Parkinson’s and cancer research, acted in PTA plays, and Women’s Health Initiative medical clinical trial of estrogen therapy. “The body of a single organ donor can benefit 200 different people around the globe.” When Lee Green arranged for her entire body donation to University of Massachusetts School of Medicine’s Anatomical Gift Program, she was asked why and answered: “Consistently throughout my life I’ve tried in small ways to contribute to my community as well as larger endeavors. After I can no longer use my body, it is my humble wish to submit it for use for the benefit and betterment of other people’s lives.” In memory of Mrs. Green you are encouraged to make an appointment with an elder lawyer.
Margaret L. “Peg” Parker
Margaret L. “Peg” Parker, , of Rehoboth, died Friday at Sturdy Memorial Hospital. She was the loving wife of John C. Parker Sr. They were married on Sept. 29, 19 . Born in Norton, she was a daughter of the late Herbert M. Johnson Sr. and Lois A. (Whipple) Johnson. She was a lifelong resident of Rehoboth. Mrs. Parker was an active member of her community, serving the Rehoboth Police Department, Rehoboth Ambulance, and various town boards and committees. Peg enjoyed her large extended family and many close friends. In addition to her husband of 3 years, she is survived by two sons, John C. Parker Jr. and his wife Susan and Martin Parker Sr. and his wife Correen; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. She was the sister of the late Herbert “Bert” Johnson Jr. Her funeral service was Wednesday, May th. Burial followed in Oak Knoll Cemetery, Rehoboth. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Citizens Scholarship Foundation (for Dighton-Rehoboth), P.O. Box 9 , Rehoboth, MA 02 9, or the Rehoboth Fire Chaplains Fund, 334 Anawan St., Rehoboth, MA 02 9.
The Reporter June 2010
Emily Rose Orlando
Emily Rose Orlando, 19, died of complications due to a long battle with bulimia on May 10, 2010 while visiting Anaheim, CA. She was born in Valhalla, NY on January 24, 1991. She resided in Rehoboth, MA. Emily Rose graduated from Middleboro High School in 2008. She was the beloved daughter of Nicole Orlando-Branco and her Step-father Raymond Branco of Rehoboth, MA. She is survived by her two younger brothers, Samuel and Benjamin Branco, whom she adored; also of Rehoboth, MA. She is also survived by her Father, Robert Haviland of Cape Cod, MA and her younger brother Dylan Haviland and Stepmother Maya Haviland, also of Cape Cod, MA; her Grandmother Lora Maxcy of Chatam, NY; her Grandparents Joyce and Bruce Haviland of Pawling, NY; and numerous Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Emily Rose was an artist, who loved poetry and books; photography and music. Everyone who knew her loved her sense of humor, her generous spirit and her loving heart. She will be forever loved and never forgotten. She is a soft breeze on your face and the warm sun on your shoulders; she is a rainbow across the sky. A memorial service was held Saturday, May 22, 2010, 11:00 a.m. at Rehoboth Baptist Church, 132 Moulton St. (Rt.118) Rehoboth, MA
Clarence J. ‘Coist’ Korkuc
Clarence J. ‘Coist’ Korkuc 93 died Monday, May 17, 2010 at Kent Regency. He was the husband of Ethel L. (Riley) Korkuc to whom he was married for sixty nine years. He was born in Providence, a son of the late Joseph and Sophia (Zienowicz) Korkuc. He was always very proud of his Polish heritage and traditions. Mr. Korkuc was a crane operator for the former Washburn Wire Company. He was a 1935 graduate of Bristol County Agricultural High School, Segreganset, MA. He was an avid organic gardener who began the practice long before it became common. He instilled the love of gardening in his children and grandchildren and always shared the bounty of his harvest. Besides his wife he leaves three sons, Raymond Korkuc and his wife Theresa of Seekonk, Brian Korkuc and his wife Carol of Warwick, James Korkuc and his wife Winifred of Providence, three sisters; Edwyna Moyer of Calif, Florence Turner of Seekonk, Josephine Iwuc of South Attleboro, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was the brother of the late Jeanine Kelly, Pauline, Walter, Michael and Felix Korkuc. His funeral was held on Thursday, May 20th with a Mass of Christian burial at 10:00 A.M. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Taunton Ave. Seekonk. Burial was in St. Francis Cemetery, Pawtucket. Please omit flowers, contributions to the Little Sisters
of the Poor, 964 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860 would be deeply appreciated.
Daniel J. Pugliese
Daniel J. Pugliese, 66 died Saturday, May 15, 2010 at his home. He was born in Providence a son of the late Julio and Elizabeth (Corcoran) Pugliese. Dan was a home builder for many years and was the owner and operator of the Craig Alan Company. He was a member of the Rehoboth Lions Club and a Melvin Jones recipient. He leaves one son, Craig A. Pugliese and his wife Angela of North Smithfield; one sister, Mary E. Pugliese of Rehoboth; one brother, John R. Pugliese of Nevada and two grandchildren, Eric D. Pugliese and Sarah M. Pugliese. A celebration of his life was held, Wednesday May 26th at 7:00 P.M. at the Hillside Country Club, 82 Hillside Ave. Rehoboth, MA 02769. In lieu of flowers contributions to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital P.O. Box 1000, Dept.142 Memphis, TN 38148 or the Rehoboth Lions Club, P.O. Box 633 Rehoboth, MA would be deeply appreciated.
Emma L. (Brodeur) Bergeron
Emma L. (Brodeur) Bergeron, age 73, of Blanding Rd., went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She was the wife of the late Joseph ‘Harvey’ Bergeron. Born March 12, 1937, in Central Falls, she was a daughter of Mary L. (Palardy) Brodeur of Pawtucket and the late Lucien Brodeur. She was the mother of Mark Martel of South Paris, ME, Steven Martel of Rehoboth, MA, Richard Bergeron of Cranston, David Harvey Bergeron of North Providence and the late John Martel; grandmother of 11 and great grandmother of 3. She was also the sister of Anna Tetreault of North Carolina, Roy Brodeur of Cumberland, Lucien Brodeur of Attleboro, MA, Arlene Brodeur of Central Falls, Linda Walker of Lincoln and the late Cecile LaPerche. Her funeral service was held Saturday, May 22nd at 1 pm at the New Hope Christian Church, 1436 GAR Highway (Rte. 6), Swansea.
Eleanor Mowry Drapeau
Eleanor Mowry Drapeau, (known to all as ‘Fum’) of Seekonk died on April 29, 2010 in Port Orange, FL from complications following a stroke on April 20. Fum was the wife of the late Albert E. Drapeau, who died in April of 2007, and Charles E. Hogan, who died in December of 1958. Fum was born April 5, 1929, in Providence. She was the daughter of the late
Isabel Alden Perkins and Reginald Irving Mowry Sr. Fum graduated from Bristol County Agricultural High School in 1947. She worked at various jobs during her lifetime, including a cook at the Seekonk Intermediate School, a census worker, a soda fountain worker, and most recently as a CNA who worked as a home health aide. She also volunteered at soup kitchens, helped voters on election day, and helped at her church’s rummage sale. She was well-known for baking cookies which she gave to friends and family; for bringing people’s newspapers from their driveways to their doorsteps; and for always remembering people’s birthdays and other special days by sending cards, usually with a one dollar bill inside. She was a big hockey fan and loved ‘her’ Boston Bruins. Fum was named Seekonk’s Citizen of the Year in 1994 by the Seekonk Grange. Fum was a member of the Seekonk Congregational Church in Seekonk, MA since 1943, and she attended the Union Congregational Church in Holly Hills while wintering in Florida. Fum was a fixture on Seabird Island in Port Orange, where she walked daily, always with a smile on her face. She is survived by six children, 13 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Her children are: Patrick Hogan and his wife N. Jane; Sandra Viveiros and her husband Scott; Lawrence Drapeau and his wife Linda; Bruce Drapeau; Kathleen Holt and her husband Bruce; and Mark Drapeau and his wife Jodie. Her grandchildren and great-grandchild are: Sarah Hogan and son William Sellon; Timothy, Jonathan, and Ashley Viveiros; Tyler, Kelsey, and Andrew Drapeau; Joshua, Kelly, and Ryan Holt; and Bradley, Alex and Lauren Drapeau. Eleanor was the sister of Reginald, Roger, David, and the late Jack Mowry. A Memorial Service was held on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at the Seekonk Congregational Church, 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk. If possible, In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory can be made to the Seekonk Congregational Church or to Hospice of Volusia/Flagler, 3800 Woodbriar Trail, Port Orange, FL 32129. Arrangements entrusted to the J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home, 210 Taunton Ave., East Providence.
Herbert C. Brown
Herbert C. Brown, 88, Husband of Betty-Ann (Carlson) and the late Beatrice (Saunders) Brown, died May 3. Born in Providence, he was the son of the late Clarence H. and Corinne M. (Carter) Brown. Mr. Brown was a WW II Army Veteran serving in the 10th Mountain Division. After 38 years with the New England Telephone Co., now Verizon, Herb retired as a Central Office foreman. Mr. Brown leaves his 4 children; Daniel and his wife Barbara, David and his wife Marilyn, Mark, Deborah and her husband
June 2010 The Reporter
Bruce Watkins, 2 Step daughters; Debra Johnson and Julie Read and her husband Thomas Marshall, 10 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. A memorial service was held on Sunday, May 16th, at 2 PM, in the Seekonk Congregational Church, 600 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771. Memorial gifts to the church would be appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to the J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home, 210 Taunton Ave., East Providence.
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Business-Services Advertising Rates $35 for up
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to 30 words
Carol A. Santagata
Carol A. Santagata, 71, of Carter’s Way, died May 23, 2010, surrounded by her loving family at RI Hospital. She was the loving wife of Everett H. Santagata. Born in Taunton, MA, she was the daughter of the late Joseph and Mary (Bent-Costa) Braga. She had worked as a secretary for Women and Infant’s Hospital for 20 years before retiring in 1990. Besides her husband of 53 years, she is survived by her daughters; Charlene Santagata- Abbott of Warwick, Cheryl Santagata-Kosowski of East Providence, Noreen Custodio-Grilli of Warren, 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. She is survived by her sister Patricia Mayforth of Rehoboth. She leaves her faithful dog, Buddy. The funeral was held on Friday, May 28th with a Mass of Christian Burial at 9AM in Sacred Heart Church, Taunton Ave., East Providence. Burial was in Gate of Heaven Cemetery.
Flora Amanda Tierney
Flora Amanda Tierney, 73, died on Monday, May 24th, peacefully at home, with her family by her side. For 52 years, she was the beloved wife of William F. Tierney, Sr. She was the daughter of the late Howard L. and Isabelle (Daggett) Whitford and sister to Peter, Richard, Roger and Lynette Whitford. She also leaves her sons William Jr., Steven, Mark and Jeffrey Tierney as well as 6 grandchildren. Flo was a 1957 graduate of the Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, later, working there as a labor and delivery nurse for 36 years. She was a volunteer at Miriam Hospital admitting and worked 8 years at Blackstone Valley Community Health Center. She was a long time member of St Michael and All Angels, now the Church of the Epiphany. She belonged to the church’s His & Her Club, she lovingly served as a host for many of the fellowship meals, and was also an usher and Godly Play Teacher. A funeral was held on Friday, May 28th at 8:30 A.M. from the home of J.H. Williams & Co, 210 Taunton Ave., East Providence, followed by a funeral service at 10 A.M. in the Church of The Epiphany, 1336 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be directed to Southcoast Hospice, 28 Sconticut Neck Road, Fairhaven, MA 02719.
BABY-SITTER Babysitter available, experienced, mother of two. 774-259-1989. (e710) BABYSITTER AVAILABLE: Reliable college student looking for work. Lots of experience with children / pets. 508-455-7550 (e610)
Additional Words - $.25 each
Send Ad with Payment The Rehoboth Reporter P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising
FARMERS MARKET Wanted: Llamas, Goat, Sheep, Emu’s. Call 774-991-0357. (e810) Farmer’s Market: Drving Horses for sale: Some ride, pleasure type, healthy, sound & ready to go, private owner, priced from $1500.00, herd reduction, Call Jennifer at 508-252-3503. (e810)
WANTED Wanted: Old Motor Scooters and Mopeds: Vespa, Honda and others, cash. 508-336-6806. (e710) Wanted: W.W. I and W.W. II items: Uniforms, helmets, swords, knives, anything related, highest price paid. Please call for a quote, Charlie (508)230-6444. (e610)
YARD SALE YARD SALE: Epworth Methodist Church Yard Sale, 915 Newport Ave. Pawtucket, RI 02861. Date: June 26th, 2010 Time: 9-2 (e610)
Custom Log Cabin: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from New Hampshire attractions; swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, or just R&R; weekly & weekends, Call 401-4334491. (e710)
FREE STUFF! FREE horse manure by the bucket, barrel or truck. Call (508) 252-5737 (e610)
CHILD CARE ACTIVE CHILDCARE: for 2-7 year olds 1/2 Day $30 , Full Day $40 ,26 years experience ,CDA Certified, EEC Lead teacher, CPR and First Aid ,home preschool program, Nutritious meals and snacks included,2 acres fenced play ground, indoor playground , 4 large play rooms , 8 to 1 Ratio ,7 AM-5PM Call Joanne 1-508-2521252 or 1-508-243-4406. (e910)
YARD SALE: June 5 & 6, 8am-1pm, multifamily; 93 Tremont St., Rehoboth; tools, Pampered Chef, Vera Bradley, kids toys, clothes. (e610)
For Sale: Anderson double hung mulled windows, like new, white vinal clad, w:67 ½ x 64 ½ H, $350 or bo. Call (508)269-1104. (e610)
For Sale: slippery when wet suit with goggles, never used. New @180, asking #100 or bo. Call (508)269-1104. (e610)
Vacation Rental: St. Michael Azores (Portugal) New and pristine 2-bed,2-bath apartment, Kit, DR, LR, & Laundry. Linens provided. Atlantic & mountain view. Near golf course, beaches, etc. Weekly/monthly rental available throughout the year. For info/reservations call 401-480-0374 or 508336-8432. (e610)
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: COA Coordinator - Plans, coordinates & administers COA Programs. 32 hr/wk. Application available @ Rehoboth COA (rfCOA6)
The Reporter June 2010
CLASSIFIEDS 1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15
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Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising
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Additional Words - $.25 each
GENERAL SERVICES PARTY RENTALS: For sale or rent, Tents and moon-walks, x-party place, call Dan after 5pm (774)306-1278 (e1010)
Cutcliffe Glavin
ARCHETTO Attorneys at Law R.I. and MA. Bars
Conrad M. Cutcliffe The Packet Building 155 South Main St., Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-2963
(401) 454-1900 Fax (401) 331-7001
CLASSES / LESSONS Cleanouts & Cleanups: Houses, attics, cellars, garages, etc. Demolition of sheds, fences, pools, decks, etc. Junk Removal, handyman services. Insured. Call Gary at (508)245-0832. (e710)
Piano, Organ, Keyboard Lessons: Available in your home. Specializing in beginner to intermediate levels. Accepting adults and children. Call Claude Houle at 401-723-5948. (e610)
OLD WINDOWS REGLAZED & PAINTED: Workmanship guaranteed. Call Lou for prompt service at (508) 252-3996. (rp)
Interested in Playing the Harmonica? For fun or get Lessons. Call 508-840-3989 (e510)
GUTTERS CLEANED: Call (508) 252-3996 (rp)
Children’s Art Classes: Ages9-16yrs, Thursdays 4:00-5:30pm. Still Life Drawing, Pen and Ink, Watercolor. Call 508-252-6538 (e310)
TUTORING Tutor: Certified and experienced teacher available to tutor after school and summer hours, please call 508-222-3290. (e610) SUMMER TUTORING: Specializing in Reading, Writing, and Math Skills. Regular and Special Education. 12 years experience. Lende McMullen, M.Ed. Licensed K-8. 508252-4403 (e610) Tutor: Certified (K-8) and experienced Elementary teacher available to tutor after school hours; please call 508-222-3290. (e310)
William E. Dalpe (508) 252-6980
Good old fashioned reliable service
PIANO LESSONS: Taught in my home, both classical and popular to persons of all ages. Anita Russo, 8 Terrybrooke Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4208. (e710)
PETS German Shepard puppies: Full German lines. Bred for temperament, intelligence and beauty. Both parents of a Hips and Elbows. Sire German Import SchH II. Puppies socialized with children and animals. Absolutely gorgeous, available 6/15. $1500.00. 508-336-9170. (e610)
Missing DOG Boxer; brindle, male, 65 to 70 pounds, Peck Street area in Rehoboth, any information call 617-293-1594
Title 5 Inspection
Septic Systems • Cesspools
Discount On Title V Inspection
D.E.P. Certified
Professional Inspection Services Call Steven Drew • (508) 667-4025
Not affiliated with any septic system repair or installation company
June 2010 The Reporter
June Business Directory CATEGORY Agricultural Services Appliance Repairs Appliance Repairs Architectural Design Art Supplies/Framing Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Shop Auto Dealers Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bank Baseball Camp Baseball Camp Bookkeeping Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Materials Candidate Candidate - Seekonk Carpentry - Finish Carpentry - Finish Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Child Care Child Care Child Care Child Care Child Care Chimney Cleaning Circus Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Collectibles Concrete Cutters Consignment Store Credit Union Dance Studio Dance Studio Dentist Dentist Dentist Disposal Service Dog Grooming Dog Grooming Driveways & Masonry Electrician Electrician Electrician
Mammoth Rock Farm, LLC 19 Affordable Appliance Repair Co. 83 McPartland Appliance Repairs 74 VIZCAD 17 Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 6 Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 100 Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 102 Laurie P. Mullen 70 Lori O’Brien-Foeri 22 Reed, Boyce & Travis, P.C. 29 A-1 Custom Auto Body 30 Auto Enhancements 53 Sousa’s Auto Body 54 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 50 Seekonk Auto Body 40 Bristol Toyota 12 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 96 Manny’s Auto Repair Inc. 57 New England Tire 2 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 20 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 34 Gary’s Auto Removal 71 Coastway Credit Union / Decunha 37 KR Baseball Camp 62 RBI Baseball Academy 65 Meredith Amaral Bookkeeping 81 A. M. Carpentry 36 DTP Construction 49 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 80 J & J Materials Corp. 61 Steven Howitt 56 David Saad - Candidate 21 Mark Koussa Carpentry 14 Pine Woods Construction 84 Earle’s Carpet Cleaning 73 M & S Carpet & Upholstery 41 Maintenance Plus 14 Citizens For Citizens - Attn. Carol 25 Little Ducky Daycare 76 Rehoboth Family Childcare Assoc. 47 Little Covered Bridge Fam. Daycare 11 Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 44 RJD & Sons - Chimney Sweep 22 Cole Bros. Circus 89 Crystal Clean - Bethany Martone 6 Dixon Cleaning 28 Wexler’s Collectibles 75 Cut Rite Concrete Cutting Corp. 84 Saks Consignment 68 Community & Teachers Credit Union 19 Alicia’s Dance Studio 63 Step Ahead School of Dance 64 Dr. Robert Zaluski 27 Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 48 Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 16 Professional Duct Cleaning 104 Groom & Style 57 Pampered Pets 10 Blue Stone Driveways & Masonry 18 Dorrance Electric 32 James Tavares Electric 81 Neal Bellavance Electric 25
Events-Corporate/Family Camp Ramsbottom - Boys & Girls 63 Excavating J. Fisk Construction 46 Excavating J. M. Turner Construction Co. 27 Farm Souza Family Farm 51 Farm - Produce 4 Town Farm 54 Farm - Produce Noons Farm 60 Farmers Market The Farmer’s Garden 67 Feed & Supply Store Munroe Feed & Supplies 103 Fence Installation Fence Tech 83 Fence-Sales/Serv. Foxx Fence 26 Flooring - All Types Custom Linocraft 70 Flooring - Carpet Donna Faber Spellman Design 11 Flooring - Wood A-1 Wood Floors 48 Flooring - Wood David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors 34 Fuel - Oil Affordable Fuel 71 Fuel - Oil Al’s Quality Oil Co. 10 Fuel - Oil Buy Rite Oil 81 Fuel - Oil Columbus Energies Inc. 45 Fuel - Oil E & V Oil Co. 104 Fuel - Oil Pricerite Discount Heating Oil 75 Fuel - Oil Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 20 Fuel - Oil Wood’s Heating Service 60 Fuel - Propane Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 70 Furniture/Upholstery Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 28 Garden Center J & L Landscaping & Garden Ctr, Inc. 58 Garden Center Tranquil Lake Nursery Inc. 32 Garden Equipment J J Gregory & Son 59 Gift Shop Willow Tree Country Shoppe 73 Gifts & Collectibles Cards Plus 23 Glass Fabricator A Class Glass 72 Glass Fabricator Anawan Glass & Mirror Inc. 34 Golf Cars New England Golf Cars 38 Golf Club Crestwood Country Club 51 Hair Salon Snipits 9 Handyman ABT Handy Services 6 Handyman CBS Enterprises 100 Hardware Store Standard Hardware 42 Hayrides / Carriages Schobel Hayrides 36 Health Care Community Counseling of Bristol Cty 91 Health Care Community VNA 90 Health & Fitness Bliss Life Yoga 55 Health & Fitness Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 63 Health & Fitness YMCA - Newman 66 Heating & Air Taylor Heating-Air Conditioning 74 Heating Service COD Heating 6 Home Improvements CA Home Improvement 23 Home Improvements Professional Property Maintenance 39 Horse Stable-Lessons Journey’s Haven Riding School 64 Hospital Sturdy Memorial Hospital 7 Insurance Agency Lefebvre Smith Insurance 39 Insurance Agency Lezaola Insurance & House Group 46 Irrigation United Irrigation 33 Jewelers Attleboro Jewelry Makers 43 Junk Removal Junk Vehicles 35 Kitchen Kitchens With Style 14 Kitchen Remodeling Kitchens Direct, Inc 56 Landscape Materials Daniel D. Wright Realty LLC 82 Landscape Service Acorn Landscapes 25 Landscape Service Atlantic Landscaping 77 Landscape Service Big Sky Landscaping 39 Landscape Service Chris Manley 36 Landscape Service Holden’s Landscaping 69
The Reporter June 2010
June Business Directory CATEGORY Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Lawn Sprinklers Marble Fabricators Martial Arts Masonry-Construction Masonry-Construction Masonry-Construction Massage Therapy Medical Center Music Nursing Service Optometrists Optometrists Optometrists Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Services Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Pest Control & Lawn Pest Control Services Pet Services Photographer Plastering & Painting Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Pool Club
K.L.P Landscaping 28 Kimmell Landscaping 44 Lawnscapes 21 MacManus Landscape Services 37 Matt’s Landscaping, LLC 43 Oakhill Landscape 82 Superior Lawn Care 74 A & Q Lawn Sprinklers 29 Star Marble & Granite 75 USA Karate 49 J. M. Construction 72 StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 83 William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services 39 Serenity Massage 50 East Providence Urgent Care 68 Doug’s Music Retail & Learning Ctr 64 Cultured Care, Inc. 33 Brown Center 47 Envision Eyecare 8 Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 80 Adams Painting 55 Brian P. Lynch - Painting 21 C.A Winter Painting/Powerwashing 58 Collegiate Painting 85 Cronan Painting 15 Delisle & Son Painting & Repair 40 EZ Painting 80 Iachetti Painting Company 49 Lundco Painting LLC. 52 Reliable Painting Co. 84 Paint Craft, Inc 26 Driveway Medics 71 Hanley Paving, Inc. 74 Mohegan Seal Coating Co 30 Ryan Asphalt Paving 46 Northeast Pest Control 67 Bi-State Pest Control 58 Rehoboth Pet Care 18 Fetching Photography 94 David Laurino - Plastering 40 Potter Plumbing 41 Sine Plumbing & Heating 30 Vintage Plumbing & Heating 9 The Grist Mill Pool & Tennis Club 62
Donald E. MacManus Attorney at Law
General Practice of Law Including: • Wills and Trusts • Real Estate • Personal Injury • Business & Commercial
Call (508)336-6440 546 Arcade Ave. • Seekonk, MA
Licensed to practice in Massachusetts & Rhode Island
CATEGORY Powerwashing Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Rental Stores Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Security Systems Septic Designs Septic Inspections Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Shoe Store Small Engine Repair Special Events Spiritual Healing Stone Masonry Theatres - Live Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Veterans Consultant Water Treatment Wood Furnaces Writing - Editing
Dun Rite Home Repair 80 Century 21 T. R. Little, Realtor 11 David Smith, Century 21 15 Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 57 ReMax Rivers Edge 37 Taunton Rental 35 Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon 86 Country Kitchen 86 Luxury Box Bar & Grille 87 Tito’s Cantina 87 Cameron Roofing 83 B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 50 Certified Roofing Services 54 Tabeleys Roofing 47 Home & Commercial Security 31 OSD Systems Associates Inc. 58 Pro Inspection Services 100 AO Construction 75 Fisk Contracting 81 Town Sanitation 35 Bay State Sewage Disposal, Inc. 29 Croome Sanitation, Inc. 73 Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. 84 St. Pierre’s Shoes 77 Seekonk Small Engine Inc. 69 Biomes 13 A Master’s Touch 41 Reeves Stone Mason Contractor 56 Trinity Repertory Company 92 A. Viera Disposal 10 Allied Waste 38 Cleanway Disposal & Recycling 15 Waste-Tech, Inc. 4 Big Blue Removal Service 22 Advanced Tree 82 Choate Tree Service 24 M.D. Tree Service 23 Precision Tree Inc. 49 Seekonk Tree 95 Steve’s Tree Service 69 Lori O’Brien-Foeri 26 Water Filter Company, Inc. 16 Reed Outdoor Furnaces 13 David Howard - Writing Workshop 102
ATTENTION WRITERS Professional manuscript critiques and marketing assistance available from published writer with MFA in creative writing. Reasonable rates for stories, articles, novels. Contact: or call 401-438-8367
June 2010 The Reporter
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The Reporter June 2010
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