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The East Providence
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JUNE 2011 Volume 7, no. 6
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
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Summer Fun & Sun
Waddington School Goes “KaBoom”
By Bob Rodericks Waddington Elementary School has won a $15,000 Let’s Play grant from national non-profit KaBOOM! and Let’s Play. According to the national web site of Kaboom, “Waddington Elementary is now $15,000 closer to their dream of a new playground after winning a nation-wide video competition sponsored by KaBOOM!, the national nonprofit group dedicated to saving play, and Let’s Play, a community partnership led by Dr Pepper Snapple Group to get kids and families active nationwide.” Waddington was one of ten schools competing for votes in an interactive internet voting competition. Schools submitted videos in order to become eligible for the playground prize money. Voting took place from April 21st through May 10th, as members of the public could cast one vote per day for the video of their choice. Actually there were five national winners overall. The five winners will each receive a $15,000 equipment grant funded by Dr Pepper Snapple Group. According to a press release from ‘Let’s Play’, “this is a community partnership led by Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. (NYSE: DPS) to get kids and families active nationwide”. The first Let’s Play initiative is a $15 million, three-year commitment to KaBOOM!, the national non-profit that’s saving play. Together, these groups will fund the building or repair 2,000 playgrounds by the end of 2013 nationwide. “Children today spend less time playing outdoors than any previous generation, a fact that is having disastrous consequences on their health, achievement levels, and overall well-being” said a Kaboom spokesperson. The goal of these groups is to create a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America. continued on page 7...
Ride with K-Rob Family Fun Festival
see page 46
Come Explore...
what’s Next Door!
The East Bay
Warren • Barrington • Bristol see page 44
Kevin Robinson rides with East Providence kids from Pierce Field to Crescent Park. See more photos on page 9.