July 2010 EP

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The East Providence

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JULY 2010 VOLUME 6, NO. 7


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

“Sizzlin’ Hot” 2010 Summer Concert Series!!!

Official Heritage Program Inside This Issue

By Gina Wesley-Silva Thank goodness, it’s summertime again, and that means enjoying another season of free, live, outdoor music concerts at beautiful Rose Larisa Park in Riverside!! Yippee!! This pristine park is located just across the street from the Crescent Park carousel, and provides the perfect backdrop and environment for live music concerts! Rose Larisa Park features wonderfully green, immaculately maintained lawns, which cover its slopes and rolling hills. one such slope creates an actual amphitheatre bowl type seating area, at the bottom of which stands a stage where EAST PROVIDENCE HERITAGE FESTIVAL 2010 1 Official Program the bands play. And, just beyond that stage are long and winding biking and walking trails, overlooking breathtaking sunsets, which sparkle off the waters of Narragansett Bay! The concerts are held each Thursday night from 6pm until :30pm! This is a family event, so kids, teens, parents, and grandparents can all enjoy this fun and comfortable outing. It is a great, no-hassle, Pierce Field and Stadium • 201 Mercer Street • East Providence RI minimal expense experience - the perfect “night out” in these hard economic times. Great for families, couples, hanging out rk Finel Celebrating Ma veli li’ with friends, or going to alone. Remember n a s r g a Tr to bring blankets and lawn chairs, and you Our 30th cC Amusement Park may also bring picnic baskets and coolers Anniversary! too if you don‘t want to purchase food at the concession across the street. The annual Summer Concert Series s & Craft has been going on for approximately fifteen s oth years, and is sponsored by the East ProviFood c i n dence Parks & Recreation Department. I th recently met with organizers Alba Curti, Diane Sullivan, and Rebecca Chace, to get a preview of what’s ahead for 010. These ladies are very enthusiastic about this years’ venue, even though they say they have had to make some minor adjustments due to Live budget cuts. “We can’t spend that much on Entertainment summer concerts anymore, but that doesn’t Including: mean we cannot still have a great series! In THE SPINNERS with Beyond fact, I think we have a really good line-up this Blonde • Blue Wild Gypsy year. I’m looking forward to it,” says Curti. “Jimi Hendrix Tribute” Curti went on to explain that each year • The Blushing Brides the department seeks to offer various styles “Tribute to The Rolling Stones” • Kissnation with of music and bands so that “…hopefully, we Draw The Line can offer music for everybody’s taste. We “Aerosmith Tribute” always choose a variety of music styles, but it is always live music and bands, and that makes it special!” continued on page 15...


HERI TAG E F E ST J U L Y 15 - 18 2 0 1 0






The Reporter July 2010


July 010 The Reporter


East Providence News Briefs 29 East Providence Teaching Positions Cut

East Providence school officials recalled more than 0 percent of the teachers they laid off four months ago, but the decision late last week means 9 teachers will be laid off the next school year. The state made midyear aid cuts of more than $ million of its expected revenue. The district also made an accounting mistake of nearly $1 million by forgetting to account for the tuition of 19 special-needs out of district students last year. The committee rehired 6 of the 105 teachers who received layoff notices in late February. The teacher count for the new school year will be 483. The 9 that have been laid off include 1 high school teachers, 9 at the middle schools and 4 elementary school teachers.

EP School Officials Revise Budget

School officials made additional changes to the school system’s spending plan for the next four months to end the fiscal year with a balanced budget rather than $1 million in the red. District Chief operating officer Lonnie Barham said the department would reduce utility and maintenance expenses by $1 ,100. Administrators also discovered that the department has about $50,000 less in special-education costs than it had expected. The system’s revised budget, which was presented to the City Council last week, also showed $401,000 more in savings from cuts previously made to staff salaries and benefits. The savings were far less in those two categories in a draft version of the revised budget, which Barham gave to the School Committee two weeks ago. Yet the biggest change was the department’s decision not to pay down its deficit from past years. It had been chipping away at the lingering shortage — which was last reported at $5. million in August 009 — every year with city meals tax money the council set aside for that purpose, as well as with any other savings that department officials could find. The council gave the schools $500,000 of its meals tax receipts this fiscal year, which began Nov. 1, 009, and ends oct. 31. District officials then hoped to reduce the cumulative deficit by $1.15 million.

Barham’s draft budget to the committee still projected reducing the debt by $500,000. That money and a slew of spending cuts — to books, supplies, transportation and technology — will now be used to keep the district in the black. “We do have a five-year deficit-reduction plan that we think is viable,” Barham said. He said it will be presented to the committee, council and state auditor general in the near future. But upset taxpayers at Tuesday night’s council meeting said this city routinely breaks its promise to pare down the School Department’s arrears. The meals tax money “wasn’t supposed to be used, but a lot of things happened since then,” Councilman Robert Cusack said. Most notably, the general aid from the state was reduced in the middle of the year by nearly $ million for the school district. The city also received less than it expected in state aid and reimbursements. There was also a district mistake in which school officials failed to track the tuitions of 19 special-education students who were taught out of district last year. It cost the department more than $956,000 this year. Without those significant changes, Cusack said, the city probably would not have been in this predicament. Mayor Joseph S. Larisa Jr. also said the deficit-reduction plan that is in the works will eliminate the school debt in four years rather than five. Barham said, “We’re planning on living within the [projected] revenue we are getting [next year].”

E P Teachers’ Contract Approved By City Council

The EP City Council unanimously ratified a new teacher contract after a public hearing Tuesday night. The two-year agreement, retroactive to Nov. 1, 009, imposes longer work days, a longer work year and larger classes at the high school and two middle schools. Under the pact, the 51 educators also accept unilateral salary and benefit reductions — which include a 5-percent salary reduction and 0-percent contributions to their health-care costs. The old contract, which expired oct. 31, 008, cost the city $135. million over the three years, or an average of $45 million each year. The new contract will cost the city $39.5 million this and next year. Class size will increase from a maximum of 5 to 8 students in most classes

at the middle and high school level. The teachers union agreed to drop its unfair labor complaint over the district’s plan to pay teachers based on performance rather than seniority, levels of graduate work, as well as planning involvement. In exchange, the district agrees to delay the start of this pay structure from July 011 to November 011. The district also agrees not to cut teachers’ salaries further than the 009 unilateral reductions. And the pact ends the plan by district officials to make teachers take several unpaid sick days before cashing in on paid sick days. Teachers hired before 1984, will have five fewer sick days per year. The new contract commits the district to using 33 percent of any unexpected revenue to restoring laid-off teachers, decreasing class size or paying the current educators for their extra time.

Inside this Issue

Births..................................63 Business Directory................... 0 Classifieds................................ 69 Clubs......................................40 Dining Guide............................65 E.P. Chamber of Commerce..... EBCAP News............................1 Events & Activities....................34 How You Can Help.................1 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................48 News Briefs................................3 opinion.............................. From the Mayor................. 0 Talk of the Townies........... 1 EP Education Assoc. ........ 1 EP School Committee........ 3 EP Taxpayers Assoc. ........33 Parks and Recreation.............. 9 People......................................44 Senior Center News................60 School News......................51 Scouts...............................56 Sports Update.......................54 State House.......................58 Town News............................ 8


The Reporter July 010


Summertime! Finally, your chance to relax and unwind! With your sunblock, sunglasses and a good book, you plan to enjoy the day at the pool! Suddenly, you remember your dog is in the yard unsupervised ….surely he will be okay for a couple hours. Or will he? By: Dr. Amy Hurd Likewise, some pets react in a similar way to thunderSummer temperatures might be great for tan lines storms. Normally calm pets may become distressed, and boating trips, but the excessive heat and increased destructive and even bite in an attempt to get away from outdoor activities could spell disaster for your pets. As the noises. While running, they are at risk for being hit the mercury rises, take just a few moments to insure by a car, becoming lost or encountering another animal that your pets are safe and prevent an urgent trip to the who might be aggressive. animal ER with a summertime emergency! The warm summer season also brings out a host of The most common heat related problem for pets is pests that will actively seek out your pets. heat stroke. Also known as heat stress or hyperpyrexia, Fleas and ticks are two examples, but some species heat stroke is a real emergency for dogs. Even on modof biting flies are very fond of dogs’ ears. Repeated bites erately warm days, an excited dog might show a body can cause a condition that can be serious and difficult temperature increase of to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. to control known as “fly strike”. Since dogs don’t sweat like we do, they are unable to It is possible to enjoy the summer with your pets dissipate the excess heat and heat stroke may soon by taking just a few precautions. First and foremost, follow. always be aware of the weather forecast. Knowing the Any outdoor pet can overheat on a warm sumpredicted high temperature can help guide your plans mer day, but short-faced breeds, such as Pugs and for the day. Don’t leave your pet unattended outside Bulldogs, are at a higher risk. In addition, every year or plan heavy exercise on hot, humid days. If you pet thousands of pets succumb to heat stroke because is left outdoors, he must have access to adequate they were left in cars while their owners ran “just a shade and fresh water. When it’s time to run errands, few” errands. Many cities and states have now made leave your pet at home. Even a few minutes in a hot it a crime to leave your pet unattended in a vehicle. car is enough to increase your pet’s body temperature These are important laws as even on a 0 degree day, dramatically. temperatures inside a car can soar to over 110 degrees If you find your pet disoriented, panting excessively in less than one hour! or collapsed in the yard, move him immediately to a Some owners try to help their pets by shaving the cooler environment. Use cool wet towels over his back, dog’s long coat. Although this seems like a good idea, armpits and groin to help bring his temperature down. a well groomed and clean hair coat can actually insuFans are often helpful too. Do NoT USE ICE! Then, get late the dog from the heat and help keep them cooler. him to your veterinarian immediately so that they can Veterinarians will recommend shaving specific areas assess his status and begin life saving treatments. in long-haired breeds. For example, shaving around Your veterinarian is also a good source of advice for the anus and groin can help keep the area clean and products that will kill fleas and ticks. Some veterinarians free from infections. In some cases, shaving the hair also carry a product that repels biting flies. coat could expose a lightly pigmented dog to potential If you are planning to take your pets to any outdoor sunburn. For short-haired lightly colored breeds, Cacelebrations or cook-outs, find out first if pets are welnine Solar Dermatitis is another problem. Boxers, Pit come or if fireworks are planned. It might be easier Bulls and Dalmatians are just a few examples of dogs to simply leave the dogs at home rather than risk a that are at risk. In these cases, chronic exposure to hot run-away or injury. sunny days damages the skin and causes tender, red Most parks allow pets, but rules vary by park and scaly lesions. Eventually, the skin becomes thickened of course your pets must be on a leash at all times. and scarred. Check ahead on the parks you plan to visit. When the sun goes down and the temperatures start Summertime should be a time for relaxation and to cool, your pets still face many summer challenges. fun…don’t let a pet emergency spoil your good time. The patriotic holidays during the summer months are You can fi nd more helpful pet care information at www. often preceded by and celebrated with fireworks. The PetDocsonCall.com; www.VeterinaryPartner.com; bright flashes and loud bangs are terrifying to some www.healthypet.com or ask your local veterinarian. pets and can cause anxiety, stress and even escape. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Amy Hurd is a veterinarian and the owner of Bristol County Veterinary Hospital in Seekonk, MA; and can be reached at 508-336-3381 or email: Bristolcountyvet@verizon.net

July 010 The Reporter


The East Providence


Letters to the Editor...

Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please note: • Letters MUSt be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUSt arrive by the 15th of the month! • we will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!

email: news@eastprovreporter.com

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A Big Thank You from Fred’s

David and Elyssa Collins.

P.o. Box 170 rehoboth, MA 02769

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help with the 14th Annual Fred’s Service Center Car Show. We registered sixty-two custom cars, sold and enormous amount of food, raffled off many prizes and were very successful raising donations – we collected a significant amount of money for our chosen charity! Every year, our proceeds are donated to a different charity. This year, we chose a set of twins from East Providence named David and Elyssa Collins who have Cerebral Palsy as well as hearing problems. Their parents have exhausted a lot of their savings on David and Elyssa’s medical expenses and they are extremely grateful for all who helped us with the show. We would like to extend our sincere thanks for your help in making this a most successful car show. Sincerely, Fred & Pat Vinhateiro


our East Providence School Administration has become the biggest disappointment in the past year. once again, they use a magic wand to look good, this time they have decided to use the food tax monies to pay down this year’s deficit. In the past the $500.000 was given to the School Department by the City and was used to pay its deficit for previous years. one might say what the difference, in my opinion it is really nothing? However it still leaves the School Department with a $5. million dollar shortfall as of 009. The district Chief operating officer proposed a budget that would be in balance instead of being in the red for $1 Million Dollars. The trouble is can we believe this Administrator who is prone to double talk in the past. He is in charge of all operations and this district made a mistake in tracking the tuitions of 19 special-educations students who were taught out of district at a cost of almost $1 million dollars. Now that would have given a balanced Budget and the $500.000 could have reduced the previous year’s deficit. That again would only happen if they did not screw up the budget and the million was in this years readjusted plan. continued on page 6

The Reporter is...



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target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento call 401-569-4 6 Feature writers David Howard Carolyn Bray Laura Calverley Gina Wesley-Silva Photography Norm Spring technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela o'Connell Special thanks to: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral TCI Press

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The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.


The Reporter July 010

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What is more thought-provoking, this Chief operating officer does not take any responsibility for not realizing that the 19 students were not accounted for, and they dumped the Special Ed Director. once again double talk she resigned. I bet with no pressure from the Administration. Yes this Chief operating officer talks a good game but still cannot get it right, so why should this community believe that he and his staff will balance the budget this year. This School Committee should eliminate his positions and others to balance this budget. We just have too many players on the Administration Staff. We are going to change school hours, increase class sizes, reduce transportation, cut back on supplies, and books! If all this happens who are the losers, not the administration. It is time to reduce the heavy hitters like the Chief operating officer and balance our BUDGET, because I for one don’t believe in this hogwash and we will balance the budget. Remember over a year ago I gave thumbs down to Mr. Barham for his play on words. Right? What ever happened to consolidations? Same old, same old with a school committee that’s has spent millions on attorneys. It will be interesting what November will bring. Bob Enos

Dear School Department Decision Makers,

Are there no limits to your random decisions? Your latest round of obscure decisions has truly left many of us in this city scratching our heads. 9 students who are currently sixth or seventh graders at MMS will be sent to RMS next year. Another 51 Hennessey students who would have previously gone to Martin will now also go to Riverside and 14 students from Silver Spring who would have gone to Riverside will go to Martin… You’re kidding, right? What boundaries did you use for this decision? Hennessey is in the Center of The City people! There are many children living in the Silver Spring and Kent Heights neighborhoods with 0 915 zip codes! That is certainly a more natural selection for moving students to RMS. If you’re going to arbitrarily redistribute children, pull out a map first! And about changing the start times… City Leadership is stressing over high unemployment in this city but yet you are asking parents to go into work and alert their employers that they will now be late for work every day. Parents will still have to make sure their kids get to school safely but, at a new time next year because the School Department thought it would be a good idea? Brilliant! As soon as every parent who has a job and a child in an EP school becomes unemployed, we won’t have to worry what time we start school. Parents won’t have a job to rush to so it won’t matter! Why in the world wouldn’t you just tack on the extra time to the End of the Day? Most people already have care in place for their children after school! It would be less of a hardship to parents this way! If it’s the transportation budget that has your khakis in a twist, try widening the area in which bussing is available or omit the bus monitors that currently cost the city a jaw dropping $315,000 per year according to your budget. You could also save another $81,000 per year plus by eliminating the director of transportation! Maybe you can give the job to Dr. Caswell as part of her six-figure salary. It would appear that in your quest for a Culture of Achievement, you have forgotten one major element… common sense! There are five School Committee Members… Here’s what I’d like to see…each one pick a point of interest and rein it in. For example:

July 2010 The Reporter • Member 1… Corral all the principals and get education costs under control, including special education. • Member 2… Get the Vocational School full either with our students or some type of exchange program with the surrounding communities to offset our expenses and get the seniors internships with local businesses. While you’re at it, expand the adult education evening programs to generate more revenue. • Member 3… Figure out why it costs us $4 M to bus less than 6000 children for 180 days. • Member 4… Get the cost of our School Administration cut by at least half. And last but certainly not least… • Member 5… You will have the most important job of all… Get our test scores and our graduation levels UP! I’d also like to see (This is only a Partial List): • Immediate Forensic Audit • A full-time grant writer • The Landscaping Program take over the maintenance of the E.P.H.S. fields as part of their program • More participation from parents and the PTSA’s • The return of a decent math program from K thru 12 • Substantial, unwavering debt reduction plans • Immediate and regular ongoing repairs and maintenance to the schools • Full-day K across the board • The return of the gifted program • Bi-Weekly School Committee Meetings • More aggressive approach to non-resident children attending EP schools • Reduction of legal fees • Include more input from our teachers as they are on the front lines Chrissy Rossi


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The Reporter July 010

Math NECAP Scores Reviewed

In March 010 I was asked to speak to the East Providence High School (EPHS) School Improvement Team (SIT) regarding Math NECAP test scores and what the school is doing to improve. It was a productive discussion and it led to a request from the East Providence School Administration for me to present information to the School Committee in regard to the same topic. I have not been able to make that happen (family commitments and scheduling conflicts) so I am writing this letter to provide that same information to the parents of children attending EPHS currently and in the future. I feel confident that this letter will reach more people than a live or tape delayed school committee meeting. The 009 Math NECAP scores at EPHS went down this year which shocked and disappointed everyone in the mathematics department. I have my theories as to why this occurred: - the idea that the test does not matter and therefore our students did not put forth their best effort - math is the last subject tested over an extended testing period in october (ELA and reading are also tested) - poor attendance in math class - a degradation of mathematical skills (numeracy) that is required to master more difficult concepts in high school math courses. - a two and a half month summer break away from math before the NECAP It is not my intention here to use these as excuses, just as topics of conversation for ideas to look for improvement. over the course of this school year there have been numerous initiatives (both at EPHS and throughout the district) to turn these scores around and improve numeracy and mathematical conceptual understanding. Math teachers at the high school and across K-1 in East Providence are working extremely hard to assist our students in their math performance (not only during NECAP assessments but in math classrooms everyday). My letter speaks directly to the EPHS math department, but this same story is being played out everyday across all schools in East Providence. Specific initiatives at the high school include: - Summer course work (similar to summer reading) for honor students was instituted last fall. This summer every student enrolled in a math class at EPHS has a summer assignment that is due first week of school and will be assessed at the beginning of the year. For more information please see the EPHS web site in the “What’s New” section. The goal of math course work is to bridge the time

between June and September. Hopefully students will remain sharp and focused so less instructional time is spent reviewing topics that were taught in previous classes. - Extensive usage of NECAP previously released items in the fall before the testing window and continuous usage throughout the instructional year. Examples of previously released items are available on the RI Department of Education site. - K-1 Curriculum development completed three course high school courses (Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Algebra) to align instruction and assessment and ensure there are no gaps in mathematical topics listed in Grade Span Expectations (GSE) and in the future to Common Core Standards. These documents (as well as all K-1 curriculum documents) are available at the district web site. The teachers that were involved with this effort have a further understanding of what is being taught not only at the high school but across K-1 . on a separate note the K-1 Science Initiative starts September 010. - Development of Mathematics Checklist designed for students to reference when they are completing portfolio assignments and extended projects and tasks. Students now have a complete understanding of what math teachers expect in order for them to be proficient on specific tasks. Teachers have modeled student work (both proficient and non-proficient) so students get an increased awareness of the expectations for proficiency. The checklist is available on the district K-1 curriculum web site. - Development of four on demand portfolio assignments for each course that challenge students by increasing the rigor required to problem solve at the high school level. - Development of common end of year assessments (exams). These assessments can also be used as a portfolio assignment if the student meets proficiency. Many teachers have begun to use common quizzes and tests as well. - Common planning time is spent collaborating with colleagues working on assessment development, as well as calibration of student work to determine what instructional strategies are working in different classrooms. The amount of collaboration and sharing of best practices among teachers is at never seen before levels. Educational leaders need to be smart when developing “pay for performance” initiatives that could prevent this essential collaboration. - There has been an increase in technology to assist instruction including Gizmos, explore learning videos and Prentice Hall instructional videos. These instructional strategies have been in-

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July 010 The Reporter corporated into the K-1 curriculum so students will become more familiar with them as time moves forward. - The Prentice Hall Math books used at EPHS are available on line for every student at EPHS. Each student has a unique username and password allowing them to see their book, see the worksheets and problems assigned, utilize instructional videos for support, quizzes, tests and vocabulary lessons. For instructions on how to access these books on line please see the student resource section of the school web site. This is an underused resource and I recommend to every parent that they implore their children to become familiar with the numerous opportunities provided to them by using the online book. This resource is a valuable tool that should be used for the summer course work and throughout the year. There is outstanding material here to help parents answer the “I did all my homework in school” dilemma. Incoming ninth grade student were recently uploaded into the system and have access to all materials. - Use of Graphic organizers like Frayer models and two-column notes (white board posters), as well as other instructional strategies learned in professional development and college courses. other manipulative instructional materials (student white boards, calculators, number cubes, chips, etc) have recently been purchased. - EPHS school bulletin board for posting of home work assignments and other resources (see link on EPHS web site and click on your child’s math teacher). Next school year parents will be able to access their children’s performance on test, quizzes and homework on a real-time basis through Power School. - A Math binder program was piloted by a number of teachers this year. The binder is a detailed an organized way of separating all math related materials so students can learn how to organize and study for math. Each student’s math binder is broken into sections (table of contents and log of assignments, start-up problems, homework, notes, test/quizzes, etc) so the student can access material in an organized method and answers the “you don’t study for math” statement that is popular with students. An increase in the importance of academic vocabulary in the school has not missed math classes. There is plenty to study. These are just a few of the initiatives that have been instituted this year. In combination with over 00 hours of documented professional development focused in areas of numeracy, Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR), personalization and literacy it is evident that there is a significant amount of dedicated work focused on improving our student performance on every

measurement tool available (class grade, NECAP, PSAT/SAT and whatever comes next). This list is only in the math department and is also reflected in every corner of the high school (and through out every school in East Providence). The list of initiatives in the future is just as impressive (more AP courses offered, improved portfolio system, lessons and units targeted with assessments, math lab for students entering the high school with a 1 on the 8th grade NECAP, mid-term and final assessments, extended portfolio tasks, etc). As the Mathematics department chair, I can report to the parents of East Providence High School students (I fit in this category as well- with two recent graduates from EPHS and two in the future) that there is ample opportunity for your student to succeed if they so desire. The teachers in the math department (and throughout the school and district) are standing by to instruct, guide, assist and most importantly challenge your student. We will continue to challenge ourselves, looking for ways to improve our instructional strategies and assessments. In my short tenure as department chair I have been so proud to be a part of such a hard working and dedicated team. I want to publically thank them for all of their hard work. They never hear enough public praise. However there is much more work to be done. What needs to occur is a sharing of the accountability for student success. It is more than apparent that the political climate has teachers more accountable than ever. However that accountability has more than one node. As a parent I have at times lacked the day to day focus on my child’s learning (thankfully my wonderful wife stays on top of them). If there is one thing I have learned in 3 year in the Navy, it is you get what you inspect. We as parents need to do our jobs by supporting our children. We need to get them to school, expect them to perform, monitor their progress, communicate with their teachers, celebrate their achievements (in and out of the classroom) and correct, instruct and educate them when they fall short. It is the parent’s role to set clear expectations for their success. It is our job as educators to prepare and challenge students, it is our job as citizens to support our schools by getting involved (volunteer as a senior project judge, come see the school play or a concert, etc.) and it is our job as parents to monitor what is happening in their academic lives. We are all in this together. Kevin Monagle Mathematics Department Chair East Providence High School

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The Reporter July 010


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Debra Donahue 401-419-4165

Bill Duquette 401-258-6826

Jean Clarke 401-374-5039

June Reardon 401-699-5458

Margaret Farley 401-447-8830

Michelle Rockwell 401-954-1159

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Ted Friedman 401-864-0269

Jane Marshall 401-486-4847

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July 2010 The Reporter

Told Ya’ So

Having recently warned of the dangers of secret negotiations, I now assert that the proposal approved by the School Committee last Tuesday still includes a number of costly provisions that our city simply cannot afford. It is now quite clear why the union demanded secret negotiations. Such tactics clearly serve the interest of union officials who use the threat of lawsuits to extort unaffordable concessions from school officials. The recently proposed teachers’ contract in its current form is not affordable to the city of East Providence in a current fiscal crisis such as the one we currently face. This contract must not be approved by the City Council without significant alterations. Among the most haunting provisions carried over from the old contract are automatic annual pay increases in the form of guaranteed “step” increases and reimbursement for unused sick days as part of a generous policy that had been slated for the scrap heap. Furthermore, the School Department dropped a provision in the earlier proposal that called for reopening negotiations on salaries and health insurance in the second year of the agreement. The School Department has unresolved budget deficits, city revenues are declining, and property taxes are unaffordable, yet neither the City Manager nor the Auditor General have been presented with any method by which the additional deficit will be reduced. With exorbitant excise taxes already facing residents, the last thing homeowners need is a contract extension that does not address a $5.3 million deficit run up in the past two years coupled with a $1 million deficit recently uncovered in last year’s school budget. It is simply not appropriate for the School Department to be offering pay increases and sick day buy backs when it is deeply in debt and has not balanced its budget this year. The revenue outlook is highly uncertain and continues to deteriorate. To the credit of the school committee, the proposed teachers’ contract is a major improvement over its predecessor and contains significant education reforms, but is still unaffordable and cannot be adopted in present form. The Council must send the agreement back to teachers’ union leaders and the School Committee with direct instructions to cut out unaffordable provisions such as these. The General Assembly should not even consider going to recess without addressing such issues on a statewide basis. After leaving localities “holding the bag” for the General Assembly’s implausible illusion of “no new taxes”, it serves as painfully obvious to East Providence residents: The General Assembly is more concerned with the satisfaction of union officials than the needs of this city’s residents. Allowing this to continue over the summer recess is inexcusable, and serves as a clear indication of the legislature’s lack of intention to address such issues in a manner that Rhode Islanders can afford. Steve Gerling

Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation Third Annual Event a Success

On Saturday, May 29th, The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation held its third annual fundraiser at Saint Brendan School Hall which was made possible by the generosity of Father John Unsworth. This year’s fundraiser, building on the success of its first two years in existence raised close to fourteen thousand dollars which will continue to be used to award four $2000.00 scholarships through the Citizens Scholarship Fund. These scholarships are awarded to both graduating and continuing students studying the disciplines of Music/Theater Arts, Culinary Arts and the Field of Medicine. Additionally funds will be allocated to the Music/Theater Program at East Providence High School, and the adoption of families battling cancer at Hasbro Children’s Hospital during each year’s holiday season. Thanks to the support of the events many sponsors; Helping Hands Associates, Shamrock Financial, Arrow Limousine, Miller Chiropractic, Coastway Community Bank, Healy Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, Johnston Firefighters Local 1950, Bottomline Foods and Catering by Emily Vale. Your support allows one hundred percent of all proceeds to go towards the foundations mission. Also many thanks to our major donors, Schroder’s Deli, Gregg’s Restaurants, PPAC, Flemings Restaurant, Trinity Repertory Theater, Waves of Healing Massage, Worldwide Enterprises, Best Buy, Newport Playhouse, Doug’s Music Center, Knights of Columbus 1528, Jaffe Family Orthodontics, Scialo’s Bakery, Woods Heating Service, National Sign Company, Mammoth Media, BankRI, Pine Valley Country Club, The Pawtucket Red Sox, Chelo’s Restaurants, Bethesda Marriott Suites, Del’s Lemonade, Eleven Forty Nine Restaurant, Sweenor’s Chocolates and Jamie Silva of the Indianapolis Colts. Without all those in attendance, the sponsors and donors who generously support the foundation, we would be unable to meet the core value on which the foundation was founded: “Even through adversity, an individual can still make a difference in other people’s lives.” Through your continued support we will eventually reach our goal of having each scholarship fully endowed. Lauren Zarembka passed away on September 23, 2007 after battling a brain tumor for two and a half years. The foundation was founded in her memory. For more information on the Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation visit its website at laurenzarembkamemorialfoundation. vpweb.com Thank you to all who supported this year’s event.

Things I Can Remember!

Robert Hall Department Store (where the Taunton Avenue Emergency Room is now) Kinney Shoes was right next door (most of East Providence’s Easter shopping was done between these 2 stores in the late 50’s early 60’s) And if all else fails, you could run next door to “Zayre”:) How ‘bout the old “Broadway Mill Outlet”! Thanks for making me smile by “remembering when”! Sincerely, Debbie Branco


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The Reporter July 010

News from the East Bay Community Action Program... East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offers a wide array of health and human services for area residents. Its upper bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000.

East Bay Community Action Program’s (EBCAP) food pantry at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. in East Providence recently received a donation of baby items from the students and staff at the Myron J. Francis School in East Providence. The school held a “baby shower” from June to 11 at which baby food, diapers, baby wipes, formula and baby toiletries were all donated. “We really appreciate the efforts of the students, parents and staff at Myron Francis School in providing this donation,” Dennis Roy, Chief Executive officer of EBCAP, said. “With an increasing number of residents using our food pantry, the baby items are an important addition to the products we offer,” he added. * * * EBCAP’s food pantry at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. in East Providence also received a donation of $ ,63 from Stop & Shop at 19 5 Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence, as part of the grocery chain’s Food for Friends drive. The funds will be used to buy Stop & Shop cards to be used to buy fresh produce, cereals and other food products, to complement the existing items at the food pantry.

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Get ready to go on safari with Barrington Presbyterian Church at Vacation Bible School this summer! Join Faye the Zebra, Amy the Monkey, Bud the Elephant, Sam the Meerkat, and Jonathon the Giraffe at Baobab Blast, God’s Great Get-together. on the savannah, the baobab tree serves as a meeting place for people to gather and share stories, and that’s what we’re going to do! Kids will have the opportunity to hear the Word and be amazed at God’s wildlife creations. They’ll meet new friends, sing awesome songs, make cool crafts, play zany games, and munch yummy snacks. Each day kids will grow in faith as one of our “critter guides” helps us learn to trust, love, follow, care, and share. when: August -6, 010, from 9:00 a.m. to noon where: Barrington Presbyterian Church, 400 County Road, Barrington, RI 0 806 who: All kids ages 5 through fifth grade (must turn 5 by Dec 31) how much: $ 0 per child, with a maximum family cost of $50 (scholarships are available!) Deadline for registration: July 10 To learn more and to request a registration form for your child by mail, please call us at (401) 45- 18. It will be a blast!

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July 2010 The Reporter


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Each and every day, East Bay Center (EBC) Inc., is involved in assessing and providing critical services that treat, heal, and reunite families. We’d like to introduce you to “Maddie”, who is an artistically talented fourteen (14) year old girl. When “Maddie” and her parents arrived at EBC for an intake, they sat at opposite sides of the waiting room – completely disconnected. During the initial meeting, “Maddie” became agitated, and both parents broke down crying. The parents were scared because their daughter had resorted to cutting herself as a way to deal with her feelings. Two years ago, the cutting started slowly and secretively, and “Maddie” learned to use this technique to feel “relief” from the every day things that stressed her, while her parents felt as though their lives were taken over by the sole purpose of keeping her safe from harm. “Maddie” had already missed three (3) months of school, because she had spent time in a psychiatric hospital, as well as an outpatient partial hospitalization program. At EBC, “Maddie” was enrolled in the Intensive Outpatient Program, which utilizes a form of treatment called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which is highly successful for individuals who experience considerable difficulty effectively managing their emotions that often result in the use of life threatening behaviors. It is important to note that while self injurious behavior may not always be indicative of suicidal thoughts or intent, clients should always be evaluated by a mental health professional for recommended treatment. From the first day, “Maddie’s” parents were given a folder of skills to practice a home, while “Maddie” was given daily homework and safety planning to practice skills that she learned every day in the program. Her days became structured both at home and in the program, and DBT skills became part of her daily routine. Through case management services, a collaboration was established with her school, and through tutoring she was quickly brought up to the level of her classmates. Her parents also engaged in family counseling to address how their efforts to protect their child were in fact reinforcing her self-harming behaviors. Her parents were counseled to do the unthinkable – ignore the cutting behaviors – but under the guidance of professionals. Through intensive therapy, “Maddie” learned mindfulness skills, emotional regulation, how to live in the moment, and how to sooth herself when she was bothered or stressed. Her parents continued to respond by utilizing and reinforcing the DBT skills, as they were taught – be gentle, be interested, validate her concerns, and approach with an easy manner. Her parents continued to tell “Maddie” that they loved her, but that they hoped she would choose to use her newly taught skills instead of cutting. As “Maddie” continued to apply learned skills, the family began to realize positive changes on all levels. In less than four (4) weeks, “Maddie” was stable, she had stopped cutting, and had no plans to cut in the future. Urges to cut that plagued her five times a day, became only daily urges, until even those faded away. “Maddie” was discharged from the program, but periodically sees an outpatient therapist to ensure that she continues to use these life-saving skills. She and her family feel that there is nothing that they can’t face together (or individually) and look forward to their new life together. If you or anyone you know is experiencing issues like “Maddie” and her family, please don’t hesitate to contact EBC at 401-2461195 and ask for “Intake”. We encourage you to visit our website at www.eastbay.org for information regarding services, employment, locations, etc.

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The Reporter July 010

Decorated Marine Colonel Speaks about Service in Afghanistan by Carolyn Bray

Colonel Lydon. Although he now teaches social studies at East Providence High School , retired US Marine Corps Colonel Joseph Lydon has a long distinguished Marine career, finishing with service as the Senior Marine at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan from April, 006 to April, 008. He also acquired a lengthy list of awards in the Marines, including the Legion of Merit, the Global War on Terrorism medal, and the Combat Action Ribbon with Silver Star. In a recent program at Newman Church in Rumford, Colonel Lydon spoke about his time in Afghanistan. His presentation included pictures of some of the Afghans and the terrain he came to know while stationed there. In simple and articulate language, Colonel Lydon told the crowd that the Afghan people themselves tend to really like Americans, and are mostly grateful for soldiers helping them build necessary structures like schools. He said, despite the Taliban’s attempt to restrict girls particularly, most Afghan people want children of both sexes to attend school. With forbidding terrain and a country shattered by more than 35 years of war, Colonel Lydon believes the Afghans appreciate the help they are getting. He emphasized how important it is to understand the lay-out of Afghanistan “at the extreme end of the world logistically,” to understand what does and doesn’t happen there. He said the elevation can be so high that it takes eight to ten days just to adjust to it.


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Colonel Lydon told the listening group that US Special Forces had money to use to persuade some villagers to switch sides (away from the Taliban). “They’ll do anything to survive,” he said somberly. He gave examples of how a system rife with corruption and pay-offs functions - or doesn’t - in that troubled nation. The Colonel also explained that a lot of US Marines are in the Helmand Valley in Southwest Afghanistan now, which is where 93% of the world’s heroin is grown. He said the Americans there are trying to help the locals cultivate other sources of income, so that the “beautiful” fields of poppies no longer present an irresistible economic opportunity. (The New York Times recently published a story claiming there is reason to believe there is at least a trillion dollars’ worth of minerals beneath the mountains of Afghanistan - another potential source of income for the country.) A historically poverty-stricken people with few resources, Afghans will take to simple American items, the Colonel said. He smiled as he explained how clicking ballpoint pens became a status symbol among Afghan children they passed in their convoys while he was there, so the soldiers ordered in a lot of them to hand out. Colonel Lydon’s images revealed how forbidding the terrain of Afghanistan can be. He showed the audience one gorge that routinely loses lovers who come there to be alone off its cliffs, because they slide off the problematic road. The cave-ridden abutting Northern Pakistan mountains, where osama bin Laden was long thought to be hiding, has never been raided by any single power in the very long history of invasions there, it is that difficult to both reach and control. The indigenous residents, the Colonel explained, have their own tribal ways and codes of conduct. People like bin Laden have benefited from what the Colonel said is a custom called pashtun wali, which means one must be hospitable to visitors. Colonel Lydon also referred to this arduous terrain as a reason osama bin Laden has been so elusive, and a reason the media doesn’t get all the reports of events he would like to see on the news. “It’s difficult to get around… a very hard place to get to,” he said. Although he was gently derisive of media members who don’t want to travel with the Marines, Colonel Lydon’s proud description of the Marine determination to engage in fights and battle to the end rather clearly suggested why more members of the media didn’t sign up to be embedded with his troops. The Colonel also speculated that osama bin Laden is now in a city, probably in Pakistan. When asked why a check of relatively rare dialysis machines couldn’t produce his location, he pointed out that even the stories that bin Laden suffers from kidney disease that requires him to have dialysis could be untrue. Colonel Lydon also stated, with understandable pride, that he was a stickler with his soldiers about following all security measures to the letter, especially as their convoy traversed the Afghanistan countryside, and that the result was that, in his two years there, only two of his men were injured - and none were killed. Mr. Lydon teared up when referring to his troops in this way. And he ended his very informative presentation with a slide showing the classic Shakespeare quote about soldiers being a “band of brothers.” He also provided a suggested reading list to help inform those interested about the ways and lifestyle of the Afghan people, like the books The Kite Runner and Three Cups of Tea. It is obvious Colonel Lydon cares deeply about the soldiers he commanded and the controversial country he worked within - students at East Providence High School should benefit greatly from a teacher with his knowledge.

July 010 The Reporter

Continued from Cover...

“Sizzlin’ Hot” 2010 Summer Concert Series!!! This years’ line up looks like this: Thurs. June 4 Sh-Bop (50’s oldies) Thurs. July 8 Acoustic Sunset (Top 40) Thurs. July Wizdom (Classic Rock, oldies) Thurs. July 9 Avenue A (Swing) Thurs. August 5 RI Rocks (Rock & Classic Rock) Thurs. August 1 Branded (Country) Curti also shared some interesting tidbits about this years’ Summer Concert Series performers, “Chris Daft of Acoustic Sunset is the brother of former E.P. High School principal Edward Daft, and both of them used to work for the recreation department. Karen Mellor, who is the drummer of Avenue A is an E.P. librarian, and Mike Marcovich of RI Rocks is the husband of Lisa Marcovich who is the front woman for Beyond Blonde, which is the band that will open for The Spinners this year at the E. P. Heritage Festival!,” she says. Sullivan says Rose Larisa Park itself has become very popular. “We get a lot of requests for weddings, picture taking, birthday parties, etc. The spot is just so pretty, and because of the bandstand and the gazebo, it can accommodate just about any event! In fact, that gazebo has become quite a little artist enclave. You can go by there any morning and see a group of people doing painting and landscaping. It’s wonderful!” Sullivan and Chace function mostly to assist Curti in locating and booking the bands for the series. Chace says, “I am just excited to help out with the organizing of this event each year. I love the park and I love the concerts. There is ample parking, great music, it‘s all just such a blast!” Sullivan and Curti wholeheartedly agree! A concert may have to be cancelled and/or rescheduled in the event of bad weather, so Curti says if the weather forecast is gloomy, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 401- 435- 511 by 3pm on the day of the concert to get further instructions.

Call us at 508.252.6575 to advertise in the next issue ads@eastprovreporter.com



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is the 20th of each month

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The Reporter July 2010



Annual Scholarship Awards The East Providence public school teachers are proud to offer a sincere congratulations to all graduating seniors of East Providence High School. Over the last 25 years, in good financial times and in bad, we have continued to award our annual scholarships to students who have displayed excellence in the classroom and a commitment to furthering their education.

Congratulations To Our 2010 Recipients: Heather Contente - Stonehill College Kristen Saucier - Emmanuel College Timothy J. Silva - Rhode Island College Luis Olmo - Rhode Island College Alejandrea O'Neil - Hofstra University Paid for by East Providence Education Association

July 010 The Reporter

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The Reporter July 010


Talk of the Townies By Bob Rodericks

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The King Is Gone

“Mr. Elmasian was a great principal and a wonderful role model for me when I was a student at East Providence High School (class of ’93). He was strict and stern but had a great sense of humor (and could laugh at himself) and he understood the teenage mind, at least as much as anyone can! He always had a smile for you and regularly walked the corridors, popping into classes to ‘check’ on his students. He truly cared about his students, his school and his vocation. In my book, he was what “Townie Pride” meant and he taught us pride in our community and in ourselves. To the Elmasian family, please accept my sincere condolences at your loss. All of East Providence is thinking of you at this time!” The aforementioned was written in an online guestbook after the recent passing of long time EPHS principal, Arthur Elmasian, by Alan D’Aiello of Brighton, UK. The preceding passage was similar in sentiment to the many condolences expressed by Townie graduates. Retired EPHS principal, Arthur Elmasian, known affectionately as “King Arthur” to thousands of Townie graduates, passed away on June 14th, at RI Hospital, following a brief, unexpected illness. Elmasian was surrounded by family and close friends at the time of his death. I was privileged to have become a close friend of King Arthur for almost 45 years. I first met him when I was a th grade student at the old Central Junior High School off Taunton Avenue. Elmasian was an iconic figure to all who came to know him. To those of us in junior high school, he was the gruff and burly math teacher and later vice-principal who could relate to all types of students. He could make the biggest and meanest junior high bully, break down into laughter as he would handle student discipline cases unlike most other school disciplinarians. He had a special knack for teaching and working with ‘at-risk’ students.

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Arthur Elmasian.

July 2010 The Reporter He would request the toughest classes - the ‘sweathogs’, if you will, while many teachers would shy away from such a group. These were tough kids and he handled them with a deftness that child psychologists could only admire. He did it all at Central Junior High, taught math (algebra, geometry, etc.), coached baseball, winning a state championship, and became the school’s vice-principal in charge of discipline and attendance. After being bitten by the political science bug (coincidently while in Jr. High) I ran for and was elected to the East Providence School Committee in 1976. I was just 22 and only 4 years out of high school. I was the board chairman when the principal’s position was open at the high school in 1979. Back then EPHS was bulging at the seams with 2400 students (in 3 grades) and some 200 staff in double sessions. The school was very difficult to manage. Then Superintendent of Schools, Myron Francis, wanted someone to take charge of the high school and wanted a disciplinarian who could also connect full circle with the academic needs of the school. That is usually a tough combination to find in a large public high school. Francis and some of us on the committee began to look toward Arthur Elmasian. One or two members voiced a concern that an administrator used to dealing with discipline all day, might not make the leap to the head academician of a school. Francis thought that Elmasian earned a chance to work his magic at the high school. In a 4 to 1 vote, Arthur Elmasian was named principal of EPHS in August of 1979. Arthur Elmasian graduated from EPHS in 1949. Then principal James Bates and Edward R. Martin were on the faculty along with Alice Waddington. Elmasian went to Providence College, graduating with a teaching degree in 1953. He remained an avid PC basketball fan until his death. In fact, a few people who sit in Elmasian’s season ticket area at PC games heard about his passing and attended his wake service. Elmasian was hired to teach at Central Junior High in 1955, after serving the nation in the Korean War. And the rest became history quickly. Dubbed “King Arthur” by his students through the years, Elmasian became the consummate students’ principal. All of the text books on the market can’t teach a young teacher what they should know about mentoring students. It was too bad that more student-teachers couldn’t spend the physical time with Arthur Elmasian as their mentor. Elmasian would usually arrive at the high school by 5:30 A.M. and didn’t leave until very late afternoon or early evening. He had few if any outside interests. His reason for being was to be principal of his alma mater. Elmasian loved to promote Townie athletics whenever possible. He was a regular fixture at games in the high school gym or at Pierce Stadium. He would follow his Townie teams on the road also. Elmasian was the past chairman of the R.I. School Principals Committee on Athletics. He also was the past R.I. Interscholastic Director of Football and Baseball. Many an evening in his retirement he volunteered to collect tickets at games and help supervise events. He was equally interested in the arts as he enthusiastically promoted and attended plays and concerts at the school. There was the year that he accompanied the EPHS band as they marched in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York City. There in all his glory was King Arthur marching alongside his “kids” as he helped chaperone the band on that trip. In his retirement Elmasian was visible in the community. He was chairman of the high school Hall of Fame Committee and was a member of the Friends of Townie Athletics and the high school Alumni Association. He attended games and concerts and was a great golfer, although his busy years as principal didn’t allow him much tee time. But he never complained about that. To King Arthur, his “kids” came first. I often wondered what would have happened if Arthur Elmasian had taken the advice of so many and had run for elective office in East Providence after his retirement? He rejected these overtures mostly because he disliked the hypocrisy of politics and he was a


‘tell it like it is guy’, right from the gut. For his sake I am glad that he didn’t run for office. He deserved much better in life than the political nastiness that has reared its’ ugly head in EP. But I know that there isn’t a person alive that would have come close to defeating him for any seat he might have sought - not by a long shot. I talked with Arthur the night before he died. He was scheduled for a fairly routine surgery the next morning and Diane and I wished him well. He said that his health was in God’s hands and he just wanted to get home quick. He had a Hall of Fame meeting to organize and he didn’t have time to stay in the hospital. The next day brought a glimmer of hope and then shock and sadness. King Arthur never made it home, never made his meeting. As word got around EP that Arthur Elmasian had died, grief spread like a windblown fire. Phone calls crisscrossed Townie Nation as people asked if they had heard yet or was it true. This was the second Townie icon to have died in a little over a month. Elmasian’s good friend and former Superintendent of Schools, Myron J Francis had just died on May 8th. Townie Pride was being tested as it has never been before. And it was Townie Pride which kept much of East Providence together as collectively so many felt these losses. The ‘Father of Townie Pride’ and now ‘King Arthur’ were gone. People lined up at 3 P.M. for a scheduled 4 P.M. wake for Arthur Elmasian. Hundreds and hundreds in a long line which twisted on long into the night. While in line many talked about their years at EPHS or at Central. Some left to go home and check on things and came back to still wait in line. City leaders from the school department and city government came to show respect but most impressive to me were the many townie graduates who came to say goodbye to their former teacher or principal. Many getting a bit older now with kids of their own in high school or beyond, and were eager to reminisce about their “King Arthur” memories. Townies consoling townies - for hours. The funeral mass at Saint Martha’s church was more of the same. Student choirs singing, tears flowing and memories discussed. In a eulogy that I was humbled to give, I talked about an outpouring of love for this teacher, this mentor, that so many of us were blessed to have known. Emily Croke reminded everyone how her grandfather loved the Frank Sinatra song, ‘My Way’. She urged all to live life as Elmasian did - like the song’s lyrics that her grandfather loved to sing out so loud! An honor guard of Elmasian’s former colleagues, students and friends, greeted the funeral procession as it entered the church and again as it left. It was a touching moment to see such a large honor guard encircle the casket of their fallen friend and his family in a silent and moving tribute under a brilliant sunshine that morning. As the cortege approached EPHS on its way to the cemetery in Pawtucket, the tributes continued. The school flag was at half mast and draped in black. The funeral car came to a near stop as teachers, staff and students of EPHS lined the sidewalk in honor of Elmasian’s last ride by his alma mater. The Elmasian family and funeral procession were visibly moved. The Walnut Hill Cemetery is old and has no chapel. The pallbearers lowered Arthur Elmasian to the ground and this 78 year old former teacher and soldier was finally at rest. In God’s hands, as he had said days before he died. Yes, in God’s hands, but he will forever be in the hearts and minds of the thousands of former students, parents, staff and others who were touched by Arthur “King Arthur” Elmasian, for a very long time to come.

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The Reporter July 010

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FROM THE MAYOR’S DESK by Joseph S. Larisa, Jr.


The best School Committee in the country started the job and your City Council recently finished it. After nearly 19 months, teacher union leadership let its members vote on a contract that was affordable to EP taxpayers, allowed essential programs for kids (e.g., sports, band) to remain in tact, and gave teachers the peace of mind of a contract in place through october 31, 011. In a tribute to good government, the contract only became legally binding after a full public hearing – unique in the state – at which all the financial details were presented and taxpayers and teachers spoke. The openness was a direct result of the Charter Amendment that I proposed and you passed 0% to 30% in 006 that mandated the Council ratify school committee bargaining agreements, the same way it has to ratify all police, fire and city union contracts. With the State cutting school aid over $ million this year and the taxpayers unable to afford any increase in school aid in light of a $3 million State aid cut to the City budget, it was either this contract or a double digit property tax increase costing EP taxpayers $300 - $500 or more than you are already paying this year. Your Council and School Committee, despite tremendous pressure by big labor, said no way to that type of tax increase in the middle of the “great recession.” The old contract, contained 5% pay increases and a 0% healthcare copay and health care buybacks costing over $600k a year. The new contract, retroactive to November 1, 009, reduces pay 5%, institutes a 0% healthcare copay and eliminates the buybacks. In sum, the old contract cost the EP school system an average of $45 million a year. The new contract should cost about $39.5 million a year for this year and next. That’s a much needed savings of over $5 million a year. Unfortunately, it does little more than offset the draconian cuts that the State inflicted on EP and our schools. out of necessity, the contract calls for increased class size from 5 to 8 in core curriculum at the high school and middle schools, but it also adds 15 minutes to the school days there to assist students in getting to class on time. At the elementary schools, teachers will meet for an hour and fifteen minutes one day a week for common planning. Teachers also agreed to a “pay for performance” model rather than seniority and education effective at the end of next year. All good stuff for the kids. In sum, EP has gone from the worst contract in EP history – adopted when I was off the Council and before the Council had the right to approve or reject – to arguably the best in these extraordinarily tough times. The contract also properly promises to dedicate a portion of increased school revenue in future years to reduce class size and increase teacher pay. The truth is that the terms of this contract (in fact, lesser ones) were available to the teacher union at any time in the last 19 months, but the leadership refused to negotiate them; relying instead on failed (and costly) legal maneuvers, and pickets and pressure on elected officials. Fortunately, after a lost court case and the School Committee’s resolve to balance its budget, at long last the leadership realized that state cuts made these changes unavoidable – and your elected officials were simply not going to raise more money from salaries and benefits through a double digit tax increase in these times. Meanwhile, the City has taken an equally necessary and tough stand with all of its unions, including police, fire and steelworkers.

July 010 The Reporter It resulted in an unprecedented City budget that is $ million less this year than last year. The cutting across the board is not fun at all, but necessary if we are to avoid a 10% or more tax increase that EP taxpayers simply cannot afford. As a proud product of EP’s public school system, I know how hard our teachers work to educate our kids. They have made a great sacrifice for our City with this contract, and deserve our gratitude for acting in the best interests of our community. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please email me at mayorlarisa@verizon.net. * Joe Larisa was elected Mayor of East Providence for a fourth term in December 008 by the Council. He was elected councilman at large in November 008, a position he previously held from 199 - 00 , and 004-06.


East Providence Education Association By Val Lawson

“The East Providence Education Association (EPEA) negotiations team worked diligently to achieve a settlement on behalf of EPEA members. The team unanimously recommended the tentative agreement that has now been ratified by both the teachers and the School Committee. We feel this agreement addresses the needs of the community, and gives teachers the protection of our union as we all move forward to make East Providence schools excellent for all students. “To set the record straight, the School Committee claims that teachers spread ‘misinformation’ about the agreement, and that is absolutely not true. Although School Committee members agreed to keep the details private until after today’s meeting, it was they who broke that pledge. Teachers were not the ones to appear on talk radio or in any other media to discuss the contract prematurely. “As we move forward, when they continue to act in this manner, it makes it difficult for teachers to work with and trust the Committee. Despite the months of turmoil, the EPEA has acted professionally and is the group in town that truly cares about education. “For the benefit of students, we are pleased to say that the new contract provides opportunities for teachers to work collaboratively by providing increased common planning times and more days devoted to professional development. Despite the efforts of the School Committee to raise class size, we were able to protect a 5-student limit for grades K-5 and keep physical education classes within safe limits. Unfortunately, the School Committee prevailed in setting the middle and high school class size at 8. “By accepting the current salary scale which makes them the lowest paid in the state, teachers recognize the difficult financial position East Providence is in. For the life of this agreement – November 1, 009 to october 31, 011 – there will be no further cutbacks imposed on teachers by the East Providence School Committee.”

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The Reporter July 2010

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July 010 The Reporter


East Providence School Committee Anthony A. Carcieri, EP School Committee Chair

Teacher Contract Ratified

The East Providence School Committee and Schools Administration greeted news of the Teachers’ Union ratification of a new two-year labor contract with elation. “This is great news for our school district,” said Superintendent, Mario Cirillo. “Now we can come together and move our schools forward together in the best interests of our students.” “We deeply appreciate that our teachers understand the terrible financial times we are in,” said Anthony Carcieri, School Committee Chair. “This contract gives us hope of getting through them, and improving our students’ education at the same time.” Under the new contract, the Teachers’ Union has agreed to accept the changes implemented by the School Committee on January , 009. Those changes include the rollback of a 5% pay increase teachers received in 00 and a 0% teacher contribution to the cost of health insurance, the first contribution to health insurance ever for East Providence’s teachers. Also agreed was a health insurance plan with a $500 deductible and prescription coverage with co-payments ranging from $ for generic drugs to $50 for specialty drugs. The Union also agreed to elimination of a costly “buyback” program that paid teachers $5,000 for not taking health insurance from the School Department. An increase in the maximum class size in Middle Schools and the High School could save the school district as much as $1. million in the next school year. “overall, the difference between the old contract that expired in october, 008, and this one represents approximately up to $ million of savings and the value of additional time that did not exist in the expired contract,” said Lonnie Barham, Chief operating officer. “We couldn’t ask our teachers to do more. We didn’t want to ask them to do more.” “No one can say we’re out of the woods,” said Carcieri. “It seems as if the State legislature takes away more from us every week. We have always wanted our teachers to have the security of a contract and now our teachers have the security of this contract in the year to come. They’ve earned it.” “The really exciting thing about this contract is what it does for our students,” Cirillo said. “The teachers have agreed to a lot of things that will make a real difference in the teaching and learning that goes on in our schools.” The new contract extends the school day at the High School and Middle School by 15 minutes. “That may not sound like much, but it solves a notorious problem that no one has been able to solve for a decade or more,” said Cirillo. The time between classes at the High School, known as “passing time,” is too short for students to be able to get to their next class. In fairness, teachers cannot discipline tardy students. “That has meant that the first 0 minutes or more of class time can be wasted time. “It was a travesty. We asked the teachers to help us correct it, and they agreed,” said Cirillo. In the Elementary Schools, teachers have agreed to meet before school for an hour and fifteen minutes one day a week to work on common planning and new educational approaches and techniques. “This is really exciting,” said Cirillo. “The teachers will work with their principals on scheduling this time. Studies show that teaching practice and student achievement will advance from this.” Middle School students will gain an additional 15 minutes of instructional time each day. “We’ll never be like Japan, with eight hours of instruction, longer weeks and longer school years,” said continued on next page


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The Reporter July 010

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Carcieri, “but this is a total of 45 hours more instruction per year. That has to make a difference.” Under the new contract, teachers will work 184 days per year, three more than before. That time will be devoted to professional development. “We have a remarkably dedicated faculty. This year, they’ve already put in over 8000 hours in our professional development center, working to improve. Now we will have a chance for coordinated, department-wide advanced education for teachers. That will allow for a seamless educational program from Kindergarten through High School. It won’t happen over night, but that will be our objective. This contract is about improving teaching and learning in our schools,” said Cirillo. This is great for two other reasons as well,” said Barham. First, we’ll save some money by not having teachers take days out of class to meet their continuing education requirements. Also, studies show that student learning declines when the regular teacher is out of the classroom. We are picking up three days for our students with their regular teachers. That’s huge.” “We had no desire to increase the maximum class size,” said Carcieri. “The economics forced our hand. We are satisfied, though, that we’ve done a lot to improve education in this contract. Without the money, there were no functioning computers in our schools. That was the way things were a year ago. Now we have been able to work with our teachers to take another giant step forward in the coming year.” The new contract calls for wages and benefits to remain unchanged through october 31, 011, unless unforeseen funding is provided by the City, State or federal governments. “We’ve agreed that 33% of an unexpected increase in our revenues, beyond the budget, would go towards paying teachers for some of the extra time they’ve agreed to put in, or to reducing class sizes, recalling laid off teachers or increasing wages. of course, if the money is designated for a particular purpose, that wouldn’t apply,” said Barham. Unanticipated revenues might come from federal programs such as Race to the Top or legislation designed to return laid off teachers to the classroom. “We urged the Teachers’ Union to get serious about negotiating a contract, and they met the challenge,” said Carcieri. “It’s great to have everyone working together to provide the best education we can afford. That is exactly what this contract stands for.”


National Education Association Rhode Island State Teachers’ Union Slams East Providence City Council

National Education Association Rhode Island (NEARI) President Larry Purtill called the East Providence City Council’s attempt to interfere with the teacher contract vote last night another in the long line of insults to the city’s 51 educators. (In June), the East Providence School Committee ratified the collective bargaining agreement with the teachers, which should have ended 1 months of controversy in the city. Instead, the City Council first claimed it had a role in approving the contract with the teachers, and then delayed any action for at least two weeks, thereby holding up progress in the entire school system. By law, the School Committee is the only body required to ratify the agreement.

July 2010 The Reporter Purtill stated, “For 17 months the teachers of East Providence have worked without a collective bargaining agreement. Teach® ers’ wages and benefits were slashed, threats of further cuts were made, and now the City Council is trying to hold the entire school system hostage. “Mayor Larisa and his cohorts are disrupting efforts to prepare for the next school year, and possibly costing the schools much needed funds in the process. The leadership of the School Committee and the taxpayers of East Providence should demand that the City Council stay out of school department business. They are hurting East Providence’s most precious resource – its children.” He continued, “Mayor Larisa and the Council are using the teachers solely for their own personal political agendas without 100% Money Back Guarantee considering what is in the best interest of education in East ProviWe guarantee that the equipment werepresenting have dence. The School Committee needs to do its job education by standing to the Council.” installed willup perform as we have stated. If not we Purtill concluded, “Throughout this crisis, the educators in will remove it and return 100% of your investment. East Providence have always been there for the children. It is too bad we cannot say $500 the same about all of Date the elected officials. East Installation Guarantee Providence voters will have much to consider in November.”


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July 010 The Reporter



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The Reporter July 010

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The City of East Providence announced the official opening of The Turner Reservoir Raised Walkway at a ribbon cutting ceremony held on Friday, June 11th. The Turner Reservoir Raised Walkway is a series of stone dust paths and raised boardwalks that extend through a varied natural ecosystem for an approximate distance of 1,800 feet (between Pleasant Street and the Turner Reservoir dam). Funding for the design and construction was provided by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, the Champlin Foundations, and the City of East Providence. The walkway was designed by the landscape architect firm The Gifford Design Group, Inc. and constructed by Solid Earth Technologies, Inc. The entire project was designed to minimize impacts to the tree canopy by circumventing mature trees and helical screw anchors were used to secure the boardwalk sections without the need of excavating soil, which minimized disturbance to the wetland floor. The walkway will serve as a nature trail and river observatory that will grant visitors access to scenic views of the Ten Mile River and the interior of a freshwater wetland without disturbing the plant and wildlife. Three interpretative sign panels will be installed during the summer that will inform visitors of the benefits of a wetland and the wildlife that can be observed along the walkway. Different types of ecosystems are present along the walkway that include the Ten Mile River, the riverbank, freshwater wetlands, and upland areas that provide habitat for a variety of plants, birds, mammals, and amphibians. A variety of different types of plants species can be found that include red maple, red oak, mountain laurel, American beech, white oak, gray birch, sassafras, highbush blueberry, cinnamon fern, and royal fern. Wildlife that can be observed includes a large variety of birds (i.e. downy woodpecker, gray catbird, black-capped chickadee, American crow, northern mockingbird, mallard, great blue heron), and mammals and amphibians (i.e. northern raccoon, eastern chipmunk, masked shrew, striped skunk, grey tree frog, green frog, American toad, common snapping turtle, painted turtle, and redback salamander).

In Response To NEA Attack On City Charter

In 006 the voters of East Providence, by an overwhelming 0% to 30% margin, mandated that all collective bargaining agreements be ratified by the City Council – the body that sets the tax rates. To date the Council has ratified 3 school department agreements – custodians, teacher aids and administrative assistants in accordance with the law. While the NEA does not like this taxpayer-protection law and indeed wished the contract terms to be kept secret from the public until it was a done deal, the Council will defend and protect the Charter and the integrity of an open process. Despite NEA opposition, there will be a full disclosure of the terms of the contract (it is online now) and a full public hearing on the proposed contract on June 15th. The taxpayers expect and deserve no less. My opinion is that the agreement reached is fair and one that was available to the union leadership for over a year if they had not refused to negotiate. The contract is retroactive to last year, so the notion by the NEA that Council ratification costs money is pure fiction.

July 2010 The Reporter


The School Committee and the Council have always put EP kids first; always mindful of how hard their taxpaying parents have been hit by the great recession. The Council fully recognizes the tremendous, but necessary financial sacrifice our teachers are making with this contract. The City owes them a sincere thank you for this agreement as well as a promise to dedicate additional funding their way as soon as the economy allows. Mayor Joe Larisa

East Providence Parks & Recreation Department Youth Tennis Clinic

A beginner tennis clinic will be offered to area youth ages 7-12. The program will be held on Thursdays, 6 to 7 PM from 7/1/10 to 8/19/10, at the Kent Heights tennis courts located on Clyde Avenue in East Providence. The program is likely to continue into fall on Saturdays based on availability. The program will be instructed by Gunjan Gupta, a local high school student and tennis player. Ms. Gupta is giving the lessons free of charge as a community service and to provide an opportunity for area children to be introduced to the sport. Pre-registration is required by calling the East Providence Recreation center at 401-433-6360. Space is limited. Participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Completion of a consent form and a parent/guardian signature will be required at the first class.

It's Free... Did you know...You can send Wedding and Birth Announcements, Club and Organization Events and Meeting Dates, School News, Church listings and special events and more!!!

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The Reporter July 2010

Lazy, Crazy, Hazy Fun in E.P. This Summer! By Gina Wesley-Silva

School is out, vacations are on, the days are long, and the weather is hot…must be summertime in East Providence again! Remember back in the days when we were kids? Remember how we couldn’t wait to get out of the house on a hot summer day, and run, or ride a bike, down to the nearest park, (which was Hull St. for me), and play all day? What fun we had in those days! Each year the E.P. Parks and Recreation Department continues this tradition by offering great summer playground programs for city kids to enjoy, as well as offering programs for adults, mostly at the Recreation Center in Riverside.

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And, even though some of today’s kids seem to prefer to stay in the house and “chill” in front of the TV, the computer, or on facebook, even they cannot deny that getting out of the house to hang out with friends, and participate in activities at the park is a much better way to spend their summer! So, Recreation Center Coordinator Diane Sullivan, who jokingly refers to the recreation department as the “command center” for all summer programs, says it is important that city residents know what is going on and where it is going on this summer. “It is important for us to get the word out about what we have going on at the parks this year,” she says. She further explains that, “Last year we had to streamline the program, and run leaner and meaner, we had to consolidate all the special events for the children, and cut staff and playgrounds, but it was a really fabulous summer! There was always something going on and with fewer playgrounds there were more children participating at each one, so it worked out better actually. And that is what we expect for this summer too.” Sullivan points out that the kids won’t just be hanging around the playground each day, and says there are lots of activities for them to enjoy every week. “We take the kids on at least three trips each week, we take them bowling, swimming at the boys and girls club, and they go to the beach once a week too,” she says. Recreation Center Supervisor Rebecca Chace, fondly remembers going to the park as a kid herself. “I remember how we would go out to the park and how it was always so much fun and how it absolutely provided a very positive experience for me, and I enjoy that we keep that tradition going today,” she says. Chace also mentions other special events that will happen at the playgrounds this summer. “This year we’re going to have a mass picnic and camping day,” she said. Chace and Sullivan say they expect this year’s program to be fun-filled and very enjoyable. The specifics of the summer playground program are as follows:

2010 Summer Playground Program

Playground activities are for youths aged 6 - 15, beginning on June 28 and ending on August 6 at 12 noon. You may enroll your child at any time during the summer. Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 9:30am - 3:00pm, weather permitting. Activities include athletics, arts n’ crafts, bowling, swimming, beach trips, and special events. All play sites will be closed Monday, July 5th. The following parks will offer the summer program. Please register at the park closest to your home: *Glenlyon Field *Hull Street *Pierce Field *Providence Avenue *Riverside Recreation *Silver Springs *Special Needs (Pierce Field) For more information on the Departments Summer Programs, call the Recreation Center at 401-433-6360 or 401-433-6359.

Recreation Center Adult Programs

EXERCISE CLASS - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30am - 10:30am JEWELRY DESIGN - Tuesday 1pm - 3pm YOGA - Thursday 9am - 10:30am SWIMMING & POOL EXERCISES - Tuesday & Thursday 9am - 10:30am (at Boys & Girls Club, 115 Williams Ave., E.P.) INDOOR TENNIS LESSONS - Monday 8:30am - 10am *Court fee PILATES - Monday & Wednesday 5:30pm - 6:30pm (June 7 - August 11. Pre-pay $80. for entire session.) YOGA - Tuesday 6 - 7:30pm/$12 per class. *Please bring a non-slip mat.

July 010 The Reporter


riverside Memorial Day Parade

Bob Faria- East Providence School Committee & Steven Santos East Prov. School Com. Walking the Riverside Memorial Day Parade

East Providence Honor Guard Walking In the Memorial Day Parade in Riverside

Dr. Harrison T. Smiley Announces That He Is Moving His Practice To Envisions Eyecare Center,

1970 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence RI (Next to East Providence High School) Dr. Smiley has been in practice in East Providence since 1973 and will continue caring for his patients, as well as accepting new patients on a regularly scheduled basis. Call 401-438-1166 for an appointment. Dr. Smiley will provide all optical services needed, and will screen for medical conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal disease. He is pleased to welcome his patients and have them experience a new and expanded facility, utilizing the latest technology in eye care delivery.

Dr. Harrison T. Smiley

Dr. Smiley will provide comprehensive eye care services for the entire family: children, adults and senior care. He has extended experience in cataract, glaucoma and retinal management and has served as staff optometrist for nursing homes in the area.

Envisions Eyecare Centers, Inc. are owned and operated by Dr. John S. Corvese. They specialize in providing personalized optical care to adults and children from all walks of life, in a professional and friendly manner. They offer all optical services, from a vast selection of contact lenses, to a wide array of eyeglass frames. Fashion and designer frames and sunglasses are available at the new adjacent Elegance N Eyewear boutique.

Envisions Eyecare Centers, Inc. accepts most insurance and vision plans, flexible spending plans, and all major credit cards. Operating hours are arranged to accommodate the busy schedules of hard working families.

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The Reporter July 010


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Above: Luisa Abatecola, East Providence School Committee member, at the Memorial Day parade


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Veterans at the Memorial Day parade

July 2010 The Reporter

East Providence Taxpayers Association EPTA Seeks Auditor General Review of Impact of Teachers’ Contract on School Deficit and Taxpayers before Council Approval of New Pact

The taxpayer group believes it is inadvisable for the City Council to approve the new teachers’ contract until the Auditor General has approved a plan for correcting the deficit in the school budget for the current year. The group says the Council must take extra care to make sure the contract will not increase the school department’s debt. (East Providence, RI – June 14, 2010) – The East Providence Taxpayers Association (EPTA) today wrote to Acting Auditor General Dennis Hoyle expressing its concerns that ratification of the newly proposed teachers’ contract by City Council would result in additional unlawful school department deficit spending unless a viable deficit elimination plan approved by the Auditor General is adopted first. The East Providence City Council is set to consider approval of the new teachers’ contract at its meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM at City Hall. The School Department announced in April that it had an anticipated school budget deficit of $2.5 million in the current fiscal year. State law requires the School Department to develop a corrective action plan to eliminate the deficit and to transmit the plan to the City Council within five days of the discovery of an anticipated budget gap. The plan must also be approved by the Auditor General. The School Department has not yet produced a deficit corrective action plan approved by the Auditor General. The EPTA letter asked the Auditor General to communicate to the City Council before the close of business Tuesday his views about the advisability of the Council ratifying the teachers’ contract before a corrective action plan for eliminating the current year’s school budget deficit was approved. The letter also asked the Auditor General to communicate to both the City Council and the School Committee his opinion about whether or not the East Providence School Department is currently in compliance with the state laws requiring development and approval of a deficit elimination plan. The EPTA also asked the City Council in a separate letter to defer approval of the contract until a deficit plan was approved. EPTA spokesperson Bill Murphy said, “We do not believe it is advisable for the City Council to ratify the proposed teachers’ contract until there is a deficit elimination plan in place that has been carefully reviewed and approved by the Auditor General. This is all the more true given that the contract does not include cost-savings proposals like a temporary 3% reduction in pay, and replacement of seven (7) paid sick days with unpaid ones that School Committee legal counsel had previously stated in an April 21st letter to the teachers’ union were required by law to eliminate the budget deficit in the current fiscal year. In addition, the proposed contract contains increases in longevity and base pay as well as sick day buy backs. The agreement also does not include the provision for reopening negotiation of salary and health insurance costs in the last year of the contract that had been included in an earlier April 27th proposal. The School Department has said it is working on plans to eliminate the deficit by achieving savings in other areas, and we hope this will be possible.” Murphy continued, “The bottom line, though, is that we simply cannot afford the risk of signing a contract that could lead to further deficit spending at a time when the city and its taxpayers can least afford it. We can’t risk a mistake that will lead to more deficit spending that could jeopardize the future financial stability of the city or our ability to borrow at the most competitive interest rates


possible. The best insurance against these risks is for the Council to wait to approve the teachers’ contract until the Auditor General has approved a deficit elimination plan for this year that takes the financial impact of the new contract into account.” Murphy finished his statement by noting, “It is vitally important that this situation be handled carefully in order to ensure the ultimate ratification of the new teachers’ contract without the unlawful accumulation of additional debt. This contract is a watershed accomplishment in that it includes agreement between the School Committee and the teachers’ union on education reforms including a longer school year and school day, common planning time and improved professional development for teachers, and the institution of a performance-based compensation system while at the same time eliminating many of the unreasonable and excessively costly pay and benefits provisions of the old contract. We are confident that careful attention to the deficit spending problem will enable us to win passage of a teachers’ contract that moves our School Department forward while at the same time ensures that we are complying with the laws against deficit spending.”

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The Reporter July 010

Events & Activities U12 Fire and Ice Fastpitch Softball Team

Rock the Bay

Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Sponsored by TK Concert Series

July 11th from 4:00 -7:00

Saturday - July 10, 2010 Noon - 7pm

American Legion, Willett Ave, Riverside RI Tickets are $10 at the door

(Rain Date: July 17, 2010)

Colt State Park

Hope St. Bristol, RI 02809

50/50 and many raffle items

ray tierney • the nBJ Band • Crimson rain • Unity • Lisa Boisclair & trophies of Grace • raging Grace To help provide for the needy, Ferry St. Ministries of Fall River will be collecting donations of diapers, wipes and Walmart gift cards. These will be a great blessing to the needy in that area.

Located at sites 81, 82, 83, & 84 Bring a picnic lunch & lawn chairs. A beautiful day in the park with live music and an ocean view. This event sponsored by the Ferry St. Ministries in Fall River For more information about this and other TK Ministries concert events go to: www. roc k theba y.org

Join Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island for

Family Night at McCoy Stadium

Area residents can help support Rhode Island’s largest and oldest hospice with a night out with the Pawtucket Red Sox as they take on the Toledo Mud Hens. Pawtucket Red Sox Night for Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island takes place on Thursday, July , at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket. Proceeds will benefit Home & Hospice Care of Rhodes Island, which has offered comprehensive medical, emotional and spiritual care for people facing life-challenging illnesses for over three decades.


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www.eastprovidenceri.net Community Development Download the “Housing Application” and the “Application Checklist” and email it back to: jsoares@cityofeastprov.com Or mail it to: Community Development City Hall Room 309 145 Taunton Ave, East Providence, RI 02914

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40% of this program consists of a grant and the other 60% is a 3% Interest Loan paid monthly for 10 years. or you may be eligible to receive a 0% Non-forgiven Deferred Loan due and payable upon the transfer of your property to another person or upon your death.

July 010 The Reporter PawSox night will feature an all-you-can-eat barbecue, beginning at 5:00 p.m., followed by the baseball game against the Toledo Mud Hens at :05 p.m. In addition to the barbecue and game, many activities have been planned, including music, raffles, autographs from the PawSox players and a silent auction featuring New England sports memorabilia. Tickets are $18 per person. Children ages 3 and younger are free. Sponsorships also are available. “What better way to showcase your support of Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island, and at the same time entertain your staff or guests, than with an evening enjoying America’s favorite pastime – baseball,” says Pam Cassidy, Stewardship and Special Events Coordinator, Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island. Anyone who wants more information about tickets or sponsorships may contact Cassidy at 401-415-4 1 or pcassidy@hhcri. org.

Putt With a Purpose!

Providence Children’s Museum’s Annual Golf Tournament • August 2nd


4th Annual Hasbro Children’s Hospital Motorcycle Run Sunday, August 29, 2010 Rain or shine

Donation: $ 0.00 per person Location: WalMart, 1860 Fall River Ave. Seekonk, MA Upper Parking Lot Ride Ends: Elks Lodge, 1 Constitution Street, Bristol, RI Fully Police escorted. Registration begins at 10:00AM. Ride leaves at 1 :00 Noon Sharp! Helmets required for ALL riders. Buffet-Music-Raffles-50/50 Raffle For more info – Call: Sandy Phillips at 508-336-0 90 or 508336-3 49 Events continued on page 38...

Energy Cost Got You Down! 438-5622

Providence Children’s Museum will hold the th Allen H. Chatterton Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, August at the world-famous Carnegie Abbey Club in Portsmouth, RI. Participants will take a turn on the Scottish-style links course, play in a tennis round robin, delight in spa treatments, or simply enjoy cocktails and dinner at the waterfront Clubhouse – there’s something for everyone! Golf packages begin at $ 50 for individual golfers and $1, 50 for foursomes and include 18 holes of golf, greens fees, cart, caddie, lunch, dinner, on-course beverages and a golf favor. Tennis registration is $150 and includes a round robin and dinner. Dinneronly tickets are available for $ 5 per person. All proceeds benefit Since 1949 Providence Children’s Museum. Leo A. Lusignan & Matt Lusignan Golf registration begins at 11:30 AM with a shotgun start at 1 :30 P.M. and prizes will be awarded for skill contests such as longest drive, closest to the keg and closest to the pin – including the chance to win a luxury car for a hole-in-one. The tennis round robin starts at 3:00 P.M., dinner begins at 5:30 P.M., and the evening includes a live auction featuring rounds of golf at exclusive courses. The Museum’s first-class annual golf tournament was instituted in 1983 by the late Allen Chatterton Jr., an early supporter and Board member of the Children’s Museum, and is chaired by his son, Allen H. Chatterton III of Chatterton Insurance in Pawtucket. Proceeds support the hands-on exhibits and innovative educational programs at Rhode A Complete Collision Center Island’s only museum especially for children and their families and enable the Museum to serve a growing number of children and • major & minor Auto / truck repairs caregivers of all economic, ethnic and cul• state of the Art 45 foot spray Booth for Cars & trucks tural backgrounds. Businesses and individuals are invited to • dupont Computerized Color matching become tournament sponsors or to donate auction items. For registration and informa• free towing with All insurance Claims tion about sponsorship and tee signs, visit the Museum’s website or contact Joanna • Competitive fleet rates Cotter at (401) 3-543 ext. 1 or cotter@ childrenmuseum.org.

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The Reporter July July 010 010


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Better than new 3/4 cape, new kitchen with stainless steel appli- Ranch, Fenced Yard, EIK, Deck, Fam ances, 2 full baths, new roof, new Rm, Wet Bar, 2 Baths, Hdwds, new Roof, Gargage. Not A Short Sale, windows, updated throughout, Taxes Refect Homested. $214,900 skylight. A real gem! $189,900






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Nice Cape. Vinyl sided, above ground pool, nice lot, dead end street, taxes reflect homestead. $189,900

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To be built 1800 sq ft, Ranch, 2 car Brand New Waddington 3 Bed garage, roomy master w/ bath, harwoods, 2 full baths. $479,900 Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, Hardwoods, garage, Great Area $ 299,900

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Immaculate Cape, 1-Floor living, Expansion possibility. Huge yard, this is a must see property. Move in condition. $259,900

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Kent Heights, Brand new Raised Ron Faria Ranch, gleaming hardwoods, 2 bath 401-578-0075 George Erickson 401-437-2030x237 central air. 2 car garage. $309,900

Dorene Coelho 401-559-5141

Mary-Jane King 401-524-6773

Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

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The Reporter July 010

Seekonk Congregational Church United Church of Christ, 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, Massachusetts

The Butler Did It! News Flash!

18th Annual Motorcycle Mystery Ride

Bristol Elks Lodge #1860 proudly sponsors the 18th Annual Motorcycle Mystery Ride to benefit The Impossible Dream Foundation for Chronically Ill Children, Sunday, August 1st, 010 Location: Bristol Elks Lodge #1860, 1 Constitution St., Bristol, RI 0 809 401- 53-9805/ 4-991-1 4 Donation: $ 0.00 Per Person Buffet-Music-Mileage Pool-50/50 RaffleDoor Prizes-Fully Police Escorted-Registration begins at 9:30AM Ride leaves at 1 :00 Noon Sharp! Helmets will be needed for this ride (We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone)

For more information go to www. mysteryride.info

Residential Commercial

A Recent Survey reported that: 5% of the Church population believes that the Chauffer did it, 11% believe that the Valet did it, 19% believe it was the Gardener who did it, 65% believe it was the Cook who did it...We have it on Good Authority that “The Butler Did It”

Come find out for yourself on Friday, August 27th or Saturday, August 28th at 7:30 P.M. When the Seekonk Shadowbox Players present this Murder / Mystery / Comedy

tickets: 2 choices: $12 - Light Summer Supper at 6:30 P.M., $10 - no Supper Play starts at 7:30 P.M. with dessert and Coffee between acts, Reservations Required. Reserve your space by calling the church office 508-336-9355


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July 010 The Reporter


Newman YMCA in Seekonk, MA Summer Family Events Stay close to home this summer and enjoy the following: Swim with the Dolphins every tuesday starting July 6th - from 6:30 - 8:00 P.M.

You can swim with the dolphins or other inflated sea creatures Swim is Free for Newman Y members; only $10 for nonmember Families (neighborhood friends $8/child must have a parent liability waiver on file at the Y).

Pool Palooza every thursday starting July 8th 6:30 - 8:00 P.M.

Enjoy super fun recreation swim time with floating sports games, noodles, splash balls and inflated sea creatures. Pool Palooza is Free for Newman Y members; only $10 nonmember Families (neighborhood friends $8/child must have a parent liability waiver on file at the Y)

eat Cheap Family nights thursday July 29th and August 26th 5:30 – 7:00 P.M.

All ages can enjoy a nutritious meal ($3/ member, $6/non-member) for the cost of fast food, swim before or after in the Y pool (4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or 6: 0 – 8:15 p.m.), jump on the moon bounce, play outdoor tennis or basketball or join family ZUMBA class 6:30 - :30 P.M.

old time Family Carnival Friday, August 6 starting at 4:30 P.M.

250 Bullocks Point Ave riverside, ri 401-437-4TAN

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Join us for our nd annual Carnival where you have an opportunity to dunk our hard working camp counselors, take a real live pony ride, play games and win great prizes. Discounted food, beverage and game tickets will be available at the Newman YMCA Welcome Center the preceding week. All proceeds benefit our Kids to Camp Scholarship fund.

Get 1 Visit FREE With Coupon • exp. 8-15-10

Anniversary Dinner Monday, August 16th 5:30 - 9:00 P.M.

Please join us as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Newman YMCA Building Construction and recognize special guests from the Board, the Building Committee, original employees and the donors who made it all possible. Gala Dinner will be held at the Wannamoisett Country Club in East Providence. Tickets are $ 5 each and must be purchased in advance at the LICENSED INSURED YMCA. Actually founded in 1945 using rented space in an East Providence Church, the Newman YMCA has developed into a cornerstone for the communities we serve. The current building was opened in october 1980 and is located on acres in Seekonk adjacent to the East Providence city line. The Y expanded in 198 and again in 001 to accommodate growing membership and the diverse community needs. The Newman YMCA offers youth development programs and healthy lifestyle opportunities for all ages while continuing to maintain a focus on social responsibility. STUMP GRINDING ~ LARGE TREE REMOVAL


Sign Up for Summer Programs

Still time to enroll in summer programs including Tennis Lessons; Backyard Pool Lessons where the Y lifeguards and instructors come to you and your neighborhood; Summer Birthday Parties; Y Team Challenge – your chance to team up with others to achieve all your health, weight and fitness goals working with personal trainers for 1 weeks starting August ; Karate for ages 5 and up and so much more including summer camp! Register online www.YMCAgreaterprovidence.org on the Newman branch site, by phone or in person. The Newman YMCA is a charitable non-profit organizations dedicated to building healthy spirit, mind and body for all through programs, services and relationships that are based on our core value of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. For details visit Newman YMCA 4 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA or call 508-336- 103. www.YMCAGreaterProvidence.org.

Jim Marcello

Seekonk, MA

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The Reporter July 010

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Tuesdays in July and August • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Kids create with natural materials, blow enormous bubbles and meet live animals – each week is a different activity exploring the wonder of science and nature. Ages 3 – 11 Dates: Tuesdays, July 6, 13, 0 and ; August 3, 10, 1 , 4, 31

wheels at work

Wednesdays in July and August • 10:00 A.M. - NoonKids climb aboard a fire truck, ambulance, forklift, giant digger and more and meet the drivers who operate them. Explore a different vehicle each week! Ages 3 – 11 Dates: Wednesdays, July , 14, 1, 8; August 4, 11, 18, 5

Dig In!

Saturday, July 10 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Sunday, July 11 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Celebrate the ground below – dig in to dirt and make magic with mud! Kids sift through soil for buried treasures and cook up mud pies with all the fixings. Ages 3 – 11



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Providence Children’s Museum is the BEST place for summer fun! Families continue to explore two exciting new play environments in the Museum’s native Children’s Garden that celebrate active outdoor play and join in special programs throughout the summer:

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Sunday, July 18 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Children create natural playscapes big and small as they sculpt with sticks, stones, shells, and other textured materials to design a three-dimensional space. Ages 3 - 11

Creative Constructions

Saturday, July 4 • 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Kids create artful Climber-inspired structures using a variety of recycled materials and take on new adventures and challenges as they navigate an obstacle course. Ages 3 - 11 Providence Children’s Museum – active summer fun, inside and out! The Museum is located at 100 South Street in Providence’s Jewelry District. September through March, open Tuesday through Sunday and Monday school holidays, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., and selected Fridays until 8 P.M. April through August, open days. Programs are free with Museum admission of $8.50 per person; admission is always free for Museum members. Call (401) 3-KIDS or visit www.childrenmuseum.org. Read the Museum’s blog: http://providencechildrensmuseum. blogspot.com/

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Considering Adoption?

Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

Adoption options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to :00 p.m. at 959 North Main St. in Providence on July 15, 010. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331-543 or visit www.Adoptionoptions.org.

July 010 The Reporter

Club News & Announcements


Cape Verdean 35th Annual Independence Day Festival

We are having our 35th Annual Cape Verdean Independence Day Festival on Sunday, July 11th 010 at Roger Williams Park, Temple of Music in Providence, RI. Since 19 6, the Rhode Island Cape Verdean Independence Day Festival is the oldest celebration of the Cape Verdean community in the United States. It preserves the Cape Verdean culture and celebrates the Cape Verdean heritage. The festival is from noon to dusk and features traditional music, dance and food, along with a cultural, health/wellness and educational tents. We will also have this year arts and crafts from local artists including various activities for children. Last year’s event was a huge success. Many vendors profited from the event. You are an important part of the success of our event. In this year’s event, we will once again invite more traditional Cape Verdean musical artists. We expect another large crowd. If this is your first time participating or you are a long time vendor, we expect that you will have a safe, fun and profitable event. We are still accepting applications for Vendors. Please visit our website to download the forms or phone me at (860) 8 4- 3 5. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s event. Thank You. Kindest regards, Joao Goncalves Co-Chair of the Cape Verdean Subcommittee

Charity Golf Tournament

The East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club and the Seekonk Lions Club announce their Annual Charity Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, July 6, 010 at the Wannamoisett Country Club, 96 Hoyt Avenue, Rumford, R.I. Anchor Karen Adams of WPRI-TV and Fox Providence will serve as Honorary Chair of this year’s event. Proceeds from the Rotary/Lions Annual Charity Golf tournament will benefit a number of community organizations including the East Providence and Seekonk High Schools, the Meeting Street School, Bradley Hospital, Seekonk Food Bank - Doorways, Seekonk Youth Baseball, Tap-In Food Bank and the RI Community Food Bank. The fee for an individual golfer is $1 5 and $ 00 for a foursome, and includes greens fees, carts, prizes, favors, lunch, after-golf hors d’oeuvres and dinner. A prize of $10,000 will be awarded to any participant who scores a hole-in-one. Sponsors of the event include: East Commerce Solutions Inc., Kavanaugh’s Bakery, Narragansett Brewery, Donnelly Photography, Atlantic Paper & Twine Co., Troy, Pires & Allen Insurance, Minuteman Press and East Bay Self Storage. “We are pleased to announce that the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary and the Seekonk Lions Clubs are joining forces to sponsor our charity golf event this July,” states Mike McQuade, president of the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club. “By bringing these two organizations together, we will maximize efforts and continue to serve our communities and aid those in need. Special thanks goes out to the Seekonk Lions Club members under the leadership of President Nate Helgerson for their willingness to partner with us again for the third consecutive year.” For more information on the Rotary/Lions Clubs’ Annual Charity Golf Tournament, contact David Murphy (Rotary) at 401-434-4300 or Keith Rondeau (Lions) at 508-336-9113.

People enjoyed the Cape Verdean Idependence Day Festival in 2008.

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The Reporter July 2010

Rumford Lions at the Heritage Days Festival

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The Rumford Lions & the Heritage Days Festival go together like a horse & carriage, you can’t have one without the other. No organization or vendor has participated in the festival longer than the Lions. Once again they will be selling their famous clam cakes and world renowned clam chowder. One hundred percent of the profit supports Lions charitable efforts such as eye glasses for students in need, food baskets during the holidays for those less fortunate, scholarships, Rhode Island Lions Children’s Cancer Fund, and much more. Every person working the Lions trailer is a volunteer whose only compensation is knowing their effort allows the club to help so many people. Visit to enjoy some chowder and clam cakes all the while knowing that your purchase is helping others. Also you never know who you will see at the trailer because it is a popular spot for people stopping by for some good conversation and fun. While you are at it pick up an information flier and membership application. Membership is open to all. The Rumford Lions Club recently held the election of the board members for the 2010 – 2011 year. They are: President: Craig Trodson VPs: Kevin Phelan, Bill Walsh, Tony Gomes Secretary: Ray Secour Treasurer: Bill Weber Directors: Dave Lanni, Richard Cappuccio, Mary Morra, Tail Twister: Bob Capello Lion Tamer: John Sousa Membership: Bill Kelly Recently the Rumford Lions sponsored a new club, the Barrington Lions. All members are local business people and/or residents in Barrington. They are very dedicated to helping out Barrington in any way they can. Even though the club was only recently formed they already presented a Stop & Shop certificate to a Barrington family who was affected by the rains and flooding. The club meets the second Monday of the month at 7:30 pm at Chiazza Trattoria in Barrington. There are currently 20 members but are seeking new members who want to serve and help the Barrington community. Anyone interested can contact Steve Phelan at stephen.phelan@wireless-zone.com or Ben Bairstow at benjamin. bairstow@wireless-zone.com. The officers are: President - Stephen Phelan) Vice President - Todd Mosher Secretary - Benjamin Reyes Treasurer - Claudia Maiorana Membership - Benjamin Bairstow

MOMS Club of Greater Providence Area Moms Offering Moms Support Playgroups • Park Play Dates • Community Service • Field Trips • Moms Night Out • Monthly Meetings with Guest Speakers Serving: East Providence, North Providence & Providence contact: providencemomsclub@yahoo.com 401-316-9495 http://sites.google.com/site/momsclubofgreaterprovidence Meeting 1st Friday of each month (next one 7/2) 10-12 @ Weaver Library, Children’s Area Grove Ave. E.Prov.

July 010 The Reporter


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MARK KOUSSA Rehoboth Antiquarian Society

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Word has spread that last year’s clambake (pictured above) was delicious, and tickets are selling fast! We’ll serve heaping plates of tender clams, fish, sausages, onions, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, stuffing, sweet corn, brown bread and iced cold watermelon. Tickets: $33. Seating is limited, so make sure to call soon: 508- 5 -4363, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575


The Reporter July 2010

People in the News Dr. Lisa Daft

The Rhode Island State Grange Lecturers Department recently held a Talent Contest at Oaklawn Grange Hall in Cranston. Above is a photo of the Lawson Family from East Providence and members of Roger Williams-Rumford Grange, who were chosen as “Best of Show�, and will be competing at the 2010 New England Regional competition. This competition will be held in August in conjunction with the New England Grange Lecturers Conference, to be held at Vermont Tech, Randolph Center, Vermont. The Lawson Family performed a medley of Gospel music.

On May 24th, Dr. Lisa Daft of Seekonk, MA completed the Aesthetics course at The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education in Key Biscayne, Florida. Dr. Daft participated in a class for dentists desiring to intensively look at designing naturally beautiful smiles in such a way as to optimize the long-term oral health, comfort, function and appearance of their patients. In this class, Dr. Daft learned how to treat patients who want cosmetic change. The recent surge in interest in cosmetic dentistry has created a need in many dentists to clearly understand the latest skills and concepts. Dr. Daft left this class feeling ready to create the smile of their patients’ dreams, while still giving them the a healthy mouth. The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education offers a comprehensive learning experience for dentists and other dental professionals. Its courses of study are recognized by leading dental associations and attract students, from all over the world, who want to provide their patients with top-quality, personalized care. Its state-of-the-science facility, curriculum, and renowned faculty make The Pankey Institute the premiere post-graduate experience in dentistry.

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Shirley Lawson, her husband John A. Lawson Jr., their daughter Cynthia Lawson Whitaker, and their son John A. Lawson III.

Talent Contest

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Warwick, RI - Dr. Thomas F. Wylie, Provost and Senior Vice President at New England Institute of Technology, is pleased to announce the following student(s) who have achieved Dean’s List status for the quarter ending June 5, 2010. Students must achieve a GPA of 3.6 or higher on a maximum scale of 4.0 to qualify. New England Institute of Technology, a private non-profit technical college, has an enrollment of over 3,300 students in more than 30 Associate, Bachelor and Master’s degree programs, and is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. East Providence RI - James Alves, Isabel Johnson, Daniel Landry, Kwame Mensah Rehoboth MA - Dale Musial, James Saleeba, Jason Sousa Seekonk MA - Donald Jutras, Steven LaScola, Caitlin Mastalerz

Area Resident Receives Wheeler School Diploma

Nicholas Killian, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Killian of Rumford, was among the 79 students to graduate The Wheeler School in Providence during the school’s 121st commencement exercises on Friday, June 11th Nicholas was a member of the Athletic Association, played on the Baseball, Football and Basketball Teams, and attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America program. In the fall, Nicholas will attend Guilford College. Speakers for this year’s commencement were the co-executive producers-writers for the ABC television hit Modern Family, Paul Corrigan and Brad Walsh, alumni of the Wheeler Class of 1990.

July 2010 The Reporter

The first place Bantam Division (ages 9-12) included teammates Lily Silveira, Justin Pruett, Kyle Overwood, Nathan Silveira and Michael Melo.

2010 National Duckpin Youth Championship

On June 26th, three teams from the Bowling Academy in East Providence competed in the National Duckpin Youth Championship tournament at Town Hall Lanes in Johnston. A total 28 teams came to Rhode Island to compete in this weekend long event. Two of the Bowling Academy’s teams clinched first place gaining the title “2010 National Duckpin Youth Champions” and the third team took home third place. The first place Bantam Division (ages 9-12) included teammates Lily Silveira, Justin Pruett, Kyle Overwood, Nathan Silveira and Michael Melo. The first place Junior Division (ages 13-15) were teammates Joey Conti, William Carlson, Tyler Chace, Manny Castro and Colby Miller. The third place Major Division (ages 1621) included teammates Danny DiCarlo, Jessica Durand, Zachary Foster, Brandon Puga, and Steven Borges. Congratulations to all teams for an outstanding effort and fun-filled weekend!

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The Reporter July 010

Rumford Resident Receives Doctoral Degree from Johnson & Wales University

Providence, R.I. — June 010 — Belinda J. Wilkerson of Rumford, R.I., (0 916) received a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from the School of Education at the Providence, Rhode Island campus of Johnson & Wales University on May 0, 010. Wilkerson’s dissertation was “Career Interventions: Practices and Preferences of Southern New England High School Counselors Supporting Students’ Individual Learning Plans.” Her major advisor was Martin W. Sivula, Ph.D., associate professor, School of Education. Prior to the evening commencement exercises Wilkerson, along with 9 members of the Class of 010 participated in a doctoral hooding ceremony that took place at the Hilton Hotel in Providence. Wilkerson is counselor-in-residence, R.I. School Counseling Project, School of Professional Studies, Providence College. She received her C.A.G.S. from Johnson & Wales University and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Rhode Island College. The keynote speaker at the evening commencement ceremony was Selim Gabriel El Zyr, president and chief executive officer of Rotana Hotel Management Corporation, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, who received an Honorary Doctorate of Business Administration in Hospitality Management, along with Frank Paone, president emeritus of Detroit College in Michigan, who received an Honorary Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership. Johnson & Wales University, founded in 1914, is a nonprofit, private institution. A recognized leader in career education, we offer accredited degrees in business, hospitality, culinary arts, technology and education. With a diverse student body of more than 16,000 graduate and undergraduate students, representing all 50 states and 98 countries, JWU prepares students for personal

and professional success by integrating rigorous academics and professional skills, community leadership opportunities and our unique career education model. The university is committed to urban revitalization and thoughtful historic renovation. Through active civic participation and by offering unique learning opportunities, JWU improves the quality of life in its campus communities in Providence, R.I., North Miami, Fla., Denver, Colo., and Charlotte, N.C. For more information, visit www.jwu.edu.

Paul Airozo Earns Certified Public Purchasing Officer Credential

Paul Airozo of Rumford was recently notified by the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC) that he has earned recognition from UPPCC by receiving the Certified Public Purchasing officer (CPPo) credential. Mr. Airozo was among 63 professionals nationwide who successfully completed the CPPo examination held May 3-8, 010. Established in 1964, this prestigious certification is an outstanding honor for individuals employed in the public purchasing profession and is an asset to their specific division of governmental administration. With the attainment of the CPPo certification, Mr. Airozo is the only nationally certified municipal purchasing official in the State of Rhode Island. To become certified as a CPPo, candidates must demonstrate that they meet specific requisites established by the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC); including formal education, procurement related coursework/training, public purchasing experience and functional management experience. A comprehensive written examination is required to confirm the candidate’s mastery of the body of knowledge for public purchasing

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July 010 The Reporter professionals. The CPPo certification recognizes only those professionals who have fulfilled these prescribed standards of competency in public procurement and indicates to the public that, having mastered a body of knowledge, Purchasing officials can make sound decisions that reflect maximum value for the taxpayer’s dollar. The UPPCC was jointly established in 19 8 by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) and the-National Association of State Procurement officials (NASPo) to independently administer certification and Paul Airozo. promote procurement professionalism in the public sector. Mr. Airozo has served as Purchasing Agent for the City of East Providence since August of 003. He is also a member of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing and the Rhode Island Municipal Purchasing Agents Association.



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The Reporter July 010

East Providence Public Libraries East Providence library locations www.eastprovidencelibrary.org Rumford Branch Library, 1392 pawtucket Ave., Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Riverside Branch Library, 475 Bullocks point Ave., Riverside, RI 401-433-4877 Fuller Branch Library, 260 Dover Ave., East providence, RI 401-434-1136

SARY HAPPY ANNIVER Announcing The First Anniversary Of Hattie Ide Chaffee Home's In-House Rehabilitation Department!

Congratulations on a successful year!

Library Concerts Rock!

Weaver Library’s Summer Music series begins with a special concert at the East Providence Senior Center. The next three concerts take place on the lawn of the library. Bring the whole family and enjoy a wonderful summer evening on us!

tuesday, July 13th 6:30 P.M. “A Good old Fashioned Summer Concert” at the Senior Center

The Chorus of East Providence will perform a “Good old-fashioned Summer Concert” indoors at the East Providence Senior Center, 610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI. Come and listen to a great mix of ragtime, gospel and well known tunes like: Alexander’s Ragtime Band, I Love a Piano, What a Wonderful World, Summer Nights and more! The Chorus’ very own barbershop octet will sing Goodbye My Coney Island Baby.

Hattie Ide Chaffee Home : * Short-Term Individualized Rehabilitation Programs * Home-like Environment * Non-Profit * Remodeled Private Bedrooms and Bathrooms * New Whirlpool/Spa * Free Wireless Internet * Free Cable TV * Highest Nursing Staff to Resident Ratio in the Area * Family Atmosphere Remember Hattie Ide Chaffee Home for your Short-Term Recovery Needs: * Stroke Recovery * Knee or Hip Surgery * General Surgery * Syncope or Falls * Cardiac Recovery

Hattie Ide Chaffee Home had 156 successful discharges to home last year!

wednesday, July 21st 6:30 P.M. Superchief trio on the weaver Library Lawn

Superchief Trio returns by popular demand! Superchief Trio features a great combination of two-fisted piano, red hot trombone, powerful vocals and energetic percussion, all rolled up into one small package. Swing, New orleans R & B, jump blues, boogie-woogie - it’s all in there.

wednesday, July 28th 6:30 P.M. Vocalist Carroll Venable and Goddess Delight Belly Dance troupe on the weaver Library Lawn



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200 Wampanoag trail ~ east Providence, Ri 02915

Carroll Venable, lead singer for the Alley Cats, an a cappella four part harmony quartet performing in RI and Boston and current vocalist for the Larry Brown Swinglane orchestra, will entertain with Big Band favorites and oldies. Also performing is East Providence’s own Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe in a unique concert not to be missed!

July 2010 The Reporter Wednesday, August 4th 6:30 P.M. Rhode Island Sound on the Weaver Library Lawn

Navy Band Northeast’s “Rhode Island Sound” is an exciting ensemble that is known for its versatility and showmanship! Enjoy the Navy’s excellent musicians as they play a wide range of music from rhythm and blues to contemporary rock. Weaver Library, 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 Questions? Contact the library at 401-434-2453. Library concerts are free and open to all.

July Activities for Children @ East Providence Public Libraries Summer Reading Program @ all locations

Record your summer reading to earn prizes & FREE passes to museums and other local fun spots. Four lucky East Providence readers, who complete 8 hours of reading by 2pm on August 5th, will each win four tickets to a Pawtucket Red Sox game and be entered to win a trip for four to Walt Disney World in Florida.

Storytimes @ Weaver

Thursdays, July 1 – 29, 10:00 a.m., geared for ages 2-6 and their adult caregivers Join us for stories and songs!

Chess Club

Thursdays, July 1-29, 5:30-7:30pm, ages 6-18 Limited to 30 participants. Call 434-2453 to register. Learn to play chess or improve your skills.

Performers (for families with children ages 4 & older)

Biomes - Tuesday, July 6, 2:00 p.m. @ Weaver

Live animal demonstration of local marine animals from Narragansett Bay, including puffer fish, seahorse, horseshoe crab, sea star, clams, and snails. We will start with a group demonstration of the specimens, followed by a hands-on experience where students may come up and touch and hold the animals.

Indigenous Storyteller Thawn Harris – Tuesday, July 6, 6:30 p.m. @ Riverside

Storyteller Thawn Harris shares his Narragansett culture through traditional song, dance and legends. Thawn Harris lives together with his wife and their four children adjacent to their tribal lands where they pass on the values and cultural life ways of their people. Following in the traditions of his ancestors, Thawn plays the cedar flute and hand-drum, is a social dancer and singer, as well as a former world champion of the Eastern War Dance.

RI Cartoonist Steve Brosnihan – Tuesday, July 13, 2:00 p.m. @ Weaver

Cartoonagrams are cartoon characters that are easy to learn to draw and easy to remember. Students use letters of the alphabet from a hint word or phrase to construct amusing cartoons. Steve encourages active, sometimes boisterous, call-and-response participation during the program.

Indigenous Storyteller Thawn Harris – Tuesday, July 20, 2:00 p.m. @ Weaver

Storyteller Thawn Harris shares his Narragansett culture through


traditional song, dance and legends. Thawn Harris lives together with his wife and their four children adjacent to their tribal lands where they pass on the values and cultural life ways of their people. Following in the traditions of his ancestors, Thawn plays the cedar flute and hand-drum, is a social dancer and singer, as well as a former world champion of the Eastern War Dance.

Magician Debbie O’Carroll – Tuesday, July 27, 2:00 p.m. @ Weaver

Magician Debbie O’Carroll is known for her highly innovative and comically theatrical magic shows. She writes the scripts, creates the costumes, and builds the props for all her presentations. She will be fishing for books in this delightful, participatory magic show created especially for “Make a Splash-Read!” Audiences ages 4 to 10 will have great fun as they meet some of the amazing and legendary creatures of children’s literature. They will play a game with the elusive Lake Champlain monster, meet Slewfoot Sue, a cowgirl who rides a catfish, and participate in the magic of a weather predicting groundhog. All this and more is in store!


Monday, July 12, 1:30, ages 6-11 – Make a “Wave in a Bottle.” Monday, July 19, 1:30, ages 6-11 – Collage Art Monday, July 26, 1:30, ages 6-11 – Learn to Face Paint

Create a Pirate Parrot (all ages)

@ Fuller, Monday, July 12, 11:00 a.m. @ Riverside, Monday, July 12, 2:00 p.m. @ Rumford, Tuesday, July 13, 11:00 a.m.

Sand Art

@ Fuller, Monday, July 19, 11:00 a.m. @ Riverside, Monday, July 19, 2:00 p.m. @ Rumford, Tuesday, July 20, 11:00 a.m.

Make a Jelly Fish

@ Fuller, Monday, July 26, 11:00 a.m. @ Riverside, Monday, July 26, 2:00 p.m. @ Rumford, Tuesday, July 27, 11:00 a.m.

Weaver Memorial Library 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 401-434-2453 Monday - Thursday 9-8; Friday & Saturday 9-5 Fuller Branch Library 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI 401-434-1136 Monday & Wednesday 10-6; Friday 10-5 Riverside Branch Library 475 Bullocks Point Avenue, Riverside, RI 401-433-4877 Monday – Thursday 10-8; Friday & Saturday 10-5 Rumford Branch Library 1392 Pawtucket Avenue, Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Tuesday & Thursday 10-6; Saturday 10-5


The Reporter July 2010

Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe

Mark your Calendars for Wednesday, July 28, 2010 when Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe will be performing at Weaver Library as part of their ongoing outdoor summer concert series. This should be a colorful and entertaining program for the whole family. Goddess Delight has been together for more than 3 years, performing throughout New England. Their enthusiasm and love of the dance can be infectious! So bring your chairs or blankets and join us. The show starts at 6:30. You can check us out on Facebook and at our soon-to-open redesigned website.

July Activities for Young Adults Ages 10 And Up @ East Providence Public Libraries Performers @ Weaver Library Musician Marc Bernier

Mystic Seaport Chanteyman! What Do you do with a drunken sailor? Marc, a professional musician, chef, and sailor, will answer that and other tricky maritime conundrums in this sea shanty based program. Monday, July 12, 3:30 p.m.

Magician Debbie O’Carroll

“Make Your Own Magic” class. Enjoy crafting your own seathemed magic tricks as you learn the secrets of magical performance. Monday, July 19, 3:30 p.m.

Games - @ Weaver and Riverside Libraries

Bingo – Tuesday, July 6, 3 - 4 p.m. @ Riverside Wii Games – Tuesdays, July 13 & 27, 3 – 4 p.m. @ Riverside Wii and Playstation – Monday, July 26, 3:30 - 4:30 @ Weaver


Patriotic Jewelry – Thursday, July 1, 3 p.m. @ Rumford Watercolor Art – Wednesday, July 7, 3 p.m. @ Fuller Sand in a Bottle; Colored Sand Jewelry – Thursday, July 8, 3 p.m. @ Rumford Forget-Me-Not Cones (to make and eat!) – Wednesday, July 14, 3 p.m. @ Fuller Candy Sushi – A new way to think of Sushi! Thursday, July 15, 3 p.m. @ Rumford Bead Making – Tuesday, July 20, 3 p.m. @ Riverside Nautical Flag Codes to learn and draw – Thursday, July 22, 3 p.m. @ Rumford Ocean pillows and Wall Hangings – Thursday, July 29, 3 p.m. @ Rumford

Goddess Delight at the Ronald McDonald House Walk, May 2, 2010.

Chess Club @ Weaver Library

Thursday evenings, 5:30-7:30, July 1-July 29. Call 434-2453 to register. Limited to 30 participants.

Open Mic Café @ Weaver Library

Sing a song, recite a poem, play a tune! The mic is yours! Bring your voice, guitar, keyboard, etc. and perform for your friends café style. Food and drinks will be served. Wednesday, July 14, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Goddess Delight.

YOGA @ Fuller Library

Come Home to

Learn basic yoga positions while discovering the benefits of yoga for your body and mind. Wednesday, July 21, 3 – 4 p.m. Call 434-1136 to register. Limited to 10 students.

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Learn about the history of henna as an art form and receive your own henna design! Wednesday, July 28, 3 – 4 p.m. Call 434-1136 to register. Limited to 20 students.

July 2010 The Reporter



East Providence and Riverside Students Prepare for Reality

East Providence, RI – Students from Edward R. Martin and Riverside Middle Schools in East Providence and Riverside, Rhode Island, participated in a CU4 Reality Financial Literacy Fair, sponsored by Columbus Credit Union. In preparation for the event, held at Edward R. Martin Middle School in East Providence on June 3, students were asked to choose a career and research a monthly salary. They brought this information to the fair and interacted with Columbus Credit Union and other selected businesses and organizations as consumers with real-life expenses such as food, clothing, housing, utilities, transportation, and luxuries. Students applied the knowledge they gained during the school year on managing their personal finances and budgeting, and experienced first-hand what it takes to make ends meet month to month by visiting with representatives from Best Buy, Bowling Academy, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Columbus Credit Union, Donovan Travel, Hair Essentials, Herb Chambers Honda of Seekonk, MetLife, Money Management International, Newman YMCA, and Stop and Shop. Students’ last stop at the fair was the “Wheel of Reality” where they spun for a financial surprise – from a $500 work bonus to a $500 computer crash. “Bringing programs in like the CU4 Reality Program and Fair that is focused on careers and personal financial management is very useful for the students. With the strong emphasis on meeting the curriculum standards, it is important that the students have a hands-on creative experience to allow our students to be engaged in activities that are geared toward the curriculum and the classroom presentations,” Glenn Piros, Principal of Edward R. Martin Middle School, stated. “The CU4 Reality Financial Education Fair was truly an eye opening moment for the students.” Sandra J. Forand, Principal of Riverside Middle School, said, “The program was very beneficial to our students. Students learned about the basics of financial literacy and will be better prepared to make sound financial decisions in the future. Our students really enjoyed working with the staff at Columbus Credit Union.” Columbus Credit Union established the partnership with the Edward R. Martin and Riverside Middle Schools in 2009 and implemented the CU4 Reality program in the 2009-10 academic year. Columbus Credit Union’s Riverside Branch Manager, Natalia Lima, made presentations to the middle school students on Careers, Banking Basics, Checking Accounts, On Line Banking, On Line Bill Payment, Electronic Banking Services, Budgeting, Savings and Loans. Credit union staff member, Liz Heald, also made presentations at Mt. Hope High School in Bristol, RI. The CU4 Reality program was developed by the Financial Literacy Education Committee (FLEC) of America’s Credit Union Museum in association with the New Hampshire Credit Union Association. “Because the schools, the community, and Columbus Credit Union worked so well together, the students were able to gain a real appreciation for the importance of budgeting, financial planning and making wise purchasing decisions,” said Cidalia C. Rocha, CEO of Columbus Credit Union. “The CU4 Reality program provides them with the knowledge and skills to be financially responsible adults.” Columbus Credit Union celebrates its 60th anniversary on August 11 of this year. The credit union serves over 6,000 members through its branches in Warren, at 560 Main Street, and in Riverside, at 3 Crescent View Avenue.

DonaNatStudentsResz.jpg: Representatives from Columbus Credit Union’s Riverside location, Branch Manager Natalia Lima, and Member Service Representative Donatella Frey, inform students about savings accounts at the CU4 Reality Financial Education Fair.

ColdwellBankerStudentsResz.jpg: Students from Edward R. Martin and Riverside Middle Schools gather around the Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage table to “purchase” real estate at the CU4 Reality Financial Education Fair.

SpinningWheelStudentResz.jpg: A student spins the “Wheel of Reality” at the CU4 Reality Financial Education Fair held at Edward R. Martin Middle School on June 3rd.


The Reporter July 010

EPHS Class of 1954 Reunion

Sunday, September 19 4:00 pm ‘til‌ Wannamoisett Country Club

Contact Bob Johnson (401) 434-3951; Email viking7@cox.net

Great Band, Great Food, Great Fun

Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 Reunion

The Seekonk Junior High School Class of 196 is planning a reunion and is looking for former classmates. Contact Diane Penacho Perry at: 508-336-0 4

Orlo Avenue Continues to Help Our Earth!

The students at orlo Avenue School continue to think Green and help the environment any way they can. They have been collecting Capri Sun Pouches and Frito Lay Potato Chip Bags since February 010. These pouches and chip bags will be sent to Terracycle. This company up-cycles the pouches and bags to create new products such as pencil pouches, folders, binders, and even back bags. orlo Avenue School will receive $0.0 per pouch/bag. The students are proud to announce that they have collected , 50 pouches and 00 bags!!! Please continue to send in your pouches and bags and do your part to keep our planet Green!

Silver Springs Afterschool theatre class performed Peter Pan

July 010 The Reporter

Secretary of State Mollis Invites East Providence High School Students to Make Their Voices Heard

Federal grant will enable students to debate and decide the most crucial issues facing Rhode Island in a statewide, school-based referendum PRoVIDENCE, RI - A $3 ,300 grant will give local high school students the opportunity to decide the most crucial issues facing Rhode Island in a statewide referendum this fall, Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis announced today. Mollis will ask East Providence High School to participate in his “Voters in the Classroom” initiative. The work will begin over the summer with training sessions for teachers and students. “Some of these young people will become our next generation of leaders. I hope our work produces a new generation of voters and citizens committed to making their voices heard,” said Mollis. Under Voters in the Classroom, students will decide which issues to put on a mock statewide referendum ballot, establish voting procedures through classroom discussions and staff polling places at their schools. online instructional tools will be produced for classroom use and student volunteers will be taught how to set up and administer the polling places. The initiative will culminate on oct. 19 in a statewide vote on the hypothetical referenda questions on using real ballots and voting machines. The results of the voting will be distributed to state and local officials. “The insights into what young people think are the most important issues of the day will be an invaluable for guiding public policy in the future. It won’t be long before the students of today will be setting the agenda for their community and our state,” said Mollis. He is working with the state Board of Elections, Roger Williams University, the Shea High School Government and Public Administration Academy and the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop the statewide voter education project. “I am grateful to our partners for their commitment to this important initiative. our success will pay dividends for decades to come as these youngsters become engaged in civic involvement,” said Mollis. He expects 3,000 students to participate statewide. The entire cost will be covered by a $3 ,300 grant from the federal Elections Assistance Commission. Rhode Island was one of just eight applicants nationwide to win grants. As part of Voters in the Classroom , Mollis will hold voter registration drives at every Rhode Island high school leading up to the 010 elections. In order to be eligible to vote, students must be U.S. citizens, be residents of Rhode Island and turn age 18 by Nov. , which is Election Day. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 59 percent of eligible 18-to- 4-year-olds were registered to vote on Election Day 008. Just 49 percent actually voted in that election. The Secretary of State’s office prepares the ballots for all federal, state and municipal elections held in Rhode Island. In addition, the office maintains the state’s central voter registration system and distributes handbooks that explain how to run for office, how to register to vote and how to vote. Secretary of State Mollis is committed to making it easier to vote, helping businesses grow and making government more open and accessible. For more information about the programs and services the Secretary of State offers Rhode Islanders, visit sos.ri.gov.

Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis.

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The Reporter July 010

SPORTS UPDATE Brendan Whittet Hockey Camps

Brown University Head Men’s Hockey Coach, Brendan Whittet, will be hosting a coed youth development hockey camp August 3- at Brown’s Meehan Auditorium in Providence, RI. The goals of the camp are to teach fundamental, individual and team skills, develop existing skills and improve ability, and increase each camper’s enjoyment of the game. The camp is open to boys and girls ages 5-1 and the cost is $185 ($ 5 discount for camp sibling). Go to www.brownbears.com/athletics/camps to download a registration form or email brendanwhittethockeycamps@gmail. com with any questions.

Riverside Raiders Youth Football and Spirit

P.o. Box 15031 • Riverside RI 0 915 4th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser You are cordially invited! Saturday August 14th, 010 at Swansea Country Club Registration starts at Noon, complimentary range balls after registering Shotgun Start at 1:00 p.m. / Scramble Format Dinner following 18 holes of golf on the Championship Course Prizes, Various Golf Games and Contests throughout the event, Can you beat the “Calloway Pro?” Registration Fee is $100 per person Includes 18 Holes of Golf, Cart, & Dinner Dinner only: $ 5 per person (arrive at Swansea Country Club around 5:00) Please make checks payable to: Riverside Youth Football Please remove and return section below, with payment, by August 1, 010. Team Leader ________________________________________ Golfer ____________________________________________ Golfer 3 ____________________________________________ Golfer 4 ____________________________________________ Contact number in case of questions __________________

Kingdom Cruzers

East Bay Chapter – CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) E-mail kingdom_cruzers@yahoo.com

*Meeting - Last Thursday of the month *Chelo's Restaurant, 911 Warren Ave, East Providence, RI * Meeting 7pm to 9pm

CMA information: www.cmausa.org

Register today for EAST PROVIDENCE MOHAWKS Football and Cheerleading:

The East Providence Mohawks continue their 010 Season Sign-ups for East Providence residents between the ages of and 15 for the 010 Season. Come have fun and learn about teamwork and dedication. Practices begin August nd. Sign up today! Visit our website at www.eastprovidencemohawks.com <http://www. eastprovidencemohawks.com> for additional details.

Special Olympics Rhode Island

on the weekend of June 4th & June 5th, the Special olympics team from East Providence competed in the Special olympics of Rhode Island’s 010 State Summer Games, held on the campus of URI. Athletes from all over the state gather together for a weekend of competition including Aquatics, Bowling, Bicycling, Power lifting, Soccer, and Track & Field. The competition got off to a great start on Friday, with events in the afternoon and opening Ceremonies at night. The highlight of the evening was the carrying in of the Special olympic Torch followed by a parade of over 1,000 motorcycles. That is a truly inspiring moment. The athletes, coaches, and chaperones stay overnight for the weekend in dormitories, along with the other teams from across the state. Saturday’s events started a little late due to a morning thunderstorm and downpour. This reminds me, I would like to thank the Patch family for volunteering, and setting up, their 0’ x 30’ tent for our team site at URI on Friday and Saturday. The morning weather did not dampen the athlete’s spirits and the they, and the sun, both got their chance to shine. They enjoyed meeting friends, the athletic competition, and the award ceremonies. The amount of effort and courage that is on display during the weekend is truly inspirational. Seeing the look on the athlete’s faces, as family and friends cheer them on, is one you will not soon forget. Below are the results of the athletes from the Special olympics of East Providence team at the 010 State Summer Games.


Matthew Allienello:, 50 Meter – Bronze , Shot Put – Bronze Tiago Avelar: 50 Meter – Silver, Softball Throw – Silver Michael Bullock: 00 Meter – Gold Katie Carcieri: 50 Meter – Gold, Softball Throw – Silver Geoffrey Carpenter: 50 Meter – Bronze, Softball Throw – Gold Michael Conheeny: 50 Meter – Gold, Softball Throw – Gold Elizabeth Davenport: Softball Throw – Gold, Turbo-Jav – Gold Kevin Dexter: 100 Meter – Gold, 00 Meter – Gold Justin Duarte: Softball Throw – Bronze, 100 Meter – 4th Place Emmet Estrada: 50 Meter – Bronze, 100 Meter – Bronze Kyle Komiega: 50 Meter – Silver , 100 Meter – 5th Place Donna Lang: 50 Meter – Bronze, Softball Throw – 4th Place Troy Lewis: 50 Meter – Gold, 100 Meter – Bronze Ben Patch: 50 Meter – 4th Place, Softball Throw – 6th Place Jared Rivers: 100 Meter – Gold Toneka Rocha: 50 Meter – Gold Kacie Saraiva: 50 Meter – Gold, Softball Throw – Silver Felicia Tavares : 50 Meter – Bronze, Softball Throw – 6th Place Anitra Valles: 50 Meter – 4th Place, Softball Throw - Gold 4 x 00 Senior Relay team 1: Deen Alli-owe, Toneka Rocha, Kevin Dexter, and Michael Bullock – Silver

July 2010 The Reporter 4 x 200 Senior Relay team 2: Kyle Komiega, Troy Lewis, Justin Duarte, and Emmett Estrada – Silver 4 x 200 Senior Relay team 3: Michael Conheeny, Anitra Valles, Jessica Bullock, and Geoffrey Carpenter – Bronze Head Coach: Jim Bullock Assistant Coaches : Pat Bullock, Al Carpenter, & Maureen Komiega Chaperones: Kathy Davenport, Kim Forrest, , & David Komiega Volunteers: Neil Andrews, Diane Carpenter, Krystle Daigle, Saul Estrada, Jeff Forrest, Justin Komiega, April Rivers, Wayne Rivers, & Brittany Silva. Thanks to all of the chaperones, partners, volunteers, and parents who helped and supported our program during this past season. “Special Thanks” to Paul Amaral (Athletic Director East Providence High School) and the students and faculty at East Providence High School, for their support of the Special Olympics program. If anyone wants to know more about the Special Olympics program, here in East Providence, they can contact me. Regards, Jim Bullock, Head Coach; 438-8799

Riverside Little League Unassisted Triple Play

Monday June 7th 2010, there was a Minor League Baseball game that took place on Connors Field in Riverside between New Hope Chiropractors and Fred’s Auto with Fred’s taking a 6 to 2 lead in the top of the 2nd inning. When in the bottom of the inning, New Hope Chiropractors put runners on first and second with no outs. Their next batter hit a line drive to the first baseman (Andrew Powers) who caught the ball! With the runners going on contact, he then turned and stepped on first base for the second out! And noticing no one on 2nd to throw to for the third out, we coaches started yelling to him to run to second run to second and step on the base before the runner could get back to the bag, and that he did for the third out and the Unassisted Triple Play! His teammates/coaches could not believe what we had just witnessed! The joy between his teammates and Andrew and everyone at that Field that night will be one for the ages. Fred’s went on to win that game 15 to 9!

Andrew is Kneeling and holding the ball. The rest of the players are left to right: Matt Olsen, Colin Chapman, Ben Stone, Ben Senra, Alfonzo Dixon, Eric Bianco, Eric Parsons, Dakota Wharton, Cameron Ellinwood, and Alex Knowles


Free Bereavement Summer Camp Offers Kids Help with Loss, Aug. 25-26

The fourth annual Camp BraveHeart to help kids and teens ages 5 to 17 who are grieving the loss of a loved one work through their grief is being sponsored this August by the Center for Grief & Healing at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island (www.hhcri.org), the state’s leader in hospice and palliative care since 1976. The free, two-day summer camp will be held 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Aug. 25 and 26, at YMCA Camp Fuller in Wakefield. Space at camp is limited. Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island families interested in attending must call 401415-4300 before July 30 to receive priority registration. Other families interested in attending must call before Aug. 13 to register. Children 5- and 6-years-old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Transportation is available from pre-arranged pick-up and drop-off points in Providence and Warwick. At Camp BraveHeart children who have lost a loved one will take part in fun activities and receive grief support. Traditional camp activities will include swimming, kayaking, zip line, slip ‘n slide and arts and crafts. Counselors also will provide grief and emotional support through discussions, opportunities to memorialize loved ones, storytelling, scrapbooking and remembrance circles. Camp BraveHeart is made possible through the generous contributions of donors. Anyone wishing to donate to the Camp BraveHeart Fund may send a tax-deductible contribution to Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island, Department of Philanthropy, 1085 North Main St., Providence, RI 02904. Although Camp BraveHeart is free of charge for participants, donations will be accepted. Bereavement programs of The Center for Grief & Health at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island guide people of all ages through the difficult times that follow the death of someone special. Support groups meet throughout the state at various times throughout the year. More information about Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island’s bereavement and other services is available by visiting www.hhcri.org or by calling the Center for Grief & Healing at 401-415-4300 or the main number at 401-415-4200.


The Reporter July 2010

Scouting Around Town East Providence Girl Scout Troop 505 East Providence Girl Scout Troop 505 members attended the Mother/Daughter Brunch held at the Johnson & Wales Inn in Seekonk that was held on May 8th. More than 120 Girl Scout mothers and daughters attended this brunch held in honor of Mother’s Day. East Providence Girl Scouts from Brownie Troops 505 and 491 as well as Cadet Troop 482 helped clean the waterfront at Haines Park for their Earth Day Project. Fifteen bags of debris were collected. The project was coordinated with Mr. Steve Mutter from the East Providence Recycling Department and Mr. Bruce Defresne, the East Providence Harbor Master. After cleaning the waterfront, the Scouts enjoyed a tour of the emergency boats that are kept at Cove Haven Marina, participated in water safety events, and enjoyed a cookout sponsored by the Harbor Master. The Girl Scouts have chosen to sponsor the waterfront and to do a clean-up of it every three months.


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July 010 The Reporter


East Providence Girl Scout Troop 1108

For a final service project, Brownie and Daisy members of East Providence Girl Scout Troop 1108 cleaned the debris from the beach at Larisa Park. They did this as a culmination of learning to respect water and nature. Afterwards, they held an awards ceremony.

Boy Scouts Troop 55 Riverside

Scouts clean the beach.

Boy Scouts from Troop 55 Riverside recently completed a very soggy weekend excursion to Mt. Monadnock in NH. The scouts tent camped and cooked on the mountain. Here the scouts are pictured here after their hike to the summit which was part of a rank requirement to hike at least a 1000ft elevation.


The Reporter July 010

From the State House Income Tax Reform Bill Becomes Law

State House – Legislative Leaders Today Hailed The enactment of a new law to overhaul Rhode Island’s income tax structure as a huge advancement for Rhode Island’s workers and economy. The act, which was approved by the General Assembly Friday and enacted today with the governor’s signature, reduces taxes for most Rhode Islanders and simplifies the system, making the state a more attractive place to live and do business. Sponsored by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Daniel Da Ponte and House Finance Committee Deputy Chairman Helio Melo, the legislation ( 010-S 9 1A, 010-H 8196A) will reduce the number of tax brackets from five to three, lower the highest marginal

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rate from 9.9 percent to 5.99 percent while eliminating the flat tax for high earners. The law also increases the standard deduction for all taxpayers. The new system is effective for the 011 tax year. “This significant tax-reform legislation sends a loud and clear message to all other states that Rhode Island is aggressively seeking to attract business, create new job opportunities and ensure that our economy is moving in a positive direction. Combined with other bills we have passed this session to streamline our regulatory and permitting process, we have taken major steps toward becoming a business-friendly state. In addition, most Rhode Island taxpayers will certainly appreciate the much-needed financial relief that is achieved in this legislation,” said House Speaker Gordon D. Fox. President of the Senate M. Teresa Paiva Weed said, “This major reform of the income tax code removes an impediment to our economic development and job growth efforts. It is transparent, easier to administer, and easier for taxpayers to understand. It is equitable, with the vast majority of Rhode Islanders paying the same or less in income taxes. And it maintains the progressive income tax structure, while making the state more attractive to businesses that need to attract top talent and high-wage earners.” The new system consists of three taxable income brackets/marginal tax rates as follows: below $55,000, 3. 5 percent; $55,000 to $1 5,000, 4. 5 percent; over $1 5,000, 5.99 percent. The new system allows a standard deduction of between $ ,500 and $15,000 and a personal and dependent exemption amount of $3,500 as deductions from modified federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). While the marginal tax rates are comparable to marginal rates in neighboring Massachusetts and Connecticut, the effective tax rates in Rhode Island will be much lower. According to the Department of Revenue, for a single person making $45,415 annually, the effective tax rate under the new system will be .84 percent, as compared to 4.10 percent in Massachusetts and 4.56 percent in Connecticut. The effective tax rate for a couple making $ 5,000 will be .31 percent under the new tax system, as compared to effective tax rates of 4.0 percent in Massachusetts and 3.6 percent in Connecticut. “This is a plan that makes us more competitive with other states, one that will help us shed our reputation as a high-tax state. It will lower taxes for middle-class taxpayers and business owners across the state, as well as sending a message to out-of-state entrepreneurs that Rhode Island welcomes them,” said sponsor and Senate Finance Chairman Da Ponte (D-Dist. 14, East Providence, Pawtucket).

July 2010 The Reporter House Finance Deputy Chairman Helio Melo, the House sponsor, said, “Families all over our state are struggling, and this plan will result in savings for most Rhode Islanders. Our legislation streamlines the income tax process and will not only help our residents, but will hopefully open many new doors for potential economic growth.” House Finance Chairman Steven M. Costantino (D-Dist. 8, Providence), who was pivotal in crafting the legislation, also spoke at the bill signing. According to the Tax Foundation, Rhode Island’s tax competitiveness standing has continued to steadily improve since 2002, when the state was ranked 49th in the country. With these new reforms, the Tax Foundation ranks Rhode Island 41st. “Today, Rhode Island has a new and compelling story to tell. While many other states have increased taxes to make up for revenue shortfalls, we have rejected that approach. Seizing the opportunity to stand out from the rest, we are reducing our tax rates and sending a clear message to our citizens, businesses, and neighbors that we are serious about improving our tax competitiveness,” said Governor Carcieri as he signed the bill today, joined by legislative and business leaders, taxpayers and members of the Governor’s Tax Policy Strategy Workgroup. “By enacting this historic legislation to overhaul and simplify Rhode Island’s personal income tax structure and reduce taxes for most of our taxpayers – particularly our hard-working middle class – we are making progress in putting our state on a more even playing field with others in our region.”

New Law

State House – A new law enacted by the General Assembly will bolster Rhode Island’s knowledge and technology sectors by guaranteeing $125 million in debt for companies in those sectors that want to expand. Sponsored by House Finance Chairman Steven M. Costantino and Senate Finance Chairman Daniel Da Ponte, the act puts the backing of the state behind participating businesses to help them win approval from banks, which have been less willing to lend in today’s weak economy. “There’s nothing Rhode Island needs more than jobs and healthy businesses that will keep creating more of them. In order to do that, we have to put our efforts into the fields that are on the leading edge in the Information Age: technology and knowledge. We can recreate Rhode Island’s economy as one that is a leader in those sectors if we help grow and strengthen those businesses,” said Chairman Costantino (D-Dist. 8, Providence.) “The technology and knowledge industries are also highly specialized fields that offer well-paying jobs that help employees develop skills that will serve them well in their careers.” The legislation (2010-H 8158aa, 2010-S

2923A), which was approved by lawmakers June 10 and signed into law the next day, allows the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation to back a total of $125 million in loans sought by businesses in those sectors. The loans would come from lending institutions, not the state, but the state would agree to repay the bank if the company were to default. The guarantees would be linked to the creation of permanent, full-time jobs that pay at least 250 percent of minimum wage and offer industry-comparable benefits. The act is expected to generate at least 400 jobs. “There are companies that want to expand in Rhode Island, but that continue to face an environment of weak lender confidence. Rhode Island needs these valuable sectors to thrive and bring jobs into our economy, and this is an injection of the resources needed to give growing businesses in Rhode Island the boost they need,” said Chairman Da Ponte (D-Dist. 14, East Providence, Pawtucket). The act also includes the creation of the Procurement Assistance Program within RIEDC to assist Rhode Island businesses in procuring federal, state and local government contracts. That program would run initiatives aimed at matching Rhode Island companies with opportunities to win government contracts, and provide guidance and training for Rhode Island companies in how they can successfully bid for federal, state and local contracts.

Education Funding Formula

Measure Was Approved By The General Assembly And Heads To The Governor State House – Rep. Joy Hearn is the cosponsor of landmark legislation approved by the General Assembly that establishes the first education funding formula the state has had in 15 years. The formula, which would take effect for the 2012 fiscal year, would provide a core amount for each student statewide, with an adjustment to help close the achievement gap between wealthy and poor students. That figure would be multiplied by the number of students in each district, and then the total would be adjusted by a factor that reflects the community’s ability to support its schools through its property tax base and its poverty concentration. “Implementing an education funding formula for our state has been my top priority during my time in the General Assembly and I’m thrilled that it has passed,” said Representative Hearn (D-Dist. 66, Barrington, East Providence). “I believe that this fair and permanent funding formula will bring equity to the funding of Rhode Island’s public schools. This formula recognizes changes in student population and finally addresses the inequity in funding that has


affected our town for many years. Residents of Barrington have been calling for a reliable formula that we can count on and I am so pleased to finally be able to bring it to them this year.” Under the measure, total state aid to the town of Barrington will increase from $1.9 million to $6,465,960. The formula requires the state to bear a greater burden of total education costs and would shift the amounts that communities receive based on existing conditions. That shift, which will result in some communities receiving more and others receiving less than they have in previous years, has traditionally been the sticking point in the years-long effort to enact a formula. The legislation addresses it through provisions that will gradually phase in the differences for both. Districts that are currently underfunded will get progressively larger state appropriations over as many as seven years and those that will receive less will be phased into their lower state share over the course of a decade. The proposal, which was developed by the Department of Education with assistance from education experts at Brown University, would put an end to Rhode Island’s status as the only state without a statewide education funding formula, where state aid for many years has been based on the previous year’s amount and does not reflect changes in districts’ student populations and needs. The lack of a formula played a role in Rhode Island’s failed bid to win the first round of federal Race to the Top funding in March. The formula is based on a projection of core instruction costs that would be adjusted annually. That figure, currently estimated to be $8,295 per pupil, would not include costs determined to be entirely controlled at the local level, federally funded, funded by other state programs, or that could be consolidated into statewide or regional efficiencies. These costs include such things as retiree health care, pension, transportation, utilities, and building upkeep. That figure would then be increased by a “student success factor” of 40 percent for every low-income student, defined as those eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch. The researchers who developed the formula found that in Rhode Island, there is a close link between low income levels and the need for more expensive school services. When those figures are applied to the student population of each district, the total would then be multiplied by a state-share ratio, which would compare the community’s property value, adjusted by the median family income, to the statewide average, taking into account the number of students eligible for free or reduced lunch. The formula treats charter schools and the state-operated Davies Career-Technical High School and Metropolitan Regional Career & Technical Center the same as traditional schools, basing the funding per student on the per-student rate of each student’s home district.


The Reporter July 2010

East Providence Senior Center News Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Bridge Book Club Craft Class

8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Cards (Cockroach) Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball PACE Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) Postal Service (1st Tues) Drawing Class Cribbage BINGO Stroke Club (1st Tues)

8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble Tai Chi Exercise Nutrition

9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tax Preparation (Feb. & Mar) Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support Group (4th Thurs)

9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Pool League Scrabble PACE In-Sight Support Group (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League Ballroom Dance





Daily Lunch Noon Library 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Coffee Hour 2:15 p.m. Fitness Center 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. (Closed 12 - 1 p.m.)

610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room 435-7872 Fax 435-7803

Monthly Highlights

Clinical Lab 7th Stroke Club 7th The Townie Red Hats 8th Blood Pressure Clinic 12th 55 ALIVE 12th East Bay Center 13th Tending Loving Care 13th Weight Maintenance 13th EP Chorus 13th Blood Pressure Clinic 14th Ask a Lawyer 15th Direct Finance 20th Blue Cross 20th Food Stamps 21st AED Training 21st Blood Pressure Clinic 22nd Diabetes Support 22nd Caregivers Support 26th East Bay Center 27th VNA of Mass. 27th Blood Pressure Clinic 27th RSVP Board Meeting 28th

8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m.

AARP-RI 4-Hour Driver Safety Program

Monday, July 12th; 11:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. A newly redesigned AARP 4 hour Driver Safety Course is being offered at the East Providence Senior Center, 610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence. This program is opened to people 50 and older and required paperwork begins promptly at 11:30 A.M. The class runs from 12 Noon to 4 PM with a break provided. You are encouraged to bring a snack, etc. to class especially if you have a medical/dietary requirement. Participants in the course may be eligible for a discount on their automobile insurance. (Check with your insurance carrier). The course fee for AARP members with proof of membership is $12.00. All others pay $14.00. Registration is required. Cash and checks are accepted the day of the program and checks should be payable to AARP. The course is taught by AARP trained instructors.

The Chorus of East Providence

Tuesday, July 13th; 6:30 p.m. The Weaver Library is proud to sponsor The Chorus of East Providence in a free concert at the East Providence Senior Center, 610 Waterman Avenue, on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. The Chorus will offer

“A Good Old Fashioned Summer Concert” singing a great mix of ragtime, gospel and well known tunes like: Alexander’s Ragtime Band, I Love a Piano, What a Wonderful World, Summer Nights and more! The Chorus’ very own barbershop octet will sing Goodbye My Coney Island Baby. The Chorus of East Providence was formed in 2007 and is a non-profit chorus of 89 adult members from many communities. Our mission is to educate its members and the public about music and choral singing while fostering an appreciation of music by all, enhancing the cultural life of the community. The Chorus is directed by Beth Armstrong and is accompanied by Victoria Lambrozo. Our new vendor program has been successful! Local vendors who have services or products of interest to seniors will have space in our lobby to showcase themselves and provide education. Each Tuesday this month we have in our main lobby:

July 13 Tender Loving July 20 Direct Finance July 27 VNA of South Mass.

Computer Classes

Sessions & Times Vary Our computer lab consists of class room computers and computers for general use. All computers are on-line. Courses offered: Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Word Part 1 & 2, and Introduction to the Internet Part 1 & 2. Computer classes are conducted by trained computer teachers. Classes are held in 4 week sessions. Each class meets for 1hr. and 15 minutes. The cost per session is $20/members and $25/non members. Classes are filled on a first payment basis. Class size is limited to six students.

Support Groups

Diabetes Support 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Open meeting held monthly for people with diabetes to meet for mutual support. The group meets the fourth Thursday of each month. Caregiver’s Support 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . 11:30 a.m. This support group is held the fourth Monday each month. The sessions offer support and sharing with others who are caring for loved ones. Stroke Club 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

July 2010 The Reporter The Stroke Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month and provides entertainment, education, support, socialization, refreshments, and transportation for stroke survivors and their caregivers. In-Sight Support 12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. In-Sight offers programs and support in productive living for the vision impaired. The group meets the 3rd Friday of every month.

Daily Programs

Computer games Billiards Cards Nutritional Lunch Bocce ball W a l king Track Morning & Afternoon Coffee

Senior Center Library

The library is a very warm and lovely place for people to choose a good book and read in a nice quiet area. We continue to receive many donations of new and current books. These donations have truly enhanced the quantity of our library. We also have current magazines for your enjoyment. The book club meets on Monday afternoons. New club members are welcome.

General Services

Elder Information Specialist: Our Elder Information Specialist assists the elderly and their families in providing information/referral and assistance with accessing services and programs. Nutrition Program: The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 125 seniors per day. The Cranston Senior Center provides the meals. Case Management/Senior Services: The center coordinates with East Bay Community Action Program Inc., for all casework and follow-ups. Protective Services Council, made up of city departments and mental health/social service agencies, meets monthly to discuss problems concerning the elderly. Transportation: The center has two buses that are used daily for door-to-door transportation to and from the center. Notary: This service is available in the Administration Office at no charge. Seminars: Monthly social, educational, and financial seminars on topics relating to seniors. Manicurist: A manicurist visits the center weekly for manicures and polish changes. Gift Shop: The gift shop has many different items for the convenience of the seniors. Small items from candy and greeting cards to jewelry, handmade items and crafts are available.

Leisure Programs

Book Club Monday 1:00 p.m. Bingo Tuesday 1:25 p.m. Scrabble Wednesday & Friday 1 0 : 0 0 a.m. Meditation Class Friday 11:00 a.m. Library Daily 8-4 p.m. Computer Games Daily Lounge Billiards Daily Lower level

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Nutrition Weight Loss continues. Our next 10 week session begins after Labor Day. Contact the Health Office to register or stop by with any questions. Our walking club continues. Please join our walkers when they meet daily at 10:30 am at the dining room side door (unless we have bad weather). You don’t have to walk every day, but you can win prizes as you build up your time. Please join us for this free exercise group; all abilities are welcome. We have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office. They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certified diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870. Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica NP lead a weekly meditation group at the senior center each Friday at 11 am. This program is free and open to all members. Beginners welcome! East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday July 7th, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor. We are very pleased to have Hattie Ide Chaffee for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, July 12th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Please stop by and find out the wonderful services they provide our community. The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello LICSW, is assisting our seniors with any of their social service needs. The dates this month are: July 13th and 27th from 9 a.m. to12 noon. Do you have questions? Do you just wish to talk with someone confidentially? Please contact us for an appointment at 4357870. Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group will be meeting: Tuesday July 13th at 10:30 a.m. We will be having a general discussion. Please join us so we may continue this group! Waterview Villa’s nurse, Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, July 14th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in


the dining room. Come sit and chat with our favorite nurse! The Food Stamp Assistance program will be here on the third Wednesday of every month to assist seniors with eligibility requirements and the application process. Many seniors are eligible and they do not know it! This month Janet Holmes will be here on July 21. Please contact her at 4370006 ext. 147 to make an appointment. Attention all AED/CPR trained volunteers. We are having a mandatory meeting on Thursday, July 21st from 10:30 a.m. until 12 noon. We will have the requested talk on diabetes prevention and Nurse Maureen will do blood glucose testing for all volunteers. Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, July 22nd from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with lovely Yvonne about this wonderful facility. Diabetes Support Group will be meeting on: Thursday, July 22nd from 1:30 to 3 p.m. We will be having a special guest speaker. If you have diabetes, please attend this wonderful, supportive group! No pre-registration necessary. Our Caregiver’s Support Group will be meeting Monday July 26th at 10:30 a.m. We will be having a general discussion. If you have responsibility as a caregiver, please join us for this very supportive group! No pre-registration necessary. Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, July 27th in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Did you know that Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility? They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Just contact them directly at 246-2500. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call 435-7870.

Gift Shop

Remember to visit our lovely gift shop located in the dining room area. We have a great selection of hand made items, gift cards, and snacks.

East Providence Senior Center and Monty’s Trips July 24, 2010 Martha’s Vineyard

- $71.00 to include transportation to Falmouth to board the Island Queen, a guided tour across the Island, time to visit Edgartown, enjoy the many sights, shops and restaurants. Return to Oaks Bluff to board the Ferry back to Falmouth. After a delicious meal at the Country Buffet, we


The Reporter July 2010

return home about 7:00 P.M. Driver’s gratuity included.

July 31, 2010 Captain Jack’s/Foxwoods

$61.00 to include at Foxwoods, Buffet coupon, $15.00 Lucky 7 Keno, at Captain Jack’s, chowder, 3 clam cakes, shrimp cocktail, Lobster or Prime Rib, ear of corn, apple crisp w/ice cream, rolls, butter and beverage. Insurance $5.00

Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2010 Wildwood, NJ

$320.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodation, 3 full breakfasts, 2 full course dinners, including dinner w/entertainment at the Renault Winery, a day at the Tropicana in Atlantic City to include their bonus package, visit to Cape May, Historic Smithville, daily activities, entertainment, souvenir gift, all taxes, meal and driver’s gratuities included. Sngl. Occ. $415.00. Insurance available. Sept. 25, 2010 Bourne Scallop Festival $61.00 to include transportation, Scallop or Chicken dinner to include French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll/Butter, soda, a narrated 90 minute Cruise on Cape Cod Canal, craft booths and entertainment.

Oct. 3 - 6, 2010 Lancaster, PA

$440.00pp Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 Buffet Breakfasts, 3 Amish Style Dinners, Sight & Sound Theatre featuring “Joseph” & Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre featuring Church Basement Ladies, Guided Tours, Lancaster Outlet, Hershey Chocolate World, all Taxes, Baggage, Meal and Driver’s Gratuities, and Motorcoach Transportation.

Nov. 26 - 29, 2010 Christmas At The Beach

$385.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 full course breakfasts, 2 fill course Holiday Dinners, Admission to Busch Gardens’ Christmas Town, Garden of Lights tour at Norfolk’s Botanical Gardens, Holiday Lights at the Beach Tour of Virginia Beach Boardwalk, Star of Wonder: The Mystery Of the Christmas Star Planetarium Show, Christmas Imax Movie, Virginia Air & Space Museum, Virginia Living Museum, Guided tour of Colonial Williamsburg, Souvenir Gift, Gratuities and Motorcoach transportation

Dec. 5 - 7, 2010 Indian Head

$285.00 Dbl to include 2 Nights Accommodations, 2 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners, Welcome Cocktail Reception, Entertainment, Show, Dancing and Shopping at Tilton Outlets & NH Liquor Store and Luxury Motor Coach. Driver’s gratuity included Sign up in the E. Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401) 435-7800 Ext. 7

Can also call: Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194 - 28 Metacomet Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 Trips Must Be Booked and Paid In Full 30 Days from Date Of Trip. Please Make Your Reservations Early

Wanted Coupons “Making a Difference’

We ask all to bring in clipped coupons found in the Sunday newspaper and maybe we can make a difference. They are distributed to the spouses and children of troops who sometimes struggle to make ends meet on military salaries.

Cell Phone Recycling

The center is collecting used or discarded cell phones. Most phones end up in kitchen drawers collecting dust. By partnering with Cellular Recycler, we have developed a way to make the most of used cell phones. A box is in the administration office for depositing the cell phones. We thank you in advance. The phones will either be recycled for their precious metals according to EPA standards or be refurbished for use in developing countries. The memory of each phone is “flashed” to wipe out any previous information stored on the cell phone.

Scam Alert

The scam preys upon anyone who is inclined to take a jury summons seriously - as most of us do. The caller will claim to be a jury coordinator, inquiring about your failure to respond to a jury summons. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the scammer will ask you for your Social Security number and your date of birth so he or she can verify their information in order to “cancel an arrest warrant.” Make no mistake about it: this is an identity theft scam. The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Pennsylvania. It is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone by pretending they are with the court system. The FBI and the federal court system have both issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud. Two Medicare telephone scams have resurfaced and citizens are asked to be on the alert when receiving phone calls about Medicare. The caller claims to represent Medicare or a business that provides Medicare services. He or she asks for personal information, such as a Medicare number or bank routing information. Consumers are reminded that no one from Medicare will ever telephone individuals to ask for a Medicare number or banking information. In one situation people called claiming to represent Medicare, Social Security

or another government organization and asked for bank routing information to charge Medicare premiums. This is happening nationwide. The caller gives a name that sounds official, such as “National Medical Office” or “Medicare National Office,” and tells the consumer that they are getting a new Medicare card and will be charged a one-time fee for their Medicare premiums or prescription drug plan. The caller asks for banking information or a credit card number and is quite insistent that their Medicare will be canceled if they do not give the information. In another scenario the caller says they represent a durable medical equipment (DME) company that provides medical supplies such as a wheelchair or walker. DME suppliers are not allowed to “cold call” consumers to get orders for supplies. A report was received from someone who said they were a DME supplier and wanted to take an order over the phone. This could have been someone wanting to defraud Medicare with a fake order or someone just wanting to get the consumer’s Medicare number or banking information. Medicare representatives may contact Medicare consumers to ask survey questions about benefits, but the caller will not ask the consumer for his or her Medicare number or banking information. You should never give out personal information to someone who calls. The Government will not and does not call for this or any other personal information.

Ask a Lawyer Seminar

Have you ever wondered what would happen to you if you become unable to handle your own financial and health care decisions due to disability or long term illness? Have you considered how your property should pass upon your death? No one likes to think about these things, but planning in advance is the key to making sure you have protected yourself and your loved ones. Come visit us at the Senior Center from 10:30 -11:30 on Thursday, July 15th to learn about Medicaid planning, Veteran’s benefits, and important Estate Planning documents that all seniors should have. Attorney Cheryl L. Shaw, who graduated with honors from East Providence High School, Providence College, and Boston College Law School, and who has focused her law practice for the past twenty years on Estate Planning and Elder Law Planning, will be here to answer your questions.

July 010 The Reporter


Birth Announcements Kayleb Luis Bernardo

Louie and Corinne Bernardo of East Providence welcomed their son, Kayleb Luis Bernardo, on May 5, 010 at 9:01 p.m. at Women and Infants Hospital. Kayleb weighed 8 lbs 11 oz and was 1” long. His maternal grandparents are Robert and Fumiko Lema of East Providence and his paternal grandparents are Manuel and Maria Bernardo of East Providence. Kayleb’s Godparents are Marcia Andreozzi of Rehoboth and Tony Lema of East Providence.

Kaleb Luis Bernardo.

famBring us ily a the Cou for a nd joi ntr rea n yF l air

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• Cement Slab Tractor pulls • Craft Demonstrations • 4h/Livestock show • Midway by Crushing Amusements • Entertainment by Lance Gifford • Magic Show Vendors Preston Richard Dingus.

Preston Richard Dingus Rachel and Scott Dingus are proud to announce the birth of their second child, Preston Richard Dingus. Preston was born at 4:59 a.m. on March 9th, 010 at Women and Infants Hospital. He weighed 8lbs 3 oz and was 1 inches long. Preston has an older sister Isabelle Dingus who is 1/ years old. Maternal grandparents are Bruce Towns and Sherry Greenwald of Wisconsin. Paternal grandparents are Gary Dingus of Connecticut and Terry Lampone of Swansea, MA.


Announcements continued on next page

FRIDAy - Gates open at 12noon

• Horse Show • 4h/Livestock show • Mass Mini Tractor Pulls • oxen Pulls • Entertainment • Craft Demonstrations • Vendors • Midway by Crushing Amusements

SATURDAy - Gates open at 8am

• Mini Horse Show • 4h/open dog show • Farm Tractor Pull • 4h/Livestock Shows • Truck Pulls • Entertainment • Midway by Crushing Amusements • Lawnmower Races • Magic of Lance Gifford • Craft demonstrations • Vendors • Argriculture/Gardening/Craft Judgeing • Kiddie Pedal Power Tractor Pulls • Police K9 Demonstrations • Reptile Show • Ronald McDonald • Fireworks

SUnDAy - Gates open at 8am

Mud Bog Competition • Garden Tractor Pulls • Horse Pulls • 4h/Youth livestock Show • Midway by Crushing Amusements • Vendors • Craft Demonstrations • Demolitioon Derby


For information on Vending, Exhibiting or Demonstrations call 774-292-1377 or visit our website at www.therehobothfair.com


The Reporter July 2010

Adrian William Deleon.

Alex David Enright.

Adrian William Deleon

William DeLeon and Alicia Bagian DeLeon are proud to announce the birth of their son, Adrian William DeLeon. Adrian was born on May 22, 2010 at 12:50 a.m. at Woman & Infants Hospital in Providence. He weighed 7 lbs and 12 oz and was 19 and 1/2 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Tammy Bagian, George Harrington, and Mark Bagian of East Providence. Paternal grandparents are William and Marianna DeLeon of Philadelphia, PA.

Alex David Enright

Judith and Vincent Enright of Riverside proudly announce the birth of their second son, Alex David Enright. Alex was born on April 25, 2010 at Women and Infants Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. 8 ozs. and was 20 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Manuel and Cremilde Ventura of Rumford, and paternal grandparents are Vincent and Phillis Enright of Riverside.


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Adair Grace Rochford.

Adair Grace Rochford

Reid and Samantha Rochford of Mableton, Georgia are the proud parents of Adair Grace, born at 12:52 P.M. on March 2, 2010. She weighed 7 lbs, 5 oz and was 20 inches long. Her paternal grandparents are Peter Rochford of Riverside and Villette Kasprzyk of Houston,Texas and her paternal great-grandparents are Malcolm and Carolyn Rochford of Riverside and Ronald and Villette Smith of Houston, Texas.


July 010 The Reporter


find it in the

Dining Guide Recipes from Chef Erin... Couscous Chickpea Salad Serves 8

Salad: cups couscous 1 15oz can chickpeas 1 cup red pepper, diced fine ½ cup scallion, sliced 1 carrot, shredded 1 cup olive oil

Dressing: ½ cup white wine vinegar cups fresh mint 3 TBS sugar 1 TBS dijon

Prepare couscous according to package directions. Toss with fork and let cool. Add salad vegetables. Place dressing ingredients in cuisinart or whisk till blended, adding oil last and slowly to emulsify. Toss dressing with salad and serve.


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minimum 2 entree purchase, expires 7/31/2010

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HUNGRY? The Reporter July 010

find it in the

Dining Guide Mediterranean Shrimp You can use whatever size shrimp you prefer. I like a U1 or 13 (that means 1 or 13 shrimp per pound). Larger shrimp will simply take a few minutes longer to cook. Measurements don’t matter much to this sauté recipe. If you like certain ingredients, like olives or artichoke hearts, add more of those or less of anything as well.

Catering For All Occasions •H

Q ua ey ome lity Since 1945 turk mad & f e s o up ee •t s • schroders own roast B ake ring Home Cate • r e entrees • s d r o teaks cut to

Food so fresh you want to smack it!


June 27th – July 3rd

Boar’s Head Blazin Buffalo Chicken ....................... $8.49 lb Boar’s Head Muenster Cheese ............................... $7.99 lb

Serves 4 TBS olive oil 1 ½ - pounds uncooked shrimp (peeled and deveined) garlic clove, minced 1 cup tomatoes, diced 1 cup artichoke hearts 1 cup kalamata olives (pitted) ¼ cup lemon juice (1 lemon) 1 cup feta cheese, cubed or crumbled Heat oil in large sauté pan over medium high heat. Add shrimp and cook @ 1- minutes on one side. Turn shrimp and add minced garlic. Cook 1- minutes more and add all remaining ingredients except the feta cheese. Toss all in pan, add feta just before serving. Serve over orzo, couscous or on bed of spinach greens.

July 4th -10th Mckenzie Smoked Ham ....................................... $7.99 /lb Finlandia Swiss Cheese ................................ $7.99/lb

July 11th – 17th Schroder’s own roasted turkey ......................... $7.99 /lb Land o’ Lakes American Cheese ............................ $5.99 /lb

July 18th – 24th Mckenzie Chicken Breast .................................... $7.99 /lb Cooper Cheese ................................................. $6.99 /lb

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July 010 The Reporter

Peach Pound Cake


I have baked this cake in every size and shape baking pan there is and it works. Follow same basic cooking time, be sure to test center for doneness. 12-16 servings 1 cup butter 3 cups sugar 6 eggs 3 cups flour ¼ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup sour cream cups fresh peaches, peeled and chopped 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream sugar and butter together until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time. Combine dry ingredients. Add to creamed mixture alternately with sour cream and mixing well after each addition. Fold in peaches and vanilla. Spoon into greased 10 inch tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees 1 hour 15 minutes or until cake tests done.

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3rd annual event set for Saturday August 28th, 2010, from 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. Providence, RI: Trinity Rep is pleased to announce the return of Savor Providence this summer. A new twist on the usual “taste” event, last year’s Savor Providence brought over 00 foodies out and about to walk through Providence and sample some of the city’s finest culinary offerings. This year, Savor Providence will continue to showcase many of the city’s hottest restaurants on Saturday, August 8th from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. No tents, no standing in lines – Savor Providence leads people right to the doorsteps of the many exceptional restaurants in and around Providence’s vibrant downtown. Tickets to Savor Providence are available in a book of 10 Tastes for just $35. Tickets are on sale now at the Trinity Rep box office, 01 Washington Street, Providence; by phone at (401) 351-4 4 ; and online at www.SavorProvidence.com. Participants will sample a “taste” of each restaurant’s personality and flavor, with samples of signature dishes, house specialties or classic cocktails offered at each establishment. All proceeds from the event will benefit the educational programs of Trinity Repertory Company.

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The Reporter July 010

Enjoy Evenings on the Water or Saunters on the Trails… July Highlights from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island Saunter on the cool morning trails, join a gentle kayak paddle, search for fireflies in the evening, or head out on the Bay for a fascinating lighthouse tour. July can be hot and muggy, but Audubon offers plenty of nature activities to keep you cool and connected with the great outdoors. A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Program Guide. Visit www.asri.org to download a copy. Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. Call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

July 8, August 5 • Narragansett Bay Lighthouse Cruise

Two Dates Available 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Climb aboard the motor vessel Sea Princess for a scenic tour of the lighthouses of the upper Bay. Featuring the story of the Wickford Lighthouse and the recently restored Plum Beach Lighthouse, we’ll also pass the Poplar Point and Dutch Island lighthouses, as well as the Beavertail and Conanicut Lighthouse in Jamestown. The crew is full of stories of shipwrecks, disasters and other mishaps on the water that the lighthouses averted. For added enjoyment, pack a dinner and bring it along. Space is limited, so register early! Departs from Wickford Town Dock, Main Street, Wickford, RI; Program Fee: $ 8 members, $38 nonmembers; Ages: 16+. Course Number: 134333-154. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

July 10 • Rhode Island Butterfly Count

Locations Across the State 10:00 a.m. :00 p.m. Fascinated by butterflies? Come and join the Audubon Society of Rhode Island’s annual Rhode Island Butterfly Count. Volunteers of all skill levels head out to specified survey areas and record butterfly species seen. Participants may survey on their own, with other volunteers, or in a team led and coached by an Audubon staff member. orientation and identification workshops are provided prior to the

event. This year, Butterfly Counts are held on June 19 and July 10. Bring water, field guides, binoculars, and nets if you have them. Wearing sunscreen, hat and tick repellent recommended. For more information, contact July Lewis at (401) 949-5454 ext. 3044 or email jlewis@asri.org. This event is part of the North American Butterfly Association’s annual continent-wide survey of butterflies. Locations across Rhode Island; June 19 and July 10, 010; 10:00 am- :00 pm; Program Fee: $6/member, $6/non-member (Covers an orientation and participation in both count dates); Ages: 10+. Course Number: 104333-03 .

July 11 – August 28 Undersea, Land and Air

nature Photography exhibit by Bill Dwyer

Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Local photographer Bill Dwyer takes us on a photographic journey with images from sea, land and air. From tiny shrimp and manta rays, to flowers, insects and birds, he shares with viewers his love of nature. A long-time Audubon volunteer, Bill is a strong advocate for preserving the natural world. opening reception Sunday, July 11, 010, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: Free with admission, Ages: All.

July 21 • Armchair Naturalist Series Lecture:

Shorebirds Along Rhode Island’s Coast Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge Smithfield, RI 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Join Audubon naturalist and birding expert Mike Tucker for a lecture and slide show highlighting the shorebirds that can be found along Rhode Island’s waterways. This program will address species identification and discuss in what habitats each species can be found. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 1 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member, $1 /non-member; Ages: Adult. Course Number: 114333-369. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

July 24, August 7, 2010 Summer Saunters – Two Dates Available

Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge Seekonk, MA 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Take a leisurely hike at the Caratunk Wildlife Refuge and discover the beauty that abounds during the summer months on the trails. Nesting birds, butterflies, dragonflies, wildflowers and more are waiting for discovery. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Program Fee: Free; Ages: 5+. Course Number: 014333- 1. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

July 27, 2010 Full Moon Kayak Paddle Wickford Harbor

Wickford, RI :00 – 9:00 p.m. Enjoy for an evening of paddling magic and watch the night sky come alive under the full moon. We will be joining the folks at the Kayak Centre of Wickford for a tour of Wickford Harbor and nearby marshes. We might even catch a glimpse of a Night Heron or two. Paddlers of all abilities are welcome to join this gentle trip. Plan to arrive at the Wickford Kayak Centre approximately 15 minutes before the :00 pm departure. In event of cool weather, please bring a warm jacket. Price includes equipment and guide. Pre-registration is required by July 1 . Meet at Kayak Centre of Wickford, 9 Phillips Street, Wickford, RI; Program Fee: $4 /member, $48/non-member; Ages: 16+. Course Number: 134333-155. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

July 2010 The Reporter


1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15

Send Classified with Payment to The East Providence Reporter; P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

WANTED: East Providence Year Book Class of 1961. Call Ken 401-2261444 (e710)

VACATION RENTAL Custom Log Cabin: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from New Hampshire attractions; swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, or just R&R; weekly & weekends, Call 401-433-4491.

Additional Words $.25 each




SWIM LESSONS: Great for all ages and abilities! Experienced Red Cross certified WSI & Lifeguard. My location or yours, reasonable rates. Website: http://mysite.verizon.net/vzexf1sm. Contact Peggy at 401-434-2432 or SplishSplashAquatics@gmail.com. (e710) PARTY RENTALS: For sale or rent, Tents and moon-walks, x-party place, call Dan after 5pm (774)306-1278 (e1010)

LOST & Found I am looking for you if you are Barbara (Maiden name Fratus) or if you know Barbara (Maiden name Fratus). Please call Jackie at 401-435-5759. You and I and Robert should have a reunion after 60 some years. (e710)

Cutcliffe Glavin


ARCHETTO Attorneys at Law


R.I. and MA. Bars

Blue nose purebred pitbulls for sale: Born on June 28th, 2010. Five females, five males. Will be sold as early as seven weeks old. Contact Marcel at (508)243-5429 or Liz at (401)651-4056. (rf) AKC LAB PUPPIES: 6 weeks old, Chocolate female, yellow male; 1st shots, wormed, parents on premises; $800, ready to go home July 10th; Providence area, call 401-6510826. (e710)

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Affordable Fuel Inc. No need to hunt around for great home heating oil prices! Call Affordable Fuel for Our Daily Price Quote Chocolate female lab and yellow male lab.



The Reporter July 2010

JULY BUSINESS DIRECTORY A/C & Heating Architectural Design Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bakery Bank Building Contractor Building Contractor Candidate - EP Carpentry - Finish Chamber of Commerce Collectibles Credit Union Deli Dentist Dentist Dog Grooming Education Engine Repair-Lawn Fence-Sales/Serv. Festival Festival Fishing Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Furniture/Upholstery Garage Doors Golf Club Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair Salon Handyman Health Care


Vicmir 25 VIZCAD 21 Attorney William C.Maaia 17 Attorney William Conley 45 Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 69 Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 29 A-1 Custom Auto Body 24 Aggressive Collision Center 35 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 6 Barbosa & Son Auto Repair 26 Fred's Service Center , Inc 28 Mike's Truck & Trailer Repair 41 New England Tire 27 Somerset Chrysler Jeep - Max Motors 72 Seekonk Auto Salvage 13 Crugnales Bakery 66 Coastway Credit Union / Decunha 10 East Providence Siding 41 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 40 Steve Gerling 20 Mark Koussa Carpentry 43 East Providence Chamber 22 Wexler's Collectibles 30 Columbus Credit Union 38 Bucketts General Store & Deli 65 Dr. Dimitri Ganim 12 Kenneth J. Rawlinson, D.D.S. 7 Pampered Pets 7 East Providence Education Assoc. 16 Fred's Service Center 20 Foxx Fence 40 City Of E P Recreation Dept. 47 Rehoboth Fair 63 The Bass Boys 46 Affordable Fuel 69 Al's Quality Oil Co. 23 Columbus Energies Inc. 18 Savard Oil Co. Inc. 35 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 38 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 28 Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 33 Fred Brown 11 Wampanoag Golf Course 50 Jace Salon & Spa 17 Salon Wisteria 8 Shear Image Salon 28 Just In Time Handyman Service 6 Barrington Urgent Care 21

Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


ads@rehobothreporter.com ads@eastprovreporter.com

Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Home Improvements Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Landscape Service Landscape Service Laundromat Laundromat Nursing Home Optometrists Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Photographer Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Sheds Small Engine Repair Spiritual Healing Stump Grinding Tanning Salons Tanning Salons Theatres - Live Trash/Junk Removal Travel Tree Service Veterinarian Writing - Editing


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Rehoboth, Seekonk Reach 100% & East Providence


of your Customers!

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager Advertise in The Reporter! maryn@eastprovreporter.com ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 508.252.6575 office 508.252.6575



Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

July 010 The Reporter

Buying or Selling - Call

MAteUS Realty Serving east Providence and surrounding areas since 1975. the experience makes the difference!

So if you're ready to buy or sell, Call Mateus realty today at 434-8399.


riVerside - waddington!! Mint 3 Br ranch, lg liv rm w/ french doors to den, Fr, gas heat, upgraded electric, hw's, tile, replacement windows, front porch, garage, 7,000+sf lot. $229,900

eAst ProVidenCe - Pierce Field!! watch the fireworks from your lawn!! 3 Br, 2 bath ranch, 2 kitchens, Fr, Den; young roof, siding & windows; upgraded electric, gas heat. $179,900

rUmford - this property can be used as a SF or 2F, 2 Brs each side, siding, porch, deck, shed, 6,400sf corner lot. $189,900

eAst ProVidenCe - Pierce Field!! Clean 2 unit Duplex style, 1 Br each, partially finished lower, some updates, siding, garage. $179,900

eAst ProVidenCe - Brightridge/ Silver Spring!! Short Sale Approved!! 3 Br ranch, Fr, Cathedrals, skylights, sliders, patio, Hw's, gas heat, garage, 7000+sf lot $179,900

riVerside - Clean/young 3 Br, 1 1/12 bath r/ranch, Fr/Bar, office, sliders, deck, siding, garage, gas heat, 6400sf lot. $209,900. Subject to bank approval!!


eAst ProVidenCe - 3 Br ranch, Hw's, gas heat, upgraded electric. New roof siding windows. 9,000+sf fenced corner lot. $199,900





eAst ProVidenCe - Brightridge!! 3 Br 2.5 bath Colonial, spacious Lr/MBr with FP's, dining, FLrM, Fr/bar, modern kitchen, laundry on 1st, jacuzzi, hw's / tile, upgraded electric, new roof, siding & replacement windows, decks, sprinklers, patio, garage $249,900

eAst ProVidenCe - Brightridge!! Estate Sale!! Great location & potential!! 3/4 Br ranch, FLrM, young roof & replacement windows; gas heat/central air, upgraded electric, siding, garage, fenced yard. $169,900






rUmford - Estate Sale!! Cozy 2 Br Cape, dining, fireplaced living, expandable attic, young boiler, siding, 7,000+sf lot. $149,900

BristoL - Enjoy all Bristol has to offer!! 4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial, Fr, cathedrals, fp; new roof, gas boiler, upgraded electric; sliders/deck, 10,820sf lot on dead end, walk to Colt State Park, water, bike path & parade rt. $289,900

CrAnston - knightsville!! 2 Fam, 2/3 Br each, sveral updates!! roof, replacement windows, upgraded electric, central air both floors, enclosed front porch, garages, 8000sf lot. $199,900

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The Reporter July 010

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